Theory Sparc_Properties

 * Copyright 2016, NTU
 * This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
 * the BSD 2-Clause license. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
 * See "LICENSE_BSD2.txt" for details.
 * Author: Zhe Hou.

theory Sparc_Properties

imports Main Sparc_Execution



section‹Single step theorem›


text ‹The following shows that, if the pre-state satisfies certain 
  conditions called good_context›, there must be a defined post-state 
  after a single step execution.›

method save_restore_proof =
((simp add: save_restore_instr_def),
 (simp add: Let_def simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def),
 (simp add: case_prod_unfold),
 (simp add: raise_trap_def simpler_modify_def),
 (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def),
 (simp add: save_retore_sub1_def),
 (simp add: write_cpu_def simpler_modify_def),
 (simp add: write_reg_def simpler_modify_def),
 (simp add: get_curr_win_def),
 (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def))

method select_trap_proof0 = 
((simp add: select_trap_def exec_gets return_def),
 (simp add: DetMonad.bind_def h1_def h2_def simpler_modify_def),
 (simp add: write_cpu_tt_def write_cpu_def),
 (simp add: DetMonad.bind_def h1_def h2_def simpler_modify_def),
 (simp add: return_def simpler_gets_def))

method select_trap_proof1 =
((simp add: select_trap_def exec_gets return_def),
 (simp add: DetMonad.bind_def h1_def h2_def simpler_modify_def),
 (simp add: write_cpu_tt_def write_cpu_def),
 (simp add: DetMonad.bind_def h1_def h2_def simpler_modify_def),
 (simp add: return_def simpler_gets_def),
 (simp add: emp_trap_set_def err_mode_val_def cpu_reg_mod_def))

method dispatch_instr_proof1 =
((simp add: dispatch_instruction_def),
 (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def),
 (simp add: Let_def))

method exe_proof_to_decode =
((simp add: execute_instruction_def),
 (simp add: exec_gets bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def return_def),
 (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def simpler_modify_def),
 (simp add: return_def))

method exe_proof_dispatch_rett =
((simp add: dispatch_instruction_def),
 (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def),
 (simp add: rett_instr_def),
 (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def))

lemma write_cpu_result: "snd (write_cpu w r s) = False"
by (simp add: write_cpu_def simpler_modify_def)

lemma set_annul_result: "snd (set_annul b s) = False"
by (simp add: set_annul_def simpler_modify_def)

lemma raise_trap_result : "snd (raise_trap t s) = False"
by (simp add: raise_trap_def simpler_modify_def)

  includes bit_operations_syntax

lemma rett_instr_result: "(fst i) = ctrl_type RETT  
  (get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR s)  1 
  (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1)  0 
  (get_WIM_bit (nat (((uint (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s))) + 1) mod NWINDOWS)) 
    (cpu_reg_val WIM s)) = 0 
  ((AND) (get_addr (snd i) s) (0b00000000000000000000000000000011::word32)) = 0) 
  snd (rett_instr i s) = False"
apply (simp add: rett_instr_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
  apply (simp add: write_cpu_def simpler_modify_def)
  apply (auto simp add: Let_def return_def)

lemma call_instr_result: "(fst i) = call_type CALL 
  snd (call_instr i s) = False"
apply (simp add: call_instr_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def case_prod_unfold)
apply (simp add: write_cpu_def write_reg_def)
apply (simp add: get_curr_win_def get_CWP_def)
by (simp add: simpler_modify_def simpler_gets_def)

