Theory Inc

(*  Title:       A Definitional Encoding of TLA in Isabelle/HOL
    Authors:     Gudmund Grov <ggrov at>
                 Stephan Merz <Stephan.Merz at>
    Year:        2011
    Maintainer:  Gudmund Grov <ggrov at>

section ‹Lamport's Inc example›

theory Inc
imports State   

  This example illustrates use of the embedding by mechanising
  the running example of Lamports original TLA paper cite"Lamport94".

datatype pcount = a | b | g

locale Firstprogram =
  fixes x :: "state  nat"
  and y :: "state  nat"
  and init :: "temporal"
  and m1  :: "temporal"
  and m2 :: "temporal"
  and phi :: "temporal"
  and Live :: "temporal"
  defines "init  TEMP $x = # 0  $y = # 0"
  and "m1  TEMP x` = Suc<$x>  y` = $y"
  and "m2  TEMP y` = Suc<$y>  x` = $x"
  and "Live  TEMP WF(m1)_(x,y)  WF(m2)_(x,y)"
  and "phi  TEMP (init  □[m1  m2]_(x,y)  Live)"
  assumes bvar: "basevars (x,y)"

lemma (in Firstprogram) "STUTINV phi"
  by (auto simp: phi_def init_def m1_def m2_def Live_def stutinvs nstutinvs livestutinv)

lemma (in Firstprogram) enabled_m1: " Enabled m1⟩_(x,y)"
proof (clarify)
  fix s
  show "s  Enabled m1⟩_(x,y)"
    by (rule base_enabled[OF bvar]) (auto simp: m1_def tla_defs)

lemma (in Firstprogram) enabled_m2: " Enabled m2⟩_(x,y)"
proof (clarify)
  fix s
  show "s  Enabled m2⟩_(x,y)"
    by (rule base_enabled[OF bvar]) (auto simp: m2_def tla_defs)

locale Secondprogram = Firstprogram +
  fixes sem :: "state  nat" 
  and pc1 :: "state  pcount"
  and pc2 :: "state  pcount"
  and vars
  and initPsi :: "temporal"
  and alpha1 :: "temporal"
  and alpha2 :: "temporal"
  and beta1 :: "temporal"
  and beta2 :: "temporal"
  and gamma1 :: "temporal"
  and gamma2 :: "temporal"
  and n1 :: "temporal"
  and n2 :: "temporal"
  and Live2 :: "temporal"
  and psi :: "temporal"
  and I :: "temporal"
  defines "vars  LIFT (x,y,sem,pc1,pc2)" 
  and "initPsi  TEMP $pc1 = # a  $pc2 = # a  $x = # 0  $y = # 0  $sem = # 1"
  and "alpha1  TEMP $pc1 =#a  # 0 < $sem  pc1$ = #b  sem$ = $sem - # 1  Unchanged (x,y,pc2)" 
  and "alpha2  TEMP $pc2 =#a  # 0 < $sem  pc2` = #b  sem$ = $sem - # 1  Unchanged (x,y,pc1)" 
  and "beta1  TEMP $pc1 =#b  pc1` = #g  x` = Suc<$x>  Unchanged (y,sem,pc2)" 
  and "beta2  TEMP $pc2 =#b  pc2` = #g  y` = Suc<$y>  Unchanged (x,sem,pc1)" 
  and "gamma1  TEMP $pc1 =#g  pc1` = #a  sem` = Suc<$sem>  Unchanged (x,y,pc2)"
  and "gamma2  TEMP $pc2 =#g  pc2` = #a  sem` = Suc<$sem>  Unchanged (x,y,pc1)"
  and "n1  TEMP (alpha1  beta1  gamma1)"
  and "n2  TEMP (alpha2  beta2  gamma2)"
  and "Live2  TEMP SF(n1)_vars  SF(n2)_vars"
  and "psi  TEMP (initPsi  □[n1  n2]_vars  Live2)"
  and "I  TEMP ($sem = # 1  $pc1 = #a  $pc2 = # a)
                  ($sem = # 0  (($pc1 = #a  $pc2  {#b , #g}) 
                                 ($pc2 = #a  $pc1  {#b , #g})))"
  assumes bvar2: "basevars vars"

