Theory AbsCFComp

section ‹The abstract semantics is computable›

theory AbsCFComp
imports AbsCF Computability FixTransform CPSUtils MapSets

default_sort type

text ‹
The point of the abstract semantics is that it is computable. To show this, we exploit the special structure of \<aF>› and \<aC>›: Each call adds some elements to the result set and joins this with the results from a number of recursive calls. So we separate these two actions into separate functions. These take as arguments the direct sum of \<afstate>› and \<acstate>›, i.e.\ we treat the two mutually recursive functions now as one.

abs_g› gives the local result for the given argument.

fixrec abs_g :: "('c::contour \<afstate> + 'c \<acstate>) discr  'c \<aans>"
  where "abs_gx = (case undiscr x of
              (Inl (PC (Lambda lab vs c, β), as, ve, b))  {}
            | (Inl (PP (Plus c),[_,_,cnts],ve,b)) 
                     let b' = \<anb> b c;
                         β  = [c  b]
                     in {((c, β), cont) | cont . cont  cnts}
            | (Inl (PP (prim.If ct cf),[_, cntts, cntfs],ve,b)) 
                  ((   let b' = \<anb> b ct;
                            β = [ct  b]
                        in {((ct, β), cnt) | cnt . cnt  cntts}
                       let b' = \<anb> b cf;
                            β = [cf  b]
                        in {((cf, β), cnt) | cnt . cnt  cntfs}
            | (Inl (AStop,[_],_,_))  {}
            | (Inl _)  
            | (Inr (App lab f vs,β,ve,b)) 
                 let fs = \<aA> f β ve;
                     as = map (λv. \<aA> v β ve) vs;
                     b' = \<anb> b lab
                  in {((lab, β),f') | f' . f' fs}
            | (Inr (Let lab ls c',β,ve,b))  {}

text abs_R› gives the set of arguments passed to the recursive calls.

fixrec abs_R :: "('c::contour \<afstate> + 'c \<acstate>) discr  ('c::contour \<afstate> + 'c \<acstate>) discr set"
  where "abs_Rx = (case undiscr x of
              (Inl (PC (Lambda lab vs c, β), as, ve, b)) 
               (if length vs = length as
                then let β' = β (lab  b);
                         ve' = ve ∪. (⋃. (map (λ(v,a). {(v,b) := a}.) (zip vs as)))
                     in {Discr (Inr (c,β',ve',b))}
                else )
            | (Inl (PP (Plus c),[_,_,cnts],ve,b)) 
                     let b' = \<anb> b c;
                         β  = [c  b]
                     in (cntcnts. {Discr (Inl (cnt,[{}],ve,b'))})
            | (Inl (PP (prim.If ct cf),[_, cntts, cntfs],ve,b)) 
                  ((   let b' = \<anb> b ct;
                            β = [ct  b]
                        in (cntcntts . {Discr (Inl (cnt,[],ve,b'))})
                       let b' = \<anb> b cf;
                            β = [cf  b]
                        in (cntcntfs . {Discr (Inl (cnt,[],ve,b'))})
            | (Inl (AStop,[_],_,_))  {}
            | (Inl _)  
            | (Inr (App lab f vs,β,ve,b)) 
                 let fs = \<aA> f β ve;
                     as = map (λv. \<aA> v β ve) vs;
                     b' = \<anb> b lab
                  in (f'  fs. {Discr (Inl (f',as,ve,b'))})
            | (Inr (Let lab ls c',β,ve,b)) 
                 let b' = \<anb> b lab;
                     β' = β (lab  b');
                     ve' = ve ∪. (⋃. (map (λ(v,l). {(v,b') := (\<aA> (L l) β' ve)}.) ls))
                 in {Discr (Inr (c',β',ve',b'))}

text ‹
The initial argument vector, as created by \<aPR>›.

definition initial_r :: "prog  ('c::contour \<afstate> + 'c \<acstate>) discr"
  where "initial_r prog = Discr (Inl
     (the_elem (\<aA> (L prog) Map.empty {}.), [{AStop}], {}., \<abinit>))"

subsection ‹Towards finiteness›

text ‹
We need to show that the set of possible arguments for a given program p› is finite. Therefore, we define the set of possible procedures, of possible arguments to \<aF>›, or possible arguments to \<aC>› and of possible arguments.

