Theory m2_auth_chan


  Project: Development of Security Protocols by Refinement

  Module:  Auth_simple/m2_auth_chan.thy (Isabelle/HOL 2016-1)
  ID:      $Id: m2_auth_chan.thy 133854 2017-03-20 17:53:50Z csprenge $
  Author:  Christoph Sprenger, ETH Zurich <>
  One-Way authentication protocols
  Refinement 2: protocol using authentic channels

  Copyright (c) 2009-2016 Christoph Sprenger 
  Licence: LGPL


section ‹Refinement 2a: Authentic Channel Protocol›

theory m2_auth_chan imports m1_auth "../Refinement/Channels"

text ‹We refine the abstract authentication protocol to a version of the 
ISO/IEC 9798-3 protocol using abstract channels. In standard protocol notation, 
the original protocol is specified as follows.
  \mathrm{M1.} & A \rightarrow B & : & A, B, N_A \\
  \mathrm{M2.} & B \rightarrow A & : & \{N_B, N_A, A\}_{K^{-1}(B)} 
We introduce insecure channels between pairs of agents for the first message and 
authentic channels for the second.›

declare domIff [simp, iff del]

subsection ‹State›

text ‹State: we extend the state with insecure and authentic channels 
defined above.›

record m2_state = m1_state +
  chan :: "chmsg set"

text ‹Observations.›

  m2_obs = m1_state 

  m2_obs :: "m2_state  m2_obs" where
  "m2_obs s   
     runs = runs s

subsection ‹Events›

  m2_step1 :: "[rid_t, agent, agent, nonce]  (m2_state × m2_state) set" 
  "m2_step1 Ra A B Na  {(s, s1).
     ― ‹guards›
     Ra  dom (runs s) 
     Na = Ra$0 

     ― ‹actions›
     s1 = s
       runs := (runs s)(Ra  (Init, [A, B], [])), 
       chan := insert (Insec A B (Msg [aNon Na])) (chan s)  

  m2_step2 :: "[rid_t, agent, agent, nonce, nonce]  (m2_state × m2_state) set"
  "m2_step2 Rb A B Na Nb  {(s, s1).
     ― ‹guards›
     Rb  dom (runs s) 
     Nb = Rb$0 

     Insec A B (Msg [aNon Na])  chan s                           ― ‹rcv M1›

     ― ‹actions›
     s1 = s 
       runs := (runs s)(Rb  (Resp, [A, B], [aNon Na])), 
       chan := insert (Auth B A (Msg [aNon Nb, aNon Na])) (chan s)  ― ‹snd M2›

  m2_step3 :: "[rid_t, agent, agent, nonce, nonce]  (m2_state × m2_state) set"
  "m2_step3 Ra A B Na Nb  {(s, s1).
     ― ‹guards›
     runs s Ra = Some (Init, [A, B], []) 
     Na = Ra$0 

     Auth B A (Msg [aNon Nb, aNon Na])  chan s             ― ‹recv M2›

     ― ‹actions›
     s1 = s 
       runs := (runs s)(Ra  (Init, [A, B], [aNon Nb]))

text ‹Intruder fake event.›

definition     ― ‹refines @{term Id} 
  m2_fake :: "(m2_state × m2_state) set"
  "m2_fake  {(s, s1). 

    ― ‹actions:›
    s1 = s chan := fake ik0 (dom (runs s)) (chan s) 

text ‹Transition system.›

  m2_init :: "m2_state set" 
  "m2_init  {  
     runs = Map.empty, 
     chan = {}

  m2_trans :: "(m2_state × m2_state) set" where
  "m2_trans  (A B Ra Rb Na Nb. 
     (m2_step1 Ra A B Na)    
     (m2_step2 Rb A B Na Nb) 
     (m2_step3 Ra A B Na Nb) 

  m2 :: "(m2_state, m2_obs) spec" where
    init = m2_init,
    trans = m2_trans, 
    obs = m2_obs

lemmas m2_defs = 
  m2_def m2_init_def m2_trans_def m2_obs_def
  m2_step1_def m2_step2_def m2_step3_def m2_fake_def 

