Theory NieuwenhuisOliverasTinelli

(*    Title:              SatSolverVerification/NieuwenhuisOliverasTinelli.thy
      Author:             Filip Maric
      Maintainer:         Filip Maric <filip at>

section‹Transition system of Nieuwenhuis, Oliveras and Tinelli.›
theory NieuwenhuisOliverasTinelli
imports SatSolverVerification

text‹This theory formalizes the transition rule system given by
Nieuwenhuis et al. in cite"NieuwenhuisOliverasTinelli"


record State = 
"getF" :: Formula
"getM" :: LiteralTrail

appliedDecide:: "State  State  Variable set  bool"
"appliedDecide stateA stateB decisionVars == 
        (var l)  decisionVars  
        ¬ l el (elements (getM stateA))  
        ¬ opposite l el (elements (getM stateA)) 

        getF stateB = getF stateA 
        getM stateB = getM stateA @ [(l, True)]
applicableDecide :: "State  Variable set  bool"
"applicableDecide state decisionVars ==  state'. appliedDecide state state' decisionVars"

appliedUnitPropagate :: "State  State  bool"
"appliedUnitPropagate stateA stateB == 
   (uc::Clause) (ul::Literal). 
       uc el (getF stateA)  
       isUnitClause uc ul (elements (getM stateA))  

       getF stateB = getF stateA 
       getM stateB = getM stateA @ [(ul, False)]
applicableUnitPropagate :: "State  bool"
"applicableUnitPropagate state ==  state'. appliedUnitPropagate state state'"

appliedBackjump :: "State  State  bool"
"appliedBackjump stateA stateB == 
   bc bl level. 
       isUnitClause bc bl (elements (prefixToLevel level (getM stateA)))  
       formulaEntailsClause (getF stateA) bc  
       var bl  vars (getF stateA)  vars (elements (getM stateA))  
       0  level  level < (currentLevel (getM stateA)) 

       getF stateB = getF stateA 
       getM stateB = prefixToLevel level (getM stateA) @ [(bl, False)]
applicableBackjump :: "State  bool"
"applicableBackjump state ==   state'. appliedBackjump state state'"

appliedLearn :: "State  State  bool"
"appliedLearn stateA stateB == 
       (formulaEntailsClause (getF stateA) c)  
       (vars c)  vars (getF stateA)  vars (elements (getM stateA))  
       getF stateB = getF stateA @ [c] 
       getM stateB = getM stateA
applicableLearn :: "State  bool"
"applicableLearn state == ( state'. appliedLearn state state')"

text‹Solving starts with the initial formula and the empty trail.›
isInitialState :: "State  Formula  bool"
"isInitialState state F0 == 
      getF state = F0 
      getM state = []

text‹Transitions are preformed only by using given rules.›
"transition stateA stateB decisionVars == 
     appliedDecide        stateA stateB decisionVars 
     appliedUnitPropagate stateA stateB  
     appliedLearn         stateA stateB 
     appliedBackjump      stateA stateB 

text‹Transition relation is obtained by applying transition rules
iteratively. It is defined using a reflexive-transitive closure.›
"transitionRelation decisionVars == ({(stateA, stateB). transition stateA stateB decisionVars})^*"

text‹Final state is one in which no rules apply›
isFinalState :: "State  Variable set  bool"
"isFinalState state decisionVars == ¬ ( state'. transition state state' decisionVars)"

text‹The following several lemmas establish conditions for applicability of different rules.›
lemma applicableDecideCharacterization:
  fixes stateA::State
  shows "applicableDecide stateA decisionVars = 
  ( l. 
        (var l)  decisionVars  
        ¬ l el (elements (getM stateA))  
        ¬ opposite l el (elements (getM stateA))) 
  " (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
  assume ?rhs
  then obtain l where 
    *: "(var l)  decisionVars" "¬ l el (elements (getM stateA))" "¬ opposite l el (elements (getM stateA))"
    unfolding applicableDecide_def
    by auto
  let ?stateB = "stateA getM := (getM stateA) @ [(l, True)] "
  from * have "appliedDecide stateA ?stateB decisionVars"
    unfolding appliedDecide_def
    by auto
  thus ?lhs
    unfolding applicableDecide_def
    by auto
  assume ?lhs
  then obtain stateB l
    where "(var l)  decisionVars" "¬ l el (elements (getM stateA))"
    "¬ opposite l el (elements (getM stateA))"
    unfolding applicableDecide_def
    unfolding appliedDecide_def
    by auto
  thus ?rhs
    by auto

lemma applicableUnitPropagateCharacterization:
  fixes stateA::State and F0::Formula
  shows "applicableUnitPropagate stateA = 
  ( (uc::Clause) (ul::Literal). 
       uc el (getF stateA)  
       isUnitClause uc ul (elements (getM stateA)))
  " (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
  assume "?rhs"
  then obtain ul uc 
    where *: "uc el (getF stateA)" "isUnitClause uc ul (elements (getM stateA))"
    unfolding applicableUnitPropagate_def
    by auto
  let ?stateB = "stateA getM := getM stateA @ [(ul, False)] "
  from * have "appliedUnitPropagate stateA ?stateB" 
    unfolding appliedUnitPropagate_def
    by auto
  thus ?lhs
    unfolding applicableUnitPropagate_def
    by auto
  assume ?lhs
  then obtain stateB uc ul
    where "uc el (getF stateA)" "isUnitClause uc ul (elements (getM stateA))"
    unfolding applicableUnitPropagate_def
    unfolding appliedUnitPropagate_def
    by auto
  thus ?rhs
    by auto

lemma applicableBackjumpCharacterization:
  fixes stateA::State
  shows "applicableBackjump stateA = 
   ( bc bl level. 
      isUnitClause bc bl (elements (prefixToLevel level (getM stateA)))  
      formulaEntailsClause (getF stateA) bc  
      var bl  vars (getF stateA)  vars (elements (getM stateA))  
      0  level  level < (currentLevel (getM stateA)))" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
  assume "?rhs"
  then obtain bc bl level
    where *: "isUnitClause bc bl (elements (prefixToLevel level (getM stateA)))"
     "formulaEntailsClause (getF stateA) bc"
     "var bl  vars (getF stateA)  vars (elements (getM stateA))"
     "0  level" "level < (currentLevel (getM stateA))"
    unfolding applicableBackjump_def
    by auto
  let ?stateB = "stateA getM := prefixToLevel level (getM stateA) @ [(bl, False)]"
  from * have "appliedBackjump stateA ?stateB"
    unfolding appliedBackjump_def
    by auto
  thus "?lhs"
    unfolding applicableBackjump_def
    by auto
  assume "?lhs"
  then obtain stateB 
    where "appliedBackjump stateA stateB"
    unfolding applicableBackjump_def
    by auto
  then obtain bc bl level
    where "isUnitClause bc bl (elements (prefixToLevel level (getM stateA)))"
    "formulaEntailsClause (getF stateA) bc"
    "var bl  vars (getF stateA)  vars (elements (getM stateA))"
    "getF stateB = getF stateA" 
    "getM stateB = prefixToLevel level (getM stateA) @ [(bl, False)]"
     "0  level" "level < (currentLevel (getM stateA))"
    unfolding appliedBackjump_def
    by auto
  thus "?rhs"
    by auto

