Theory Bossiness

theory Bossiness

sectioncitet"Kojima:2010": The non-existence of a stable and non-bossy mechanism \label{sec:bossiness} ›

text (in Contracts) citet"Kojima:2010" says that ``a mechanism is @{emph ‹nonbossy›} if an
agent cannot change [the] allocation of other agents unless doing so
also changes her own allocation.'' He shows that no mechanism can be
both @{const "stable_on"} and @{emph ‹nonbossy›} in a one-to-one marriage
market. We establish this result in our matching-with-contracts
setting here.

There are two complications. Firstly, as not all agent preferences
yield stable matches (unlike the marriage market), we constrain
hospital choice functions to satisfy @{const
"ContractsWithBilateralSubstitutesAndIRC"}, which is the weakest
condition formalized here that ensures that @{const "fp_cop_F"} yields
stable matches. (We note that it is not the weakest condition
guaranteeing the existence of stable matches.)

Secondly, non-bossiness needs to separately treat the preferences of
the doctors and the choice functions of the hospitals.

We work in the @{const "Contracts"} locale for its types and the
constants @{term "Xd"} and @{term "Xh"}. To account for the
quantification over preferences, we directly use some raw constants
from the @{const "Contracts"} locale.


context Contracts

abbreviation (input) mechanism_domain :: "('d  'x rel)  ('h  'x cfun)  bool" where
  "mechanism_domain  ContractsWithBilateralSubstitutesAndIRC Xd Xh"

definition nonbossy :: "'d set  ('d, 'h, 'x) mechanism  bool" where
  "nonbossy ds φ 
    (Pd Pd' Ch. dds. mechanism_domain Pd Ch  mechanism_domain (Pd(d:=Pd')) Ch 
      dX (φ Pd Ch ds) d = dX (φ (Pd(d:=Pd')) Ch ds) d  φ Pd Ch ds = φ (Pd(d:=Pd')) Ch ds)
   (Pd Ch Ch' h. mechanism_domain Pd Ch  mechanism_domain Pd (Ch(h:=Ch')) 
      hX (φ Pd Ch ds) h = hX (φ Pd (Ch(h:=Ch')) ds) h  φ Pd Ch ds = φ Pd (Ch(h:=Ch')) ds)"

definition mechanism_stable :: "'d set  ('d, 'h, 'x) mechanism  bool" where
  "mechanism_stable ds φ
      (Pd Ch. mechanism_domain Pd Ch  Contracts.stable_on Pd Ch ds (φ Pd Ch ds))"


lemma nonbossy_Pd:
  assumes "nonbossy ds φ"
  assumes "mechanism_domain Pd' Ch'"
  assumes "mechanism_domain (Pd'(d:=Pd'')) Ch'"
  assumes "dX (φ Pd' Ch' ds) d = dX (φ (Pd'(d:=Pd'')) Ch' ds) d"
  assumes "d  ds"
  shows "φ Pd' Ch' ds = φ (Pd'(d:=Pd'')) Ch' ds"
using assms unfolding nonbossy_def by blast

lemma nonbossy_Ch:
  assumes "nonbossy ds φ"
  assumes "mechanism_domain Pd' Ch'"
  assumes "mechanism_domain Pd' (Ch'(h:=Ch''))"
  assumes "hX (φ Pd' Ch' ds) h = hX (φ Pd' (Ch'(h:=Ch'')) ds) h"
  shows "φ Pd' Ch' ds = φ Pd' (Ch'(h:=Ch'')) ds"
using assms unfolding nonbossy_def by blast



text (in Contracts) ‹

The proof is somewhat similar to those for Roth's impossibility
results (see, for instance, citet‹Theorem~4.4› in "RothSotomayor:1990").
It relies on the existence of at least three doctors, three hospitals,
and a complete set of contracts between these. The following locale
captures a suitable set of constraints.


