Theory Effect

(*  Title:      JinjaThreads/BV/Effect.thy
    Author:     Gerwin Klein, Andreas Lochbihler

section ‹Effect of Instructions on the State Type›

theory Effect

locale jvm_method = prog +
  fixes mxs :: nat  
  fixes mxl0 :: nat   
  fixes Ts :: "ty list" 
  fixes Tr :: ty
  fixes "is" :: "'addr instr list" 
  fixes xt :: ex_table

  fixes mxl :: nat
  defines mxl_def: "mxl  1+size Ts+mxl0"

text ‹Program counter of successor instructions:›
primrec succs :: "'addr instr  tyi  pc  pc list"
  "succs (Load idx) τ pc     = [pc+1]"
| "succs (Store idx) τ pc    = [pc+1]"
| "succs (Push v) τ pc       = [pc+1]"
| "succs (Getfield F C) τ pc = [pc+1]"
| "succs (Putfield F C) τ pc = [pc+1]"
| "succs (CAS F C) τ pc      = [pc+1]"
| "succs (New C) τ pc        = [pc+1]"
| "succs (NewArray T) τ pc   = [pc+1]"
| "succs ALoad τ pc          = (if (fst τ)!1 = NT then [] else [pc+1])"
| "succs AStore τ pc         = (if (fst τ)!2 = NT then [] else [pc+1])"
| "succs ALength τ pc        = (if (fst τ)!0 = NT then [] else [pc+1])"
| "succs (Checkcast C) τ pc  = [pc+1]"
| "succs (Instanceof T) τ pc  = [pc+1]"
| "succs Pop τ pc            = [pc+1]"
| "succs Dup τ pc            = [pc+1]"
| "succs Swap τ pc           = [pc+1]"
| "succs (BinOpInstr b) τ pc = [pc+1]"
| succs_IfFalse:
  "succs (IfFalse b) τ pc    = [pc+1, nat (int pc + b)]"
| succs_Goto:
  "succs (Goto b) τ pc       = [nat (int pc + b)]"
| succs_Return:
  "succs Return τ pc         = []"  
| succs_Invoke:
  "succs (Invoke M n) τ pc   = (if (fst τ)!n = NT then [] else [pc+1])"
| succs_Throw:
  "succs ThrowExc τ pc          = []"
| "succs MEnter τ pc         = (if (fst τ)!0 = NT then [] else [pc+1])"
| "succs MExit τ pc          = (if (fst τ)!0 = NT then [] else [pc+1])"

text "Effect of instruction on the state type:"

fun effi :: "'addr instr × 'm prog × tyi  tyi"
  "effi (Load n,  P, (ST, LT))          = (ok_val (LT ! n) # ST, LT)"

| effi_Store:
  "effi (Store n, P, (T#ST, LT))        = (ST, LT[n:= OK T])"

| effi_Push:
  "effi (Push v, P, (ST, LT))             = (the (typeof v) # ST, LT)"

| effi_Getfield:
  "effi (Getfield F C, P, (T#ST, LT))    = (fst (snd (field P C F)) # ST, LT)"

| effi_Putfield:
  "effi (Putfield F C, P, (T1#T2#ST, LT)) = (ST,LT)"

| effi_CAS:
  "effi (CAS F C, P, (T1#T2#T3#ST, LT)) = (Boolean # ST, LT)"

| effi_New:
  "effi (New C, P, (ST,LT))               = (Class C # ST, LT)"

| effi_NewArray:
  "effi (NewArray Ty, P, (T#ST,LT))       = (Ty⌊⌉ # ST,LT)"

| effi_ALoad:
  "effi (ALoad, P, (T1#T2#ST,LT))       = (the_Array T2# ST,LT)"

| effi_AStore:
  "effi (AStore, P, (T1#T2#T3#ST,LT))  = (ST,LT)"

| effi_ALength:
  "effi (ALength, P, (T1#ST,LT))  = (Integer#ST,LT)"

| effi_Checkcast:
  "effi (Checkcast Ty, P, (T#ST,LT))       = (Ty # ST,LT)"

| effi_Instanceof:
  "effi (Instanceof Ty, P, (T#ST,LT))       = (Boolean # ST,LT)"

| effi_Pop:
  "effi (Pop, P, (T#ST,LT))               = (ST,LT)"

| effi_Dup:
  "effi (Dup, P, (T#ST,LT))               = (T#T#ST,LT)"

