Theory Xmlt

(* Title:     Xml
   Author:    Christian Sternagel
   Author:    René Thiemann

section ‹XML Transformers for Extracting Data from XML Nodes›

theory Xmlt

  tag = string

text ‹The type of transformers on xml nodes.›
  'a xmlt = "xml  string + 'a"

definition map :: "(xml  ('e + 'a))  xml list  'e + 'a list"
  [code_unfold]: "map = map_sum_bot"

lemma map_mono [partial_function_mono]:
  fixes C :: "xml  ('b  ('e + 'c))  'e + 'd"
  assumes C: "y. y  set B  mono_sum_bot (C y)"
  shows "mono_sum_bot (λf. map (λy. C y f) B)" 
  unfolding map_def by (auto intro: partial_function_mono C)

hide_const (open) map

fun "text" :: "tag  string xmlt"
  "text tag (XML n atts [XML_text t]) = 
    (if n = tag  atts = [] then return t
    else error (concat
      [''could not extract text for '', tag,'' from '', ''⏎'', show (XML n atts [XML_text t])]))"
| "text tag xml = error (concat [''could not extract text for '', tag,'' from '', ''⏎'', show xml])"
hide_const (open) "text"

definition bool_of_string :: "string  string + bool"
  "bool_of_string s =
    (if s = ''true'' then return True
    else if s = ''false'' then return False
    else error (''cannot convert '' @ s @ '' into Boolean''))"

fun bool :: "tag  bool xmlt"
  "bool tag node = Xmlt.text tag node  bool_of_string"
hide_const (open) bool

definition fail :: "tag  'a xmlt"
  "fail tag xml =
    error (concat
      [''could not transform the following xml element (expected '', tag, '')'', ''⏎'', show xml])"
hide_const (open) fail

definition guard :: "(xml  bool)  'a xmlt  'a xmlt  'a xmlt"
  "guard p p1 p2 x = (if p x then p1 x else p2 x)"
hide_const (open) guard

lemma guard_mono [partial_function_mono]:
  assumes p1: "y. mono_sum_bot (p1 y)"
    and p2: "y. mono_sum_bot (p2 y)"
  shows "mono_sum_bot (λg. Xmlt.guard p (λy. p1 y g) (λy. p2 y g) x)" 
  by (cases x) (auto intro!: partial_function_mono p1 p2 simp: Xmlt.guard_def)

fun leaf :: "tag  'a  'a xmlt"
  "leaf tag x (XML name atts cs) = 
    (if name = tag  atts = []  cs = [] then return x 
    else tag (XML name atts cs))" |
  "leaf tag x xml = tag xml"
hide_const (open) leaf

fun list1element :: "'a list  'a option"
  "list1element [x] = Some x" |
  "list1element _ = None"

fun singleton :: "tag  'a xmlt  ('a  'b)  'b xmlt"
  "singleton tag p1 f xml =
    (case xml of
      XML name atts cs 
      (if name = tag  atts = [] then
        (case list1element cs of 
          Some (cs1)  p1 cs1  return  f
        | None tag xml)
      else tag xml)
    | _ tag xml)"
hide_const (open) singleton

lemma singleton_mono [partial_function_mono]:
  assumes p: "y. mono_sum_bot (p1 y)"
  shows "mono_sum_bot (λg. Xmlt.singleton t (λy. p1 y g) f x)" 
    by (cases x, cases "list1element (Xml.children x)") (auto intro!: partial_function_mono p)

fun list2elements :: "'a list  ('a × 'a) option"
  "list2elements [x, y] = Some (x, y)" |
  "list2elements _ = None"

fun pair :: "tag  'a xmlt  'b xmlt  ('a  'b  'c)  'c xmlt"
  "pair tag p1 p2 f xml =
    (case xml of
      XML name atts cs 
      (if name = tag  atts = [] then
        (case list2elements cs of 
          Some (cs1, cs2) 
          do {
            a  p1 cs1;
            b  p2 cs2;
            return (f a b)
        | None tag xml)
      else tag xml)
    | _ tag xml)"
hide_const (open) pair

lemma pair_mono [partial_function_mono]:
  assumes "y. mono_sum_bot (p1 y)"
    and "y. mono_sum_bot (p2 y)"
  shows "mono_sum_bot (λg. Xmlt.pair t (λy. p1 y g) (λ y. p2 y g) f x)"
  using assms
  by (cases x, cases "list2elements (Xml.children x)") (auto intro!: partial_function_mono)