lemma branch_instr_result: "(fst i)  {bicc_type BE,bicc_type BNE,bicc_type BGU,
 bicc_type BLE,bicc_type BL,bicc_type BGE,bicc_type BNEG,bicc_type BG,
 bicc_type BCS,bicc_type BLEU,bicc_type BCC,bicc_type BA,bicc_type BN}  
  snd (branch_instr i s) = False" 
proof (cases "eval_icc (fst i) (get_icc_N ((cpu_reg s) PSR)) (get_icc_Z ((cpu_reg s) PSR))
                           (get_icc_V ((cpu_reg s) PSR)) (get_icc_C ((cpu_reg s) PSR)) = 1")
  case True
  then have f1: "eval_icc (fst i) (get_icc_N ((cpu_reg s) PSR)) (get_icc_Z ((cpu_reg s) PSR))
                           (get_icc_V ((cpu_reg s) PSR)) (get_icc_C ((cpu_reg s) PSR)) = 1" 
    by auto
  then show ?thesis
  proof (cases "(fst i) = bicc_type BA  get_operand_flag ((snd i)!0) = 1")
    case True
    then show ?thesis using f1
    apply (simp add: branch_instr_def)
    apply (simp add: Let_def simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)    
    apply (simp add: set_annul_def case_prod_unfold)
    apply (simp add: write_cpu_def simpler_modify_def)
    by (simp add: return_def)   
    case False
    then have f2: "¬ (fst i = bicc_type BA  get_operand_flag (snd i ! 0) = 1)" by auto
    then show ?thesis using f1
    apply (simp add: branch_instr_def)
    apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
    apply (simp add: write_cpu_def simpler_modify_def)
    apply (simp add: branch_instr_sub1_def)
    apply (simp add: Let_def)
    apply auto
    apply (simp add: write_cpu_def simpler_modify_def)    
    by (simp add: write_cpu_def simpler_modify_def)
  case False
  then show ?thesis
  apply (simp add: branch_instr_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
  apply (simp add: write_cpu_def simpler_modify_def)
  apply (simp add: branch_instr_sub1_def)
  apply (simp add: Let_def)
  apply auto
   apply (simp add: Let_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
   apply (simp add: write_cpu_def simpler_modify_def)
   apply (simp add: cpu_reg_mod_def set_annul_def simpler_modify_def)
  by (simp add: write_cpu_def simpler_modify_def)

lemma nop_instr_result: "(fst i) = nop_type NOP 
  snd (nop_instr i s) = False"
apply (simp add: nop_instr_def)
by (simp add: returnOk_def return_def)

lemma sethi_instr_result: "(fst i) = sethi_type SETHI 
  snd (sethi_instr i s) = False"
apply (simp add: sethi_instr_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
apply (simp add: get_curr_win_def get_CWP_def cpu_reg_val_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
apply (simp add: write_reg_def simpler_modify_def)
by (simp add: return_def)

lemma jmpl_instr_result: "(fst i) = ctrl_type JMPL 
  snd (jmpl_instr i s) = False"
apply (simp add: jmpl_instr_def)
apply (simp add: get_curr_win_def get_CWP_def cpu_reg_val_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
apply (simp add: write_reg_def simpler_modify_def)
apply (simp add: write_cpu_def simpler_modify_def)
by (simp add: raise_trap_def simpler_modify_def)

lemma save_restore_instr_result: "(fst i)  {ctrl_type SAVE,ctrl_type RESTORE} 
  snd (save_restore_instr i s) = False"
proof (cases "(fst i) = ctrl_type SAVE")
  case True
  then show ?thesis
  by save_restore_proof
  case False
  then show ?thesis
  by save_restore_proof

lemma flush_instr_result: "(fst i) = load_store_type FLUSH  
  snd (flush_instr i s) = False" 
apply (simp add: flush_instr_def)
by (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def simpler_modify_def)

lemma read_state_reg_instr_result: "(fst i)  {sreg_type RDY,sreg_type RDPSR,
  sreg_type RDWIM,sreg_type RDTBR} 
  snd (read_state_reg_instr i s) = False"
apply (simp add: read_state_reg_instr_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def)
apply (simp add: write_reg_def simpler_modify_def)
apply (simp add: raise_trap_def simpler_modify_def return_def)
apply (simp add: bind_def h1_def h2_def)
by (simp add: get_curr_win_def simpler_gets_def)

