Theory Euler_Partition

(* Author: Lukas Bulwahn <>
   Dedicated to Sandra H. for a wonderful relaxing summer

section ‹Euler's Partition Theorem›

theory Euler_Partition

subsection ‹Preliminaries›

subsubsection ‹Additions to Divides Theory›

lemma power_div_nat:
  assumes "c  b"
  assumes "a > 0"
  shows  "(a :: nat) ^ b div a ^ c = a ^ (b - c)"
by (metis assms nonzero_mult_div_cancel_right le_add_diff_inverse2 less_not_refl2 power_add power_not_zero)

subsubsection ‹Additions to Groups-Big Theory›

lemma sum_div:
  assumes "finite A"
  assumes "a. a  A  (b::'b::euclidean_semiring) dvd f a"
  shows "(aA. f a) div b = (aA. (f a) div b)"
using assms
proof (induct)
  case insert from this show ?case by auto (subst div_add; auto intro!: dvd_sum)
qed (auto)

lemma sum_mod:
  assumes "finite A"
  assumes "a. a  A  f a mod b = (0::'b::unique_euclidean_semiring)"
  shows "(aA. f a) mod b = 0"
using assms by induct (auto simp add: mod_add_eq [symmetric])

subsubsection ‹Additions to Finite-Set Theory›

lemma finite_exponents:
  "finite {i. 2 ^ i  (n::nat)}"
proof -
  have "{i::nat. 2 ^ i  n}  {0..n}"
    using dual_order.trans by fastforce
  from finite_subset[OF this] show ?thesis by simp

subsection ‹Binary Encoding of Natural Numbers›

definition bitset :: "nat  nat set"
  "bitset n = {i. odd (n div (2 ^ i))}"

lemma in_bitset_bound:
  "b  bitset n  2 ^ b  n"
unfolding bitset_def using not_less by fastforce

lemma in_bitset_bound_weak:
  "b  bitset n  b  n"
by (meson order.trans in_bitset_bound self_le_ge2_pow[OF order_refl])

lemma finite_bitset:
  "finite (bitset n)"
proof -
  have "bitset n  {..n}" by (auto dest: in_bitset_bound_weak)
  from this show ?thesis using finite_subset by auto

lemma bitset_0:
  "bitset 0 = {}"
unfolding bitset_def by auto

lemma bitset_2n: "bitset (2 * n) = Suc ` (bitset n)"
proof (rule set_eqI)
  fix x
  show "(x  bitset (2 * n)) = (x  Suc ` bitset n)"
    unfolding bitset_def by (cases x) auto

lemma bitset_Suc:
  assumes "even n"
  shows "bitset (n + 1) = insert 0 (bitset n)"
proof (rule set_eqI)
  fix x
  from assms show "(x  bitset (n + 1)) = (x  insert 0 (bitset n))"
    unfolding bitset_def by (cases x) (auto simp add: Divides.div_mult2_eq)

lemma bitset_2n1:
  "bitset (2 * n + 1) = insert 0 (Suc ` (bitset n))"
by (subst bitset_Suc) (auto simp add: bitset_2n)

lemma sum_bitset:
  "(ibitset n. 2 ^ i) = n"
proof (induct rule: nat_bit_induct)
  case zero
  show ?case by (auto simp add: bitset_0)
  case (even n)
  from this show ?case
    by (simp add: bitset_2n sum.reindex sum_distrib_left[symmetric])
  case (odd n)
  have "(ibitset (2 * n + 1). 2 ^ i) = (iinsert 0 (Suc ` bitset n). 2 ^ i)"
    by (simp only: bitset_2n1)
  also have "... = 2 ^ 0 + (iSuc ` bitset n. 2 ^ i)"
    by (subst sum.insert) (auto simp add: finite_bitset)
  also have "... = 2 * n + 1"
    using odd by (simp add: sum.reindex sum_distrib_left[symmetric])
  finally show ?case by simp

