Theory Zeta_Function

    File:      Zeta_Function.thy
    Author:    Manuel Eberl, TU München
section ‹The Hurwitz and Riemann $\zeta$ functions›
theory Zeta_Function

subsection ‹Preliminary facts›

(* TODO Move? *)
lemma powr_add_minus_powr_asymptotics:
  fixes a z :: complex 
  shows "((λz. ((1 + z) powr a - 1) / z)  a) (at 0)"
proof (rule Lim_transform_eventually)
  have "eventually (λz::complex. z  ball 0 1 - {0}) (at 0)"
    using eventually_at_ball'[of 1 "0::complex" UNIV] by (simp add: dist_norm)
  thus "eventually (λz. (n. (a gchoose (Suc n)) * z ^ n) = ((1 + z) powr a - 1) / z) (at 0)"
  proof eventually_elim
    case (elim z)
    hence "(λn. (a gchoose n) * z ^ n) sums (1 + z) powr a"
      by (intro gen_binomial_complex) auto
    hence "(λn. (a gchoose (Suc n)) * z ^ (Suc n)) sums ((1 + z) powr a - 1)"
      by (subst sums_Suc_iff) simp_all
    also have "(λn. (a gchoose (Suc n)) * z ^ (Suc n)) = (λn. z * ((a gchoose (Suc n)) * z ^ n))"
      by (simp add: algebra_simps)
    finally have "(λn. (a gchoose (Suc n)) * z ^ n) sums (((1 + z) powr a - 1) / z)"
      by (rule sums_mult_D) (use elim in auto)
    thus ?case by (simp add: sums_iff)
  have "conv_radius (λn. a gchoose (n + 1)) = conv_radius (λn. a gchoose n)"
    using conv_radius_shift[of "λn. a gchoose n" 1] by simp
  hence "continuous_on (cball 0 (1/2)) (λz. n. (a gchoose (Suc n)) * (z - 0) ^ n)"
    using conv_radius_gchoose[of a] by (intro powser_continuous_suminf) (simp_all)
  hence "isCont (λz. n. (a gchoose (Suc n)) * z ^ n) 0"
    by (auto intro: continuous_on_interior)
  thus "(λz. n. (a gchoose Suc n) * z ^ n) 0 a"
    by (auto simp: isCont_def)

lemma complex_powr_add_minus_powr_asymptotics:
  fixes s :: complex
  assumes a: "a > 0" and s: "Re s < 1"
  shows "filterlim (λx. of_real (x + a) powr s - of_real x powr s) (nhds 0) at_top"
proof (rule Lim_transform_eventually)
  show "eventually (λx. ((1 + of_real (a / x)) powr s - 1) / of_real (a / x) * 
                            of_real x powr (s - 1) * a = 
                          of_real (x + a) powr s - of_real x powr s) at_top"
    (is "eventually (λx. ?f x / ?g x * ?h x * _ = _) _") using eventually_gt_at_top[of a]
  proof eventually_elim
    case (elim x)
    have "?f x / ?g x * ?h x * a = ?f x * (a * ?h x / ?g x)" by simp
    also have "a * ?h x / ?g x = of_real x powr s"
      using elim a by (simp add: powr_diff)
    also have "?f x *  = of_real (x + a) powr s - of_real x powr s"
      using a elim by (simp add: algebra_simps powr_times_real [symmetric])
    finally show ?case .

  have "filterlim (λx. complex_of_real (a / x)) (nhds (complex_of_real 0)) at_top"
    by (intro tendsto_of_real real_tendsto_divide_at_top[OF tendsto_const] filterlim_ident)
  hence "filterlim (λx. complex_of_real (a / x)) (at 0) at_top"
    using a by (intro filterlim_atI) auto
  hence "((λx. ?f x / ?g x * ?h x * a)  s * 0 * a) at_top" using s
    by (intro tendsto_mult filterlim_compose[OF powr_add_minus_powr_asymptotics]
              tendsto_const tendsto_neg_powr_complex_of_real filterlim_ident) auto
  thus "((λx. ?f x / ?g x * ?h x * a)  0) at_top" by simp
(* END TODO *)

lemma summable_zeta:
  assumes "Re s > 1"
  shows   "summable (λn. of_nat (Suc n) powr -s)"
proof -
  have "summable (λn. exp (complex_of_real (ln (real (Suc n))) * - s))" (is "summable ?f")
    by (subst summable_Suc_iff, rule summable_complex_powr_iff) (use assms in auto)
  also have "?f = (λn. of_nat (Suc n) powr -s)"
    by (simp add: powr_def algebra_simps del: of_nat_Suc)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma summable_zeta_real:
  assumes "x > 1"
  shows   "summable (λn. real (Suc n) powr -x)"
proof -
  have "summable (λn. of_nat (Suc n) powr -complex_of_real x)"
    using assms by (intro summable_zeta) simp_all
  also have "(λn. of_nat (Suc n) powr -complex_of_real x) = (λn. of_real (real (Suc n) powr -x))"
    by (subst powr_Reals_eq) simp_all
  finally show ?thesis
    by (subst (asm) summable_complex_of_real)

lemma summable_hurwitz_zeta:
  assumes "Re s > 1" "a > 0"
  shows   "summable (λn. (of_nat n + of_real a) powr -s)"
proof -
  have "summable (λn. (of_nat (Suc n) + of_real a) powr -s)"
  proof (rule summable_comparison_test' [OF summable_zeta_real [OF assms(1)]] )
    fix n :: nat
    have "norm ((of_nat (Suc n) + of_real a) powr -s) = (real (Suc n) + a) powr - Re s"
      (is "?N = _") using assms by (simp add: norm_powr_real_powr)
    also have "  real (Suc n) powr -Re s"
      using assms by (intro powr_mono2') auto
    finally show "?N  " .
  thus ?thesis by (subst (asm) summable_Suc_iff)

lemma summable_hurwitz_zeta_real:
  assumes "x > 1" "a > 0"
  shows   "summable (λn. (real n + a) powr -x)"
proof -
  have "summable (λn. (of_nat n + of_real a) powr -complex_of_real x)"
    using assms by (intro summable_hurwitz_zeta) simp_all
  also have "(λn. (of_nat n + of_real a) powr -complex_of_real x) = 
               (λn. of_real ((real n + a) powr -x))"
    using assms by (subst powr_Reals_eq) simp_all
  finally show ?thesis
    by (subst (asm) summable_complex_of_real)

subsection ‹Definitions›

text ‹
  We use the Euler--MacLaurin summation formula to express $\zeta(s,a) - \frac{a^{1-s}}{s-1}$ as
  a polynomial plus some remainder term, which is an integral over a function of 
  order $O(-1-2n-\mathfrak{R}(s))$. It is then clear that this integral converges uniformly
  to an analytic function in $s$ for all $s$ with $\mathfrak{R}(s) > -2n$.
definition pre_zeta_aux :: "nat  real  complex  complex" where
  "pre_zeta_aux N a s = a powr - s / 2 +
    (i=1..N. (bernoulli (2 * i) / fact (2 * i)) *R (pochhammer s (2*i - 1) * 
                 of_real a powr (- s - of_nat (2*i - 1)))) +
    EM_remainder (Suc (2*N)) 
      (λx. -(pochhammer s (Suc (2*N)) * of_real (x + a) powr (- 1 - 2*N - s))) 0"

text ‹
  By iterating the above construction long enough, we can extend this to the entire
  complex plane.
definition pre_zeta :: "real  complex  complex" where
  "pre_zeta a s = pre_zeta_aux (nat (1 - Re s / 2)) a s"

text ‹
  We can then obtain the Hurwitz $\zeta$ function by adding back the pole at 1.
  Note that it is not necessary to trust that this somewhat complicated definition is,
  in fact, the correct one, since we will later show that this Hurwitz zeta function
  \[\zeta(s,a) = \sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{1}{(n + a)^s}\]
  and is analytic on $\mathbb{C}\setminus \{1\}$, which uniquely defines the function
  due to analytic continuation. It is therefore obvious that any alternative definition
  that is analytic on $\mathbb{C}\setminus \{1\}$ and satisfies the above equation 
  must be equal to our Hurwitz $\zeta$ function.
definition hurwitz_zeta :: "real  complex  complex" where
  "hurwitz_zeta a s = (if s = 1 then 0 else pre_zeta a s + of_real a powr (1 - s) / (s - 1))"

