Theory Threaded

(*  Title:      JinjaThreads/J/Threaded.thy
    Author:     Andreas Lochbihler

section ‹The source language as an instance of the framework›

theory Threaded

context heap_base begin ― ‹Move to ?? - also used in BV›

lemma wset_Suspend_ok_start_state:
  fixes final r convert_RA
  assumes "start_state f P C M vs  I"
  shows "start_state f P C M vs  multithreaded_base.wset_Suspend_ok final r convert_RA I"
using assms
by(rule multithreaded_base.wset_Suspend_okI)(simp add: start_state_def split_beta)


abbreviation final_expr :: "'addr expr × 'addr locals  bool"where
  "final_expr  λ(e, x). final e"

lemma final_locks: "final e  expr_locks e l = 0"
by(auto elim: finalE)

context J_heap_base begin

abbreviation mred
  :: "'addr J_prog  ('addr, 'thread_id, 'addr expr × 'addr locals, 'heap, 'addr, ('addr, 'thread_id) obs_event) semantics"
  "mred P t  (λ((e, l), h)  ta ((e', l'), h'). P,t  e, (h, l) -ta e', (h', l'))"

lemma red_new_thread_heap:
  " convert_extTA extNTA,P,t  e, s -ta e', s'; NewThread t'' ex'' h''  set tat   h'' = hp s'"
  and reds_new_thread_heap:
  " convert_extTA extNTA,P,t  es, s [-ta→] es', s'; NewThread t'' ex'' h''  set tat   h'' = hp s'"
apply(induct rule: red_reds.inducts)
apply(fastforce dest: red_ext_new_thread_heap simp add: ta_upd_simps)+

lemma red_ta_Wakeup_no_Join_no_Lock_no_Interrupt:
  " convert_extTA extNTA,P,t  e, s -ta e', s'; Notified  set taw  WokenUp  set taw 
   collect_locks tal = {}  collect_cond_actions tac = {}  collect_interrupts tai = {}"
  and reds_ta_Wakeup_no_Join_no_Lock_no_Interrupt:
  " convert_extTA extNTA,P,t  es, s [-ta→] es', s'; Notified  set taw  WokenUp  set taw 
   collect_locks tal = {}  collect_cond_actions tac = {}  collect_interrupts tai = {}"
apply(induct rule: red_reds.inducts)
apply(auto simp add: ta_upd_simps dest: red_external_Wakeup_no_Join_no_Lock_no_Interrupt del: conjI)

lemma final_no_red:
  "final e  ¬ P,t  e, (h, l) -ta e', (h', l')"
by(auto elim: red.cases finalE)

lemma red_mthr: "multithreaded final_expr (mred P)"
by(unfold_locales)(auto dest: red_new_thread_heap)


sublocale J_heap_base < red_mthr: multithreaded
  "mred P"
  for P
by(rule red_mthr)

context J_heap_base begin

  mredT :: 
  "'addr J_prog  ('addr,'thread_id,'addr expr × 'addr locals,'heap,'addr) state
   ('thread_id × ('addr, 'thread_id, 'addr expr × 'addr locals,'heap) Jinja_thread_action) 
   ('addr,'thread_id,'addr expr × 'addr locals,'heap,'addr) state  bool"
  "mredT P  red_mthr.redT P"

  mredT_syntax1 :: "'addr J_prog  ('addr,'thread_id,'addr expr × 'addr locals,'heap,'addr) state
                   'thread_id  ('addr, 'thread_id, 'addr expr × 'addr locals,'heap) Jinja_thread_action
                   ('addr,'thread_id,'addr expr × 'addr locals,'heap,'addr) state  bool"
                    ("_  _ -__ _" [50,0,0,0,50] 80)
  "mredT_syntax1 P s t ta s'  mredT P s (t, ta) s'"

  mRedT_syntax1 :: 
  "'addr J_prog
   ('addr,'thread_id,'addr expr × 'addr locals,'heap,'addr) state
   ('thread_id × ('addr, 'thread_id, 'addr expr × 'addr locals,'heap) Jinja_thread_action) list
   ('addr,'thread_id,'addr expr × 'addr locals,'heap,'addr) state  bool"
  ("_  _ -▹_→* _" [50,0,0,50] 80)
  "P  s -▹ttas→* s'  red_mthr.RedT P s ttas s'"


context J_heap begin

lemma redT_hext_incr:
  "P  s -tta s'  shr s  shr s'"
by(erule red_mthr.redT.cases)(auto dest!: red_hext_incr intro: hext_trans)

lemma RedT_hext_incr:
  assumes "P  s -▹tta→* s'"
  shows "shr s  shr s'"
using assms unfolding red_mthr.RedT_def
by(induct)(auto dest: redT_hext_incr intro: hext_trans)


subsection ‹Lifting @{term "tconf"} to multithreaded states›

context J_heap begin

lemma red_NewThread_Thread_Object:
  " convert_extTA extNTA,P,t  e, s -ta e', s'; NewThread t' x m  set tat  
   C. typeof_addr (hp s') (thread_id2addr t') = Class_type C  P  C * Thread"
  and reds_NewThread_Thread_Object:
  " convert_extTA extNTA,P,t  es, s [-ta→] es', s'; NewThread t' x m  set tat 
   C. typeof_addr (hp s') (thread_id2addr t') = Class_type C  P  C * Thread"
apply(induct rule: red_reds.inducts)
apply(fastforce dest: red_external_new_thread_exists_thread_object simp add: ta_upd_simps)+