lemma write_state_reg_instr_result: "(fst i)  {sreg_type WRY,sreg_type WRPSR,
  sreg_type WRWIM,sreg_type WRTBR} 
  snd (write_state_reg_instr i s) = False" 
apply (simp add: write_state_reg_instr_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def)
apply (simp add: raise_trap_def simpler_modify_def return_def)
apply (simp add: bind_def h1_def h2_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def)
apply (simp add: write_cpu_def simpler_modify_def)
by (simp add: get_curr_win_def simpler_gets_def)

lemma logical_instr_result: "(fst i)  {logic_type ANDs,logic_type ANDcc,
  logic_type ANDN,logic_type ANDNcc,logic_type ORs,logic_type ORcc,
  logic_type ORN,logic_type XORs,logic_type XNOR} 
  snd (logical_instr i s) = False"
apply (simp add: logical_instr_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def simpler_gets_def)
apply (simp add: write_reg_def simpler_modify_def)
apply (simp add: bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
apply (simp add: logical_instr_sub1_def)
apply (simp add: return_def)
apply (simp add: write_cpu_def simpler_modify_def)
apply (simp add: bind_def h1_def h2_def)
apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def)
by (simp add: get_curr_win_def simpler_gets_def)

lemma shift_instr_result: "(fst i)  {shift_type SLL,shift_type 
  SRL,shift_type SRA} 
  snd (shift_instr i s) = False"
apply (simp add: shift_instr_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
apply (simp add: get_curr_win_def simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
apply (simp add: return_def)
apply (simp add: bind_def h1_def h2_def)
by (simp add: write_reg_def simpler_modify_def)

method add_sub_instr_proof =
((simp add: Let_def),
 (simp add: write_reg_def simpler_modify_def),
 (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def),
 (simp add: get_curr_win_def simpler_gets_def),
 (simp add: write_reg_def write_cpu_def simpler_modify_def),
 (simp add: bind_def),
 (simp add: case_prod_unfold),
 (simp add: simpler_gets_def),
 (simp add: get_curr_win_def simpler_gets_def),
 (simp add: write_reg_def simpler_modify_def),
 (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def),
 (simp add: get_curr_win_def simpler_gets_def))

lemma add_instr_result: "(fst i)  {arith_type ADD,arith_type 
  ADDcc,arith_type ADDX} 
  snd (add_instr i s) = False"
apply (simp add: add_instr_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
apply auto
  apply (simp add: add_instr_sub1_def)
  apply (simp add: write_reg_def simpler_modify_def)
  apply (simp add: bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
  apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def)
  apply (simp add: get_curr_win_def simpler_gets_def)
 apply (simp add: add_instr_sub1_def)
 apply (simp add: write_reg_def simpler_modify_def)
 apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
 apply (simp add: get_curr_win_def simpler_gets_def)
 apply (simp add: write_cpu_def simpler_modify_def)
apply (simp add: add_instr_sub1_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
apply (simp add: get_curr_win_def simpler_gets_def)
by (simp add: write_reg_def simpler_modify_def)

lemma sub_instr_result: "(fst i)  {arith_type SUB,arith_type SUBcc,
  arith_type SUBX} 
  snd (sub_instr i s) = False"
apply (simp add: sub_instr_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
apply auto
  apply (simp add: sub_instr_sub1_def)
  apply (simp add: write_reg_def simpler_modify_def)
  apply (simp add: bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
  apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def)
  apply (simp add: get_curr_win_def simpler_gets_def)
 apply (simp add: sub_instr_sub1_def)
 apply (simp add: write_reg_def simpler_modify_def)
 apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
 apply (simp add: get_curr_win_def simpler_gets_def)
 apply (simp add: write_cpu_def simpler_modify_def)
apply (simp add: sub_instr_sub1_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
apply (simp add: get_curr_win_def simpler_gets_def)
by (simp add: write_reg_def simpler_modify_def)

