Theory Matrix_L2_Operator_Norm

  Mnacho Echenim, Université Grenoble Alpes

theory Matrix_L2_Operator_Norm 
text ‹We formalize the $\mathcal{L}_2$ operator norm on matrices on nonempty vector spaces. This norm can 
be defined on a matrix $A$ by $\|A\|_2 = \sup \{\|A\cdot v\|_2\,\mid\, \|v\|_2 = 1\}$, and it 
is equal to the maximum singular value of $A$.›

section ‹Preliminary results›

subsection ‹Commutator and anticommutator›
text ‹We define the notions of commutator and anticommutator of two matrices. When these matrices
commute, their commutator is the zero matrix.›

definition commutator :: "complex Matrix.mat  complex Matrix.mat  
  complex Matrix.mat" where
"commutator A B = A * B - B * A"

definition anticommutator where
"anticommutator A B = A * B + B * A"

lemma commutator_dim:
  assumes "A  carrier_mat n n"
  and "B  carrier_mat n n"
shows "commutator A B  carrier_mat n n" using assms unfolding commutator_def
  by (metis minus_carrier_mat mult_carrier_mat) 

lemma anticommutator_dim:
  assumes "A  carrier_mat n n"
  and "B  carrier_mat n n"
shows "anticommutator A B  carrier_mat n n" using assms 
  unfolding anticommutator_def
  by (metis add_carrier_mat mult_carrier_mat)

lemma commutator_zero_iff:
  assumes "A carrier_mat n n"
  and "B carrier_mat n n"
shows "commutator A B = 0m n n  A*B = B * A"
proof -
  have "A*B  carrier_mat n n" using assms by simp
  moreover have "B*A carrier_mat n n" using assms by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis unfolding commutator_def
    by (metis left_add_zero_mat mat_minus_minus minus_r_inv_mat)

lemma anticommutator_zero_iff:
  fixes A::"'a ::ring Matrix.mat"
  assumes "A carrier_mat n n"
  and "B carrier_mat n n"
shows "anticommutator A B = 0m n n  B*A = -(A*B)"
proof -
  have ab: "A*B  carrier_mat n n" using assms by simp
  have ba: "B*A carrier_mat n n" using assms by simp
  show ?thesis unfolding anticommutator_def
    assume "A * B + B * A = 0m n n"
    thus "B*A = - (A*B)" using ab ba mat_add_eq_0_if by auto
    show "B * A = - (A * B)  A * B + B * A = 0m n n" using ab ba
      by (metis uminus_l_inv_mat uminus_uminus_mat) 

lemma commutator_mult_expand:
  assumes "A  carrier_mat n n"
  and "B  carrier_mat n n"
  and "C  carrier_mat n n"
  and "D  carrier_mat n n"
shows "commutator A B * commutator C D = 
  A * B * (C * D) - A * B * (D * C) - B * A * (C * D) + B * A * (D * C)" 
proof -
  have "commutator A B * commutator C D = A * B * commutator C D - 
    B * A * commutator C D"
    using assms commutator_def 
      minus_mult_distrib_mat[of "A * B" n n "B * A" "commutator C D"]
      commutator_dim[of C n D] by simp
  also have "... = A * B * (C * D) - A * B * (D * C) - B * A * commutator C D"
    using assms commutator_def 
      mult_minus_distrib_mat[of "A * B" n n "C * D" n "D * C"]
    by simp
  also have "... = A * B * (C * D) - A * B * (D * C) - B * A * (C * D) +
     B * A * (D * C)" 
    using assms commutator_def 
      mult_minus_distrib_mat[of "B * A" n n "C * D" n "D * C"]
    by (auto simp add:  algebra_simps)
  finally show ?thesis .

section ‹Maximum modulus in a spectrum›
text ‹We prove some basic results on the maximum modulus of elements in a matrix $A$,
and focus on the case where $A$ is a Hermitian matrix.›

subsection ‹Definition and basic properties for Hermitian matrices›
definition spmax:: "complex Matrix.mat  real" where
"spmax A = Max.F {cmod a|a. a spectrum A}"

lemma spmax_mem:
  assumes "A  carrier_mat n n"
  and "0 < n"
shows "spmax A  {cmod a|a. a  spectrum A}"
proof -
  define del where "del = {cmod a|a. a  spectrum A}"
  define M where "M = Max.F del"
  have "del  {}" using spectrum_ne assms unfolding del_def by auto
  moreover have "x. x  del  0  x" unfolding del_def by force
  have "finite del" using del_def by (simp add: spectrum_finite) 
  hence "M  {cmod a|a. a  spectrum A}" 
    using  Max_in[of del] del  {} M_def del_def by simp
  thus ?thesis unfolding spmax_def M_def del_def .

lemma spmax_geq_0:
  assumes "A  carrier_mat n n" 
  and "0 < n"
  shows "0  spmax A" 
proof -
  define del where "del = {cmod a|a. a  spectrum A}"
  define M where "M = Max.F del"
  have "del  {}" using spectrum_ne assms unfolding del_def by auto
  moreover have "x. x  del  0  x" unfolding del_def by force
  have "finite del" using del_def by (simp add: spectrum_finite) 
  hence "M  del" using  Max_in[of del] del  {} M_def by simp
  hence "0  M" using x. x  del  0  x by simp
  thus ?thesis unfolding spmax_def del_def M_def .

lemma Re_inner_mult_diag_le:
  fixes B::"complex Matrix.mat"
  assumes "diagonal_mat B"
  and "B  carrier_mat n n"
  and "0 < n"
  and "M = Max.F {Re (conjugate a)|a. a diag_elems B}"
shows " v  carrier_vec n. Re (inner_prod (B *v v) v)  
  M * Re ((inner_prod v v))" 
proof -
  define del where "del = {Re (conjugate a)|a. a diag_elems B}"
  have "finite del" using del_def by simp
  moreover have "del  {}" using diag_elems_ne[of B] assms del_def by simp
  ultimately have "M  del" using  Max_in[of del] del_def assms 
    unfolding spmax_def by simp
  have " v  carrier_vec n. Re (inner_prod (B *v v) v)  
    M * Re ((inner_prod v v))" 
    fix v::"complex Matrix.vec"
    assume "v  carrier_vec n"
    hence " Re (inner_prod (B *v v) v) = 
      Re ( i  {0 ..< n}. (conjugate (B $$ (i,i))) * 
      (vec_index v i *  (conjugate (vec_index v i))))" 
      using assms inner_mult_diag_expand by simp
    also have "... = ( i  {0 ..< n}. Re ((conjugate (B $$ (i,i))) * 
      (vec_index v i *  (conjugate (vec_index v i)))))" by simp
    also have "...  ( i  {0 ..< n}. M * 
      Re (vec_index v i *  (conjugate (vec_index v i))))"
    proof (rule sum_mono)
      show "i. i  {0..<n}   Re ((conjugate (B $$ (i,i))) * 
      (vec_index v i *  (conjugate (vec_index v i))))  
      M * Re  (vec_index v i *  (conjugate (vec_index v i)))"
      proof -
        fix i
        assume "i  {0 ..< n}"
        hence "Re ((conjugate (B $$ (i,i))) * 
          (vec_index v i *  (conjugate (vec_index v i)))) = 
          Re (conjugate (B $$ (i,i))) * Re (vec_index v i *  
          (conjugate (vec_index v i)))"
          using real_mult_re mult_conj_real assms by auto
        also have "...  M *  Re (vec_index v i * (conjugate (vec_index v i)))"
        proof -
          have "Re (conjugate (B $$ (i, i)))  del" using assms i  {0 ..< n} 
            unfolding del_def diag_elems_def by auto
          hence rel: "Re (conjugate (B $$ (i, i)))  M" 
            using assms finite del del_def by auto
          have "0  vec_index v i * conjugate (vec_index v i)" 
            using less_eq_complex_def by simp
          moreover have "vec_index v i * conjugate (vec_index v i) = 
            Re (vec_index v i * conjugate (vec_index v i))" 
            using mult_conj_real complex_is_Real_iff
            by (metis of_real_Re)  
          ultimately have "0  Re (vec_index v i * conjugate (vec_index v i))" 
            by simp
          thus "Re (conjugate (B $$ (i, i))) * Re (vec_index v i * 
            conjugate (vec_index v i))  
            M * Re (vec_index v i * conjugate (vec_index v i))" 
            using rel mult_right_mono by blast
        finally show 
          "Re ((conjugate (B $$ (i,i))) * (vec_index v i *  
          (conjugate (vec_index v i))))  
          M * Re (vec_index v i * conjugate (vec_index v i))" .
    also have "... = Re ( i  {0 ..< n}. M * 
      (vec_index v i *  (conjugate (vec_index v i))))" 
      by simp
    also have "... = Re (M * (inner_prod v v))"
    proof -
      have "( i  {0 ..< n}. M*(vec_index v i * (conjugate (vec_index v i))))=
        M * ( i  {0 ..< n}. (vec_index v i *  (conjugate (vec_index v i))))" 
        by (simp add: sum_distrib_left)
      also have "... = M * (inner_prod v v)" unfolding Matrix.scalar_prod_def 
        using assms v  carrier_vec n by force
      finally show ?thesis by simp
    also have "... = M * Re (inner_prod v v)" using assms by simp
    finally show "Re (Complex_Matrix.inner_prod (B *v v) v)  
      M * Re (Complex_Matrix.inner_prod v v)" .
  thus ?thesis using assms by auto