lemma lifting_wf_tconf:
  "lifting_wf final_expr (mred P) (λt ex h. P,h  t √t)"
by(unfold_locales)(fastforce dest: red_hext_incr red_NewThread_Thread_Object elim!: tconf_hext_mono intro: tconfI)+


sublocale J_heap < red_tconf: lifting_wf final_expr "mred P" convert_RA "λt ex h. P,h  t √t"
by(rule lifting_wf_tconf)

subsection ‹Towards agreement between the framework semantics' lock state and the locks stored in the expressions›

primrec sync_ok :: "('a,'b,'addr) exp  bool"
  and sync_oks :: "('a,'b,'addr) exp list  bool"
  "sync_ok (new C) = True"
| "sync_ok (newA Ti) = sync_ok i"
| "sync_ok (Cast T e) = sync_ok e"
| "sync_ok (e instanceof T) = sync_ok e"
| "sync_ok (Val v) = True"
| "sync_ok (Var v) = True"
| "sync_ok (e «bop» e') = (sync_ok e  sync_ok e'  (contains_insync e'  is_val e))"
| "sync_ok (V := e) = sync_ok e"
| "sync_ok (ai) = (sync_ok a  sync_ok i  (contains_insync i  is_val a))"
| "sync_ok (AAss a i e) = (sync_ok a  sync_ok i  sync_ok e  (contains_insync i  is_val a)  (contains_insync e  is_val a  is_val i))"
| "sync_ok (a∙length) = sync_ok a"
| "sync_ok (eF{D}) = sync_ok e"
| "sync_ok (FAss e F D e') = (sync_ok e  sync_ok e'  (contains_insync e'  is_val e))"
| "sync_ok (e∙compareAndSwap(DF, e', e'')) = (sync_ok e  sync_ok e'  sync_ok e''  (contains_insync e'  is_val e)  (contains_insync e''  is_val e  is_val e'))"
| "sync_ok (em(pns)) = (sync_ok e  sync_oks pns  (contains_insyncs pns  is_val e))"
| "sync_ok ({V : T=vo; e}) = sync_ok e"
| "sync_ok (sync⇘V(o') e) = (sync_ok o'  ¬ contains_insync e)"
| "sync_ok (insync⇘V(a) e) = sync_ok e"
| "sync_ok (e;;e') = (sync_ok e  ¬ contains_insync e')"
| "sync_ok (if (b) e else e') = (sync_ok b  ¬ contains_insync e  ¬ contains_insync e')"
| "sync_ok (while (b) e) = (¬ contains_insync b  ¬ contains_insync e)"
| "sync_ok (throw e) = sync_ok e"
| "sync_ok (try e catch(C v) e') = (sync_ok e  ¬ contains_insync e')"
| "sync_oks [] = True"
| "sync_oks (x # xs) = (sync_ok x  sync_oks xs  (contains_insyncs xs  is_val x))"

lemma sync_oks_append [simp]:
  "sync_oks (xs @ ys)  sync_oks xs  sync_oks ys  (contains_insyncs ys  (vs. xs = map Val vs))"
by(induct xs)(auto simp add: Cons_eq_map_conv)

lemma fixes e :: "('a,'b,'addr) exp" and es :: "('a,'b,'addr) exp list"
  shows not_contains_insync_sync_ok: "¬ contains_insync e  sync_ok e"
  and not_contains_insyncs_sync_oks: "¬ contains_insyncs es  sync_oks es"
by(induct e and es rule: sync_ok.induct sync_oks.induct)(auto)

lemma expr_locks_sync_ok: "(ad. expr_locks e ad = 0)  sync_ok e"
  and expr_lockss_sync_oks: "(ad. expr_lockss es ad = 0)  sync_oks es"
by(auto intro!: not_contains_insync_sync_ok not_contains_insyncs_sync_oks
        simp add: contains_insync_conv contains_insyncs_conv)

lemma sync_ok_extRet2J [simp, intro!]: "sync_ok e  sync_ok (extRet2J e va)"
by(cases va) auto

  sync_es_ok :: "('addr,'thread_id,('a,'b,'addr) exp×'c) thread_info  'heap  bool"
  "sync_es_ok  ts_ok (λt (e, x) m. sync_ok e)"

lemma sync_es_ok_blocks [simp]:
  " length pns = length Ts; length Ts = length vs   sync_ok (blocks pns Ts vs e) = sync_ok e"
by(induct pns Ts vs e rule: blocks.induct) auto

