Theory Projection

theory Projection
imports Main

(* Projection of an event list onto a subset of the events *)
definition projection:: "'e list  'e set  'e list" (infixl "" 100)
"l  E  filter (λx . x  E) l"

(* If projecting on Y yields the empty sequence, then projecting
  on X ∪ Y yields the projection on X. *)
lemma projection_on_union: 
  "l  Y = []  l  (X  Y) = l  X"
proof (induct l)
  case Nil show ?case by (simp add: projection_def)
  case (Cons a b) show ?case
  proof (cases "a  Y")
    case True from Cons show "a  Y  (a # b)  (X  Y) = (a # b)  X" 
      by (simp add: projection_def)
    case False from Cons show "a  Y  (a # b)  (X  Y) = (a # b)  X" 
      by (simp add: projection_def)

(*projection on the empty trace yields the empty trace*)
lemma projection_on_empty_trace: "[]  X =[]" by (simp add: projection_def)

(*projection to the empty set yields the empty trace*)
lemma projection_to_emptyset_is_empty_trace: "l {} = []" by (simp add: projection_def)

(*projection is idempotent*)
lemma projection_idempotent: "l  X= (l X) X" by (simp add: projection_def) 

(*empty projection implies that the trace contains no events of the set the trace is projected to*)
lemma projection_empty_implies_absence_of_events: "l  X = []   X  (set l) = {}" 
 by (metis empty_set inter_set_filter projection_def)

(*subsequently projecting to two disjoint sets yields the empty trace*)
lemma disjoint_projection: "X  Y = {}  (l  X)  Y = []" 
proof -
  assume X_Y_disjoint: "X  Y = {}"
  show "(l  X)  Y = []" unfolding projection_def 
  proof (induct l)
    case Nil show ?case by simp
    case (Cons x xs) show ?case
    proof (cases "x  X")
      case True
      with X_Y_disjoint have "x  Y" by auto
      thus "[x[xx # xs . x  X] . x  Y] = []" using Cons.hyps by auto
      case False show "[x[xx # xs . x  X] . x  Y] = []" using Cons.hyps False by auto

(* auxiliary lemmas for projection *)
lemma projection_concatenation_commute:
  "(l1 @ l2)  X = (l1  X) @ (l2  X)"
  by (unfold projection_def, auto)

(* Lists that are equal under projection on a set will remain 
equal under projection on a subset. *)
lemma projection_subset_eq_from_superset_eq: 
"((xs  (X  Y)) = (ys  (X  Y)))  ((xs  X) = (ys  X))"
(is "(?L1 = ?L2)  (?L3 = ?L4)")
proof -
  assume prem: "?L1 = ?L2"  
  have "?L1  X = ?L3  ?L2  X = ?L4"
  proof -
    have " a. ((a  X  a  Y)  a  X) = (a  X)" 
      by auto
    thus ?thesis
      by (simp add: projection_def)
  with prem show ?thesis
    by auto

(* All elements of a list l are in a set X if and only if
 the projection of l onto X yields l. *)
lemma list_subset_iff_projection_neutral: "(set l  X) = ((l  X) = l)"
(is "?A = ?B")
proof -
  have "?A  ?B"
    proof -
      assume "?A"
      hence "x. x  (set l)  x  X"
        by auto
      thus ?thesis
        by (simp add: projection_def)
  have "?B  ?A"
    proof -
      assume "?B"
      hence "(set (l  X)) = set l"
        by (simp add: projection_def)
      thus ?thesis
        by (simp add: projection_def, auto)
  ultimately show ?thesis ..

(* If the projection of τ onto a set X is not the empty trace, then 
there is x ∈ X that is the last occurrence of all elements of X in τ. 
τ can then be split around x.

