Theory equational_clausal_logic

theory equational_clausal_logic

(* N. Peltier - *)

imports Main terms "HOL-Library.Multiset"


section ‹Equational Clausal Logic›

text ‹The syntax and semantics of clausal equational logic are defined as usual. 
Interpretations are congruences on binary trees.›

subsection ‹Syntax›

text ‹We first define the syntax of equational clauses.›

datatype 'a equation = Eq "'a trm" "'a trm"

fun lhs
  where "lhs (Comb t1 t2) = t1" |
     "lhs (Var x) = (Var x)" |
     "lhs (Const x) = (Const x)"

fun rhs 
  where "rhs (Comb t1 t2) = t2" |
     "rhs (Var x) = (Var x)" |
     "rhs (Const x) = (Const x)"

datatype 'a literal = Pos "'a equation" | Neg "'a equation"

fun atom :: "'a literal  'a equation"
    "(atom (Pos x)) = x" |
    "(atom (Neg x)) = x"

datatype sign = pos | neg
fun get_sign :: "'a literal  sign"
    "(get_sign (Pos x)) = pos" |
    "(get_sign (Neg x)) = neg"

fun positive_literal :: "'a literal  bool"
    "(positive_literal (Pos x)) = True" |
    "(positive_literal (Neg x)) = False"

fun negative_literal :: "'a literal  bool"
    "(negative_literal (Pos x)) = False" |
    "(negative_literal (Neg x)) = True"

fun mk_lit :: "sign  'a equation  'a literal"
    "(mk_lit pos x) = (Pos x)" |
    "(mk_lit neg x) = (Neg x)"

definition decompose_equation   
  where "decompose_equation e t s = (e = (Eq t s)  (e = (Eq s t)))"

definition decompose_literal 
  where "decompose_literal L t s p = 
            (e. ((p = pos  (L = (Pos e))  decompose_equation e t s)
             (p = neg  (L = (Neg e))  decompose_equation e t s)))"

fun subterms_of_eq 
  where "subterms_of_eq (Eq t s) = (subterms_of t  subterms_of s)"

fun vars_of_eq 
  where "vars_of_eq (Eq t s) = (vars_of t  vars_of s)"

lemma decompose_equation_vars:
  assumes "decompose_equation e t s"
  shows "vars_of t  vars_of_eq e"
by (metis assms decompose_equation_def sup.cobounded1 sup_commute vars_of_eq.simps)

fun subterms_of_lit 
    "subterms_of_lit (Pos e) = (subterms_of_eq e)" |
    "subterms_of_lit (Neg e) = (subterms_of_eq e)"

fun vars_of_lit 
    "vars_of_lit (Pos e) = (vars_of_eq e)" |
    "vars_of_lit (Neg e) = (vars_of_eq e)"

fun vars_of_cl 
  where "vars_of_cl C = { x. L. x  (vars_of_lit L)  L  C }"

fun subterms_of_cl 
  where "subterms_of_cl C = { x. L. x  (subterms_of_lit L)  L  C }"

text ‹Note that clauses are defined as sets and not as multisets 
(identical literals are always merged).›

type_synonym 'a clause = "'a literal set"

fun ground_clause :: "'a clause  bool"
  "(ground_clause C) = ((vars_of_cl C) = {})"

fun subst_equation :: "'a equation  'a subst  'a equation"
  "(subst_equation (Eq u v) s) 
    = (Eq (subst u s) (subst v s))"

fun subst_lit :: "'a literal  'a subst  'a literal"
  "(subst_lit (Pos e) s) 
    = (Pos (subst_equation e s))" |
  "(subst_lit (Neg e) s) 
    = (Neg (subst_equation e s))" 

fun subst_cl :: "'a clause  'a subst  'a clause"
  "(subst_cl C s) = { L. (L'. (L'  C)  (L = (subst_lit L' s))) }" 

text ‹We establish some properties of the functions returning the set of variables occurring in 
an object.›

lemma decompose_literal_vars:
  assumes "decompose_literal L t s p"
  shows "vars_of t  vars_of_lit L"
by (metis assms decompose_equation_vars decompose_literal_def vars_of_lit.simps(1) vars_of_lit.simps(2))

