Theory Type

(*  Title:      JinjaThreads/Common/Type.thy
    Author:     David von Oheimb, Tobias Nipkow, Andreas Lochbihler

    Based on the Jinja theory Common/Type.thy by David von Oheimb and Tobias Nipkow

chapter ‹Concepts for all JinjaThreads Languages \label{cha:j}›

section ‹JinjaThreads types›

theory Type

type_synonym cname = String.literal ― ‹class names›
type_synonym mname = String.literal ― ‹method name›
type_synonym vname = String.literal ― ‹names for local/field variables›

definition Object :: cname
where "Object  STR ''java/lang/Object''"

definition Thread :: cname
where "Thread  STR ''java/lang/Thread''"

definition Throwable :: cname
where "Throwable  STR ''java/lang/Throwable''"

definition this :: vname
where "this  STR ''this''"

definition run :: mname
where "run  STR ''run()V''"

definition start :: mname
where "start  STR ''start()V''"

definition wait :: mname
where "wait  STR ''wait()V''"

definition notify :: mname
where "notify  STR ''notify()V''"

definition notifyAll :: mname
where "notifyAll  STR ''notifyAll()V''"

definition join :: mname
where "join  STR ''join()V''"

definition interrupt :: mname
where "interrupt  STR ''interrupt()V''"

definition isInterrupted :: mname
where "isInterrupted  STR ''isInterrupted()Z''"

(* Method names for Class Object *)

definition hashcode :: mname
where "hashcode = STR ''hashCode()I''"

definition clone :: mname
where "clone = STR ''clone()Ljava/lang/Object;''"

definition print :: mname
where "print = STR ''~print(I)V''"

definition currentThread :: mname
where "currentThread = STR ''~Thread.currentThread()Ljava/lang/Thread;''"

definition interrupted :: mname
where "interrupted = STR ''~Thread.interrupted()Z''"

definition yield :: mname
where "yield = STR ''~Thread.yield()V''"

lemmas identifier_name_defs [code_unfold] =
  this_def run_def start_def wait_def notify_def notifyAll_def join_def interrupt_def isInterrupted_def
  hashcode_def clone_def print_def currentThread_def interrupted_def yield_def

lemma Object_Thread_Throwable_neq [simp]:
  "Thread  Object" "Object  Thread"
  "Object  Throwable" "Throwable  Object"
  "Thread  Throwable" "Throwable  Thread"
by(auto simp add: Thread_def Object_def Throwable_def)

lemma synth_method_names_neq_aux:
  "start  wait" "start  notify" "start  notifyAll" "start  join" "start  interrupt" "start  isInterrupted"
  "start  hashcode" "start  clone" "start  print" "start  currentThread"
  "start  interrupted" "start  yield" "start  run"
  "wait  notify" "wait  notifyAll" "wait  join"  "wait  interrupt" "wait  isInterrupted"
  "wait  hashcode" "wait  clone" "wait  print" "wait  currentThread" 
  "wait  interrupted" "wait  yield"  "wait  run"
  "notify  notifyAll" "notify  join" "notify  interrupt" "notify  isInterrupted"
  "notify  hashcode" "notify  clone" "notify  print" "notify  currentThread"
  "notify  interrupted" "notify  yield" "notify  run"
  "notifyAll  join" "notifyAll  interrupt" "notifyAll  isInterrupted"
  "notifyAll  hashcode" "notifyAll  clone" "notifyAll  print" "notifyAll  currentThread"
  "notifyAll  interrupted" "notifyAll  yield" "notifyAll  run"
  "join  interrupt" "join  isInterrupted"
  "join  hashcode" "join  clone" "join  print" "join  currentThread" 
  "join  interrupted" "join  yield" "join  run"
  "interrupt  isInterrupted"
  "interrupt  hashcode" "interrupt  clone" "interrupt  print" "interrupt  currentThread" 
  "interrupt  interrupted" "interrupt  yield" "interrupt  run"
  "isInterrupted  hashcode" "isInterrupted  clone" "isInterrupted  print" "isInterrupted  currentThread" 
  "isInterrupted  interrupted" "isInterrupted  yield" "isInterrupted  run"
  "hashcode  clone" "hashcode  print" "hashcode  currentThread" 
  "hashcode  interrupted" "hashcode  yield" "hashcode  run"
  "clone  print" "clone  currentThread" 
  "clone  interrupted" "clone  yield" "clone  run"
  "print  currentThread" 
  "print  interrupted" "print  yield" "print  run"
  "currentThread  interrupted" "currentThread  yield" "currentThread  run"
  "interrupted  yield" "interrupted  run"
  "yield  run"
by(simp_all add: identifier_name_defs)

