Theory Type_System_example

Title: WHATandWHERE-Security
Authors: Sylvia Grewe, Alexander Lux, Heiko Mantel, Jens Sauer
theory Type_System_example
imports Type_System Strong_Security.Expr Strong_Security.Domain_example

― ‹When interpreting, we have to instantiate the type for domains. As an example, we take a type containing 'low' and 'high' as domains.›

consts DA :: "('id,Dom) DomainAssignment"
consts BMap :: "'val  bool"
consts lH :: "(Dom,('id,'val) Expr) lHatches"

― ‹redefine all the abbreviations necessary for auxiliary lemmas with the 
  correct parameter instantiation›

abbreviation MWLsStepsdet' :: 
  "(('id,'val) Expr, 'id, 'val, (('id,'val) Expr,'id) MWLsCom) TLSteps_curry"
("(1_,/_) →⊲_/ (1_,/_)" [0,0,0,0,0] 81)
"c1,m1 →⊲α c2,m2  
  ((c1,m1),α,(c2,m2))  MWLs_semantics.MWLsSteps_det ExprEval BMap"

abbreviation d_equal' :: "('id, 'val) State 
   Dom  ('id, 'val) State  bool" 
( "(_ =⇘_ _)" )
"m =⇘dm'  WHATWHERE.d_equal DA d m m'"

abbreviation dH_equal' :: "('id, 'val) State  Dom 
   (Dom,('id,'val) Expr) Hatches
   ('id, 'val) State  bool"
( "(_ ∼⇘_,_ _)" )
"m ∼⇘d,Hm'  WHATWHERE.dH_equal ExprEval DA d H m m'"

abbreviation NextMem' :: "(('id,'val) Expr, 'id) MWLsCom 
   ('id,'val) State  ('id,'val) State"
   WHATWHERE.NextMem (MWLs_semantics.MWLsSteps_det ExprEval BMap) c m"

abbreviation dH_indistinguishable' :: "('id,'val) Expr  Dom 
   (Dom,('id,'val) Expr) Hatches  ('id,'val) Expr  bool" 
( "(_ ≡⇘_,_ _)" )
"e1 ≡⇘d,He2 
   WHATWHERE_Secure_Programs.dH_indistinguishable ExprEval DA d H e1 e2"

abbreviation htchLoc :: "nat  (Dom, ('id,'val) Expr) Hatches"
"htchLoc ι  WHATWHERE.htchLoc lH ι"

― ‹Security typing rules for expressions›
ExprSecTyping :: "(Dom, ('id,'val) Expr) Hatches
   ('id, 'val) Expr  Dom  bool"
("_  _ : _")
for H :: "(Dom, ('id, 'val) Expr) Hatches"
Consts: "H (Const v) : d" |
Vars: "DA x = d  H (Var x) : d" |
Hatch: "(d,e)  H  H e : d" |
Ops: " i < length arglist. H (arglist!i) : (dl!i)  (dl!i)  d 
   H (Op f arglist) : d"

― ‹function substituting a certain expression with another expression 
  in expressions›
primrec Subst :: "('id, 'val) Expr  ('id, 'val) Expr 
   ('id, 'val) Expr  ('id, 'val) Expr"
and SubstL :: "('id, 'val) Expr list  ('id, 'val) Expr 
   ('id, 'val) Expr  ('id, 'val) Expr list"
"(Const v)<e1\\e2> = (if e1=(Const v) then e2 else (Const v))" |
"(Var x)<e1\\e2> = (if e1=(Var x) then e2 else (Var x))" |
"(Op f arglist)<e1\\e2> = (if e1=(Op f arglist) then e2 else 
  (Op f (SubstL arglist e1 e2)))" |

"SubstL [] e1 e2 = []" |
"SubstL (e#V) e1 e2 = (e<e1\\e2>)#(SubstL V e1 e2)"

definition SubstClosure :: "'id  ('id, 'val) Expr  bool"
"SubstClosure x e  (d',e',ι')  lH. (d',e'<(Var x)\\e>,ι')  lH"

definition synAssignSC :: "'id  ('id, 'val) Expr  nat  bool"
"synAssignSC x e ι  d. ((htchLoc ι) e : d  d  DA x)
   (SubstClosure x e)"

definition synWhileSC :: "('id, 'val) Expr  bool"
"synWhileSC e  (d. ({} e : d)  (d'. d  d'))"

definition synIfSC :: "('id, 'val) Expr
   (('id, 'val) Expr, 'id) MWLsCom 
   (('id, 'val) Expr, 'id) MWLsCom  bool" 
"synIfSC e c1 c2  d. ({} e : d  (d'. d  d'))"