| effi_Swap:
  "effi (Swap, P, (T1#T2#ST,LT))               = (T2#T1#ST,LT)"

| effi_BinOpInstr:
  "effi (BinOpInstr bop, P, (T2#T1#ST,LT)) = ((THE T. P  T1«bop»T2 : T)#ST, LT)"

| effi_IfFalse:
  "effi (IfFalse b, P, (T1#ST,LT))        = (ST,LT)"

| effi_Invoke:
  "effi (Invoke M n, P, (ST,LT))          =
  (let U = fst (snd (snd (method P (the (class_type_of' (ST ! n))) M)))
   in (U # drop (n+1) ST, LT))"

| effi_Goto:
  "effi (Goto n, P, s)                    = s"

| effi_MEnter:
  "effi (MEnter, P, (T1#ST,LT))           = (ST,LT)"

| effi_MExit:
  "effi (MExit, P, (T1#ST,LT))            = (ST,LT)"

fun is_relevant_class :: "'addr instr  'm prog  cname  bool" 
  "is_relevant_class (Getfield F D) = (λP C. P  NullPointer * C)" 
| rel_Putfield:
  "is_relevant_class (Putfield F D) = (λP C. P  NullPointer * C)" 
| rel_CAS:
  "is_relevant_class (CAS F D)      = (λP C. P  NullPointer * C)" 
| rel_Checcast:
  "is_relevant_class (Checkcast T)  = (λP C. P  ClassCast * C)" 
| rel_New:
  "is_relevant_class (New D)        = (λP C. P  OutOfMemory * C)" 
| rel_Throw:
  "is_relevant_class ThrowExc       = (λP C. True)"
| rel_Invoke:
  "is_relevant_class (Invoke M n)   = (λP C. True)"
| rel_NewArray:
  "is_relevant_class (NewArray T)   = (λP C. (P  OutOfMemory * C)  (P  NegativeArraySize * C))"
| rel_ALoad:
  "is_relevant_class ALoad          = (λP C. P  ArrayIndexOutOfBounds * C  P  NullPointer * C)"
| rel_AStore:
  "is_relevant_class AStore         = (λP C. P  ArrayIndexOutOfBounds * C  P  ArrayStore * C  P  NullPointer * C)"
| rel_ALength:
  "is_relevant_class ALength        = (λP C. P  NullPointer * C)"
| rel_MEnter:
  "is_relevant_class MEnter         = (λP C. P  IllegalMonitorState * C  P  NullPointer * C)"
| rel_MExit:
  "is_relevant_class MExit          = (λP C. P  IllegalMonitorState * C  P  NullPointer * C)"
| rel_BinOp:
  "is_relevant_class (BinOpInstr bop) = binop_relevant_class bop"
| rel_default:
  "is_relevant_class i              = (λP C. False)"

definition is_relevant_entry :: "'m prog  'addr instr  pc  ex_entry  bool" 
  "is_relevant_entry P i pc e  
   let (f,t,C,h,d) = e 
   in (case C of None  True | C'  is_relevant_class i P C')  pc  {f..<t}"

definition relevant_entries :: "'m prog  'addr instr  pc  ex_table  ex_table" 
  "relevant_entries P i pc  filter (is_relevant_entry P i pc)"

definition xcpt_eff :: "'addr instr  'm prog  pc  tyi  ex_table  (pc × tyi') list"
  "xcpt_eff i P pc τ et  let (ST,LT) = τ in 
  map (λ(f,t,C,h,d). (h, Some ((case C of None  Class Throwable | Some C'  Class C')#drop (size ST - d) ST, LT))) (relevant_entries P i pc et)"

definition norm_eff :: "'addr instr  'm prog  nat  tyi  (pc × tyi') list"
where "norm_eff i P pc τ  map (λpc'. (pc',Some (effi (i,P,τ)))) (succs i τ pc)"

definition eff :: "'addr instr  'm prog  pc  ex_table  tyi'  (pc × tyi') list"
  "eff i P pc et t 
  case t of           
    None  []          
  | Some τ  (norm_eff i P pc τ) @ (xcpt_eff i P pc τ et)"

lemma eff_None:
  "eff i P pc xt None = []"
by (simp add: eff_def)

lemma eff_Some:
  "eff i P pc xt (Some τ) = norm_eff i P pc τ @ xcpt_eff i P pc τ xt"
by (simp add: eff_def)

