Theory HB_Completion

(*  Title:      JinjaThreads/MM/HB_Completion.thy
    Author:     Andreas Lochbihler

section ‹Happens-before consistent completion of executions in the JMM›

theory HB_Completion imports

coinductive ta_hb_consistent :: "'m prog  ('thread_id × ('addr, 'thread_id) obs_event action) list  ('thread_id × ('addr, 'thread_id) obs_event action) llist  bool"
for P :: "'m prog"
  LNil: "ta_hb_consistent P obs LNil" 
| LCons:
  " ta_hb_consistent P (obs @ [ob]) obs';
     case ob of (t, NormalAction (ReadMem ad al v))
         (w. w  write_actions (llist_of (obs @ [ob]))  (ad, al)  action_loc P (llist_of (obs @ [ob])) w 
               value_written P (llist_of (obs @ [ob])) w (ad, al) = v 
             P,llist_of (obs @ [ob])  w ≤hb length obs 
             (w'write_actions (llist_of (obs @ [ob])). (ad, al)  action_loc P (llist_of (obs @ [ob])) w'  
                (P,llist_of (obs @ [ob])  w ≤hb w'  P,llist_of (obs @ [ob])  w' ≤hb length obs  
                   is_volatile P al  P,llist_of (obs @ [ob])  w ≤so w'  P,llist_of (obs @ [ob])  w' ≤so length obs)  
                w' = w))
     | _  True  
   ta_hb_consistent P obs (LCons ob obs')"

inductive_simps ta_hb_consistent_LNil [simp]:
  "ta_hb_consistent P obs LNil"

inductive_simps ta_hb_consistent_LCons:
  "ta_hb_consistent P obs (LCons ob obs')"

lemma ta_hb_consistent_into_non_speculative:
  "ta_hb_consistent P obs0 obs
   non_speculative P (w_values P (λ_. {}) (map snd obs0)) (lmap snd obs)"
proof(coinduction arbitrary: obs0 obs)
  case (non_speculative obs0 obs)
  let ?vs = "w_values P (λ_. {}) (map snd obs0)"
  let ?CH = "λvs obs'. obs0 obs. vs = w_values P (λ_. {}) (map snd obs0)  obs' = lmap snd obs  ta_hb_consistent P obs0 obs"
  from non_speculative show ?case
    case LNil hence ?LNil by simp
    thus ?thesis ..
    case (LCons tob obs'')
    note obs = obs = LCons tob obs''
    obtain t ob where tob: "tob = (t, ob)" by(cases tob)
    from ta_hb_consistent P (obs0 @ [tob]) obs'' tob obs
    have "?CH (w_value P ?vs ob) (lmap snd obs'')" by(auto intro!: exI)
    moreover {
      fix ad al v
      assume ob: "ob = NormalAction (ReadMem ad al v)"
      with LCons tob obtain w where w: "w  write_actions (llist_of (obs0 @ [tob]))"
        and adal: "(ad, al)  action_loc P (llist_of (obs0 @ [tob])) w"
        and v: "value_written P (llist_of (obs0 @ [tob])) w (ad, al) = v" by auto
      from w obtain "is_write_action (action_obs (llist_of (obs0 @ [tob])) w)" 
        and w_actions: "w  actions (llist_of (obs0 @ [tob]))" by cases
      hence "v  ?vs (ad, al)"
        case (WriteMem ad' al' v')
        hence "NormalAction (WriteMem ad al v)  set (map snd obs0)"
          using adal ob tob v w_actions unfolding in_set_conv_nth
          by(auto simp add: action_obs_def nth_append value_written.simps actions_def cong: conj_cong split: if_split_asm)
        thus ?thesis by(rule w_values_WriteMemD)
        case (NewHeapElem ad' hT)
        hence "NormalAction (NewHeapElem ad hT)  set (map snd obs0)"
          using adal ob tob v w_actions unfolding in_set_conv_nth
          by(auto simp add: action_obs_def nth_append value_written.simps actions_def cong: conj_cong split: if_split_asm)
        thus ?thesis using NewHeapElem adal unfolding v[symmetric]
          by(fastforce simp add: value_written.simps intro!: w_values_new_actionD intro: rev_image_eqI)
      qed }
    hence "case ob of NormalAction (ReadMem ad al v)  v  ?vs (ad, al) | _  True"
      by(simp split: action.split obs_event.split)
    ultimately have ?LCons using obs tob by simp
    thus ?thesis ..

lemma ta_hb_consistent_lappendI:
  assumes hb1: "ta_hb_consistent P E E'"
  and hb2: "ta_hb_consistent P (E @ list_of E') E''"
  and fin: "lfinite E'"
  shows "ta_hb_consistent P E (lappend E' E'')"
using fin hb1 hb2
proof(induction arbitrary: E)
  case lfinite_LNil thus ?case by simp
  case (lfinite_LConsI E' tob)
  from ta_hb_consistent P E (LCons tob E')
  have "ta_hb_consistent P (E @ [tob]) E'" by cases
  moreover from ta_hb_consistent P (E @ list_of (LCons tob E')) E'' lfinite E'
  have "ta_hb_consistent P ((E @ [tob]) @ list_of E') E''" by simp
  ultimately have "ta_hb_consistent P (E @ [tob]) (lappend E' E'')" by(rule lfinite_LConsI.IH)
  thus ?case unfolding lappend_code apply(rule ta_hb_consistent.LCons)
    using ta_hb_consistent P E (LCons tob E')
    by cases (simp split: prod.split_asm action.split_asm obs_event.split_asm)

