Theory Prefix

theory Prefix
imports Main

  Prefixes and Prefix Closure of traces 
definition prefix :: "'e list  'e list  bool" (infixl "" 100)
"(l1  l2)  (l3. l1 @ l3 = l2)" 

definition prefixclosed :: "('e list) set  bool"
"prefixclosed tr  (l1  tr. l2. l2  l1  l2  tr)"

(* the empty list is a prefix of every list *)
lemma empty_prefix_of_all: "[]  l" 
  using prefix_def [of "[]" l] by simp

(* the empty list is in any non-empty prefix-closed set *)
lemma empty_trace_contained: " prefixclosed tr ; tr  {}   []  tr"
proof -
  assume 1: "prefixclosed tr" and
         2: "tr  {}"
  then obtain l1 where "l1  tr" 
    by auto
  with 1 have "l2. l2  l1  l2  tr" 
    by (simp add: prefixclosed_def)
  thus "[]  tr" 
    by (simp add: empty_prefix_of_all)

(* the prefix-predicate is transitive *)
lemma transitive_prefix: " l1  l2 ; l2  l3   l1  l3"
  by (auto simp add: prefix_def)
