Theory Three_Squares
section ‹Legendre's three squares theorem and its consequences›
theory Three_Squares
imports "Dirichlet_L.Dirichlet_Theorem" Residues_Properties Quadratic_Forms
subsection ‹Legendre's three squares theorem›
definition quadratic_residue_alt :: "int ⇒ int ⇒ bool" where
"quadratic_residue_alt m a = (∃x y. x⇧2 - a = y * m)"
lemma quadratic_residue_alt_equiv: "quadratic_residue_alt = QuadRes"
unfolding quadratic_residue_alt_def QuadRes_def
by (metis cong_iff_dvd_diff cong_modulus_mult dvdE dvd_refl mult.commute)
lemma sq_nat_abs: "(nat ¦v¦)⇧2 = nat (v⇧2)"
by (simp add: nat_power_eq[symmetric])
text ‹Lemma 1.7 from @{cite nathanson1996}.›
lemma three_squares_using_quadratic_residue:
fixes n d' :: nat
assumes "n ≥ 2"
assumes "d' > 0"
assumes "QuadRes (d' * n - 1) (- d')"
shows "∃x⇩1 x⇩2 x⇩3. n = x⇩1⇧2 + x⇩2⇧2 + x⇩3⇧2"
proof -
define a where "a ≡ d' * n - 1"
from assms(3) obtain x y where "x⇧2 + int d' = y * int a"
unfolding a_def quadratic_residue_alt_equiv[symmetric]
by auto
hence Hxy: "x⇧2 + d' = y * a" by auto
have "y ≥ 1"
using assms Hxy
unfolding a_def
by (smt (verit) bot_nat_0.not_eq_extremum mult_le_0_iff of_nat_0_le_iff
of_nat_le_0_iff power2_eq_square zero_le_square)
moreover from Hxy have Hxy⇩2: "d' = y * a - x⇧2" by (simp add: algebra_simps)
define M where "M ≡ mat3 y x 1 x a 0 1 0 n"
moreover have Msym: "mat_sym M"
unfolding mat3_sym_def M_def mat3.sel
by simp
moreover have Mdet_eq_1: "mat_det M = 1"
proof -
have "mat_det M = (y * a - x⇧2) * n - a"
unfolding mat3_det_def M_def mat3.sel power2_eq_square
by (simp add: algebra_simps)
also have "... = int d' * n - a" unfolding Hxy⇩2 by simp
also have "... = 1" unfolding a_def using assms int_ops by force
finally show ?thesis .
moreover have "mat_det (mat2 y x x a) > 0"
using Hxy⇩2 assms
unfolding mat2_det_def power2_eq_square
by simp
ultimately have "qf_positive_definite M"
by (auto simp add: lemma_1_3(4))
hence "M ~ 1"
using Msym and Mdet_eq_1
by (simp add: qf3_det_one_equiv_canonical)
moreover have "M $$ vec3 0 0 1 = n"
unfolding M_def qf3_app_def mat3_app_def vec3_dot_def mat3.sel vec3.sel
by (simp add: algebra_simps)
hence "n ∈ range (($$) M)" by (metis rangeI)
ultimately have "n ∈ range (($$) (1 :: mat3))"
using qf3_equiv_preserves_range by simp
then obtain u :: vec3 where "1 $$ u = n"
by auto
hence "<u | u> = n"
unfolding qf3_app_def mat3_app_def one_mat3_def
by simp
hence "∃x⇩1 x⇩2 x⇩3. int n = x⇩1⇧2 + x⇩2⇧2 + x⇩3⇧2"
unfolding vec3_dot_def power2_eq_square by metis
hence "∃x⇩1 x⇩2 x⇩3. n = (nat ¦x⇩1¦)⇧2 + (nat ¦x⇩2¦)⇧2 + (nat ¦x⇩3¦)⇧2"
unfolding sq_nat_abs
apply (simp add: nat_add_distrib[symmetric])
apply (metis nat_int)
thus "∃x⇩1 x⇩2 x⇩3. n = x⇩1⇧2 + x⇩2⇧2 + x⇩3⇧2" by blast
lemma prime_linear_combination:
fixes a m :: nat
assumes "m > 1"
assumes "coprime a m"
obtains j :: nat where "prime (a + m * j) ∧ j ≠ 0"
proof -
assume 0: "⋀j. prime (a + m * j) ∧ j ≠ 0 ⟹ thesis"
have 1: "infinite {p. prime p ∧ [p = a] (mod m)}"
using assms
by (rule Dirichlet_Theorem.residues_nat.Dirichlet[unfolded residues_nat_def])
have 2: "finite {j. prime (nat (int a + int m * j)) ∧ j ≤ 0}"
apply (rule finite_subset[of _ "{- (int a) div (int m)..0}"])
apply (rule subsetI)
subgoal for j
proof -
assume 1: "j ∈ {j. prime (nat (int a + int m * j)) ∧ j ≤ 0}"
have "int a + int m * j ≥ 0" using 1 prime_ge_0_int by force
hence "int m * j ≥ - int a" by auto
hence "j ≥ (- int a) div int m"
using assms 1
by (smt (verit) unique_euclidean_semiring_class.cong_def
coprime_crossproduct_nat coprime_iff_invertible_int
coprime_int_iff int_distrib(3) int_ops(2) int_ops(7)
mem_Collect_eq mult_cancel_right1 zdiv_mono1
nonzero_mult_div_cancel_left of_nat_0_eq_iff
of_nat_le_0_iff prime_ge_2_int prime_nat_iff_prime)
thus "j ∈ {- (int a) div (int m)..0}" using 1 by auto
subgoal by blast
have "{p. prime p ∧ [p = a] (mod m)} =
{p. prime p ∧ (∃j. int p = int a + int m * j)}"
unfolding cong_sym_eq[of _ a]
unfolding cong_int_iff[symmetric] cong_iff_lin
also have "... = {p. prime p ∧ (∃j. p = nat (int a + int m * j))}"
by (metis (opaque_lifting) nat_int nat_eq_iff
prime_ge_0_int prime_nat_iff_prime)
also have "... = (λj. nat (int a + int m * j)) `
{j. prime (nat (int a + int m * j))}"
by blast
finally have "infinite ((λj. nat (int a + int m * j)) `
{j. prime (nat (int a + int m * j))})"
using 1 by metis
hence "infinite {j. prime (nat (int a + int m * j))}"
using finite_imageI by blast
