Theory Abstract-Rewriting.Abstract_Rewriting

(*  Title:       Abstract Rewriting
    Author:      Christian Sternagel <>
                 Rene Thiemann       <>
    Maintainer:  Christian Sternagel and Rene Thiemann
    License:     LGPL

Copyright 2010 Christian Sternagel and René Thiemann

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section ‹Abstract Rewrite Systems›

theory Abstract_Rewriting

(*FIXME: move*)
lemma trancl_mono_set:
  "r  s  r+  s+"
  by (blast intro: trancl_mono)

lemma relpow_mono:
  fixes r :: "'a rel"
  assumes "r  r'" shows "r ^^ n  r' ^^ n"
  using assms by (induct n) auto

lemma refl_inv_image:
  "refl R  refl (inv_image R f)"
  by (simp add: inv_image_def refl_on_def)

subsection ‹Definitions›

text ‹Two elements are \emph{joinable} (and then have in the joinability relation)
w.r.t.\ @{term "A"}, iff they have a common reduct.›
definition join :: "'a rel  'a rel"  ("(_)" [1000] 999) where
  "A = A* O (A¯)*"

text ‹Two elements are \emph{meetable} (and then have in the meetability relation)
w.r.t.\ @{term "A"}, iff they have a common ancestor.›
definition meet :: "'a rel  'a rel"  ("(_)" [1000] 999) where
  "A = (A¯)* O A*"

text ‹The \emph{symmetric closure} of a relation allows steps in both directions.›
abbreviation symcl :: "'a rel  'a rel"  ("(_)" [1000] 999) where
  "A  A  A¯"

text ‹A \emph{conversion} is a (possibly empty) sequence of steps in the symmetric closure.›
definition conversion :: "'a rel  'a rel"  ("(_*)" [1000] 999) where
  "A* = (A)*"

text ‹The set of \emph{normal forms} of an ARS constitutes all the elements that do
not have any successors.›
definition NF :: "'a rel  'a set" where
  "NF A = {a. A `` {a} = {}}"

definition normalizability :: "'a rel  'a rel"  ("(_!)" [1000] 999) where
  "A! = {(a, b). (a, b)  A*  b  NF A}"

notation (ASCII)
  symcl  ("(_^<->)" [1000] 999) and
  conversion  ("(_^<->*)" [1000] 999) and
  normalizability  ("(_^!)" [1000] 999)

lemma symcl_converse:
  "(A)¯ = A" by auto

lemma symcl_Un: "(A  B) = A  B" by auto

lemma no_step:
  assumes "A `` {a} = {}" shows "a  NF A"
  using assms by (auto simp: NF_def)

lemma joinI:
  "(a, c)  A*  (b, c)  A*  (a, b)  A"
  by (auto simp: join_def rtrancl_converse)

lemma joinI_left:
  "(a, b)  A*  (a, b)  A"
  by (auto simp: join_def)

lemma joinI_right: "(b, a)  A*  (a, b)  A"
  by (rule joinI) auto

lemma joinE:
  assumes "(a, b)  A"
  obtains c where "(a, c)  A*" and "(b, c)  A*"
  using assms by (auto simp: join_def rtrancl_converse)

lemma joinD:
  "(a, b)  A  c. (a, c)  A*  (b, c)  A*"
  by (blast elim: joinE)

lemma meetI:
  "(a, b)  A*  (a, c)  A*  (b, c)  A"
  by (auto simp: meet_def rtrancl_converse)

lemma meetE:
  assumes "(b, c)  A"
  obtains a where "(a, b)  A*" and "(a, c)  A*"
  using assms by (auto simp: meet_def rtrancl_converse)

lemma meetD: "(b, c)  A  a. (a, b)  A*  (a, c)  A*"
  by (blast elim: meetE)

lemma conversionI: "(a, b)  (A)*  (a, b)  A*"
  by (simp add: conversion_def)

lemma conversion_refl [simp]: "(a, a)  A*"
  by (simp add: conversion_def)

lemma conversionI':
  assumes "(a, b)  A*" shows "(a, b)  A*"
using assms
proof (induct)
  case base then show ?case by simp
  case (step b c)
  then have "(b, c)  A" by simp
  with (a, b)  A* show ?case unfolding conversion_def by (rule rtrancl.intros)

lemma rtrancl_comp_trancl_conv:
  "r* O r = r+" by regexp

lemma trancl_o_refl_is_trancl:
  "r+ O r= = r+" by regexp

lemma conversionE:
  "(a, b)  A*  ((a, b)  (A)*  P)  P"
  by (simp add: conversion_def)

text ‹Later declarations are tried first for `proof' and `rule,' then have the ``main''
introduction\,/\, elimination rules for constants should be declared last.›
declare joinI_left [intro]
declare joinI_right [intro]
declare joinI [intro]
declare joinD [dest]
declare joinE [elim]

declare meetI [intro]
declare meetD [dest]
declare meetE [elim]

declare conversionI' [intro]
declare conversionI [intro]
declare conversionE [elim]

lemma conversion_trans:
  "trans (A*)"
  unfolding trans_def
proof (intro allI impI)
  fix a b c assume "(a, b)  A*" and "(b, c)  A*"
  then show "(a, c)  A*" unfolding conversion_def
  proof (induct)
    case base then show ?case by simp
    case (step b c')
    from (b, c')  A and (c', c)  (A)*
      have "(b, c)  (A)*" by (rule converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
    with step show ?case by simp

lemma conversion_sym:
  "sym (A*)"
  unfolding sym_def
proof (intro allI impI)
  fix a b assume "(a, b)  A*" then show "(b, a)  A*" unfolding conversion_def
  proof (induct)
    case base then show ?case by simp
    case (step b c)
    then have "(c, b)  A" by blast
    from (c, b)  A and (b, a)  (A)*
      show ?case by (rule converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl)

lemma conversion_inv:
  "(x, y)  R*  (y, x)  R*"
  by (auto simp: conversion_def)
     (metis (full_types) rtrancl_converseD symcl_converse)+

lemma conversion_converse [simp]:
  "(A*)¯ = A*"
  by (metis conversion_sym sym_conv_converse_eq)

lemma conversion_rtrancl [simp]:
  "(A*)* = A*"
  by (metis conversion_def rtrancl_idemp)

lemma rtrancl_join_join:
  assumes "(a, b)  A*" and "(b, c)  A" shows "(a, c)  A"
proof -
  from (b, c)  A obtain b' where "(b, b')  A*" and "(b', c)  (A¯)*"
    unfolding join_def by blast
  with (a, b)  A* have "(a, b')  A*" by simp
  with (b', c)  (A¯)* show ?thesis unfolding join_def by blast

