Theory Exceptions

(*  Author:     Tobias Nipkow
    Copyright   2004 TU Muenchen

section ‹Compiling exception handling›

theory Exceptions
imports Main

subsection‹The source language›

datatype expr = Val int | Add expr expr | Throw | Catch expr expr

primrec eval :: "expr  int option"
  "eval (Val i) = Some i"
| "eval (Add x y) =
   (case eval x of None  None
    | Some i  (case eval y of None  None
                 | Some j  Some(i+j)))"
| "eval Throw = None"
| "eval (Catch x h) = (case eval x of None  eval h | Some i  Some i)"

subsection‹The target language›

datatype instr =
  Push int | ADD | THROW | Mark nat | Unmark | Label nat | Jump nat

datatype item = VAL int | HAN nat

type_synonym code = "instr list"
type_synonym stack = "item list"

fun jump where
  "jump l [] = []"
| "jump l (Label l' # cs) = (if l = l' then cs else jump l cs)"
| "jump l (c # cs) = jump l cs"

lemma size_jump1: "size (jump l cs) < Suc (size cs)"
apply(induct cs)
 apply simp
apply(case_tac a)
apply auto

lemma size_jump2: "size (jump l cs) < size cs  jump l cs = cs"
apply(induct cs)
 apply simp
apply(case_tac a)
apply auto

function (sequential) exec2 :: "bool  code  stack  stack" where
  "exec2 True [] s = s"
| "exec2 True (Push i#cs) s = exec2 True cs (VAL i # s)"
| "exec2 True (ADD#cs) (VAL j # VAL i # s) = exec2 True cs (VAL(i+j) # s)"
| "exec2 True (THROW#cs) s = exec2 False cs s"
| "exec2 True (Mark l#cs) s = exec2 True cs (HAN l # s)"
| "exec2 True (Unmark#cs) (v # HAN l # s) = exec2 True cs (v # s)"
| "exec2 True (Label l#cs) s = exec2 True cs s"
| "exec2 True (Jump l#cs) s = exec2 True (jump l cs) s"

| "exec2 False cs [] = []"
| "exec2 False cs (VAL i # s) = exec2 False cs s"
| "exec2 False cs (HAN l # s) = exec2 True (jump l cs) s"
by pat_completeness auto

termination by (relation
  "inv_image (measure(%cs. size cs) <*lex*> measure(%s. size s)) (%(b,cs,s). (cs,s))")
    (auto simp add: size_jump1 size_jump2)

abbreviation "exec  exec2 True"
abbreviation "unwind  exec2 False"

subsection‹The compiler›

primrec compile :: "nat  expr  code * nat"
  "compile l (Val i) = ([Push i], l)"
| "compile l (Add x y) = (let (xs,m) = compile l x; (ys,n) = compile m y
                       in (xs @ ys @ [ADD], n))"
| "compile l Throw = ([THROW],l)"
| "compile l (Catch x h) =
    (let (xs,m) = compile (l+2) x; (hs,n) = compile m h
     in (Mark l # xs @ [Unmark, Jump (l+1), Label l] @ hs @ [Label(l+1)], n))"

  cmp :: "nat  expr  code" where
  "cmp l e == fst(compile l e)"

primrec isFresh :: "nat  stack  bool"
  "isFresh l [] = True"
| "isFresh l (it#s) = (case it of VAL i  isFresh l s
                       | HAN l'  l' < l  isFresh l s)"

  conv :: "code  stack  int option  stack" where
  "conv cs s io = (case io of None  unwind cs s
                  | Some i  exec cs (VAL i # s))"

subsection‹The proofs›

text‹Lemma numbers are the same as in the paper.›

  conv_def[simp] option.splits[split] Let_def[simp]

lemma 3:
  "(l. c = Label l  isFresh l s)  unwind (c#cs) s = unwind cs s"
apply(induct s)
 apply simp
apply(case_tac a)
apply auto
apply(case_tac c)
apply auto

corollary [simp]:
  "(!!l. c  Label l)  unwind (c#cs) s = unwind cs s"
by(blast intro: 3)

corollary [simp]:
  "isFresh l s  unwind (Label l#cs) s = unwind cs s"
by(blast intro: 3)

lemma 5: " isFresh l s; l  m   isFresh m s"
apply(induct s)
 apply simp
apply(auto split:item.split)

corollary [simp]: "isFresh l s  isFresh (Suc l) s"
by(auto intro:5)

lemma 6: "l. l  snd(compile l e)"
proof(induct e)
  case Val thus ?case by simp
  case (Add x y)
  from l  snd (compile l x)
   and snd (compile l x)  snd (compile (snd (compile l x)) y)
  show ?case by(simp_all add:split_def)
  case Throw thus ?case by simp
  case (Catch x h)
  from l+2  snd (compile (l+2) x)
   and snd (compile (l+2) x)  snd (compile (snd (compile (l+2) x)) h)
  show ?case by(simp_all add:split_def)

corollary [simp]: "l < m  l < snd(compile m e)"
using 6[where l = m and e = e] by auto

corollary [simp]: "isFresh l s  isFresh (snd(compile l e)) s"
using 5 6 by blast

text‹Contrary to what the paper says, the proof of lemma 4 does not
just need lemma 3 but also the above corollary of 5 and 6. Hence the
strange order of the lemmas in our proof.›

lemma 4 [simp]: "l cs. isFresh l s  unwind (cmp l e @ cs) s = unwind cs s"
by (induct e) (auto simp add:split_def)

lemma 7 [simp]: "l < m  jump l (cmp m e @ cs) = jump l cs"
by (induct e arbitrary: m cs) (simp_all add:split_def)

text‹The compiler correctness theorem:›

theorem comp_corr:
  "l s cs. isFresh l s  exec (cmp l e @ cs) s = conv cs s (eval e)"
by(induct e)(auto simp add:split_def)

text‹The specialized and more readable version (omitted in the paper):›

corollary "exec (cmp l e) [] = (case eval e of None  [] | Some n  [VAL n])"
by (simp add: comp_corr[where cs = "[]", simplified])