Expressing non-emptiness in terms of list length is quite useful
for inductive proofs. *)
lemma projection_split_last: "Suc n = length (τ  X)  
 β x α. (x  X  τ = β @ [x] @ α  α  X = []  n = length ((β @ α)  X))"
proof -
  assume Suc_n_is_len_τX: "Suc n = length (τ  X)"

  let ?L = "τ  X"
  let ?RL = "filter (λx . x  X) (rev τ)"

  have "Suc n = length ?RL"
  proof -
    have "rev ?L = ?RL"
      by (simp add: projection_def, rule rev_filter)
    hence "rev (rev ?L) = rev ?RL" ..
    hence "?L = rev ?RL"
      by auto
    with Suc_n_is_len_τX show ?thesis
      by auto
  with Suc_length_conv[of n ?RL] obtain x xs
    where "?RL = x # xs"
    by auto
  hence "x # xs = ?RL" 
    by auto
  from Cons_eq_filterD[OF this] obtain revα revβ
    where "(rev τ) = revα @ x # revβ"
    and revα_no_x: "a  set revα. a  X"
    and x_in_X: "x  X"
    by auto
  hence "rev (rev τ) = rev (revα @ x # revβ)"
    by auto
  hence "τ = (rev revβ) @ [x] @ (rev revα)"
    by auto
  then obtain β α
    where τ_is_βxα: "τ = β @ [x] @ α"
    and α_is_revrevα: "α = (rev revα)"
    and β_is_revrevβ: "β = (rev revβ)"
    by auto
  hence α_no_x: "α  X = []"
  proof -
    from α_is_revrevα revα_no_x have "a  set α. a  X"
      by auto
    thus ?thesis 
      by (simp add: projection_def)

  have "n = length ((β @ α)  X)"
  proof -
    from α_no_x have αX_zero_len: "length (α  X) = 0"
      by auto

    from x_in_X have xX_one_len: "length ([x]  X) = 1"
      by (simp add: projection_def)

    from τ_is_βxα have "length ?L = length (β  X) + length ([x]  X) + length (α  X)"
      by (simp add: projection_def)            
    with αX_zero_len have "length ?L = length (β  X) + length ([x]  X)"
      by auto
    with xX_one_len Suc_n_is_len_τX have "n = length (β  X)"
      by auto
    with αX_zero_len show ?thesis
      by (simp add: projection_def)
  with x_in_X τ_is_βxα α_no_x show ?thesis
    by auto

lemma projection_rev_commute:
  "rev (l  X) = (rev l)  X"
  by (induct l, simp add: projection_def, simp add: projection_def)

(* Same as the previous lemma except that we split around the FIRST

    Note that we do not express non-emptiness via the length function
    simply because there is no need for it in the theories relying on
    this lemma. *)
lemma projection_split_first: " (τ  X) = x # xs    α β. (τ = α @ [x] @ β  α  X = [])"
proof -
  assume τX_is_x_xs: "(τ  X) = x # xs"
  hence "0  length (τ  X)"
    by auto
  hence "0  length (rev (τ  X))"
    by auto
  hence "0  length ((rev τ)  X)"
    by (simp add: projection_rev_commute)
  then obtain n where "Suc n = length ((rev τ)  X)"
    by (auto, metis Suc_pred length_greater_0_conv that)
  from projection_split_last[OF this] obtain β' x' α' 
    where x'_in_X: "x'  X"
    and revτ_is_β'x'α': "rev τ = β' @ [x'] @ α'"
    and α'X_empty: "α'  X = []"
    by auto

  from revτ_is_β'x'α' have "rev (rev τ) = rev (β' @ [x'] @ α')" ..
  hence τ_is_revα'_x'_revβ':"τ = rev α' @ [x'] @ rev β'"
    by auto
  from α'X_empty have revα'X_empty: "rev α'  X = []"
    by (metis projection_rev_commute rev_is_Nil_conv)
  note x'_in_X
  ultimately have "(τ  X) = x' # ((rev β')  X)"
    by (simp only: projection_concatenation_commute projection_def, auto)
  with τX_is_x_xs have "x = x'"
    by auto
  with τ_is_revα'_x'_revβ' have τ_is_revα'_x_revβ': "τ = rev α' @ [x] @ rev β'"
    by auto
  with revα'X_empty show ?thesis
    by auto

