Theory Refinement

theory Refinement imports Main
  section‹Monotonic Predicate Transformers›
  In this section we introduce the basics of refinement calculus cite"back-wright-98".
  Part of this theory is a reformulation of some definitions from cite"preoteasa:back:2010a",
  but here they are given for predicates, while cite"preoteasa:back:2010a" uses

    bot ("") and
    top ("") and
    inf (infixl "" 70)
    and sup (infixl "" 65)

  subsection‹Basic predicate transformers›

    demonic :: "('a => 'b::lattice) => 'b => 'a  bool" ("[: _ :]" [0] 1000) where
    "[:Q:] p s = (Q s  p)"

    assert::"'a::semilattice_inf => 'a => 'a" ("{. _ .}" [0] 1000) where
    "{.p.} q   p  q"

    "assume"::"('a::boolean_algebra) => 'a => 'a" ("[. _ .]" [0] 1000) where
    "[.p.] q   (-p  q)"

    angelic :: "('a  'b::{semilattice_inf,order_bot})  'b  'a  bool" ("{: _ :}" [0] 1000) where
    "{:Q:} p s = (Q s  p  )"

    "_assert" :: "patterns => logic => logic"    ("(1{._./ _.})")
    "_assert (_patterns x xs) P" == "CONST assert (CONST id (_abs (_pattern x xs) P))"
    "_assert x P" == "CONST assert (CONST id (_abs x P))"

  term "{.x,z . P x y.}"

  syntax "_update" :: "patterns => patterns => logic => logic" ("_  _ . _" 0)
    "_update (_patterns x xs) (_patterns y ys) t" == "CONST id (_abs
         (_pattern x xs) (CONST id (_abs (_pattern y ys) t)))"
    "_update x y t" == "CONST id (_abs x (CONST id (_abs y t)))"

  term "[: x  z . (P::'a  'b  'c  'd  bool) x y y' z :]"
  term "[: x, y  y', z . (P::'a  'b  'c  'd  bool) x y y' z :]"
  term "{: x, y  y', z . (P::'a  'b  'c  'd  bool) x y y' z :}"

  lemma demonic_demonic: "[:r:] o [:r':] = [:r OO r':]"
    by (simp add: fun_eq_iff le_fun_def demonic_def, auto)

  lemma assert_demonic_comp: "{.p.} o [:r:] o {.p'.} o [:r':] = 
      {.x . p x  ( y . r x y  p' y).} o [:r OO r':]"
      by (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff le_fun_def assert_def demonic_def)

  lemma demonic_assert_comp: "[:r:] o {.p.} = {.x.( y . r x y  p y).} o [:r:]"
      by (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff le_fun_def assert_def demonic_def)

  lemma assert_assert_comp: "{.p::'a::lattice.} o {.p'.} = {.p  p'.}"
      by (simp add: fun_eq_iff le_fun_def assert_def demonic_def inf_assoc)
  definition "inpt r x = ( y . r x y)"

  definition "trs r = {. inpt r.} o [:r:]"

  lemma "trs (λ x y . x = y) q x = q x"
    by (simp add: trs_def fun_eq_iff assert_def demonic_def inpt_def bot_fun_def le_fun_def)

  lemma assert_demonic_prop: "{.p.} o [:r:] = {.p.} o [:(λ x y . p x)  r:]"
    by (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff assert_def demonic_def)

