Theory Closure

    Author:      Norbert Schirmer
    Maintainer:  Norbert Schirmer, norbert.schirmer at web de

Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Norbert Schirmer

section "Experiments with Closures"

theory Closure
imports "../Hoare"

"callClosure upd cl = Seq (Basic (upd (fst cl))) (Call (snd cl))"

"dynCallClosure init upd cl return c =
  DynCom (λs. call (upd (fst (cl s))  init) (snd (cl s)) return c)"

lemma dynCallClosure_sound:
assumes adapt:
  "P  {s. P' Q' A'. n. Γ,Θn:⇘/FP' (callClosure upd (cl s)) Q',A' 
                  init s  P' 
                  (t  Q'. return s t  R s t) 
                  (t  A'. return s t  A)}"
assumes res: "s t n. Γ,Θn:⇘/F(R s t) (c s t) Q,A"
"Γ,Θn:⇘/FP (dynCallClosure init upd cl return c) Q,A"
proof (rule cnvalidI)
  fix s t
  assume ctxt: "(P, p, Q, A)Θ. Γn:⇘/FP Call p Q,A"
  assume exec: "Γ dynCallClosure init upd cl return c,Normal s =n t"
  from execn.Basic [where f="(upd (fst (cl s)))" and s="(init s)"]
  have exec_upd: "ΓBasic (upd (fst (cl s))),Normal (init s) =n
             Normal (((upd (fst (cl s)))  init) s)"
      by auto
  assume P: "s  P"
  from P adapt obtain P' Q' A'
      valid: "n. Γ,Θn:⇘/FP' (callClosure upd (cl s)) Q',A'" and
      init_P': "init s  P'"  and
      R: "(t  Q'. return s t  R s t)" and
      A: "(t  A'. return s t  A)"
      by auto
  assume t_notin_F: "t  Fault ` F"
  from exec [simplified dynCallClosure_def]
  have exec_call:
      "Γcall (upd (fst (cl s))  init) (snd (cl s)) return c,Normal s =n t"
    by cases
  show "t  Normal ` Q  Abrupt ` A"
  proof (cases rule: execn_call_Normal_elim)
    fix bdy m t'
    assume bdy: "Γ (snd (cl s)) = Some bdy"
    assume exec_body: "Γbdy,Normal ((upd (fst (cl s))  init) s) =m Normal t'"
    assume exec_c: "Γc s t',Normal (return s t') =Suc m t"
    assume n: "n = Suc m"
    have "ΓBasic init,Normal s =m Normal (init s)"
      by (rule execn.Basic)
    from bdy exec_body
    have exec_callC:
      "ΓCall (snd (cl s)),Normal ((upd (fst (cl s))  init) s) =Suc m Normal t'"
      by (rule execn.Call)
    from execn.Seq [OF exec_upd [simplified n]exec_callC]
    have exec_closure: "Γ callClosure upd (cl s),Normal (init s) =n Normal t'"
      by (simp add: callClosure_def n)
    from cnvalidD [OF valid [rule_format] ctxt exec_closure init_P']
    have "t'  Q'"
      by auto
    with R have "return s t'  R s t'"
      by auto
    from cnvalidD [OF res [rule_format] ctxt exec_c [simplified n[symmetric]] this
    show ?thesis
      by auto
    fix bdy m t'
    assume bdy: "Γ (snd (cl s)) = Some bdy"
    assume exec_body: "Γbdy,Normal ((upd (fst (cl s))  init) s) =m Abrupt t'"
    assume t: "t=Abrupt (return s t')"
    assume n: "n = Suc m"
    from bdy exec_body
    have exec_callC:
      "ΓCall (snd (cl s)),Normal ((upd (fst (cl s))  init) s) =Suc m Abrupt t'"
      by (rule execn.Call)
    from execn.Seq [OF exec_upd [simplified n] exec_callC]
    have exec_closure: "Γ callClosure upd (cl s),Normal (init s) =n Abrupt t'"
      by (simp add: callClosure_def n)