lemma vars_of_cl_lem:
  assumes "L  C"
  shows "vars_of_lit L  vars_of_cl C"
using assms by auto

lemma set_of_variables_is_finite_eq:
  shows "finite (vars_of_eq e)"
proof -
  obtain t and s where "e = Eq t s" using equation.exhaust by auto  
  then have "vars_of_eq e = (vars_of t)  (vars_of s)" by auto
  from this show ?thesis by auto

lemma set_of_variables_is_finite_lit:
  shows "finite (vars_of_lit l)"
proof -
  obtain e where "l = Pos e  l = Neg e" using literal.exhaust by auto 
  then have "vars_of_lit l = (vars_of_eq e)" by auto
  from this show ?thesis using set_of_variables_is_finite_eq by auto

lemma set_of_variables_is_finite_cl:
  assumes "finite C"
  shows "finite (vars_of_cl C)"
proof -
  let ?S = "{ x. l. x = vars_of_lit l  l  C }"
  have "vars_of_cl C =  ?S" by auto
  from assms have "finite ?S" by auto
  { fix x have "x  ?S  finite x" using set_of_variables_is_finite_lit by auto }
  from this and finite ?S have "finite ( ?S)" using finite_Union by auto
  from this and vars_of_cl C =  ?S show ?thesis by auto

lemma subterm_lit_vars :
  assumes "u  subterms_of_lit L"
  shows "vars_of u  vars_of_lit L"
proof -
  obtain e where def_e: "L = (Pos e)  L = (Neg e)" and "vars_of_lit L = vars_of_eq e"
    by (metis negative_literal.elims(2) negative_literal.elims(3) 
      vars_of_lit.simps(1) vars_of_lit.simps(2))
  obtain t and s where def_ts: "e = (Eq t s)  e = (Eq s t)" and "vars_of_eq e = vars_of t  vars_of s"
    by (metis equation.exhaust vars_of_eq.simps)
  from this and vars_of_lit L = vars_of_eq e have "vars_of_lit L = vars_of t  vars_of s" by auto
  from assms(1) and def_e def_ts have "u  subterms_of t  subterms_of s" by auto
  from this have "vars_of u  vars_of t  vars_of s"
    by (meson UnE sup.coboundedI1 sup.coboundedI2 vars_subterms_of)
  from this and vars_of_lit L = vars_of t  vars_of s show ?thesis by auto

lemma subterm_vars :
  assumes "u  subterms_of_cl C"
  shows "vars_of u  vars_of_cl C"
proof -
  from assms(1) obtain L where "u  subterms_of_lit L" and "L  C" by auto
  from u  subterms_of_lit L have "vars_of u  vars_of_lit L" using subterm_lit_vars by auto
  from  L  C have "vars_of_lit L  vars_of_cl C" using vars_of_cl.simps by auto
  from this and vars_of u  vars_of_lit L show ?thesis by auto

