Theory SestoftGC

theory SestoftGC
imports Sestoft 

inductive gc_step :: "conf  conf  bool" (infix "G" 50) where
  normal:  "c  c'  c G c'"
| dropUpd: "(Γ, e, Upd x # S) G (Γ, e, S @ [Dummy x])"
| drop: "x ∈ domA Γ  ⟹ (Γ, e, S) ⇒G (delete x Γ, e, S @ [Dummy x])"

lemmas gc_step_intros[intro] =
  normal[OF step.intros(1)] normal[OF step.intros(2)] normal[OF step.intros(3)]
  normal[OF step.intros(4)] normal[OF step.intros(5)]  dropUpd

abbreviation gc_steps (infix "G*" 50) where "gc_steps  gc_step**"
lemmas converse_rtranclp_into_rtranclp[of gc_step, OF _ r_into_rtranclp, trans]

lemma var_onceI:
  assumes "map_of Γ x = Some e"
  shows "(Γ, Var x, S) G* (delete x Γ, e , S@[Dummy x])"
  from assms 
  have "(Γ, Var x, S) G (delete x Γ, e , Upd x # S)"..
  have " G  (delete x Γ, e, S@[Dummy x])"..
  show ?thesis by (rule converse_rtranclp_into_rtranclp[OF _ r_into_rtranclp])

lemma lam_and_restrict:
  assumes "atom ` domA Δ ♯* Γ" and "atom ` domA Δ ♯* S"
  assumes "V ⊆ domA Δ"
  shows "(Γ, Let Δ e, S) ⇒G* (restrictA V Δ @ Γ, e, S)"
  from assms(1,2) have "(Γ, Let Δ e, S) ⇒G (Δ @ Γ, e, S)"..
  have "… ⇒G (restrictA (V ∪ domA Γ) (Δ @ Γ), e, S)"..
  from fresh_distinct[OF assms(1)]
  have "restrictA (V ∪ domA Γ) Δ = restrictA V Δ" by (induction Δ) auto
  hence "restrictA (V ∪ domA Γ) (Δ @ Γ) = restrictA V Δ @ Γ"
    by (simp add: restrictA_append restrictA_noop)
  finally show ?thesis.

lemma normal_trans:  "c * c'  c G* c'"
  by (induction rule:rtranclp_induct)
     (simp, metis normal rtranclp.rtrancl_into_rtrancl)

fun to_gc_conf :: "var list  conf  conf"
  where "to_gc_conf r (Γ, e, S) = (restrictA (- set r) Γ, e, restr_stack (- set r) S @ (map Dummy (rev r)))"

lemma restr_stack_map_Dummy[simp]: "restr_stack V (map Dummy l) = map Dummy l"
  by (induction l) auto

lemma restr_stack_append[simp]: "restr_stack V (l@l') = restr_stack V l @ restr_stack V l'"
  by (induction l rule: restr_stack.induct) auto

lemma to_gc_conf_append[simp]:
  "to_gc_conf (r@r') c = to_gc_conf r (to_gc_conf r' c)"
  by (cases c) auto

lemma to_gc_conf_eqE[elim!]:
  assumes  "to_gc_conf r c = (Γ, e, S)"
  obtains Γ' S' where "c = (Γ', e, S')" and "Γ = restrictA (- set r) Γ'" and "S = restr_stack (- set r) S' @ map Dummy (rev r)"
  using assms by (cases c) auto

fun safe_hd :: "'a list  'a option"
 where  "safe_hd (x#_) = Some x"
     |  "safe_hd [] = None"

lemma safe_hd_None[simp]: "safe_hd xs = None  xs = []"
  by (cases xs) auto

abbreviation r_ok :: "var list  conf  bool"
  where "r_ok r c  set r  domA (fst c)  upds (snd (snd c))"

lemma subset_bound_invariant:
  "invariant step (r_ok r)"
  fix x y
  assume "x  y" and "r_ok r x" thus "r_ok r y"
  by (induction) auto