context J_heap_base begin

lemma assumes wf: "wf_J_prog P"
  shows red_preserve_sync_ok: " extTA,P,t  e, s -ta e', s'; sync_ok e   sync_ok e'"
  and reds_preserve_sync_oks: " extTA,P,t  es, s [-ta→] es', s'; sync_oks es   sync_oks es'"
proof(induct rule: red_reds.inducts)
  case (RedCall s a U M Ts T pns body D vs)
  from wf P  class_type_of U sees M: TsT = (pns, body) in D
  have "wf_mdecl wf_J_mdecl P D (M,Ts,T,(pns,body))"
    by(rule sees_wf_mdecl)
  then obtain T where "P,[thisClass D,pns[↦]Ts]  body :: T"
    by(auto simp add: wf_mdecl_def)
  hence "expr_locks body = (λad. 0)" by(rule WT_expr_locks)
  with length vs = length pns length Ts = length pns 
  have "expr_locks (blocks pns Ts vs body) = (λad. 0)"
    by(simp add: expr_locks_blocks)
  thus ?case by(auto intro: expr_locks_sync_ok)
qed(fastforce intro: not_contains_insync_sync_ok)+

lemma assumes wf: "wf_J_prog P"
  shows expr_locks_new_thread:
  " P,t  e, s -ta e', s'; NewThread t'' (e'', x'') h  set tat   expr_locks e'' = (λad. 0)"

  and expr_locks_new_thread':
  " P,t  es, s [-ta→] es', s'; NewThread t'' (e'', x'') h  set tat   expr_locks e'' = (λad. 0)"
proof(induct rule: red_reds.inducts)
  case (RedCallExternal s a U M Ts T D vs ta va h' ta' e' s')
  then obtain C fs a where subThread: "P  C * Thread" and ext: "extNTA2J P (C, run, a) = (e'', x'')"
    by(fastforce dest: red_external_new_thread_sub_thread)
  from sub_Thread_sees_run[OF wf subThread] obtain D pns body
    where sees: "P  C sees run: []Void = (pns, body) in D" by auto
  from sees_wf_mdecl[OF wf this] obtain T where "P,[this  Class D]  body :: T"
    by(auto simp add: wf_mdecl_def)
  hence "expr_locks body = (λad. 0)" by(rule WT_expr_locks)
  with sees ext show ?case by(auto simp add: extNTA2J_def)
qed(auto simp add: ta_upd_simps)

lemma assumes wf: "wf_J_prog P"
  shows red_new_thread_sync_ok: " P,t  e, s -ta e', s'; NewThread t'' (e'', x'') h''  set tat   sync_ok e''"
  and reds_new_thread_sync_ok: " P,t  es, s [-ta→] es', s'; NewThread t'' (e'', x'') h''  set tat   sync_ok e''"
by(auto dest!: expr_locks_new_thread[OF wf] expr_locks_new_thread'[OF wf] intro: expr_locks_sync_ok expr_lockss_sync_oks)

lemma lifting_wf_sync_ok: "wf_J_prog P  lifting_wf final_expr (mred P) (λt (e, x) m. sync_ok e)"
by(unfold_locales)(auto intro: red_preserve_sync_ok red_new_thread_sync_ok)

lemma redT_preserve_sync_ok:
  assumes red: "P  s -tta s'"
  shows " wf_J_prog P; sync_es_ok (thr s) (shr s)   sync_es_ok (thr s') (shr s')"
by(rule lifting_wf.redT_preserves[OF lifting_wf_sync_ok red])

lemma RedT_preserves_sync_ok:
  "wf_J_prog P; P  s -▹ttas→* s'; sync_es_ok (thr s) (shr s)
    sync_es_ok (thr s') (shr s')"
by(rule lifting_wf.RedT_preserves[OF lifting_wf_sync_ok])

lemma sync_es_ok_J_start_state:
  " wf_J_prog P; P  C sees M:TsT=(pns, body) in D; length Ts = length vs 
   sync_es_ok (thr (J_start_state P C M vs)) m"
apply(rule ts_okI)
apply(clarsimp simp add: start_state_def split_beta split: if_split_asm)
apply(drule (1) sees_wf_mdecl)
apply(clarsimp simp add: wf_mdecl_def)
apply(drule WT_expr_locks)
apply(rule expr_locks_sync_ok)
apply simp


text ‹Framework lock state agrees with locks stored in the expression›

definition lock_ok :: "('addr,'thread_id) locks  ('addr,'thread_id,('a, 'b,'addr) exp × 'x) thread_info  bool" where
  "ln. lock_ok ls ts  t. (case (ts t) of None     (l. has_locks (ls $ l) t = 0)
                                     | ((e, x), ln)  (l. has_locks (ls $ l) t + ln $ l = expr_locks e l))"

lemma lock_okI:
  " t l. ts t = None  has_locks (ls $ l) t = 0; t e x ln l. ts t = ((e, x), ln)  has_locks (ls $ l) t + ln $ l= expr_locks e l   lock_ok ls ts"
apply(fastforce simp add: lock_ok_def)

lemma lock_okE:
  " lock_ok ls ts;
     t. ts t = None  (l. has_locks (ls $ l) t = 0)  Q;
     t e x ln. ts t = ((e, x), ln)  (l. has_locks (ls $ l) t + ln $ l = expr_locks e l)  Q 
by(fastforce simp add: lock_ok_def)