lemma join_rtrancl_join:
  assumes "(a, b)  A" and "(c, b)  A*" shows "(a, c)  A"
proof -
  from (c, b)  A* have "(b, c)  (A¯)*" unfolding rtrancl_converse by simp
  from (a, b)  A obtain a' where "(a, a')  A*" and "(a', b)  (A¯)*"
    unfolding join_def by best
  with (b, c)  (A¯)* have "(a', c)  (A¯)*" by simp
  with (a, a')  A* show ?thesis unfolding join_def by blast

lemma NF_I: "(b. (a, b)  A)  a  NF A" by (auto intro: no_step)

lemma NF_E: "a  NF A  ((a, b)  A  P)  P" by (auto simp: NF_def)

declare NF_I [intro]
declare NF_E [elim]

lemma NF_no_step: "a  NF A  b. (a, b)  A" by auto

lemma NF_anti_mono:
  assumes "A  B" shows "NF B  NF A"
  using assms by auto

lemma NF_iff_no_step: "a  NF A = (b. (a, b)  A)" by auto

lemma NF_no_trancl_step:
  assumes "a  NF A" shows "b. (a, b)  A+"
proof -
  from assms have "b. (a, b)  A" by auto
  show ?thesis
  proof (intro allI notI)
    fix b assume "(a, b)  A+"
    then show False by (induct) (auto simp: b. (a, b)  A)

lemma NF_Id_on_fst_image [simp]: "NF (Id_on (fst ` A)) = NF A" by force

lemma fst_image_NF_Id_on [simp]: "fst ` R = Q  NF (Id_on Q) = NF R" by force

lemma NF_empty [simp]: "NF {} = UNIV" by auto

lemma normalizability_I: "(a, b)  A*  b  NF A  (a, b)  A!"
by (simp add: normalizability_def)

lemma normalizability_I': "(a, b)  A*  (b, c)  A!  (a, c)  A!"
by (auto simp add: normalizability_def)

lemma normalizability_E: "(a, b)  A!  ((a, b)  A*  b  NF A  P)  P"
by (simp add: normalizability_def)

declare normalizability_I' [intro]
declare normalizability_I [intro]
declare normalizability_E [elim]

subsection ‹Properties of ARSs›

text ‹The following properties on (elements of) ARSs are defined: completeness,
Church-Rosser property, semi-completeness, strong normalization, unique normal
forms, Weak Church-Rosser property, and weak normalization.›

definition CR_on :: "'a rel  'a set  bool" where
  "CR_on r A  (aA. b c. (a, b)  r*  (a, c)  r*  (b, c)  join r)"

abbreviation CR :: "'a rel  bool" where
  "CR r  CR_on r UNIV"

definition SN_on :: "'a rel  'a set  bool" where
  "SN_on r A  ¬ (f. f 0  A  chain r f)"

abbreviation SN :: "'a rel  bool" where
  "SN r  SN_on r UNIV"

text ‹Alternative definition of @{term "SN"}.›
lemma SN_def: "SN r = (x. SN_on r {x})"
  unfolding SN_on_def by blast

definition UNF_on :: "'a rel  'a set  bool" where
  "UNF_on r A  (aA. b c. (a, b)  r!  (a, c)  r!  b = c)"

abbreviation UNF :: "'a rel  bool" where "UNF r  UNF_on r UNIV"

definition WCR_on :: "'a rel  'a set  bool" where
  "WCR_on r A  (aA. b c. (a, b)  r  (a, c)  r  (b, c)  join r)"

abbreviation WCR :: "'a rel  bool" where "WCR r  WCR_on r UNIV"

definition WN_on :: "'a rel  'a set  bool" where
  "WN_on r A  (aA. b. (a, b)  r!)"

abbreviation WN :: "'a rel  bool" where
  "WN r  WN_on r UNIV"

lemmas CR_defs = CR_on_def
lemmas SN_defs = SN_on_def
lemmas UNF_defs = UNF_on_def
lemmas WCR_defs = WCR_on_def
lemmas WN_defs = WN_on_def

definition complete_on :: "'a rel  'a set  bool" where
  "complete_on r A  SN_on r A  CR_on r A"

abbreviation complete :: "'a rel  bool" where
  "complete r  complete_on r UNIV"

definition semi_complete_on :: "'a rel  'a set  bool" where
  "semi_complete_on r A   WN_on r A  CR_on r A"

abbreviation semi_complete :: "'a rel  bool" where
  "semi_complete r  semi_complete_on r UNIV"

lemmas complete_defs = complete_on_def
lemmas semi_complete_defs = semi_complete_on_def

text ‹Unique normal forms with respect to conversion.›
definition UNC :: "'a rel  bool" where
  "UNC A  (a b. a  NF A  b  NF A  (a, b)  A*  a = b)"

lemma complete_onI:
  "SN_on r A  CR_on r A  complete_on r A"
  by (simp add: complete_defs)

lemma complete_onE:
  "complete_on r A  (SN_on r A  CR_on r A  P)  P"
  by (simp add: complete_defs)

lemma CR_onI:
  "(a b c. a  A  (a, b)  r*  (a, c)  r*  (b, c)  join r)  CR_on r A"
  by (simp add: CR_defs)

lemma CR_on_singletonI:
  "(b c. (a, b)  r*  (a, c)  r*  (b, c)  join r)  CR_on r {a}"
  by (simp add: CR_defs)

lemma CR_onE:
  "CR_on r A  a  A  ((b, c)  join r  P)  ((a, b)  r*  P)  ((a, c)  r*  P)  P"
  unfolding CR_defs by blast

lemma CR_onD:
  "CR_on r A  a  A  (a, b)  r*  (a, c)  r*  (b, c)  join r"
  by (blast elim: CR_onE)

lemma semi_complete_onI: "WN_on r A  CR_on r A  semi_complete_on r A"
  by (simp add: semi_complete_defs)

lemma semi_complete_onE:
  "semi_complete_on r A  (WN_on r A  CR_on r A  P)  P"
  by (simp add: semi_complete_defs)

declare semi_complete_onI [intro]
declare semi_complete_onE [elim]

declare complete_onI [intro]
declare complete_onE [elim]

declare CR_onI [intro]
declare CR_on_singletonI [intro]

declare CR_onD [dest]
declare CR_onE [elim]

lemma UNC_I:
  "(a b. a  NF A  b  NF A  (a, b)  A*  a = b)  UNC A"
  by (simp add: UNC_def)

lemma UNC_E:
  "UNC A; a = b  P; a  NF A  P; b  NF A  P; (a, b)  A*  P  P"
  unfolding UNC_def by blast

