Theory Promela

section "Formalization of Promela semantics"
theory Promela

text ‹Auxiliary›

lemma mod_integer_le:
  x mod (a + 1)  b if a  b 0 < a for a b x :: integer
using that including integer.lifting proof transfer
  fix a b x :: int
  assume 0 < a a  b
  have x mod (a + 1) < a + 1
    by (rule pos_mod_bound) (use 0 < a in simp)
  with a  b show x mod (a + 1)  b
    by simp

lemma mod_integer_ge:
  b  x mod (a + 1) if b  0 0 < a for a b x :: integer
using that including integer.lifting proof transfer
  fix a b x :: int
  assume b  0 0 < a
  then have 0  x mod (a + 1)
    by simp
  with b  0 show b  x mod (a + 1)
    by simp

text ‹
  After having defined the datastructures, we present in this theory how to construct the transition system and how to generate the successors of a state, \ie the real semantics of a Promela program.
  For the first task, we take the enriched AST as input, the second one operates on the transition system.

subsection ‹Misc Helpers›
definition add_label :: "String.literal  labels  nat  labels" where
  "add_label l lbls pos = (
     case lm.lookup l lbls of 
       None  lm.update l pos lbls
     | Some _  abortv STR ''Label given twice: '' l (λ_. lbls))"

definition min_prio :: "edge list  integer  integer" where
  "min_prio es start = Min ((prio ` set es)  {start})"

lemma min_prio_code [code]:
  "min_prio es start = fold  (λe pri. if prio e < pri then prio e else pri) es start"
proof -
  from Min.set_eq_fold have "Min (set (start # map prio es)) = fold min (map prio es) start" by metis
  also have "... = fold (min  prio) es start" by (simp add: fold_map)
  also have "... = fold  (λe pri. if prio e < pri then prio e else pri) es start" by (auto intro!: fold_cong)
  finally show ?thesis by (simp add: min_prio_def)
definition for_all :: "('a  bool)  'a list  bool" where
  "for_all f xs  (x  set xs. f x)"

lemma for_all_code[code]:
  "for_all f xs  foldli xs id (λkv σ. f kv) True"
  by (simp add: for_all_def foldli_conj)

definition find_remove :: "('a  bool)  'a list  'a option × 'a list" where
  "find_remove P xs = (case List.find P xs of None  (None, xs)
                                            | Some x  (Some x, List.remove1 x xs))"

lemma find_remove_code [code]:
  "find_remove P [] = (None, [])"
  "find_remove P (x#xs) = (if P x then (Some x, xs)
                           else apsnd (Cons x) (find_remove P xs))"
  by (induct xs) (auto simp add: find_remove_def dest: find_SomeD split: option.split) 

lemma find_remove_subset:
  "find_remove P xs = (res, xs')  set xs'  set xs"
unfolding find_remove_def
using set_remove1_subset
by (force split: option.splits)

lemma find_remove_length:
  "find_remove P xs = (res, xs')  length xs'  length xs"
unfolding find_remove_def
by (induct xs arbitrary: res xs') (auto split: if_splits option.splits)

subsection ‹Variable handling›

text ‹
  Handling variables, with their different scopes (global vs. local), 
  and their different types (array vs channel vs bounded) is one of the main challenges
  of the implementation. 

fun lookupVar :: "variable  integer option  integer" where
  "lookupVar (Var _ val) None = val"
| "lookupVar (Var _ _) (Some _) = abort STR ''Array used on var'' (λ_.0)"
| "lookupVar (VArray _ _ vals) None = vals !! 0" (* sic! *)
| "lookupVar (VArray _ siz vals) (Some idx) = vals !! nat_of_integer idx"

primrec checkVarValue :: "varType  integer  integer" where
  "checkVarValue (VTBounded lRange hRange) val = (
     if val  hRange  val  lRange then val
     else ― ‹overflowing is well-defined and may actually be used (e.g. bool)›
        if lRange = 0  val > 0 
        then val mod (hRange + 1)
        else ― ‹we do not want to implement C-semantics (ie type casts)›
           abort STR ''Value overflow'' (λ_. lRange))"
| "checkVarValue VTChan val = (
     if val < min_var_value  val > max_var_value 
     then abort STR ''Value overflow'' (λ_. 0) 
     else val)"

lemma [simp]:
  "variable_inv (Var VTChan 0)"
by simp

  fixes type :: varType
  assumes "varType_inv type"

lemma checkVarValue_bounded:
  "checkVarValue type val  {min_var_value..max_var_value}"
  using varType_inv type
  by (cases type) (auto intro: mod_integer_le mod_integer_ge)

lemma checkVarValue_bounds:
  "min_var_value  checkVarValue type val"
  "checkVarValue type val  max_var_value"
  using checkVarValue_bounded [of val] by simp_all

lemma checkVarValue_Var:
  "variable_inv (Var type (checkVarValue type val))"
  using varType_inv type by (simp add: checkVarValue_bounds)


fun editVar :: "variable  integer option  integer  variable" where
  "editVar (Var type _ ) None val = Var type (checkVarValue type val)"
| "editVar (Var _ _) (Some _) _ = abort STR ''Array used on var'' (λ_. Var VTChan 0)"
| "editVar (VArray type siz vals) None val = (
     let lv = IArray.list_of vals in
     let v' = lv[0:=checkVarValue type val] in
     VArray type siz (IArray v'))"
| "editVar (VArray type siz vals) (Some idx) val = (
     let lv = IArray.list_of vals in
     let v' = lv[(nat_of_integer idx):=checkVarValue type val] in
     VArray type siz (IArray v'))"

lemma editVar_variable_inv:
  assumes "variable_inv v"
  shows "variable_inv (editVar v idx val)"
proof (cases v)
  case (Var type val) with assms have "varType_inv type" by simp
  with Var show ?thesis 
    by (cases idx) 
       (auto intro!: checkVarValue_Var 
             simp del: checkVarValue.simps variable_inv.simps)
  case (VArray type siz vals) 
  with assms have [simp, intro!]: "varType_inv type" by simp
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases idx)
    case None with assms VArray show ?thesis 
      by (cases "IArray.list_of vals") (auto intro!: checkVarValue_bounds)
    case (Some i)
    note upd_cases = in_set_upd_cases[where l="IArray.list_of vals" and i="nat_of_integer i"]

    from Some VArray assms show ?thesis
      by (cases type)
        (auto elim!: upd_cases intro!: mod_integer_le mod_integer_ge simp add: min_var_value_def)

definition getVar' 
  :: "bool  String.literal  integer option 
       'a gState_scheme  pState 
       integer option" 
  "getVar' gl v idx g p = (
          let vars = if gl then gState.vars g else pState.vars p in
          map_option (λx. lookupVar x idx) (lm.lookup v vars))"

definition setVar' 
  :: "bool  String.literal  integer option 
       'a gState_scheme  pState 
       'a gState_scheme * pState"
  "setVar' gl v idx val g p = (
     if gl then
        if v = STR ''_'' then (g,p) ― ‹''_''› is a write-only scratch variable›
        else case lm.lookup v (gState.vars g) of
               None  abortv STR ''Unknown global variable: '' v (λ_. (g,p))
             | Some x  (ggState.vars := lm.update v (editVar x idx val) 
                                                       (gState.vars g)
                         , p)
        case lm.lookup v (pState.vars p) of
          None  abortv STR ''Unknown proc variable: '' v (λ_. (g,p))
        | Some x  (g, ppState.vars := lm.update v (editVar x idx val) 
                                                     (pState.vars p)))"

lemma setVar'_gState_inv:
  assumes "gState_inv prog g"
  shows "gState_inv prog (fst (setVar' gl v idx val g p))"
unfolding setVar'_def using assms
by (auto simp add: gState_inv_def lm.correct 
         intro: editVar_variable_inv 
         split: option.splits)

lemma setVar'_gState_progress_rel:
  assumes "gState_inv prog g"
  shows "(g, fst (setVar' gl v idx val g p))  gState_progress_rel prog"
apply (intro gState_progress_relI)
      apply (fact assms)
    apply (fact setVar'_gState_inv[OF assms])
  apply (auto simp: setVar'_def lm.correct split: option.splits)

lemma vardict_inv_process_names:
  assumes "vardict_inv ss proc v"
  and "lm.lookup k v = Some x"
  shows "k  process_names ss proc"
using assms
by (auto simp add: lm.correct vardict_inv_def)

lemma vardict_inv_variable_inv:
  assumes "vardict_inv ss proc v"
  and "lm.lookup k v = Some x"
  shows "variable_inv x"
using assms
by (auto simp add: lm.correct vardict_inv_def)

