Theory CorrectnessResourced

theory CorrectnessResourced
  imports ResourcedDenotational Launchbury

theorem correctness:
  assumes "Γ : e ⇓⇘LΔ : z"
  and     "fv (Γ, e)  set L  domA Γ"
  shows   "𝒩⟦e⟧⇘𝒩⦃Γρ 𝒩⟦z⟧⇘𝒩⦃Δρ⇙" and "(𝒩⦃Γρ) f|` domA Γ  (𝒩⦃Δρ) f|` domA Γ"
  using assms
proof(nominal_induct arbitrary: ρ rule:reds.strong_induct)
case Lambda
  case 1 show ?case..
  case 2 show ?case..
case (Application y Γ e x L Δ Θ z e')
  have Gamma_subset: "domA Γ  domA Δ"
    by (rule reds_doesnt_forget[OF Application.hyps(8)])

  case 1
  hence prem1: "fv (Γ, e)  set L  domA Γ" and  "x  set L  domA Γ" by auto
  note reds_pres_closed[OF Application.hyps(8) prem1]
  note reds_doesnt_forget[OF Application.hyps(8)] 
  have "fv (e'[y::=x])  fv (Lam [y]. e')  {x}"
    by (auto simp add: fv_subst_eq)
  have prem2: "fv (Δ, e'[y::=x])  set L  domA Δ" by auto

  have *: "(𝒩⦃Γρ) x  (𝒩⦃Δρ) x"
  proof(cases "x  domA Γ")
    case True
    thus ?thesis
      using fun_belowD[OF Application.hyps(10)[OF prem1], where ρ1 = ρ and x = x]
      by simp
    case False
    from False x  set L  domA Γ reds_avoids_live[OF Application.hyps(8)] 
    show ?thesis by (auto simp add: lookup_HSem_other)

  fix r
  have "(𝒩⟦ App e x ⟧⇘𝒩⦃Γρ)r  ((𝒩⟦ e ⟧⇘𝒩⦃Γρ)r ↓CFn (𝒩⦃Γρ) x)r"
    by (rule CEApp_no_restr)
  also have "((𝒩⟦ e ⟧⇘𝒩⦃Γρ))  ((𝒩⟦ Lam [y]. e' ⟧⇘𝒩⦃Δρ))"
    using Application.hyps(9)[OF prem1].
  also note ((𝒩⦃Γρ) x)  (𝒩⦃Δρ) x
  also have "(𝒩⟦ Lam [y]. e' ⟧⇘𝒩⦃Δρ)r  (CFn(Λ v. (𝒩⟦ e' ⟧⇘(𝒩⦃Δρ)(y := v))))"
    by (rule CELam_no_restr)
  also have "CFn(Λ v. (𝒩⟦ e' ⟧⇘(𝒩⦃Δρ)(y := v))) ↓CFn ((𝒩⦃Δρ) x) = (𝒩⟦ e' ⟧⇘(𝒩⦃Δρ)(y := (𝒩⦃Δρ) x))"
    by simp
  also have " = (𝒩⟦ e'[y ::= x] ⟧⇘(𝒩⦃Δρ))"
    unfolding ESem_subst..
  also have "  𝒩⟦ z ⟧⇘𝒩⦃Θρ⇙"
    using Application.hyps(12)[OF prem2].
  have "(𝒩⟦ App e x ⟧⇘𝒩⦃Γρ)r  (𝒩⟦ z ⟧⇘𝒩⦃Θρ)r" by this (intro cont2cont)+
  thus ?case by (rule cfun_belowI)
  show "(𝒩⦃Γρ) f|` (domA Γ)  (𝒩⦃Θρ)  f|` (domA Γ)"
    using Application.hyps(10)[OF prem1]
          env_restr_below_subset[OF Gamma_subset Application.hyps(13)[OF prem2]]
    by (rule below_trans)
case (Variable Γ x e L Δ z)
  hence [simp]:"x  domA Γ"
    by (metis domA_from_set map_of_SomeD)

  case 2

  have "x  domA Δ"
    by (rule reds_avoids_live[OF Variable.hyps(2)], simp_all)

  have subset: "domA (delete x Γ)  domA Δ"
    by (rule reds_doesnt_forget[OF Variable.hyps(2)])

  let "?new" = "domA Δ - domA Γ"
  have "fv (delete x Γ, e)  {x}  fv (Γ, Var x)"
    by (rule fv_delete_heap[OF map_of Γ x = Some e])
  hence prem: "fv (delete x Γ, e)  set (x # L)  domA (delete x Γ)" using 2 by auto
  hence fv_subset: "fv (delete x Γ, e) - domA (delete x Γ)  - ?new"
    using reds_avoids_live'[OF Variable.hyps(2)] by auto

