Theory Sublemma3

   Author: Edward Higgins and Mike Stannett
   Date: July 2019

   Modified by MS June 2020
   Streamlined by MS July 2020
   Updated: (MS) Jan 2023

section ‹ Sublemma3 ›

text ‹This theory establishes how closely tangent lines approximate
world lines.›

theory Sublemma3
  imports WorldLine AxTriangleInequality TangentLines

class Sublemma3 = WorldLine + AxTriangleInequality + TangentLines

(* Two of the assumptions have been removed, as they follow
   from the definition of approximation *)
lemma sublemma3: 
assumes "onLine p l"
and     "norm2 p = 1"
and     "tangentLine l wl origin"
" ε > 0 .  δ > 0 .  y ny . (
       ((y within δ of origin)  (y  origin)  (y  wl)  (norm y = ny))
       ( (((1/ny)y) within ε of p)  (((-1/ny)y) within ε of p))
proof -
  { fix e :: "'a"
    { assume epos: "e > 0"
      hence e2pos: "e/2 > 0" by simp
      have prop1: "origin  wl"  using assms(3) by auto
      have prop2: "onLine origin l"  using assms(3) by auto
      hence prop3: " ε > 0.  q  wl. (origin  q)  (inBall q ε origin)"
        using assms(3) by auto

      have prop4: " p .( ((onLine p l)  (p  origin)) 
          ( ε > 0 .   δ > 0 .  y  wl . (
            ( (y within δ of origin)  (y  origin) )
            (  r . ((onLine r (lineJoining origin y))  (r within ε of p))))
       )" using assms(3) lemTangentLineA[of "origin"] 
        by auto