lemma vardict_inv_updateI:
  assumes "vardict_inv ss proc vs"
  and "x  process_names ss proc"
  and "variable_inv v"
  shows "vardict_inv ss proc (lm.update x v vs)"
using assms
by (auto simp add: lm.correct vardict_inv_def)

lemma update_vardict_inv:
  assumes "vardict_inv ss proc v"
  and "lm.lookup k v = Some x"
  and "variable_inv x'"
  shows "vardict_inv ss proc (lm.update k x' v)"
using assms
by (auto intro!: vardict_inv_updateI vardict_inv_process_names)

lemma setVar'_pState_inv:
  assumes "pState_inv prog p"
  shows "pState_inv prog (snd (setVar' gl v idx val g p))"
unfolding setVar'_def using assms
by (auto split: if_splits option.splits 
         simp add: pState_inv_def
         intro: update_vardict_inv editVar_variable_inv vardict_inv_variable_inv)

lemma setVar'_cl_inv:
  assumes "cl_inv (g,p)"
  shows "cl_inv (setVar' gl v idx val g p)"
unfolding setVar'_def using assms
by (auto split: if_splits option.splits)

definition withVar' 
  :: "bool  String.literal  integer option 
       (integer  'x) 
       'a gState_scheme  pState 
  "withVar' gl v idx f g p = f (the (getVar' gl v idx g p))"

definition withChannel' 
  :: "bool  String.literal  integer option 
       (nat  channel  'x) 
       'a gState_scheme  pState 
  "withChannel' gl v idx f g p = ( 
     let error = λ_. abortv STR ''Variable is not a channel: '' v 
                                (λ_. f 0 InvChannel) in
     let abort = λ_. abortv STR ''Channel already closed / invalid: '' v
                                (λ_. f 0 InvChannel)
     in withVar' gl v idx (λi. let i = nat_of_integer i in 
                               if i  length (channels g) then error () 
                               else let c = channels g ! i in
                                    case c of
                                      InvChannel  abort ()
                                    | _  f i c) g p)"

subsection ‹Expressions›

text ‹Expressions are free of side-effects. 

This is in difference to SPIN, where @{term run} is an expression with side-effect. We treat @{term run} as a statement.›

abbreviation "trivCond x  if x then 1 else 0"

fun exprArith :: "'a gState_scheme  pState  expr  integer"
and pollCheck :: "'a gState_scheme  pState  channel  recvArg list  bool 
and recvArgsCheck :: "'a gState_scheme  pState  recvArg list  integer list 
  "exprArith g p (ExprConst x) = x"
| "exprArith g p (ExprMConst x _) = x"

| "exprArith g p ExprTimeOut = trivCond (timeout g)"

| "exprArith g p (ExprLen (ChanRef (VarRef gl name None))) = 
     withChannel' gl name None (
       λ_ c. case c of 
                Channel _ _ q  integer_of_nat (length q) 
              | HSChannel _  0) g p"

| "exprArith g p (ExprLen (ChanRef (VarRef gl name (Some idx)))) = 
     withChannel' gl name (Some (exprArith g p idx)) (
      λ_ c. case c of 
              Channel _ _ q  integer_of_nat (length q) 
            | HSChannel _  0) g p"

| "exprArith g p (ExprEmpty (ChanRef (VarRef gl name None))) = 
     trivCond (withChannel' gl name None (
       λ_ c. case c of Channel _ _ q  (q = []) 
                     | HSChannel _  True) g p)"

| "exprArith g p (ExprEmpty (ChanRef (VarRef gl name (Some idx)))) = 
     trivCond (withChannel' gl name (Some (exprArith g p idx)) (
       λ_ c. case c of Channel _ _ q  (q = []) 
                     | HSChannel _  True) g p)"

| "exprArith g p (ExprFull (ChanRef(VarRef gl name None))) = 
     trivCond (withChannel' gl name None (
       λ_ c. case c of 
               Channel cap _ q  integer_of_nat (length q)  cap 
             | HSChannel _  False) g p)"

| "exprArith g p (ExprFull (ChanRef(VarRef gl name (Some idx)))) = 
     trivCond (withChannel' gl name (Some (exprArith g p idx)) (
       λ_ c. case c of 
               Channel cap _ q  integer_of_nat (length q)  cap 
             | HSChannel _  False) g p)"

| "exprArith g p (ExprVarRef (VarRef gl name None)) = 
     withVar' gl name None id g p"

| "exprArith g p (ExprVarRef (VarRef gl name (Some idx))) = 
     withVar' gl name (Some (exprArith g p idx)) id g p"

| "exprArith g p (ExprUnOp UnOpMinus expr) = 0 - exprArith g p expr"
| "exprArith g p (ExprUnOp UnOpNeg expr) = ((exprArith g p expr) + 1) mod 2"

| "exprArith g p (ExprBinOp BinOpAdd lexpr rexpr) = 
     (exprArith g p lexpr) + (exprArith g p rexpr)"

| "exprArith g p (ExprBinOp BinOpSub lexpr rexpr) = 
     (exprArith g p lexpr) - (exprArith g p rexpr)"

| "exprArith g p (ExprBinOp BinOpMul lexpr rexpr) = 
     (exprArith g p lexpr) * (exprArith g p rexpr)"

| "exprArith g p (ExprBinOp BinOpDiv lexpr rexpr) = 
     (exprArith g p lexpr) div (exprArith g p rexpr)"

| "exprArith g p (ExprBinOp BinOpMod lexpr rexpr) = 
     (exprArith g p lexpr) mod (exprArith g p rexpr)"

| "exprArith g p (ExprBinOp BinOpGr lexpr rexpr) = 
     trivCond (exprArith g p lexpr > exprArith g p rexpr)"

| "exprArith g p (ExprBinOp BinOpLe lexpr rexpr) = 
     trivCond (exprArith g p lexpr < exprArith g p rexpr)"

| "exprArith g p (ExprBinOp BinOpGEq lexpr rexpr) = 
     trivCond (exprArith g p lexpr  exprArith g p rexpr)"

| "exprArith g p (ExprBinOp BinOpLEq lexpr rexpr) = 
     trivCond (exprArith g p lexpr  exprArith g p rexpr)"

| "exprArith g p (ExprBinOp BinOpEq lexpr rexpr) = 
     trivCond (exprArith g p lexpr = exprArith g p rexpr)"

| "exprArith g p (ExprBinOp BinOpNEq lexpr rexpr) = 
     trivCond (exprArith g p lexpr  exprArith g p rexpr)"

| "exprArith g p (ExprBinOp BinOpAnd lexpr rexpr) = 
     trivCond (exprArith g p lexpr  0  exprArith g p rexpr  0)"

| "exprArith g p (ExprBinOp BinOpOr lexpr rexpr) = 
     trivCond (exprArith g p lexpr  0  exprArith g p rexpr  0)"

| "exprArith g p (ExprCond cexpr texpr fexpr) = 
     (if exprArith g p cexpr  0 then exprArith g p texpr 
      else exprArith g p fexpr)"

| "exprArith g p (ExprPoll (ChanRef (VarRef gl name None)) rs srt) = 
     trivCond (withChannel' gl name None (
       λ_ c. pollCheck g p c rs srt) g p)"

| "exprArith g p (ExprPoll (ChanRef (VarRef gl name (Some idx))) rs srt) = 
     trivCond (withChannel' gl name (Some (exprArith g p idx)) (
       λ_ c. pollCheck g p c rs srt) g p)"

| "pollCheck g p InvChannel _ _ = 
     abort STR ''Channel already closed / invalid.'' (λ_. False)"
| "pollCheck g p (HSChannel _) _ _ = False"
| "pollCheck g p (Channel _ _ q) rs srt = (
     if q = [] then False
     else if ¬ srt then recvArgsCheck g p rs (hd q)
     else List.find (recvArgsCheck g p rs) q  None)"

| "recvArgsCheck _ _ [] [] = True"
| "recvArgsCheck _ _ _  [] = 
     abort STR ''Length mismatch on receiving.'' (λ_. False)"
| "recvArgsCheck _ _ []  _ = 
     abort STR ''Length mismatch on receiving.'' (λ_. False)"
| "recvArgsCheck g p (r#rs) (v#vs) = ((
       case r of 
          RecvArgConst c  c = v
        | RecvArgMConst c _  c = v
        | RecvArgVar var  True
        | RecvArgEval e  exprArith g p e = v )  recvArgsCheck g p rs vs)"

text @{const getVar'} etc.\ do operate on name, index, \ldots directly. Lift them to use @{const VarRef} instead.›

fun liftVar where
  "liftVar f (VarRef gl v idx) argm g p = 
      f gl v (map_option (exprArith g p) idx) argm g p"