definition proc_poss :: "prog  'c::contour proc set"
  where "proc_poss p = PC ` (lambdas p × maps_over (labels p) UNIV)  PP ` prims p  {AStop}"

definition fstate_poss :: "prog  'c::contour a_fstate set"
  where "fstate_poss p = (proc_poss p × NList (Pow (proc_poss p)) (call_list_lengths p) × smaps_over (vars p × UNIV) (proc_poss p) × UNIV)"

definition cstate_poss :: "prog  'c::contour a_cstate set"
  where "cstate_poss p = (calls p × maps_over (labels p) UNIV × smaps_over (vars p × UNIV) (proc_poss p) × UNIV)"

definition arg_poss :: "prog  ('c::contour a_fstate + 'c a_cstate) discr set"
  where "arg_poss p = Discr ` (fstate_poss p <+> cstate_poss p)"

text ‹
Using the auxiliary results from @{theory "Shivers-CFA.CPSUtils"}, we see that the argument space as defined here is finite.

lemma finite_arg_space: "finite (arg_poss p)"
  unfolding arg_poss_def and cstate_poss_def and fstate_poss_def and proc_poss_def
  by (auto intro!: finite_cartesian_product finite_imageI maps_over_finite smaps_over_finite finite_UNIV finite_Nlist)

text ‹
But is it closed? I.e.\ if we pass a member of arg_poss› to abs_R›, are the generated recursive call arguments also in arg_poss›? This is shown in arg_space_complete›, after proving an auxiliary result about the possible outcome of a call to \<aA>› and an admissibility lemma.

lemma evalV_possible:
  assumes f: "f  \<aA> d β ve"
  and d: "d  vals p"
  and ve: "ve  smaps_over (vars p × UNIV) (proc_poss p)"
  and β: "β  maps_over (labels p) UNIV"
shows "f  proc_poss p"
proof (cases "(d,β,ve)" rule: evalV_a.cases)
case (1 cl β' ve')
  thus ?thesis using f by auto next
case (2 prim β' ve')
  thus ?thesis using d f
    by (auto dest: vals1 simp add:proc_poss_def)
case (3 l var β' ve') 
  thus ?thesis using f d smaps_over_im[OF _ ve]
  by (auto split:option.split_asm dest: vals2)
case (4 l β ve)
  thus ?thesis using f d β
  by (auto dest!: vals3 simp add:proc_poss_def)

lemma adm_subset: "cont (λx. f x)   adm (λx. f x  S)"
by (subst sqsubset_is_subset[THEN sym], intro adm_lemmas cont2cont)

lemma arg_space_complete:
  "state  arg_poss p  abs_Rstate  arg_poss p"
proof(induct rule: abs_R.induct[case_names Admissibility Bot Step])
case Admissibility show ?case
   by (intro adm_lemmas adm_subset cont2cont)
case Bot show ?case by simp next
case (Step abs_R) 
  note state = Step(2)
  show ?case
  proof (cases state)
  case (Discr state') show ?thesis
   proof (cases state')
     case (Inl fstate) show ?thesis
     using Inl Discr state
     proof (cases fstate rule: a_fstate_case, auto)
     txt ‹Case Lambda›
     fix l vs c β as ve b
     assume "Discr (Inl (PC (Lambda l vs c, β), as, ve, b))  arg_poss p"
       hence lam: "Lambda l vs c  lambdas p"
       and  beta: "β  maps_over (labels p) UNIV "
       and  ve: "ve  smaps_over (vars p × UNIV) (proc_poss p)"
       and  as: "as  NList (Pow (proc_poss p)) (call_list_lengths p)"
       unfolding arg_poss_def fstate_poss_def proc_poss_def by auto

     from lam have "c  calls p"
       by (rule lambdas1)

     from lam have "l  labels p"
       by (rule lambdas2)
     with beta have "β(l  b)  maps_over (labels p) UNIV"
       by (rule maps_over_upd, auto)

     from lam have vs: "set vs  vars p" by (rule lambdas3)
     from as have " x  set as. x  Pow (proc_poss p)"
        unfolding NList_def nList_def by auto
     with vs have "ve ∪. ⋃.map (λ(v, y). { (v, b) := y}.) (zip vs as)
        smaps_over (vars p × UNIV) (proc_poss p)" (is "?ve'  _")
       by (auto intro!: smaps_over_un[OF ve] smaps_over_Union smaps_over_singleton)
          (auto simp add:set_zip)

     have "(c, β(l  b), ?ve', b)  cstate_poss p" (is "?cstate  _")
       unfolding cstate_poss_def by simp
     thus "Discr (Inr ?cstate)  arg_poss p"
       unfolding arg_poss_def by auto

