Theory BSPTaxonomy

theory BSPTaxonomy
imports "../../SystemSpecification/EventSystems"

locale BSPTaxonomyDifferentCorrections =
fixes ES :: "'e ES_rec"
and 𝒱 :: "'e V_rec"

assumes validES: "ES_valid ES"
and VIsViewOnE: "isViewOn 𝒱 E⇘ES⇙"

locale BSPTaxonomyDifferentViews =
fixes ES :: "'e ES_rec"
and 𝒱1 :: "'e V_rec"
and 𝒱2 :: "'e V_rec"

assumes validES: "ES_valid ES"
and 𝒱1IsViewOnE: "isViewOn 𝒱1 E⇘ES⇙" 
and 𝒱2IsViewOnE: "isViewOn 𝒱2 E⇘ES⇙"

locale BSPTaxonomyDifferentViewsFirstDim= BSPTaxonomyDifferentViews +
assumes V2_subset_V1: "V⇘𝒱2 V⇘𝒱1⇙"  
and     N2_supset_N1: "N⇘𝒱2 N⇘𝒱1⇙"
and     C2_subset_C1: "C⇘𝒱2 C⇘𝒱1⇙"

sublocale  BSPTaxonomyDifferentViewsFirstDim  BSPTaxonomyDifferentViews
by (unfold_locales)

locale BSPTaxonomyDifferentViewsSecondDim= BSPTaxonomyDifferentViews +
assumes V2_subset_V1: "V⇘𝒱2 V⇘𝒱1⇙"  
and     N2_supset_N1: "N⇘𝒱2 N⇘𝒱1⇙"
and     C2_equals_C1: "C⇘𝒱2= C⇘𝒱1⇙"

sublocale  BSPTaxonomyDifferentViewsSecondDim  BSPTaxonomyDifferentViews
by (unfold_locales)

(* body of BSPTaxonomy *)
context BSPTaxonomyDifferentCorrections

(*lemma taken from lemma 3.5.1 from Heiko Mantel's dissertation*)
lemma SR_implies_R: 
"SR 𝒱 Tr⇘ES R 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙"
proof -
  assume SR: "SR 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙"
    fix τ
    assume "τ  Tr⇘ES⇙"
    with SR  have "τ  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱)  Tr⇘ES⇙" 
      unfolding SR_def by auto 
    hence " τ'. τ'  Tr⇘ES τ'  V⇘𝒱= τ  V⇘𝒱 τ'  C⇘𝒱= []"
    proof -
      assume tau_V_N_is_trace: "τ  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱)  Tr⇘ES⇙"
      show " τ'. τ'  Tr⇘ES τ'  V⇘𝒱= τ  V⇘𝒱 τ'  C⇘𝒱= []"
        let  ?τ'= "τ  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱)"
        have "τ  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱)  V⇘𝒱= τ  V⇘𝒱⇙" 
          by (simp add: projection_subset_elim) 
        from  VIsViewOnE have "VC_disjoint 𝒱  NC_disjoint 𝒱" 
          unfolding isViewOn_def V_valid_def
          by auto
        then have "(V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱)  C⇘𝒱= {}" 
          by (simp add: NC_disjoint_def VC_disjoint_def inf_sup_distrib2) 
        then have "?τ'  C⇘𝒱= []" 
          by (simp add: disjoint_projection)
        show "?τ'  Tr⇘ES ?τ'  V⇘𝒱= τ  V⇘𝒱 ?τ'  C⇘𝒱= []" 
          using  tau_V_N_is_trace  by auto 
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding SR_def R_def by auto

(* lemma taken from lemma 3.5.1 from Heiko Mantel's dissertation *)
lemma SD_implies_BSD :
"(SD 𝒱 Tr⇘ES)  BSD 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙ "
proof -
  assume SD:  "SD 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙"
    fix α β c 
    assume "c  C⇘𝒱⇙"
      and  "β @ c # α  Tr⇘ES⇙" 
      and  alpha_C_empty: "α  C⇘𝒱= []" 
    with SD have "β @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙"
      unfolding SD_def by auto
    hence "α'. β @ α'  Tr⇘ES α'  V⇘𝒱= α  V⇘𝒱 α'  C⇘𝒱= []"
      using alpha_C_empty  
      by auto
   thus ?thesis
     unfolding SD_def BSD_def by auto

(* lemma taken from lemma 3.5.1 from Heiko Mantel's dissertation *)
lemma BSD_implies_D: 
"BSD 𝒱 Tr⇘ES D 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙"
proof - 
  assume BSD: "BSD 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙"
    fix α β c
    assume "α  C⇘𝒱= []"
      and "c  C⇘𝒱⇙"
      and "β @ [c] @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙"
    with BSD obtain α' 
      where "β @ α'  Tr⇘ES⇙"
      and "α'  V⇘𝒱= α  V 𝒱"
      and  "α'  C⇘𝒱= []"
      by (simp add: BSD_def, auto)
    hence "(α' β'.
      (β' @ α'  Tr⇘ES α'  V⇘𝒱= α  V⇘𝒱 α'  C⇘𝒱= []) 
      β'  (V⇘𝒱 C⇘𝒱) = β  (V⇘𝒱 C⇘𝒱))"
      by auto
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding BSD_def D_def
    by auto

(* lemma taken from lemma 3.5.1 from Heiko Mantel's dissertation *)
lemma SD_implies_SR: 
"SD 𝒱 Tr⇘ES SR 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙"
unfolding SR_def
  fix τ 

  assume SD: "SD 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙"
  assume τ_trace: "τ  Tr⇘ES⇙"
    fix  n 

      (* show via induction over length (τ ↿ C𝒱) that SR holds *)
    have SR_via_length: "  τ  Tr⇘ES; n = length (τ  C⇘𝒱)  
       τ'  Tr⇘ES. τ'  C⇘𝒱= []  τ'  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱) = τ  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱)"
    proof (induct n arbitrary: τ)
      case 0 
      note τ_in_Tr = τ  Tr⇘ES⇙›
        and 0 = length (τ  C⇘𝒱)
      hence "τ  C⇘𝒱= []" 
        by simp
      with τ_in_Tr show ?case 
        by auto
      case (Suc n)
      from projection_split_last[OF Suc(3)] obtain β c α
        where c_in_C: "c  C⇘𝒱⇙"
        and τ_is_βcα: "τ = β @ [c] @ α"
        and α_no_c: "α  C⇘𝒱= []"
        and βα_contains_n_cs: "n = length ((β @ α)  C⇘𝒱)"
      by auto
      with Suc(2) have βcα_in_Tr: "β @ [c] @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙"
        by auto
      with SD c_in_C βcα_in_Tr α_no_c obtain β' α' 
        where β'α'_in_Tr: "(β' @ α')  Tr⇘ES⇙" 
        and α'_V_is_α_V: "α'  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱) = α  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱)"
        and α'_no_c: "α'  C⇘𝒱= []" 
        and β'_VC_is_β_VC: "β'  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱 C⇘𝒱) = β  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱 C⇘𝒱)"
        unfolding SD_def
        by blast
      have "(β' @ α')  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱) = τ  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱)"
      proof - 
        from β'_VC_is_β_VC have  "β'  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱) = β  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱)"
          by (rule projection_subset_eq_from_superset_eq)
        with α'_V_is_α_V have "(β' @ α')  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱) = (β @ α)  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱)"
          by (simp add: projection_def)
        with  VIsViewOnE c_in_C have "c  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱)"
          by (simp add: isViewOn_def V_valid_def VC_disjoint_def NC_disjoint_def, auto)
        hence "(β @ α)  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱) = (β @ [c] @ α)  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱)"
          by (simp add: projection_def)
        moreover note τ_is_βcα
        ultimately show ?thesis
          by auto
      have "n = length ((β' @ α')  C⇘𝒱)"
      proof -
        have  "β'  C⇘𝒱= β  C⇘𝒱⇙"
        proof -
          have "V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱 C⇘𝒱= C⇘𝒱 (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱)"
            by auto
          with β'_VC_is_β_VC have "β'  (C⇘𝒱 (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱)) = β  (C⇘𝒱 (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱))"
            by auto
          thus ?thesis
            by (rule projection_subset_eq_from_superset_eq)
        with α'_no_c α_no_c have "(β' @ α')  C⇘𝒱= (β @ α)  C⇘𝒱⇙"
          by (simp add: projection_def)
        with βα_contains_n_cs show ?thesis
          by auto
      with Suc.hyps β'α'_in_Tr obtain τ' 
        where  "τ'  Tr⇘ES⇙" 
        and "τ'  C⇘𝒱= []" 
        and "τ'  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱) = (β' @ α')  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱)"
        by auto
      ultimately show ?case
        by auto
  hence "τ  Tr⇘ES τ'. τ'Tr⇘ES τ'  C⇘𝒱= []  τ'  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱) = τ  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱)" 
    by auto

  from this τ_trace obtain τ' where
        τ'_trace : "τ'Tr⇘ES⇙"
    and τ'_no_C  : "τ'  C⇘𝒱= []"
    and τ'_τ_rel : "τ'  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱) = τ  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱)" 
  by auto

  from τ'_no_C have "τ'  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱 C⇘𝒱) = τ'  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱)" 
    by (auto simp add: projection_on_union)

  with  VIsViewOnE have τ'_E_eq_VN: "τ'  E⇘ES= τ'  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱)" 
    by (auto simp add: isViewOn_def)

  from validES τ'_trace have "(set τ')  E⇘ES⇙" 
    by (auto simp add: ES_valid_def traces_contain_events_def)
  hence "τ'  E⇘ES= τ'" by (simp add: list_subset_iff_projection_neutral)
  with τ'_E_eq_VN have "τ' = τ'  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱)" by auto
  with τ'_τ_rel have "τ' = τ  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱)" by auto
  with τ'_trace show "τ  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱)  Tr⇘ES⇙" by auto

(* lemma taken from lemma 3.5.1 from Heiko Mantel's dissertation *)
lemma D_implies_R: 
"D 𝒱 Tr⇘ES R 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙"
proof -
  assume D: "D 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙"  
    fix τ n 

      (* show via induction over length (τ ↿ C𝒱) that R holds *)
    have R_via_length: "  τ  Tr⇘ES; n = length (τ  C⇘𝒱) 
                           τ'  Tr⇘ES. τ'  C⇘𝒱= []  τ'  V⇘𝒱= τ  V⇘𝒱⇙"
    proof (induct n arbitrary: τ)
      case 0 
      note τ_in_Tr = τ  Tr⇘ES⇙›
        and 0 = length (τ  C⇘𝒱)
      hence "τ  C⇘𝒱= []" 
        by simp
      with τ_in_Tr show ?case 
        by auto
      case (Suc n)
      from projection_split_last[OF Suc(3)] obtain β c α
        where c_in_C: "c  C⇘𝒱⇙"
        and τ_is_βcα: "τ = β @ [c] @ α"
        and α_no_c: "α  C⇘𝒱= []"
        and βα_contains_n_cs: "n = length ((β @ α)  C⇘𝒱)"
      by auto
      with Suc(2) have βcα_in_Tr: "β @ [c] @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙"
        by auto
      with D c_in_C βcα_in_Tr α_no_c obtain β' α' 
        where β'α'_in_Tr: "(β' @ α')  Tr⇘ES⇙" 
        and α'_V_is_α_V: "α'  V⇘𝒱= α  V⇘𝒱⇙"
        and α'_no_c: "α'  C⇘𝒱= []" 
        and β'_VC_is_β_VC: "β'  (V⇘𝒱 C⇘𝒱) = β  (V⇘𝒱 C⇘𝒱)"
        unfolding D_def 
        by blast

      have "(β' @ α')  V⇘𝒱= τ  V⇘𝒱⇙"
      proof - 
        from β'_VC_is_β_VC have  "β'  V⇘𝒱= β  V⇘𝒱⇙"
          by (rule projection_subset_eq_from_superset_eq)
        with α'_V_is_α_V have "(β' @ α')  V⇘𝒱= (β @ α)  V⇘𝒱⇙"
          by (simp add: projection_def)
        with  VIsViewOnE c_in_C have "c  V⇘𝒱⇙"
          by (simp add: isViewOn_def V_valid_def VC_disjoint_def, auto)
        hence "(β @ α)  V⇘𝒱= (β @ [c] @ α)  V⇘𝒱⇙"
          by (simp add: projection_def)
        moreover note τ_is_βcα
        ultimately show ?thesis
          by auto
      have "n = length ((β' @ α')  C⇘𝒱)"
      proof -
        have  "β'  C⇘𝒱= β  C⇘𝒱⇙"
        proof -
          have "V⇘𝒱 C⇘𝒱= C⇘𝒱 V⇘𝒱⇙"
            by auto
          with β'_VC_is_β_VC have "β'  (C⇘𝒱 V⇘𝒱) = β  (C⇘𝒱 V⇘𝒱)"
            by auto
          thus ?thesis
            by (rule projection_subset_eq_from_superset_eq)
        with α'_no_c α_no_c have "(β' @ α')  C⇘𝒱= (β @ α)  C⇘𝒱⇙"
          by (simp add: projection_def)
        with βα_contains_n_cs show ?thesis
          by auto
      with Suc.hyps β'α'_in_Tr obtain τ' 
        where  "τ'  Tr⇘ES⇙" 
        and "τ'  C⇘𝒱= []" 
        and "τ'  V⇘𝒱= (β' @ α')  V⇘𝒱⇙"
        by auto
      ultimately show ?case
        by auto
  thus ?thesis
    by (simp add: R_def)

