Theory OCL_Syntax

(*  Title:       Safe OCL
    Author:      Denis Nikiforov, March 2019
    Maintainer:  Denis Nikiforov <denis.nikif at>
    License:     LGPL
chapter ‹Abstract Syntax›
theory OCL_Syntax
  imports Complex_Main Object_Model OCL_Types

section ‹Preliminaries›

type_synonym vname = "String.literal"
type_synonym 'a env = "vname f 'a"

text ‹
  In OCL @{text "1 + ∞ = ⊥"}. So we do not use @{typ enat} and
  define the new data type.›

typedef unat = "UNIV :: nat option set" ..

definition "unat x  Abs_unat (Some x)"

instantiation unat :: infinity
definition "  Abs_unat None"
instance ..

free_constructors cases_unat for
| " :: unat"
  unfolding unat_def infinity_unat_def
  apply (metis Rep_unat_inverse option.collapse)
  apply (metis Abs_unat_inverse UNIV_I option.sel)
  by (simp add: Abs_unat_inject)

section ‹Standard Library Operations›

datatype metaop = AllInstancesOp

datatype typeop = OclAsTypeOp | OclIsTypeOfOp | OclIsKindOfOp
| SelectByKindOp | SelectByTypeOp

datatype super_binop = EqualOp | NotEqualOp

datatype any_unop = OclAsSetOp | OclIsNewOp
| OclIsUndefinedOp | OclIsInvalidOp | OclLocaleOp | ToStringOp

datatype boolean_unop = NotOp
datatype boolean_binop = AndOp | OrOp | XorOp | ImpliesOp

datatype numeric_unop = UMinusOp | AbsOp | FloorOp | RoundOp | ToIntegerOp
datatype numeric_binop = PlusOp | MinusOp | MultOp | DivideOp
| DivOp | ModOp | MaxOp | MinOp
| LessOp | LessEqOp | GreaterOp | GreaterEqOp

datatype string_unop = SizeOp | ToUpperCaseOp | ToLowerCaseOp | CharactersOp
| ToBooleanOp | ToIntegerOp | ToRealOp
datatype string_binop = ConcatOp | IndexOfOp | EqualsIgnoreCaseOp | AtOp
| LessOp | LessEqOp | GreaterOp | GreaterEqOp
datatype string_ternop = SubstringOp

datatype collection_unop = CollectionSizeOp | IsEmptyOp | NotEmptyOp
| CollectionMaxOp | CollectionMinOp | SumOp
| AsSetOp | AsOrderedSetOp | AsSequenceOp | AsBagOp | FlattenOp
| FirstOp | LastOp | ReverseOp
datatype collection_binop = IncludesOp | ExcludesOp
| CountOp| IncludesAllOp | ExcludesAllOp | ProductOp
| UnionOp | IntersectionOp | SetMinusOp | SymmetricDifferenceOp
| IncludingOp | ExcludingOp
| AppendOp | PrependOp | CollectionAtOp | CollectionIndexOfOp
datatype collection_ternop = InsertAtOp | SubOrderedSetOp | SubSequenceOp

type_synonym unop = "any_unop + boolean_unop + numeric_unop + string_unop + collection_unop"

declare [[coercion "Inl :: any_unop  unop"]]
declare [[coercion "Inr  Inl :: boolean_unop  unop"]]
declare [[coercion "Inr  Inr  Inl :: numeric_unop  unop"]]
declare [[coercion "Inr  Inr  Inr  Inl :: string_unop  unop"]]
declare [[coercion "Inr  Inr  Inr  Inr :: collection_unop  unop"]]

type_synonym binop = "super_binop + boolean_binop + numeric_binop + string_binop + collection_binop"

declare [[coercion "Inl :: super_binop  binop"]]
declare [[coercion "Inr  Inl :: boolean_binop  binop"]]
declare [[coercion "Inr  Inr  Inl :: numeric_binop  binop"]]
declare [[coercion "Inr  Inr  Inr  Inl :: string_binop  binop"]]
declare [[coercion "Inr  Inr  Inr  Inr :: collection_binop  binop"]]

type_synonym ternop = "string_ternop + collection_ternop"

declare [[coercion "Inl :: string_ternop  ternop"]]
declare [[coercion "Inr :: collection_ternop  ternop"]]

type_synonym op = "unop + binop + ternop + oper"

declare [[coercion "Inl  Inl :: any_unop  op"]]
declare [[coercion "Inl  Inr  Inl :: boolean_unop  op"]]
declare [[coercion "Inl  Inr  Inr  Inl :: numeric_unop  op"]]
declare [[coercion "Inl  Inr  Inr  Inr  Inl :: string_unop  op"]]
declare [[coercion "Inl  Inr  Inr  Inr  Inr :: collection_unop  op"]]

declare [[coercion "Inr  Inl  Inl :: super_binop  op"]]
declare [[coercion "Inr  Inl  Inr  Inl :: boolean_binop  op"]]
declare [[coercion "Inr  Inl  Inr  Inr  Inl :: numeric_binop  op"]]
declare [[coercion "Inr  Inl  Inr  Inr  Inr  Inl :: string_binop  op"]]
declare [[coercion "Inr  Inl  Inr  Inr  Inr  Inr :: collection_binop  op"]]

declare [[coercion "Inr  Inr  Inl  Inl :: string_ternop  op"]]
declare [[coercion "Inr  Inr  Inl  Inr :: collection_ternop  op"]]

declare [[coercion "Inr  Inr  Inr :: oper  op"]]