lemma UNF_onI: "(a b c. a  A  (a, b)  r!  (a, c)  r!  b = c)  UNF_on r A"
  by (simp add: UNF_defs)

lemma UNF_onE:
  "UNF_on r A  a  A  (b = c  P)  ((a, b)  r!  P)  ((a, c)  r!  P)  P"
  unfolding UNF_on_def by blast

lemma UNF_onD:
  "UNF_on r A  a  A  (a, b)  r!  (a, c)  r!  b = c"
  by (blast elim: UNF_onE)

declare UNF_onI [intro]
declare UNF_onD [dest]
declare UNF_onE [elim]

lemma SN_onI:
  assumes "f. f 0  A; chain r f  False"
  shows "SN_on r A"
  using assms unfolding SN_defs by blast

lemma SN_I: "(a. SN_on A {a})  SN A"
  unfolding SN_on_def by blast

lemma SN_on_trancl_imp_SN_on:
  assumes "SN_on (R+) T" shows "SN_on R T"
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume "¬ SN_on R T"
  then obtain s where "s 0  T" and "chain R s" unfolding SN_defs by auto
  then have "chain (R+) s" by auto
  with s 0  T have "¬ SN_on (R+) T" unfolding SN_defs by auto
  with assms show False by simp

lemma SN_onE:
  assumes "SN_on r A"
    and "¬ (f. f 0  A  chain r f)  P"
  shows "P"
  using assms unfolding SN_defs by simp

lemma not_SN_onE:
  assumes "¬ SN_on r A"
    and "f. f 0  A; chain r f  P"
  shows "P"
  using assms unfolding SN_defs by blast

declare SN_onI [intro]
declare SN_onE [elim]
declare not_SN_onE [Pure.elim, elim]

lemma refl_not_SN: "(x, x)  R  ¬ SN R"
  unfolding SN_defs by force

lemma SN_on_irrefl:
  assumes "SN_on r A"
  shows "aA. (a, a)  r"
proof (intro ballI notI)
  fix a assume "a  A" and "(a, a)  r"
  with assms show False unfolding SN_defs by auto

lemma WCR_onI: "(a b c. a  A  (a, b)  r  (a, c)  r  (b, c)  join r)  WCR_on r A"
  by (simp add: WCR_defs)

lemma WCR_onE:
  "WCR_on r A  a  A  ((b, c)  join r  P)  ((a, b)  r  P)  ((a, c)  r  P)  P"
  unfolding WCR_on_def by blast

lemma SN_nat_bounded: "SN {(x, y :: nat). x < y  y  b}" (is "SN ?R")
  fix f
  assume "chain ?R f"
  then have steps: "i. (f i, f (Suc i))  ?R" ..
    fix i
    have inc: "f 0 + i  f i"
    proof (induct i)
      case 0 then show ?case by auto
      case (Suc i)
      have "f 0 + Suc i  f i + Suc 0" using Suc by simp
      also have "...  f (Suc i)" using steps [of i]
        by auto
      finally show ?case by simp
  from this [of "Suc b"] steps [of b]
  show False by simp

lemma WCR_onD:
  "WCR_on r A  a  A  (a, b)  r  (a, c)  r  (b, c)  join r"
  by (blast elim: WCR_onE)

lemma WN_onI: "(a. a  A  b. (a, b)  r!)  WN_on r A"
  by (auto simp: WN_defs)

lemma WN_onE: "WN_on r A  a  A  (b. (a, b)  r!  P)  P"
 unfolding WN_defs by blast

lemma WN_onD: "WN_on r A  a  A  b. (a, b)  r!"
  by (blast elim: WN_onE)

declare WCR_onI [intro]
declare WCR_onD [dest]
declare WCR_onE [elim]

declare WN_onI [intro]
declare WN_onD [dest]
declare WN_onE [elim]

text ‹Restricting a relation @{term r} to those elements that are strongly
normalizing with respect to a relation @{term s}.›
definition restrict_SN :: "'a rel  'a rel  'a rel" where
  "restrict_SN r s = {(a, b) | a b. (a, b)  r  SN_on s {a}}"

lemma SN_restrict_SN_idemp [simp]: "SN (restrict_SN A A)"
  by (auto simp: restrict_SN_def SN_defs)

lemma SN_on_Image:
  assumes "SN_on r A"
  shows "SN_on r (r `` A)"
  fix f
  assume "f 0  r `` A" and chain: "chain r f"
  then obtain a where "a  A" and 1: "(a, f 0)  r" by auto
  let ?g = "case_nat a f"
  from cons_chain [OF 1 chain] have "chain r ?g" .
  moreover have "?g 0  A" by (simp add: a  A)
  ultimately have "¬ SN_on r A" unfolding SN_defs by best
  with assms show False by simp

lemma SN_on_subset2:
  assumes "A  B" and "SN_on r B"
  shows "SN_on r A"
  using assms unfolding SN_on_def by blast

lemma step_preserves_SN_on:
  assumes 1: "(a, b)  r"
    and 2: "SN_on r {a}"
  shows "SN_on r {b}"
  using 1 and SN_on_Image [OF 2] and SN_on_subset2 [of "{b}" "r `` {a}"] by auto

lemma steps_preserve_SN_on: "(a, b)  A*  SN_on A {a}  SN_on A {b}"
  by (induct rule: rtrancl.induct) (auto simp: step_preserves_SN_on)

(*FIXME: move*)
lemma relpow_seq:
  assumes "(x, y)  r^^n"
  shows "f. f 0 = x  f n = y  (i<n. (f i, f (Suc i))  r)"
using assms
proof (induct n arbitrary: y)
  case 0 then show ?case by auto
  case (Suc n)
  then obtain z where "(x, z)  r^^n" and "(z, y)  r" by auto
  from Suc(1)[OF (x, z)  r^^n]
    obtain f where "f 0 = x" and "f n = z" and seq: "i<n. (f i, f (Suc i))  r" by auto
  let ?n = "Suc n"
  let ?f = "λi. if i = ?n then y else f i"
  have "?f ?n = y" by simp
  from f 0 = x have "?f 0 = x" by simp
  from seq have seq': "i<n. (?f i, ?f (Suc i))  r" by auto
  with f n = z and (z, y)  r have "i<?n. (?f i, ?f (Suc i))  r" by auto
  with ?f 0 = x and ?f ?n = y show ?case by best

lemma rtrancl_imp_seq:
  assumes "(x, y)  r*"
  shows "f n. f 0 = x  f n = y  (i<n. (f i, f (Suc i))  r)"
  using assms [unfolded rtrancl_power] and relpow_seq [of x y _ r] by blast