lemma Re_inner_mult_diag_le':
  fixes B::"complex Matrix.mat"
  assumes "diagonal_mat B"
  and "B  carrier_mat n n"
  and "0 < n"
  and "(M::real) = Max.F {cmod a|a. a diag_elems B}"
  and "v carrier_vec n"
shows "cmod (inner_prod v (B *v v))  M * inner_prod v v" 
proof -
  define del where "del = {cmod a|a. a diag_elems B}"
  have "finite del" using del_def by simp
  moreover have "del  {}" using diag_elems_ne[of B] assms del_def by simp
  ultimately have "M  del" using  Max_in[of del] del_def assms 
    unfolding  spmax_def by simp
  have "cmod (inner_prod v (B *v v)) = cmod ( i  {0 ..< n}. B $$ (i,i) * 
      (vec_index v i *  (conjugate (vec_index v i))))" 
    using assms inner_mult_diag_expand' by simp
  also have "...  ( i  {0 ..< n}. cmod (B $$ (i,i) * 
    (vec_index v i *  (conjugate (vec_index v i)))))" 
    by (simp add: sum_norm_le) 
  also have "...  ( i  {0 ..< n}. M * 
    cmod (vec_index v i *  (conjugate (vec_index v i))))"
  proof (rule sum_mono)
    show "i. i  {0..<n}   cmod (B $$ (i,i) * 
    (vec_index v i *  (conjugate (vec_index v i))))  
    M * cmod  (vec_index v i *  (conjugate (vec_index v i)))"
    proof -
      fix i
      assume "i  {0 ..< n}"
      hence "cmod (B $$ (i,i) * (vec_index v i *(conjugate (vec_index v i)))) = 
        cmod (B $$ (i,i)) * cmod (vec_index v i *  (conjugate (vec_index v i)))"
        by (simp add: norm_mult)
      also have "...  M *  cmod (vec_index v i *  (conjugate (vec_index v i)))"
      proof -
        have "cmod (B $$ (i, i))  del" using assms i  {0 ..< n} 
          unfolding del_def diag_elems_def by auto
        hence  "cmod (B $$ (i, i))  M" using assms finite del del_def 
          by auto
        thus ?thesis using mult_right_mono norm_ge_zero by blast
      finally show 
        "cmod (B $$ (i,i) * (vec_index v i *  (conjugate (vec_index v i))))  
        M * cmod (vec_index v i * conjugate (vec_index v i))" .
  also have "... = ( i  {0 ..< n}. M * 
    (vec_index v i *  (conjugate (vec_index v i))))"
    using cmod_conjugate_square_eq by auto
  also have "... = M * ( i  {0 ..< n}. 
    (vec_index v i *  (conjugate (vec_index v i))))" 
    by (simp add: sum_distrib_left) 
  also have "... = M * (inner_prod v v)" unfolding Matrix.scalar_prod_def 
    using assms v  carrier_vec n by force
  finally show ?thesis using less_eq_complex_def by simp

lemma hermitian_mult_inner_prod_le:
  fixes A::"complex Matrix.mat"
  assumes "A  carrier_mat n n"
  and "0 < n"
  and "hermitian A"
  and "v  carrier_vec n"
  shows "cmod (inner_prod v (A *v v))  (spmax A) * (inner_prod v v)"
proof - 
  obtain B U where bu: "real_diag_decomp A B U"  
    using assms hermitian_real_diag_decomp[of A] by auto
  define M where "M = Max.F {cmod a|a. a diag_elems B}"
  have meq: "M = spmax A" unfolding spmax_def M_def 
    using unitary_diag_spectrum_eq'[of A] bu 
    by (metis assms(1) real_diag_decompD(1))
  have uc: "Complex_Matrix.adjoint U  carrier_mat n n" using bu
    by (meson adjoint_dim' assms(1) real_diag_decompD(1) 
  hence mv: "U * B * (Complex_Matrix.adjoint U) *v v = 
    U  *v (B  *v ((Complex_Matrix.adjoint U) *v v))" 
    using assoc_mat_mult_vec'[of U] assms bu real_diag_decompD(1) 
    by (metis Complex_Matrix.adjoint_adjoint adjoint_dim)
  have "inner_prod v (A *v v) = inner_prod v (U  *v (B  *v 
    ((Complex_Matrix.adjoint U) *v v)))"
    using unitarily_equiv_eq bu mv real_diag_decompD(1)
    by (metis unitary_diag_imp_unitarily_equiv)
  also have "... = inner_prod ((Complex_Matrix.adjoint U) *v v) 
    (B *v  ((Complex_Matrix.adjoint U) *v v))"      
  proof (rule adjoint_def_alter)
    show "v carrier_vec n" using v carrier_vec n .
    show "U  carrier_mat n n" using uc
      by (metis Complex_Matrix.adjoint_adjoint adjoint_dim') 
    have "(Complex_Matrix.adjoint U *v v)  carrier_vec n" 
      using Complex_Matrix.adjoint U  carrier_mat n n v carrier_vec n 
      by simp
    thus "B *v (Complex_Matrix.adjoint U *v v)  carrier_vec n" 
      using assms bu real_diag_decompD(1) unitary_diag_carrier(1)
      by (metis mult_mat_vec_carrier)
  finally have "inner_prod v (A *v v) = 
    inner_prod ((Complex_Matrix.adjoint U) *v v) 
    (B *v  ((Complex_Matrix.adjoint U) *v v))" .
  hence "cmod (inner_prod v (A *v v)) = 
    cmod (inner_prod ((Complex_Matrix.adjoint U) *v v)
    (B *v  ((Complex_Matrix.adjoint U) *v v)))" by simp
  also have "...  M * inner_prod (Complex_Matrix.adjoint U *v v) 
    (Complex_Matrix.adjoint U *v v)"
  proof (rule Re_inner_mult_diag_le')
    show bc: "B carrier_mat n n" 
      using assms bu real_diag_decompD(1) unitary_diag_carrier(1) by metis
    show "M = Max.F {cmod a |a. a  diag_elems B}"
      using M_def by simp
    show "(Complex_Matrix.adjoint U *v v)  carrier_vec n" 
      using Complex_Matrix.adjoint U  carrier_mat n n v carrier_vec n
      by simp
    show "diagonal_mat B" using assms bu real_diag_decompD(1) unitary_diagD(2) 
      by metis
    show "0 < n" using assms by simp
  also have "... = M * inner_prod v v" 
  proof -
    have "unitary U" using bu unitarily_equivD(1)
      using real_diag_decompD(1) unitary_diagD(3) by blast 
    thus ?thesis using  assms bu uc unitary_inner_prod
      by (metis Complex_Matrix.adjoint_adjoint adjoint_dim' unitary_adjoint 
  finally show ?thesis using meq by simp

lemma  hermitian_trace_rank_le:
assumes "A  carrier_mat n n"
  and "hermitian A"
  and "v  carrier_vec n"
  and "0 < n"
shows "cmod (Complex_Matrix.trace (A * (rank_1_proj v)))  
  (spmax A) * (inner_prod v v)"
  using assms  hermitian_mult_inner_prod_le
  by (metis rank_1_proj_trace_inner) 