lemma safe_hd_restr_stack[simp]:
  "Some a = safe_hd (restr_stack V (a # S))  restr_stack V (a # S) = a # restr_stack V S"
  apply (cases a)
  apply (auto split: if_splits)
  apply (thin_tac "P a" for P)
  apply (induction S rule: restr_stack.induct)
  apply (auto split: if_splits)

lemma sestoftUnGCStack:
  assumes "heap_upds_ok (Γ, S)"
  obtains Γ' S' where
    "(Γ, e, S) * (Γ', e, S')"
    "to_gc_conf r (Γ, e, S) = to_gc_conf r (Γ', e, S')"
    "¬ isVal e  safe_hd S' = safe_hd (restr_stack (- set r) S')"
  show ?thesis
  proof(cases "isVal e")
    case False
    thus ?thesis using assms  by -(rule that, auto)
    case True
    from that assms 
    show ?thesis
    apply (atomize_elim)
    proof(induction S arbitrary: Γ)
      case Nil thus ?case by (fastforce)
      case (Cons s S)
      show ?case
      proof(cases "Some s = safe_hd (restr_stack (- set r) (s#S))")
        case True
        thus ?thesis
          using isVal e heap_upds_ok (Γ, s # S)
          apply auto
          apply (intro exI conjI)
          apply (rule rtranclp.intros(1))
          apply auto
        case False
        then obtain x where [simp]: "s = Upd x" and [simp]: "x  set r"
          by(cases s) (auto split: if_splits)
        from heap_upds_ok (Γ, s # S) s = Upd x
        have [simp]: "x  domA Γ" and "heap_upds_ok ((x,e) # Γ, S)"
          by (auto dest: heap_upds_okE) 

        have "(Γ, e, s # S) * (Γ, e, Upd x # S)" unfolding s = _ ..
        also have "  ((x,e) # Γ, e, S)" by (rule step.var2[OF x  domA Γ isVal e])
        from Cons.IH[OF heap_upds_ok ((x,e) # Γ, S) ]
        obtain Γ' S' where  "((x,e) # Γ, e, S) * (Γ', e, S')"
            and res: "to_gc_conf r ((x,e) # Γ, e, S) = to_gc_conf r (Γ', e, S')"
                     "(¬ isVal e  safe_hd S' = safe_hd (restr_stack (- set r) S'))"
          by blast
        note this(1)
        have "(Γ, e, s # S) * (Γ', e, S')".
        thus ?thesis  using res by auto

lemma perm_exI_trivial:
  "P x x   π. P (π  x) x"
by (rule exI[where x = "0::perm"]) auto

lemma upds_list_restr_stack[simp]:
  "upds_list (restr_stack V S) = filter (λ x. xV) (upds_list S)"
by (induction S rule: restr_stack.induct) auto

lemma heap_upd_ok_to_gc_conf:
  "heap_upds_ok (Γ, S)  to_gc_conf r (Γ, e, S) = (Γ'', e'', S'')  heap_upds_ok (Γ'', S'')"
by (auto simp add: heap_upds_ok.simps)

lemma delete_restrictA_conv:
  "delete x Γ = restrictA (-{x}) Γ"
by (induction Γ) auto

lemma sestoftUnGCstep:
  assumes "to_gc_conf r c G d"
  assumes "heap_upds_ok_conf c"
  assumes "closed c"
  and "r_ok r c"
  shows   " r' c'. c * c'  d = to_gc_conf r' c'  r_ok r' c'"
  obtain Γ e S where "c = (Γ, e, S)" by (cases c) auto
  with assms
  have "heap_upds_ok (Γ,S)" and "closed (Γ, e, S)" and "r_ok r (Γ, e, S)" by auto
  from sestoftUnGCStack[OF this(1)]
  obtain Γ' S' where
    "(Γ, e, S) * (Γ', e, S')"
    and *: "to_gc_conf r (Γ, e, S) = to_gc_conf r (Γ', e, S')"
    and disj: "¬ isVal e  safe_hd S' = safe_hd (restr_stack (- set r) S')"
    by metis