lemmas  (in Secondprogram) Sact2_defs = n1_def n2_def alpha1_def beta1_def gamma1_def alpha2_def beta2_def gamma2_def

text ‹
  Proving invariants is the basis of every effort of system verification.
  We show that I› is an inductive invariant of specification psi›.
lemma (in Secondprogram) psiI: " psi  I"
proof -
  have init: " initPsi  I" by (auto simp: initPsi_def I_def)
  have "|~ I  Unchanged vars  I" by (auto simp: I_def vars_def tla_defs)
  have "|~ I  n1  I" by (auto simp: I_def Sact2_defs tla_defs)
  have "|~ I  n2  I" by (auto simp: I_def Sact2_defs tla_defs)
  ultimately have step: "|~ I  [n1  n2]_vars  I" by (force simp: actrans_def)
  from init step have goal: " initPsi  □[n1  n2]_vars  I" by (rule invmono)
  have " initPsi  □[n1  n2]_vars  Live2 ==>  initPsi  □[n1  n2]_vars"
   by auto
  with goal show ?thesis unfolding psi_def by auto

text ‹
  Using this invariant we now prove step simulation, i.e. the safety part of
  the refinement proof.

theorem (in Secondprogram) step_simulation: " psi  init  □[m1  m2]_(x,y)"
proof -
  have " initPsi  I  □[n1  n2]_vars  init  □[m1  m2]_(x,y)"
  proof (rule refinement1)
    show " initPsi  init" by (auto simp: initPsi_def init_def)
    show "|~ I  I  [n1  n2]_vars  [m1  m2]_(x,y)"
      by (auto simp: I_def m1_def m2_def vars_def Sact2_defs tla_defs)
  with psiI show ?thesis unfolding psi_def by force

text ‹
  Liveness proofs require computing the enabledness conditions of actions.
  The first lemma below shows that all steps are visible, i.e. they change
  at least one variable.
lemma  (in Secondprogram) n1_ch: "|~ n1⟩_vars = n1"
proof -
  have "|~ n1  n1⟩_vars" by (auto simp: Sact2_defs tla_defs vars_def)
  thus ?thesis by (auto simp: angle_actrans_sem[int_rewrite])

lemma (in Secondprogram) enab_alpha1: " $pc1 = #a  # 0 < $sem  Enabled alpha1"
proof (clarsimp simp: tla_defs)
  fix s :: "state seq"
  assume "pc1 (s 0) = a" and "0 < sem (s 0)"
  thus "s  Enabled alpha1"
    by (intro base_enabled[OF bvar2]) (auto simp: Sact2_defs tla_defs vars_def)

lemma (in Secondprogram) enab_beta1: " $pc1 = #b  Enabled beta1"
proof (clarsimp simp: tla_defs)
  fix s :: "state seq"
  assume "pc1 (s 0) = b"
  thus "s  Enabled beta1"
    by (intro base_enabled[OF bvar2]) (auto simp: Sact2_defs tla_defs vars_def)

lemma (in Secondprogram) enab_gamma1: " $pc1 = #g  Enabled gamma1"
proof (clarsimp simp: tla_defs)
  fix s :: "state seq"
  assume "pc1 (s 0) = g"
  thus "s  Enabled gamma1"
    by (intro base_enabled[OF bvar2]) (auto simp: Sact2_defs tla_defs vars_def)

lemma (in Secondprogram) enab_n1:
  " Enabled n1⟩_vars = ($pc1 = #a  # 0 < $sem)"
unfolding n1_ch[int_rewrite] proof (rule int_iffI)
  show " Enabled n1  $pc1 = #a  # 0 < $sem"
    by (auto elim!: enabledE simp: Sact2_defs tla_defs)
  show " ($pc1 = #a  # 0 < $sem)  Enabled n1"
  proof (clarsimp simp: tla_defs)
    fix s :: "state seq"
    assume "pc1 (s 0) = a  0 < sem (s 0)"
    thus "s  Enabled n1"
      using enab_alpha1[unlift_rule]
      by (cases "pc1 (s 0)") (force simp: n1_def Enabled_disj[int_rewrite] tla_defs)+

