Theory Diagonal_To_Smith

    Author:      Jose Divasón

section ‹Algorithm to transform a diagonal matrix into its Smith normal form›

theory Diagonal_To_Smith
  imports Hermite.Hermite

(*Move this theorem:*)
lemma invertible_mat_1: "invertible (mat (1::'a::comm_ring_1))"
  unfolding invertible_iff_is_unit by simp

subsection ‹Implementation of the algorithm›

type_synonym 'a bezout = "'a  'a  'a × 'a × 'a × 'a × 'a"

hide_const Countable.from_nat
hide_const Countable.to_nat

text ‹The algorithm is based on the one presented by Bradley in his article entitled 
  ``Algorithms for Hermite and Smith normal matrices and linear diophantine equations''. 
  Some improvements have been introduced to get a general version for any matrix (including
  non-square and singular ones).›

text ‹I also introduced another improvement: the element in the position j does not need 
to be checked each time, since the element $A_{ii}$ will already divide $A_{jj}$ (where $j \le k$). 
The gcd will be placed in $A_{ii}$.›

(*This version is a valid implementation and permits the formalization, 
  but it would not be executable due to the abstraction*)

primrec diagonal_to_Smith_i :: "nat list ⇒ 'a:: {gcd,divide}^'n::mod_type^'n::mod_type ⇒ 'n::mod_type ⇒ 'a^'n::mod_type^'n::mod_type" 
"diagonal_to_Smith_i [] A i  = A" |
"diagonal_to_Smith_i (j#xs) A i  = (
  if A $ i $ i dvd A $ (from_nat j) $ (from_nat j) then diagonal_to_Smith_i xs A i  (*If it divides, then we proceed.*)
      let c = gcd (A$i$i) (A$(from_nat j)$(from_nat j));
          A' = (χ a b. if a = i ∧ b = i then c else 
               if a = from_nat j ∧ b = from_nat j 
               then A$ i $ i * (A $ (from_nat j) $ (from_nat j) div c) else A $ a $ b)
      in diagonal_to_Smith_i xs A' i (*We do the step and proceed*)

text ‹This function transforms the element $A_{jj}$ in order to be divisible by $A_{ii}$
(and it changes $A_{ii}$ as well).

The use of @{text "from_nat"} and @{text "from_nat"} is mandatory since the same 
index $i$ cannot be used for both rows
and columns at the same time, since they could have different type, concretely, 
when the matrix is rectangular.›

text‹The following definition is valid, but since execution requires the trick of converting
all operations in terms of rows, then we would be recalculating the B\'ezout coefficients each time.›

definition "diagonal_step A i j bezout = (let
              (p, q, u, v, d) = bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ (from_nat j) $ (from_nat j)) in 
              (χ a b. if a = from_nat i ∧ b = from_nat i then d else 
               if a = from_nat j ∧ b = from_nat j 
               then  v * (A $ (from_nat j) $ (from_nat j)) else A $ a $ b))"

text‹Thus, the definition is parameterized by the necessary elements instead of the operation, 
     to avoid recalculations.›

definition "diagonal_step A i j d v =               
              (χ a b. if a = from_nat i  b = from_nat i then d else 
               if a = from_nat j  b = from_nat j 
               then  v * (A $ (from_nat j) $ (from_nat j)) else A $ a $ b)"

fun diagonal_to_Smith_i :: 
"nat list  'a::{bezout_ring}^'cols::mod_type^'rows::mod_type  nat  ('a bezout) 
"diagonal_to_Smith_i [] A i bezout = A" |
"diagonal_to_Smith_i (j#xs) A i bezout = (
  if A $ (from_nat i) $ (from_nat i) dvd A $ (from_nat j) $ (from_nat j) 
      then diagonal_to_Smith_i xs A i bezout
  else let (p, q, u, v, d) = bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j); 
          A' = diagonal_step A i j d v
      in diagonal_to_Smith_i xs A' i bezout

definition "Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i A i bezout 
  = diagonal_to_Smith_i [i+1..<min (nrows A) (ncols A)] A i bezout"

fun diagonal_to_Smith_aux :: " 'a::{bezout_ring}^'cols::mod_type^'rows::mod_type 
   nat list  ('a bezout)   'a^'cols::mod_type^'rows::mod_type"
  "diagonal_to_Smith_aux A [] bezout = A" |
  "diagonal_to_Smith_aux A (i#xs) bezout 
          = diagonal_to_Smith_aux (Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i A i bezout) xs bezout"

text‹The minimum arises to include the case of non-square matrices (we do not 
  demand the input diagonal matrix to be square, just have zeros in non-diagonal entries).

  This iteration does not need to be performed until the last element of the diagonal, 
  because in the second-to-last step the matrix will be already in Smith normal form.›

definition "diagonal_to_Smith A bezout 
  = diagonal_to_Smith_aux A [0..<min (nrows A) (ncols A) - 1] bezout"

subsection‹Code equations to get an executable version›

definition diagonal_step_row 
  where "diagonal_step_row A i j c v a = vec_lambda (%b. if a = from_nat i  b = from_nat i then c else 
               if a = from_nat j  b = from_nat j 
               then v * (A $ (from_nat j) $ (from_nat j)) else A $ a $ b)"

lemma diagonal_step_code [code abstract]:
  "vec_nth (diagonal_step_row A i j c v a) = (%b. if a = from_nat i  b = from_nat i then c else 
               if a = from_nat j  b = from_nat j 
               then v * (A $ (from_nat j) $ (from_nat j)) else A $ a $ b)"
  unfolding diagonal_step_row_def by auto 

lemma diagonal_step_code_nth [code abstract]: "vec_nth (diagonal_step A i j c v) 
  = diagonal_step_row A i j c v"
  unfolding diagonal_step_def unfolding diagonal_step_row_def[abs_def]
  by auto

text‹Code equation to avoid recalculations when computing the Bezout coefficients. ›
lemma euclid_ext2_code[code]:
 "euclid_ext2 a b = (let ((p,q),d) = euclid_ext a b in (p,q, - b div d, a div d, d))"
  unfolding euclid_ext2_def split_beta Let_def 
  by auto

subsection‹Examples of execution›

value "let A= list_of_list_to_matrix [[12,0,0::int],[0,6,0::int],[0,0,2::int]]::int^3^3 
  in matrix_to_list_of_list (diagonal_to_Smith A euclid_ext2)"

text‹Example obtained from:

value "let A= list_of_list_to_matrix 
    [0,0,0,[:1,1:]]]::rat poly^4^4 
  in matrix_to_list_of_list (diagonal_to_Smith A euclid_ext2)"

text‹Polynomial matrix›
value "let A = list_of_list_to_matrix 
        [0,0,0,0]]::rat poly^4^5 
  in matrix_to_list_of_list (diagonal_to_Smith A euclid_ext2)"

subsection‹Soundness of the algorithm›

lemma nrows_diagonal_step[simp]: "nrows (diagonal_step A i j c v) = nrows A"
  by (simp add: nrows_def)

lemma ncols_diagonal_step[simp]: "ncols (diagonal_step A i j c v) = ncols A"
  by (simp add: ncols_def)

  fixes bezout::"'a::{bezout_ring}  'a  'a × 'a × 'a × 'a × 'a"
  assumes ib: "is_bezout_ext bezout"

lemma split_beta_bezout: "bezout a b = 
  (fst(bezout a b),
  fst (snd (bezout a b)),
  fst (snd(snd (bezout a b))),
  fst (snd(snd(snd (bezout a b)))),
  snd (snd(snd(snd (bezout a b)))))" unfolding split_beta by (auto simp add: split_beta)

text‹The following lemma shows that @{text "diagonal_to_Smith_i"} preserves the previous element. 
  We use the assumption @{text "to_nat a = to_nat b"} in order to ensure that we are treating with 
  a diagonal entry. Since the matrix could be rectangular, the types of a and b can be different, 
  and thus we cannot write either @{text "a = b"} or @{text "A $ a $ b"}.›

lemma diagonal_to_Smith_i_preserves_previous_diagonal:
  fixes A::"'a:: {bezout_ring}^'b::mod_type^'c::mod_type"
  assumes i_min: "i < min (nrows A) (ncols A)" 
  and "to_nat a  set xs" and "to_nat a = to_nat b"
  and "to_nat a  i"
  and elements_xs_range: "x. x  set xs  x<min (nrows A) (ncols A)"
  shows "(diagonal_to_Smith_i xs A i bezout) $ a $ b = A $ a $ b" 
  using assms
proof (induct xs A i bezout rule: diagonal_to_Smith_i.induct)
  case (1 A i bezout)
  then show ?case by auto
  case (2 j xs A i bezout)   
  let ?Aii = "A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i"
  let ?Ajj = "A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j"
  let ?p="case bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j) of (p,q,u,v,d)  p"  
  let ?q="case bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j) of (p,q,u,v,d)  q"
  let ?u="case bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j) of (p,q,u,v,d)  u"
  let ?v="case bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j) of (p,q,u,v,d)  v"
  let ?d="case bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j) of (p,q,u,v,d)  d"
  let ?A'="diagonal_step A i j ?d ?v" 
  have pquvd: "(?p, ?q, ?u, ?v,?d) = bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j)"
    by (simp add: split_beta)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "?Aii dvd ?Ajj")
    case True
    then show ?thesis
      using "2.hyps" "2.prems" by auto
    case False
    note i_min = 2(3)
    note hyp = 2(2)
    note i_notin = 2(4)
    note a_eq_b = "2.prems"(3)
    note elements_xs = 2(7)
    note a_not_i = 2(6)    
    have a_not_j: "a  from_nat j"
      by (metis elements_xs i_notin list.set_intros(1) min_less_iff_conj nrows_def to_nat_from_nat_id)
    have "diagonal_to_Smith_i (j # xs) A i bezout = diagonal_to_Smith_i xs ?A' i bezout"
      using False by (auto simp add: split_beta)
    also have "... $ a $ b = ?A' $ a $ b" 
      by (rule hyp[OF False], insert i_notin i_min a_eq_b a_not_i pquvd elements_xs, auto)
    also have "... = A $ a $ b"
      unfolding diagonal_step_def
      using a_not_j a_not_i
      by (smt i_min min.strict_boundedE nrows_def to_nat_from_nat_id vec_lambda_beta)
    finally show ?thesis .

lemma diagonal_step_dvd1[simp]:
  fixes A::"'a::{bezout_ring}^'b::mod_type^'c::mod_type" and j i
  defines "v==case bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j) of (p,q,u,v,d)  v"
  and "d==case bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j) of (p,q,u,v,d)  d"
 shows "diagonal_step A i j d v $ from_nat i $ from_nat i dvd A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i"
  using ib unfolding is_bezout_ext_def diagonal_step_def v_def d_def 
  by (auto simp add: split_beta)

lemma diagonal_step_dvd2[simp]:
  fixes A::"'a::{bezout_ring}^'b::mod_type^'c::mod_type" and j i
  defines "v==case bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j) of (p,q,u,v,d)  v"
  and "d==case bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j) of (p,q,u,v,d)  d"
 shows "diagonal_step A i j d v $ from_nat i $ from_nat i dvd A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j"
  using ib unfolding is_bezout_ext_def diagonal_step_def v_def d_def 
  by (auto simp add: split_beta)


text‹Once the step is carried out, the new element ${A'}_{ii}$ will divide the element $A_{ii}$›

lemma diagonal_to_Smith_i_dvd_ii:
  fixes A::"'a::{bezout_ring}^'b::mod_type^'c::mod_type"
  assumes ib: "is_bezout_ext bezout"
  shows "diagonal_to_Smith_i xs A i bezout $ from_nat i $ from_nat i dvd A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i"
  using ib
proof (induct xs A i bezout rule: diagonal_to_Smith_i.induct)
  case (1 A i bezout)
  then show ?case by auto
  case (2 j xs A i bezout)   
  let ?Aii = "A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i"
  let ?Ajj = "A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j"
  let ?p="case bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j) of (p,q,u,v,d)  p"  
  let ?q="case bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j) of (p,q,u,v,d)  q"
  let ?u="case bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j) of (p,q,u,v,d)  u"
  let ?v="case bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j) of (p,q,u,v,d)  v"
  let ?d="case bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j) of (p,q,u,v,d)  d"
  let ?A'="diagonal_step A i j ?d ?v" 
  have pquvd: "(?p, ?q, ?u, ?v,?d) = bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j)"
    by (simp add: split_beta)
  note ib = "2.prems"(1) 
  show ?case
  proof (cases "?Aii dvd ?Ajj")
    case True
    then show ?thesis 
      using "2.hyps"(1) "2.prems" by auto
    case False
    note hyp = "2.hyps"(2)    
    have "diagonal_to_Smith_i (j # xs) A i bezout = diagonal_to_Smith_i xs ?A' i bezout" 
      using False by (auto simp add: split_beta)
    also have "... $ from_nat i $ from_nat i dvd ?A' $ from_nat i $ from_nat i"
      by (rule hyp[OF False], insert pquvd ib, auto)
    also have "... dvd A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i" 
      unfolding diagonal_step_def using ib unfolding is_bezout_ext_def
      by (auto simp add: split_beta) 
    finally show ?thesis .

