chapter ‹A Control Flow Graph for Jinja Byte Code›

section ‹Formalizing the CFG›

theory JVMCFG imports "../StaticInter/BasicDefs" Jinja.BVExample begin

declare lesub_list_impl_same_size [simp del]
declare nlistsE_length [simp del]

subsection ‹Type definitions›

subsubsection ‹Wellformed Programs›

definition "wf_jvmprog = {(P, Phi). wf_jvm_prog⇘PhiP}"

typedef wf_jvmprog = "wf_jvmprog"
  show "(E, Phi)  wf_jvmprog"
    unfolding wf_jvmprog_def by (auto intro: wf_prog)

hide_const Phi E

abbreviation PROG :: "wf_jvmprog  jvm_prog"
  where "PROG P  fst(Rep_wf_jvmprog(P))"

abbreviation TYPING :: "wf_jvmprog  tyP"
  where "TYPING P  snd(Rep_wf_jvmprog(P))"

lemma wf_jvmprog_is_wf_typ: "wf_jvm_prog⇘TYPING P(PROG P)"
using Rep_wf_jvmprog [of P]
  by (auto simp: wf_jvmprog_def split_beta)

lemma wf_jvmprog_is_wf: "wf_jvm_prog (PROG P)"
  using wf_jvmprog_is_wf_typ unfolding wf_jvm_prog_def
  by blast

subsubsection ‹Interprocedural CFG›

type_synonym jvm_method = "wf_jvmprog × cname × mname"
datatype var = Heap | Local "nat" | Stack "nat" | Exception
datatype val = Hp "heap" | Value "Value.val"

type_synonym state = "var  val"

definition valid_state :: "state  bool"
  where "valid_state s  (val. s Heap  Some (Value val))
   (s Exception = None  (addr. s Exception = Some (Value (Addr addr))))
   (var. var  Heap  var  Exception  (h. s var  Some (Hp h)))"

fun the_Heap :: "val  heap"
  where "the_Heap (Hp h) = h"

fun the_Value :: "val  Value.val"
  where "the_Value (Value v) = v"

abbreviation heap_of :: "state  heap"
  where "heap_of s  the_Heap (the (s Heap))"

abbreviation exc_flag :: "state  addr option"
  where "exc_flag s  case (s Exception) of None  None
  | Some v  Some (THE a. v = Value (Addr a))"

abbreviation stkAt :: "state  nat  Value.val"
  where "stkAt s n  the_Value (the (s (Stack n)))"

abbreviation locAt :: "state  nat  Value.val"
  where "locAt s n  the_Value (the (s (Local n)))"

datatype nodeType = Enter | Normal | Return | Exceptional "pc option" "nodeType"
type_synonym cfg_node = "cname × mname × pc option × nodeType"

  cfg_edge = "cfg_node × (var, val, cname × mname × pc, cname × mname) edge_kind × cfg_node"

definition ClassMain :: "wf_jvmprog  cname"
  where "ClassMain P  SOME Name. ¬ is_class (PROG P) Name"

definition MethodMain :: "wf_jvmprog  mname"
  where "MethodMain P  SOME Name.
  C D fs ms. class (PROG P) C = (D, fs, ms)  (m  set ms. Name  fst m)"

definition stkLength :: "jvm_method  pc  nat"
  "stkLength m pc  let (P, C, M) = m in (
  if (C = ClassMain P) then 1 else (
    length (fst(the(((TYPING P) C M) ! pc)))

definition locLength :: "jvm_method  pc  nat"
  "locLength m pc  let (P, C, M) = m in (
  if (C = ClassMain P) then 1 else (
    length (snd(the(((TYPING P) C M) ! pc)))

lemma ex_new_class_name: "C. ¬ is_class P C"
proof -
  have "¬ finite (UNIV :: cname set)"
    by (rule infinite_UNIV_listI)
  hence "C. C  set (map fst P)"
    by -(rule ex_new_if_finite, auto)
  then obtain C where "C  set (map fst P)"
    by blast
  have "¬ is_class P C"
    assume "is_class P C"
    then obtain D fs ms where "class P C = (D, fs, ms)"
      by auto
    with C  set (map fst P) show False
      by (auto dest: map_of_SomeD intro!: image_eqI simp: class_def)
  thus ?thesis
    by blast

lemma ClassMain_unique_in_P:
  assumes "is_class (PROG P) C"
  shows "ClassMain P  C"
proof -
  from ex_new_class_name [of "PROG P"] obtain D where "¬ is_class (PROG P) D"
    by blast
  with is_class (PROG P) C show ?thesis
    unfolding ClassMain_def
    by -(rule someI2, fastforce+)

lemma map_of_fstD: " map_of xs a = b; x  set xs. fst x  a   False"
  by (induct xs, auto)

lemma map_of_fstE: " map_of xs a = b; x  set xs. fst x = a  thesis   thesis"
  by (induct xs) (auto split: if_split_asm)