fun list3elements :: "'a list  ('a × 'a × 'a) option"
  "list3elements [x, y, z] = Some (x, y, z)" |
  "list3elements _ = None"

fun triple :: "string  'a xmlt  'b xmlt  'c xmlt  ('a  'b  'c  'd)  'd xmlt"
  "triple tag p1 p2 p3 f xml = (case xml of XML name atts cs 
    (if name = tag  atts = [] then
      (case list3elements cs of 
        Some (cs1, cs2, cs3) 
        do {
          a  p1 cs1;
          b  p2 cs2;
          c  p3 cs3;
          return (f a b c)
      | None tag xml)
    else tag xml)
  | _ tag xml)"

lemma triple_mono [partial_function_mono]:
  assumes "y. mono_sum_bot (p1 y)"
    and "y. mono_sum_bot (p2 y)"
    and "y. mono_sum_bot (p3 y)"
  shows "mono_sum_bot (λg. Xmlt.triple t (λy. p1 y g) (λ y. p2 y g) (λ y. p3 y g) f x)"
  using assms
  by (cases x, cases "list3elements (Xml.children x)", auto intro!: partial_function_mono)

fun list4elements :: "'a list  ('a × 'a × 'a × 'a) option"
  "list4elements [x, y, z, u] = Some (x, y, z, u)" |
  "list4elements _ = None"

  tuple4 ::
    "string  'a xmlt  'b xmlt  'c xmlt  'd xmlt  ('a  'b  'c  'd  'e)  'e xmlt"
  "tuple4 tag p1 p2 p3 p4 f xml =
    (case xml of
      XML name atts cs 
        (if name = tag  atts = [] then
          (case list4elements cs of 
            Some (cs1, cs2, cs3, cs4) 
            do {
              a  p1 cs1;
              b  p2 cs2;
              c  p3 cs3;
              d  p4 cs4;
              return (f a b c d)
          | None tag xml)
        else tag xml)
   | _ tag xml)"

lemma tuple4_mono [partial_function_mono]:
  assumes "y. mono_sum_bot (p1 y)"
    and "y. mono_sum_bot (p2 y)"
    and "y. mono_sum_bot (p3 y)"
    and"y. mono_sum_bot (p4 y)"
  shows "mono_sum_bot (λg. Xmlt.tuple4 t (λy. p1 y g) (λ y. p2 y g) (λ y. p3 y g) (λ y. p4 y g) f x)"
  using assms
  by (cases x, cases "list4elements (Xml.children x)") (auto intro!: partial_function_mono)

fun list5elements :: "'a list  ('a × 'a × 'a × 'a × 'a) option"
  "list5elements [x, y, z, u, v] = Some (x, y, z, u, v)" |
  "list5elements _ = None"

  tuple5 ::
    "string  'a xmlt  'b xmlt  'c xmlt  'd xmlt  'e xmlt 
      ('a  'b  'c  'd  'e  'f)  'f xmlt"
  "tuple5 tag p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 f xml =
    (case xml of
      XML name atts cs 
        (if name = tag  atts = [] then
          (case list5elements cs of 
            Some (cs1,cs2,cs3,cs4,cs5) 
            do {
              a  p1 cs1;
              b  p2 cs2;
              c  p3 cs3;
              d  p4 cs4;
              e  p5 cs5;
              return (f a b c d e)
          | None tag xml)
        else tag xml)
    | _ tag xml)"

lemma tuple5_mono [partial_function_mono]:
  assumes "y. mono_sum_bot (p1 y)"
    and "y. mono_sum_bot (p2 y)"
    and "y. mono_sum_bot (p3 y)"
    and "y. mono_sum_bot (p4 y)"
    and "y. mono_sum_bot (p5 y)"
  shows "mono_sum_bot (λg. Xmlt.tuple5 t (λy. p1 y g) (λ y. p2 y g) (λ y. p3 y g) (λ y. p4 y g) (λ y. p5 y g) f x)"
  using assms
  by (cases x, cases "list5elements (Xml.children x)") (auto intro!: partial_function_mono)

