Theory JVMPostdomination

theory JVMPostdomination imports JVMInterpretation "../StaticInter/Postdomination" begin

context CFG begin

lemma vp_snocI:
  "n -as* n'; n' -[a]→* n''; Q p ret fs. kind a  Q↩⇘pret   n -as @ [a]* n''"
  by (cases "kind a") (auto intro: path_Append valid_path_aux_Append simp: vp_def valid_path_def)

lemma valid_node_cases' [case_names Source Target, consumes 1]:
  " valid_node n; e.  valid_edge e; sourcenode e = n   thesis;
  e.  valid_edge e; targetnode e = n   thesis 
  by (auto simp: valid_node_def)


lemma disjE_strong: "P  Q; P  R; Q; ¬ P  R  R"
  by auto

lemmas path_intros [intro] = JVMCFG_Interpret.path.Cons_path JVMCFG_Interpret.path.empty_path
declare JVMCFG_Interpret.vp_snocI [intro]
declare JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_node_def [simp add]
  valid_edge_def [simp add]
  JVMCFG_Interpret.intra_path_def [simp add]

abbreviation vp_snoc :: "wf_jvmprog  cname  mname  cfg_edge list  cfg_node
   (var, val, cname × mname × pc, cname × mname) edge_kind  cfg_node  bool"
  where "vp_snoc P C0 Main as n ek n'
   JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
  (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) (as @ [(n,ek,n')]) n'"