lemma mul_instr_result: "(fst i)  {arith_type UMUL,arith_type SMUL,
  arith_type SMULcc} 
  snd (mul_instr i s) = False"
apply (simp add: mul_instr_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
apply auto
  apply (simp add: mul_instr_sub1_def)
  apply (simp add: write_reg_def simpler_modify_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
  apply (simp add: get_curr_win_def simpler_gets_def)
  apply (simp add: write_reg_def write_cpu_def simpler_modify_def)
 apply (simp add: mul_instr_sub1_def)
 apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def)
 apply (simp add: write_cpu_def write_reg_def simpler_modify_def)
 apply (simp add: bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
 apply (simp add: get_curr_win_def simpler_gets_def)
apply (simp add: mul_instr_sub1_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def)
apply (simp add: write_cpu_def write_reg_def simpler_modify_def)
apply (simp add: bind_def h1_def h2_def)
by (simp add: get_curr_win_def simpler_gets_def)

lemma div_write_new_val_result: "snd (div_write_new_val i result temp_V s) = False"
apply (simp add: div_write_new_val_def)
apply (simp add: return_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
by (simp add: write_cpu_def simpler_modify_def)

lemma div_result: "snd (div_comp instr rs1 rd operand2 s) = False"
apply (simp add: div_comp_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def)
apply (simp add: bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
apply (simp add: write_reg_def simpler_modify_def)
apply (simp add: get_curr_win_def simpler_gets_def)
by (simp add: div_write_new_val_result)

lemma div_instr_result: "(fst i)  {arith_type UDIV,arith_type UDIVcc,
  arith_type SDIV} 
  snd (div_instr i s) = False"
apply (simp add: div_instr_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
apply (simp add: raise_trap_def simpler_modify_def)
apply (simp add: return_def bind_def)
by (simp add: div_result)

lemma load_sub2_result: "snd (load_sub2 address asi rd curr_win word0 s) = False"
apply (simp add: load_sub2_def)
apply (simp add: write_reg_def simpler_modify_def)
apply (simp add: bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
apply (simp add: raise_trap_def simpler_modify_def)
apply (simp add: bind_def h1_def h2_def)
apply (simp add: write_reg_def simpler_modify_def)
by (simp add: simpler_gets_def)

lemma load_sub3_result: "snd (load_sub3 instr curr_win rd asi address s) = False"
apply (simp add: load_sub3_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
apply (simp add: write_reg_def simpler_modify_def)
apply (simp add: load_sub2_result)
by (simp add: raise_trap_def simpler_modify_def)

lemma load_sub1_result: "snd (load_sub1 i rd s_val s) = False"
apply (simp add: load_sub1_def)
apply (simp add: bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
apply (simp add: raise_trap_def simpler_modify_def)
apply (simp add: get_curr_win_def simpler_gets_def)
by (simp add: load_sub3_result)

lemma load_instr_result: "(fst i)  {load_store_type LDSB,load_store_type LDUB,
  load_store_type LDUBA,load_store_type LDUH,load_store_type LD,
  load_store_type LDA,load_store_type LDD} 
  snd (load_instr i s) = False"
apply (simp add: load_instr_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
apply (simp add: raise_trap_def simpler_modify_def)
apply (simp add: return_def)
by (simp add: load_sub1_result)

lemma store_sub2_result: "snd (store_sub2 instr curr_win rd asi address s) = False"
apply (simp add: store_sub2_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
apply (simp add: raise_trap_def simpler_modify_def)
apply (simp add: return_def)
apply (simp add: raise_trap_def simpler_modify_def)
by (simp add: bind_def h1_def h2_def)

lemma store_sub1_result: "snd (store_sub1 instr rd s_val s) = False"
apply (simp add: store_sub1_def)
apply (simp add: bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
apply (simp add: raise_trap_def simpler_modify_def)
apply (simp add: get_curr_win_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def)
by (simp add: store_sub2_result)

lemma store_instr_result: "(fst i)  {load_store_type STB,load_store_type STH,
  load_store_type ST,load_store_type STA,load_store_type STD} 
  snd (store_instr i s) = False"
apply (simp add: store_instr_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
apply (simp add: raise_trap_def simpler_modify_def)
apply (simp add: return_def)
by (simp add: store_sub1_result)

