Theory Service_Matrix
section‹Service Matrices›
theory Service_Matrix
imports "Common/List_Product_More"
subsection‹IP Address Space Partition›
:: "('i::len simple_match ⇒ 'i word × nat) ⇒ 'i simple_rule list ⇒ ('i wordinterval) list"
"extract_IPSets_generic0 _ [] = []" |
"extract_IPSets_generic0 sel ((SimpleRule m _)#ss) = (ipcidr_tuple_to_wordinterval (sel m)) #
(extract_IPSets_generic0 sel ss)"
lemma : "length (extract_IPSets_generic0 sel rs) = length rs"
by(induction rs rule: extract_IPSets_generic0.induct) (simp_all)
lemma "mergesort_remdups [(1::ipv4addr, 2::nat), (8,0), (8,1), (2,2), (2,4), (1,2), (2,2)] =
[(1, 2), (2, 2), (2, 4), (8, 0), (8, 1)]" by eval
:: "'i::len simple_rule list ⇒ ('i word × nat) list ⇒ ('i word × nat) list" where
"extract_src_dst_ips [] ts = ts" |
"extract_src_dst_ips ((SimpleRule m _)#ss) ts = extract_src_dst_ips ss (src m # dst m # ts)"
lemma : "length (extract_src_dst_ips rs acc) = 2*length rs + length acc"
proof(induction rs arbitrary: acc)
case (Cons r rs) thus ?case by(cases r, simp)
:: "'i::len simple_rule list ⇒ ('i wordinterval) list" where
"extract_IPSets rs ≡ map ipcidr_tuple_to_wordinterval (mergesort_remdups (extract_src_dst_ips rs []))"
lemma :
"set (extract_IPSets rs) = set (extract_IPSets_generic0 src rs) ∪ set (extract_IPSets_generic0 dst rs)"
proof -
{ fix acc
have "ipcidr_tuple_to_wordinterval ` set (extract_src_dst_ips rs acc) =
ipcidr_tuple_to_wordinterval ` set acc ∪ set (extract_IPSets_generic0 src rs) ∪
set (extract_IPSets_generic0 dst rs)"
proof(induction rs arbitrary: acc)
case (Cons r rs ) thus ?case
apply(cases r)
by fast
} thus ?thesis unfolding extract_IPSets_def by(simp_all add: extract_IPSets_def mergesort_remdups_correct)
lemma "(a::nat) div 2 + a mod 2 ≤ a" by fastforce
lemma merge_length: "length (merge l1 l2) ≤ length l1 + length l2"
by(induction l1 l2 rule: merge.induct) auto
lemma merge_list_length: "length (merge_list as ls) ≤ length (concat (as @ ls))"
proof(induction as ls rule: merge_list.induct)
case (5 l1 l2 acc2 ls)
have "length (merge l2 acc2) ≤ length l2 + length acc2" using merge_length by blast
with 5 show ?case by simp
lemma mergesort_remdups_length: "length (mergesort_remdups as) ≤ length as"
unfolding mergesort_remdups_def
proof -
have "concat ([] @ (map (λx. [x]) as)) = as" by simp
with merge_list_length show "length (merge_list [] (map (λx. [x]) as)) ≤ length as" by metis
lemma : "length (extract_IPSets rs) ≤ 2 * length rs"
apply(simp add: extract_IPSets_def)
using extract_src_dst_ips_length mergesort_remdups_length by (metis add.right_neutral list.size(3))
lemma :
"set (map wordinterval_to_set (extract_IPSets_generic0 sel rs)) =
(λ(base,len). ipset_from_cidr base len) ` sel ` match_sel ` set rs"
proof(induction rs)
case (Cons r rs) thus ?case
apply(cases r, simp)
using wordinterval_to_set_ipcidr_tuple_to_wordinterval by fastforce
lemma src_ipPart_motivation:
fixes rs
defines "X ≡ (λ(base,len). ipset_from_cidr base len) ` src ` match_sel ` set rs"
assumes "∀A ∈ X. B ⊆ A ∨ B ∩ A = {}" and "s1 ∈ B" and "s2 ∈ B"
shows "simple_fw rs (p⦇p_src:=s1⦈) = simple_fw rs (p⦇p_src:=s2⦈)"
proof -
have "∀A ∈ (λ(base,len). ipset_from_cidr base len) ` src ` match_sel ` set rs. B ⊆ A ∨ B ∩ A = {} ⟹ ?thesis"
proof(induction rs)
case Nil thus ?case by simp
case (Cons r rs)
{ fix m
from ‹s1 ∈ B› ‹s2 ∈ B› have
"B ⊆ (case src m of (x, xa) ⇒ ipset_from_cidr x xa) ∨ B ∩ (case src m of (x, xa)
⇒ ipset_from_cidr x xa) = {} ⟹
simple_matches m (p⦇p_src := s1⦈) ⟷ simple_matches m (p⦇p_src := s2⦈)"
apply(cases m)
apply(rename_tac iiface oiface srca dst proto sports dports)
apply(case_tac srca)
apply(simp add: simple_matches.simps)
by blast
} note helper=this
from Cons[simplified] show ?case
apply(cases r, rename_tac m a)
apply(case_tac a)
using helper apply force+
with assms show ?thesis by blast
lemma src_ipPart:
assumes "ipPartition (set (map wordinterval_to_set (extract_IPSets_generic0 src rs))) A"
"B ∈ A" "s1 ∈ B" "s2 ∈ B"
shows "simple_fw rs (p⦇p_src:=s1⦈) = simple_fw rs (p⦇p_src:=s2⦈)"
proof -
from src_ipPart_motivation[OF _ assms(3) assms(4)]
have "∀A ∈ (λ(base,len). ipset_from_cidr base len) ` src ` match_sel ` set rs. B ⊆ A ∨ B ∩ A = {} ⟹
simple_fw rs (p⦇p_src:=s1⦈) = simple_fw rs (p⦇p_src:=s2⦈)" by fast
thus ?thesis using assms(1) assms(2)
unfolding ipPartition_def
by (metis (full_types) Int_commute extract_equi0)
lemma dst_ipPart:
assumes "ipPartition (set (map wordinterval_to_set (extract_IPSets_generic0 dst rs))) A"
"B ∈ A" "s1 ∈ B" "s2 ∈ B"
shows "simple_fw rs (p⦇p_dst:=s1⦈) = simple_fw rs (p⦇p_dst:=s2⦈)"
proof -
have "∀A ∈ (λ(base,len). ipset_from_cidr base len) ` dst ` match_sel ` set rs. B ⊆ A ∨ B ∩ A = {} ⟹
simple_fw rs (p⦇p_dst:=s1⦈) = simple_fw rs (p⦇p_dst:=s2⦈)"
proof(induction rs)
case Nil thus ?case by simp
case (Cons r rs)
{ fix m
from ‹s1 ∈ B› ‹s2 ∈ B› have
"B ⊆ (case dst m of (x, xa) ⇒ ipset_from_cidr x xa) ∨ B ∩ (case dst m of (x, xa)
⇒ ipset_from_cidr x xa) = {} ⟹
simple_matches m (p⦇p_dst := s1⦈) ⟷ simple_matches m (p⦇p_dst := s2⦈)"
apply(cases m)
apply(rename_tac iiface oiface src dsta proto sports dports)
apply(case_tac dsta)
apply(simp add: simple_matches.simps)
by blast
} note helper=this
from Cons show ?case
apply(case_tac r, rename_tac m a)
apply(case_tac a)
using helper apply force+
thus ?thesis using assms(1) assms(2)
unfolding ipPartition_def
by (metis (full_types) Int_commute extract_equi0)
definition wordinterval_list_to_set :: "'a::len wordinterval list ⇒ 'a::len word set" where
"wordinterval_list_to_set ws = ⋃(set (map wordinterval_to_set ws))"
lemma wordinterval_list_to_set_compressed:
"wordinterval_to_set (wordinterval_compress (foldr wordinterval_union xs Empty_WordInterval)) =
wordinterval_list_to_set xs"
proof(induction xs)
qed(simp_all add: wordinterval_compress wordinterval_list_to_set_def)
fun partIps :: "'a::len wordinterval ⇒ 'a::len wordinterval list
⇒ 'a::len wordinterval list" where
"partIps _ [] = []" |
"partIps s (t#ts) = (if wordinterval_empty s then (t#ts) else
(if wordinterval_empty (wordinterval_intersection s t)
then (t#(partIps s ts))
(if wordinterval_empty (wordinterval_setminus t s)
then (t#(partIps (wordinterval_setminus s t) ts))
else (wordinterval_intersection t s)#((wordinterval_setminus t s)#
(partIps (wordinterval_setminus s t) ts)))))"
lemma "partIps (WordInterval (1::ipv4addr) 1) [WordInterval 0 1] = [WordInterval 1 1, WordInterval 0 0]" by eval
lemma partIps_length: "length (partIps s ts) ≤ (length ts) * 2"
proof(induction ts arbitrary: s)
case Cons thus ?case
using le_Suc_eq by blast
fun partitioningIps :: "'a::len wordinterval list ⇒ 'a::len wordinterval list ⇒
'a::len wordinterval list" where
"partitioningIps [] ts = ts" |
"partitioningIps (s#ss) ts = partIps s (partitioningIps ss ts)"
lemma partitioningIps_length: "length (partitioningIps ss ts) ≤ (2^length ss) * length ts"
proof(induction ss)
case Nil thus ?case by simp