text ‹We establish some basic properties of substitutions.›

lemma subterm_cl_subst:
  assumes "x  (subterms_of_cl C)"
  shows "(subst x σ)   (subterms_of_cl (subst_cl C σ))"
proof -
  from assms(1) obtain L where "L  C" and "x  subterms_of_lit L" by auto
  from L  C have "(subst_lit L σ)  (subst_cl C σ)" by auto
  obtain e where "L = (Pos e)  L = (Neg e)" using literal.exhaust by auto
  then show ?thesis
    assume "L = (Pos e)" 
    from this and x  subterms_of_lit L have "x  subterms_of_eq e" by auto
    from L = (Pos e) have "(subst_lit L σ) = (Pos (subst_equation e σ))"
      by auto
    obtain t s where "e = (Eq t s)" using equation.exhaust by auto
    from this have "(subst_equation e σ) = (Eq (subst t σ)  (subst s σ))"
      by auto
    from x  subterms_of_eq e and e = (Eq t s) have "x  subterms_of t  x  subterms_of s" by auto
    then show ?thesis
      assume "x  subterms_of t"
      then have "occurs_in x t" by auto
      then obtain p where "subterm t p x" unfolding occurs_in_def by blast
      from this have "subterm (subst t σ) p (subst x σ)"
        using substs_preserve_subterms by auto 
      from this have "occurs_in (subst x σ) (subst t σ)" unfolding occurs_in_def by auto
      then have "(subst x σ)  subterms_of (subst t σ)" by auto
      then have "(subst x σ)  subterms_of_eq (Eq (subst t σ) (subst s σ))" by auto
      from this and L = (Pos e) and e = Eq t s 
        have "(subst x σ)  (subterms_of_lit (subst_lit L σ))" by auto
      from this and (subst_lit L σ)  (subst_cl C σ) 
        show "(subst x σ)  subterms_of_cl (subst_cl C σ)" by auto
      assume "x  subterms_of s"
      then have "occurs_in x s" by auto
      then obtain p where "subterm s p x" unfolding occurs_in_def by blast
      from this have "subterm (subst s σ) p (subst x σ)"
        using substs_preserve_subterms by auto 
      from this have "occurs_in (subst x σ) (subst s σ)" unfolding occurs_in_def by auto
      then have "(subst x σ)  subterms_of (subst s σ)" by auto
      then have "(subst x σ)  subterms_of_eq (Eq (subst t σ) (subst s σ))" by auto
      from this and L = (Pos e) and e = Eq t s 
        have "(subst x σ)  (subterms_of_lit (subst_lit L σ))" by auto
      from this and (subst_lit L σ)  (subst_cl C σ) 
        show "(subst x σ)  subterms_of_cl (subst_cl C σ)" by auto
    assume "L = (Neg e)" 
    from this and x  subterms_of_lit L have "x  subterms_of_eq e" by auto
    from L = (Neg e) have "(subst_lit L σ) = (Neg (subst_equation e σ))"
      by auto
    obtain t s where "e = (Eq t s)" using equation.exhaust by auto
    from this have "(subst_equation e σ) = (Eq (subst t σ)  (subst s σ))"
      by auto
    from x  subterms_of_eq e and e = (Eq t s) have "x  subterms_of t  x  subterms_of s" by auto
    then show ?thesis
      assume "x  subterms_of t"
      then have "occurs_in x t" by auto
      then obtain p where "subterm t p x" unfolding occurs_in_def by blast
      from this have "subterm (subst t σ) p (subst x σ)"
        using substs_preserve_subterms by auto 
      from this have "occurs_in (subst x σ) (subst t σ)" unfolding occurs_in_def by auto
      then have "(subst x σ)  subterms_of (subst t σ)" by auto
      then have "(subst x σ)  subterms_of_eq (Eq (subst t σ) (subst s σ))" by auto
      from this and L = (Neg e) and e = Eq t s 
        have "(subst x σ)  (subterms_of_lit (subst_lit L σ))" by auto
      from this and (subst_lit L σ)  (subst_cl C σ) 
        show "(subst x σ)  subterms_of_cl (subst_cl C σ)" by auto
      assume "x  subterms_of s"
      then have "occurs_in x s" by auto
      then obtain p where "subterm s p x" unfolding occurs_in_def by blast
      from this have "subterm (subst s σ) p (subst x σ)"
        using substs_preserve_subterms by auto 
      from this have "occurs_in (subst x σ) (subst s σ)" unfolding occurs_in_def by auto
      then have "(subst x σ)  subterms_of (subst s σ)" by auto
      then have "(subst x σ)  subterms_of_eq (Eq (subst t σ) (subst s σ))" by auto
      from this and L = (Neg e) and e = Eq t s 
        have "(subst x σ)  (subterms_of_lit (subst_lit L σ))" by auto
      from this and (subst_lit L σ)  (subst_cl C σ) 
        show "(subst x σ)  subterms_of_cl (subst_cl C σ)" by auto