text ‹
  The Riemann $\zeta$ function is simply the Hurwitz $\zeta$ function with $a = 1$.
definition zeta :: "complex  complex" where
  "zeta = hurwitz_zeta 1"

text ‹
  We define the $\zeta$ functions as 0 at their poles. To avoid confusion, these facts
  are not added as simplification rules by default.
lemma hurwitz_zeta_1: "hurwitz_zeta c 1 = 0"
  by (simp add: hurwitz_zeta_def)

lemma zeta_1: "zeta 1 = 0"
  by (simp add: zeta_def hurwitz_zeta_1)

lemma zeta_minus_pole_eq: "s  1  zeta s - 1 / (s - 1) = pre_zeta 1 s"
  by (simp add: zeta_def hurwitz_zeta_def)


private lemma holomorphic_pre_zeta_aux':
  assumes "a > 0" "bounded U" "open U" "U  {s. Re s > σ}" and σ: "σ > - 2 * real n"
  shows   "pre_zeta_aux n a holomorphic_on U" unfolding pre_zeta_aux_def
proof (intro holomorphic_intros)
  define C :: real where "C = max 0 (Sup ((λs. norm (pochhammer s (Suc (2 * n)))) ` closure U))"
  have "compact (closure U)" 
    using assms by (auto simp: compact_eq_bounded_closed)
  hence "compact ((λs. norm (pochhammer s (Suc (2 * n)))) ` closure U)"
    by (rule compact_continuous_image [rotated]) (auto intro!: continuous_intros)
  hence "bounded ((λs. norm (pochhammer s (Suc (2 * n)))) ` closure U)"
    by (simp add: compact_eq_bounded_closed)
  hence C: "cmod (pochhammer s (Suc (2 * n)))  C" if "s  U" for s
    using that closure_subset[of U] unfolding C_def 
    by (intro max.coboundedI2 cSup_upper bounded_imp_bdd_above) (auto simp: image_iff)
  have C' [simp]: "C  0" by (simp add: C_def)

  let ?g = "λ(x::real). C * (x + a) powr (- 1 - 2 * of_nat n - σ)"
  let ?G = "λ(x::real). C / (- 2 * of_nat n - σ) * (x + a) powr (- 2 * of_nat n - σ)"  
  define poch' where "poch' = deriv (λz::complex. pochhammer z (Suc (2 * n)))"
  have [derivative_intros]:
    "((λz. pochhammer z (Suc (2 * n))) has_field_derivative poch' z) (at z within A)" 
    for z :: complex and A unfolding poch'_def
    by (rule holomorphic_derivI [OF holomorphic_pochhammer [of _ UNIV]]) auto
  have A: "continuous_on A poch'" for A unfolding poch'_def 
    by (rule continuous_on_subset[OF _ subset_UNIV], 
        intro holomorphic_on_imp_continuous_on holomorphic_deriv)
        (auto intro: holomorphic_pochhammer) 
  note [continuous_intros] = continuous_on_compose2[OF this _ subset_UNIV]

  define f' where "f' = (λz t. - (poch' z * complex_of_real (t + a) powr (- 1 - 2 * of_nat n - z) -
                          Ln (complex_of_real (t + a)) * complex_of_real (t + a) powr 
                            (- 1 - 2 * of_nat n - z) * pochhammer z (Suc (2 * n))))"

  show "(λz. EM_remainder (Suc (2 * n)) (λx. - (pochhammer z (Suc (2 * n)) *
                  complex_of_real (x + a) powr (- 1 - 2 * of_nat n - z))) 0) holomorphic_on
    U" unfolding pre_zeta_aux_def
  proof (rule holomorphic_EM_remainder[of _ ?G ?g _ _ f'], goal_cases)
    case (1 x)
    show ?case
      by (insert 1 σ a > 0, rule derivative_eq_intros refl | simp)+
         (auto simp: field_simps powr_diff powr_add powr_minus)
    case (2 z t x)
    note [derivative_intros] = has_field_derivative_powr_right [THEN DERIV_chain2]
    show ?case
      by (insert 2 σ a > 0, (rule derivative_eq_intros refl | (simp add: add_eq_0_iff; fail))+)
         (simp add: f'_def)
    case 3
    hence *: "complex_of_real x + complex_of_real a  0" if "x  0" for x
      using nonpos_Reals_of_real_iff[of "x+a", unfolded of_real_add] that a > 0 by auto
    show ?case using a > 0 and * unfolding f'_def
      by (auto simp: case_prod_unfold add_eq_0_iff intro!: continuous_intros)
    case (4 b c z e)
    have "- 2 * real n < σ" by (fact σ)
    also from 4 assms have "σ < Re z" by auto
    finally show ?case using assms 4
      by (intro integrable_continuous_real continuous_intros) (auto simp: add_eq_0_iff)
    case (5 t x s)
    thus ?case using a > 0
      by (intro integrable_EM_remainder') (auto intro!: continuous_intros simp: add_eq_0_iff)
    case 6
    from σ have "(λy. C / (-2 * real n - σ) * (a + y) powr (-2 * real n - σ))  0"
      by (intro tendsto_mult_right_zero tendsto_neg_powr
            filterlim_real_sequentially filterlim_tendsto_add_at_top [OF tendsto_const]) auto
    thus ?case unfolding convergent_def by (auto simp: add_ac)
    case 7
    show ?case 
    proof (intro eventually_mono [OF eventually_ge_at_top[of 1]] ballI)
      fix x :: real and s :: complex assume x: "x  1" and s: "s  U"
      have "norm (- (pochhammer s (Suc (2 * n)) * of_real (x + a) powr (- 1 - 2 * of_nat n - s))) =
              norm (pochhammer s (Suc (2 * n))) * (x + a) powr (-1 - 2 * of_nat n - Re s)"
        (is "?N = _") using 7 a > 0 x by (simp add: norm_mult norm_powr_real_powr)
      also have "  ?g x"
        using 7 assms x s a > 0 by (intro mult_mono C powr_mono) auto
      finally show "?N  ?g x" .
  qed (insert assms, auto)
qed (insert assms, auto)

lemma analytic_pre_zeta_aux:
  assumes "a > 0"
  shows   "pre_zeta_aux n a analytic_on {s. Re s > - 2 * real n}"
  unfolding analytic_on_def
  fix s assume s: "s  {s. Re s > - 2 * real n}"
  define σ where "σ = (Re s - 2 * real n) / 2"
  with s have σ: "σ > - 2 * real n" 
    by (simp add: σ_def field_simps)
  from s have s': "s  {s. Re s > σ}"
    by (auto simp: σ_def field_simps)

  have "open {s. Re s > σ}"
    by (rule open_halfspace_Re_gt)
  with s' obtain ε where "ε > 0" "ball s ε  {s. Re s > σ}"
    unfolding open_contains_ball by blast
  with σ have "pre_zeta_aux n a holomorphic_on ball s ε"
    by (intro holomorphic_pre_zeta_aux' [OF assms, of _ σ]) auto
  with ε > 0 show "e>0. pre_zeta_aux n a holomorphic_on ball s e"
    by blast

  fixes s :: complex and N :: nat and ζ :: "complex  complex" and a :: real
  assumes s: "Re s > 1" and a: "a > 0"
  defines "ζ  (λs. n. (of_nat n + of_real a) powr -s)"