lemma ta_hb_consistent_coinduct_append
  [consumes 1, case_names ta_hb_consistent, case_conclusion ta_hb_consistent LNil lappend]:
  assumes major: "X E tobs"
  and step: "E tobs. X E tobs 
     tobs = LNil 
       (tobs' tobs''. tobs = lappend tobs' tobs''  tobs'  LNil  ta_hb_consistent P E tobs' 
                    (lfinite tobs'  (X (E @ list_of tobs') tobs'' 
                                       ta_hb_consistent P (E @ list_of tobs') tobs'')))"
    (is "E tobs. _  _  ?step E tobs")
  shows "ta_hb_consistent P E tobs"
proof -
  from major
  have "tobs' tobs''. tobs = lappend (llist_of tobs') tobs''  ta_hb_consistent P E (llist_of tobs')  
                     X (E @ tobs') tobs''"
    by(auto intro: exI[where x="[]"])
  thus ?thesis
    case (ta_hb_consistent E tobs)
    then obtain tobs' tobs'' 
      where tobs: "tobs = lappend (llist_of tobs') tobs''"
      and hb_tobs': "ta_hb_consistent P E (llist_of tobs')"
      and X: "X (E @ tobs') tobs''" by blast

    show ?case
    proof(cases tobs')
      case Nil
      with X have "X E tobs''" by simp
      from step[OF this] show ?thesis
        assume "tobs'' = LNil" 
        with Nil tobs show ?thesis by simp
        assume "?step E tobs''"
        then obtain tobs''' tobs'''' 
          where tobs'': "tobs'' = lappend tobs''' tobs''''" and "tobs'''  LNil"
          and sc_obs''': "ta_hb_consistent P E tobs'''" 
          and fin: "lfinite tobs'''  X (E @ list_of tobs''') tobs'''' 
                                      ta_hb_consistent P (E @ list_of tobs''') tobs''''"
          by blast
        from tobs'''  LNil obtain t ob tobs''''' where tobs''': "tobs''' = LCons (t, ob) tobs'''''"
          unfolding neq_LNil_conv by auto
        with Nil tobs'' tobs have concl1: "tobs = LCons (t, ob) (lappend tobs''''' tobs'''')" by simp
        have ?LCons
        proof(cases "lfinite tobs'''")
          case False
          hence "lappend tobs''''' tobs'''' = tobs'''''" using tobs''' by(simp add: lappend_inf)
          hence "ta_hb_consistent P (E @ [(t, ob)]) (lappend tobs''''' tobs'''')" 
            using sc_obs''' tobs''' by(simp add: ta_hb_consistent_LCons)
          with concl1 show ?LCons apply(simp)
            using sc_obs'''[unfolded tobs'''] by cases simp
          case True
          with tobs''' obtain tobs'''''' where tobs''''': "tobs''''' = llist_of tobs''''''"
            by simp(auto simp add: lfinite_eq_range_llist_of)
          from fin[OF True] 
          have "ta_hb_consistent P (E @ [(t, ob)]) (llist_of tobs'''''')  X (E @ (t, ob) # tobs'''''') tobs''''  
                ta_hb_consistent P (E @ [(t, ob)]) (lappend (llist_of tobs'''''') tobs'''')"
            assume X: "X (E @ list_of tobs''') tobs''''"
            hence "X (E @ (t, ob) # tobs'''''') tobs''''" using tobs''''' tobs''' by simp
            moreover have "ta_hb_consistent P (E @ [(t, ob)]) (llist_of tobs'''''')"
              using sc_obs''' tobs''' tobs''''' by(simp add: ta_hb_consistent_LCons)
            ultimately show ?thesis by simp
            assume "ta_hb_consistent P (E @ list_of tobs''') tobs''''"
            with sc_obs''' tobs''''' tobs'''
            have "ta_hb_consistent P (E @ [(t, ob)]) (lappend (llist_of tobs'''''') tobs'''')"
              by(simp add: ta_hb_consistent_LCons ta_hb_consistent_lappendI)
            thus ?thesis ..
          hence "((tobs' tobs''. lappend (llist_of tobs'''''') tobs'''' = lappend (llist_of tobs') tobs'' 
                                  ta_hb_consistent P (E @ [(t, ob)]) (llist_of tobs')  X (E @ (t, ob) # tobs') tobs'') 
                 ta_hb_consistent P (E @ [(t, ob)]) (lappend (llist_of tobs'''''') tobs''''))"
            by auto
          thus "?LCons" using concl1 tobs''''' apply(simp)
            using sc_obs'''[unfolded tobs'''] by cases simp
        thus ?thesis ..
      case (Cons tob tobs''')
      with X tobs hb_tobs' show ?thesis by(auto simp add: ta_hb_consistent_LCons)