text‹Once the step is carried out, the new element ${A'}_{ii}$ 
  divides the rest of elements of the diagonal. This proof requires commutativity (already
  included in the type restriction @{text "bezout_ring"}).›

lemma diagonal_to_Smith_i_dvd_jj:
  fixes A::"'a::{bezout_ring}^'b::mod_type^'c::mod_type"
  assumes ib: "is_bezout_ext bezout"
  and i_min: "i < min (nrows A) (ncols A)" 
  and elements_xs_range: "x. x  set xs  x<min (nrows A) (ncols A)"
  and "to_nat a  set xs"
  and "to_nat a = to_nat b"
  and "to_nat a  i"
  and "distinct xs"
shows "(diagonal_to_Smith_i xs A i bezout) $ (from_nat i) $ (from_nat i) 
       dvd (diagonal_to_Smith_i xs A i bezout) $ a $ b"   
  using assms
proof (induct xs A i bezout rule: diagonal_to_Smith_i.induct)
  case (1 A i)
  then show ?case by auto
  case (2 j xs A i bezout)     
  let ?Aii = "A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i"
  let ?Ajj = "A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j"
  let ?p="case bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j) of (p,q,u,v,d)  p"  
  let ?q="case bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j) of (p,q,u,v,d)  q"
  let ?u="case bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j) of (p,q,u,v,d)  u"
  let ?v="case bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j) of (p,q,u,v,d)  v"
  let ?d="case bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j) of (p,q,u,v,d)  d"
  let ?A'="diagonal_step A i j ?d ?v" 
  have pquvd: "(?p, ?q, ?u, ?v,?d) = bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j)"
    by (simp add: split_beta)
  note ib = "2.prems"(1) 
  note to_nat_a_not_i = 2(8)
  note i_min = 2(4)  
  note elements_xs = "2.prems"(3)
  note a_eq_b = "2.prems"(5)
  note a_in_j_xs = 2(6)
  note distinct = 2(9)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "?Aii dvd ?Ajj")    
    case True note Aii_dvd_Ajj = True
    show ?thesis 
    proof (cases "to_nat a = j")
      case True
      have a: "a = (from_nat j::'c)" using True by auto
      have b: "b = (from_nat j::'b)"
        using True a_eq_b by auto
      have "diagonal_to_Smith_i (j # xs) A i bezout = diagonal_to_Smith_i xs A i bezout" 
        using Aii_dvd_Ajj by auto
      also have "... $ from_nat j $ from_nat j = A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j" 
      proof (rule diagonal_to_Smith_i_preserves_previous_diagonal[OF ib i_min])          
        show "to_nat (from_nat j::'c)  set xs" using True a_in_j_xs distinct by auto
        show "to_nat (from_nat j::'c) = to_nat (from_nat j::'b)"
          by (metis True a_eq_b from_nat_to_nat_id)
        show "to_nat (from_nat j::'c)  i"
          using True to_nat_a_not_i by auto
        show "x. x  set xs  x < min (nrows A) (ncols A)" using elements_xs by auto
      finally have "diagonal_to_Smith_i (j # xs) A i bezout $ from_nat j $ from_nat j 
        = A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j " .
      hence "diagonal_to_Smith_i (j # xs) A i bezout $ a $ b = ?Ajj" unfolding a b .
      moreover have "diagonal_to_Smith_i (j # xs) A i bezout $ from_nat i $ from_nat i dvd ?Aii" 
        by (rule diagonal_to_Smith_i_dvd_ii[OF ib])
      ultimately show ?thesis using Aii_dvd_Ajj dvd_trans by auto
      case False
      have a_in_xs: "to_nat a  set xs" using False using "2.prems"(4) by auto
      have "diagonal_to_Smith_i (j # xs) A i bezout = diagonal_to_Smith_i xs A i bezout" 
        using True by auto
      also have "...  $ (from_nat i) $ (from_nat i) dvd diagonal_to_Smith_i xs A i bezout $ a $ b" 
        by (rule "2.hyps"(1)[OF True ib i_min _ a_in_xs a_eq_b to_nat_a_not_i]) 
           (insert elements_xs distinct, auto)
      finally show ?thesis .
    case False note Aii_not_dvd_Ajj = False    
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "to_nat a  set xs")
      case True note a_in_xs = True    
      have "diagonal_to_Smith_i (j # xs) A i bezout = diagonal_to_Smith_i xs ?A' i bezout" 
        using False by (auto simp add: split_beta)
      also have "... $ from_nat i $ from_nat i dvd diagonal_to_Smith_i xs ?A' i bezout $ a $ b"
        by (rule "2.hyps"(2)[OF False _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a_in_xs a_eq_b to_nat_a_not_i ])
           (insert elements_xs distinct i_min ib pquvd, auto simp add: nrows_def ncols_def)    
      finally show ?thesis .    
      case False
      have to_nat_a_eq_j: "to_nat a = j"
        using False a_in_j_xs by auto
      have a: "a = (from_nat j::'c)" using to_nat_a_eq_j by auto
      have b: "b = (from_nat j::'b)" using to_nat_a_eq_j a_eq_b by auto
      have d_eq: "diagonal_to_Smith_i (j # xs) A i bezout = diagonal_to_Smith_i xs ?A' i bezout" 
        using Aii_not_dvd_Ajj by (simp add: split_beta)
      also have "... $ a $ b = ?A' $ a $ b"
        by (rule diagonal_to_Smith_i_preserves_previous_diagonal[OF ib _ False a_eq_b to_nat_a_not_i])
           (insert i_min elements_xs ib, auto)
      finally have "diagonal_to_Smith_i (j # xs) A i bezout $ a $ b = ?A' $ a $ b" .
      moreover have "diagonal_to_Smith_i (j # xs) A i bezout $ from_nat i $ from_nat i 
        dvd ?A' $ from_nat i $ from_nat i" 
        using d_eq diagonal_to_Smith_i_dvd_ii[OF ib] by simp
      moreover have "?A' $ from_nat i $ from_nat i dvd ?A' $ from_nat j $ from_nat j" 
        unfolding diagonal_step_def using ib unfolding is_bezout_ext_def split_beta
        by (auto, meson dvd_mult)+      
      ultimately show ?thesis using dvd_trans a b by auto        

text‹The step preserves everything that is not in the diagonal›

lemma diagonal_to_Smith_i_preserves_previous:
  fixes A::"'a:: {bezout_ring}^'b::mod_type^'c::mod_type"
  assumes ib: "is_bezout_ext bezout"
    and i_min: "i < min (nrows A) (ncols A)"
  and a_not_b: "to_nat a  to_nat b"
  and elements_xs_range: "x. x  set xs  x<min (nrows A) (ncols A)"
  shows "(diagonal_to_Smith_i xs A i bezout) $ a $ b = A $ a $ b" 
  using assms
proof (induct xs A i bezout rule: diagonal_to_Smith_i.induct)
case (1 A i)
  then show ?case by auto
  case (2 j xs A i bezout)     
  let ?Aii = "A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i"
  let ?Ajj = "A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j"
  let ?p="case bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j) of (p,q,u,v,d)  p"  
  let ?q="case bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j) of (p,q,u,v,d)  q"
  let ?u="case bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j) of (p,q,u,v,d)  u"
  let ?v="case bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j) of (p,q,u,v,d)  v"
  let ?d="case bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j) of (p,q,u,v,d)  d"
  let ?A'="diagonal_step A i j ?d ?v" 
  have pquvd: "(?p, ?q, ?u, ?v,?d) = bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j)"
    by (simp add: split_beta)
  note ib = "2.prems"(1) 
  show ?case
  proof (cases "?Aii dvd ?Ajj")
    case True
    then show ?thesis 
      using "2.hyps"(1) "2.prems" by auto
    case False
    note hyp = "2.hyps"(2)
    have a1: "a = from_nat i  b  from_nat i" 
      by (metis "2.prems" a_not_b from_nat_not_eq min.strict_boundedE ncols_def nrows_def)
    have a2: "a = from_nat j  b  from_nat j"       
      by (metis "2.prems" a_not_b list.set_intros(1) min_less_iff_conj 
          ncols_def nrows_def to_nat_from_nat_id)
    have "diagonal_to_Smith_i (j # xs) A i bezout = diagonal_to_Smith_i xs ?A' i bezout" 
      using False by (simp add: split_beta)
    also have "... $ a $ b = ?A' $ a $ b"
      by (rule hyp[OF False], insert "2.prems" ib pquvd, auto)
    also have "... = A $ a $ b" unfolding diagonal_step_def using a1 a2 by auto
    finally show ?thesis .

lemma diagonal_step_preserves:
  fixes A::"'a::{times}^'b::mod_type^'c::mod_type"
  assumes ai: "a  i" and aj: "a  j" and a_min: "a < min (nrows A) (ncols A)" 
    and i_min: "i < min (nrows A) (ncols A)"
  and j_min: "j < min (nrows A) (ncols A)"
  shows "diagonal_step A i j d v $ from_nat a $ from_nat b = A $ from_nat a $ from_nat b"
proof -
  have 1: "(from_nat a::'c)  from_nat i"
    by (metis a_min ai from_nat_eq_imp_eq i_min min.strict_boundedE nrows_def)
  have 2: "(from_nat a::'c)  from_nat j"
    by (metis a_min aj from_nat_eq_imp_eq j_min min.strict_boundedE nrows_def)
  show ?thesis
    using 1 2 unfolding diagonal_step_def by auto

context GCD_ring

lemma gcd_greatest: 
  assumes "is_gcd gcd'" and "c dvd a" and "c dvd b" 
  shows "c dvd gcd' a b" 
  using assms is_gcd_def by blast


text‹This is a key lemma for the soundness of the algorithm.›

lemma diagonal_to_Smith_i_dvd:
  fixes A::"'a:: {bezout_ring}^'b::mod_type^'c::mod_type"
  assumes ib: "is_bezout_ext bezout"
  and i_min: "i < min (nrows A) (ncols A)"
  and elements_xs_range: "x. x  set xs  x<min (nrows A) (ncols A)"
  and "a b. to_nat ainsert i (set xs)  to_nat a = to_nat b  
      A $ (from_nat c) $ (from_nat c) dvd A $ a $ b"
  and "c  (set xs)" and c: "c<min (nrows A) (ncols A)"
  and "distinct xs"
  shows "A $ (from_nat c) $ (from_nat c) dvd 
  (diagonal_to_Smith_i xs A i bezout) $ (from_nat i) $ (from_nat i)" 
  using assms
proof (induct xs A i bezout rule: diagonal_to_Smith_i.induct)
  case (1 A i)
  then show ?case
    by (auto simp add: ncols_def nrows_def to_nat_from_nat_id)
  case (2 j xs A i bezout)
  let ?Aii = "A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i"
  let ?Ajj = "A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j"
  let ?p="case bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j) of (p,q,u,v,d)  p"  
  let ?q="case bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j) of (p,q,u,v,d)  q"
  let ?u="case bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j) of (p,q,u,v,d)  u"
  let ?v="case bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j) of (p,q,u,v,d)  v"
  let ?d="case bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j) of (p,q,u,v,d)  d"
  let ?A'="diagonal_step A i j ?d ?v" 
  have pquvd: "(?p, ?q, ?u, ?v,?d) = bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j)"
    by (simp add: split_beta)
  note ib = "2.prems"(1) 
  show ?case
  proof (cases "?Aii dvd ?Ajj")    
    case True note Aii_dvd_Ajj = True
    show ?thesis using True
      using "2.hyps" "2.prems" by force      
    case False 
    let ?Acc = "A $ from_nat c $ from_nat c" 
    let ?D="diagonal_step A i j ?d ?v"
    note hyp = "2.hyps"(2)  
    note dvd_condition = "2.prems"(4)
    note a_eq_b = "2.hyps"
    have 1: "(from_nat c::'c)  from_nat i"
      by (metis "2.prems" False c insert_iff list.set_intros(1) 
          min.strict_boundedE ncols_def nrows_def to_nat_from_nat_id)
    have 2: "(from_nat c::'c)  from_nat j"
      by (metis  "2.prems" c insertI1 list.simps(15) min_less_iff_conj nrows_def 
    have "?D $ from_nat c $ from_nat c = ?Acc"
      unfolding diagonal_step_def using 1 2 by auto
    have aux: "?D $ from_nat c $ from_nat c dvd ?D $ a $ b"
      if a_in_set: "to_nat a  insert i (set xs)" and ab: "to_nat a = to_nat b" for a b      
    proof -
     have Acc_dvd_Aii: "?Acc dvd ?Aii"
       by (metis "2.prems"(2) "2.prems"(4) insert_iff min.strict_boundedE 
           ncols_def nrows_def to_nat_from_nat_id)
     moreover have Acc_dvd_Ajj: "?Acc dvd ?Ajj"
       by (metis "2.prems"(3) "2.prems"(4) insert_iff list.set_intros(1) 
           min_less_iff_conj ncols_def nrows_def to_nat_from_nat_id)
     ultimately have Acc_dvd_gcd: "?Acc dvd ?d"
       by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) ib is_gcd_def is_gcd_is_bezout_ext)
     show ?thesis 
      using 1 2 Acc_dvd_Ajj Acc_dvd_Aii Acc_dvd_gcd a_in_set ab dvd_condition 
      unfolding diagonal_step_def by auto     
    have "?A' $ from_nat c $ from_nat c = A $ from_nat c $ from_nat c" 
      unfolding diagonal_step_def using 1 2 by auto
    moreover have "?A' $ from_nat c $ from_nat c 
      dvd diagonal_to_Smith_i xs ?A' i bezout $ from_nat i $ from_nat i"
      by (rule hyp[OF False _ _ _ _ _ _ ib]) 
         (insert nrows_def ncols_def "2.prems" "2.hyps" aux pquvd, auto)
    ultimately show ?thesis using False by (auto simp add: split_beta)