locale BossyConstants =
  fixes Xd :: "'x  'd"
  fixes Xh :: "'x  'h"
  fixes d1h1 d1h2 d1h3 :: 'x
  fixes d2h1 d2h2 d2h3 :: 'x
  fixes d3h1 d3h2 d3h3 :: 'x
  fixes ds :: "'d set"
  assumes ds: "distinct [Xd d1h1, Xd d2h1, Xd d3h1]"
  assumes hs: "distinct [Xh d1h1, Xh d1h2, Xh d1h3]"
  assumes Xd_xs:
    "Xd ` {d1h2, d1h3} = {Xd d1h1}"
    "Xd ` {d2h2, d2h3} = {Xd d2h1}"
    "Xd ` {d3h2, d3h3} = {Xd d3h1}"
  assumes Xh_xs:
    "Xh ` {d2h1, d3h1} = {Xh d1h1}"
    "Xh ` {d2h2, d3h2} = {Xh d1h2}"
    "Xh ` {d2h3, d3h3} = {Xh d1h3}"
  assumes dset: "{Xd d1h1, Xd d2h1, Xd d3h1}  ds"

locale ContractsWithBossyConstants =
  Contracts + BossyConstants

abbreviation (input) "d1  Xd d1h1"
abbreviation (input) "d2  Xd d2h1"
abbreviation (input) "d3  Xd d3h1"

abbreviation (input) "h1  Xh d1h1"
abbreviation (input) "h2  Xh d1h2"
abbreviation (input) "h3  Xh d1h3"


lemma xs:
  shows "distinct [d1h1, d1h2, d1h3, d2h1, d2h2, d2h3, d3h1, d3h2, d3h3]"
using Xd_xs Xh_xs ds hs by auto



We proceed to show that variations on the following preferences for
doctors and hospitals force a stable mechanism to be bossy. Recall
that @{const "linord_of_list"} constructs a linear order from a list of
elements greatest to least. The hospital choice functions take at most
one contract from those on offer, and are again ordered from most
preferable to least.


definition BPd :: "'b  'a rel" where
  "BPd  map_of_default {} [ (d1, linord_of_list [d1h3, d1h2, d1h1])
                           , (d2, linord_of_list [d2h3, d2h2, d2h1])
                           , (d3, linord_of_list [d3h1, d3h2, d3h3]) ]"

abbreviation mkhord :: "'d list  'd cfun" where
  "mkhord xs X  set_option (List.find (λx. xX) xs)"

definition BCh :: "'c  'a cfun" where
  "BCh  map_of_default (λ_. {}) [ (h1, mkhord [d1h1, d2h1, d3h1])
                                 , (h2, mkhord [])
                                 , (h3, mkhord [d3h3, d2h3, d1h3]) ]"


Interpreting the @{const "Contracts"} locale gives us access to some
useful constants.


interpretation Bossy: Contracts Xd Xh BPd BCh
using %invisible Xd_xs Xh_xs xs unfolding BPd_def BCh_def
by unfold_locales (auto simp: linord_of_list_Linear_order)

lemma BPd_BCh_mechanism_domain:
  shows "mechanism_domain BPd BCh"
by %invisible unfold_locales (auto simp: BCh_def bilateral_substitutes_on_def irc_on_def)


lemma BPd_simps:
  "BPd d1 = linord_of_list [d1h3, d1h2, d1h1]"
  "BPd d2 = linord_of_list [d2h3, d2h2, d2h1]"
  "BPd d3 = linord_of_list [d3h1, d3h2, d3h3]"
  "d  {d1, d2, d3}  BPd d = {}"
unfolding BPd_def using Xd_xs ds by auto

lemma BCh_simps:
  "BCh h1 = mkhord [d1h1, d2h1, d3h1]"
  "BCh h3 = mkhord [d3h3, d2h3, d1h3]"
  "h  {h1, h3}  BCh h X = {}"
unfolding BCh_def using Xh_xs hs by auto

lemma Bossy_CD_on_Cd:
  shows "Bossy.CD_on ds X = Bossy.Cd d1 X  Bossy.Cd d2 X  Bossy.Cd d3 X" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule equalityI)
  show "?lhs  ?rhs"
    unfolding Bossy.CD_on_def by clarsimp (metis BPd_simps(4) Bossy.Cd_range' Field_empty Int_iff empty_iff insertE)
  from dset show "?rhs  ?lhs"
    unfolding Bossy.CD_on_def by blast

lemma Bossy_CH_BCh:
  shows "Bossy.CH X = BCh h1 X  BCh h3 X" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule equalityI)
  show "?lhs  ?rhs"
    unfolding Bossy.CH_def by clarsimp (simp add: BCh_def split: if_splits)
  show "?rhs  ?lhs"
    unfolding Bossy.CH_def by blast

lemma Bossy_CH_range:
  assumes "X  Bossy.CH X'"
  shows "X  set [d1h1, d1h3, d2h1, d2h3, d3h1, d3h3]"
using assms by (auto simp: Bossy_CH_BCh BCh_simps split: if_splits)


lemma Bossy_stable:
  shows "Bossy.stable_on ds X  X = {d1h1, d3h3}"
(*<*) (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof (rule iffI)
  assume ?lhs with Xd_xs ds xs show ?rhs
    apply -
    apply (frule Bossy.stable_on_allocation)
    apply (frule Bossy.stable_on_CH)
    apply (frule Bossy.stable_on_CD_on)