lemma ex_unique_method_name:
  "Name. C D fs ms. class (PROG P) C = (D, fs, ms)  (mset ms. Name  fst m)"
proof -
  from wf_jvmprog_is_wf [of P]
  have "distinct_fst (PROG P)"
    by (simp add: wf_jvm_prog_def wf_jvm_prog_phi_def wf_prog_def)
  hence "{C. D fs ms. class (PROG P) C = (D, fs, ms)} = fst ` set (PROG P)"
    by (fastforce elim: map_of_fstE simp: class_def intro: map_of_SomeI)
  hence "finite {C. D fs ms. class (PROG P) C = (D, fs, ms)}"
    by auto
  moreover have "{ms. C D fs. class (PROG P) C = (D, fs, ms)}
    = snd ` snd ` the ` (λC. class (PROG P) C) ` {C. D fs ms. class (PROG P) C = (D, fs, ms)}"
    by (fastforce intro: rev_image_eqI map_of_SomeI simp: class_def)
  ultimately have "finite {ms. C D fs. class (PROG P) C = (D, fs, ms)}"
    by auto
  moreover have "¬ finite (UNIV :: mname set)"
    by (rule infinite_UNIV_listI)
  have "Name. Name  fst ` (ms  {ms. C D fs. class (PROG P) C = (D, fs, ms)}. set ms)"
    by -(rule ex_new_if_finite, auto)
  thus ?thesis
    by fastforce

lemma MethodMain_unique_in_P:
  assumes "PROG P  D sees M:TsT = mb in C"
  shows "MethodMain P  M"
proof -
  from ex_unique_method_name [of P] obtain M'
    where "C D fs ms. class (PROG P) C = (D, fs, ms)  (m  set ms. M'  fst m)"
    by blast
  with PROG P  D sees M:TsT = mb in C
  show ?thesis
    unfolding MethodMain_def
    by -(rule someI2_ex, fastforce, fastforce dest!: visible_method_exists elim: map_of_fstE)

lemma ClassMain_is_no_class [dest!]: "is_class (PROG P) (ClassMain P)  False"
proof (erule rev_notE)
  from ex_new_class_name [of "PROG P"] obtain C where "¬ is_class (PROG P) C"
    by blast
  thus "¬ is_class (PROG P) (ClassMain P)" unfolding ClassMain_def
    by (rule someI)

lemma MethodMain_not_seen [dest!]: "PROG P  C sees (MethodMain P):TsT = mb in D  False"
  by (fastforce dest: MethodMain_unique_in_P)

lemma no_Call_from_ClassMain [dest!]: "PROG P  ClassMain P sees M:TsT = mb in C  False"
  by (fastforce dest: sees_method_is_class)

lemma no_Call_in_ClassMain [dest!]: "PROG P  C sees M:TsT = mb in ClassMain P  False"
  by (fastforce dest: sees_method_idemp)