(* this lemma extends the previous lemma by also concluding that the suffix of the splitted trace
   projected is equal to the projection of the initial trace without the first element *)
lemma projection_split_first_with_suffix: 
  " (τ  X) = x # xs    α β. (τ = α @ [x] @ β  α  X = []  β  X = xs)" 
proof -
  assume tau_proj_X: "(τ  X) = x # xs"
  show ?thesis
  proof - 
    from   tau_proj_X have x_in_X: "x  X"
      by (metis IntE inter_set_filter list.set_intros(1) projection_def)
    from  tau_proj_X have  " α β. τ = α @ [x] @ β  α  X = []"
      using projection_split_first by auto
    then obtain α β where tau_split: "τ = α @ [x] @ β"
                      and X_empty_prefix:"α  X = []"
      by auto
    from tau_split tau_proj_X  have  "(α @ [x] @ β)  X =x # xs"
      by auto
    with  X_empty_prefix have  "([x] @ β)  X =x # xs"
      by (simp add: projection_concatenation_commute)   
    hence "(x # β)  X =x # xs"
      by auto
    with  x_in_X have "β  X = xs"
      unfolding projection_def by simp
    with  tau_split X_empty_prefix show ?thesis
      by auto

lemma projection_split_arbitrary_element: 
  "τ  X = (α @ [x] @ β)  X; x  X  
        α' β'. (τ = α' @ [x] @ β'  α'  X = α  X  β'  X = β  X)" 
proof -
  assume "τ  X = (α @ [x] @ β)  X"
  and  " x  X"
    fix n
    have "τ  X = (α @ [x] @ β)  X; x  X; n = length(αX) 
            α' β'. (τ = α' @ [x] @ β'  α'  X = α  X  β'  X = β  X)"
    proof (induct n arbitrary: τ α )
      case 0
      hence "αX = []"
        unfolding projection_def by simp
      with "0.prems"(1) "0.prems"(2) have "τX = x # βX"
        unfolding projection_def by simp
      with αX = [] show ?case
        using projection_split_first_with_suffix by fastforce
      case (Suc n)
      from "Suc.prems"(1) have "τX=αX @ ([x] @ β) X"
        using projection_concatenation_commute by auto
      from "Suc.prems"(3) obtain x' xs' where "α X= x' #xs'"
                                            and "x'  X" 
        by (metis filter_eq_ConsD length_Suc_conv projection_def)
      then obtain a1 a2 where "α = a1 @ [x'] @ a2" 
                         and "a1X = []"
                         and "a2X = xs'" 
        using projection_split_first_with_suffix by metis
      with x'  X "Suc.prems"(1) have "τX= x' #  (a2 @ [x] @ β) X" 
        unfolding projection_def by simp 
      then obtain t1 t2 where "τ= t1 @ [x'] @ t2"
                         and "t1X = []"
                         and "t2X = (a2 @ [x] @ β) X"
        using projection_split_first_with_suffix by metis
      from Suc.prems(3) α X= x' # xs' α = a1 @ [x'] @ a2 a1X = [] a2X = xs'
      have "n=length(a2X)"
        by auto               
      with "Suc.hyps"(1) "Suc.prems"(2) t2X = (a2 @ [x] @ β) X 
        obtain t2' t3' where "t2=t2' @ [x] @ t3'"
                         and "t2'X = a2X"
                         and "t3'X = βX"
          using projection_concatenation_commute by blast
      let ?α'="t1 @ [x'] @ t2'" and ?β'="t3'"
      from τ= t1 @ [x'] @ t2 t2=t2' @ [x] @ t3' have "τ=?α'@[x]@?β'"
        by auto
      from  α X= x' # xs'  t1X = [] x'  X t2'X = a2X a2X = xs'
      have "?α'X = αX"
        using projection_concatenation_commute unfolding projection_def by simp 
      show ?case using t3'X = βX
        by blast
  with τ  X = (α @ [x] @ β)  X x  X show ?thesis
    by simp
(* If the projection of a list l onto a set X is empty, it
    will remain empty when projecting further. *)
lemma projection_on_intersection: "l  X = []  l  (X  Y) = []"
(is "?L1 = []  ?L2 = []")
proof -
  assume "?L1 = []"
  hence "set ?L1 = {}" 
    by simp
  have "set ?L2  set ?L1"
    by (simp add: projection_def, auto)
  ultimately have "set ?L2 = {}"
    by auto
  thus ?thesis
    by auto

(* The previous lemma expressed with subsets. *)
lemma projection_on_subset: " Y  X; l  X = []   l  Y = []"
proof -
  assume subset: "Y  X"
  assume proj_empty: "l  X = []"
  hence "l  (X  Y) = []"
    by (rule projection_on_intersection)
  from subset have "X  Y = Y"
    by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by auto