lemma supported_instr_set: "supported_instruction i = True  
  i  {load_store_type LDSB,load_store_type LDUB,load_store_type LDUBA,
              load_store_type LDUH,load_store_type LD,load_store_type LDA,
              load_store_type LDD,
              load_store_type STB,load_store_type STH,load_store_type ST,
              load_store_type STA,load_store_type STD,
              sethi_type SETHI,
              nop_type NOP,
              logic_type ANDs,logic_type ANDcc,logic_type ANDN,logic_type ANDNcc,
              logic_type ORs,logic_type ORcc,logic_type ORN,logic_type XORs,
              logic_type XNOR,
              shift_type SLL,shift_type SRL,shift_type SRA,
              arith_type ADD,arith_type ADDcc,arith_type ADDX,
              arith_type SUB,arith_type SUBcc,arith_type SUBX,
              arith_type UMUL,arith_type SMUL,arith_type SMULcc,
              arith_type UDIV,arith_type UDIVcc,arith_type SDIV,
              ctrl_type SAVE,ctrl_type RESTORE,
              call_type CALL,
              ctrl_type JMPL,
              ctrl_type RETT,
              sreg_type RDY,sreg_type RDPSR,sreg_type RDWIM,sreg_type RDTBR,
              sreg_type WRY,sreg_type WRPSR,sreg_type WRWIM,sreg_type WRTBR,
              load_store_type FLUSH,
              bicc_type BE,bicc_type BNE,bicc_type BGU,bicc_type BLE,
              bicc_type BL,bicc_type BGE,bicc_type BNEG,bicc_type BG,
              bicc_type BCS,bicc_type BLEU,bicc_type BCC,bicc_type BA,
              bicc_type BN}"
apply (simp add: supported_instruction_def)
by presburger

