Theory TangentLines

   Author: Mike Stannett
   Date: August 2020
   Updated: Feb 2023

section ‹ TangentLines ›

text ‹This theory defines tangent lines and establishes their key properties.›

theory TangentLines
  imports Translations AxSelfMinus

text ‹At each point along the worldline of a body, we can ask what its instantaneous
direction of motion is. Unfortunately we do not know a priori that the "worldline"
actually has tangents. Dealing with tangent lines is one of the more complicated 
aspects of the main proof.›

class TangentLines = Translations + AxSelfMinus

abbreviation tangentLine :: "'a Point set   'a Point set  'a Point  bool"
  where "tangentLine l s x  
   (x  s)  (onLine x l)  (accPoint x s)
   ( p . ( (onLine p l)  (p  x) 
      ( ε > 0 .   δ > 0 .  y  s. (
        ( (y within δ of x)  (y  x) )
        (  r . ((onLine r (lineJoining x y))  (r within ε of p))))

abbreviation tangentLineA :: "'a Point set   'a Point set  'a Point  bool"
  where "tangentLineA l s x  
   (x  s)  (onLine x l)  (accPoint x s)
   ( p . ( ((onLine p l)  (p  x)) 
      ( ε > 0 .   δ > 0 .  y  s. (
        ( (y within δ of x)  (y  x) )
        (  r . ((onLine r (lineJoining x y))  (r within ε of p))))

abbreviation hasTangent :: "'a Point set  'a Point  bool" 
  where "hasTangent s p   l . tangentLine l s p"

text ‹The instantaneous velocity of a body is defined to be the velocity
of a co-moving body moving along the tangent line (assuming a tangent line
exists). ›

fun vel :: "'a Point set  'a Point   'a Space  bool" 
  where "vel wl p v = (  l . ( (tangentLine l wl p)  (v  lineVelocity l) ))"

(* LEMMAS *)

lemma lemTangentLineTranslation:
  assumes "translation T"
and       "tangentLine l s x"
shows     "tangentLine (applyToSet (asFunc T) l)
                       (applyToSet (asFunc T) s)  (T x)"
proof -
  define x' where x': "x' = T x"
  define l' where l': "l' = applyToSet (asFunc T) l"
  define s' where s': "s' = applyToSet (asFunc T) s"

  have tgt1: "x  s" using assms(2) by simp

  have tgt2: "onLine x l" using assms(2) by simp
  hence linel: "isLine l" by auto
  have tgt3: "accPoint x s" using assms(2) by simp
  have tgt4: " p . ( ((onLine p l)  (p  x)) 
      ( ε > 0 .   δ > 0 .  y  s. (
        ( (y within δ of x)  (y  x) )
        (  r . ((onLine r (lineJoining x y))  (r within ε of p))))
   )" using assms(2) by simp

  have rtp1: "x'  s'" using x' s' tgt1 by auto
  have rtp2: "onLine x' l'" 
    using lemOnLineTranslation[of "T" "l" "x"] x' l' assms(1) linel tgt2
    by auto
  have rtp3: "accPoint x' s'"
    using assms(1) tgt3 lemAccPointTranslation x' s'
    by simp

  obtain p where p: "((onLine p l)  (p  x)) 
    ( ε > 0 .   δ > 0 .  y  s. (
      ( (y within δ of x)  (y  x) )
      (  r . ((onLine r (lineJoining x y))  (r within ε of p))))
    )" using tgt4 by auto

  define p' where p': "p' = (T p)"
  hence p'_on_l': "onLine p' l'" using l' rtp2 p by auto
  have  p'_not_x': "p'  x'" 
    using p' p assms(1) x' lemTranslationInjective[of "T"] by force

  { fix e
    assume epos: "e > 0"
    then obtain d where d: "(d > 0)  ( y  s. (
      ( (y within d of x)  (y  x) )
      (  r . ((onLine r (lineJoining x y))  (r within e of p))))
    )" using p  by blast