text ‹
  The analogous properties for the second process are obtained by copy and paste.
lemma  (in Secondprogram) n2_ch: "|~ n2⟩_vars = n2"
proof -
  have "|~ n2  n2⟩_vars" by (auto simp: Sact2_defs tla_defs vars_def)
  thus ?thesis by (auto simp: angle_actrans_sem[int_rewrite])

lemma (in Secondprogram) enab_alpha2: " $pc2 = #a  # 0 < $sem  Enabled alpha2"
proof (clarsimp simp: tla_defs)
  fix s :: "state seq"
  assume "pc2 (s 0) = a" and "0 < sem (s 0)"
  thus "s  Enabled alpha2"
    by (intro base_enabled[OF bvar2]) (auto simp: Sact2_defs tla_defs vars_def)

lemma (in Secondprogram) enab_beta2: " $pc2 = #b  Enabled beta2"
proof (clarsimp simp: tla_defs)
  fix s :: "state seq"
  assume "pc2 (s 0) = b"
  thus "s  Enabled beta2"
    by (intro base_enabled[OF bvar2]) (auto simp: Sact2_defs tla_defs vars_def)

lemma (in Secondprogram) enab_gamma2: " $pc2 = #g  Enabled gamma2"
proof (clarsimp simp: tla_defs)
  fix s :: "state seq"
  assume "pc2 (s 0) = g"
  thus "s  Enabled gamma2"
    by (intro base_enabled[OF bvar2]) (auto simp: Sact2_defs tla_defs vars_def)

lemma (in Secondprogram) enab_n2:
  " Enabled n2⟩_vars = ($pc2 = #a  # 0 < $sem)"
unfolding n2_ch[int_rewrite] proof (rule int_iffI)
  show " Enabled n2  $pc2 = #a  # 0 < $sem"
    by (auto elim!: enabledE simp: Sact2_defs tla_defs)
  show " ($pc2 = #a  # 0 < $sem)  Enabled n2"
  proof (clarsimp simp: tla_defs)
    fix s :: "state seq"
    assume "pc2 (s 0) = a  0 < sem (s 0)"
    thus "s  Enabled n2"
      using enab_alpha2[unlift_rule]
      by (cases "pc2 (s 0)") (force simp: n2_def Enabled_disj[int_rewrite] tla_defs)+

text ‹
  We use rule SF2› to prove that psi› implements strong fairness
  for the abstract action m1›. Since strong fairness implies weak fairness,
  it follows that psi› refines the liveness condition of phi›.

