Theory AutoCorres_Misc

theory AutoCorres_Misc imports

section ‹Auxilliary Lemmas for Autocorres›

subsection ‹Option monad›

definition owhile_inv :: "('a  's  bool)  ('a  ('s,'a) lookup)  'a  ('a  's  bool)  'a rel  ('s,'a) lookup"   where
 "owhile_inv c b a I R  owhile c b a"

lemma owhile_unfold: "owhile C B r s = ocondition (C r) (B r |>> owhile C B) (oreturn r) s"
  by (auto simp: ocondition_def obind_def oreturn_def owhile_def option_while_simps split: option.split)

lemma ovalidNF_owhile:
  assumes "s. P r s  I r s"
    and "r s. ovalidNF (λs'. I r s'  C r s'  s' = s) (B r) (λr' s'. I r' s'  (r', r)  R)"
    and "wf R"
    and "r s. I r s  ¬ C r s  Q r s"
  shows "ovalidNF (P r) (OptionMonad.owhile C B r) Q"
  unfolding ovalidNF_def
proof (intro allI impI)
  fix s assume "P r s"
  then have "I r s" by fact
  moreover note wf R
  moreover have "r r'. I r s  C r s  B r s = Some r'  (r', r)  R"
    using assms(2) unfolding ovalidNF_def by fastforce
  moreover have "r r'. I r s  C r s  B r s = Some r'  I r' s"
    using assms(2) unfolding ovalidNF_def by blast
  moreover have "r. I r s  C r s  B r s = None 
      None  None  (r'. None = Some r'  Q r' s)"
    using assms(2) unfolding ovalidNF_def by blast
  moreover have "r. I r s  ¬ C r s  Some r  None  (r'. Some r = Some r'  Q r' s)"
    using assms(4) unfolding ovalidNF_def by blast
  show "owhile C B r s  None  (r'. owhile C B r s = Some r'  Q r' s)"
    by (rule owhile_rule[where I=I])

lemma ovalidNF_owhile_inv[wp]:
  assumes "r s. ovalidNF (λs'. I r s'  C r s'  s' = s) (B r) (λr' s'. I r' s'  (r', r)  R)"
    and "wf R"
    and "r s. I r s  ¬ C r s  Q r s"
  shows "ovalidNF (I r) (owhile_inv C B r I R) Q"
  unfolding owhile_inv_def using _ assms by (rule ovalidNF_owhile)