lemma diagonal_to_Smith_i_dvd2:
  fixes A::"'a:: {bezout_ring}^'b::mod_type^'c::mod_type"
  assumes ib: "is_bezout_ext bezout" 
  and i_min: "i < min (nrows A) (ncols A)"
  and elements_xs_range: "x. x  set xs  x<min (nrows A) (ncols A)"
  and dvd_condition: "a b. to_nat a  insert i (set xs)  to_nat a = to_nat b  
      A $ (from_nat c) $ (from_nat c) dvd A $ a $ b"
  and c_notin: "c  (set xs)" 
  and c: "c < min (nrows A) (ncols A)"
  and distinct: "distinct xs"
  and ab: "to_nat a = to_nat b" 
  and a_in: "to_nat a  insert i (set xs)"
  shows "A $ (from_nat c) $ (from_nat c) dvd (diagonal_to_Smith_i xs A i bezout) $ a $ b" 
proof (cases "a = from_nat i")
  case True
  hence b: "b = from_nat i"
    by (metis ab from_nat_to_nat_id i_min min_less_iff_conj nrows_def to_nat_from_nat_id)
  show ?thesis by (unfold True b, rule diagonal_to_Smith_i_dvd, insert assms, auto)
  case False
  have ai: "to_nat a  i" using False by auto
  hence bi: "to_nat b  i" by (simp add: ab)
  have "A $ (from_nat c) $ (from_nat c) dvd (diagonal_to_Smith_i xs A i bezout) $ from_nat i $ from_nat i"
    by (rule diagonal_to_Smith_i_dvd, insert assms, auto)
  also have "... dvd (diagonal_to_Smith_i xs A i bezout) $ a $ b" 
    by (rule diagonal_to_Smith_i_dvd_jj, insert assms False ai bi, auto)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma diagonal_to_Smith_i_dvd2_k:
  fixes A::"'a::{bezout_ring}^'b::mod_type^'c::mod_type"
  assumes ib: "is_bezout_ext bezout" 
  and i_min: "i < min (nrows A) (ncols A)"
  and elements_xs_range: "x. x  set xs  x<k" and "kmin (nrows A) (ncols A)"
  and dvd_condition: "a b. to_nat a  insert i (set xs)  to_nat a = to_nat b  
      A $ (from_nat c) $ (from_nat c) dvd A $ a $ b"
  and c_notin: "c  (set xs)" 
  and c: "c < min (nrows A) (ncols A)"
  and distinct: "distinct xs"
  and ab: "to_nat a = to_nat b" 
  and a_in: "to_nat a  insert i (set xs)"
  shows "A $ (from_nat c) $ (from_nat c) dvd (diagonal_to_Smith_i xs A i bezout) $ a $ b" 
proof (cases "a = from_nat i")
  case True
  hence b: "b = from_nat i"
    by (metis ab from_nat_to_nat_id i_min min_less_iff_conj nrows_def to_nat_from_nat_id)
  show ?thesis by (unfold True b, rule diagonal_to_Smith_i_dvd, insert assms, auto)
  case False
  have ai: "to_nat a  i" using False by auto
  hence bi: "to_nat b  i" by (simp add: ab)
  have "A $ (from_nat c) $ (from_nat c) dvd (diagonal_to_Smith_i xs A i bezout) $ from_nat i $ from_nat i"
    by (rule diagonal_to_Smith_i_dvd, insert assms, auto)
  also have "... dvd (diagonal_to_Smith_i xs A i bezout) $ a $ b" 
    by (rule diagonal_to_Smith_i_dvd_jj, insert assms False ai bi, auto)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_preserves_previous:
  fixes A::"'a:: {bezout_ring}^'b::mod_type^'c::mod_type"
  assumes ib: "is_bezout_ext bezout"
  and i_min: "i < min (nrows A) (ncols A)"
  and a_not_b: "to_nat a  to_nat b"  
  shows "Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i A i bezout $ a $ b = A $ a $ b" 
    unfolding Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_def
    by (rule diagonal_to_Smith_i_preserves_previous, insert assms, auto)

lemma diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_preserves_previous_diagonal:
  fixes A::"'a:: {bezout_ring}^'b::mod_type^'c::mod_type"
  assumes ib: "is_bezout_ext bezout"
  and i_min: "i < min (nrows A) (ncols A)"  
  and a_notin: "to_nat a  set [i + 1..<min (nrows A) (ncols A)]"
  and ab: "to_nat a = to_nat b"
  and ai: "to_nat a  i" 
  shows "Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i A i bezout $ a $ b = A $ a $ b" 
  unfolding Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_def
  by (rule diagonal_to_Smith_i_preserves_previous_diagonal[OF ib i_min a_notin ab ai], auto)

  fixes bezout::"'a::{bezout_ring}  'a  'a × 'a × 'a × 'a × 'a"
  assumes ib: "is_bezout_ext bezout"

lemma diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_dvd_jj:
  fixes A::"'a::{bezout_ring}^'b::mod_type^'c::mod_type"
  assumes "to_nat a  {i..<min (nrows A) (ncols A)}"
  and "to_nat a = to_nat b"
  shows "(Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i A i bezout) $ (from_nat i) $ (from_nat i) 
          dvd (Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i A i bezout) $ a $ b"
proof (cases "to_nat a = i")
  case True
  then show ?thesis
    by (metis assms(2) dvd_refl from_nat_to_nat_id)
  case False
  show ?thesis 
    unfolding Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_def 
    by (rule diagonal_to_Smith_i_dvd_jj, insert assms False ib, auto)

lemma diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_dvd_ii:
  fixes A::"'a::{bezout_ring}^'b::mod_type^'c::mod_type"
  shows "Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i A i bezout $ from_nat i $ from_nat i dvd A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i"
  unfolding Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_def
  by (rule diagonal_to_Smith_i_dvd_ii[OF ib])

lemma diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_dvd_jj':
  fixes A::"'a::{bezout_ring}^'b::mod_type^'c::mod_type"
  assumes a_in: "to_nat a  {i..<min (nrows A) (ncols A)}"
  and ab: "to_nat a = to_nat b" 
  and ci: "ci"
  and dvd_condition: "a b. to_nat a  (set [i..<min (nrows A) (ncols A)])  to_nat a = to_nat b 
     A $ from_nat c $ from_nat c dvd A $ a $ b"
  shows "(Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i A i bezout) $ (from_nat c) $ (from_nat c) 
          dvd (Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i A i bezout) $ a $ b"
proof (cases "c = i")
  case True
  then show ?thesis using assms True diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_dvd_jj
    by metis
  case False
  hence ci2: "c<i" using ci by auto
  have 1: "to_nat (from_nat c::'c)  (set [i+1..<min (nrows A) (ncols A)])"    
    by (metis Suc_eq_plus1 ci atLeastLessThan_iff from_nat_mono 
        le_imp_less_Suc less_irrefl less_le_trans set_upt to_nat_le to_nat_less_card)
  have 2: "to_nat (from_nat c)  i"
    using ci2 from_nat_mono to_nat_less_card by fastforce
  have 3: "to_nat (from_nat c::'c) = to_nat (from_nat c::'b)"
    by (metis a_in ab atLeastLessThan_iff ci dual_order.strict_trans2 to_nat_from_nat_id to_nat_less_card)
  have "(Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i A i bezout) $ (from_nat c) $ (from_nat c) 
    = A $(from_nat c) $ (from_nat c)"
    unfolding Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_def 
    by (rule diagonal_to_Smith_i_preserves_previous_diagonal[OF ib _ 1 3 2], insert assms, auto)
  also have "... dvd (Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i A i bezout) $ a $ b"
    unfolding Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_def 
    by (rule diagonal_to_Smith_i_dvd2, insert assms False ci ib, auto)  
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma diagonal_to_Smith_aux_append:
  "diagonal_to_Smith_aux A (xs @ ys) bezout 
    = diagonal_to_Smith_aux (diagonal_to_Smith_aux A xs bezout) ys bezout"
  by (induct A xs bezout rule: diagonal_to_Smith_aux.induct, auto)

lemma diagonal_to_Smith_aux_append2[simp]:
  "diagonal_to_Smith_aux A (xs @ [ys]) bezout 
    = Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i (diagonal_to_Smith_aux A xs bezout) ys bezout"
  by (induct A xs bezout rule: diagonal_to_Smith_aux.induct, auto)  

lemma isDiagonal_eq_upt_k_min:
"isDiagonal A = isDiagonal_upt_k A (min (nrows A) (ncols A))" 
  unfolding isDiagonal_def isDiagonal_upt_k_def nrows_def ncols_def  
  by (auto, meson less_trans not_less_iff_gr_or_eq to_nat_less_card)

lemma isDiagonal_eq_upt_k_max:
"isDiagonal A = isDiagonal_upt_k A (max (nrows A) (ncols A))" 
  unfolding isDiagonal_def isDiagonal_upt_k_def nrows_def ncols_def  
  by (auto simp add: less_max_iff_disj to_nat_less_card)

lemma isDiagonal: 
  assumes "isDiagonal A"
    and "to_nat a  to_nat b" shows "A $ a $ b = 0" 
  using assms unfolding isDiagonal_def by auto

lemma nrows_diagonal_to_Smith_aux[simp]: 
  shows "nrows (diagonal_to_Smith_aux A xs bezout) = nrows A" unfolding nrows_def by auto

lemma ncols_diagonal_to_Smith_aux[simp]:
  shows "ncols (diagonal_to_Smith_aux A xs bezout) = ncols A" unfolding ncols_def by auto

  fixes bezout::"'a::{bezout_ring}  'a  'a × 'a × 'a × 'a × 'a"
  assumes ib: "is_bezout_ext bezout"

lemma isDiagonal_diagonal_to_Smith_aux:
  assumes diag_A: "isDiagonal A" and k: "k < min (nrows A) (ncols A)"
  shows "isDiagonal (diagonal_to_Smith_aux A [0..<k] bezout)"
  using k
proof (induct k)
  case 0
  then show ?case using diag_A by auto
  case (Suc k)
  have "Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i (diagonal_to_Smith_aux A [0..<k] bezout) k bezout $ a $ b = 0" 
    if a_not_b: "to_nat a  to_nat b" for a b
  proof -
    have "Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i (diagonal_to_Smith_aux A [0..<k] bezout) k bezout $ a $ b 
      = (diagonal_to_Smith_aux A [0..<k] bezout) $ a $ b"
      by (rule diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_preserves_previous[OF ib _ a_not_b], insert Suc.prems, auto)
    also have "... = 0" 
      by (rule isDiagonal[OF Suc.hyps a_not_b], insert Suc.prems, auto)
    finally show ?thesis .
  thus ?case unfolding isDiagonal_def by auto