  lemma relcompp_exists: "relcompp r r' x y = ( u . r x u  r' u y)"
    by auto

  lemma trs_trs: "(trs r) o (trs r') = trs ((λ s t. ( s' . r s s'  (inpt r' s')))  (r OO r'))" (is "?S = ?T")
    proof -
      have [simp]: "(λx. inpt r x  (y. r x y  inpt r' y)) = inpt ((λs t. s'. r s s'  inpt r' s')  r OO r')"
        by (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff inpt_def relcompp_exists, blast)
      have [simp]: "(λx y. inpt r x  (y. r x y  inpt r' y))  r OO r' = (λs t. s'. r s s'  inpt r' s')  r OO r'"
        by (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff inpt_def)
      have "?S = {. inpt r .}  [: r :]  {. inpt r' .}  [: r' :]"
        by (simp add: trs_def comp_assoc[symmetric])
      also have "... = {. λx. inpt r x  (y. r x y  inpt r' y) .}  [: r OO r' :]"
        by (simp add: assert_demonic_comp)
      also have "... =  {. λx. inpt r x  (y. r x y  inpt r' y) .} o [:(λ x y . inpt r x  (y. r x y  inpt r' y))   (r OO r'):]"
        by (subst assert_demonic_prop, simp)
      also have "... = ?T"
        by (simp add: trs_def)
      finally show ?thesis by simp

  lemma assert_demonic_refinement: "({.p.} o [:r:]  {.p'.} o [:r':]) = (p  p'  ( x . p x  r' x  r x))"
    by  (auto simp add: le_fun_def assert_def demonic_def)

  lemma trs_refinement: "(trs r  trs r') = (( x . inpt r x  inpt r' x)  ( x . inpt r x  r' x  r x))"
    by (simp add: trs_def assert_demonic_refinement, simp add: le_fun_def)

  lemma "trs (λ x y . x  0)  trs (λ x y . x = y)"
    by (simp add: trs_def le_fun_def assert_def demonic_def inpt_def)

  lemma "trs (λ x y . x  0) q x = (if q =  then x  0 else False)"
     by (auto simp add: trs_def fun_eq_iff assert_def demonic_def inpt_def bot_fun_def)

  lemma "[:r:]  [:r':] = [:r  r':]"
    by (simp add: fun_eq_iff demonic_def)

  lemma spec_demonic_choice: "({.p.} o [:r:])  ({.p'.} o [:r':]) = ({.p  p'.} o [:r  r':])"
    by (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff demonic_def assert_def)

  lemma trs_demonic_choice: "trs r  trs r' = trs ((λ x y . inpt r x  inpt r' x)  (r  r'))"
    proof -
      have [simp]: "inpt ((λx y. inpt r x  inpt r' x)  (r  r')) = inpt r  inpt r'"
        by (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff inpt_def)
      have "trs r  trs r' = {. inpt r  inpt r' .}  [: r  r' :]"
        by (simp add: trs_def spec_demonic_choice)
      also have "... = {. inpt r  inpt r' .}  [: (λ x y . inpt r x  inpt r' x)  (r  r') :]"
        by (subst assert_demonic_prop, simp)
      also have "... = trs ((λ x y . inpt r x  inpt r' x)  (r  r'))"
        by (simp add: trs_def)
      finally show ?thesis by simp

  lemma "p  p' =   ({.p.} o [:r:])  ({.p'.} o [:r':]) = {.p  p'.} o [:(λ x y . p x  r x y)  ((λ x y . p' x  r' x y)):]"
    by (simp add: fun_eq_iff assert_def demonic_def, auto)

  subsection‹Conjunctive predicate transformers›

  definition "conjunctive (S::'a::complete_lattice  'b::complete_lattice) = ( Q . S (Inf Q) = Inf (S ` Q))"
  definition "sconjunctive (S::'a::complete_lattice  'b::complete_lattice) = ( Q . ( x . x  Q)  S (Inf Q) = Inf (S ` Q))"

  lemma [simp]: "conjunctive S  sconjunctive S"
    by (simp add: conjunctive_def sconjunctive_def)

  lemma [simp]: "conjunctive "
    by (simp add: conjunctive_def)

  lemma conjuncive_demonic [simp]: "conjunctive [:r:]"
    proof (auto simp add: conjunctive_def fun_eq_iff demonic_def)
      fix Q:: "'a set" fix y::'a fix x :: 'b
      assume A: "y  Q"
      assume "r x  Inf Q"
      also from A have "Inf Q  y"
        by (rule Inf_lower)
      finally show "r x  y" by simp
      fix Q:: "'a set" fix x :: 'b
      assume A : "yQ. r x  y"
      show "r x  Inf Q"
        by (rule Inf_greatest, simp add: A)