     txt ‹Case Plus›
     fix ve b l v1 v2 cnts cnt
     assume "Discr (Inl (PP (prim.Plus l), [v1, v2, cnts], ve, b))  arg_poss p"
         and "cnt  cnts"
     hence "cnt  proc_poss p" 
         and "ve  smaps_over (vars p × UNIV) (proc_poss p)"
       unfolding arg_poss_def fstate_poss_def NList_def nList_def
       by auto
     have "[{}]  NList (Pow (proc_poss p)) (call_list_lengths p)"
       unfolding call_list_lengths_def NList_def nList_def by auto
     have "(cnt, [{}], ve, \<anb> b l)  fstate_poss p"
       unfolding fstate_poss_def by auto
     thus "Discr (Inl (cnt, [{}], ve, \<anb> b l))  arg_poss p"
       unfolding arg_poss_def by auto
     txt ‹Case If (true case)›
     fix ve b l1 l2 v cntst cntsf cnt
     assume "Discr (Inl (PP (prim.If l1 l2), [v, cntst, cntsf], ve, b))  arg_poss p"
         and "cnt  cntst"
     hence "cnt  proc_poss p"
         and "ve  smaps_over (vars p × UNIV) (proc_poss p)"
       unfolding arg_poss_def fstate_poss_def NList_def nList_def
       by auto
     have "[]  NList (Pow (proc_poss p)) (call_list_lengths p)"
       unfolding call_list_lengths_def NList_def nList_def by auto
     have "(cnt, [], ve, \<anb> b l1)  fstate_poss p"
       unfolding fstate_poss_def by auto
     thus "Discr (Inl (cnt, [], ve, \<anb> b l1))  arg_poss p"
       unfolding arg_poss_def by auto
     txt ‹Case If (false case)›
     fix ve b l1 l2 v cntst cntsf cnt
     assume "Discr (Inl (PP (prim.If l1 l2), [v, cntst, cntsf], ve, b))  arg_poss p"
         and "cnt  cntsf"
     hence "cnt  proc_poss p"
         and "ve  smaps_over (vars p × UNIV) (proc_poss p)"
       unfolding arg_poss_def fstate_poss_def NList_def nList_def
       by auto
     have "[]  NList (Pow (proc_poss p)) (call_list_lengths p)"
       unfolding call_list_lengths_def NList_def nList_def by auto
     have "(cnt, [], ve, \<anb> b l2)  fstate_poss p"
       unfolding fstate_poss_def by auto
     thus "Discr (Inl (cnt, [], ve, \<anb> b l2))  arg_poss p"
       unfolding arg_poss_def by auto
  case (Inr cstate)
  show ?thesis proof(cases cstate rule: prod_cases4)
   case (fields c β ve b)
   show ?thesis using Discr Inr fields state proof(cases c, auto simp add:HOL.Let_def simp del:evalV_a.simps)

     txt ‹Case App›
     fix l d ds f
     assume arg: "Discr (Inr (App l d ds, β, ve, b))  arg_poss p"
       and f: "f  \<aA> d β ve"
     hence c: "App l d ds  calls p"
       and d: "d  vals p"
       and ds: "set ds  vals p"
       and beta: "β  maps_over (labels p) UNIV"
       and ve: "ve  smaps_over (vars p × UNIV) (proc_poss p)"
     by (auto simp add: arg_poss_def cstate_poss_def call_list_lengths_def dest: app1 app2)

     have len: "length ds  call_list_lengths p"
       by (auto intro: rev_image_eqI[OF c] simp add: call_list_lengths_def)

     have "f  proc_poss p"
       using f d ve beta by (rule evalV_possible)
     have "map (λv. \<aA> v β ve) ds  NList (Pow (proc_poss p)) (call_list_lengths p)"
       using ds len
       unfolding NList_def by (auto simp add:nList_def intro!: evalV_possible[OF _ _ ve beta])
     have "(f, map (λv. \<aA> v β ve) ds, ve, \<anb> b l)  fstate_poss p" (is "?fstate  _")
       using ve 
       unfolding fstate_poss_def by simp
     thus "Discr (Inl ?fstate)  arg_poss p"
       unfolding arg_poss_def by auto