  "(P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, nt) -ek (C', M', pc', nt')
   (as. CFG.valid_path' sourcenode targetnode kind (valid_edge (P, C0, Main))
  (get_return_edges P) (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C, M, pc, nt)) 
  (as. CFG.valid_path' sourcenode targetnode kind (valid_edge (P, C0, Main))
  (get_return_edges P) (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C', M', pc', nt'))"
  and valid_Entry_path: "(P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, nt)
   as. CFG.valid_path' sourcenode targetnode kind (valid_edge (P, C0, Main))
  (get_return_edges P) (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C, M, pc, nt)"
proof (induct rule: JVMCFG_reachable_inducts)
  case (Entry_reachable P C0 Main)
  hence "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) [] (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_Interpret.intra_path_vp Method_LTrue
  thus ?case by blast
  case (reachable_step P C0 Main C M pc nt ek C' M' pc' nt')
  thus ?case by simp
  case (Main_to_Call P C0 Main)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, 0, Enter)"
    by blast
  moreover with (P, C0, Main)  (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, 0, Enter)
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, 0, Enter) id
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, 0, Normal)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.Main_to_Call)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (Main_Call_LFalse P C0 Main)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, 0, Normal)"
    by blast
  moreover with (P, C0, Main)  (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, 0, Normal)
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, 0, Normal) (λs. False)
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, 0, Return)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.Main_Call_LFalse)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (Main_Call P C0 Main T mxs mxl0 "is" xt D initParams ek)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, 0, Normal)"
    by blast
  moreover with (P, C0, Main)  (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, 0, Normal)
    PROG P  C0 sees Main: []T = (mxs, mxl0, is, xt) in D
    initParams = [λs. s Heap, λs. Value Null]
    ek = λ(s, ret). True:(ClassMain P, MethodMain P, 0)↪⇘(D, Main)initParams
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, 0, Normal)
    ((λ(s, ret). True):(ClassMain P, MethodMain P, 0)↪⇘(D, Main)[(λs. s Heap),(λs. Value Null)])
    (D, Main, None, Enter)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.Main_Call)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (Main_Return_to_Exit P C0 Main)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, 0, nodeType.Return)"
    by blast
  moreover with (P, C0, Main)  (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, 0, nodeType.Return)
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, 0, nodeType.Return) id
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, nodeType.Return)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.Main_Return_to_Exit)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (Method_LFalse P C0 Main C M)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C, M, None, Enter)"
    by blast
  moreover with (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, None, Enter)
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (C, M, None, Enter) (λs. False) (C, M, None, Return)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.Method_LFalse)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (Method_LTrue P C0 Main C M)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C, M, None, Enter)"
    by blast
  moreover with (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, None, Enter)
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (C, M, None, Enter) (λs. True) (C, M, 0, Enter)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.Method_LTrue)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (CFG_Load C P C0 Main M pc n ek)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C, M, pc, Enter)"
    by blast
  moreover with C  ClassMain P (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter)
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Load n
    ek = λs. s(Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc) := s (Local n))
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (C, M, pc, Enter) ek (C, M, Suc pc, Enter)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.CFG_Load)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (CFG_Store C P C0 Main M pc n ek)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C, M, pc, Enter)"
    by blast
  moreover with C  ClassMain P (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter)
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Store n
    ek = λs. s(Local n := s (Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1)))
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (C, M, pc, Enter) ek (C, M, Suc pc, Enter)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.CFG_Store)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (CFG_Push C P C0 Main M pc v ek)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C, M, pc, Enter)"
    by blast
  moreover with C  ClassMain P (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter)
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Push v
    ek = λs. s(Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc)  Value v)
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (C, M, pc, Enter) ek (C, M, Suc pc, Enter)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.CFG_Push)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (CFG_Pop C P C0 Main M pc ek)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C, M, pc, Enter)"
    by blast
  moreover with C  ClassMain P (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter)
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Pop ek = id
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (C, M, pc, Enter) ek (C, M, Suc pc, Enter)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.CFG_Pop)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (CFG_IAdd C P C0 Main M pc ek)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C, M, pc, Enter)"
    by blast
  moreover with C  ClassMain P (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter)
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = IAdd
    ek = λs. let i1 = the_Intg (stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1));
                   i2 = the_Intg (stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 2))
    in s(Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 2)  Value (Intg (i1 + i2)))
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (C, M, pc, Enter) ek (C, M, Suc pc, Enter)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.CFG_IAdd)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (CFG_Goto C P C0 Main M pc i)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C, M, pc, Enter)"
    by blast
  moreover with C  ClassMain P (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter)
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Goto i
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (C, M, pc, Enter) (λs. True) (C, M, nat (int pc + i), Enter)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.CFG_Goto)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (CFG_CmpEq C P C0 Main M pc ek)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C, M, pc, Enter)"
    by blast
  moreover with C  ClassMain P (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter)
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = CmpEq
    ek = λs. let e1 = stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1);
                   e2 = stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 2)
    in s(Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 2)  Value (Bool (e1 = e2)))
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (C, M, pc, Enter) ek (C, M, Suc pc, Enter)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.CFG_CmpEq)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (CFG_IfFalse_False C P C0 Main M pc i ek)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C, M, pc, Enter)"
    by blast
  moreover with C  ClassMain P (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter)
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = IfFalse i i  1
    ek = (λs. stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1) = Bool False)
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (C, M, pc, Enter) ek (C, M, nat (int pc + i), Enter)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.CFG_IfFalse_False)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (CFG_IfFalse_True C P C0 Main M pc i ek)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C, M, pc, Enter)"
    by blast
  moreover with C  ClassMain P (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter)
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = IfFalse i
    ek = (λs. stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1)  Bool False  i = 1)