lemma SN_on_Image_rtrancl:
  assumes "SN_on r A"
  shows "SN_on r (r* `` A)"
  fix f
  assume f0: "f 0  r* `` A" and chain: "chain r f"
  then obtain a where a: "a  A" and "(a, f 0)  r*" by auto
  then obtain n where "(a, f 0)  r^^n" unfolding rtrancl_power by auto
  show False
  proof (cases n)
    case 0
    with (a, f 0)  r^^n have "f 0 = a" by simp
    then have "f 0  A" by (simp add: a)
    with chain have "¬ SN_on r A" by auto
    with assms show False by simp
    case (Suc m)
    from relpow_seq [OF (a, f 0)  r^^n]
      obtain g where g0: "g 0 = a" and "g n = f 0"
      and gseq: "i<n. (g i, g (Suc i))  r" by auto
    let ?f = "λi. if i < n then g i else f (i - n)"
    have "chain r ?f"
      fix i
        assume "Suc i < n"
        then have "(?f i, ?f (Suc i))  r" by (simp add: gseq)
        assume "Suc i > n"
        then have eq: "Suc (i - n) = Suc i - n" by arith
        from chain have "(f (i - n), f (Suc (i - n)))  r" by simp
        then have "(f (i - n), f (Suc i - n))  r" by (simp add: eq)
        with Suc i > n have "(?f i, ?f (Suc i))  r" by simp
        assume "Suc i = n"
        then have eq: "f (Suc i - n) = g n" by (simp add: g n = f 0)
        from Suc i = n have eq': "i = n - 1" by arith
        from gseq have "(g i, f (Suc i - n))  r" unfolding eq by (simp add: Suc eq')
        then have "(?f i, ?f (Suc i))  r" using Suc i = n by simp
      ultimately show "(?f i, ?f (Suc i))  r" by simp
    moreover have "?f 0  A"
    proof (cases n)
      case 0
      with (a, f 0)  r^^n have eq: "a = f 0" by simp
      from a show ?thesis by (simp add: eq 0)
      case (Suc m)
      then show ?thesis by (simp add: a g0)
    ultimately have "¬ SN_on r A" unfolding SN_defs by best
    with assms show False by simp

(* FIXME: move somewhere else *)
declare subrelI [Pure.intro]

lemma restrict_SN_trancl_simp [simp]: "(restrict_SN A A)+ = restrict_SN (A+) A" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
  show "?lhs  ?rhs"
    fix a b assume "(a, b)  ?lhs" then show "(a, b)  ?rhs"
      unfolding restrict_SN_def by (induct rule: trancl.induct) auto
  show "?rhs  ?lhs"
    fix a b assume "(a, b)  ?rhs"
    then have "(a, b)  A+" and "SN_on A {a}" unfolding restrict_SN_def by auto
    then show "(a, b)  ?lhs"
    proof (induct rule: trancl.induct)
      case (r_into_trancl x y) then show ?case unfolding restrict_SN_def by auto
      case (trancl_into_trancl a b c)
      then have IH: "(a, b)  ?lhs" by auto
      from trancl_into_trancl have "(a, b)  A*" by auto
      from this and SN_on A {a} have "SN_on A {b}" by (rule steps_preserve_SN_on)
      with (b, c)  A have "(b, c)  ?lhs" unfolding restrict_SN_def by auto
      with IH show ?case by simp

lemma SN_imp_WN:
  assumes "SN A" shows "WN A"
proof -
  from SN A have "wf (A¯)" by (simp add: SN_defs wf_iff_no_infinite_down_chain)
  show "WN A"
    fix a
    show "b. (a, b)  A!" unfolding normalizability_def NF_def Image_def
      by (rule wfE_min [OF wf (A¯), of a "A* `` {a}", simplified])
         (auto intro: rtrancl_into_rtrancl)

lemma UNC_imp_UNF:
 assumes "UNC r" shows "UNF r"
proof - {
  fix x y z assume "(x, y)  r!" and "(x, z)  r!"
  then have "(x, y)  r*" and "(x, z)  r*" and "y  NF r" and "z  NF r" by auto
  then have "(x, y)  r*" and "(x, z)  r*" by auto
  then have "(z, x)  r*" using conversion_sym unfolding sym_def by best
  with (x, y)  r* have "(z, y)  r*" using conversion_trans unfolding trans_def by best
  from assms and this and z  NF r and y  NF r have "z = y" unfolding UNC_def by auto
} then show ?thesis by auto

lemma join_NF_imp_eq:
 assumes "(x, y)  r" and "x  NF r" and "y  NF r"
 shows "x = y"
proof -
  from (x, y)  r obtain z where "(x, z)r*" and "(z, y)(r¯)*" unfolding join_def by auto
  then have "(y, z)  r*" unfolding rtrancl_converse by simp
  from x  NF r have "(x, z)  r+" using NF_no_trancl_step by best
  then have "x = z" using rtranclD [OF (x, z)  r*] by auto
  from y  NF r have "(y, z)  r+" using NF_no_trancl_step by best
  then have "y = z" using rtranclD [OF (y, z)  r*] by auto
  with x = z show ?thesis by simp

lemma rtrancl_Restr:
  assumes "(x, y)  (Restr r A)*"
  shows "(x, y)  r*"
  using assms by induct auto

lemma join_mono:
  assumes "r  s"
  shows "r  s"
  using rtrancl_mono [OF assms] by (auto simp: join_def rtrancl_converse)

lemma CR_iff_meet_subset_join: "CR r = (r  r)"
 assume "CR r" show "r  r"
 proof (rule subrelI)
  fix x y assume "(x, y)  r"
  then obtain z where "(z, x)  r*" and "(z, y)  r*" using meetD by best
  with CR r show "(x, y)  r" by (auto simp: CR_defs)
 assume "r  r" {
  fix x y z assume "(x, y)  r*" and "(x, z)  r*"
  then have "(y, z)  r" unfolding meet_def rtrancl_converse by auto
  with r  r have "(y, z)  r" by auto
 } then show "CR r" by (auto simp: CR_defs)

lemma CR_divergence_imp_join:
  assumes "CR r" and "(x, y)  r*" and "(x, z)  r*"
  shows "(y, z)  r"
using assms by auto

lemma join_imp_conversion: "r  r*"
  fix x z assume "(x, z)  r"
  then obtain y where "(x, y)  r*" and "(z, y)  r*" by auto
  then have "(x, y)  r*" and "(z, y)  r*" by auto
  from (z, y)  r* have "(y, z)  r*" using conversion_sym unfolding sym_def by best
  with (x, y)  r* show "(x, z)  r*" using conversion_trans unfolding trans_def by best