lemma hermitian_pos_decomp_cmod_le:
  assumes "A carrier_mat n n"
  and "C carrier_mat n n"
  and "0 < n"
and "hermitian C"
and "Complex_Matrix.positive A"
shows "cmod (Complex_Matrix.trace (C * A))  
  Re (Complex_Matrix.trace A) * (spmax C)"
proof -
  have a: "A carrier_mat n n" using assms by simp
  have b: "C carrier_mat n n" using assms by simp
  have "0 < n" using assms by simp
  obtain B U where bu: "real_diag_decomp A B U"
    using hermitian_real_diag_decomp[of A] positive_is_hermitian assms by auto
  have ud: "unitary_diag A B U" using bu by simp
  have "Complex_Matrix.positive A" using assms by simp
    fix i
    assume "i <n"
    have "cmod (Complex_Matrix.trace (C * rank_1_proj (Matrix.col U i)))  
      spmax C * inner_prod (Matrix.col U i) (Matrix.col U i)"
    proof (rule hermitian_trace_rank_le)
      show "C carrier_mat n n" "hermitian C" using assms by simp+
      show "Matrix.col U i  carrier_vec n" using 
          unitary_diag_carrier(2) assms ud 
        by (metis carrier_dim_vec carrier_matD(1) dim_col)
    qed (simp add: assms)
    also have "... = spmax C"
    proof -
      have "inner_prod (Matrix.col U i) (Matrix.col U i) = Matrix.col U i2"
        using vec_norm_sq_cpx_vec_length_sq inner_prod_vec_norm_pow2 by auto
      also have "... = 1" using unitary_col_norm_square assms unitary_diagD(3) 
        unitary_diag_carrier(2) ud
        by (metis i < n of_real_eq_1_iff)
      finally show ?thesis by simp
    finally have 
      "cmod (Complex_Matrix.trace (C * rank_1_proj (Matrix.col U i)))  spmax C" 
      using less_eq_complex_def by simp
  } note mprop = this
  thus "cmod (Complex_Matrix.trace (C * A))  
    Re (Complex_Matrix.trace A) * spmax C" 
    using a b ud positive_decomp_cmod_le  assms by simp 

lemma hermitian_density_cmod_le:
  fixes R::"complex Matrix.mat"
  assumes "R carrier_mat n n"
  and "A carrier_mat n n"
  and "0 < n"
and "hermitian A"
and "density_operator R"
shows "cmod (Complex_Matrix.trace (A * R))  (spmax A)"
proof -
  have "cmod (Complex_Matrix.trace (A * R))  
    Re (Complex_Matrix.trace R) * (spmax A)"
    using hermitian_pos_decomp_cmod_le assms unfolding density_operator_def 
    by blast
  also have "... = spmax A" using assms unfolding density_operator_def by simp
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma tensor_mat_hermitian_positive_le:
  assumes "A carrier_mat n n"
  and "B carrier_mat m m"
  and "C carrier_mat n n"
  and "D carrier_mat m m"
  and "0 < n"
  and "0 < m"
  and "hermitian A"
  and "hermitian B"
  and "Complex_Matrix.positive C"
  and "Complex_Matrix.positive D"
shows "cmod (Complex_Matrix.trace ((AB)*(CD)))  
  Re (Complex_Matrix.trace C) * Re (Complex_Matrix.trace D) *
  spmax A * spmax B"
proof -
  have "Complex_Matrix.trace ((AB)*(CD)) = 
    Complex_Matrix.trace ((A*C)  (B*D))"
    using mult_distr_tensor assms
    by (metis carrier_matD(2) positive_dim_eq)
  also have "... = 
    Complex_Matrix.trace (A * C) * (Complex_Matrix.trace (B * D))"
    using assms tensor_mat_trace by (meson mult_carrier_mat)
  finally have "Complex_Matrix.trace ((AB)*(CD)) = 
    Complex_Matrix.trace (A * C) * (Complex_Matrix.trace (B * D))" .
  hence "cmod (Complex_Matrix.trace ((AB)*(CD))) = 
    cmod (Complex_Matrix.trace (A * C)) *
    cmod (Complex_Matrix.trace (B * D))"
    by (simp add: norm_mult) 
  also have "...  Re (Complex_Matrix.trace C) * spmax A *
    cmod (Complex_Matrix.trace (B * D))"
    by (meson assms(1) assms(3) assms(5) assms(7) assms(9) 
        hermitian_pos_decomp_cmod_le mult_right_mono norm_ge_zero) 
  also have "...  Re (Complex_Matrix.trace C) * spmax A *
    Re (Complex_Matrix.trace D) * spmax B"
  proof -
    have "0  Re (Complex_Matrix.trace C) * spmax A" 
      using assms positive_trace spmax_geq_0
      by (simp add: cpx_ge_0_real nonnegative_complex_is_real)
    moreover have "cmod (Complex_Matrix.trace (B * D))  
      Re (Complex_Matrix.trace D) * spmax B"
      using assms hermitian_pos_decomp_cmod_le by auto 
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by (metis Groups.mult_ac(2) Groups.mult_ac(3) mult_left_mono)
  also have "... = Re (Complex_Matrix.trace C) * 
    Re (Complex_Matrix.trace D) * spmax A * spmax B" by simp
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma tensor_mat_hermitian_density_le:
  assumes "A carrier_mat n n"
  and "B carrier_mat m m"
  and "C carrier_mat n n"
  and "D carrier_mat m m"
  and "0 < n"
  and "0 < m"
  and "hermitian A"
  and "hermitian B"
  and "density_operator C"
  and "density_operator D"
shows "cmod (Complex_Matrix.trace ((AB)*(CD)))  
  spmax A * spmax B"
proof -
  have "cmod (Complex_Matrix.trace ((AB)*(CD)))  
  Re (Complex_Matrix.trace C) * Re (Complex_Matrix.trace D) *
  spmax A * spmax B" 
    by (meson assms density_operator_def tensor_mat_hermitian_positive_le)
  moreover have "Complex_Matrix.trace C = 1" 
    using assms unfolding density_operator_def by simp
  moreover have "Complex_Matrix.trace D = 1" 
    using assms unfolding density_operator_def by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis by simp

lemma idty_spmax:
  assumes "0 < n"
  shows "spmax (1m n) = 1" using idty_spectrum assms unfolding spmax_def by simp

lemma spmax_uminus:
  fixes A::"complex Matrix.mat"
  assumes "hermitian A"
  and "A carrier_mat n n"
  and "0 < n"
  shows "spmax (-A) = spmax A" 
proof -
  have "{cmod a |a. a  spectrum (- A)} = {cmod (-a) |a. a  spectrum A}"
    using assms spectrum_uminus[of A n]
    by (smt (verit) Collect_cong mem_Collect_eq)
  also have "... = {cmod a |a. a  spectrum A}" by simp
  finally have "{cmod a |a. a  spectrum (- A)} = 
    {cmod a |a. a  spectrum A}" .
  thus ?thesis unfolding spmax_def by simp

lemma spmax_smult:
fixes A::"complex Matrix.mat"
  assumes "hermitian A"
  and "A carrier_mat n n"
  and "0 < n"
  shows "spmax (x m A) = cmod x * spmax A" 
proof -
  have "{cmod a |a. a  spectrum (x m A)} = {cmod (x*a) |a. a  spectrum A}"
    using assms spectrum_smult[of A n] by auto
  also have "... = {cmod x * cmod a |a. a  spectrum A}" 
    by (simp add: norm_mult)  
  finally have eq: "{cmod a |a. a  spectrum (x m A)} = 
    {cmod x * cmod a |a. a  spectrum A}" .
  have "b  {cmod a |a. a  spectrum A}. 0  b" by auto
  moreover have "finite {cmod a |a. a  spectrum A}" 
    by (simp add: spectrum_finite) 
  moreover have "{cmod a |a. a  spectrum A}  {}" 
    using assms spectrum_ne by fastforce
  moreover have "{cmod x * a |a. a  {cmod a |a. a  spectrum A}} = 
    {cmod x * cmod a |a. a  spectrum A}" by auto
  ultimately have "Max.F {cmod x * cmod a |a. a  spectrum A} = 
    cmod x * Max.F {cmod a |a. a  spectrum A}"
    using pos_mult_Max[of "{cmod a |a. a  spectrum A}"]
    by (smt (verit) Collect_cong norm_ge_zero)
  thus ?thesis using eq unfolding spmax_def by auto