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (C, M, pc, Enter) ek (C, M, Suc pc, Enter)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.CFG_IfFalse_True)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (CFG_New_Check_Normal C P C0 Main M pc Cl ek)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C, M, pc, Enter)"
    by blast
  moreover with C  ClassMain P (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter)
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = New Cl ek = (λs. new_Addr (heap_of s)  None)
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (C, M, pc, Enter) ek (C, M, pc, Normal)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.CFG_New_Check_Normal)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (CFG_New_Check_Exceptional C P C0 Main M pc Cl pc' ek)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C, M, pc, Enter)"
    by blast
  moreover with C  ClassMain P (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter)
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = New Cl
    pc' = (case match_ex_table (PROG P) OutOfMemory pc (ex_table_of (PROG P) C M) of None  None
    | (pc'', d)  pc'') ek = (λs. new_Addr (heap_of s) = None)
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (C, M, pc, Enter) ek (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.CFG_New_Check_Exceptional)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (CFG_New_Update C P C0 Main M pc Cl ek)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C, M, pc, Normal)"
    by blast
  moreover with C  ClassMain P (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Normal)
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = New Cl
    ek = λs. let a = the (new_Addr (heap_of s)) in
    s(Heap  Hp ((heap_of s)(a  blank (PROG P) Cl)),
      Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc)  Value (Addr a))
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (C, M, pc, Normal) ek (C, M, Suc pc, Enter)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.CFG_New_Update)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (CFG_New_Exceptional_prop C P C0 Main M pc Cl ek)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C, M, pc, Exceptional None Enter)"
    by blast
  moreover with C  ClassMain P (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional None Enter)
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = New Cl
    ek = λs. s(Exception  Value (Addr (addr_of_sys_xcpt OutOfMemory)))
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (C, M, pc, Exceptional None Enter) ek (C, M, None, Return)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.CFG_New_Exceptional_prop)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (CFG_New_Exceptional_handle C P C0 Main M pc pc' Cl ek)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter)"
    by blast
  moreover with C  ClassMain P (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter)
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = New Cl
    ek = λs. (s(Exception := None))(Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc' - 1) 
    Value (Addr (addr_of_sys_xcpt OutOfMemory)))
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter) ek (C, M, pc', Enter)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.CFG_New_Exceptional_handle)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (CFG_Getfield_Check_Normal C P C0 Main M pc F Cl ek)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C, M, pc, Enter)"
    by blast
  moreover with C  ClassMain P (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter)
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Getfield F Cl
    ek = (λs. stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1)  Null)
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (C, M, pc, Enter) ek (C, M, pc, Normal)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.CFG_Getfield_Check_Normal)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (CFG_Getfield_Check_Exceptional C P C0 Main M pc F Cl pc' ek)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C, M, pc, Enter)"
    by blast
  moreover with C  ClassMain P (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter)
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Getfield F Cl
    pc' = (case match_ex_table (PROG P) NullPointer pc (ex_table_of (PROG P) C M) of None  None
    | (pc'', d)  pc'') ek = (λs. stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1) = Null)
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (C, M, pc, Enter) ek (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.CFG_Getfield_Check_Exceptional)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (CFG_Getfield_Update C P C0 Main M pc F Cl ek)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C, M, pc, Normal)"
    by blast
  moreover with C  ClassMain P (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Normal)
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Getfield F Cl
    ek = λs. let (D, fs) = the (heap_of s (the_Addr (stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1))))
    in s(Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1)  Value (the (fs (F, Cl))))
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (C, M, pc, Normal) ek (C, M, Suc pc, Enter)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.CFG_Getfield_Update)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (CFG_Getfield_Exceptional_prop C P C0 Main M pc F Cl ek)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C, M, pc, Exceptional None Enter)"
    by blast
  moreover with C  ClassMain P (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional None Enter)
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Getfield F Cl
    ek = λs. s(Exception  Value (Addr (addr_of_sys_xcpt NullPointer)))
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (C, M, pc, Exceptional None Enter) ek (C, M, None, Return)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.CFG_Getfield_Exceptional_prop)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (CFG_Getfield_Exceptional_handle C P C0 Main M pc pc' F Cl ek)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter)"
    by blast
  moreover with C  ClassMain P (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter)
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Getfield F Cl
    ek = λs. (s(Exception := None))(Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc' - 1) 
    Value (Addr (addr_of_sys_xcpt NullPointer)))
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter) ek (C, M, pc', Enter)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.CFG_Getfield_Exceptional_handle)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (CFG_Putfield_Check_Normal C P C0 Main M pc F Cl ek)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C, M, pc, Enter)"
    by blast
  moreover with C  ClassMain P (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter)
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Putfield F Cl
    ek = (λs. stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 2)  Null)
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (C, M, pc, Enter) ek (C, M, pc, Normal)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.CFG_Putfield_Check_Normal)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (CFG_Putfield_Check_Exceptional C P C0 Main M pc F Cl pc' ek)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C, M, pc, Enter)"
    by blast
  moreover with C  ClassMain P (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter)
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Putfield F Cl
    pc' = (case match_ex_table (PROG P) NullPointer pc (ex_table_of (PROG P) C M) of None  None
    | (pc'', d)  pc'') ek = (λs. stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 2) = Null)
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (C, M, pc, Enter) ek (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.CFG_Putfield_Check_Exceptional)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (CFG_Putfield_Update C P C0 Main M pc F Cl ek)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C, M, pc, Normal)"
    by blast
  moreover with C  ClassMain P (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Normal)
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Putfield F Cl
    ek = λs. let v = stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1);
    r = stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 2);
    a = the_Addr r; (D, fs) = the (heap_of s a); h' = (heap_of s)(a  (D, fs((F, Cl)  v)))
    in s(Heap  Hp h')
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (C, M, pc, Normal) ek (C, M, Suc pc, Enter)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.CFG_Putfield_Update)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (CFG_Putfield_Exceptional_prop C P C0 Main M pc F Cl ek)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C, M, pc, Exceptional None Enter)"
    by blast
  moreover with C  ClassMain P (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional None Enter)