(* Theorem from Heiko Mantel's dissertation *)
lemma SR_implies_R_for_modified_view :
"SR 𝒱 Tr⇘ES; 𝒱' =  V = V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱, N ={} , C = C⇘𝒱  R 𝒱' Tr⇘ES⇙" 
proof -
  assume "SR 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙"
     and "𝒱' =  V = V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱, N ={} , C = C⇘𝒱"
     from 𝒱' =  V = V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱, N ={} , C = C⇘𝒱 VIsViewOnE 
     have V'IsViewOnE: "isViewOn 𝒱' E⇘ES⇙ " 
       unfolding isViewOn_def V_valid_def VC_disjoint_def NC_disjoint_def VN_disjoint_def by auto
    fix τ
    assume "τ  Tr⇘ES⇙"
    with SR 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙› have "τ  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱)  Tr⇘ES⇙"
      unfolding SR_def by auto
    let ?τ'="τ V⇘𝒱'⇙"
    from τ  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱)  Tr⇘ES⇙› have "?τ'  Tr⇘ES⇙" 
      using 𝒱' =  V = V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱, N ={} , C = C⇘𝒱 by simp
    from V'IsViewOnE have "?τ'C⇘𝒱'=[]"
      using disjoint_projection  
      unfolding isViewOn_def V_valid_def VC_disjoint_def by auto
    have "?τ'V⇘𝒱'= τV⇘𝒱'⇙"
      by (simp add: projection_subset_elim)
    have "τ'Tr⇘ES. τ'  C⇘𝒱'= []  τ'  V⇘𝒱'= τ  V⇘𝒱'⇙"
      by auto
  with SR 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙› show ?thesis 
    unfolding R_def using 𝒱' =  V = V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱, N ={} , C = C⇘𝒱 by auto 

lemma R_implies_SR_for_modified_view : 
"R 𝒱' Tr⇘ES; 𝒱' =  V = V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱, N ={} , C = C⇘𝒱  SR 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙"
proof -
  assume "R 𝒱' Tr⇘ES⇙"
     and "𝒱' =  V = V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱, N ={} , C = C⇘𝒱"
    fix τ
    assume "τ  Tr⇘ES⇙"
    from R 𝒱' Tr⇘ES⇙› τ  Tr⇘ES⇙›  obtain τ' where "τ'  Tr⇘ES⇙"
                                        and "τ'  C⇘𝒱'= []" 
                                        and "τ'  V⇘𝒱'= τ  V⇘𝒱'⇙"
                                        unfolding R_def by auto
    from VIsViewOnE 𝒱' =  V = V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱, N ={} , C = C⇘𝒱  have "isViewOn  𝒱' E⇘ES⇙" 
      unfolding isViewOn_def V_valid_def  VN_disjoint_def VC_disjoint_def NC_disjoint_def                                   
      by auto

    from τ'  V⇘𝒱'= τ  V⇘𝒱'⇙›  𝒱' =  V = V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱, N ={} , C = C⇘𝒱 
    have "τ'  (V⇘𝒱' N⇘𝒱') = τ  (V⇘𝒱' N⇘𝒱')" 
      by simp
    from τ'  C⇘𝒱'= [] have "τ' =τ'  (V⇘𝒱' N⇘𝒱')"
      using validES τ'  Tr⇘ES⇙› isViewOn 𝒱' E⇘ES⇙› 
      unfolding projection_def ES_valid_def isViewOn_def traces_contain_events_def
      by (metis UnE filter_True filter_empty_conv)
    hence  "τ' =τ  (V⇘𝒱' N⇘𝒱')" 
      using τ'  (V⇘𝒱' N⇘𝒱') = τ  (V⇘𝒱' N⇘𝒱')
      by simp                 
    with τ'  Tr⇘ES⇙› have "τ  (V⇘𝒱' N⇘𝒱')  Tr⇘ES⇙" 
      by auto
  thus ?thesis 
    unfolding SR_def using 𝒱' =  V = V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱, N ={} , C = C⇘𝒱
    by simp

(* Theorem from Heiko Mantel's dissertation *)
lemma SD_implies_BSD_for_modified_view :
"SD 𝒱 Tr⇘ES; 𝒱' =  V = V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱, N ={} , C = C⇘𝒱  BSD 𝒱' Tr⇘ES⇙" 
proof -
  assume "SD 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙"
     and "𝒱' =  V = V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱, N ={} , C = C⇘𝒱"
    fix α β c
    assume "c  C⇘𝒱'⇙"
       and "β @ [c] @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙"
       and "αC⇘𝒱'= []"
    from c  C⇘𝒱'⇙›  𝒱' =  V = V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱, N ={} , C = C⇘𝒱
    have "c  C⇘𝒱⇙" 
      by auto     
    from αC⇘𝒱'= [] 𝒱' =  V = V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱, N ={} , C = C⇘𝒱 
    have "αC⇘𝒱= []" 
      by auto

    from c  C⇘𝒱⇙› β @ [c] @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙› αC⇘𝒱= [] 
    have "β @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙" using SD 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙›
      unfolding SD_def by auto
    hence  "α'. β @ α'  Tr⇘ES  α'  V⇘𝒱'= α  V⇘𝒱' α'  C⇘𝒱'= [] " 
      using α  C⇘𝒱'= [] by blast
  with SD 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙› show ?thesis 
    unfolding BSD_def using 𝒱' =  V = V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱, N ={} , C = C⇘𝒱 by auto 

lemma BSD_implies_SD_for_modified_view : 
"BSD 𝒱' Tr⇘ES; 𝒱' =  V = V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱, N ={} , C = C⇘𝒱  SD 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙"
  unfolding SD_def
  fix α β c
  assume BSD_view' : "BSD V = V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱, N = {} , C = C⇘𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙"
  assume alpha_no_C_view : "α  C⇘𝒱= []"
  assume c_C_view : "c  C⇘𝒱⇙"
  assume beta_c_alpha_is_trace : "β @ c # α  Tr⇘ES⇙"
  from BSD_view' alpha_no_C_view c_C_view beta_c_alpha_is_trace 
  obtain α' 
    where beta_alpha'_is_trace: "β @ α'(Tr⇘ES)" 
      and alpha_alpha': "α'  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱) = α  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱)"
      and alpha'_no_C_view : "α'  C⇘𝒱= []"
    by (auto simp add: BSD_def)

  from beta_c_alpha_is_trace validES
  have alpha_consists_of_events: "set α  E⇘ES⇙" 
      by (auto simp add: ES_valid_def traces_contain_events_def)

  from alpha_no_C_view have "α  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱 C⇘𝒱) = α  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱)"
    by (rule projection_on_union)
  with VIsViewOnE  have alpha_on_ES : "α  E⇘ES= α  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱)" 
    unfolding isViewOn_def by simp

  from alpha_consists_of_events VIsViewOnE have "α  E⇘ES= α"
    by (simp add: list_subset_iff_projection_neutral)
  with alpha_on_ES have α_eq: "α  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱) = α" by auto

  from beta_alpha'_is_trace validES
  have alpha'_consists_of_events: "set α'  E⇘ES⇙" 
    by (auto simp add: ES_valid_def traces_contain_events_def)

  from alpha'_no_C_view have "α'  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱 C⇘𝒱) = α'  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱)"
    by (rule projection_on_union)
  with VIsViewOnE have alpha'_on_ES : "α'  E⇘ES= α'  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱)"
    unfolding isViewOn_def by (simp)

  from alpha'_consists_of_events VIsViewOnE have "α'  E⇘ES= α'"
    by (simp add: list_subset_iff_projection_neutral)
  with alpha'_on_ES have α'_eq: "α'  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱) = α'" by auto

  from alpha_alpha' α_eq α'_eq have "α = α'" by auto
  with beta_alpha'_is_trace show "β @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙" by auto

(* lemma taken from lemma 3.5.4 from Heiko Mantel's dissertation*)
lemma SD_implies_FCD: 
"(SD 𝒱 Tr⇘ES)  FCD Γ 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙"
proof -    
   assume SD: "SD 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙"
    fix α β c v
    assume "c  C⇘𝒱 Υ⇘Γ⇙"
      and  "v  V⇘𝒱 ∇⇘Γ⇙"
      and alpha_C_empty: "α  C⇘𝒱= []"
      and  "β @ [c, v] @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙"
    with VIsViewOnE  have "(v # α)  C⇘𝒱= []" 
      unfolding isViewOn_def V_valid_def VC_disjoint_def projection_def by auto
    have "β @ (v # α)  Tr⇘ES⇙" 
      using SD unfolding SD_def by auto
    with alpha_C_empty  
    have "α'. δ'. (set δ')  (N⇘𝒱 Δ⇘Γ)  ((β @ δ' @ [v] @ α')   Tr⇘ES α'  V⇘𝒱= α  V⇘𝒱 α'  C⇘𝒱= [])" 
      by (metis append.simps(1) append.simps(2) bot_least list.set(1))
  thus ?thesis 
    unfolding SD_def FCD_def by auto

(* lemma taken from lemma 3.5.9 from Heiko Mantel's dissertation *)
lemma SI_implies_BSI :
"(SI 𝒱 Tr⇘ES)  BSI 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙ "
proof -
  assume SI: "SI 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙"
    fix α β c 
    assume "c  C⇘𝒱⇙"
      and  "β @  α  Tr⇘ES⇙" 
      and alpha_C_empty: "α  C⇘𝒱= []" 
    with SI have "β @ c # α  Tr⇘ES⇙" 
      unfolding SI_def by auto
    hence  "α'. β @ c # α'  Tr⇘ES α'  V⇘𝒱= α  V⇘𝒱 α'  C⇘𝒱= []" 
      using alpha_C_empty  by auto
  thus ?thesis 
    unfolding SI_def BSI_def by auto

(* lemma taken from lemma 3.5.9 from Heiko Mantel's dissertation *)
lemma BSI_implies_I: 
"(BSI 𝒱 Tr⇘ES)  (I 𝒱 Tr⇘ES)"
proof -
  assume BSI: "BSI 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙"

    fix α β c
    assume "c  C⇘𝒱⇙"
      and "β @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙"
      and "α  C⇘𝒱= []"
    with BSI obtain α' 
      where "β @ [c] @ α'  Tr⇘ES⇙"
      and "α'  V⇘𝒱= α  V⇘𝒱⇙"
      and  "α'  C⇘𝒱= []"
      unfolding BSI_def
      by blast
      "(α' β'. (β' @ [c] @ α'  Tr⇘ES α'  V⇘𝒱= α  V⇘𝒱 α'  C⇘𝒱= []) 
                  β'  (V⇘𝒱 C⇘𝒱) = β  (V⇘𝒱 C⇘𝒱))"
      by auto
  thus ?thesis unfolding BSI_def I_def
    by auto

(* lemma taken from lemma 3.5.9 from Heiko Mantel's dissertation *)
lemma SIA_implies_BSIA: 
"(SIA ρ 𝒱 Tr⇘ES)  (BSIA ρ 𝒱 Tr⇘ES)"
proof -
  assume SIA: "SIA ρ 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙"
    fix α β c
    assume "c  C⇘𝒱⇙"
      and "β @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙"
      and alpha_C_empty: "α  C⇘𝒱= []"
      and "(Adm 𝒱 ρ Tr⇘ESβ c)"
    with SIA obtain "β @ c # α  Tr⇘ES⇙"
      unfolding SIA_def by auto
    hence " α'. β @ c # α'  Tr⇘ES α' V⇘𝒱= α  V⇘𝒱 α'  C⇘𝒱= []"  
      using  alpha_C_empty  by auto
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding SIA_def BSIA_def by auto

(* lemma taken from lemma 3.5.9 from Heiko Mantel's dissertation *)
lemma BSIA_implies_IA: 
"(BSIA ρ 𝒱 Tr⇘ES)  (IA ρ 𝒱 Tr⇘ES)"
proof -
  assume BSIA: "BSIA ρ 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙"

    fix α β c
    assume "c  C⇘𝒱⇙"
      and "β @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙"
      and "α  C⇘𝒱= []"
      and "(Adm 𝒱 ρ Tr⇘ESβ c)"
    with BSIA obtain α' 
      where "β @ [c] @ α'  Tr⇘ES⇙"
      and "α'  V⇘𝒱= α  V⇘𝒱⇙"
      and  "α'  C⇘𝒱= []"
      unfolding BSIA_def
      by blast
    hence "(α' β'.
      (β' @ [c] @ α'  Tr⇘ES α'  V⇘𝒱= α  V⇘𝒱 α'  C⇘𝒱= []) 
      β'  (V⇘𝒱 C⇘𝒱) = β  (V⇘𝒱 C⇘𝒱))"
      by auto
  thus ?thesis 
    unfolding BSIA_def IA_def by auto