lemma lock_okD1:
  " lock_ok ls ts; ts t = None   l. has_locks (ls $ l) t = 0"
apply(simp add: lock_ok_def)
apply(erule_tac x="t" in allE)

lemma lock_okD2:
  "ln.  lock_ok ls ts; ts t = ((e, x), ln)   l. has_locks (ls $ l) t + ln $ l = expr_locks e l"
apply(fastforce simp add: lock_ok_def)

lemma lock_ok_lock_thread_ok:
  assumes lock: "lock_ok ls ts"
  shows "lock_thread_ok ls ts"
proof(rule lock_thread_okI)
  fix l t
  assume lsl: "has_lock (ls $ l) t"
  show "xw. ts t = xw"
  proof(cases "ts t")
    case None
    with lock have "has_locks (ls $ l) t = 0"
      by(auto dest: lock_okD1)
    with lsl show ?thesis by simp
    case (Some a) thus ?thesis by blast

lemma (in J_heap_base) lock_ok_J_start_state:
  " wf_J_prog P; P  C sees M:TsT=(pns, body) in D; length Ts = length vs 
   lock_ok (locks (J_start_state P C M vs)) (thr (J_start_state P C M vs))"
apply(rule lock_okI)
apply(auto simp add: start_state_def split: if_split_asm)
apply(drule (1) sees_wf_mdecl)
apply(clarsimp simp add: wf_mdecl_def)
apply(drule WT_expr_locks)
apply(simp add: expr_locks_blocks)

subsection ‹Preservation of lock state agreement›

fun upd_expr_lock_action :: "int  lock_action  int"
  "upd_expr_lock_action i Lock = i + 1"
| "upd_expr_lock_action i Unlock = i - 1"
| "upd_expr_lock_action i UnlockFail = i"
| "upd_expr_lock_action i ReleaseAcquire = i"

fun upd_expr_lock_actions :: "int  lock_action list  int" where
  "upd_expr_lock_actions n [] = n"
| "upd_expr_lock_actions n (L # Ls) = upd_expr_lock_actions (upd_expr_lock_action n L) Ls"

lemma upd_expr_lock_actions_append [simp]:
  "upd_expr_lock_actions n (Ls @ Ls') = upd_expr_lock_actions (upd_expr_lock_actions n Ls) Ls'"
by(induct Ls arbitrary: n, auto)

definition upd_expr_locks :: "('l  int)  'l lock_actions  'l  int"
where "upd_expr_locks els las  λl. upd_expr_lock_actions (els l) (las $ l)"

lemma upd_expr_locks_iff [simp]:
  "upd_expr_locks els las l = upd_expr_lock_actions (els l) (las $ l)"
by(simp add: upd_expr_locks_def)

lemma upd_expr_lock_action_add [simp]:
  "upd_expr_lock_action (l + l') L = upd_expr_lock_action l L + l'"
by(cases L, auto)

lemma upd_expr_lock_actions_add [simp]:
  "upd_expr_lock_actions (l + l') Ls = upd_expr_lock_actions l Ls + l'"
by(induct Ls arbitrary: l, auto)

lemma upd_expr_locks_add [simp]:
  "upd_expr_locks (λa. x a + y a) las = (λa. upd_expr_locks x las a + y a)"
by(auto intro: ext)

lemma expr_locks_extRet2J [simp, intro!]: "expr_locks e = (λad. 0)  expr_locks (extRet2J e va) = (λad. 0)"
by(cases va) auto

lemma (in J_heap_base)
  assumes wf: "wf_J_prog P"
  shows red_update_expr_locks:
  " convert_extTA extNTA,P,t  e, s -ta e', s'; sync_ok e  
   upd_expr_locks (int o expr_locks e) tal = int o expr_locks e'"
  and reds_update_expr_lockss:
  " convert_extTA extNTA,P,t  es, s [-ta→] es', s'; sync_oks es 
   upd_expr_locks (int o expr_lockss es) tal = int o expr_lockss es'"
proof -
  have " convert_extTA extNTA,P,t  e, s -ta e', s'; sync_ok e  
        upd_expr_locks (λad. 0) tal = (λad. (int o expr_locks e') ad - (int o expr_locks e) ad)"
    and " convert_extTA extNTA,P,t  es, s [-ta→] es', s'; sync_oks es 
         upd_expr_locks (λad. 0) tal = (λad. (int o expr_lockss es') ad - (int o expr_lockss es) ad)"
  proof(induct rule: red_reds.inducts)
    case (RedCall s a U M Ts T pns body D vs)
    from wf P  class_type_of U sees M: TsT = (pns, body) in D
    have "wf_mdecl wf_J_mdecl P D (M,Ts,T,(pns,body))"
      by(rule sees_wf_mdecl)
    then obtain T where "P,[thisClass D,pns[↦]Ts]  body :: T"
      by(auto simp add: wf_mdecl_def)
    hence "expr_locks body = (λad. 0)" by(rule WT_expr_locks)
    with length vs = length pns length Ts = length pns 
    have "expr_locks (blocks pns Ts vs body) = (λad. 0)"
      by(simp add: expr_locks_blocks)
    thus ?case by(auto intro: expr_locks_sync_ok)
    case RedCallExternal thus ?case
      by(auto simp add: fun_eq_iff contains_insync_conv contains_insyncs_conv finfun_upd_apply ta_upd_simps elim!: red_external.cases)
  qed(fastforce simp add: fun_eq_iff contains_insync_conv contains_insyncs_conv finfun_upd_apply ta_upd_simps)+
  hence " convert_extTA extNTA,P,t  e, s -ta e', s'; sync_ok e 
         upd_expr_locks (λad. 0 + (int  expr_locks e) ad) tal = int  expr_locks e'"
    and " convert_extTA extNTA,P,t  es, s [-ta→] es', s'; sync_oks es 
         upd_expr_locks (λad. 0 + (int  expr_lockss es) ad) tal = int  expr_lockss es'"
    by(auto intro: ext simp only: upd_expr_locks_add)
  thus " convert_extTA extNTA,P,t  e, s -ta e', s'; sync_ok e 
        upd_expr_locks (int o expr_locks e) tal = int o expr_locks e'"
    and " convert_extTA extNTA,P,t  es, s [-ta→] es', s'; sync_oks es 
         upd_expr_locks (int o expr_lockss es) tal = int o expr_lockss es'"
    by(auto simp add: o_def)