lemma ground_substs_yield_ground_clause:
  assumes "ground_on (vars_of_cl C) σ"
  shows "ground_clause (subst_cl C σ)"
proof (rule ccontr)
    let ?D = "(subst_cl C σ)"
    let ?V = "(vars_of_cl C)"
    assume "¬(ground_clause ?D)"
    then obtain x where "x  (vars_of_cl ?D)" by auto
    then obtain l where "l  C" and "x  (vars_of_lit (subst_lit l  σ))" by auto
    from l  C have "vars_of_lit l  vars_of_cl C" by auto
    obtain e  where "l = Pos e  l = Neg e" using literal.exhaust by auto 
    then have "vars_of_lit l = vars_of_eq e" by auto
    let ?l' = "(subst_lit l σ)" 
    let ?e' = "(subst_equation e σ)" 
    obtain t and s where "e = Eq t s" using equation.exhaust by auto 
    then have "vars_of_eq e = vars_of t  vars_of s" by auto
    let ?t' = "(subst t σ)" 
    let ?s' = "(subst s σ)" 
    from e = Eq t s have "?e' = (Eq ?t' ?s')" by auto
    from l = Pos e  l = Neg e have "?l' = Pos ?e'  ?l' = Neg ?e'" by auto    
    from l  C have "?l'  ?D" by auto
    from ?l' = Pos ?e'  ?l' = Neg ?e' and x  (vars_of_lit ?l') 
      have "x  (vars_of_eq ?e')" by auto
    from this and ?e' = (Eq ?t' ?s') have "x  (vars_of ?t'  vars_of ?s')" by auto 
    then have i:"¬(ground_term ?t')  ¬(ground_term ?s')" unfolding ground_term_def by auto
    from vars_of_eq e = vars_of t  vars_of s and vars_of_lit l = vars_of_eq e and
      vars_of_lit l  ?V have "vars_of t  ?V" and "vars_of s  ?V" by auto
    from vars_of t   ?V and ground_on ?V σ have  "ground_on (vars_of t) σ" 
      unfolding ground_on_def by auto
    then have ii:"ground_term ?t'" using ground_instance by auto
    from vars_of s   ?V and ground_on ?V σ have  "ground_on (vars_of s) σ" 
      unfolding ground_on_def by auto
    then have iii:"ground_term ?s'" using ground_instance by auto
    from i and ii and iii show False by auto

lemma ground_clauses_and_ground_substs:
  assumes "ground_clause (subst_cl C σ)"
  shows "ground_on (vars_of_cl C) σ"
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume "¬ground_on (vars_of_cl C) σ"
  from this obtain x where "x  vars_of_cl C" and "¬ ground_term (subst (Var x) σ)"
    unfolding ground_on_def by auto
  from ¬ ground_term (subst (Var x) σ) obtain y where 
    "y  vars_of (subst (Var x) σ)" unfolding ground_term_def by auto
  from x  vars_of_cl C obtain L where "L  C" and "x  vars_of_lit L" by auto
  from x  vars_of_lit L obtain e where "L = Pos e  L = Neg e" and "x  vars_of_eq e"
    by (metis vars_of_lit.elims) 
  from x  vars_of_eq e obtain t s where "e = (Eq t s)" and "x  vars_of t  vars_of s"
    by (metis vars_of_eq.elims) 
  from this have "x  vars_of t  x  vars_of s" by auto
  then have "y  vars_of_eq (subst_equation e σ)"
    assume "x  vars_of t"
    have i: "vars_of (subst t σ) = {V. x. x  vars_of t  V = vars_of (subst (Var x) σ) }"
      using vars_of_instances [of t σ] by meson 
    from x  vars_of t  i 
      have "vars_of (subst (Var x) σ)  vars_of (subst t σ)" 
      by auto
    from this and y  vars_of (subst (Var x) σ) e = (Eq t s) show ?thesis by auto
    assume "x  vars_of s"
    have i: "vars_of (subst s σ) = {V. x. x  vars_of s  V = vars_of (subst (Var x) σ) }"
      using vars_of_instances [of s σ] by meson 
    from x  vars_of s i 
      have "vars_of (subst (Var x) σ)  vars_of (subst s σ)" 
      by auto
    from this and y  vars_of (subst (Var x) σ) e = (Eq t s) show ?thesis by auto
  from this and L = Pos e  L = Neg e have "y  vars_of_lit (subst_lit L σ)"
    by auto
  from this and L  C have "y  vars_of_cl (subst_cl C σ)" by auto
  from this and assms(1) show False by auto

lemma ground_instance_exists:
  assumes "finite C"
  shows "σ. (ground_clause (subst_cl C σ))"
proof -
  let ?V = "(vars_of_cl C)"
  from assms have "finite ?V" using set_of_variables_is_finite_cl by auto
  from this obtain σ where "ground_on ?V σ" 
    using ground_subst_exists by blast
  let ?D = "(subst_cl C σ)"
  from ground_on ?V σ have "(ground_clause ?D)" using ground_substs_yield_ground_clause [of C σ] by auto
  then show ?thesis by auto