case (Cons s ss)
have "length (partIps s (partitioningIps ss ts)) ≤ length (partitioningIps ss ts) * 2"
using partIps_length by fast
with Cons show ?case by force
lemma partIps_equi: "map wordinterval_to_set (partIps s ts) =
partList4 (wordinterval_to_set s) (map wordinterval_to_set ts)"
proof(induction ts arbitrary: s)
lemma partitioningIps_equi: "map wordinterval_to_set (partitioningIps ss ts)
= (partitioning1 (map wordinterval_to_set ss) (map wordinterval_to_set ts))"
apply(induction ss arbitrary: ts)
apply(simp; fail)
apply(simp add: partIps_equi)
definition getParts :: "'i::len simple_rule list ⇒ 'i wordinterval list" where
"getParts rs = partitioningIps (extract_IPSets rs) [wordinterval_UNIV]"
lemma partitioningIps_foldr: "partitioningIps ss ts = foldr partIps ss ts"
by(induction ss) (simp_all)
lemma getParts_foldr: "getParts rs = foldr partIps (extract_IPSets rs) [wordinterval_UNIV]"
by(simp add: getParts_def partitioningIps_foldr)
lemma getParts_length: "length (getParts rs) ≤ 2^(2 * length rs)"
proof -
from partitioningIps_length[where ss="extract_IPSets rs" and ts="[wordinterval_UNIV]"] have
1: "length (partitioningIps (extract_IPSets rs) [wordinterval_UNIV]) ≤ 2 ^ length (extract_IPSets rs)" by simp
from extract_IPSets_length have "(2::nat) ^ length (extract_IPSets rs) ≤ 2 ^ (2 * length rs)" by simp
with 1 have "length (partitioningIps (extract_IPSets rs) [wordinterval_UNIV]) ≤ 2 ^ (2 * length rs)" by linarith
thus ?thesis by(simp add: getParts_def)
lemma getParts_ipPartition: "ipPartition (set (map wordinterval_to_set (extract_IPSets rs)))
(set (map wordinterval_to_set (getParts rs)))"
proof -
have hlp_rule: "{} ∉ set (map wordinterval_to_set ts) ⟹ disjoint_list (map wordinterval_to_set ts) ⟹
(wordinterval_list_to_set ss) ⊆ (wordinterval_list_to_set ts) ⟹
ipPartition (set (map wordinterval_to_set ss))
(set (map wordinterval_to_set (partitioningIps ss ts)))" for ts ss::"'a wordinterval list"
by (metis ipPartitioning_helper_opt partitioningIps_equi wordinterval_list_to_set_def)
have "disjoint_list [UNIV]" by(simp add: disjoint_list_def disjoint_def)
have "ipPartition (set (map wordinterval_to_set ss))
(set (map wordinterval_to_set (partitioningIps ss [wordinterval_UNIV])))"
for ss::"'a wordinterval list"
apply(rule hlp_rule)
apply(simp_all add: wordinterval_list_to_set_def ‹disjoint_list [UNIV]›)
thus ?thesis
unfolding getParts_def by blast
lemma getParts_complete: "wordinterval_list_to_set (getParts rs) = UNIV"
proof -
have "{} ∉ set (map wordinterval_to_set ts) ⟹
(wordinterval_list_to_set ss) ⊆ (wordinterval_list_to_set ts) ⟹
wordinterval_list_to_set (partitioningIps ss ts) = (wordinterval_list_to_set ts)"
for ss ts::"'a wordinterval list"
using complete_helper by (metis partitioningIps_equi wordinterval_list_to_set_def)
hence "wordinterval_list_to_set (getParts rs) = wordinterval_list_to_set [wordinterval_UNIV]"
unfolding getParts_def by(simp add: wordinterval_list_to_set_def)
also have "… = UNIV" by (simp add: wordinterval_list_to_set_def)
finally show ?thesis .
theorem getParts_samefw:
assumes "A ∈ set (map wordinterval_to_set (getParts rs))" "s1 ∈ A" "s2 ∈ A"
shows "simple_fw rs (p⦇p_src:=s1⦈) = simple_fw rs (p⦇p_src:=s2⦈) ∧
simple_fw rs (p⦇p_dst:=s1⦈) = simple_fw rs (p⦇p_dst:=s2⦈)"
proof -
let ?X="(set (map wordinterval_to_set (getParts rs)))"
from getParts_ipPartition have "ipPartition (set (map wordinterval_to_set (extract_IPSets rs))) ?X" .
hence "ipPartition (set (map wordinterval_to_set (extract_IPSets_generic0 src rs))) ?X ∧
ipPartition (set (map wordinterval_to_set (extract_IPSets_generic0 dst rs))) ?X"
by(simp add: extract_IPSets ipPartitionUnion image_Un)
thus ?thesis using assms dst_ipPart src_ipPart by blast
lemma partIps_nonempty: "ts ≠ [] ⟹ partIps s ts ≠ []"
by(induction ts arbitrary: s) simp_all
lemma partitioningIps_nonempty: "ts ≠ [] ⟹ partitioningIps ss ts ≠ []"
proof(induction ss arbitrary: ts)
case Nil thus ?case by simp
case (Cons s ss) thus ?case
apply(cases ts)
apply(simp; fail)
using partIps_nonempty by blast
lemma getParts_nonempty: "getParts rs ≠ []" by(simp add: getParts_def partitioningIps_nonempty)
lemma getParts_nonempty_elems: "∀w∈set (getParts rs). ¬ wordinterval_empty w"
unfolding getParts_def
proof -
have partitioning_nonempty: "∀t ∈ set ts. ¬ wordinterval_empty t ⟹
{} ∉ set (map wordinterval_to_set (partitioningIps ss ts))"
for ts ss::"'a wordinterval list"
proof(induction ss arbitrary: ts)
case Nil thus ?case by auto
case Cons thus ?case by (simp add: partIps_equi partList4_empty)
have "∀t ∈ set [wordinterval_UNIV].¬ wordinterval_empty t" by(simp)
with partitioning_nonempty have
"{} ∉ set (map wordinterval_to_set (partitioningIps (extract_IPSets rs) [wordinterval_UNIV]))"
by blast
thus "∀w∈set (partitioningIps (extract_IPSets rs) [wordinterval_UNIV]). ¬ wordinterval_empty w" by auto
fun getOneIp :: "'a::len wordinterval ⇒ 'a::len word" where
"getOneIp (WordInterval b _) = b" |
"getOneIp (RangeUnion r1 r2) = (if wordinterval_empty r1 then getOneIp r2
else getOneIp r1)"
lemma getOneIp_elem: "¬ wordinterval_empty W ⟹ wordinterval_element (getOneIp W) W"
by (induction W) simp_all
record parts_connection = pc_iiface :: string
pc_oiface :: string
pc_proto :: primitive_protocol
pc_sport :: "16 word"
pc_dport :: "16 word"
definition same_fw_behaviour :: " 'i::len word ⇒ 'i word ⇒ 'i simple_rule list ⇒ bool" where
"same_fw_behaviour a b rs ≡
∀(p:: 'i::len simple_packet).
simple_fw rs (p⦇p_src:=a⦈) = simple_fw rs (p⦇p_src:=b⦈) ∧
simple_fw rs (p⦇p_dst:=a⦈) = simple_fw rs (p⦇p_dst:=b⦈)"
lemma getParts_same_fw_behaviour:
"A ∈ set (map wordinterval_to_set (getParts rs)) ⟹ s1 ∈ A ⟹ s2 ∈ A ⟹
same_fw_behaviour s1 s2 rs"
unfolding same_fw_behaviour_def
using getParts_samefw by blast
definition "runFw s d c rs = simple_fw rs ⦇p_iiface=pc_iiface c,p_oiface=pc_oiface c,
p_proto=pc_proto c,
p_sport=pc_sport c,p_dport=pc_dport c,
text‹We use @{const runFw} for executable code, but in general, everything applies to generic packets›
definition runFw_scheme :: "'i::len word ⇒ 'i word ⇒ 'b parts_connection_scheme ⇒
('i, 'a) simple_packet_scheme ⇒ 'i simple_rule list ⇒ state"
"runFw_scheme s d c p rs = simple_fw rs
(p⦇p_iiface:=pc_iiface c,
p_oiface:=pc_oiface c,
p_proto:=pc_proto c,
p_sport:=pc_sport c,
p_dport:=pc_dport c⦈)"
lemma runFw_scheme: "runFw s d c rs = runFw_scheme s d c p rs"
apply(simp add: runFw_def runFw_scheme_def)
apply(case_tac p)
apply(thin_tac _, simp)
proof(induction rs)
case Nil thus ?case by(simp; fail)
case(Cons r rs)
obtain m a where r: "r = SimpleRule m a" by(cases r) simp
from simple_matches_extended_packet[symmetric, of _ "pc_iiface c" "pc_oiface c"
s d "pc_proto c" "pc_sport c" "pc_dport c" _ _ _ "{TCP_SYN}" "[]"]
have pext: "simple_matches m
⦇p_iiface = pc_iiface c, p_oiface = pc_oiface c, p_src = s, p_dst = d, p_proto = pc_proto c, p_sport = pc_sport c, p_dport = pc_dport c,
p_tcp_flags = tcp_flags2, p_payload = payload2, … = aux⦈ =