definition lock_expr_locks_ok :: "'t FWState.lock  't  nat  int  bool" where
  "lock_expr_locks_ok l t n i  (i = int (has_locks l t) + int n)  i  0"

lemma upd_lock_upd_expr_lock_action_preserve_lock_expr_locks_ok:
  assumes lao: "lock_action_ok l t L"
  and lelo: "lock_expr_locks_ok l t n i"
  shows "lock_expr_locks_ok (upd_lock l t L) t (upd_threadR n l t L) (upd_expr_lock_action i L)"
proof -
  from lelo have i: "i  0"
    and hl: "i = int (has_locks l t) + int n"
    by(auto simp add: lock_expr_locks_ok_def)
  from lelo
  show ?thesis
  proof(cases L)
    case Lock
    with lao have "may_lock l t" by(simp)
    with hl have "has_locks (lock_lock l t) t = (Suc (has_locks l t))" by(auto)
    with Lock i hl show ?thesis
      by(simp add: lock_expr_locks_ok_def)
    case Unlock
    with lao have "has_lock l t" by simp
    then obtain n' 
      where hl': "has_locks l t = Suc n'"
      by(auto dest: has_lock_has_locks_Suc)
    hence "has_locks (unlock_lock l) t = n'" by simp
    with Unlock i hl hl' show ?thesis
      by(simp add: lock_expr_locks_ok_def)
  qed(auto simp add: lock_expr_locks_ok_def)

lemma upd_locks_upd_expr_lock_preserve_lock_expr_locks_ok:
  " lock_actions_ok l t Ls; lock_expr_locks_ok l t n i 
   lock_expr_locks_ok (upd_locks l t Ls) t (upd_threadRs n l t Ls) (upd_expr_lock_actions i Ls)"
by(induct Ls arbitrary: l i n)(auto intro: upd_lock_upd_expr_lock_action_preserve_lock_expr_locks_ok)

definition ls_els_ok :: "('addr,'thread_id) locks  'thread_id  ('addr ⇒f nat)  ('addr  int)  bool" where
  "ln. ls_els_ok ls t ln els  l. lock_expr_locks_ok (ls $ l) t (ln $ l) (els l)"

lemma ls_els_okI:
  "ln. (l. lock_expr_locks_ok (ls $ l) t (ln $ l) (els l))  ls_els_ok ls t ln els"
by(auto simp add: ls_els_ok_def)

lemma ls_els_okE:
  "ln.  ls_els_ok ls t ln els; l. lock_expr_locks_ok (ls $ l) t (ln $ l) (els l)  P   P"
by(auto simp add: ls_els_ok_def)

lemma ls_els_okD:
  "ln. ls_els_ok ls t ln els  lock_expr_locks_ok (ls $ l) t (ln $ l) (els l)"
by(auto simp add: ls_els_ok_def)

lemma redT_updLs_upd_expr_locks_preserves_ls_els_ok:  
 "ln.  ls_els_ok ls t ln els; lock_ok_las ls t las 
   ls_els_ok (redT_updLs ls t las) t (redT_updLns ls t ln las) (upd_expr_locks els las)"
by(auto intro!: ls_els_okI upd_locks_upd_expr_lock_preserve_lock_expr_locks_ok elim!: ls_els_okE simp add: redT_updLs_def lock_ok_las_def)

lemma sync_ok_redT_updT: 
  assumes "sync_es_ok ts h"
  and nt: "t e x h''. ta = NewThread t (e, x) h''  sync_ok e"
  shows "sync_es_ok (redT_updT ts ta) h'"
using assms
proof(cases ta)
  case (NewThread T x m)
  obtain E X where [simp]: "x = (E, X)" by (cases x, auto)
  with NewThread have "sync_ok E" by(simp)(rule nt)
  with NewThread sync_es_ok ts h show ?thesis
    apply -
    apply(rule ts_okI)
    apply(case_tac "t=T")
    by(auto dest: ts_okD)
qed(auto intro: ts_okI dest: ts_okD)