lemma spmax_smult_pos:
fixes A::"complex Matrix.mat"
  assumes "hermitian A"
  and "A carrier_mat n n"
  and "0 < n"
  and "0  x"
  shows "spmax (x m A) = x * spmax A" 
proof -
  have "spmax (x m A) = cmod x * spmax A" 
    using assms spmax_smult by simp
  also have "... = x * spmax A" using assms by simp
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma hermitian_square_spmax:
fixes A::"complex Matrix.mat"
  assumes "hermitian A"
and "A carrier_mat n n"
and "0 < n"
shows "spmax (A*A) = spmax A * spmax A"
proof -
  have "spmax (A * A) = Max.F {cmod (a*a) |a. a  spectrum A}" 
  proof -
    have "{cmod a|a. a  spectrum (A*A)} = {cmod (a*a) |a. a  spectrum A}"
      using assms hermitian_square_spectrum_eq[of A n]  by auto
    thus ?thesis unfolding spmax_def by simp
  also have "... = Max.F {cmod a * cmod a|a. a spectrum A}" 
    by (simp add: norm_mult)
  also have "... = spmax A * spmax A" unfolding spmax_def
  proof (rule square_Max)
    show "finite (spectrum A)" using spectrum_finite[of A] by simp
    show "spectrum A  {}" using spectrum_ne[of A] assms by simp
  qed auto
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma hermitian_square_idty_spmax:
  assumes "0 < n"
  and "A carrier_mat n n"
  and "hermitian A"
  and "A*A = 1m n"
shows "spmax A = 1" 
proof -
  have "spmax A * spmax A = 1" 
    using hermitian_square_spmax[of A] assms idty_spmax by simp
  thus "spmax A = 1" 
    using spmax_geq_0 assms
    by (metis abs_of_nonneg le_numeral_extra(1) more_arith_simps(6) 

lemma hermitian_mult_density_trace:
  assumes "A carrier_mat n n"
  and "R carrier_mat n n"
  and "0 < n"
  and "hermitian A"
  and "A * A = 1m n"
  and "density_operator R"
shows "¦Complex_Matrix.trace (A*R)¦  1"
proof -
  have "spmax A = 1" using assms hermitian_square_idty_spmax by simp
  hence "cmod (Complex_Matrix.trace (A*R))  1" 
    using hermitian_density_cmod_le assms by metis
  thus ?thesis using abs_cmod_eq
    by (metis Reals_of_real abs_norm_cancel cpx_real_abs_eq 
        cpx_real_abs_leq of_real_1) 

lemma tensor_mat_hermitian_density_spmax_le:
  assumes "A carrier_mat n n"
  and "B carrier_mat m m"
  and "C carrier_mat n n"
  and "D carrier_mat m m"
  and "0 < n"
  and "0 < m"
  and "hermitian A"
  and "hermitian B"
  and "A * A = 1m n"
  and "B * B = 1m m"
  and "density_operator C"
  and "density_operator D"
shows "cmod (Complex_Matrix.trace ((AB)*(CD)))  1"
proof -
  have "cmod (Complex_Matrix.trace ((AB)*(CD)))  
  spmax A * spmax B"
    using tensor_mat_hermitian_density_le assms by simp
  moreover have "spmax A = 1"
    by (metis assms(1) assms(5) assms(7) assms(9) 
        hermitian_square_spmax idty_spmax less_1_mult 
        linorder_le_less_linear mult_eq_1 semiring_norm(138) 
  moreover have "spmax B = 1"
    by (metis assms(10) assms(2) assms(6) assms(8) 
        hermitian_square_spmax idty_spmax less_1_mult 
        linorder_le_less_linear mult_eq_1 semiring_norm(138) 
  ultimately show ?thesis by simp

subsection ‹Eigenvector for the element with maximum modulus›

definition spmax_wit where
"spmax_wit A = (SOME k. eigenvalue A k  spmax A = cmod k)"

lemma spmax_wit_eigenvalue:
  assumes "A carrier_mat n n"
  and "0 < n"
  shows "eigenvalue A (spmax_wit A)  spmax A = cmod (spmax_wit A)"
proof -
  let ?V = "SOME k. eigenvalue A k  spmax A = cmod k"
  have vprop: "eigenvalue A ?V  spmax A = cmod ?V" using 
      someI_ex[of "λh. eigenvalue A h  spmax A = cmod h"]
       spmax_def spmax_mem assms spectrum_eigenvalues
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) mem_Collect_eq)
  thus ?thesis using spmax_wit_def by simp 

lemma find_eigen_spmax_neq_0:
  assumes "A carrier_mat n n"
  and "0 < n"
shows "find_eigenvector A (spmax_wit A)  0v n" using 
    find_eigenvector assms spmax_wit_eigenvalue unfolding eigenvector_def
  by blast

lemma find_eigen_spmax_dim:
  assumes "A carrier_mat n n"
  and "0 < n"
shows "dim_vec (vec_normalize (find_eigenvector A (spmax_wit A))) = n" 
  using find_eigenvector assms spmax_wit_eigenvalue  
  unfolding  eigenvector_def
  by (metis carrier_dim_vec carrier_matD(1) carrier_vec_dim_vec 

lemma nrm_spmax_eigenvector_eq:
  assumes "v = vec_normalize (find_eigenvector A (spmax_wit A))"
  and "A carrier_mat n n"
  and "0 < n"
  shows "cmod (inner_prod v (A *v v)) = spmax A" 
proof -
  define ve where "ve = find_eigenvector A (spmax_wit A)"
  have "ve  0v n" using assms find_eigen_spmax_neq_0 unfolding ve_def by simp
  have "dim_vec ve = n" using assms(2) assms(3) spmax_wit_eigenvalue  
    unfolding ve_def eigenvector_def
    by (metis find_eigen_spmax_dim index_smult_vec(2) 
  have "eigenvector A 
    (vec_normalize (find_eigenvector A (spmax_wit A))) (spmax_wit A)"
  proof (rule normalize_keep_eigenvector)
    show "eigenvector A (find_eigenvector A (spmax_wit A)) (spmax_wit A)" 
      using assms
      find_eigenvector spmax_wit_eigenvalue 
      unfolding  eigenvector_def by blast
    show "A  carrier_mat n n" using assms by simp
    show "find_eigenvector A (spmax_wit A)  carrier_vec n" using assms
      find_eigenvector spmax_wit_eigenvalue 
      unfolding  eigenvector_def by blast
  hence "inner_prod v (A *v v) = inner_prod v ((spmax_wit A)v v)" 
    using assms 
    unfolding  eigenvector_def by force
  also have "... = spmax_wit A * inner_prod v v" by simp
  also have "... = spmax_wit A" using normalized_vec_norm[of ve] assms 
    dim_vec ve = n ve  0v n carrier_vec_dim_vec mult_cancel_left2 ve_def 
    by blast
  finally have "inner_prod v (A *v v) = spmax_wit A" .
  thus "cmod (inner_prod v (A *v v)) = spmax A"
    using assms(2) assms(3) spmax_wit_eigenvalue by presburger

section ‹The $\mathcal{L}_2$ operator norm›

subsection ‹Definition and preliminary results›
definition rvec_norm where
"rvec_norm v = Re (vec_norm v)"

definition L2_op_nrm where
"L2_op_nrm A = 
  Sup {rvec_norm (A *v v) |v. dim_vec v = dim_col A  rvec_norm v = 1}"

lemma  mat_mult_inner_prod_le:
  fixes A::"complex Matrix.mat"
  assumes "0 < dim_col A"
  and "v  carrier_vec (dim_col A)"
shows "cmod (inner_prod (A *v v) (A *v v))  
  spmax ((Complex_Matrix.adjoint A) * A) * (inner_prod v v)"
proof -
  define dimr where "dimr = dim_col A"
  define fc::"complex Matrix.mat set" 
    where "fc = carrier_mat (dim_col A) (dim_col A)"
  interpret cpx_sq_mat "dim_col A" "dim_col A" fc 
    show "0 < dim_col A" using assms by simp
  qed (auto simp add: fc_def)
  define C where "C = (Complex_Matrix.adjoint A) * A"  
  have "hermitian C" 
    using mult_adjoint_hermitian[of A "dim_row A" "dim_col A"] C_def by simp  
  have "C  fc" using assms adjoint_dim' fc_def C_def 
    by (metis carrier_mat_triv mult_carrier_mat)
  have "cmod (inner_prod (A *v v) (A *v v)) = cmod (inner_prod v (C *v v))" 
    unfolding C_def
    using inner_prod_mult_mat_vec_right v carrier_vec (dim_col A) 
    by (metis carrier_mat_triv) 
  also have "...   (spmax C) * inner_prod v v" 
    using hermitian_mult_inner_prod_le C fc hermitian C 
    v carrier_vec (dim_col A)
    by (metis assms(1) fc_mats_carrier)
  finally show "cmod (inner_prod (A *v v) (A *v v))  
    spmax ((Complex_Matrix.adjoint A) * A) * (inner_prod v v)" 
    unfolding C_def by simp