     txt ‹Case Let›
     fix l binds c'
     assume arg: "Discr (Inr (Let l binds c', β, ve, b))  arg_poss p"
     hence l: "l  labels p"
       and c': "c'  calls p"
       and vars: "fst ` set binds  vars p"
       and ls: "snd ` set binds  lambdas p"
       and beta: "β  maps_over (labels p) UNIV"
       and ve: "ve  smaps_over (vars p × UNIV) (proc_poss p)"
     by (auto simp add: arg_poss_def cstate_poss_def call_list_lengths_def
              dest:let1 let2 let3 let4)

     have beta': "β(l  \<anb> b l)  maps_over (labels p) UNIV" (is "?β'  _")
       by (auto intro: maps_over_upd[OF beta l])

     have "ve ∪. ⋃.map (λ(v, lam). { (v, \<anb> b l) := \<aA> (L lam) (β(l  \<anb> b l)) ve }.)
        smaps_over (vars p × UNIV) (proc_poss p)" (is "?ve'  _")
       using vars ls beta'
       by (auto intro!: smaps_over_un[OF ve] smaps_over_Union)
          (auto intro!:smaps_over_singleton simp add: proc_poss_def)

     have "(c', ?β', ?ve', \<anb> b l)  cstate_poss p" (is "?cstate  _")
     using c' unfolding cstate_poss_def by simp
     thus "Discr (Inr ?cstate)  arg_poss p"
       unfolding arg_poss_def by auto

text ‹
This result is now lifted to the powerset of abs_R›.

lemma arg_space_complete_ps: "states  arg_poss p  (psabs_R)states  arg_poss p"
using arg_space_complete unfolding powerset_lift_def by auto

text ‹
We are not so much interested in the finiteness of the set of possible arguments but rather of the the set of occurring arguments, when we start with the initial argument. But as this is of course a subset of the set of possible arguments, this is not hard to show.

lemma UN_iterate_less: 
  assumes start: "x  S"
  and step: "y. yS  (fy)  S"
  shows "(i. iterate if{x})  S"
proof- {
  fix i
  have "iterate if{x}  S"
  proof(induct i)
    case 0 show ?case using x  S by simp next
    case (Suc i) thus ?case using step[of "iterate if{x}"] by simp
  } thus ?thesis by auto

lemma args_finite: "finite (i. iterate i(psabs_R){initial_r p})" (is "finite ?S")
proof (rule finite_subset[OF _finite_arg_space])
  have [simp]:"p  lambdas p" by (cases p, simp)
  show "?S  arg_poss p"
  unfolding initial_r_def
  by  (rule UN_iterate_less[OF _ arg_space_complete_ps])
      (auto simp add:arg_poss_def fstate_poss_def proc_poss_def call_list_lengths_def NList_def nList_def
         intro!: imageI)

subsection ‹A decomposition›

text ‹
The functions abs_g› and abs_R› are derived from \<aF>› and \<aC>›. This connection has yet to expressed explicitly. 

lemma Un_commute_helper:"(a  b)  (c  d) = (a  c)  (b  d)"
by auto

lemma a_evalF_decomp:
  "\<aF> = fst (sum_to_tup(fix(Λ f x. (yabs_Rx. fy)  abs_gx)))"
apply (subst a_evalF_def)
apply (subst fix_transform_pair_sum)
apply (rule arg_cong [of _ _ "λx. fst (sum_to_tup(fixx))"])
apply (simp)
apply (simp only: discr_app undiscr_Discr)
apply (rule cfun_eqI, rule cfun_eqI, simp)
apply (case_tac xa, rename_tac a, case_tac a, simp)
apply (case_tac aa rule:a_fstate_case, simp_all add: Un_commute_helper)
apply (case_tac b rule:prod_cases4)
apply (case_tac aa)
apply (simp_all add:HOL.Let_def)

subsection ‹The iterative equation›

text ‹
Because of the special form of \<aF>› (and thus \<aPR>›) derived in the previous lemma, we can apply our generic results from @{theory "Shivers-CFA.Computability"} and express the abstract semantics as the image of a finite set under a computable function.

lemma a_evalF_iterative:
  "\<aF>(Discr x) = psabs_g(i. iterate i(psabs_R){Discr (Inl x)})"
by (simp del:abs_R.simps abs_g.simps add: theorem12 Un_commute a_evalF_decomp)

lemma a_evalCPS_interative:
"\<aPR> prog = psabs_g(i. iterate i(psabs_R){initial_r prog})"
unfolding evalCPS_a_def and initial_r_def
by(subst a_evalF_iterative, simp del:abs_R.simps abs_g.simps evalV_a.simps)