lemma composition_of_substs :
  shows "(subst (subst t  σ) η) 
    = (subst t (comp σ η))"
by simp

lemma composition_of_substs_eq :
  shows "(subst_equation (subst_equation e σ) η) 
    = (subst_equation e (comp σ η))"
by (metis subst_equation.simps composition_of_substs vars_of_eq.elims)

lemma composition_of_substs_lit :
  shows "(subst_lit (subst_lit l σ) η) 
    = (subst_lit l (comp σ η))"
by (metis subst_lit.simps(1) subst_lit.simps(2) 
    composition_of_substs_eq positive_literal.cases)

lemma composition_of_substs_cl :
  shows "(subst_cl (subst_cl C σ) η) 
    = (subst_cl C (comp σ η))"
proof -
  let ?f = "(λx. (subst_lit (subst_lit x  σ) η))"
  let ?f' = "(λx. (subst_lit x (comp σ η)))"
  have "l. (?f l) = (?f' l)" using composition_of_substs_lit by auto
  then show ?thesis by auto

lemma substs_preserve_ground_lit :
  assumes "ground_clause C"
  assumes "y  C"
  shows "subst_lit y σ = y"
proof - 
    obtain t and s where "y = Pos (Eq t s)  y = Neg (Eq t s)" 
      by (metis subst_equation.elims get_sign.elims)
    from this have "vars_of t  vars_of_lit y" by auto 
    from this and y  C have "vars_of t  vars_of_cl C" by auto 
    from this and assms(1) have "ground_term t" unfolding ground_term_def by auto
    then have "subst t σ = t" using substs_preserve_ground_terms by auto
    from y = Pos (Eq t s)  y = Neg (Eq t s) have "vars_of s  vars_of_lit y" by auto 
    from this and y  C have "vars_of s  vars_of_cl C" by auto 
    from this and assms(1) have "ground_term s" unfolding ground_term_def by auto
    then have "subst s σ = s" using substs_preserve_ground_terms by auto
    from subst s σ = s and subst t σ = t and y = Pos (Eq t s)  y = Neg (Eq t s)
    show "subst_lit y σ = y" by auto
lemma substs_preserve_ground_clause :
  assumes "ground_clause C"
  shows "subst_cl C σ = C"
  show "subst_cl C σ  C"
    fix x assume "x  subst_cl C σ"
    then obtain y where "y  C" and "x = subst_lit y σ" by auto
    from assms(1) and y  C and x = subst_lit y σ 
      have "x = y" using substs_preserve_ground_lit by auto
    from this and y  C show "x  C" by auto
  show "C  subst_cl C σ"
    fix x assume "x  C"
    then have "subst_lit x σ  subst_cl C σ" by auto
    from assms(1) and x  C have "x = subst_lit x σ" 
      using substs_preserve_ground_lit [of C x] by auto
    from this and x  C show "x  subst_cl C σ" by auto

lemma substs_preserve_finiteness :
  assumes "finite C"
  shows "finite (subst_cl C σ)"
proof -
  from assms(1) show ?thesis using Finite_Set.finite_imageI by auto

text ‹We prove that two equal substitutions yield the same objects.›
lemma subst_eq_eq :
  assumes "subst_eq σ η"
  shows "subst_equation e σ = subst_equation e η"
proof -
  obtain t and s where "e = Eq t s" using equation.exhaust by auto 
  from assms(1) have "subst s σ = subst s η" by auto
  from assms(1) have "subst t σ = subst t η" by auto
  from subst s σ = subst s η subst t σ = subst t η
    and e = Eq t s show ?thesis by auto

lemma subst_eq_lit :
  assumes "subst_eq σ η"
  shows "subst_lit l σ = subst_lit l η"
proof -
  obtain e where "l = Pos e  l = Neg e" using literal.exhaust by auto 
  from assms(1)  have "subst_equation e σ = subst_equation e η" using subst_eq_eq by auto
  from this and l = Pos e  l = Neg e show ?thesis by auto