simple_matches m
⦇p_iiface = pc_iiface c, p_oiface = pc_oiface c, p_src = s, p_dst = d, p_proto = pc_proto c, p_sport = pc_sport c, p_dport = pc_dport c,
p_tcp_flags = {TCP_SYN}, p_payload = []⦈" for tcp_flags2 payload2 and aux::'c by fast
show ?case
apply(simp add: r, cases a, simp)
using Cons.IH by(simp add: pext)+
lemma has_default_policy_runFw: "has_default_policy rs ⟹ runFw s d c rs = Decision FinalAllow ∨ runFw s d c rs = Decision FinalDeny"
by(simp add: runFw_def has_default_policy)
definition same_fw_behaviour_one :: "'i::len word ⇒ 'i word ⇒ 'a parts_connection_scheme ⇒ 'i simple_rule list ⇒ bool" where
"same_fw_behaviour_one ip1 ip2 c rs ≡
∀d s. runFw ip1 d c rs = runFw ip2 d c rs ∧ runFw s ip1 c rs = runFw s ip2 c rs"
lemma same_fw_spec: "same_fw_behaviour ip1 ip2 rs ⟹ same_fw_behaviour_one ip1 ip2 c rs"
apply(simp add: same_fw_behaviour_def same_fw_behaviour_one_def runFw_def)
apply(rule conjI)
apply(erule_tac x="⦇p_iiface = pc_iiface c, p_oiface = pc_oiface c, p_src = ip1, p_dst= d,
p_proto = pc_proto c, p_sport = pc_sport c, p_dport = pc_dport c,
p_tcp_flags = {TCP_SYN},
p_payload=''''⦈" in allE)
apply(erule_tac x="⦇p_iiface = pc_iiface c, p_oiface = pc_oiface c, p_src = s, p_dst= ip1,
p_proto = pc_proto c, p_sport = pc_sport c, p_dport = pc_dport c,
p_tcp_flags = {TCP_SYN},
p_payload=''''⦈" in allE)
text‹Is an equivalence relation›
lemma same_fw_behaviour_one_equi:
"same_fw_behaviour_one x x c rs"
"same_fw_behaviour_one x y c rs = same_fw_behaviour_one y x c rs"
"same_fw_behaviour_one x y c rs ∧ same_fw_behaviour_one y z c rs ⟹ same_fw_behaviour_one x z c rs"
unfolding same_fw_behaviour_one_def by metis+
lemma same_fw_behaviour_equi:
"same_fw_behaviour x x rs"
"same_fw_behaviour x y rs = same_fw_behaviour y x rs"
"same_fw_behaviour x y rs ∧ same_fw_behaviour y z rs ⟹ same_fw_behaviour x z rs"
unfolding same_fw_behaviour_def by auto
lemma runFw_sameFw_behave:
fixes W :: "'i::len word set set"
"∀A ∈ W. ∀a1 ∈ A. ∀a2 ∈ A. same_fw_behaviour_one a1 a2 c rs ⟹ ⋃ W = UNIV ⟹
∀B ∈ W. ∃b ∈ B. runFw ip1 b c rs = runFw ip2 b c rs ⟹
∀B ∈ W. ∃b ∈ B. runFw b ip1 c rs = runFw b ip2 c rs ⟹
same_fw_behaviour_one ip1 ip2 c rs"
proof -
assume a1: "∀A ∈ W. ∀a1 ∈ A. ∀a2 ∈ A. same_fw_behaviour_one a1 a2 c rs"
and a2: "⋃ W = UNIV "
and a3: "∀B ∈ W. ∃b ∈ B. runFw ip1 b c rs = runFw ip2 b c rs"
and a4: "∀B ∈ W. ∃b ∈ B. runFw b ip1 c rs = runFw b ip2 c rs"
have relation_lem: "∀D ∈ W. ∀d1 ∈ D. ∀d2 ∈ D. ∀s. f s d1 = f s d2 ⟹ ⋃ W = UNIV ⟹
∀B ∈ W. ∃b ∈ B. f s1 b = f s2 b ⟹
f s1 d = f s2 d" for W and f::"'c ⇒ 'b ⇒ 'd" and s1 d s2
by (metis UNIV_I Union_iff)
from a1 have a1':"∀A∈W. ∀a1∈A. ∀a2∈A. ∀s. runFw s a1 c rs = runFw s a2 c rs"
unfolding same_fw_behaviour_one_def by fast
from relation_lem[OF a1' a2 a3] have s1: "⋀ d. runFw ip1 d c rs = runFw ip2 d c rs" by simp
from a1 have a1'':"∀A∈W. ∀a1∈A. ∀a2∈A. ∀d. runFw a1 d c rs = runFw a2 d c rs"
unfolding same_fw_behaviour_one_def by fast
from relation_lem[OF a1'' a2 a4] have s2: "⋀ s. runFw s ip1 c rs = runFw s ip2 c rs" by simp
from s1 s2 show "same_fw_behaviour_one ip1 ip2 c rs"
unfolding same_fw_behaviour_one_def by fast
lemma sameFw_behave_sets:
"∀w∈set A. ∀a1 ∈ w. ∀a2 ∈ w. same_fw_behaviour_one a1 a2 c rs ⟹
∀w1∈set A. ∀w2∈set A. ∃a1∈w1. ∃a2∈w2. same_fw_behaviour_one a1 a2 c rs ⟹
∀w1∈set A. ∀w2∈set A.
∀a1∈w1. ∀a2∈w2. same_fw_behaviour_one a1 a2 c rs"
proof -
assume a1: "∀w∈set A. ∀a1 ∈ w. ∀a2 ∈ w. same_fw_behaviour_one a1 a2 c rs" and
"∀w1∈set A. ∀w2∈set A. ∃a1∈w1. ∃a2∈w2. same_fw_behaviour_one a1 a2 c rs"
from this have "∀w1∈set A. ∀w2∈set A. ∃a1∈w1. ∀a2∈w2. same_fw_behaviour_one a1 a2 c rs"
using same_fw_behaviour_one_equi(3) by metis
from a1 this show "∀w1∈set A. ∀w2∈set A. ∀a1∈w1. ∀a2∈w2. same_fw_behaviour_one a1 a2 c rs"
using same_fw_behaviour_one_equi(3) by metis
definition groupWIs :: "parts_connection ⇒ 'i::len simple_rule list ⇒ 'i wordinterval list list" where
"groupWIs c rs = (let W = getParts rs in
(let f = (λwi. (map (λd. runFw (getOneIp wi) d c rs) (map getOneIp W),
map (λs. runFw s (getOneIp wi) c rs) (map getOneIp W))) in
groupF f W))"
lemma groupWIs_not_empty: "groupWIs c rs ≠ []"
proof -
have "getParts rs ≠ []" by(simp add: getParts_def partitioningIps_nonempty)
with groupF_empty have "⋀f. groupF f (getParts rs) ≠ []" by blast
thus ?thesis by(simp add: groupWIs_def Let_def) blast
lemma groupWIs_not_empty_elem: "V ∈ set (groupWIs c rs) ⟹ V ≠ []"
by(simp add: groupWIs_def Let_def groupF_empty_elem)
lemma groupWIs_not_empty_elems:
assumes V: "V ∈ set (groupWIs c rs)" and w: "w ∈ set V"
shows "¬ wordinterval_empty w"
proof -
have "∀w∈set (concat (groupWIs c rs)). ¬ wordinterval_empty w"
apply(subst groupWIs_def)
apply(subst Let_def)+
apply(subst groupF_concat_set)
using getParts_nonempty_elems by blast
from this V w show ?thesis by auto
lemma groupParts_same_fw_wi0:
assumes "V ∈ set (groupWIs c rs)"
shows "∀w ∈ set (map wordinterval_to_set V). ∀a1 ∈ w. ∀a2 ∈ w. same_fw_behaviour_one a1 a2 c rs"
proof -
have "∀A∈set (map wordinterval_to_set (concat (groupWIs c rs))).
∀a1∈A. ∀a2∈A. same_fw_behaviour_one a1 a2 c rs"
apply(subst groupWIs_def)
apply(subst Let_def)+
apply(subst set_map)
apply(subst groupF_concat_set)
using getParts_same_fw_behaviour same_fw_spec by fastforce
from this assms show ?thesis by force
lemma groupWIs_same_fw_not: "A ∈ set (groupWIs c rs) ⟹ B ∈ set (groupWIs c rs) ⟹
A ≠ B ⟹
∀aw ∈ set (map wordinterval_to_set A).
∀bw ∈ set (map wordinterval_to_set B).
∀a ∈ aw. ∀b ∈ bw. ¬ same_fw_behaviour_one a b c rs"
proof -
assume asm: "A ∈ set (groupWIs c rs)" "B ∈ set (groupWIs c rs)" "A ≠ B"
from this have b1: "∀aw ∈ set A. ∀bw ∈ set B.
(map (λd. runFw (getOneIp aw) d c rs) (map getOneIp (getParts rs)),
map (λs. runFw s (getOneIp aw) c rs) (map getOneIp (getParts rs))) ≠
(map (λd. runFw (getOneIp bw) d c rs) (map getOneIp (getParts rs)),
map (λs. runFw s (getOneIp bw) c rs) (map getOneIp (getParts rs)))"
apply(simp add: groupWIs_def Let_def)
using groupF_nequality by fastforce
have same_behave_runFw_not:
"(map (λd. runFw x1 d c rs) W, map (λs. runFw s x1 c rs) W) ≠
(map (λd. runFw x2 d c rs) W, map (λs. runFw s x2 c rs) W) ⟹
¬ same_fw_behaviour_one x1 x2 c rs" for x1 x2 W
by (simp add: same_fw_behaviour_one_def) (blast)
have "∀C ∈ set (groupWIs c rs). ∀c ∈ set C. getOneIp c ∈ wordinterval_to_set c"
apply(simp add: groupWIs_def Let_def)
using getParts_nonempty_elems groupF_set getOneIp_elem by fastforce
from this b1 asm have
"∀aw ∈ set (map wordinterval_to_set A). ∀bw ∈ set (map wordinterval_to_set B).
∃a ∈ aw. ∃b ∈ bw. (map (λd. runFw a d c rs) (map getOneIp (getParts rs)), map (λs. runFw s a c rs) (map getOneIp (getParts rs))) ≠
(map (λd. runFw b d c rs) (map getOneIp (getParts rs)), map (λs. runFw s b c rs) (map getOneIp (getParts rs)))"
by (simp) (blast)
from this same_behave_runFw_not asm
have " ∀aw ∈ set (map wordinterval_to_set A). ∀bw ∈ set (map wordinterval_to_set B).