lemma sync_ok_redT_updTs: 
  " sync_es_ok ts h; t e x h. NewThread t (e, x) h  set tas  sync_ok e 
   sync_es_ok (redT_updTs ts tas) h'"
proof(induct tas arbitrary: ts)
  case Nil thus ?case by(auto intro: ts_okI dest: ts_okD)
  case (Cons TA TAS TS)
  note IH = ts. sync_es_ok ts h; t e x h''. NewThread t (e, x) h''  set TAS  sync_ok e 
             sync_es_ok (redT_updTs ts TAS) h'
  note nt = t e x h. NewThread t (e, x) h  set (TA # TAS)  sync_ok e
  from sync_es_ok TS h nt
  have "sync_es_ok (redT_updT TS TA) h"
    by(auto elim!: sync_ok_redT_updT)
  hence "sync_es_ok (redT_updTs (redT_updT TS TA) TAS) h'"
    by(rule IH)(auto intro: nt)
  thus ?case by simp

lemma lock_ok_thr_updI:
  "ln.  lock_ok ls ts; ts t = ((e, xs), ln); expr_locks e = expr_locks e' 
   lock_ok ls (ts(t  ((e', xs'), ln)))"
by(rule lock_okI)(auto split: if_split_asm dest: lock_okD2 lock_okD1)