hence "infinite ({j. prime (nat (int a + int m * j))} -
{j. prime (nat (int a + int m * j)) ∧ j ≤ 0})"
using 2 Diff_infinite_finite by blast
hence "infinite {j. prime (nat (int a + int m * j)) ∧ j > 0}"
by (rule back_subst[of infinite]; auto)
hence "infinite (int ` {j. prime (nat (int a + int m * j)) ∧ j ≠ (0 :: nat)})"
apply (rule back_subst[of infinite])
unfolding image_def using zero_less_imp_eq_int apply auto
hence "infinite {j. prime (nat (int a + int m * j)) ∧ (j :: nat) ≠ 0}"
using finite_imageI by blast
hence "infinite {j. prime (a + m * j) ∧ j ≠ 0}"
apply (rule back_subst[of infinite])
apply (auto simp add: int_ops nat_plus_as_int)
thus thesis using 0 not_finite_existsD by blast
text ‹Lemma 1.8 from @{cite nathanson1996}.›
lemma three_squares_using_mod_four:
fixes n :: nat
assumes "n mod 4 = 2"
shows "∃x⇩1 x⇩2 x⇩3. n = x⇩1⇧2 + x⇩2⇧2 + x⇩3⇧2"
proof -
have "n > 1" using assms by auto
have "coprime (n - 1) (4 * n)"
by (smt (verit, del_insts) Suc_pred assms bot_nat_0.not_eq_extremum
coprime_commute coprime_diff_one_right_nat
coprime_mod_right_iff coprime_mult_left_iff
diff_Suc_1 mod_Suc mod_mult_self1_is_0 mult_0_right
numeral_2_eq_2 zero_neq_numeral)
then obtain j where H_j:
"prime ((n - 1) + (4 * n) * j) ∧ j ≠ 0"
using prime_linear_combination[of "4 * n" "n - 1"] ‹n > 1› by auto
have "j > 0" using H_j by blast
define d' where "d' ≡ 4 * j + 1"
define p where "p ≡ d' * n - 1"
have "prime p"
unfolding p_def d'_def
using conjunct1[OF H_j] apply (rule back_subst[of prime])
using ‹n > 1› apply (simp add: algebra_simps nat_minus_as_int nat_plus_as_int)
have "p mod 4 = 1"
unfolding p_def
apply (subst mod_diff_eq_nat)
subgoal unfolding d'_def using ‹n > 1› ‹j > 0› by simp
apply (subst mod_mult_eq[symmetric])
unfolding assms d'_def apply simp
have "d' * n mod 4 = 2"
using assms p_def d'_def ‹p mod 4 = 1›
by (metis mod_mult_cong mod_mult_self4 nat_mult_1)
hence "d' mod 4 = 1" using assms by (simp add: d'_def)
have "QuadRes p (- d')"
proof -
have d'_expansion: "d' = (∏q∈prime_factors d'. q ^ multiplicity q d')"
using prime_factorization_nat unfolding d'_def by auto
have "odd d'" unfolding d'_def by simp
hence d'_prime_factors_odd: "q ∈ prime_factors d' ⟹ odd q" for q
by fastforce
have d'_prime_factors_gt_2: "q ∈ prime_factors d' ⟹ q > 2" for q
using d'_prime_factors_odd
by (metis even_numeral in_prime_factors_imp_prime
order_less_le prime_ge_2_nat)
have "[p = - 1] (mod d')"
unfolding p_def cong_iff_dvd_diff apply simp
using ‹n > 1› apply (smt (verit) Suc_as_int Suc_pred add_gr_0 d'_def
dvd_nat_abs_iff dvd_triv_left
less_numeral_extra(1) mult_pos_pos
of_nat_less_0_iff order_le_less_trans
hence d'_prime_factors_2_p_mod:
"q ∈ prime_factors d' ⟹ [p = - 1] (mod q)" for q
by (rule cong_dvd_modulus; auto)
have "d' mod 4 = (∏q∈prime_factors d'. q ^ multiplicity q d') mod 4"
using d'_expansion by argo
also have "... = (∏q∈prime_factors d'. (q mod 4) ^ multiplicity q d') mod 4"
apply (subst mod_prod_eq[symmetric])
apply (subst power_mod[symmetric])
apply (subst mod_prod_eq)
apply blast
also have "... = (∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 4)}.
(q mod 4) ^ multiplicity q d') mod 4"
apply (rule arg_cong[of _ _ "λx. x mod 4"])
apply (rule prod.mono_neutral_right)
subgoal by blast
subgoal by blast
unfolding unique_euclidean_semiring_class.cong_def
apply (rule ballI)
using d'_prime_factors_odd apply simp
apply (metis One_nat_def dvd_0_right even_even_mod_4_iff
even_numeral mod_exhaust_less_4)
also have "... = (∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 4)}.
((int q) mod 4) ^ multiplicity q d') mod 4"
by (simp add: int_ops)
also have "... = (∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 4)}.
((- 1) mod 4) ^ multiplicity q d') mod 4"
apply (rule arg_cong[of _ _ "λx. x mod 4"])
apply (rule prod.cong[OF refl])
unfolding unique_euclidean_semiring_class.cong_def nat_mod_as_int apply simp
apply (metis nat_int of_nat_mod of_nat_numeral)
also have "... = (∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 4)}.
(- 1) ^ multiplicity q d') mod 4"
apply (subst mod_prod_eq[symmetric])
apply (subst power_mod)
apply (subst mod_prod_eq)
apply blast
finally have "[∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 4)}.
(- 1) ^ multiplicity q d' = 1 :: int] (mod 4)"
using ‹d' mod 4 = 1›
by (simp add: unique_euclidean_semiring_class.cong_def)
hence prod_prime_factors_minus_one:
"(∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 4)}.