    (* Enumerate all possible contracts *)
    apply (frule Bossy_CH_range[OF Set.equalityD2])
    apply (drule subset_subseqs)

    apply clarsimp
    apply (elim disjE)
    apply (simp_all add: Bossy_CH_BCh BCh_simps insert_eq_iff insert_commute)
    using Bossy.stable_on_blocking_onD[where h="h3" and X''="{d3h3}" and X="X" and ds=ds]
          Bossy.stable_on_blocking_onD[where h="h1" and X''="{d2h1}" and X="X" and ds=ds]
          Bossy.stable_on_blocking_onD[where h="h1" and X''="{d1h1}" and X="X" and ds=ds]
    apply (simp_all add: Bossy_CH_BCh BCh_simps Bossy_CD_on_Cd BPd_simps)
  assume ?rhs show ?lhs
  proof(rule Bossy.stable_onI)
    show "Bossy.individually_rational_on ds X"
    proof(rule Bossy.individually_rational_onI)
      from xs ?rhs show "Bossy.CD_on ds X = X" by clarsimp (force simp: Bossy_CD_on_Cd BPd_simps)
      from ?rhs show "Bossy.CH X = X" by (simp add: Bossy_CH_BCh BCh_simps insert_commute)
    show "Bossy.stable_no_blocking_on ds X"
    proof(rule Bossy.stable_no_blocking_onI)
      fix h X'' assume XXX: "X'' = BCh h (X  X'')" "X''  BCh h X" "X''  Bossy.CD_on ds (X  X'')"
      from ?rhs XXX(1,2) have h: "h  {h1, h3}" using BCh_simps by auto
      from XXX(1) have X'': "X''  set [d1h1, d1h3, d2h1, d2h3, d3h1, d3h3]"
        using Bossy_CH_range[unfolded Bossy.CH_def] by blast
      from ?rhs XXX h X'' Xh_xs hs xs show False
        apply -
        apply (drule subset_subseqs)
        apply clarsimp
        apply (elim disjE)
        apply (simp_all add: BCh_simps)


The second preference order has doctor @{const "d2"} reject all
contracts and is otherwise the same as the first.


definition BPd' :: "'b  'a rel" where
  "BPd' = BPd(d2 := {})"

interpretation Bossy': Contracts Xd Xh BPd' BCh
using %invisible Xd_xs Xh_xs xs unfolding BPd_def BPd'_def BCh_def
by unfold_locales (auto simp: linord_of_list_Linear_order)

lemma BPd'_BCh_mechanism_domain:
  shows "mechanism_domain BPd' BCh"
by %invisible unfold_locales (auto simp: BCh_def bilateral_substitutes_on_def irc_on_def)


lemma BPd'_simps:
  "BPd' d1 = linord_of_list [d1h3, d1h2, d1h1]"
  "BPd' d3 = linord_of_list [d3h1, d3h2, d3h3]"
  "d  {d1, d3}  BPd' d = {}"
unfolding BPd_def BPd'_def using Xd_xs ds by auto

lemma Bossy'_CD_on_Cd:
  "Bossy'.CD_on ds X = Bossy'.Cd d1 X  Bossy'.Cd d3 X" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule equalityI)
  show "?lhs  ?rhs"
    unfolding Bossy'.CD_on_def by clarsimp (metis BPd'_simps(3) Bossy'.Cd_range' Field_empty Int_iff empty_iff insertE)
  from dset show "?rhs  ?lhs"
    unfolding Bossy'.CD_on_def by blast


lemma Bossy'_stable:
  shows "Bossy'.stable_on ds X  X = {d1h3, d3h1}  X = {d1h1, d3h3}"
(*<*) (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof (rule iffI)
  assume ?lhs
  with dset ?lhs Xd_xs ds xs show ?rhs
    apply -
    apply (frule Bossy'.stable_on_allocation)
    apply (frule Bossy'.stable_on_CH)
    apply (frule Bossy'.stable_on_CD_on)