fun list6elements :: "'a list  ('a × 'a × 'a × 'a × 'a × 'a) option"
  "list6elements [x, y, z, u, v, w] = Some (x, y, z, u, v, w)" |
  "list6elements _ = None"

  tuple6 ::
    "string  'a xmlt  'b xmlt  'c xmlt  'd xmlt  'e xmlt  'f xmlt 
      ('a  'b  'c  'd  'e  'f  'g)  'g xmlt"
  "tuple6 tag p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 f xml =
    (case xml of
      XML name atts cs  
        (if name = tag  atts = [] then
          (case list6elements cs of 
            Some (cs1,cs2,cs3,cs4,cs5,cs6) 
            do {
              a  p1 cs1;
              b  p2 cs2;
              c  p3 cs3;
              d  p4 cs4;
              e  p5 cs5;
              ff  p6 cs6;
              return (f a b c d e ff)
          | None tag xml)
        else tag xml)
    | _ tag xml)"

lemma tuple6_mono [partial_function_mono]:
  assumes "y. mono_sum_bot (p1 y)"
    and "y. mono_sum_bot (p2 y)"
    and "y. mono_sum_bot (p3 y)"
    and "y. mono_sum_bot (p4 y)"
    and "y. mono_sum_bot (p5 y)"
    and "y. mono_sum_bot (p6 y)"
  shows "mono_sum_bot (λg. Xmlt.tuple6 t (λy. p1 y g) (λ y. p2 y g) (λ y. p3 y g) (λ y. p4 y g) (λ y. p5 y g) (λ y. p6 y g) f x)"
  using assms
  by (cases x, cases "list6elements (Xml.children x)") (auto intro!: partial_function_mono)

fun optional :: "tag  'a xmlt  ('a option  'b)  'b xmlt"
  "optional tag p1 f (XML name atts cs) =
    (let l = length cs in
    (if name = tag  atts = []  l  0  l  1 then do {
      if l = 1 then do {
        x1  p1 (cs ! 0);
        return (f (Some x1))
      } else return (f None)
    } else tag (XML name atts cs)))" |
  "optional tag p1 f xml = tag xml"

lemma optional_mono [partial_function_mono]:
  assumes "y. mono_sum_bot (p1 y)"
  shows "mono_sum_bot (λg. Xmlt.optional t (λy. p1 y g) f x)" 
  using assms by (cases x) (auto intro!: partial_function_mono)

fun xml1to2elements :: "string  'a xmlt  'b xmlt  ('a  'b option  'c)  'c xmlt"
  "xml1to2elements tag p1 p2 f (XML name atts cs) = (
     let l = length cs in
     (if name = tag  atts = []  l  1  l  2
       then do {
         x1  p1 (cs ! 0);
         (if l = 2
           then do {
             x2  p2 (cs ! 1);
             return (f x1 (Some x2))
           } else return (f x1 None))
       } else tag (XML name atts cs)))" |
  "xml1to2elements tag p1 p2 f xml = tag xml"

lemma xml1to2elements_mono[partial_function_mono]:
  assumes p1: "y. mono_sum_bot (p1 y)"
              "y. mono_sum_bot (p2 y)"
  shows "mono_sum_bot (λg. xml1to2elements t (λy. p1 y g) (λy. p2 y g) f x)" 
  by (cases x, auto intro!: partial_function_mono p1)

text ‹
  Apply the first transformer to the first child-node, then check the second child-node,
  which is must be a Boolean. If the Boolean is true, then apply the second transformer
  to the last child-node.
fun xml2nd_choice :: "tag  'a xmlt  tag  'b xmlt  ('a  'b option  'c)  'c xmlt"
  "xml2nd_choice tag p1 cn p2 f (XML name atts cs) = (
    let l = length cs in
    (if name = tag  atts = []  l  2 then do {
      x1  p1 (cs ! 0);
      b  Xmlt.bool cn (cs ! 1);
      (if b then do {
        x2  p2 (cs ! (l - 1));
        return (f x1 (Some x2))
      } else return (f x1 None))
    } else tag (XML name atts cs)))" |
  "xml2nd_choice tag p1 cn p2 f xml = tag xml"