    { fix y'
      assume y': "(y'  s')  (y' within d of x')  (y'  x')"
      then obtain y where y: "y  s  y' = T y" using s' by force

      hence y1: "y  s" using y by auto
      have  y2: "y within d of x"  
        using assms(1)  x' y y' lemBallTranslation by fastforce
      have  y3: "y  x" using y' y x' assms(1) by fastforce

      then obtain r 
        where r: "(onLine r (lineJoining x y))  (r within e of p)"
        using y1 y2 d by force

      define r' where r': "r' = T r"
      hence "r'  applyToSet (asFunc T) (lineJoining x y)" using r by auto
      hence r1: "onLine r' (lineJoining x' y')"
        using assms(1) lemLineJoiningTranslation[of "T" "x" "y"] x' y
        by blast
      have r2: "r' within e of p'" 
        using assms(1) r r' p' lemBallTranslation by auto

      hence "r'. (onLine r' (lineJoining x' y'))  (r' within e of p')"
        using r1 by auto
      hence "(y' within d of x')  (y'  x')
               (r'. (onLine r' (lineJoining x' y'))  (r' within e of p'))"
        using y' by blast
    hence " y'  s'.  (y' within d of x')  (y'  x')
             (r'. (onLine r' (lineJoining x' y'))  (r' within e of p'))"
      by auto
    hence "d>0.  y'  s'.  (y' within d of x')  (y'  x')
             (r'. (onLine r' (lineJoining x' y'))  (r' within e of p'))"
      using d by auto
  hence "e>0. d>0.  y'  s'.  (y' within d of x')  (y'  x')
             (r'. (onLine r' (lineJoining x' y'))  (r' within e of p'))"
    by force
  hence "(onLine p' l')  (p'  x') 
           (e>0. d>0.  y'  s'.  (y' within d of x')  (y'  x')
            (r'. (onLine r' (lineJoining x' y'))  (r' within e of p')))"
    using p'_not_x' p'_on_l' by auto
  hence rtp4: " p' . ( ((onLine p' l')  (p'  x')) 
         (e>0. d>0.  y'  s'.  (y' within d of x')  (y'  x')
          (r'. (onLine r' (lineJoining x' y'))  (r' within e of p'))))"
    by auto

  hence "?thesis  (x'  s')  (onLine x' l')  (accPoint x' s')"
    using x' s' l' by simp
  thus ?thesis using rtp1 rtp2 rtp3 by blast

lemma lemTangentLineA:
  assumes "tangentLine l s x"
  shows   "tangentLineA l s x"
proof -
  have 1: "(x  s)  (onLine x l)  (accPoint x s)" using assms by auto

  have " P . (onLine P l)  (P  x) 
      ( ε > 0 .   δ > 0 .  y  s. (
        ( (y within δ of x)  (y  x) )
        (  r . ((onLine r (lineJoining x y))  (r within ε of P))))
    using assms by simp
  then obtain P where P: "(onLine P l)  (P  x) 
      ( ε > 0 .   δ > 0 .  y  s. (
        ( (y within δ of x)  (y  x) )
        (  r . ((onLine r (lineJoining x y))  (r within ε of P))))
    by blast

(*  Need to prove   (∀ p . ( ((onLine p l) ∧ (p ≠ x)) ⟶
      (∀ ε > 0 .  ∃ δ > 0 . ∀ y ∈ s. (
        ( (y within δ of x) ∧ (y ≠ x) )
        ( ∃ r . ((onLine r (lineJoining x y)) ∧ (r within ε of p))))
  { fix p
    assume p: "onLine p l  p  x"

    hence "onLine x l  onLine p l  xp" using 1 by auto
    hence lxp: "l = lineJoining x p"  
      using 1 lemLineAndPoints[of "x" "p" "l"] by auto

    then obtain a where a: "P = (x  (a  (px)))" using P by auto
    hence anz: "a  0" using P by auto

    { fix e
      assume epos: "e > 0"
      hence aenz: "a * e  0" using anz by auto
      define e1 where e1: "e1 = abs (a*e)"
      hence e1pos: "e1 > 0" using aenz by auto

      then obtain d where d: "(d > 0)  (  y  s. (
        ( (y within d of x)  (y  x) )
        (  r . ((onLine r (lineJoining x y))  (r within e1 of P))))
        using P by auto