(* Another variant that is used in proofs of BSP compositionality theorems. *)
lemma projection_on_subset2: " set l  L; l  X' = []; X  L  X'   l  X = []"
proof -
  assume setl_subset_L: "set l  L"
  assume l_no_X': "l  X' = []"
  assume X_inter_L_subset_X': "X  L  X'"

  from X_inter_L_subset_X' l_no_X' have "l  (X  L) = []"
    by (rule projection_on_subset)
  have "l  (X  L) = (l  L)  X"
    by (simp add: Int_commute projection_def)
  note setl_subset_L
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by (simp add: list_subset_iff_projection_neutral)

(*If the projection of two lists l1 and l2  onto a set Y is equal then its also equal for all X ⊆ Y*)
lemma non_empty_projection_on_subset: "X  Y  l1  Y = l2  Y   l1  X = l2  X" 
  by (metis projection_subset_eq_from_superset_eq subset_Un_eq)

(* Intersecting a projection set with a list's elements does not change the result
    of the projection. *)
lemma projection_intersection_neutral: "(set l  X)  (l  (X  Y) = l  Y)"
proof -
  assume "set l  X"
  hence "(l  X) = l"
    by (simp add: list_subset_iff_projection_neutral)
  hence "(l  X)  Y = l  Y"
    by simp
  have "(l  X)  Y = l  (X  Y)"
    by (simp add: projection_def)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by simp

lemma projection_commute:
  "(l  X)  Y = (l  Y)  X"
  by (simp add: projection_def conj_commute)

lemma projection_subset_elim: "Y  X  (l  X)  Y = l  Y"
by (simp only: projection_def, metis Diff_subset list_subset_iff_projection_neutral
    minus_coset_filter order_trans projection_commute projection_def)

lemma projection_sequence: "(xs  X)  Y = (xs  (X  Y))"
by (metis Int_absorb inf_sup_ord(1) list_subset_iff_projection_neutral
    projection_intersection_neutral projection_subset_elim)

(* This function yields a possible interleaving for given 
  traces t1 and t2.
  The set A (B) shall denote the the set of events for t1 (t2).
  Non-synchronization events in trace t1 are prioritized. *)
fun merge :: "'e set  'e set  'e list  'e list  'e list"
"merge A B [] t2 = t2" |
"merge A B t1 [] = t1" |
"merge A B (e1 # t1') (e2 # t2') = (if e1 = e2 then 
                                          e1 # (merge A B t1' t2')
                                        else (if e1  (A  B) then
                                               e2 # (merge A B (e1 # t1') t2')
                                             else e1 # (merge A B t1' (e2 # t2'))))"

(* If two traces can be interleaved, then merge yields such an interleaving  *)
lemma merge_property: "set t1  A; set t2  B; t1  B = t2  A  
   let t = (merge A B t1 t2) in (t  A = t1  t  B = t2  set t  ((set t1)  (set t2)))"
unfolding Let_def
proof (induct A B t1 t2 rule: merge.induct)
  case (1 A B t2) thus ?case
    by (metis Un_empty_left empty_subsetI list_subset_iff_projection_neutral 
      merge.simps(1) set_empty subset_iff_psubset_eq)
  case (2 A B t1) thus ?case
    by (metis Un_empty_right empty_subsetI list_subset_iff_projection_neutral 
      merge.simps(2) set_empty subset_refl)
  case (3 A B e1 t1' e2 t2') thus ?case
  proof (cases)
    assume e1_is_e2: "e1 = e2"
    note e1_is_e2 
    from 3(4) have "set t1'  A"
      by auto
    from 3(5) have "set t2'  B"
      by auto
    from e1_is_e2 3(4-6) have "t1'  B = t2'  A"
      by (simp add: projection_def)
    note 3(1)
    ultimately have ind1: "merge A B t1' t2'  A = t1'"
      and ind2: "merge A B t1' t2'  B = t2'"
      and ind3: "set (merge A B t1' t2')  (set t1')  (set t2')"
      by auto
    from e1_is_e2 have merge_eq: 
      "merge A B (e1 # t1') (e2 # t2') = e1 # (merge A B t1' t2')"
      by auto