lemma ta_hb_consistent_coinduct_append_wf
  [consumes 2, case_names ta_hb_consistent, case_conclusion ta_hb_consistent LNil lappend]:
  assumes major: "X E obs a"
  and wf: "wf R"
  and step: "E obs a. X E obs a
     obs = LNil 
       (obs' obs'' a'. obs = lappend obs' obs''  ta_hb_consistent P E obs'  (obs' = LNil  (a', a)  R) 
                        (lfinite obs'  X (E @ list_of obs') obs'' a' 
                                          ta_hb_consistent P (E @ list_of obs') obs''))"
    (is "E obs a. _  _  ?step E obs a")
  shows "ta_hb_consistent P E obs"
proof -
  { fix E obs a
    assume "X E obs a"
    with wf
    have "obs = LNil  (obs' obs''. obs = lappend obs' obs''  obs'  LNil  ta_hb_consistent P E obs' 
          (lfinite obs'  (a. X (E @ list_of obs') obs'' a)  
                            ta_hb_consistent P (E @ list_of obs') obs''))"
      (is "_  ?step_concl E obs")
    proof(induction a arbitrary: E obs rule: wf_induct[consumes 1, case_names wf])
      case (wf a)
      note IH = wf.IH[rule_format]
      from step[OF X E obs a]
      show ?case
        assume "obs = LNil" thus ?thesis ..
        assume "?step E obs a"
        then obtain obs' obs'' a'
          where obs: "obs = lappend obs' obs''"
          and sc_obs': "ta_hb_consistent P E obs'"
          and decr: "obs' = LNil  (a', a)  R"
          and fin: "lfinite obs'  
                    X (E @ list_of obs') obs'' a' 
                    ta_hb_consistent P (E @ list_of obs') obs''"
          by blast
        show ?case
        proof(cases "obs' = LNil")
          case True
          hence "lfinite obs'" by simp
          from fin[OF this] show ?thesis
            assume X: "X (E @ list_of obs') obs'' a'"
            from True have "(a', a)  R" by(rule decr)
            from IH[OF this X] show ?thesis
              assume "obs'' = LNil"
              with True obs have "obs = LNil" by simp
              thus ?thesis ..
              assume "?step_concl (E @ list_of obs') obs''"
              hence "?step_concl E obs" using True obs by simp
              thus ?thesis ..
            assume "ta_hb_consistent P (E @ list_of obs') obs''"
            thus ?thesis using obs True
              by cases (auto 4 3 cong: action.case_cong obs_event.case_cong intro: exI[where x="LCons x LNil" for x] simp add: ta_hb_consistent_LCons)
          case False
          with obs sc_obs' fin show ?thesis by auto
    qed }
  note step' = this

  from major show ?thesis
  proof(coinduction arbitrary: E obs a rule: ta_hb_consistent_coinduct_append)
    case (ta_hb_consistent E obs)
    thus ?case by simp(rule step')

lemma ta_hb_consistent_lappendD2:
  assumes hb: "ta_hb_consistent P E (lappend E' E'')"
  and fin: "lfinite E'"
  shows "ta_hb_consistent P (E @ list_of E') E''"
using fin hb
by(induct arbitrary: E)(fastforce simp add: ta_hb_consistent_LCons)+

lemma ta_hb_consistent_Read_hb:
  fixes E E' defines "E''  lappend (llist_of E') E"
  assumes hb: "ta_hb_consistent P E' E"
  and tsa: "thread_start_actions_ok E''"
  and E'': "is_write_seen P (llist_of E') ws'"
  and new_actions_for_fun: 
  "w w' adal.  w  new_actions_for P E'' adal; 
                 w'  new_actions_for P E'' adal   w = w'"
  shows "ws. P  (E'', ws)   (n. n  read_actions E''  length E'  n  P,E''  ws n ≤hb n)  
              (n. n < length E'  ws n = ws' n)"
proof(intro exI conjI strip)
  let ?P = 
    "λn w. case lnth E'' n of
        (t, NormalAction (ReadMem ad al v))  
          (w  write_actions E''  (ad, al)  action_loc P E'' w  value_written P E'' w (ad, al) = v 
          P,E''  w ≤hb n  
          (w'write_actions E''. (ad, al)  action_loc P E'' w'  
              (P,E''  w ≤hb w'  P,E''  w' ≤hb n  
               is_volatile P al  P,E''  w ≤so w'  P,E''  w' ≤so n)  
              w' = w))"
  let ?ws = "λn. if n < length E' then ws' n else Eps (?P n)"
  have "n. n < length E'  ?ws n = ws' n" by simp
  have "P  (E'', ?ws)   
        (n ad al v. n  read_actions E''  length E'  n  action_obs E'' n = NormalAction (ReadMem ad al v)  P,E''  ?ws n ≤hb n)"
  proof(intro conjI wf_execI strip is_write_seenI)
    fix a' ad al v
    assume read: "a'  read_actions E''" 
      and aobs: "action_obs E'' a' = NormalAction (ReadMem ad al v)"
    then obtain t where a': "enat a' < llength E''"
      and lnth'': "lnth E'' a' = (t, NormalAction (ReadMem ad al v))"
      by(cases)(cases "lnth E'' a'", clarsimp simp add: actions_def action_obs_def)

    have "?ws a'  write_actions E''  
      (ad, al)  action_loc P E'' (?ws a')  
      value_written P E'' (?ws a') (ad, al) = v 
      (length E'  a'  P,E''  ?ws a' ≤hb a') 
      ¬ P,E''  a' ≤hb ?ws a' 
      (is_volatile P al  ¬ P,E''  a' ≤so ?ws a') 
      (a''. a''  write_actions E''  (ad, al)  action_loc P E'' a'' 
             (P,E''  ?ws a' ≤hb a''  P,E''  a'' ≤hb a'  is_volatile P al  P,E''  ?ws a' ≤so a''  P,E''  a'' ≤so a')
              a'' = ?ws a')"
    proof(cases "a' < length E'", safe del: notI disjE conjE)
      assume a'_E': "a' < length E'"
      with read aobs have a': "a'  read_actions (llist_of E')" 
        and aobs': "action_obs (llist_of E') a' = NormalAction (ReadMem ad al v)"
        by(auto simp add: E''_def action_obs_def lnth_lappend1 actions_def elim: read_actions.cases intro: read_actions.intros)
      have sim: "ltake (enat (length E')) (llist_of E') [≈] ltake (enat (length E')) (lappend (llist_of E') E)"
        by(rule eq_into_sim_actions)(simp add: ltake_all ltake_lappend1)
      from tsa have tsa': "thread_start_actions_ok (llist_of E')"
        by(rule thread_start_actions_ok_prefix)(simp add: E''_def lprefix_lappend)