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Putfield F Cl
    ek = λs. s(Exception  Value (Addr (addr_of_sys_xcpt NullPointer)))
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (C, M, pc, Exceptional None Enter) ek (C, M, None, Return)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.CFG_Putfield_Exceptional_prop)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (CFG_Putfield_Exceptional_handle C P C0 Main M pc pc' F Cl ek)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter)"
    by blast
  moreover with C  ClassMain P (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter)
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Putfield F Cl
    ek = λs. (s(Exception := None))(Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc' - 1) 
    Value (Addr (addr_of_sys_xcpt NullPointer)))
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter) ek (C, M, pc', Enter)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.CFG_Putfield_Exceptional_handle)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (CFG_Checkcast_Check_Normal C P C0 Main M pc Cl ek)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C, M, pc, Enter)"
    by blast
  moreover with C  ClassMain P (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter)
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Checkcast Cl
    ek = (λs. cast_ok (PROG P) Cl (heap_of s) (stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1)))
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (C, M, pc, Enter) ek (C, M, Suc pc, Enter)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.CFG_Checkcast_Check_Normal)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (CFG_Checkcast_Check_Exceptional C P C0 Main M pc Cl pc' ek)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C, M, pc, Enter)"
    by blast
  moreover with C  ClassMain P (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter)
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Checkcast Cl
    pc' = (case match_ex_table (PROG P) ClassCast pc (ex_table_of (PROG P) C M) of None  None
    | (pc'', d)  pc'')
    ek = (λs. ¬ cast_ok (PROG P) Cl (heap_of s) (stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1)))
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (C, M, pc, Enter) ek (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.CFG_Checkcast_Check_Exceptional)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (CFG_Checkcast_Exceptional_prop C P C0 Main M pc Cl ek)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C, M, pc, Exceptional None Enter)"
    by blast
  moreover with C  ClassMain P (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional None Enter)
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Checkcast Cl
    ek = λs. s(Exception  Value (Addr (addr_of_sys_xcpt ClassCast)))
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (C, M, pc, Exceptional None Enter) ek (C, M, None, Return)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.CFG_Checkcast_Exceptional_prop)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (CFG_Checkcast_Exceptional_handle C P C0 Main M pc pc' Cl ek)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter)"
    by blast
  moreover with C  ClassMain P (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter)
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Checkcast Cl
    ek = λs. (s(Exception := None))(Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc' - 1) 
    Value (Addr (addr_of_sys_xcpt ClassCast)))
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter) ek (C, M, pc', Enter)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.CFG_Checkcast_Exceptional_handle)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (CFG_Throw_Check C P C0 Main M pc pc' Exc d ek)
  then obtain as where path_src: "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C, M, pc, Enter)"
    by blast
  from pc' = None  match_ex_table (PROG P) Exc pc (ex_table_of (PROG P) C M) = (the pc', d)
  show ?case
  proof (elim disjE_strong)
    assume "pc' = None"
    with C  ClassMain P (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter)
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Throw
    ek = (λs. let v = stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1);
           Cl = if v = Null then NullPointer else cname_of (heap_of s) (the_Addr v)
       in case pc' of None  match_ex_table (PROG P) Cl pc (ex_table_of (PROG P) C M) = None
          | pc'' 
              d. match_ex_table (PROG P) Cl pc (ex_table_of (PROG P) C M) = (pc'', d))
    have "(P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter) -
      (λs. (stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - Suc 0) = Null 
        match_ex_table (PROG P) NullPointer pc (ex_table_of (PROG P) C M) = None) 
        (stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - Suc 0)  Null 
          match_ex_table (PROG P) (cname_of (heap_of s)
           (the_Addr (stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - Suc 0)))) pc (ex_table_of (PROG P) C M) =
      None)) (C, M, pc, Exceptional None Enter)"
      by -(erule JVMCFG_reachable.CFG_Throw_Check, simp_all)
    with path_src pc' = None ek = (λs. let v = stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1);
           Cl = if v = Null then NullPointer else cname_of (heap_of s) (the_Addr v)
       in case pc' of None  match_ex_table (PROG P) Cl pc (ex_table_of (PROG P) C M) = None
          | pc'' 
              d. match_ex_table (PROG P) Cl pc (ex_table_of (PROG P) C M) = (pc'', d))
    have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (C, M, pc, Enter) ek (C, M, pc, Exceptional None Enter)"
      by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.CFG_Throw_Check)
    with path_src pc' = None show ?thesis by blast
    assume met: "match_ex_table (PROG P) Exc pc (ex_table_of (PROG P) C M) = (the pc', d)"
      and pc': "pc'  None"
    with C  ClassMain P (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter)
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Throw
    ek = (λs. let v = stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1);
           Cl = if v = Null then NullPointer else cname_of (heap_of s) (the_Addr v)
       in case pc' of None  match_ex_table (PROG P) Cl pc (ex_table_of (PROG P) C M) = None
          | pc'' 
              d. match_ex_table (PROG P) Cl pc (ex_table_of (PROG P) C M) = (pc'', d))
    have "(P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter) -
      (λs. (stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - Suc 0) = Null 
                                    (d. match_ex_table (PROG P) NullPointer pc
                                          (ex_table_of (PROG P) C M) =
                                         (the pc', d))) 
                                   (stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - Suc 0)  Null 
                                    (d. match_ex_table (PROG P)
                                          (cname_of (heap_of s)
                                              (stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - Suc 0))))
                                          pc (ex_table_of (PROG P) C M) =
                                         (the pc', d))))
      (C, M, pc, Exceptional the pc' Enter)"
      by -(rule JVMCFG_reachable.CFG_Throw_Check, simp_all)
    with met pc' path_src ek = (λs. let v = stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1);
           Cl = if v = Null then NullPointer else cname_of (heap_of s) (the_Addr v)
       in case pc' of None  match_ex_table (PROG P) Cl pc (ex_table_of (PROG P) C M) = None
          | pc'' 
              d. match_ex_table (PROG P) Cl pc (ex_table_of (PROG P) C M) = (pc'', d))
    have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (C, M, pc, Enter) ek (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter)"
      by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.CFG_Throw_Check)
    with path_src show ?thesis by blast
  case (CFG_Throw_prop C P C0 Main M pc ek)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C, M, pc, Exceptional None Enter)"
    by blast
  moreover with C  ClassMain P (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional None Enter)
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Throw
    ek = λs. s(Exception  Value (stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1)))
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (C, M, pc, Exceptional None Enter) ek (C, M, None, nodeType.Return)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.CFG_Throw_prop)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (CFG_Throw_handle C P C0 Main M pc pc' ek)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter)"
    by blast
  moreover with C  ClassMain P (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter)
    pc'  length (instrs_of (PROG P) C M) instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Throw
    ek = λs. (s(Exception := None))(Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc' - 1) 
    Value (stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1)))