definition "getVar v = liftVar (λgl v idx arg. getVar' gl v idx) v ()"
definition "setVar = liftVar setVar'"
definition "withVar = liftVar withVar'"

primrec withChannel
  where "withChannel (ChanRef v) = liftVar withChannel' v"

lemma setVar_gState_progress_rel:
  assumes "gState_inv prog g"
  shows "(g, fst (setVar v val g p))  gState_progress_rel prog"
unfolding setVar_def
by (cases v) (simp add: setVar'_gState_progress_rel[OF assms])

lemmas setVar_gState_inv = 
  setVar_gState_progress_rel[THEN gState_progress_rel_gState_invI2]

lemma setVar_pState_inv:
  assumes "pState_inv prog p"
  shows "pState_inv prog (snd (setVar v val g p))"
unfolding setVar_def 
by (cases v) (auto simp add: setVar'_pState_inv assms)

lemma setVar_cl_inv:
  assumes "cl_inv (g,p)"
  shows "cl_inv (setVar v val g p)"
unfolding setVar_def 
by (cases v) (auto simp add: setVar'_cl_inv assms)

subsection ‹Variable declaration›

lemma channel_inv_code [code]:
  "channel_inv (Channel cap ts q) 
   cap  max_array_size 
     0  cap 
     for_all varType_inv ts 
     length ts  max_array_size 
     length q  max_array_size 
     for_all (λx. length x = length ts  
                    for_all (λy. y  min_var_value 
                                  y  max_var_value) x) q" 
  "channel_inv (HSChannel ts) 
   for_all varType_inv ts  length ts  max_array_size"
  by (auto simp add: for_all_def) force+

primrec toVariable 
  :: "'a gState_scheme  pState  varDecl  String.literal * variable * channels" 
  "toVariable g p (VarDeclNum lb hb name siz init) = (
     let type = VTBounded lb hb in
     if ¬ varType_inv type then abortv STR ''Invalid var def (varType_inv failed): '' name 
                                       (λ_. (name, Var VTChan 0, []))
         init = checkVarValue type (case init of 
                                      None  0 
                                    | Some e  exprArith g p e);
         v = (case siz of 
                None  Var type init 
              | Some s  if nat_of_integer s  max_array_size 
                         then VArray type (nat_of_integer s) 
                                          (IArray.tabulate (s, λ_. init))
                         else abortv STR ''Invalid var def (array too large): '' name
                                      (λ_. Var VTChan 0))
           (name, v, []))"

| "toVariable g p (VarDeclChan name siz types) = (
       size = (case siz of None  1 | Some s  nat_of_integer s);
       chans = (case types of 
                  None  []
                | Some (cap, tys)  
                    let C = (if cap = 0 then HSChannel tys 
                             else Channel cap tys []) in
                    if ¬ channel_inv C 
                    then abortv STR ''Invalid var def (channel_inv failed): '' 
                                name (λ_. [])
                    else replicate size C);
       cidx = (case types of 
                 None  0 
               | Some _  integer_of_nat (length (channels g)));
       v = (case siz of 
              None  Var VTChan cidx
            | Some s  if nat_of_integer s  max_array_size 
                       then VArray VTChan (nat_of_integer s) 
                                          (IArray.tabulate (s, 
                                             λi. if cidx = 0 then 0 
                                                 else i + cidx))
                       else abortv STR ''Invalid var def (array too large): '' 
                                   name (λ_. Var VTChan 0))
        (name, v, chans))"

lemma toVariable_variable_inv:
  assumes "gState_inv prog g"
  shows "variable_inv (fst (snd (toVariable g p v)))"
using assms
apply (cases v)
  apply (auto intro!: checkVarValue_Var 
              simp del: variable_inv.simps checkVarValue.simps varType_inv.simps 
              split: if_splits option.splits)
      apply (auto intro!: mod_integer_ge mod_integer_le simp add: min_var_value_def)
    apply (simp_all add: assms gState_inv_def 
               max_channels_def max_var_value_def min_var_value_def max_array_size_def)
    including integer.lifting
    apply (transfer', simp)+

lemma toVariable_channels_inv:
  shows "x  set (snd (snd (toVariable g p v))). channel_inv x"
by (cases v) auto

lemma toVariable_channels_inv':
  shows "toVariable g p v = (a,b,c)  x  set c. channel_inv x"
using toVariable_channels_inv
by (metis snd_conv)

lemma toVariable_variable_inv':
  shows "gState_inv prog g  toVariable g p v = (a,b,c)  variable_inv b"
by (metis snd_conv fst_conv toVariable_variable_inv)

definition mkChannels 
  :: "'a gState_scheme  pState  channels  'a gState_scheme * pState"
  "mkChannels g p cs = (
     if cs = [] then (g,p) else 
     let l = length (channels g) in
     if l + length cs > max_channels 
     then abort STR ''Too much channels'' (λ_.  (g,p))
     else let
            csp = map integer_of_nat [l..<l + length cs];
            g' = gchannels := channels g @ cs;
            p' = ppState.channels := pState.channels p @ csp
            (g', p'))"

lemma mkChannels_gState_progress_rel:
  "gState_inv prog g 
    set cs  Collect channel_inv 
    (g, fst (mkChannels g p cs))  gState_progress_rel prog"
unfolding mkChannels_def
by (intro gState_progress_relI) 
   (auto simp add: gState_inv_def gState.defs cl_inv_def)

lemmas mkChannels_gState_inv = 
  mkChannels_gState_progress_rel[THEN gState_progress_rel_gState_invI2]

lemma mkChannels_pState_inv:
  "pState_inv prog p 
    cl_inv (g,p) 
    pState_inv prog (snd (mkChannels g p cs))"
unfolding mkChannels_def
including integer.lifting
  apply (auto simp add: pState_inv_def pState.defs gState_inv_def dest!: cl_inv_lengthD)
    apply (transfer', simp)+

lemma mkChannels_cl_inv:
  "cl_inv (g,p)  cl_inv (mkChannels g p cs)"
unfolding mkChannels_def
by (auto simp add: pState.defs dest: cl_inv_lengthD intro!: cl_invI)

definition mkVarChannel 
  :: "varDecl 
       ((var_dict  var_dict)  'a gState_scheme * pState 
          'a gState_scheme * pState) 
       'a gState_scheme  pState 
       'a gState_scheme * pState" 
  "mkVarChannel v upd g p = (
             (k,v,cs) = toVariable g p v;
             (g',p') = upd (lm.update k v) (g,p)
            mkChannels g' p' cs)"

lemma mkVarChannel_gState_inv:
  assumes "gState_inv prog g"
  and "k v' cs. toVariable g p v = (k,v',cs) 
                  gState_inv prog (fst (upd (lm.update k v') (g,p)))"
  shows "gState_inv prog (fst (mkVarChannel v upd g p))"
using assms unfolding mkVarChannel_def
by (force split: varDecl.split prod.split
          intro!: mkChannels_gState_inv
          dest: toVariable_channels_inv') 

lemma mkVarChannel_gState_progress_rel:
  assumes "gState_inv prog g"
  and "k v' cs. toVariable g p v = (k,v',cs) 
              (g, fst (upd (lm.update k v') (g,p)))  gState_progress_rel prog"
  shows "(g, fst (mkVarChannel v upd g p))  gState_progress_rel prog"
proof -
  obtain k v' cs where 1: "toVariable g p v = (k,v',cs)" by (metis prod.exhaust)
  obtain g' p' where 2: "(g',p') = upd (lm.update k v') (g,p)" by (metis prod.exhaust)
  with 1 assms have *: "(g, g')  gState_progress_rel prog" by (metis fst_conv)

  also from 1 2 have "(g', fst (mkChannels g' p' cs))  gState_progress_rel prog"
    by (force intro!: mkChannels_gState_progress_rel gState_progress_rel_gState_invI2[OF *]
              dest: toVariable_channels_inv')
  finally have "(g, fst (mkChannels g' p' cs))  gState_progress_rel prog" .
  thus ?thesis using 1 2 by (auto simp add: mkVarChannel_def split: prod.split)
lemma mkVarChannel_pState_inv:
  assumes "pState_inv prog p"
  and "cl_inv (g,p)"
  and "k v' cs. toVariable g p v = (k,v',cs) 
                   cl_inv (upd (lm.update k v') (g,p))"
  and "k v' cs. toVariable g p v = (k,v',cs) 
                   pState_inv prog (snd (upd (lm.update k v') (g,p)))"
  shows "pState_inv prog (snd (mkVarChannel v upd g p))"
using assms unfolding mkVarChannel_def
by (force split: varDecl.split prod.split 
          intro!: mkChannels_pState_inv)