(*TODO: move!*)
lemma to_nat_less_nrows[simp]:
  fixes A::"'a^'b::mod_type^'c::mod_type"
    and a::'c
  shows "to_nat a < nrows A"
  by (simp add: nrows_def to_nat_less_card)

lemma to_nat_less_ncols[simp]:
  fixes A::"'a^'b::mod_type^'c::mod_type"
    and a::'b
  shows "to_nat a < ncols A"
  by (simp add: ncols_def to_nat_less_card)

  fixes bezout::"'a::{bezout_ring}  'a  'a × 'a × 'a × 'a × 'a"
  assumes ib: "is_bezout_ext bezout"

text‹The variables a and b must be arbitrary in the induction›
lemma diagonal_to_Smith_aux_dvd:
  fixes A::"'a::{bezout_ring}^'b::mod_type^'c::mod_type"
  assumes ab: "to_nat a = to_nat b"
  and c: "c < k" and ca: "c  to_nat a" and k: "k<min (nrows A) (ncols A)"
  shows "diagonal_to_Smith_aux A [0..<k] bezout $ from_nat c $ from_nat c
    dvd diagonal_to_Smith_aux A [0..<k] bezout $ a $ b"
  using c ab ca k
proof (induct k arbitrary: a b)
  case 0
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Suc k)
  note c = Suc.prems(1)
  note ab = Suc.prems(2)
  note ca = Suc.prems(3)
  note k = Suc.prems(4)
  have k_min: "k < min (nrows A) (ncols A)" using k by auto
  have a_less_ncols: "to_nat a < ncols A" using ab by auto
  show ?case
  proof (cases "c=k")
    case True
    hence k: "kto_nat a" using ca by auto
    show ?thesis unfolding True
      by (auto, rule diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_dvd_jj[OF ib _ ab], insert k a_less_ncols, auto)  
    case False note c_not_k = False
    let ?Dk="diagonal_to_Smith_aux A [0..<k] bezout"
    have ck: "c<k" using Suc.prems False by auto
    have hyp: "?Dk $ from_nat c $ from_nat c dvd ?Dk $ a $ b" 
      by (rule Suc.hyps[OF ck ab ca k_min])
    have Dkk_Daa_bb: "?Dk $ from_nat c $ from_nat c dvd ?Dk $ aa $ bb"
      if "to_nat aa  set [k..<min (nrows ?Dk) (ncols ?Dk)]" and "to_nat aa = to_nat bb"
      for aa bb using Suc.hyps ck k_min that(1) that(2) by auto
    show ?thesis  
    proof (cases "kto_nat a")
      case True
      show ?thesis
        by (auto, rule diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_dvd_jj'[OF ib _ ab]) 
           (insert True a_less_ncols ck Dkk_Daa_bb, force+)       
      case False
      have "diagonal_to_Smith_aux A [0..<Suc k] bezout $ from_nat c $ from_nat c 
        = Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i ?Dk k bezout $ from_nat c $ from_nat c" by auto
      also have "... = ?Dk $ from_nat c $ from_nat c" 
      proof (rule diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_preserves_previous_diagonal[OF ib])
        show "k < min (nrows ?Dk) (ncols ?Dk)" using k by auto
        show "to_nat (from_nat c::'c) = to_nat (from_nat c::'b)"
          by (metis assms(2) assms(4) less_trans min_less_iff_conj 
             ncols_def nrows_def to_nat_from_nat_id)
        show "to_nat (from_nat c::'c)  k"
          using False ca from_nat_mono' to_nat_less_card to_nat_mono' by fastforce      
        show "to_nat (from_nat c::'c)  set [k + 1..<min (nrows ?Dk) (ncols ?Dk)]"
          by (metis Suc_eq_plus1 atLeastLessThan_iff c ca from_nat_not_eq 
              le_less_trans not_le set_upt to_nat_less_card)
      also have "... dvd ?Dk $ a $ b" using hyp .
      also have "... = Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i ?Dk k bezout $ a $ b"
        by (rule diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_preserves_previous_diagonal[symmetric, OF ib _ _ ab])
           (insert False k, auto)
      also have "... = diagonal_to_Smith_aux A [0..<Suc k] bezout $ a $ b" by auto
      finally show ?thesis .

lemma Smith_normal_form_upt_k_Suc_imp_k:
  fixes A::"'a::{bezout_ring}^'b::mod_type^'c::mod_type"
  assumes s: "Smith_normal_form_upt_k (diagonal_to_Smith_aux A [0..<Suc k] bezout) k"
  and k: "k<min (nrows A) (ncols A)"
  shows "Smith_normal_form_upt_k (diagonal_to_Smith_aux A [0..<k] bezout) k"
proof (rule Smith_normal_form_upt_k_intro) 
  let ?Dk="diagonal_to_Smith_aux A [0..<k] bezout"
  fix a::'c and b::'b assume "to_nat a = to_nat b  to_nat a + 1 < k  to_nat b + 1 < k"
  hence ab: "to_nat a = to_nat b" and ak: "to_nat a + 1 < k" and bk: "to_nat b + 1 < k" by auto  
  have a_not_k: "to_nat a  k" using ak by auto    
  have a1_less_k1: "to_nat a + 1 < k + 1" using ak by linarith
  have "?Dk $a $ b = diagonal_to_Smith_aux A [0..<Suc k] bezout $ a $ b"
    by (auto, rule diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_preserves_previous_diagonal[symmetric, OF ib _ _ ab a_not_k]) 
       (insert ak k, auto)
  also have "... dvd diagonal_to_Smith_aux A [0..<Suc k] bezout $ (a + 1) $ (b + 1)" 
    using ab ak bk s unfolding Smith_normal_form_upt_k_def by auto
  also have "... = ?Dk $ (a+1) $ (b+1)"
  proof (auto, rule diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_preserves_previous_diagonal[OF ib])
    show "to_nat (a + 1)  k" using ak
      by (metis add_less_same_cancel2 nat_neq_iff not_add_less2 to_nat_0 
         to_nat_plus_one_less_card' to_nat_suc)
    show "to_nat (a + 1) = to_nat (b + 1)"
      by (metis ab ak from_nat_suc from_nat_to_nat_id k less_asym' min_less_iff_conj 
          ncols_def nrows_def suc_not_zero to_nat_from_nat_id to_nat_plus_one_less_card')
    show "to_nat (a + 1)  set [k + 1..<min (nrows ?Dk) (ncols ?Dk)]"      
      by (metis a1_less_k1 add_to_nat_def atLeastLessThan_iff k less_asym' min.strict_boundedE 
          not_less nrows_def set_upt suc_not_zero to_nat_1 to_nat_from_nat_id to_nat_plus_one_less_card')
    show "k < min (nrows ?Dk) (ncols ?Dk)" using k by auto
  finally show "?Dk $ a $ b dvd ?Dk $ (a+1) $ (b+1)" .
  let ?Dk="diagonal_to_Smith_aux A [0..<k] bezout"
  fix a::'c and b::'b
  assume "to_nat a  to_nat b  (to_nat a < k  to_nat b < k)" 
  hence ab: "to_nat a  to_nat b" and ak_bk: "(to_nat a < k  to_nat b < k)" by auto
  have "?Dk $a $ b = diagonal_to_Smith_aux A [0..<Suc k] bezout $ a $ b"
    by (auto, rule diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_preserves_previous[symmetric, OF ib _ ab], insert k, auto)
  also have "... = 0"
    using ab ak_bk s unfolding Smith_normal_form_upt_k_def isDiagonal_upt_k_def 
    by auto
  finally show "?Dk $ a $ b = 0" .

lemma Smith_normal_form_upt_k_le:
  assumes "ak" and "Smith_normal_form_upt_k A k"
  shows "Smith_normal_form_upt_k A a" using assms
  by (smt Smith_normal_form_upt_k_def isDiagonal_upt_k_def less_le_trans)

lemma Smith_normal_form_upt_k_imp_Suc_k:
  assumes s: "Smith_normal_form_upt_k (diagonal_to_Smith_aux A [0..<k] bezout) k"
  and k: "k<min (nrows A) (ncols A)"
  shows "Smith_normal_form_upt_k (diagonal_to_Smith_aux A [0..<Suc k] bezout) k"
proof (rule Smith_normal_form_upt_k_intro)
  let ?Dk="diagonal_to_Smith_aux A [0..<k] bezout"
  fix a::'c and b::'b assume "to_nat a = to_nat b  to_nat a + 1 < k  to_nat b + 1 < k"
  hence ab: "to_nat a = to_nat b" and ak: "to_nat a + 1 < k" and bk: "to_nat b + 1 < k" by auto
  have a_not_k: "to_nat a  k" using ak by auto    
  have a1_less_k1: "to_nat a + 1 < k + 1" using ak by linarith
  have "diagonal_to_Smith_aux A [0..<Suc k] bezout $ a $ b = ?Dk $a $ b"
    by (auto, rule diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_preserves_previous_diagonal[OF ib _ _ ab a_not_k]) 
       (insert ak k, auto)
  also have "... dvd ?Dk $ (a+1) $ (b+1)"
    using s ak k ab unfolding Smith_normal_form_upt_k_def by auto
  also have "... = diagonal_to_Smith_aux A [0..<Suc k] bezout $ (a + 1) $ (b + 1)" 
  proof (auto, rule diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_preserves_previous_diagonal[symmetric, OF ib])
    show "to_nat (a + 1)  k" using ak
      by (metis add_less_same_cancel2 nat_neq_iff not_add_less2 to_nat_0 
         to_nat_plus_one_less_card' to_nat_suc)
    show "to_nat (a + 1) = to_nat (b + 1)"
      by (metis ab ak from_nat_suc from_nat_to_nat_id k less_asym' min_less_iff_conj 
          ncols_def nrows_def suc_not_zero to_nat_from_nat_id to_nat_plus_one_less_card')
    show "to_nat (a + 1)  set [k + 1..<min (nrows ?Dk) (ncols ?Dk)]"      
      by (metis a1_less_k1 add_to_nat_def to_nat_plus_one_less_card' less_asym' min.strict_boundedE 
          not_less nrows_def set_upt suc_not_zero to_nat_1 to_nat_from_nat_id atLeastLessThan_iff k)
    show "k < min (nrows ?Dk) (ncols ?Dk)" using k by auto
  finally show "diagonal_to_Smith_aux A [0..<Suc k] bezout $ a $ b 
    dvd diagonal_to_Smith_aux A [0..<Suc k] bezout $ (a + 1) $ (b + 1)" .
  let ?Dk="diagonal_to_Smith_aux A [0..<k] bezout"
  fix a::'c and b::'b
  assume "to_nat a  to_nat b  (to_nat a < k  to_nat b < k)" 
  hence ab: "to_nat a  to_nat b" and ak_bk: "(to_nat a < k  to_nat b < k)" by auto
  have "diagonal_to_Smith_aux A [0..<Suc k] bezout $ a $ b = ?Dk $a $ b"
    by (auto, rule diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_preserves_previous[OF ib _ ab], insert k, auto)
  also have "... = 0"
    using ab ak_bk s unfolding Smith_normal_form_upt_k_def isDiagonal_upt_k_def 
    by auto
  finally show "diagonal_to_Smith_aux A [0..<Suc k] bezout $ a $ b = 0" .

corollary Smith_normal_form_upt_k_Suc_eq:
  assumes k: "k<min (nrows A) (ncols A)"
  shows "Smith_normal_form_upt_k (diagonal_to_Smith_aux A [0..<Suc k] bezout) k 
    = Smith_normal_form_upt_k (diagonal_to_Smith_aux A [0..<k] bezout) k"  
  using Smith_normal_form_upt_k_Suc_imp_k Smith_normal_form_upt_k_imp_Suc_k k 
  by blast


lemma nrows_diagonal_to_Smith_i[simp]: "nrows (diagonal_to_Smith_i xs A i bezout) = nrows A"
  by (induct xs A i bezout rule: diagonal_to_Smith_i.induct, auto simp add: nrows_def)

lemma ncols_diagonal_to_Smith_i[simp]: "ncols (diagonal_to_Smith_i xs A i bezout) = ncols A"
  by (induct xs A i bezout rule: diagonal_to_Smith_i.induct, auto simp add: ncols_def)

lemma nrows_Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i[simp]: "nrows (Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i A i bezout) = nrows A" 
  unfolding Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_def by auto

lemma ncols_Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i[simp]: "ncols (Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i A i bezout) = ncols A" 
  unfolding Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_def by auto

lemma isDiagonal_diagonal_step:
  assumes diag_A: "isDiagonal A" and i: "i<min (nrows A) (ncols A)"
    and j: "j<min (nrows A) (ncols A)"
  shows "isDiagonal (diagonal_step A i j d v)"
proof -
  have i_eq: "to_nat (from_nat i::'b) = to_nat (from_nat i::'c)" using i
    by (simp add: ncols_def nrows_def to_nat_from_nat_id)
  moreover have j_eq: "to_nat (from_nat j::'b) = to_nat (from_nat j::'c)" using j
    by (simp add: ncols_def nrows_def to_nat_from_nat_id)
    ultimately show ?thesis
    using assms
    unfolding isDiagonal_def diagonal_step_def by auto

lemma isDiagonal_diagonal_to_Smith_i:
  assumes "isDiagonal A"
    and elements_xs_range: "x. x  set xs  x<min (nrows A) (ncols A)" 
    and "i<min (nrows A) (ncols A)"
  shows "isDiagonal (diagonal_to_Smith_i xs A i bezout)"
  using assms
proof (induct xs A i bezout rule: diagonal_to_Smith_i.induct)
  case (1 A i bezout)
  then show ?case by auto
  case (2 j xs A i bezout)  
  let ?Aii = "A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i"
  let ?Ajj = "A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j"
  let ?p="case bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j) of (p,q,u,v,d)  p"  
  let ?q="case bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j) of (p,q,u,v,d)  q"
  let ?u="case bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j) of (p,q,u,v,d)  u"
  let ?v="case bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j) of (p,q,u,v,d)  v"
  let ?d="case bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j) of (p,q,u,v,d)  d"
  let ?A'="diagonal_step A i j ?d ?v" 
  have pquvd: "(?p, ?q, ?u, ?v,?d) = bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j)"
    by (simp add: split_beta)
  show ?case 
  proof (cases "?Aii dvd ?Ajj")
    case True
    thus ?thesis
        using "2.hyps" "2.prems" by auto
    case False
    have "diagonal_to_Smith_i (j # xs) A i bezout = diagonal_to_Smith_i xs ?A' i bezout" 
      using False by (simp add: split_beta) 
    also have "isDiagonal ..." thm "2.prems"
    proof (rule "2.hyps"(2)[OF False])
      show "isDiagonal
        (diagonal_step A i j ?d ?v)" by (rule isDiagonal_diagonal_step, insert "2.prems", auto)
    qed (insert pquvd "2.prems", auto)
    finally show ?thesis .