(* lemma taken from lemma 3.5.9 from Heiko Mantel's dissertation *)
lemma SI_implies_SIA: 
"SI 𝒱 Tr⇘ES SIA ρ 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙" 
proof -
  assume SI: "SI 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙"
    fix α β c
    assume "c  C⇘𝒱⇙"
      and  "β @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙"
      and  "α  C⇘𝒱= []"
      and  "Adm 𝒱 ρ Tr⇘ESβ c"
    with SI have "β @ (c # α)  Tr⇘ES⇙"
      unfolding SI_def by auto  
  thus ?thesis unfolding SI_def SIA_def by auto  

(* lemma taken from lemma 3.5.9 from Heiko Mantel's dissertation *)
lemma BSI_implies_BSIA: 
"BSI 𝒱 Tr⇘ES BSIA ρ 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙" 
proof -
  assume BSI: "BSI 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙"
    fix α β c
    assume "c  C⇘𝒱⇙"
      and  "β @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙"
      and  "α  C⇘𝒱= []"
      and  "Adm 𝒱 ρ Tr⇘ESβ c"
    with BSI have " α'. β @ (c # α')  Tr⇘ES α'  V⇘𝒱= α  V⇘𝒱 α'  C⇘𝒱= []" 
      unfolding BSI_def by auto  
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding BSI_def BSIA_def by auto  

(* lemma taken from lemma 3.5.9 from Heiko Mantel's dissertation *)
lemma I_implies_IA: 
"I 𝒱 Tr⇘ES IA ρ 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙" 
proof -
  assume I: "I 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙"
    fix α β c
    assume "c  C⇘𝒱⇙"
      and  "β @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙"
      and  "α  C⇘𝒱= []"
      and  "Adm 𝒱 ρ Tr⇘ESβ c"
    with I have " α' β'. β' @ (c # α')  Tr⇘ES α'  V⇘𝒱= α  V⇘𝒱 α'  C⇘𝒱= []   β' (V⇘𝒱 C⇘𝒱) = β (V⇘𝒱 C⇘𝒱) " 
      unfolding I_def by auto  
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding I_def IA_def by auto  

(* Theorem from Heiko Mantel's dissertation *)
lemma SI_implies_BSI_for_modified_view :
"SI 𝒱 Tr⇘ES; 𝒱' =  V = V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱, N ={} , C = C⇘𝒱  BSI 𝒱' Tr⇘ES⇙" 
proof -
  assume "SI 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙"
     and "𝒱' =  V = V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱, N ={} , C = C⇘𝒱"
    fix α β c
    assume "c  C⇘𝒱'⇙"
       and "β  @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙"
       and "αC⇘𝒱'= []"
    from c  C⇘𝒱'⇙›  𝒱' =  V = V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱, N ={} , C = C⇘𝒱
    have "c  C⇘𝒱⇙"
      by auto     
    from αC⇘𝒱'= [] 𝒱' =  V = V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱, N ={} , C = C⇘𝒱 
    have "αC⇘𝒱= []"
      by auto

    from c  C⇘𝒱⇙› β  @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙› αC⇘𝒱= [] 
    have "β @ [c] @  α  Tr⇘ES⇙" 
      using SI 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙›  unfolding SI_def by auto
    hence  "α'. β @ [c] @  α'  Tr⇘ES  α'  V⇘𝒱'= α  V⇘𝒱' α'  C⇘𝒱'= [] " 
      using α  C⇘𝒱'= [] 
      by blast
  with SI 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙› show ?thesis 
    unfolding BSI_def using 𝒱' =  V = V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱, N ={} , C = C⇘𝒱 by auto 

lemma BSI_implies_SI_for_modified_view : 
"BSI 𝒱' Tr⇘ES; 𝒱' =  V = V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱, N = {} , C = C⇘𝒱  SI 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙"
  unfolding SI_def
  proof (clarsimp)
  fix α β c
  assume BSI_view' : "BSI V = V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱, N = {}, C = C⇘𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙"
  assume alpha_no_C_view : "α  C⇘𝒱= []"
  assume c_C_view : "c  C⇘𝒱⇙"
  assume beta_alpha_is_trace : "β @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙"

  from BSI_view' have "cC⇘𝒱. β @ α  Tr⇘ES α  C⇘𝒱= [] 
     (α'. β @ [c] @ α'  Tr⇘ES α'  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱) = α  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱)  α'  C⇘𝒱= [])" 
    by (auto simp add: BSI_def)

  with beta_alpha_is_trace alpha_no_C_view have "cC⇘𝒱.
        (α'. β @ [c] @ α'  Tr⇘ES α'  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱) = α  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱)  α'  C⇘𝒱= [])" 
    by auto

  with this BSI_view' c_C_view obtain α'
    where beta_c_alpha'_is_trace: "β @ [c] @ α'  Tr⇘ES⇙" 
      and alpha_alpha': "α'  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱) = α  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱)"
      and alpha'_no_C_view : "α'  C⇘𝒱= []"
    by auto

  from beta_alpha_is_trace validES
  have alpha_consists_of_events: "set α  E⇘ES⇙" 
    by (auto simp add: ES_valid_def traces_contain_events_def)

  from alpha_no_C_view have "α  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱 C⇘𝒱) = α  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱)"
    by (rule projection_on_union)
  with VIsViewOnE have alpha_on_ES : "α  E⇘ES= α  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱)" 
    unfolding isViewOn_def by (simp)

  from alpha_consists_of_events VIsViewOnE have "α  E⇘ES= α"
    by (simp add: list_subset_iff_projection_neutral)
  with alpha_on_ES have α_eq: "α  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱) = α" by auto
  from beta_c_alpha'_is_trace validES 
  have alpha'_consists_of_events: "set α'  E⇘ES⇙" 
    by (auto simp add: ES_valid_def traces_contain_events_def)

  from alpha'_no_C_view have "α'  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱 C⇘𝒱) = α'  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱)"
    by (rule projection_on_union)
  with VIsViewOnE have alpha'_on_ES : "α'  E⇘ES= α'  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱)" 
    unfolding isViewOn_def by (simp)

  from alpha'_consists_of_events VIsViewOnE have "α'  E⇘ES= α'"
    by (simp add: list_subset_iff_projection_neutral)
  with alpha'_on_ES have α'_eq: "α'  (V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱) = α'" by auto

  from alpha_alpha' α_eq α'_eq have "α = α'" by auto
  with beta_c_alpha'_is_trace show "β @ c # α  Tr⇘ES⇙" by auto

(* lemma taken from Theorem from Heiko Mantel's dissertation *)
lemma SIA_implies_BSIA_for_modified_view :
"SIA ρ 𝒱 Tr⇘ES; 𝒱' =  V = V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱, N ={} , C = C⇘𝒱 ; ρ 𝒱 = ρ' 𝒱'  BSIA ρ' 𝒱' Tr⇘ES⇙" 
proof -
  assume "SIA ρ 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙"
     and "𝒱' =  V = V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱, N ={} , C = C⇘𝒱"
     and "ρ 𝒱 = ρ' 𝒱'"
    fix α β c
    assume "c  C⇘𝒱'⇙"
       and "β  @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙"
       and "αC⇘𝒱'= []"
       and "Adm 𝒱' ρ' Tr⇘ESβ c"
    from c  C⇘𝒱'⇙›  𝒱' =  V = V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱, N ={} , C = C⇘𝒱
    have "c  C⇘𝒱⇙"
      by auto     
    from αC⇘𝒱'= [] 𝒱' =  V = V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱, N ={} , C = C⇘𝒱 
    have "αC⇘𝒱= []"
      by auto
    from  Adm 𝒱' ρ' Tr⇘ESβ c ρ 𝒱 = ρ' 𝒱' 
    have "Adm 𝒱 ρ Tr⇘ESβ c"
      by (simp add: Adm_def)

    from c  C⇘𝒱⇙› β  @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙› αC⇘𝒱= [] Adm 𝒱 ρ Tr⇘ESβ c
    have "β @ [c] @  α  Tr⇘ES⇙" 
      using SIA ρ 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙›  unfolding SIA_def by auto
    hence  "α'. β @ [c] @  α'  Tr⇘ES  α'  V⇘𝒱'= α  V⇘𝒱' α'  C⇘𝒱'= [] " 
      using α  C⇘𝒱'= [] by blast
  with SIA ρ 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙› show ?thesis 
    unfolding BSIA_def using 𝒱' =  V = V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱, N ={} , C = C⇘𝒱
    by auto 

lemma BSIA_implies_SIA_for_modified_view : 
  "BSIA ρ' 𝒱' Tr⇘ES; 𝒱' =  V = V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱, N = {} , C = C⇘𝒱; ρ 𝒱 = ρ' 𝒱'  SIA ρ 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙" 
proof -
  assume "BSIA ρ' 𝒱' Tr⇘ES⇙"
     and "𝒱' =  V = V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱, N = {} , C = C⇘𝒱" 
     and "ρ 𝒱 = ρ' 𝒱'"
    fix α β c
    assume "c  C⇘𝒱⇙"
       and "β  @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙"
       and "αC⇘𝒱= []"
       and "Adm 𝒱 ρ Tr⇘ESβ c"
    from c  C⇘𝒱⇙›  𝒱' =  V = V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱, N ={} , C = C⇘𝒱
    have "c  C⇘𝒱'⇙"
      by auto     
    from αC⇘𝒱= [] 𝒱' =  V = V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱, N ={} , C = C⇘𝒱 
    have "αC⇘𝒱'= []"
      by auto
    from  Adm 𝒱 ρ Tr⇘ESβ c ρ 𝒱 = ρ' 𝒱' 
    have "Adm 𝒱' ρ' Tr⇘ESβ c"
      by (simp add: Adm_def)

    from c  C⇘𝒱'⇙› β  @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙› αC⇘𝒱'= [] Adm 𝒱' ρ' Tr⇘ESβ c
    obtain α' where "β @ [c] @ α'  Tr⇘ES⇙"
                and " α'  V⇘𝒱'= α  V⇘𝒱'⇙"
                and " α'  C⇘𝒱'= []"
      using BSIA ρ' 𝒱' Tr⇘ES⇙›  unfolding BSIA_def by blast

    (*Show that α'=α*)    
    from β  @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙› validES
    have alpha_consists_of_events: "set α  E⇘ES⇙" 
      by (auto simp add: ES_valid_def traces_contain_events_def)

    from β @ [c] @ α'  Tr⇘ES⇙› validES
    have alpha'_consists_of_events: "set α'  E⇘ES⇙" 
      by (auto simp add: ES_valid_def traces_contain_events_def)  

    from α'  V⇘𝒱'= α  V⇘𝒱'⇙› 𝒱' =  V = V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱, N = {} , C = C⇘𝒱 
    have "α'(V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱)=α(V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱)" by auto
    with α'  C⇘𝒱'= []  αC⇘𝒱= [] 𝒱' =  V = V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱, N = {} , C = C⇘𝒱
    have "α'(V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱 C⇘𝒱)=α(V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱 C⇘𝒱)" 
      by (simp add: projection_on_union)
    with VIsViewOnE alpha_consists_of_events alpha'_consists_of_events
    have "α'=α" unfolding isViewOn_def 
      by (simp add: list_subset_iff_projection_neutral)

    hence  "β @ [c] @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙ "
      using β @ [c] @ α'  Tr⇘ES⇙› by blast
  with BSIA ρ' 𝒱' Tr⇘ES⇙› show ?thesis 
    unfolding SIA_def using 𝒱' =  V = V⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱, N ={} , C = C⇘𝒱 by auto   

(* lemma taken from lemma 3.5.11 in Heiko Mantel's dissertation *)
lemma Adm_implies_Adm_for_modified_rho: 
" Adm 𝒱2 ρ2 Tr α e;ρ2(𝒱2)  ρ1(𝒱1)  Adm 𝒱1 ρ1 Tr α e " 
proof -
  assume "Adm 𝒱2 ρ2 Tr α e"
    and  "ρ2(𝒱2)  ρ1(𝒱1)"
  then obtain γ
    where "γ @ [e]  Tr"
      and "γ  ρ2 𝒱2 = α  ρ2 𝒱2"
    unfolding Adm_def by auto
  thus "Adm 𝒱1 ρ1 Tr α e"
    unfolding Adm_def 
    using ρ1 𝒱1  ρ2 𝒱2 non_empty_projection_on_subset 
    by blast

context BSPTaxonomyDifferentCorrections

(* lemma taken from lemma 3.5.13 from Heiko Mantel's dissertation*)
lemma SI_implies_FCI: 
"(SI 𝒱 Tr⇘ES)  FCI Γ 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙"
proof -    
   assume SI: "SI 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙"
    fix α β c v
    assume "c  C⇘𝒱 Υ⇘Γ⇙"
      and  "v  V⇘𝒱 ∇⇘Γ⇙"
      and  "β @ [v] @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙"
      and alpha_C_empty: "α  C⇘𝒱= []"
    with VIsViewOnE  have "(v # α)  C⇘𝒱= []" 
      unfolding isViewOn_def V_valid_def VC_disjoint_def projection_def by auto
    have "β @ [c , v] @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙" using SI unfolding SI_def by auto
    with alpha_C_empty  
    have "α'. δ'. 
              (set δ')  (N⇘𝒱 Δ⇘Γ)  ((β @ [c] @ δ' @ [v] @ α')   Tr⇘ES α'  V⇘𝒱= α  V⇘𝒱 α'  C⇘𝒱= [])" 
      by (metis append.simps(1) append.simps(2) bot_least list.set(1))
  thus ?thesis 
    unfolding SI_def FCI_def by auto