      have "p  origin" using assms(2) lemNullImpliesOrigin by auto
      hence ballprops: " ε > 0 .   δ > 0 .  y  wl . (
            ( (y within δ of origin)  (y  origin) )
            (  r . ((onLine r (lineJoining origin y))  (r within ε of p)))
        using assms(1) prop4 by auto
      (* Take ε = min {1/2, e/2} and extract a corresponding δ *)
      define eps where "eps = (if (e/2 < 1/2) then (e/2) else (1/2))"
      hence eps_le_e2: "eps  e/2" by auto
      have epspos: "eps > 0" using e2pos eps_def by simp
      { assume ass1: "e/2 < 1/2"
        hence "eps = e/2" using eps_def by auto
        hence "eps < 1/2" using ass1 by simp
        hence "eps  1/2" by simp
      hence case1: "(e/2 < 1/2)  eps  1/2" by auto
      have "¬(e/2 < 1/2)  eps = 1/2" using eps_def by simp
      hence case2: "¬(e/2 < 1/2)  eps  1/2" by auto
      hence "(eps  (1/2))" using case1 case2 by auto
      hence eps_lt_1: "eps < 1" using le_less_trans by auto
      hence "sqr eps < eps" using epspos lemMultPosLT1 by auto
      hence epssqu: "sqr eps < 1" using eps_lt_1 le_less_trans by auto
      then obtain d where dprops: "(d > 0)  ( y  wl. (
            ( (y within d of origin)  (y  origin) )
            (  r . ((onLine r (lineJoining origin y))  (r within eps of p))))
          )" using epspos ballprops by auto
      { fix y ny assume ny: "ny = norm y"
        { assume y: "(y within d of origin)  (y  origin)  (y  wl)"      
          hence " r . ((onLine r (lineJoining origin y))  (r within eps of p))"
            using dprops by blast      
          then obtain r 
            where r: "(onLine r (lineJoining origin y))  (r within eps of p)"
            by auto
          (* Claim: there exists α ≠ 0 with r = αy *)
          hence " α . r = (α  y)" by simp
          then obtain α where alpha: "r = (α  y)" by auto
          { assume "α = 0"
            hence rnull: "r = origin" using alpha by simp
            hence one: "sep2 r p = 1" using assms(2) by auto
            have  "sep2 r p < sqr eps" using r  by auto
            hence not_one: "sep2 r p < 1" using epssqu by auto
            hence "False" using one not_one by auto
          hence anz: "α  0" by auto
          (* Show that norm r is close to 1 *)
          define np where "np = norm p"
          hence np: "np = 1" using assms(2) lemSqrt1 by auto
          define npr where "npr = norm (p  r)"
          hence "sqr npr = sep2 p r" using local.lemNormSqrIsNorm2 by presburger
          hence "sqr npr < sqr eps" using r lemSep2Symmetry by auto
          hence "sqr npr < sqr eps  eps > 0" using epspos by auto
          hence npr: "npr < eps" 
            using lemSqrOrderedStrict[of "eps" "npr"] by auto
          hence npr1: "1 - npr > 1 - eps" 
            using diff_strict_left_mono by simp
          have npr_lt_e2: "npr < e/2" using npr eps_le_e2 le_less_trans by auto
          define nr where "nr = norm r" 
          hence "sqr nr = norm2 (α  y)" using alpha lemNormSqrIsNorm2 by presburger
          hence nr: "sqr nr = (sqr α) * norm2 y" using lemNorm2OfScaled by auto
          have "axTriangleInequality (pr) r" using AxTriangleInequality by blast
          hence "(np  npr + nr)" using np_def npr_def nr_def by simp
          hence "nr  1 - npr" using np lemLEPlus by auto
          hence triangle1: "nr > 1 - eps" using npr1 le_less_trans by simp
          define nrp where "nrp = norm (rp)" 
          hence nrppr: "nrp = npr" using npr_def nrp_def lemSep2Symmetry[of "p" "r"] by auto
          have "axTriangleInequality (rp) p" using AxTriangleInequality by blast
          hence "(nr  npr + 1)" 
            using np_def npr_def nr_def np nrp_def nrppr by auto
          hence triangle2: "nr < 1 + eps" 
            using npr add_strict_right_mono le_less_trans add_commute by simp
          have range: "(1 - eps) < nr < (1 + eps)" 
            using triangle1 triangle2  by simp
          (* Re-express in terms of y *)
          have "(ny = 0)  (y = origin)"
            using ny lemNormSqrIsNorm2[of "y"] lemNullImpliesOrigin
            by auto
          hence nynz: "ny  0" using y by auto
          have "norm ((1/ny)y) = ((abs (1/ny)) * ny)" using ny lemNormOfScaled[of "1/ny" "y"]  by auto
          hence nyunit: "norm ((1/ny)y) = 1" using y nynz ny lemNormNonNegative by auto
          have "norm r = ((abs α) * ny)" using ny alpha lemNormOfScaled[of "α" "y"] by auto
          hence nr_is_any: "nr = ((abs α) * ny)" using nr_def lemSqrt by auto
          hence "(1 - eps) < ((abs α) * ny) < (1 + eps)" using range by auto
          hence star: "abs (((abs α) * ny) - 1) < eps" 
            using epspos lemAbsRange[of "eps" "1" "((abs α) * ny)"] by auto
          have cases: "(α > 0)  (α < 0)" using anz by auto
          (* Case 1 *)
          { assume apos: "α > 0"
            hence "abs α = α" by auto
            hence case1range: "abs ((α * ny) - 1) < eps" using star by auto 
            define w1 where "w1 = ((α  y)  ((1/ny)y))"
            define nw1 where "nw1 = norm w1"
            have "(α  y) = ((1/ny)  ((α * ny)  y))"
              using nynz lemScaleAssoc by auto
            hence "w1 = (((1/ny)  ((α * ny)  y))  ((1/ny)y))"
              using w1_def by simp
            hence "w1 = ((1/ny)   (((α * ny)  y)  y ))"
              using lemScaleDistribDiff[of "1/ny" "(α * ny)  y" "y"] by force
            hence "w1 = (((α * ny) - 1)  ((1/ny)  y))"
              using lemScaleLeftDiffDistrib lemScaleCommute by auto