    (* Enumerate all possible contracts *)
    apply (frule Bossy_CH_range[OF Set.equalityD2])
    apply (drule subset_subseqs)

    apply clarsimp
    apply (elim disjE)
    apply (simp_all add: Bossy_CH_BCh BCh_simps insert_eq_iff insert_commute)
    using Bossy'.stable_on_blocking_onD[where h="h3" and X''="{d3h3}" and X="X" and ds=ds]
          Bossy'.stable_on_blocking_onD[where h="h1" and X''="{d1h1}" and X="X" and ds=ds]
    apply (simp_all add: Bossy_CH_BCh BCh_simps Bossy'_CD_on_Cd BPd'_simps)
  assume ?rhs show ?lhs
  proof(rule Bossy'.stable_onI)
    show "Bossy'.individually_rational_on ds X"
    proof(rule Bossy'.individually_rational_onI)
      from ds xs ?rhs show "Bossy'.CD_on ds X = X" by (force simp: Bossy'_CD_on_Cd BPd'_simps)
      from xs ?rhs show "Bossy.CH X = X" by (force simp: Bossy_CH_BCh BCh_simps)
    show "Bossy'.stable_no_blocking_on ds X"
    proof(rule Bossy'.stable_no_blocking_onI)
      fix h X'' assume XXX: "X'' = BCh h (X  X'')" "X''  BCh h X" "X''  Bossy'.CD_on ds (X  X'')"
      from ?rhs XXX(1,2) have h: "h  {h1, h2, h3}" using BCh_simps by auto
      from XXX(1) have X'': "X''  set [d1h1, d1h3, d2h1, d2h3, d3h1, d3h3]"
        using Bossy_CH_range[unfolded Bossy.CH_def] by blast
      from ?rhs XXX h X'' Xh_xs ds hs xs show False
        apply -
        apply (drule subset_subseqs)
        apply clarsimp
        apply (elim disjE)
        apply (simp_all add: BCh_simps)
        apply (simp_all add: Bossy'_CD_on_Cd Bossy'.maxR_def linord_of_list_linord_of_listP BPd'_simps)


The third preference order adjusts the choice function of hospital
@{const "h2"} and is otherwise the same as the second.


definition BCh' :: "'c  'a cfun" where
  "BCh'  BCh(h2 := mkhord [d1h2, d2h2, d3h2])"

interpretation Bossy'': Contracts Xd Xh BPd' BCh'
using %invisible Xd_xs Xh_xs xs unfolding BPd_def BPd'_def BCh_def BCh'_def
by unfold_locales (auto simp: linord_of_list_Linear_order)

lemma BPd'_BCh'_mechanism_domain:
  shows "mechanism_domain BPd' BCh'"
by %invisible unfold_locales (auto simp: BCh_def BCh'_def bilateral_substitutes_on_def irc_on_def)


lemma BCh'_simps:
  "BCh' h1 = mkhord [d1h1, d2h1, d3h1]"
  "BCh' h2 = mkhord [d1h2, d2h2, d3h2]"
  "BCh' h3 = mkhord [d3h3, d2h3, d1h3]"
  "h  {h1, h2, h3}  BCh' h X = {}"
unfolding BCh_def BCh'_def using Xh_xs hs by auto

lemma Bossy''_CH_BCh':
  "Bossy''.CH X = BCh' h1 X  BCh' h2 X  BCh' h3 X" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule equalityI)
  show "?lhs  ?rhs"
    unfolding Bossy''.CH_def by clarsimp (simp add: BCh_def BCh'_def split: if_splits)
  show "?rhs  ?lhs"
    unfolding Bossy''.CH_def by blast

lemma Bossy''_CD_on_range:
  assumes "X  Bossy''.CD_on ds X'"
  shows "X  set [d1h1, d1h2, d1h3, d3h1, d3h2, d3h3]"
using assms by (auto simp: Bossy'_CD_on_Cd BPd'_simps dest!: Bossy''.Cd_range')


lemma Bossy''_stable:
  shows "Bossy''.stable_on ds X  X = {d3h1, d1h3}"
(*<*) (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule iffI)
  assume ?lhs with Xd_xs ds xs show ?rhs
    apply -
    apply (frule Bossy''.stable_on_allocation)
    apply (frule Bossy''.stable_on_CH)
    apply (frule Bossy''.stable_on_CD_on)