inductive JVMCFG :: "jvm_method  cfg_node  (var, val, cname × mname × pc, cname × mname) edge_kind  cfg_node  bool" (" _  _ -_ _")
  and reachable :: "jvm_method  cfg_node  bool" (" _  _")
    Entry_reachable: "(P, C0, Main)  (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Enter)"
  | reachable_step: " P  n; P  n -(e) n'   P  n'"
  | Main_to_Call: "(P, C0, Main)  (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, 0, Enter)
   (P, C0, Main)  (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, 0, Enter) -id (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, 0, Normal)"
  | Main_Call_LFalse: "(P, C0, Main)  (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, 0, Normal)
   (P, C0, Main)  (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, 0, Normal) -(λs. False) (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, 0, Return)"
  | Main_Call: " (P, C0, Main)  (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, 0, Normal);
     PROG P  C0 sees Main:[]T = (mxs, mxl0, is, xt) in D;
     initParams = [(λs. s Heap),(λs. Value Null)];
     ek = (λ(s, ret). True):(ClassMain P, MethodMain P, 0)↪⇘(D, Main)initParams 
   (P, C0, Main)  (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, 0, Normal) -(ek) (D, Main, None, Enter)"
  | Main_Return_to_Exit: "(P, C0, Main)  (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, 0, Return)
   (P, C0, Main)  (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, 0, Return) -(id) (ClassMain P, MethodMain P, None, Return)"
  | Method_LFalse: "(P, C0, Main)  (C, M, None, Enter)
   (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, None, Enter) -(λs. False) (C, M, None, Return)"
  | Method_LTrue: "(P, C0, Main)  (C, M, None, Enter)
   (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, None, Enter) -(λs. True) (C, M, 0, Enter)"
  | CFG_Load: " C  ClassMain P; (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter); instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Load n;
    ek = (λs. s(Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc) := s (Local n))) 
   (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter) -(ek) (C, M, Suc pc, Enter)"
  | CFG_Store: " C  ClassMain P; (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter); instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Store n;
    ek = (λs. s(Local n := s (Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1)))) 
   (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter) -(ek) (C, M, Suc pc, Enter)"
  | CFG_Push: " C  ClassMain P; (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter); instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Push v;
    ek = (λs. s(Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc)  Value v)) 
   (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter) -(ek) (C, M, Suc pc, Enter)"
  | CFG_Pop: " C  ClassMain P; (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter); instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Pop;
    ek = id 
   (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter) -(ek) (C, M, Suc pc, Enter)"
  | CFG_IAdd: " C  ClassMain P; (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter); instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = IAdd;
    ek = (λs. let i1 = the_Intg (stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1));
                   i2 = the_Intg (stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 2))
                in s(Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 2)  Value (Intg (i1 + i2)))) 
   (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter) -(ek) (C, M, Suc pc, Enter)"
  | CFG_Goto: " C  ClassMain P; (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter); instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Goto i 
   (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter) -((λs. True)) (C, M, nat (int pc + i), Enter)"
  | CFG_CmpEq: " C  ClassMain P; (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter); instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = CmpEq;
    ek = (λs. let e1 = stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1);
                   e2 = stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 2)
                in s(Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 2)  Value (Bool (e1 = e2)))) 
   (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter) -(ek) (C, M, Suc pc, Enter)"
  | CFG_IfFalse_False: " C  ClassMain P; (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter);
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = IfFalse i;
    i  1;
    ek = (λs. stkAt s (stkLength(P, C, M) pc - 1) = Bool False) 
   (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter) -(ek) (C, M, nat (int pc + i), Enter)"
  | CFG_IfFalse_True: " C  ClassMain P; (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter);
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = IfFalse i;
    ek = (λs. stkAt s (stkLength(P, C, M) pc - 1)  Bool False  i = 1) 
   (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter) -(ek) (C, M, Suc pc, Enter)"
  | CFG_New_Check_Normal: " C  ClassMain P; (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter);
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = New Cl;
    ek = (λs. new_Addr (heap_of s)  None) 
   (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter) -(ek) (C, M, pc, Normal)"
  | CFG_New_Check_Exceptional: " C  ClassMain P; (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter);
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = New Cl;
    pc' = (case (match_ex_table (PROG P) OutOfMemory pc (ex_table_of (PROG P) C M)) of
             None  None
           | Some (pc'', d)  pc'');
    ek = (λs. new_Addr (heap_of s) = None) 
   (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter) -(ek) (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter)"
  | CFG_New_Update: " C  ClassMain P; (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Normal);
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = New Cl;
    ek = (λs. let a = the (new_Addr (heap_of s))
                in s(Heap  Hp ((heap_of s)(a  blank (PROG P) Cl)),
                    Stack (stkLength(P, C, M) pc)  Value (Addr a))) 
   (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Normal) -(ek) (C, M, Suc pc, Enter)"
  | CFG_New_Exceptional_prop: " C  ClassMain P; (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional None Enter);
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = New Cl;
    ek = (λs. s(Exception  Value (Addr (addr_of_sys_xcpt OutOfMemory)))) 
   (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional None Enter) -(ek) (C, M, None, Return)"
  | CFG_New_Exceptional_handle: " C  ClassMain P; (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter);
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = New Cl;
    ek = (λs. (s(Exception := None))
                (Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc' - 1)  Value (Addr (addr_of_sys_xcpt OutOfMemory)))) 
   (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter) -(ek) (C, M, pc', Enter)"
  | CFG_Getfield_Check_Normal: " C  ClassMain P; (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter);
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Getfield F Cl;
    ek = (λs. stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1)  Null) 
   (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter) -(ek) (C, M, pc, Normal)"
  | CFG_Getfield_Check_Exceptional: " C  ClassMain P; (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter);
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Getfield F Cl;
    pc' = (case (match_ex_table (PROG P) NullPointer pc (ex_table_of (PROG P) C M)) of
             None  None
           | Some (pc'', d)  pc'');
    ek = (λs. stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1) = Null) 
   (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter) -(ek) (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter)"
  | CFG_Getfield_Update: " C  ClassMain P; (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Normal);
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Getfield F Cl;
    ek = (λs. let (D, fs) = the (heap_of s (the_Addr (stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1))))
                 in s(Stack (stkLength(P, C, M) pc - 1)  Value (the (fs (F, Cl))))) 
   (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Normal) -(ek) (C, M, Suc pc, Enter)"
  | CFG_Getfield_Exceptional_prop: " C  ClassMain P; (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional None Enter);
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Getfield F Cl;
    ek = (λs. s(Exception  Value (Addr (addr_of_sys_xcpt NullPointer)))) 
   (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional None Enter) -(ek) (C, M, None, Return)"
  | CFG_Getfield_Exceptional_handle: " C  ClassMain P; (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter);
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Getfield F Cl;
    ek = (λs. (s(Exception := None))
                (Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc' - 1)  Value (Addr (addr_of_sys_xcpt NullPointer)))) 
   (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter) -(ek) (C, M, pc', Enter)"
  | CFG_Putfield_Check_Normal: " C  ClassMain P; (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter);
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Putfield F Cl;
    ek = (λs. stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 2)  Null) 
   (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter) -(ek) (C, M, pc, Normal)"
  | CFG_Putfield_Check_Exceptional: " C  ClassMain P; (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter);
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Putfield F Cl;
    pc' = (case (match_ex_table (PROG P) NullPointer pc (ex_table_of (PROG P) C M)) of
             None  None
           | Some (pc'', d)  pc'');
    ek = (λs. stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 2) = Null) 
   (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter) -(ek) (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter)"
  | CFG_Putfield_Update: " C  ClassMain P; (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Normal);
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Putfield F Cl;
    ek = (λs. let v = stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1);
                   r = stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 2);
                   a = the_Addr r;
                   (D, fs) = the (heap_of s a);
                   h' = (heap_of s)(a  (D, fs((F, Cl)  v)))
                 in s(Heap  Hp h')) 
   (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Normal) -(ek) (C, M, Suc pc, Enter)"
  | CFG_Putfield_Exceptional_prop: " C  ClassMain P; (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional None Enter);
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Putfield F Cl;
    ek = (λs. s(Exception  Value (Addr (addr_of_sys_xcpt NullPointer)))) 
   (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional None Enter) -(ek) (C, M, None, Return)"
  | CFG_Putfield_Exceptional_handle: " C  ClassMain P; (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter);
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Putfield F Cl;
    ek = (λs. (s(Exception := None))
                (Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc' - 1)  Value (Addr (addr_of_sys_xcpt NullPointer)))) 
   (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter) -(ek) (C, M, pc', Enter)"
  | CFG_Checkcast_Check_Normal: " C  ClassMain P; (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter);
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Checkcast Cl;
    ek = (λs. cast_ok (PROG P) Cl (heap_of s) (stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1))) 
   (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter) -(ek) (C, M, Suc pc, Enter)"
  | CFG_Checkcast_Check_Exceptional: " C  ClassMain P; (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter);
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Checkcast Cl;
    pc' = (case (match_ex_table (PROG P) ClassCast pc (ex_table_of (PROG P) C M)) of
             None  None
           | Some (pc'', d)  pc'');
    ek = (λs. ¬ cast_ok (PROG P) Cl (heap_of s) (stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1))) 
   (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter) -(ek) (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter)"
  | CFG_Checkcast_Exceptional_prop: " C  ClassMain P; (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional None Enter);
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Checkcast Cl;
    ek = (λs. s(Exception  Value (Addr (addr_of_sys_xcpt ClassCast)))) 
   (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional None Enter) -(ek) (C, M, None, Return)"
  | CFG_Checkcast_Exceptional_handle: " C  ClassMain P; (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter);
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Checkcast Cl;
    ek = (λs. (s(Exception := None))
                (Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc' - 1)  Value (Addr (addr_of_sys_xcpt ClassCast)))) 
   (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter) -(ek) (C, M, pc', Enter)"
  | CFG_Throw_Check: " C  ClassMain P; (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter);
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Throw;
    pc' = None  match_ex_table (PROG P) Exc pc (ex_table_of (PROG P) C M) = (the pc', d);
    ek = (λs. let v = stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1);
                  Cl = if (v = Null) then NullPointer else (cname_of (heap_of s) (the_Addr v))
               in case pc' of
                  None  match_ex_table (PROG P) Cl pc (ex_table_of (PROG P) C M) = None
                | Some pc''  d. match_ex_table (PROG P) Cl pc (ex_table_of (PROG P) C M)
                                  = (pc'', d)
   (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter) -(ek) (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter)"