lemma mkVarChannel_cl_inv:
  assumes "cl_inv (g,p)"
  and "k v' cs. toVariable g p v = (k,v',cs) 
                  cl_inv (upd (lm.update k v') (g,p))"
  shows "cl_inv (mkVarChannel v upd g p)"
using assms unfolding mkVarChannel_def
by (force split: varDecl.split prod.splits 
          intro!: mkChannels_cl_inv)

definition mkVarChannelProc 
  :: "procVarDecl  'a gState_scheme  pState  'a gState_scheme * pState" 
  "mkVarChannelProc v g p = (
       v' = case v of
              ProcVarDeclNum lb hb name siz init  
                  VarDeclNum lb hb name siz init
           | ProcVarDeclChan name siz  
                 VarDeclChan name siz None;
       (k,v,cs) = toVariable g p v' 
       mkVarChannel v' (apsnd  pState.vars_update) g p)"

lemma mkVarChannelProc_gState_progress_rel:
  assumes "gState_inv prog g"
  shows "(g, fst (mkVarChannelProc v g p))  gState_progress_rel prog"
unfolding mkVarChannelProc_def
using assms
by (auto intro!: mkVarChannel_gState_progress_rel)

lemmas mkVarChannelProc_gState_inv = 
  mkVarChannelProc_gState_progress_rel[THEN gState_progress_rel_gState_invI2]

lemma toVariable_name:
  "toVariable g p (VarDeclNum lb hb name sz init) = (x,a,b)  x = name"
  "toVariable g p (VarDeclChan name sz t) = (x, a, b)  x = name"
by (auto split: if_splits)

declare toVariable.simps[simp del]

lemma statesDecls_process_names:
  assumes "v  statesDecls (states prog !! (pState.idx p))"
  shows "procVarDeclName v  process_names (states prog !! (pState.idx p)) 
                                           (processes prog !! (pState.idx p))"
using assms
by (cases "processes prog !! (pState.idx p)") (auto simp add: statesNames_def)

lemma mkVarChannelProc_pState_inv:
  assumes "pState_inv prog p"
  and "gState_inv prog g"
  and "cl_inv (g, p)"
  and decl: "v  statesDecls (states prog !! (pState.idx p))"
  shows "pState_inv prog (snd (mkVarChannelProc v g p))"
unfolding mkVarChannelProc_def
using assms statesDecls_process_names[OF decl]
by (auto intro!: mkVarChannel_pState_inv)
   (auto dest: toVariable_name 
         split: procVarDecl.splits 
         intro: toVariable_variable_inv' vardict_inv_updateI
         simp add: pState_inv_def)

lemma mkVarChannelProc_cl_inv:
  assumes "cl_inv (g,p)"
  shows "cl_inv (mkVarChannelProc v g p)"
unfolding mkVarChannelProc_def using assms
by (auto intro!: mkVarChannel_cl_inv)

subsection ‹Folding›
text ‹
  Fold over lists (and lists of lists) of @{typ step}/@{typ stmnt}. The folding functions are 
  doing a bit more than that, e.g.\ ensuring the offset into the program array is correct. 

definition step_fold' where
  "step_fold' g steps (lbls :: labels) pri pos 
             (nxt :: edgeIndex) (onxt :: edgeIndex option) iB = 
     foldr (λstep (pos, nxt, lbls, es). 
              let (e,enxt,lbls) = g step (lbls, pri, pos, nxt, onxt, iB)
              in (pos + length e, enxt, lbls, es@e)
    ) steps (pos, nxt, lbls, [])"

definition step_fold where
  "step_fold g steps lbls pri pos nxt onxt iB = (
         let (_,nxt,lbls,s) = step_fold' g steps lbls pri pos nxt onxt iB
          in (s,nxt,lbls))"

lemma step_fold'_cong:
  assumes "lbls = lbls'"
  and "pri = pri'"
  and "pos = pos'"
  and "steps = steps'"
  and "nxt = nxt'"
  and "onxt = onxt'"
  and "iB = iB'"
  and "x d. x  set steps  g x d = g' x d"
  shows "step_fold' g steps lbls pri pos nxt onxt iB = 
         step_fold' g' steps' lbls' pri' pos' nxt' onxt' iB'"
unfolding step_fold'_def 
by (auto intro: foldr_cong simp add: assms)

lemma step_fold_cong[fundef_cong]:
  assumes "lbls = lbls'"
  and "pri = pri'"
  and "pos = pos'"
  and "steps = steps'"
  and "nxt = nxt'"
  and "onxt = onxt'"
  and "iB = iB'"
  and "x d. x  set steps  g x d = g' x d"
  shows "step_fold g steps lbls pri pos nxt onxt iB = 
         step_fold g' steps' lbls' pri' pos' nxt' onxt' iB'"
unfolding step_fold_def
by (auto simp: assms cong: step_fold'_cong)

fun step_foldL_step where
  "step_foldL_step _ _ _ [] (pos, nxt, lbls, es, is) = (pos, nxt, lbls, es, is)"
| "step_foldL_step g pri onxt (s#steps) (pos, nxt, lbls, es, is) = (
     let (pos', nxt', lbls', ss') = step_fold' g steps lbls pri pos nxt onxt False in 
     let (s', nxt'', lbls'') = g s (lbls',pri,pos',nxt',onxt,True) in
     let rs = butlast s'; s'' = last s' in
     (pos' + length rs, nxt, lbls'', es@ss'@rs, s''#is))"

definition step_foldL where
  "step_foldL g stepss lbls pri pos nxt onxt = 
     foldr (step_foldL_step g pri onxt) stepss (pos,nxt,lbls,[],[])"

lemma step_foldL_step_cong:
  assumes "pri = pri'"
  and "onxt = onxt'"
  and "s = s'"
  and "d = d'"
  and "x d. x  set s  g x d = g' x d"
  shows "step_foldL_step g pri onxt s d = step_foldL_step g' pri' onxt' s' d'"
using assms
by (cases d', cases s') (simp_all cong: step_fold'_cong)
lemma step_foldL_cong[fundef_cong]:
  assumes "lbls = lbls'"
  and "pri = pri'"
  and "pos = pos'"
  and "stepss = stepss'"
  and "nxt = nxt'"
  and "onxt = onxt'"
  and "x x' d. x  set stepss  x'  set x  g x' d = g' x' d"
  shows "step_foldL g stepss lbls pri pos nxt onxt = 
         step_foldL g' stepss' lbls' pri' pos' nxt' onxt'"
unfolding step_foldL_def
using assms
apply (cases stepss')
  apply simp
  apply (force intro!: foldr_cong step_foldL_step_cong)

subsection ‹Starting processes›
definition modProcArg 
  :: "(procArg * integer)  String.literal * variable" 
  "modProcArg x = (
     case x of 
       (ProcArg ty name, val)  if varType_inv ty 
                                then let init = checkVarValue ty val 
                                     in (name, Var ty init)
                                else abortv STR ''Invalid proc arg (varType_inv failed)'' 
                                            name (λ_. (name, Var VTChan 0)))"

definition emptyProc :: "pState"
  ― ‹The empty process.›
  "emptyProc = pid = 0, vars = lm.empty (), pc = 0, channels = [], idx = 0 "

lemma vardict_inv_empty:
  "vardict_inv ss proc (lm.empty())"
unfolding vardict_inv_def
by (simp add: lm.correct)

lemma emptyProc_cl_inv[simp]:
  "cl_inv (g, emptyProc)"
by (simp add: cl_inv_def emptyProc_def)

lemma emptyProc_pState_inv:
  assumes "program_inv prog"
  shows "pState_inv prog emptyProc"
proof -
  from assms have "IArray.length (states prog !! 0) > 0"
    by (intro program_inv_length_states) (auto simp add: program_inv_def)
  with assms show ?thesis
    unfolding pState_inv_def program_inv_def emptyProc_def
    by (auto simp add: vardict_inv_empty)

fun mkProc 
  :: "'a gState_scheme  pState
     String.literal  expr list  process  nat 
     'a gState_scheme * pState" 
  "mkProc g p name args (sidx, start, argDecls, decls) pidN = (
     let start = case start of 
                   Index x  x
                 | _  abortv STR ''Process start is not index: '' name (λ_. 0) 
      ― ‹sanity check›
      if length args  length argDecls 
      then abortv STR ''Signature mismatch: '' name (λ_. (g,emptyProc))
          ― ‹evaluate args (in the context of the calling process)›
          eArgs = map (exprArith g p) args;
          ― ‹replace the init part of argDecls›
          argVars = map modProcArg (zip argDecls eArgs);
          ― ‹add _pid› to vars›
          pidI = integer_of_nat pidN;
          argVars = (STR ''_pid'', Var (VTBounded 0 pidI) pidI)#argVars;
          argVars = lm.to_map argVars;
          ― ‹our new process›
          p =  pid = pidN, vars = argVars, pc = start, channels = [], idx = sidx 
          ― ‹apply the declarations›
          foldl (λ(g,p) d. mkVarChannel d (apsnd  pState.vars_update) g p) 