(- 1) ^ multiplicity q d') = (1 :: int)"
unfolding power_sum[symmetric]
unfolding minus_one_power_iff unique_euclidean_semiring_class.cong_def
by presburger
have "p > 2" using ‹prime p› ‹p mod 4 = 1› nat_less_le prime_ge_2_nat by force
have d'_prime_factors_Legendre:
"q ∈ prime_factors d' ⟹
Legendre p q = Legendre q p" for q
proof -
assume "q ∈ prime_factors d'"
have "prime q" using ‹q ∈ prime_factors d'› by blast
have "q > 2" using d'_prime_factors_gt_2 ‹q ∈ prime_factors d'› by blast
show "Legendre p q = Legendre q p"
using ‹prime p› ‹p > 2› ‹p mod 4 = 1›
‹prime q› ‹q > 2› Legendre_equal[of p q]
unfolding unique_euclidean_semiring_class.cong_def
using zmod_int[of p 4]
by auto
have "Legendre (- d') p = Legendre (- 1) p * Legendre d' p"
using ‹prime p› Legendre_mult[of p "- 1" d'] by auto
also have "... = Legendre d' p"
using ‹prime p› ‹p > 2› ‹p mod 4 = 1› Legendre_minus_one[of p]
unfolding unique_euclidean_semiring_class.cong_def nat_mod_as_int
by auto
also have "... = (∏q∈prime_factors d'. Legendre (q ^ multiplicity q d') p)"
apply (subst d'_expansion)
using ‹prime p› ‹p > 2› Legendre_prod[of p] apply auto
also have "... = (∏q∈prime_factors d'. (Legendre q p) ^ multiplicity q d')"
using ‹prime p› ‹p > 2› Legendre_power by auto
also have "... = (∏q∈prime_factors d'. (Legendre p q) ^ multiplicity q d')"
using d'_prime_factors_Legendre by auto
also have "... = (∏q∈prime_factors d'.
(Legendre (- 1) q) ^ multiplicity q d')"
apply (rule prod.cong[OF refl])
using d'_prime_factors_2_p_mod apply (metis Legendre_cong)
also have "... = (∏q∈prime_factors d'.
(if [q = 1] (mod 4) then 1 else - 1) ^ multiplicity q d')"
apply (rule prod.cong[OF refl])
subgoal for q
using Legendre_minus_one_alt[of q] d'_prime_factors_gt_2[of q]
by (smt (verit) cong_int_iff in_prime_factors_iff int_eq_iff_numeral
less_imp_of_nat_less numeral_Bit0 numeral_One of_nat_1
also have "... = (∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 4)}.
(if [q = 1] (mod 4) then 1 else - 1) ^ multiplicity q d')"
apply (rule prod.mono_neutral_right)
subgoal by blast
subgoal by blast
unfolding unique_euclidean_semiring_class.cong_def
apply (rule ballI)
using d'_prime_factors_odd apply simp
apply (metis One_nat_def dvd_0_right even_even_mod_4_iff
even_numeral mod_exhaust_less_4)
also have "... = (∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 4)}.
(- 1) ^ multiplicity q d')"
by (rule prod.cong[OF refl];
simp add: unique_euclidean_semiring_class.cong_def)
also have "... = 1" using prod_prime_factors_minus_one .
finally show "QuadRes p (- d')"
unfolding Legendre_def
by (metis one_neq_neg_one one_neq_zero)
thus "∃x⇩1 x⇩2 x⇩3. n = x⇩1⇧2 + x⇩2⇧2 + x⇩3⇧2"
using ‹n > 1› three_squares_using_quadratic_residue[of n d']
unfolding d'_def p_def
by auto
lemma three_mod_eight_power_iff:
fixes n :: nat
shows "(3 :: int) ^ n mod 8 = (if even n then 1 else 3)"
proof (induction n)
case 0
thus ?case by auto
case (Suc n)
thus ?case
apply (cases "even n")
using mod_mult_left_eq[of 3 8 "3 ^ n"] apply simp
apply presburger
using mod_mult_left_eq[of 3 8 "3 * 3 ^ n"] apply simp
apply presburger
text ‹Lemma 1.9 from @{cite nathanson1996}.›
lemma three_squares_using_mod_eight:
fixes n :: nat
assumes "n mod 8 ∈ {1, 3, 5}"
shows "∃x⇩1 x⇩2 x⇩3. n = x⇩1⇧2 + x⇩2⇧2 + x⇩3⇧2"
proof cases
assume "n = 1"
hence "n = 1⇧2 + 0⇧2 + 0⇧2" unfolding power2_eq_square by auto
thus "∃x⇩1 x⇩2 x⇩3. n = x⇩1⇧2 + x⇩2⇧2 + x⇩3⇧2" by blast
assume "n ≠ 1"
hence "n > 1" using assms by auto
have H_n:
"(n mod 8 = 1 ⟹ P) ⟹
(n mod 8 = 3 ⟹ P) ⟹
(n mod 8 = 5 ⟹ P) ⟹ P" for P
using assms by auto
define c :: nat where "c ≡ if n mod 8 = 3 then 1 else 3"
have "c * n ≥ 1" unfolding c_def using ‹n > 1› by auto
obtain k where H_k: "2 * k = c * n - 1"
using H_n
unfolding c_def
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) dvd_mod even_mult_iff even_numeral
odd_numeral odd_one odd_two_times_div_two_nat)
have k_mod_4: "k mod 4 = (if n mod 8 = 5 then 3 else 1)" (is "k mod 4 = ?v")
proof -
have "c * n mod 8 = (if n mod 8 = 5 then 7 else 3)"
using H_n
proof cases
assume "n mod 8 = 1"
have "3 * n mod 8 = 3"
using ‹n mod 8 = 1› mod_mult_right_eq[of 3 n 8]
by auto
thus ?thesis unfolding c_def using ‹n mod 8 = 1› by auto
assume "n mod 8 = 3"
thus ?thesis unfolding c_def by auto
assume "n mod 8 = 5"
have "3 * n mod 8 = 7"
using ‹n mod 8 = 5› mod_mult_right_eq[of 3 n 8]
by auto
thus ?thesis unfolding c_def using ‹n mod 8 = 5› by auto
hence "2 * k mod 8 = (if n mod 8 = 5 then 6 else 2)"
unfolding H_k using ‹c * n ≥ 1› mod_diff_eq_nat by simp
hence "2 * (k mod 4) = 2 * ?v" by (simp add: mult_mod_right)
thus ?thesis by simp
have "coprime k (4 * n)"
using k_mod_4 H_k ‹c * n ≥ 1›
by (metis One_nat_def coprime_Suc_left_nat coprime_commute
coprime_diff_one_right_nat coprime_mod_left_iff
coprime_mult_right_iff mult_2_right numeral_2_eq_2 numeral_3_eq_3
numeral_Bit0 order_less_le_trans zero_less_one zero_neq_numeral)
then obtain j where H_j:
"prime (k + (4 * n) * j) ∧ j ≠ 0"
using prime_linear_combination[of k "n - 1"] ‹n > 1›
by (metis One_nat_def Suc_leI bot_nat_0.not_eq_extremum mult_is_0