  | CFG_Throw_prop: " C  ClassMain P; (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional None Enter);
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Throw;
    ek = (λs. s(Exception  Value (stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1)))) 
   (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional None Enter) -(ek) (C, M, None, Return)"
  | CFG_Throw_handle: " C  ClassMain P; (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter);
    pc'  length (instrs_of (PROG P) C M);
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Throw;
    ek = (λs. (s(Exception := None))
                (Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc' - 1)  Value (stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1)))) 
   (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter) -(ek) (C, M, pc', Enter)"
  | CFG_Invoke_Check_NP_Normal: " C  ClassMain P; (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter);
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Invoke M' n;
    ek = (λs. stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - Suc n)  Null) 
   (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter) -(ek) (C, M, pc, Normal)"
  | CFG_Invoke_Check_NP_Exceptional: " C  ClassMain P; (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter);
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Invoke M' n;
    pc' = (case (match_ex_table (PROG P) NullPointer pc (ex_table_of (PROG P) C M)) of
             None  None
           | Some (pc'', d)  pc'');
    ek = (λs. stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - Suc n) = Null) 
   (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter) -(ek) (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter)"
  | CFG_Invoke_NP_prop: " C  ClassMain P;
    (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional None Enter);
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Invoke M' n;
    ek = (λs. s(Exception  Value (Addr (addr_of_sys_xcpt NullPointer)))) 
   (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional None Enter) -(ek) (C, M, None, Return)"
  | CFG_Invoke_NP_handle: " C  ClassMain P; (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter);
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Invoke M' n;
    ek = (λs. (s(Exception := None))
                (Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc' - 1)  Value (Addr (addr_of_sys_xcpt NullPointer)))) 
   (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter) -(ek) (C, M, pc', Enter)"
  | CFG_Invoke_Call: " C  ClassMain P; (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Normal);
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Invoke M' n;
    TYPING P C M ! pc = (ST, LT);
    ST ! n = Class D';
    PROG P  D' sees M':TsT = (mxs, mxl0, is, xt) in D;
    Q = (λ(s, ret). let r = stkAt s (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - Suc n);
                        C' = fst (the (heap_of s (the_Addr r)))
                     in D = fst (method (PROG P) C' M'));
    paramDefs = (λs. s Heap)
                # (λs. s (Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - Suc n)))
                # (rev (map (λi. (λs. s (Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - Suc i)))) [0..<n]));
    ek = Q:(C, M, pc)↪⇘(D,M')paramDefs
   (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Normal) -(ek) (D, M', None, Enter)"
  | CFG_Invoke_False: " C  ClassMain P; (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Normal);
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Invoke M' n;
    ek = (λs. False)
   (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Normal) -(ek) (C, M, pc, Return)"
  | CFG_Invoke_Return_Check_Normal: " C  ClassMain P; (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Return);
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Invoke M' n;
    (TYPING P) C M ! pc = (ST, LT);
    ST ! n  NT;
    ek = (λs. s Exception = None)
   (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Return) -(ek) (C, M, Suc pc, Enter)"
  | CFG_Invoke_Return_Check_Exceptional: " C  ClassMain P; (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Return);
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Invoke M' n;
    match_ex_table (PROG P) Exc pc (ex_table_of (PROG P) C M) = (pc', diff);
    pc'  length (instrs_of (PROG P) C M);
    ek = (λs. v d. s Exception = v 
                  match_ex_table (PROG P) (cname_of (heap_of s) (the_Addr (the_Value v))) pc (ex_table_of (PROG P) C M) = (pc', d))
   (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Return) -(ek) (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Return)"
  | CFG_Invoke_Return_Exceptional_handle: " C  ClassMain P; (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Return);
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Invoke M' n;
    ek = (λs. s(Exception := None,
                 Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc' - 1) := s Exception)) 
   (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Return) -(ek) (C, M, pc', Enter)"
  | CFG_Invoke_Return_Exceptional_prop: " C  ClassMain P;
    (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Return);
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Invoke M' n;
    ek = (λs. v. s Exception = v 
              match_ex_table (PROG P) (cname_of (heap_of s) (the_Addr (the_Value v))) pc (ex_table_of (PROG P) C M) = None) 
   (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Return) -(ek) (C, M, None, Return)"
  | CFG_Return: " C  ClassMain P; (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter);
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = instr.Return;
    ek = (λs. s(Stack 0 := s (Stack (stkLength (P, C, M) pc - 1))))
   (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter) -(ek) (C, M, None, Return)"
  | CFG_Return_from_Method: " (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, None, Return);
    (P, C0, Main)  (C', M', pc', Normal) -(Q':(C', M', pc')↪⇘(C,M)ps) (C, M, None, Enter);
    Q = (λ(s, ret). ret = (C', M', pc'));
    stateUpdate = (λs s'. s'(Heap := s Heap,
                            Exception := s Exception,
                            Stack (stkLength (P, C', M') (Suc pc') - 1) := s (Stack 0))
    ek = Q↩⇘(C, M)stateUpdate
   (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, None, Return) -(ek) (C', M', pc', Return)"