lemma dispatch_instr_result: 
assumes a1: "supported_instruction (fst i) = True  (fst i)  ctrl_type RETT"
shows "snd (dispatch_instruction i s) = False"
proof (cases "get_trap_set s = {}")
  case True
  then have f1: "get_trap_set s = {}" by auto
  then show ?thesis 
  proof (cases "(fst i)  {load_store_type LDSB,load_store_type LDUB,
    load_store_type LDUBA,load_store_type LDUH,load_store_type LD,
    load_store_type LDA,load_store_type LDD}")
    case True
    then show ?thesis using f1 
    apply dispatch_instr_proof1
    by (simp add: load_instr_result)
    case False
    then have f2: "(fst i)  {load_store_type STB,load_store_type STH,load_store_type ST,
              load_store_type STA,load_store_type STD,
              sethi_type SETHI,
              nop_type NOP,
              logic_type ANDs,logic_type ANDcc,logic_type ANDN,logic_type ANDNcc,
              logic_type ORs,logic_type ORcc,logic_type ORN,logic_type XORs,
              logic_type XNOR,
              shift_type SLL,shift_type SRL,shift_type SRA,
              arith_type ADD,arith_type ADDcc,arith_type ADDX,
              arith_type SUB,arith_type SUBcc,arith_type SUBX,
              arith_type UMUL,arith_type SMUL,arith_type SMULcc,
              arith_type UDIV,arith_type UDIVcc,arith_type SDIV,
              ctrl_type SAVE,ctrl_type RESTORE,
              call_type CALL,
              ctrl_type JMPL,
              sreg_type RDY,sreg_type RDPSR,sreg_type RDWIM,sreg_type RDTBR,
              sreg_type WRY,sreg_type WRPSR,sreg_type WRWIM,sreg_type WRTBR,
              load_store_type FLUSH,
              bicc_type BE,bicc_type BNE,bicc_type BGU,bicc_type BLE,
              bicc_type BL,bicc_type BGE,bicc_type BNEG,bicc_type BG,
              bicc_type BCS,bicc_type BLEU,bicc_type BCC,bicc_type BA,
              bicc_type BN}"
     using a1 
     apply (simp add: supported_instruction_def)
     by presburger
     then show ?thesis 
     proof (cases "(fst i)  {load_store_type STB,load_store_type STH,
       load_store_type ST,
       load_store_type STA,load_store_type STD}")
      case True
      then show ?thesis using f1
      apply dispatch_instr_proof1      
      by (auto simp add: store_instr_result)
      case False
      then have f3: "(fst i)  {sethi_type SETHI,
              nop_type NOP,
              logic_type ANDs,logic_type ANDcc,logic_type ANDN,logic_type ANDNcc,
              logic_type ORs,logic_type ORcc,logic_type ORN,logic_type XORs,
              logic_type XNOR,
              shift_type SLL,shift_type SRL,shift_type SRA,
              arith_type ADD,arith_type ADDcc,arith_type ADDX,
              arith_type SUB,arith_type SUBcc,arith_type SUBX,
              arith_type UMUL,arith_type SMUL,arith_type SMULcc,
              arith_type UDIV,arith_type UDIVcc,arith_type SDIV,
              ctrl_type SAVE,ctrl_type RESTORE,
              call_type CALL,
              ctrl_type JMPL,
              sreg_type RDY,sreg_type RDPSR,sreg_type RDWIM,sreg_type RDTBR,
              sreg_type WRY,sreg_type WRPSR,sreg_type WRWIM,sreg_type WRTBR,
              load_store_type FLUSH,
              bicc_type BE,bicc_type BNE,bicc_type BGU,bicc_type BLE,
              bicc_type BL,bicc_type BGE,bicc_type BNEG,bicc_type BG,
              bicc_type BCS,bicc_type BLEU,bicc_type BCC,bicc_type BA,
              bicc_type BN}"
      using f2 by auto
      then show ?thesis 
      proof (cases "(fst i) = sethi_type SETHI")
        case True
        then show ?thesis using f1
        apply dispatch_instr_proof1
        by (simp add: sethi_instr_result)
        case False
        then have f4: "(fst i)  {nop_type NOP,
              logic_type ANDs,logic_type ANDcc,logic_type ANDN,logic_type ANDNcc,
              logic_type ORs,logic_type ORcc,logic_type ORN,logic_type XORs,
              logic_type XNOR,
              shift_type SLL,shift_type SRL,shift_type SRA,
              arith_type ADD,arith_type ADDcc,arith_type ADDX,
              arith_type SUB,arith_type SUBcc,arith_type SUBX,
              arith_type UMUL,arith_type SMUL,arith_type SMULcc,
              arith_type UDIV,arith_type UDIVcc,arith_type SDIV,
              ctrl_type SAVE,ctrl_type RESTORE,
              call_type CALL,