(* FIXME: getfield, ∃T D. P ⊢ C sees F:T in D ∧ .. *)

text "Conditions under which eff is applicable:"

fun appi :: "'addr instr × 'm prog × pc × nat × ty × tyi  bool"
  "appi (Load n, P, pc, mxs, Tr, (ST,LT)) = 
    (n < length LT  LT ! n  Err  length ST < mxs)"
| appi_Store:
  "appi (Store n, P, pc, mxs, Tr, (T#ST, LT)) = 
    (n < length LT)"
| appi_Push:
  "appi (Push v, P, pc, mxs, Tr, (ST,LT)) = 
    (length ST < mxs  typeof v  None)"
| appi_Getfield:
  "appi (Getfield F C, P, pc, mxs, Tr, (T#ST, LT)) = 
    (Tf fm. P  C sees F:Tf (fm) in C  P  T  Class C)"
| appi_Putfield:
  "appi (Putfield F C, P, pc, mxs, Tr, (T1#T2#ST, LT)) = 
    (Tf fm. P  C sees F:Tf (fm) in C  P  T2  (Class C)  P  T1  Tf)" 
| appi_CAS:
  "appi (CAS F C, P, pc, mxs, Tr, (T3#T2#T1#ST, LT)) = 
    (Tf fm. P  C sees F:Tf (fm) in C  volatile fm  P  T1  Class C  P  T2  Tf  P  T3  Tf)" 
| appi_New:
  "appi (New C, P, pc, mxs, Tr, (ST,LT)) = 
    (is_class P C  length ST < mxs)"
| appi_NewArray:
  "appi (NewArray Ty, P, pc, mxs, Tr, (Integer#ST,LT)) = 
    is_type P (Ty⌊⌉)"
|  appi_ALoad:
  "appi (ALoad, P, pc, mxs, Tr, (T1#T2#ST,LT)) = 
    (T1 = Integer  (T2  NT  (Ty. T2 = Ty⌊⌉)))"
| appi_AStore:
  "appi (AStore, P, pc, mxs, Tr, (T1#T2#T3#ST,LT)) = 
    (T2 = Integer  (T3  NT  (Ty. T3 = Ty⌊⌉)))"
| appi_ALength:
  "appi (ALength, P, pc, mxs, Tr, (T1#ST,LT)) = 
    (T1 = NT  (Ty. T1 = Ty⌊⌉))"
| appi_Checkcast:
  "appi (Checkcast Ty, P, pc, mxs, Tr, (T#ST,LT)) = 
    (is_type P Ty)"
| appi_Instanceof:
  "appi (Instanceof Ty, P, pc, mxs, Tr, (T#ST,LT)) = 
    (is_type P Ty  is_refT T)"
| appi_Pop:
  "appi (Pop, P, pc, mxs, Tr, (T#ST,LT)) = 
| appi_Dup:
  "appi (Dup, P, pc, mxs, Tr, (T#ST,LT)) = 
    (Suc (length ST) < mxs)"
| appi_Swap:
  "appi (Swap, P, pc, mxs, Tr, (T1#T2#ST,LT)) = True"
| appi_BinOpInstr:
  "appi (BinOpInstr bop, P, pc, mxs, Tr, (T2#T1#ST,LT)) = (T. P  T1«bop»T2 : T)"
| appi_IfFalse:
  "appi (IfFalse b, P, pc, mxs, Tr, (Boolean#ST,LT)) = 
    (0  int pc + b)"
| appi_Goto:
  "appi (Goto b, P, pc, mxs, Tr, s) =  (0  int pc + b)"
| appi_Return:
  "appi (Return, P, pc, mxs, Tr, (T#ST,LT)) = (P  T  Tr)"
| appi_Throw:
  "appi (ThrowExc, P, pc, mxs, Tr, (T#ST,LT)) = 
    (T = NT  (C. T = Class C  P  C * Throwable))"
| appi_Invoke:
  "appi (Invoke M n, P, pc, mxs, Tr, (ST,LT)) =
    (n < length ST  
    (ST!n  NT 
      (C D Ts T m. class_type_of' (ST ! n) = C  P  C sees M:Ts  T = m in D  P  rev (take n ST) [≤] Ts)))"
| appi_MEnter:
  "appi (MEnter,P, pc,mxs,Tr,(T#ST,LT)) = (is_refT T)"
| appi_MExit:
  "appi (MExit,P, pc,mxs,Tr,(T#ST,LT)) = (is_refT T)"
| appi_default:
  "appi (i,P, pc,mxs,Tr,s) = False"