lemma xml2nd_choice_mono [partial_function_mono]:
  assumes p1: "y. mono_sum_bot (p1 y)"
              "y. mono_sum_bot (p2 y)"
  shows "mono_sum_bot (λg. xml2nd_choice t (λy. p1 y g) h (λy. p2 y g) f x)" 
  by (cases x, auto intro!: partial_function_mono p1)

  xml2to3elements ::
    "string  'a xmlt  'b xmlt  'c xmlt  ('a  'b  'c option  'd)  'd xmlt"
  "xml2to3elements tag p1 p2 p3 f (XML name atts cs) = (
     let l = length cs in
     (if name = tag  atts = []  l  2  l  3 then do {
       x1  p1 (cs ! 0);
       x2  p2 (cs ! 1);
       (if l = 3 then do {
         x3  p3 (cs ! 2);
         return (f x1 x2 (Some x3))
       } else return (f x1 x2 None))
     } else tag (XML name atts cs)))" |
  "xml2to3elements tag p1 p2 p3 f xml = tag xml"

lemma xml2to3elements_mono [partial_function_mono]:
  assumes p1: "y. mono_sum_bot (p1 y)"
              "y. mono_sum_bot (p2 y)"
              "y. mono_sum_bot (p3 y)"
  shows "mono_sum_bot (λg. xml2to3elements t (λy. p1 y g) (λy. p2 y g) (λy. p3 y g) f x)" 
  by (cases x, auto intro!: partial_function_mono p1)

  xml3to4elements ::
    "string  'a xmlt  'b xmlt  'c xmlt  'd xmlt  ('a  'b  'c option  'd  'e) 
      'e xmlt"
  "xml3to4elements tag p1 p2 p3 p4 f (XML name atts cs) = (
     let l = length cs in
     (if name = tag  atts = []  l  3  l  4 then do {
       x1  p1 (cs ! 0);
       x2  p2 (cs ! 1);
       (if l = 4 then do {
         x3  p3 (cs ! 2);
         x4  p4 (cs ! 3);
         return (f x1 x2 (Some x3) x4)
       } else do {
         x4  p4 (cs ! 2);
         return (f x1 x2 None x4)
       } )
     } else tag (XML name atts cs)))" |
  "xml3to4elements tag p1 p2 p3 p4 f xml = tag xml"

lemma xml3to4elements_mono [partial_function_mono]:
  assumes p1: "y. mono_sum_bot (p1 y)"
              "y. mono_sum_bot (p2 y)"
              "y. mono_sum_bot (p3 y)"
              "y. mono_sum_bot (p4 y)"
  shows "mono_sum_bot (λg. xml3to4elements t (λy. p1 y g) (λy. p2 y g) (λy. p3 y g) (λy. p4 y g) f x)" 
  by (cases x, auto intro!: partial_function_mono p1)

fun many :: "tag  'a xmlt  ('a list  'b)  'b xmlt"
  "many tag p f (XML name atts cs) =
    (if name = tag  atts = [] then ( p cs  (return  f))
    else tag (XML name atts cs))" |
  "many tag p f xml = tag xml"
hide_const (open) many

lemma many_mono [partial_function_mono]:
  fixes p1 :: "xml  ('b  (string + 'c))  string + 'd"
  assumes "y. y  set (Xml.children x)  mono_sum_bot (p1 y)"
  shows "mono_sum_bot (λg. Xmlt.many t (λy. p1 y g) f x)" 
  using assms by (cases x) (auto intro!: partial_function_mono)

fun many1_gen :: "tag  'a xmlt  ('a  'b xmlt)  ('a  'b list  'c)  'c xmlt"
  "many1_gen tag p1 p2 f (XML name atts cs) =
    (if name = tag  atts = []  cs  [] then
      (case cs of h # t  do {
        x  p1 h;
        xs (p2 x) t;
        return (f x xs)
    else tag (XML name atts cs))" |
  "many1_gen tag p1 p2 f xml = tag xml"