(* This takes veeeery long *)
lemma JVMCFG_edge_det: " P  n -(et) n'; P  n -(et') n'   et = et'"
  by (erule JVMCFG.cases) (erule JVMCFG.cases, (fastforce dest: sees_method_fun)+)+

lemma sourcenode_reachable: "P  n -(ek) n'  P  n"
  by (erule JVMCFG.cases, auto)

lemma targetnode_reachable:
  assumes edge: "P  n -(ek) n'"
  shows "P  n'"
proof -
  from edge have "P  n"
    by -(drule sourcenode_reachable)
  with edge show ?thesis
    by -(rule JVMCFG_reachable.intros)

lemmas JVMCFG_reachable_inducts = JVMCFG_reachable.inducts[split_format (complete)]

lemma ClassMain_imp_MethodMain:
  "(P, C0, Main)  (C', M', pc', nt') -ek (ClassMain P, M, pc, nt)  M = MethodMain P"
  "(P, C0, Main)  (ClassMain P, M, pc, nt)  M = MethodMain P"
proof (induct P=="P" C0"C0" MainMain C' M' pc' nt' ek C''=="ClassMain P" M pc nt and
              P=="P" C0"C0" MainMain C'=="ClassMain P" M pc nt
       rule: JVMCFG_reachable_inducts)
  case CFG_Return_from_Method
  thus ?case
    by (fastforce elim: JVMCFG.cases)
qed auto

lemma ClassMain_no_Call_target [dest!]:
  "(P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, nt) -Q:(C', M', pc')↪⇘(D,M'')paramDefs (ClassMain P, M''', pc'', nt')
  "(P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, nt)  True"
  by (induct  P C0 Main C M pc nt ek=="Q:(C', M', pc')↪⇘(D,M'')paramDefs"
                         C''=="ClassMain P" M''' pc'' nt' and
               P C0 Main C M pc nt
    rule: JVMCFG_reachable_inducts) auto

lemma method_of_src_and_trg_exists:
  " (P, C0, Main)  (C', M', pc', nt') -ek (C, M, pc, nt); C  ClassMain P; C'  ClassMain P 
   (Ts T mb. (PROG P)  C sees M:TsT = mb in C) 
     (Ts T mb. (PROG P)  C' sees M':TsT = mb in C')"
  and method_of_reachable_node_exists:
  " (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, nt); C  ClassMain P 
   Ts T mb. (PROG P)  C sees M:TsT = mb in C"
proof (induct rule: JVMCFG_reachable_inducts)
  case CFG_Invoke_Call
  thus ?case
    by (blast dest: sees_method_idemp)
  case (reachable_step P C0 Main C M pc nt ek C' M' pc' nt')
  show ?case
  proof (cases "C = ClassMain P")
    case True
    with (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, nt) -ek (C', M', pc', nt') C'  ClassMain P
    show ?thesis
    proof cases
      case Main_Call
      thus ?thesis
        by (blast dest: sees_method_idemp)
    qed auto
    case False
    with reachable_step show ?thesis
      by simp
qed simp_all