  have "domA Γ  (-?new)" by auto

  have "𝒩⦃Γρ = 𝒩⦃(x,e) # delete x Γρ"
    by (rule HSem_reorder[OF map_of_delete_insert[symmetric, OF Variable(1)]])
  also have " = (μ ρ'. (ρ ++⇘(domA (delete x Γ))(𝒩⦃delete x Γρ'))( x := 𝒩⟦ e ⟧⇘ρ'))"
    by (rule iterative_HSem, simp)
  also have " = (μ ρ'. (ρ ++⇘(domA (delete x Γ))(𝒩⦃delete x Γρ'))( x := 𝒩⟦ e ⟧⇘𝒩⦃delete x Γρ'))"
    by (rule iterative_HSem', simp)
  have "(𝒩⦃Γρ)f|` (- ?new)  (...) f|` (- ?new)" by (rule ssubst) (rule below_refl)
  also have "  (μ ρ'. (ρ ++⇘domA Δ(𝒩⦃Δρ'))( x := 𝒩⟦ z ⟧⇘𝒩⦃Δρ')) f|` (- ?new)"
  proof (induction rule: parallel_fix_ind[where P ="λ x y. x f|` (- ?new)  y f|` (- ?new)"])
    case 1 show ?case by simp
    case 2 show ?case ..
    case (3 σ σ')
    hence "𝒩⟦ e ⟧⇘𝒩⦃delete x Γσ 𝒩⟦ e ⟧⇘𝒩⦃delete x Γσ'⇙"
      and "(𝒩⦃delete x Γσ) f|` domA (delete x Γ)  (𝒩⦃delete x Γσ') f|` domA (delete x Γ)"
      using fv_subset by (auto intro: ESem_fresh_cong_below HSem_fresh_cong_below  env_restr_below_subset[OF _ 3])
    from below_trans[OF this(1) Variable(3)[OF prem]] below_trans[OF this(2) Variable(4)[OF prem]]
    have  "𝒩⟦ e ⟧⇘𝒩⦃delete x Γσ 𝒩⟦ z ⟧⇘𝒩⦃Δσ'⇙"
       and "(𝒩⦃delete x Γσ) f|` domA (delete x Γ)  (𝒩⦃Δσ') f|` domA (delete x Γ)".
    thus ?case
      using subset
      by (auto intro!: fun_belowI simp add: lookup_override_on_eq  lookup_env_restr_eq elim: env_restr_belowD)
  also have " = (μ ρ'. (ρ ++⇘domA Δ(𝒩⦃Δρ'))( x := 𝒩⟦ z ⟧⇘ρ')) f|` (-?new)"
    by (rule arg_cong[OF iterative_HSem'[symmetric], OF x  domA Δ])
  also have " = (𝒩⦃(x,z) # Δρ)  f|` (-?new)"
    by (rule arg_cong[OF iterative_HSem[symmetric], OF x  domA Δ])
  show le: ?case by (rule env_restr_below_subset[OF domA Γ  (-?new)]) (intro cont2cont)+

  have "𝒩⟦ Var x ⟧⇘𝒩⦃Γρ (𝒩⦃Γρ) x" by (rule CESem_simps_no_tick)
  also have "  (𝒩⦃(x, z) # Δρ) x"
    using fun_belowD[OF le, where x = x] by simp
  also have " = 𝒩⟦ z ⟧⇘𝒩⦃(x, z) # Δρ⇙"
    by (simp add: lookup_HSem_heap)
  show "𝒩⟦ Var x ⟧⇘𝒩⦃Γρ 𝒩⟦ z ⟧⇘𝒩⦃(x, z) # Δρ⇙"  by this (intro cont2cont)+
case (Bool b)
  case 1
  show ?case by simp
  case 2
  show ?case by simp
case (IfThenElse Γ scrut L Δ b e1 e2 Θ z)
  have Gamma_subset: "domA Γ  domA Δ"
    by (rule reds_doesnt_forget[OF IfThenElse.hyps(1)])

  let ?e = "if b then e1 else e2"

  case 1

  hence prem1: "fv (Γ, scrut)  set L  domA Γ"
    and prem2: "fv (Δ, ?e)  set L  domA Δ"
    and "fv ?e  domA Γ  set L"
    using new_free_vars_on_heap[OF IfThenElse.hyps(1)] Gamma_subset by auto