lemma normalized_rvec_norm:
  assumes "v  0v (dim_vec v)"
  shows "rvec_norm (vec_normalize v) = 1" 
  using normalized_vec_norm assms carrier_vec_dim_vec csqrt_eq_1 
  unfolding vec_norm_def rvec_norm_def
  by (metis one_complex.sel(1))

lemma vec_norm_smult:
  shows "vec_norm (c  v v) = (cmod c) * (vec_norm v)"
proof -
  have "Complex_Matrix.inner_prod (c v v) (c v v) = 
    conjugate c * c * Complex_Matrix.inner_prod v v" 
    unfolding vec_norm_def using inner_prod_smult_right 
    by (simp add: conjugate_smult_vec) 
  also have "... = (cmod c)^2 * Complex_Matrix.inner_prod v v" 
    by (metis cross3_simps(11) mult_conj_cmod_square)
  finally have eq: "Complex_Matrix.inner_prod (c v v) (c v v) = 
    (cmod c)^2 * Complex_Matrix.inner_prod v v" .
  have "(cmod c)^2 * Complex_Matrix.inner_prod v v  Reals" 
    using self_inner_prod_real by simp
  hence "csqrt ((cmod c)^2 * Complex_Matrix.inner_prod v v) = 
    sqrt (Re ((cmod c)^2 * Complex_Matrix.inner_prod v v))" 
    using self_cscalar_prod_geq_0 by auto
  also have "... = (sqrt (Re (cmod c)^2) * 
    sqrt (Re (Complex_Matrix.inner_prod v v)))"
    by (simp add: real_sqrt_mult)
  also have "... = cmod c * sqrt (Re (Complex_Matrix.inner_prod v v))" 
    by fastforce
  also have "... = cmod c * csqrt (Complex_Matrix.inner_prod v v)" by auto
  finally have "csqrt ((cmod c)^2 * Complex_Matrix.inner_prod v v) = 
    cmod c * csqrt (Complex_Matrix.inner_prod v v)" .
  hence "csqrt (Complex_Matrix.inner_prod (c v v) (c v v)) = 
    cmod c * csqrt (Complex_Matrix.inner_prod v v)" using eq by simp
  thus ?thesis unfolding vec_norm_def by simp

lemma rvec_norm_smult:
  shows "rvec_norm (c  v v) = (cmod c) * (rvec_norm v)" 
  using vec_norm_smult unfolding rvec_norm_def by simp

lemma mult_mat_zero_vec:
  assumes "A  carrier_mat n m"
and "v = 0v m"
shows "A *v v = 0v n" 
proof (intro eq_vecI)
  show "dim_vec (A *v v) = dim_vec (0v n)" using assms by simp
  fix i
  assume "i < dim_vec (0v n)"
  hence "Matrix.vec_index (A *v v) i = Matrix.scalar_prod (Matrix.row A i) v" 
    using assms by simp
  also have "... = 0" using assms by auto
  also have "... = Matrix.vec_index (0v n) i" using i < dim_vec (0v n) 
    by auto 
  finally show "Matrix.vec_index (A *v v) i = Matrix.vec_index (0v n) i" .

lemma mat_mult_vec_normalize:
  assumes "dim_col A = dim_vec v"
  shows "A *v v = vec_norm v v (A *v (vec_normalize v))"
  have "A *v v = A *v (vec_norm v v vec_normalize v)" 
    using vec_eq_norm_smult_normalized by simp
  also have "... = vec_norm v v (A *v (vec_normalize v))" 
    using mult_mat_vec[of A _ _ "vec_normalize v" "vec_norm v"] assms
    by (metis carrier_mat_triv carrier_vec_dim_vec normalized_vec_dim)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma vec_norm_real:
  shows "vec_norm v  Reals"
proof -
  have "Im (vec_norm v) = 0" using vec_norm_geq_0 less_eq_complex_def by force
  thus ?thesis using complex_is_Real_iff by auto

lemma rvec_norm_geq_0:
  shows "0  rvec_norm v" unfolding rvec_norm_def
  using vec_norm_geq_0 less_eq_complex_def by auto

lemma rvec_norm_triangle:
  assumes "dim_vec u = dim_vec v"
  shows "rvec_norm (u + v)  rvec_norm u + rvec_norm v"
  using vec_norm_triangle[OF assms] less_eq_complex_def 
  unfolding rvec_norm_def by simp

lemma cmod_vec_norm:
  shows "cmod (vec_norm v) = vec_norm v"
proof -
  have "cmod (vec_norm v) = sqrt ((Re (vec_norm v))^2)" using vec_norm_real
    by (simp add: in_Reals_norm)
  also have "... = Re (vec_norm v)" 
    using vec_norm_real vec_norm_geq_0 cpx_ge_0_real by simp
  also have "... = vec_norm v" using vec_norm_real by simp
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma cmod_rvec_norm:
  shows "cmod (rvec_norm v) = rvec_norm v"
  unfolding rvec_norm_def using cmod_vec_norm
  by (metis Re_complex_of_real) 

lemma inner_prod_rvec_norm_pow2:
  shows "(rvec_norm v)2 = v ∙c v" 
  using rvec_norm_def inner_prod_vec_norm_pow2 vec_norm_eq_cpx_vec_length 
  by auto  

lemma rvec_norm_mat_mult_le:
  assumes "v carrier_vec (dim_col A)"
  and "0 < dim_col A"
  shows "cmod (inner_prod (A *v v) (A *v v))
        spmax (Complex_Matrix.adjoint A * A) * (rvec_norm v)2"
proof -
  have "cmod (inner_prod (A *v v) (A *v v))  
    spmax (Complex_Matrix.adjoint A * A) * inner_prod v v" 
    using assms mat_mult_inner_prod_le[of A v] by simp
  also have "... = spmax (Complex_Matrix.adjoint A * A) * (rvec_norm v)2" 
    using cmod_rvec_norm inner_prod_rvec_norm_pow2 norm_power by simp
  finally show ?thesis using less_eq_complex_def by simp

lemma square_leq:
  assumes "a2  b * c2"
  and "0  c"
shows "a  (sqrt b) * c" 
  by (metis assms real_le_rsqrt real_sqrt_mult real_sqrt_unique)

lemma rvec_set_ne:
  assumes "0 < dim_col A"
  shows "{rvec_norm (A *v v)|v. dim_vec v = dim_col A  rvec_norm v = 1}  {}"
proof -
  define vn::"complex Matrix.vec" where "vn = unit_vec (dim_col A) 0"
  have "vn  0v (dim_vec vn)" unfolding vn_def using assms by simp
  hence "rvec_norm (vec_normalize vn) = 1" using normalized_rvec_norm by simp
  moreover have "dim_vec (vec_normalize vn) = dim_col A" unfolding vn_def 
    by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis by auto

lemma unitary_col_vec_norm:
  assumes "U  carrier_mat n n"
  and "unitary U"
  and "i < n"
  shows "vec_norm (Matrix.col U i) = 1" using unitary_col_norm assms
  by (simp add: vec_norm_eq_cpx_vec_length)

lemma unitary_col_rvec_norm:
  assumes "U  carrier_mat n n"
  and "unitary U"
  and "i < n"
  shows "rvec_norm (Matrix.col U i) = 1" using unitary_col_vec_norm[OF assms]
  by (simp add: rvec_norm_def)

lemma Cauchy_Schwarz_complex_rvec_norm:
assumes "dim_vec x = dim_vec y"
shows "cmod (inner_prod x y)  rvec_norm x * rvec_norm y"
proof -
  have x: "x  carrier_vec (dim_vec x)" by simp
  moreover have y: "y  carrier_vec (dim_vec x)" using assms by simp
  ultimately have "(cmod (inner_prod x y))2 = inner_prod x y * inner_prod y x" 
    using complex_norm_square by (metis inner_prod_swap mult_conj_cmod_square)
  also have "...  inner_prod x x * inner_prod y y" 
    using Cauchy_Schwarz_complex_vec x y by blast
  finally have "(cmod (inner_prod x y))2  inner_prod x x * inner_prod y y" .
  hence "(cmod (inner_prod x y))2  Re (inner_prod x x) * Re (inner_prod y y)"
    using less_eq_complex_def by simp
  hence "sqrt ((cmod (inner_prod x y))2)  
    sqrt (Re (inner_prod x x) * Re (inner_prod y y))"
    using real_sqrt_le_iff by blast
  also have "... =  sqrt (Re (inner_prod x x)) * sqrt (Re (inner_prod y y))"
    by (simp add: real_sqrt_mult)
  finally have "sqrt ((cmod (inner_prod x y))2)  
    sqrt (Re (inner_prod x x)) * sqrt (Re (inner_prod y y))" .
  thus ?thesis using less_eq_complex_def
    by (metis Re_complex_of_real cmod_power2 cmod_rvec_norm 
        inner_prod_rvec_norm_pow2 norm_complex_def)