lemma binarysum_div:
  assumes "finite B"
  shows "(iB. (2::nat) ^ i) div 2 ^ j = (iB. if i < j then 0 else 2 ^ (i - j))"
  (is "_ = (i_. ?f i)")
proof -
  have split_B: "B = {iB. i < j}  {iB. j  i}" by auto
  have bound: "(i | i  B  i < j. (2::nat) ^ i) < 2 ^ j"
  proof (rule order.strict_trans1)
    show "(i | i  B  i < j. (2::nat) ^ i)  (i<j. 2 ^ i)" by (auto intro: sum_mono2)
    show "... < 2 ^ j" using sum_power2 by (simp add: atLeast0LessThan)
  from this have zero: "(i | i  B  i < j. (2::nat) ^ i) div (2 ^ j) = 0" by (elim div_less)
  from assms have mod0: "(i | i  B  j  i. (2::nat) ^ i) mod 2 ^ j = 0"
    by (auto intro!: sum_mod simp add: le_imp_power_dvd)
  from assms have "(iB. (2::nat) ^ i) div (2 ^ j) = ((i | i  B  i < j. 2 ^ i) + (i | i  B  j  i. 2 ^ i)) div 2 ^ j"
    by (subst sum.union_disjoint[symmetric]) (auto simp add: split_B[symmetric])
  also have "... = (i | i  B  j  i. 2 ^ i) div 2 ^ j"
    by (simp add: div_add1_eq zero mod0)
  also have "... = (i | i  B  j  i. 2 ^ i div 2 ^ j)"
    using assms by (subst sum_div) (auto simp add: sum_div le_imp_power_dvd)
  also have "... = (i | i  B  j  i. 2 ^ (i - j))"
    by (rule sum.cong[OF refl]) (auto simp add: power_div_nat)
  also have "... = (iB. ?f i)"
    using assms by (subst split_B; subst sum.union_disjoint) auto
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma odd_iff:
  assumes "finite B"
  shows "odd (iB. if i < x then (0::nat) else 2 ^ (i - x)) = (x  B)" (is "odd (i_. ?s i) = _")
proof -
  from assms have even: "even (iB - {x}. ?s i)"
    by (subst dvd_sum) auto
  show ?thesis
    assume "odd (iB. ?s i)"
    from this even show "x  B" by (cases "x  B") auto
    assume "x  B"
    from assms this have "(iB. ?s i) = 1 + (iB-{x}. ?s i)"
      by (auto simp add: sum.remove)
    from assms this even show "odd (iB. ?s i)" by auto

lemma bitset_sum:
  assumes "finite B"
  shows "bitset (iB. 2 ^ i) = B"
using assms unfolding bitset_def by (simp add: binarysum_div odd_iff)

subsection ‹Decomposition of a Number into a Power of Two and an Odd Number›

function (sequential) index :: "nat  nat"
  "index 0 = 0"
| "index n = (if odd n then 0 else Suc (index (n div 2)))"
by (pat_completeness) auto

  show "wf {(x::nat, y). x < y}" by (simp add: wf)
  fix n show "(Suc n div 2, Suc n)  {(x, y). x < y}" by simp

function (sequential) oddpart :: "nat  nat"
  "oddpart 0 = 0"
| "oddpart n = (if odd n then n else oddpart (n div 2))"
by pat_completeness auto

  show "wf {(x::nat, y). x < y}" by (simp add: wf)
  fix n show "(Suc n div 2, Suc n)  {(x, y). x < y}" by simp

lemma odd_oddpart:
  "odd (oddpart n)  n  0"
by (induct n rule: index.induct) auto

lemma index_oddpart_decomposition:
  "n = 2 ^ (index n) * oddpart n"
proof (induct n rule: index.induct)
  case (2 n)
  from this show "Suc n = 2 ^ index (Suc n) * oddpart (Suc n)"
    by (simp add: mult.assoc)
qed (simp)

lemma oddpart_leq:
  "oddpart n  n"
by (induct n rule: index.induct) (simp, metis div_le_dividend le_Suc_eq le_trans oddpart.simps(2))

lemma index_oddpart_unique:
  assumes "odd (m :: nat)" "odd m'"
  shows "(2 ^ i * m = 2 ^ i' * m')  (i = i'  m = m')"
proof (induct i arbitrary: i')
  case 0
  from assms show ?case by auto
  case (Suc _ i')
  from assms this show ?case by (cases i') auto

lemma index_oddpart:
  assumes "odd m"
  shows "index (2 ^ i * m) = i" "oddpart (2 ^ i * m) = m"
using index_oddpart_unique[where i=i and m=m and m'="oddpart (2 ^ i * m)" and i'="index (2 ^ i * m)"]
  assms odd_oddpart index_oddpart_decomposition by force+

subsection ‹Partitions With Only Distinct and Only Odd Parts›

definition odd_of_distinct :: "(nat  nat)  nat  nat"
  "odd_of_distinct p = (λi. if odd i then (j | p (2 ^ j * i) = 1. 2 ^ j) else 0)"