  from invariant_starE[OF _ * _ heap_upds_ok_invariant]  heap_upds_ok (Γ,S)
  have "heap_upds_ok (Γ', S')" by auto

  from invariant_starE[OF _ * _ closed_invariant  closed (Γ, e, S) ]
  have "closed (Γ', e, S')" by auto

  from invariant_starE[OF _ * _ subset_bound_invariant r_ok r (Γ, e, S) ]
  have "r_ok r (Γ', e, S')" by auto

  from assms(1)[unfolded c =_ *]
  have " r' Γ'' e'' S''. (Γ', e, S') * (Γ'', e'', S'')  d = to_gc_conf r' (Γ'', e'', S'')  r_ok r' (Γ'', e'', S'')"
  proof(cases rule: gc_step.cases)
    case normal
    hence " Γ'' e'' S''. (Γ', e, S')  (Γ'', e'', S'')  d = to_gc_conf r (Γ'', e'', S'')"
    proof(cases rule: step.cases)
      case app1
      thus ?thesis
        apply auto
        apply (intro exI conjI)
        apply (rule  step.intros)
        apply auto
      case (app2 Γ y ea x S)
      thus ?thesis
        using disj 
        apply (cases S')
        apply auto
        apply (intro exI conjI)
        apply (rule step.intros)
        apply auto
      case var1
      thus ?thesis
        apply auto
        apply (intro  exI conjI)
        apply (rule step.intros)
        apply (auto simp add: restr_delete_twist)
      case var2
      thus ?thesis
        using disj 
        apply (cases S')
        apply auto
        apply (intro exI conjI)
        apply (rule step.intros)
        apply (auto split: if_splits dest: Upd_eq_restr_stackD2)
      case (let1 Δ'' Γ'' S'' e')

      from closed (Γ', e, S') let1
      have "closed (Γ', Let Δ'' e', S')" by simp

      from fresh_distinct[OF let1(3)] fresh_distinct_fv[OF let1(4)]
      have "domA Δ''  domA Γ'' = {}" and "domA Δ''  upds S'' = {}"  and "domA Δ''  dummies S'' = {}" 
        by (auto dest: subsetD[OF ups_fv_subset] subsetD[OF dummies_fv_subset])
      from let1(1)
      have "domA Γ'  upds S'  domA Γ''  upds S''  dummies S''"
        by auto
      have disj: "domA Δ''  domA Γ' = {}" "domA Δ''  upds S' = {}"
        by auto
      from domA Δ''  dummies S'' = {} let1(1)
      have "domA Δ''  set r = {}" by auto
      hence [simp]: "restrictA (- set r) Δ'' = Δ''"
        by (auto intro: restrictA_noop)

      from let1(1-3)
      show ?thesis
        apply auto
        apply (intro  exI[where x = "r"] exI[where x = "Δ'' @ Γ'"] exI[where x = "S'"] conjI)
        apply (rule let1_closed[OF closed (Γ', Let Δ'' e', S') disj])
        apply (auto simp add: restrictA_append)
      case if1
      thus ?thesis
        apply auto
        apply (intro exI[where x = "0::perm"] exI conjI)
        unfolding permute_zero
        apply (rule step.intros)
        apply (auto)
      case if2
      thus ?thesis
        using disj
        apply (cases S')
        apply auto
        apply (intro exI exI conjI)
        apply (rule step.if2[where b = True, simplified] step.if2[where b = False, simplified])
        apply (auto split: if_splits dest: Upd_eq_restr_stackD2)
        apply (intro exI conjI)
        apply (rule step.if2[where b = True, simplified] step.if2[where b = False, simplified])
        apply (auto split: if_splits dest: Upd_eq_restr_stackD2)
    with invariantE[OF subset_bound_invariant _ r_ok r (Γ', e, S')]
    show ?thesis by blast
  case (dropUpd Γ'' e'' x S'')
    from to_gc_conf r (Γ', e, S') = (Γ'', e'', Upd x # S'')
    have "x  set r" by (auto dest!: arg_cong[where f = upds])
    from heap_upds_ok (Γ', S') and to_gc_conf r (Γ', e, S') = (Γ'', e'', Upd x # S'')
    have "heap_upds_ok (Γ'', Upd x # S'')" by (rule heap_upd_ok_to_gc_conf)
    hence [simp]: "x  domA Γ''" "x  upds S''" by (auto dest: heap_upds_ok_upd)