subsection ‹The $\mathcal{L}_2$ operator norm is equal to the maximum singular value›

definition max_sgval where
"max_sgval A = sqrt (spmax (Complex_Matrix.adjoint A * A))"

lemma max_sgval_geq_0:
  assumes "A carrier_mat n n" 
  and "0 < n"
shows "0  max_sgval A" 
  using spmax_geq_0[of "Complex_Matrix.adjoint A * A" n] 
  unfolding max_sgval_def
  by (meson adjoint_dim' assms(1) assms(2) mult_carrier_mat real_sqrt_ge_zero) 

lemma max_sgval_uminus:
  shows "max_sgval (-A) = max_sgval A" 
proof -
  have "Complex_Matrix.adjoint (-A) = - (Complex_Matrix.adjoint A)" 
    using adjoint_uminus[of A] 
    by simp
  hence "Complex_Matrix.adjoint (-A)*(-A) = -(Complex_Matrix.adjoint A) * (-A)" 
    by simp
  also have "... = - (Complex_Matrix.adjoint A * (-A))" by simp
  also have "... = Complex_Matrix.adjoint A * A" by simp
  finally have "Complex_Matrix.adjoint (-A) * (-A) = 
    Complex_Matrix.adjoint A * A" .
  thus ?thesis unfolding max_sgval_def by simp

lemma rvec_leq_sg_spmax:
  assumes "0 < dim_col A"
  and "v carrier_vec (dim_col A)"
shows "rvec_norm (A *v v)  (max_sgval A) * rvec_norm v"
proof -
  define M where "M = spmax (Complex_Matrix.adjoint A * A)"
  have "cmod (inner_prod (A *v v) (A *v v))
       M * (rvec_norm v)2" using rvec_norm_mat_mult_le assms 
    unfolding M_def  by simp
  hence "(rvec_norm (A *v v))2   M * (rvec_norm v)2" 
    using inner_prod_rvec_norm_pow2[of "A *v v"] assms cmod_rvec_norm
    by (metis inner_prod_rvec_norm_pow2 norm_power of_real_hom.hom_power)
  hence "rvec_norm (A *v v)  (sqrt M) * rvec_norm v"
    by (rule square_leq, (auto simp add: rvec_norm_geq_0))
  thus ?thesis unfolding max_sgval_def M_def by simp

lemma max_sgval_smult:
  assumes "A carrier_mat n n"
  and "0 < n"
  shows "max_sgval (amA) = cmod a * max_sgval A" 
proof -
  have "Complex_Matrix.adjoint (amA) * (amA) = 
    conjugate am (Complex_Matrix.adjoint A) * (amA)"
    using adjoint_scale[of a] by simp
  also have "... = conjugate am (Complex_Matrix.adjoint A * (amA))" 
    using mult_smult_assoc_mat[of "Complex_Matrix.adjoint A"] adjoint_dim[of A] 
      smult_carrier_mat[of A] assms by (meson mult_smult_assoc_mat)
  also have "... = (conjugate a) m (a m (Complex_Matrix.adjoint A) * A)" 
    using mult_smult_distrib[of "Complex_Matrix.adjoint A"] adjoint_dim[of A] 
      smult_carrier_mat[of A] assms by (metis mult_smult_assoc_mat) 
  also have "... = (conjugate a * a) m (Complex_Matrix.adjoint A) * A"
    by (metis adjoint_dim_col  carrier_mat_triv index_smult_mat(3) 
        mult_smult_assoc_mat smult_smult_times)
  also have "... = (cmod a)2 m(Complex_Matrix.adjoint A * A)"
    by (metis adjoint_dim' assms(1) cross3_simps(11) mult_conj_cmod_square 
  finally have "Complex_Matrix.adjoint (amA) * (amA) = 
    (cmod a)2 m(Complex_Matrix.adjoint A * A)" .
  moreover have "spmax ((cmod a)2 m(Complex_Matrix.adjoint A * A)) = 
    (cmod a)2 * spmax ((Complex_Matrix.adjoint A * A))" 
  proof (rule spmax_smult_pos)
    show "hermitian (Complex_Matrix.adjoint A * A)" 
      using assms mult_adjoint_hermitian by auto
    show "0 < dim_col A" using assms by simp
  qed (auto simp add: assms)
  ultimately have "spmax (Complex_Matrix.adjoint (amA) * (amA)) = 
    (cmod a)2 * spmax (Complex_Matrix.adjoint A * A)" by simp
  thus ?thesis unfolding max_sgval_def 
    by (metis abs_norm_cancel real_sqrt_abs real_sqrt_mult)

lemma L2_op_nrm_le_max_sgval:
  assumes "0 < dim_col A"
  shows "L2_op_nrm A  max_sgval A" unfolding L2_op_nrm_def
proof (rule Sup_real_le)
  have vg: "vcarrier_vec (dim_col A). rvec_norm (A *v v)  
    (max_sgval A) * rvec_norm v"
    using assms rvec_leq_sg_spmax by simp
  show "a{rvec_norm (A *v v) |v. dim_vec v = dim_col A  rvec_norm v = 1}. 
    0  a" 
    using rvec_norm_geq_0 by auto
  show "a{rvec_norm (A *v v) |v. dim_vec v = dim_col A  rvec_norm v = 1}. 
    a max_sgval A" 
    using vg carrier_vec_def by force
  show "{rvec_norm (A *v v) |v. dim_vec v = dim_col A  rvec_norm v = 1}  {}"
    using assms rvec_set_ne by simp

lemma max_sgval_eigen:
  assumes "A carrier_mat n n"
  and "0 < n"
  and "C = Complex_Matrix.adjoint A * A"
  and "v = vec_normalize (find_eigenvector C (spmax_wit C))"
shows "rvec_norm (A *v v) = max_sgval A"
proof -
  have "cmod (inner_prod (A *v v) (A *v v)) = cmod (inner_prod v (C *v v))" 
    using inner_prod_mult_mat_vec_right nrm_spmax_eigenvector_eq
    by (metis adjoint_dim' assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) assms(4) 
        carrier_vecI find_eigen_spmax_dim mult_carrier_mat)
  also have "... = spmax C" using assms nrm_spmax_eigenvector_eq[of C]
    by (metis assms(3) adjoint_dim' mult_carrier_mat 
        nrm_spmax_eigenvector_eq assms(4))
  finally have "cmod (inner_prod (A *v v) (A *v v)) = spmax C" .
  hence "(rvec_norm (A *v v))2 = spmax C" 
    using inner_prod_rvec_norm_pow2[of "A *v v"] assms cmod_rvec_norm
    by (metis inner_prod_rvec_norm_pow2 norm_power of_real_hom.hom_power)
  thus "rvec_norm (A *v v) = max_sgval A" using assms unfolding max_sgval_def
    by (simp add: real_sqrt_unique rvec_norm_geq_0)

lemma rvec_normalize_leq_L2_op_nrm:
  assumes "rvec_norm v = 1"
  and "dim_col A = dim_vec v"
  and "0 < dim_col A"
shows "rvec_norm (A *v v)  L2_op_nrm A" 
proof -
  have vg: "vcarrier_vec (dim_col A). rvec_norm (A *v v)  
    (max_sgval A) * rvec_norm v"
    using assms rvec_leq_sg_spmax by simp
  show ?thesis unfolding L2_op_nrm_def
  proof (rule Sup_ge_real)
    show "rvec_norm (A *v v)  
      {rvec_norm (A *v v) |v. dim_vec v = dim_col A  rvec_norm v = 1}"
      using assms by auto
    show "a{rvec_norm (A *v v) |v. dim_vec v = dim_col A  rvec_norm v = 1}. 
      a max_sgval A" 
      using vg carrier_vec_def by force 
    show "a{rvec_norm (A *v v) |v. dim_vec v = dim_col A  rvec_norm v = 1}. 
      0  a" 
      using rvec_norm_geq_0 by auto

