Theory CompositionBase

theory CompositionBase
imports "../Basics/BSPTaxonomy"

properSeparationOfViews :: 
"'e ES_rec  'e ES_rec  'e V_rec  'e V_rec  'e V_rec  bool"
"properSeparationOfViews ES1 ES2 𝒱 𝒱1 𝒱2 
   V⇘𝒱 E⇘ES1= V⇘𝒱1 V⇘𝒱 E⇘ES2= V⇘𝒱2 C⇘𝒱 E⇘ES1 C⇘𝒱1 C⇘𝒱 E⇘ES2 C⇘𝒱2 N⇘𝒱1 N⇘𝒱2= {}"

wellBehavedComposition :: 
"'e ES_rec  'e ES_rec  'e V_rec  'e V_rec  'e V_rec  bool"
"wellBehavedComposition ES1 ES2 𝒱 𝒱1 𝒱2 
( N⇘𝒱1 E⇘ES2= {}  N⇘𝒱2 E⇘ES1= {} )
   (ρ1. ( N⇘𝒱1 E⇘ES2= {}  total ES1 (C⇘𝒱1 N⇘𝒱2) 
             BSIA ρ1 𝒱1 Tr⇘ES1))
   (ρ2. ( N⇘𝒱2 E⇘ES1= {}  total ES2 (C⇘𝒱2 N⇘𝒱1) 
             BSIA ρ2 𝒱2 Tr⇘ES2))
   (ρ1 ρ2 Γ1 Γ2. ( 
      ∇⇘Γ1 E⇘ES1 Δ⇘Γ1 E⇘ES1 Υ⇘Γ1 E⇘ES1 ∇⇘Γ2 E⇘ES2 Δ⇘Γ2 E⇘ES2 Υ⇘Γ2 E⇘ES2 BSIA ρ1 𝒱1 Tr⇘ES1 BSIA ρ2 𝒱2 Tr⇘ES2 total ES1 (C⇘𝒱1 N⇘𝒱2)  total ES2 (C⇘𝒱2 N⇘𝒱1)
       FCIA ρ1 Γ1 𝒱1 Tr⇘ES1 FCIA ρ2 Γ2 𝒱2 Tr⇘ES2 V⇘𝒱1 V⇘𝒱2 ∇⇘Γ1 ∇⇘Γ2 C⇘𝒱1 N⇘𝒱2 Υ⇘Γ1 C⇘𝒱2 N⇘𝒱1 Υ⇘Γ2 N⇘𝒱1 Δ⇘Γ1 E⇘ES2= {}  N⇘𝒱2 Δ⇘Γ2 E⇘ES1= {} ))"

locale Compositionality =
fixes ES1 :: "'e ES_rec"
and ES2 :: "'e ES_rec"
and 𝒱 :: "'e V_rec" (* view of the composed system *)
and 𝒱1 :: "'e V_rec" (* view for component ES1 *)
and 𝒱2 :: "'e V_rec" (* view for component ES2 *)

(* assumptions about the event systems *)
assumes validES1: "ES_valid ES1"
and validES2: "ES_valid ES2"
and composableES1ES2: "composable ES1 ES2"

(* basic assumptions about the views *)
and validVC: "isViewOn 𝒱 (E⇘(ES1  ES2))"
and validV1: "isViewOn 𝒱1 E⇘ES1⇙"
and validV2: "isViewOn 𝒱2 E⇘ES2⇙"

(* the following assumptions constitute proper separation of views 
  (Def. 6.3.2 in Heiko Mantel's dissertation) *)
and propSepViews: "properSeparationOfViews ES1 ES2 𝒱 𝒱1 𝒱2" 

(* the following assumptions constitute well behaved composition (Def. 6.3.6 in Mantel's dissertation) *)
and well_behaved_composition: "wellBehavedComposition ES1 ES2 𝒱 𝒱1 𝒱2"

(* sublocale relations for Compositionality *)
sublocale Compositionality  BSPTaxonomyDifferentCorrections "ES1  ES2" "𝒱"
  by (unfold_locales, rule composeES_yields_ES, rule validES1,
    rule validES2, rule validVC)

(* body of Compositionality *)
context Compositionality

(* proper separation of views implies the following equality *)
lemma Vv_is_Vv1_union_Vv2: "V⇘𝒱= V⇘𝒱1 V⇘𝒱2⇙"
proof -
  from propSepViews have "V⇘𝒱 E⇘ES1 V⇘𝒱 E⇘ES2= V⇘𝒱1 V⇘𝒱2⇙"
    unfolding properSeparationOfViews_def by auto
  hence "V⇘𝒱 (E⇘ES1 E⇘ES2) = V⇘𝒱1 V⇘𝒱2⇙"
    by auto
  hence "V⇘𝒱 E⇘(ES1  ES2)= V⇘𝒱1 V⇘𝒱2⇙"
    by (simp add: composeES_def)
  with validVC show ?thesis
    by (simp add: isViewOn_def, auto)

lemma disjoint_Nv1_Vv2: "N⇘𝒱1 V⇘𝒱2= {}"
proof -
  from validV1 have "N⇘𝒱1 E⇘ES1⇙"
    by (simp add: isViewOn_def, auto)
  with propSepViews have "N⇘𝒱1 V⇘𝒱2= (N⇘𝒱1 E⇘ES1 V⇘𝒱)  E⇘ES2⇙"
    unfolding properSeparationOfViews_def by auto
  hence "N⇘𝒱1 V⇘𝒱2= (N⇘𝒱1 V⇘𝒱 E⇘ES1)  E⇘ES2⇙"
    by auto
  from validV1 have "N⇘𝒱1 V⇘𝒱 E⇘ES1= {}" 
    using propSepViews unfolding properSeparationOfViews_def
    by (metis VN_disjoint_def V_valid_def inf_assoc inf_commute isViewOn_def)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by auto      