    have "to_gc_conf (x # r) (Γ', e, S') = to_gc_conf ([x]@ r) (Γ', e, S')" by simp
    also have " = to_gc_conf [x] (to_gc_conf r (Γ', e, S'))" by (rule to_gc_conf_append)
    also have " = to_gc_conf [x] (Γ'', e'', Upd x # S'')" unfolding to_gc_conf r (Γ', e, S') = _..
    also have " = (Γ'', e'', S''@[Dummy x])" by (auto intro: restrictA_noop)
    also have " = d" using d= _ by simp
    finally have "to_gc_conf (x # r) (Γ', e, S') = d".
    from to_gc_conf r (Γ', e, S') = (Γ'', e'', Upd x # S'')
    have "x  upds S'" by (auto dest!: arg_cong[where f = upds])
    with r_ok r (Γ', e, S')
    have "r_ok (x # r) (Γ', e, S')" by auto
    note to_gc_conf r (Γ', e, S') = (Γ'', e'', Upd x # S'')
    show ?thesis by fastforce
    case (drop x Γ'' e'' S'')
    from `to_gc_conf r (Γ', e, S') = (Γ'', e'', S'')` and `x ∈ domA Γ''`
    have "x ∉ set r" by auto

    from `heap_upds_ok (Γ', S')` and  `to_gc_conf r (Γ', e, S') = (Γ'', e'', S'')`
    have "heap_upds_ok (Γ'', S'')" by (rule heap_upd_ok_to_gc_conf)
    with `x ∈ domA Γ''`
    have [simp]: "x ∉ upds S''" by (metis heap_upds_okE)

    have "to_gc_conf (x # r) (Γ', e, S') = to_gc_conf ([x]@ r) (Γ', e, S')" by simp
    also have "… = to_gc_conf [x] (to_gc_conf r (Γ', e, S'))" by (rule to_gc_conf_append)
    also have "… = to_gc_conf [x] (Γ'', e'', S'')" unfolding `to_gc_conf r (Γ', e, S') = _`..
    also have "… = (delete x Γ'', e'', S''@[Dummy x])" by (auto  simp add: delete_restrictA_conv)
    also have "… = d" using ` d= _` by simp
    finally have "to_gc_conf (x # r) (Γ', e, S') = d".
    from `to_gc_conf r (Γ', e, S') = _` `x ∈ domA Γ''`
    have "x ∈ domA Γ'" by auto
    with `r_ok r (Γ', e, S')`
    have "r_ok (x # r) (Γ', e, S')" by auto
    note `to_gc_conf r (Γ', e, S') = _`
    show ?thesis by fastforce
  then obtain r' Γ'' e'' S''
    where "(Γ', e, S') * (Γ'', e'', S'')"
    and "d = to_gc_conf r' (Γ'', e'', S'')"
    and "r_ok r' (Γ'', e'', S'')"
    by metis 

  from  (Γ, e, S) * (Γ', e, S') and (Γ', e, S') * (Γ'', e'', S'')
  have "(Γ, e, S) * (Γ'', e'', S'')" by (rule rtranclp_trans)
  with d = _ r_ok r' _
  show ?thesis unfolding c = _ by auto

