Theory Translations

   Mike Stannett
   Feb 2023

section ‹ Translations ›

text ‹This theory describes translation maps. ›

theory Translations
  imports Functions

class Translations = Functions

  These functions are all single-valued, so we define them
  as having type ('a Point ⇒ 'a Point). We can use the
  asFunc function to convert them to relational form
  where necessary.

abbreviation mkTranslation :: "'a Point  ('a Point  'a Point)"
  where "(mkTranslation t)  (λ p . (p  t))"

abbreviation translation :: "('a Point  'a Point)  bool" 
  where "translation T   q .  p . ((T p) = (p  q))"

(* ****************************************************************** *)
(* LEMMAS *)

lemma lemMkTrans: " t . translation (mkTranslation t)"
  by auto

lemma lemInverseTranslation:
  assumes "(T = mkTranslation t)  (T' = mkTranslation (origin  t))"
  shows     "(T'  T = id)  (T  T' = id)"
using assms by auto

lemma lemTranslationSum:
  assumes "translation T"
  shows   "T (u  v) = ((T u)  v)"
proof -
  obtain t where t: " x. T x = (x  t)" using assms(1) by auto
  thus ?thesis using add_commute add_assoc t by auto

lemma lemIdIsTranslation: "translation id"
proof -
  have " p . (id p) = (p  origin)" by simp
  thus ?thesis by blast

lemma lemTranslationCancel:
  assumes "translation T"
  shows   "((T p)  (T q)) = (p  q)"
proof -
  obtain t where t: " x. T x = (x  t)" using assms(1) by auto
  hence "((p  t)  (q  t)) = (p  q)" by simp
  thus ?thesis using t by auto

lemma lemTranslationSwap:
  assumes "translation T"
  shows   "(p  (T q)) = ((T p)  q)"
proof -
  obtain t where t: " x . T x = (x  t)" using assms(1) by auto
  thus ?thesis using add_commute add_assoc by simp


lemma lemTranslationPreservesSep2:
  assumes "translation T"
  shows "sep2 p q = sep2 (T p) (T q)"
proof -
  obtain t where "x. T x = (x  t)" using assms(1) by auto
  thus ?thesis by force

lemma lemTranslationInjective:
  assumes "translation T"
  shows   "injective (asFunc T)"
proof -
  obtain t where t: " x . T x = (x  t)" using assms(1) by auto
  define Tinv where Tinv: "Tinv = mkTranslation (origin  t)"
  { fix x y
    assume "T x = T y"
    hence "(Tinv  T) x = (Tinv  T) y" by auto
    hence "x = y" using Tinv t by auto
  thus ?thesis by auto

lemma lemTranslationSurjective:
  assumes "translation T"
  shows   "surjective (asFunc T)"
proof -
  obtain t where t: " x . T x = (x  t)" using assms(1) by auto
  hence mkT: "T = mkTranslation t" by auto
  define Tinv where Tinv: "Tinv = mkTranslation (origin  t)"
  hence "y . y = T (Tinv y)" using mkT lemInverseTranslation by auto
  thus ?thesis by auto

lemma lemTranslationTotalFunction:
  assumes "translation T"
  shows   "isTotalFunction (asFunc T)"
by simp

lemma lemTranslationOfLine: 
  assumes "translation T"
  shows   "(applyToSet (asFunc T) (line B D)) = line (T B) D"
proof -
  define l where l: "l = line B D"
  { fix q'
    { assume "q'  (applyToSet (asFunc T) l)"
      then obtain q where q: "q  l  (asFunc T) q q'" by auto
      then obtain α where α: "q = (B  (αD))" using l by auto
      have "q' = T q" using q by auto
      also have " = ((T B)  (αD))" using α assms lemTranslationSum by blast
      finally have "q'  line (T B) D" by auto
    hence l2r: "q'  (applyToSet (asFunc T) l)  q'  line (T B) D" by auto
    { assume "q'  line (T B) D"
      then obtain α where α: "q' = ((T B)  (αD))" by auto
      hence "q' = T (B  (αD))" using assms lemTranslationSum[of "T" "B" "(αD)"] by auto
      moreover have "(B  (αD))  l" using l by auto
      ultimately have "q'  (applyToSet (asFunc T) l)" by auto
    hence "q'  line (T B) D  q'  (applyToSet (asFunc T) l)" using l2r by auto
  thus ?thesis using l by auto

lemma lemOnLineTranslation:
  assumes "(translation T)  (onLine p l)"
shows     "onLine (T p) (applyToSet (asFunc T) l)"
proof -
  obtain B D where BD: "l = line B D" using assms by auto
  hence "(applyToSet (asFunc T) l) = line (T B) D" using assms lemTranslationOfLine by auto
  moreover have "T p  (applyToSet (asFunc T) l)" using assms by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis by blast

lemma lemLineJoiningTranslation:
  assumes "translation T"
  shows   "applyToSet (asFunc T) (lineJoining p q) = lineJoining (T p) (T q)"
proof -
  define D where D: "D = (qp)"
  hence "lineJoining p q = line p D" by auto
  hence "applyToSet (asFunc T) (lineJoining p q) =  line (T p) D" 
    using assms lemTranslationOfLine by auto
  moreover have "((T q)  (T p)) = (qp)" using assms lemTranslationCancel by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis using D by auto