∃a ∈ aw. ∃b ∈ bw. ¬ same_fw_behaviour_one a b c rs" by fast
from this groupParts_same_fw_wi0[of A c rs] groupParts_same_fw_wi0[of B c rs] asm
have "∀aw ∈ set (map wordinterval_to_set A).
∀bw ∈ set (map wordinterval_to_set B).
∀a ∈ aw. ∃b ∈ bw. ¬ same_fw_behaviour_one a b c rs"
apply(simp) using same_fw_behaviour_one_equi(3) by blast
from this groupParts_same_fw_wi0[of A c rs] groupParts_same_fw_wi0[of B c rs] asm
show "∀aw ∈ set (map wordinterval_to_set A).
∀bw ∈ set (map wordinterval_to_set B).
∀a ∈ aw. ∀b ∈ bw. ¬ same_fw_behaviour_one a b c rs"
apply(simp) using same_fw_behaviour_one_equi(3) by fast
lemma groupParts_same_fw_wi1:
"V ∈ set (groupWIs c rs) ⟹ ∀w1 ∈ set V. ∀w2 ∈ set V.
∀a1 ∈ wordinterval_to_set w1. ∀a2 ∈ wordinterval_to_set w2. same_fw_behaviour_one a1 a2 c rs"
proof -
assume asm: "V ∈ set (groupWIs c rs)"
from getParts_same_fw_behaviour same_fw_spec
have b1: "∀A ∈ set (map wordinterval_to_set (getParts rs)) . ∀a1 ∈ A. ∀a2 ∈ A.
same_fw_behaviour_one a1 a2 c rs" by fast
from getParts_complete have complete: "⋃(set (map wordinterval_to_set (getParts rs))) = UNIV"
by(simp add: wordinterval_list_to_set_def)
from getParts_nonempty_elems have nonempty: "∀w∈set (getParts rs). ¬ wordinterval_empty w" by simp
{ fix W x1 x2
assume a1: "∀A ∈ set (map wordinterval_to_set W). ∀a1 ∈ A. ∀a2 ∈ A. same_fw_behaviour_one a1 a2 c rs"
and a2: "wordinterval_list_to_set W = UNIV"
and a3: "∀w ∈ set W. ¬ wordinterval_empty w"
and a4: "(map (λd. runFw x1 d c rs) (map getOneIp W), map (λs. runFw s x1 c rs) (map getOneIp W)) =
(map (λd. runFw x2 d c rs) (map getOneIp W), map (λs. runFw s x2 c rs) (map getOneIp W))"
from a3 a4 getOneIp_elem
have b1: "∀B ∈ set (map wordinterval_to_set W). ∃b ∈ B. runFw x1 b c rs = runFw x2 b c rs"
by fastforce
from a3 a4 getOneIp_elem
have b2: "∀B ∈ set (map wordinterval_to_set W). ∃b ∈ B. runFw b x1 c rs = runFw b x2 c rs"
by fastforce
from runFw_sameFw_behave[OF a1 _ b1 b2] a2[unfolded wordinterval_list_to_set_def] have
"same_fw_behaviour_one x1 x2 c rs" by simp
} note same_behave_runFw=this
from same_behave_runFw[OF b1 getParts_complete nonempty]
groupF_equality[of "(λwi. (map (λd. runFw (getOneIp wi) d c rs) (map getOneIp (getParts rs)),
map (λs. runFw s (getOneIp wi) c rs) (map getOneIp (getParts rs))))"
"(getParts rs)"] asm
have b2: "∀a1∈set V. ∀a2∈set V. same_fw_behaviour_one (getOneIp a1) (getOneIp a2) c rs"
apply(subst (asm) groupWIs_def)
apply(subst (asm) Let_def)+
by fast
from groupWIs_not_empty_elems asm have "∀w ∈ set V. ¬ wordinterval_empty w" by blast
from this b2 getOneIp_elem
have b3: "∀w1∈set (map wordinterval_to_set V). ∀w2∈set (map wordinterval_to_set V).
∃ip1∈ w1. ∃ip2∈w2.
same_fw_behaviour_one ip1 ip2 c rs" by (simp) (blast)
from groupParts_same_fw_wi0 asm
have "∀A∈set (map wordinterval_to_set V). ∀a1∈ A. ∀a2∈ A. same_fw_behaviour_one a1 a2 c rs"
by metis
from sameFw_behave_sets[OF this b3]
show "∀w1 ∈ set V. ∀w2 ∈ set V.
∀a1 ∈ wordinterval_to_set w1. ∀a2 ∈ wordinterval_to_set w2. same_fw_behaviour_one a1 a2 c rs"
by force
lemma groupParts_same_fw_wi2: "V ∈ set (groupWIs c rs) ⟹
∀ip1 ∈ wordinterval_list_to_set V.
∀ip2 ∈ wordinterval_list_to_set V.
same_fw_behaviour_one ip1 ip2 c rs"
using groupParts_same_fw_wi0 groupParts_same_fw_wi1
apply (simp add: wordinterval_list_to_set_def)
by fast
lemma groupWIs_same_fw_not2: "A ∈ set (groupWIs c rs) ⟹ B ∈ set (groupWIs c rs) ⟹
A ≠ B ⟹
∀ip1 ∈ wordinterval_list_to_set A.
∀ip2 ∈ wordinterval_list_to_set B.
¬ same_fw_behaviour_one ip1 ip2 c rs"
apply(simp add: wordinterval_list_to_set_def)
using groupWIs_same_fw_not by fastforce
lemma "A ∈ set (groupWIs c rs) ⟹ B ∈ set (groupWIs c rs) ⟹
∃ip1 ∈ wordinterval_list_to_set A.
∃ip2 ∈ wordinterval_list_to_set B. same_fw_behaviour_one ip1 ip2 c rs
⟹ A = B"
using groupWIs_same_fw_not2 by blast
lemma groupWIs_complete: "(⋃x∈ set (groupWIs c rs). wordinterval_list_to_set x) = (UNIV::'i::len word set)"
proof -
have "(⋃ y ∈ (⋃x∈ set (groupWIs c rs). set x). wordinterval_to_set y) = (UNIV::'i word set)"
apply(simp add: groupWIs_def Let_def groupF_Union_set)
using getParts_complete wordinterval_list_to_set_def by fastforce
thus ?thesis by(simp add: wordinterval_list_to_set_def)
definition groupWIs1 :: "'a parts_connection_scheme ⇒ 'i::len simple_rule list ⇒ 'i wordinterval list list" where
"groupWIs1 c rs = (let P = getParts rs in
(let W = map getOneIp P in
(let f = (λwi. (map (λd. runFw (getOneIp wi) d c rs) W,
map (λs. runFw s (getOneIp wi) c rs) W)) in
map (map fst) (groupF snd (map (λx. (x, f x)) P)))))"
lemma groupWIs_groupWIs1_equi: "groupWIs1 c rs = groupWIs c rs"
apply(subst groupWIs1_def)
apply(subst groupWIs_def)
using groupF_tuple by metis
definition simple_conn_matches :: "'i::len simple_match ⇒ parts_connection ⇒ bool" where
"simple_conn_matches m c ⟷
(match_iface (iiface m) (pc_iiface c)) ∧
(match_iface (oiface m) (pc_oiface c)) ∧
(match_proto (proto m) (pc_proto c)) ∧
(simple_match_port (sports m) (pc_sport c)) ∧
(simple_match_port (dports m) (pc_dport c))"
lemma simple_conn_matches_simple_match_any: "simple_conn_matches simple_match_any c"
apply (simp add: simple_conn_matches_def simple_match_any_def match_ifaceAny)
apply (subgoal_tac "(65535::16 word) = - 1")
apply (simp only:)
apply simp_all
lemma has_default_policy_simple_conn_matches:
"has_default_policy rs ⟹ has_default_policy [r←rs . simple_conn_matches (match_sel r) c]"
apply(induction rs rule: has_default_policy.induct)
apply(simp; fail)
apply(simp add: simple_conn_matches_simple_match_any; fail)
apply(intro conjI)
apply(simp split: if_split_asm; fail)
apply(simp add: has_default_policy_fst split: if_split_asm)
lemma filter_conn_fw_lem:
"runFw s d c (filter (λr. simple_conn_matches (match_sel r) c) rs) = runFw s d c rs"
apply(simp add: runFw_def simple_conn_matches_def match_sel_def)
apply(induction rs "⦇p_iiface = pc_iiface c, p_oiface = pc_oiface c,
p_src = s, p_dst = d, p_proto = pc_proto c,
p_sport = pc_sport c, p_dport = pc_dport c,
p_tcp_flags = {TCP_SYN},p_payload=''''⦈"
rule: simple_fw.induct)
apply(simp add: simple_matches.simps)+
definition groupWIs2 :: "parts_connection ⇒ 'i::len simple_rule list ⇒ 'i wordinterval list list" where
"groupWIs2 c rs = (let P = getParts rs in
(let W = map getOneIp P in
(let filterW = (filter (λr. simple_conn_matches (match_sel r) c) rs) in
(let f = (λwi. (map (λd. runFw (getOneIp wi) d c filterW) W,
map (λs. runFw s (getOneIp wi) c filterW) W)) in
map (map fst) (groupF snd (map (λx. (x, f x)) P))))))"
lemma groupWIs1_groupWIs2_equi: "groupWIs2 c rs = groupWIs1 c rs"
by(simp add: groupWIs2_def groupWIs1_def filter_conn_fw_lem)
lemma groupWIs_code[code]: "groupWIs c rs = groupWIs2 c rs"
using groupWIs1_groupWIs2_equi groupWIs_groupWIs1_equi by metis
fun matching_dsts :: "'i::len word ⇒ 'i simple_rule list ⇒ 'i wordinterval ⇒ 'i wordinterval" where
"matching_dsts _ [] _ = Empty_WordInterval" |
"matching_dsts s ((SimpleRule m Accept)#rs) acc_dropped =
(if simple_match_ip (src m) s then
wordinterval_union (wordinterval_setminus (ipcidr_tuple_to_wordinterval (dst m)) acc_dropped) (matching_dsts s rs acc_dropped)
matching_dsts s rs acc_dropped)" |
"matching_dsts s ((SimpleRule m Drop)#rs) acc_dropped =
(if simple_match_ip (src m) s then
matching_dsts s rs (wordinterval_union (ipcidr_tuple_to_wordinterval (dst m)) acc_dropped)
matching_dsts s rs acc_dropped)"
lemma matching_dsts_pull_out_accu:
"wordinterval_to_set (matching_dsts s rs (wordinterval_union a1 a2)) = wordinterval_to_set (matching_dsts s rs a2) - wordinterval_to_set a1"
apply(induction s rs a2 arbitrary: a1 a2 rule: matching_dsts.induct)
by blast+
fun matching_srcs :: "'i::len word ⇒ 'i simple_rule list ⇒ 'i wordinterval ⇒ 'i wordinterval" where
"matching_srcs _ [] _ = Empty_WordInterval" |