(* lemma taken from lemma 3.5.13 from Heiko Mantel's dissertation*)
lemma SIA_implies_FCIA: 
"(SIA ρ 𝒱 Tr⇘ES)  FCIA ρ Γ 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙"
proof -    
   assume SIA: "SIA ρ 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙"
    fix α β c v
    assume "c  C⇘𝒱 Υ⇘Γ⇙"
      and  "v  V⇘𝒱 ∇⇘Γ⇙"
      and  "β @ [v] @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙"
      and alpha_C_empty: "α  C⇘𝒱= []"
      and "Adm 𝒱 ρ Tr⇘ESβ c"
    with VIsViewOnE  have "(v # α)  C⇘𝒱= []" 
      unfolding isViewOn_def V_valid_def VC_disjoint_def projection_def by auto
    have "β @ [c , v] @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙" using SIA unfolding SIA_def by auto
    with alpha_C_empty  
    have "α'. δ'. 
              (set δ')  (N⇘𝒱 Δ⇘Γ)  ((β @ [c] @ δ' @ [v] @ α')   Tr⇘ES α'  V⇘𝒱= α  V⇘𝒱 α'  C⇘𝒱= [])" 
      by (metis append.simps(1) append.simps(2) bot_least list.set(1))
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding SIA_def FCIA_def by auto

(* lemma taken from lemma 3.5.13 from Heiko Mantel's dissertation*)
lemma FCI_implies_FCIA: 
"(FCI Γ 𝒱 Tr⇘ES)  FCIA ρ Γ 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙" 
  assume FCI: "FCI Γ 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙"
    fix α β c v
    assume "c  C⇘𝒱 Υ⇘Γ⇙"
      and  "v  V⇘𝒱 ∇⇘Γ⇙"
      and  "β @ [v] @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙"
      and  "α  C⇘𝒱= []"
    with FCI have   "α' δ'. set δ'  N⇘𝒱 Δ⇘Γ
                         β @ [c] @ δ' @ [v] @ α'  Tr⇘ES α'  V⇘𝒱= α  V⇘𝒱 α'  C⇘𝒱= []" 
                            unfolding FCI_def by auto   
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding FCI_def FCIA_def by auto  

(* Mantel's PhD thesis, Theorem 3.5.7 Trivially fulfilled BSPs*)
lemma Trivially_fulfilled_SR_C_empty:  
"C⇘𝒱= {}  SR 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙" 
proof -
  assume "C⇘𝒱={}"
    fix τ 
    assume "τ  Tr⇘ES⇙"
    hence "τ=τE⇘ES⇙" using  validES 
      unfolding  ES_valid_def traces_contain_events_def projection_def by auto
    with ‹C⇘𝒱={} have "τ=τ(V⇘𝒱N⇘𝒱)"
      using VIsViewOnE unfolding isViewOn_def by auto    
    with τ  Tr⇘ES⇙› have "τ(V⇘𝒱N⇘𝒱)  Tr⇘ES⇙"
      by auto
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding SR_def by auto

lemma Trivially_fulfilled_R_C_empty: 
"C⇘𝒱= {}  R 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙" 
proof -
  assume "C⇘𝒱={}"
    fix τ 
    assume "τ  Tr⇘ES⇙"
    hence "τ=τE⇘ES⇙" using  validES 
      unfolding  ES_valid_def traces_contain_events_def projection_def by auto
    with ‹C⇘𝒱={} have "τ=τ(V⇘𝒱N⇘𝒱)"
      using VIsViewOnE unfolding isViewOn_def by auto    
    with τ  Tr⇘ES⇙› ‹C⇘𝒱={} have "τ'  Tr⇘ES. τC⇘𝒱=[]  τ' V⇘𝒱=τV⇘𝒱⇙" 
      unfolding projection_def by auto
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding R_def by auto

lemma Trivially_fulfilled_SD_C_empty:  
"C⇘𝒱= {}  SD 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙" 
  by (simp add: SD_def)

lemma Trivially_fulfilled_BSD_C_empty: 
"C⇘𝒱= {}  BSD 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙"
  by (simp add: BSD_def)

lemma Trivially_fulfilled_D_C_empty:  
"C⇘𝒱= {}  D 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙" 
  by (simp add: D_def)

lemma Trivially_fulfilled_FCD_C_empty:  
"C⇘𝒱= {}  FCD Γ 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙" 
  by (simp add: FCD_def)

lemma Trivially_fullfilled_R_V_empty: 
"V⇘𝒱={}  R 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙"
proof - 
  assume "V⇘𝒱={}"
    fix τ
    assume "τ  Tr⇘ES⇙"
    let ?τ'="[]"
    from τ  Tr⇘ES⇙›have "?τ'  Tr⇘ES⇙" 
      using validES 
      unfolding ES_valid_def traces_prefixclosed_def prefixclosed_def prefix_def by auto
    with ‹V⇘𝒱={}
    have "τ'  Tr⇘ES. τ'C⇘𝒱=[]  τ'V⇘𝒱=τV⇘𝒱⇙"  
      by (metis projection_on_empty_trace projection_to_emptyset_is_empty_trace)
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding R_def by auto  

lemma Trivially_fulfilled_BSD_V_empty: 
"V⇘𝒱= {}  BSD 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙"
proof -
  assume "V⇘𝒱={}"
    fix α β c
    assume "β @ [c] @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙"
      and "αC⇘𝒱= []"  

    from β @ [c] @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙› have "β  Tr⇘ES⇙"
      using validES 
      unfolding ES_valid_def traces_prefixclosed_def prefixclosed_def prefix_def by auto
    let ?α'="[]"
    from β  Tr⇘ES⇙› ‹V⇘𝒱={} 
    have "β@ ?α'Tr⇘ES ?α'V⇘𝒱= αV⇘𝒱 ?α'C⇘𝒱= []"
      by (simp add: projection_on_empty_trace projection_to_emptyset_is_empty_trace)
      β @ α'Tr⇘ES α'V⇘𝒱= αV⇘𝒱 α'C⇘𝒱= []" by blast
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding BSD_def by auto

lemma Trivially_fulfilled_D_V_empty: 
"V⇘𝒱= {}  D 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙"
proof -
  assume "V⇘𝒱={}"
    fix α β c
    assume "β @ [c] @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙"
      and "αC⇘𝒱= []"  
    from β @ [c] @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙› have "β  Tr⇘ES⇙"
      using validES 
      unfolding ES_valid_def traces_prefixclosed_def prefixclosed_def prefix_def by auto
    let ?β'=β and  ?α'="[]"
    from β  Tr⇘ES⇙› ‹V⇘𝒱={} 
    have "?β'@ ?α'Tr⇘ES ?α'V⇘𝒱= αV⇘𝒱 ?α'C⇘𝒱= []  ?β'(V⇘𝒱 C⇘𝒱) = β(V⇘𝒱 C⇘𝒱)"
      by (simp add: projection_on_empty_trace projection_to_emptyset_is_empty_trace)
    "α' β'. 
      β'@ α'Tr⇘ES α'V⇘𝒱= αV⇘𝒱 α'C⇘𝒱= []  β'(V⇘𝒱 C⇘𝒱) = β(V⇘𝒱 C⇘𝒱)"
      by blast
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding D_def by auto

lemma Trivially_fulfilled_FCD_V_empty: 
"V⇘𝒱= {}  FCD Γ 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙"
  by (simp add: FCD_def)

(* Mantel's PhD thesis, Theorem 3.5.8 Trivially fulfilled BSPs*)
lemma Trivially_fulfilled_FCD_Nabla_Υ_empty: 
"∇⇘Γ={}  Υ⇘Γ={} FCD Γ 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙" 
proof -
  assume "∇⇘Γ={}  Υ⇘Γ={}"
  thus ?thesis
  proof(rule disjE)
    assume "∇⇘Γ={}" thus ?thesis
      by (simp add: FCD_def)
    assume " Υ⇘Γ={}" thus ?thesis
      by (simp add: FCD_def)

lemma Trivially_fulfilled_FCD_N_subseteq_Δ_and_BSD: 
"N⇘𝒱 Δ⇘Γ; BSD 𝒱 Tr⇘ES  FCD Γ 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙"
proof -
  assume "N⇘𝒱 Δ⇘Γ⇙"
     and "BSD 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙"
    fix α β c v
    assume "c  C⇘𝒱 Υ⇘Γ⇙"
       and "v  V⇘𝒱 ∇⇘Γ⇙"
       and "β @ [c,v] @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙"
       and "αC⇘𝒱= []"
    from c  C⇘𝒱 Υ⇘Γ⇙› have "c  C⇘𝒱⇙"
      by auto
    from v  V⇘𝒱 ∇⇘Γ⇙› have "v  V⇘𝒱⇙"
      by auto
    let ="[v] @ α"
    from v  V⇘𝒱⇙› αC⇘𝒱= [] have "C⇘𝒱=[]"
      using VIsViewOnE 
      unfolding isViewOn_def V_valid_def VC_disjoint_def projection_def by auto
    from β @ [c,v] @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙› have "β @ [c] @   Tr⇘ES⇙"
      by auto
    from BSD 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙› 
    obtain α' 
      where "β @ α'  Tr⇘ES⇙"
        and "α'V⇘𝒱= ([v] @ α)V⇘𝒱⇙"
        and "α'C⇘𝒱= []"
      using c  C⇘𝒱⇙›  β @ [c] @   Tr⇘ES⇙› C⇘𝒱= [] 
      unfolding BSD_def by auto 

    fromv  V⇘𝒱⇙› α'V⇘𝒱= ([v] @ α)V⇘𝒱⇙› have "α'V⇘𝒱= [v] @ αV⇘𝒱⇙" 
      by (simp add: projection_def)
    then obtain δ α''
      where "α'=δ @ [v] @ α''"
        and "δV⇘𝒱= []"
        and "α''V⇘𝒱= αV⇘𝒱⇙"
       using projection_split_first_with_suffix by fastforce 

    from α'C⇘𝒱= [] α'=δ @ [v] @ α'' have "δC⇘𝒱=[]"
      by (metis append_is_Nil_conv projection_concatenation_commute) 
    from α'C⇘𝒱= [] α'=δ @ [v] @ α'' have "α''C⇘𝒱=[]" 
      by (metis append_is_Nil_conv projection_concatenation_commute) 
    from β @ α'  Tr⇘ES⇙› have "set α'  E⇘ES⇙" using validES 
      unfolding ES_valid_def traces_contain_events_def by auto
    with  α'=δ @ [v] @ α'' have "set δ  E⇘ES⇙"
      by auto
    with  δC⇘𝒱=[] δV⇘𝒱= [] ‹N⇘𝒱 Δ⇘Γ⇙›
    have "(set δ)  (N⇘𝒱 Δ⇘Γ)" 
      using VIsViewOnE projection_empty_implies_absence_of_events  
      unfolding isViewOn_def projection_def by blast
    let =β and ?δ'=δ and ?α'=α''
    from (set δ)  (N⇘𝒱 Δ⇘Γ) β @ α'  Tr⇘ES⇙› α'=δ @ [v] @ α'' 
            α''V⇘𝒱= αV⇘𝒱⇙› α''C⇘𝒱=[]
    have "(set ?δ')(N⇘𝒱 Δ⇘Γ)   @ ?δ' @ [v] @ ?α'  Tr⇘ES ?α'V⇘𝒱=αV⇘𝒱 ?α'C⇘𝒱=[]"
      by auto
    hence "α''' δ''. (set δ'')  (N⇘𝒱 Δ⇘Γ)  (β @ δ'' @ [v] @ α''')  Tr⇘ES α'''  V⇘𝒱= α  V⇘𝒱 α'''  C⇘𝒱= []" 
      by auto 
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding FCD_def by auto  