            hence 2: "norm w1 = (abs ((α * ny) - 1))"
              using lemNormOfScaled[of "((α * ny) - 1)" "(1/ny)  y"] nyunit by auto
            (* Slow commands, so simplify *)
              define pp where pp: "pp = (p(αy))"
              define qq where qq: "qq = ((αy)  ((1/ny)y))"
              have "axTriangleInequality pp qq" using AxTriangleInequality by simp
              hence "norm (pp  qq)  norm pp + norm qq" by auto
              hence "norm ((p  ((1/ny)y)))  norm pp + norm qq" 
                using lemSumDiffCancelMiddle pp qq by simp
            hence "norm ((p  ((1/ny)y)))  norm (pr) + norm w1" 
              using alpha w1_def pp qq by auto
            hence 3: "norm ((p  ((1/ny)y)))  npr + nw1"
              using nw1_def npr_def by force
            define nminus where "nminus = norm ((p  ((1/ny)y)))"
            hence almost1:  "nminus  npr + nw1" using 3 nminus_def by auto
            have "abs ((ny * α) - 1)  0" by auto
            hence "nw1 = abs ((α * ny) - 1)" using nw1_def 2 lemSqrt by blast
            hence "nw1 < eps" using case1range le_less_trans by auto
            hence "nw1 < e/2" using eps_le_e2 le_less_trans by auto
            hence "nminus < (e/2 + e/2)" 
              using almost1 npr_lt_e2 add_strict_mono le_less_trans by simp
            hence "nminus < e" using lemSumOfTwoHalves by simp        
            hence "sqr nminus < sqr e" 
              using lemSqrMonoStrict[of "nminus" "e"] nminus_def 
                    lemNormNonNegative[of "((p  ((1/ny)y)))"]
              by auto
            hence "norm2 ((p  ((1/ny)y))) < sqr e"
              using lemNormSqrIsNorm2[of "((p  ((1/ny)y)))"] nminus_def by auto
            hence "p within e of ((1/ny)y)" by auto 
            hence "((1/ny)y) within e of p" 
              using lemSep2Symmetry[of "((1/ny)y)"] by auto
          hence case1: "(α > 0)  (((1/ny)y) within e of p)" by blast
          (* Case 2 *)
          { assume aneg: "α < 0"
            hence "abs α = -α" by auto
            hence "abs (-(α * ny) - 1) < eps" using star by auto
            hence case2range: "abs (α*ny + 1) < eps" 
              using lemAbsNegNeg[of "α*ny" "1"] by auto
            define w2 where "w2 = ((αy)  ((1/ny)y))"
            define nw2 where "nw2 = norm w2"
            have "(α  y) = ((1/ny)  ((α * ny)  y))"
              using nynz lemScaleAssoc by auto
            hence "w2 = (((1/ny)  ((α* ny)  y))  ((1/ny)y))"
              using w2_def by simp
            also have "... = ((1/ny)   (((α * ny)  y)  y ))"
              using lemScaleDistribSum[of "1/ny" "(α * ny)  y" "y"] by simp
            also have "... = (((α * ny) + 1)  ((1/ny)  y))"
              using lemScaleLeftDiffDistrib[where b="-1"] lemScaleCommute by auto
            finally have 4: "norm w2 = (abs ((α * ny) + 1))"
              using lemNormOfScaled[of "((α * ny) + 1)" "(1/ny)  y"] nyunit by auto
        (* Slow commands - simplify *)
              define pp where pp: "pp = (p(αy))"
              define qq where qq: "qq = ((αy)  ((1/ny)y))"
              have "axTriangleInequality pp qq" using AxTriangleInequality by simp
              hence "norm (pp  qq)  norm pp + norm qq" by auto
              hence "norm ((p  ((1/ny)y)))  norm pp + norm qq" 
                using lemDiffSumCancelMiddle pp qq by force
              hence "norm ((p  ((1/ny)y)))  norm (pr) + norm w2" 
                using alpha w2_def pp qq by auto
            hence 5: "norm ((p  ((1/ny)y)))  npr + nw2" using nw2_def npr_def by auto
            define nplus where "nplus = norm ((p  ((1/ny)y)))"
            hence almost2:  "nplus  npr + nw2" using 5 nplus_def by auto
            have "abs ((ny * α) - 1)  0" by auto
            hence "nw2 = abs ((α * ny) + 1)" using nw2_def 4 lemSqrt[of "norm2 w2"] by auto
            hence "nw2 < eps" using case2range le_less_trans by auto
            hence "nw2 < e/2" using eps_le_e2 le_less_trans by auto
            hence "nplus < (e/2 + e/2)" 
              using almost2 npr_lt_e2 add_strict_mono le_less_trans by simp
            hence "nplus < e" using lemSumOfTwoHalves by simp        
            hence "sqr nplus < sqr e" using 
                    lemSqrMonoStrict[of "nplus" "e"] nplus_def 
                    lemNormNonNegative[of "((p  ((1/ny)y)))"]
              by auto
            hence "norm2 ((p  ((1/ny)y))) < sqr e"
              using lemNormSqrIsNorm2[of "((p  ((1/ny)y)))"] nplus_def by auto
            hence "sep2 p ((-1/ny)y) < sqr e" by simp
            hence "(((-1/ny)y) within e of p)" 
              using lemSep2Symmetry[of "((-1/ny)y)"] by auto
            hence case2: "(α < 0)  (((-1/ny)y) within e of p)" by blast
            hence "(((1/ny)y) within e of p)  (((-1/ny)y) within e of p)"
              using cases case1 by auto
        hence "((y within d of origin)  (y  origin)  (y  wl)  (norm y = ny))
               ((((1/ny)y) within e of p)  (((-1/ny)y) within e of p))"
          by blast
      hence " δ > 0 . y ny .((y within δ of origin) 
                       (y  origin)  (y  wl)  (norm y = ny))
               ((((1/ny)y) within e of p)  (((-1/ny)y) within e of p))"
          using dprops by blast
    hence "e > 0  
    ( δ > 0 . y ny .((y within δ of origin)  (y  origin)  (y  wl)  (norm y = ny))
               ((((1/ny)y) within e of p)  (((-1/ny)y) within e of p)))"
        by blast
  thus ?thesis by blast