      from is_write_seenD[OF E'' a' aobs'] a'_E'
      show "?ws a'  write_actions E''"
        and "(ad, al)  action_loc P E'' (?ws a')"
        and "value_written P E'' (?ws a') (ad, al) = v"
        and "¬ P,E''  a' ≤hb ?ws a'"
        and "is_volatile P al  ¬ P,E''  a' ≤so ?ws a'"
        by(auto elim!: write_actions.cases intro!: write_actions.intros simp add: E''_def lnth_lappend1 actions_def action_obs_def value_written_def enat_less_enat_plusI dest: happens_before_change_prefix[OF _ tsa' sim[symmetric]] sync_order_change_prefix[OF _ sim[symmetric]])

      { assume "length E'  a'"
        thus "P,E''  ?ws a' ≤hb a'" using a'_E' by simp }

      { fix w
        assume w: "w  write_actions E''" "(ad, al)  action_loc P E'' w" 
          and hbso: "P,E''  ?ws a' ≤hb w  P,E''  w ≤hb a'  is_volatile P al  P,E''  ?ws a' ≤so w  P,E''  w ≤so a'"
        show "w = ?ws a'"
        proof(cases "w < length E'")
          case True
          with is_write_seenD[OF E'' a' aobs'] a'_E' w hbso show ?thesis
            by(auto 4 3 elim!: write_actions.cases intro!: write_actions.intros simp add: E''_def lnth_lappend1 actions_def action_obs_def value_written_def enat_less_enat_plusI dest: happens_before_change_prefix[OF _ tsa[unfolded E''_def] sim] happens_before_change_prefix[OF _ tsa' sim[symmetric]] sync_order_change_prefix[OF _ sim, simplified] sync_order_change_prefix[OF _ sim[symmetric], simplified] bspec[where x=w])
          case False
          from hbso have "E''  w ≤a a'" by(auto intro: happens_before_into_action_order elim: sync_orderE)
          moreover from w(1) read have "w  a'" by(auto dest: read_actions_not_write_actions)
          ultimately have new_w: "is_new_action (action_obs E'' w)" using False aobs a'_E'
            by(cases rule: action_orderE) auto
          moreover from hbso a'_E' have "E''  ws' a' ≤a w"
            by(auto intro: happens_before_into_action_order elim: sync_orderE)
          hence new_a': "is_new_action (action_obs E'' (?ws a'))" using new_w a'_E'
            by(cases rule: action_orderE) auto
          ultimately have "w  new_actions_for P E'' (ad, al)" "?ws a'  new_actions_for P E'' (ad, al)"
            using w is_write_seenD[OF E'' a' aobs'] a'_E'
            by(auto simp add: new_actions_for_def actions_def action_obs_def lnth_lappend1 E''_def enat_less_enat_plusI elim!: write_actions.cases)
          thus ?thesis by(rule new_actions_for_fun)
        qed }
      assume "¬ a' < length E'"
      hence a'_E': "length E'  a'" by simp
      define a where "a = a' - length E'"
      with a' a'_E' have a: "enat a < llength E"
        by(simp add: E''_def) (metis enat_add_mono le_add_diff_inverse plus_enat_simps(1))
      from a_def aobs lnth'' a'_E'
      have aobs: "action_obs E a = NormalAction (ReadMem ad al v)"
        and lnth: "lnth E a = (t, NormalAction (ReadMem ad al v))"
        by(simp_all add: E''_def lnth_lappend2 action_obs_def)
      define E''' where "E''' = lappend (llist_of E') (ltake (enat a) E)"
      let ?E'' = "lappend E''' (LCons (t, NormalAction (ReadMem ad al v)) LNil)"
      note hb also
      have E_unfold1: "E = lappend (ltake (enat a) E) (ldropn a E)" by simp
      also have E_unfold2: "ldropn a E = LCons (t, NormalAction (ReadMem ad al v)) (ldropn (Suc a) E)"
        using a lnth by (metis ldropn_Suc_conv_ldropn)
      have "ta_hb_consistent P (E' @ list_of (ltake (enat a) E))
              (LCons (t, NormalAction (ReadMem ad al v)) (ldropn (Suc a) E))"
        by(rule ta_hb_consistent_lappendD2) simp
      with a a'_E' a_def obtain w where w: "w  write_actions ?E''"
        and adal_w: "(ad, al)  action_loc P ?E'' w"
        and written: "value_written P ?E'' w (ad, al) = v"
        and hb: "P,?E''  w ≤hb a'"
        and in_between_so:
        "w'.  w'  write_actions ?E''; (ad, al)  action_loc P ?E'' w'; 
                is_volatile P al; P,?E''  w ≤so w'; P,?E''  w' ≤so a' 
         w' = w"        
        and in_between_hb: 
        "w'.  w'  write_actions ?E''; (ad, al)  action_loc P ?E'' w'; 
                P,?E''  w ≤hb w'; P,?E''  w' ≤hb a' 
         w' = w"
        by(auto simp add: ta_hb_consistent_LCons length_list_of_conv_the_enat min_def lnth_ltake lappend_llist_of_llist_of[symmetric] E'''_def lappend_assoc simp del: lappend_llist_of_llist_of nth_list_of split: if_splits)