              ctrl_type JMPL,
              sreg_type RDY,sreg_type RDPSR,sreg_type RDWIM,sreg_type RDTBR,
              sreg_type WRY,sreg_type WRPSR,sreg_type WRWIM,sreg_type WRTBR,
              load_store_type FLUSH,
              bicc_type BE,bicc_type BNE,bicc_type BGU,bicc_type BLE,
              bicc_type BL,bicc_type BGE,bicc_type BNEG,bicc_type BG,
              bicc_type BCS,bicc_type BLEU,bicc_type BCC,bicc_type BA,
              bicc_type BN}"
        using f3 by auto         
        then show ?thesis 
        proof (cases "fst i = nop_type NOP")
          case True
          then show ?thesis using f1
          apply dispatch_instr_proof1
          by (simp add: nop_instr_result)
          case False
          then have f5: "(fst i)  {logic_type ANDs,logic_type ANDcc,
              logic_type ANDN,logic_type ANDNcc,
              logic_type ORs,logic_type ORcc,logic_type ORN,logic_type XORs,
              logic_type XNOR,
              shift_type SLL,shift_type SRL,shift_type SRA,
              arith_type ADD,arith_type ADDcc,arith_type ADDX,
              arith_type SUB,arith_type SUBcc,arith_type SUBX,
              arith_type UMUL,arith_type SMUL,arith_type SMULcc,
              arith_type UDIV,arith_type UDIVcc,arith_type SDIV,
              ctrl_type SAVE,ctrl_type RESTORE,
              call_type CALL,
              ctrl_type JMPL,
              sreg_type RDY,sreg_type RDPSR,sreg_type RDWIM,sreg_type RDTBR,
              sreg_type WRY,sreg_type WRPSR,sreg_type WRWIM,sreg_type WRTBR,
              load_store_type FLUSH,
              bicc_type BE,bicc_type BNE,bicc_type BGU,bicc_type BLE,
              bicc_type BL,bicc_type BGE,bicc_type BNEG,bicc_type BG,
              bicc_type BCS,bicc_type BLEU,bicc_type BCC,bicc_type BA,
              bicc_type BN}"
          using f4 by auto
          then show ?thesis 
          proof (cases "(fst i)  {logic_type ANDs,logic_type ANDcc,
              logic_type ANDN,logic_type ANDNcc,
              logic_type ORs,logic_type ORcc,logic_type ORN,logic_type XORs,
              logic_type XNOR}")
            case True
            then show ?thesis using f1
            apply dispatch_instr_proof1
            by (auto simp add: logical_instr_result)
            case False
            then have f6: "(fst i)  {shift_type SLL,shift_type SRL,
              shift_type SRA,
              arith_type ADD,arith_type ADDcc,arith_type ADDX,
              arith_type SUB,arith_type SUBcc,arith_type SUBX,
              arith_type UMUL,arith_type SMUL,arith_type SMULcc,
              arith_type UDIV,arith_type UDIVcc,arith_type SDIV,
              ctrl_type SAVE,ctrl_type RESTORE,
              call_type CALL,
              ctrl_type JMPL,
              sreg_type RDY,sreg_type RDPSR,sreg_type RDWIM,sreg_type RDTBR,
              sreg_type WRY,sreg_type WRPSR,sreg_type WRWIM,sreg_type WRTBR,
              load_store_type FLUSH,
              bicc_type BE,bicc_type BNE,bicc_type BGU,bicc_type BLE,
              bicc_type BL,bicc_type BGE,bicc_type BNEG,bicc_type BG,
              bicc_type BCS,bicc_type BLEU,bicc_type BCC,bicc_type BA,
              bicc_type BN}"
            using f5 by auto
            then show ?thesis 
            proof (cases "(fst i)  {shift_type SLL,shift_type SRL,
              shift_type SRA}")
              case True
              then show ?thesis using f1
              apply dispatch_instr_proof1
              by (auto simp add: shift_instr_result)
              case False
              then have f7: "(fst i)  {arith_type ADD,arith_type ADDcc,
              arith_type ADDX,
              arith_type SUB,arith_type SUBcc,arith_type SUBX,
              arith_type UMUL,arith_type SMUL,arith_type SMULcc,
              arith_type UDIV,arith_type UDIVcc,arith_type SDIV,
              ctrl_type SAVE,ctrl_type RESTORE,
              call_type CALL,
              ctrl_type JMPL,
              sreg_type RDY,sreg_type RDPSR,sreg_type RDWIM,sreg_type RDTBR,
              sreg_type WRY,sreg_type WRPSR,sreg_type WRWIM,sreg_type WRTBR,
              load_store_type FLUSH,
              bicc_type BE,bicc_type BNE,bicc_type BGU,bicc_type BLE,
              bicc_type BL,bicc_type BGE,bicc_type BNEG,bicc_type BG,