"matching_srcs d ((SimpleRule m Accept)#rs) acc_dropped =
(if simple_match_ip (dst m) d then
wordinterval_union (wordinterval_setminus (ipcidr_tuple_to_wordinterval (src m)) acc_dropped) (matching_srcs d rs acc_dropped)
matching_srcs d rs acc_dropped)" |
"matching_srcs d ((SimpleRule m Drop)#rs) acc_dropped =
(if simple_match_ip (dst m) d then
matching_srcs d rs (wordinterval_union (ipcidr_tuple_to_wordinterval (src m)) acc_dropped)
matching_srcs d rs acc_dropped)"
lemma matching_srcs_pull_out_accu:
"wordinterval_to_set (matching_srcs d rs (wordinterval_union a1 a2)) = wordinterval_to_set (matching_srcs d rs a2) - wordinterval_to_set a1"
apply(induction d rs a2 arbitrary: a1 a2 rule: matching_srcs.induct)
by blast+
lemma matching_dsts: "∀r ∈ set rs. simple_conn_matches (match_sel r) c ⟹
wordinterval_to_set (matching_dsts s rs Empty_WordInterval) = {d. runFw s d c rs = Decision FinalAllow}"
proof(induction rs)
case Nil thus ?case by (simp add: runFw_def)
case (Cons r rs)
obtain m a where r: "r = SimpleRule m a" by(cases r, blast)
from Cons.prems r have simple_match_ip_Accept: "⋀d. simple_match_ip (src m) s ⟹
runFw s d c (SimpleRule m Accept # rs) = Decision FinalAllow ⟷ simple_match_ip (dst m) d ∨ runFw s d c rs = Decision FinalAllow"
by(simp add: simple_conn_matches_def runFw_def simple_matches.simps)
{ fix d a
have "¬ simple_match_ip (src m) s ⟹
runFw s d c (SimpleRule m a # rs) = Decision FinalAllow ⟷ runFw s d c rs = Decision FinalAllow"
apply(cases a)
by(simp add: simple_conn_matches_def runFw_def simple_matches.simps)+
} note not_simple_match_ip=this
from Cons.prems r have simple_match_ip_Drop: "⋀d. simple_match_ip (src m) s ⟹
runFw s d c (SimpleRule m Drop # rs) = Decision FinalAllow ⟷ ¬ simple_match_ip (dst m) d ∧ runFw s d c rs = Decision FinalAllow"
by(simp add: simple_conn_matches_def runFw_def simple_matches.simps)
show ?case
proof(cases a)
case Accept with r Cons show ?thesis
apply(simp, intro conjI impI)
apply(simp add: simple_match_ip_Accept wordinterval_to_set_ipcidr_tuple_to_wordinterval_simple_match_ip_set)
apply blast
apply(simp add: not_simple_match_ip; fail)
case Drop with r Cons show ?thesis
apply(simp,intro conjI impI)
apply(simp add: simple_match_ip_Drop matching_dsts_pull_out_accu wordinterval_to_set_ipcidr_tuple_to_wordinterval_simple_match_ip_set)
apply blast
apply(simp add: not_simple_match_ip; fail)
lemma matching_srcs: "∀r ∈ set rs. simple_conn_matches (match_sel r) c ⟹
wordinterval_to_set (matching_srcs d rs Empty_WordInterval) = {s. runFw s d c rs = Decision FinalAllow}"
proof(induction rs)
case Nil thus ?case by (simp add: runFw_def)
case (Cons r rs)
obtain m a where r: "r = SimpleRule m a" by(cases r, blast)
from Cons.prems r have simple_match_ip_Accept: "⋀s. simple_match_ip (dst m) d ⟹
runFw s d c (SimpleRule m Accept # rs) = Decision FinalAllow ⟷
simple_match_ip (src m) s ∨ runFw s d c rs = Decision FinalAllow"
by(simp add: simple_conn_matches_def runFw_def simple_matches.simps)
{ fix s a
have "¬ simple_match_ip (dst m) d ⟹
runFw s d c (SimpleRule m a # rs) = Decision FinalAllow ⟷ runFw s d c rs = Decision FinalAllow"
apply(cases a)
by(simp add: simple_conn_matches_def runFw_def simple_matches.simps)+
} note not_simple_match_ip=this
from Cons.prems r have simple_match_ip_Drop: "⋀s. simple_match_ip (dst m) d ⟹
runFw s d c (SimpleRule m Drop # rs) = Decision FinalAllow ⟷
¬ simple_match_ip (src m) s ∧ runFw s d c rs = Decision FinalAllow"
by(simp add: simple_conn_matches_def runFw_def simple_matches.simps)
show ?case
proof(cases a)
case Accept with r Cons show ?thesis
apply(simp, intro conjI impI)
apply(simp add: simple_match_ip_Accept wordinterval_to_set_ipcidr_tuple_to_wordinterval_simple_match_ip_set)
apply blast
apply(simp add: not_simple_match_ip; fail)
case Drop with r Cons show ?thesis
apply(simp,intro conjI impI)
apply(simp add: simple_match_ip_Drop matching_srcs_pull_out_accu wordinterval_to_set_ipcidr_tuple_to_wordinterval_simple_match_ip_set)
apply blast
apply(simp add: not_simple_match_ip; fail)
definition groupWIs3_default_policy :: "parts_connection ⇒ 'i::len simple_rule list ⇒ 'i wordinterval list list" where
"groupWIs3_default_policy c rs = (let P = getParts rs in
(let W = map getOneIp P in
(let filterW = (filter (λr. simple_conn_matches (match_sel r) c) rs) in
(let f = (λwi. let mtch_dsts = (matching_dsts (getOneIp wi) filterW Empty_WordInterval);
mtch_srcs = (matching_srcs (getOneIp wi) filterW Empty_WordInterval) in
(map (λd. wordinterval_element d mtch_dsts) W,
map (λs. wordinterval_element s mtch_srcs) W)) in
map (map fst) (groupF snd (map (λx. (x, f x)) P))))))"
lemma groupWIs3_default_policy_groupWIs2:
fixes rs :: "'i::len simple_rule list"
assumes "has_default_policy rs"
shows "groupWIs2 c rs = groupWIs3_default_policy c rs"
proof -
{ fix filterW s d
from matching_dsts[where c=c] have "filterW = filter (λr. simple_conn_matches (match_sel r) c) rs ⟹
wordinterval_element d (matching_dsts s filterW Empty_WordInterval) ⟷ runFw s d c filterW = Decision FinalAllow"
by force
} note matching_dsts_filterW=this[simplified]
{ fix filterW s d
from matching_srcs[where c=c] have "filterW = filter (λr. simple_conn_matches (match_sel r) c) rs ⟹
wordinterval_element s (matching_srcs d filterW Empty_WordInterval) ⟷ runFw s d c filterW = Decision FinalAllow"
by force
} note matching_srcs_filterW=this[simplified]
{ fix W and rs :: "'i::len simple_rule list"
assume assms': "has_default_policy rs"
have "groupF (λwi. (map (λd. runFw (getOneIp wi) d c rs = Decision FinalAllow) (map getOneIp W),
map (λs. runFw s (getOneIp wi) c rs = Decision FinalAllow) (map getOneIp W))) W =
groupF (λwi. (map (λd. runFw (getOneIp wi) d c rs) (map getOneIp W),
map (λs. runFw s (getOneIp wi) c rs) (map getOneIp W))) W"
proof -
fix f1::"'w ⇒ 'u ⇒ 'v" and f2::" 'w ⇒ 'u ⇒ 'x" and x and y and g1::"'w ⇒ 'u ⇒ 'y" and g2::"'w ⇒ 'u ⇒ 'z" and W::"'u list"
assume 1: "∀w ∈ set W. (f1 x) w = (f1 y) w ⟷ (f2 x) w = (f2 y) w"
and 2: "∀w ∈ set W. (g1 x) w = (g1 y) w ⟷ (g2 x) w = (g2 y) w"
have "
((map (f1 x) W, map (g1 x) W) = (map (f1 y) W, map (g1 y) W))
((map (f2 x) W, map (g2 x) W) = (map (f2 y) W, map (g2 y) W))"
proof -
from 1 have p1: "(map (f1 x) W = map (f1 y) W ⟷ map (f2 x) W = map (f2 y) W)" by(induction W)(simp_all)
from 2 have p2: "(map (g1 x) W = map (g1 y) W ⟷ map (g2 x) W = map (g2 y) W)" by(induction W)(simp_all)
from p1 p2 show ?thesis by fast
} note map_over_tuples_equal_helper=this
show ?thesis
apply(rule groupF_cong)
apply(intro ballI)
apply(rule map_over_tuples_equal_helper)
using has_default_policy_runFw[OF assms'] by metis+
} note has_default_policy_groupF=this[simplified]
from assms show ?thesis
apply(simp add: groupWIs3_default_policy_def groupWIs_code[symmetric])
apply(subst groupF_tuple[symmetric])
apply(simp add: Let_def)
apply(simp add: matching_srcs_filterW matching_dsts_filterW)
apply(subst has_default_policy_groupF)
apply(simp add: has_default_policy_simple_conn_matches; fail)
apply(simp add: groupWIs_def Let_def filter_conn_fw_lem)
definition groupWIs3 :: "parts_connection ⇒ 'i::len simple_rule list ⇒ 'i wordinterval list list" where
"groupWIs3 c rs = (if has_default_policy rs then groupWIs3_default_policy c rs else groupWIs2 c rs)"
lemma groupWIs3: "groupWIs3 = groupWIs"
by(simp add: fun_eq_iff groupWIs3_def groupWIs_code groupWIs3_default_policy_groupWIs2)
definition build_ip_partition :: "parts_connection ⇒ 'i::len simple_rule list ⇒ 'i wordinterval list" where
"build_ip_partition c rs = map
(λxs. wordinterval_sort (wordinterval_compress (foldr wordinterval_union xs Empty_WordInterval)))
(groupWIs3 c rs)"
theorem build_ip_partition_same_fw: "V ∈ set (build_ip_partition c rs) ⟹
∀ip1::'i::len word ∈ wordinterval_to_set V.