definition distinct_of_odd :: "(nat  nat)  nat  nat"
  "distinct_of_odd p = (λi. if index i  bitset (p (oddpart i)) then 1 else 0)"

lemma odd:
  "odd_of_distinct p i  0  odd i"
unfolding odd_of_distinct_def by auto

lemma distinct_distinct_of_odd:
  "distinct_of_odd p i  1"
unfolding distinct_of_odd_def by auto

lemma odd_of_distinct:
  assumes "odd_of_distinct p i  0"
  assumes "i. p i  0  i  n"
  shows "1  i  i  n"
  from assms(1) odd have "odd i"
    by simp
  then show "1  i"
    by (auto elim: oddE)
  from assms(1) obtain j where "p (2 ^ j * i) > 0"
    by (auto simp add: odd_of_distinct_def split: if_splits) fastforce
  with assms(2) have "i  2 ^ j * i" "2 ^ j * i  n"
    by simp_all
  then show "i  n"
    by (rule order_trans)

lemma distinct_of_odd:
  assumes "i. p i * i  n" "i. p i  0  odd i"
  assumes "distinct_of_odd p i  0"
  shows "1  i  i  n"
  from assms(3) have index: "index i  bitset (p (oddpart i))"
    unfolding distinct_of_odd_def by (auto split: if_split_asm)
  have "i  0"
    assume zero: "i = 0"
    from assms(2) have "p 0 = 0" by auto
    from index zero this show "False" by (auto simp add: bitset_0)
  from this show "1  i" by auto
  from assms(1) have leq_n: "p (oddpart i) * oddpart i  n" by auto
  from index have "2 ^ index i  p (oddpart i)" by (rule in_bitset_bound)
  from this leq_n show "i  n"
    by (subst index_oddpart_decomposition[of i]) (meson dual_order.trans eq_imp_le mult_le_mono)

lemma odd_distinct:
  assumes "i. p i  0  odd i"
  shows "odd_of_distinct (distinct_of_odd p) = p"
using assms unfolding odd_of_distinct_def distinct_of_odd_def
by (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff index_oddpart sum_bitset)

lemma distinct_odd:
  assumes "i. p i  0  1  i  i  n" "i. p i  1"
  shows "distinct_of_odd (odd_of_distinct p) = p"
proof -
  from assms have "{i. p i = 1}  {..n}" by auto
  from this have finite: "finite {i. p i = 1}" by (simp add: finite_subset)
  have "x j. x > 0  p (2 ^ j * oddpart x) = 1 
    index (2 ^ j * oddpart x)  index ` {i. p i = 1  oddpart x = oddpart i}"
    by (rule imageI) (auto intro: imageI simp add: index_oddpart odd_oddpart)
  from this have eq: "x. x > 0  {j. p (2 ^ j * oddpart x) = 1} = index ` {i. p i = 1  oddpart x = oddpart i}"
    by (auto simp add: index_oddpart odd_oddpart index_oddpart_decomposition[symmetric])
  from finite have all_finite: "x. x > 0  finite {j. p (2 ^ j * oddpart x) = 1}"
    unfolding eq by auto
  show ?thesis
    fix x
    from assms(1) have p0: "p 0 = 0" by auto
    show "distinct_of_odd (odd_of_distinct p) x = p x"
    proof (cases "x > 0")
      case False
      from this p0 show ?thesis
        unfolding odd_of_distinct_def distinct_of_odd_def
        by (auto simp add: odd_oddpart bitset_0)
      case True
      from p0 assms(2)[of x] all_finite[OF True] show ?thesis
        unfolding odd_of_distinct_def distinct_of_odd_def
        by (auto simp add: odd_oddpart bitset_0 bitset_sum index_oddpart_decomposition[symmetric])