lemma " (P, C0, Main)  (C', M', pc', nt') -ek (C, M, pc, nt); C  ClassMain P; C'  ClassMain P 
   (case pc of None  True |
    pc''  (TYPING P) C M ! pc''  None  pc'' < length (instrs_of (PROG P) C M)) 
  (case pc' of None  True |
    pc''  (TYPING P) C' M' ! pc''  None  pc'' < length (instrs_of (PROG P) C' M'))"
  and instr_of_reachable_node_typable: " (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, nt); C  ClassMain P 
   case pc of None  True |
  pc''  (TYPING P) C M ! pc''  None  pc'' < length (instrs_of (PROG P) C M)"
proof (induct rule: JVMCFG_reachable_inducts)
  case (CFG_Load C P C0 Main M pc n ek)
  from (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter) C  ClassMain P
  obtain Ts T mxs mxl0 "is" xt where "PROG P  C sees M:TsT = (mxs, mxl0, is, xt) in C"
    and "instrs_of (PROG P) C M = is"
    by -(drule method_of_reachable_node_exists, auto)
  with CFG_Load show ?case
    by (fastforce dest!: wt_jvm_prog_impl_wt_instr [OF wf_jvmprog_is_wf_typ])
  case (CFG_Store C P C0 Main M pc n ek)
  from (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter) C  ClassMain P
  obtain Ts T mxs mxl0 "is" xt where "PROG P  C sees M:TsT = (mxs, mxl0, is, xt) in C"
    and "instrs_of (PROG P) C M = is"
    by -(drule method_of_reachable_node_exists, auto)
  with CFG_Store show ?case
    by (fastforce dest!: wt_jvm_prog_impl_wt_instr [OF wf_jvmprog_is_wf_typ])
  case (CFG_Push C P C0 Main M pc v ek)
  from (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter) C  ClassMain P
  obtain Ts T mxs mxl0 "is" xt where "PROG P  C sees M:TsT = (mxs, mxl0, is, xt) in C"
    and "instrs_of (PROG P) C M = is"
    by -(drule method_of_reachable_node_exists, auto)
  with CFG_Push show ?case
    by (fastforce dest!: wt_jvm_prog_impl_wt_instr [OF wf_jvmprog_is_wf_typ])
  case (CFG_Pop C P C0 Main M pc ek)
  from (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter) C  ClassMain P
  obtain Ts T mxs mxl0 "is" xt where "PROG P  C sees M:TsT = (mxs, mxl0, is, xt) in C"
    and "instrs_of (PROG P) C M = is"
    by -(drule method_of_reachable_node_exists, auto)
  with CFG_Pop show ?case
    by (fastforce dest!: wt_jvm_prog_impl_wt_instr [OF wf_jvmprog_is_wf_typ])
  case (CFG_IAdd C P C0 Main M pc ek)
  from (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter) C  ClassMain P
  obtain Ts T mxs mxl0 "is" xt where "PROG P  C sees M:TsT = (mxs, mxl0, is, xt) in C"
    and "instrs_of (PROG P) C M = is"
    by -(drule method_of_reachable_node_exists, auto)
  with CFG_IAdd show ?case
    by (fastforce dest!: wt_jvm_prog_impl_wt_instr [OF wf_jvmprog_is_wf_typ])
  case (CFG_Goto C P C0 Main M pc i)
  from (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter) C  ClassMain P
  obtain Ts T mxs mxl0 "is" xt where "PROG P  C sees M:TsT = (mxs, mxl0, is, xt) in C"
    and "instrs_of (PROG P) C M = is"
    by -(drule method_of_reachable_node_exists, auto)
  with CFG_Goto show ?case
    by (fastforce dest!: wt_jvm_prog_impl_wt_instr [OF wf_jvmprog_is_wf_typ])
  case (CFG_CmpEq C P C0 Main M pc ek)
  from (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter) C  ClassMain P
  obtain Ts T mxs mxl0 "is" xt where "PROG P  C sees M:TsT = (mxs, mxl0, is, xt) in C"
    and "instrs_of (PROG P) C M = is"
    by -(drule method_of_reachable_node_exists, auto)
  with CFG_CmpEq show ?case
    by (fastforce dest!: wt_jvm_prog_impl_wt_instr [OF wf_jvmprog_is_wf_typ])
  case (CFG_IfFalse_False C P C0 Main M pc i ek)
  from (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter) C  ClassMain P
  obtain Ts T mxs mxl0 "is" xt where "PROG P  C sees M:TsT = (mxs, mxl0, is, xt) in C"
    and "instrs_of (PROG P) C M = is"
    by -(drule method_of_reachable_node_exists, auto)
  with CFG_IfFalse_False show ?case
    by (fastforce dest!: wt_jvm_prog_impl_wt_instr [OF wf_jvmprog_is_wf_typ])
  case (CFG_IfFalse_True C P C0 Main M pc i ek)
  from (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter) C  ClassMain P
  obtain Ts T mxs mxl0 "is" xt where "PROG P  C sees M:TsT = (mxs, mxl0, is, xt) in C"
    and "instrs_of (PROG P) C M = is"
    by -(drule method_of_reachable_node_exists, auto)
  with CFG_IfFalse_True show ?case
    using [[simproc del: list_to_set_comprehension]] by (fastforce dest!: wt_jvm_prog_impl_wt_instr [OF wf_jvmprog_is_wf_typ])
  case (CFG_New_Update C P C0 Main M pc Cl ek)
  from (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Normal) C  ClassMain P
  obtain Ts T mxs mxl0 "is" xt where "PROG P  C sees M:TsT = (mxs, mxl0, is, xt) in C"
    and "instrs_of (PROG P) C M = is"
    by -(drule method_of_reachable_node_exists, auto)
  with CFG_New_Update show ?case
    by (fastforce dest!: wt_jvm_prog_impl_wt_instr [OF wf_jvmprog_is_wf_typ])
  case (CFG_New_Exceptional_handle C P C0 Main M pc pc' Cl ek)
  hence "TYPING P C M ! pc  None" and "pc < length (instrs_of (PROG P) C M)"
    by simp_all
  moreover from (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter) C  ClassMain P
