Theory TuringUnComputable_H2_original

(* Title: thys/TuringUnComputable_H2_original.thy
   Author: Jian Xu, Xingyuan Zhang, and Christian Urban
   Modifications: Sebastiaan Joosten

   Further contributions by Franz Regensburger (FABR) 02/2022:
   * Re-ordering of sections
   * Added comments

   Editorial note FABR:
   this file was part of the theory file Uncomputable.thy
   in the original AFP entry. 

subsubsection ‹Undecidability of the General Halting Problem H, Variant 2, original version›

theory TuringUnComputable_H2_original


declare adjust.simps[simp del]

declare seq_tm.simps [simp del] 
declare shift.simps[simp del]
declare composable_tm.simps[simp del]
declare step.simps[simp del]
declare steps.simps[simp del]

(* Cleanup the global simpset for proofs of several theorems about tm_dither *)

declare adjust.simps[simp del]

text ‹The diagonal argument below shows the undecidability of a variant of the
 General Halting Problem. Implicitly, we thus show that the General Halting Function
 (the characteristic function of the Halting Problem) is not Turing computable.›



definition TMC_has_num_res :: "tprog0 ⇒ nat list ⇒ bool"
    "TMC_has_num_res p ns ≡
     ⦃ λtap. tap = ([], <ns>) ⦄ p ⦃ λtap. (∃k n l. tap = (Bk ↑ k, <n::nat> @ Bk ↑ l)) ⦄"


lemma composable_tm0_tm_dither[intro, simp]: "composable_tm0 tm_dither"
  by (auto simp: composable_tm.simps tm_dither_def)


lemma composable_tm0_tm_copy[intro, simp]: "composable_tm0 tm_copy"
  by (auto simp: tm_copy_def)


text ‹
  The following locale specifies that some TM H› can be used to decide 
  the {\em General Halting Problem} and False› is going to be derived 
  under this locale. Therefore, the undecidability of the  {\em  General Halting Problem}
  is established.

  The proof makes use of the TMs tm_copy› and tm_dither›.

locale uncomputable = 
  (* Interestingly, the detailed definition of the coding function @{text "code"} for Turing machines
     does not affect the final result. In the proof there is no need to appeal on properties of the coding function
     like e.g. injectivity! *)

fixes code :: "instr list  nat" 
   * The TM "H" is the one which is assumed being able to solve the general Halting problem.
  and H :: "instr list"

  (* FABR Note:
   * The next axiom states that the Turing machine H is well-formed (composable).
   * However, this manifests a bug in the modelling of this locale!
   * Due to this local axiom, we only prove that there exists no composable TM H
   * that is able to decide the Halting problem 'TMC_has_num_res M ns'
   * See theories composableTMs and HaltingProblem_K for a fix by FABR.

assumes h_composable[intro]: "composable_tm0 H"

   * The following two local axioms specify (claim) that the Turing Machine H
   * is able to decide the general Halting problem H2.

and h_case:
" M ns.  TMC_has_num_res M ns  (λtap. tap = ([Bk], <(code M, ns)>)) H (λtap. k. tap = (Bk  k, <0::nat>))"
and nh_case: 
" M ns. ¬  TMC_has_num_res M ns  (λtap. tap = ([Bk], <(code M, ns)>)) H (λtap. k. tap = (Bk  k, <1::nat>))"

(* Assertions for the Turing Machine H *)
abbreviation (input)
  "pre_H_ass M ns  λtap. tap = ([Bk], <(code M, ns::nat list)>)"

abbreviation (input)
  "post_H_halt_ass  λtap. k. tap = (Bk  k, <1::nat>)"

abbreviation (input)
  "post_H_unhalt_ass  λtap. k. tap = (Bk  k, <0::nat>)"

lemma H_halt:
  assumes "¬  TMC_has_num_res M ns" 
  shows "pre_H_ass M ns H post_H_halt_ass"
  using assms nh_case by auto

lemma H_unhalt:
  assumes " TMC_has_num_res M ns" 
  shows "pre_H_ass M ns H post_H_unhalt_ass"
  using assms h_case by auto

(* The TM tcontra is the culprit that is used to derive a contradiction *)

  "tcontra  (tm_copy |+| H) |+| tm_dither"
  "code_tcontra  code tcontra"