(* Generalised version based at x instead of origin *)
lemma sublemma3Translation: 
assumes "onLine p l"
and     "norm2 (px) = 1"
and     "tangentLine l wl x"
shows   " ε > 0 .  δ > 0 .  y nyx . 
                ((y within δ of x)  (y  x)  (y  wl)  (norm (yx) = nyx))
                (((1/nyx)(yx)) within ε of (px)) 
                               (((-1/nyx)(yx)) within ε of (px))"
proof -
  define pre 
    where pre: "pre = (λ d y nyx . (y within d of x)  (y  x)  (y  wl)  (norm (yx) = nyx))"
  define post 
    where post: "post = (λ e y nyx . (((1/nyx)(yx)) within e of (px)) 
                               (((-1/nyx)(yx)) within e of (px)))"

  define T where "T  = mkTranslation (origin  x)"
  hence transT: "translation T" using lemMkTrans by blast
  have T: "p. T p = (p  (origin  x))" using T_def by simp

  define p' where p': "p' = T p"
  define l' where l': "l' = (applyToSet (asFunc T) l)"
  define x' where x': "x' = T x"
  define wl' where wl': "wl' = (applyToSet (asFunc T) wl)"

  have 1: "onLine p' l'" 
    using assms(1) T p' l' lemOnLineTranslation[of "T" "l" "p"]
    by blast

  have x'0: "x' = origin" using T x' add_diff_eq by auto
  hence "sep2 p' origin = 1" 
    using T assms(2) p' lemTranslationPreservesSep2 by simp
  hence 2: "norm2 p' = 1" by auto

  have "tangentLine (applyToSet (asFunc T) l)
                    (applyToSet (asFunc T) wl)  (T x)"
    using transT assms(3) lemTangentLineTranslation[of "T" "x" "wl" "l"]
    by auto
  hence 3: "tangentLine l' wl' origin" using l' wl' x' x'0 by auto

  hence conc: " ε > 0 .  δ > 0 .  y' ny' . (
       ((y' within δ of origin)  (y'  origin)  (y'  wl')  (norm y' = ny'))
       ( (((1/ny')y') within ε of p')  (((-1/ny')y') within ε of p')))"
    using 1 2 3 sublemma3[of "l'" "p'"]
    by auto

  { fix e
    assume epos: "e > 0"
    then obtain d where d: "(d > 0)  ( y' ny' . (
       ((y' within d of origin)  (y'  origin)  (y'  wl')  (norm y' = ny'))
       ( (((1/ny')y') within e of p')  (((-1/ny')y') within e of p'))))"
      using conc by blast

    { fix y nyx
      assume hyp: "pre d y nyx"

      define y' where y': "y' = T y"
      hence rtp1: "y' within d of origin" 
        using transT hyp x' x'0 lemBallTranslation pre by auto

      have p'px: "p' = (p  x)" using p' T by simp
      have y'yx: "y' = (y  x)" using y' T by simp
      hence nyx: "norm y' = nyx" using hyp pre by force

      { have "(T x = x')    (T y = y')    (injective (asFunc T))"
          using x' y' lemTranslationInjective[of "T"] transT by blast
        moreover have "x  y" using hyp pre by auto
        ultimately have  "y'  x'"by auto
      hence rtp2: "y'  origin" using x'0 by simp

      have rtp3: "y'  wl'" using hyp pre y' wl' by force

      hence "(y' within d of origin)  (y'  origin)  (y'  wl')  (norm y' = nyx)"
        using rtp1 rtp2 rtp3 nyx by blast

      hence "(((1/nyx)y') within e of p')  (((-1/nyx)y') within e of p')"
        using d by auto
      hence "post e y nyx" using post y'yx p'px  by auto
    hence " y nyx . pre d y nyx  post e y nyx" by auto
    hence "δ>0.  y nyx . pre δ y nyx  post e y nyx" using d by auto
  hence "ε>0 . δ>0.  y nyx . pre δ y nyx  post ε y nyx" by auto
  thus ?thesis using post pre by blast

end (* of class Sublemma3 *)

end (* of theory Sublemma3 *)