lemma (in Secondprogram) psi_fair_m1: " psi  SF(m1)_(x,y)"
proof -
  have " □[n1  n2]_vars  SF(n1)_vars  (I  SF(n2)_vars)  SF(m1)_(x,y)"
  proof (rule SF2)
    txt ‹
      Rule SF2› requires us to choose a helpful action (whose effect implies
      ⟨m1⟩_(x,y)›) and a persistent condition, which will eventually remain
      true if the helpful action is never executed. In our case, the helpful action
      is beta1› and the persistent condition is pc1 = b›.
    show "|~ (n1  n2)  beta1⟩_vars  m1⟩_(x,y)"
      by (auto simp: beta1_def m1_def vars_def tla_defs)
    show "|~ $pc1 = #b  ($pc1 = #b)  (n1  n2)  n1⟩_vars  beta1"
      by (auto simp: n1_def alpha1_def beta1_def gamma1_def tla_defs)
    show " $pc1 = #b  Enabled m1⟩_(x, y)  Enabled n1⟩_vars"
      unfolding enab_n1[int_rewrite] by auto
    txt ‹
      The difficult part of the proof is showing that the persistent condition
      will eventually always be true if the helpful action is never executed.
      We show that (1) whenever the condition becomes true it remains so and
      (2) eventually the condition must be true.
    show " □[(n1  n2)  ¬ beta1]_vars
             SF(n1)_vars  (I  SF(n2)_vars)  Enabled m1⟩_(x, y)
             ($pc1 = #b)"
    proof -
      have " □[(n1  n2)  ¬ beta1]_vars  ($pc1 = #b  ($pc1 = #b))"
      proof (rule STL4)
        have "|~ $pc1 = #b  [(n1  n2)  ¬ beta1]_vars  ($pc1 = #b)"
          by (auto simp: Sact2_defs vars_def tla_defs)
        from this[THEN INV1]
        show " □[(n1  n2)  ¬ beta1]_vars  $pc1 = #b  ($pc1 = #b)" by auto
      hence 1: " □[(n1  n2)  ¬ beta1]_vars  ($pc1 = #b)  ($pc1 = #b)"
        by (force intro: E31[unlift_rule])
      have " □[(n1  n2)  ¬ beta1]_vars  SF(n1)_vars  (I  SF(n2)_vars)
               ($pc1 = #b)"
      proof -
        txt ‹
          The plan of the proof is to show that from any state where pc1 = g›
          one eventually reaches pc1 = a›, from where one eventually reaches
          pc1 = b›. The result follows by combining leadsto properties.
        let ?F = "LIFT (□[(n1  n2)  ¬ beta1]_vars  SF(n1)_vars  (I  SF(n2)_vars))"
        txt ‹
          Showing that pc1 = g› leads to pc1 = a› is a simple
          application of rule SF1› because the first process completely
          controls this transition.
        have ga: " ?F  ($pc1 = #g  $pc1 = #a)"
        proof (rule SF1)
          show "|~ $pc1 = #g  [(n1  n2)  ¬ beta1]_vars  ($pc1 = #g)  ($pc1 = #a)"
            by (auto simp: Sact2_defs vars_def tla_defs)
          show "|~ $pc1 = #g  ((n1  n2)  ¬ beta1)  n1⟩_vars  ($pc1 = #a)"
            by (auto simp: Sact2_defs vars_def tla_defs)
          show "|~ $pc1 = #g  Unchanged vars  ($pc1 = #g)"
            by (auto simp: vars_def tla_defs)
          have " $pc1 = #g  Enabled n1⟩_vars"
            unfolding enab_n1[int_rewrite] by (auto simp: tla_defs)
          hence " ($pc1 = #g)  Enabled n1⟩_vars"
            by (rule lift_imp_trans[OF ax1])
          hence " ($pc1 = #g)  Enabled n1⟩_vars"
            by (rule lift_imp_trans[OF _ E3])
          thus " ($pc1 = #g)  □[(n1  n2)  ¬ beta1]_vars  (I  SF(n2)_vars)
                   Enabled n1⟩_vars"
            by auto
        txt ‹
          The proof that pc1 = a› leads to pc1 = b› follows
          the same basic schema. However, showing that n1› is eventually
          enabled requires reasoning about the second process, which must liberate
          the critical section.
        have ab: " ?F  ($pc1 = #a  $pc1 = #b)"
        proof (rule SF1)
          show "|~ $pc1 = #a  [(n1  n2)  ¬ beta1]_vars  ($pc1 = #a)  ($pc1 = #b)"
            by (auto simp: Sact2_defs vars_def tla_defs)
          show "|~ $pc1 = #a  ((n1  n2)  ¬ beta1)  n1⟩_vars  ($pc1 = #b)"
            by (auto simp: Sact2_defs vars_def tla_defs)
          show "|~ $pc1 = #a  Unchanged vars  ($pc1 = #a)"
            by (auto simp: vars_def tla_defs)
          txt ‹We establish a suitable leadsto-chain.›