nat_1_eq_mult_iff nat_less_le prime_linear_combination
have "j > 0" using H_j by blast
define p where "p ≡ k + (4 * n) * j"
have "prime p"
unfolding p_def
using conjunct1[OF H_j] apply (rule back_subst[of prime])
apply (simp add: int_ops nat_plus_as_int)
have "[p = k] (mod 4 * n)"
unfolding p_def unique_euclidean_semiring_class.cong_def by auto
have "p > 2"
using ‹prime p› ‹[p = k] (mod 4 * n)› ‹coprime k (4 * n)›
by (metis cong_dvd_iff cong_dvd_modulus_nat coprime_common_divisor_nat
dvd_mult2 even_numeral le_neq_implies_less odd_one prime_ge_2_nat)
define d' where "d' ≡ 8 * j + c"
have "d' > 1" unfolding d'_def using ‹j > 0› by simp
have H_2_p: "2 * p = d' * n - 1"
unfolding p_def d'_def
using ‹c * n ≥ 1› H_k
by (smt (verit, del_insts) Nat.add_diff_assoc add.commute
add_mult_distrib mult.commute mult_2 numeral_Bit0)
have "QuadRes p (- d')"
proof -
have d'_expansion: "d' = (∏q∈prime_factors d'. q ^ multiplicity q d')"
using ‹j > 0› prime_factorization_nat unfolding d'_def by auto
have "odd d'" unfolding c_def d'_def by simp
hence d'_prime_factors_odd: "q ∈ prime_factors d' ⟹ odd q" for q
by fastforce
have d'_prime_factors_gt_2: "q ∈ prime_factors d' ⟹ q > 2" for q
using d'_prime_factors_odd
by (metis even_numeral in_prime_factors_imp_prime
order_less_le prime_ge_2_nat)
have "[2 * p = - 1] (mod d')"
using ‹n > 1› ‹d' > 1›
unfolding H_2_p cong_iff_dvd_diff
by (simp add: int_ops less_1_mult order_less_imp_not_less)
hence d'_prime_factors_2_p_mod:
"q ∈ prime_factors d' ⟹ [2 * p = - 1] (mod q)" for q
by (rule cong_dvd_modulus; auto)
have "q ∈ prime_factors d' ⟹ coprime (2 * int p) q" for q
using d'_prime_factors_2_p_mod
by (metis cong_imp_coprime cong_sym coprime_1_left
coprime_minus_left_iff mult_2 of_nat_add)
hence d'_prime_factors_coprime:
"q ∈ prime_factors d' ⟹ coprime (int p) q" for q
using d'_expansion by auto
have Legendre_using_quadratic_reciprocity:
"Legendre (- d') p =
(∏q∈prime_factors d'. (Legendre p q) ^ multiplicity q d')"
proof cases
assume "n mod 8 ∈ {1, 3}"
have "k mod 4 = 1" using ‹n mod 8 ∈ {1, 3}› k_mod_4 by auto
hence "p mod 4 = 1"
using ‹[p = k] (mod 4 * n)›
by (metis unique_euclidean_semiring_class.cong_def cong_modulus_mult_nat)
hence "[int p = 1] (mod 4)"
by (metis cong_mod_left cong_refl int_ops(2) int_ops(3) of_nat_mod)
have d'_prime_factors_Legendre:
"q ∈ prime_factors d' ⟹
Legendre p q = Legendre q p" for q
proof -
assume "q ∈ prime_factors d'"
have "prime q" using ‹q ∈ prime_factors d'› by blast
have "q > 2" using d'_prime_factors_gt_2 ‹q ∈ prime_factors d'› by blast
show "Legendre p q = Legendre q p"
using ‹prime p› ‹p > 2› ‹[int p = 1] (mod 4)›
‹prime q› ‹q > 2› Legendre_equal[of p q]
by auto
have "Legendre (- d') p = Legendre (- 1) p * Legendre d' p"
using ‹prime p› Legendre_mult[of p "- 1" d'] by auto
also have "... = Legendre d' p"
using ‹prime p› ‹p > 2› ‹[int p = 1] (mod 4)› Legendre_minus_one
by auto
also have "... = (∏q∈prime_factors d'. Legendre (q ^ multiplicity q d') p)"
apply (subst d'_expansion)
using ‹prime p› ‹p > 2› Legendre_prod[of p] apply auto
also have "... = (∏q∈prime_factors d'. (Legendre q p) ^ multiplicity q d')"
using ‹prime p› ‹p > 2› Legendre_power by auto
also have "... = (∏q∈prime_factors d'. (Legendre p q) ^ multiplicity q d')"
using d'_prime_factors_Legendre by auto
finally show ?thesis .
assume "n mod 8 ∉ {1, 3}"
hence "n mod 8 = 5" using assms by auto
have "[p = 3] (mod 4)"
using ‹n mod 8 = 5› k_mod_4 ‹[p = k] (mod 4 * n)›
by (metis cong_mod_right cong_modulus_mult_nat)
have "[d' = 3] (mod 8)"
using ‹n mod 8 = 5›
unfolding d'_def c_def cong_iff_dvd_diff
by (simp add: unique_euclidean_semiring_class.cong_def)
have "[d' = - 1] (mod 4)"
using ‹[d' = 3] (mod 8)› cong_modulus_mult[of d' 3 4 2]
unfolding unique_euclidean_semiring_class.cong_def nat_mod_as_int
by auto
have d'_prime_factors_cases:
"q ∈ prime_factors d' ⟹
multiplicity q d' = 0 ∨ [q = 1] (mod 4) ∨ [q = 3] (mod 4)" for q
proof -
assume "q ∈ prime_factors d'"
consider "[q = 0] (mod 4)"
| "[q = 1] (mod 4)"
| "[q = 2] (mod 4)"
| "[q = 3] (mod 4)"
unfolding unique_euclidean_semiring_class.cong_def by (simp; linarith)
thus "multiplicity q d' = 0 ∨ [q = 1] (mod 4) ∨ [q = 3] (mod 4)"
proof cases
assume "[q = 0] (mod 4)"
hence False
using d'_prime_factors_odd ‹q ∈ prime_factors d'›
by (meson cong_0_iff dvd_trans even_numeral)
thus "multiplicity q d' = 0 ∨ [q = 1] (mod 4) ∨ [q = 3] (mod 4)"
by blast
assume "[q = 1] (mod 4)"
thus "multiplicity q d' = 0 ∨ [q = 1] (mod 4) ∨ [q = 3] (mod 4)"
by blast
assume "[q = 2] (mod 4)"
hence "q = 2"
using d'_prime_factors_odd ‹q ∈ prime_factors d'›
by (metis unique_euclidean_semiring_class.cong_def
dvd_mod_iff even_numeral)
thus "multiplicity q d' = 0 ∨ [q = 1] (mod 4) ∨ [q = 3] (mod 4)"
by (simp add: ‹odd d'› not_dvd_imp_multiplicity_0)
assume "[q = 3] (mod 4)"
thus "multiplicity q d' = 0 ∨ [q = 1] (mod 4) ∨ [q = 3] (mod 4)"
by blast
have "d' = (∏q∈{q∈prime_factors d'. True}. q ^ multiplicity q d')"
using d'_expansion by auto
also have "... = (∏q∈{q∈prime_factors d'.