(* Mantel's PhD thesis, Theorem 3.5.16 Trivially fulfilled BSPs*)
lemma Trivially_fulfilled_SI_C_empty:  
"C⇘𝒱= {}  SI 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙" 
  by (simp add: SI_def)

lemma Trivially_fulfilled_BSI_C_empty: 
"C⇘𝒱= {}  BSI 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙"
  by (simp add: BSI_def)

lemma Trivially_fulfilled_I_C_empty:  
"C⇘𝒱= {}  I 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙" 
  by (simp add: I_def)

lemma Trivially_fulfilled_FCI_C_empty:  
"C⇘𝒱= {}  FCI Γ 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙"
  by (simp add: FCI_def)

lemma Trivially_fulfilled_SIA_C_empty:  
"C⇘𝒱= {}  SIA ρ 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙" 
  by (simp add: SIA_def)

lemma Trivially_fulfilled_BSIA_C_empty: 
"C⇘𝒱= {}  BSIA ρ 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙"
  by (simp add: BSIA_def)

lemma Trivially_fulfilled_IA_C_empty:  
"C⇘𝒱= {}  IA ρ 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙" 
  by (simp add: IA_def)

lemma Trivially_fulfilled_FCIA_C_empty:  
"C⇘𝒱= {}  FCIA Γ ρ 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙" 
  by (simp add: FCIA_def)

lemma Trivially_fulfilled_FCI_V_empty: 
"V⇘𝒱= {}  FCI Γ 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙"
  by (simp add: FCI_def)

lemma Trivially_fulfilled_FCIA_V_empty: 
"V⇘𝒱= {}  FCIA ρ Γ 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙"
  by (simp add: FCIA_def)

lemma Trivially_fulfilled_BSIA_V_empty_rho_subseteq_C_N: 
"V⇘𝒱= {}; ρ 𝒱  (C⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱)   BSIA ρ  𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙" 
proof -
  assume "V⇘𝒱={}"
     and "ρ 𝒱  (C⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱)"
    fix α β c 
    assume "c  C⇘𝒱⇙" 
       and "β @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙"
       and "αC⇘𝒱=[]"
       and "Adm 𝒱 ρ Tr⇘ESβ c"
    from Adm 𝒱 ρ Tr⇘ESβ c 
    obtain γ 
      where "γ @ [c]  Tr⇘ES⇙"
        and "γ(ρ 𝒱) = β(ρ 𝒱)"
      unfolding Adm_def by auto
    from this(1) have "γ  Tr⇘ES⇙" 
      using validES 
      unfolding ES_valid_def traces_prefixclosed_def prefixclosed_def prefix_def by auto 
    from β @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙› have "β  Tr⇘ES⇙"
      using validES
      unfolding ES_valid_def traces_prefixclosed_def prefixclosed_def prefix_def by auto
    have "βE⇘ES=γE⇘ES⇙" 
      using validES VIsViewOnE ‹V⇘𝒱={} γ(ρ 𝒱) = β(ρ 𝒱) ρ 𝒱  (C⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱) 
      unfolding ES_valid_def isViewOn_def traces_contain_events_def 
      by (metis  empty_subsetI sup_absorb2 sup_commute)
    hence "β @ [c]  Tr⇘ES⇙" using validES γ @ [c]  Tr⇘ES⇙› β  Tr⇘ES⇙› γ  Tr⇘ES⇙›
      unfolding ES_valid_def traces_contain_events_def 
      by (metis  list_subset_iff_projection_neutral subsetI)
    let ?α'="[]"
    from β @ [c]  Tr⇘ES⇙› ‹V⇘𝒱= {} 
    have "β @ [c] @ ?α' Tr⇘ES ?α'V⇘𝒱= αV⇘𝒱 ?α'C⇘𝒱= []" 
      by (simp add: projection_on_empty_trace projection_to_emptyset_is_empty_trace)
    hence " α'. β @ [c] @ α' Tr⇘ES α'V⇘𝒱= αV⇘𝒱 α'C⇘𝒱= []" 
      by auto  
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding BSIA_def by auto

lemma Trivially_fulfilled_IA_V_empty_rho_subseteq_C_N: 
"V⇘𝒱= {}; ρ 𝒱  (C⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱)   IA ρ  𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙" 
proof -
  assume "V⇘𝒱={}"
     and "ρ 𝒱  (C⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱)"
    fix α β c 
    assume "c  C⇘𝒱⇙" 
       and "β @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙"
       and "αC⇘𝒱=[]"
       and "Adm 𝒱 ρ Tr⇘ESβ c"
    from Adm 𝒱 ρ Tr⇘ESβ c
    obtain γ 
      where "γ @ [c]  Tr⇘ES⇙"
        and "γ(ρ 𝒱) = β(ρ 𝒱)"
        unfolding Adm_def by auto
    from this(1) have "γ  Tr⇘ES⇙"
      using validES 
      unfolding ES_valid_def traces_prefixclosed_def prefixclosed_def prefix_def by auto 
    from β @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙› have "β  Tr⇘ES⇙" using validES
      unfolding ES_valid_def traces_prefixclosed_def prefixclosed_def prefix_def by auto
    have "βE⇘ES=γE⇘ES⇙" 
      using validES VIsViewOnE ‹V⇘𝒱={} γ(ρ 𝒱) = β(ρ 𝒱) ρ 𝒱  (C⇘𝒱 N⇘𝒱) 
      unfolding ES_valid_def isViewOn_def traces_contain_events_def 
      by (metis  empty_subsetI sup_absorb2 sup_commute)
    hence "β @ [c]  Tr⇘ES⇙" using validES γ @ [c]  Tr⇘ES⇙› β  Tr⇘ES⇙› γ  Tr⇘ES⇙›
      unfolding ES_valid_def traces_contain_events_def 
      by (metis  list_subset_iff_projection_neutral subsetI)
    let ?β'=β and ?α'="[]"
    from β @ [c]  Tr⇘ES⇙› ‹V⇘𝒱= {} 
    have "?β' @ [c] @ ?α' Tr⇘ES ?α'V⇘𝒱= αV⇘𝒱 ?α'C⇘𝒱= [] 
               ?β'(V⇘𝒱 C⇘𝒱) = β(V⇘𝒱 C⇘𝒱)" 
      by (simp add: projection_on_empty_trace projection_to_emptyset_is_empty_trace)
    hence " α' β'. 
              β' @ [c] @ α' Tr⇘ES α'V⇘𝒱= αV⇘𝒱 α'C⇘𝒱= [] 
                 β'(V⇘𝒱 C⇘𝒱) = β(V⇘𝒱 C⇘𝒱)"
      by auto  
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding IA_def by auto

lemma Trivially_fulfilled_BSI_V_empty_total_ES_C: 
"V⇘𝒱= {}; total ES C⇘𝒱  BSI 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙" 
proof -
  assume "V⇘𝒱= {}"
     and "total ES C⇘𝒱⇙"  
   fix α β c
   assume "β @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙"
      and "αC⇘𝒱=[]"
      and "c  C⇘𝒱⇙"
   from β @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙› have "β  Tr⇘ES⇙" 
    using validES
    unfolding ES_valid_def traces_prefixclosed_def prefixclosed_def prefix_def by auto
   with total ES C⇘𝒱⇙› have "β @ [c]  Tr⇘ES⇙" 
    using c  C⇘𝒱⇙›  unfolding total_def by auto
   from ‹V⇘𝒱= {} have "αV⇘𝒱=[]"
     unfolding projection_def by auto
   have "α'. β @ [c] @ α'  Tr⇘ES α'V⇘𝒱=αV⇘𝒱 α'C⇘𝒱=[]" 
    using α  C⇘𝒱= []  by (metis append_Nil2 projection_idempotent)     
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding BSI_def by auto

lemma Trivially_fulfilled_I_V_empty_total_ES_C: 
"V⇘𝒱= {}; total ES C⇘𝒱  I 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙" 
proof -
  assume "V⇘𝒱= {}"
     and "total ES C⇘𝒱⇙"  
   fix α β c
   assume "c  C⇘𝒱⇙"
      and "β @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙"
      and "αC⇘𝒱=[]"
   from β @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙› have "β  Tr⇘ES⇙" 
     using validES
     unfolding ES_valid_def traces_prefixclosed_def prefixclosed_def prefix_def by auto
   with total ES C⇘𝒱⇙› have "β @ [c]  Tr⇘ES⇙"
     using c  C⇘𝒱⇙›  unfolding total_def by auto
   from ‹V⇘𝒱= {} have "αV⇘𝒱=[]"
     unfolding projection_def by auto
   have "β' α'. 
          β' @ [c] @ α'  Tr⇘ES α'V⇘𝒱=αV⇘𝒱 α'C⇘𝒱=[]  β'(V⇘𝒱 C⇘𝒱) = β(V⇘𝒱 C⇘𝒱)" 
    using α  C⇘𝒱= [] by (metis append_Nil2 projection_idempotent)     
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding I_def by blast

(* Mantel's PhD thesis, Theorem 3.5.17 Trivially fulfilled BSPs*)
lemma Trivially_fulfilled_FCI_Nabla_Υ_empty: 
"∇⇘Γ={}  Υ⇘Γ={} FCI Γ 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙" 
proof -
  assume "∇⇘Γ={}  Υ⇘Γ={}"
  thus ?thesis
  proof(rule disjE)
    assume "∇⇘Γ={}" thus ?thesis
      by (simp add: FCI_def)
    assume " Υ⇘Γ={}" thus ?thesis
      by (simp add: FCI_def)

lemma Trivially_fulfilled_FCIA_Nabla_Υ_empty: 
"∇⇘Γ={}  Υ⇘Γ={} FCIA ρ Γ 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙" 
proof -
  assume "∇⇘Γ={}  Υ⇘Γ={}"
  thus ?thesis
  proof(rule disjE)
    assume "∇⇘Γ={}" thus ?thesis
      by (simp add: FCIA_def)
    assume " Υ⇘Γ={}" thus ?thesis
      by (simp add: FCIA_def)

lemma Trivially_fulfilled_FCI_N_subseteq_Δ_and_BSI: 
"N⇘𝒱 Δ⇘Γ; BSI 𝒱 Tr⇘ES  FCI Γ 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙" 
proof -
  assume "N⇘𝒱 Δ⇘Γ⇙"
     and "BSI 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙"
    fix α β c v
    assume "c  C⇘𝒱 Υ⇘Γ⇙"
       and "v  V⇘𝒱 ∇⇘Γ⇙"
       and "β @ [v] @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙"
       and "αC⇘𝒱= []"
    from c  C⇘𝒱 Υ⇘Γ⇙› have "c  C⇘𝒱⇙"
      by auto
    from v  V⇘𝒱 ∇⇘Γ⇙› have "v  V⇘𝒱⇙"
      by auto
    let ="[v] @ α"
    from v  V⇘𝒱⇙› αC⇘𝒱= [] have "C⇘𝒱=[]"
      using VIsViewOnE 
      unfolding isViewOn_def V_valid_def VC_disjoint_def projection_def by auto
    from β @ [v] @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙› have "β @    Tr⇘ES⇙"
      by auto
    from BSI 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙› 
    obtain α' 
      where "β @ [c] @ α'  Tr⇘ES⇙"
        and "α'V⇘𝒱= ([v] @ α)V⇘𝒱⇙"
        and "α'C⇘𝒱= []"
      using c  C⇘𝒱⇙›  β @   Tr⇘ES⇙› C⇘𝒱= [] 
      unfolding BSI_def by blast 

    fromv  V⇘𝒱⇙› α'V⇘𝒱= ([v] @ α)V⇘𝒱⇙› have "α'V⇘𝒱= [v] @ αV⇘𝒱⇙" 
      by (simp add: projection_def)
    obtain δ α''
      where "α'=δ @ [v] @ α''"
        and "δV⇘𝒱= []"
        and "α''V⇘𝒱= αV⇘𝒱⇙"
       using projection_split_first_with_suffix by fastforce 

    from α'C⇘𝒱= [] α'=δ @ [v] @ α'' have "δC⇘𝒱=[]"
      by (metis append_is_Nil_conv projection_concatenation_commute) 
    from α'C⇘𝒱= [] α'=δ @ [v] @ α'' have "α''C⇘𝒱=[]" 
      by (metis append_is_Nil_conv projection_concatenation_commute) 
    from β @ [c] @ α'  Tr⇘ES⇙› have "set α'  E⇘ES⇙" 
      using validES 
      unfolding ES_valid_def traces_contain_events_def by auto
    with  α'=δ @ [v] @ α'' have "set δ  E⇘ES⇙" 
      by auto
    with  δC⇘𝒱=[] δV⇘𝒱= [] ‹N⇘𝒱 Δ⇘Γ⇙›
    have "(set δ)  (N⇘𝒱 Δ⇘Γ)"
      using VIsViewOnE projection_empty_implies_absence_of_events  
      unfolding isViewOn_def projection_def by blast
    let =β and ?δ'=δ and ?α'=α''
    from (set δ)  (N⇘𝒱 Δ⇘Γ) β @ [c] @ α'  Tr⇘ES⇙› α'=δ @ [v] @ α'' 
            α''V⇘𝒱= αV⇘𝒱⇙› α''C⇘𝒱=[]
    have "(set ?δ')(N⇘𝒱 Δ⇘Γ)   @ [c] @ ?δ' @ [v] @ ?α'  Tr⇘ES ?α'V⇘𝒱=αV⇘𝒱 ?α'C⇘𝒱=[]"
      by auto
    hence "α''' δ''. (set δ'')  (N⇘𝒱 Δ⇘Γ)  (β @ [c] @ δ'' @ [v] @ α''')  Tr⇘ES α'''  V⇘𝒱= α  V⇘𝒱 α'''  C⇘𝒱= []" 
      by auto 
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding FCI_def by auto  