    from cnvalidD [OF valid [rule_format] ctxt exec_closure init_P']
    have "t'  A'"
      by auto
    with A have "return s t'  A"
      by auto
    with t show ?thesis
      by auto
    fix bdy m f
    assume bdy: "Γ (snd (cl s)) = Some bdy"
    assume exec_body: "Γbdy,Normal ((upd (fst (cl s))  init) s) =m Fault f"
    assume t: "t=Fault f"
    assume n: "n = Suc m"
    from bdy exec_body
    have exec_callC:
      "ΓCall (snd (cl s)),Normal ((upd (fst (cl s))  init) s) =Suc m Fault f"
      by (rule execn.Call)
    from execn.Seq [OF exec_upd [simplified n] exec_callC]
    have exec_closure: "Γ callClosure upd (cl s),Normal (init s) =n Fault f"
      by (simp add: callClosure_def n)
    from cnvalidD [OF valid [rule_format] ctxt exec_closure init_P'] t_notin_F t
    have False
      by auto
    thus ?thesis ..
    fix bdy m
    assume bdy: "Γ (snd (cl s)) = Some bdy"
    assume exec_body: "Γbdy,Normal ((upd (fst (cl s))  init) s) =m Stuck"
    assume t: "t=Stuck"
    assume n: "n = Suc m"
    from execn.Basic [where f="(upd (fst (cl s)))" and s="(init s)"]
    have exec_upd: "ΓBasic (upd (fst (cl s))),Normal (init s) =Suc m
             Normal (((upd (fst (cl s)))  init) s)"
      by auto
    from bdy exec_body
    have exec_callC:
      "ΓCall (snd (cl s)),Normal ((upd (fst (cl s))  init) s) =Suc m Stuck"
      by (rule execn.Call)
    from execn.Seq [OF exec_upd [simplified n] exec_callC]
    have exec_closure: "Γ callClosure upd (cl s),Normal (init s) =n Stuck"
      by (simp add: callClosure_def n)
    from cnvalidD [OF valid [rule_format] ctxt exec_closure init_P'] t_notin_F t
    have False
      by auto
    thus ?thesis ..
    fix m
    assume no_bdy: "Γ (snd (cl s)) = None"
    assume t: "t=Stuck"
    assume n: "n = Suc m"
    from no_bdy
    have exec_callC:
      "ΓCall (snd (cl s)),Normal ((upd (fst (cl s))  init) s) =Suc m Stuck"
      by (rule execn.CallUndefined)
    from execn.Seq [OF exec_upd [simplified n]exec_callC]
    have exec_closure: "Γ callClosure upd (cl s),Normal (init s) =n Stuck"
      by (simp add: callClosure_def n)
    from cnvalidD [OF valid [rule_format] ctxt exec_closure init_P'] t_notin_F t
    have False
      by auto
    thus ?thesis ..

lemma dynCallClosure:
assumes adapt: "P  {s. P' Q' A'. Γ,Θ⊢⇘/FP' (callClosure upd (cl s)) Q',A' 
                  init s  P' 
                  (t  Q'. return s t  R s t) 
                  (t  A'. return s t  A)}"
assumes res: "s t. Γ,Θ⊢⇘/F(R s t) (c s t) Q,A"
"Γ,Θ⊢⇘/FP (dynCallClosure init upd cl return c) Q,A"
  apply (rule hoare_complete')
  apply (rule allI)
  apply (rule dynCallClosure_sound [where R=R])
  using adapt
  apply (blast intro: hoare_cnvalid)
  using res
  apply (blast intro: hoare_cnvalid)

lemma in_subsetD: "P  P'; x  P  x  P'"
  by blast

lemma dynCallClosureFix:
assumes adapt: "P  {s. Z. cl'=cl s 
                  init s  P' Z 
                  (t  Q' Z. return s t  R s t) 
                  (t  A' Z. return s t  A)}"
assumes res: "s t. Γ,Θ⊢⇘/F(R s t) (c s t) Q,A"
assumes spec: "Z. Γ,Θ⊢⇘/F(P' Z) (callClosure upd cl') (Q' Z),(A' Z)"
"Γ,Θ⊢⇘/FP (dynCallClosure init upd cl return c) Q,A"
  apply (rule dynCallClosure [OF _ res])
  using adapt spec
  apply clarsimp
  apply (drule (1) in_subsetD)
  apply clarsimp
  apply (rule_tac x="P' Z" in exI)
  apply (rule_tac x="Q' Z" in exI)
  apply (rule_tac x="A' Z" in exI)
  apply blast

lemma conseq_extract_pre:
             "s  P. Γ,Θ⊢⇘/F({s}) c Q,A
              Γ,Θ⊢⇘/FP c Q,A"
  apply (rule hoarep.Conseq)
  apply clarify
  apply (rule_tac x="{s}" in exI)
  apply (rule_tac x="Q" in exI)
  apply (rule_tac x="A" in exI)
  by simp