definition xcpt_app :: "'addr instr  'm prog  pc  nat  ex_table  tyi  bool"
  "xcpt_app i P pc mxs xt τ  (f,t,C,h,d)  set (relevant_entries P i pc xt). (case C of None  True | Some C'  is_class P C')  d  size (fst τ)  d < mxs"

definition app :: "'addr instr  'm prog  nat  ty  nat  nat  ex_table  tyi'  bool"
  "app i P mxs Tr pc mpc xt t  case t of None  True | Some τ  
  appi (i,P,pc,mxs,Tr,τ)  xcpt_app i P pc mxs xt τ  
  ((pc',τ')  set (eff i P pc xt t). pc' < mpc)"

lemma app_Some:
  "app i P mxs Tr pc mpc xt (Some τ) = 
  (appi (i,P,pc,mxs,Tr,τ)  xcpt_app i P pc mxs xt τ  
  ((pc',s')  set (eff i P pc xt (Some τ)). pc' < mpc))"
by (simp add: app_def)

locale eff = jvm_method +
  fixes effi and appi and eff and app 
  fixes norm_eff and xcpt_app and xcpt_eff

  fixes mpc
  defines "mpc  size is"

  defines "effi i τ  Effect.effi (i,P,τ)"
  notes effi_simps [simp] = Effect.effi.simps [where P = P, folded effi_def]

  defines "appi i pc τ  Effect.appi (i, P, pc, mxs, Tr, τ)"
  notes appi_simps [simp] = Effect.appi.simps [where P=P and mxs=mxs and Tr=Tr, folded appi_def]

  defines "xcpt_eff i pc τ  Effect.xcpt_eff i P pc τ xt"
  notes xcpt_eff = Effect.xcpt_eff_def [of _ P _ _ xt, folded xcpt_eff_def]

  defines "norm_eff i pc τ  Effect.norm_eff i P pc τ"
  notes norm_eff = Effect.norm_eff_def [of _ P, folded norm_eff_def effi_def]

  defines "eff i pc  Effect.eff i P pc xt"
  notes eff = Effect.eff_def [of _ P  _ xt, folded eff_def norm_eff_def xcpt_eff_def]

  defines "xcpt_app i pc τ  Effect.xcpt_app i P pc mxs xt τ"
  notes xcpt_app = Effect.xcpt_app_def [of _ P _ mxs xt, folded xcpt_app_def]

  defines "app i pc i P mxs Tr pc mpc xt"
  notes app = Effect.app_def [of _ P mxs Tr _ mpc xt, folded app_def xcpt_app_def appi_def eff_def]

lemma length_cases2:
  assumes "LT. P ([],LT)"
  assumes "l ST LT. P (l#ST,LT)"
  shows "P s"
  by (cases s, cases "fst s") (auto intro!: assms)

lemma length_cases3:
  assumes "LT. P ([],LT)"
  assumes "l LT. P ([l],LT)"
  assumes "l l' ST LT. P (l#l'#ST,LT)"
  shows "P s"
  apply(rule length_cases2; (rule assms)?)
  subgoal for l ST LT by(cases ST; clarsimp simp: assms)

lemma length_cases4:
  assumes "LT. P ([],LT)"
  assumes "l LT. P ([l],LT)"
  assumes "l l' LT. P ([l,l'],LT)"
  assumes "l l' l'' ST LT. P (l#l'#l''#ST,LT)"
  shows "P s"
  apply(rule length_cases3; (rule assms)?)
  subgoal for l l' ST LT by(cases ST; clarsimp simp: assms)

lemma length_cases5:
  assumes "LT. P ([],LT)"
  assumes "l LT. P ([l],LT)"
  assumes "l l' LT. P ([l,l'],LT)"
  assumes "l l' l'' LT. P ([l,l',l''],LT)"
  assumes "l l' l'' l''' ST LT. P (l#l'#l''#l'''#ST,LT)"
  shows "P s"
  apply(rule length_cases4; (rule assms)?)
  subgoal for l l' l'' ST LT by(cases ST; clarsimp simp: assms)

text ‹
simp rules for @{term app}
lemma appNone[simp]: "app i P mxs Tr pc mpc et None = True" 
  by (simp add: app_def)

