Theory Polynomial_Instantiation


  Project: Sumcheck Protocol

  Authors: Azucena Garvia Bosshard <>
           Christoph Sprenger, ETH Zurich <>
           Jonathan Bootle, IBM Research Europe <>


section ‹Instantiation for Multivariate Polynomials›

theory Polynomial_Instantiation

text ‹
\textbf{NOTE:} if considered to be useful enough, the definitions and lemmas in this theory could 
be moved to the theory @{theory "Polynomials.More_MPoly_Type"}.

text ‹Define instantiation of mpoly's. The conditions @{term "(≠) 1"} and @{term "(≠) 0"} in 
the sets being multiplied or added over are needed to prove the correspondence with evaluation: 
a full instance corresponds to an evaluation (see lemma below).›

subsection ‹Instantiation of monomials›

type_synonym ('a, 'b) subst = "'a  'b"

  inst_monom_coeff :: (nat 0 nat)  (nat, 'a) subst  'a::comm_semiring_1 
  is λm σ. (v | v  dom σ  the (σ v) ^ m v  1. the (σ v) ^ m v) .

  inst_monom_resid :: (nat 0 nat)  (nat, 'a) subst  (nat 0 nat)  
  is (λm σ v. m v when v  dom σ)
  by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) finite_subset mem_Collect_eq subsetI zero_when) 

lemmas inst_monom_defs = inst_monom_coeff_def inst_monom_resid_def

lemma lookup_inst_monom_resid:
  shows lookup (inst_monom_resid m σ) v = (if v  dom σ then 0 else lookup m v)
  by transfer simp

subsection ‹Instantiation of polynomials›

  inst_fun :: ((nat 0 nat)  'a)  (nat, 'a) subst  (nat 0 nat)  'a::comm_semiring_1 where
  inst_fun p σ = (λm. (m' | inst_monom_resid m' σ = m  p m' * inst_monom_coeff m' σ  0.
                               p m' * inst_monom_coeff m' σ))

lemma finite_inst_fun_keys: 
  assumes finite {m. p m  0}
  shows finite {m. (m' | inst_monom_resid m' σ = m  p m'  0  inst_monom_coeff m' σ  0.
                               p m' * inst_monom_coeff m' σ)  0}
proof -
  from finite {m. p m  0}
  have finite ((λm'. inst_monom_resid m' σ)`{x. p x  0}) by auto
  have {m. (m' | inst_monom_resid m' σ = m  p m'  0  inst_monom_coeff m' σ  0. 
                         p m' * inst_monom_coeff m' σ)  0}
             (λm'. inst_monom_resid m' σ)`{m. p m  0}
    by (auto elim: sum.not_neutral_contains_not_neutral)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by (auto elim: finite_subset)

lemma finite_inst_fun_keys_ext:
  assumes finite {m. p m  0}
  shows  "finite {a. (m' | inst_monom_resid m' σ = a  p m'  0  inst_monom_coeff m' σ  0.
        p m' * inst_monom_coeff m' σ * (aa. the (ρ aa) ^ lookup (inst_monom_resid m' σ) aa))  0}"
proof -
  from finite {m. p m  0}
  have finite ((λm'. inst_monom_resid m' σ)`{x. p x  0}) by auto
  have {m. (m' | inst_monom_resid m' σ = m  p m'  0  inst_monom_coeff m' σ  0. 
                         p m' * inst_monom_coeff m' σ * 
                         (aa. the (ρ aa) ^ lookup (inst_monom_resid m' σ) aa))  0}
             (λm'. inst_monom_resid m' σ)`{m. p m  0}
    by (auto elim: sum.not_neutral_contains_not_neutral)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by (auto elim: finite_subset)

  inst_aux :: ((nat 0 nat) 0 'a)  (nat, 'a) subst  (nat 0 nat) 0 'a::semidom 
  is inst_fun 
  by (auto simp add: inst_fun_def intro: finite_inst_fun_keys)

lift_definition inst :: 'a mpoly  (nat, 'a::semidom) subst  'a mpoly 
  is inst_aux .

lemmas inst_defs = inst_def inst_aux_def inst_fun_def

subsection ‹Full instantiation corresponds to evaluation›

lemma dom_Some: dom (Some o f) = UNIV
  by (simp add: dom_def)

lemma inst_full_eq_insertion:      
  fixes p :: ('a::semidom) mpoly and σ :: nat  'a 
  shows inst p (Some o σ) = Const (insertion σ p)
proof transfer
  fix p :: (nat 0 nat) 0 'a and σ :: nat  'a 
  show inst_aux p (Some o σ) = Const0 (insertion_aux σ p)
    unfolding poly_mapping_eq_iff
    apply (simp add: Const0_def inst_aux.rep_eq inst_fun_def inst_monom_defs
                     Poly_Mapping.single.rep_eq insertion_aux.rep_eq insertion_fun_def)
    apply (rule ext)
    subgoal for m
      by (cases "m = 0") 
         (simp_all add: Sum_any.expand_set Prod_any.expand_set dom_Some)