lemma app_closure_sound:
  assumes adapt: "P  {s. P' Q' A'. n. Γ,Θn:⇘/FP' (callClosure upd (e',p)) Q',A' 
                           upd x s  P'  Q'  Q  A'  A}"
  assumes ap: "upd e = upd e'  upd x"
  shows "Γ,Θn:⇘/FP (callClosure upd (e,p)) Q,A"
proof (rule cnvalidI)
  fix s t
  assume ctxt: "(P, p, Q, A)Θ. Γn:⇘/FP Call p Q,A"
  assume exec_e: "Γ callClosure upd (e, p),Normal s =n t"
  assume P: "s  P"
  assume t: "t  Fault ` F"
  from P adapt obtain P' Q' A'
    valid: "n. Γ,Θn:⇘/FP' (callClosure upd (e',p)) Q',A'" and
    init_P': "upd x s  P'"  and
    Q: "Q'  Q" and
    A: "A'  A"
    by auto
  from exec_e [simplified callClosure_def] obtain s'
    exec_e: "Γ Basic (upd (fst (e, p))),Normal s =n s'"and
    exec_p: "Γ Call (snd (e, p)),s' =n t"
    by cases
  from exec_e [simplified]
  have s': "s'=Normal (upd e s)"
    by cases simp
  from ap obtain s'' where
   s'': "upd x s = s''" and upd_e': "upd e' s''=upd e s"
    by auto
  from ap s' execn.Basic [where f="(upd (fst (e', p)))" and s="upd x s" and Γ=Γ]
  have exec_e': "Γ Basic (upd (fst (e', p))),Normal (upd x s) =n s'"
    by simp
  with exec_p
  have "Γ callClosure upd (e', p),Normal (upd x s) =n t"
    by (auto simp add: callClosure_def intro: execn.Seq)
  from cnvalidD [OF valid [rule_format] ctxt this init_P'] t Q A
  show "t  Normal ` Q  Abrupt ` A"
    by auto

lemma app_closure:
  assumes adapt: "P  {s. P' Q' A'. Γ,Θ⊢⇘/FP' (callClosure upd (e',p)) Q',A' 
                           upd x s  P'  Q'  Q  A'  A}"
  assumes ap: "upd e = upd e'  upd x"
  shows "Γ,Θ⊢⇘/FP (callClosure upd (e,p)) Q,A"
  apply (rule hoare_complete')
  apply (rule allI)
  apply (rule app_closure_sound [where x=x and e'=e', OF _ ap])
  using adapt
  apply (blast intro: hoare_cnvalid)

lemma app_closure_spec:
  assumes adapt: "P  {s. Z. upd x s  P' Z  Q' Z  Q  A' Z  A}"
  assumes ap: "upd e = upd e'  upd x"
  assumes spec: "Z. Γ,Θ⊢⇘/F(P' Z) (callClosure upd (e',p)) (Q' Z),(A' Z)"
  shows "Γ,Θ⊢⇘/FP (callClosure upd (e,p)) Q,A"
  apply (rule app_closure [OF _ ap])
  apply clarsimp
  using adapt spec
  apply -
  apply (drule (1) in_subsetD)
  apply clarsimp
  apply (rule_tac x="P' Z" in exI)
  apply (rule_tac x="Q' Z" in exI)
  apply (rule_tac x="A' Z" in exI)
  apply blast

text ‹Implementation of closures as association lists.›

definition "gen_upd var es s = foldl (λs (x,i). the (var x) i s) s es"
definition "ap es c  (es@fst c,snd c)"

lemma gen_upd_app: "es'. gen_upd var (es@es') = gen_upd var es'  gen_upd var es"
  apply (induct es)
  apply  (rule ext)
  apply  (simp add: gen_upd_def)
  apply (rule ext)
  apply (simp add: gen_upd_def)

lemma gen_upd_ap:
  "gen_upd var (fst (ap es (es',p))) = gen_upd var es'  gen_upd var es"
  by (simp add: gen_upd_app ap_def)

lemma ap_closure:
  assumes adapt: "P  {s. P' Q' A'. Γ,Θ⊢⇘/FP' (callClosure (gen_upd var) c) Q',A' 
                           gen_upd var es s  P'  Q'  Q  A'  A}"
  shows "Γ,Θ⊢⇘/FP (callClosure (gen_upd var) (ap es c)) Q,A"
proof -
  obtain es' p where c: "c=(es',p)"
    by (cases c)
  have "gen_upd var (fst (ap es (es',p))) = gen_upd var es'  gen_upd var es"
    by (simp add: gen_upd_ap)
  from app_closure [OF adapt [simplified c] this]
  show ?thesis
    by (simp add: c ap_def)

lemma ap_closure_spec:
  assumes adapt: "P  {s. Z. gen_upd var es s  P' Z  Q' Z  Q  A' Z  A}"
  assumes spec: "Z. Γ,Θ⊢⇘/F(P' Z) (callClosure (gen_upd var) c) (Q' Z),(A' Z)"
  shows "Γ,Θ⊢⇘/FP (callClosure (gen_upd var) (ap es c)) Q,A"
proof -
  obtain es' p where c: "c=(es',p)"
    by (cases c)
  have "gen_upd var (fst (ap es (es',p))) = gen_upd var es'  gen_upd var es"
    by (simp add: gen_upd_ap)
  from app_closure_spec [OF adapt [simplified c] this spec [simplified c]]
  show ?thesis
    by (simp add: c ap_def)