lemma subst_eq_cl:
  assumes "subst_eq σ η"
  shows "subst_cl C σ = subst_cl C η"
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume "subst_cl C σ  subst_cl C η"
  then obtain L where "L  C" and "subst_lit L σ  subst_lit L η"
    by force
  from assms(1) and subst_lit L σ  subst_lit L η 
    show False using subst_eq_lit by auto

lemma coincide_on_eq :
  assumes "coincide_on σ η (vars_of_eq e)"
  shows "subst_equation e σ = subst_equation e η"
proof -
  obtain t and s where "e = Eq t s" using equation.exhaust by auto 
  then have "vars_of t  vars_of_eq e" by simp
  from this and coincide_on σ η (vars_of_eq e) have "coincide_on σ η (vars_of t)" 
    unfolding coincide_on_def by auto
  from this have "subst t σ = subst t η" using coincide_on_term by auto
  from e = Eq t s  have "vars_of s  vars_of_eq e" by simp
  from this and coincide_on σ η (vars_of_eq e) have "coincide_on σ η (vars_of s)" 
    unfolding coincide_on_def by auto
  from this have "subst s σ = subst s η" using coincide_on_term by auto
  from subst t σ = subst t η 
    and subst s σ = subst s η 
    and e = Eq t s show ?thesis by auto

lemma coincide_on_lit :
  assumes "coincide_on σ η (vars_of_lit l)"
  shows "subst_lit l σ = subst_lit l η"
proof -
  obtain e where "l = Pos e  l = Neg e" using literal.exhaust by auto 
  then have "vars_of_eq e  vars_of_lit l" by auto 
  from this and coincide_on σ η (vars_of_lit l) have "coincide_on σ η (vars_of_eq e)" 
    unfolding coincide_on_def by auto
  from this have "subst_equation e σ = subst_equation e η" 
    using coincide_on_eq by auto
  from this and l = Pos e  l = Neg e show ?thesis by auto

lemma coincide_on_cl :
  assumes "coincide_on σ η (vars_of_cl C)"
  shows "subst_cl C σ = subst_cl C η"
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume "subst_cl C σ  subst_cl C η"
  then obtain L where "L  C" and "subst_lit L σ  subst_lit L η"
    by force
  from L  C have "vars_of_lit L  vars_of_cl C" by auto
  from this and assms have "coincide_on σ η (vars_of_lit L)" unfolding coincide_on_def by auto
  from this and subst_lit L σ  subst_lit L η 
    show False using coincide_on_lit by auto

subsection ‹Semantics›

text ‹Interpretations are congruences on the set of terms.›

definition fo_interpretation :: "'a binary_relation_on_trms  bool"
  "(fo_interpretation x) = (congruence x)"

fun validate_ground_eq :: "'a binary_relation_on_trms  'a equation   bool"
"(validate_ground_eq I (Eq t s) = (I t s))"

fun validate_ground_lit :: "'a binary_relation_on_trms  'a literal   bool"
"validate_ground_lit I (Pos E) = (validate_ground_eq I E)" |
"validate_ground_lit I (Neg E) = (¬(validate_ground_eq I E))"

fun validate_ground_clause :: "'a binary_relation_on_trms  'a clause  bool"
"validate_ground_clause I C = (L.(L  C)  (validate_ground_lit I L))"

fun validate_clause :: "'a binary_relation_on_trms  'a clause  bool"
"validate_clause I C = (s. (ground_clause (subst_cl C s)) 
   (validate_ground_clause I (subst_cl C s)))"

fun validate_clause_set :: "'a binary_relation_on_trms  'a clause set  bool"
"validate_clause_set I S = (C. (C  S   (validate_clause I C)))"

definition clause_entails_clause :: "'a clause  'a clause  bool"
  "clause_entails_clause C D = (I. (fo_interpretation I  validate_clause I C  validate_clause I D))"

definition set_entails_clause :: "'a clause set  'a clause  bool"
  "set_entails_clause S C = (I. (fo_interpretation I  validate_clause_set I S  validate_clause I C))"

definition satisfiable_clause_set :: "'a clause set  bool"
 "(satisfiable_clause_set S) = (I. (fo_interpretation I)  (validate_clause_set I S))"