context J_heap_base begin 

lemma redT_preserves_lock_ok:
  assumes wf: "wf_J_prog P"
  and "P  s -tta s'"
  and "lock_ok (locks s) (thr s)"
  and "sync_es_ok (thr s) (shr s)"
  shows "lock_ok (locks s') (thr s')"
proof -
  obtain ls ts h ws "is" where s [simp]: "s = (ls, (ts, h), ws, is)" by(cases s) fastforce
  obtain ls' ts' h' ws' is' where s' [simp]: "s' = (ls', (ts', h'), ws', is')" by(cases s') fastforce
  from assms have redT: "P  (ls, (ts, h), ws, is) -tta (ls', (ts', h'), ws', is')"
    and loes: "lock_ok ls ts"
    and aoes: "sync_es_ok ts h" by auto
  from redT have "lock_ok ls' ts'"
  proof(cases rule: red_mthr.redT_elims)
    case (normal a a' m')
    moreover obtain e x where "a = (e, x)" by (cases a, auto)
    moreover obtain e' x' where "a' = (e', x')" by (cases a', auto)
    ultimately have P: "P,t  e,(h, x) -ta e',(m', x')"
      and est: "ts t = ((e, x), no_wait_locks)"
      and lota: "lock_ok_las ls t tal"
      and cctta: "thread_oks ts tat"
      and ls': "ls' = redT_updLs ls t tal"
      and s': "ts' = (redT_updTs ts tat)(t  ((e', x'), redT_updLns ls t no_wait_locks tal))"
      by auto
    let ?ts' = "(redT_updTs ts tat)(t  ((e', x'), redT_updLns ls t no_wait_locks tal))"
    from est aoes have aoe: "sync_ok e" by(auto dest: ts_okD)
    from aoe P have aoe': "sync_ok e'" by(auto dest: red_preserve_sync_ok[OF wf])
    from aoes red_new_thread_sync_ok[OF wf P]
    have "sync_es_ok (redT_updTs ts tat) h'"
      by(rule sync_ok_redT_updTs)
    with aoe' have aoes': "sync_es_ok ?ts' m'"
      by(auto intro!: ts_okI dest: ts_okD split: if_split_asm)
    have "lock_ok ls' ?ts'"
    proof(rule lock_okI)
      fix t'' l
      assume "?ts' t'' = None"
      hence "ts t'' = None"
        by(auto split: if_split_asm intro: redT_updTs_None)
      with loes have "has_locks (ls $ l) t'' = 0"
        by(auto dest: lock_okD1)
      moreover from ?ts' t'' = None 
      have "t  t''" by(simp split: if_split_asm)
      ultimately show "has_locks (ls' $ l) t'' = 0"
        by(simp add: red_mthr.redT_has_locks_inv[OF redT])
      fix t'' e'' x'' l ln''
      assume ts't'': "?ts' t'' = ((e'', x''), ln'')"
      with aoes' have aoe'': "sync_ok e''" by(auto dest: ts_okD)
      show "has_locks (ls' $ l) t'' + ln'' $ l = expr_locks e'' l"
      proof(cases "t = t''")
        case True
        note tt'' = t = t''
        with ts't'' have  e'': "e'' = e'" and x'': "x'' = x'"
          and ln'': "ln'' = redT_updLns ls t no_wait_locks tal" by auto
        have "ls_els_ok ls t no_wait_locks (int o expr_locks e)"
        proof(rule ls_els_okI)
          fix l
          note lock_okD2[OF loes, OF est]
          thus "lock_expr_locks_ok (ls $ l) t (no_wait_locks $ l) ((int  expr_locks e) l)"
            by(simp add: lock_expr_locks_ok_def)
        hence "ls_els_ok (redT_updLs ls t tal) t (redT_updLns ls t no_wait_locks tal) (upd_expr_locks (int o expr_locks e) tal)"
          by(rule redT_updLs_upd_expr_locks_preserves_ls_els_ok[OF _ lota])
        hence "ls_els_ok (redT_updLs ls t tal) t (redT_updLns ls t no_wait_locks tal) (int o expr_locks e')"
          by(simp only: red_update_expr_locks[OF wf P aoe])
        thus ?thesis using ls' e'' tt'' ln''
          by(auto dest: ls_els_okD[where l = l] simp: lock_expr_locks_ok_def)
        case False
        note tt'' = t  t''
        from lota have lao: "lock_actions_ok (ls $ l) t (tal $ l)"
          by(simp add: lock_ok_las_def)
        show ?thesis
        proof(cases "ts t''")
          case None
          with est ts't'' tt'' cctta
          obtain m where "NewThread t'' (e'', x'') m  set tat" and ln'': "ln'' = no_wait_locks"
            by(auto dest: redT_updTs_new_thread)
          moreover with P have "m' = m" by(auto dest: red_new_thread_heap)
          ultimately have "NewThread t'' (e'', x'') m'  set tat" by simp
          with wf P ln'' have "expr_locks e'' = (λad. 0)"
            by -(rule expr_locks_new_thread)
          hence elel: "expr_locks e'' l = 0" by simp
          from loes None  have "has_locks (ls $ l) t'' = 0"
            by(auto dest: lock_okD1)
          moreover note lock_actions_ok_has_locks_upd_locks_eq_has_locks[OF lao tt''[symmetric]]
          ultimately have "has_locks (redT_updLs ls t tal $ l) t'' = 0"
            by(auto simp add: fun_eq_iff)
          with elel ls' ln'' show ?thesis by(auto)
          case (Some a)
          then obtain E X LN where est'': "ts t'' = ((E, X), LN)" by(cases a, auto)
          with loes have IH: "has_locks (ls $ l) t'' + LN $ l = expr_locks E l"
            by(auto dest: lock_okD2)
          from est est'' tt'' cctta have "?ts' t'' = ((E, X), LN)"
            by(simp)(rule redT_updTs_Some, simp_all)
          with ts't'' have e'': "E = e''" and x'': "X = x''"
            and ln'': "ln'' = LN" by(simp_all)
          with lock_actions_ok_has_locks_upd_locks_eq_has_locks[OF lao tt''[symmetric]] IH ls'
          show ?thesis by(clarsimp simp add: redT_updLs_def fun_eq_iff)
    with s' show ?thesis by simp
    case (acquire a ln n)
    hence [simp]: "ta = (K$ [], [], [], [], [], convert_RA ln)" "ws' = ws" "h' = h" 
      and ls': "ls' = acquire_all ls t ln"
      and ts': "ts' = ts(t  (a, no_wait_locks))"
      and "ts t = (a, ln)"
      and "may_acquire_all ls t ln"
      by auto
    obtain e x where [simp]: "a = (e, x)" by (cases a, auto)
    from ts' have ts': "ts' = ts(t  ((e, x), no_wait_locks))" by simp
    from ts t = (a, ln) have tst: "ts t = ((e, x), ln)" by simp
    show ?thesis
    proof(rule lock_okI)
      fix t'' l
      assume rtutes: "ts' t'' = None"
      with ts' have tst'': "ts t'' = None"
        by(simp split: if_split_asm)
      with tst have tt'': "t  t''" by auto
      from tst'' loes have "has_locks (ls $ l) t'' = 0"
        by(auto dest: lock_okD1)
      thus "has_locks (ls' $ l) t'' = 0"
        by(simp add: red_mthr.redT_has_locks_inv[OF redT tt''])
      fix t'' e'' x'' ln'' l
      assume ts't'': "ts' t'' = ((e'', x''), ln'')"
      show "has_locks (ls' $ l) t'' + ln'' $ l = expr_locks e'' l"
      proof(cases "t = t''")
        case True
        note [simp] = this
        with ts't'' ts' tst
        have [simp]: "ln'' = no_wait_locks" "e = e''" by auto
        from tst loes have "has_locks (ls $ l) t + ln $ l = expr_locks e l"
          by(auto dest: lock_okD2)
        show ?thesis
        proof(cases "ln $ l > 0")
          case True
          with may_acquire_all ls t ln ls' have "may_lock (ls $ l) t"
            by(auto elim: may_acquire_allE)
          with ls'
          have "has_locks (ls' $ l) t = has_locks (ls $ l) t + ln $ l"
            by(simp add: has_locks_acquire_locks_conv)
          with has_locks (ls $ l) t + ln $ l = expr_locks e l
          show ?thesis by(simp)
          case False
          hence "ln $ l = 0" by simp
          with ls' have "has_locks (ls' $ l) t = has_locks (ls $ l) t"
          with has_locks (ls $ l) t + ln $ l = expr_locks e l ln $ l = 0
          show ?thesis by(simp)
        case False
        with ts' ts't'' have tst'': "ts t'' = ((e'', x''), ln'')" by(simp)
        with loes have "has_locks (ls $ l) t'' + ln'' $ l = expr_locks e'' l"
          by(auto dest: lock_okD2)
        show ?thesis
        proof(cases "ln $ l > 0")
          case False
          with t  t'' ls'
          have "has_locks (ls' $ l) t'' = has_locks (ls $ l) t''" by(simp)
          with has_locks (ls $ l) t'' + ln'' $ l = expr_locks e'' l
          show ?thesis by(simp)
          case True
          with may_acquire_all ls t ln have "may_lock (ls $ l) t"
            by(auto elim: may_acquire_allE)
          with ls' t  t'' have "has_locks (ls' $ l) t'' = has_locks (ls $ l) t''"
            by(simp add: has_locks_acquire_locks_conv')
          with ls' has_locks (ls $ l) t'' + ln'' $ l = expr_locks e'' l
          show ?thesis by(simp)
  thus ?thesis by simp