lemma appLoad[simp]:
"appi (Load idx, P, Tr, mxs, pc, s) = (ST LT. s = (ST,LT)  idx < length LT  LT!idx  Err  length ST < mxs)"
  by (cases s, simp)

lemma appStore[simp]:
"appi (Store idx,P,pc,mxs,Tr,s) = (ts ST LT. s = (ts#ST,LT)  idx < length LT)"
  by (rule length_cases2, auto)

lemma appPush[simp]:
"appi (Push v,P,pc,mxs,Tr,s) =
 (ST LT. s = (ST,LT)  length ST < mxs  typeof v  None)"
  by (cases s, simp)

lemma appGetField[simp]:
"appi (Getfield F C,P,pc,mxs,Tr,s) = 
 ( oT vT ST LT fm. s = (oT#ST, LT)  
  P  C sees F:vT (fm) in C  P  oT  (Class C))"
  by (rule length_cases2 [of _ s]) auto

lemma appPutField[simp]:
"appi (Putfield F C,P,pc,mxs,Tr,s) = 
 ( vT vT' oT ST LT fm. s = (vT#oT#ST, LT) 
  P  C sees F:vT' (fm) in C  P  oT  (Class C)  P  vT  vT')"
  by (rule length_cases4 [of _ s], auto)

lemma appCAS[simp]:
"appi (CAS F C, P, pc, mxs, Tr, s) =
  ( T1 T2 T3 T' ST LT fm. s = (T3 # T2 # T1 # ST, LT) 
  P  C sees F:T' (fm) in C  volatile fm  P  T1  Class C  P  T2  T'  P  T3  T')"
  by(rule length_cases4[of _ s]) auto

lemma appNew[simp]:
  "appi (New C,P,pc,mxs,Tr,s) = 
  (ST LT. s=(ST,LT)  is_class P C  length ST < mxs)"
  by (cases s, simp)

lemma appNewArray[simp]:
  "appi (NewArray Ty,P,pc,mxs,Tr,s) = 
  (ST LT. s=(Integer#ST,LT)  is_type P (Ty⌊⌉))"
  by (cases s, simp, cases "fst s", simp)(cases "hd (fst s)", auto)

lemma appALoad[simp]:
  "appi (ALoad,P,pc,mxs,Tr,s) = 
  (T ST LT. s=(Integer#T#ST,LT)  (T  NT  (T'.  T = T'⌊⌉)))"
proof -
  obtain ST LT where [simp]: "s = (ST, LT)" by (cases s)
  have "ST = []  (T. ST = [T])  (T1 T2 ST'. ST = T1#T2#ST')"
    by (cases ST, auto, case_tac list, auto)
  { assume "ST = []" hence ?thesis by simp }
  { fix T assume "ST = [T]" hence ?thesis by (cases T, auto) }
  { fix T1 T2 ST' assume "ST = T1#T2#ST'"
    hence ?thesis by (cases T1, auto)
  ultimately show ?thesis by blast

lemma appAStore[simp]:
  "appi (AStore,P,pc,mxs,Tr,s) = 
  (T U ST LT. s=(T#Integer#U#ST,LT)  (U  NT  (T'. U = T'⌊⌉)))"
proof -
  obtain ST LT where [simp]: "s = (ST, LT)" by (cases s)
  have "ST = []  (T. ST = [T])  (T1 T2. ST = [T1, T2])  (T1 T2 T3 ST'. ST = T1 # T2 # T3 # ST')"
    by (cases ST, auto, case_tac list, auto, case_tac lista, auto)
  { assume "ST = []" hence ?thesis by simp }
  { fix T assume "ST = [T]" hence ?thesis by(simp) }
  { fix T1 T2 assume "ST = [T1, T2]" hence ?thesis by simp }
  { fix T1 T2 T3 ST' assume "ST = T1 # T2 # T3 # ST'" hence ?thesis by(cases T2, auto) }
  ultimately show ?thesis by blast

lemma appALength[simp]:
  "appi (ALength,P,pc,mxs,Tr,s) = 
  (T ST LT. s=(T#ST,LT)  (T  NT  (T'.  T = T'⌊⌉)))"
  by (cases s, cases "fst s", simp add: app_def) (cases "hd (fst s)", auto)

lemma appCheckcast[simp]: 
  "appi (Checkcast Ty,P,pc,mxs,Tr,s) =  
  (T ST LT. s = (T#ST,LT)  is_type P Ty)"
  by (cases s, cases "fst s", simp add: app_def) (cases "hd (fst s)", auto)