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter) ek (C, M, pc', Enter)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.CFG_Throw_handle)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (CFG_Invoke_Check_NP_Normal C P C0 Main M pc M' n ek)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C, M, pc, Enter)"
    by blast
  moreover with C  ClassMain P (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter)
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Invoke M' n 
    ek = (λs. stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - Suc n)  Null)
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (C, M, pc, Enter) ek (C, M, pc, Normal)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.CFG_Invoke_Check_NP_Normal)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (CFG_Invoke_Check_NP_Exceptional C P C0 Main M pc M' n pc' ek)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C, M, pc, Enter)"
    by blast
  moreover with C  ClassMain P (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter)
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Invoke M' n
    pc' = (case match_ex_table (PROG P) NullPointer pc (ex_table_of (PROG P) C M) of None  None
    | (pc'', d)  pc'')
    ek = (λs. stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - Suc n) = Null)
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (C, M, pc, Enter) ek (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.CFG_Invoke_Check_NP_Exceptional)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (CFG_Invoke_NP_prop C P C0 Main M pc M' n ek)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C, M, pc, Exceptional None Enter)"
    by blast
  moreover with C  ClassMain P (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional None Enter)
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Invoke M' n
    ek = λs. s(Exception  Value (Addr (addr_of_sys_xcpt NullPointer)))
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (C, M, pc, Exceptional None Enter) ek (C, M, None, Return)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.CFG_Invoke_NP_prop)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (CFG_Invoke_NP_handle C P C0 Main M pc pc' M' n ek)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter)"
    by blast
  moreover with C  ClassMain P (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter)
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Invoke M' n
    ek = λs. (s(Exception := None))(Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc' - 1) 
    Value (Addr (addr_of_sys_xcpt NullPointer)))
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter) ek (C, M, pc', Enter)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.CFG_Invoke_NP_handle)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (CFG_Invoke_Call C P C0 Main M pc M' n ST LT D' Ts T mxs mxl0 "is" xt D Q paramDefs ek)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C, M, pc, Normal)"
    by blast
  moreover with C  ClassMain P (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Normal)
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Invoke M' n TYPING P C M ! pc = (ST, LT)
    ST ! n = Class D' PROG P  D' sees M': TsT = (mxs, mxl0, is, xt) in D
    Q = (λ(s, ret). let r = stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - Suc n);
              C' = cname_of (heap_of s) (the_Addr r) in D = fst (method (PROG P) C' M'))
    paramDefs = (λs. s Heap) # (λs. s (Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - Suc n))) #
    rev (map (λi s. s (Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - Suc i))) [0..<n])
    ek = Q:(C, M, pc)↪⇘(D, M')paramDefs
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (C, M, pc, Normal) ek (D, M', None, Enter)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.CFG_Invoke_Call)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (CFG_Invoke_False C P C0 Main M pc M' n ek)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C, M, pc, Normal)"
    by blast
  moreover with C  ClassMain P (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Normal)
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Invoke M' n ek = (λs. False)
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (C, M, pc, Normal) ek (C, M, pc, Return)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.CFG_Invoke_False)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (CFG_Invoke_Return_Check_Normal C P C0 Main M pc M' n ST LT ek)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C, M, pc, nodeType.Return)"
    by blast
  moreover with C  ClassMain P (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, nodeType.Return)
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Invoke M' n TYPING P C M ! pc = (ST, LT)
    ST ! n  NT ek = (λs. s Exception = None)
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (C, M, pc, Return) ek (C, M, Suc pc, Enter)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.CFG_Invoke_Return_Check_Normal)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (CFG_Invoke_Return_Check_Exceptional C P C0 Main M pc M' n Exc pc' diff ek)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C, M, pc, nodeType.Return)"
    by blast
  moreover with C  ClassMain P (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, nodeType.Return)
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Invoke M' n
    match_ex_table (PROG P) Exc pc (ex_table_of (PROG P) C M) = (pc', diff)
    pc'  length (instrs_of (PROG P) C M)
    ek = (λs. v d. s Exception = v 
             match_ex_table (PROG P) (cname_of (heap_of s) (the_Addr (the_Value v))) pc
              (ex_table_of (PROG P) C M) = (pc', d))
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (C, M, pc, Return) ek (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Return)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.CFG_Invoke_Return_Check_Exceptional)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (CFG_Invoke_Return_Exceptional_handle C P C0 Main M pc pc' M' n ek)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' nodeType.Return)"
    by blast
  moreover with C  ClassMain P (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' nodeType.Return)
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Invoke M' n
    ek = λs. s(Exception := None, Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc' - 1) := s Exception)
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Return) ek (C, M, pc', Enter)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.CFG_Invoke_Return_Exceptional_handle)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (CFG_Invoke_Return_Exceptional_prop C P C0 Main M pc M' n ek)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C, M, pc, nodeType.Return)"
    by blast
  moreover with C  ClassMain P (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, nodeType.Return)
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Invoke M' n
    ek = (λs. v. s Exception = v 
           match_ex_table (PROG P) (cname_of (heap_of s) (the_Addr (the_Value v))) pc
            (ex_table_of (PROG P) C M) = None)
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (C, M, pc, Return) ek (C, M, None, Return)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.CFG_Invoke_Return_Exceptional_prop)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (CFG_Return C P C0 Main M pc ek)
  then obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
    (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C, M, pc, Enter)"
    by blast
  moreover with C  ClassMain P (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter)
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = instr.Return
    ek = λs. s(Stack 0 := s (Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1)))
  have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (C, M, pc, Enter) ek (C, M, None, Return)"
    by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.CFG_Return)
  ultimately show ?case by blast
  case (CFG_Return_from_Method P C0 Main C M C' M' pc' Q' ps Q stateUpdate ek)
  from (P, C0, Main)  (C', M', pc', Normal) -Q':(C', M', pc')↪⇘(C, M)ps (C, M, None, Enter)
  show ?case
  proof cases
    case Main_Call
    with CFG_Return_from_Method obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
      (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, 0, Normal)"
      by blast
    moreover with Main_Call have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, 0, Normal)
      (λs. False) (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, 0, Return)"
      by (fastforce intro: Main_Call_LFalse)
    ultimately show ?thesis using Main_Call CFG_Return_from_Method by blast
    case CFG_Invoke_Call
    with CFG_Return_from_Method obtain as where "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_path' P C0 Main
      (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter) as (C', M', pc', Normal)"
      by blast
    moreover with CFG_Invoke_Call
    have "vp_snoc P C0 Main as (C', M', pc', Normal) (λs. False) (C', M', pc', Return)"
      by (fastforce intro: CFG_Invoke_False)
    ultimately show ?thesis using CFG_Invoke_Call CFG_Return_from_Method by blast