lemma Trivially_fulfilled_FCIA_N_subseteq_Δ_and_BSIA: 
"N⇘𝒱 Δ⇘Γ; BSIA ρ 𝒱 Tr⇘ES  FCIA ρ Γ 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙" 
proof -
  assume "N⇘𝒱 Δ⇘Γ⇙"
     and "BSIA ρ 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙"
    fix α β c v
    assume "c  C⇘𝒱 Υ⇘Γ⇙"
       and "v  V⇘𝒱 ∇⇘Γ⇙"
       and "β @ [v] @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙"
       and "αC⇘𝒱= []"
       and "Adm 𝒱 ρ Tr⇘ESβ c"
    from c  C⇘𝒱 Υ⇘Γ⇙› have "c  C⇘𝒱⇙" 
      by auto
    from v  V⇘𝒱 ∇⇘Γ⇙› have "v  V⇘𝒱⇙" 
      by auto
    let ="[v] @ α"
    from v  V⇘𝒱⇙› αC⇘𝒱= [] have "C⇘𝒱=[]"
      using VIsViewOnE 
      unfolding isViewOn_def V_valid_def VC_disjoint_def projection_def by auto
    from β @ [v] @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙› have "β @    Tr⇘ES⇙" 
      by auto
    from BSIA ρ 𝒱 Tr⇘ES⇙› 
    obtain α' 
      where "β @ [c] @ α'  Tr⇘ES⇙"
        and "α'V⇘𝒱= ([v] @ α)V⇘𝒱⇙"
        and "α'C⇘𝒱= []"
      using c  C⇘𝒱⇙›  β @   Tr⇘ES⇙› C⇘𝒱= [] Adm 𝒱 ρ Tr⇘ESβ c 
      unfolding BSIA_def by blast 

    fromv  V⇘𝒱⇙› α'V⇘𝒱= ([v] @ α)V⇘𝒱⇙› have "α'V⇘𝒱= [v] @ αV⇘𝒱⇙" 
      by (simp add: projection_def)
    obtain δ α''
      where "α'=δ @ [v] @ α''"
        and "δV⇘𝒱= []"
        and "α''V⇘𝒱= αV⇘𝒱⇙"
       using projection_split_first_with_suffix by fastforce 

    from α'C⇘𝒱= [] α'=δ @ [v] @ α'' have "δC⇘𝒱=[]"
      by (metis append_is_Nil_conv projection_concatenation_commute) 
    from α'C⇘𝒱= [] α'=δ @ [v] @ α'' have "α''C⇘𝒱=[]" 
      by (metis append_is_Nil_conv projection_concatenation_commute) 
    from β @ [c] @ α'  Tr⇘ES⇙› have "set α'  E⇘ES⇙" 
      using validES 
      unfolding ES_valid_def traces_contain_events_def by auto
    with  α'=δ @ [v] @ α'' have "set δ  E⇘ES⇙" 
      by auto
    with  δC⇘𝒱=[] δV⇘𝒱= [] ‹N⇘𝒱 Δ⇘Γ⇙›
    have "(set δ)  (N⇘𝒱 Δ⇘Γ)" using VIsViewOnE projection_empty_implies_absence_of_events  
      unfolding isViewOn_def projection_def by blast
    let =β and ?δ'=δ and ?α'=α''
    from (set δ)  (N⇘𝒱 Δ⇘Γ) β @ [c] @ α'  Tr⇘ES⇙› α'=δ @ [v] @ α'' 
            α''V⇘𝒱= αV⇘𝒱⇙› α''C⇘𝒱=[]
    have "(set ?δ')(N⇘𝒱 Δ⇘Γ)   @ [c] @ ?δ' @ [v] @ ?α'  Tr⇘ES ?α'V⇘𝒱=αV⇘𝒱 ?α'C⇘𝒱=[]"
      by auto
    hence "α''' δ''. (set δ'')  (N⇘𝒱 Δ⇘Γ)  (β @ [c] @ δ'' @ [v] @ α''')  Tr⇘ES α'''  V⇘𝒱= α  V⇘𝒱 α'''  C⇘𝒱= []" 
      by auto 
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding FCIA_def by auto  


context BSPTaxonomyDifferentViewsFirstDim
(* lemma taken from lemma 3.5.2 in Heiko Mantel's dissertation *)
lemma R_implies_R_for_modified_view: 
"R 𝒱1 Tr⇘ES R 𝒱2 Tr⇘ES⇙"
proof -
  assume R_𝒱1: "R 𝒱1 Tr⇘ES⇙"
    fix τ
    assume "τ  Tr⇘ES⇙" 
    with R_𝒱1 have " τ'  Tr⇘ES.  τ'  C⇘𝒱1= []  τ'  V⇘𝒱1= τ  V⇘𝒱1⇙"
      unfolding R_def by auto 
    hence " τ'  Tr⇘ES.  τ'  C⇘𝒱2= []  τ'  V⇘𝒱2= τ  V⇘𝒱2⇙" 
      using  V2_subset_V1  C2_subset_C1  non_empty_projection_on_subset projection_on_subset by blast
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding R_def by auto

lemma BSD_implies_BSD_for_modified_view: 
"BSD 𝒱1 Tr⇘ES BSD 𝒱2 Tr⇘ES⇙"
  assume BSD_𝒱1: "BSD 𝒱1 Tr⇘ES⇙"
    fix α β c n 
    assume  c_in_C2: "c  C⇘𝒱2⇙" 
    from C2_subset_C1  c_in_C2  have c_in_C1: "c  C⇘𝒱1⇙"
      by auto 
    have "β @ [c] @ α  Tr⇘ES; α  C⇘𝒱2=[]; n= length(α  C⇘𝒱1)
              α'. β @ α'  Tr⇘ES α' V⇘𝒱2= α V⇘𝒱2 α' C⇘𝒱2= []"
    proof(induct n arbitrary: α  )        
      case 0
        from "0.prems"(3) have "α  C⇘𝒱1= []" by auto
        with c_in_C1 "0.prems"(1) 
          have " α'. β @ α'  Tr⇘ES α'  V⇘𝒱1= α  V⇘𝒱1 α' C⇘𝒱1=[]"
          using BSD_𝒱1 unfolding BSD_def by auto
        obtain α' where "β @ α'  Tr⇘ES⇙"
                    and "α'  V⇘𝒱1= α  V⇘𝒱1⇙"
                    and "α' C⇘𝒱1=[]"
          by auto
        from V2_subset_V1  α'  V⇘𝒱1= α  V⇘𝒱1⇙›  have  "α' V⇘𝒱2= α V⇘𝒱2⇙" 
          using non_empty_projection_on_subset by blast
        from α' C⇘𝒱1=[]  C2_subset_C1 have "α'  C⇘𝒱2= []" 
          using projection_on_subset by auto
        show ?case 
          using β @ α'  Tr⇘ES⇙› by auto
      case (Suc n)
        from "Suc.prems"(3) projection_split_last[OF "Suc.prems"(3)]  
        obtain γ1 γ2 c1 where c1_in_C1: "c1  C⇘𝒱1⇙"
                         and "α = γ1 @ [c1] @ γ2" 
                         and "γ2 C⇘𝒱1= []" 
                         and "n = length((γ1 @ γ2) C⇘𝒱1)"
          by auto
        from  "Suc.prems"(2) α = γ1 @ [c1] @ γ2 have "γ1  C⇘𝒱2= []"
          by (simp add: projection_concatenation_commute)
        from  "Suc.prems"(1) α = γ1 @ [c1] @ γ2 
        obtain β' where "β'=β @ [c] @ γ1"
                    and "β' @ [c1] @ γ2  Tr⇘ES⇙"
          by auto
        from β' @ [c1] @ γ2  Tr⇘ES⇙›  γ2 C⇘𝒱1= [] c1  C⇘𝒱1⇙› 
        obtain γ2' where " β' @ γ2'  Tr⇘ES⇙"
                    and "γ2'  V⇘𝒱1= γ2  V⇘𝒱1⇙"
                    and "γ2' C⇘𝒱1=[]"
          using BSD_𝒱1  unfolding BSD_def by auto
        from β'=β @ [c] @ γ1 β' @ γ2'  Tr⇘ES⇙›  have "β @ [c] @ γ1 @ γ2'  Tr⇘ES⇙"
          by auto 
        from  γ1  C⇘𝒱2=[]  γ2' C⇘𝒱1=[] C2_subset_C1 have "(γ1 @ γ2')  C⇘𝒱2=[]" 
          by (metis append_Nil projection_concatenation_commute projection_on_subset)
        from n = length((γ1 @ γ2) C⇘𝒱1) γ2 C⇘𝒱1= [] γ2' C⇘𝒱1=[] 
        have "n = length((γ1 @ γ2') C⇘𝒱1)"
          by (simp add: projection_concatenation_commute)
        have witness: " α'. β @ α'  Tr⇘ES α' V⇘𝒱2= (γ1 @ γ2') V⇘𝒱2 α' C⇘𝒱2= []" 
          using  Suc.hyps by auto
        from  𝒱1IsViewOnE 𝒱2IsViewOnE V2_subset_V1 C2_subset_C1  c1_in_C1 have "c1  V⇘𝒱2⇙"  
          unfolding isViewOn_def V_valid_def  VC_disjoint_def by auto
        with α = γ1 @ [c1] @ γ2 have "α  V⇘𝒱2= (γ1 @ γ2)  V⇘𝒱2⇙" 
          unfolding projection_def by auto
        hence "α  V⇘𝒱2= γ1  V⇘𝒱2@ γ2  V⇘𝒱2⇙ " 
          using projection_concatenation_commute by auto
        with V2_subset_V1 γ2'  V⇘𝒱1= γ2  V⇘𝒱1⇙›
        have "γ1  V⇘𝒱2@ γ2  V⇘𝒱2= γ1 V⇘𝒱2@ γ2'  V⇘𝒱2⇙" 
          using non_empty_projection_on_subset by metis
        with α  V⇘𝒱2= γ1  V⇘𝒱2@ γ2  V⇘𝒱2⇙› have "α  V⇘𝒱2= (γ1 @ γ2')  V⇘𝒱2⇙"
          by (simp add: projection_concatenation_commute)
       from witness  α  V⇘𝒱2= (γ1 @ γ2')  V⇘𝒱2⇙› 
       show ?case 
         by auto
  thus ?thesis 
    unfolding BSD_def by auto

lemma D_implies_D_for_modified_view: 
"D 𝒱1 Tr⇘ES D 𝒱2 Tr⇘ES⇙"
  assume D_𝒱1: "D 𝒱1 Tr⇘ES⇙"
   from V2_subset_V1 C2_subset_C1
    have V2_union_C2_subset_V1_union_C1: "V⇘𝒱2 C⇘𝒱2 V⇘𝒱1 C⇘𝒱1⇙" by auto
    fix α β c n 
    assume  c_in_C2: "c  C⇘𝒱2⇙" 
    from C2_subset_C1  c_in_C2  have c_in_C1: "c  C⇘𝒱1⇙" 
      by auto 
    have "β @ [c] @ α  Tr⇘ES; α  C⇘𝒱2=[]; n= length(α  C⇘𝒱1)
              α' β'. 
                  β' @ α'  Tr⇘ES α' V⇘𝒱2= α V⇘𝒱2 α' C⇘𝒱2= [] 
                      β' (V⇘𝒱2 C⇘𝒱2) = β (V⇘𝒱2 C⇘𝒱2) "
    proof(induct n arbitrary: α β )        
      case 0
        from "0.prems"(3) have "α  C⇘𝒱1= []" by auto
        with c_in_C1 "0.prems"(1) 
        have " α' β'. 
                β' @ α'  Tr⇘ES α'  V⇘𝒱1= α  V⇘𝒱1 α' C⇘𝒱1=[] 
                   β' (V⇘𝒱1 C⇘𝒱1) = β (V⇘𝒱1 C⇘𝒱1)"
          using D_𝒱1 unfolding D_def by fastforce
        obtain β' α' where "β' @ α'  Tr⇘ES⇙"
                      and "α'  V⇘𝒱1= α  V⇘𝒱1⇙"
                      and "α' C⇘𝒱1=[]"
                      and "β' (V⇘𝒱1 C⇘𝒱1) = β (V⇘𝒱1 C⇘𝒱1)" 
          by auto
        from V2_subset_V1  α'  V⇘𝒱1= α  V⇘𝒱1⇙›  have  "α' V⇘𝒱2= α V⇘𝒱2⇙" 
          using non_empty_projection_on_subset by blast
        from α' C⇘𝒱1=[]  C2_subset_C1 have "α'  C⇘𝒱2= []"
          using projection_on_subset by auto
        from β' (V⇘𝒱1 C⇘𝒱1) = β (V⇘𝒱1 C⇘𝒱1)  V2_union_C2_subset_V1_union_C1 
        have "β' (V⇘𝒱2 C⇘𝒱2) = β (V⇘𝒱2 C⇘𝒱2)"
          using non_empty_projection_on_subset by blast
        show ?case 
          using β' @ α'  Tr⇘ES⇙› by auto
      case (Suc n)
        from "Suc.prems"(3) projection_split_last[OF "Suc.prems"(3)]  
        obtain γ1 γ2 c1 where c1_in_C1: "c1  C⇘𝒱1⇙"
                         and "α = γ1 @ [c1] @ γ2" 
                         and "γ2 C⇘𝒱1= []" 
                         and "n = length((γ1 @ γ2) C⇘𝒱1)" 
          by auto
        from  "Suc.prems"(2) α = γ1 @ [c1] @ γ2 have "γ1  C⇘𝒱2= []" 
          by (simp add: projection_concatenation_commute)
        from  "Suc.prems"(1) α = γ1 @ [c1] @ γ2 
        obtain β' where "β'=β @ [c] @ γ1"
                    and "β' @ [c1] @ γ2  Tr⇘ES⇙"
          by auto
        from β' @ [c1] @ γ2  Tr⇘ES⇙›  γ2 C⇘𝒱1= [] c1  C⇘𝒱1⇙› 
        obtain γ2'  β'' where " β'' @ γ2'  Tr⇘ES⇙"
                         and "γ2'  V⇘𝒱1= γ2  V⇘𝒱1⇙"
                         and "γ2' C⇘𝒱1=[]"
                         and "β'' (V⇘𝒱1 C⇘𝒱1) = β' (V⇘𝒱1 C⇘𝒱1)" 
          using D_𝒱1  unfolding D_def by force
        from  c_in_C1 have "c  V⇘𝒱1 C⇘𝒱1⇙"
          by auto  
        from  β'' (V⇘𝒱1 C⇘𝒱1) = β' (V⇘𝒱1 C⇘𝒱1) β'=β @ [c] @ γ1  
        have "β'' (V⇘𝒱1 C⇘𝒱1) = (β @ [c] @ γ1) (V⇘𝒱1 C⇘𝒱1)"
          by auto 
        have " β''' γ1'. β''=β'''@ [c] @ γ1' 
                            β'''  (V⇘𝒱1 C⇘𝒱1) = β (V⇘𝒱1 C⇘𝒱1) 
                            γ1'(V⇘𝒱1 C⇘𝒱1) = γ1 (V⇘𝒱1 C⇘𝒱1)" 
          using projection_split_arbitrary_element by fast
        obtain β''' γ1' where "β''= β''' @ [c] @ γ1'" 
                         and  "β'''  (V⇘𝒱1 C⇘𝒱1) = β (V⇘𝒱1 C⇘𝒱1)"
                         and  "γ1'(V⇘𝒱1 C⇘𝒱1) = γ1 (V⇘𝒱1 C⇘𝒱1)" 
          using projection_split_arbitrary_element  by auto 
        from β'' @ γ2'  Tr⇘ES⇙› this(1)
        have "β''' @ [c] @ γ1' @ γ2'  Tr⇘ES⇙"
          by simp    