lemma sum_distinct_of_odd:
  assumes "i. p i  0  1  i  i  n"
  assumes "i. p i * i  n"
  assumes "i. p i  0  odd i"
  shows "(in. distinct_of_odd p i * i) = (in. p i * i)"
proof -
    fix m
    assume odd: "odd (m :: nat)"
    have finite: "finite {k. 2 ^ k * m  n  k  bitset (p m)}" by (simp add: finite_bitset)
    have "(i | k. i = 2 ^ k * m  i  n. distinct_of_odd p i * i) =
      (i | k. i = 2 ^ k * m  i  n. if index i  bitset (p (oddpart i)) then i else 0)"
      unfolding distinct_of_odd_def by (auto intro: sum.cong)
    also have "... = (i | k. i = 2 ^ k * m  k  bitset (p m)  i  n. i)"
      using odd by (intro sum.mono_neutral_cong_right) (auto simp add: index_oddpart)
    also have "... = (k | 2 ^ k * m  n  k  bitset (p m). 2 ^ k * m)"
      using odd by (auto intro!: sum.reindex_cong[OF _ _ refl] inj_onI)
    also have "... = (kbitset (p m). 2 ^ k * m)"
      using assms(2)[of m] finite dual_order.trans in_bitset_bound
      by (fastforce intro!: sum.mono_neutral_cong_right)
    also have "... = (kbitset (p m). 2 ^ k) * m"
      by (subst sum_distrib_right) auto
    also have "... = p m * m"
      by (auto simp add: sum_bitset)
    finally have "(i | k. i = 2 ^ k * m  i  n. distinct_of_odd p i * i) = p m * m" .
  } note inner_eq = this

  have set_eq: "{i. 1  i  i  n} = ((λm. {i. k. i = (2 ^ k) * m  i  n}) ` {m. m  n  odd m})"
  proof -
      fix x
      assume "1  x" "x  n"
      from this oddpart_leq[of x] have "oddpart x  n  odd (oddpart x)  (k. 2 ^ index x * oddpart x = 2 ^ k * oddpart x)"
        by (auto simp add: odd_oddpart)
      from this have "mn. odd m  (k. x = 2 ^ k * m)"
        by (auto simp add: index_oddpart_decomposition[symmetric])
    from this show ?thesis by (auto simp add: Suc_leI odd_pos)
  let ?S = "(λm. {i. k. i = 2 ^ k * m  i  n}) ` {m. m  n  odd m}"
  have no_overlap: "A?S. B?S. A  B  A  B = {}"
    by (auto simp add: index_oddpart_unique)
  have inj: "inj_on (λm. {i. (k. i = 2 ^ k * m)  i  n}) {m. m  n  odd m}"
    unfolding inj_on_def by auto (force simp add: index_oddpart_unique)
  have reindex: "F. (i | 1  i  i  n. F i) = (m | m  n  odd m. (i | k. i = 2 ^ k * m  i  n. F i))"
    unfolding set_eq by (subst sum.Union_disjoint) (auto simp add: no_overlap intro: sum.reindex_cong[OF inj])
  have "(in. distinct_of_odd p i * i) =  (i | 1  i  i  n. distinct_of_odd p i * i)"
    by (auto intro: sum.mono_neutral_right)
  also have "... = (m | m  n  odd m. i | k. i = 2 ^ k * m  i  n. distinct_of_odd p i * i)"
    by (simp only: reindex)
  also have "... = (i | i  n  odd i. p i * i)"
    by (rule sum.cong[OF refl]; subst inner_eq) auto
  also have "... = (in. p i * i)"
    using assms(3) by (auto intro: sum.mono_neutral_left)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma leq_n:
  assumes "i. 0 < p i  1  i  i  (n::nat)"
  assumes "(in. p i * i) = n"
  shows "p i * i  n"
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume "¬ p i * i  n"
  from this have gr_n: "p i * i > n" by auto
  from this assms(1) have "1  i  i  n" by force
  from this have "(jn. p j * j) = p i * i + (j | j  n  j  i. p j * j)"
    by (subst sum.insert[symmetric]) (auto intro: sum.cong simp del: sum.insert)
  from this gr_n assms(2) show False by simp

lemma distinct_of_odd_in_distinct_partitions:
  assumes "p  {p. p partitions n  (i. p i  0  odd i)}"
  shows "distinct_of_odd p  {p. p partitions n  (i. p i  1)}"
  have "distinct_of_odd p partitions n"
  proof (rule partitionsI)
    fix i assume "distinct_of_odd p i  0"
    from this assms show "1  i  i  n"
    unfolding partitions_def
    by (rule_tac distinct_of_odd) (auto simp add: leq_n)
    from assms show "(in. distinct_of_odd p i * i) = n"
      by (subst  sum_distinct_of_odd) (auto simp add: distinct_distinct_of_odd leq_n elim: partitionsE)
  moreover have "i. distinct_of_odd p i  1"
    by (intro allI distinct_distinct_of_odd)
  ultimately show "distinct_of_odd p partitions n  (i. distinct_of_odd p i  1)" by simp