multiplicity q d' = 0 ∨ [q = 1] (mod 4) ∨ [q = 3] (mod 4)}.
q ^ multiplicity q d')"
using d'_prime_factors_cases by meson
also have "... = (∏q∈{q∈prime_factors d'. multiplicity q d' = 0} ∪
{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 1] (mod 4) ∨
[q = 3] (mod 4)}. q ^ multiplicity q d')"
by (rule prod.cong; blast)
also have "... = (∏q∈{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 1] (mod 4) ∨
[q = 3] (mod 4)}. q ^ multiplicity q d')"
by (rule prod.mono_neutral_left[symmetric]; auto)
also have "... = (∏q∈{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 1] (mod 4)} ∪
{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 4)}.
q ^ multiplicity q d')"
by (rule prod.cong; blast)
also have "... = (∏q∈{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 1] (mod 4)}.
q ^ multiplicity q d') *
(∏q∈{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 4)}.
q ^ multiplicity q d')"
by (rule prod.union_disjoint;
auto simp add: unique_euclidean_semiring_class.cong_def)
finally have d'_expansion_mod_4:
"d' = (∏q∈{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 1] (mod 4)}.
q ^ multiplicity q d') *
(∏q∈{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 4)}.
q ^ multiplicity q d')" .
have "int d' mod 4 = int ((∏q∈{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 1] (mod 4)}.
q ^ multiplicity q d') *
(∏q∈{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 4)}.
q ^ multiplicity q d') mod 4)"
using d'_expansion_mod_4
by presburger
also have "... = ((∏q∈{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 1] (mod 4)}.
((q mod 4) ^ multiplicity q d') mod 4) mod 4) *
((∏q∈{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 4)}.
((q mod 4) ^ multiplicity q d') mod 4) mod 4) mod 4"
unfolding mod_mult_eq mod_prod_eq power_mod ..
also have "... = int (((∏q∈{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 1] (mod 4)}.
(1 ^ multiplicity q d') mod 4) mod 4) *
((∏q∈{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 4)}.
(3 ^ multiplicity q d') mod 4) mod 4) mod 4)"
unfolding unique_euclidean_semiring_class.cong_def by auto
also have "... = ((∏q∈{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 4)}.
(((int 3) mod 4) ^ multiplicity q d') mod 4) mod 4) mod 4"
by (simp add: int_ops)
also have "... = ((∏q∈{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 4)}.
(((- 1) mod 4) ^ multiplicity q d') mod 4) mod 4) mod 4"
by auto
also have "... = (∏q∈{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 4)}.
((- 1) ^ multiplicity q d')) mod 4"
unfolding power_mod mod_prod_eq mod_mod_trivial ..
finally have "[d' = ∏q∈{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 4)}.
((- 1) ^ multiplicity q d')] (mod 4)"
unfolding unique_euclidean_semiring_class.cong_def .
hence "[∏q∈{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 4)}.
((- 1) ^ multiplicity q d') = - 1 :: int] (mod 4)"
using ‹[d' = - 1] (mod 4)›
unfolding unique_euclidean_semiring_class.cong_def
by argo
hence prod_d'_prime_factors_q_3_mod_4_minus_one:
"(∏q∈{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 4)}.
((- 1) ^ multiplicity q d')) = (- 1 :: int)"
unfolding power_sum[symmetric]
unfolding minus_one_power_iff unique_euclidean_semiring_class.cong_def
by auto
have d'_prime_factors_q_1_mod_4_Legendre:
"q ∈ prime_factors d' ⟹
[q = 1] (mod 4) ⟹
Legendre p q = Legendre q p" for q
proof -
assume "q ∈ prime_factors d'"
assume "[q = 1] (mod 4)"
have "prime q" using ‹q ∈ prime_factors d'› by blast
have "q > 2" using d'_prime_factors_gt_2 ‹q ∈ prime_factors d'› by blast
show "Legendre p q = Legendre q p"
using ‹prime p› ‹p > 2› ‹[p = 3] (mod 4)› ‹[q = 1] (mod 4)›
‹prime q› ‹q > 2› Legendre_equal[of p q]
unfolding unique_euclidean_semiring_class.cong_def
using zmod_int[of q 4]
by auto
have d'_prime_factors_q_3_mod_4_Legendre:
"q ∈ prime_factors d' ⟹
[q = 3] (mod 4) ⟹
Legendre p q = - Legendre q p" for q
proof -
assume "q ∈ prime_factors d'"
assume "[q = 3] (mod 4)"
have "prime q" using ‹q ∈ prime_factors d'› by blast
have "q > 2" using d'_prime_factors_gt_2 ‹q ∈ prime_factors d'› by blast
have "p ≠ q"
using d'_prime_factors_coprime[of q] ‹q ∈ prime_factors d'› ‹prime p›
by auto
show "Legendre p q = - Legendre q p"
using ‹prime p› ‹p > 2› ‹[p = 3] (mod 4)› ‹[q = 3] (mod 4)›
‹prime q› ‹q > 2› ‹p ≠ q› Legendre_opposite[of p q]
unfolding unique_euclidean_semiring_class.cong_def
using zmod_int[of p 4] zmod_int[of q 4]
by fastforce
have d'_prime_factors_q_0_2_mod_4:
"q ∈ prime_factors d' ⟹
([q = 0] (mod 4) ∨ [q = 2] (mod 4)) ⟹
Legendre p q = 1" for q
unfolding unique_euclidean_semiring_class.cong_def
using d'_prime_factors_odd mod_mod_cancel[of 2 4 q]
by fastforce
have "Legendre (- d') p = Legendre (- 1) p * Legendre d' p"
using ‹prime p› Legendre_mult[of p "- 1" d'] by auto
also have "... = - Legendre d' p"
using ‹prime p› ‹p > 2› ‹[p = 3] (mod 4)› Legendre_minus_one[of p]
unfolding unique_euclidean_semiring_class.cong_def nat_mod_as_int
by (auto simp add: cong_0_iff Legendre_def)
also have "... = - (∏q∈{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 1] (mod 4)}.