lemma mkProc_gState_progress_rel:
  assumes "gState_inv prog g"
  shows "(g, fst (mkProc g p name args (processes prog !! sidx) pidN))   
          gState_progress_rel prog"
proof -
  obtain sidx' start argDecls decls  where 
    p: "processes prog !! sidx = (sidx', start, argDecls, decls)"
    by (metis prod.exhaust)

  from assms have 
    "p. (g, fst (foldl (λ(g,p) d. mkVarChannel d (apsnd  pState.vars_update) g p) 
                         (g,p) decls))
           gState_progress_rel prog"
  proof (induction decls arbitrary: g p)
    case (Cons d decls)
    obtain g' p' where 
      new: "(g',p') = (mkVarChannel d (apsnd  pState.vars_update) g p)" 
      by (metis prod.exhaust)
    hence "g' = fst ..." by (metis fst_conv)
    with Cons.prems have g_g': "(g,g')  gState_progress_rel prog" 
      by (auto intro: mkVarChannel_gState_progress_rel)
    also note Cons.IH[OF g_g'[THEN gState_progress_rel_gState_invI2], of p']
    finally show ?case by (auto simp add: o_def new)
  qed simp
  thus ?thesis using assms p by auto

lemmas mkProc_gState_inv = 
  mkProc_gState_progress_rel[THEN gState_progress_rel_gState_invI2]

lemma mkProc_pState_inv:
  assumes "program_inv prog"
  and "gState_inv prog g"
  and "pidN  max_procs" and "pidN > 0"
  and "sidx < IArray.length (processes prog)"
  and "fst (processes prog !! sidx) = sidx"
  shows "pState_inv prog (snd (mkProc g p name args (processes prog !! sidx) pidN))"
proof -
  obtain sidx' start argDecls decls  where 
    "processes prog !! sidx = (sidx', start, argDecls, decls)"
    by (metis prod.exhaust)
  with assms have 
    p_def: "processes prog !! sidx = (sidx, start, argDecls, decls)" 
           "IArray.list_of (processes prog) ! sidx = (sidx, start, argDecls, decls)" 
    by simp_all
  with assms have "(sidx,start,argDecls,decls)  set (IArray.list_of (processes prog))" 
    by (force dest: nth_mem)
  with assms obtain s where s: "start = Index s" "s < IArray.length (states prog !! sidx)"
    unfolding program_inv_def by auto
  hence P_inv: "pState_inv prog 
                   pid = pidN,
                   vars = lm.to_map
                          ((STR ''_pid'', Var (VTBounded 0 (integer_of_nat pidN)) 
                             (integer_of_nat pidN)) 
                          # map modProcArg (zip argDecls (map (exprArith g p) args))),
                   pc = s, channels = [], idx = sidx"
    unfolding pState_inv_def
    using assms[unfolded program_inv_def]
    including integer.lifting
    apply (simp add: p_def)
    apply (intro lm_to_map_vardict_inv)
    apply auto
              apply (simp add: max_procs_def max_var_value_def)
              apply transfer'
              apply simp
            apply transfer'
            apply simp
          apply (simp add: min_var_value_def)
          apply transfer'
          apply simp
        apply (simp add: max_var_value_def max_procs_def)
        apply transfer'
        apply simp
      apply (drule set_zip_leftD)
      apply (force simp add: modProcArg_def 
                   split: procArg.splits if_splits 
                   intro!: image_eqI)
    apply (clarsimp simp add: modProcArg_def 
                    split: procArg.splits if_splits 
                    simp del: variable_inv.simps)
    apply (intro checkVarValue_Var)
    apply assumption

  from p_def have 
    "varDeclName ` set decls  
      process_names (states prog !! sidx) (processes prog !! sidx)" 
    by auto
  with gState_inv prog g have 
    F_inv: "p.  pState_inv prog p; sidx = pState.idx p; cl_inv (g,p) 
                 pState_inv prog 
                   (snd (foldl (λ(g,p) d. mkVarChannel d (apsnd  pState.vars_update) g p) 
                               (g,p) decls))"
  proof (induction decls arbitrary: g p)
    case (Cons d ds) hence 
      decl: "varDeclName d  process_names (states prog !! pState.idx p) 
                                           (processes prog !! pState.idx p)" 
      by simp
    obtain g' p' where 
      new: "(g',p') = (mkVarChannel d (apsnd  pState.vars_update) g p)" 
      by (metis prod.exhaust)
    hence p': "p' = snd ..." and g': "g' = fst ..." 
      by (metis snd_conv fst_conv)+
    with Cons.prems have "pState_inv prog p'" 
      apply (auto intro!: mkVarChannel_pState_inv)
      apply (simp add: pState_inv_def)
      apply (intro vardict_inv_updateI)
          apply simp
        apply (cases d)
          apply (force dest!: toVariable_name)
        apply (force dest!: toVariable_name)
      apply (intro toVariable_variable_inv')
        apply assumption+
    from p' Cons.prems have "pState.idx p' = sidx" 
      by (auto simp add: mkVarChannel_def mkChannels_def split: prod.split)
    from new Cons.prems have "cl_inv (g',p')" 
      by (auto intro!: mkVarChannel_cl_inv)
    from g' Cons.prems have "gState_inv prog g'" 
      by (auto intro!: mkVarChannel_gState_inv)
    from Cons.prems have 
      "varDeclName ` set ds 
          process_names (states prog !! sidx) (processes prog !! sidx)" 
      by simp
      "pState_inv prog 
         (snd (foldl (λ(g,p) d. mkVarChannel d (apsnd  pState.vars_update) g p) 
                     (g',p') ds))"
      using Cons.IH[of p' g'] by (simp add: o_def)
    with new show ?case by (simp add: o_def)
  qed simp

  show ?thesis 
    by (auto simp add: p_def s cl_inv_def 
             intro: F_inv[OF P_inv]) 
       (blast intro: emptyProc_pState_inv assms)

lemma mkProc_cl_inv:
  assumes "cl_inv (g,p)"
  shows "cl_inv (mkProc g p name args (processes prog !! sidx) pidN)"
proof -
  note IArray.sub_def [simp del]
  obtain sidx' start argDecls decls  
    where [simp]: "processes prog !! sidx = (sidx', start, argDecls, decls)"
    by (metis prod.exhaust)

    P_inv: "s v. cl_inv (g, pid = pidN, vars = v, pc = s, channels = [], idx = sidx' )" 
    by (simp add: cl_inv_def)
    "p. cl_inv(g,p)  
         cl_inv (foldl (λ(g,p) d. mkVarChannel d (apsnd  pState.vars_update) g p) 
                       (g,p) decls)"
  proof (induction decls arbitrary: g p)
    case (Cons d ds)
    obtain g' p' where 
      new: "(g',p') = (mkVarChannel d (apsnd  pState.vars_update) g p)" 
      by (metis prod.exhaust)
    with Cons.prems have "cl_inv (g',p')"
      by (auto intro!: mkVarChannel_cl_inv)
    from Cons.IH[OF this] new show ?case by (simp add: o_def)
  qed simp
  from this[OF P_inv] show ?thesis by auto

declare mkProc.simps[simp del]

definition runProc 
  :: "String.literal  expr list  program 
       'a gState_scheme  pState 
       'a gState_scheme * pState" 
  "runProc name args prog g p = (
     if length (procs g)  max_procs 
     then abort STR ''Too many processes'' (λ_. (g,p))
     else let pid = length (procs g) + 1 in
          case lm.lookup name (proc_data prog) of 
            None  abortv STR ''No such process: '' name 
                          (λ_. (g,p))
          | Some proc_idx  
               let (g', proc) = mkProc g p name args (processes prog !! proc_idx) pid
               in (g'procs := procs g @ [proc], p))"

lemma runProc_gState_progress_rel:
  assumes "program_inv prog"
  and "gState_inv prog g"
  and "pState_inv prog p"
  and "cl_inv (g,p)"
  shows "(g, fst (runProc name args prog g p))  gState_progress_rel prog"
proof (cases "length (procs g) < max_procs")
  note IArray.sub_def [simp del]