lemma meet_imp_conversion: "r  r*"
proof (rule subrelI)
  fix y z assume "(y, z)  r"
  then obtain x where "(x, y)  r*" and "(x, z)  r*" by auto
  then have "(x, y)  r*" and "(x, z)  r*" by auto
  from (x, y)  r* have "(y, x)  r*" using conversion_sym unfolding sym_def by best
  with (x, z)  r* show "(y, z)  r*" using conversion_trans unfolding trans_def by best

lemma CR_imp_UNF:
  assumes "CR r" shows "UNF r"
proof - {
fix x y z assume "(x, y)  r!" and "(x, z)  r!"
  then have "(x, y)  r*" and "y  NF r" and "(x, z)  r*" and "z  NF r"
    unfolding normalizability_def by auto
  from assms and (x, y)  r* and (x, z)  r* have "(y, z)  r"
    by (rule CR_divergence_imp_join)
  from this and y  NF r and z  NF r have "y = z" by (rule join_NF_imp_eq)
} then show ?thesis by auto

lemma CR_iff_conversion_imp_join: "CR r = (r*  r)"
proof (intro iffI subrelI)
  fix x y assume "CR r" and "(x, y)  r*"
  then obtain n where "(x, y)  (r)^^n" unfolding conversion_def rtrancl_is_UN_relpow by auto
  then show "(x, y)  r"
  proof (induct n arbitrary: x)
    case 0
    assume "(x, y)  r ^^ 0" then have "x = y" by simp
    show ?case unfolding x = y by auto
    case (Suc n)
    from (x, y)  r ^^ Suc n obtain  z where "(x, z)  r" and "(z, y)  r ^^ n"
      using relpow_Suc_D2 by best
    with Suc have "(z, y)  r" by simp
    from (x, z)  r show ?case
      assume "(x, z)  r" with (z, y)  r show ?thesis by (auto intro: rtrancl_join_join)
      assume "(x, z)  r¯"
      then have "(z, x)  r*" by simp
      from (z, y)  r obtain z' where "(z, z')  r*" and "(y, z')  r*" by auto
      from CR r and (z, x)  r* and (z, z')  r* have "(x, z')  r"
        by (rule CR_divergence_imp_join)
      then obtain x' where "(x, x')  r*" and "(z', x')  r*" by auto
      with (y, z')  r* show ?thesis by auto
  assume "r*  r" then show "CR r" unfolding CR_iff_meet_subset_join
    using meet_imp_conversion by auto

lemma CR_imp_conversionIff_join:
  assumes "CR r" shows "r* = r"
  show "r*  r" using CR_iff_conversion_imp_join assms by auto
  show "r  r*" by (rule join_imp_conversion)

lemma sym_join: "sym (join r)" by (auto simp: sym_def)

lemma join_sym: "(s, t)  A  (t, s)  A" by auto

lemma CR_join_left_I:
  assumes "CR r" and "(x, y)  r*" and "(x, z)  r" shows "(y, z)  r"
proof -
  from (x, z)  r obtain x' where "(x, x')  r*" and "(z, x')  r" by auto
  from CR r and (x, x')  r* and (x, y)  r* have "(x, y)  r" by auto
  then have "(y, x)  r" using join_sym by best
  from CR r have "r* = r" by (rule CR_imp_conversionIff_join)
  from (y, x)  r and (x, z)  r show ?thesis using conversion_trans
    unfolding trans_def r* = r [symmetric] by best

lemma CR_join_right_I:
 assumes "CR r" and "(x, y)  r" and "(y, z)  r*" shows "(x, z)  r"
proof -
  have "r* = r" by (rule CR_imp_conversionIff_join [OF CR r])
  from (y, z)  r* have "(y, z)  r*" by auto
  with (x, y)  r show ?thesis unfolding r* = r [symmetric] using conversion_trans
    unfolding trans_def by fast

lemma NF_not_suc:
  assumes "(x, y)  r*" and "x  NF r" shows "x = y"
proof -
  from x  NF r have "y. (x, y)  r" using NF_no_step by auto
  then have "x  Domain r" unfolding Domain_unfold by simp
  from (x, y)  r* show ?thesis unfolding Not_Domain_rtrancl [OF x  Domain r] by simp

lemma semi_complete_imp_conversionIff_same_NF:
  assumes "semi_complete r"
  shows "((x, y)  r*) = (u v. (x, u)  r!  (y, v)  r!  u = v)"
proof -
  from assms have "WN r" and "CR r" unfolding semi_complete_defs by auto
  then have "r* = r" using CR_imp_conversionIff_join by auto
  show ?thesis
    assume "(x, y)  r*"
    from (x, y)  r* have "(x, y)  r" unfolding r* = r .
    show "u v. (x, u)  r!  (y, v)  r!  u = v"
    proof (intro allI impI, elim conjE)
      fix u v assume "(x, u)  r!" and "(y, v)  r!"
      then have "(x, u)  r*" and "(y, v)  r*" and "u  NF r" and "v  NF r" by auto
      from CR r and (x, u)  r* and (x, y)  r have "(u, y)  r"
        by (auto intro: CR_join_left_I)
      then have "(y, u)  r" using join_sym by best
      with (x, y)  r have "(x, u)  r" unfolding r* = r [symmetric]
        using conversion_trans unfolding trans_def by best
      from CR r and (x, y)  r and (y, v)  r* have "(x, v)  r"
        by (auto intro: CR_join_right_I)
      then have "(v, x)  r" using join_sym unfolding sym_def by best
      with (x, u)  r have "(v, u)  r" unfolding r* = r [symmetric]
        using conversion_trans unfolding trans_def by best
      then obtain v' where "(v, v')  r*" and "(u, v')  r*" by auto
      from (u, v')  r* and u  NF r have "u = v'" by (rule NF_not_suc)
      from (v, v')  r* and v  NF r have "v = v'" by (rule NF_not_suc)
      then show "u = v" unfolding u = v' by simp
    assume equal_NF:"u v. (x, u)  r!  (y, v)  r!  u = v"
    from WN r obtain u where "(x, u)  r!" by auto
    from WN r obtain v where "(y, v)  r!" by auto
    from (x, u)  r! and (y, v)  r! have "u = v" using equal_NF by simp
    from (x, u)  r! and (y, v)  r! have "(x, v)  r*" and "(y, v)  r*"
      unfolding u = v by auto
    then have "(x, v)  r*" and "(y, v)  r*" by auto
    from (y, v)  r* have "(v, y)  r*" using conversion_sym unfolding sym_def by best
    with (x, v)  r* show "(x, y)  r*" using conversion_trans unfolding trans_def by best