(Legendre q p) ^ multiplicity q d') *
(∏q∈{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 4)}.
(Legendre q p) ^ multiplicity q d')"
apply (subst d'_expansion_mod_4)
using ‹prime p› ‹p > 2› Legendre_mult[of p]
Legendre_prod[of p "λq. q ^ multiplicity q d'"] Legendre_power[of p]
apply simp
also have "... = - (∏q∈{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 1] (mod 4)}.
(Legendre p q) ^ multiplicity q d') *
(∏q∈{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 4)}.
(- Legendre p q) ^ multiplicity q d')"
using d'_prime_factors_q_1_mod_4_Legendre
by auto
also have "... = - (∏q∈{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 1] (mod 4)}.
(Legendre p q) ^ multiplicity q d') *
(∏q∈{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 4)}.
(Legendre p q * (- 1)) ^ multiplicity q d')"
by auto
also have "... = - (∏q∈{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 1] (mod 4)}.
(Legendre p q) ^ multiplicity q d') *
(∏q∈{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 4)}.
(Legendre p q) ^ multiplicity q d') *
(∏q∈{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 4)}.
(- 1) ^ multiplicity q d')"
unfolding power_mult_distrib prod.distrib by auto
also have "... = (∏q∈{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 1] (mod 4)}.
(Legendre p q) ^ multiplicity q d') *
(∏q∈{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 4)}.
(Legendre p q) ^ multiplicity q d')"
unfolding prod_d'_prime_factors_q_3_mod_4_minus_one by auto
also have "... = (∏q∈{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 0] (mod 4)}.
(Legendre p q) ^ multiplicity q d') *
(∏q∈{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 1] (mod 4)}.
(Legendre p q) ^ multiplicity q d') *
(∏q∈{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 2] (mod 4)}.
(Legendre p q) ^ multiplicity q d') *
(∏q∈{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 4)}.
(Legendre p q) ^ multiplicity q d')"
using d'_prime_factors_q_0_2_mod_4 by auto
also have "... = (∏q∈{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 0] (mod 4)} ∪
{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 1] (mod 4)}.
(Legendre p q) ^ multiplicity q d') *
(∏q∈{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 2] (mod 4)} ∪
{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 4)}.
(Legendre p q) ^ multiplicity q d')"
using prod.union_disjoint[of "{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 0] (mod 4)}"
"{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 1] (mod 4)}"
"λq. (Legendre p (int q)) ^
multiplicity q d'"]
prod.union_disjoint[of "{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 2] (mod 4)}"
"{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 4)}"
"λq. (Legendre p (int q)) ^
multiplicity q d'"]
by (fastforce simp add: unique_euclidean_semiring_class.cong_def)
also have "... = (∏q∈({q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 0] (mod 4)} ∪
{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 1] (mod 4)}) ∪
({q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 2] (mod 4)} ∪
{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 4)}).
(Legendre p q) ^ multiplicity q d')"
by (rule prod.union_disjoint[symmetric];
auto simp add: unique_euclidean_semiring_class.cong_def)
also have "... = (∏q∈{q∈prime_factors d'.
[q = 0] (mod 4) ∨ [q = 1] (mod 4) ∨
[q = 2] (mod 4) ∨ [q = 3] (mod 4)}.
(Legendre p q) ^ multiplicity q d')"
by (rule prod.cong; auto)
also have "... = (∏q∈prime_factors d'. (Legendre p q) ^ multiplicity q d')"
by (rule prod.cong;
auto simp add: unique_euclidean_semiring_class.cong_def)
finally show ?thesis .
have "q ∈ prime_factors d' ⟹ Legendre 4 q = 1" for q
proof -
assume "q ∈ prime_factors d'"
have "q dvd 4 ⟹ q ≤ 4" by (simp add: dvd_imp_le)
hence "q dvd 4 ⟹ q ∈ {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}" by auto
hence "q dvd 4 ⟹ q ∈ {1, 2, 4}" by auto
hence "¬ q dvd 4" using ‹q ∈ prime_factors d'› d'_prime_factors_odd[of q]
by (metis empty_iff even_numeral in_prime_factors_imp_prime
insert_iff not_prime_1)
hence "¬ int q dvd 4" by presburger
thus "Legendre 4 q = 1"
unfolding Legendre_def QuadRes_def cong_0_iff power2_eq_square
by (metis cong_refl mult_2 numeral_Bit0)
hence "Legendre (- d') p = (∏q∈prime_factors d'.
(Legendre (2 * 2) q * Legendre p q) ^ multiplicity q d')"
using Legendre_using_quadratic_reciprocity by auto
also have "... = (∏q∈prime_factors d'.
(Legendre 2 q * Legendre (2 * p) q) ^ multiplicity q d')"
apply (rule prod.cong[OF refl])
using d'_prime_factors_gt_2 Legendre_mult in_prime_factors_imp_prime
by (metis int_ops(7) of_nat_numeral prime_nat_int_transfer mult.assoc)
also have "... = (∏q∈prime_factors d'.
(Legendre 2 q * Legendre (- 1) q) ^ multiplicity q d')"
apply (rule prod.cong[OF refl])
using d'_prime_factors_2_p_mod Legendre_cong
unfolding unique_euclidean_semiring_class.cong_def
apply metis
also have "... = (∏q∈prime_factors d'.
((if [q = 1] (mod 8) ∨ [q = 7] (mod 8) then 1 else - 1) *
(if [q = 1] (mod 4) then 1 else - 1)) ^ multiplicity q d')"
apply (rule prod.cong[OF refl])
subgoal for q
apply (rule arg_cong2[of _ _ _ _ "λa b. (a * b) ^ multiplicity q d'"])
using Legendre_two_alt[of q] d'_prime_factors_gt_2[of q]
unfolding unique_euclidean_semiring_class.cong_def nat_mod_as_int
by force
using Legendre_minus_one_alt[of q] d'_prime_factors_gt_2[of q]
unfolding unique_euclidean_semiring_class.cong_def nat_mod_as_int
by force
also have "... = (∏q∈prime_factors d'.