  case True thus ?thesis
  proof (cases "lm.lookup name (proc_data prog)")
    case (Some proc_idx)
    hence *: "proc_idx < IArray.length (processes prog)" 
             "fst (processes prog !! proc_idx) = proc_idx"
      using assms 
      by (simp_all add: lm.correct program_inv_def)
    obtain g' p' where 
      new: "(g',p') = mkProc g p name args (processes prog !! proc_idx) (length (procs g) + 1)"
      by (metis prod.exhaust)
    hence g': "g' = fst ..." and p': "p' = snd ..." 
      by (metis snd_conv fst_conv)+
    from assms g' have "(g, g')  gState_progress_rel prog " 
      by (auto intro!: mkProc_gState_progress_rel)

    from * assms True p' have "pState_inv prog p'" 
      by (auto intro!: mkProc_pState_inv)
    from assms new have "cl_inv (g',p')" 
      by (auto intro!: mkProc_cl_inv)
    ultimately show ?thesis
      using True Some new assms
      unfolding runProc_def gState_progress_rel_def
      by (clarsimp split: prod.split) 
         (auto simp add: gState_inv_def cl_inv_def)
    case None with assms show ?thesis by (auto simp add: runProc_def)
  case False with assms show ?thesis by (auto simp add: runProc_def)

lemmas runProc_gState_inv = 
  runProc_gState_progress_rel[THEN gState_progress_rel_gState_invI2]

lemma runProc_pState_id:
  "snd (runProc name args prog g p) = p"
unfolding runProc_def
by (auto split: if_splits split: option.split prod.split)

lemma runProc_pState_inv:
  assumes "pState_inv prog p"
  shows "pState_inv prog (snd (runProc name args prog g p))"
by (simp add: assms runProc_pState_id)

lemma runProc_cl_inv:
  assumes "program_inv prog"
  and "gState_inv prog g"
  and "pState_inv prog p"
  and "cl_inv (g,p)"
  shows "cl_inv (runProc name args prog g p)"
proof -
  obtain g' p' where *: "runProc name args prog g p = (g',p')" 
    by (metis prod.exhaust)
  with runProc_gState_progress_rel[OF assms, of name args] have 
    "length (channels g)  length (channels g')" 
    by (simp add: gState_progress_rel_def)
  moreover from * runProc_pState_id have "p' = p" by (metis snd_conv)
  ultimately show ?thesis by (metis cl_inv (g,p) * cl_inv_trans)

subsection ‹AST to edges›

type_synonym ast = "AST.module list"

text ‹In this section, the AST is translated into the transition system.›

text ‹
  Handling atomic blocks is non-trivial. Therefore, we do this in an extra pass:
  @{term lp} and @{term hp} are the positions of the start and the end of
  the atomic block. Every edge pointing into this range is therefore marked as 
  @{term Atomic}. If they are pointing somewhere else, they are set to @{term InAtomic},
  meaning: they start \emph{in} an atomic block, but leave it afterwards.
definition atomize :: "nat  nat  edge list  edge list" where
  "atomize lp hp es = fold (λe es. 
     let e' = case target e of
                 LabelJump _ None  
                    ― ‹Labels are checked again later on, when they›
                    ― ‹are going to be resolved. Hence it is safe to say›
                    ― ‹atomic› here, especially as the later algorithm›
                    ― ‹relies on targets in atomic blocks to be marked as such.›
                    e atomic := InAtomic 
                | LabelJump _ (Some via)  
                    if lp  via  hp  via then e atomic := Atomic  
                    else e atomic := InAtomic 
                | Index p'  
                    if lp  p'  hp  p' then e atomic := Atomic 
                    else e atomic := InAtomic 
      in e'#es) es []"

fun skip ― ‹No-(edge)›
  "skip (lbls, pri, pos, nxt, _) = 
  ([[cond = ECExpr (ExprConst 1), 
       effect = EEId, target = nxt, prio = pri, 
       atomic = NonAtomic]], Index pos, lbls)"

text ‹
   The AST is walked backwards. This allows to know the next state directly.

   Parameters used:
      \item[lbls] Map of Labels
      \item[pri] Current priority
      \item[pos] Current position in the array
      \item[nxt] Next state
      \item[onxt] Previous 'next state' (where to jump after a 'do')
      \item[inBlock] Needed for certain constructs to calculate the layout of the array

fun stepToState 
  :: "step 
       (labels * integer * nat * edgeIndex * edgeIndex option * bool) 
       edge list list * edgeIndex * labels"
and stmntToState 
  :: "stmnt 
       (labels * integer * nat * edgeIndex * edgeIndex option * bool) 
       edge list list * edgeIndex * labels"
  "stepToState (StepStmnt s None) data = stmntToState s data"
| "stepToState (StepStmnt s (Some u)) (lbls, pri, pos, nxt, onxt, _) = (
        ― ‹the unless› part›
        (ues,_,lbls') = stmntToState u (lbls, pri, pos, nxt, onxt, True);
        u = last ues; ues = butlast ues;
        pos' = pos + length ues;
        ― ‹find minimal current priority›
        pri = min_prio u pri;

        ― ‹the guarded part --›
        ― ‹priority is decreased, because there is now a new unless part with›
        ― ‹higher prio›
        (ses,spos,lbls'') = stmntToState s (lbls', pri - 1, pos', nxt, onxt, False);
        ― ‹add an edge to the unless part for each generated state›
        ses = map (List.append u) ses

| "stepToState (StepDecl decls) (lbls, pri, pos, nxt, onxt, _) = ( 
     let edgeF = λd (lbls,pri,pos,nxt,_). 
        ([[cond = ECTrue, effect = EEDecl d, target = nxt, 
             prio = pri, atomic = NonAtomic]], Index pos, lbls)
        step_fold edgeF decls lbls pri pos nxt onxt False)"

| "stepToState StepSkip (lbls,_,_,nxt,_) = ([],nxt,lbls)"

| "stmntToState (StmntAtomic steps) (lbls, pri, pos, nxt, onxt, inBlock) = (
    let (es,pos',lbls') = step_fold stepToState steps lbls pri pos nxt onxt inBlock in
    let es' = map (atomize pos (pos + length es)) es in
    (es', pos', lbls'))"

| "stmntToState (StmntLabeled l s) (lbls, pri, pos, d) = (
         (es, pos', lbls) = stmntToState s (lbls, pri, pos, d);
         ― ‹We don't resolve goto-chains. If the labeled stmnt returns only a jump,›
         ― ‹use this goto state.›
         lpos = case pos' of Index p  p | _  pos;
         lbls' = add_label l lbls lpos
       (es, pos', lbls'))"

| "stmntToState (StmntDo stepss) (lbls, pri, pos, nxt, onxt, inBlock) = (
       ― ‹construct the different branches›
       ― ‹nxt› in those branches points current pos (it is a loop after all)›
       ― ‹onxt› then is the current nxt› (needed for break, f.ex.)›
       (_,_,lbls,es,is) = step_foldL stepToState stepss lbls pri 
                                     (pos+1) (Index pos) (Some nxt);

       ― ‹put the branch starting points (is›) into the array›
       es' = concat is # es
      if inBlock then 
           ― ‹inside another DO or IF or UNLESS›
           ― ‹⟶› append branches again, so they can be consumed›
           (es' @ [concat is], Index pos, lbls)
          (es', Index pos, lbls)

| "stmntToState (StmntIf stepss) (lbls, pri, pos, nxt, onxt, _) = (
     let (pos,_,lbls,es,is) = step_foldL stepToState stepss lbls pri pos nxt onxt 
     in (es @ [concat is], Index pos, lbls))"

| "stmntToState (StmntSeq steps) (lbls, pri, pos, nxt, onxt, inBlock) = 
     step_fold stepToState steps lbls pri pos nxt onxt inBlock"

| "stmntToState (StmntAssign v e) (lbls, pri, pos, nxt, _) = 
   ([[cond = ECTrue, effect = EEAssign v e, target = nxt, prio = pri, 
        atomic = NonAtomic]], Index pos, lbls)"

| "stmntToState (StmntAssert e) (lbls, pri, pos, nxt, _) =
   ([[cond = ECTrue, effect = EEAssert e, target = nxt, prio = pri, 
        atomic = NonAtomic]], Index pos, lbls)"

| "stmntToState (StmntCond e) (lbls, pri, pos, nxt, _) = 
   ([[cond = ECExpr e, effect = EEId, target = nxt, prio = pri, 
        atomic = NonAtomic]], Index pos, lbls)"

| "stmntToState StmntElse (lbls, pri, pos, nxt, _) =
   ([[cond = ECElse, effect = EEId, target = nxt, prio = pri, 
        atomic = NonAtomic ]], Index pos, lbls)"

| "stmntToState StmntBreak (lbls,pri,_,_,Some onxt,_) = 
   ([[cond = ECTrue, effect = EEGoto, target = onxt, prio = pri, 
        atomic = NonAtomic ]], onxt, lbls)"
| "stmntToState StmntBreak (_,_,_,_,None,_) = 
   abort STR ''Misplaced break'' (λ_. ([],Index 0,lm.empty()))"