lemma isDiagonal_Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i:
  assumes "isDiagonal A" and "i < min (nrows A) (ncols A)"
  shows "isDiagonal (Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i A i bezout)"   
  using assms isDiagonal_diagonal_to_Smith_i
  unfolding Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_def by force

lemma isDiagonal_diagonal_to_Smith_aux_general:
  assumes elements_xs_range: "x. x  set xs  x<min (nrows A) (ncols A)" 
  and "isDiagonal A"
shows "isDiagonal (diagonal_to_Smith_aux A xs bezout)"
  using assms
proof (induct A xs bezout rule: diagonal_to_Smith_aux.induct)
  case (1 A)
  then show ?case by auto
  case (2 A i xs bezout)  
  note k = "2.prems"(1)
  note elements_xs_range = "2.prems"(2)
  have "diagonal_to_Smith_aux A (i # xs) bezout 
  = diagonal_to_Smith_aux (Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i A i bezout) xs bezout" 
    by auto
  also have "isDiagonal (...)"
    by (rule "2.hyps", insert isDiagonal_Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i "2.prems" k, auto)   
  finally show ?case .

  fixes bezout::"'a::{bezout_ring}  'a  'a × 'a × 'a × 'a × 'a"
  assumes ib: "is_bezout_ext bezout"

text‹The algorithm is iterated up to position k (not included). Thus, the matrix
is in Smith normal form up to position k (not included).›

lemma Smith_normal_form_upt_k_diagonal_to_Smith_aux:
  fixes A::"'a::{bezout_ring}^'b::mod_type^'c::mod_type"
  assumes "k<min (nrows A) (ncols A)" and d: "isDiagonal A"
  shows "Smith_normal_form_upt_k (diagonal_to_Smith_aux A [0..<k] bezout) k"
  using assms
proof (induct k)
  case 0
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Suc k)
  note Suc_k = "Suc.prems"(1)
  have hyp: "Smith_normal_form_upt_k (diagonal_to_Smith_aux A [0..<k] bezout) k"
    by (rule Suc.hyps, insert Suc.prems, simp)
  have k: "k < min (nrows A) (ncols A)" using Suc.prems by auto
  let ?A = "diagonal_to_Smith_aux A [0..<k] bezout"
  let ?D_Suck = "diagonal_to_Smith_aux A [0..<Suc k] bezout"
  have set_rw: "[0..<Suc k] = [0..<k] @ [k]" by auto
  show ?case
  proof (rule Smith_normal_form_upt_k1_intro_diagonal)
    show "Smith_normal_form_upt_k (?D_Suck) k"
      by (rule Smith_normal_form_upt_k_imp_Suc_k[OF ib hyp k])
    show "?D_Suck $ from_nat (k - 1) $ from_nat (k - 1) dvd ?D_Suck $ from_nat k $ from_nat k"
    proof (rule diagonal_to_Smith_aux_dvd[OF ib _ _ _ Suc_k])
      show "to_nat (from_nat k::'c) = to_nat (from_nat k::'b)"
        by (metis k min_less_iff_conj ncols_def nrows_def to_nat_from_nat_id)
      show "k - 1  to_nat (from_nat k::'c)"
        by (metis diff_le_self k min_less_iff_conj nrows_def to_nat_from_nat_id)
    qed auto
    show "isDiagonal (diagonal_to_Smith_aux A [0..<Suc k] bezout)"
      by (rule isDiagonal_diagonal_to_Smith_aux[OF ib d Suc_k])


lemma nrows_diagonal_to_Smith[simp]: "nrows (diagonal_to_Smith A bezout) = nrows A"
  unfolding diagonal_to_Smith_def by auto

lemma ncols_diagonal_to_Smith[simp]: "ncols (diagonal_to_Smith A bezout) = ncols A"
  unfolding diagonal_to_Smith_def by auto

lemma isDiagonal_diagonal_to_Smith:
  assumes d: "isDiagonal A"
  shows "isDiagonal (diagonal_to_Smith A bezout)"
  unfolding diagonal_to_Smith_def 
  by (rule isDiagonal_diagonal_to_Smith_aux_general[OF _ d], auto)

text‹This is the soundess lemma.›

lemma Smith_normal_form_diagonal_to_Smith:
  fixes A::"'a::{bezout_ring}^'b::mod_type^'c::mod_type"
  assumes ib: "is_bezout_ext bezout"
  and d: "isDiagonal A"
  shows "Smith_normal_form (diagonal_to_Smith A bezout)"
proof -
  let ?k = "min (nrows A) (ncols A) - 2"
  let ?Dk = "(diagonal_to_Smith_aux A [0..<?k] bezout)"
  have min_eq: "min (nrows A) (ncols A) - 1 = Suc ?k" 
    by (metis Suc_1 Suc_diff_Suc min_less_iff_conj ncols_def nrows_def to_nat_1 to_nat_less_card)
  have set_rw: "[0..<min (nrows A) (ncols A) - 1] = [0..<?k] @ [?k]" 
    unfolding min_eq by auto    
  have d2: "isDiagonal (diagonal_to_Smith A bezout)" 
    by (rule isDiagonal_diagonal_to_Smith[OF d])
  have smith_Suc_k: "Smith_normal_form_upt_k (diagonal_to_Smith A bezout) (Suc ?k)" 
  proof (rule Smith_normal_form_upt_k1_intro_diagonal[OF _ d2])
    have "diagonal_to_Smith A bezout = diagonal_to_Smith_aux A [0..<min (nrows A) (ncols A) - 1] bezout" 
      unfolding diagonal_to_Smith_def by auto
    also have "... = Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i ?Dk ?k bezout" 
      unfolding set_rw
      unfolding diagonal_to_Smith_aux_append2 by auto
    finally have d_rw: "diagonal_to_Smith A bezout = Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i ?Dk ?k bezout" .
    have "Smith_normal_form_upt_k ?Dk ?k" 
      by (rule Smith_normal_form_upt_k_diagonal_to_Smith_aux[OF ib _ d], insert min_eq, linarith)
    thus "Smith_normal_form_upt_k (diagonal_to_Smith A bezout) ?k" unfolding d_rw 
      by (metis Smith_normal_form_upt_k_Suc_eq Suc_1 ib d_rw diagonal_to_Smith_def diff_0_eq_0 
          diff_less min_eq not_gr_zero zero_less_Suc)        
    show "diagonal_to_Smith A bezout $ from_nat (?k - 1) $ from_nat (?k - 1) dvd
          diagonal_to_Smith A bezout $ from_nat ?k $ from_nat ?k"
    proof (unfold diagonal_to_Smith_def, rule diagonal_to_Smith_aux_dvd[OF ib])
      show "?k - 1 < min (nrows A) (ncols A) - 1"
        using min_eq by linarith
      show "min (nrows A) (ncols A) - 1 < min (nrows A) (ncols A)" using min_eq by linarith
      thus "to_nat (from_nat ?k::'c) = to_nat (from_nat ?k::'b)"
        by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Suc_lessD min_eq min_less_iff_conj 
            ncols_def nrows_def to_nat_from_nat_id)
      show "?k - 1  to_nat (from_nat ?k::'c)"         
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) diff_le_self from_nat_not_eq lessI less_le_trans 
            min.cobounded1 min_eq nrows_def)     
  have s_eq: "Smith_normal_form (diagonal_to_Smith A bezout) 
     = Smith_normal_form_upt_k (diagonal_to_Smith A bezout) 
    (Suc (min (nrows (diagonal_to_Smith A bezout)) (ncols (diagonal_to_Smith A bezout)) - 1))"
    unfolding Smith_normal_form_min by (simp add: ncols_def nrows_def)
  let ?min1="(min (nrows (diagonal_to_Smith A bezout)) (ncols (diagonal_to_Smith A bezout)) - 1)"
  show ?thesis unfolding s_eq
  proof (rule Smith_normal_form_upt_k1_intro_diagonal[OF _ d2])
    show "Smith_normal_form_upt_k (diagonal_to_Smith A bezout) ?min1"
      using smith_Suc_k min_eq by auto   
    have "diagonal_to_Smith A bezout $ from_nat ?k $ from_nat ?k 
      dvd diagonal_to_Smith A bezout $ from_nat (?k + 1) $ from_nat (?k + 1)"
      by (smt One_nat_def Suc_eq_plus1 ib Suc_pred diagonal_to_Smith_aux_dvd diagonal_to_Smith_def 
          le_add1 lessI min_eq min_less_iff_conj ncols_def nrows_def to_nat_from_nat_id zero_less_card_finite)
    thus "diagonal_to_Smith A bezout $ from_nat (?min1 - 1) $ from_nat (?min1 - 1) 
      dvd diagonal_to_Smith A bezout $ from_nat ?min1 $ from_nat ?min1" 
      using min_eq by auto

subsection‹Implementation and formal proof 
  of the matrices $P$ and $Q$ which transform the input matrix by means of elementary operations.›

fun diagonal_step_PQ :: "'a::{bezout_ring}^'cols::mod_type^'rows::mod_type  nat  nat  'a bezout  
('a::{bezout_ring}^'rows::mod_type^'rows::mod_type) ×
  where "diagonal_step_PQ A i k bezout = 
  (let  i_row = from_nat i; k_row = from_nat k; i_col = from_nat i; k_col = from_nat k;
        (p, q, u, v, d) = bezout (A $ i_row $ from_nat i) (A $ k_row $ from_nat k);
        P = row_add (interchange_rows (row_add (mat 1) k_row i_row p) i_row k_row) k_row i_row (-v);
        Q = mult_column (column_add (column_add (mat 1) i_col k_col q) k_col i_col u) k_col (-1)
        in (P,Q)


value "let A = list_of_list_to_matrix [[12,0,0::int],[0,6,0::int],[0,0,2::int]]::int^3^3;
            i=0; k=1;
           (p, q, u, v, d) = euclid_ext2 (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat k $ from_nat k);
            (P,Q) = diagonal_step_PQ A i k euclid_ext2
  in matrix_to_list_of_list (diagonal_step A i k d v)"

value "let A = list_of_list_to_matrix [[12,0,0::int],[0,6,0::int],[0,0,2::int]]::int^3^3;
            i=0; k=1;
           (p, q, u, v, d) = euclid_ext2 (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat k $ from_nat k);
            (P,Q) = diagonal_step_PQ A i k euclid_ext2
  in matrix_to_list_of_list (P**(A)**Q)"

value "let A = list_of_list_to_matrix [[12,0,0::int],[0,6,0::int],[0,0,2::int]]::int^3^3;
            i=0; k=1;
           (p, q, u, v, d) = euclid_ext2 (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat k $ from_nat k);
            (P,Q) = diagonal_step_PQ A i k euclid_ext2
  in matrix_to_list_of_list (P**(A)**Q)"

lemmas diagonal_step_PQ_def = diagonal_step_PQ.simps

lemma from_nat_neq_rows:
  fixes A::"'a^'cols::mod_type^'rows::mod_type"
  assumes i: "i<(nrows A)" and k: "k<(nrows A)" and ik: "i  k"
  shows "from_nat i  (from_nat k::'rows)"
proof (rule ccontr, auto)
  let ?i="from_nat i::'rows"
  let ?k="from_nat k::'rows"
  assume "?i = ?k"
  hence "to_nat ?i = to_nat ?k" by auto
  hence "i = k" 
    unfolding to_nat_from_nat_id[OF i[unfolded nrows_def]] 
    unfolding to_nat_from_nat_id[OF k[unfolded nrows_def]] .
  thus False using ik by contradiction

lemma from_nat_neq_cols:
  fixes A::"'a^'cols::mod_type^'rows::mod_type"
  assumes i: "i<(ncols A)" and k: "k<(ncols A)" and ik: "i  k"
  shows "from_nat i  (from_nat k::'cols)"
proof (rule ccontr, auto)
  let ?i="from_nat i::'cols"
  let ?k="from_nat k::'cols"
  assume "?i = ?k"
  hence "to_nat ?i = to_nat ?k" by auto
  hence "i = k" 
    unfolding to_nat_from_nat_id[OF i[unfolded ncols_def]] 
    unfolding to_nat_from_nat_id[OF k[unfolded ncols_def]] .
  thus False using ik by contradiction