― ‹auxiliary lemma for locale interpretation (theorem 7 in original paper)›
lemma ExprTypable_with_smallerd_implies_dH_indistinguishable:
  " H e : d'; d'  d   e ≡⇘d,He"
proof (induct rule: ExprSecTyping.induct, 
    simp_all add: WHATWHERE_Secure_Programs.dH_indistinguishable_def 
    WHATWHERE.dH_equal_def WHATWHERE.d_equal_def, auto)
  fix dl arglist f m1 m2 d' d
  assume main: "i < length arglist.
    (H (arglist!i) : (dl!i))  (dl!i  d 
    (m1 m2. (x. DA x  d  m1 x = m2 x) 
    ((d',e)H. d'  d  ExprEval e m1 = ExprEval e m2) 
    ExprEval (arglist!i) m1 = ExprEval (arglist!i) m2))  dl!i  d'"
  assume smaller: "d'  d"
  assume eqeval: "(d',e)  H. d'  d  ExprEval e m1 = ExprEval e m2"
  assume eqstate: "x. DA x  d  m1 x = m2 x"
  from main smaller have irangesubst:
    "i < length arglist. dl!i  d"
    by (metis order_trans)

  with eqstate eqeval main have 
    "i < length arglist. ExprEval (arglist!i) m1 
       = ExprEval (arglist!i) m2"
    by force

  hence substmap: "(ExprEvalL arglist m1) = (ExprEvalL arglist m2)" 
    by (induct arglist, auto, force)

  show "f (ExprEvalL arglist m1) = f (ExprEvalL arglist m2)"
    by (subst substmap, auto)


― ‹auxiliary lemma about substitutions in expressions and in memories›
lemma substexp_substmem:
"ExprEval e'<Var x\\e> m = ExprEval e' (m(x := ExprEval e m))
   ExprEvalL (SubstL elist (Var x) e) m
  = ExprEvalL elist (m(x := ExprEval e m))"
by (induct_tac e' and elist rule: ExprEval.induct ExprEvalL.induct, simp_all)

― ‹another auxiliary lemma for locale interpretation (lemma 8 in original paper)›
lemma SubstClosure_implications:
" SubstClosure x e; m ∼⇘d,(htchLoc ι')m'; 
  x :=⇘ιe⟧(m) =⇘dx :=⇘ιe⟧(m') 
   x :=⇘ιe⟧(m) ∼⇘d,(htchLoc ι')x :=⇘ιe⟧(m')"
proof -
  fix m1 m1'
  assume substclosure: "SubstClosure x e"
  assume dequalm2: "x :=⇘ιe⟧(m1) =⇘dx :=⇘ιe⟧(m1')"
  assume dhequalm1: "m1 ∼⇘d,(htchLoc ι')m1'"  
  from MWLs_semantics.nextmem_exists_and_unique obtain m2 where m1step:
    "(p α. x :=⇘ιe,m1 →⊲α p,m2) 
     (m''. (p α. x :=⇘ιe,m1 →⊲α p,m'')  m'' = m2)"
    by force
  hence m2_is_next: "x :=⇘ιe⟧(m1) = m2"
    by (simp add: WHATWHERE.NextMem_def, auto)
  from m1step MWLs_semantics.MWLsSteps_det.assign
     [of "ExprEval" "e" "m1" _ "x" "ι" "BMap"]
  have m2eq: "m2 = m1(x := (ExprEval e m1))"
    by auto

  from MWLs_semantics.nextmem_exists_and_unique obtain m2' where m1'step:
    "(p α. x :=⇘ιe,m1' →⊲α p,m2') 
     (m''. (p α. x :=⇘ιe,m1' →⊲α p,m'')  m'' = m2')"
    by force
  hence m2'_is_next: "x :=⇘ιe⟧(m1') = m2'"
    by (simp add: WHATWHERE.NextMem_def, auto)
  from m1'step MWLs_semantics.MWLsSteps_det.assign
     [of "ExprEval" "e" "m1'" _ "x" "ι" "BMap"]
  have m2'eq: "m2' = m1'(x := (ExprEval e m1'))"
    by auto

  from m2eq substexp_substmem
  have substeval1: "e'. ExprEval (e'<Var x\\e>) m1 = ExprEval e' m2"
    by force

  from m2'eq substexp_substmem
  have substeval2: "e'. ExprEval e'<Var x\\e> m1' = ExprEval e' m2'"
    by force
  from substclosure have 
    "(d',e')  htchLoc ι'. (d',e'<Var x\\e>)  (htchLoc ι')"
    by (simp add: SubstClosure_def WHATWHERE.htchLoc_def, auto)

  with dhequalm1 have 
    "(d',e')  htchLoc ι'. 
    d'  d  ExprEval e'<Var x\\e> m1 = ExprEval e'<Var x\\e> m1'"
    by (simp add: WHATWHERE.dH_equal_def, auto)

  with substeval1 substeval2 have 
    "(d',e')  htchLoc ι'.
    d'  d  ExprEval e' m2 = ExprEval e' m2'"
    by auto

  with dequalm2 m2_is_next m2'_is_next
  show "x :=⇘ιe⟧(m1) ∼⇘d,htchLoc ι'x :=⇘ιe⟧(m1')"
    by (simp add: WHATWHERE.dH_equal_def)

― ‹interpretation of the abstract type system using the above definitions for the side conditions›
interpretation Type_System_example: Type_System ExprEval BMap DA lH
  synAssignSC synWhileSC synIfSC
by (unfold_locales, auto,
  metis ExprTypable_with_smallerd_implies_dH_indistinguishable 
  metis SubstClosure_implications synAssignSC_def, 
  simp add: synWhileSC_def,
  metis ExprTypable_with_smallerd_implies_dH_indistinguishable 
  simp add: synIfSC_def,
  metis ExprTypable_with_smallerd_implies_dH_indistinguishable 