lemma CR_imp_UNC:
  assumes "CR r" shows "UNC r"
proof - {
  fix x y assume "x  NF r" and "y  NF r" and "(x, y)  r*"
  have "r* = r" by (rule CR_imp_conversionIff_join [OF assms])
  from (x, y)  r* have "(x, y)  r" unfolding r* = r by simp
  then obtain x' where "(x, x')  r*" and "(y, x')  r*" by best
  from (x, x')  r* and x  NF r have "x = x'" by (rule NF_not_suc)
  from (y, x')  r* and y  NF r have "y = x'" by (rule NF_not_suc)
  then have "x = y" unfolding x = x' by simp
} then show ?thesis by (auto simp: UNC_def)

lemma WN_UNF_imp_CR:
  assumes "WN r" and "UNF r" shows "CR r"
proof - {
  fix x y z assume "(x, y)  r*" and "(x, z)  r*"
  from assms obtain y' where "(y, y')  r!" unfolding WN_defs by best
  with (x, y)  r* have "(x, y')  r!" by auto
  from assms obtain z' where "(z, z')  r!" unfolding WN_defs by best
  with (x, z)  r* have "(x, z')  r!" by auto
  with (x, y')  r! have "y' = z'" using UNF r unfolding UNF_defs by auto
  from (y, y')  r! and (z, z')  r! have "(y, z)  r" unfolding y' = z' by auto
} then show ?thesis by auto

definition diamond :: "'a rel  bool" ("") where
  " r  (r¯ O r)  (r O r¯)"

lemma diamond_I [intro]: "(r¯ O r)  (r O r¯)   r" unfolding diamond_def by simp

lemma diamond_E [elim]: " r  ((r¯ O r)  (r O r¯)  P)  P"
  unfolding diamond_def by simp

lemma diamond_imp_semi_confluence:
  assumes " r" shows "(r¯ O r*)  r"
proof (rule subrelI)
  fix y z assume "(y, z)   r¯ O r*"
  then obtain x where "(x, y)  r" and "(x, z)  r*" by best
  then obtain n where "(x, z)  r^^n" using rtrancl_imp_UN_relpow by best
  with (x, y)  r show "(y, z)  r"
  proof (induct n arbitrary: x z y)
    case 0 then show ?case by auto
    case (Suc n)
    from (x, z)  r^^Suc n obtain x' where "(x, x')  r" and "(x', z)  r^^n"
      using relpow_Suc_D2 by best
    with (x, y)  r have "(y, x')  (r¯ O r)" by auto
    with  r have "(y, x')  (r O r¯)" by auto
    then obtain y' where "(x', y')  r" and "(y, y')  r" by best
    with Suc and (x', z)  r^^n have "(y', z)  r" by auto
    with (y, y')  r show ?case by (auto intro: rtrancl_join_join)

lemma semi_confluence_imp_CR:
  assumes "(r¯ O r*)  r" shows "CR r"
proof - {
  fix x y z assume "(x, y)  r*" and "(x, z)  r*"
  then obtain n where "(x, z)  r^^n" using rtrancl_imp_UN_relpow by best
  with (x, y)  r* have "(y, z)  r"
  proof (induct n arbitrary: x y z)
    case 0 then show ?case by auto
    case (Suc n)
    from (x, z)  r^^Suc n obtain x' where "(x, x')  r" and "(x', z)  r^^n"
      using relpow_Suc_D2 by best
    from (x, x')  r and (x, y)  r* have "(x', y)  (r¯ O r* )" by auto
    with assms have "(x', y)  r" by auto
    then obtain y' where "(x', y')  r*" and "(y, y')  r*" by best
    with Suc and (x', z)  r^^n have "(y', z)  r" by simp
    then obtain u where "(z, u)  r*" and "(y', u)  r*" by best
    from (y, y')  r* and (y', u)  r* have "(y, u)  r*" by auto
    with (z, u)  r* show ?case by best
} then show ?thesis by auto
lemma diamond_imp_CR:
  assumes " r" shows "CR r"
  using assms by (rule diamond_imp_semi_confluence [THEN semi_confluence_imp_CR])

lemma diamond_imp_CR':
  assumes " s" and "r  s" and "s  r*" shows "CR r"
  unfolding CR_iff_meet_subset_join
proof -
  from  s have "CR s" by (rule diamond_imp_CR)
  then have "s  s" unfolding CR_iff_meet_subset_join by simp
  from r  s have "r*  s*" by (rule rtrancl_mono)
  from s  r* have "s*  (r*)*" by (rule rtrancl_mono)
  then have "s*  r*" by simp
  with r*  s* have "r* = s*" by simp
  show "r  r" unfolding meet_def join_def rtrancl_converse r* = s*
    unfolding rtrancl_converse [symmetric] meet_def [symmetric]
      join_def [symmetric] by (rule s  s)

lemma SN_imp_minimal:
  assumes "SN A"
  shows "Q x. x  Q  (zQ. y. (z, y)  A  y  Q)"
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume "¬ (Q x. x  Q  (zQ. y. (z, y)  A  y  Q))"
  then obtain Q x where "x  Q" and "zQ. y. (z, y)  A  y  Q" by auto
  then have "z. y. z  Q  (z, y)  A  y  Q" by auto
  then have "f. x. x  Q  (x, f x)  A  f x  Q" by (rule choice)
  then obtain f where a:"x. x  Q  (x, f x)  A  f x  Q" (is "x. ?P x") by best
  let ?S = "λi. (f ^^ i) x"
  have "?S 0 = x" by simp
  have "i. (?S i, ?S (Suc i))  A  ?S (Suc i)  Q"
    fix i show "(?S i, ?S (Suc i))  A  ?S (Suc i)  Q"
      by (induct i) (auto simp: x  Q a)
  with ?S 0 = x have "S. S 0 = x  chain A S" by fast
  with assms show False by auto

lemma SN_on_imp_on_minimal:
  assumes "SN_on r {x}"
  shows "Q. x  Q  (zQ. y. (z, y)  r  y  Q)"
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume "¬(Q. x  Q  (zQ. y. (z, y)  r  y  Q))"
  then obtain Q where "x  Q" and "zQ. y. (z, y)  r  y  Q" by auto
  then have "z. y. z  Q  (z, y)  r  y  Q" by auto
  then have "f. x. x  Q  (x, f x)  r  f x  Q" by (rule choice)
  then obtain f where a: "x. x  Q  (x, f x)  r  f x  Q" (is "x. ?P x") by best
  let ?S = "λi. (f ^^ i) x"
  have "?S 0 = x" by simp
  have "i. (?S i,?S(Suc i))  r  ?S(Suc i)  Q"
    fix i show "(?S i,?S(Suc i))  r  ?S(Suc i)  Q" by (induct i) (auto simp:x  Q a)
  with ?S 0 = x have "S. S 0 = x  chain r S" by fast
  with assms show False by auto