datatype iterator = AnyIter | ClosureIter | CollectIter | CollectNestedIter
| ExistsIter | ForAllIter | OneIter | IsUniqueIter
| SelectIter | RejectIter | SortedByIter

section ‹Expressions›

datatype collection_literal_kind =
  CollectionKind | SetKind | OrderedSetKind | BagKind | SequenceKind

text ‹
  A call kind could be defined as two boolean values (@{text "is_arrow_call"},
  @{text "is_safe_call"}). Also we could derive @{text "is_arrow_call"}
  value automatically based on an operation kind.
  However, it is much easier and more natural to use the following enumeration.›

datatype call_kind = DotCall | ArrowCall | SafeDotCall | SafeArrowCall

text ‹
  We do not define a @{text Classifier} type (a type of all types),
  because it will add unnecessary complications to the theory.
  So we have to define type operations as a pure syntactic constructs.
  We do not define @{text Type} expressions either.

  We do not define @{text InvalidLiteral}, because it allows us to
  exclude @{text OclInvalid} type from typing rules. It simplifies
  the types system.

  Please take a note that for @{text AssociationEnd} and
  @{text AssociationClass} call expressions one can specify an
  optional role of a source class (@{text from_role}).
  It differs from the OCL specification, which allows one to specify
  a role of a destination class. However, the latter one does not
  allow one to determine uniquely a set of linked objects, for example,
  in a ternary self relation.›

datatype 'a expr =
  Literal "'a literal_expr"
| Let (var : vname) (var_type : "'a type option") (init_expr : "'a expr")
    (body_expr : "'a expr")
| Var (var : vname)
| If (if_expr : "'a expr") (then_expr : "'a expr") (else_expr : "'a expr")
| MetaOperationCall (type : "'a type") metaop
| StaticOperationCall (type : "'a type") oper (args : "'a expr list")
| Call (source : "'a expr") (kind : call_kind) "'a call_expr"
and 'a literal_expr =
| BooleanLiteral (boolean_symbol : bool)
| RealLiteral (real_symbol : real)
| IntegerLiteral (integer_symbol : int)
| UnlimitedNaturalLiteral (unlimited_natural_symbol : unat)
| StringLiteral (string_symbol : string)
| EnumLiteral (enum_type : "'a enum") (enum_literal : elit)
| CollectionLiteral (kind : collection_literal_kind)
    (parts : "'a collection_literal_part_expr list")
| TupleLiteral (tuple_elements : "(telem × 'a type option × 'a expr) list")
and 'a collection_literal_part_expr =
  CollectionItem (item : "'a expr")
| CollectionRange (first : "'a expr") (last : "'a expr")
and 'a call_expr =
  TypeOperation typeop (type : "'a type")
| Attribute attr
| AssociationEnd (from_role : "role option") role
| AssociationClass (from_role : "role option") 'a
| AssociationClassEnd role
| Operation op (args : "'a expr list")
| TupleElement telem
| Iterate (iterators : "vname list") (iterators_type : "'a type option")
    (var : vname) (var_type : "'a type option") (init_expr : "'a expr")
    (body_expr : "'a expr")
| Iterator iterator (iterators : "vname list") (iterators_type : "'a type option")
    (body_expr : "'a expr")

definition "tuple_element_name  fst"
definition "tuple_element_type  fst  snd"
definition "tuple_element_expr  snd  snd"

declare [[coercion "Literal :: 'a literal_expr  'a expr"]]

abbreviation "TypeOperationCall src k op ty 
  Call src k (TypeOperation op ty)"
abbreviation "AttributeCall src k attr 
  Call src k (Attribute attr)"
abbreviation "AssociationEndCall src k from role 
  Call src k (AssociationEnd from role)"
abbreviation "AssociationClassCall src k from cls 
  Call src k (AssociationClass from cls)"
abbreviation "AssociationClassEndCall src k role 
  Call src k (AssociationClassEnd role)"
abbreviation "OperationCall src k op as 
  Call src k (Operation op as)"
abbreviation "TupleElementCall src k elem 
  Call src k (TupleElement elem)"
abbreviation "IterateCall src k its its_ty v ty init body 
  Call src k (Iterate its its_ty v ty init body)"
abbreviation "AnyIteratorCall src k its its_ty body 
  Call src k (Iterator AnyIter its its_ty body)"
abbreviation "ClosureIteratorCall src k its its_ty body 
  Call src k (Iterator ClosureIter its its_ty body)"
abbreviation "CollectIteratorCall src k its its_ty body 
  Call src k (Iterator CollectIter its its_ty body)"
abbreviation "CollectNestedIteratorCall src k its its_ty body 
  Call src k (Iterator CollectNestedIter its its_ty body)"
abbreviation "ExistsIteratorCall src k its its_ty body 
  Call src k (Iterator ExistsIter its its_ty body)"
abbreviation "ForAllIteratorCall src k its its_ty body 
  Call src k (Iterator ForAllIter its its_ty body)"
abbreviation "OneIteratorCall src k its its_ty body 
  Call src k (Iterator OneIter its its_ty body)"
abbreviation "IsUniqueIteratorCall src k its its_ty body 
  Call src k (Iterator IsUniqueIter its its_ty body)"
abbreviation "SelectIteratorCall src k its its_ty body 
  Call src k (Iterator SelectIter its its_ty body)"
abbreviation "RejectIteratorCall src k its its_ty body 
  Call src k (Iterator RejectIter its its_ty body)"
abbreviation "SortedByIteratorCall src k its its_ty body 
  Call src k (Iterator SortedByIter its its_ty body)"