lemma diagonal_step_PQ_invertible_P:
  fixes A::"'a::{bezout_ring}^'cols::mod_type^'rows::mod_type"
  assumes PQ: "(P,Q) = diagonal_step_PQ A i k bezout"
  and pquvd: "(p,q,u,v,d) = bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat k $ from_nat k)"
  and i_not_k: "i  k" 
  and i: "i<min (nrows A) (ncols A)" and k: "k<min (nrows A) (ncols A)"
shows "invertible P"
proof -
  let ?step1 = "(row_add (mat 1) (from_nat k::'rows) (from_nat i) p)"
  let ?step2 = "interchange_rows ?step1 (from_nat i) (from_nat k)"
  let ?step3 = "row_add (?step2) (from_nat k) (from_nat i) (- v)"
  have p: "p = fst (bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat k $ from_nat k))"
    using pquvd by (metis fst_conv)
  have v: "-v = (- fst (snd (snd (snd (bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat k $ from_nat k))))))"
    using pquvd by (metis fst_conv snd_conv)
  have i_not_k2: "from_nat k  (from_nat i::'rows)" 
    by (rule from_nat_neq_rows, insert i k i_not_k, auto)
  have "invertible ?step3" 
  unfolding row_add_mat_1[of _ _ _ ?step2, symmetric] 
  proof (rule invertible_mult)
    show "invertible (row_add (mat 1) (from_nat k::'rows) (from_nat i) (- v))"
      by (rule invertible_row_add[OF i_not_k2])          
    show "invertible ?step2"      
      by (metis i_not_k2 interchange_rows_mat_1 invertible_interchange_rows
          invertible_mult invertible_row_add)
  thus ?thesis
    using PQ p v unfolding diagonal_step_PQ_def Let_def split_beta 
    by auto

lemma diagonal_step_PQ_invertible_Q:
  fixes A::"'a::{bezout_ring}^'cols::mod_type^'rows::mod_type"
  assumes PQ: "(P,Q) = diagonal_step_PQ A i k bezout"
  and pquvd: "(p,q,u,v,d) = bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat k $ from_nat k)"
  and i_not_k: "i  k" 
  and i: "i<min (nrows A) (ncols A)" and k: "k<min (nrows A) (ncols A)"
shows "invertible Q"
proof -
  let ?step1 = "column_add (mat 1) (from_nat i::'cols) (from_nat k) q"
  let ?step2 = "column_add ?step1 (from_nat k) (from_nat i) u"
  let ?step3 = "mult_column ?step2 (from_nat k) (- 1)"
  have u: "u = (fst (snd (snd (bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat k $ from_nat k)))))"
    by (metis fst_conv pquvd snd_conv)
  have q: "q = (fst (snd (bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat k $ from_nat k))))"
    by (metis fst_conv pquvd snd_conv)
  have "invertible ?step3"
    unfolding column_add_mat_1[of _ _ _ ?step2, symmetric] 
    unfolding mult_column_mat_1[of  ?step2, symmetric]
  proof (rule invertible_mult)
    show "invertible (mult_column (mat 1) (from_nat k::'cols) (- 1::'a))"
      by (rule invertible_mult_column[of _ "-1"], auto)
    show "invertible ?step2"
      by (metis column_add_mat_1 i i_not_k invertible_column_add invertible_mult k 
          min_less_iff_conj ncols_def to_nat_from_nat_id)
  thus ?thesis 
    using PQ pquvd u q unfolding diagonal_step_PQ_def
    by (auto simp add: Let_def split_beta)

lemma mat_q_1[simp]: "mat q $ a $ a = q" unfolding mat_def by auto

lemma mat_q_0[simp]:
  assumes ab: "a  b" 
  shows "mat q $ a $ b = 0" using ab unfolding mat_def by auto

text‹This is an alternative definition for the matrix P in each step, where entries are 
  given explicitly instead of being computed as a composition of elementary operations. ›

lemma diagonal_step_PQ_P_alt:
fixes A::"'a::{bezout_ring}^'cols::mod_type^'rows::mod_type"
  assumes PQ: "(P,Q) = diagonal_step_PQ A i k bezout"
  and pquvd: "(p,q,u,v,d) = bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat k $ from_nat k)"
  and i: "i<min (nrows A) (ncols A)" and k: "k<min (nrows A) (ncols A)" and ik: "i  k"
shows "
  P = (χ a b. 
  if a = from_nat i  b = from_nat i then p else 
  if a = from_nat i  b = from_nat k then 1 else
  if a = from_nat k  b = from_nat i then -v * p + 1 else
  if a = from_nat k  b = from_nat k then -v else
  if a = b then 1 else 0)"
proof -  
  have ik1: "from_nat i  (from_nat k::'rows)"
    using from_nat_neq_rows i ik k by auto
  have "P $ a $ b =
              (if a = from_nat i  b = from_nat i then p
               else if a = from_nat i  b = from_nat k then 1
                    else if a = from_nat k  b = from_nat i then - v * p + 1
                         else if a = from_nat k  b = from_nat k then - v else if a = b then 1 else 0)" 
    for a b
      using PQ ik1  pquvd  
      unfolding diagonal_step_PQ_def 
      unfolding row_add_def interchange_rows_def
      by (auto simp add: Let_def split_beta)
         (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) fst_conv snd_conv)+
    thus ?thesis unfolding vec_eq_iff unfolding vec_lambda_beta by auto

text‹This is an alternative definition for the matrix Q in each step, where entries are
  given explicitly instead of being computed as a composition of elementary operations.›

lemma diagonal_step_PQ_Q_alt:
fixes A::"'a::{bezout_ring}^'cols::mod_type^'rows::mod_type"
  assumes PQ: "(P,Q) = diagonal_step_PQ A i k bezout"
  and pquvd: "(p,q,u,v,d) = bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat k $ from_nat k)"
  and i: "i<min (nrows A) (ncols A)" and k: "k<min (nrows A) (ncols A)" and ik: "i  k"
shows "
  Q = (χ a b. 
  if a = from_nat i  b = from_nat i then 1 else 
  if a = from_nat i  b = from_nat k then -u else
  if a = from_nat k  b = from_nat i then q else
  if a = from_nat k  b = from_nat k then -q*u-1 else
  if a = b then 1 else 0)"
proof -
  have ik1: "from_nat i  (from_nat k::'cols)"
    using from_nat_neq_cols i ik k by auto
  have "Q $ a $ b =
  (if a = from_nat i  b = from_nat i then 1 else 
  if a = from_nat i  b = from_nat k then -u else
  if a = from_nat k  b = from_nat i then q else
  if a = from_nat k  b = from_nat k then -q*u-1 else
  if a = b then 1 else 0)"  for a b
  using PQ ik1 pquvd unfolding diagonal_step_PQ_def
  unfolding column_add_def mult_column_def
  by (auto simp add: Let_def split_beta)
     (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) fst_conv snd_conv)+
  thus ?thesis unfolding vec_eq_iff unfolding vec_lambda_beta by auto
text‹P**A can be rewriten as elementary operations over A.›

lemma diagonal_step_PQ_PA:
  fixes A::"'a::{bezout_ring}^'cols::mod_type^'rows::mod_type"
  assumes PQ: "(P,Q) = diagonal_step_PQ A i k bezout"
    and b: "(p,q,u,v,d) = bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat k $ from_nat k)"
shows "P**A = row_add (interchange_rows 
  (row_add A (from_nat k) (from_nat i) p) (from_nat i) (from_nat k)) (from_nat k) (from_nat i) (- v)" 
proof -
  let ?i_row = "from_nat i::'rows" and ?k_row = "from_nat k::'rows"
  let ?P1 = "row_add (mat 1) ?k_row ?i_row p"
  let ?P2' = "interchange_rows ?P1 ?i_row ?k_row"
  let ?P2 = "interchange_rows (mat 1) (from_nat i) (from_nat k)"
  let ?P3 = "row_add (mat 1) (from_nat k) (from_nat i) (- v)"
  have "P = row_add ?P2' ?k_row ?i_row (- v)"
    using PQ b unfolding diagonal_step_PQ_def 
    by (auto simp add: Let_def split_beta, metis fstI sndI)
  also have "... = ?P3 ** ?P2'" 
    unfolding row_add_mat_1[of _ _ _ ?P2', symmetric] by auto
  also have "... = ?P3 ** (?P2 ** ?P1)" 
    unfolding interchange_rows_mat_1[of _ _ ?P1, symmetric] by auto  
  also have "... ** A = row_add (interchange_rows 
  (row_add A (from_nat k) (from_nat i) p) (from_nat i) (from_nat k)) (from_nat k) (from_nat i) (- v)"
    by (metis interchange_rows_mat_1 matrix_mul_assoc row_add_mat_1)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma diagonal_step_PQ_PAQ':
  fixes A::"'a::{bezout_ring}^'cols::mod_type^'rows::mod_type"
  assumes PQ: "(P,Q) = diagonal_step_PQ A i k bezout"
    and b: "(p,q,u,v,d) = bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat k $ from_nat k)"
  shows "P**A**Q = (mult_column (column_add (column_add (P**A) (from_nat i) (from_nat k) q) 
                   (from_nat k) (from_nat i) u) (from_nat k) (- 1))" 
proof -
  let ?i_col = "from_nat i::'cols" and ?k_col = "from_nat k::'cols"
  let ?Q1="(column_add (mat 1) ?i_col ?k_col q)"
  let ?Q2' = "(column_add ?Q1 ?k_col ?i_col u)"
  let ?Q2 = "column_add (mat 1) (from_nat k) (from_nat i) u"
  let ?Q3 = "mult_column (mat 1) (from_nat k) (- 1)"
  have "Q = mult_column ?Q2' ?k_col (-1)"
    using PQ b unfolding diagonal_step_PQ_def 
    by (auto simp add: Let_def split_beta, metis fstI sndI)
  also have "... = ?Q2' ** ?Q3" 
    unfolding mult_column_mat_1[of ?Q2', symmetric] by auto
  also have "... = (?Q1**?Q2)**?Q3" 
    unfolding column_add_mat_1[of ?Q1, symmetric] by auto
  also have " (P**A) **  ((?Q1**?Q2)**?Q3) = 
    (mult_column (column_add (column_add (P**A) ?i_col ?k_col q) ?k_col ?i_col u) ?k_col (- 1))"
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) column_add_mat_1 matrix_mul_assoc mult_column_mat_1)
  finally show ?thesis .

corollary diagonal_step_PQ_PAQ:
  fixes A::"'a::{bezout_ring}^'cols::mod_type^'rows::mod_type"
  assumes PQ: "(P,Q) = diagonal_step_PQ A i k bezout"
    and b: "(p,q,u,v,d) = bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat k $ from_nat k)"
  shows "P**A**Q = (mult_column (column_add (column_add (row_add (interchange_rows 
                    (row_add A (from_nat k) (from_nat i) p) (from_nat i) 
                    (from_nat k)) (from_nat k) (from_nat i) (- v)) (from_nat i) (from_nat k) q) 
                   (from_nat k) (from_nat i) u) (from_nat k) (- 1))"
  using diagonal_step_PQ_PA diagonal_step_PQ_PAQ' assms by metis

lemma isDiagonal_imp_0: 
  assumes "isDiagonal A"
  and "from_nat a  from_nat b"
  and "a < min (nrows A) (ncols A)"
  and "b < min (nrows A) (ncols A)"
  shows "A $ from_nat a $ from_nat b = 0" 
  by (metis assms isDiagonal min.strict_boundedE ncols_def nrows_def to_nat_from_nat_id)