declare JVMCFG_Interpret.vp_snocI []
declare JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_node_def [simp del]
  valid_edge_def [simp del]
  JVMCFG_Interpret.intra_path_def [simp del]

definition EP :: jvm_prog
  where "EP = (''C'', Object, [],
  [(''M'', [], Void, 1::nat, 0::nat, [Push Unit, instr.Return], [])]) # SystemClasses"

definition Phi_EP :: tyP
  where "Phi_EP C M = (if C = ''C''  M = ''M''
      then [([],[OK (Class ''C'')]),([Void],[OK (Class ''C'')])] else [])"

lemma distinct_classes'':
  "''C''  Object"
  "''C''  NullPointer"
  "''C''  OutOfMemory"
  "''C''  ClassCast"
  by (simp_all add: Object_def NullPointer_def OutOfMemory_def ClassCast_def)

lemmas distinct_classes =
  distinct_classes distinct_classes'' distinct_classes'' [symmetric]
declare distinct_classes [simp add]

lemma i_max_2D: "i < Suc (Suc 0)  i = 0  i = 1" by auto

lemma EP_wf: "wf_jvm_prog⇘Phi_EPEP"
  unfolding wf_jvm_prog_phi_def wf_prog_def
  show "wf_syscls EP"
    by (simp add: EP_def wf_syscls_def SystemClasses_def sys_xcpts_def
      ObjectC_def NullPointerC_def OutOfMemoryC_def ClassCastC_def)
  have distinct_EP: "distinct_fst EP"
    by (auto simp: EP_def SystemClasses_def ObjectC_def NullPointerC_def OutOfMemoryC_def
  moreover have classes_wf:
    "cset EP. wf_cdecl
    (λP C (M, Ts, Tr, mxs, mxl0, is, xt). wt_method P C Ts Tr mxs mxl0 is xt (Phi_EP C M)) EP c"
    fix C
    assume C_in_EP: "C  set EP"
    show "wf_cdecl
      (λP C (M, Ts, Tr, mxs, mxl0, is, xt). wt_method P C Ts Tr mxs mxl0 is xt (Phi_EP C M)) EP C"
    proof (cases "C  set SystemClasses")
      case True
      thus ?thesis
        by (auto simp: wf_cdecl_def SystemClasses_def ObjectC_def NullPointerC_def
          OutOfMemoryC_def ClassCastC_def EP_def class_def)
      case False
      with C_in_EP have "C = (''C'', the (class EP ''C''))"
        by (auto simp: EP_def SystemClasses_def class_def)
      thus ?thesis
        by (auto dest!: i_max_2D elim: Methods.cases
          simp: wf_cdecl_def class_def EP_def wf_mdecl_def wt_method_def Phi_EP_def
          wt_start_def check_types_def states_def JVM_SemiType.sl_def SystemClasses_def
          stk_esl_def upto_esl_def loc_sl_def SemiType.esl_def ObjectC_def
          SemiType.sup_def Err.sl_def Err.le_def err_def Listn.sl_def Method_def
          Err.esl_def Opt.esl_def Product.esl_def relevant_entries_def)
  ultimately show "(cset EP. wf_cdecl
    (λP C (M, Ts, Tr, mxs, mxl0, is, xt). wt_method P C Ts Tr mxs mxl0 is xt (Phi_EP C M)) EP c) 
    distinct_fst EP"
    by simp

lemma [simp]: "PROG (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP)) = EP"
proof (cases "(EP, Phi_EP)  wf_jvmprog")
  case True thus ?thesis by (simp add: Abs_wf_jvmprog_inverse)
  case False with EP_wf show ?thesis by (simp add: wf_jvmprog_def)

lemma [simp]: "TYPING (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP)) = Phi_EP"
proof (cases "(EP, Phi_EP)  wf_jvmprog")
  case True thus ?thesis by (simp add: Abs_wf_jvmprog_inverse)
  case False with EP_wf show ?thesis by (simp add: wf_jvmprog_def)

lemma method_in_EP_is_M:
  "EP  C sees M: TsT = (mxs, mxl, is, xt) in D
   C = ''C''  M = ''M''  Ts = []  T = Void  mxs = 1  mxl = 0 
  is = [Push Unit, instr.Return]  xt = []  D = ''C''"
  by (fastforce elim: Methods.cases 
    simp: class_def SystemClasses_def ObjectC_def NullPointerC_def OutOfMemoryC_def ClassCastC_def
    if_split_eq1 EP_def Method_def)

lemma [simp]:
  "T Ts mxs mxl is. (xt. EP  ''C'' sees ''M'': TsT = (mxs, mxl, is, xt) in ''C'')  is  []"
  using EP_wf
  by (fastforce dest: mdecl_visible simp: wf_jvm_prog_phi_def EP_def)

lemma [simp]:
  "T Ts mxs mxl is. (xt. EP  ''C'' sees ''M'': TsT = (mxs, mxl, is, xt) in ''C'')  
  Suc 0 < length is"
  using EP_wf
  by (fastforce dest: mdecl_visible simp: wf_jvm_prog_phi_def EP_def)

lemma C_sees_M_in_EP [simp]:
  "EP  ''C'' sees ''M'': []Void = (Suc 0, 0, [Push Unit, instr.Return], []) in ''C''"
proof -
  have "EP  ''C'' sees_methods [''M''  (([], Void, 1, 0, [Push Unit, instr.Return], []), ''C'')]"
    by (fastforce intro: Methods.intros simp: class_def SystemClasses_def ObjectC_def EP_def)
  thus ?thesis by (fastforce simp: Method_def)

lemma instrs_of_EP_C_M [simp]:
  "instrs_of EP ''C'' ''M'' = [Push Unit, instr.Return]"
  unfolding method_def
  by (rule theI2 [where P = "λ(D, Ts, T, m). EP  ''C'' sees ''M'': TsT = m in D"])
(auto dest: method_in_EP_is_M)

lemma ClassMain_not_C [simp]: "ClassMain (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP))  ''C''"
  by (fastforce intro: no_Call_in_ClassMain [where P="Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP)"] C_sees_M_in_EP)

lemma method_entry [dest!]: "(Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP), ''C'', ''M'')  (C, M, None, Enter)
   (C = ClassMain (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP))  M = MethodMain (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP)))
   (C = ''C''  M = ''M'')"
  by (fastforce elim: reachable.cases elim!: JVMCFG.cases dest!: method_in_EP_is_M)