lemmas synth_method_names_neq [simp] = synth_method_names_neq_aux synth_method_names_neq_aux[symmetric]

― ‹types›
datatype ty
  = Void          ― ‹type of statements›
  | Boolean
  | Integer
  | NT            ― ‹null type›
  | Class cname   ― ‹class type›
  | Array ty      ("_⌊⌉" 95) ― ‹array type›

  notes [[inductive_internals]]

inductive is_refT :: "ty  bool" where
  "is_refT NT"
| "is_refT (Class C)"
| "is_refT (A⌊⌉)"

declare is_refT.intros[iff]


lemmas refTE [consumes 1, case_names NT Class Array] = is_refT.cases

lemma not_refTE [consumes 1, case_names Void Boolean Integer]:
  " ¬is_refT T; T = Void  P; T = Boolean  P; T = Integer  P   P"
by (cases T, auto)

fun ground_type :: "ty  ty" where
  "ground_type (Array T) = ground_type T"
| "ground_type T = T"

abbreviation is_NT_Array :: "ty  bool" where
  "is_NT_Array T  ground_type T = NT"

primrec the_Class :: "ty  cname"
  "the_Class (Class C) = C"

primrec the_Array :: "ty  ty"
  "the_Array (T⌊⌉) = T"

datatype htype =
  Class_type "cname"
| Array_type "ty" "nat"

primrec ty_of_htype :: "htype  ty"
  "ty_of_htype (Class_type C) = Class C"
| "ty_of_htype (Array_type T n) = Array T"

primrec alen_of_htype :: "htype  nat"
  "alen_of_htype (Array_type T n) = n"

primrec class_type_of :: "htype  cname"
  "class_type_of (Class_type C) = C"
| "class_type_of (Array_type T n) = Object"

fun class_type_of' :: "ty  cname option"
  "class_type_of' (Class C) = C"
| "class_type_of' (Array T) = Object"
| "class_type_of' _ = None" 

lemma rec_htype_is_case [simp]: "rec_htype = case_htype"
by(auto simp add: fun_eq_iff split: htype.split)

lemma ty_of_htype_eq_convs [simp]:
  shows ty_of_htype_eq_Boolean: "ty_of_htype hT  Boolean"
  and ty_of_htype_eq_Void: "ty_of_htype hT  Void"
  and ty_of_htype_eq_Integer: "ty_of_htype hT  Integer"
  and ty_of_htype_eq_NT: "ty_of_htype hT  NT"
  and ty_of_htype_eq_Class: "ty_of_htype hT = Class C  hT = Class_type C"
  and ty_of_htype_eq_Array: "ty_of_htype hT = Array T  (n. hT = Array_type T n)"
by(case_tac [!] hT) simp_all

lemma class_type_of_eq:
  "class_type_of hT = 
  (case hT of Class_type C  C | Array_type T n  Object)"
by(simp split: htype.split)

lemma class_type_of'_ty_of_htype [simp]:
  "class_type_of' (ty_of_htype hT) = class_type_of hT"
by(cases hT) simp_all

fun is_Array :: "ty  bool"
  "is_Array (Array T) = True"
| "is_Array _ = False"

lemma is_Array_conv [simp]: "is_Array T  (U. T = Array U)"
by(cases T) simp_all

fun is_Class :: "ty  bool"
  "is_Class (Class C) = True"
| "is_Class _ = False"

lemma is_Class_conv [simp]: "is_Class T  (C. T = Class C)"
by(cases T) simp_all

subsection ‹Code generator setup›

code_pred is_refT .