        from γ2' C⇘𝒱1=[] have "γ2'  C⇘𝒱2=[]"
          using C2_subset_C1 projection_on_subset by auto
        from γ1  C⇘𝒱2= [] γ1'(V⇘𝒱1 C⇘𝒱1) = γ1 (V⇘𝒱1 C⇘𝒱1) 
        have "γ1' C⇘𝒱2= []" using C2_subset_C1 V2_subset_V1 
          by (metis non_empty_projection_on_subset projection_subset_eq_from_superset_eq sup_commute)               
        have "(γ1' @ γ2')C⇘𝒱2= []" 
          by (simp add: projection_concatenation_commute)
        from γ1'(V⇘𝒱1 C⇘𝒱1) = γ1 (V⇘𝒱1 C⇘𝒱1) have "γ1'C⇘𝒱1= γ1C⇘𝒱1⇙" 
          using projection_subset_eq_from_superset_eq sup_commute by metis
        hence "length(γ1'C⇘𝒱1) = length(γ1C⇘𝒱1)" by simp
        from γ2 C⇘𝒱1= [] γ2'C⇘𝒱1=[] have "length(γ2'C⇘𝒱1) = length(γ2C⇘𝒱1)"
          by simp
        have "n=length((γ1' @ γ2')C⇘𝒱1)" 
          by (simp add: n = length ((γ1 @ γ2)  C⇘𝒱1) projection_concatenation_commute)

        from β''' @ [c] @ γ1' @ γ2'  Tr⇘ES⇙› (γ1' @ γ2')C⇘𝒱2= [] n=length((γ1' @ γ2')C⇘𝒱1) 
        have witness: 
        " α' β'. β' @ α'  Tr⇘ES α'  V⇘𝒱2= ( γ1' @ γ2')   V⇘𝒱2 α'  C⇘𝒱2= []  β'  (V⇘𝒱2 C⇘𝒱2) = β'''  (V⇘𝒱2 C⇘𝒱2)" 
          using Suc.hyps[OF β''' @ [c] @ γ1' @ γ2'  Tr⇘ES⇙›] by simp
        from V2_union_C2_subset_V1_union_C1  β'''  (V⇘𝒱1 C⇘𝒱1) = β (V⇘𝒱1 C⇘𝒱1) 
        have "β'''  (V⇘𝒱2 C⇘𝒱2) = β (V⇘𝒱2 C⇘𝒱2)"
          using non_empty_projection_on_subset by blast
        from  𝒱1IsViewOnE 𝒱2IsViewOnE V2_subset_V1 C2_subset_C1  c1_in_C1 have "c1  V⇘𝒱2⇙"  
          unfolding isViewOn_def V_valid_def  VC_disjoint_def by auto
        with α = γ1 @ [c1] @ γ2 have "α  V⇘𝒱2= (γ1 @ γ2)  V⇘𝒱2⇙"
          unfolding projection_def by auto
        from V2_subset_V1 γ2'  V⇘𝒱1= γ2  V⇘𝒱1⇙› have "γ2'  V⇘𝒱2= γ2  V⇘𝒱2⇙"
           using V2_subset_V1 by (metis projection_subset_eq_from_superset_eq subset_Un_eq)
        from γ1'(V⇘𝒱1 C⇘𝒱1) = γ1 (V⇘𝒱1 C⇘𝒱1) have "γ1'  V⇘𝒱2= γ1  V⇘𝒱2⇙" 
          using V2_subset_V1 by (metis projection_subset_eq_from_superset_eq subset_Un_eq)
        have "α  V⇘𝒱2= (γ1' @ γ2')  V⇘𝒱2⇙" using α  V⇘𝒱2= (γ1 @ γ2)  V⇘𝒱2⇙›
          by (simp add: projection_concatenation_commute)

        from β'''  (V⇘𝒱2 C⇘𝒱2) = β (V⇘𝒱2 C⇘𝒱2) α  V⇘𝒱2= (γ1' @ γ2')  V⇘𝒱2⇙›
        show ?case
          using witness by simp
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding D_def by auto 

context BSPTaxonomyDifferentViewsSecondDim
(* lemma taken from lemma 3.5.5 from Heiko Mantel's dissertation*)
lemma FCD_implies_FCD_for_modified_view_gamma: 
"FCD Γ1 𝒱1 Tr⇘ES; 
     V⇘𝒱2∇⇘Γ2  V⇘𝒱1∇⇘Γ1;  N⇘𝒱2Δ⇘Γ2  N⇘𝒱1Δ⇘Γ1;  C⇘𝒱2Υ⇘Γ2  C⇘𝒱1Υ⇘Γ1
      FCD Γ2 𝒱2 Tr⇘ES⇙" 
proof -
  assume "FCD Γ1 𝒱1 Tr⇘ES⇙"
     and "V⇘𝒱2∇⇘Γ2  V⇘𝒱1∇⇘Γ1⇙"
     and "N⇘𝒱2Δ⇘Γ2  N⇘𝒱1Δ⇘Γ1⇙" 
     and "C⇘𝒱2Υ⇘Γ2  C⇘𝒱1Υ⇘Γ1⇙"
    fix α β v c
    assume "c  C⇘𝒱2Υ⇘Γ2⇙"
       and "v  V⇘𝒱2∇⇘Γ2⇙"
       and "β @ [c,v] @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙"
       and "αC⇘𝒱2= []"
    from c  C⇘𝒱2Υ⇘Γ2⇙› ‹C⇘𝒱2Υ⇘Γ2  C⇘𝒱1Υ⇘Γ1⇙› have "c   C⇘𝒱1Υ⇘Γ1⇙"
      by auto
    from v  V⇘𝒱2∇⇘Γ2⇙› ‹V⇘𝒱2∇⇘Γ2  V⇘𝒱1∇⇘Γ1⇙› have "v   V⇘𝒱1∇⇘Γ1⇙"
      by auto
    from C2_equals_C1 αC⇘𝒱2= [] have "αC⇘𝒱1= []"
      by auto
    obtain α' δ' where "(set δ')  (N⇘𝒱1 Δ⇘Γ1)"
                  and "β @ δ' @ [v] @ α'  Tr⇘ES⇙"
                  and "α'V⇘𝒱1= αV⇘𝒱1⇙"
                  and "α'C⇘𝒱1= []"
      using β @ [c,v] @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙› FCD Γ1 𝒱1 Tr⇘ES⇙› unfolding FCD_def by blast  
    from (set δ')  (N⇘𝒱1 Δ⇘Γ1) ‹N⇘𝒱2Δ⇘Γ2  N⇘𝒱1Δ⇘Γ1⇙› 
    have "(set δ')  (N⇘𝒱2 Δ⇘Γ2)"
      by auto
    from α'V⇘𝒱1= αV⇘𝒱1⇙› V2_subset_V1 have "α'V⇘𝒱2= αV⇘𝒱2⇙" 
    using non_empty_projection_on_subset by blast
    from C2_equals_C1 α'C⇘𝒱1= [] have "α'C⇘𝒱2= []"
      by auto
    have " δ' α'. (set δ')  (N⇘𝒱2 Δ⇘Γ2) 
                          β @ δ'@ [v] @ α'  Tr⇘ES α'V⇘𝒱2= αV⇘𝒱2 α'C⇘𝒱2= []"
      using β @ δ' @ [v] @ α'  Tr⇘ES⇙› by auto                
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding FCD_def by blast

(* lemma taken from lemma 3.5.10 in Heiko Mantel's dissertation*)
lemma SI_implies_SI_for_modified_view : 
"SI 𝒱1 Tr⇘ES SI 𝒱2 Tr⇘ES⇙"
proof -
  assume  SI: "SI 𝒱1 Tr⇘ES⇙"
    fix α β c
    assume "c  C⇘𝒱2⇙"
      and  "β @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙"
      and  alpha_C2_empty: "α  C⇘𝒱2= []"
    with  C2_equals_C1 have "c  C⇘𝒱1⇙"
      by auto  
    from   alpha_C2_empty C2_equals_C1 have "α  C⇘𝒱1= []"
      by auto
    have "β @ (c # α)  Tr⇘ES⇙"
      using SI  unfolding SI_def by auto
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding SI_def by auto  

(* lemma taken from lemma 3.5.10 in Heiko Mantel's dissertation*)
lemma BSI_implies_BSI_for_modified_view : 
"BSI 𝒱1 Tr⇘ES BSI 𝒱2 Tr⇘ES⇙"
proof -
  assume  BSI: "BSI 𝒱1 Tr⇘ES⇙"
    fix α β c
    assume "c  C⇘𝒱2⇙"
      and  "β @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙"
      and  alpha_C2_empty: "α  C⇘𝒱2= []"
    with  C2_equals_C1 have "c  C⇘𝒱1⇙"
      by auto  
    from   alpha_C2_empty C2_equals_C1 have "α  C⇘𝒱1= []"
      by auto
    have " α'. β @ [c] @ α'  Tr⇘ES α'  V⇘𝒱1= α  V⇘𝒱1 α'  C⇘𝒱1= []" 
      using BSI  unfolding BSI_def by auto
    with V2_subset_V1  C2_equals_C1
    have " α'. β @ [c] @ α'  Tr⇘ES α'  V⇘𝒱2= α  V⇘𝒱2 α'  C⇘𝒱2= []" 
      using non_empty_projection_on_subset by metis
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding BSI_def by auto  

(* lemma taken from lemma 3.5.10 in Heiko Mantel's dissertation*)
lemma I_implies_I_for_modified_view : 
"I 𝒱1 Tr⇘ES I 𝒱2 Tr⇘ES⇙"
proof -
  assume  I: "I 𝒱1 Tr⇘ES⇙"
  from V2_subset_V1 C2_equals_C1 have V2_union_C2_subset_V1_union_C1: "V⇘𝒱2 C⇘𝒱2 V⇘𝒱1 C⇘𝒱1⇙"
    by auto
    fix α β c
    assume "c  C⇘𝒱2⇙"
      and  "β @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙"
      and  alpha_C2_empty: "α  C⇘𝒱2= []"
    with C2_equals_C1 have "c  C⇘𝒱1⇙"
      by auto  
    from   alpha_C2_empty C2_equals_C1 have "α  C⇘𝒱1= []" 
      by auto
    have " α' β'. 
            β' @ [c] @ α'  Tr⇘ES α'  V⇘𝒱1= α  V⇘𝒱1 α'  C⇘𝒱1= [] 
               β'  (V⇘𝒱1 C⇘𝒱1) = β  (V⇘𝒱1 C⇘𝒱1)" 
      using I  unfolding I_def by auto
    with  V2_union_C2_subset_V1_union_C1 V2_subset_V1  C2_equals_C1
    have " α' β'. 
              β' @ [c] @ α'  Tr⇘ES α'  V⇘𝒱2= α  V⇘𝒱2 α'  C⇘𝒱2= []  
                 β'  (V⇘𝒱2 C⇘𝒱2) = β  (V⇘𝒱2 C⇘𝒱2)" 
      using non_empty_projection_on_subset by metis
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding I_def by auto  