| "stmntToState (StmntRun n args) (lbls, pri, pos, nxt, onxt, _) =
   ([[cond = ECRun n, effect = EERun n args, target = nxt, prio = pri, 
        atomic = NonAtomic ]], Index pos,lbls)"

| "stmntToState (StmntGoTo l) (lbls, pri, pos, _) = 
   ([[cond = ECTrue, effect = EEGoto, target = LabelJump l None, prio = pri, 
        atomic = NonAtomic ]], LabelJump l (Some pos), lbls)"

| "stmntToState (StmntSend v e srt) (lbls, pri, pos, nxt, _) =
   ([[cond = ECSend v, effect = EESend v e srt, target = nxt, prio = pri, 
        atomic = NonAtomic ]], Index pos, lbls)"

| "stmntToState (StmntRecv v r srt rem) (lbls, pri, pos, nxt, _) =
   ([[cond = ECRecv v r srt, effect = EERecv v r srt rem, target = nxt, prio = pri, 
        atomic = NonAtomic ]], Index pos, lbls)"

| "stmntToState StmntSkip d = skip d"

subsubsection ‹Setup›
definition endState :: "edge list" where
  ― ‹An extra state added to each process marking its end.›
  "endState = [ cond = ECFalse, effect = EEEnd, target = Index 0, prio = 0, 
                  atomic = NonAtomic]"

definition resolveLabel :: "String.literal  labels  nat" where
  "resolveLabel l lbls = (
     case lm.lookup l lbls of 
       None  abortv STR ''Unresolved label: '' l (λ_. 0)
     | Some pos  pos)"

primrec resolveLabels :: "edge list list  labels  edge list  edge list" where
  "resolveLabels _ _ [] = []"
| "resolveLabels edges lbls (e#es) = (
    let check_atomic = λpos. fold (λe a. a  inAtomic e) (edges ! pos) True in
    case target e of 
      Index _  e 
    | LabelJump l None  
         let pos = resolveLabel l lbls in
           etarget := Index pos, 
              atomic := if inAtomic e then
                           if check_atomic pos then Atomic 
                           else InAtomic
                        else NonAtomic 
     | LabelJump l (Some via)  
          let pos = resolveLabel l lbls in
            etarget := Index pos,
               ― ‹NB: isAtomic› instead of inAtomic›, cf atomize()›
               atomic := if isAtomic e then
                            if check_atomic pos  check_atomic via then Atomic
                            else InAtomic
                         else atomic e 
   ) # (resolveLabels edges lbls es)"

definition calculatePrios :: "edge list list  (integer * edge list) list" where
  "calculatePrios ess = map (λes. (min_prio es 0, es)) ess"

definition toStates :: "step list  states * edgeIndex * labels" where
  "toStates steps = (
       (states,pos,lbls) = step_fold stepToState steps (lm.empty()) 
                                     0 1 (Index 0) None False;
       pos = (case pos of 
                Index _  pos 
              | LabelJump l _  Index (resolveLabel l lbls));
       states = endState # states;
       states = map (resolveLabels states lbls) states;
       states = calculatePrios states
    case pos of Index s  
          if s < length states then (IArray states, pos, lbls)
          else abort STR ''Start index out of bounds'' (λ_. (IArray states, Index 0, lbls)))"

lemma toStates_inv:
  assumes "toStates steps = (ss,start,lbls)"
  shows "s. start = Index s  s < IArray.length ss"
    and "IArray.length ss > 0"
  using assms
  unfolding toStates_def calculatePrios_def
  by (auto split: prod.splits edgeIndex.splits if_splits)

(* returns: states * is_active * name * labels * process *)
primrec toProcess 
  :: "nat  proc  states * nat * String.literal * (labels * process)"
  "toProcess sidx (ProcType act name args decls steps) = (
       (states, start, lbls) = toStates steps;
       act = (case act of 
                None  0 
              | Some None  1 
              | Some (Some x)  nat_of_integer x)
        (states, act, name, lbls, sidx, start, args, decls))"
| "toProcess sidx (Init decls steps) = (
      let (states, start, lbls) = toStates steps in 
      (states, 1, STR '':init:'', lbls, sidx, start, [], decls))"

lemma toProcess_sidx:
  "toProcess sidx p = (ss,a,n,l,idx,r)  idx = sidx"
by (cases p) (simp_all split: prod.splits)

lemma toProcess_states_nonempty:
  "toProcess sidx p = (ss,a,n,l,idx,r)  IArray.length ss > 0"
by (cases p) (force split: prod.splits dest: toStates_inv(2))+

lemma toProcess_start:
  "toProcess sidx p = (ss,a,n,l,idx,start,r) 
    s. start = Index s  s < IArray.length ss"
by (cases p) (force split: prod.splits dest: toStates_inv(1))+

lemma toProcess_startE:
  assumes "toProcess sidx p = (ss,a,n,l,idx,start,r)"
  obtains s where "start = Index s" "s < IArray.length ss"
  using toProcess_start[OF assms]
  by blast

text ‹
  The main construction function. Takes an AST 
  and returns  an initial state, 
  and the program (= transition system).

definition setUp :: "ast  program × gState" where
  "setUp ast = (
       (decls, procs, _) = preprocess ast;
       assertVar = Var (VTBounded 0 1) 0;
       pre_procs = map (case_prod toProcess) (List.enumerate 1 procs);

       procs = IArray ((0, Index 0, [], []) # map (λ(_,_,_,_,p). p) pre_procs);
       labels = IArray (lm.empty() # map (λ(_,_,_,l,_). l) pre_procs);
       states = IArray (IArray [(0,[])] # map (λ(s,_). s) pre_procs);
       names = IArray (STR ''invalid'' # map (λ(_,_,n,_). n) pre_procs);

       proc_data = lm.to_map (map (λ(_,_,n,_,idx,_). (n,idx)) pre_procs);
       prog =  processes = procs, labels = labels, states = states, 
                 proc_names = names, proc_data = proc_data ;
       g =  vars = lm.sng (STR ''__assert__'') assertVar, 
              channels = [InvChannel], timeout = False, procs = [] ;
       g' = foldl (λg d. 
                    fst (mkVarChannel d (apfst  gState.vars_update) g emptyProc)
                  ) g decls;
       g'' = foldl (λg (_,a,name,_). 
                    foldl (λg name. 
                              fst (runProc name [] prog g emptyProc)
                          ) g (replicate a name)
                   ) g' pre_procs
       (prog, g''))"

lemma setUp_program_inv':
  "program_inv (fst (setUp ast))"
proof (rule program_invI, goal_cases)
  case 1 show ?case by (simp add: setUp_def split: prod.split)
  case 2 show ?case by (simp add: setUp_def split: prod.split)
  case 3 thus ?case
    by (auto simp add: setUp_def o_def  
             split: prod.splits 
             dest!: toProcess_states_nonempty)
  case 4 thus ?case
    unfolding setUp_def
    by (auto simp add: lm.correct o_def in_set_enumerate_eq nth_enumerate_eq 
            dest!: subsetD[OF Misc.ran_map_of] toProcess_sidx 
            split: prod.splits)
  (* TODO: Change name Misc.ran_map_of ⟶ ran_map_of_ss, as it collides 
      with AList.ran_map_of *)
  case 5 thus ?case
    apply (auto simp add: setUp_def o_def split: prod.splits)
    apply (frule toProcess_sidx)
    apply (frule toProcess_start)
    apply (auto simp: in_set_enumerate_eq nth_enumerate_eq)

lemma setUp_program_inv:
  assumes "setUp ast = (prog,g)"
  shows "program_inv prog"
using assms setUp_program_inv' 
by (metis fst_conv)

lemma setUp_gState_inv:
  assumes "setUp ast = (prog, g)"
  shows "gState_inv prog g"
proof -
  from assms have p_INV: "program_inv prog" by (fact setUp_program_inv)

    fix prog :: program
    assume *: "program_inv prog"
    let ?g = " vars = lm.sng (STR ''__assert__'') (Var (VTBounded 0 1) 0), 
                 channels = [InvChannel], timeout = False, procs = [] "

    have g1: "gState_inv prog ?g"
      by (simp add: gState_inv_def max_channels_def lm_correct max_var_value_def)
      fix g decls
      assume "gState_inv prog g"
      hence "gState_inv prog (foldl (λg d.  
                   fst (mkVarChannel d (apfst  gState.vars_update) g emptyProc)
                  ) g decls)"
        apply (rule foldl_rule)
        apply (intro mkVarChannel_gState_inv)
          apply simp
        apply (frule_tac g=σ in toVariable_variable_inv')
          apply assumption
        apply (auto simp add: gState_inv_def lm.correct)
    note g2 = this[OF g1]

      fix g :: "'a gState_scheme" and pre_procs
      assume "gState_inv prog g"
      hence "gState_inv prog (foldl (λg (_,a,name,_). 
                 foldl (λg name. 
                         fst (runProc name [] prog g emptyProc)
                       ) g (replicate a name)
              ) g pre_procs)"
        apply (rule foldl_rule)
        apply (clarsimp split: prod.splits)
        apply (rule foldl_rule)
          apply (auto intro!: runProc_gState_inv emptyProc_pState_inv *)
    note this[OF g2]
  } note g_INV = this

  from assms p_INV show ?thesis
    unfolding setUp_def
    by (auto split: prod.splits intro!: g_INV)

subsection ‹Semantic Engine›

text ‹
  After constructing the transition system, we are missing the final part:
  The successor function on this system. We use SPIN-nomenclature and call it
  \emph{semantic engine}.