interpretation ζ: euler_maclaurin_nat'
  "λx. of_real (x + a) powr (1 - s) / (1 - s)" "λx. of_real (x + a) powr -s" 
  "λn x. (-1) ^ n * pochhammer s n * of_real (x + a) powr -(s + n)" 
  0 N "ζ s" "{}"
proof (standard, goal_cases)
  case 2
  show ?case by (simp add: powr_minus field_simps)
  case (3 k)
  have "complex_of_real x + complex_of_real a = 0  x = -a" for x
    by (simp only: of_real_add [symmetric] of_real_eq_0_iff add_eq_0_iff2)
  with a s show ?case
    by (intro continuous_intros) (auto simp: add_nonneg_nonneg)
  case (4 k x)
  with a have "0 < x + a" by simp
  hence *: "complex_of_real x + complex_of_real a  0"
    using nonpos_Reals_of_real_iff[of "x+a", unfolded of_real_add] by auto
  have **: "pochhammer z (Suc n) = - pochhammer z n * (-z - of_nat n :: complex)" for z n
    by (simp add: pochhammer_rec' field_simps)
  show "((λx. (- 1) ^ k * pochhammer s k * of_real (x + a) powr - (s + of_nat k)) 
          has_vector_derivative (- 1) ^ Suc k * pochhammer s (Suc k) *
            of_real (x + a) powr - (s + of_nat (Suc k))) (at x)"
    by (insert 4 *, (rule has_vector_derivative_real_field derivative_eq_intros refl | simp)+)
       (auto simp: divide_simps powr_add powr_diff powr_minus **)
  case 5
  with s a show ?case 
    by (auto intro!: continuous_intros simp: minus_equation_iff add_eq_0_iff)
  case (6 x)
  with a have "0 < x + a" by simp
  hence *: "complex_of_real x + complex_of_real a  0"
    using nonpos_Reals_of_real_iff[of "x+a", unfolded of_real_add] by auto
  show ?case unfolding of_real_add
    by (insert 6 s *, (rule has_vector_derivative_real_field derivative_eq_intros refl | 
          force simp add: minus_equation_iff)+)
  case 7
  from s a have "(λk. (of_nat k + of_real a) powr -s) sums ζ s"
    unfolding ζ_def by (intro summable_sums summable_hurwitz_zeta) auto
  hence 1: "(λb. (k=0..b. (of_nat k + of_real a) powr -s))  ζ s"
    by (simp add: sums_def')

    fix z assume "Re z < 0"
    hence "((λb. (a + real b) powr Re z)  0) at_top"
      by (intro tendsto_neg_powr filterlim_tendsto_add_at_top filterlim_real_sequentially) auto    
    also have "(λb. (a + real b) powr Re z) = (λb. norm ((of_nat b + a) powr z))"
      using a by (subst norm_powr_real_powr) (auto simp: add_ac)
    finally have "((λb. (of_nat b + a) powr z)  0) at_top" 
      by (subst (asm) tendsto_norm_zero_iff) simp
  } note * = this
  have "(λb. (of_nat b + a) powr (1 - s) / (1 - s))  0 / (1 - s)"
    using s by (intro tendsto_divide tendsto_const *) auto
  hence 2: "(λb. (of_nat b + a) powr (1 - s) / (1 - s))  0"
    by simp

  have "(λb. (i<2 * N + 1. (bernoulli' (Suc i) / fact (Suc i)) *R
             ((- 1) ^ i * pochhammer s i * (of_nat b + a) powr -(s + of_nat i))))
           (i<2 * N + 1. (bernoulli' (Suc i) / fact (Suc i)) *R 
                   ((- 1) ^ i * pochhammer s i * 0))"
    using s by (intro tendsto_intros *) auto
  hence 3: "(λb. (i<2 * N + 1. (bernoulli' (Suc i) / fact (Suc i)) *R
              ((- 1) ^ i * pochhammer s i * (of_nat b + a) powr -(s + of_nat i))))  0" 
    by simp

  from tendsto_diff[OF tendsto_diff[OF 1 2] 3]
  show ?case by simp
qed simp_all

text ‹
  The pre-$\zeta$ functions agree with the infinite sum that is used to define the $\zeta$
  function for $\mathfrak{R}(s)>1$.
lemma pre_zeta_aux_conv_zeta:
  "pre_zeta_aux N a s = ζ s + a powr (1 - s) / (1 - s)"
proof -
  let ?R = "(i=1..N. ((bernoulli (2*i) / fact (2*i)) *R pochhammer s (2*i - 1) * of_real a powr (-s - (2*i-1))))"
  let ?S = "EM_remainder (Suc (2 * N)) (λx. - (pochhammer s (Suc (2*N)) *
              of_real (x + a) powr (- 1 - 2 * of_nat N - s))) 0"
  from ζ.euler_maclaurin_strong_nat'[OF le_refl, simplified]
  have "of_real a powr -s = a powr (1 - s) / (1 - s) + ζ s + a powr -s / 2 + (-?R) - ?S"
    unfolding sum_negf [symmetric] by (simp add: scaleR_conv_of_real pre_zeta_aux_def mult_ac)
  thus ?thesis unfolding pre_zeta_aux_def 
    (* TODO: Field_as_Ring causes some problems with field_simps vs. div_mult_self *)
    by (simp add: field_simps del: div_mult_self3 div_mult_self4 div_mult_self2 div_mult_self1)


text ‹
  Since all of the partial pre-$\zeta$ functions are analytic and agree in the halfspace with 
  $\mathfrak R(s)>0$, they must agree in their entire domain.
lemma pre_zeta_aux_eq:
  assumes "m  n" "a > 0" "Re s > -2 * real m"
  shows   "pre_zeta_aux m a s = pre_zeta_aux n a s"
proof -
  have "pre_zeta_aux n a s - pre_zeta_aux m a s = 0"
  proof (rule analytic_continuation[of "λs. pre_zeta_aux n a s - pre_zeta_aux m a s"])
    show "(λs. pre_zeta_aux n a s - pre_zeta_aux m a s) holomorphic_on {s. Re s > -2 * real m}"
      using assms by (intro holomorphic_intros analytic_imp_holomorphic 
                        analytic_on_subset[OF analytic_pre_zeta_aux]) auto
    fix s assume "s  {s. Re s > 1}"
    with a > 0 show "pre_zeta_aux n a s - pre_zeta_aux m a s = 0"
      by (simp add: pre_zeta_aux_conv_zeta)
    have "2  {s. Re s > 1}" by simp
    also have " = interior "
      by (intro interior_open [symmetric] open_halfspace_Re_gt)
    finally show "2 islimpt {s. Re s > 1}"
      by (rule interior_limit_point)
    show "connected {s. Re s > -2 * real m}"
      using convex_halfspace_gt[of "-2 * real m" "1::complex"]
      by (intro convex_connected) auto
  qed (insert assms, auto simp: open_halfspace_Re_gt)
  thus ?thesis by simp

lemma pre_zeta_aux_eq':
  assumes "a > 0" "Re s > -2 * real m" "Re s > -2 * real n"
  shows   "pre_zeta_aux m a s = pre_zeta_aux n a s"
proof (cases m n rule: linorder_cases)
  case less
  with assms show ?thesis by (intro pre_zeta_aux_eq) auto
  case greater
  with assms show ?thesis by (subst eq_commute, intro pre_zeta_aux_eq) auto
qed auto

lemma pre_zeta_aux_eq_pre_zeta:
  assumes "Re s > -2 * real n" and "a > 0"
  shows   "pre_zeta_aux n a s = pre_zeta a s"
  unfolding pre_zeta_def
proof (intro pre_zeta_aux_eq')
  from assms show "- 2 * real (nat (1 - Re s / 2)) < Re s"
    by linarith
qed (insert assms, simp_all)

text ‹
  This means that the idea of iterating that construction infinitely does yield
  a well-defined entire function.
lemma analytic_pre_zeta: 
  assumes "a > 0"
  shows   "pre_zeta a analytic_on A"
  unfolding analytic_on_def
  fix s assume "s  A"
  let ?B = "{s'. Re s' > of_int Re s - 1}"
  have s: "s  ?B" by simp linarith?
  moreover have "open ?B" by (rule open_halfspace_Re_gt)
  ultimately obtain ε where ε: "ε > 0" "ball s ε  ?B"
    unfolding open_contains_ball by blast
  define C where "C = ball s ε"

