Theory Consistency

subsection ‹Consistency of sets of WOOT Messages \label{sec:consistency}›

theory Consistency
  imports SortKeys Psi Sorting DistributedExecution

definition insert_messages :: "('ℐ, ) message set  ('ℐ, ) insert_message set"
  where "insert_messages M = {x. Insert x  M}"

lemma insert_insert_message:
  "insert_messages (M  {Insert m}) = insert_messages M  {m}"
  by (simp add:insert_messages_def, simp add:set_eq_iff)

definition delete_messages :: "('ℐ, ) message set  'ℐ delete_message set"
  where "delete_messages M = {x. Delete x  M}"

fun depends_on where "depends_on M x y = (x  M  y  M  I x  deps (Insert y))"

definition a_conditions ::
  "('ℐ :: linorder, ) insert_message set  ('ℐ extended  'ℐ position)  bool"
  where "a_conditions M a = (
    a  < a  
    (m. m  M  a (P m) < a (S m) 
                   a I m = Ψ (a (P m), a (S m)) (I m)))"

definition consistent :: "('ℐ :: linorder, ) message set  bool"
  where "consistent M 
    inj_on I (insert_messages M) 
    ( (deps ` M)  (I ` insert_messages M)) 
    wfP (depends_on (insert_messages M)) 
    (a. a_conditions (insert_messages M) a)"

lemma consistent_subset:
  assumes "consistent N"
  assumes "M  N"
  assumes " (deps ` M)  (I ` insert_messages M)"
  shows "consistent M"
proof -
  have a:"insert_messages M  insert_messages N"
    using assms(2) insert_messages_def by blast
  hence b:"inj_on I (insert_messages M)"
    using assms(1) consistent_def inj_on_subset by blast
  have "wfP (depends_on (insert_messages N))"
    using assms(1) consistent_def by blast
  moreover have 
    "depends_on (insert_messages M)  depends_on (insert_messages N)" 
    using a by auto
  ultimately have c:"wfP (depends_on (insert_messages M))"
    using a wf_subset [to_pred] by blast
  obtain a where "a_conditions (insert_messages N) a"
    using assms(1) consistent_def by blast
  hence "a_conditions (insert_messages M) a"
    by (meson a a_conditions_def subset_iff)
  thus ?thesis using b c assms(3) consistent_def by blast

lemma pred_is_dep: "P m =  i   i  deps (Insert m)"
  by (metis Un_iff deps.simps(1) extended.set_intros extended.simps(27)
      extended_to_set.simps(1) insert_message.exhaust_sel)

lemma succ_is_dep: "S m =  i   i  deps (Insert m)"
  by (metis Un_insert_right deps.simps(1) extended_to_set.simps(1) insertI1

lemma a_subset:
  fixes M N a
  assumes "M  N"
  assumes "a_conditions (insert_messages N) a"
  shows "a_conditions (insert_messages M) a"
  using assms by (simp add:a_conditions_def insert_messages_def, blast)

definition delete_maybe :: "'ℐ   ('ℐ, ) message set      option" where 
  "delete_maybe i D s = (if Delete (DeleteMessage i)  D then None else Some s)"

definition to_woot_character ::
  "('ℐ, ) message set  ('ℐ, ) insert_message  ('ℐ, ) woot_character"
    "to_woot_character D m = (
       case m of
         (InsertMessage l i u s)  InsertMessage l i u (delete_maybe i D s))"

lemma to_woot_character_keeps_i [simp]: "I (to_woot_character M m) = I m"
  by (cases m, simp add:to_woot_character_def)

lemma to_woot_character_keeps_i_lifted [simp]: 
  "I ` to_woot_character M ` X = I ` X"
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) image_cong image_image to_woot_character_keeps_i)

lemma to_woot_character_keeps_P [simp]: "P (to_woot_character M m) = P m"
  by (cases m, simp add:to_woot_character_def)

lemma to_woot_character_keeps_S [simp]: "S (to_woot_character M m) = S m"
  by (cases m, simp add:to_woot_character_def)

lemma to_woot_character_insert_no_eff:
  "to_woot_character (insert (Insert m) M) = to_woot_character M"
  by (rule HOL.ext, simp add:delete_maybe_def to_woot_character_def insert_message.case_eq_if)

definition is_associated_string ::
  "('ℐ, ) message set  ('ℐ :: linorder, ) woot_character list  bool"
  where "is_associated_string M s  (
    consistent M 
    set s = to_woot_character M ` (insert_messages M) 
    (a. a_conditions (insert_messages M) a  
         sorted_wrt (<) (map a (ext_ids s))))"

fun is_certified_associated_string where
  "is_certified_associated_string M (Inr v) = is_associated_string M v" |
  "is_certified_associated_string M (Inl _) = False"

lemma associated_string_unique:
  assumes "is_associated_string M s"
  assumes "is_associated_string M t"
  shows "s = t"
  using assms
  apply (simp add:ext_ids_def is_associated_string_def consistent_def
  by (metis sort_set_unique)

lemma is_certified_associated_string_unique:
  assumes "is_certified_associated_string M s"
  assumes "is_certified_associated_string M t"
  shows "s = t"
  using assms by (case_tac s, case_tac [!] t, (simp add:associated_string_unique)+)

lemma empty_consistent: "consistent {}"
proof -
  have "a_conditions {} (λx. (case x of    |   ))"
    by (simp add: a_conditions_def)
  hence "f. a_conditions {} f" by blast
  moreover have "wfP (depends_on {})" by (simp add: wfP_eq_minimal)
  ultimately show ?thesis by (simp add:consistent_def insert_messages_def)

lemma empty_associated: "is_associated_string {} []"
  by (simp add:is_associated_string_def insert_messages_def empty_consistent 
      ext_ids_def a_conditions_def)

text ‹The empty set of messages is consistent and the associated string is the empty string.›