lemma max_sgval_le_L2_op_nrm:
  assumes "A  carrier_mat n n"
  and "0 < n"
  shows "max_sgval A  L2_op_nrm A" 
proof -
  define C where "C = Complex_Matrix.adjoint A * A"
  define v where "v = vec_normalize (find_eigenvector C (spmax_wit C))"
  have "max_sgval A = rvec_norm (A *v v)" 
    using assms max_sgval_eigen v_def C_def 
    by simp
  also have "...  {rvec_norm (A *v v) |v. dim_vec v = dim_col A  
    rvec_norm v = 1}"
  proof -
    have "dim_vec v = dim_col A" using assms find_eigen_spmax_dim 
      unfolding v_def
      by (metis C_def adjoint_dim' carrier_matD(2) mult_carrier_mat)
    moreover have "rvec_norm v = 1" 
      using normalized_vec_norm find_eigen_spmax_neq_0 assms
      by (metis C_def adjoint_dim' calculation carrier_matD(2) 
          carrier_vec_dim_vec mult_carrier_mat normalize_zero 
          normalized_rvec_norm v_def)
    ultimately show ?thesis by auto
  finally have "max_sgval A  
    {rvec_norm (A *v v) |v. dim_vec v = dim_col A  rvec_norm v = 1}" .
  thus "max_sgval A  L2_op_nrm A" unfolding L2_op_nrm_def
    using assms L2_op_nrm_def rvec_normalize_leq_L2_op_nrm by auto

lemma vec_norm_leq_L2_op_nrm:
  assumes "A carrier_mat n n"
  and "v carrier_vec n"
  and "0 < n"
  and "vec_norm v = 1"
shows "vec_norm (A *v v)  L2_op_nrm A" 
proof -
  have "rvec_norm v = 1" using assms
    by (simp add: rvec_norm_def)
  hence "rvec_norm (A *v v)  L2_op_nrm A" unfolding L2_op_nrm_def
    by (metis assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) carrier_dim_vec carrier_matD(2) 
        L2_op_nrm_def rvec_normalize_leq_L2_op_nrm)
  have "vec_norm (A *v v) = rvec_norm (A *v v)"
    by (metis Re_complex_of_real cmod_vec_norm rvec_norm_def)
  also have "...  L2_op_nrm A" using rvec_norm (A *v v)  L2_op_nrm A 
    by (simp add: less_eq_complex_def)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma rvec_norm_leq_L2_op_nrm:
  assumes "A carrier_mat n n"
  and "v carrier_vec n"
  and "0 < n"
  and "rvec_norm v = 1"
shows "rvec_norm (A *v v)  L2_op_nrm A" unfolding L2_op_nrm_def
    by (metis assms carrier_dim_vec carrier_matD(2) 
        L2_op_nrm_def rvec_normalize_leq_L2_op_nrm)

lemma cmod_trace_rank_le_L2_op_nrm:
  assumes "A carrier_mat n n"
  and "v carrier_vec n"
  and "0 < n"
  and "rvec_norm v = 1"
  shows "cmod (Complex_Matrix.trace (A * rank_1_proj v))  L2_op_nrm A"
proof -
  have "cmod (Complex_Matrix.trace (A * rank_1_proj v)) = 
    cmod (Complex_Matrix.inner_prod v (A *v v))" 
    using rank_1_proj_trace_inner[of A] assms by simp
  also have "...  rvec_norm v * rvec_norm (A *v v)" 
    using Cauchy_Schwarz_complex_rvec_norm assms(1) assms(2) by auto
  also have "... = rvec_norm (A *v v)" using assms by simp
  also have "...  L2_op_nrm A" using rvec_norm_leq_L2_op_nrm assms by simp
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma expect_val_L2_op_nrm:
  fixes A::"complex Matrix.mat"
  assumes "A carrier_mat n n"
  and "R carrier_mat n n"
  and "0 < n"
  and "density_operator R"
  shows "cmod (Complex_Matrix.trace (A * R))  L2_op_nrm A"
proof -
  have "hermitian R" using assms unfolding density_operator_def
    by (simp add: positive_is_hermitian) 
  from this obtain B U where rd: "real_diag_decomp R B U" 
    using hermitian_real_diag_decomp[of R] assms by auto
  hence "unitary U"
    using real_diag_decompD(1) unitary_diagD(3) by blast 
  have "U carrier_mat n n" using rd unitary_diag_carrier(2) assms
    by (metis real_diag_decompD(1))
  have "cmod (Complex_Matrix.trace (A * R))  
    Re (Complex_Matrix.trace R) * L2_op_nrm A"
  proof (rule positive_decomp_cmod_le[of R n])
    show "Complex_Matrix.positive R" using assms 
      unfolding density_operator_def by simp
    show "unitary_diag R B U" using rd by simp
    show "i. i < n  
      cmod (Complex_Matrix.trace (A * rank_1_proj (Matrix.col U i)))  
      L2_op_nrm A"
      fix i
      assume "i < n"
      show "cmod (Complex_Matrix.trace (A * rank_1_proj (Matrix.col U i)))  
        L2_op_nrm A"
      proof (rule cmod_trace_rank_le_L2_op_nrm[of A n])
        show "Matrix.col U i  carrier_vec n"
          by (metis unitary_diag R B U assms(2) carrier_matD(1) 
              col_dim unitary_diag_carrier(2))
        show "rvec_norm (Matrix.col U i) = 1" 
          using unitary_col_rvec_norm unitary U i < n U carrier_mat n n 
          by simp
      qed (auto simp add: assms)
  qed (auto simp add: assms)
  also have "... = L2_op_nrm A" using assms 
    unfolding density_operator_def by simp
  finally show ?thesis .

subsection ‹Consequences for the $\mathcal{L}_2$ operator norm›

lemma L2_op_nrm_geq_0:
assumes "A  carrier_mat n n"
  and "0 < n"
shows "0  L2_op_nrm A" 
  using assms max_sgval_le_L2_op_nrm[of A n] max_sgval_geq_0[of A n] 
  by simp

lemma L2_op_nrm_max_sgval_eq:
  assumes "A  carrier_mat n n"
  and "0 < n"
  shows "L2_op_nrm A = max_sgval A"
proof -
  have "L2_op_nrm A  max_sgval A" using assms L2_op_nrm_le_max_sgval by simp
  moreover have "max_sgval A  L2_op_nrm A" 
    using assms max_sgval_le_L2_op_nrm by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis by simp

lemma rvec_leq_L2_op_nrm:
  assumes "A  carrier_mat n n"
  and "0 < n"
  and "v carrier_vec n"
shows "rvec_norm (A *v v)  (L2_op_nrm A) * rvec_norm v"
  using assms L2_op_nrm_max_sgval_eq rvec_leq_sg_spmax by simp

lemma L2_op_nrm_mult_le:
  assumes "A  carrier_mat n n"
  and "B carrier_mat n n"
  and "0 < n"
shows "L2_op_nrm (A*B)  L2_op_nrm A * L2_op_nrm B" 
proof -
  have "Sup {rvec_norm (A * B *v v) |v. dim_vec v = n  rvec_norm v = 1}  
    L2_op_nrm A * L2_op_nrm B" 
  proof (rule Sup_real_le)
    show "{rvec_norm (A * B *v v) |v. dim_vec v = n  rvec_norm v = 1}  {}" 
      using rvec_set_ne assms by auto
    show "a{rvec_norm (A * B *v v) |v. dim_vec v = n  rvec_norm v = 1}. 
      0   a" 
      using rvec_norm_geq_0 by auto
    show "a{rvec_norm (A * B *v v) |v. dim_vec v = n  rvec_norm v = 1}. 
      a  L2_op_nrm A * L2_op_nrm B" 
      fix x
      assume "x  {rvec_norm (A * B *v v)|v. dim_vec v = n  rvec_norm v = 1}"
      hence "v.(dim_vec v = n rvec_norm v = 1  x = rvec_norm (A * B *v v))" 
        by auto
      from this obtain v where "dim_vec v = n" and "rvec_norm v = 1" 
        and "x = rvec_norm (A * B *v v)" by auto note vprop = this
      have "A * B *v v = A *v (B *v v)" using assms vprop by auto
      hence "x = rvec_norm (A *v (B *v v))" using vprop by simp
      also have "...  L2_op_nrm A * rvec_norm (B *v v)" 
        using assms rvec_leq_L2_op_nrm[of A n "B *v v"] carrier_vecI 
          mult_mat_vec_carrier vprop(1) 
        by blast
      also have "...  L2_op_nrm A * (L2_op_nrm B)" 
        using vprop rvec_normalize_leq_L2_op_nrm[of v] assms
        by (metis carrier_matD(2) more_arith_simps(6) mult_mono' mult_zero_right 
            rvec_norm_geq_0 verit_comp_simplify1(2))
      finally show "x  L2_op_nrm A * L2_op_nrm B" .
  thus ?thesis using assms L2_op_nrm_def by simp