lemma minimal_imp_wf:
  assumes "Q x. x  Q  (zQ. y. (z, y)  r  y  Q)"
  shows "wf(r¯)"
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume "¬ wf(r¯)"
  then have "P. (x. (y. (x, y)  r  P y)  P x)  (x. ¬ P x)" unfolding wf_def by simp
  then obtain P x where suc:"x. (y. (x, y)  r  P y)  P x" and "¬ P x" by auto
  let ?Q = "{x. ¬ P x}"
  from ¬ P x have "x  ?Q" by simp
  from assms have "x. x  ?Q  (z?Q. y. (z, y)  r  y  ?Q)" by (rule allE [where x = ?Q])
  with x  ?Q obtain z where "z  ?Q" and min:" y. (z, y)  r  y  ?Q" by best
  from z  ?Q have "¬ P z" by simp
  with suc obtain y where "(z, y)  r" and "¬ P y" by best
  then have "y  ?Q" by simp
  with (z, y)  r and min show False by simp

lemmas SN_imp_wf = SN_imp_minimal [THEN minimal_imp_wf]

lemma wf_imp_SN:
  assumes "wf (A¯)" shows "SN A"
proof - {
  fix a
  let ?P = "λa. ¬(S. S 0 = a  chain A S)"
  from wf (A¯) have "?P a"
  proof induct
    case (less a)
    then have IH: "b. (a, b)  A  ?P b" by auto
    show "?P a"
    proof (rule ccontr)
      assume "¬ ?P a"
      then obtain S where "S 0 = a" and "chain A S" by auto
      then have "(S 0, S 1)  A" by auto
      with IH have "?P (S 1)" unfolding S 0 = a by auto
      with chain A S show False by auto
  then have "SN_on A {a}" unfolding SN_defs by auto
} then show ?thesis by fast

lemma SN_nat_gt: "SN {(a, b :: nat) . a > b}"
proof -
  from wf_less have "wf ({(x, y) . (x :: nat) > y}¯)" unfolding converse_unfold by auto
  from wf_imp_SN [OF this] show ?thesis .

lemma SN_iff_wf: "SN A = wf (A¯)" by (auto simp: SN_imp_wf wf_imp_SN)

lemma SN_imp_acyclic: "SN R  acyclic R"
  using wf_acyclic [of "R¯", unfolded SN_iff_wf [symmetric]] by auto

lemma SN_induct:
  assumes sn: "SN r" and step: "a. (b. (a, b)  r  P b)  P a"
  shows "P a"
using sn unfolding SN_iff_wf proof induct
  case (less a)
  with step show ?case by best

(* The same as well-founded induction, but in the 'correct' direction. *)
lemmas SN_induct_rule = SN_induct [consumes 1, case_names IH, induct pred: SN]

lemma SN_on_induct [consumes 2, case_names IH, induct pred: SN_on]:
  assumes SN: "SN_on R A"
    and "s  A"
    and imp: "t. (u. (t, u)  R  P u)  P t"
  shows "P s"
proof -
  let ?R = "restrict_SN R R"
  let ?P = "λt. SN_on R {t}  P t"
  have "SN_on R {s}  P s"
  proof (rule SN_induct [OF SN_restrict_SN_idemp [of R], of ?P])
    fix a
    assume ind: "b. (a, b)  ?R  SN_on R {b}  P b"
    show "SN_on R {a}  P a"
      assume SN: "SN_on R {a}"
      show "P a"
      proof (rule imp)
        fix b
        assume "(a, b)  R"
        with SN step_preserves_SN_on [OF this SN]
        show "P b" using ind [of b] unfolding restrict_SN_def by auto
  with SN show "P s" using s  A unfolding SN_on_def by blast

(* link SN_on to acc / accp *)
lemma accp_imp_SN_on:
  assumes "x. x  A  Wellfounded.accp g x"
  shows "SN_on {(y, z). g z y} A"
proof - {
  fix x assume "x  A"
  from assms [OF this]
  have "SN_on {(y, z). g z y} {x}"
  proof (induct rule: accp.induct)
    case (accI x)
    show ?case
      fix f
      assume x: "f 0  {x}" and steps: " i. (f i, f (Suc i))  {a. (λ(y, z). g z y) a}"
      then have "g (f 1) x" by auto
      from accI(2)[OF this] steps x show False unfolding SN_on_def by auto
  then show ?thesis unfolding SN_on_def by blast

lemma SN_on_imp_accp:
  assumes "SN_on {(y, z). g z y} A"
  shows "xA. Wellfounded.accp g x"
  fix x assume "x  A"
  with assms show "Wellfounded.accp g x"
  proof (induct rule: SN_on_induct)
    case (IH x)
    show ?case
      fix y
      assume "g y x"
      with IH show "Wellfounded.accp g y" by simp

lemma SN_on_conv_accp:
  "SN_on {(y, z). g z y} {x} = Wellfounded.accp g x"
  using SN_on_imp_accp [of g "{x}"]
        accp_imp_SN_on [of "{x}" g]
  by auto

lemma SN_on_conv_acc: "SN_on {(y, z). (z, y)  r} {x}  x  Wellfounded.acc r"
  unfolding SN_on_conv_accp accp_acc_eq ..

lemma acc_imp_SN_on:
  assumes "x  Wellfounded.acc r" shows "SN_on {(y, z). (z, y)  r} {x}"
  using assms unfolding SN_on_conv_acc by simp

lemma SN_on_imp_acc:
  assumes "SN_on {(y, z). (z, y)  r} {x}" shows "x  Wellfounded.acc r"
  using assms unfolding SN_on_conv_acc by simp

subsection ‹Newman's Lemma›

lemma rtrancl_len_E [elim]:
  assumes "(x, y)  r*" obtains n where "(x, y)  r^^n"
  using rtrancl_imp_UN_relpow [OF assms] by best

lemma relpow_Suc_E2' [elim]:
  assumes "(x, z)  A^^Suc n" obtains y where "(x, y)  A" and "(y, z)  A*"
proof -
  assume assm: "y. (x, y)  A  (y, z)  A*  thesis"
  from relpow_Suc_E2 [OF assms] obtain y where "(x, y)  A" and "(y, z)  A^^n" by auto
  then have "(y, z)  A*" using (*FIXME*) relpow_imp_rtrancl by auto
  from assm [OF (x, y)  A this] show thesis .

