Theory Evaluation

✐‹creator "Albert Rizaldi" "Fabian Immler›

section ‹Evaluation›

theory Evaluation

subsection ‹Code Generation Setup for Numeric Values›

definition real_div_down :: "nat  int  int  real" where 
  "real_div_down p i j = truncate_down (Suc p) (i / j)"

definition real_div_up :: "nat  int  int  real" where 
  "real_div_up p i j = truncate_up (Suc p) (i / j)"

context includes float.lifting begin
lift_definition float_div_down :: "nat  int  int  float" is real_div_down
  by (simp add: real_div_down_def)

lift_definition float_div_up :: "nat  int  int  float" is real_div_up
  by (simp add: real_div_up_def)

lemma compute_float_div_up[code]: "float_div_up p i j = - float_div_down p (-i) j"
  including float.lifting
  by transfer (simp add: real_div_up_def real_div_down_def truncate_up_eq_truncate_down)

lemma compute_float_div_down[code]:
  "float_div_down prec m1 m2 = lapprox_rat (Suc prec) m1 m2"
  including float.lifting by transfer (simp add: real_div_down_def)

definition real2_of_real :: "nat  real  (real * real)" where
  "real2_of_real p x = (truncate_down (Suc p) x, truncate_up (Suc p) x)"

context includes float.lifting begin
lift_definition float2_of_real :: "nat  real  float × float" is real2_of_real
  by (auto simp: real2_of_real_def)

definition float2_opt_of_real :: "nat  real  float interval option" where
  "float2_opt_of_real prec x = Interval' (fst (float2_of_real prec x)) (snd (float2_of_real prec x))"

hide_const (open) Fraction_Field.Fract
lemma real_of_rat_Fract[simp]: "real_of_rat (Fract a b) = a / b"
  by (simp add: Fract_of_int_quotient of_rat_divide)

lemma [code]: "float2_of_real p (Ratreal r) =
  (let (a, b) = quotient_of r in
  (float_div_down p a b, float_div_up p a b))"
  including float.lifting
  apply transfer
  apply (auto split: prod.split simp: real2_of_real_def real_div_down_def real_div_up_def)
  apply (metis of_rat_divide of_rat_of_int_eq quotient_of_div)+

fun real_of_dec :: "integer × integer  real" where
  "real_of_dec (m, e) =
    real_of_int (int_of_integer m) *
      (if e  0 then 10 ^ (nat_of_integer e) else inverse (10 ^ (nat (-(int_of_integer e)))))"

lemma "real_of_dec (m, e) = int_of_integer m * 10 powr (int_of_integer e)"
proof -
  have 1: "e  0  real (nat_of_integer e) = real_of_int (int_of_integer e)"
    using less_eq_integer.rep_eq nat_of_integer.rep_eq by auto
  have 2: "e  0  real_of_int (int_of_integer e) = - real (nat (- int_of_integer e))"
    using less_eq_integer.rep_eq by auto
  show ?thesis
    using 1
    apply (auto simp: powr_realpow[symmetric] divide_simps)
    apply (subst (asm) 2)
    apply (auto simp: powr_add[symmetric])

subsection ‹Data Evaluation›

definition trans6 where
  "trans6 c chk    se     ve     ae     so     vo     ao =
            chk (c se) (c ve) (c ae) (c so) (c vo) (c ao)"

definition checker_dec where 
  "checker_dec chk p u = 
    trans6 (float2_opt_of_real (nat_of_integer u) o real_of_dec) (chk (nat_of_integer p))"

definition "checker_interval = checker_dec checker'"
definition "checker_symbolic = trans6 real_of_dec symbolic_checker"
definition "checker_rational = trans6 real_of_dec checker"
lemmas[code] = movement.p_def

ML exception InvalidArgument of string;

  fun split_string s = String.fields (fn c => c = the (Char.fromString s))

  fun dec_of_string s =
    case split_string "." s
    of [r] => (the (IntInf.fromString r), 0)
    | [d1, d2] => (the (IntInf.fromString (d1 ^ d2)), ~ (String.size d2))
    | _ => raise (InvalidArgument s)

  fun check_string chk data =
    case split_string "," data of
      [_, so, _, ve, ae, _, vo, ao] => chk data (0, 0)
        (dec_of_string ve) (dec_of_string ae) (dec_of_string so) (dec_of_string vo) (dec_of_string ao)
    | _ => raise (InvalidArgument data)

text ‹The precision of the input data is roughly 12 and yields similar performance as Sturm›

ML val prec = 12


exception Result of int * int;

fun check_line chk n l (y, i) =
    val l = String.substring (l, 0, String.size l - 1)
    val c = check_string chk l
  in if i < n then (if c then y + 1 else y, i + 1) else raise Result (y, i) end


fun check_file chk path n =
    val data =
      |> XZ.uncompress
      |> Bytes.trim_split_lines
    fold (check_line chk n) data (0, 0)
    handle Result res => res;


val check_file_symbolic            = check_file (fn _ => codechecker_symbolic)
fun check_file_interval prec uncer = check_file (fn _ => codechecker_interval prec uncer)
val check_file_rational            = check_file (fn _ => codechecker_rational)

text ‹Number of data points:
   data01: 1121215
   data02: 1341135
   data03: 1452656

ML val data01 = master_dir + path‹data/data01.csv.xz›
  val data02 = master_dir + path‹data/data02.csv.xz›
  val data03 = master_dir + path‹data/data03.csv.xz›

ML val t_start1 = Timing.start ();
    val result1 = check_file_rational data01 100;
    val t_end1 = Timing.result t_start1;
    assert (result1 = (96, 100));

ML val t_start2 = Timing.start ();
    val result2 = check_file_rational data02 100;
    val t_end2 = Timing.result t_start2;
    assert (result2 = (100, 100));

ML val t_start3 = Timing.start ();
    val result3 = check_file_rational data03 100;
    val t_end3 = Timing.result t_start3;
    assert (result3 = (76, 100));

text ‹Precision: 12, Uncertainty: 7 digits›
ML assert (check_file_interval 12 7 data01 100 = (95, 100))
ML assert (check_file_rational data01 100 = (96, 100))
ML assert (check_file_symbolic data01 100 = (96, 100))