          let ?G = "LIFT □[(n1  n2)  ¬ beta1]_vars  SF(n2)_vars  ($pc1 = #a  I)"
          have " ?G  ($pc2 = #a  $pc1 = #a  I)"
          proof -
            txt ‹Rule SF1› takes us from pc2 = b› to pc2 = g›.›
            have bg2: " ?G  ($pc2 = #b  $pc2 = #g)"
            proof (rule SF1)
              show "|~ $pc2 = #b  [(n1  n2)  ¬beta1]_vars  ($pc2 = #b)  ($pc2 = #g)"
                by (auto simp: Sact2_defs vars_def tla_defs)
              show "|~ $pc2 = #b  ((n1  n2)  ¬beta1)  n2⟩_vars  ($pc2 = #g)"
                by (auto simp: Sact2_defs vars_def tla_defs)
              show "|~ $pc2 = #b  Unchanged vars  ($pc2 = #b)"
                by (auto simp: vars_def tla_defs)
              have " $pc2 = #b  Enabled n2⟩_vars"
                unfolding enab_n2[int_rewrite] by (auto simp: tla_defs)
              hence " ($pc2 = #b)  Enabled n2⟩_vars"
                by (rule lift_imp_trans[OF ax1])
              hence " ($pc2 = #b)  Enabled n2⟩_vars"
                by (rule lift_imp_trans[OF _ E3])
              thus " ($pc2 = #b)  □[(n1  n2)  ¬beta1]_vars  ($pc1 = #a  I)
                       Enabled n2⟩_vars"
                by auto
            txt ‹Similarly, pc2 = b› leads to pc2 = g›.›
            have ga2: " ?G  ($pc2 = #g  $pc2 = #a)"
            proof (rule SF1)
              show "|~ $pc2 = #g  [(n1  n2)  ¬beta1]_vars  ($pc2 = #g)  ($pc2 = #a)"
                by (auto simp: Sact2_defs vars_def tla_defs)
              show "|~ $pc2 = #g  ((n1  n2)  ¬beta1)  n2⟩_vars  ($pc2 = #a)"
                by (auto simp: n2_def alpha2_def beta2_def gamma2_def vars_def tla_defs)
              show "|~ $pc2 = #g  Unchanged vars  ($pc2 = #g)"
                by (auto simp: vars_def tla_defs)
              have " $pc2 = #g  Enabled n2⟩_vars"
                unfolding enab_n2[int_rewrite] by (auto simp: tla_defs)
              hence " ($pc2 = #g)  Enabled n2⟩_vars"
                by (rule lift_imp_trans[OF ax1])
              hence " ($pc2 = #g)  Enabled n2⟩_vars"
                by (rule lift_imp_trans[OF _ E3])
              thus " ($pc2 = #g)  □[(n1  n2)  ¬beta1]_vars  ($pc1 = #a  I)
                       Enabled n2⟩_vars"
                by auto
            with bg2 have " ?G  ($pc2 = #b  $pc2 = #a)"
              by (force elim: LT13[unlift_rule])
            with ga2 have " ?G  ($pc2 = #a  $pc2 = #b  $pc2 = #g)  ($pc2 = #a)"
              unfolding LT17[int_rewrite] LT1[int_rewrite] by force
            have " $pc2 = #a  $pc2 = #b  $pc2 = #g"
            proof (clarsimp simp: tla_defs)
              fix s :: "state seq"
              assume "pc2 (s 0)  a" and "pc2 (s 0)  g"
              thus "pc2 (s 0) = b" by (cases "pc2 (s 0)") auto
            hence " (($pc2 = #a  $pc2 = #b  $pc2 = #g)  $pc2 = #a)  ($pc2 = #a)"
              by (rule fmp[OF _ LT4])
            have " ?G  ($pc2 = #a)" by force
            thus ?thesis by (auto intro!: SE3[unlift_rule])
          have " ($pc2 = #a  $pc1 = #a  I)  Enabled n1⟩_vars"
            unfolding enab_n1[int_rewrite] by (rule STL4_eve) (auto simp: I_def tla_defs)
          show " ($pc1 = #a)  □[(n1  n2)  ¬ beta1]_vars  (I  SF(n2)_vars)
                   Enabled n1⟩_vars"
            by (force simp: STL5[int_rewrite])
        from ga ab have " ?F  ($pc1 = #g  $pc1 = #b)"
          by (force elim: LT13[unlift_rule])
        with ab have " ?F  (($pc1 = #a  $pc1 = #b  $pc1 = #g)  $pc1 = #b)"
          unfolding LT17[int_rewrite] LT1[int_rewrite] by force
        have " $pc1 = #a  $pc1 = #b  $pc1 = #g"
        proof (clarsimp simp: tla_defs)
          fix s :: "state seq"
          assume "pc1 (s 0)  a" and "pc1 (s 0)  g"
          thus "pc1 (s 0) = b" by (cases "pc1 (s 0)", auto)
        hence " (($pc1 = #a  $pc1 = #b  $pc1 = #g)  $pc1 = #b)  ($pc1 = #b)"
          by (rule fmp[OF _ LT4])
        ultimately show ?thesis by (rule lift_imp_trans)
      with 1 show ?thesis by force
  with psiI show ?thesis unfolding psi_def Live2_def STL5[int_rewrite] by force