    (* Enumerate all possible contracts *)
    apply (frule Bossy''_CD_on_range[OF Set.equalityD2])
    apply (drule subset_subseqs)

    apply clarsimp
    apply (elim disjE)
    apply (simp_all add: Bossy''_CH_BCh' BCh'_simps insert_eq_iff insert_commute)
    using Bossy''.stable_on_blocking_onD[where h="h1" and X''="{d3h1}" and X="X" and ds=ds]
          Bossy''.stable_on_blocking_onD[where h="h2" and X''="{d1h2}" and X="X" and ds=ds]
          Bossy''.stable_on_blocking_onD[where h="h3" and X''="{d1h3}" and X="X" and ds=ds]
    apply (simp_all add: BCh'_simps Bossy'_CD_on_Cd BPd'_simps)
    apply (simp_all add: Bossy''.maxR_def linord_of_list_linord_of_listP BPd'_simps)
  assume ?rhs show ?lhs
  proof(rule Bossy''.stable_onI)
    show "Bossy''.individually_rational_on ds X"
    proof(rule Bossy''.individually_rational_onI)
      from ds xs ?rhs show "Bossy''.CD_on ds X = X" by (force simp: Bossy'_CD_on_Cd BPd'_simps)
      from xs ?rhs show "Bossy''.CH X = X" by (force simp: Bossy''_CH_BCh' BCh'_simps)
    show "Bossy''.stable_no_blocking_on ds X"
    proof(rule Bossy''.stable_no_blocking_onI)
      fix h X'' assume XXX: "X'' = BCh' h (X  X'')" "X''  BCh' h X" "X''  Bossy''.CD_on ds (X  X'')"
      from ?rhs XXX(1,2) have h: "h  {h1, h2, h3}" using BCh'_simps by auto
      from XXX(3) have X'': "X''  set [d1h1, d1h2, d1h3, d3h1, d3h2, d3h3]"
        using Bossy''_CD_on_range by blast
      from ?rhs XXX h X'' Xh_xs ds hs xs show False
        apply -
        apply (drule subset_subseqs)
        apply clarsimp
        apply (elim disjE)
        apply (simp_all add: BCh'_simps)
        apply (simp_all add: Bossy'_CD_on_Cd BPd'_simps Bossy'.maxR_def linord_of_list_linord_of_listP)


theorem Theorem_1:
  shows "¬(mechanism_stable ds φ  nonbossy ds φ)"
proof(rule notI, erule conjE)
  assume S: "Bossy.mechanism_stable ds φ"
  assume NB: "Bossy.nonbossy ds φ"
  from S Bossy'_stable BPd'_BCh_mechanism_domain
  consider (A) "φ BPd' BCh ds = {d1h3, d3h1}" | (B) "φ BPd' BCh ds = {d1h1, d3h3}"
    unfolding mechanism_stable_def by blast
  then show False
  proof cases
    case A
    from S BPd_BCh_mechanism_domain Bossy_stable have "φ BPd BCh ds = {d1h1, d3h3}"
      unfolding mechanism_stable_def by blast
    with Xd_xs ds xs dset A show False
      using nonbossy_Pd[OF NB BPd_BCh_mechanism_domain BPd'_BCh_mechanism_domain[unfolded BPd'_def]]
      unfolding BPd'_def[symmetric] dX_def by fastforce
    case B
    from S BPd'_BCh'_mechanism_domain Bossy''_stable have "φ BPd' BCh' ds = {d3h1, d1h3}"
      unfolding mechanism_stable_def by blast
    with Xh_xs hs xs dset B show False
      using nonbossy_Ch[OF NB BPd'_BCh_mechanism_domain BPd'_BCh'_mechanism_domain[unfolded BCh'_def]]
      unfolding BCh'_def[symmetric] hX_def by fastforce


In particular, the COP (see \S\ref{sec:cop}) is bossy as it always
yields stable matches under @{const "mechanism_stable"}.


theorem Theorem_1_COP:
  "¬nonbossy ds Contracts.cop"
using ContractsWithBilateralSubstitutesAndIRC.Theorem_1 Theorem_1 mechanism_stable_def by blast



Therefore doctors can interfere with other doctors' allocations under
the COP without necessarily disadvantaging themselves, which has
implications for the notion of @{emph ‹group strategy-proof›}
citep"HatfieldKojima:2009"; see \S\ref{sec:strategic-gsp}.