      from a' a'_E' a
      have eq: "ltake (enat (Suc a')) ?E'' = ltake (enat (Suc a')) E''" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
        unfolding E''_def E'''_def lappend_assoc
        apply(subst (2) E_unfold1)
        apply(subst E_unfold2)
        apply(subst (1 2) ltake_lappend2)
        apply(rule arg_cong) back
        apply(subst (1 2) ltake_lappend2)
         apply(simp add: min_def)
         apply (metis Suc_diff_le a_def le_Suc_eq order_le_less)
        apply(rule arg_cong) back
        apply(auto simp add: min_def a_def)
        apply(auto simp add: eSuc_enat[symmetric] zero_enat_def[symmetric])
      hence sim: "?lhs [≈] ?rhs" by(rule eq_into_sim_actions)
      from tsa have tsa': "thread_start_actions_ok ?E''" unfolding E''_def E'''_def lappend_assoc
        by(rule thread_start_actions_ok_prefix)(subst (2) E_unfold1, simp add: E_unfold2)

      from w a a' a_def a'_E' have w_a': "w < Suc a'"
        by cases(simp add: actions_def E'''_def min_def zero_enat_def eSuc_enat split: if_split_asm)

      from w sim have "w  write_actions E''" by(rule write_actions_change_prefix)(simp add: w_a')
      from adal_w action_loc_change_prefix[OF sim, of w P] w_a'
      have "(ad, al)  action_loc P E'' w" by simp
      from written value_written_change_prefix[OF eq, of w P] w_a'
      have "value_written P E'' w (ad, al) = v" by simp
      from hb tsa sim have "P,E''  w ≤hb a'" by(rule happens_before_change_prefix)(simp_all add: w_a')
      moreover {
        fix w'
        assume w': "w'  write_actions E''"
          and adal: "(ad, al)  action_loc P E'' w'"
          and hbso: "P,E''  w ≤hb w'  P,E''  w' ≤hb a'  is_volatile P al  P,E''  w ≤so w'  P,E''  w' ≤so a'"
          (is "?hbso E''")
        from hbso have ao: "E''  w ≤a w'" "E''  w' ≤a a'"
          by(auto dest: happens_before_into_action_order elim: sync_orderE)
        have "w' = w"
        proof(cases "is_new_action (action_obs E'' w')")
          case True
          hence "w'  new_actions_for P E'' (ad, al)" using w' adal by(simp add: new_actions_for_def)
          moreover from ao True have "is_new_action (action_obs E'' w)" by(cases rule: action_orderE) simp_all
          with w  write_actions E'' (ad, al)  action_loc P E'' w
          have "w  new_actions_for P E'' (ad, al)" by(simp add: new_actions_for_def)
          ultimately show "w' = w" by(rule new_actions_for_fun)
          case False
          with ao have "w'  a'" by(auto elim: action_orderE)
          hence w'_a: "enat w' < enat (Suc a')" by simp
          with hbso w_a' have "?hbso ?E''"
            by(auto 4 3 elim: happens_before_change_prefix[OF _ tsa' sim[symmetric]] sync_order_change_prefix[OF _ sim[symmetric]] del: disjCI intro: disjI1 disjI2)
          moreover from w' w'  a' a' a lnth a'_E' have "w'  write_actions ?E''"
            by(cases)(cases "w' < a'", auto intro!: write_actions.intros simp add: E'''_def actions_def action_obs_def lnth_lappend min_def zero_enat_def eSuc_enat lnth_ltake a_def E''_def not_le not_less)
          moreover from adal w'  a' a a' lnth w' a'_E' have "(ad, al)  action_loc P ?E'' w'"
            by(cases "w' < a'")(cases "w' < length E'", auto simp add: E'''_def action_obs_def lnth_lappend lappend_assoc[symmetric] min_def lnth_ltake less_trans[where y="enat a"] a_def E''_def lnth_ltake elim: write_actions.cases)
          ultimately show "w' = w" by(blast dest: in_between_so in_between_hb)
        qed }
      ultimately have "?P a' w" using a'_E' lnth unfolding E''_def a_def by(simp add: lnth_lappend)
      hence P: "?P a' (Eps (?P a'))" by(rule someI[where P="?P a'"])
      from P lnth'' a'_E'
      show "?ws a'  write_actions E''" 
        and "(ad, al)  action_loc P E'' (?ws a')" 
        and "value_written P E'' (?ws a') (ad, al) = v" 
        and "P,E''  ?ws a' ≤hb a'" by simp_all

      show "¬ P,E''  a' ≤hb ?ws a'"
        assume "P,E''  a' ≤hb ?ws a'"
        with P,E''  ?ws a' ≤hb a' have "a' = ?ws a'"
          by(blast dest: antisymPD[OF antisym_action_order] happens_before_into_action_order)
        with read ?ws a'  write_actions E'' show False
          by(auto dest: read_actions_not_write_actions)