  note analytic = analytic_on_subset[OF analytic_pre_zeta_aux]
  have "pre_zeta_aux (nat - Re s + 2) a holomorphic_on C"
  proof (intro analytic_imp_holomorphic analytic subsetI assms, goal_cases)
    case (1 w)
    with ε have "w  ?B" by (auto simp: C_def)
    thus ?case by (auto simp: ceiling_minus)
  also have "?this  pre_zeta a holomorphic_on C"
  proof (intro holomorphic_cong refl pre_zeta_aux_eq_pre_zeta assms)
    fix w assume "w  C"
    with ε have w: "w  ?B" by (auto simp: C_def)
    thus " - 2 * real (nat - Re s + 2) < Re w"
      by (simp add: ceiling_minus)
  finally show "e>0. pre_zeta a holomorphic_on ball s e"
    using ε > 0 unfolding C_def by blast

lemma holomorphic_pre_zeta [holomorphic_intros]:
  "f holomorphic_on A  a > 0  (λz. pre_zeta a (f z)) holomorphic_on A"
  using holomorphic_on_compose [OF _ analytic_imp_holomorphic [OF analytic_pre_zeta], of f]
  by (simp add: o_def)

corollary continuous_on_pre_zeta:
  "a > 0  continuous_on A (pre_zeta a)"
  by (intro holomorphic_on_imp_continuous_on holomorphic_intros) auto

corollary continuous_on_pre_zeta' [continuous_intros]:
  "continuous_on A f  a > 0  continuous_on A (λx. pre_zeta a (f x))"
  using continuous_on_compose2 [OF continuous_on_pre_zeta, of a A f "f ` A"]
  by (auto simp: image_iff)

corollary continuous_pre_zeta [continuous_intros]:
  "a > 0  continuous (at s within A) (pre_zeta a)"
  by (rule continuous_within_subset[of _ UNIV])
     (insert continuous_on_pre_zeta[of a UNIV], 
      auto simp: continuous_on_eq_continuous_at open_Compl)

corollary continuous_pre_zeta' [continuous_intros]:
  "a > 0  continuous (at s within A) f 
     continuous (at s within A) (λs. pre_zeta a (f s))"
  using continuous_within_compose3[OF continuous_pre_zeta, of a s A f] by auto

text ‹
  It is now obvious that $\zeta$ is holomorphic everywhere except 1, where it has a 
  simple pole with residue 1, which we can simply read off.
theorem holomorphic_hurwitz_zeta: 
  assumes "a > 0" "1  A"
  shows   "hurwitz_zeta a holomorphic_on A"
proof -
  have "(λs. pre_zeta a s + complex_of_real a powr (1 - s) / (s - 1)) holomorphic_on A"
    using assms by (auto intro!: holomorphic_intros)
  also from assms have "?this  ?thesis"
    by (intro holomorphic_cong) (auto simp: hurwitz_zeta_def)
  finally show ?thesis .

corollary holomorphic_hurwitz_zeta' [holomorphic_intros]:
  assumes "f holomorphic_on A" and "a > 0" and "z. z  A  f z  1"
  shows   "(λx. hurwitz_zeta a (f x)) holomorphic_on A"
proof -
  have "hurwitz_zeta a  f holomorphic_on A" using assms
    by (intro holomorphic_on_compose_gen[of _ _ _ "f ` A"] holomorphic_hurwitz_zeta assms) auto
  thus ?thesis by (simp add: o_def)

theorem holomorphic_zeta: "1  A zeta holomorphic_on A"
  unfolding zeta_def by (auto intro: holomorphic_intros)

corollary holomorphic_zeta' [holomorphic_intros]:
  assumes "f holomorphic_on A" and "z. z  A  f z  1"
  shows   "(λx. zeta (f x)) holomorphic_on A"
  using assms unfolding zeta_def by (auto intro: holomorphic_intros)

corollary analytic_hurwitz_zeta: 
  assumes "a > 0" "1  A"
  shows   "hurwitz_zeta a analytic_on A"
proof -
  from assms(1) have "hurwitz_zeta a holomorphic_on -{1}"
    by (rule holomorphic_hurwitz_zeta) auto
  also have "?this  hurwitz_zeta a analytic_on -{1}"
    by (intro analytic_on_open [symmetric]) auto
  finally show ?thesis by (rule analytic_on_subset) (insert assms, auto)

corollary analytic_zeta: "1  A  zeta analytic_on A"
  unfolding zeta_def by (rule analytic_hurwitz_zeta) auto

corollary continuous_on_hurwitz_zeta:
  "a > 0  1  A  continuous_on A (hurwitz_zeta a)"
  by (intro holomorphic_on_imp_continuous_on holomorphic_intros) auto

corollary continuous_on_hurwitz_zeta' [continuous_intros]:
  "continuous_on A f  a > 0  (x. x  A  f x  1)  
     continuous_on A (λx. hurwitz_zeta a (f x))"
  using continuous_on_compose2 [OF continuous_on_hurwitz_zeta, of a "f ` A" A f]
  by (auto simp: image_iff)

corollary continuous_on_zeta: "1  A  continuous_on A zeta"
  by (intro holomorphic_on_imp_continuous_on holomorphic_intros) auto

corollary continuous_on_zeta' [continuous_intros]:
  "continuous_on A f  (x. x  A  f x  1)  
     continuous_on A (λx. zeta (f x))"
  using continuous_on_compose2 [OF continuous_on_zeta, of "f ` A" A f]
  by (auto simp: image_iff)

corollary continuous_hurwitz_zeta [continuous_intros]:
  "a > 0  s  1  continuous (at s within A) (hurwitz_zeta a)"
  by (rule continuous_within_subset[of _ UNIV])
     (insert continuous_on_hurwitz_zeta[of a "-{1}"], 
      auto simp: continuous_on_eq_continuous_at open_Compl)

corollary continuous_hurwitz_zeta' [continuous_intros]:
  "a > 0  f s  1  continuous (at s within A) f 
     continuous (at s within A) (λs. hurwitz_zeta a (f s))"
  using continuous_within_compose3[OF continuous_hurwitz_zeta, of a f s A] by auto

corollary continuous_zeta [continuous_intros]:
  "s  1  continuous (at s within A) zeta"
  unfolding zeta_def by (intro continuous_intros) auto

corollary continuous_zeta' [continuous_intros]:
  "f s  1  continuous (at s within A) f  continuous (at s within A) (λs. zeta (f s))"
  unfolding zeta_def by (intro continuous_intros) auto

corollary field_differentiable_at_zeta:
  assumes "s  1"
  shows "zeta field_differentiable at s"
proof -
  have "zeta holomorphic_on (- {1})" using holomorphic_zeta by force
  moreover have "open (-{1} :: complex set)" by (intro open_Compl) auto
  ultimately show ?thesis using assms
    by (auto simp add: holomorphic_on_open open_halfspace_Re_gt open_Diff field_differentiable_def)

theorem is_pole_hurwitz_zeta:
  assumes "a > 0"
  shows   "is_pole (hurwitz_zeta a) 1"
proof -
  from assms have "continuous_on UNIV (pre_zeta a)"
    by (intro holomorphic_on_imp_continuous_on analytic_imp_holomorphic analytic_pre_zeta)
  hence "isCont (pre_zeta a) 1"
    by (auto simp: continuous_on_eq_continuous_at)
  hence *: "pre_zeta a 1 pre_zeta a 1"
    by (simp add: isCont_def)
  from assms have "isCont (λs. complex_of_real a powr (1 - s)) 1"
    by (intro isCont_powr_complex) auto
  with assms have **: "(λs. complex_of_real a powr (1 - s)) 1 1" 
    by (simp add: isCont_def)
  have "(λs::complex. s - 1) 1 1 - 1" by (intro tendsto_intros)
  hence "filterlim (λs::complex. s - 1) (at 0) (at 1)"
    by (auto simp: filterlim_at eventually_at_filter)
  hence ***: "filterlim (λs :: complex. a powr (1 - s) / (s - 1)) at_infinity (at 1)"
    by (intro filterlim_divide_at_infinity [OF **]) auto
  have "is_pole (λs. pre_zeta a s + complex_of_real a powr (1 - s) / (s - 1)) 1"
    unfolding is_pole_def hurwitz_zeta_def by (rule tendsto_add_filterlim_at_infinity * ***)+
  also have "?this  ?thesis" unfolding is_pole_def
    by (intro filterlim_cong refl) (auto simp: eventually_at_filter hurwitz_zeta_def)
  finally show ?thesis .