  lemma sconjunctive_assert [simp]: "sconjunctive {.p.}"
    proof (auto simp add: sconjunctive_def assert_def image_def cong: INF_cong_simp, rule antisym, auto)
      fix Q :: "'a set"
      have [simp]: " x . x  Q  Inf Q  x"
        by (rule Inf_lower, simp)
      have A: " x . x  Q  p  Inf Q  p  x"
        by (simp, rule_tac y = "Inf Q" in order_trans, simp_all)
      show "p  Inf Q  (INF xQ. p  x)"
        by (rule Inf_greatest, safe, rule A, simp)
      fix Q :: "'a set"
      fix x :: 'a
      assume A: "x  Q"
      have "Inf {y. xQ. y = p  x}  p  x"
        by (rule Inf_lower, cut_tac A, auto)
      also have "...  p"
        by simp
      finally show "(INF xQ. p  x)  p"
        by (simp only: image_def)
      fix Q :: "'a set"
      show "(INF xQ. p  x)  Inf Q"
        proof (rule Inf_greatest)
          fix x::'a
          assume A: "x  Q"
          have "Inf {y. xQ. y = p  x}  p  x"
            by (cut_tac A, rule Inf_lower, blast)
          also have "...  x"
            by simp
         finally show "(INF xQ. p  x)  x"
            by (simp only: image_def)

  lemma sconjunctive_simp: "x  Q  sconjunctive S  S (Inf Q) = Inf (S ` Q)"
    by (auto simp add: sconjunctive_def)

  lemma sconjunctive_INF_simp: "x  X  sconjunctive S  S (Inf (Q ` X)) = Inf (S ` (Q ` X))"
    by (cut_tac x = "Q x" and Q = "Q ` X" in sconjunctive_simp, auto)

  lemma demonic_comp [simp]: "sconjunctive S  sconjunctive S'  sconjunctive (S o S')"
    proof (subst sconjunctive_def, safe)
      fix X :: "'c set"
      fix a :: 'c
      assume [simp]: "sconjunctive S"
      assume [simp]: "sconjunctive S'"
      assume [simp]: "a  X"
      have A: "S' (Inf X) = Inf (S' ` X)"
        by (rule_tac x = a in sconjunctive_simp, auto)
      also have B: "S (Inf (S' ` X)) = Inf (S ` (S' ` X))"
        by (rule_tac x = "S' a" in sconjunctive_simp, auto)
      finally show "(S o S') (Inf X) = Inf ((S  S') ` X)" by (simp add: image_comp)

  lemma [simp]:"conjunctive S  S (Inf (Q ` X)) = (Inf ((S o Q) ` X))"
    by (metis INF_image conjunctive_def)

  lemma conjunctive_simp: "conjunctive S   S (Inf Q) = Inf (S ` Q)"
    by (metis conjunctive_def)

  lemma conjunctive_monotonic: "sconjunctive S  mono S"
    proof (rule monoI)
      fix a b :: 'a
      assume [simp]: "a  b"
      assume [simp]: "sconjunctive S"
      have [simp]: "a  b = a"
        by (rule antisym, auto)
      have A: "S a = S a  S b"
        by (cut_tac S = S and x = a and Q = "{a, b}" in sconjunctive_simp, auto)
      show "S a  S b"
        by (subst A, simp)

  definition "grd S = - S "

  lemma "grd [:r:] = inpt r"
    by (simp add: fun_eq_iff grd_def demonic_def le_fun_def inpt_def)

  definition "fail S = -(S )"
  definition "term S = (S )"

  lemma "fail ({.p.} o [:r :: 'a  'b  bool:]) = -p"
    by (simp add: fail_def fun_eq_iff assert_def demonic_def le_fun_def top_fun_def)

  definition "Fail = "