(* TODO 
lemma Xmlt.many1_gen_mono[partial_function_mono]:
  fixes p1 :: "xml ⇒ ('b ⇒ 'c sum_bot) ⇒ 'd sum_bot"
  assumes p1: "⋀y. mono_sum_bot (p1 y)"
              "⋀y. mono_sum_bot (p2 y)"
  shows "mono_sum_bot (λg. Xmlt.many1_gen t (λy. p1 y g) (λy. p2 y g) f x)" 
  by (cases x, auto intro!: partial_function_mono p1)

definition many1 :: "string  'a xmlt  'b xmlt  ('a  'b list  'c)  'c xmlt"
  "many1 tag p1 p2 = Xmlt.many1_gen tag p1 (λ_. p2)"
hide_const (open) many1

lemma many1_mono [partial_function_mono]:
  fixes p1 :: "xml  ('b  (string + 'c))  string + 'd"
  assumes "y. mono_sum_bot (p1 y)"
    and "y. y  set (tl (Xml.children x))  mono_sum_bot (p2 y)"
  shows "mono_sum_bot (λg. Xmlt.many1 t (λy. p1 y g) (λy. p2 y g) f x)" 
  unfolding Xmlt.many1_def using assms
  by (cases x, cases "Xml.children x") (auto intro!: partial_function_mono)

fun length_ge_2 :: "'a list  bool"
  "length_ge_2 (_ # _ # _) = True" |
  "length_ge_2 _ = False"

fun many2 :: "tag  'a xmlt  'b xmlt  'c xmlt  ('a  'b  'c list  'd)  'd xmlt"
  "many2 tag p1 p2 p3 f (XML name atts cs) =
    (if name = tag  atts = []  length_ge_2 cs then
      (case cs of cs0 # cs1 # t  do {
        x  p1 cs0;
        y  p2 cs1;
        xs p3 t;
        return (f x y xs)
    else tag (XML name atts cs))" |
  "many2 tag p1 p2 p3 f xml = tag xml"

lemma many2_mono [partial_function_mono]:
  fixes p1 :: "xml  ('b  (string + 'c))  string + 'd"
  assumes "y. mono_sum_bot (p1 y)"
    and "y. mono_sum_bot (p2 y)"
    and "y. mono_sum_bot (p3 y)"
  shows "mono_sum_bot (λg. Xmlt.many2 t (λy. p1 y g) (λy. p2 y g) (λy. p3 y g) f x)"
  using assms
  by (cases x, cases "Xml.children x", (auto intro!: partial_function_mono)[1], cases "tl (Xml.children x)", auto intro!: partial_function_mono)

  xml1or2many_elements ::
    "string  'a xmlt  'b xmlt  'c xmlt  ('a  'b option  'c list  'd)  'd xmlt"
  "xml1or2many_elements tag p1 p2 p3 f (XML name atts cs) =
    (if name = tag  atts = []  cs  [] then
      (case cs of
        cs0 # tt 
        do { 
          x  p1 cs0;
          (case tt of
            cs1 # t 
            do {
              try do {
                y  p2 cs1;
                xs p3 t;
                return (f x (Some y) xs)
              } catch (λ _. do {
                xs p3 tt;
                return (f x None xs)
          | []  return (f x None []))}) 
     else tag (XML name atts cs))" |
  "xml1or2many_elements tag p1 p2 p3 f  xml = tag xml"

  xml1many2elements_gen ::
    "string  'a xmlt  ('a  'b xmlt)  'c xmlt  'd xmlt 
      ('a  'b list  'c  'd  'e)  'e xmlt"
  "xml1many2elements_gen tag p1 p2 p3 p4 f (XML name atts cs) = (
     let ds = List.rev cs; l = length cs in
     (if name = tag  atts = []  l  3 then do {
       x  p1 (cs ! 0);
       xs (p2 x) (tl (take (l - 2) cs));
       y  p3 (ds ! 1);
       z  p4 (ds ! 0);
       return (f x xs y z)
     } else tag (XML name atts cs)))" |
  "xml1many2elements_gen tag p1 p2 p3 p4 f xml = tag xml"

lemma xml1many2elements_gen_mono [partial_function_mono]:
  fixes p1 :: "xml  ('b  (string + 'c))  string + 'd"
  assumes p1: "y. mono_sum_bot (p1 y)"
              "y. mono_sum_bot (p3 y)"
              "y. mono_sum_bot (p4 y)"
  shows "mono_sum_bot (λg. xml1many2elements_gen t (λy. p1 y g) p2 (λy. p3 y g) (λy. p4 y g) f x)" 
  by (cases x, auto intro!: partial_function_mono p1)