    from 3(4) ind1 have goal1: 
      "merge A B (e1 # t1') (e2 # t2')  A = e1 # t1'"
      by (simp only: merge_eq projection_def, auto)
    from e1_is_e2 3(5) ind2 have goal2: 
      "merge A B (e1 # t1') (e2 # t2')  B = e2 # t2'"
      by (simp only: merge_eq projection_def, auto)
    from ind3 have goal3: 
      "set (merge A B (e1 # t1') (e2 # t2'))  set (e1 # t1')  set (e2 # t2')"
      by (simp only: merge_eq, auto)
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by auto (* case (3 e1 t1' e2 t2') for e1 = e2 *)
    assume e1_isnot_e2: "e1  e2"
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases)
      assume e1_in_A_inter_B: "e1  A  B"
      from 3(6) e1_isnot_e2 e1_in_A_inter_B have e2_notin_A: "e2  A"
        by (simp add: projection_def, auto)
      note e1_isnot_e2 e1_in_A_inter_B 3(4)
      from 3(5) have "set t2'  B"
        by auto
      from 3(6) e1_isnot_e2 e1_in_A_inter_B have "(e1 # t1')  B = t2'  A"
        by (simp add: projection_def, auto)
      note 3(2)
      ultimately have ind1: "merge A B (e1 # t1') t2'  A = (e1 # t1')"
        and ind2: "merge A B (e1 # t1') t2'  B = t2'"
        and ind3: "set (merge A B (e1 # t1') t2')  set (e1 # t1')  set t2'"
        by auto
      from e1_isnot_e2 e1_in_A_inter_B 
      have merge_eq: 
        "merge A B (e1 # t1') (e2 # t2') = e2 # (merge A B (e1 # t1') t2')"
        by auto
      from e1_isnot_e2 ind1 e2_notin_A have goal1: 
        "merge A B (e1 # t1') (e2 # t2')  A = e1 # t1'"
        by (simp only: merge_eq projection_def, auto)
      from 3(5) ind2 have goal2: "merge A B (e1 # t1') (e2 # t2')  B = e2 # t2'"
        by (simp only: merge_eq projection_def, auto)
      from 3(5) ind3 have goal3: 
        "set (merge A B (e1 # t1') (e2 # t2'))  set (e1 # t1')  set (e2 # t2')"
        by (simp only: merge_eq, auto)
      ultimately show ?thesis
        by auto (* case (3 e1 t1' e2 t2') for e1 ≠ e2 e1 ∈ A ∩ B *)
      assume e1_notin_A_inter_B: "e1  A  B"
      from 3(4) e1_notin_A_inter_B have e1_notin_B: "e1  B"
        by auto
      note e1_isnot_e2 e1_notin_A_inter_B
      from 3(4) have "set t1'  A"
        by auto
      note 3(5)
      from 3(6) e1_notin_B have "t1'  B = (e2 # t2')  A"
        by (simp add: projection_def)
      note 3(3)
      ultimately have ind1: "merge A B t1' (e2 # t2')  A = t1'"
        and ind2: "merge A B t1' (e2 # t2')  B = (e2 # t2')"
        and ind3: "set (merge A B t1' (e2 # t2'))  set t1'  set (e2 # t2')"
        by auto
      from e1_isnot_e2 e1_notin_A_inter_B 
      have merge_eq: "merge A B (e1 # t1') (e2 # t2') = e1 # (merge A B t1' (e2 # t2'))"
        by auto
      from 3(4) ind1 have goal1: "merge A B (e1 # t1') (e2 # t2')  A = e1 # t1'"
        by (simp only: merge_eq projection_def, auto)
      from ind2 e1_notin_B have goal2: 
        "merge A B (e1 # t1') (e2 # t2')  B = e2 # t2'"
        by (simp only: merge_eq projection_def, auto)
      from 3(4) ind3 have goal3: 
        "set (merge A B (e1 # t1') (e2 # t2'))  set (e1 # t1')  set (e2 # t2')"
        by (simp only: merge_eq, auto)
      ultimately show ?thesis
        by auto (* case (3 e1 t1' e2 t2') for e1 ≠ e2 e1 ∉ A ∩ B *)