∀ip2::'i::len word ∈ wordinterval_to_set V.
same_fw_behaviour_one ip1 ip2 c rs"
apply(simp add: build_ip_partition_def groupWIs3)
using wordinterval_list_to_set_compressed groupParts_same_fw_wi2 wordinterval_sort by blast
theorem build_ip_partition_same_fw_min: "A ∈ set (build_ip_partition c rs) ⟹ B ∈ set (build_ip_partition c rs) ⟹
A ≠ B ⟹
∀ip1::'i::len word ∈ wordinterval_to_set A.
∀ip2::'i::len word ∈ wordinterval_to_set B.
¬ same_fw_behaviour_one ip1 ip2 c rs"
apply(simp add: build_ip_partition_def groupWIs3)
using groupWIs_same_fw_not2 wordinterval_list_to_set_compressed wordinterval_sort by blast
theorem build_ip_partition_complete: "(⋃x∈set (build_ip_partition c rs). wordinterval_to_set x) = (UNIV :: 'i::len word set)"
proof -
have "wordinterval_to_set (foldr wordinterval_union x Empty_WordInterval) = ⋃(set (map wordinterval_to_set x))"
for x::"'i wordinterval list"
by(induction x) simp_all
thus ?thesis
apply(simp add: build_ip_partition_def groupWIs3 wordinterval_compress wordinterval_sort)
using groupWIs_complete[simplified wordinterval_list_to_set_def] by simp
lemma build_ip_partition_no_empty_elems: "wi ∈ set (build_ip_partition c rs) ⟹ ¬ wordinterval_empty wi"
proof -
assume "wi ∈ set (build_ip_partition c rs)"
hence assm: "wi ∈ (λxs. wordinterval_sort (wordinterval_compress (foldr wordinterval_union xs Empty_WordInterval))) ` set (groupWIs c rs)"
by(simp add: build_ip_partition_def groupWIs3)
from assm obtain wi_orig where 1: "wi_orig ∈ set (groupWIs c rs)" and
2: "wi = wordinterval_sort (wordinterval_compress (foldr wordinterval_union wi_orig Empty_WordInterval))" by blast
from 1 groupWIs_not_empty_elem have i1: "wi_orig ≠ []" by blast
from 1 groupWIs_not_empty_elems have i2: "⋀w. w ∈ set wi_orig ⟹ ¬ wordinterval_empty w" by simp
from i1 i2 have "wordinterval_to_set (foldr wordinterval_union wi_orig Empty_WordInterval) ≠ {}"
by(induction wi_orig) simp_all
with 2 show ?thesis by(simp add: wordinterval_compress wordinterval_sort)
lemma build_ip_partition_disjoint:
"V1 ∈ set (build_ip_partition c rs) ⟹ V2 ∈ set (build_ip_partition c rs) ⟹
V1 ≠ V2 ⟹
wordinterval_to_set V1 ∩ wordinterval_to_set V2 = {}"
by (metis build_ip_partition_same_fw build_ip_partition_same_fw_min disjoint_iff)
lemma map_wordinterval_to_set_distinct:
assumes distinct: "distinct xs"
and disjoint: "(∀x1 ∈ set xs. ∀x2 ∈ set xs. x1 ≠ x2 ⟶ wordinterval_to_set x1 ∩ wordinterval_to_set x2 = {})"
and notempty: "∀x ∈ set xs. ¬ wordinterval_empty x"
shows "distinct (map wordinterval_to_set xs)"
proof -
have "¬ wordinterval_empty x1 ⟹
wordinterval_to_set x1 ∩ wordinterval_to_set x2 = {} ⟹
wordinterval_to_set x1 ≠ wordinterval_to_set x2" for x1::"('b::len) wordinterval" and x2
by auto
with disjoint notempty have "(∀x1 ∈ set xs. ∀x2 ∈ set xs. x1 ≠ x2 ⟶ wordinterval_to_set x1 ≠ wordinterval_to_set x2)"
by force
with distinct show "distinct (map wordinterval_to_set xs)"
proof(induction xs)
case Cons thus ?case by simp fast
lemma map_getOneIp_distinct: assumes
distinct: "distinct xs"
and disjoint: "(∀x1 ∈ set xs. ∀x2 ∈ set xs. x1 ≠ x2 ⟶ wordinterval_to_set x1 ∩ wordinterval_to_set x2 = {})"
and notempty: "∀x ∈ set xs. ¬ wordinterval_empty x"
shows "distinct (map getOneIp xs)"
proof -
have "¬ wordinterval_empty x ⟹ ¬ wordinterval_empty xa ⟹
wordinterval_to_set x ∩ wordinterval_to_set xa = {} ⟹ getOneIp x ≠ getOneIp xa"
for x xa::"'b::len wordinterval"
by(fastforce dest: getOneIp_elem)
with disjoint notempty have "(∀x1 ∈ set xs. ∀x2 ∈ set xs. x1 ≠ x2 ⟶ getOneIp x1 ≠ getOneIp x2)"
by metis
with distinct show ?thesis
proof(induction xs)
case Cons thus ?case by simp fast
lemma getParts_disjoint_list: "disjoint_list (map wordinterval_to_set (getParts rs))"
have disjoint_list_partitioningIps:
"{} ∉ set (map wordinterval_to_set ts) ⟹ disjoint_list (map wordinterval_to_set ts) ⟹
(wordinterval_list_to_set ss) ⊆ (wordinterval_list_to_set ts) ⟹
disjoint_list (map wordinterval_to_set (partitioningIps ss ts))"
for ts::"'a::len wordinterval list" and ss
by (simp add: partitioning1_disjoint_list partitioningIps_equi wordinterval_list_to_set_def)
have "{} ∉ set (map wordinterval_to_set [wordinterval_UNIV])"
and "disjoint_list (map wordinterval_to_set [wordinterval_UNIV])"
and "wordinterval_list_to_set (extract_IPSets rs) ⊆ wordinterval_list_to_set [wordinterval_UNIV]"
by(simp add: wordinterval_list_to_set_def disjoint_list_def disjoint_def)+
thus ?thesis
unfolding getParts_def by(rule disjoint_list_partitioningIps)
lemma build_ip_partition_distinct: "distinct (map wordinterval_to_set (build_ip_partition c rs))"
proof -
"(wordinterval_to_set ∘ (λxs. wordinterval_sort (wordinterval_compress (foldr wordinterval_union xs Empty_WordInterval)))) ws
= ⋃(set (map wordinterval_to_set ws))" for ws::"'a::len wordinterval list"
proof(induction ws)
qed(simp_all add: wordinterval_compress wordinterval_sort)
hence hlp1: "map wordinterval_to_set (build_ip_partition c rs) =
map (λx. ⋃(set (map wordinterval_to_set x))) (groupWIs c rs)"
unfolding build_ip_partition_def groupWIs3 by auto
have "∀x ∈ set xs. ¬ wordinterval_empty x ⟹
disjoint_list (map wordinterval_to_set xs) ⟹
distinct (map (λx. ⋃(set (map wordinterval_to_set x))) (groupF f xs))"
for f::"'x::len wordinterval ⇒ 'y" and xs::"'x::len wordinterval list"
proof(induction f xs rule: groupF.induct)
case 1 thus ?case by simp
case (2 f x xs)
have hlp_internal:
"⋃ (set (map (λx. ⋃(set (map wordinterval_to_set x))) (groupF f xs))) =
⋃ (set (map wordinterval_to_set xs))" for f::"'x wordinterval ⇒ 'y" and xs
by(induction f xs rule: groupF.induct) (auto)
from 2(2,3) have "wordinterval_to_set x ∩ ⋃(wordinterval_to_set ` set xs) = {}"
by(auto simp add: disjoint_def disjoint_list_def)
hence "¬ (wordinterval_to_set x) ⊆ ⋃(wordinterval_to_set ` set xs)" using 2(2) by auto
hence "¬ wordinterval_to_set x ⊆ ⋃(set (map wordinterval_to_set [y←xs . f x ≠ f y]))" by auto
hence "¬ wordinterval_to_set x ∪ (⋃x∈{xa ∈ set xs. f x = f xa}.