  xml1many2elements ::
    "string  'a xmlt  'b xmlt  'c xmlt  'd xmlt  ('a  'b list  'c  'd  'e) 
      'e xmlt"
  "xml1many2elements tag p1 p2 = xml1many2elements_gen tag p1 (λ_. p2)"

  xml_many2elements ::
    "string  'a xmlt  'b xmlt  'c xmlt  ('a list  'b  'c  'd)  'd xmlt"
  "xml_many2elements tag p1 p2 p3 f (XML name atts cs) = (
     let ds = List.rev cs in
     (if name = tag  atts = []  length_ge_2 cs then do {
       xs p1 (List.rev (tl (tl ds)));
       y  p2 (ds ! 1);
       z  p3 (ds ! 0);
       return (f xs y z)
     } else tag (XML name atts cs)))" |
  "xml_many2elements tag p1 p2 p3 f xml = tag xml"

definition options :: "(string × 'a xmlt) list  'a xmlt"
  "options ps x =
    (case map_of ps (Xml.tag x) of 
      None  error (concat
        [''expected one of: '', concat (map (λp. fst p @ '' '') ps), ''⏎'', ''but found'', ''⏎'', show x])
    | Some p  p x)"
hide_const (open) options

lemma options_mono_gen [partial_function_mono]:
  assumes p: " k p. (k, p)  set ps  mono_sum_bot (p x)"
  shows "mono_sum_bot (λ g. Xmlt.options (map (λ (k, p). (k, (λ y. p y g))) ps) x)"
proof -
    fix g
    have "(map (λp. fst p @ '' '') (map (λ(k, p). (k, λy. p y g)) ps)) = 
      map (λp. fst p @ '' '') ps"
      by (induct ps) (auto)
  } note id = this
    fix z
    have "mono_sum_bot
      (λg. case map_of (map (λ(k, p). (k, λy. p y g)) ps) (Xml.tag x) of
        None  z
      | Some p  p x)"
      using p
    proof (induct ps)
      case Nil
      show ?case by (auto intro: partial_function_mono)
      case (Cons kp ps)
      obtain k p where kp: "kp = (k,p)" by force
      note Cons = Cons[unfolded kp]
      from Cons(2) have monop: "mono_sum_bot (p x)" and mono: " k p. (k,p)  set ps  mono_sum_bot (p x)" by auto
      show ?case 
      proof (cases "Xml.tag x = k")
        case True
        thus ?thesis unfolding kp using monop by auto
        case False
        thus ?thesis using Cons(1) mono unfolding kp by auto
  } note main = this
  show ?thesis unfolding Xmlt.options_def 
    unfolding id
    by (rule main)

(* instantiate this lemma to have the monotonicity lemmas for lists of variable lengths which
   are then applicable, e.g., for lists of length 3 it would be

mono_sum_bot (p1 x) ⟹ mono_sum_bot (p2 x) ⟹ mono_sum_bot (p3 x) 
⟹ mono_sum_bot (λg. Xmlt.options [(k1, λy. p1 y g), (k2, λy. p2 y g), (k3, λy. p3 y g)] x)

local_setup fn lthy => 
    val N = 30 (* we require monotonicity lemmas for xml-options for lists up to length N *) 
    val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of lthy
    val options = @{term "Xmlt.options :: (string × (xml  (string + 'd))) list  xml  string + 'd"}
    val mono_sum_bot = @{term "mono_sum_bot :: (('a  ('b + 'c))  string + 'd)  bool"}
    val ktyp = @{typ string}
    val x = @{term "x :: xml"}
    val y = @{term "y :: xml"}
    val g = @{term "g :: 'a  'b + 'c"}
    val ptyp = @{typ "xml  ('a  ('b + 'c))  string + 'd"}
    fun k i = Free ("k" ^ string_of_int i,ktyp)
    fun p i = Free ("p" ^ string_of_int i,ptyp)
    fun prem i = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (mono_sum_bot $ (p i $ x))
    fun prems n = 1 upto n |> map prem
    fun pair i = HOLogic.mk_prod (k i, lambda y (p i $ y $ g))
    fun pair2 i = HOLogic.mk_prod (k i, p i)
    fun list n = 1 upto n |> map pair |> HOLogic.mk_list @{typ "(string × (xml  string + 'd))"}
    fun list2 n = 1 upto n |> map pair2 |> HOLogic.mk_list (HOLogic.mk_prodT (ktyp,ptyp))
    fun concl n = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (mono_sum_bot $ lambda g (options $ (list n) $ x))
    fun xs n = x :: (1 upto n |> map (fn i => [p i, k i]) |> List.concat)
       |> map (fst o dest_Free)
    fun tac n pc =
        val {prems = prems, context = ctxt} = pc
        val mono_thm = Thm.instantiate' 
            (map (SOME o Thm.ctyp_of ctxt) [@{typ 'a},@{typ 'b},@{typ 'c},@{typ 'd}]) 
            (map (SOME o Thm.cterm_of ctxt) [list2 n,x]) @{thm Xmlt.options_mono_gen}
        Method.insert_tac ctxt (mono_thm :: prems) 1 THEN force_tac ctxt 1
    fun thm n = Goal.prove lthy (xs n) (prems n) (concl n) (tac n)
    val thms = map thm (0 upto N)
  in Local_Theory.note ((@{binding "options_mono_thms"}, []), thms) lthy |> snd end