(* assume tcontra does not halt on its code *)
lemma tcontra_unhalt: 
  assumes "¬  TMC_has_num_res tcontra [code tcontra]"
  shows "False"
proof -
  (* invariants *)
  define P1 where "P1  λtap. tap = ([]::cell list, <code_tcontra>)"
  define P2 where "P2  λtap. tap = ([Bk], <(code_tcontra, code_tcontra)>)"
  define P3 where "P3  λtap. k. tap = (Bk  k, <1::nat>)"

  ⦃P1⦄ tm_copy ⦃P2⦄  ⦃P2⦄ H ⦃P3⦄ 
     ⦃P1⦄ (tm_copy |+| H) ⦃P3⦄     ⦃P3⦄ tm_dither ⦃P3⦄
                 ⦃P1⦄ tcontra ⦃P3⦄

  have H_composable: "composable_tm0 (tm_copy |+| H)" by auto

(* ⦃P1⦄ (tm_copy |+| H) ⦃P3⦄ *)
  have first: "P1 (tm_copy |+| H) P3" 
  proof (cases rule: Hoare_plus_halt)
    case A_halt (* of tm_copy *)
    show "P1 tm_copy P2" unfolding P1_def P2_def tape_of_nat_def
      by (rule tm_copy_correct)
    case B_halt (* of H *)
    show "P2 H P3"
      unfolding P2_def P3_def 
      using H_halt[OF assms]
      by (simp add: tape_of_prod_def tape_of_list_def)
  qed (simp)

(* ⦃P3⦄ tm_dither ⦃P3⦄ *)
  have second: "P3 tm_dither P3" unfolding P3_def 
    by (rule tm_dither_halts)

(* ⦃P1⦄ tcontra ⦃P3⦄ *)
  have "P1 tcontra P3" 
    unfolding tcontra_def
    by (rule Hoare_plus_halt[OF first second H_composable])

  with assms show "False"
    unfolding P1_def P3_def
    unfolding  TMC_has_num_res_def
    unfolding Hoare_halt_def 
    apply(auto) apply(rename_tac n)
    apply(drule_tac x = n in spec)
    apply(case_tac "steps0 (Suc 0, [], <code tcontra>) tcontra n")
    apply(auto simp add: tape_of_list_def)
    by (metis append_Nil2 replicate_0)

(* asumme tcontra halts on its code *)
lemma tcontra_halt: 
  assumes " TMC_has_num_res tcontra [code tcontra]"
  shows "False"
proof - 
  (* invariants *)
  define P1 where "P1  λtap. tap = ([]::cell list, <code_tcontra>)"
  define P2 where "P2  λtap. tap = ([Bk], <(code_tcontra, code_tcontra)>)"
  define Q3 where "Q3  λtap. k. tap = (Bk  k, <0::nat>)"

  ⦃P1⦄ tm_copy ⦃P2⦄  ⦃P2⦄ H ⦃Q3⦄ 
     ⦃P1⦄ (tm_copy |+| H) ⦃Q3⦄     ⦃Q3⦄ tm_dither loops
               ⦃P1⦄ tcontra loops

  have H_composable: "composable_tm0 (tm_copy |+| H)" by auto

(* ⦃P1⦄ (tm_copy |+| H) ⦃Q3⦄ *)
  have first: "P1 (tm_copy |+| H) Q3" 
  proof (cases rule: Hoare_plus_halt)
    case A_halt (* of tm_copy *)
    show "P1 tm_copy P2" unfolding P1_def P2_def tape_of_nat_def
      by (rule tm_copy_correct)
    case B_halt (* of H *)
    then show "P2 H Q3"
      unfolding P2_def Q3_def using H_unhalt[OF assms]
      by(simp add: tape_of_prod_def tape_of_list_def)
  qed (simp)

(* ⦃P3⦄ tm_dither loops *)
  have second: "Q3 tm_dither " unfolding Q3_def 
    by (rule tm_dither_loops)

(* ⦃P1⦄ tcontra loops *)
  have "P1 tcontra " 
    unfolding tcontra_def
    by (rule Hoare_plus_unhalt[OF first second H_composable])

  with assms show "False"
    unfolding P1_def
    unfolding  TMC_has_num_res_def
    unfolding Hoare_halt_def Hoare_unhalt_def
    by (auto simp add: tape_of_list_def)

text ‹
  Thus False› is derivable.

lemma false: "False"
  using tcontra_halt tcontra_unhalt 
  by auto

end (* locale uncomputable *)
