Theory Functions

   Mike Stannett
   Date: April 2020
   Updated: Jan 2023

section ‹ Functions ›

text ‹This theory characterises the various types of function 
(injective, bijective, etc).›

theory Functions
  imports Points

text ‹ We do not assume a priori that all of the functions we define are
well-defined or total. We therefore need to allow for functions which are 
only partially defined, and also for "functions" which might be multi-valued.
For example, we cannot say in advance whether one observer might see another's
worldline as a bifurcating structure rather than a basic single-valued trajectory.

To achieve this we'll often think of functions as relations and write
"f x y = true" instead of "f x = y". Similarly, a spacetime set S will be 
sometimes be expressed as its characteristic function.

class Functions = Points 

abbreviation bounded :: "('a Point  'a Point)  bool" 
  where "bounded f   bnd > 0 . ( p . (norm2 (f p)   bnd * (norm2 p)))"

(* Standard terminology translated to the relational viewpoint *)

abbreviation composeRel :: 
" ('a Point  'a Point  bool)
('a Point  'a Point  bool)
('a Point  'a Point  bool)"
  where "(composeRel g f) p r  ( q . ((f p q)  (g q r)))"

abbreviation injective :: "('a Point  'a Point  bool)  bool" 
  where "injective f   x1 x2 y1 y2. 
                (f x1 y1  f x2 y2)  (x1  x2)  (y1  y2)"

abbreviation definedAt :: "('a Point  'a Point  bool)  'a Point  bool"
  where "definedAt f x   y . f x y"

abbreviation domain :: "('a Point => 'a Point  bool)  'a Point set"
  where "domain f   { x . definedAt f x }"

abbreviation total :: "('a Point  'a Point  bool)  bool" 
  where "total f   x . (definedAt f x)"

abbreviation surjective :: "('a Point  'a Point  bool)  bool" 
  where "surjective f   y .  x . f x y"

abbreviation bijective :: "('a Point  'a Point  bool)  bool" 
  where "bijective f  (injective f)  (surjective f)"

abbreviation invertible :: "('a Point  'a Point)  bool"
  where "invertible f   q . ( p . (f p = q)  (x. f x = q  x = p))"

  (* Image of a set *)

fun applyToSet :: "('a Point  'a Point  bool)  'a Point set  'a Point set" 
  where "applyToSet f s = { q .  p  s . f p q }" 

(* Recovering normal-style functions *)
abbreviation singleValued :: "('a Point  'a Point  bool)  'a Point  bool"
  where "singleValued f x      y z . (((f x y)  (f x z))  (y = z))"

abbreviation isFunction :: "('a Point  'a Point  bool)  bool"
  where "isFunction f   x . singleValued f x"

abbreviation isTotalFunction :: "('a Point  'a Point  bool)  bool"
  where "isTotalFunction f  (total f)  (isFunction f)"

fun toFunc:: "('a Point  'a Point  bool)  'a Point  'a Point"
  where "toFunc f x = (SOME y . f x y)"

fun asFunc :: "('a Point  'a Point)  ('a Point  'a Point  bool)"
  where "(asFunc f) x y = (y = f x)"

(* g approximates f at x *)
(* Email of 16/07/2019 says final inequality should be ≤ not <. *)

subsection ‹ Differentiable approximation ›

text ‹Here we define differentiable approximation. This will be used later
when we define what it means for a worldview transformation to be "approximated"
by an affine transformation.›

abbreviation diffApprox :: "('a Point  'a Point  bool)  
                            ('a Point  'a Point  bool) 
                             'a Point  bool"
  where "diffApprox g f x  (definedAt f x) 
    ( ε > 0 . ( δ > 0 . ( y .
      ( (y within δ of x)
        ( (definedAt f y)  ( u v . (f y u  g y v) 
         ( sep2 v u )  (sqr ε) * sep2 y x )))  )

abbreviation cts ::  "('a Point  'a Point  bool)  'a Point  bool"
  where "cts f x  y . (f x y)  (ε>0. δ>0. 
          (applyToSet f (ball x δ))  ball y ε)"

fun invFunc :: "('a Point  'a Point  bool)  ('a Point  'a Point  bool)"
  where "(invFunc f) p q = f q p"

(* ********************************************************************** *)
(* LEMMAS *)

lemma lemBijInv: "bijective (asFunc f)  invertible f"  
  by (metis asFunc.elims(1))