lemma applicableLearnCharacterization:
  fixes stateA::State
  shows "applicableLearn stateA = 
    ( c. formulaEntailsClause (getF stateA) c  
          vars c  vars (getF stateA)   vars (elements (getM stateA)))" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
  assume "?rhs"
  then obtain c where
  *: "formulaEntailsClause (getF stateA) c" 
     "vars c  vars (getF stateA)   vars (elements (getM stateA))"
    unfolding applicableLearn_def
    by auto
  let ?stateB = "stateA getF := getF stateA @ [c]"
  from * have "appliedLearn stateA ?stateB"
    unfolding appliedLearn_def
    by auto
  thus "?lhs"
    unfolding applicableLearn_def
    by auto
  assume "?lhs"
  then obtain c stateB
    "formulaEntailsClause (getF stateA) c"
    "vars c  vars (getF stateA)  vars (elements (getM stateA))"
    unfolding applicableLearn_def
    unfolding appliedLearn_def
    by auto
  thus "?rhs"
    by auto

text‹Final states are the ones where no rule is applicable.›
lemma finalStateNonApplicable: 
  fixes state::State
  shows "isFinalState state decisionVars = 
          (¬ applicableDecide state decisionVars  
           ¬ applicableUnitPropagate state  
           ¬ applicableBackjump state  
           ¬ applicableLearn state)"
unfolding isFinalState_def
unfolding transition_def
unfolding applicableDecide_def
unfolding applicableUnitPropagate_def
unfolding applicableBackjump_def
unfolding applicableLearn_def
by auto

text‹Invariants that are relevant for the rest of correctness proof.›
invariantsHoldInState :: "State  Formula  Variable set  bool"
"invariantsHoldInState state F0 decisionVars == 
    InvariantImpliedLiterals (getF state) (getM state) 
    InvariantVarsM (getM state) F0 decisionVars 
    InvariantVarsF (getF state) F0 decisionVars 
    InvariantConsistent (getM state) 
    InvariantUniq (getM state)  
    InvariantEquivalent F0 (getF state)

text‹Invariants hold in initial states.›
lemma invariantsHoldInInitialState:
  fixes state :: State and F0 :: Formula
  assumes "isInitialState state F0" 
  shows "invariantsHoldInState state F0 decisionVars"
using assms
by (auto simp add:
  InvariantEquivalent_def equivalentFormulae_def

text‹Valid transitions preserve invariants.›
lemma transitionsPreserveInvariants: 
  fixes stateA::State and stateB::State
  assumes "transition stateA stateB decisionVars" and 
  "invariantsHoldInState stateA F0 decisionVars"
  shows "invariantsHoldInState stateB F0 decisionVars"
    from invariantsHoldInState stateA F0 decisionVars
      "InvariantImpliedLiterals (getF stateA) (getM stateA)" and 
      "InvariantVarsM (getM stateA) F0 decisionVars" and
      "InvariantVarsF (getF stateA) F0 decisionVars" and
      "InvariantConsistent (getM stateA)" and
      "InvariantUniq (getM stateA)" and
      "InvariantEquivalent F0 (getF stateA)"
      unfolding invariantsHoldInState_def
      by auto
    assume "appliedDecide stateA stateB decisionVars"
    then obtain l::Literal where
      "(var l)  decisionVars"
      "¬ literalTrue l (elements (getM stateA))"
      "¬ literalFalse l (elements (getM stateA))"
      "getM stateB = getM stateA @ [(l, True)]"
      "getF stateB = getF stateA"
      unfolding appliedDecide_def
      by auto

    from ¬ literalTrue l (elements (getM stateA)) ¬ literalFalse l (elements (getM stateA)) 
    have *: "var l  vars (elements (getM stateA))"
      using variableDefinedImpliesLiteralDefined[of "l" "elements (getM stateA)"]
      by simp

    have "InvariantImpliedLiterals (getF stateB) (getM stateB)"
      using getF stateB = getF stateA
        getM stateB = getM stateA @ [(l, True)] 
        InvariantImpliedLiterals (getF stateA) (getM stateA)
        InvariantUniq (getM stateA)
        var l  vars (elements (getM stateA))
        InvariantImpliedLiteralsAfterDecide[of "getF stateA" "getM stateA" "l" "getM stateB"]
      by simp
    have "InvariantVarsM (getM stateB) F0 decisionVars"
      using getM stateB = getM stateA @ [(l, True)] 
        InvariantVarsM (getM stateA) F0 decisionVars
        var l  decisionVars
        InvariantVarsMAfterDecide[of "getM stateA" "F0" "decisionVars" "l" "getM stateB"]
      by simp
    have "InvariantVarsF (getF stateB) F0 decisionVars"
      using getF stateB = getF stateA
      InvariantVarsF (getF stateA) F0 decisionVars
      by simp
    have "InvariantConsistent (getM stateB)"
      using getM stateB = getM stateA @ [(l, True)] 
        InvariantConsistent (getM stateA)
        var l  vars (elements (getM stateA))
        InvariantConsistentAfterDecide[of "getM stateA" "l" "getM stateB"]
      by simp
    have "InvariantUniq (getM stateB)"
      using getM stateB = getM stateA @ [(l, True)] 
        InvariantUniq (getM stateA)
        var l  vars (elements (getM stateA))
        InvariantUniqAfterDecide[of "getM stateA" "l" "getM stateB"]
      by simp
    have "InvariantEquivalent F0 (getF stateB)"
      using getF stateB = getF stateA
      InvariantEquivalent F0 (getF stateA)
      by simp
    have ?thesis
      unfolding invariantsHoldInState_def
      by auto
    assume "appliedUnitPropagate stateA stateB"
    then obtain uc::Clause and ul::Literal where 
      "uc el (getF stateA)"
      "isUnitClause uc ul (elements (getM stateA))"
      "getF stateB = getF stateA"
      "getM stateB = getM stateA @ [(ul, False)]"
      unfolding appliedUnitPropagate_def
      by auto

    from isUnitClause uc ul (elements (getM stateA))
    have "ul el uc"
      unfolding isUnitClause_def
      by simp

    from uc el (getF stateA)
    have "formulaEntailsClause (getF stateA) uc"
      by (simp add: formulaEntailsItsClauses)

    have "InvariantImpliedLiterals (getF stateB) (getM stateB)"
      using getF stateB = getF stateA 
        InvariantImpliedLiterals (getF stateA) (getM stateA) 
        formulaEntailsClause (getF stateA) uc
        isUnitClause uc ul (elements (getM stateA))
        getM stateB = getM stateA @ [(ul, False)]
        InvariantImpliedLiteralsAfterUnitPropagate[of "getF stateA" "getM stateA" "uc" "ul" "getM stateB"]
      by simp
    from ul el uc uc el (getF stateA)
    have "ul el (getF stateA)"
      by (auto simp add: literalElFormulaCharacterization)
    with InvariantVarsF (getF stateA) F0 decisionVars
    have "var ul  vars F0  decisionVars"
      using "formulaContainsItsLiteralsVariable" [of "ul" "getF stateA"]
      unfolding InvariantVarsF_def
      by auto