lemmas SN_on_induct' [consumes 1, case_names IH] = SN_on_induct [OF _ singletonI]

lemma Newman_local:
  assumes "SN_on r X" and WCR: "WCR_on r {x. SN_on r {x}}"
  shows "CR_on r X"
proof - {
  fix x
  assume "x  X"
  with assms have "SN_on r {x}" unfolding SN_on_def by auto
  with this  have "CR_on r {x}"
  proof (induct rule: SN_on_induct')
    case (IH x) show ?case
      fix y z assume "(x, y)  r*" and "(x, z)  r*"
      from (x, y)  r* obtain m where "(x, y)  r^^m" ..
      from (x, z)  r* obtain n where "(x, z)  r^^n" ..
      show "(y, z)  r"
      proof (cases n)
        case 0
        from (x, z)  r^^n have eq: "x = z" by (simp add: 0)
        from (x, y)  r* show ?thesis unfolding eq ..
        case (Suc n')
        from (x, z)  r^^n [unfolded Suc] obtain t where "(x, t)  r" and "(t, z)  r*" ..
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases m)
          case 0
          from (x, y)  r^^m have eq: "x = y" by (simp add: 0)
          from (x, z)  r* show ?thesis unfolding eq ..
          case (Suc m')
          from (x, y)  r^^m [unfolded Suc] obtain s where "(x, s)  r" and "(s, y)  r*" ..          
          from WCR IH(2) have "WCR_on r {x}" unfolding WCR_on_def by auto
          with (x, s)  r and (x, t)  r have "(s, t)  r" by auto
          then obtain u where "(s, u)  r*" and "(t, u)  r*" ..
          from (x, s)  r IH(2) have "SN_on r {s}" by (rule step_preserves_SN_on)
          from IH(1)[OF (x, s)  r this] have "CR_on r {s}" .
          from this and (s, u)  r* and (s, y)  r* have "(u, y)  r" by auto
          then obtain v where "(u, v)  r*" and "(y, v)  r*" ..
          from (x, t)  r IH(2) have "SN_on r {t}" by (rule step_preserves_SN_on)
          from IH(1)[OF (x, t)  r this] have "CR_on r {t}" .
          moreover from (t, u)  r* and (u, v)  r* have "(t, v)  r*" by auto
          ultimately have "(z, v)  r" using (t, z)  r* by auto
          then obtain w where "(z, w)  r*" and "(v, w)  r*" ..
          from (y, v)  r* and (v, w)  r* have "(y, w)  r*" by auto
          with (z, w)  r* show ?thesis by auto
  then show ?thesis unfolding CR_on_def by blast

lemma Newman: "SN r  WCR r  CR r"
  using Newman_local [of r UNIV]
  unfolding WCR_on_def by auto
lemma Image_SN_on:
  assumes "SN_on r (r `` A)"
  shows "SN_on r A"
  fix f
  assume "f 0  A" and chain: "chain r f"
  then have "f (Suc 0)  r `` A" by auto
  with assms have "SN_on r {f (Suc 0)}" by (auto simp add: f 0  A SN_defs)
  moreover have "¬ SN_on r {f (Suc 0)}"
  proof -
    have "f (Suc 0)  {f (Suc 0)}" by simp
    moreover from chain have "chain r (f  Suc)" by auto
    ultimately show ?thesis by auto
  ultimately show False by simp

lemma SN_on_Image_conv: "SN_on r (r `` A) = SN_on r A"
  using SN_on_Image and Image_SN_on by blast

text ‹If all successors are terminating, then the current element is also terminating.›
lemma step_reflects_SN_on:
  assumes "(b. (a, b)  r  SN_on r {b})"
  shows "SN_on r {a}"
  using assms and Image_SN_on [of r "{a}"] by (auto simp: SN_defs)

lemma SN_on_all_reducts_SN_on_conv:
  "SN_on r {a} = (b. (a, b)  r  SN_on r {b})"
  using SN_on_Image_conv [of r "{a}"] by (auto simp: SN_defs)

lemma SN_imp_SN_trancl: "SN R  SN (R+)"
  unfolding SN_iff_wf by (rule wf_converse_trancl)

lemma SN_trancl_imp_SN:
  assumes "SN (R+)" shows "SN R"
  using assms by (rule SN_on_trancl_imp_SN_on)

lemma SN_trancl_SN_conv: "SN (R+) = SN R"
  using SN_trancl_imp_SN [of R] SN_imp_SN_trancl [of R] by blast

lemma SN_inv_image: "SN R  SN (inv_image R f)" unfolding SN_iff_wf by simp

lemma SN_subset: "SN R  R'  R  SN R'" unfolding SN_defs by blast
lemma SN_pow_imp_SN:
  assumes "SN (A^^Suc n)" shows "SN A"
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume "¬ SN A"
  then obtain S where "chain A S" unfolding SN_defs by auto
  from chain_imp_relpow [OF this]
    have step: "i. (S i, S (i + (Suc n)))  A^^Suc n" .
  let ?T = "λi. S (i * (Suc n))"
  have "chain (A^^Suc n) ?T"
    fix i show "(?T i, ?T (Suc i))  A^^Suc n" unfolding mult_Suc
      using step [of "i * Suc n"] by (simp only: add.commute)
  then have "¬ SN (A^^Suc n)" unfolding SN_defs by fast
  with assms show False by simp

(* TODO: move to Isabelle Library? *)
lemma pow_Suc_subset_trancl: "R^^(Suc n)  R+"
  using trancl_power [of _ R] by blast

lemma SN_imp_SN_pow:
  assumes "SN R" shows "SN (R^^Suc n)"
  using SN_subset [where R="R+", OF SN_imp_SN_trancl [OF assms] pow_Suc_subset_trancl] by simp
(*FIXME: needed in HOL/Wellfounded.thy*)
lemma SN_pow: "SN R  SN (R ^^ Suc n)"
  by (rule iffI, rule SN_imp_SN_pow, assumption, rule SN_pow_imp_SN, assumption)

lemma SN_on_trancl:
  assumes "SN_on r A" shows "SN_on (r+) A"
using assms
proof (rule contrapos_pp)
  let ?r = "restrict_SN r r"
  assume "¬ SN_on (r+) A"
  then obtain f where "f 0  A" and chain: "chain (r+) f" by auto
  have "SN ?r" by (rule SN_restrict_SN_idemp)
  then have "SN (?r+)" by (rule SN_imp_SN_trancl)
  have "i. (f 0, f i)  r*"
    fix i show "(f 0, f i)  r*"
    proof (induct i)
      case 0 show ?case ..
      case (Suc i)
      from chain have "(f i, f (Suc i))  r+" ..
      with Suc show ?case by auto
  with assms have