lemma appInstanceof[simp]: 
  "appi (Instanceof Ty,P,pc,mxs,Tr,s) =  
  (T ST LT. s = (T#ST,LT)  is_type P Ty  is_refT T)"
  by (cases s, cases "fst s", simp add: app_def) (cases "hd (fst s)", auto)

lemma appiPop[simp]: 
"appi (Pop,P,pc,mxs,Tr,s) = (ts ST LT. s = (ts#ST,LT))"
  by (rule length_cases2, auto)

lemma appDup[simp]:
"appi (Dup,P,pc,mxs,Tr,s) =
 (T ST LT. s = (T#ST,LT)  Suc (length ST) < mxs)"
by (cases s, cases "fst s", simp_all)

lemma appiSwap[simp]: 
"appi (Swap,P,pc,mxs,Tr,s) = (T1 T2 ST LT. s = (T1#T2#ST,LT))"
by(rule length_cases4) auto

lemma appBinOp[simp]:
"appi (BinOpInstr bop,P,pc,mxs,Tr,s) = (T1 T2 ST LT T. s = (T2 # T1 # ST, LT)  P  T1«bop»T2 : T)"
proof -
  obtain ST LT where [simp]: "s = (ST,LT)" by (cases s)
  have "ST = []  (T. ST = [T])  (T1 T2 ST'. ST = T1#T2#ST')"
    by (cases ST, auto, case_tac list, auto)
  { assume "ST = []" hence ?thesis by simp }
  { fix T assume "ST = [T]" hence ?thesis by (cases T, auto) }
  { fix T1 T2 ST' assume "ST = T1#T2#ST'"
    hence ?thesis by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis by blast

lemma appIfFalse [simp]:
"appi (IfFalse b,P,pc,mxs,Tr,s) = 
  (ST LT. s = (Boolean#ST,LT)  0  int pc + b)"
  apply (rule length_cases2)
  apply simp
  apply (case_tac l) 
  apply auto

lemma appReturn[simp]:
"appi (Return,P,pc,mxs,Tr,s) = (T ST LT. s = (T#ST,LT)  P  T  Tr)" 
  by (rule length_cases2, auto)

lemma appThrow[simp]:
  "appi (ThrowExc,P,pc,mxs,Tr,s) = (T ST LT. s=(T#ST,LT)  (T = NT  (C. T = Class C  P  C * Throwable)))"
  by (rule length_cases2, auto)  

lemma appMEnter[simp]:
  "appi (MEnter,P,pc,mxs,Tr,s) = (T ST LT. s=(T#ST,LT)  is_refT T)"
  by (rule length_cases2, auto)  

lemma appMExit[simp]:
  "appi (MExit,P,pc,mxs,Tr,s) = (T ST LT. s=(T#ST,LT)  is_refT T)"
  by (rule length_cases2, auto)

lemma effNone: 
  "(pc', s')  set (eff i P pc et None)  s' = None"
  by (auto simp add: eff_def xcpt_eff_def norm_eff_def)

lemma relevant_entries_append [simp]:
  "relevant_entries P i pc (xt @ xt') = relevant_entries P i pc xt @ relevant_entries P i pc xt'"
  by (unfold relevant_entries_def) simp

lemma xcpt_app_append [iff]:
  "xcpt_app i P pc mxs (xt@xt') τ = (xcpt_app i P pc mxs xt τ  xcpt_app i P pc mxs xt' τ)"
unfolding xcpt_app_def by force

lemma xcpt_eff_append [simp]:
  "xcpt_eff i P pc τ (xt@xt') = xcpt_eff i P pc τ xt @ xcpt_eff i P pc τ xt'"
 by (unfold xcpt_eff_def, cases τ) simp

lemma app_append [simp]:
  "app i P pc T mxs mpc (xt@xt') τ = (app i P pc T mxs mpc xt τ  app i P pc T mxs mpc xt' τ)"
  by (unfold app_def eff_def) auto

subsection ‹Code generator setup›

declare list_all2_Nil [code]
declare list_all2_Cons [code]

lemma effi_BinOpInstr_code:
  "effi (BinOpInstr bop, P, (T2#T1#ST,LT)) = (Predicate.the (WTrt_binop_i_i_i_i_o P T1 bop T2) # ST, LT)"
by(simp add: the_WTrt_binop_code)