((if [q = 5] (mod 8) ∨ [q = 7] (mod 8) then - 1 else 1)) ^
multiplicity q d')"
apply (rule prod.cong)
subgoal by blast
subgoal for q
apply (rule arg_cong[of _ _ "λa. a ^ multiplicity q d'"])
unfolding unique_euclidean_semiring_class.cong_def apply (simp; presburger)
also have "... = (∏q∈prime_factors d'.
(if [q = 5] (mod 8) ∨ [q = 7] (mod 8)
then (- 1) ^ multiplicity q d' else 1))"
by (rule prod.cong; auto)
also have "... = (∏q∈{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 5] (mod 8) ∨ [q = 7] (mod 8)}.
(- 1) ^ multiplicity q d')"
using prod.inter_filter[symmetric] by fast
also have "... = (- 1) ^ (∑q∈{q∈prime_factors d'.
[q = 5] (mod 8) ∨ [q = 7] (mod 8)}.
multiplicity q d')"
by (simp add: power_sum)
finally have Legendre_using_sum:
"Legendre (- d') p =
(- 1) ^ (∑q∈{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 5] (mod 8) ∨ [q = 7] (mod 8)}.
multiplicity q d')" .
have "[∑q∈{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 5] (mod 8) ∨ [q = 7] (mod 8)}.
multiplicity q d' = 0] (mod 2)"
proof -
have "d' = (∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'.
[q = 1] (mod 8) ∨ [q = 3] (mod 8) ∨
[q = 5] (mod 8) ∨ [q = 7] (mod 8)}. q ^ multiplicity q d')"
apply (subst d'_expansion)
apply (rule prod.cong)
apply (rule Set.set_eqI)
subgoal for q
apply (rule iffI)
using d'_prime_factors_odd[of q]
unfolding unique_euclidean_semiring_class.cong_def
apply simp
apply presburger
subgoal by blast
subgoal by blast
also have "... = (∏q∈({q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 1] (mod 8)} ∪
{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 8)}) ∪
({q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 5] (mod 8)} ∪
{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 7] (mod 8)}).
q ^ multiplicity q d')"
by (rule prod.cong; auto)
also have "... = (∏q∈({q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 1] (mod 8)} ∪
{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 8)}).
q ^ multiplicity q d') *
(∏q∈({q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 5] (mod 8)} ∪
{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 7] (mod 8)}).
q ^ multiplicity q d')"
by (rule prod.union_disjoint;
force simp add: unique_euclidean_semiring_class.cong_def)
also have "... = (∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 1] (mod 8)}.
q ^ multiplicity q d') *
(∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 8)}.
q ^ multiplicity q d') *
(∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 5] (mod 8)}.
q ^ multiplicity q d') *
(∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 7] (mod 8)}.
q ^ multiplicity q d')"
using prod.union_disjoint[of "{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 1] (mod 8)}"
"{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 8)}"
"λq. q ^ multiplicity q d'"]
prod.union_disjoint[of "{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 5] (mod 8)}"
"{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 7] (mod 8)}"
"λq. q ^ multiplicity q d'"]
by (force simp add: unique_euclidean_semiring_class.cong_def)
finally have "int (d' mod 8) = (∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 1] (mod 8)}.
q ^ multiplicity q d') *
(∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 8)}.
q ^ multiplicity q d') *
(∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 5] (mod 8)}.
q ^ multiplicity q d') *
(∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 7] (mod 8)}.
q ^ multiplicity q d') mod 8"
by auto
also have "... = ((∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 1] (mod 8)}.
q ^ multiplicity q d') mod 8) *
((∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 8)}.
q ^ multiplicity q d') mod 8) *
((∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 5] (mod 8)}.
q ^ multiplicity q d') mod 8) *
((∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 7] (mod 8)}.
q ^ multiplicity q d') mod 8) mod 8"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) mod_mult_eq mod_mod_trivial)
also have "... = ((∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 1] (mod 8)}.
(q ^ multiplicity q d') mod 8) mod 8) *
((∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 8)}.
(q ^ multiplicity q d') mod 8) mod 8) *
((∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 5] (mod 8)}.
(q ^ multiplicity q d') mod 8) mod 8) *
((∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 7] (mod 8)}.
(q ^ multiplicity q d') mod 8) mod 8) mod 8"
unfolding mod_prod_eq ..
also have "... = ((∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 1] (mod 8)}.
((q mod 8) ^ multiplicity q d') mod 8) mod 8) *
((∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 8)}.
((q mod 8) ^ multiplicity q d') mod 8) mod 8) *
((∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 5] (mod 8)}.
((q mod 8) ^ multiplicity q d') mod 8) mod 8) *
((∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 7] (mod 8)}.
((q mod 8) ^ multiplicity q d') mod 8) mod 8) mod 8"
unfolding power_mod ..
also have "... = ((∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 1] (mod 8)}.
(((int q) mod 8) ^ multiplicity q d') mod 8) mod 8) *
((∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 8)}.
(((int q) mod 8) ^ multiplicity q d') mod 8) mod 8) *
((∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 5] (mod 8)}.
(((int q) mod 8) ^ multiplicity q d') mod 8) mod 8) *
((∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 7] (mod 8)}.
(((int q) mod 8) ^ multiplicity q d') mod 8) mod 8) mod 8"
by (simp add: int_ops)
also have "... = ((∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 1] (mod 8)}.
((1 mod 8) ^ multiplicity q d') mod 8) mod 8) *
((∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 8)}.
((3 mod 8) ^ multiplicity q d') mod 8) mod 8) *
((∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 5] (mod 8)}.
(((- 3) mod 8) ^ multiplicity q d') mod 8) mod 8) *
((∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 7] (mod 8)}.
(((- 1) mod 8) ^ multiplicity q d') mod 8) mod 8) mod 8"
unfolding cong_int_iff[symmetric] unique_euclidean_semiring_class.cong_def
by auto
also have "... = ((∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 1] (mod 8)}.
(1 ^ multiplicity q d') mod 8) mod 8) *
((∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 8)}.
(3 ^ multiplicity q d') mod 8) mod 8) *
((∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 5] (mod 8)}.
((- 3) ^ multiplicity q d') mod 8) mod 8) *
((∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 7] (mod 8)}.