    have "InvariantVarsM (getM stateB) F0 decisionVars"
      using InvariantVarsM (getM stateA) F0 decisionVars
        var ul  vars F0  decisionVars
        getM stateB = getM stateA @ [(ul, False)]
        InvariantVarsMAfterUnitPropagate[of "getM stateA" "F0" "decisionVars" "ul" "getM stateB"]
      by simp
    have "InvariantVarsF (getF stateB) F0 decisionVars"
      using getF stateB = getF stateA
      InvariantVarsF (getF stateA) F0 decisionVars
      by simp
    have "InvariantConsistent (getM stateB)"
      using InvariantConsistent (getM stateA)
        isUnitClause uc ul (elements (getM stateA))
        getM stateB = getM stateA @ [(ul, False)]
        InvariantConsistentAfterUnitPropagate [of "getM stateA" "uc" "ul" "getM stateB"]
      by simp
    have "InvariantUniq (getM stateB)"
      using InvariantUniq (getM stateA)
        isUnitClause uc ul (elements (getM stateA))
        getM stateB = getM stateA @ [(ul, False)]
        InvariantUniqAfterUnitPropagate [of "getM stateA" "uc" "ul" "getM stateB"]
      by simp
    have "InvariantEquivalent F0 (getF stateB)"
      using getF stateB = getF stateA 
      InvariantEquivalent F0 (getF stateA)
      by simp
    have ?thesis
      unfolding invariantsHoldInState_def
      by auto
    assume "appliedLearn stateA stateB"
    then obtain c::Clause where
      "formulaEntailsClause (getF stateA) c"
      "vars c  vars (getF stateA)  vars (elements (getM stateA))"
      "getF stateB = getF stateA @ [c]"
      "getM stateB = getM stateA"
      unfolding appliedLearn_def
      by auto
    have "InvariantImpliedLiterals (getF stateB) (getM stateB)"
        InvariantImpliedLiterals (getF stateA) (getM stateA)
        getF stateB = getF stateA @ [c]
        getM stateB = getM stateA
        InvariantImpliedLiteralsAfterLearn[of "getF stateA" "getM stateA" "getF stateB"]
      by simp
    have "InvariantVarsM (getM stateB) F0 decisionVars"
        InvariantVarsM (getM stateA) F0 decisionVars
        getM stateB = getM stateA
      by simp
    from vars c  vars (getF stateA)  vars (elements (getM stateA))
      InvariantVarsM (getM stateA) F0 decisionVars
        InvariantVarsF (getF stateA) F0 decisionVars
    have "vars c  vars F0  decisionVars"
      unfolding InvariantVarsM_def
      unfolding InvariantVarsF_def
      by auto
    hence "InvariantVarsF (getF stateB) F0 decisionVars"
      using InvariantVarsF (getF stateA) F0 decisionVars
        getF stateB = getF stateA @ [c]
      using varsAppendFormulae [of "getF stateA" "[c]"]
      unfolding InvariantVarsF_def
      by simp
    have "InvariantConsistent (getM stateB)"
      using InvariantConsistent (getM stateA)
        getM stateB = getM stateA
      by simp
    have "InvariantUniq (getM stateB)"
      using InvariantUniq (getM stateA)
        getM stateB = getM stateA
      by simp
    have "InvariantEquivalent F0 (getF stateB)"
        InvariantEquivalent F0 (getF stateA)
        formulaEntailsClause (getF stateA) c
        getF stateB = getF stateA @ [c]
        InvariantEquivalentAfterLearn[of "F0" "getF stateA" "c" "getF stateB"]
      by simp
    have ?thesis
      unfolding invariantsHoldInState_def
      by simp
    assume "appliedBackjump stateA stateB"
    then obtain bc::Clause and bl::Literal and level::nat
      "isUnitClause bc bl (elements (prefixToLevel level (getM stateA)))"
      "formulaEntailsClause (getF stateA) bc"
      "var bl  vars (getF stateA)  vars (elements (getM stateA))"
      "getF stateB = getF stateA"
      "getM stateB = prefixToLevel level (getM stateA) @ [(bl, False)]"
      unfolding appliedBackjump_def
      by auto

    have "isPrefix (prefixToLevel level (getM stateA)) (getM stateA)"
      by (simp add:isPrefixPrefixToLevel)

    have "InvariantImpliedLiterals (getF stateB) (getM stateB)"
      using InvariantImpliedLiterals (getF stateA) (getM stateA)
        isPrefix (prefixToLevel level (getM stateA)) (getM stateA)
        isUnitClause bc bl (elements (prefixToLevel level (getM stateA)))
        formulaEntailsClause (getF stateA) bc
        getF stateB = getF stateA
        getM stateB = prefixToLevel level (getM stateA) @ [(bl, False)]
        InvariantImpliedLiteralsAfterBackjump[of "getF stateA" "getM stateA" "prefixToLevel level (getM stateA)" "bc" "bl" "getM stateB"]
      by simp

    from InvariantVarsF (getF stateA) F0 decisionVars
      InvariantVarsM (getM stateA) F0 decisionVars
      var bl  vars (getF stateA)  vars (elements (getM stateA))
    have "var bl  vars F0  decisionVars"
      unfolding InvariantVarsM_def
      unfolding InvariantVarsF_def
      by auto

    have "InvariantVarsM (getM stateB) F0 decisionVars"
      using InvariantVarsM (getM stateA) F0 decisionVars
        isPrefix (prefixToLevel level (getM stateA)) (getM stateA)
        getM stateB = prefixToLevel level (getM stateA) @ [(bl, False)]
        var bl  vars F0  decisionVars
        InvariantVarsMAfterBackjump[of "getM stateA" "F0" "decisionVars" "prefixToLevel level (getM stateA)" "bl" "getM stateB"]
      by simp
    have "InvariantVarsF (getF stateB) F0 decisionVars"
      using getF stateB = getF stateA
      InvariantVarsF (getF stateA) F0 decisionVars
      by simp
    have "InvariantConsistent (getM stateB)"
      using InvariantConsistent (getM stateA)
        isPrefix (prefixToLevel level (getM stateA)) (getM stateA)
        isUnitClause bc bl (elements (prefixToLevel level (getM stateA)))
        getM stateB = prefixToLevel level (getM stateA) @ [(bl, False)]
        InvariantConsistentAfterBackjump[of "getM stateA" "prefixToLevel level (getM stateA)" "bc" "bl" "getM stateB"]
      by simp
    have "InvariantUniq (getM stateB)"
      using InvariantUniq (getM stateA)
        isPrefix (prefixToLevel level (getM stateA)) (getM stateA)
        isUnitClause bc bl (elements (prefixToLevel level (getM stateA)))
        getM stateB = prefixToLevel level (getM stateA) @ [(bl, False)]
        InvariantUniqAfterBackjump[of "getM stateA" "prefixToLevel level (getM stateA)" "bc" "bl" "getM stateB"]
      by simp
    have "InvariantEquivalent F0 (getF stateB)"
      InvariantEquivalent F0 (getF stateA)
      getF stateB = getF stateA
      by simp
    have ?thesis
      unfolding invariantsHoldInState_def
      by auto
  show ?thesis
    using transition stateA stateB decisionVars
    unfolding transition_def
    by auto

text‹The consequence is that invariants hold in all valid runs.›
lemma invariantsHoldInValidRuns: 
  fixes F0 :: Formula and decisionVars :: "Variable set"
  assumes "invariantsHoldInState stateA F0 decisionVars" and
  "(stateA, stateB)  transitionRelation decisionVars"
  shows "invariantsHoldInState stateB F0 decisionVars"
using assms
using transitionsPreserveInvariants
using rtrancl_induct[of "stateA" "stateB" 
  "{(stateA, stateB). transition stateA stateB decisionVars}" "λ x. invariantsHoldInState x F0 decisionVars"]
unfolding transitionRelation_def
by auto

lemma invariantsHoldInValidRunsFromInitialState:
  fixes F0 :: Formula and decisionVars :: "Variable set"
  assumes "isInitialState state0 F0" 
  and "(state0, state)  transitionRelation decisionVars"
  shows "invariantsHoldInState state F0 decisionVars"
  from isInitialState state0 F0
  have "invariantsHoldInState state0 F0 decisionVars"
    by (simp add:invariantsHoldInInitialState)
  with assms
  show ?thesis
    using invariantsHoldInValidRuns [of "state0"  "F0" "decisionVars" "state"]
    by simp