      { fix y
        assume y: "(y  s)  (y within d of x)  (y  x)"
        then obtain R 
          where R: "(onLine R (lineJoining x y))  (R within e1 of P)"
          using d by blast

        define r where r: "r = (x ((1/a)(Rx)))"
        hence "(rx) = ((x ((1/a)(Rx)))  x)" using r by auto
        also have "... = ((1/a)(Rx))" 
          using add_commute add_assoc diff_add_cancel by auto
        finally have nrx: "(rx) = ((1/a)(Rx))" by metis

        define T where T: "T = mkTranslation (origin  x)"
        hence transT: "translation T" using lemMkTrans by blast
        have "R within e1 of P" using R by simp
        hence "(T R) within e1 of (T P)" 
          using transT lemBallTranslation[of "T" "R" "P" "e1"]
          by fastforce
        hence near1: "((1/a)(Rx)) within (e1/a) of ((1/a)(Px))"
          using lemScaleBall[of "Rx" "Px" "e1" "1/a"] anz T
          by auto

        define T' where T': "T' = mkTranslation x"
        hence transT': "translation T'" using lemMkTrans by blast
        hence near2: "(T' ((1/a)(Rx))) within (e1/a) of (T' ((1/a)(Px)))"
          using near1 transT' 
                lemBallTranslation[of "T'" "(1/a)(Rx)" "(1/a)(Px)" "e1/a"]
          by blast

        have term1: "(T' ((1/a)(Rx))) = r" using T' add_commute r by auto

        have "(P  x) = (a  (px))" using a by auto
        hence "(T' ((1/a)(Px))) = (x  ((1/a)(a  (px))))" 
          using T' add_commute by auto
        hence "(T' ((1/a)(Px))) = (x  (px))" 
          using lemScaleAssoc[of "1/a" "a" "Px"] anz by auto
        hence term2: "(T' ((1/a)(Px))) = p" 
          using diff_add_cancel add_commute by auto

        have "e1/a = abs (a*e)/a" using e1 by auto
        hence "sqr (e1/a) = (sqr (abs (a*e)))/ (sqr a)" by auto
        hence "sqr (e1/a) = (sqr (a*e))/ (sqr a)" by auto
        hence "sqr (e1/a) = (sqr a)*(sqr e)/(sqr a)" using lemSqrMult by auto
        hence term3: "sqr (e1/a) = (sqr e)" using anz by simp

        hence r_near_p: "r within e of p" using near2 term1 term2 term3 by auto

        have cases: "(R = x)  (R  x)" by auto
        have x_on_xy: "onLine x (lineJoining x y)" 
          using y lemLineAndPoints[of "x" "y" "lineJoining x y"] by auto
        { assume "R = x"
          hence "r = x" using nrx anz by auto
          hence "onLine r (lineJoining x y)" using x_on_xy by blast
        hence case1: "(R = x)  (onLine r (lineJoining x y))" by auto
        { assume "R  x"
          hence "lineJoining x R = lineJoining x y"
            using R x_on_xy lemLineAndPoints[of "x" "R" "lineJoining x y"]
            by auto
          hence "onLine r (lineJoining x y)" using r by blast
        hence "(R  x)  (onLine r (lineJoining x y))" by auto
        hence "onLine r (lineJoining x y)" using cases case1 by auto

        hence " r. (onLine r (lineJoining x y))  (r within e of p)"
          using r_near_p by auto
      hence "y  s .  (y within d of x)  (y  x)
           ( r. (onLine r (lineJoining x y))  (r within e of p))"
        by auto
      hence "d>0. y  s .  (y within d of x)  (y  x)
           ( r. (onLine r (lineJoining x y))  (r within e of p))"
        using d by auto
    hence "e>0. d>0. y  s .  (y within d of x)  (y  x)
           ( r. (onLine r (lineJoining x y))  (r within e of p))"
      by blast
  hence 2: "p . (onLine p l  p  x)  
            (e>0. d>0. y  s .  (y within d of x)  (y  x)
                ( r. (onLine r (lineJoining x y))  (r within e of p)))"
    by blast
  thus ?thesis using 1 by auto

lemma lemTangentLineE:
  assumes "tangentLineA l s x"
and       "p  x . onLine p l"
  shows   "tangentLine l s x"
proof -
  have 1: "(x  s)  (onLine x l)  (accPoint x s)" using assms(1) by auto

  obtain p where p: "(p  x)  (onLine p l)" using assms(2) by auto
  hence " ε > 0 .   δ > 0 .  y  s. (
        ( (y within δ of x)  (y  x) )
        (  r . ((onLine r (lineJoining x y))  (r within ε of p))))" 
    using assms(1) by blast
  thus ?thesis using 1 p by auto

end (* of class TangentLines *)

end (* of theory TangentLines *)