      show "¬ P,E''  a' ≤so ?ws a'"
        assume "P,E''  a' ≤so ?ws a'"
        hence "E''  a' ≤a ?ws a'" by(blast elim: sync_orderE)
        with P,E''  ?ws a' ≤hb a' have "a' = ?ws a'"
          by(blast dest: antisymPD[OF antisym_action_order] happens_before_into_action_order)
        with read ?ws a'  write_actions E'' show False
          by(auto dest: read_actions_not_write_actions)
      fix a''
      assume "a''  write_actions E''" "(ad, al)  action_loc P E'' a''"
        and "P,E''  ?ws a' ≤hb a''  P,E''  a'' ≤hb a' 
             is_volatile P al  P,E''  ?ws a' ≤so a''  P,E''  a'' ≤so a'"
      thus "a'' = ?ws a'" using lnth'' P a'_E' by -(erule disjE, clarsimp+)
    thus "?ws a'  write_actions E''"
      and "(ad, al)  action_loc P E'' (?ws a')"
      and "value_written P E'' (?ws a') (ad, al) = v"
      and "length E'  a'  P,E''  ?ws a' ≤hb a'"
      and "¬ P,E''  a' ≤hb ?ws a'"
      and "is_volatile P al  ¬ P,E''  a' ≤so ?ws a'"
      and "a''.  a''  write_actions E''; (ad, al)  action_loc P E'' a''; P,E''  ?ws a' ≤hb a''; P,E''  a'' ≤hb a'   a'' = ?ws a'"
      and "a''.  a''  write_actions E''; (ad, al)  action_loc P E'' a''; is_volatile P al; P,E''  ?ws a' ≤so a''; P,E''  a'' ≤so a'   a'' = ?ws a'"
      by blast+
  qed(assumption|rule tsa)+
  thus "P  (E'', ?ws) "
    and "n.  n  read_actions E''; length E'  n   P,E''  ?ws n ≤hb n"
    by(blast elim: read_actions.cases intro: read_actions.intros)+
  fix n
  assume "n < length E'"
  thus "?ws n = ws' n" by simp

lemma ta_hb_consistent_not_ReadI:
  "(t ad al v. (t, NormalAction (ReadMem ad al v))  lset E)  ta_hb_consistent P E' E"
proof(coinduction arbitrary: E' E)
  case (ta_hb_consistent E' E)
  thus ?case by(cases E)(auto split: action.split obs_event.split, blast)

context jmm_multithreaded begin

definition complete_hb :: "('l,'thread_id,'x,'m,'w) state  ('thread_id × ('addr, 'thread_id) obs_event action) list
   ('thread_id × ('l, 'thread_id, 'x, 'm, 'w, ('addr, 'thread_id) obs_event action) thread_action) llist"
  "complete_hb s E = unfold_llist
     (λ(s, E). t ta s'. ¬ s -tta s')
     (λ(s, E). fst (SOME ((t, ta), s'). s -tta s'  ta_hb_consistent P E (llist_of (map (Pair t) tao))))
     (λ(s, E). let ((t, ta), s') = SOME ((t, ta), s'). s -tta s'  ta_hb_consistent P E (llist_of (map (Pair t) tao))
         in (s', E @ map (Pair t) tao))
     (s, E)"

definition hb_completion ::
  "('l, 'thread_id, 'x, 'm, 'w) state  ('thread_id × ('addr, 'thread_id) obs_event action) list  bool"
  "hb_completion s E 
   (ttas s' t x ta x' m' i.
       s -▹ttas→* s'  
       non_speculative P (w_values P (λ_. {}) (map snd E)) (llist_of (concat (map (λ(t, ta). tao) ttas))) 
       thr s' t = (x, no_wait_locks)  t  (x, shr s') -ta (x', m')  actions_ok s' t ta 
       non_speculative P (w_values P (w_values P (λ_. {}) (map snd E)) (concat (map (λ(t, ta). tao) ttas))) (llist_of (take i tao)) 
       (ta' x'' m''. t  (x, shr s') -ta' (x'', m'')  actions_ok s' t ta'  
                      take i ta'o = take i tao 
                      ta_hb_consistent P
                        (E @ concat (map (λ(t, ta). map (Pair t) tao) ttas) @ map (Pair t) (take i tao))
                        (llist_of (map (Pair t) (drop i ta'o))) 
                      (i < length tao  i < length ta'o) 
                      (if ad al v. tao ! i = NormalAction (ReadMem ad al v) then sim_action else (=)) (tao ! i) (ta'o ! i)))"

lemma hb_completionD:
  " hb_completion s E; s -▹ttas→* s';
     non_speculative P (w_values P (λ_. {}) (map snd E)) (llist_of (concat (map (λ(t, ta). tao) ttas))); 
     thr s' t = (x, no_wait_locks); t  (x, shr s') -ta (x', m'); actions_ok s' t ta;
     non_speculative P (w_values P (w_values P (λ_. {}) (map snd E)) (concat (map (λ(t, ta). tao) ttas))) (llist_of (take i tao)) 
   ta' x'' m''. t  (x, shr s') -ta' (x'', m'')  actions_ok s' t ta' 
                   take i ta'o = take i tao 
                   ta_hb_consistent P (E @ concat (map (λ(t, ta). map (Pair t) tao) ttas) @ map (Pair t) (take i tao))
                                      (llist_of (map (Pair t) (drop i ta'o))) 
                   (i < length tao  i < length ta'o) 
                   (if ad al v. tao ! i = NormalAction (ReadMem ad al v) then sim_action else (=)) (tao ! i) (ta'o ! i)"
unfolding hb_completion_def by blast