text ‹
  In the same way we prove that psi› implements strong fairness
  for the abstract action m1›. The proof is obtained by copy and paste
  from the previous one.

lemma (in Secondprogram) psi_fair_m2: " psi  SF(m2)_(x,y)"
proof -
  have " □[n1  n2]_vars  SF(n2)_vars  (I  SF(n1)_vars)  SF(m2)_(x,y)"
  proof (rule SF2)
    txt ‹
      Rule SF2› requires us to choose a helpful action (whose effect implies
      ⟨m2⟩_(x,y)›) and a persistent condition, which will eventually remain
      true if the helpful action is never executed. In our case, the helpful action
      is beta2› and the persistent condition is pc2 = b›.
    show "|~ (n1  n2)  beta2⟩_vars  m2⟩_(x,y)"
      by (auto simp: beta2_def m2_def vars_def tla_defs)
    show "|~ $pc2 = #b  ($pc2 = #b)  (n1  n2)  n2⟩_vars  beta2"
      by (auto simp: n2_def alpha2_def beta2_def gamma2_def tla_defs)
    show " $pc2 = #b  Enabled m2⟩_(x, y)  Enabled n2⟩_vars"
      unfolding enab_n2[int_rewrite] by auto
    txt ‹
      The difficult part of the proof is showing that the persistent condition
      will eventually always be true if the helpful action is never executed.
      We show that (1) whenever the condition becomes true it remains so and
      (2) eventually the condition must be true.
    show " □[(n1  n2)  ¬ beta2]_vars
             SF(n2)_vars  (I  SF(n1)_vars)  Enabled m2⟩_(x, y)
             ($pc2 = #b)"
    proof -
      have " □[(n1  n2)  ¬ beta2]_vars  ($pc2 = #b  ($pc2 = #b))"
      proof (rule STL4)
        have "|~ $pc2 = #b  [(n1  n2)  ¬ beta2]_vars  ($pc2 = #b)"
          by (auto simp: Sact2_defs vars_def tla_defs)
        from this[THEN INV1]
        show " □[(n1  n2)  ¬ beta2]_vars  $pc2 = #b  ($pc2 = #b)" by auto
      hence 1: " □[(n1  n2)  ¬ beta2]_vars  ($pc2 = #b)  ($pc2 = #b)"
        by (force intro: E31[unlift_rule])
      have " □[(n1  n2)  ¬ beta2]_vars  SF(n2)_vars  (I  SF(n1)_vars)
               ($pc2 = #b)"
      proof -
        txt ‹
          The plan of the proof is to show that from any state where pc2 = g›
          one eventually reaches pc2 = a›, from where one eventually reaches
          pc2 = b›. The result follows by combining leadsto properties.
        let ?F = "LIFT (□[(n1  n2)  ¬ beta2]_vars  SF(n2)_vars  (I  SF(n1)_vars))"
        txt ‹
          Showing that pc2 = g› leads to pc2 = a› is a simple
          application of rule SF1› because the second process completely
          controls this transition.
        have ga: " ?F  ($pc2 = #g  $pc2 = #a)"
        proof (rule SF1)
          show "|~ $pc2 = #g  [(n1  n2)  ¬ beta2]_vars  ($pc2 = #g)  ($pc2 = #a)"
            by (auto simp: Sact2_defs vars_def tla_defs)
          show "|~ $pc2 = #g  ((n1  n2)  ¬ beta2)  n2⟩_vars  ($pc2 = #a)"
            by (auto simp: n2_def alpha2_def beta2_def gamma2_def vars_def tla_defs)