 In the following text we will show that there are two kinds of states:
  \item \textit{UNSAT} states where @{term "formulaFalse F0 (elements (getM state))"}
  and @{term "decisions (getM state) = []"}. 
  \item \textit{SAT} states where @{term "¬ formulaFalse F0 (elements (getM state))"}
  and @{term "vars (elements (getM state))  decisionVars"}
 The soundness theorems claim that if \textit{UNSAT} state is reached
 the formula is unsatisfiable and if \textit{SAT} state is reached,
 the formula is satisfiable.

 Completeness theorems claim that every final state is either
 \textit{UNSAT} or \textit{SAT}. A consequence of this and soundness
 theorems, is that if formula is unsatisfiable the solver will finish
 in an \textit{UNSAT} state, and if the formula is satisfiable the
 solver will finish in a \textit{SAT} state.›

theorem soundnessForUNSAT:
  fixes F0 :: Formula and decisionVars :: "Variable set" and state0 :: State and state :: State
  "isInitialState state0 F0" and
  "(state0, state)  transitionRelation decisionVars"

  "formulaFalse (getF state) (elements (getM state))"
  "decisions (getM state) = []"

  shows "¬ satisfiable F0"
  from isInitialState state0 F0 (state0, state)  transitionRelation decisionVars
  have "invariantsHoldInState state F0 decisionVars" 
    using invariantsHoldInValidRunsFromInitialState
    by simp
  hence "InvariantImpliedLiterals (getF state) (getM state)" "InvariantEquivalent F0 (getF state)"
    unfolding invariantsHoldInState_def
    by auto
  with formulaFalse (getF state) (elements (getM state))
    decisions (getM state) = []
  show ?thesis
    using unsatReport[of "getF state" "getM state" "F0"]
    by simp

theorem soundnessForSAT:
  fixes F0 :: Formula and decisionVars :: "Variable set" and state0 :: State and state :: State
  "vars F0  decisionVars" and

  "isInitialState state0 F0" and
  "(state0, state)  transitionRelation decisionVars"

  "¬ formulaFalse (getF state) (elements (getM state))"
  "vars (elements (getM state))  decisionVars"  
  "model (elements (getM state)) F0"
  from isInitialState state0 F0 (state0, state)  transitionRelation decisionVars
  have "invariantsHoldInState state F0 decisionVars" 
    using invariantsHoldInValidRunsFromInitialState
    by simp
    "InvariantConsistent (getM state)" 
    "InvariantEquivalent F0 (getF state)"
    "InvariantVarsF (getF state) F0 decisionVars"
    unfolding invariantsHoldInState_def
    by auto
  with assms
  show ?thesis
  using satReport[of "F0" "decisionVars" "getF state" "getM state"]
  by simp

text‹This system is terminating, but only under assumption that
there is no infinite derivation consisting only of applications of 
rule $Learn$. We will formalize this condition by requiring that there
there exists an ordering @{term learnL} on the formulae that is
well-founded such that the state is decreased with each application
of the $Learn$ rule. If such ordering exists, the termination
ordering is built as a lexicographic combination of @{term lexLessRestricted} 
trail ordering and the @{term learnL} ordering. 

definition "lexLessState F0 decisionVars == {((stateA::State), (stateB::State)). 
                       (getM stateA, getM stateB)  lexLessRestricted (vars F0  decisionVars)}" 
definition "learnLessState learnL == {((stateA::State), (stateB::State)). 
                        getM stateA = getM stateB  (getF stateA, getF stateB)  learnL}" 
definition "terminationLess F0 decisionVars learnL == 
  {((stateA::State), (stateB::State)). 
      (stateA,stateB)  lexLessState F0 decisionVars  
      (stateA,stateB)  learnLessState learnL}"

text‹We want to show that every valid transition decreases a state
  with respect to the constructed termination ordering. Therefore, we
  show that $Decide$, $UnitPropagate$ and $Backjump$ rule decrease the
  trail with respect to the restricted trail ordering @{term
  lexLessRestricted}.  Invariants ensure that trails are indeed uniq,
  consistent and with finite variable sets. By assumption, $Learn$
  rule will decrease the formula component of the state with respect
  to the @{term learnL} ordering.›

lemma trailIsDecreasedByDeciedUnitPropagateAndBackjump:
  fixes stateA::State and stateB::State
  assumes "invariantsHoldInState stateA F0 decisionVars" and
  "appliedDecide stateA stateB decisionVars  appliedUnitPropagate stateA stateB  appliedBackjump stateA stateB"
  shows "(getM stateB, getM stateA)  lexLessRestricted (vars F0  decisionVars)"
  from appliedDecide stateA stateB decisionVars  appliedUnitPropagate stateA stateB  appliedBackjump stateA stateB
    invariantsHoldInState stateA F0 decisionVars 
  have "invariantsHoldInState stateB F0 decisionVars"
      using transitionsPreserveInvariants
      unfolding transition_def
      by auto
    from invariantsHoldInState stateA F0 decisionVars 
    have *: "uniq (elements (getM stateA))" "consistent (elements (getM stateA))" "vars (elements (getM stateA))  vars F0  decisionVars"
      unfolding invariantsHoldInState_def
      unfolding InvariantVarsM_def
      unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
      unfolding InvariantUniq_def
      by auto
    from invariantsHoldInState stateB F0 decisionVars 
    have **: "uniq (elements (getM stateB))" "consistent (elements (getM stateB))" "vars (elements (getM stateB))  vars F0  decisionVars"
      unfolding invariantsHoldInState_def
      unfolding InvariantVarsM_def
      unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
      unfolding InvariantUniq_def
      by auto
    assume "appliedDecide stateA stateB decisionVars"
    hence "(getM stateB, getM stateA)  lexLess"
      unfolding appliedDecide_def
      by (auto simp add:lexLessAppend)
    with * ** 
    have "((getM stateB), (getM stateA))  lexLessRestricted (vars F0  decisionVars)"
      unfolding lexLessRestricted_def
      by auto
    assume "appliedUnitPropagate stateA stateB"
    hence "(getM stateB, getM stateA)  lexLess"
      unfolding appliedUnitPropagate_def
      by (auto simp add:lexLessAppend)
    with * ** 
    have "(getM stateB, getM stateA)  lexLessRestricted (vars F0  decisionVars)"
      unfolding lexLessRestricted_def
      by auto
    assume "appliedBackjump stateA stateB"
    then obtain bc::Clause and bl::Literal and level::nat
      "isUnitClause bc bl (elements (prefixToLevel level (getM stateA)))"
      "formulaEntailsClause (getF stateA) bc"
      "var bl  vars (getF stateA)  vars (elements (getM stateA))"
      "0  level" "level < currentLevel (getM stateA)" 
      "getF stateB = getF stateA"
      "getM stateB = prefixToLevel level (getM stateA) @ [(bl, False)]"
      unfolding appliedBackjump_def
      by auto
    with getM stateB = prefixToLevel level (getM stateA) @ [(bl, False)]
    have "(getM stateB, getM stateA)  lexLess"
      by (simp add:lexLessBackjump)
    with * ** 
    have "(getM stateB, getM stateA)  lexLessRestricted (vars F0  decisionVars)"
      unfolding lexLessRestricted_def
      by auto
  show ?thesis
    using assms
    by auto