lemma lemBallTranslation:
  assumes "translation T"
and       "x within e of y"
  shows   "(T x) within e of (T y)"
proof -
  have "sep2 (T x) (T y) = sep2 x y" 
    using assms(1) lemTranslationPreservesSep2[of "T"] by auto
  thus ?thesis using assms(2) by auto

lemma lemBallTranslationWithBoundary:
  assumes "translation T"
and       "sep2 x y  sqr e"
  shows   "sep2 (T x) (T y)  sqr e"
proof -
  have "sep2 (T x) (T y) = sep2 x y" 
    using assms(1) lemTranslationPreservesSep2[of "T" "x" "y"] by simp
  thus ?thesis using assms(2) by auto

lemma lemTranslationIsCts:
  assumes "translation T"
  shows "cts (asFunc T) x"
proof -
  { fix x'
    assume x': "x' = T x"

    { fix e
      assume epos: "e > 0"
      { fix p'
        assume p': "p'  applyToSet (asFunc T) (ball x e)"
        then obtain p where p: "(p  ball x e)  p' = T p" by auto
        hence "sep2 p x < sqr e" using lemSep2Symmetry by force
        hence "sep2 p' x' < sqr e" using assms(1) p x' lemBallTranslation by auto
      hence "applyToSet (asFunc T) (ball x e)  ball x' e"
        using lemSep2Symmetry by force
      hence "d>0. applyToSet (asFunc T) (ball x d)  ball x' e"
        using epos lemSep2Symmetry by auto
    hence "e>0. d>0. applyToSet (asFunc T) (ball x d)  ball x' e"
      by auto
  thus ?thesis by auto

lemma lemAccPointTranslation:
  assumes "translation T"
and       "accPoint x s"
shows     "accPoint (T x) (applyToSet (asFunc T) s)"
proof -
  { fix e
    assume "e > 0"
    then obtain q where q: "q  s  (x  q)  (inBall q e x)" 
      using assms(2) by auto

    have acc1: "q  s" using q by auto
    have acc2: "x  q" using q by auto
    have acc3: "inBall q e x" using q by auto

    define q' where q': "q' = T q"

    have rtp1: "q'  applyToSet (asFunc T) s" using q' acc1 by auto
    have rtp2: "T x  q'" using assms(1) acc2 lemTranslationInjective[of "T"] q' by force
    have rtp3: "inBall q' e (T x)" 
      using assms(1) acc3 q' lemBallTranslation[of "T" "q" "x" "e"] by auto

    hence " q' . (q'  applyToSet (asFunc T) s)  (T x  q')
                     (inBall q' e (T x))"
      using rtp1 rtp2 by auto
  thus ?thesis by auto

lemma lemInverseOfTransIsTrans:
  assumes "translation T"
and       "T' = invFunc (asFunc T)"
  shows   "translation (toFunc T')"
proof -
  obtain t where t: "p . T p = (p  t)" using assms(1) by auto
  hence mkT: "T = mkTranslation t" by auto
  define T1 where T1: "T1 = mkTranslation (origin  t)"
  hence transT1: "translation T1" using lemMkTrans by blast

  have TT1: "(T  T1 = id)  (T1  T = id)" using t T1 lemInverseTranslation by auto

  { fix p r
    { assume "invFunc (asFunc T) p r"
      hence "T r = p" by simp
      hence "T1 p = (T1T) r" by auto
      hence "T1 p = r" using TT1 by simp
    hence l2r: "invFunc (asFunc T) p r  (asFunc T1) p r" by auto
    { assume "(asFunc T1) p r"
      hence T'p: "T1 p = r" by simp
      have "(T  T1) p = T r" using T'p by auto
      hence "p = T r" using TT1 by auto
    hence "(asFunc T1) p r  invFunc (asFunc T) p r" using l2r by force
  hence "(asFunc T1) = T'" using assms(2) by fastforce

  hence "toFunc T' = toFunc (asFunc T1)" using assms(2) by fastforce
  hence "toFunc T' = T1" by fastforce
  thus ?thesis using transT1 by auto

lemma lemInverseTrans:
assumes "translation T"
shows   "T' . (translation T')  ( p q . T p = q  T' q = p)"
proof -
  obtain t where t: "p . T p = (p  t)" using assms by auto
  hence mkT: "T = mkTranslation t" by auto
  define T' where T': "T' = mkTranslation (origin  t)"
  hence trans': "translation T'" using lemMkTrans by blast

  have TT': "(T'T = id)  (TT' = id)" using mkT T' lemInverseTranslation by auto

  { fix p q
    { assume "T p = q"
      hence "T' q = (T'  T) p" by auto
      hence "T' q = p" using TT' by auto
    hence l2r: "T p = q  T' q = p" by auto
    { assume "T' q = p"
      hence "T p = (TT') q" by auto
      hence "T p = q" using TT' by auto
    hence "T' q = p  T p = q" using l2r by blast
  thus ?thesis using trans' by blast

end (* of class Translations *)

end (* of theory Translation *)