          show "|~ $pc2 = #g  Unchanged vars  ($pc2 = #g)"
            by (auto simp: vars_def tla_defs)
          have " $pc2 = #g  Enabled n2⟩_vars"
            unfolding enab_n2[int_rewrite] by (auto simp: tla_defs)
          hence " ($pc2 = #g)  Enabled n2⟩_vars"
            by (rule lift_imp_trans[OF ax1])
          hence " ($pc2 = #g)  Enabled n2⟩_vars"
            by (rule lift_imp_trans[OF _ E3])
          thus " ($pc2 = #g)  □[(n1  n2)  ¬ beta2]_vars  (I  SF(n1)_vars)
                   Enabled n2⟩_vars"
            by auto
        txt ‹
          The proof that pc2 = a› leads to pc2 = b› follows
          the same basic schema. However, showing that n2› is eventually
          enabled requires reasoning about the second process, which must liberate
          the critical section.
        have ab: " ?F  ($pc2 = #a  $pc2 = #b)"
        proof (rule SF1)
          show "|~ $pc2 = #a  [(n1  n2)  ¬ beta2]_vars  ($pc2 = #a)  ($pc2 = #b)"
            by (auto simp: Sact2_defs vars_def tla_defs)
          show "|~ $pc2 = #a  ((n1  n2)  ¬ beta2)  n2⟩_vars  ($pc2 = #b)"
            by (auto simp: n2_def alpha2_def beta2_def gamma2_def vars_def tla_defs)
          show "|~ $pc2 = #a  Unchanged vars  ($pc2 = #a)"
            by (auto simp: vars_def tla_defs)
          txt ‹We establish a suitable leadsto-chain.›
          let ?G = "LIFT □[(n1  n2)  ¬ beta2]_vars  SF(n1)_vars  ($pc2 = #a  I)"
          have " ?G  ($pc1 = #a  $pc2 = #a  I)"
          proof -
            txt ‹Rule SF1› takes us from pc1 = b› to pc1 = g›.›
            have bg1: " ?G  ($pc1 = #b  $pc1 = #g)"
            proof (rule SF1)
              show "|~ $pc1 = #b  [(n1  n2)  ¬beta2]_vars  ($pc1 = #b)  ($pc1 = #g)"
                by (auto simp: Sact2_defs vars_def tla_defs)
              show "|~ $pc1 = #b  ((n1  n2)  ¬beta2)  n1⟩_vars  ($pc1 = #g)"
                by (auto simp: n1_def alpha1_def beta1_def gamma1_def vars_def tla_defs)
              show "|~ $pc1 = #b  Unchanged vars  ($pc1 = #b)"
                by (auto simp: vars_def tla_defs)
              have " $pc1 = #b  Enabled n1⟩_vars"
                unfolding enab_n1[int_rewrite] by (auto simp: tla_defs)
              hence " ($pc1 = #b)  Enabled n1⟩_vars"
                by (rule lift_imp_trans[OF ax1])
              hence " ($pc1 = #b)  Enabled n1⟩_vars"
                by (rule lift_imp_trans[OF _ E3])
              thus " ($pc1 = #b)  □[(n1  n2)  ¬beta2]_vars  ($pc2 = #a  I)
                       Enabled n1⟩_vars"
                by auto
            txt ‹Similarly, pc1 = b› leads to pc1 = g›.›
            have ga1: " ?G  ($pc1 = #g  $pc1 = #a)"
            proof (rule SF1)
              show "|~ $pc1 = #g  [(n1  n2)  ¬beta2]_vars  ($pc1 = #g)  ($pc1 = #a)"
                by (auto simp: Sact2_defs vars_def tla_defs)
              show "|~ $pc1 = #g  ((n1  n2)  ¬beta2)  n1⟩_vars  ($pc1 = #a)"