text‹Now we can show that, under the assumption for $Learn$ rule,
  every rule application decreases a state with respect to the
  constructed termination ordering.›
theorem stateIsDecreasedByValidTransitions:
  fixes stateA::State and stateB::State 
  assumes "invariantsHoldInState stateA F0 decisionVars" and "transition stateA stateB decisionVars"
  "appliedLearn stateA stateB   (getF stateB, getF stateA)  learnL"
  shows "(stateB, stateA)  terminationLess F0 decisionVars learnL"
    assume "appliedDecide stateA stateB decisionVars  appliedUnitPropagate stateA stateB  appliedBackjump stateA stateB"
    with invariantsHoldInState stateA F0 decisionVars
    have "(getM stateB, getM stateA)  lexLessRestricted (vars F0  decisionVars)"
      using trailIsDecreasedByDeciedUnitPropagateAndBackjump
      by simp
    hence "(stateB, stateA)  lexLessState F0 decisionVars"
      unfolding lexLessState_def
      by simp
    hence "(stateB, stateA)  terminationLess F0 decisionVars learnL"
      unfolding terminationLess_def
      by simp
    assume "appliedLearn stateA stateB"
    with appliedLearn stateA stateB  (getF stateB, getF stateA)  learnL
    have "(getF stateB, getF stateA)  learnL"
      by simp
    from appliedLearn stateA stateB
    have "(getM stateB) = (getM stateA)"
      unfolding appliedLearn_def
      by auto
   have "(stateB, stateA)  learnLessState learnL" 
      unfolding learnLessState_def
      by simp
    hence "(stateB, stateA)  terminationLess F0 decisionVars learnL"
      unfolding terminationLess_def
      by simp
  show ?thesis
    using transition stateA stateB decisionVars
    unfolding transition_def
    by auto

text‹The minimal states with respect to the termination ordering are
  final i.e., no further transition rules are applicable.›
"isMinimalState stateMin F0 decisionVars learnL == ( state::State. (state, stateMin)  terminationLess F0 decisionVars learnL)"

lemma minimalStatesAreFinal:
  fixes stateA::State
  assumes *: " (stateA::State) (stateB::State). appliedLearn stateA stateB   (getF stateB, getF stateA)  learnL" and
  "invariantsHoldInState state F0 decisionVars" and "isMinimalState state F0 decisionVars learnL"
  shows "isFinalState state decisionVars"
    assume "¬ ?thesis"
    then obtain state'::State 
      where "transition state state' decisionVars"
      unfolding isFinalState_def
      by auto
    with invariantsHoldInState state F0 decisionVars *
    have "(state', state)  terminationLess F0 decisionVars learnL"
      using stateIsDecreasedByValidTransitions[of "state" "F0" "decisionVars" "state'" "learnL"]
      unfolding transition_def
      by auto
    with isMinimalState state F0 decisionVars learnL 
    have False
      unfolding isMinimalState_def
      by auto
  thus ?thesis
    by auto

text‹We now prove that termination ordering is well founded. We
start with two auxiliary lemmas.›
lemma wfLexLessState: 
  fixes decisionVars :: "Variable set" and F0 :: "Formula"
  assumes "finite decisionVars"
  shows "wf (lexLessState F0 decisionVars)"
unfolding wf_eq_minimal
  show "Q state. state  Q  (stateMinQ. state'. (state', stateMin)  lexLessState F0 decisionVars  state'  Q)"
      fix Q :: "State set" and state :: State
      assume "state  Q"
      let ?Q1 = "{M::LiteralTrail.  state. state  Q  (getM state) = M}"
      from state  Q
      have "getM state  ?Q1"
        by auto
      from finite decisionVars 
      have "finite (vars F0  decisionVars)"
        using finiteVarsFormula[of "F0"]
        by simp
      hence "wf (lexLessRestricted (vars F0  decisionVars))"
      using  wfLexLessRestricted[of "vars F0  decisionVars"]
      by simp
    with getM state  ?Q1
      obtain Mmin where "Mmin  ?Q1" "M'. (M', Mmin)  lexLessRestricted (vars F0  decisionVars)  M'  ?Q1"
        unfolding wf_eq_minimal
        apply (erule_tac x="?Q1" in allE)
        apply (erule_tac x="getM state" in allE)
        by auto 
      from Mmin  ?Q1 obtain stateMin
        where "stateMin  Q" "(getM stateMin) = Mmin"
        by auto
      have "state'. (state', stateMin)  lexLessState F0 decisionVars  state'  Q"
        fix state'
        show "(state', stateMin)  lexLessState F0 decisionVars  state'  Q"
          assume "(state', stateMin)  lexLessState F0 decisionVars"
          hence "(getM state', getM stateMin)  lexLessRestricted (vars F0  decisionVars)"
            unfolding lexLessState_def
            by auto
          from M'. (M', Mmin)  lexLessRestricted (vars F0  decisionVars)  M'  ?Q1
            (getM state', getM stateMin)  lexLessRestricted (vars F0  decisionVars) getM stateMin = Mmin
          have "getM state'  ?Q1"
            by simp
          with getM stateMin = Mmin
          show "state'  Q"
            by auto
      with stateMin  Q
      have " stateMin  Q. (state'. (state', stateMin)  lexLessState F0 decisionVars  state'  Q)"
        by auto
    thus ?thesis
      by auto