corollary is_pole_zeta: "is_pole zeta 1"
  by (simp add: is_pole_hurwitz_zeta zeta_def)

theorem zorder_hurwitz_zeta: 
  assumes "a > 0"
  shows   "zorder (hurwitz_zeta a) 1 = -1"
proof (rule zorder_eqI[of UNIV])
  fix w :: complex assume "w  1"
  thus "hurwitz_zeta a w = (pre_zeta a w * (w - 1) + a powr (1 - w)) * (w - 1) powi -1"
    by (auto simp add: hurwitz_zeta_def field_simps)
qed (use assms in auto intro!: holomorphic_intros)

corollary zorder_zeta: "zorder zeta 1 = - 1"
  unfolding zeta_def by (rule zorder_hurwitz_zeta) auto

theorem residue_hurwitz_zeta: 
  assumes "a > 0"
  shows   "residue (hurwitz_zeta a) 1 = 1"
proof -
  note holo = analytic_imp_holomorphic[OF analytic_pre_zeta]
  have "residue (hurwitz_zeta a) 1 = residue (λz. pre_zeta a z + a powr (1 - z) / (z - 1)) 1"
    by (intro residue_cong) (auto simp: eventually_at_filter hurwitz_zeta_def)
  also have " = residue (λz. a powr (1 - z) / (z - 1)) 1" using assms
    by (subst residue_add [of UNIV])
       (auto intro!: holomorphic_intros holo intro: residue_holo[of UNIV, OF _ _ holo])
  also have " = complex_of_real a powr (1 - 1)"
    using assms by (intro residue_simple [of UNIV]) (auto intro!: holomorphic_intros)
  also from assms have " = 1" by simp
  finally show ?thesis .

corollary residue_zeta: "residue zeta 1 = 1"
  unfolding zeta_def by (rule residue_hurwitz_zeta) auto

lemma zeta_bigo_at_1: "zeta  O[at 1 within A](λx. 1 / (x - 1))"
proof -
  have "zeta  Θ[at 1 within A](λs. pre_zeta 1 s + 1 / (s - 1))"
    by (intro bigthetaI_cong) (auto simp: eventually_at_filter zeta_def hurwitz_zeta_def)
  also have "(λs. pre_zeta 1 s + 1 / (s - 1))  O[at 1 within A](λs. 1 / (s - 1))"
  proof (rule sum_in_bigo)
    have "continuous_on UNIV (pre_zeta 1)"
      by (intro holomorphic_on_imp_continuous_on holomorphic_intros) auto
    hence "isCont (pre_zeta 1) 1" by (auto simp: continuous_on_eq_continuous_at)
    hence "continuous (at 1 within A) (pre_zeta 1)"
      by (rule continuous_within_subset) auto
    hence "pre_zeta 1  O[at 1 within A](λ_. 1)"
      by (intro continuous_imp_bigo_1) auto
    also have ev: "eventually (λs. s  ball 1 1  s  1  s  A) (at 1 within A)"
      by (intro eventually_at_ball') auto
    have "(λ_. 1)  O[at 1 within A](λs. 1 / (s - 1))"
      by (intro landau_o.bigI[of 1] eventually_mono[OF ev]) 
         (auto simp: eventually_at_filter norm_divide dist_norm norm_minus_commute field_simps)
    finally show "pre_zeta 1  O[at 1 within A](λs. 1 / (s - 1))" .
  qed simp_all
  finally show ?thesis .

  assumes "a > 0" "Re s > 1"
  shows hurwitz_zeta_conv_suminf: "hurwitz_zeta a s = (n. (of_nat n + of_real a) powr -s)"
  and   sums_hurwitz_zeta: "(λn. (of_nat n + of_real a) powr -s) sums hurwitz_zeta a s"
proof -
  from assms have [simp]: "s  1" by auto
  from assms have "hurwitz_zeta a s = pre_zeta_aux 0 a s + of_real a powr (1 - s) / (s - 1)"
    by (simp add: hurwitz_zeta_def pre_zeta_def)
  also from assms have "pre_zeta_aux 0 a s = (n. (of_nat n + of_real a) powr -s) + 
                          of_real a powr (1 - s) / (1 - s)"
    by (intro pre_zeta_aux_conv_zeta)
  also have " + a powr (1 - s) / (s - 1) = 
               (n. (of_nat n + of_real a) powr -s) + a powr (1 - s) * (1 / (1 - s) + 1 / (s - 1))"
    by (simp add: algebra_simps)
  also have "1 / (1 - s) + 1 / (s - 1) = 0" 
    by (simp add: divide_simps)
  finally show "hurwitz_zeta a s = (n. (of_nat n + of_real a) powr -s)" by simp
  moreover have "(λn. (of_nat n + of_real a) powr -s) sums (n. (of_nat n + of_real a) powr -s)"
    by (intro summable_sums summable_hurwitz_zeta assms)
  ultimately show "(λn. (of_nat n + of_real a) powr -s) sums hurwitz_zeta a s" 
    by simp

  assumes "Re s > 1"
  shows zeta_conv_suminf: "zeta s = (n. of_nat (Suc n) powr -s)"
  and   sums_zeta: "(λn. of_nat (Suc n) powr -s) sums zeta s"
  using hurwitz_zeta_conv_suminf[of 1 s] sums_hurwitz_zeta[of 1 s] assms 
  by (simp_all add: zeta_def add_ac)

  assumes "n > 1"
  shows zeta_nat_conv_suminf: "zeta (of_nat n) = (k. 1 / of_nat (Suc k) ^ n)"
  and   sums_zeta_nat: "(λk. 1 / of_nat (Suc k) ^ n) sums zeta (of_nat n)"
proof -
  have "(λk. of_nat (Suc k) powr -of_nat n) sums zeta (of_nat n)"
    using assms by (intro sums_zeta) auto
  also have "(λk. of_nat (Suc k) powr -of_nat n) = (λk. 1 / of_nat (Suc k) ^ n :: complex)"
    by (simp add: powr_minus divide_simps del: of_nat_Suc)
  finally show "(λk. 1 / of_nat (Suc k) ^ n) sums zeta (of_nat n)" .
  thus "zeta (of_nat n) = (k. 1 / of_nat (Suc k) ^ n)" by (simp add: sums_iff)

lemma pre_zeta_aux_cnj [simp]: 
  assumes "a > 0"
  shows   "pre_zeta_aux n a (cnj z) = cnj (pre_zeta_aux n a z)"
proof -
  have "cnj (pre_zeta_aux n a z) = 
          of_real a powr -cnj z / 2 + (x=1..n. (bernoulli (2 * x) / fact (2 * x)) *R
            a powr (-cnj z - (2*x-1)) * pochhammer (cnj z) (2*x-1)) + EM_remainder (2*n+1)
          (λx. -(pochhammer (cnj z) (Suc (2 * n)) * 
                  cnj (of_real (x + a) powr (-1 - 2 * of_nat n - z)))) 0"
    (is "_ = _ + ?A + ?B") unfolding pre_zeta_aux_def complex_cnj_add using assms
    by (subst EM_remainder_cnj [symmetric]) 
       (auto intro!: continuous_intros simp: cnj_powr add_eq_0_iff mult_ac)
  also have "?B = EM_remainder (2*n+1)
        (λx. -(pochhammer (cnj z) (Suc (2 * n)) * of_real (x + a) powr (-1 - 2 * of_nat n - cnj z))) 0"
    using assms by (intro EM_remainder_cong) (auto simp: cnj_powr)
  also have "of_real a powr -cnj z / 2 + ?A +  = pre_zeta_aux n a (cnj z)"
    by (simp add: pre_zeta_aux_def mult_ac)
  finally show ?thesis ..