lemma disjoint_Nv2_Vv1: "N⇘𝒱2 V⇘𝒱1= {}"
proof -
  from validV2 have "N⇘𝒱2 E⇘ES2⇙"
    by (simp add:isViewOn_def, auto)
  with propSepViews have "N⇘𝒱2 V⇘𝒱1= (N⇘𝒱2 E⇘ES2 V⇘𝒱)  E⇘ES1⇙"
    unfolding properSeparationOfViews_def by auto
  hence "N⇘𝒱2 V⇘𝒱1= (N⇘𝒱2 V⇘𝒱 E⇘ES2)  E⇘ES1⇙"
    by auto
  from validV2 have "N⇘𝒱2 V⇘𝒱 E⇘ES2= {}"
    using propSepViews unfolding properSeparationOfViews_def 
    by (metis VN_disjoint_def V_valid_def inf_assoc inf_commute isViewOn_def)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by auto      

(* An extended variant of the merge_property.
 Useful for the proof of the generalized zipping lemma. *)
lemma merge_property': "  set t1  E⇘ES1; set t2  E⇘ES2; 
  t1  E⇘ES2= t2  E⇘ES1; t1  V⇘𝒱= []; t2  V⇘𝒱= []; 
  t1  C⇘𝒱= []; t2  C⇘𝒱= []  
  t. (t  E⇘ES1= t1  t  E⇘ES2= t2  t  V⇘𝒱= []  t  C⇘𝒱= []  set t  (E⇘ES1 E⇘ES2))"
proof -
  assume t1_in_E1star: "set t1  E⇘ES1⇙"
  and t2_in_E2star: "set t2  E⇘ES2⇙"
  and t1_t2_synchronized: "t1  E⇘ES2= t2  E⇘ES1⇙"
  and t1Vv_empty: "t1  V⇘𝒱= []"
  and t2Vv_empty: "t2  V⇘𝒱= []"
  and t1Cv_empty: "t1  C⇘𝒱= []"
  and t2Cv_empty: "t2  C⇘𝒱= []"

  from merge_property[OF t1_in_E1star t2_in_E2star t1_t2_synchronized] obtain t
    where t_is_interleaving: "t  E⇘ES1= t1  t  E⇘ES2= t2"
    and t_contains_only_events_from_t1_t2: "set t  set t1  set t2"
    unfolding Let_def
    by auto
  from t1Vv_empty t2Vv_empty t_contains_only_events_from_t1_t2
  have "t  V⇘𝒱= []" 
    using propSepViews unfolding properSeparationOfViews_def
    by (metis Int_commute Vv_is_Vv1_union_Vv2 projection_on_union projection_sequence t_is_interleaving)
  have "t  C⇘𝒱= []"
    proof -
      from t1Cv_empty have "c  C⇘𝒱. c  set t1"
        by (simp add: projection_def filter_empty_conv, fast)
      from t2Cv_empty have "c  C⇘𝒱. c  set t2"
        by (simp add: projection_def filter_empty_conv, fast)
      ultimately have
      "c  C⇘𝒱. c  (set t1  set t2)"
        by auto
      with t_contains_only_events_from_t1_t2 have "c  C⇘𝒱. c  set t"
        by auto
      thus ?thesis
        by (simp add: projection_def, metis filter_empty_conv)
  from t1_in_E1star t2_in_E2star t_contains_only_events_from_t1_t2 
  have "set t  (E⇘ES1 E⇘ES2)"
    by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by blast

lemma Nv1_union_Nv2_subsetof_Nv: "N⇘𝒱1 N⇘𝒱2 N⇘𝒱⇙"
proof -
    fix e
    assume e_in_N1: "e  N⇘𝒱1⇙"
    with validV1 have 
      e_in_E1: "e  E⇘ES1⇙"
      and e_notin_V1: "e  V⇘𝒱1⇙"
      and e_notin_C1: "e  C⇘𝒱1⇙"
      by (simp only: isViewOn_def V_valid_def VC_disjoint_def NC_disjoint_def
        VN_disjoint_def, auto)+
    from e_in_E1 e_notin_V1 propSepViews have "e  V⇘𝒱⇙"
     unfolding properSeparationOfViews_def by auto
    from e_in_E1 e_notin_C1 propSepViews have "e  C⇘𝒱⇙"
     unfolding properSeparationOfViews_def by auto
    note e_in_E1 validVC
    ultimately have "e  N⇘𝒱⇙"
      by (simp add: isViewOn_def V_valid_def VC_disjoint_def NC_disjoint_def VN_disjoint_def
         composeES_def, auto)
  moreover {
    fix e
    assume e_in_N2: "e  N⇘𝒱2⇙"
    with validV2 have 
      e_in_E2: "e  E_ES ES2"
      and e_notin_V2: "e  V⇘𝒱2⇙"
      and e_notin_C2: "e  C⇘𝒱2⇙"
      by (simp only: isViewOn_def V_valid_def VC_disjoint_def NC_disjoint_def VN_disjoint_def
        , auto)+
    from e_in_E2 e_notin_V2 propSepViews have "e  V⇘𝒱⇙"
     unfolding properSeparationOfViews_def by auto
    from e_in_E2 e_notin_C2 propSepViews have "e  C⇘𝒱⇙"
     unfolding properSeparationOfViews_def by auto
    note e_in_E2 validVC
    ultimately have "e  N⇘𝒱⇙"
      by (simp add: isViewOn_def V_valid_def VC_disjoint_def VN_disjoint_def NC_disjoint_def
         composeES_def, auto)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by auto