lemma invariant3p_sync_es_ok_lock_ok:
  assumes wf: "wf_J_prog P"
  shows "invariant3p (mredT P) {s. sync_es_ok (thr s) (shr s)  lock_ok (locks s) (thr s)}"
apply(rule invariant3pI)
apply clarify
apply(rule conjI)
 apply(rule lifting_wf.redT_preserves[OF lifting_wf_sync_ok[OF wf]], blast)
apply(erule (2) redT_preserves_lock_ok[OF wf])

lemma RedT_preserves_lock_ok:
  assumes wf: "wf_J_prog P"
  and Red: "P  s -▹ttas→* s'"
  and ae: "sync_es_ok (thr s) (shr s)"
  and loes: "lock_ok (locks s) (thr s)"
  shows "lock_ok (locks s') (thr s')"
using invariant3p_rtrancl3p[OF invariant3p_sync_es_ok_lock_ok[OF wf] Red[unfolded red_mthr.RedT_def]] ae loes
by simp


subsection ‹Determinism›

context J_heap_base begin

  fixes final
  assumes det: "deterministic_heap_ops"
  shows red_deterministic:
  " convert_extTA extTA,P,t  e, (shr s, xs) -ta e', s'; 
     convert_extTA extTA,P,t  e, (shr s, xs) -ta' e'', s'';
     final_thread.actions_ok final s t ta; final_thread.actions_ok final s t ta'  
   ta = ta'  e' = e''  s' = s''"
  and reds_deterministic:
  " convert_extTA extTA,P,t  es, (shr s, xs) [-ta→] es', s'; 
     convert_extTA extTA,P,t  es, (shr s, xs) [-ta'→] es'', s'';
     final_thread.actions_ok final s t ta; final_thread.actions_ok final s t ta'  
   ta = ta'  es' = es''  s' = s''"
proof(induct e "(shr s, xs)" ta e' s' and es "(shr s, xs)" ta es' s' arbitrary: e'' s'' xs and es'' s'' xs rule: red_reds.inducts)
  case RedNew
  thus ?case by(auto elim!: red_cases dest: deterministic_heap_ops_allocateD[OF det])
  case RedNewArray
  thus ?case by(auto elim!: red_cases dest: deterministic_heap_ops_allocateD[OF det])
  case RedCall thus ?case
    by(auto elim!: red_cases dest: sees_method_fun simp add: map_eq_append_conv)
  case RedCallExternal thus ?case
    by(auto elim!: red_cases dest: red_external_deterministic[OF det] simp add: final_thread.actions_ok_iff map_eq_append_conv dest: sees_method_fun)
  case RedCallNull thus ?case by(auto elim!: red_cases dest: sees_method_fun simp add: map_eq_append_conv)
  case CallThrowParams thus ?case
    by(auto elim!: red_cases dest: sees_method_fun simp add: map_eq_append_conv append_eq_map_conv append_eq_append_conv2 reds_map_Val_Throw Cons_eq_append_conv append_eq_Cons_conv)
qed(fastforce elim!: red_cases reds_cases dest: deterministic_heap_ops_readD[OF det] deterministic_heap_ops_writeD[OF det] iff: reds_map_Val_Throw)+

lemma red_mthr_deterministic:
  assumes det: "deterministic_heap_ops"
  shows "red_mthr.deterministic P UNIV"
proof(rule red_mthr.determisticI)
  fix s t x ta' x' m' ta'' x'' m''
  assume "thr s t = (x, no_wait_locks)"
    and red: "mred P t (x, shr s) ta' (x', m')" "mred P t (x, shr s) ta'' (x'', m'')"
    and aok: "red_mthr.actions_ok s t ta'" "red_mthr.actions_ok s t ta''"
  moreover obtain e xs where [simp]: "x = (e, xs)" by(cases x)
  moreover obtain e' xs' where [simp]: "x' = (e', xs')" by(cases x')
  moreover obtain e'' xs'' where [simp]: "x'' = (e'', xs'')" by(cases x'')
  ultimately have "extTA2J P,P,t  e,(shr s, xs) -ta' e',(m', xs')"
    and "extTA2J P,P,t  e,(shr s, xs) -ta'' e'',(m'', xs'')"
    by simp_all
  from red_deterministic[OF det this aok]
  show "ta' = ta''  x' = x''  m' = m''" by simp
qed simp