lemma diagonal_step_PQ:
  fixes A::"'a::{bezout_ring}^'cols::mod_type^'rows::mod_type"
  assumes PQ: "(P,Q) = diagonal_step_PQ A i k bezout"
    and b: "(p,q,u,v,d) = bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat k $ from_nat k)"
  and i: "i<min (nrows A) (ncols A)" and k: "k<min (nrows A) (ncols A)" and ik: "i  k"
  and ib: "is_bezout_ext bezout" and diag: "isDiagonal A"
  shows "diagonal_step A i k d v = P**A**Q"
proof -
  let ?i_row = "from_nat i::'rows" 
    and ?k_row = "from_nat k::'rows" and ?i_col = "from_nat i::'cols" and ?k_col = "from_nat k::'cols"
  let ?P1 = "(row_add (mat 1) ?k_row ?i_row p)"
  let ?Aii = "A $ ?i_row $ ?i_col"
  let ?Akk = "A $ ?k_row $ ?k_col"
  have k1: "k<ncols A" and k2: "k<nrows A" and i1: "i<nrows A" and i2: "i<ncols A" using i k by auto
  have Aik0: "A $ ?i_row $ ?k_col = 0"
    by (metis diag i ik isDiagonal k min.strict_boundedE ncols_def nrows_def to_nat_from_nat_id)
  have Aki0: "A $ ?k_row $ ?i_col = 0"
    by (metis diag i ik isDiagonal k min.strict_boundedE ncols_def nrows_def to_nat_from_nat_id)
  have du: "d * u = - A $ ?k_row $ ?k_col"
    using b ib unfolding is_bezout_ext_def 
    by (auto simp add: split_beta) (metis fst_conv snd_conv)
  have dv: "d * v = A $ ?i_row $ ?i_col"
    using b ib unfolding is_bezout_ext_def 
    by (auto simp add: split_beta) (metis fst_conv snd_conv)
  have d: "d = p * ?Aii + ?Akk * q" 
    using b ib unfolding is_bezout_ext_def 
    by (auto simp add: split_beta) (metis fst_conv mult.commute snd_conv)
  have "(?Aii - v * (p * ?Aii) - v * ?Akk * q) * u = (?Aii - v * ((p * ?Aii) + ?Akk * q)) * u"
      by (simp add: diff_diff_add distrib_left mult.assoc)
    also have "... = (?Aii*u - d* v *u)"
      by (simp add: mult.commute right_diff_distrib d)
    also have "... = 0" by (simp add: dv)
    finally have rw: "(?Aii - v * (p * ?Aii) - v * ?Akk * q) * u = 0" .
    have a1: "from_nat k  (from_nat i::'rows)"
      using from_nat_neq_rows i ik k by auto
    have a2: "from_nat k  (from_nat i::'cols)"
      using from_nat_neq_cols i ik k by auto
    have Aab0: "A $ a $ from_nat b = 0" if ab: "a  from_nat b" and b_ncols: "b < ncols A" for a b
      by (metis ab b_ncols diag from_nat_to_nat_id isDiagonal ncols_def to_nat_from_nat_id)  
    have Aab0': "A $ from_nat a $ b = 0" if ab: "from_nat a  b" and a_nrows: "a < nrows A" for a b
      by (metis ab a_nrows diag from_nat_to_nat_id isDiagonal nrows_def to_nat_from_nat_id)
  show ?thesis
  proof (unfold diagonal_step_def vec_eq_iff, auto)
    show "d = (P ** A ** Q) $ from_nat i $ from_nat i"
      and "d = (P ** A ** Q) $ from_nat i $ from_nat i"
      and "d = (P ** A ** Q) $ from_nat i $ from_nat i"
    unfolding diagonal_step_PQ_PAQ[OF PQ b] 
    unfolding mult_column_def column_add_def interchange_rows_def row_add_def 
      unfolding vec_lambda_beta using a1 a2
      using Aik0 Aki0 d by auto
    show "v * A $ from_nat k $ from_nat k = (P ** A ** Q) $ from_nat k $ from_nat k"
      and "v * A $ from_nat k $ from_nat k = (P ** A ** Q) $ from_nat k $ from_nat k"
      using a1 a2  
      unfolding diagonal_step_PQ_PAQ[OF PQ b] mult_column_def column_add_def 
      unfolding interchange_rows_def row_add_def 
      unfolding vec_lambda_beta unfolding Aik0 Aki0 by (auto simp add: rw)
    fix a::'rows and b::'cols 
    assume ak: "a  from_nat k" and ai: "a  from_nat i" 
    show "A $ a $ b = (P ** A ** Q) $ a $ b"
      using ai ak a1 a2 Aab0 k1 i2
      unfolding diagonal_step_PQ_PAQ[OF PQ b] 
      unfolding mult_column_def column_add_def interchange_rows_def row_add_def 
      unfolding vec_lambda_beta by auto
    fix a::'rows and b::'cols 
    assume ak: "a  from_nat k" and ai: "b  from_nat i" 
    show "A $ a $ b = (P ** A ** Q) $ a $ b"
      using ai ak a1 a2 Aab0 Aab0' d du k1 k2 i1 i2
      unfolding diagonal_step_PQ_PAQ[OF PQ b] 
      unfolding mult_column_def column_add_def interchange_rows_def row_add_def 
      unfolding vec_lambda_beta by auto
    fix a::'rows and b::'cols 
    assume ak: "b  from_nat k" and ai: "a  from_nat i" 
    show "A $ a $ b = (P ** A ** Q) $ a $ b"
      using ai ak a1 a2 Aab0 Aab0' d du k1 k2 i1 i2
      unfolding diagonal_step_PQ_PAQ[OF PQ b] 
      unfolding mult_column_def column_add_def interchange_rows_def row_add_def 
      unfolding vec_lambda_beta apply auto (*TODO: cleanup this sledeghammer proof*)
      proof -
        assume "d = p * ?Aii+ ?Akk* q"
        then have "v * (p * ?Aii) + v * (?Akk* q) = d * v"
          by (simp add: ring_class.ring_distribs(1) semiring_normalization_rules(7))
        then have "?Aii- v * (p * ?Aii) - v * (?Akk* q) = 0"
          by (simp add: diff_diff_add dv)
        then show "?Aii- v * (p * ?Aii) = v * ?Akk* q"
          by force
    fix a::'rows and b::'cols 
    assume ak: "b  from_nat k" and ai: "b  from_nat i" 
    show "A $ a $ b = (P ** A ** Q) $ a $ b"
      using ai ak a1 a2 Aab0 Aab0' d du k1 k2 i1 i2
      unfolding diagonal_step_PQ_PAQ[OF PQ b] 
      unfolding mult_column_def column_add_def interchange_rows_def row_add_def 
      unfolding vec_lambda_beta by auto

fun diagonal_to_Smith_i_PQ :: 
"nat list  nat  ('a::{bezout_ring} bezout) 
   (('a^'rows::mod_type^'rows::mod_type)×('a^'cols::mod_type^'rows::mod_type)× ('a^'cols::mod_type^'cols::mod_type))
   (('a^'rows::mod_type^'rows::mod_type)× ('a^'cols::mod_type^'rows::mod_type) × ('a^'cols::mod_type^'cols::mod_type))"
"diagonal_to_Smith_i_PQ [] i bezout (P,A,Q) = (P,A,Q)" |
"diagonal_to_Smith_i_PQ (j#xs) i bezout (P,A,Q) = (
  if A $ (from_nat i) $ (from_nat i) dvd A $ (from_nat j) $ (from_nat j) 
     then diagonal_to_Smith_i_PQ xs i bezout (P,A,Q)
  else let (p, q, u, v, d) = bezout (A $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (A $ from_nat j $ from_nat j); 
           A' = diagonal_step A i j d v;
          (P',Q') = diagonal_step_PQ A i j bezout
      in diagonal_to_Smith_i_PQ xs i bezout (P'**P,A',Q**Q') ― ‹Apply the step›

text‹This is implemented by fun. This way, I can do pattern-matching for $(P,A,Q)$.›

fun Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_PQ
  where "Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_PQ i bezout (P,A,Q) 
  = diagonal_to_Smith_i_PQ [i + 1..<min (nrows A) (ncols A)] i bezout (P,A,Q)"

text‹Deleted from the simplified and renamed as it would be a definition.›

declare Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_PQ.simps[simp del]
lemmas Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_PQ_def = Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_PQ.simps

fun diagonal_to_Smith_aux_PQ 
  "diagonal_to_Smith_aux_PQ [] bezout (P,A,Q) = (P,A,Q)" |
  "diagonal_to_Smith_aux_PQ (i#xs) bezout (P,A,Q) 
      = diagonal_to_Smith_aux_PQ xs bezout (Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_PQ i bezout (P,A,Q))"

lemma diagonal_to_Smith_aux_PQ_append:
  "diagonal_to_Smith_aux_PQ (xs @ ys) bezout (P,A,Q)
    = diagonal_to_Smith_aux_PQ ys bezout (diagonal_to_Smith_aux_PQ xs bezout (P,A,Q))"
  by (induct xs bezout "(P,A,Q)" arbitrary: P A Q rule: diagonal_to_Smith_aux_PQ.induct)
     (auto, metis prod_cases3)

lemma diagonal_to_Smith_aux_PQ_append2[simp]:
  "diagonal_to_Smith_aux_PQ (xs @ [ys]) bezout (P,A,Q) 
    = Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_PQ ys bezout (diagonal_to_Smith_aux_PQ xs bezout (P,A,Q))"
proof (induct xs bezout "(P,A,Q)" arbitrary: P A Q rule: diagonal_to_Smith_aux_PQ.induct)
  case (1 bezout P A Q)
  then show ?case 
    by (metis append.simps(1) diagonal_to_Smith_aux_PQ.simps prod.exhaust)
  case (2 i xs bezout P A Q)
  then show ?case
    by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) append_Cons diagonal_to_Smith_aux_PQ.simps(2) prod_cases3)

definition "diagonal_to_Smith_PQ A bezout 
  = diagonal_to_Smith_aux_PQ [0..<min (nrows A) (ncols A) - 1] bezout (mat 1, A, mat 1)"

  fixes A::"'a::{bezout_ring}^'cols::mod_type^'rows::mod_type" (*This is the input matrix*)
  and B::"'a::{bezout_ring}^'cols::mod_type^'rows::mod_type" (*This is the matrix in each step*)
  and P and Q
  and bezout::"'a bezout"
  assumes PAQ: "P**A**Q = B"
  and P: "invertible P" and Q: "invertible Q"
  and ib: "is_bezout_ext bezout"

text‹The output is the same as the one in the version where $P$ and $Q$ are not computed.›

lemma diagonal_to_Smith_i_PQ_eq:
  assumes P'B'Q': "(P',B',Q') = diagonal_to_Smith_i_PQ xs i bezout (P,B,Q)"
  and xs: "x. x  set xs  x < min (nrows A) (ncols A)" 
  and diag: "isDiagonal B" and i_notin: "i  set xs" and i: "i<min (nrows A) (ncols A)"
shows "B' = diagonal_to_Smith_i xs B i bezout"     
  using assms PAQ ib P Q 
proof (induct xs i bezout "(P,B,Q)" arbitrary: P B Q rule:diagonal_to_Smith_i_PQ.induct)
  case (1 i bezout P A Q)
  then show ?case by auto
  case (2 j xs i bezout P B Q)
  let ?Bii = "B $ from_nat i $ from_nat i"
  let ?Bjj = "B $ from_nat j $ from_nat j"
  let ?p="case bezout (B $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (B $ from_nat j $ from_nat j) of (p,q,u,v,d)  p"  
  let ?q="case bezout (B $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (B $ from_nat j $ from_nat j) of (p,q,u,v,d)  q"
  let ?u="case bezout (B $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (B $ from_nat j $ from_nat j) of (p,q,u,v,d)  u"
  let ?v="case bezout (B $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (B $ from_nat j $ from_nat j) of (p,q,u,v,d)  v"
  let ?d="case bezout (B $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (B $ from_nat j $ from_nat j) of (p,q,u,v,d)  d"
  let ?B'="diagonal_step B i j ?d ?v" 
  let ?P' = "fst (diagonal_step_PQ B i j bezout)"
  let ?Q' = "snd (diagonal_step_PQ B i j bezout)"
  have pquvd: "(?p, ?q, ?u, ?v,?d) = bezout (B $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (B $ from_nat j $ from_nat j)"
    by (simp add: split_beta)
  note hyp = "2.hyps"(2)
    note P'B'Q' = "2.prems"(1)
    note i_min = "2.prems"(5)
    note PAQ_B = "2.prems"(6)
    note i_notin = "2.prems"(4)
    note diagB = "2.prems"(3)    
    note xs_min = "2.prems"(2)      
    note ib = "2.prems"(7)
    note inv_P = "2.prems"(8)
    note inv_Q = "2.prems"(9)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "?Bii dvd ?Bjj")
    case True    
    show ?thesis using "2.prems" "2.hyps"(1) True by auto
    case False    
    have aux: "diagonal_to_Smith_i_PQ (j # xs) i bezout (P, B, Q) 
      = diagonal_to_Smith_i_PQ xs i bezout (?P'**P,?B', Q**?Q')"
      using False by (auto simp add: split_beta)
    have i: "i < min (nrows B) (ncols B)" using i_min unfolding nrows_def ncols_def by auto
    have j: "j < min (nrows B) (ncols B)" using xs_min unfolding nrows_def ncols_def by auto     
    have aux2: "diagonal_to_Smith_i(j # xs) B i bezout = diagonal_to_Smith_i xs ?B' i bezout"
      using False by (auto simp add: split_beta)
    have res: " B' = diagonal_to_Smith_i xs ?B' i bezout"
    proof (rule hyp[OF False])
      show "(P', B', Q') = diagonal_to_Smith_i_PQ xs i bezout (?P'**P,?B', Q**?Q')" 
        using aux P'B'Q' by auto
      have B'_P'B'Q': "?B' = ?P'**B**?Q'"
        by (rule diagonal_step_PQ[OF _ _ i j _ ib diagB], insert i_notin pquvd, auto)
      show "?P'**P ** A ** (Q**?Q') = ?B'"
        unfolding B'_P'B'Q' unfolding PAQ_B[symmetric]
        by (simp add: matrix_mul_assoc)       
      show "isDiagonal ?B'" by (rule isDiagonal_diagonal_step[OF diagB i j])
      show "invertible (?P'** P)"
        by (metis inv_P diagonal_step_PQ_invertible_P i i_notin in_set_member 
           invertible_mult j member_rec(1) prod.exhaust_sel)
      show "invertible (Q ** ?Q')"
        by (metis diagonal_step_PQ_invertible_Q i i_notin inv_Q 
            invertible_mult j list.set_intros(1) prod.collapse)
    qed (insert pquvd xs_min i_min i_notin ib, auto)
    show ?thesis using aux aux2 res by auto