(* if g approximates f at x, then g(x) and f(x) share at least one value *)
subsection ‹ lemApproxEqualAtBase ›

text ‹The following lemma shows (as one would expect) that when one 
function differentiably approximates another at a point, they take equal values 
at that point.›

lemma lemApproxEqualAtBase:
assumes "diffApprox g f x"
shows "(f x y  g x z)  (y = z)"
proof -
  { fix y z
    assume hyp: "f x y  g x z"

    have lt01: "0 < 1" by auto
    then obtain d where dprops: "(d > 0)  ( y .
        ( (y within d of x) 
          (  u v . (f y u  g y v) 
           ( sep2 v u )  (sqr 1) * sep2 y x ))  )
        " using assms(1) by best
    hence "x within d of x" by auto
    hence " u v . (f x u  g x v)  (sep2 v u)  (sqr 1) * sep2 x x" 
      using dprops by blast
    hence sep0: "(sep2 z y)  0" using hyp by auto
    { assume "z  y"
      hence "sep2 z y > 0" using lemNotEqualImpliesSep2Pos[of "z" "y"] by auto
      hence "False" using sep0 by auto
    hence "z = y" by auto
  thus ?thesis by auto

lemma lemCtsOfCtsIsCts:
  assumes "cts f x"
and       "y . (f x y)  (cts g y)"
shows     "cts (composeRel g f) x"
proof -
  { fix z
    assume z: "(composeRel g f) x z"
    then obtain y where y: "f x y  g y z" by auto

    { fix e
      assume epos: "e > 0"

      have "(ε>0. δ>0.(applyToSet g (ball y δ))  ball z ε)"
        using assms(2) y by auto
      then obtain dy 
        where dy: "(dy > 0)  ((applyToSet g (ball y dy))  ball z e)"
        using epos y by auto

      have "(ε>0. δ>0.(applyToSet f (ball x δ))  ball y ε)"
        using y assms(1) by auto
      then obtain d
        where d: "(d > 0)  ((applyToSet f (ball x d))  ball y dy)"
        using dy by auto

      { fix w
        assume w: "w  applyToSet (composeRel g f) (ball x d)"
        then obtain u v 
          where v: "(u  ball x d)  (f u v)  (g v w)" by auto
        hence "v  ball y dy" using d by auto
        hence "w  ball z e" using v dy by auto
      hence "applyToSet (composeRel g f) (ball x d)  ball z e" by auto
      hence "d>0. (applyToSet (composeRel g f) (ball x d)  ball z e)" 
        using d by auto
    hence "e>0. d>0. applyToSet (composeRel g f) (ball x d)  ball z e" by auto
  thus ?thesis by auto

lemma lemInjOfInjIsInj:
  assumes "injective f"
and       "injective g"
shows     "injective (composeRel g f)"
proof -
  { fix x1 z1 x2 z2
    assume hyp: "(composeRel g f) x1 z1  (composeRel g f) x2 z2  (x1  x2)"
    then obtain y1 y2 
      where ys: "(f x1 y1)  (g y1 z1)  (f x2 y2)  (g y2 z2)" by auto
    hence "y1  y2" using hyp assms(1) by auto
    hence "z1  z2" using  assms(2) ys by auto
  thus ?thesis by auto

lemma lemInverseComposition:
  assumes "h = composeRel g f"
  shows   "(invFunc h) = composeRel (invFunc f) (invFunc g)"
proof -
  { fix p r
    { assume hyp: "h p r"
      then obtain q where "f p q  g q r" using assms by auto
      hence "(invFunc g) r q  (invFunc f) q p" by force
      hence "(composeRel (invFunc f) (invFunc g)) r p" by blast
    hence l2r: "(invFunc h) r p   (composeRel (invFunc f) (invFunc g)) r p" by auto

    { assume "(composeRel (invFunc f) (invFunc g)) r p"
      then obtain q where "(invFunc g) r q    (invFunc f) q p" by auto
      hence "(invFunc h) r p" using assms by auto

    hence "(composeRel (invFunc f) (invFunc g)) r p   (invFunc h) r p"
      using l2r by auto
  thus ?thesis by fastforce

lemma lemToFuncAsFunc:
  assumes "isFunction f"
and       "total f"
shows     "asFunc (toFunc f) = f"
proof -
  { fix p r
    { assume "(asFunc (toFunc f)) p r"
      hence "f p r" using someI[of "f p"] assms(2) by auto
    hence l2r: "(asFunc (toFunc f)) p r  f p r" by auto
    { assume fpr: "f p r"
      hence "(asFunc (toFunc f)) p r" using someI[of "f p"] assms(1) by auto

    hence "f p r  (asFunc (toFunc f)) p r" using l2r by auto
  thus ?thesis by blast

lemma lemAsFuncToFunc: "toFunc (asFunc f) = f"
  by fastforce

end (* of class Functions *)

end (* of theory Functions *)