wordinterval_to_set x) ⊆ ⋃ (set (map (λx. ⋃(set (map wordinterval_to_set x))) (groupF f [y←xs . f x ≠ f y])))"
unfolding hlp_internal by blast
hence g1: "wordinterval_to_set x ∪ (⋃x∈{xa ∈ set xs. f x = f xa}. wordinterval_to_set x)
∉ (λx. ⋃x∈set x. wordinterval_to_set x) ` set (groupF f [y←xs . f x ≠ f y])" by force
from 2(3) have "distinct (map wordinterval_to_set [y←xs . f x ≠ f y])"
by (simp add: disjoint_list_def distinct_map_filter)
moreover from 2 have "disjoint (wordinterval_to_set ` {xa ∈ set xs. f x ≠ f xa})"
by(simp add: disjoint_def disjoint_list_def)
ultimately have g2: "distinct (map (λx. ⋃x∈set x. wordinterval_to_set x) (groupF f [y←xs . f x ≠ f y]))"
using 2(1,2) unfolding disjoint_list_def by(simp)
from g1 g2 show ?case by simp
with getParts_disjoint_list getParts_nonempty_elems have
(map (λx. ⋃(set (map wordinterval_to_set x)))
(groupF (λwi. (map (λd. runFw (getOneIp wi) d c rs) (map getOneIp (getParts rs)),
map (λs. runFw s (getOneIp wi) c rs) (map getOneIp (getParts rs))))
(getParts rs)))" by blast
thus ?thesis unfolding hlp1 groupWIs_def Let_def by presburger
lemma build_ip_partition_distinct': "distinct (build_ip_partition c rs)"
using build_ip_partition_distinct distinct_mapI by blast
subsection‹Service Matrix over an IP Address Space Partition›
definition simple_firewall_without_interfaces :: "'i::len simple_rule list ⇒ bool" where
"simple_firewall_without_interfaces rs ≡ ∀m ∈ match_sel ` set rs. iiface m = ifaceAny ∧ oiface m = ifaceAny"
lemma simple_fw_no_interfaces:
assumes no_ifaces: "simple_firewall_without_interfaces rs"
shows "simple_fw rs p = simple_fw rs (p⦇ p_iiface:= x, p_oiface:= y⦈)"
proof -
from no_ifaces have "∀r∈set rs. iiface (match_sel r) = ifaceAny ∧ oiface (match_sel r) = ifaceAny"
by(simp add: simple_firewall_without_interfaces_def)
thus ?thesis apply(induction rs p rule:simple_fw.induct)
by(simp_all add: simple_matches.simps match_ifaceAny)
lemma runFw_no_interfaces:
assumes no_ifaces: "simple_firewall_without_interfaces rs"
shows "runFw s d c rs = runFw s d (c⦇ pc_iiface:= x, pc_oiface:= y⦈) rs"
apply(simp add: runFw_def)
apply(subst simple_fw_no_interfaces[OF no_ifaces])
lemma[code_unfold]: "simple_firewall_without_interfaces rs ≡
∀m ∈ set rs. iiface (match_sel m) = ifaceAny ∧ oiface (match_sel m) = ifaceAny"
by(simp add: simple_firewall_without_interfaces_def)
definition access_matrix
:: "parts_connection ⇒ 'i::len simple_rule list ⇒ ('i word × 'i wordinterval) list × ('i word × 'i word) list"
"access_matrix c rs ≡
(let W = build_ip_partition c rs;
R = map getOneIp W
(zip R W, [(s, d)←all_pairs R. runFw s d c rs = Decision FinalAllow]))"
lemma access_matrix_nodes_defined:
"(V,E) = access_matrix c rs ⟹ (s, d) ∈ set E ⟹ s ∈ dom (map_of V)" and
"(V,E) = access_matrix c rs ⟹ (s, d) ∈ set E ⟹ d ∈ dom (map_of V)"
by(auto simp add: access_matrix_def Let_def all_pairs_def)
text‹For all the entries @{term E} of the matrix, the access is allowed›
lemma "(V,E) = access_matrix c rs ⟹ (s, d) ∈ set E ⟹ runFw s d c rs = Decision FinalAllow"
by(auto simp add: access_matrix_def Let_def)
text‹However, the entries are only a representation of a whole set of IP addresses.
For all IP addresses which the entries represent, the access must be allowed.›
lemma map_of_zip_map: "map_of (zip (map f rs) rs) k = Some v ⟹ k = f v"
apply(induction rs)
apply(simp split: if_split_asm)
lemma access_matrix_sound: assumes matrix: "(V,E) = access_matrix c rs" and
repr: "(s_repr, d_repr) ∈ set E" and
s_range: "(map_of V) s_repr = Some s_range" and s: "s ∈ wordinterval_to_set s_range" and
d_range: "(map_of V) d_repr = Some d_range" and d: "d ∈ wordinterval_to_set d_range"
shows "runFw s d c rs = Decision FinalAllow"
proof -
let ?part="(build_ip_partition c rs)"
have V: "V = (zip (map getOneIp ?part) ?part)"
using matrix by(simp add: access_matrix_def Let_def)
from matrix repr have repr_Allow: "runFw s_repr d_repr c rs = Decision FinalAllow"
by(auto simp add: access_matrix_def Let_def)
have s_range_in_part: "s_range ∈ set ?part" using V s_range by (fastforce elim: in_set_zipE dest: map_of_SomeD)
with build_ip_partition_no_empty_elems have "¬ wordinterval_empty s_range" by simp
have d_range_in_part: "d_range ∈ set ?part" using V d_range by (fastforce elim: in_set_zipE dest: map_of_SomeD)
with build_ip_partition_no_empty_elems have "¬ wordinterval_empty d_range" by simp
from map_of_zip_map V s_range have "s_repr = getOneIp s_range" by fast
with ‹¬ wordinterval_empty s_range› getOneIp_elem wordinterval_element_set_eq
have "s_repr ∈ wordinterval_to_set s_range" by blast
from map_of_zip_map V d_range have "d_repr = getOneIp d_range" by fast
with ‹¬ wordinterval_empty d_range› getOneIp_elem wordinterval_element_set_eq
have "d_repr ∈ wordinterval_to_set d_range" by blast
from s_range_in_part have s_range_in_part': "s_range ∈ set (build_ip_partition c rs)" by simp
from d_range_in_part have d_range_in_part': "d_range ∈ set (build_ip_partition c rs)" by simp
from build_ip_partition_same_fw[OF s_range_in_part', unfolded same_fw_behaviour_one_def] s
‹s_repr ∈ wordinterval_to_set s_range› have
"∀d. runFw s_repr d c rs = runFw s d c rs" by blast
with repr_Allow have 1: "runFw s d_repr c rs = Decision FinalAllow" by simp
from build_ip_partition_same_fw[OF d_range_in_part', unfolded same_fw_behaviour_one_def] d
‹d_repr ∈ wordinterval_to_set d_range› have
"∀s. runFw s d_repr c rs = runFw s d c rs" by blast
with 1 have 2: "runFw s d c rs = Decision FinalAllow" by simp
thus ?thesis .