((- 1) ^ multiplicity q d') mod 8) mod 8) mod 8"
unfolding power_mod ..
also have "... = ((∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 1] (mod 8)}.
1 ^ multiplicity q d') mod 8) *
((∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 8)}.
3 ^ multiplicity q d') mod 8) *
((∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 5] (mod 8)}.
(- 3) ^ multiplicity q d') mod 8) *
((∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 7] (mod 8)}.
(- 1) ^ multiplicity q d') mod 8) mod 8"
unfolding mod_prod_eq ..
also have "... = (∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 1] (mod 8)}.
1 ^ multiplicity q d') *
(∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 8)}.
3 ^ multiplicity q d') *
(∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 5] (mod 8)}.
(- 3) ^ multiplicity q d') *
(∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 7] (mod 8)}.
(- 1) ^ multiplicity q d') mod 8"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) mod_mult_eq mod_mod_trivial)
also have "... = (∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 8)}.
3 ^ multiplicity q d') *
(∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 5] (mod 8)}.
(- 3) ^ multiplicity q d') *
(∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 7] (mod 8)}.
(- 1) ^ multiplicity q d') mod 8"
by auto
also have "... = (∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 8)}.
3 ^ multiplicity q d') *
(∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 5] (mod 8)}.
3 ^ multiplicity q d' * (- 1) ^ multiplicity q d') *
(∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 7] (mod 8)}.
(- 1) ^ multiplicity q d') mod 8"
unfolding power_mult_distrib[symmetric] by auto
also have "... = ((∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 8)}.
3 ^ multiplicity q d') *
(∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 5] (mod 8)}.
3 ^ multiplicity q d')) *
((∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 5] (mod 8)}.
(- 1) ^ multiplicity q d') *
(∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 7] (mod 8)}.
(- 1) ^ multiplicity q d')) mod 8"
unfolding prod.distrib by (simp add: algebra_simps)
also have "... = ((∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 8)} ∪
{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 5] (mod 8)}.
3 ^ multiplicity q d') *
(∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 5] (mod 8)} ∪
{q ∈ prime_factors d'. [q = 7] (mod 8)}.
(- 1) ^ multiplicity q d')) mod 8"
apply (subst
prod.union_disjoint[of "{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 5] (mod 8)}"
"{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 7] (mod 8)}"
"λq. (- 1) ^ multiplicity q d'"]
apply ((force simp add: unique_euclidean_semiring_class.cong_def)+)[3]
apply (subst
prod.union_disjoint[of "{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 3] (mod 8)}"
"{q∈prime_factors d'. [q = 5] (mod 8)}"
"λq. 3 ^ multiplicity q d'"]
apply ((force simp add: unique_euclidean_semiring_class.cong_def)+)[3]
apply blast
also have "... = ((∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'.
[q = 3] (mod 8) ∨ [q = 5] (mod 8)}.
3 ^ multiplicity q d') *
(∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'.
[q = 5] (mod 8) ∨ [q = 7] (mod 8)}.
(- 1) ^ multiplicity q d')) mod 8"
by (rule arg_cong2[of _ _ _ _ "λA B. ((∏q∈A. _ q) * (∏q∈B. _ q)) mod 8"];
also have "... = (((∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'.
[q = 3] (mod 8) ∨ [q = 5] (mod 8)}.
3 ^ multiplicity q d') mod 8) *
((∏q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'.
[q = 5] (mod 8) ∨ [q = 7] (mod 8)}.
(- 1) ^ multiplicity q d') mod 8)) mod 8"
unfolding mod_mult_eq ..
also have "... = ((3 ^ (∑q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'.
[q = 3] (mod 8) ∨ [q = 5] (mod 8)}.
multiplicity q d') mod 8) *
((- 1) ^ (∑q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'.
[q = 5] (mod 8) ∨ [q = 7] (mod 8)}.
multiplicity q d') mod 8)) mod 8"
unfolding power_sum ..
also have "... =
int (case ((∑q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'.
[q = 3] (mod 8) ∨ [q = 5] (mod 8)}.
multiplicity q d') mod 2,
(∑q∈{q ∈ prime_factors d'.
[q = 5] (mod 8) ∨ [q = 7] (mod 8)}.
multiplicity q d') mod 2) of
(0 , 0 ) ⇒ 1
| (0 , Suc 0) ⇒ 7
| (Suc 0, 0 ) ⇒ 3
| (Suc 0, Suc 0) ⇒ 5)" (is "_ = int ?d'_mod_8")
unfolding three_mod_eight_power_iff minus_one_power_iff
by (simp; simp add: odd_iff_mod_2_eq_one)
finally have d'_mod_8: "d' mod 8 = ?d'_mod_8"by linarith
have "[d' = 1] (mod 8) ∨ [d' = 3] (mod 8)"
unfolding d'_def c_def unique_euclidean_semiring_class.cong_def
using assms
by auto
hence "?d'_mod_8 = 1 ∨ ?d'_mod_8 = 3"
unfolding unique_euclidean_semiring_class.cong_def d'_mod_8 by auto
thus ?thesis
unfolding unique_euclidean_semiring_class.cong_def
by (smt (verit) Collect_cong One_nat_def cong_exp_iff_simps(11)
even_mod_2_iff even_numeral numeral_eq_iff
numerals(1) old.nat.simps(4) parity_cases prod.simps(2)
hence "Legendre (- d') p = 1"
using Legendre_using_sum
unfolding minus_one_power_iff cong_0_iff
by argo
thus "QuadRes p (- d')"
unfolding Legendre_def
by (metis one_neq_neg_one one_neq_zero)
from ‹QuadRes p (- d')› obtain x⇩0 y where "x⇩0⇧2 - (- d') = y * (int p)"
unfolding quadratic_residue_alt_equiv[symmetric]
by auto
hence "(int p) dvd (x⇩0⇧2 - - d')" by simp
define x :: int where "x ≡ if odd x⇩0 then x⇩0 else (x⇩0 + p)"
have "even (4 * int n * j)" by simp
moreover have "odd k" using ‹coprime k (4 * n)› by auto
ultimately have "odd (int p)" unfolding p_def by simp
have "odd x" unfolding x_def using ‹odd (int p)› by auto
have "QuadRes (2 * p) (- d')"
unfolding quadratic_residue_alt_equiv[symmetric]
proof -
have "2 dvd (x⇧2 - - d')" unfolding d'_def c_def using ‹odd x› by auto
moreover from ‹(int p)