                by (auto simp: n1_def alpha1_def beta1_def gamma1_def vars_def tla_defs)
              show "|~ $pc1 = #g  Unchanged vars  ($pc1 = #g)"
                by (auto simp: vars_def tla_defs)
              have " $pc1 = #g  Enabled n1⟩_vars"
                unfolding enab_n1[int_rewrite] by (auto simp: tla_defs)
              hence " ($pc1 = #g)  Enabled n1⟩_vars"
                by (rule lift_imp_trans[OF ax1])
              hence " ($pc1 = #g)  Enabled n1⟩_vars"
                by (rule lift_imp_trans[OF _ E3])
              thus " ($pc1 = #g)  □[(n1  n2)  ¬beta2]_vars  ($pc2 = #a  I)
                       Enabled n1⟩_vars"
                by auto
            with bg1 have " ?G  ($pc1 = #b  $pc1 = #a)"
              by (force elim: LT13[unlift_rule])
            with ga1 have " ?G  ($pc1 = #a  $pc1 = #b  $pc1 = #g)  ($pc1 = #a)"
              unfolding LT17[int_rewrite] LT1[int_rewrite] by force
            have " $pc1 = #a  $pc1 = #b  $pc1 = #g"
            proof (clarsimp simp: tla_defs)
              fix s :: "state seq"
              assume "pc1 (s 0)  a" and "pc1 (s 0)  g"
              thus "pc1 (s 0) = b" by (cases "pc1 (s 0)") auto
            hence " (($pc1 = #a  $pc1 = #b  $pc1 = #g)  $pc1 = #a)  ($pc1 = #a)"
              by (rule fmp[OF _ LT4])
            have " ?G  ($pc1 = #a)" by force
            thus ?thesis by (auto intro!: SE3[unlift_rule])
          have " ($pc1 = #a  $pc2 = #a  I)  Enabled n2⟩_vars"
            unfolding enab_n2[int_rewrite] by (rule STL4_eve) (auto simp: I_def tla_defs)
          show " ($pc2 = #a)  □[(n1  n2)  ¬ beta2]_vars  (I  SF(n1)_vars)
                   Enabled n2⟩_vars"
            by (force simp: STL5[int_rewrite])
        from ga ab have " ?F  ($pc2 = #g  $pc2 = #b)"
          by (force elim: LT13[unlift_rule])
        with ab have " ?F  (($pc2 = #a  $pc2 = #b  $pc2 = #g)  $pc2 = #b)"
          unfolding LT17[int_rewrite] LT1[int_rewrite] by force
        have " $pc2 = #a  $pc2 = #b  $pc2 = #g"
        proof (clarsimp simp: tla_defs)
          fix s :: "state seq"
          assume "pc2 (s 0)  a" and "pc2 (s 0)  g"
          thus "pc2 (s 0) = b" by (cases "pc2 (s 0)") auto
        hence " (($pc2 = #a  $pc2 = #b  $pc2 = #g)  $pc2 = #b)  ($pc2 = #b)"
          by (rule fmp[OF _ LT4])
        ultimately show ?thesis by (rule lift_imp_trans)
      with 1 show ?thesis by force
  with psiI show ?thesis unfolding psi_def Live2_def STL5[int_rewrite] by force

text ‹
  We can now prove the main theorem, which states that psi›
  implements phi›.

theorem (in Secondprogram) impl: " psi  phi"
  unfolding phi_def Live_def
  by (auto dest: step_simulation[unlift_rule]
                 lift_imp_trans[OF psi_fair_m1 SF_imp_WF, unlift_rule]
                 lift_imp_trans[OF psi_fair_m2 SF_imp_WF, unlift_rule])