lemma diagonal_to_Smith_i_PQ':
  assumes P'B'Q': "(P',B',Q') = diagonal_to_Smith_i_PQ xs i bezout (P,B,Q)"
  and xs: "x. x  set xs  x < min (nrows A) (ncols A)" 
  and diag: "isDiagonal B" and i_notin: "i  set xs" and i: "i<min (nrows A) (ncols A)"
shows "B' = P'**A**Q'  invertible P'  invertible Q'"
  using assms PAQ ib P Q
proof (induct xs i bezout "(P,B,Q)" arbitrary: P B Q rule:diagonal_to_Smith_i_PQ.induct)
  case (1 i bezout)
  then show ?case using PAQ by auto
  case (2 j xs i bezout P B Q)
  let ?Bii = "B $ from_nat i $ from_nat i"
  let ?Bjj = "B $ from_nat j $ from_nat j"
  let ?p="case bezout (B $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (B $ from_nat j $ from_nat j) of (p,q,u,v,d)  p"  
  let ?q="case bezout (B $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (B $ from_nat j $ from_nat j) of (p,q,u,v,d)  q"
  let ?u="case bezout (B $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (B $ from_nat j $ from_nat j) of (p,q,u,v,d)  u"
  let ?v="case bezout (B $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (B $ from_nat j $ from_nat j) of (p,q,u,v,d)  v"
  let ?d="case bezout (B $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (B $ from_nat j $ from_nat j) of (p,q,u,v,d)  d"
  let ?B'="diagonal_step B i j ?d ?v" 
  let ?P' = "fst (diagonal_step_PQ B i j bezout)"
  let ?Q' = "snd (diagonal_step_PQ B i j bezout)"
  have pquvd: "(?p, ?q, ?u, ?v,?d) = bezout (B $ from_nat i $ from_nat i) (B $ from_nat j $ from_nat j)"
    by (simp add: split_beta)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "?Bii dvd ?Bjj")
    case True    
    then show ?thesis using "2.prems"
      using "2.hyps"(1) by auto
    case False
    note hyp = "2.hyps"(2)
    note P'B'Q' = "2.prems"(1)
    note i_min = "2.prems"(5)
    note PAQ_B = "2.prems"(6)
    note i_notin = "2.prems"(4)
    note diagB = "2.prems"(3)    
    note xs_min = "2.prems"(2)      
    note ib = "2.prems"(7)
    note inv_P = "2.prems"(8)
    note inv_Q = "2.prems"(9)
    have aux: "diagonal_to_Smith_i_PQ (j # xs) i bezout (P, B, Q) 
      = diagonal_to_Smith_i_PQ xs i bezout (?P'**P,?B', Q**?Q')"
      using False by (auto simp add: split_beta)
    have i: "i < min (nrows B) (ncols B)" using i_min unfolding nrows_def ncols_def by auto
    have j: "j < min (nrows B) (ncols B)" using xs_min unfolding nrows_def ncols_def by auto     
    show ?thesis
    proof (rule hyp[OF False])
      show "(P', B', Q') = diagonal_to_Smith_i_PQ xs i bezout (?P'**P,?B', Q**?Q')" 
        using aux P'B'Q' by auto
      have B'_P'B'Q': "?B' = ?P'**B**?Q'"
        by (rule diagonal_step_PQ[OF _ _ i j _ ib diagB], insert i_notin pquvd, auto)
      show "?P'**P ** A ** (Q**?Q') = ?B'"
        unfolding B'_P'B'Q' unfolding PAQ_B[symmetric]
        by (simp add: matrix_mul_assoc)       
      show "isDiagonal ?B'" by (rule isDiagonal_diagonal_step[OF diagB i j])
      show "invertible (?P'** P)"
        by (metis inv_P diagonal_step_PQ_invertible_P i i_notin in_set_member 
           invertible_mult j member_rec(1) prod.exhaust_sel)
      show "invertible (Q ** ?Q')"
        by (metis diagonal_step_PQ_invertible_Q i i_notin inv_Q 
            invertible_mult j list.set_intros(1) prod.collapse)
    qed (insert pquvd xs_min i_min i_notin ib, auto)    

corollary diagonal_to_Smith_i_PQ:
  assumes P'B'Q': "(P',B',Q') = diagonal_to_Smith_i_PQ xs i bezout (P,B,Q)"
  and xs: "x. x  set xs  x < min (nrows A) (ncols A)" 
  and diag: "isDiagonal B" and i_notin: "i  set xs" and i: "i<min (nrows A) (ncols A)"
shows "B' = P'**A**Q'  invertible P'  invertible Q'  B' = diagonal_to_Smith_i xs B i bezout"
  using assms diagonal_to_Smith_i_PQ' diagonal_to_Smith_i_PQ_eq by metis

lemma Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_PQ_eq:
  assumes P'B'Q': "(P',B',Q') = Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_PQ i bezout (P,B,Q)"
    and diag: "isDiagonal B" and i: "i < min (nrows A) (ncols A)"
  shows "B' = Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i B i bezout"
  using assms unfolding Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_def Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_PQ_def
  using diagonal_to_Smith_i_PQ by (auto simp add: nrows_def ncols_def)

lemma Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_PQ':
  assumes P'B'Q': "(P',B',Q') = Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_PQ i bezout (P,B,Q)"
    and diag: "isDiagonal B" and i: "i < min (nrows A) (ncols A)"
  shows "B' = P'**A**Q'  invertible P'  invertible Q'"
  by (rule diagonal_to_Smith_i_PQ'[OF P'B'Q'[unfolded Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_PQ_def] _ diag _ i],
     auto simp add: nrows_def ncols_def)

lemma Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_PQ:
  assumes P'B'Q': "(P',B',Q') = Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_PQ i bezout (P,B,Q)"
    and diag: "isDiagonal B" and i: "i < min (nrows A) (ncols A)"
  shows "B' = P'**A**Q'  invertible P'  invertible Q'  B' = Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i B i bezout"
  using assms Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_PQ' Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_PQ_eq by presburger


  fixes A::"'a::{bezout_ring}^'cols::mod_type^'rows::mod_type" (*This is the input matrix*)
  and B::"'a::{bezout_ring}^'cols::mod_type^'rows::mod_type" (*This is the matrix in each step*)
  and P and Q
  and bezout::"'a bezout"
  assumes PAQ: "P**A**Q = B"
  and P: "invertible P" and Q: "invertible Q"
  and ib: "is_bezout_ext bezout"

lemma diagonal_to_Smith_aux_PQ:
  assumes P'B'Q': "(P',B',Q') = diagonal_to_Smith_aux_PQ [0..<k] bezout (P,B,Q)"
  and diag: "isDiagonal B" and k:"k<min (nrows A) (ncols A)"
shows "B' = P'**A**Q'  invertible P'  invertible Q'  B' = diagonal_to_Smith_aux B [0..<k] bezout"
  using k P'B'Q' P Q PAQ diag
proof (induct k arbitrary: P B Q P' Q' B')
  case 0
  then show ?case using P Q PAQ by auto
  case (Suc k P B Q P' Q' B')
  note Suc_k = Suc.prems(1)
  note PBQ = Suc.prems(2)
  note P = Suc.prems(3)
  note Q = Suc.prems(4)
  note PAQ_B = Suc.prems(5)
  note diag_B = Suc.prems(6)
  let ?Dk = "(diagonal_to_Smith_aux_PQ [0..<k] bezout (P, P ** A ** Q, Q))"
  let ?P' = "fst ?Dk"
  let ?B'="fst (snd ?Dk)"
  let ?Q' = "snd (snd ?Dk)"
  have k: "k<min (nrows A) (ncols A)" using Suc_k by auto
  have hyp: "?B' = ?P' ** A ** ?Q'  invertible ?P'  invertible ?Q' 
       ?B' = diagonal_to_Smith_aux B [0..<k] bezout"
    by (rule Suc.hyps[OF k _ P Q PAQ_B diag_B], auto simp add: PAQ_B)
  have diag_B': "isDiagonal ?B'"
    by (metis diag_B hyp ib isDiagonal_diagonal_to_Smith_aux k ncols_def nrows_def)
  have "B' = diagonal_to_Smith_aux B [0..<Suc k] bezout"
    by (auto, metis Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_PQ_eq PAQ_B Suc(3) diag_B' 
        diagonal_to_Smith_aux_PQ_append2 eq_fst_iff hyp ib k sndI upt.simps(2) zero_order(1))
  moreover have "B' = P' ** A ** Q'  invertible P'  invertible Q'"
  proof (rule Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_PQ')
    show "(P', B', Q') = Diagonal_to_Smith_row_i_PQ k bezout (?P',?B',?Q')" using Suc.prems by auto
    show "invertible ?P'" using hyp by auto
    show "?P' ** A ** ?Q' = ?B'" using hyp by auto
    show "invertible ?Q'" using hyp by auto
    show "is_bezout_ext bezout" using ib by auto
    show "k < min (nrows A) (ncols A)" using k by auto
    show diag_B': "isDiagonal ?B'" using diag_B' by auto
  ultimately show ?case by auto


fun diagonal_to_Smith_PQ 
  where "diagonal_to_Smith_PQ A bezout 
  = diagonal_to_Smith_aux_PQ  [0..<min (nrows A) (ncols A) - 1] bezout (mat 1, A ,mat 1)"

declare diagonal_to_Smith_PQ.simps[simp del]
lemmas diagonal_to_Smith_PQ_def = diagonal_to_Smith_PQ.simps

lemma diagonal_to_Smith_PQ:
  fixes A::"'a::{bezout_ring}^'cols::{mod_type}^'rows::{mod_type}" 
  assumes A: "isDiagonal A" and ib: "is_bezout_ext bezout"
  assumes PBQ: "(P,B,Q) = diagonal_to_Smith_PQ A bezout"
  shows "B = P**A**Q  invertible P  invertible Q  B = diagonal_to_Smith A bezout"   
proof (unfold diagonal_to_Smith_def, rule diagonal_to_Smith_aux_PQ[OF  _ _ _ ib _ A])
  let ?P = "mat 1::'a^'rows::mod_type^'rows::mod_type"
  let ?Q = "mat 1::'a^'cols::mod_type^'cols::mod_type"
  show "(P, B, Q) = diagonal_to_Smith_aux_PQ [0..<min (nrows A) (ncols A) - 1] bezout (?P, A, ?Q)"
    using PBQ unfolding diagonal_to_Smith_PQ_def .
  show "?P ** A ** ?Q = A" by simp
  show " min (nrows A) (ncols A) - 1 < min (nrows A) (ncols A)"    
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) One_nat_def diff_less dual_order.strict_iff_order le_less_trans 
        min_def mod_type_class.to_nat_less_card ncols_def not_less_eq nrows_not_0 zero_order(1))
qed (auto simp add: invertible_mat_1)

lemma diagonal_to_Smith_PQ_exists:
  fixes A::"'a::{bezout_ring}^'cols::{mod_type}^'rows::{mod_type}" 
  assumes A: "isDiagonal A"
  shows "P Q. 
         invertible (P::'a^'rows::{mod_type}^'rows::{mod_type}) 
        invertible (Q::'a^'cols::{mod_type}^'cols::{mod_type})
        Smith_normal_form (P**A**Q)"   
proof -
  obtain bezout::"'a bezout" where ib: "is_bezout_ext bezout"
    using exists_bezout_ext by blast
  obtain P B Q where PBQ: "(P,B,Q) = diagonal_to_Smith_PQ A bezout"
    by (metis prod_cases3)
  have "B = P**A**Q  invertible P  invertible Q  B = diagonal_to_Smith A bezout" 
    by (rule diagonal_to_Smith_PQ[OF A ib PBQ])
  moreover have "Smith_normal_form (P**A**Q)"
    using Smith_normal_form_diagonal_to_Smith assms calculation ib by fastforce
  ultimately show ?thesis by auto

subsection‹The final soundness theorem›

lemma diagonal_to_Smith_PQ':
  fixes A::"'a::{bezout_ring}^'cols::{mod_type}^'rows::{mod_type}" 
  assumes A: "isDiagonal A" and ib: "is_bezout_ext bezout"
  assumes PBQ: "(P,S,Q) = diagonal_to_Smith_PQ A bezout"
  shows "S = P**A**Q  invertible P  invertible Q  Smith_normal_form S"   
  using A PBQ Smith_normal_form_diagonal_to_Smith diagonal_to_Smith_PQ ib by fastforce