declare Xmlt.options_mono_thms [partial_function_mono]

fun choice :: "string  'a xmlt list  'a xmlt"
  "choice e [] x = error (concat [''error in parsing choice for '', e, ''⏎'', show x])" |
  "choice e (p # ps) x = (try p x catch (λ_. choice e ps x))"
hide_const (open) choice

lemma choice_mono_2 [partial_function_mono]:
  assumes p: "mono_sum_bot (p1 x)"
             "mono_sum_bot (p2 x)"
  shows "mono_sum_bot (λ g. Xmlt.choice e [(λ y. p1 y g), (λ y. p2 y g)] x)"
  using p by (auto intro!: partial_function_mono) 

lemma choice_mono_3 [partial_function_mono]:
  assumes p: "mono_sum_bot (p1 x)"
             "mono_sum_bot (p2 x)"
             "mono_sum_bot (p3 x)"
  shows "mono_sum_bot (λ g. Xmlt.choice e [(λ y. p1 y g), (λ y. p2 y g), (λ y. p3 y g)] x)"
  using p by (auto intro!: partial_function_mono) 

fun change :: "'a xmlt  ('a  'b)  'b xmlt"
  "change p f x = p x  return  f"
hide_const (open) change

lemma change_mono [partial_function_mono]:
  assumes p: "y. mono_sum_bot (p1 y)"
  shows "mono_sum_bot (λg. Xmlt.change (λy. p1 y g) f x)" 
  by (cases x, insert p, auto intro!: partial_function_mono)

fun int_of_digit :: "char  string + int"
  "int_of_digit x =
    (if x = CHR ''0'' then return 0
    else if x = CHR ''1'' then return 1
    else if x = CHR ''2'' then return 2
    else if x = CHR ''3'' then return 3
    else if x = CHR ''4'' then return 4
    else if x = CHR ''5'' then return 5
    else if x = CHR ''6'' then return 6
    else if x = CHR ''7'' then return 7
    else if x = CHR ''8'' then return 8
    else if x = CHR ''9'' then return 9
    else error (x # '' is not a digit''))"

fun int_of_string_aux :: "int  string  string + int"
  "int_of_string_aux n [] = return n" |
  "int_of_string_aux n (d # s) = (int_of_digit d  (λm. int_of_string_aux (10 * n + m) s))"

definition int_of_string :: "string  string + int"
  "int_of_string s =
    (if s = [] then error ''cannot convert empty string into number'' 
    else if take 1 s = ''-'' then int_of_string_aux 0 (tl s)  (λ i. return (0 - i))
    else int_of_string_aux 0 s)"

hide_const int_of_string_aux

fun int :: "tag  int xmlt"
  "int tag x = (Xmlt.text tag x  int_of_string)"
hide_const (open) int

fun nat :: "tag  nat xmlt"
  "nat tag x = do {
    txt  Xmlt.text tag x;
    i  int_of_string txt;
    return (Int.nat i)
hide_const (open) nat

definition rat :: "rat xmlt"
  "rat = Xmlt.options [
    (''integer'', Xmlt.change ( ''integer'') of_int),
      Xmlt.pair ''rational'' ( ''numerator'') ( ''denominator'')
        (λ x y. of_int x / of_int y))]"
hide_const (open) rat