  fix r
  have "(𝒩⟦ (scrut ? e1 : e2) ⟧⇘𝒩⦃Γρ)r  CB_project((𝒩⟦ scrut ⟧⇘𝒩⦃Γρ)r)((𝒩⟦ e1 ⟧⇘𝒩⦃Γρ)r)((𝒩⟦ e2 ⟧⇘𝒩⦃Γρ)r)"
    by (rule CESem_simps_no_tick)
  also have "  CB_project((𝒩⟦ Bool b ⟧⇘𝒩⦃Δρ)r)((𝒩⟦ e1 ⟧⇘𝒩⦃Γρ)r)((𝒩⟦ e2 ⟧⇘𝒩⦃Γρ)r)"
    by (intro monofun_cfun_fun monofun_cfun_arg  IfThenElse.hyps(2)[OF prem1])
  also have " = (𝒩⟦ ?e ⟧⇘𝒩⦃Γρ)r" by (cases r) simp_all
  also have "  (𝒩⟦ ?e ⟧⇘𝒩⦃Δρ)r"
    proof(rule monofun_cfun_fun[OF ESem_fresh_cong_below_subset[OF  fv ?e  domA Γ  set L Env.env_restr_belowI]])
      fix x
      assume "x  domA Γ  set L"
      thus "(𝒩⦃Γρ) x  (𝒩⦃Δρ) x"
      proof(cases "x  domA Γ")
        assume "x  domA Γ"
        from IfThenElse.hyps(3)[OF prem1]
        have "((𝒩⦃Γρ) f|` domA Γ) x  ((𝒩⦃Δρ) f|` domA Γ) x" by (rule fun_belowD)
        with x  domA Γ show ?thesis by simp
        assume "x  domA Γ"
        from this x  domA Γ  set L reds_avoids_live[OF IfThenElse.hyps(1)]
        show ?thesis
          by (simp add: lookup_HSem_other)
  also have "  (𝒩⟦ z ⟧⇘𝒩⦃Θρ)r"
    by (intro monofun_cfun_fun monofun_cfun_arg IfThenElse.hyps(5)[OF prem2])
  have "(𝒩⟦ (scrut ? e1 : e2) ⟧⇘𝒩⦃Γρ)r  (𝒩⟦ z ⟧⇘𝒩⦃Θρ)r" by this (intro cont2cont)+
  thus ?case  by (rule cfun_belowI)

  show "(𝒩⦃Γρ) f|` (domA Γ)  (𝒩⦃Θρ)  f|` (domA Γ)"
    using IfThenElse.hyps(3)[OF prem1]
          env_restr_below_subset[OF Gamma_subset IfThenElse.hyps(6)[OF prem2]]
    by (rule below_trans)
case (Let as Γ L body Δ z)
  case 1
  have *: "domA as  domA Γ = {}" by (metis Let.hyps(1) fresh_distinct)
  have "fv (as @ Γ, body) - domA (as @ Γ)  fv (Γ, Let as body) - domA Γ"
    by auto
  with 1 have prem: "fv (as @ Γ, body)   set L   domA (as @ Γ)" by auto
  have f1: "atom ` domA as ♯* Γ"
    using Let(1) by (simp add: set_bn_to_atom_domA)

  have "𝒩⟦ Let as body ⟧⇘𝒩⦃Γρ 𝒩⟦ body ⟧⇘𝒩⦃as𝒩⦃Γρ⇙"
     by (rule CESem_simps_no_tick)
  also have " =  𝒩⟦ body ⟧⇘𝒩⦃as @ Γρ⇙"
    by (rule arg_cong[OF HSem_merge[OF f1]])
  also have "   𝒩⟦ z ⟧⇘𝒩⦃Δρ⇙"
    by (rule Let.hyps(4)[OF prem])
  show ?case  by this (intro cont2cont)+

  have "(𝒩⦃Γρ) f|` (domA Γ) = (𝒩⦃as(𝒩⦃Γρ)) f|` (domA Γ)"
    unfolding env_restr_HSem[OF *]..
  also have "𝒩⦃as(𝒩⦃Γρ) = (𝒩⦃as @ Γρ)"
    by (rule HSem_merge[OF f1])
  also have " f|` domA Γ  (𝒩⦃Δρ) f|` domA Γ"
    by (rule env_restr_below_subset[OF _ Let.hyps(5)[OF prem]]) simp
  show "(𝒩⦃Γρ) f|` domA Γ  (𝒩⦃Δρ) f|` domA Γ".

corollary correctness_empty_env:
  assumes "Γ : e ⇓⇘LΔ : z"
  and     "fv (Γ, e)  set L"
  shows   "𝒩⟦e⟧⇘𝒩⦃Γ 𝒩⟦z⟧⇘𝒩⦃Δ⇙" and "𝒩⦃Γ  𝒩⦃Δ"
  from assms(2) have "fv (Γ, e)  set L   domA Γ" by auto
  note corr = correctness[OF assms(1) this, where ρ = ""]

  show "𝒩⟦ e ⟧⇘𝒩⦃Γ 𝒩⟦ z ⟧⇘𝒩⦃Δ⇙" using corr(1).

  have "𝒩⦃Γ = (𝒩⦃Γ) f|` domA Γ "
    using env_restr_useless[OF HSem_edom_subset, where ρ1 = ""] by simp
  also have "  (𝒩⦃Δ) f|` domA Γ" using corr(2).
  also have "  𝒩⦃Δ" by (rule env_restr_below_itself)
  finally show "𝒩⦃Γ  𝒩⦃Δ" by this (intro cont2cont)+