lemma pre_zeta_cnj [simp]: "a > 0  pre_zeta a (cnj z) = cnj (pre_zeta a z)"
  by (simp add: pre_zeta_def)

lemma hurwitz_zeta_cnj [simp]: "a > 0  hurwitz_zeta a (cnj z) = cnj (hurwitz_zeta a z)"
proof -
  assume "a > 0"
  moreover have "cnj z = 1  z = 1" by (simp add: complex_eq_iff)
  ultimately show ?thesis by (auto simp: hurwitz_zeta_def cnj_powr)

lemma zeta_cnj [simp]: "zeta (cnj z) = cnj (zeta z)"
  by (simp add: zeta_def)

corollary hurwitz_zeta_real: "a > 0  hurwitz_zeta a (of_real x)  "
  using hurwitz_zeta_cnj [of a "of_real x"] by (simp add: Reals_cnj_iff del: zeta_cnj)

corollary zeta_real: "zeta (of_real x)  "
  unfolding zeta_def by (rule hurwitz_zeta_real) auto

corollary zeta_real': "z    zeta z  "
  by (elim Reals_cases) (auto simp: zeta_real)

subsection ‹Connection to Dirichlet series›

lemma eval_fds_zeta: "Re s > 1  eval_fds fds_zeta s = zeta s"
  using sums_zeta [of s] by (intro eval_fds_eqI) (auto simp: powr_minus divide_simps)

theorem euler_product_zeta:
  assumes "Re s > 1"
  shows   "(λn. pn. if prime p then inverse (1 - 1 / of_nat p powr s) else 1)  zeta s"
  using euler_product_fds_zeta[of s] assms unfolding nat_power_complex_def 
  by (simp add: eval_fds_zeta)

corollary euler_product_zeta':
  assumes "Re s > 1"
  shows   "(λn. p | prime p  p  n. inverse (1 - 1 / of_nat p powr s))  zeta s"
proof -
  note euler_product_zeta [OF assms]
  also have "(λn. pn. if prime p then inverse (1 - 1 / of_nat p powr s) else 1) =
               (λn. p | prime p  p  n. inverse (1 - 1 / of_nat p powr s))"
    by (intro ext prod.mono_neutral_cong_right refl) auto
  finally show ?thesis .

theorem zeta_Re_gt_1_nonzero: "Re s > 1  zeta s  0"
  using eval_fds_zeta_nonzero[of s] by (simp add: eval_fds_zeta)

theorem tendsto_zeta_Re_going_to_at_top: "(zeta  1) (Re going_to at_top)"
proof (rule Lim_transform_eventually)
  have "eventually (λx::real. x > 1) at_top"
    by (rule eventually_gt_at_top)
  hence "eventually (λs. Re s > 1) (Re going_to at_top)"
    by blast
  thus "eventually (λz. eval_fds fds_zeta z = zeta z) (Re going_to at_top)"
    by eventually_elim (simp add: eval_fds_zeta)
  have "conv_abscissa (fds_zeta :: complex fds)  1"
  proof (rule conv_abscissa_leI)
    fix c' assume "ereal c' > 1"
    thus "s. s  1 = c'  fds_converges fds_zeta (s::complex)"
      by (auto intro!: exI[of _ "of_real c'"])
  hence "(eval_fds fds_zeta  fds_nth fds_zeta 1) (Re going_to at_top)"
    by (intro tendsto_eval_fds_Re_going_to_at_top') auto
  thus "(eval_fds fds_zeta  1) (Re going_to at_top)" by simp

lemma conv_abscissa_zeta [simp]: "conv_abscissa (fds_zeta :: complex fds) = 1"
  and abs_conv_abscissa_zeta [simp]: "abs_conv_abscissa (fds_zeta :: complex fds) = 1"
proof -
  let ?z = "fds_zeta :: complex fds"
  have A: "conv_abscissa ?z  1"
  proof (intro conv_abscissa_geI)
    fix c' assume "ereal c' < 1"
    hence "¬summable (λn. real n powr -c')"
      by (subst summable_real_powr_iff) auto
    hence "¬summable (λn. of_real (real n powr -c') :: complex)"
      by (subst summable_of_real_iff)
    also have "summable (λn. of_real (real n powr -c') :: complex)  
                 fds_converges fds_zeta (of_real c' :: complex)"
      unfolding fds_converges_def
      by (intro summable_cong eventually_mono [OF eventually_gt_at_top[of 0]])
         (simp add: fds_nth_zeta powr_Reals_eq powr_minus divide_simps)
    finally show "s::complex. s  1 = c'  ¬fds_converges fds_zeta s"
      by (intro exI[of _ "of_real c'"]) auto

  have B: "abs_conv_abscissa ?z  1"
  proof (intro abs_conv_abscissa_leI)
    fix c' assume "1 < ereal c'"
    thus "s::complex. s  1 = c'  fds_abs_converges fds_zeta s"
      by (intro exI[of _ "of_real c'"]) auto

  have "conv_abscissa ?z  abs_conv_abscissa ?z"
    by (rule conv_le_abs_conv_abscissa)
  also note B
  finally show "conv_abscissa ?z = 1" using A by (intro antisym)

  note A
  also have "conv_abscissa ?z  abs_conv_abscissa ?z"
    by (rule conv_le_abs_conv_abscissa)
  finally show "abs_conv_abscissa ?z = 1" using B by (intro antisym)

theorem deriv_zeta_sums:
  assumes s: "Re s > 1"
  shows "(λn. -of_real (ln (real (Suc n))) / of_nat (Suc n) powr s) sums deriv zeta s"
proof -
  from s have "fds_converges (fds_deriv fds_zeta) s"
    by (intro fds_converges_deriv) simp_all
  with s have "(λn. -of_real (ln (real (Suc n))) / of_nat (Suc n) powr s) sums
                  deriv (eval_fds fds_zeta) s"
    unfolding fds_converges_altdef
    by (simp add: fds_nth_deriv scaleR_conv_of_real eval_fds_deriv eval_fds_zeta)
  also from s have "eventually (λs. s  {s. Re s > 1}) (nhds s)"
    by (intro eventually_nhds_in_open) (auto simp: open_halfspace_Re_gt)
  hence "eventually (λs. eval_fds fds_zeta s = zeta s) (nhds s)"
    by eventually_elim (auto simp: eval_fds_zeta)
  hence "deriv (eval_fds fds_zeta) s = deriv zeta s"
    by (intro deriv_cong_ev refl)
  finally show ?thesis .

theorem inverse_zeta_sums:
  assumes s: "Re s > 1"
  shows   "(λn. moebius_mu (Suc n) / of_nat (Suc n) powr s) sums inverse (zeta s)"
proof -
  have "fds_converges (fds moebius_mu) s"
    using assms by (auto intro!: fds_abs_converges_moebius_mu)
  hence "(λn. moebius_mu (Suc n) / of_nat (Suc n) powr s) sums eval_fds (fds moebius_mu) s"
    by (simp add: fds_converges_altdef)
  also have "fds moebius_mu = inverse (fds_zeta :: complex fds)"
    by (rule fds_moebius_inverse_zeta)
  also from s have "eval_fds  s = inverse (zeta s)"
    by (subst eval_fds_inverse)
       (auto simp: fds_moebius_inverse_zeta [symmetric] eval_fds_zeta 
             intro!: fds_abs_converges_moebius_mu)
  finally show ?thesis .