subsection ‹Invariants›

subsubsection ‹Authentic channel and responder›

text ‹This property relates the messages in the authentic channel to the 
responder run frame.›

  m2_inv1_auth :: "m2_state set" where
  "m2_inv1_auth  {s. A B Na Nb. 
     Auth B A (Msg [aNon Nb, aNon Na])  chan s  B  bad  A  bad  
       (Rb. runs s Rb = Some (Resp, [A, B], [aNon Na])  Nb = Rb$0)

lemmas m2_inv1_authI = 
  m2_inv1_auth_def [THEN setc_def_to_intro, rule_format]
lemmas m2_inv1_authE [elim] = 
  m2_inv1_auth_def [THEN setc_def_to_elim, rule_format]
lemmas m2_inv1_authD [dest] = 
  m2_inv1_auth_def [THEN setc_def_to_dest, rule_format, rotated 1]

text ‹Invariance proof.›

lemma PO_m2_inv2_init [iff]:
  "init m2  m2_inv1_auth"
by (auto simp add: PO_hoare_def m2_defs intro!: m2_inv1_authI) 

lemma PO_m2_inv2_trans [iff]:
  "{m2_inv1_auth} trans m2 {> m2_inv1_auth}"
apply (auto simp add: PO_hoare_def m2_defs intro!: m2_inv1_authI) 
apply (auto dest: dom_lemmas)
― ‹1 subgoal›
apply (force)                            (* SLOW *)

lemma PO_m2_inv2 [iff]: "reach m2  m2_inv1_auth"
by (rule_tac inv_rule_incr) (auto)

subsection ‹Refinement›

text ‹Simulation relation and mediator function. This is a pure superposition 

  R12 :: "(m1_state × m2_state) set" where
  "R12  {(s, t). runs s = runs t}"           ― ‹That's it!›
  med21 :: "m2_obs  m1_obs" where
  "med21  id" 

text ‹Refinement proof›

lemma PO_m2_step1_refines_m1_step1:
     (m1_step1 Ra A B Na), (m2_step1 Ra A B Na) 
   {> R12}"
by (auto simp add: PO_rhoare_defs R12_def m1_defs m2_defs)

lemma PO_m2_step2_refines_m1_step2:
     (m1_step2 Ra A B Na Nb), (m2_step2 Ra A B Na Nb) 
   {> R12}"
by (auto simp add: PO_rhoare_defs R12_def m1_defs m2_defs)

lemma PO_m2_step3_refines_m1_step3:
  "{R12  UNIV × m2_inv1_auth} 
     (m1_step3 Ra A B Na Nb), (m2_step3 Ra A B Na Nb) 
   {> R12}"
by (auto simp add: PO_rhoare_defs R12_def m1_defs m2_defs)

text ‹New fake event refines skip.›

lemma PO_m2_fake_refines_m1_skip:
  "{R12} Id, m2_fake {> R12}"
by (auto simp add: PO_rhoare_defs R12_def m1_defs m2_defs)

lemmas PO_m2_trans_refines_m1_trans = 
  PO_m2_step1_refines_m1_step1 PO_m2_step2_refines_m1_step2
  PO_m2_step3_refines_m1_step3 PO_m2_fake_refines_m1_skip 

text ‹All together now...›

lemma PO_m2_refines_init_m1 [iff]:
  "init m2  R12``(init m1)"
by (auto simp add: R12_def m1_defs m2_defs)

lemma PO_m2_refines_trans_m1 [iff]:
  "{R12  UNIV × m2_inv1_auth} 
     (trans m1), (trans m2) 
   {> R12}"
apply (auto simp add: m2_def m2_trans_def m1_def m1_trans_def)
apply (blast intro!: PO_m2_trans_refines_m1_trans)+

lemma PO_obs_consistent [iff]:
  "obs_consistent R12 med21 m1 m2"
by (auto simp add: obs_consistent_def R12_def med21_def m1_defs m2_defs)

lemma m2_refines_m1:
     (R12  UNIV × m2_inv1_auth)
     med21 m1 m2"
by (rule Refinement_using_invariants) (auto)