lemma L2_op_nrm_smult:
  assumes "A carrier_mat n n"
  and "0 < n"
shows "L2_op_nrm (c m A) = cmod c * L2_op_nrm A"
  by (metis L2_op_nrm_max_sgval_eq assms(1) assms(2) max_sgval_smult 

lemma L2_op_nrm_uminus:
  assumes "A carrier_mat n n"
  and "0 < n"
shows "L2_op_nrm (-A) = L2_op_nrm A" 
  using L2_op_nrm_max_sgval_eq max_sgval_uminus[of A] assms by simp

lemma L2_op_nrm_triangle:
  assumes "A  carrier_mat n n"
  and "B carrier_mat n n"
  and "0 < n"
shows "L2_op_nrm (A+B)  L2_op_nrm A + L2_op_nrm B"
proof -
  define C where "C = Complex_Matrix.adjoint (A+B) * (A+B)"
  have "C  carrier_mat n n" using C_def 
    by (metis add_carrier_mat adjoint_dim' assms(2) mult_carrier_mat) 
  define v where "v = vec_normalize (find_eigenvector C (spmax_wit C))"
  have "v carrier_vec n" using v_def
    by (metis C  carrier_mat n n assms(3) carrier_dim_vec 
  have "rvec_norm (A *v v)  L2_op_nrm A"
  proof (rule rvec_normalize_leq_L2_op_nrm)
    show "0 < dim_col A" using assms by simp
    show "dim_col A = dim_vec v" using v carrier_vec n assms by simp
    show "rvec_norm v = 1" using v_def
      by (metis C  carrier_mat n n v  carrier_vec n assms(3) carrier_vecD 
          find_eigen_spmax_neq_0 normalize_zero normalized_rvec_norm 
   have "rvec_norm (B *v v)  L2_op_nrm B"
  proof (rule rvec_normalize_leq_L2_op_nrm)
    show "0 < dim_col B" using assms by simp
    show "dim_col B = dim_vec v" using v carrier_vec n assms by simp
    show "rvec_norm v = 1" using v_def
      by (metis C  carrier_mat n n v  carrier_vec n assms(3) carrier_vecD 
          find_eigen_spmax_neq_0 normalize_zero normalized_rvec_norm 
  have "(A+B)*v v = A *v v + B *v v" 
  proof (rule add_mult_distrib_mat_vec)
    show "A  carrier_mat n n" "B carrier_mat n n" using assms by auto
    show "v carrier_vec n" using v carrier_vec n .
  hence "L2_op_nrm (A+B) = rvec_norm (A *v v + B *v v)" 
    using L2_op_nrm_max_sgval_eq[of "A+B" n] max_sgval_eigen[of "A+B" n] 
      C_def v_def by (simp add: assms(2) assms(3))
  also have "...  rvec_norm (A *v v) + rvec_norm (B *v v)" 
    using rvec_norm_triangle assms v carrier_vec n by simp
  also have "...  L2_op_nrm A + L2_op_nrm B" 
    using rvec_norm (B *v v)  L2_op_nrm B rvec_norm (A *v v)  L2_op_nrm A 
    by simp
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma L2_op_nrm_triangle':
  assumes "A carrier_mat n n"
  and "B carrier_mat n n"
  and "0 < n"
shows "L2_op_nrm (A-B)  L2_op_nrm A + L2_op_nrm B"
proof -
  have "L2_op_nrm (A-B) = L2_op_nrm (A + (-B))" 
    using assms add_uminus_minus_mat[of A] by simp
  also have "...  L2_op_nrm A + L2_op_nrm (-B)" 
    using L2_op_nrm_triangle assms by simp
  also have "... = L2_op_nrm A + L2_op_nrm B" 
    using L2_op_nrm_uminus assms by simp
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma hermitian_max_sgval_eq:
fixes A::"complex Matrix.mat"
assumes "hermitian A"
and "0 < dim_row A"
shows "max_sgval A = spmax A"
proof -
  define n where "n = dim_row A"
  have "A  carrier_mat n n" 
    using assms n_def hermitian_square by (simp add: hermitian_square)
  have "max_sgval A = sqrt (spmax (A * A))" 
    using assms unfolding max_sgval_def hermitian_def by simp
  also have "... = spmax A" 
    using assms hermitian_square_spmax spmax_geq_0 A  carrier_mat n n 
    by simp
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma hermitian_L2_op_nrm_spmax_eq:
fixes A::"complex Matrix.mat"
assumes "hermitian A"
and "0 < dim_row A"
shows "L2_op_nrm A = spmax A" 
proof -
  define n where "n = dim_row A"
  have "A  carrier_mat n n" 
    using n_def by (metis assms(1) hermitian_square) 
  thus ?thesis 
    using assms hermitian_max_sgval_eq[of A] L2_op_nrm_max_sgval_eq[of A n] n_def
    by metis

lemma hermitian_L2_op_nrm_sqrt:
fixes A::"complex Matrix.mat"
assumes "hermitian A"
and "0 < dim_row A"
shows "L2_op_nrm A = sqrt (L2_op_nrm (A*A))"
  by (metis assms hermitian_L2_op_nrm_spmax_eq hermitian_commute hermitian_def 
      hermitian_max_sgval_eq index_mult_mat(2) max_sgval_def) 

lemma idty_L2_op_nrm:
  assumes "0 < n"
  shows "L2_op_nrm (1m n) = 1" 
  using assms idty_spmax[of n] hermitian_L2_op_nrm_spmax_eq
  by (simp add: hermitian_one)

lemma commutator_L2_op_nrm_le:
  assumes "A carrier_mat n n"
  and "B carrier_mat n n"
  and "0 < n"
  shows "L2_op_nrm (commutator A B)  2 * L2_op_nrm A * L2_op_nrm B"
proof -
  have "L2_op_nrm (commutator A B)  L2_op_nrm (A*B) + L2_op_nrm (B * A)" 
    unfolding commutator_def 
    using L2_op_nrm_triangle'[of "A*B" n] assms by simp
  also have "...  L2_op_nrm A * L2_op_nrm B + L2_op_nrm (B*A)" 
    using L2_op_nrm_mult_le assms by simp
  also have "...  L2_op_nrm A * L2_op_nrm B + L2_op_nrm B * L2_op_nrm A" 
    using L2_op_nrm_mult_le[of B n A] assms 
    by linarith
  also have "... = L2_op_nrm A * L2_op_nrm B + L2_op_nrm A * L2_op_nrm B" by simp
  also have "... = 2 * L2_op_nrm A * L2_op_nrm B" by simp
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma herm_sq_id_L2_op_nrm:
  assumes "0 < n"
  and "A carrier_mat n n"
  and "hermitian A"
  and "A*A = 1m n"
shows "L2_op_nrm A = 1"
proof -
  have "spmax A = 1" using assms hermitian_square_idty_spmax by simp
  thus ?thesis using hermitian_L2_op_nrm_spmax_eq assms by simp

lemma comm_L2_op_nrm_le:
  assumes "A carrier_mat n n"
  and "B carrier_mat n n"
  and "0 < n"
  and "A*A = 1m n"
  and "B*B = 1m n"
  and "hermitian A"
  and "hermitian B"
shows "L2_op_nrm (commutator A B)  2"
proof -
  have "L2_op_nrm (commutator A B)  2 * L2_op_nrm A * L2_op_nrm B" 
    using assms commutator_L2_op_nrm_le by simp
  also have "... = 2 * L2_op_nrm A" 
    using herm_sq_id_L2_op_nrm assms by simp
  also have "... = 2" 
    using herm_sq_id_L2_op_nrm assms by simp
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma idty_smult_nat_L2_op_nrm:
  assumes "0 < n"
  shows "L2_op_nrm ((m::nat) m (1m n)) = m"
proof -
  have "L2_op_nrm ((m::nat) m (1m n)) = spmax ((m::nat) m (1m n))"
    using hermitian_L2_op_nrm_spmax_eq[of "m m 1m n"] hermitian_one 
      assms hermitian_smult
    by (metis index_one_mat(2) index_smult_mat(2) of_real_of_nat_eq 
  also have "... = m * L2_op_nrm (1m n)" 
    using spmax_smult_pos [of "1m n" n "m"] assms hermitian_one  
    hermitian_L2_op_nrm_spmax_eq[of "1m n"] 
    by (simp add: n. hermitian (1m n))
  also have "... = m" using idty_L2_op_nrm[of n] assms by simp
  finally show ?thesis .