lemma sestoftUnGC:
  assumes "(to_gc_conf r c) G* d" and "heap_upds_ok_conf c" and "closed c" and "r_ok r c"
  shows   " r' c'. c * c'  d = to_gc_conf r' c'  r_ok r' c'"
using assms
proof(induction rule: rtranclp_induct)
  case base
  thus ?case by blast
  case (step d' d'')
  then obtain r' c' where "c *  c'" and "d' = to_gc_conf r' c'" and "r_ok r' c'"  by auto

  from invariant_starE[OF _ * _ heap_upds_ok_invariant]  heap_upds_ok _
  have "heap_upds_ok_conf c'".

  from invariant_starE[OF _ * _ closed_invariant]  closed _ 
  have "closed c'".

  from step d' = to_gc_conf r' c'
  have "to_gc_conf r' c' G d''" by simp
  from this heap_upds_ok_conf c' closed c' r_ok r' c'
  have " r'' c''. c' * c''  d'' = to_gc_conf r'' c''  r_ok r'' c''"
    by (rule sestoftUnGCstep)
  then obtain r'' c'' where "c' * c''" and "d'' = to_gc_conf r'' c''" and "r_ok r'' c''" by auto
  from c' *  c'' c *  c'
  have "c * c''" by auto
  with d'' = _ r_ok r'' c''
  show ?case by blast

lemma dummies_unchanged_invariant:
  "invariant step (λ (Γ, e, S) . dummies S = V)" (is "invariant _ ?I")
  fix c c'
  assume "c  c'" and "?I c"
  thus "?I c'" by (induction) auto
lemma sestoftUnGC':
  assumes "([], e, []) G* (Γ, e', map Dummy r)"
  assumes "isVal e'"
  assumes "fv e = ({}::var set)"
  shows   " Γ''. ([], e, []) * (Γ'', e', [])  Γ = restrictA (- set r) Γ''  set r  domA Γ''"
 from sestoftUnGC[where r = "[]" and c = "([], e, [])", simplified, OF assms(1,3)]
 obtain r' Γ' S'
  where "([], e, []) * (Γ', e', S')"
    and "Γ = restrictA (- set r') Γ'"
    and "map Dummy r = restr_stack (- set r') S' @ map Dummy (rev r')"
    and "r_ok r' (Γ', e', S')"
    by auto

  from invariant_starE[OF ([], e, []) * (Γ', e', S') dummies_unchanged_invariant]
  have "dummies S' = {}" by auto
  with  map Dummy r = restr_stack (- set r') S' @ map Dummy (rev r')
  have "restr_stack (- set r') S' = []" and [simp]: "r = rev r'"
  by (induction S' rule: restr_stack.induct) (auto split: if_splits)
  from invariant_starE[OF _ * _ heap_upds_ok_invariant]
  have "heap_upds_ok (Γ', S')" by auto
  from isVal e' sestoftUnGCStack[where e = e', OF heap_upds_ok (Γ', S') ]
  obtain Γ'' S''
    where "(Γ', e', S') * (Γ'', e', S'')"
    and "to_gc_conf r (Γ', e', S') = to_gc_conf r (Γ'', e', S'')"
    and "safe_hd S'' = safe_hd (restr_stack (- set r) S'')"
    by metis

  from this (2,3) restr_stack (- set r') S' = []
  have "S'' = []" by auto

  from  ([], e, []) * (Γ', e', S')  and (Γ', e', S') * (Γ'', e', S'') and S'' = []
  have "([], e, []) *  (Γ'', e', [])" by auto
  have "Γ = restrictA (- set r) Γ''" using to_gc_conf r _ = _ Γ = _ by auto
  from invariant_starE[OF (Γ', e', S') * (Γ'', e', S'') subset_bound_invariant r_ok r' (Γ', e', S')]
  have "set r  domA Γ''" using S'' = [] by auto
  show ?thesis by blast