definition "assertVar  VarRef True (STR ''__assert__'') None"

subsubsection ‹Evaluation of Edges›

fun evalRecvArgs 
  :: "recvArg list  integer list  gStateI  pState  gStateI * pState"
  "evalRecvArgs [] [] g l = (g,l)"
| "evalRecvArgs _  [] g l = 
     abort STR ''Length mismatch on receiving.'' (λ_. (g,l))"
| "evalRecvArgs []  _ g l = 
     abort STR ''Length mismatch on receiving.'' (λ_. (g,l))"
| "evalRecvArgs (r#rs) (v#vs) g l = (
     let (g,l) =
       case r of 
          RecvArgVar var  setVar var v g l
        | _  (g,l)
     in evalRecvArgs rs vs g l)"

primrec evalCond 
  :: "edgeCond  gStateI  pState  bool"
  "evalCond ECTrue _ _  True"
| "evalCond ECFalse _ _  False"
| "evalCond (ECExpr e) g l  exprArith g l e  0"
| "evalCond (ECRun _) g l  length (procs g) < 255"
| "evalCond ECElse g l  gStateI.else g"
| "evalCond (ECSend v) g l  
     withChannel v (λ_ c.
       case c of 
         Channel cap _ q  integer_of_nat (length q) < cap 
       | HSChannel _  True) g l"
| "evalCond (ECRecv v rs srt) g l  
     withChannel v (λi c. 
       case c of
         HSChannel _  handshake g  0  recvArgsCheck g l rs (hsdata g)
       | _  pollCheck g l c rs srt) g l"

fun evalHandshake 
  :: "edgeCond  nat   gStateI  pState  bool"
  "evalHandshake (ECRecv v _ _) h g l 
     h = 0 
      withChannel v (λi c. case c of 
                             HSChannel _  i = h 
                           | Channel _ _ _  False) g l"
| "evalHandshake _ h _ _  h = 0"

primrec evalEffect 
  :: "edgeEffect  program  gStateI  pState  gStateI * pState"
  "evalEffect EEEnd _ g l = (g,l)"
| "evalEffect EEId _ g l = (g,l)"
| "evalEffect EEGoto _ g l = (g,l)"
| "evalEffect (EEAssign v e) _ g l = setVar v (exprArith g l e) g l"
| "evalEffect (EEDecl d) _ g l = mkVarChannelProc d g l"
| "evalEffect (EERun name args) prog g l = runProc name args prog g l"
| "evalEffect (EEAssert e) _ g l = (
     if exprArith g l e = 0 
     then setVar assertVar 1 g l 
     else (g,l))"
| "evalEffect (EESend v es srt) _ g l = withChannel v (λi c. 
       ab = λ_. abort STR ''Length mismatch on sending.'' (λ_. (g,l));
       es = map (exprArith g l) es
       if ¬ for_all (λx. x  min_var_value  x  max_var_value) es 
       then abort STR ''Invalid Channel'' (λ_. (g,l))
          case c of 
            Channel cap ts q  
              if length ts  length es  ¬ (length q < max_array_size) 
              then ab()
              else let
                     q' = if ¬ srt then q@[es]
                          else let
                            q = map lexlist q;
                            q' = insort (lexlist es) q
                          in map unlex q';
                     g = gState.channels_update (λcs. 
                              cs[ i := Channel cap ts q' ]) g
                   in (g,l)
          | HSChannel ts 
              if length ts  length es then ab()
              else (ghsdata := es, handshake := i, l)
          | InvChannel  abort STR ''Trying to send on invalid channel'' (λ_. (g,l))
    ) g l"
| "evalEffect (EERecv v rs srt rem) _ g l = withChannel v (λi c. 
     case c of 
       Channel cap ts qs 
          if qs = [] then abort STR ''Recv from empty channel'' (λ_. (g,l))
               (q', qs') = if ¬ srt then (hd qs, tl qs)
                           else apfst the (find_remove (recvArgsCheck g l rs) qs);
               (g,l) = evalRecvArgs rs q' g l;
               g = if rem 
                   then gState.channels_update (λcs. cs[ i := Channel cap ts qs']) g
                   else g
                     ― ‹messages are not removed -- so no need to update anything›
             in (g,l)
      | HSChannel _  
             let (g,l) = evalRecvArgs rs (hsdata g) g l in
             let g = g handshake := 0, hsdata := [] 
             in (g,l)
      | InvChannel  abort STR ''Receiving on invalid channel'' (λ_. (g,l))
   ) g l"

lemma statesDecls_effect:
  assumes "ef  effect ` edgeSet ss"
  and "ef = EEDecl d"
  shows "d  statesDecls ss"
proof -
  from assms obtain e where "e  edgeSet ss" "ef = effect e" by auto
  thus ?thesis  using assms
    unfolding statesDecls_def
    by (auto simp add: edgeDecls_def 
             intro!: bexI[where x = e] 
             split: edgeEffect.split)

lemma evalRecvArgs_pState_inv:
  assumes "pState_inv prog p"
  shows "pState_inv prog (snd (evalRecvArgs rargs xs g p))"
  using assms
proof (induction rargs xs arbitrary: p g rule: list_induct2')
  case (4 r rs x xs) thus ?case
  proof (cases r)
    case (RecvArgVar v)
    obtain g' p' where  new: "setVar v x g p = (g',p')" by (metis prod.exhaust)
    hence "p' = snd (setVar v x g p)" by simp
    with "4" have "pState_inv prog p'" by (auto intro!: setVar_pState_inv)
    from "4.IH"[OF this] RecvArgVar new show ?thesis by simp
  qed simp_all
qed simp_all

lemma evalRecvArgs_pState_inv':
  assumes "evalRecvArgs rargs xs g p = (g', p')"
  and "pState_inv prog p"
  shows "pState_inv prog p'"
using assms evalRecvArgs_pState_inv 
by (metis snd_conv)

lemma evalRecvArgs_gState_progress_rel:
  assumes "gState_inv prog g"
  shows "(g, fst (evalRecvArgs rargs xs g p))  gState_progress_rel prog"
  using assms
proof (induction rargs xs arbitrary: p g rule: list_induct2')
  case (4 r rs x xs) thus ?case
  proof (cases r)
    case (RecvArgVar v)
    obtain g' p' where new: "setVar v x g p = (g',p')" by (metis prod.exhaust)
    hence "g' = fst (setVar v x g p)" by simp
    with "4" have "(g, g')  gState_progress_rel prog" 
      by (auto intro!: setVar_gState_progress_rel)
    also hence "gState_inv prog g'" 
      by (rule gState_progress_rel_gState_invI2)
    note "4.IH"[OF this, of p']
    finally show ?thesis using RecvArgVar new by simp
  qed simp_all
qed simp_all

lemmas evalRecvArgs_gState_inv = 
  evalRecvArgs_gState_progress_rel[THEN gState_progress_rel_gState_invI2]

lemma evalRecvArgs_cl_inv:
  assumes "cl_inv (g,p)"
  shows "cl_inv (evalRecvArgs rargs xs g p)"
  using assms
proof (induction rargs xs arbitrary: p g rule: list_induct2')
  case (4 r rs x xs) thus ?case
  proof (cases r)
    case (RecvArgVar v) 
    with 4 have "cl_inv (setVar v x g p)" 
      by (auto intro!: setVar_cl_inv)
    with "4.IH" RecvArgVar show ?thesis 
      by (auto split: prod.splits)
  qed simp_all
qed simp_all

lemma evalEffect_pState_inv:
  assumes "pState_inv prog p"
  and "gState_inv prog g"
  and "cl_inv (g,p)"
  and "e  effect ` edgeSe