  lemma "mono (S::'a::boolean_algebra  'b::boolean_algebra)  (S = Fail) = (fail S = )"
    proof auto
      show "fail (Fail::'a  'b) = "
        by (metis Fail_def bot_apply compl_bot_eq fail_def)
      assume A: "mono S"
      assume B: "fail S = "
      show "S = Fail"
        proof (rule antisym)
          show "S  Fail"
            by (metis (opaque_lifting, no_types) A B bot.extremum_unique compl_le_compl_iff fail_def le_fun_def monoD top_greatest)
            show "Fail  S"
              by (metis Fail_def bot.extremum)

  definition "Skip = id"

  lemma [simp]: "{.::'a::bounded_lattice.} = Skip"
    by (simp add: fun_eq_iff assert_def Skip_def)

  lemma [simp]:"Skip o S = S"
    by (simp add: fun_eq_iff assert_def Skip_def)

  lemma [simp]:"S o Skip = S"
    by (simp add: fun_eq_iff assert_def Skip_def)

  lemma [simp]: "mono S  mono S'  mono (S o S')"
    by (simp add: mono_def)

  lemma [simp]: "mono {.p::('a  bool).}"
    by (simp add: conjunctive_monotonic)

  lemma [simp]: "mono [:r::('a  'b  bool):]"
    by (simp add: conjunctive_monotonic)

  lemma [simp]:"{. λ x . True .} = Skip"
    by (simp add: fun_eq_iff assert_def Skip_def)
  lemma [simp]: " o S = "
    by (simp add: fun_eq_iff)

  lemma [simp]: "{.::'a::boolean_algebra.}  = "
    by (simp add: fun_eq_iff assert_def)

  lemma [simp]: " o S = "
    by (simp add: fun_eq_iff)

  lemma left_comp: "T o U = T' o U'  S o T o U = S o T' o U'"
    by (simp add: comp_assoc)

  lemma assert_demonic: "{.p.} o [:r:] = {.p.} o [:λ x y . p x  r x y:]"
    by (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff assert_def demonic_def le_fun_def)

  lemma "trs r  trs r' = trs (λ x y . inpt r x  inpt r' x  (r x y  r' x y))"  
    by (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff trs_def assert_def demonic_def inpt_def)

  subsection‹Fusion of predicate transformers›
  In this section we define the fusion operator from cite"back:butler:1995". The fusion
  of two programs $S$ and $T$ is intuitively equivalent with the parallel execution of the two
  programs. If $S$ and $T$ assign nondeterministically some value to some program variable
  $x$, then the fusion of $S$ and $T$ will assign a value to $x$ which can be assigned by
  both $S$ and $T$.

  definition fusion :: "(('a  bool)  ('b  bool))  (('a  bool)  ('b  bool))  (('a  bool)  ('b  bool))" (infixl "" 70) where
    "(S  S') q x = ( (p::'abool) p' . p  p'  q  S p x  S' p' x)"

  lemma fusion_spec: "({.p.}  [:r:])  ({.p'.}  [:r':]) = ({.p  p'.}  [:r  r':])"
    by (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff fusion_def assert_def demonic_def le_fun_def)

  lemma fusion_assoc: "S  (T  U) = (S  T)  U"
    proof (rule antisym, auto simp add: fusion_def)
      fix p p' q s s' :: "'a  bool"
      fix a
      assume A: "p  p'  q" and B: "s  s'  p'"
      assume C: "S p a" and D: "T s a" and E: "U s' a"
      from A and B  have F: "(p  s)  s'  q"
        by (simp add: le_fun_def)
      have "(v v'. v  v'  (p  s)  S v a  T v' a)"
        by (metis C D order_refl)
      show "u u' . u  u'  q  (v v'. v  v'  u  S v a  T v' a)  U u' a"
        by (metis F C D E order_refl)
      fix p p' q s s' :: "'a  bool"
      fix a
      assume A: "p  p'  q" and B: "s  s'  p"
      assume C: "S s a" and D: "T s' a" and E: "U p' a"
      from A and B  have F: "s  (s'  p')   q"
        by (simp add: le_fun_def)
      have "(v v'. v  v'  s'  p'  T v a  U v' a)"
        by (metis D E eq_iff)
      show "u u'. u  u'  q  S u a  (v v'. v  v'  u'  T v a  U v' a)"
        by (metis F C D E order_refl)