text ‹
  The following gives an extension of the $\zeta$ functions to the critical strip.
lemma hurwitz_zeta_critical_strip:
  fixes s :: complex and a :: real
  defines "S  (λn. i<n. (of_nat i + a) powr - s)"
  defines "I'  (λn. of_nat n powr (1 - s) / (1 - s))"
  assumes "Re s > 0" "s  1" and "a > 0"
  shows   "(λn. S n - I' n)  hurwitz_zeta a s"
proof -
  from assms have [simp]: "s  1" by auto
  let ?f = "λx. of_real (x + a) powr -s"
  let ?fs = "λn x. (-1) ^ n * pochhammer s n * of_real (x + a) powr (-s - of_nat n)"
  have minus_commute: "-a - b = -b - a" for a b :: complex by (simp add: algebra_simps)
  define I where "I = (λn. (of_nat n + a) powr (1 - s) / (1 - s))"
  define R where "R = (λn. EM_remainder' 1 (?fs 1) (real 0) (real n))"
  define R_lim where "R_lim = EM_remainder 1 (?fs 1) 0"
  define C where "C = - (a powr -s / 2)"
  define D where "D = (λn. (1/2) * (of_real (a + real n) powr - s))"
  define D' where "D' = (λn. of_real (a + real n) powr - s)"
  define C' where "C' = a powr (1 - s) / (1 - s)"
  define C'' where "C'' = of_real a powr - s"
    fix n :: nat assume n: "n > 0"
    have "((λx. of_real (x + a) powr -s) has_integral (of_real (real n + a) powr (1-s) / (1 - s) - 
            of_real (0 + a) powr (1 - s) / (1 - s))) {0..real n}" using n assms 
      by (intro fundamental_theorem_of_calculus)
         (auto intro!: continuous_intros has_vector_derivative_real_field derivative_eq_intros
               simp: complex_nonpos_Reals_iff)
    hence I: "((λx. of_real (x + a) powr -s) has_integral (I n - C')) {0..n}"
      by (auto simp: divide_simps C'_def I_def)
    have "(i{0<..n}. ?f (real i)) - integral {real 0..real n} ?f =
            (k<1. (bernoulli' (Suc k) / fact (Suc k)) *R (?fs k (real n) - ?fs k (real 0))) + R n" 
      using n assms unfolding R_def
      by (intro euler_maclaurin_strong_raw_nat[where Y = "{0}"])
         (auto intro!: continuous_intros derivative_eq_intros has_vector_derivative_real_field
               simp: pochhammer_rec' algebra_simps complex_nonpos_Reals_iff add_eq_0_iff)
    also have "(k<1. (bernoulli' (Suc k) / fact (Suc k)) *R (?fs k (real n) - ?fs k (real 0))) = 
                  ((n + a) powr - s - a powr - s) / 2"
      by (simp add: lessThan_nat_numeral scaleR_conv_of_real numeral_2_eq_2 [symmetric])
    also have " = C + D n" by (simp add: C_def D_def field_simps)
    also have "integral {real 0..real n} (λx. complex_of_real (x + a) powr - s) = I n - C'"
      using I by (simp add: has_integral_iff)
    also have "(i{0<..n}. of_real (real i + a) powr - s) = 
                 (i=0..n. of_real (real i + a) powr - s) - of_real a powr -s"
      using assms by (subst sum.head) auto
    also have "(i=0..n. of_real (real i + a) powr - s) = S n + of_real (real n + a) powr -s"
      unfolding S_def by (subst sum.last_plus) (auto simp: atLeast0LessThan)
    finally have "C - C' + C'' - D' n + D n + R n + (I n - I' n) = S n - I' n"
      by (simp add: algebra_simps S_def D'_def C''_def)
  hence ev: "eventually (λn. C - C' + C'' - D' n + D n + R n + (I n - I' n) = S n - I' n) at_top"
    by (intro eventually_mono[OF eventually_gt_at_top[of 0]]) auto

  have [simp]: "-1 - s = -s - 1" by simp
    let ?C = "norm (pochhammer s 1)"
    have "R  R_lim" unfolding R_def R_lim_def of_nat_0
    proof (subst of_int_0 [symmetric], rule tendsto_EM_remainder)
      show "eventually (λx. norm (?fs 1 x)  ?C * (x + a) powr (-Re s - 1)) at_top"
        using eventually_ge_at_top[of 0]
        by eventually_elim (insert assms, auto simp: norm_mult norm_powr_real_powr)
      fix x assume x: "x  real_of_int 0"
      have [simp]: "-numeral n - (x :: real) = -x - numeral n" for x n by (simp add: algebra_simps)
      show "((λx. ?C / (-Re s) * (x + a) powr (-Re s)) has_real_derivative 
              ?C * (x + a) powr (- Re s - 1)) (at x within {real_of_int 0..})"
        using assms x by (auto intro!: derivative_eq_intros)
      have "(λy. ?C / (- Re s) * (a + real y) powr (- Re s))  0"
        by (intro tendsto_mult_right_zero tendsto_neg_powr filterlim_real_sequentially
                  filterlim_tendsto_add_at_top[OF tendsto_const]) (use assms in auto)
      thus "convergent (λy. ?C / (- Re s) * (real y + a) powr (- Re s))"
        by (auto simp: add_ac convergent_def)
    qed (intro integrable_EM_remainder' continuous_intros, insert assms, auto simp: add_eq_0_iff)
  moreover have "(λn. I n - I' n)  0"
  proof -
    have "(λn. (complex_of_real (real n + a) powr (1 - s) - 
                 of_real (real n) powr (1 - s)) / (1 - s))  0 / (1 - s)" 
      using assms(3-5) by (intro filterlim_compose[OF _ filterlim_real_sequentially]
                             tendsto_divide complex_powr_add_minus_powr_asymptotics) auto
    thus "(λn. I n - I' n)  0" by (simp add: I_def I'_def divide_simps)
  ultimately have "(λn. C - C' + C'' - D' n + D n + R n + (I n - I' n)) 
                      C - C' + C'' - 0 + 0 + R_lim + 0"
    unfolding D_def D'_def using assms
    by (intro tendsto_add tendsto_diff tendsto_const tendsto_mult_right_zero
              tendsto_neg_powr_complex_of_real filterlim_tendsto_add_at_top 
              filterlim_real_sequentially) auto
  also have "C - C' + C'' - 0 + 0 + R_lim + 0 = 
               (a powr - s / 2) + a powr (1 - s) / (s - 1) + R_lim"
    by (simp add: C_def C'_def C''_def field_simps)
  also have " = hurwitz_zeta a s"
    using assms by (simp add: hurwitz_zeta_def pre_zeta_def pre_zeta_aux_def
                              R_lim_def scaleR_conv_of_real)
  finally have "(λn. C - C' + C'' - D' n + D n + R n + (I n - I' n))  hurwitz_zeta a s" .
  with ev show ?thesis
    by (blast intro: Lim_transform_eventually)

lemma zeta_critical_strip:
  fixes s :: complex and a :: real
  defines "S  (λn. i=1..n. (of_nat i) powr - s)"
  defines "I  (λn. of_nat n powr (1 - s) / (1 - s))"
  assumes s: "Re s > 0" "s  1"
  shows   "(λn. S n - I n)  zeta s"
proof -
  from hurwitz_zeta_critical_strip[OF s zero_less_one]
    have "(λn. (i<n. complex_of_real (Suc i) powr - s) -
            of_nat n powr (1 - s) / (1 - s))  hurwitz_zeta 1 s" by (simp add: add_ac)
  also have "(λn. (i<n. complex_of_real (Suc i) powr -s)) = (λn. (i=1..n. of_nat i powr -s))"
    by (intro ext sum.reindex_bij_witness[of _ "λx. x - 1" Suc]) auto
  finally show ?thesis by (simp add: zeta_def S_def I_def)

subsection ‹The non-vanishing of $\zeta$ for $\mathfrak{R}(s) \geq 1$›

text ‹
  This proof is based on a sketch by Newman~cite"newman1998analytic", which was previously
  formalised in HOL Light by Harrison~cite"harrison2009pnt", albeit in a much more concrete
  and low-level style.