text ‹We state basic properties of the entailment relation.›

lemma set_entails_clause_member:
  assumes "C  S"
  shows "set_entails_clause S C"
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume "¬ ?thesis"
  from this obtain I where "fo_interpretation I" "validate_clause_set I S" "¬ validate_clause I C" 
    unfolding set_entails_clause_def by auto
  from validate_clause_set I S and assms(1) ¬ validate_clause I C show False  by auto

lemma instances_are_entailed :
  assumes "validate_clause I C"
  shows "validate_clause I (subst_cl C σ)"
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume "¬validate_clause I (subst_cl C σ)"
  then obtain η 
    where "¬validate_ground_clause I (subst_cl (subst_cl C σ) η)" 
      and "ground_clause (subst_cl (subst_cl C σ) η)"
    by auto
  then have i: "¬validate_ground_clause I (subst_cl C (comp σ η))"
   using composition_of_substs_cl by metis 
  from ground_clause (subst_cl (subst_cl C σ) η) 
    have ii: "ground_clause (subst_cl C (comp σ η))" 
    using composition_of_substs_cl by metis
  from i and ii have "¬validate_clause I C" by auto
  from ¬validate_clause I C and validate_clause I C show False by blast

text ‹We prove that two equivalent substitutions yield equivalent objects.›

lemma equivalent_on_eq :
  assumes "equivalent_on σ η (vars_of_eq e) I"
  assumes "fo_interpretation I"
  shows "(validate_ground_eq I (subst_equation e σ)) = (validate_ground_eq I (subst_equation e η))"
proof -
  obtain t and s where "e = Eq t s" using equation.exhaust by auto 
  then have "vars_of t  vars_of_eq e" by simp
  from this and assms(1) have "equivalent_on σ η (vars_of t) I" 
    unfolding equivalent_on_def by auto
  from this assms(2) 
    have "I (subst t σ) (subst t η)" using equivalent_on_term 
    unfolding fo_interpretation_def by auto
  from e = Eq t s  have "vars_of s  vars_of_eq e" by simp
  from this and equivalent_on σ η (vars_of_eq e) I have "equivalent_on σ η (vars_of s) I" 
    unfolding equivalent_on_def by auto
  from this assms(2) have "I (subst s σ) (subst s η)" 
    using equivalent_on_term unfolding fo_interpretation_def by auto
  from assms(2) I (subst t σ) (subst t η) 
    and I (subst s σ) (subst s η) 
    and e = Eq t s show ?thesis unfolding fo_interpretation_def congruence_def equivalence_relation_def 
    transitive_def symmetric_def reflexive_def
    by (metis (full_types) subst_equation.simps validate_ground_eq.simps)   

lemma equivalent_on_lit :
  assumes "equivalent_on σ η (vars_of_lit l) I"
  assumes "fo_interpretation I"
  shows "(validate_ground_lit I (subst_lit l σ)) 
    = (validate_ground_lit I (subst_lit l η))"
proof -
  obtain e where "l = Pos e  l = Neg e" using literal.exhaust by auto 
  then have "vars_of_eq e  vars_of_lit l" by auto 
  from this and equivalent_on σ η (vars_of_lit l) I have "equivalent_on σ η (vars_of_eq e) I" 
    unfolding equivalent_on_def by auto
  from this assms(2) have "(validate_ground_eq I (subst_equation e σ)) = (validate_ground_eq I (subst_equation e η))" 
    using equivalent_on_eq by auto
  from this and l = Pos e  l = Neg e show ?thesis by auto

lemma equivalent_on_cl :
  assumes "equivalent_on σ η (vars_of_cl C) I"
  assumes "fo_interpretation I"
  shows "(validate_ground_clause I (subst_cl C σ)) 
    = (validate_ground_clause I (subst_cl C η))"
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume "(validate_ground_clause I (subst_cl C σ)) 
     (validate_ground_clause I (subst_cl C η))"
  then obtain L where "L  C" and "(validate_ground_lit I (subst_lit L σ)) 
     (validate_ground_lit I (subst_lit L η))"
    by force
  from L  C have "vars_of_lit L  vars_of_cl C" by auto
  from this and assms have "equivalent_on σ η (vars_of_lit L) I" unfolding equivalent_on_def by auto
  from this assms(2) and (validate_ground_lit I (subst_lit L σ)) 
     (validate_ground_lit I (subst_lit L η)) 
    show False using equivalent_on_lit by metis