lemma valid_node_in_EP_D:
  assumes vn: "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_node (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP)) ''C'' ''M'' n"
  shows "n  {
  (ClassMain (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP)), MethodMain (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP)), None, Enter),
  (ClassMain (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP)), MethodMain (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP)), None, Return),
  (ClassMain (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP)), MethodMain (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP)), 0, Enter),
  (ClassMain (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP)), MethodMain (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP)), 0, Normal),
  (ClassMain (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP)), MethodMain (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP)), 0, Return),
  (''C'', ''M'', None, Enter),
  (''C'', ''M'', 0, Enter),
  (''C'', ''M'', 1, Enter),
  (''C'', ''M'', None, Return)
  using vn
proof (cases rule: JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_node_cases')
  let ?prog = "Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP)"
  case (Source e)
  then obtain C M pc nt ek C' M' pc' nt'
    where [simp]: "e = ((C, M, pc, nt), ek, (C', M', pc', nt'))"
    and [simp]: "n = (C, M, pc, nt)"
    and edge: "(?prog, ''C'', ''M'')  (C, M, pc, nt) -ek (C', M', pc', nt')"
    by (cases e) (fastforce simp: valid_edge_def)
  from edge have src_reachable: "(?prog, ''C'', ''M'')  (C, M, pc, nt)"
    by -(drule sourcenode_reachable)
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "C = ClassMain ?prog")
    case True
    with src_reachable have "M = MethodMain ?prog"
      by (fastforce dest: ClassMain_imp_MethodMain)
    with True edge show ?thesis
      by clarsimp (erule JVMCFG.cases, simp_all)
    case False
    with src_reachable obtain T Ts mb where "EP  C sees M:TsT = mb in C"
      by (fastforce dest: method_of_reachable_node_exists)
    hence [simp]: "C = ''C''"
      and [simp]: "M = ''M''"
      and [simp]: "Ts = []"
      and [simp]: "T = Void"
      and [simp]: "mb = (1, 0, [Push Unit, instr.Return], [])"
      by (cases mb, fastforce dest: method_in_EP_is_M)+
    from src_reachable False have "pc  {None, 0, 1}"
      by (fastforce dest: instr_of_reachable_node_typable)
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases pc)
      case None
      with edge False show ?thesis
        by clarsimp (erule JVMCFG.cases, simp_all)
      case (Some pc')
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases pc')
        case 0
        with Some False edge show ?thesis
          by clarsimp (erule JVMCFG.cases, fastforce+)
        case (Suc n)
        with pc  {None, 0, 1} Some have "pc = 1"
          by simp
        with False edge show ?thesis
          by clarsimp (erule JVMCFG.cases, fastforce+)
  let ?prog = "Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP)"
  case (Target e)
  then obtain C M pc nt ek C' M' pc' nt'
    where [simp]: "e = ((C, M, pc, nt), ek, (C', M', pc', nt'))"
    and [simp]: "n = (C', M', pc', nt')"
    and edge: "(?prog, ''C'', ''M'')  (C, M, pc, nt) -ek (C', M', pc', nt')"
    by (cases e) (fastforce simp: valid_edge_def)
  from edge have trg_reachable: "(?prog, ''C'', ''M'')  (C', M', pc', nt')"
    by -(drule targetnode_reachable)
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "C' = ClassMain ?prog")
    case True
    with trg_reachable have "M' = MethodMain ?prog"
      by (fastforce dest: ClassMain_imp_MethodMain)
    with True edge show ?thesis
      by -(clarsimp, (erule JVMCFG.cases, simp_all))+
    case False
    with trg_reachable obtain T Ts mb where "EP  C' sees M':TsT = mb in C'"
      by (fastforce dest: method_of_reachable_node_exists)
    hence [simp]: "C' = ''C''"
      and [simp]: "M' = ''M''"
      and [simp]: "Ts = []"
      and [simp]: "T = Void"
      and [simp]: "mb = (1, 0, [Push Unit, instr.Return], [])"
      by (cases mb, fastforce dest: method_in_EP_is_M)+
    from trg_reachable False have "pc'  {None, 0, 1}"
      by (fastforce dest: instr_of_reachable_node_typable)
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases pc')
      case None
      with edge False show ?thesis
        by clarsimp (erule JVMCFG.cases, simp_all)
      case (Some pc'')
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases pc'')
        case 0
        with Some False edge show ?thesis
          by -(clarsimp, (erule JVMCFG.cases, fastforce+))+
        case (Suc n)
        with pc'  {None, 0, 1} Some have "pc' = 1"
          by simp
        with False edge show ?thesis
          by -(clarsimp, (erule JVMCFG.cases, fastforce+))+

lemma Main_Entry_valid [simp]:
  "JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_node (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP)) ''C'' ''M''
  (ClassMain (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP)), MethodMain (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP)), None, Enter)"
proof -
  have "valid_edge (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP), ''C'', ''M'')
    ((ClassMain (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP)), MethodMain (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP)), None,
    (λs. False),
    (ClassMain (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP)), MethodMain (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP)), None,
    by (auto simp: valid_edge_def intro: JVMCFG_reachable.intros)
  thus ?thesis by (fastforce simp: JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_node_def)

lemma main_0_Enter_reachable [simp]: "(P, C0, Main)  (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, 0, Enter)"
  by (rule reachable_step [where n="(ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter)"])
(fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.intros)+

lemma main_0_Normal_reachable [simp]: "(P, C0, Main)  (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, 0, Normal)"
  by (rule reachable_step [where n="(ClassMain P, MethodMain P, 0, Enter)"], simp)
(fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.intros)

lemma main_0_Return_reachable [simp]: "(P, C0, Main)  (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, 0, Return)"
  by (rule reachable_step [where n="(ClassMain P, MethodMain P, 0, Normal)"], simp)
(fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.intros)

lemma Exit_reachable [simp]: "(P, C0, Main)  (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Return)"
  by (rule reachable_step [where n="(ClassMain P, MethodMain P, 0, Return)"], simp)
(fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.intros)