  Our aim here is to reproduce Newman's proof idea cleanly and on the same high level of
theorem zeta_Re_ge_1_nonzero:
  fixes s assumes "Re s  1" "s  1"
  shows "zeta s  0"
proof (cases "Re s > 1")
  case False
  define a where "a = -Im s"
  from False assms have s [simp]: "s = 1 - 𝗂 * a" and a: "a  0"
    by (auto simp: complex_eq_iff a_def)
  show ?thesis
    assume "zeta s = 0"
    hence zero: "zeta (1 - 𝗂 * a) = 0" by simp
    with zeta_cnj[of "1 - 𝗂 * a"] have zero': "zeta (1 + 𝗂 * a) = 0" by simp

    ― ‹We define the function $Q(s) = \zeta(s)^2\zeta(s+ia)\zeta(s-ia)$ and its Dirichlet series.
        The objective will be to show that this function is entire and its Dirichlet series
        converges everywhere. Of course, $Q(s)$ has singularities at $1$ and $1\pm ia$, so we 
        need to show they can be removed.›
    define Q Q_fds
      where "Q = (λs. zeta s ^ 2 * zeta (s + 𝗂 * a) * zeta (s - 𝗂 * a))"
        and "Q_fds = fds_zeta ^ 2 * fds_shift (𝗂 * a) fds_zeta * fds_shift (-𝗂 * a) fds_zeta"  
    let ?sings = "{1, 1 + 𝗂 * a, 1 - 𝗂 * a}"
    ― ‹We show that @{term Q} is locally bounded everywhere. This is the case because the
        poles of $\zeta(s)$ cancel with the zeros of $\zeta(s\pm ia)$ and vice versa.
        This boundedness is then enough to show that @{term Q} has only removable singularities.›
    have Q_bigo_1: "Q  O[at s](λ_. 1)" for s
    proof -
      have Q_eq: "Q = (λs. (zeta s * zeta (s + 𝗂 * a)) * (zeta s * zeta (s - 𝗂 * a)))"
        by (simp add: Q_def power2_eq_square mult_ac)

      ― ‹The singularity of $\zeta(s)$ at 1 gets cancelled by the zero of $\zeta(s-ia)$:›
      have bigo1: "(λs. zeta s * zeta (s - 𝗂 * a))  O[at 1](λ_. 1)"
        if "zeta (1 - 𝗂 * a) = 0" "a  0" for a :: real
      proof -
        have "(λs. zeta (s - 𝗂 * a) - zeta (1 - 𝗂 * a))  O[at 1](λs. s - 1)"
          using that
          by (intro taylor_bigo_linear holomorphic_on_imp_differentiable_at[of _ "-{1 + 𝗂 * a}"]
                    holomorphic_intros) (auto simp: complex_eq_iff)
        hence "(λs. zeta s * zeta (s - 𝗂 * a))  O[at 1](λs. 1 / (s - 1) * (s - 1))" 
          using that by (intro landau_o.big.mult zeta_bigo_at_1) simp_all
        also have "(λs. 1 / (s - 1) * (s - 1))  Θ[at 1](λ_. 1)"
          by (intro bigthetaI_cong) (auto simp: eventually_at_filter)
        finally show ?thesis .

      ― ‹The analogous result for $\zeta(s) \zeta(s+ia)$:›
      have bigo1': "(λs. zeta s * zeta (s + 𝗂 * a))  O[at 1](λ_. 1)"
        if "zeta (1 - 𝗂 * a) = 0" "a  0" for a :: real
        using bigo1[of  "-a"] that zeta_cnj[of "1 - 𝗂 * a"] by simp

      ― ‹The singularity of $\zeta(s-ia)$ gets cancelled by the zero of $\zeta(s)$:›
      have bigo2: "(λs. zeta s * zeta (s - 𝗂 * a))  O[at (1 + 𝗂 * a)](λ_. 1)"
        if "zeta (1 - 𝗂 * a) = 0" "a  0" for a :: real
      proof -
        have "(λs. zeta s * zeta (s - 𝗂 * a))  O[filtermap (λs. s + 𝗂 * a) (at 1)](λ_. 1)"
          using bigo1'[of a] that by (simp add: mult.commute landau_o.big.in_filtermap_iff)
        also have "filtermap (λs. s + 𝗂 * a) (at 1) = at (1 + 𝗂 * a)"
          using filtermap_at_shift[of "-𝗂 * a" 1] by simp
        finally show ?thesis .

      ― ‹Again, the analogous result for $\zeta(s) \zeta(s+ia)$:›
      have bigo2': "(λs. zeta s * zeta (s + 𝗂 * a))  O[at (1 - 𝗂 * a)](λ_. 1)"
        if "zeta (1 - 𝗂 * a) = 0" "a  0" for a :: real
        using bigo2[of "-a"] that zeta_cnj[of "1 - 𝗂 * a"] by simp

      ― ‹Now the final case distinction to show $Q(s)\in O(1)$ for all $s\in\mathbb{C}$:›
      consider "s = 1" | "s = 1 + 𝗂 * a" | "s = 1 - 𝗂 * a" | "s  ?sings" by blast
      thus ?thesis
      proof cases
        case 1
        thus ?thesis unfolding Q_eq using zero zero' a
          by (auto intro: bigo1 bigo1' landau_o.big.mult_in_1)
        case 2
        from a have "isCont (λs. zeta s * zeta (s + 𝗂 * a)) (1 + 𝗂 * a)"
          by (auto intro!: continuous_intros)
        with 2 show ?thesis unfolding Q_eq using zero zero' a
          by (auto intro: bigo2 landau_o.big.mult_in_1 continuous_imp_bigo_1)
        case 3
        from a have "isCont (λs. zeta s * zeta (s - 𝗂 * a)) (1 - 𝗂 * a)"
          by (auto intro!: continuous_intros)
        with 3 show ?thesis unfolding Q_eq using zero zero' a
          by (auto intro: bigo2' landau_o.big.mult_in_1 continuous_imp_bigo_1)
      qed (auto intro!: continuous_imp_bigo_1 continuous_intros simp: Q_def complex_eq_iff)
    ― ‹Thus, we can remove the singularities from @{term Q} and extend it to an entire function.›
    have "Q'. Q' holomorphic_on UNIV  (zUNIV - ?sings. Q' z = Q z)"
      by (intro removable_singularities Q_bigo_1)
         (auto simp: Q_def complex_eq_iff intro!: holomorphic_intros)
    then obtain Q' where Q': "Q' holomorphic_on UNIV" "z. z  ?sings  Q' z = Q z" by blast

    ― ‹@{term Q'} constitutes an analytic continuation of the Dirichlet series of @{term Q}.›
    have eval_Q_fds: "eval_fds Q_fds s = Q' s" if "Re s > 1" for s
    proof -
      have "eval_fds Q_fds s = Q s" using that
        by (simp add: Q_fds_def Q_def eval_fds_mult eval_fds_power fds_abs_converges_mult 
                      fds_abs_converges_power eval_fds_zeta)
      also from that have " = Q' s" by (subst Q') auto
      finally show ?thesis .
    ― ‹Since $\zeta(s)$ and $\zeta(s\pm ia)$ are completely multiplicative Dirichlet series,
        the logarithm of their product can be rewritten into the following nice form:›
    have ln_Q_fds_eq: 
      "fds_ln 0 Q_fds = fds (λk. of_real (2 * mangoldt k / ln k * (1 + cos (a * ln k))))"
    proof -
      note simps = fds_ln_mult[where l' = 0 and l'' = 0] fds_ln_power[where l' = 0]
                   fds_ln_prod[where l' = "λ_. 0"]
      have "fds_ln 0 Q_fds = 2 * fds_ln 0 fds_zeta + fds_shift (𝗂 * a) (fds_ln 0 fds_zeta) + 
                               fds_shift (-𝗂 * a) (fds_ln 0 fds_zeta)"
        by (auto simp: Q_fds_def simps)
      also have "completely_multiplicative_function (fds_nth (fds_zeta :: complex fds))"
        by standard auto
      hence "fds_ln (0 :: complex) fds_zeta = fds (λn. mangoldt n /R ln (real n))"
        by (subst fds_ln_completely_multiplicative) (auto simp: fds_eq_iff)
      also have "2 *  + fds_shift (𝗂 * a)  + fds_shift (-𝗂 * a)  = 
                   fds (λk. of_real (2 * mangoldt k / ln k * (1 + cos (a