lemma wfLearnLessState: 
  assumes "wf learnL"
  shows "wf (learnLessState learnL)"
unfolding wf_eq_minimal
  show "Q state. state  Q  (stateMinQ. state'. (state', stateMin)  learnLessState learnL  state'  Q)"
      fix Q :: "State set" and state :: State
      assume "state  Q"
      let ?M = "(getM state)"
      let ?Q1 = "{f::Formula.  state. state  Q  (getM state) = ?M  (getF state) = f}"
      from state  Q 
      have "getF state  ?Q1"
        by auto            
      with wf learnL
      obtain FMin where "FMin  ?Q1" "F'. (F', FMin)  learnL  F'  ?Q1"
        unfolding wf_eq_minimal
        apply (erule_tac x="?Q1" in allE)
        apply (erule_tac x="getF state" in allE)
        by auto
      from FMin  ?Q1 obtain stateMin
        where "stateMin  Q" "(getM stateMin) = ?M" "getF stateMin = FMin"
        by auto
      have "state'. (state', stateMin)  learnLessState learnL  state'  Q"
        fix state'
        show "(state', stateMin)  learnLessState learnL  state'  Q"
          assume "(state', stateMin)  learnLessState learnL"
          with getM stateMin = ?M 
          have "getM state' = getM stateMin" "(getF state', getF stateMin)  learnL"
            unfolding learnLessState_def
            by auto
          from F'. (F', FMin)  learnL  F'  ?Q1 
            (getF state', getF stateMin)  learnL getF stateMin = FMin
          have "getF state'  ?Q1"
            by simp
          with getM state' = getM stateMin getM stateMin = ?M
          show "state'  Q"
            by auto
      with stateMin  Q 
      have " stateMin  Q. (state'. (state', stateMin)  learnLessState learnL  state'  Q)"
        by auto
    thus ?thesis
      by auto

text‹Now we can prove the following key lemma which shows that the
termination ordering is well founded.›
lemma wfTerminationLess:
  fixes F0 :: Formula and decisionVars :: "Variable set"
  assumes "finite decisionVars" "wf learnL"
  shows "wf (terminationLess F0 decisionVars learnL)"
  unfolding wf_eq_minimal
  show "Q state. state  Q  ( stateMin  Q. state'. (state', stateMin)  terminationLess F0 decisionVars learnL  state'  Q)"
      fix Q::"State set"
      fix state::State
      assume "state  Q"
      have "wf (lexLessState F0 decisionVars)"
        using wfLexLessState[of "decisionVars" "F0"]
        using finite decisionVars
        by simp
      with state  Q obtain state0
        where "state0  Q" "state'. (state', state0)  lexLessState F0 decisionVars  state'  Q"
        unfolding wf_eq_minimal
        by auto
      let ?Q0 = "{state. state  Q  (getM state) = (getM state0)}"
      from state0  Q
      have "state0  ?Q0"
        by simp
      from wf learnL 
      have "wf (learnLessState learnL)"
        using wfLearnLessState
        by simp
      with state0  ?Q0 obtain state1
        where "state1  ?Q0" "state'. (state', state1)  learnLessState learnL  state'  ?Q0"
        unfolding wf_eq_minimal
        apply (erule_tac x="?Q0" in allE)
        apply (erule_tac x="state0" in allE)
        by auto
      from state1  ?Q0
      have "state1  Q" "getM state1 = getM state0"
        by auto
      let ?stateMin = state1
      have "state'. (state', ?stateMin)  terminationLess F0 decisionVars learnL  state'  Q"
        fix state'
        show "(state', ?stateMin)  terminationLess F0 decisionVars learnL  state'  Q"
          assume "(state', ?stateMin)  terminationLess F0 decisionVars learnL"
            "(state', ?stateMin)  lexLessState F0 decisionVars 
            (state', ?stateMin)  learnLessState learnL"
            unfolding terminationLess_def
            by auto
            assume "(state', ?stateMin)  lexLessState F0 decisionVars"
            with getM state1 = getM state0
            have "(state', state0)  lexLessState F0 decisionVars"
              unfolding lexLessState_def
              by simp
            with state'. (state', state0)  lexLessState F0 decisionVars  state'  Q
            have "state'  Q"
              by simp
            assume "(state', ?stateMin)  learnLessState learnL"
            with state'. (state', state1)  learnLessState learnL  state'  ?Q0
            have "state'  ?Q0"
              by simp
            from (state', state1)  learnLessState learnL getM state1 = getM state0
            have "getM state' = getM state0"
              unfolding learnLessState_def
              by auto
            with state'  ?Q0
            have "state'  Q"
              by simp
          show "state'  Q"
            by auto
      with ?stateMin  Q have "( stateMin  Q. state'. (state', stateMin)  terminationLess F0 decisionVars learnL  state'  Q)"
        by auto
    thus ?thesis
      by simp

text‹Using the termination ordering we show that the transition
 relation is well founded on states reachable from initial state.  The
 assumption for the $Learn$ rule is neccessary.›
theorem wfTransitionRelation:
  fixes decisionVars :: "Variable set" and F0 :: "Formula"
  assumes "finite decisionVars" and "isInitialState state0 F0" and
  *: " learnL::(Formula × Formula) set. 
        wf learnL  
        ( stateA stateB. appliedLearn stateA stateB   (getF stateB, getF stateA)  learnL)"
  shows "wf {(stateB, stateA). 
             (state0, stateA)  transitionRelation decisionVars  (transition stateA stateB decisionVars)}"
  from * obtain learnL::"(Formula × Formula) set"
    "wf learnL" and
    **: " stateA stateB. appliedLearn stateA stateB   (getF stateB, getF stateA)  learnL"
    by auto
  let ?rel = "{(stateB, stateA). 
                  (state0, stateA)  transitionRelation decisionVars  (transition stateA stateB decisionVars)}"
  let ?rel'= "terminationLess F0 decisionVars learnL"

  have "x y. (x, y)  ?rel  (x, y)  ?rel'"
      fix stateA::State and stateB::State
      assume "(stateB, stateA)  ?rel"
      hence "(stateB, stateA)  ?rel'"
        using isInitialState state0 F0
        using invariantsHoldInValidRunsFromInitialState[of "state0" "F0" "stateA" "decisionVars"]
        using stateIsDecreasedByValidTransitions[of "stateA" "F0" "decisionVars" "stateB"] **
        by simp
    thus ?thesis
      by simp
  have "wf ?rel'"
    using finite decisionVars wf learnL
    by (rule wfTerminationLess)
  show ?thesis
    using wellFoundedEmbed[of "?rel" "?rel'"]
    by simp

text‹We will now give two corollaries of the previous theorem. First
  is a weak termination result that shows that there is a terminating
  run from every intial state to the final one.›
  fixes decisionVars :: "Variable set" and F0 :: "Formula" and state0 :: "State"
  assumes "finite decisionVars" and "isInitialState state0 F0" and
  *: " learnL::(Formula × Formula) set. 
        wf learnL  
        ( stateA stateB. appliedLearn stateA stateB   (getF stateB, getF stateA)  learnL)"
  shows " state. (state0, state)  transitionRelation decisionVars  isFinalState state decisionVars"
    assume "¬ ?thesis"
    let ?Q = "{state. (state0, state)  transitionRelation decisionVars}"
    let ?rel = "{(stateB, stateA). (state0, stateA)  transitionRelation decisionVars 
                         transition stateA stateB decisionVars}"
    have "state0  ?Q"
      unfolding transitionRelation_def
      by simp
    hence " state. state  ?Q"
      by auto