lemma hb_completionI [intro?]:
  "(ttas s' t x ta x' m' i. 
      s -▹ttas→* s'; non_speculative P (w_values P (λ_. {}) (map snd E)) (llist_of (concat (map (λ(t, ta). tao) ttas)));
       thr s' t = (x, no_wait_locks); t  (x, shr s') -ta (x', m'); actions_ok s' t ta;
       non_speculative P (w_values P (w_values P (λ_. {}) (map snd E)) (concat (map (λ(t, ta). tao) ttas))) (llist_of (take i tao)) 
      ta' x'' m''. t  (x, shr s') -ta' (x'', m'')  actions_ok s' t ta'  take i ta'o = take i tao 
                   ta_hb_consistent P (E @ concat (map (λ(t, ta). map (Pair t) tao) ttas) @ map (Pair t) (take i tao)) (llist_of (map (Pair t) (drop i ta'o))) 
                   (i < length tao  i < length ta'o) 
                   (if ad al v. tao ! i = NormalAction (ReadMem ad al v) then sim_action else (=)) (tao ! i) (ta'o ! i))
   hb_completion s E"
unfolding hb_completion_def by blast

lemma hb_completion_shift:
  assumes hb_c: "hb_completion s E"
  and τRed: "s -▹ttas→* s'"
  and sc: "non_speculative P (w_values P (λ_. {}) (map snd E)) (llist_of (concat (map (λ(t, ta). tao) ttas)))"
      (is "non_speculative _ ?vs _")
  shows "hb_completion s' (E @ (concat (map (λ(t, ta). map (Pair t) tao) ttas)))"
  (is "hb_completion _ ?E")
proof(rule hb_completionI)
  fix ttas' s'' t x ta x' m' i
  assume τRed': "s' -▹ttas'→* s''"
    and sc': "non_speculative P (w_values P (λ_. {}) (map snd ?E)) (llist_of (concat (map (λ(t, ta). tao) ttas')))"
    and red: "thr s'' t = (x, no_wait_locks)" "t  x, shr s'' -ta x', m'" "actions_ok s'' t ta" 
    and ns: "non_speculative P (w_values P (w_values P (λ_. {}) (map snd ?E)) (concat (map (λ(t, ta). tao) ttas'))) (llist_of (take i tao))"
  from τRed τRed' have "s -▹ttas @ ttas'→* s''" unfolding RedT_def by(rule rtrancl3p_trans)
  moreover from sc sc' have "non_speculative P ?vs (llist_of (concat (map (λ(t, ta). tao) (ttas @ ttas'))))"
    unfolding map_append concat_append lappend_llist_of_llist_of[symmetric] map_concat
    by(simp add: non_speculative_lappend o_def split_def del: lappend_llist_of_llist_of)
  show "ta' x'' m''. t  x, shr s'' -ta' x'', m''  actions_ok s'' t ta'  take i ta'o = take i tao 
         ta_hb_consistent P (?E @ concat (map (λ(t, ta). map (Pair t) tao) ttas') @ map (Pair t) (take i tao))
                            (llist_of (map (Pair t) (drop i ta'o))) 
         (i < length tao  i < length ta'o) 
         (if ad al v. tao ! i = NormalAction (ReadMem ad al v) then sim_action else (=)) (tao ! i) (ta'o ! i)"
    using red ns unfolding append_assoc
    apply(subst (2) append_assoc[symmetric])
    unfolding concat_append[symmetric] map_append[symmetric] foldr_append[symmetric]
    by(rule hb_completionD[OF hb_c])(simp_all add: map_concat o_def split_def)

lemma hb_completion_shift1:
  assumes hb_c: "hb_completion s E"
  and Red: "s -tta s'"
  and sc: "non_speculative P (w_values P (λ_. {}) (map snd E)) (llist_of tao)"
  shows "hb_completion s' (E @ map (Pair t) tao)"
using hb_completion_shift[OF hb_c, of "[(t, ta)]" s'] Red sc
by(simp add: RedT_def rtrancl3p_Cons rtrancl3p_Nil del: split_paired_Ex)

lemma complete_hb_in_Runs:
  assumes hb_c: "hb_completion s E"
  and ta_hb_consistent_convert_RA: "t E ln. ta_hb_consistent P E (llist_of (map (Pair t) (convert_RA ln)))"
  shows "mthr.Runs s (complete_hb s E)"
using hb_c
proof(coinduction arbitrary: s E)
  case (Runs s E)
  let ?P = "λ((t, ta), s'). s -tta s'  ta_hb_consistent P E (llist_of (map (Pair t) tao))"
  show ?case
  proof(cases "t ta s'. s -tta s'")
    case False
    then have ?Stuck by(simp add: complete_hb_def)
    thus ?thesis ..
    case True
    let ?t = "fst (fst (Eps ?P))" and ?ta = "snd (fst (Eps ?P))" and ?s' = "snd (Eps ?P)"
    from True obtain t ta s' where red: "s -tta s'" by blast
    hence "x. ?P x"
      case (redT_normal x x' m')
      from hb_completionD[OF Runs _ _ thr s t = (x, no_wait_locks) t  x, shr s -ta x', m' actions_ok s t ta, of "[]" 0]
      obtain ta' x'' m'' where "t  x, shr s -ta' x'', m''"
        and "actions_ok s t ta'" "ta_hb_consistent P E (llist_of (map (Pair t) ta'o))" 
        by fastforce
      moreover obtain ws' where "redT_updWs t (wset s) ta'w ws'" by (metis redT_updWs_total)
      ultimately show ?thesis using thr s t = (x, no_wait_locks)
        by(cases ta')(auto intro!: exI redT.redT_normal)
      case (redT_acquire x n ln)
      thus ?thesis using ta_hb_consistent_convert_RA[of E t ln] 
        by(auto intro!: exI redT.redT_acquire)
    hence "?P (Eps ?P)" by(rule someI_ex)
    hence red: "s -?t?ta ?s'"
      and hb: "ta_hb_consistent P E (llist_of (map (Pair ?t) ?tao))"
      by(simp_all add: split_beta)
    from ta_hb_consistent_into_non_speculative[OF hb]
    have "non_speculative P (w_values P (λ_. {}) (map snd E)) (llist_of ?tao)" by(simp add: o_def)
    with Runs red have "hb_completion ?s' (E @ map (Pair ?t) ?tao)" by(rule hb_completion_shift1)
    ultimately have ?Step using True
      unfolding complete_hb_def by(fastforce simp del: split_paired_Ex simp add: split_def)
    thus ?thesis ..