  obtain Ts T mxs mxl0 where
    "PROG P  C sees M:TsT = (mxs, mxl0, instrs_of (PROG P) C M, ex_table_of (PROG P) C M) in C"
    by (fastforce dest: method_of_reachable_node_exists)
  with pc < length (instrs_of (PROG P) C M) instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = New Cl
  have "PROG P,T,mxs,length (instrs_of (PROG P) C M),ex_table_of (PROG P) C M
     New Cl,pc :: TYPING P C M"
    by (fastforce dest!: wt_jvm_prog_impl_wt_instr [OF wf_jvmprog_is_wf_typ])
  moreover from (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter) C  ClassMain P
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = New Cl obtain d'
    where "match_ex_table (PROG P) OutOfMemory pc (ex_table_of (PROG P) C M) = (pc', d')"
    by cases (fastforce elim: JVMCFG.cases)
  hence "(f, t, D, h, d)set (ex_table_of (PROG P) C M).
    matches_ex_entry (PROG P) OutOfMemory pc (f, t, D, h, d)  h = pc'  d = d'"
    by -(drule match_ex_table_SomeD)
  ultimately show ?case using instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = New Cl
    by (fastforce simp: relevant_entries_def is_relevant_entry_def matches_ex_entry_def)
  case (CFG_Getfield_Update C P C0 Main M pc F Cl ek)
  from (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Normal) C  ClassMain P
  obtain Ts T mxs mxl0 "is" xt where "PROG P  C sees M:TsT = (mxs, mxl0, is, xt) in C"
    and "instrs_of (PROG P) C M = is"
    by -(drule method_of_reachable_node_exists, auto)
  with CFG_Getfield_Update show ?case
    by (fastforce dest!: wt_jvm_prog_impl_wt_instr [OF wf_jvmprog_is_wf_typ])
  case (CFG_Getfield_Exceptional_handle C P C0 Main M pc pc' F Cl ek)
  hence "TYPING P C M ! pc  None" and "pc < length (instrs_of (PROG P) C M)"
    by simp_all
  moreover from (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter) C  ClassMain P
  obtain Ts T mxs mxl0 where
    "PROG P  C sees M:TsT = (mxs, mxl0, instrs_of (PROG P) C M, ex_table_of (PROG P) C M) in C"
    by (fastforce dest: method_of_reachable_node_exists)
  with pc < length (instrs_of (PROG P) C M) instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Getfield F Cl
  have "PROG P,T,mxs,length (instrs_of (PROG P) C M),ex_table_of (PROG P) C M
     Getfield F Cl,pc :: TYPING P C M"
    by (fastforce dest!: wt_jvm_prog_impl_wt_instr [OF wf_jvmprog_is_wf_typ])
  moreover from (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter) C  ClassMain P
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Getfield F Cl obtain d'
    where "match_ex_table (PROG P) NullPointer pc (ex_table_of (PROG P) C M) = (pc', d')"
    by cases (fastforce elim: JVMCFG.cases)
  hence "(f, t, D, h, d)set (ex_table_of (PROG P) C M).
    matches_ex_entry (PROG P) NullPointer pc (f, t, D, h, d)  h = pc'  d = d'"
    by -(drule match_ex_table_SomeD)
  ultimately show ?case using instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Getfield F Cl
    by (fastforce simp: relevant_entries_def is_relevant_entry_def matches_ex_entry_def)
  case (CFG_Putfield_Update C P C0 Main M pc F Cl ek)
  from (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Normal) C  ClassMain P
  obtain Ts T mxs mxl0 "is" xt where "PROG P  C sees M:TsT = (mxs, mxl0, is, xt) in C"
    and "instrs_of (PROG P) C M = is"
    by -(drule method_of_reachable_node_exists, auto)
  with CFG_Putfield_Update show ?case
    by (fastforce dest!: wt_jvm_prog_impl_wt_instr [OF wf_jvmprog_is_wf_typ])
  case (CFG_Putfield_Exceptional_handle C P C0 Main M pc pc' F Cl ek)
  hence "TYPING P C M ! pc  None" and "pc < length (instrs_of (PROG P) C M)"
    by simp_all
  moreover from (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter) C  ClassMain P
  obtain Ts T mxs mxl0 where
    "PROG P  C sees M:TsT = (mxs, mxl0, instrs_of (PROG P) C M, ex_table_of (PROG P) C M) in C"
    by (fastforce dest: method_of_reachable_node_exists)
  with pc < length (instrs_of (PROG P) C M) instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Putfield F Cl
  have "PROG P,T,mxs,length (instrs_of (PROG P) C M),ex_table_of (PROG P) C M
     Putfield F Cl,pc :: TYPING P C M"
    by (fastforce dest!: wt_jvm_prog_impl_wt_instr [OF wf_jvmprog_is_wf_typ])
  moreover from (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter) C  ClassMain P
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Putfield F Cl obtain d'
    where "match_ex_table (PROG P) NullPointer pc (ex_table_of (PROG P) C M) = (pc', d')"
    by cases (fastforce elim: JVMCFG.cases)
  hence "(f, t, D, h, d)set (ex_table_of (PROG P) C M).
    matches_ex_entry (PROG P) NullPointer pc (f, t, D, h, d)  h = pc'  d = d'"
    by -(drule match_ex_table_SomeD)
  ultimately show ?case using instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Putfield F Cl
    by (fastforce simp: relevant_entries_def is_relevant_entry_def matches_ex_entry_def)
  case (CFG_Checkcast_Check_Normal C P C0 Main M pc Cl ek)
  from (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Enter) C  ClassMain P