    from assms 
    have "wf ?rel"
      using wfTransitionRelation[of "decisionVars" "state0" "F0"]
      by auto
    hence " Q. ( x. x  Q)  ( stateMin  Q.  state. (state, stateMin)  ?rel  state  Q)"
      unfolding wf_eq_minimal
      by simp
    hence " ( x. x  ?Q)  ( stateMin  ?Q.  state. (state, stateMin)  ?rel  state  ?Q)"
      by rule
    with  state. state  ?Q
    have " stateMin  ?Q.  state. (state, stateMin)  ?rel  state  ?Q"
      by simp
    then obtain stateMin
      where "stateMin  ?Q" and " state. (state, stateMin)  ?rel  state  ?Q"
      by auto
    from stateMin  ?Q 
    have "(state0, stateMin)  transitionRelation decisionVars"
      by simp
    with ¬ ?thesis
    have "¬ isFinalState stateMin decisionVars"
      by simp
    then obtain state'::State
      where "transition stateMin state' decisionVars"
      unfolding isFinalState_def
      by auto
    have "(state', stateMin)  ?rel"
      using (state0, stateMin)  transitionRelation decisionVars
            transition stateMin state' decisionVars
      by simp
    with  state. (state, stateMin)  ?rel  state  ?Q
    have "state'  ?Q"
      by force
    from (state0, stateMin)  transitionRelation decisionVars transition stateMin state' decisionVars
    have "state'  ?Q"
      unfolding transitionRelation_def
      using rtrancl_into_rtrancl[of "state0" "stateMin" "{(stateA, stateB). transition stateA stateB decisionVars}" "state'"]
      by simp
    have False
      by simp
  thus ?thesis
    by auto

text‹Now we prove the final strong termination result which states
that there cannot be infinite chains of transitions. If there is an
infinite transition chain that starts from an initial state, its
elements would for a set that would contain initial state and for
every element of that set there would be another element of that set
that is directly reachable from it. We show that no such set exists.›
corollary noInfiniteTransitionChains:
  fixes F0::Formula and decisionVars::"Variable set"
  assumes "finite decisionVars" and
  *: " learnL::(Formula × Formula) set. 
        wf learnL  
        ( stateA stateB. appliedLearn stateA stateB   (getF stateB, getF stateA)  learnL)"
  shows "¬ ( Q::(State set).  state0  Q. isInitialState state0 F0  
                              ( state  Q. ( state'  Q. transition state state' decisionVars))
  assume "¬ ?thesis"
  then obtain Q::"State set" and state0::"State"
    where "isInitialState state0 F0" "state0  Q"
          " state  Q. ( state'  Q. transition state state' decisionVars)"
    by auto
  let ?rel = "{(stateB, stateA). (state0, stateA)  transitionRelation decisionVars 
                         transition stateA stateB decisionVars}"
  from finite decisionVars isInitialState state0 F0 *
  have "wf ?rel"
    using wfTransitionRelation
    by simp
  hence wfmin: "Q x. x  Q 
         (zQ. y. (y, z)  ?rel  y  Q)"
    unfolding wf_eq_minimal 
    by simp
  let ?Q = "{state  Q. (state0, state)  transitionRelation decisionVars}"
  from state0  Q
  have "state0  ?Q"
    unfolding transitionRelation_def
    by simp
  with wfmin
  obtain stateMin::State
    where "stateMin  ?Q" and "y. (y, stateMin)  ?rel  y  ?Q"
    apply (erule_tac x="?Q" in allE)
    by auto

  from stateMin  ?Q
  have "stateMin  Q" "(state0, stateMin)  transitionRelation decisionVars"
    by auto
  with  state  Q. ( state'  Q. transition state state' decisionVars)
  obtain state'::State
    where "state'  Q" "transition stateMin state' decisionVars"
    by auto

  with (state0, stateMin)  transitionRelation decisionVars
  have "(state', stateMin)  ?rel"
    by simp
  with y. (y, stateMin)  ?rel  y  ?Q
  have "state'  ?Q"
    by force
  from state'  Q (state0, stateMin)  transitionRelation decisionVars
    transition stateMin state' decisionVars
  have "state'  ?Q"
    unfolding transitionRelation_def
    using rtrancl_into_rtrancl[of "state0" "stateMin" "{(stateA, stateB). transition stateA stateB decisionVars}" "state'"]
    by simp
  with state'  ?Q
  have False
    by simp
  thus ?thesis
    by force


text‹In this section we will first show that each final state is
either \textit{SAT} or \textit{UNSAT} state.›

lemma finalNonConflictState: 
  fixes state::State and FO :: Formula
  "¬ applicableDecide state decisionVars"
  shows "vars (elements (getM state))  decisionVars"
  fix x :: Variable
  let ?l = "Pos x"
  assume "x  decisionVars"
  hence "var ?l = x" and "var ?l  decisionVars" and "var (opposite ?l)  decisionVars"
    by auto
  with ¬ applicableDecide state decisionVars 
  have "literalTrue ?l (elements (getM state))  literalFalse ?l (elements (getM state))"
    unfolding applicableDecideCharacterization
    by force
  with var ?l = x
  show "x  vars (elements (getM state))"
    using valuationContainsItsLiteralsVariable[of "?l" "elements (getM state)"]
    using valuationContainsItsLiteralsVariable[of "opposite ?l" "elements (getM state)"]
    by auto

lemma finalConflictingState: 
  fixes state :: State
  "InvariantUniq (getM state)" and
  "InvariantConsistent (getM state)" and
  "InvariantImpliedLiterals (getF state) (getM state)"
  "¬ applicableBackjump state" and
  "formulaFalse (getF state) (elements (getM state))"  
  "decisions (getM state) = []"
  from InvariantUniq (getM state)
  have "uniq (elements (getM state))"
    unfolding InvariantUniq_def
  from InvariantConsistent (getM state)
  have "consistent (elements (getM state))"
    unfolding InvariantConsistent_def

  let ?c = "oppositeLiteralList (decisions (getM state))"
    assume "¬ ?thesis"
    hence "?c  []"
      using oppositeLiteralListNonempty[of "decisions (getM state)"]
      by simp
    have "clauseFalse ?c (elements (getM state))"
        fix l::Literal
        assume "l el ?c"
        hence "opposite l el decisions (getM state)"
          using literalElListIffOppositeLiteralElOppositeLiteralList [of "l" "?c"]
          by simp
        hence "literalFalse l (elements (getM state))"
          using markedElementsAreElements[of "opposite l" "getM state"]
          by simp
      thus ?thesis
        using clauseFalseIffAllLiteralsAreFalse[of "?c" "elements (getM state)"]
        by simp
    let ?l = "getLastAssertedLiteral (oppositeLiteralList ?c) (elements (getM state))"
    have "isLastAssertedLiteral ?l (oppositeLiteralList ?c) (elements (getM state))"
      using InvariantUniq (getM state)
      using getLastAssertedLiteralCharacterization[of "?c" "elements (getM state)"]
        ?c  [] clauseFalse ?c (elements (getM state))
      unfolding InvariantUniq_def
      by simp
    have " l. l el ?c  (opposite l) el (decisions (getM state))"
        fix l::Literal
        assume "l el ?c"
        hence "(opposite l) el (oppositeLiteralList ?c)"
          using literalElListIffOppositeLiteralElOppositeLiteralList[of "l" "?c"]
          by simp
      thus ?thesis
        by simp
    have " level. (isBackjumpLevel level (opposite ?l) ?c (getM state))"
      using uniq (elements (getM state))
      using allDecisionsThenExistsBackjumpLevel[of "getM state" "?c" "opposite ?l"]
      by simp
    then obtain level::nat
      where "isBackjumpLevel level (opposite ?l) ?c (getM state)"
      by auto
    with consistent (elements (getM state)) uniq (elements (getM state)) clauseFalse ?c (elements (getM state))
    have "isUnitClause ?c (opposite ?l) (elements (prefixToLevel level (getM state)))"
      using isBackjumpLevelEnsuresIsUnitInPrefix[of "getM state" "?c" "level" "opposite ?l"]
      by simp
    have "formulaEntailsClause (getF state) ?c"
      from clauseFalse ?c (elements (getM state)) consistent (elements (getM state))
      have "¬ clauseTautology ?c"
        using tautologyNotFalse[of "?c" "elements (getM state)"]
        by auto