lemma complete_hb_ta_hb_consistent:
  assumes "hb_completion s E"
  and ta_hb_consistent_convert_RA: "E t ln. ta_hb_consistent P E (llist_of (map (Pair t) (convert_RA ln)))"
  shows "ta_hb_consistent P E (lconcat (lmap (λ(t, ta). llist_of (map (Pair t) tao)) (complete_hb s E)))"
  (is "ta_hb_consistent _ _ (?obs (complete_hb s E))")
proof -
  define obs a where "obs = ?obs (complete_hb s E)" and "a = complete_hb s E"
  with hb_completion s E have "s. hb_completion s E  obs = ?obs (complete_hb s E)  a = complete_hb s E" by blast
  moreover have "wf (inv_image {(m, n). m < n} (llength  ltakeWhile (λ(t, ta). tao = [])))"
    (is "wf ?R") by(rule wf_inv_image)(rule
  ultimately show "ta_hb_consistent P E obs"
  proof(coinduct E obs a rule: ta_hb_consistent_coinduct_append_wf)
    case (ta_hb_consistent E obs a)
    then obtain s where hb_c: "hb_completion s E"
      and obs: "obs = lconcat (lmap (λ(t, ta). llist_of (map (Pair t) tao)) (complete_hb s E))"
      and a: "a = complete_hb s E"
      by blast
    let ?P = "λ((t, ta), s'). s -tta s'  ta_hb_consistent P E (llist_of (map (Pair t) tao))"
    show ?case
    proof(cases "t ta s'. s -tta s'")
      case False
      with obs have ?LNil by(simp add: complete_hb_def)
      thus ?thesis ..
      case True
      let ?t = "fst (fst (Eps ?P))" and ?ta = "snd (fst (Eps ?P))" and ?s' = "snd (Eps ?P)"
      from True obtain t ta s' where red: "s -tta s'" by blast
      hence "x. ?P x"
        case (redT_normal x x' m')
        from hb_completionD[OF hb_c _ _ thr s t = (x, no_wait_locks) t  x, shr s -ta x', m' actions_ok s t ta, of "[]" 0]
        obtain ta' x'' m'' where "t  x, shr s -ta' x'', m''"
          and "actions_ok s t ta'" "ta_hb_consistent P E (llist_of (map (Pair t) ta'o))"
          by fastforce
        moreover obtain ws' where "redT_updWs t (wset s) ta'w ws'" by (metis redT_updWs_total)
        ultimately show ?thesis using thr s t = (x, no_wait_locks)
          by(cases ta')(auto intro!: exI redT.redT_normal)
        case (redT_acquire x n ln)
        thus ?thesis using ta_hb_consistent_convert_RA[of E t ln]
          by(auto intro!: exI redT.redT_acquire)
      hence "?P (Eps ?P)" by(rule someI_ex)
      hence red': "s -?t?ta ?s'" 
        and hb: "ta_hb_consistent P E (llist_of (map (Pair ?t) ?tao))"
        by(simp_all add: split_beta)
      from ta_hb_consistent_into_non_speculative[OF hb]
      have "non_speculative P (w_values P (λ_. {}) (map snd E)) (llist_of ?tao)" by(simp add: o_def)
      with hb_c red' have hb_c': "hb_completion ?s' (E @ map (Pair ?t) ?tao)"
        by(rule hb_completion_shift1)
      show ?thesis
      proof(cases "lnull obs")
        case True thus ?thesis unfolding lnull_def by simp
        case False
        have eq: "(t ta s'. ¬ s -tta s') = False" using True by auto
        { assume "?tao = []"
          moreover from obs False
          have "lfinite (ltakeWhile (λ(t, ta). tao = []) (complete_hb s E))"
            unfolding lfinite_ltakeWhile by(fastforce simp add: split_def lconcat_eq_LNil)
          ultimately have "(complete_hb ?s' (E @ map (Pair ?t) ?tao), a)  ?R"
            using red unfolding a complete_hb_def
            apply(subst (2) unfold_llist.code)
            apply(subst (asm) unfold_llist.code)
            apply(auto simp add: split_beta simp del: split_paired_Ex split_paired_All split: if_split_asm)
            apply(auto simp add: lfinite_eq_range_llist_of)
            done }
        hence ?lappend using red hb hb_c' unfolding obs complete_hb_def
          apply(subst unfold_llist.code)
          apply(simp add: split_beta eq del: split_paired_Ex split_paired_All split del: if_split)
          apply(intro exI conjI impI refl disjI1|rule refl|assumption|simp_all add: llist_of_eq_LNil_conv)+
        thus ?thesis ..

lemma hb_completion_Runs:
  assumes "hb_completion s E"
  and "E t ln. ta_hb_consistent P E (llist_of (map (Pair t) (convert_RA ln)))"
  shows "ttas. mthr.Runs s ttas  ta_hb_consistent P E (lconcat (lmap (λ(t, ta). llist_of (map (Pair t) tao)) ttas))"
using complete_hb_in_Runs[OF assms] complete_hb_ta_hb_consistent[OF assms]
by blast