(* lemma taken from lemma 3.5.10 in Heiko Mantel's dissertation*)
lemma SIA_implies_SIA_for_modified_view : 
"SIA ρ1 𝒱1 Tr⇘ES; ρ2(𝒱2)  ρ1(𝒱1)   SIA ρ2 𝒱2 Tr⇘ES⇙"
proof -
  assume  SIA: "SIA ρ1 𝒱1 Tr⇘ES⇙"
    and   ρ2_supseteq_ρ1: "ρ2(𝒱2)  ρ1(𝒱1)" 
    fix α β c
    assume "c  C⇘𝒱2⇙"
      and  "β @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙"
      and  alpha_C2_empty: "α  C⇘𝒱2= []"
      and admissible_c_ρ2_𝒱2:"Adm 𝒱2 ρ2 Tr⇘ESβ c"
    with  C2_equals_C1 have "c  C⇘𝒱1⇙"
      by auto  
    from   alpha_C2_empty C2_equals_C1 have "α  C⇘𝒱1= []"
      by auto
    from ρ2_supseteq_ρ1  admissible_c_ρ2_𝒱2 have "Adm 𝒱1 ρ1 Tr⇘ESβ c" 
      by (simp add: Adm_implies_Adm_for_modified_rho)
    have "β @ (c # α)  Tr⇘ES⇙"
      using SIA  unfolding SIA_def by auto
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding SIA_def by auto  

(* lemma taken from lemma 3.5.10 in Heiko Mantel's dissertation*)
lemma BSIA_implies_BSIA_for_modified_view : 
"BSIA ρ1 𝒱1 Tr⇘ES; ρ2(𝒱2)  ρ1(𝒱1)   BSIA ρ2 𝒱2 Tr⇘ES⇙"
proof -
  assume  BSIA: "BSIA ρ1 𝒱1 Tr⇘ES⇙"
    and   ρ2_supseteq_ρ1: "ρ2(𝒱2)  ρ1(𝒱1)" 
  from V2_subset_V1 C2_equals_C1
  have V2_union_C2_subset_V1_union_C1: "V⇘𝒱2 C⇘𝒱2 V⇘𝒱1 C⇘𝒱1⇙"
    by auto
    fix α β c
    assume "c  C⇘𝒱2⇙"
      and  "β @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙"
      and  alpha_C2_empty: "α  C⇘𝒱2= []"
      and admissible_c_ρ2_𝒱2:"Adm 𝒱2 ρ2 Tr⇘ESβ c"
    with  C2_equals_C1 have "c  C⇘𝒱1⇙"
      by auto  
    from   alpha_C2_empty C2_equals_C1 have "α  C⇘𝒱1= []"
      by auto
    from ρ2_supseteq_ρ1  admissible_c_ρ2_𝒱2 have "Adm 𝒱1 ρ1 Tr⇘ESβ c"
      by (simp add: Adm_implies_Adm_for_modified_rho)
    have " α'. β @ [c] @ α'  Tr⇘ES α'  V⇘𝒱1= α  V⇘𝒱1 α'  C⇘𝒱1= []" 
      using BSIA  unfolding BSIA_def by auto
    with V2_subset_V1  C2_equals_C1 
    have " α'. β @ [c] @ α'  Tr⇘ES α'  V⇘𝒱2= α  V⇘𝒱2 α'  C⇘𝒱2= []" 
      using non_empty_projection_on_subset by metis
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding BSIA_def by auto  

(* lemma taken from lemma 3.5.10 in Heiko Mantel's dissertation*)
lemma IA_implies_IA_for_modified_view : 
"IA ρ1 𝒱1 Tr⇘ES; ρ2(𝒱2)  ρ1(𝒱1)   IA ρ2 𝒱2 Tr⇘ES⇙"
proof -
  assume  IA: "IA ρ1 𝒱1 Tr⇘ES⇙"
    and   ρ2_supseteq_ρ1: "ρ2(𝒱2)  ρ1(𝒱1)" 
    fix α β c
    assume "c  C⇘𝒱2⇙"
      and  "β @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙"
      and  alpha_C2_empty: "α  C⇘𝒱2= []"
      and admissible_c_ρ2_𝒱2:"Adm 𝒱2 ρ2 Tr⇘ESβ c"
    with C2_equals_C1 have "c  C⇘𝒱1⇙"
      by auto  
    from   alpha_C2_empty C2_equals_C1 have "α  C⇘𝒱1= []"
      by auto
    from ρ2_supseteq_ρ1  admissible_c_ρ2_𝒱2 have "Adm 𝒱1 ρ1 Tr⇘ESβ c"
      by (simp add: Adm_implies_Adm_for_modified_rho)
    have " α' β'. β' @ [c] @ α'  Tr⇘ES α'  V⇘𝒱1= α  V⇘𝒱1 α'  C⇘𝒱1= []  β'  (V⇘𝒱1 C⇘𝒱1) = β  (V⇘𝒱1 C⇘𝒱1)" 
      using IA  unfolding IA_def by auto
    from   V2_subset_V1 C2_equals_C1 have "(V⇘𝒱2 C⇘𝒱2)   (V⇘𝒱1 C⇘𝒱1)"
      by auto 
    have " α' β'. β' @ [c] @ α'  Tr⇘ES α'  V⇘𝒱2= α  V⇘𝒱2 α'  C⇘𝒱2= []   β'  (V⇘𝒱2 C⇘𝒱2) = β  (V⇘𝒱2 C⇘𝒱2)" 
      using V2_subset_V1  C2_equals_C1   non_empty_projection_on_subset by metis
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding IA_def by auto  

(* lemma taken from lemma 3.5.14 from Heiko Mantel's dissertation*)
lemma FCI_implies_FCI_for_modified_view_gamma: 
"FCI Γ1 𝒱1 Tr⇘ES;
     V⇘𝒱2∇⇘Γ2  V⇘𝒱1∇⇘Γ1;  N⇘𝒱2Δ⇘Γ2  N⇘𝒱1Δ⇘Γ1;  C⇘𝒱2Υ⇘Γ2  C⇘𝒱1Υ⇘Γ1
      FCI Γ2 𝒱2 Tr⇘ES⇙" 
proof -
  assume "FCI Γ1 𝒱1 Tr⇘ES⇙"
     and "V⇘𝒱2∇⇘Γ2  V⇘𝒱1∇⇘Γ1⇙"
     and "N⇘𝒱2Δ⇘Γ2  N⇘𝒱1Δ⇘Γ1⇙" 
     and "C⇘𝒱2Υ⇘Γ2  C⇘𝒱1Υ⇘Γ1⇙"
    fix α β v c
    assume "c  C⇘𝒱2Υ⇘Γ2⇙"
       and "v  V⇘𝒱2∇⇘Γ2⇙"
       and "β @ [v] @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙"
       and "αC⇘𝒱2= []"
    from c  C⇘𝒱2Υ⇘Γ2⇙› ‹C⇘𝒱2Υ⇘Γ2  C⇘𝒱1Υ⇘Γ1⇙› have "c   C⇘𝒱1Υ⇘Γ1⇙"
      by auto
    from v  V⇘𝒱2∇⇘Γ2⇙› ‹V⇘𝒱2∇⇘Γ2  V⇘𝒱1∇⇘Γ1⇙› have "v   V⇘𝒱1∇⇘Γ1⇙"
      by auto
    from C2_equals_C1 αC⇘𝒱2= [] have "αC⇘𝒱1= []"
      by auto
    obtain α' δ' where "(set δ')  (N⇘𝒱1 Δ⇘Γ1)"
                  and "β @ [c] @ δ' @ [v] @ α'  Tr⇘ES⇙"
                  and "α'V⇘𝒱1= αV⇘𝒱1⇙"
                  and "α'C⇘𝒱1= []"
      using β @ [v] @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙› FCI Γ1 𝒱1 Tr⇘ES⇙› unfolding FCI_def by blast  
    from (set δ')  (N⇘𝒱1 Δ⇘Γ1) ‹N⇘𝒱2Δ⇘Γ2  N⇘𝒱1Δ⇘Γ1⇙› 
    have "(set δ')  (N⇘𝒱2 Δ⇘Γ2)"
      by auto
    from α'V⇘𝒱1= αV⇘𝒱1⇙› V2_subset_V1 have "α'V⇘𝒱2= αV⇘𝒱2⇙" 
      using non_empty_projection_on_subset by blast
    from ‹C⇘𝒱2= C⇘𝒱1⇙› α'C⇘𝒱1= [] have "α'C⇘𝒱2= []"
      by auto
    ultimately have " δ' α'. (set δ')  (N⇘𝒱2 Δ⇘Γ2) 
                          β @ [c] @  δ'@ [v] @ α'  Tr⇘ES α'V⇘𝒱2= αV⇘𝒱2 α'C⇘𝒱2= []"
               using β @ [c] @ δ' @ [v] @ α'  Tr⇘ES⇙› by auto                
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding FCI_def by blast

(* lemma taken from lemma 3.5.14 from Heiko Mantel's dissertation*)
lemma FCIA_implies_FCIA_for_modified_view_rho_gamma: 
"FCIA ρ1 Γ1 𝒱1 Tr⇘ES; ρ2(𝒱2)  ρ1(𝒱1);
     V⇘𝒱2∇⇘Γ2  V⇘𝒱1∇⇘Γ1;  N⇘𝒱2Δ⇘Γ2  N⇘𝒱1Δ⇘Γ1;  C⇘𝒱2Υ⇘Γ2  C⇘𝒱1Υ⇘Γ1
      FCIA ρ2 Γ2 𝒱2 Tr⇘ES⇙" 
proof -
  assume "FCIA ρ1 Γ1 𝒱1 Tr⇘ES⇙"
     and "ρ2(𝒱2)  ρ1(𝒱1)"
     and "V⇘𝒱2∇⇘Γ2  V⇘𝒱1∇⇘Γ1⇙"
     and "N⇘𝒱2Δ⇘Γ2  N⇘𝒱1Δ⇘Γ1⇙" 
     and "C⇘𝒱2Υ⇘Γ2  C⇘𝒱1Υ⇘Γ1⇙"
    fix α β v c
    assume "c  C⇘𝒱2Υ⇘Γ2⇙"
       and "v  V⇘𝒱2∇⇘Γ2⇙"
       and "β @ [v] @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙"
       and "αC⇘𝒱2= []"
       and "Adm 𝒱2 ρ2 Tr⇘ESβ c"
    from c  C⇘𝒱2Υ⇘Γ2⇙› ‹C⇘𝒱2Υ⇘Γ2  C⇘𝒱1Υ⇘Γ1⇙› have "c   C⇘𝒱1Υ⇘Γ1⇙"
      by auto
    from v  V⇘𝒱2∇⇘Γ2⇙› ‹V⇘𝒱2∇⇘Γ2  V⇘𝒱1∇⇘Γ1⇙› have "v   V⇘𝒱1∇⇘Γ1⇙"
      by auto
    from C2_equals_C1 αC⇘𝒱2= [] have "αC⇘𝒱1= []"
      by auto
    from Adm 𝒱2 ρ2 Tr⇘ESβ c ρ2(𝒱2)  ρ1(𝒱1) have "Adm 𝒱1 ρ1 Tr⇘ESβ c" 
       by (simp add: Adm_implies_Adm_for_modified_rho)
    obtain α' δ' where "(set δ')  (N⇘𝒱1 Δ⇘Γ1)"
                  and "β @ [c] @ δ' @ [v] @ α'  Tr⇘ES⇙"
                  and "α'V⇘𝒱1= αV⇘𝒱1⇙"
                  and "α'C⇘𝒱1= []"
      using β @ [v] @ α  Tr⇘ES⇙› FCIA ρ1 Γ1 𝒱1 Tr⇘ES⇙› unfolding FCIA_def by blast  
    from (set δ')  (N⇘𝒱1 Δ⇘Γ1) ‹N⇘𝒱2Δ⇘Γ2  N⇘𝒱1Δ⇘Γ1⇙› 
    have "(set δ')  (N⇘𝒱2 Δ⇘Γ2)"
      by auto
    from α'V⇘𝒱1= αV⇘𝒱1⇙› V2_subset_V1 have "α'V⇘𝒱2= αV⇘𝒱2⇙" 
      using non_empty_projection_on_subset by blast
    from ‹C⇘𝒱2= C⇘𝒱1⇙› α'C⇘𝒱1= [] have "α'C⇘𝒱2= []"
      by auto
    have " δ' α'. (set δ')  (N⇘𝒱2 Δ⇘Γ2) 
                          β @ [c] @  δ'@ [v] @ α'  Tr⇘ES α'V⇘𝒱2= αV⇘𝒱2 α'C⇘𝒱2= []"
      using β @ [c] @ δ' @ [v] @ α'  Tr⇘ES⇙› by auto                
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding FCIA_def by blast