      from formulaFalse (getF state) (elements (getM state)) InvariantImpliedLiterals (getF state) (getM state)
      have "¬ satisfiable ((getF state) @ val2form (decisions (getM state)))"
        using InvariantImpliedLiteralsAndFormulaFalseThenFormulaAndDecisionsAreNotSatisfiable
        by simp
      hence "¬ satisfiable ((getF state) @ val2form (oppositeLiteralList ?c))"
        by simp
      with ¬ clauseTautology ?c
      show ?thesis
        using unsatisfiableFormulaWithSingleLiteralClauses
        by simp
    have "var ?l  vars (getF state)  vars (elements (getM state))"
      from isLastAssertedLiteral ?l (oppositeLiteralList ?c) (elements (getM state))
      have "?l el (oppositeLiteralList ?c)"
        unfolding isLastAssertedLiteral_def
        by simp
      hence "literalTrue ?l (elements (getM state))"
        by (simp add: markedElementsAreElements)
      hence "var ?l  vars (elements (getM state))"
        using valuationContainsItsLiteralsVariable[of "?l" "elements (getM state)"]
        by simp
      thus ?thesis
        by simp
    have "0  level" "level < (currentLevel (getM state))"
      from isBackjumpLevel level (opposite ?l) ?c (getM state)
      have "0  level" "level < (elementLevel ?l (getM state))"
        unfolding isBackjumpLevel_def
        by auto
      thus "0  level" "level < (currentLevel (getM state))"
        using elementLevelLeqCurrentLevel[of "?l" "getM state"]
        by auto
    have "applicableBackjump state"
      unfolding applicableBackjumpCharacterization
      by force
    with ¬ applicableBackjump state
    have "False"
      by simp
  thus ?thesis
    by auto

lemma finalStateCharacterizationLemma:
  fixes state :: State
  "InvariantUniq (getM state)" and
  "InvariantConsistent (getM state)" and
  "InvariantImpliedLiterals (getF state) (getM state)"
  "¬ applicableDecide state decisionVars"  and
  "¬ applicableBackjump state"
  "(¬ formulaFalse (getF state) (elements (getM state))  vars (elements (getM state))  decisionVars)  
   (formulaFalse (getF state) (elements (getM state))  decisions (getM state) = [])"
proof (cases "formulaFalse (getF state) (elements (getM state))")
  case True
  hence "decisions (getM state) = []"
    using assms
    using finalConflictingState
    by auto
  with True 
  show ?thesis
    by simp
  case False
  hence  "vars (elements (getM state))  decisionVars"
    using assms
    using finalNonConflictState
    by auto
  with False
  show ?thesis
    by simp

theorem finalStateCharacterization:
  fixes F0 :: Formula and decisionVars :: "Variable set" and state0 :: State and state :: State
  "isInitialState state0 F0" and
  "(state0, state)  transitionRelation decisionVars" and
  "isFinalState state decisionVars"
  "(¬ formulaFalse (getF state) (elements (getM state))  vars (elements (getM state))  decisionVars)  
   (formulaFalse (getF state) (elements (getM state))  decisions (getM state) = [])"
  from isInitialState state0 F0 (state0, state)  transitionRelation decisionVars
  have "invariantsHoldInState state F0 decisionVars"
    using invariantsHoldInValidRunsFromInitialState
    by simp
    *: "InvariantUniq (getM state)" 
    "InvariantConsistent (getM state)"
    "InvariantImpliedLiterals (getF state) (getM state)"
    unfolding invariantsHoldInState_def
    by auto

  from isFinalState state decisionVars 
  have **: 
    "¬ applicableBackjump state"
    "¬ applicableDecide state decisionVars"
    unfolding finalStateNonApplicable
    by auto

  from * **
  show ?thesis
    using finalStateCharacterizationLemma[of "state" "decisionVars"]
    by simp

text‹Completeness theorems are easy consequences of this characterization and 

theorem completenessForSAT: 
  fixes F0 :: Formula and decisionVars :: "Variable set" and state0 :: State and state :: State
  "satisfiable F0" and 

  "isInitialState state0 F0" and
  "(state0, state)  transitionRelation decisionVars" and
  "isFinalState state decisionVars"
  shows "¬ formulaFalse (getF state) (elements (getM state))  vars (elements (getM state))  decisionVars"
  from assms
  have *: "(¬ formulaFalse (getF state) (elements (getM state))   vars (elements (getM state))  decisionVars)  
    (formulaFalse (getF state) (elements (getM state))  decisions (getM state) = [])"
    using finalStateCharacterization[of "state0" "F0" "state" "decisionVars"]
    by auto
    assume "formulaFalse (getF state) (elements (getM state))"
    with * 
    have "formulaFalse (getF state) (elements (getM state))" "decisions (getM state) = []"
      by auto
    with assms
      have "¬ satisfiable F0"
      using soundnessForUNSAT
      by simp
    with satisfiable F0
    have False
      by simp
  with * show ?thesis
    by auto

theorem completenessForUNSAT: 
  fixes F0 :: Formula and decisionVars :: "Variable set" and state0 :: State and state :: State
  "vars F0  decisionVars" and

  "¬ satisfiable F0" and

  "isInitialState state0 F0" and
  "(state0, state)  transitionRelation decisionVars" and
  "isFinalState state decisionVars"
  "formulaFalse (getF state) (elements (getM state))  decisions (getM state) = []"
  from assms
  have *: 
  "(¬ formulaFalse (getF state) (elements (getM state))  vars (elements (getM state))  decisionVars)  
   (formulaFalse (getF state) (elements (getM state))   decisions (getM state) = [])"
    using finalStateCharacterization[of "state0" "F0" "state" "decisionVars"]
    by auto
    assume "¬ formulaFalse (getF state) (elements (getM state))"
    with *
    have "¬ formulaFalse (getF state) (elements (getM state))" "vars (elements (getM state))  decisionVars"
      by auto
    with assms
    have "satisfiable F0"
      using soundnessForSAT[of "F0" "decisionVars" "state0" "state"]
      unfolding satisfiable_def
      by auto
    with ¬ satisfiable F0
    have False
      by simp
  with * show ?thesis
    by auto

theorem partialCorrectness: 
  fixes F0 :: Formula and decisionVars :: "Variable set" and state0 :: State and state :: State
  "vars F0  decisionVars" and  

  "isInitialState state0 F0" and
  "(state0, state)  transitionRelation decisionVars" and
  "isFinalState state decisionVars"
  "satisfiable F0 = (¬ formulaFalse (getF state) (elements (getM state)))"
using assms
using completenessForUNSAT[of "F0" "decisionVars" "state0" "state"]
using completenessForSAT[of "F0" "state0" "state" "decisionVars"]
by auto