lemma odd_of_distinct_in_odd_partitions:
  assumes "p  {p. p partitions n  (i. p i  1)}"
  shows "odd_of_distinct p  {p. p partitions n  (i. p i  0  odd i)}"
  from assms have distinct: "i. p i = 0  p i = 1"
    using le_imp_less_Suc less_Suc_eq_0_disj by fastforce
  from assms have set_eq: "{x. p x = 1} = {x  {..n}. p x = 1}"
     unfolding partitions_def by auto
  from assms have sum: "(in. p i * i) = n"
     unfolding partitions_def by auto
    fix i
    assume i: "odd (i :: nat)"
    have 3: "inj_on index {x. p x = 1  oddpart x = i}"
      unfolding inj_on_def by auto (metis index_oddpart_decomposition)
      fix j assume "p (2 ^ j * i) = 1"
      from this i have "j  index ` {x. p x = 1  oddpart x = i}"
        by (auto simp add: index_oddpart(1, 2) intro!: image_eqI[where x="2 ^ j * i"])
    from i this have "{j. p (2 ^ j * i) = 1} = index ` {x. p x = 1  oddpart x = i}"
      by (auto simp add: index_oddpart_decomposition[symmetric])
    from 3 this have "(j | p (2 ^ j * i) = 1. 2 ^ j) * i = (x | p x = 1  oddpart x = i. 2 ^ index x) * i"
      by (auto intro: sum.reindex_cong[where l = "index"])
    also have "... = (x | p x = 1  oddpart x = i. 2 ^ index x * oddpart x)"
      by (auto simp add: sum_distrib_right)
    also have "... = (x | p x = 1  oddpart x = i. x)"
       by (simp only: index_oddpart_decomposition[symmetric])
    also have "...  (x | p x = 1. x)"
      using set_eq by (intro sum_mono2) auto
    also have "... = (xn. p x * x)"
      using distinct by (subst set_eq) (force intro!: sum.mono_neutral_cong_left)
    also have "... = n" using sum .
    finally have "(j | p (2 ^ j * i) = 1. 2 ^ j) * i  n" .
  from this have less_n: "i. odd_of_distinct p i * i  n"
    unfolding odd_of_distinct_def by auto
  have "odd_of_distinct p partitions n"
  proof (rule partitionsI)
    fix i assume "odd_of_distinct p i  0"
    from this assms show "1  i  i  n"
      by (elim CollectE conjE partitionsE odd_of_distinct) auto
    have "(in. odd_of_distinct p i * i) = (in. distinct_of_odd (odd_of_distinct p) i * i)"
      using assms less_n by (subst sum_distinct_of_odd) (auto elim!: partitionsE odd_of_distinct simp only: odd)
    also have "... = (in. p i * i)" using assms
      by (auto elim!: partitionsE simp only:) (subst distinct_odd, auto)
    also with assms have "... = n" by (auto elim: partitionsE)
    finally show "(in. odd_of_distinct p i * i) = n" .
  moreover have "i. odd_of_distinct p i  0  odd i"
    by (intro allI impI odd)
  ultimately show "odd_of_distinct p partitions n  (i. odd_of_distinct p i  0  odd i)" by simp

subsection ‹Euler's Partition Theorem›

theorem Euler_partition_theorem:
  "card {p. p partitions n  (i. p i  1)} = card {p. p partitions n  (i. p i  0  odd i)}"
  (is "card ?distinct_partitions = card ?odd_partitions")
proof (rule card_bij_eq)
  from odd_of_distinct_in_odd_partitions show
    "odd_of_distinct ` ?distinct_partitions  ?odd_partitions" by auto
  moreover from distinct_of_odd_in_distinct_partitions show
    "distinct_of_odd ` ?odd_partitions  ?distinct_partitions" by auto
  moreover have "p?distinct_partitions. distinct_of_odd (odd_of_distinct p) = p"
    by auto (subst distinct_odd; auto simp add: partitions_def)
  moreover have "p?odd_partitions. odd_of_distinct (distinct_of_odd p) = p"
    by auto (subst odd_distinct; auto simp add: partitions_def)
  ultimately show "inj_on odd_of_distinct ?distinct_partitions"
    "inj_on distinct_of_odd ?odd_partitions"
    by (intro bij_betw_imp_inj_on bij_betw_byWitness; auto)+
  show "finite ?distinct_partitions" "finite ?odd_partitions"
    by (simp add: finite_partitions)+