  obtain Ts T mxs mxl0 "is" xt where "PROG P  C sees M:TsT = (mxs, mxl0, is, xt) in C"
    and "instrs_of (PROG P) C M = is"
    by -(drule method_of_reachable_node_exists, auto)
  with CFG_Checkcast_Check_Normal show ?case
    by (fastforce dest!: wt_jvm_prog_impl_wt_instr [OF wf_jvmprog_is_wf_typ])
  case (CFG_Checkcast_Exceptional_handle C P C0 Main M pc pc' Cl ek)
  hence "TYPING P C M ! pc  None" and "pc < length (instrs_of (PROG P) C M)"
    by simp_all
  moreover from (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter) C  ClassMain P
  obtain Ts T mxs mxl0 where
    "PROG P  C sees M:TsT = (mxs, mxl0, instrs_of (PROG P) C M, ex_table_of (PROG P) C M) in C"
    by (fastforce dest: method_of_reachable_node_exists)
  with pc < length (instrs_of (PROG P) C M) instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Checkcast Cl
  have "PROG P,T,mxs,length (instrs_of (PROG P) C M),ex_table_of (PROG P) C M
     Checkcast Cl,pc :: TYPING P C M"
    by (fastforce dest!: wt_jvm_prog_impl_wt_instr [OF wf_jvmprog_is_wf_typ])
  moreover from (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter) C  ClassMain P
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Checkcast Cl obtain d'
    where "match_ex_table (PROG P) ClassCast pc (ex_table_of (PROG P) C M) = (pc', d')"
    by cases (fastforce elim: JVMCFG.cases)
  hence "(f, t, D, h, d)set (ex_table_of (PROG P) C M).
    matches_ex_entry (PROG P) ClassCast pc (f, t, D, h, d)  h = pc'  d = d'"
    by -(drule match_ex_table_SomeD)
  ultimately show ?case using instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Checkcast Cl
    by (fastforce simp: relevant_entries_def is_relevant_entry_def matches_ex_entry_def)
  case (CFG_Throw_handle C P C0 Main M pc pc' ek)
  hence "TYPING P C M ! pc  None" and "pc < length (instrs_of (PROG P) C M)"
    by simp_all
  moreover from (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter) C  ClassMain P
  obtain Ts T mxs mxl0 where
    "PROG P  C sees M:TsT = (mxs, mxl0, instrs_of (PROG P) C M, ex_table_of (PROG P) C M) in C"
    by (fastforce dest: method_of_reachable_node_exists)
  with pc < length (instrs_of (PROG P) C M) instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Throw
  have "PROG P,T,mxs,length (instrs_of (PROG P) C M),ex_table_of (PROG P) C M
     Throw,pc :: TYPING P C M"
    by (fastforce dest!: wt_jvm_prog_impl_wt_instr [OF wf_jvmprog_is_wf_typ])
  moreover from (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter) C  ClassMain P
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Throw obtain d' Exc
    where "match_ex_table (PROG P) Exc pc (ex_table_of (PROG P) C M) = (pc', d')"
    by cases (fastforce elim: JVMCFG.cases)
  hence "(f, t, D, h, d)set (ex_table_of (PROG P) C M).
    matches_ex_entry (PROG P) Exc pc (f, t, D, h, d)  h = pc'  d = d'"
    by -(drule match_ex_table_SomeD)
  ultimately show ?case using instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Throw
    by (fastforce simp: relevant_entries_def is_relevant_entry_def matches_ex_entry_def)
  case (CFG_Invoke_NP_handle C P C0 Main M pc pc' M' n ek)
  hence "TYPING P C M ! pc  None" and "pc < length (instrs_of (PROG P) C M)"
    by simp_all
  moreover from (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter) C  ClassMain P
  obtain Ts T mxs mxl0 where
    "PROG P  C sees M:TsT = (mxs, mxl0, instrs_of (PROG P) C M, ex_table_of (PROG P) C M) in C"
    by (fastforce dest: method_of_reachable_node_exists)
  with pc < length (instrs_of (PROG P) C M) instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Invoke M' n
  have "PROG P,T,mxs,length (instrs_of (PROG P) C M),ex_table_of (PROG P) C M
     Invoke M' n,pc :: TYPING P C M"
    by (fastforce dest!: wt_jvm_prog_impl_wt_instr [OF wf_jvmprog_is_wf_typ])
  moreover from (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Enter) C  ClassMain P
    instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Invoke M' n obtain d'
    where "match_ex_table (PROG P) NullPointer pc (ex_table_of (PROG P) C M) = (pc', d')"
    by cases (fastforce elim: JVMCFG.cases)
  hence "(f, t, D, h, d)set (ex_table_of (PROG P) C M).
    matches_ex_entry (PROG P) NullPointer pc (f, t, D, h, d)  h = pc'  d = d'"
    by -(drule match_ex_table_SomeD)
  ultimately show ?case using instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Invoke M' n
    by (fastforce simp: relevant_entries_def is_relevant_entry_def matches_ex_entry_def)
  case (CFG_Invoke_Return_Exceptional_handle C P C0 Main M pc pc' M' n ek)
  hence "TYPING P C M ! pc  None" and "pc < length (instrs_of (PROG P) C M)"
    by simp_all
  moreover from (P, C0, Main)  (C, M, pc, Exceptional pc' Return) C  ClassMain P
  obtain Ts T mxs mxl0 where
    "PROG P  C sees M:TsT = (mxs, mxl0, instrs_of (PROG P) C M, ex_table_of (PROG P) C M) in C"
    by (fastforce dest: method_of_reachable_node_exists)
  with pc < length (instrs_of (PROG P) C M) instrs_of (PROG P) C M ! pc = Invoke M' n