lemma distinct_map_getOneIp_obtain: "v ∈ set xs ⟹ distinct (map getOneIp xs) ⟹
∃s_repr. map_of (zip (map getOneIp xs) xs) s_repr = Some v"
proof(induction xs)
case Nil thus ?case by simp
case (Cons x xs)
consider "v = x" | "v ∈ set xs" using Cons.prems(1) by fastforce
thus ?case
case 1 thus ?thesis by simp blast
case 2 with Cons.IH Cons.prems(2) obtain s_repr where
s_repr: "map_of (zip (map getOneIp xs) xs) s_repr = Some v" by force
show ?thesis
proof(cases "s_repr ≠ getOneIp x")
case True with Cons.prems s_repr show ?thesis by(rule_tac x=s_repr in exI, simp)
case False with Cons.prems s_repr show ?thesis by(fastforce elim: in_set_zipE)
lemma access_matrix_complete:
fixes rs :: "'i::len simple_rule list"
assumes matrix: "(V,E) = access_matrix c rs" and
allow: "runFw s d c rs = Decision FinalAllow"
shows "∃s_repr d_repr s_range d_range. (s_repr, d_repr) ∈ set E ∧
(map_of V) s_repr = Some s_range ∧ s ∈ wordinterval_to_set s_range ∧
(map_of V) d_repr = Some d_range ∧ d ∈ wordinterval_to_set d_range"
proof -
let ?part="(build_ip_partition c rs)"
have V: "V = zip (map getOneIp ?part) ?part"
using matrix by(simp add: access_matrix_def Let_def)
have E: "E = [(s, d)←all_pairs (map getOneIp ?part). runFw s d c rs = Decision FinalAllow]"
using matrix by(simp add: access_matrix_def Let_def)
have build_ip_partition_obtain:
"∃V. V ∈ set (build_ip_partition c rs) ∧ s ∈ wordinterval_to_set V" for s
using build_ip_partition_complete by blast
have distinct_map_getOneIp_build_ip_partition_obtain:
"v ∈ set (build_ip_partition c rs) ⟹
∃s_repr. map_of (zip (map getOneIp (build_ip_partition c rs)) (build_ip_partition c rs)) s_repr = Some v"
for v and rs :: "'i::len simple_rule list"
proof(erule distinct_map_getOneIp_obtain)
show "distinct (map getOneIp (build_ip_partition c rs))"
apply(rule map_getOneIp_distinct)
subgoal using build_ip_partition_distinct' by blast
subgoal using build_ip_partition_disjoint build_ip_partition_distinct' by blast
subgoal using build_ip_partition_no_empty_elems[simplified] by auto
from build_ip_partition_obtain obtain s_range where
"s_range ∈ set ?part" and "s ∈ wordinterval_to_set s_range" by blast
from this distinct_map_getOneIp_build_ip_partition_obtain V obtain s_repr where
ex_s1: "(map_of V) s_repr = Some s_range" and ex_s2: "s ∈ wordinterval_to_set s_range"
by blast
from build_ip_partition_obtain obtain d_range where
"d_range ∈ set ?part" and "d ∈ wordinterval_to_set d_range" by blast
from this distinct_map_getOneIp_build_ip_partition_obtain V obtain d_repr where
ex_d1: "(map_of V) d_repr = Some d_range" and ex_d2: "d ∈ wordinterval_to_set d_range"
by blast
have 1: "s_repr ∈ getOneIp ` set (build_ip_partition c rs)"
using V ‹map_of V s_repr = Some s_range› by (fastforce elim: in_set_zipE dest: map_of_SomeD)
have 2: "d_repr ∈ getOneIp ` set (build_ip_partition c rs)"
using V ‹map_of V d_repr = Some d_range› by (fastforce elim: in_set_zipE dest: map_of_SomeD)
have "runFw s_repr d_repr c rs = Decision FinalAllow"
proof -
have f1: "(∀w wa p ss. ¬ same_fw_behaviour_one w wa (p::parts_connection) ss ∨
(∀wb wc. runFw w wb p ss = runFw wa wb p ss ∧ runFw wc w p ss = runFw wc wa p ss)) ∧
(∀w wa p ss. (∃wb wc. runFw w wb (p::parts_connection) ss ≠ runFw wa wb p ss ∨ runFw wc w p ss ≠ runFw wc wa p ss) ∨
same_fw_behaviour_one w wa p ss)"
unfolding same_fw_behaviour_one_def by blast
from ‹s_range ∈ set (build_ip_partition c rs)› have f2: "same_fw_behaviour_one s s_repr c rs"
by (metis (no_types) map_of_zip_map V build_ip_partition_no_empty_elems
build_ip_partition_same_fw ex_s1 ex_s2 getOneIp_elem wordinterval_element_set_eq)
from ‹d_range ∈ set (build_ip_partition c rs)› have "same_fw_behaviour_one d_repr d c rs"
by (metis (no_types) map_of_zip_map V build_ip_partition_no_empty_elems
build_ip_partition_same_fw ex_d1 ex_d2 getOneIp_elem wordinterval_element_set_eq)
with f1 f2 show ?thesis
using allow by metis
hence ex1: "(s_repr, d_repr) ∈ set E" by(simp add: E all_pairs_set 1 2)
thus ?thesis using ex1 ex_s1 ex_s2 ex_d1 ex_d2 by blast
theorem access_matrix:
fixes rs :: "'i::len simple_rule list"
assumes matrix: "(V,E) = access_matrix c rs"
shows "(∃s_repr d_repr s_range d_range. (s_repr, d_repr) ∈ set E ∧
(map_of V) s_repr = Some s_range ∧ s ∈ wordinterval_to_set s_range ∧
(map_of V) d_repr = Some d_range ∧ d ∈ wordinterval_to_set d_range)
runFw s d c rs = Decision FinalAllow"
using matrix access_matrix_sound access_matrix_complete by blast
For a @{typ "'i::len simple_rule list"} and a fixed @{typ parts_connection},
we support to partition the IP address space; for IP addresses of arbitrary length (eg., IPv4, IPv6).
All members of a partition have the same access rights:
@{thm build_ip_partition_same_fw [no_vars]}
@{thm build_ip_partition_same_fw_min [no_vars]}
The resulting access control matrix is sound and complete:
@{thm access_matrix [no_vars]}
Theorem reads:
For a fixed connection, you can look up IP addresses (source and destination pairs) in the matrix
if and only if the firewall accepts this src,dst IP address pair for the fixed connection.
Note: The matrix is actually a graph (nice visualization!), you need to look up IP addresses
in the Vertices and check the access of the representants in the edges. If you want to visualize
the graph (e.g. with Graphviz or tkiz): The vertices are the node description (i.e. header;
@{term "dom V"} is the label for each node which will also be referenced in the edges,
@{term "ran V"} is the human-readable description for each node (i.e. the full IP range it represents)),
the edges are the edges. Result looks nice. Theorem also tells us that this visualization is correct.
text‹Only defined for @{const simple_firewall_without_interfaces}›
definition access_matrix_pretty_ipv4
:: "parts_connection ⇒ 32 simple_rule list ⇒ (string × string) list × (string × string) list"
"access_matrix_pretty_ipv4 c rs ≡
if ¬ simple_firewall_without_interfaces rs then undefined else
(let (V,E) = (access_matrix c rs);
formatted_nodes =
map (λ(v_repr, v_range). (ipv4addr_toString v_repr, ipv4addr_wordinterval_toString v_range)) V;
formatted_edges =
map (λ(s,d). (ipv4addr_toString s, ipv4addr_toString d)) E
(formatted_nodes, formatted_edges)
definition access_matrix_pretty_ipv4_code
:: "parts_connection ⇒ 32 simple_rule list ⇒ (string × string) list × (string × string) list"
"access_matrix_pretty_ipv4_code c rs ≡
if ¬ simple_firewall_without_interfaces rs then undefined else
(let W = build_ip_partition c rs;
R = map getOneIp W;
U = all_pairs R
(zip (map ipv4addr_toString R) (map ipv4addr_wordinterval_toString W),
map (λ(x,y). (ipv4addr_toString x, ipv4addr_toString y)) [(s, d)←all_pairs R. runFw s d c rs = Decision FinalAllow]))"
lemma access_matrix_pretty_ipv4_code[code]: "access_matrix_pretty_ipv4 = access_matrix_pretty_ipv4_code"
by(simp add: fun_eq_iff access_matrix_pretty_ipv4_def access_matrix_pretty_ipv4_code_def Let_def access_matrix_def map_prod_fun_zip)
definition access_matrix_pretty_ipv6
:: "parts_connection ⇒ 128 simple_rule list ⇒ (string × string) list × (string × string) list"
"access_matrix_pretty_ipv6 c rs ≡
if ¬ simple_firewall_without_interfaces rs then undefined else
(let (V,E) = (access_matrix c rs);
formatted_nodes =
map (λ(v_repr, v_range). (ipv6addr_toString v_repr, ipv6addr_wordinterval_toString v_range)) V;
formatted_edges =
map (λ(s,d). (ipv6addr_toString s, ipv6addr_toString d)) E
(formatted_nodes, formatted_edges)
definition access_matrix_pretty_ipv6_code
:: "parts_connection ⇒ 128 simple_rule list ⇒ (string × string) list × (string × string) list"
"access_matrix_pretty_ipv6_code c rs ≡
if ¬ simple_firewall_without_interfaces rs then undefined else
(let W = build_ip_partition c rs;
R = map getOneIp W;
U = all_pairs R
(zip (map ipv6addr_toString R) (map ipv6addr_wordinterval_toString W),
map (λ(x,y). (ipv6addr_toString x, ipv6addr_toString y)) [(s, d)←all_pairs R. runFw s d c rs = Decision FinalAllow]))"
lemma access_matrix_pretty_ipv6_code[code]: "access_matrix_pretty_ipv6 = access_matrix_pretty_ipv6_code"
by(simp add: fun_eq_iff access_matrix_pretty_ipv6_def access_matrix_pretty_ipv6_code_def Let_def access_matrix_def map_prod_fun_zip)
definition parts_connection_ssh where
"parts_connection_ssh ≡ ⦇pc_iiface=''1'', pc_oiface=''1'', pc_proto=TCP, pc_sport=10000, pc_dport=22⦈"
definition parts_connection_http where
"parts_connection_http ≡ ⦇pc_iiface=''1'', pc_oiface=''1'', pc_proto=TCP, pc_sport=10000, pc_dport=80⦈"
definition mk_parts_connection_TCP :: "16 word ⇒ 16 word ⇒ parts_connection" where
"mk_parts_connection_TCP sport dport = ⦇pc_iiface=''1'', pc_oiface=''1'', pc_proto=TCP,
pc_sport=sport, pc_dport=dport⦈"
lemma "mk_parts_connection_TCP 10000 22 = parts_connection_ssh"
"mk_parts_connection_TCP 10000 80 = parts_connection_http"
by(simp_all add: mk_parts_connection_TCP_def parts_connection_ssh_def parts_connection_http_def)
value[code] "partitioningIps [WordInterval (0::ipv4addr) 0] [WordInterval 0 2, WordInterval 0 2]"
Here is an example of a really large and complicated firewall:
\tikzset{every loop/.style={looseness=1}}
\tikzset{myptr/.style={decoration={markings,mark=at position 1 with %
{\arrow[scale=2,>=latex]{>}}},shorten >=0.1cm,shorten <=0.2cm, postaction={decorate}}}%
\node (m) at (2,-2) {$\{ ..\}$};
\node[align=left] (inet) at (-3,8.5) {$\{ ..\} \cup \{ ..\} \cup $ \\
$ \{ ..\} \cup \{ ..\} \cup $ \\
$ \{ ..\} \cup \{ ..\} \cup $ \\
$ \{ ..\} \cup \{ ..\} \cup $\\
$ \{ ..\} \cup \{ ..\} \cup $\\
$ \{ ..\}$};
\node[align=left] (internal) at (-5,-10) {$\{ ..\} \cup \{ ..\} \cup $ \\
$ \cup \{ ..\} \cup $ \\
$ \{ ..\} \cup \cup $ \\
$ \{ ..\} \cup \{ ..\} \cup $ \\
$ \{ ..\} \cup \{ ..\} \cup $ \\