  lemma "P  Q  P'  Q'  P  P'  Q  Q'"
    by (simp add: le_fun_def fusion_def, metis)

  lemma "conjunctive S  S   = "
    by (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff fusion_def le_fun_def conjunctive_def)

  lemma fusion_spec_local: "a  init  ([:x  u, y . u  init  x = y:]  {.p.}  [:r:])  ({.p'.}  [:r':]) 
      = [:x  u, y . u  init  x = y:]  {.u,x . p (u, x)  p' x.}  [:u, x  y . r (u, x) y  r' x y:]" (is "?p  ?S = ?T")
    proof -
      assume "?p"
      from this have [simp]: "(λx. a. a  init  p (a, x)  p' x) = (λx. a. a  init  p (a, x))  p'"
         by auto
      have [simp]: "(λx (u, y). u  init  x = y) OO (λ(u, x) y. r (u, x) y  r' x y) = (λx (u, y). u  init  x = y) OO r  r'"
        by auto
      have "?S = 
        ({. λx. a. a  init  p (a, x) .}  [: λx (u, y). u  init  x = y :]  [: r :])  ({. p' .}  [: r' :])"
        by (simp add: demonic_assert_comp)
      also have "... =  {. (λx. a. a  init  p (a, x))  p' .}  [: (λx (u, y). u  init  x = y) OO r  r' :]"
        by (simp add: comp_assoc demonic_demonic fusion_spec)
      also have "... = ?T"
        by (simp add: demonic_assert_comp comp_assoc demonic_demonic fusion_spec)
      finally show ?thesis by simp

  lemma fusion_spec_local_a: "a  init  ([:x  u, y . u  init  x = y:]  {.p.}  [:r:])  [:r':] 
      = ([:x  u, y . u  init  x = y:]  {.p.}  [:u, x  y . r (u, x) y  r' x y:])"
    by (cut_tac p' = "" and init = init and p = p and r = r and r' = r' in fusion_spec_local, auto)

  lemma fusion_local_refinement:
    "a  init  ( x u y . u  init  p' x  r (u, x) y  r' x y)  
      {.p'.} o (([:x  u, y . u  init  x = y:]  {.p.}  [:r:])  [:r':])  [:x  u, y . u  init  x = y:]  {.p.}  [:r:]"
    proof -
     assume A: "a  init"
     assume [simp]: "( x u y . u  init  p' x  r (u, x) y  r' x y)"
     have " {. x. p' x  (a. a  init  p (a, x)) .}  [: (λx (u, y). u  init  x = y) OO (λ(u, x) y. r (u, x) y  r' x y) :]
               {. λx. a. a  init  p (a, x) .}  [: (λx (u, y). u  init  x = y) OO r :]"
      by (auto simp add: assert_demonic_refinement)
    from this have " {. x. p' x  (a. a  init  p (a, x)) .}  [: (λx (u, y). u  init  x = y) OO (λ(u, x) y. r (u, x) y  r' x y) :]
             {. λx. a. a  init  p (a, x) .}  [: λx (u, y). u  init  x = y :]  [: r :]"
      by (simp add: comp_assoc demonic_demonic)
    from this have "{. p' .}  [: λx (u, y). u  init  x = y :]  {. p .}  [: λ(u, x) y. r (u, x) y  r' x y :] 
             [: x  u, y. u  init  x = y :]  {. p .}  [: r :]"
      by (simp add: demonic_assert_comp assert_demonic_comp)
    from this have "{. p' .}  ([: x  (u, y) . u  init  x = y :]  {. p .}  [: (u, x)  y . r (u, x) y  r' x y :]) 
           [: x  (u, y) . u  init  x = y :]  {. p .}  [: r :]"
      by (simp add: comp_assoc [THEN sym])
    from A and this show ?thesis 
      by  (unfold fusion_spec_local_a, simp)