Theory Abstract_Multivariate_Polynomials


  Project: Sumcheck Protocol

  Authors: Azucena Garvia Bosshard <>
           Christoph Sprenger, ETH Zurich <>
           Jonathan Bootle, IBM Research Europe <>


section ‹Abstract Multivariate Polynomials›

theory Abstract_Multivariate_Polynomials

text ‹Multivariate polynomials, abstractly›

locale multi_variate_polynomial = 
  fixes vars :: 'p :: comm_monoid_add  'v set
  and deg :: 'p  nat
  and eval :: 'p  ('v, 'a::finite) subst  'b :: comm_monoid_add
  and inst :: 'p  ('v, 'a) subst  'p
  ― ‹vars›
  vars_finite: finite (vars p) and 
  vars_zero: vars 0 = {} and 
  vars_add: vars (p + q)  vars p  vars q and
  vars_inst: vars (inst p σ)  vars p - dom σ and 

  ― ‹degree›
  deg_zero: deg 0 = 0 and 
  deg_add: deg (p + q)  max (deg p) (deg q) and 
  deg_inst: deg (inst p ρ)  deg p and 

  ― ‹eval›
  eval_zero: eval 0 σ = 0 and
  eval_add: vars p  vars q  dom σ  eval (p + q) σ = eval p σ + eval q σ and
  eval_inst: vars p  dom σ  dom ρ  eval (inst p σ) ρ = eval p (ρ ++ σ) and

  ― ‹small number of roots (variant for two polynomials)›
  roots: card {r. deg p  d  vars p  {x}  deg q  d  vars q  {x}  
                   p  q  eval p [x  r] = eval q [x  r]}  d

lemmas vars_addD = vars_add[THEN subsetD]

subsection ‹Arity: definition and some lemmas›

definition arity :: 'p  nat where
  arity p = card (vars p)

lemma arity_zero: arity 0 = 0 
  by (simp add: arity_def vars_zero)

lemma arity_add: arity (p + q)  arity p + arity q 
proof - 
  have card (vars (p + q))  card (vars p  vars q) 
    by (intro card_mono) (auto simp add: vars_add vars_finite) 
  also have ...  card (vars p) + card (vars q) by (simp add: card_Un_le)
  finally show ?thesis by (simp add: arity_def)

lemma arity_inst: 
  assumes dom σ  vars p 
  shows arity (inst p σ)  arity p - card (dom σ)
proof -
  have card (vars (inst p σ))  card (vars p - dom σ)
    by (auto simp add: vars_finite vars_inst card_mono)
  also have  = card (vars p) - card (dom σ) using assms 
    by (simp add: card_Diff_subset finite_subset vars_finite)
  finally show ?thesis by (simp add: arity_def)

subsection ‹Lemmas about evaluation, degree, and variables of finite sums›

lemma eval_sum: 
  assumes finite I i. i  I  vars (pp i)  dom σ
  shows eval (iI. pp i) σ = (iI. eval (pp i) σ)
proof - 
  have eval (iI. pp i) σ = (iI. eval (pp i) σ)  vars (iI. pp i)  dom σ using assms
  proof (induction rule: finite.induct)
    case emptyI
    then show ?case by (simp add: eval_zero vars_zero)
    case (insertI A a)
    then show ?case 
      by (auto simp add: eval_add vars_add sum.insert_if dest!: vars_addD)
  then show ?thesis ..

lemma vars_sum: 
  assumes finite I  
  shows vars (iI. pp i)  (iI. vars (pp i))
  using assms
proof (induction rule: finite.induct)
  case emptyI
  then show ?case by(auto simp add: vars_zero)
  case (insertI A a)
  then show ?case using insertI by(auto simp add: sum.insert_if dest: vars_addD)

lemma deg_sum:
  assumes finite I  and "I  {}"
  shows deg (iI. pp i)  Max {deg (pp i) | i. i  I} 
  using assms 
proof (induction rule: finite.induct)
  case emptyI
  then show ?case by(auto simp add: deg_zero)
  case (insertI A a)
  show ?case 
  proof(cases "A = {}")
    assume A = {}
    then show ?thesis by(simp)
    assume A  {}
    then have *: Max {deg (pp i) |i. i  A}  Max {deg (pp i) |i. i = a  i  A} using finite A
      by (intro Max_mono) auto
    show ?thesis using insertI A  {} 
      by (auto 4 4 simp add: sum.insert_if intro: Max_ge *[THEN [2] le_trans] deg_add[THEN le_trans])
subsection ‹Lemmas combining eval, sum, and inst›

lemma eval_sum_inst: 
  assumes vars p  V  dom ρ finite V
  shows eval (σ  substs V H. inst p σ) ρ = (σ  substs V H. eval p (ρ ++ σ)) 
proof - 
  have A1: σ. σ  substs V H  vars (inst p σ)  dom ρ using assms(1) vars_inst by blast
  have A2: σ. σ  substs V H  vars p  dom σ  dom ρ using assms(1) by (auto)

  have eval (σ  substs V H. inst p σ) ρ = (σsubsts V H. eval (inst p σ) ρ) using A1 assms(2)
    by (simp add: eval_sum substs_finite)    ― ‹requires @{term "finite H"}
  also have ... = (σ  substs V H. eval p (ρ ++ σ)) using A2 
    by (simp add: eval_inst)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma  eval_sum_inst_commute:
  assumes vars p  insert x V x  V finite V
  shows eval (σsubsts V H. inst p σ) [x  r]
         = (σsubsts V H. eval (inst p [x  r]) σ)
proof -
  have eval (sum (inst p) (substs V H)) [x  r] = 
        (σsubsts V H. eval p ([x  r] ++ σ)) using vars p  insert x V finite V
    by (simp add: eval_sum_inst)
  also have ... = (σsubsts V H. eval p (σ(x  r))) using x  V
    by (intro Finite_Cartesian_Product.sum_cong_aux) 
       (auto simp add: map_add_comm subst_dom)
  also have ... = (σsubsts V H. eval (inst p [x  r]) σ) using vars p  insert x V
    by (intro Finite_Cartesian_Product.sum_cong_aux)
       (auto simp add: eval_inst)
  finally show ?thesis .

subsection ‹Merging sums over substitutions›

lemma sum_merge:
  assumes x  V   
  shows "(hH. (σ  substs V H. eval p ([x  h] ++ σ)))
          = (σsubsts (insert x V) H. eval p σ)"
proof -
  have  "h σ. (h,σ)  H × substs V H  dom [x  h]  dom σ = {}" using x  V 
    by(auto simp add: substs_def)
  then have *: "h σ. (h,σ)  H × substs V H  [x  h] ++ σ = σ(x  h)" 
    by(auto simp add: map_add_comm)

  have "(hH. (σ  substs V H. eval p ([x  h] ++ σ))) =
        ((h,σ)  H × substs V H. eval p ([x  h] ++ σ))"
    by(auto simp add: sum.cartesian_product)
  also have " = ((h,σ)  H × substs V H. eval p (σ(x  h)))" using *  
    by (intro Finite_Cartesian_Product.sum_cong_aux) (auto)
  also have " =  (σsubsts (insert x V) H. eval p σ)" using x  V 
    by(auto simp add: sum.reindex_bij_betw[OF bij_betw_set_substs, 
              where V1 = "insert x V" and x1 = "x" and H1 = "H" and g = "λσ. eval p σ", symmetric]
            intro: Finite_Cartesian_Product.sum_cong_aux)
  finally show ?thesis .