lemmas effi_code[code] =
  effi_Load effi_Store effi_Push effi_Getfield effi_Putfield effi_New effi_NewArray effi_ALoad
  effi_AStore effi_ALength effi_Checkcast effi_Instanceof effi_Pop effi_Dup effi_Swap effi_BinOpInstr_code
  effi_IfFalse effi_Invoke effi_Goto effi_MEnter effi_MExit

lemma appi_Getfield_code:
  "appi (Getfield F C, P, pc, mxs, Tr, (T#ST, LT)) 
  Predicate.holds (Predicate.bind (sees_field_i_i_i_o_o_i P C F C) (λT. Predicate.single ()))  P  T  Class C"
apply(clarsimp simp add: Predicate.bind_def Predicate.single_def holds_eq eval_sees_field_i_i_i_o_i_conv)
lemma appi_Putfield_code:
  "appi (Putfield F C, P, pc, mxs, Tr, (T1#T2#ST, LT)) 
   P  T2  (Class C) 
   Predicate.holds (Predicate.bind (sees_field_i_i_i_o_o_i P C F C) (λ(T, fm). if P  T1  T then Predicate.single () else bot))"
by (auto simp add: holds_eq eval_sees_field_i_i_i_o_i_conv split: if_splits)

lemma appi_CAS_code:
  "appi (CAS F C, P, pc, mxs, Tr, (T3#T2#T1#ST, LT)) 
   P  T1  Class C 
  Predicate.holds (Predicate.bind (sees_field_i_i_i_o_o_i P C F C) (λ(T, fm). if P  T2  T  P  T3  T  volatile fm then Predicate.single () else bot))"
by(auto simp add: holds_eq eval_sees_field_i_i_i_o_i_conv)

lemma appi_ALoad_code:
  "appi (ALoad, P, pc, mxs, Tr, (T1#T2#ST,LT)) = 
   (T1 = Integer  (case T2 of Ty⌊⌉  True | NT  True | _  False))"
by(simp add: split: ty.split)

lemma appi_AStore_code:
  "appi (AStore, P, pc, mxs, Tr, (T1#T2#T3#ST,LT)) = 
  (T2 = Integer  (case T3 of Ty⌊⌉  True | NT  True | _  False))"
by(simp add: split: ty.split)

lemma appi_ALength_code:
  "appi (ALength, P, pc, mxs, Tr, (T1#ST,LT)) = 
   (case T1 of Ty⌊⌉  True | NT  True | _  False)"
by(simp add: split: ty.split)

lemma appi_BinOpInstr_code:
  "appi (BinOpInstr bop, P, pc, mxs, Tr, (T2#T1#ST,LT)) = 
   Predicate.holds (Predicate.bind (WTrt_binop_i_i_i_i_o P T1 bop T2) (λT. Predicate.single ()))"
by (auto simp add: holds_eq eval_WTrt_binop_i_i_i_i_o)

lemma appi_Invoke_code:
  "appi (Invoke M n, P, pc, mxs, Tr, (ST,LT)) =
  (n < length ST  
  (ST!n  NT 
     (case class_type_of' (ST ! n) of Some C  
         Predicate.holds (Predicate.bind (Method_i_i_i_o_o_o_o P C M) 
                                          (λ(Ts, _). if P  rev (take n ST) [≤] Ts then Predicate.single () else bot))
      | _  False)))"
proof -
  have bind_Ex: "P f. Predicate.bind P f = Predicate.Pred (λx. (y. Predicate.eval P y  Predicate.eval (f y) x))"
    by (rule pred_eqI) auto
  thus ?thesis
    by (auto simp add: bind_Ex Predicate.single_def holds_eq eval_Method_i_i_i_o_o_o_o_conv split: ty.split)

lemma appi_Throw_code:
  "appi (ThrowExc, P, pc, mxs, Tr, (T#ST,LT)) = 
  (case T of NT  True | Class C  P  C * Throwable | _  False)"
by(simp split: ty.split)

lemmas appi_code [code] =
  appi_Load appi_Store appi_Push
  appi_Getfield_code appi_Putfield_code appi_CAS_code
  appi_New appi_NewArray
  appi_ALoad_code appi_AStore_code appi_ALength_code
  appi_Checkcast appi_Instanceof
  appi_Pop appi_Dup appi_Swap appi_BinOpInstr_code appi_IfFalse appi_Goto
  appi_Return appi_Throw_code appi_Invoke_code appi_MEnter appi_MExit