  "cfg_wf_prog =
    {(P, C0, Main). (n. JVMCFG_Interpret.valid_node P C0 Main n 
         (as. CFG.valid_path' sourcenode targetnode kind (valid_edge (P, C0, Main))
                         (get_return_edges P) n as (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Return)))}"

typedef cfg_wf_prog = cfg_wf_prog
  unfolding cfg_wf_prog_def
  let ?prog = "(Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP), ''C'', ''M'')"
  let ?edge_main0 = "((ClassMain (fst ?prog), MethodMain (fst ?prog), None, Enter),
    (λs. False),
    (ClassMain (fst ?prog), MethodMain (fst ?prog), None, Return))"
  let ?edge_main1 = "((ClassMain (fst ?prog), MethodMain (fst ?prog), None, Enter),
    (λs. True),
    (ClassMain (fst ?prog), MethodMain (fst ?prog), 0, Enter))"
  let ?edge_main2 = "((ClassMain (fst ?prog), MethodMain (fst ?prog), 0, Enter),
    (ClassMain (fst ?prog), MethodMain (fst ?prog), 0, Normal))"
  let ?edge_main3 = "((ClassMain (fst ?prog), MethodMain (fst ?prog), 0, Normal),
    (λs. False),
    (ClassMain (fst ?prog), MethodMain (fst ?prog), 0, Return))"
  let ?edge_main4 = "((ClassMain (fst ?prog), MethodMain (fst ?prog), 0, Return),
    (ClassMain (fst ?prog), MethodMain (fst ?prog), None, Return))"
  let ?edge_call = "((ClassMain (fst ?prog), MethodMain (fst ?prog), 0, Normal),
    ((λ(s, ret). True):(ClassMain (fst ?prog),
      MethodMain (fst ?prog), 0)↪⇘(''C'', ''M'')[(λs. s Heap),(λs. Value Null)]),
    (''C'', ''M'', None, Enter))"
  let ?edge_C0 = "((''C'', ''M'', None, Enter),
    (λs. False),
    (''C'', ''M'', None, Return))"
  let ?edge_C1 = "((''C'', ''M'', None, Enter),
    (λs. True),
    (''C'', ''M'', 0, Enter))"
  let ?edge_C2 = "((''C'', ''M'', 0, Enter),
    (λs. s(Stack 0  Value Unit)),
    (''C'', ''M'', 1, Enter))"
  let ?edge_C3 = "((''C'', ''M'', 1, Enter),
    (λs. s(Stack 0 := s (Stack 0))),
    (''C'', ''M'', None, Return))"
  let ?edge_return = "((''C'', ''M'', None, Return),
    (λ(s, ret). ret = (ClassMain (fst ?prog),
      MethodMain (fst ?prog), 0))↩⇘(''C'',''M'')(λs s'. s'(Heap := s Heap,
                            Exception := s Exception,
                            Stack 0 := s (Stack 0))),
    (ClassMain (fst ?prog), MethodMain (fst ?prog), 0, Return))"
  have [simp]:
    "(Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP), ''C'', ''M'')  (''C'', ''M'', None, Enter)"
    by (rule reachable_step [where n="(ClassMain (fst ?prog), MethodMain (fst ?prog), 0, Normal)"]
      , simp)
  (fastforce intro: Main_Call C_sees_M_in_EP)
  hence [simp]:
    "(Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP), ''C'', ''M'')  (''C'', ''M'', None, nodeType.Return)"
    by (rule reachable_step [where n="(''C'', ''M'', None, Enter)"])
  (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.intros)
  have [simp]:
    "(Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP), ''C'', ''M'')  (''C'', ''M'', 0, Enter)"
    by (rule reachable_step [where n="(''C'', ''M'', None, Enter)"], simp)
  (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_reachable.intros)
  hence [simp]:
    "(Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP), ''C'', ''M'')  (''C'', ''M'', Suc 0, Enter)"
    by (fastforce intro: reachable_step [where n="(''C'', ''M'', 0, Enter)"] CFG_Push
      simp: ClassMain_not_C [symmetric])
  show "?prog  {(P, C0, Main).
          n. CFG.valid_node sourcenode targetnode (valid_edge (P, C0, Main)) n 
              (as. CFG.valid_path' sourcenode targetnode kind (valid_edge (P, C0, Main))
                     (get_return_edges P) n as
                     (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, nodeType.Return))}"
  proof (auto dest!: valid_node_in_EP_D)
    have "CFG.valid_path' sourcenode targetnode kind
          (valid_edge (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP), ''C'', ''M''))
          (get_return_edges (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP)))
          (ClassMain (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP)), MethodMain (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP)),
           None, Enter)
          (ClassMain (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP)), MethodMain (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP)),
              None, nodeType.Return)"
      by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_Interpret.intra_path_vp JVMCFG_reachable.intros
        simp: JVMCFG_Interpret.intra_path_def intra_kind_def valid_edge_def)
    thus " as. CFG.valid_path' sourcenode targetnode kind
          (valid_edge (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP), ''C'', ''M''))
          (get_return_edges (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP)))
          (ClassMain (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP)), MethodMain (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP)),
           None, Enter)
          as (ClassMain (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP)), MethodMain (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP)),
              None, nodeType.Return)"
      by blast
    have "CFG.valid_path' sourcenode targetnode kind
          (valid_edge (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP), ''C'', ''M''))
          (get_return_edges (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP)))
          (ClassMain (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP)), MethodMain (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP)),
           None, nodeType.Return)
      [] (ClassMain (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP)), MethodMain (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP)),
              None, nodeType.Return)"
      by (fastforce intro: JVMCFG_Interpret.intra_path_vp simp: JVMCFG_Interpret.intra_path_def)
    thus "as. CFG.valid_path' sourcenode targetnode kind
          (valid_edge (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP), ''C'', ''M''))
          (get_return_edges (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP)))
          (ClassMain (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP)), MethodMain (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP)),
           None, nodeType.Return)
          as (ClassMain (Abs_wf_jvmprog (EP, Phi_EP)), MethodMain (Abs_wf_jvmprog (