              bicc_type BCS,bicc_type BLEU,bicc_type BCC,bicc_type BA,
              bicc_type BN}" 
              using f6 by auto
              then show ?thesis 
              proof (cases "(fst i)  {arith_type ADD,arith_type ADDcc,
              arith_type ADDX}")
                case True
                then show ?thesis using f1
                apply dispatch_instr_proof1
                by (auto simp add: add_instr_result)
                case False
                then have f8: "(fst i)  {arith_type SUB,arith_type SUBcc,
                arith_type SUBX,
              arith_type UMUL,arith_type SMUL,arith_type SMULcc,
              arith_type UDIV,arith_type UDIVcc,arith_type SDIV,
              ctrl_type SAVE,ctrl_type RESTORE,
              call_type CALL,
              ctrl_type JMPL,
              sreg_type RDY,sreg_type RDPSR,sreg_type RDWIM,sreg_type RDTBR,
              sreg_type WRY,sreg_type WRPSR,sreg_type WRWIM,sreg_type WRTBR,
              load_store_type FLUSH,
              bicc_type BE,bicc_type BNE,bicc_type BGU,bicc_type BLE,
              bicc_type BL,bicc_type BGE,bicc_type BNEG,bicc_type BG,
              bicc_type BCS,bicc_type BLEU,bicc_type BCC,bicc_type BA,
              bicc_type BN}"
                using f7 by auto
                then show ?thesis 
                proof (cases "(fst i)  {arith_type SUB,arith_type SUBcc,
                arith_type SUBX}")
                  case True
                  then show ?thesis using f1
                  apply dispatch_instr_proof1
                  by (auto simp add: sub_instr_result)
                  case False
                  then have f9: "(fst i)  {arith_type UMUL,arith_type SMUL,
                  arith_type SMULcc,
              arith_type UDIV,arith_type UDIVcc,arith_type SDIV,
              ctrl_type SAVE,ctrl_type RESTORE,
              call_type CALL,
              ctrl_type JMPL,
              sreg_type RDY,sreg_type RDPSR,sreg_type RDWIM,sreg_type RDTBR,
              sreg_type WRY,sreg_type WRPSR,sreg_type WRWIM,sreg_type WRTBR,
              load_store_type FLUSH,
              bicc_type BE,bicc_type BNE,bicc_type BGU,bicc_type BLE,
              bicc_type BL,bicc_type BGE,bicc_type BNEG,bicc_type BG,
              bicc_type BCS,bicc_type BLEU,bicc_type BCC,bicc_type BA,
              bicc_type BN}"
                  using f8 by auto
                  then show ?thesis 
                  proof (cases "(fst i)  {arith_type UMUL,arith_type SMUL,
                  arith_type SMULcc}")
                    case True
                    then show ?thesis using f1
                    apply dispatch_instr_proof1
                    by (auto simp add: mul_instr_result)
                    case False
                    then have f10: "(fst i)  {arith_type UDIV,arith_type UDIVcc,
                    arith_type SDIV,
              ctrl_type SAVE,ctrl_type RESTORE,
              call_type CALL,
              ctrl_type JMPL,
              sreg_type RDY,sreg_type RDPSR,sreg_type RDWIM,sreg_type RDTBR,
              sreg_type WRY,sreg_type WRPSR,sreg_type WRWIM,sreg_type WRTBR,
              load_store_type FLUSH,
              bicc_type BE,bicc_type BNE,bicc_type BGU,bicc_type BLE,
              bicc_type BL,bicc_type BGE,bicc_type BNEG,bicc_type BG,
              bicc_type BCS,bicc_type BLEU,bicc_type BCC,bicc_type BA,
              bicc_type BN}"
                    using f9 by auto
                    then show ?thesis 
                    proof (cases "(fst i)  {arith_type UDIV,arith_type UDIVcc,
                    arith_type SDIV}")
                      case True
                      then show ?thesis 
                      apply dispatch_instr_proof1 using f1
                      by (auto simp add: div_instr_result)
                      case False
                      then have f11: "(fst i)  {ctrl_type SAVE,ctrl_type RESTORE,
              call_type CALL,
              ctrl_type JMPL,
              sreg_type RDY,sreg_type RDPSR,sreg_type RDWIM,sreg_type RDTBR,
              sreg_type WRY,sreg_type WRPSR,sreg_type WRWIM,sreg_type WRTBR,
              load_store_type FLUSH,
              bicc_type BE,bicc_type BNE,bicc_type BGU,bicc_type BLE,
              bicc_type BL,bicc_type BGE,bicc_type BNEG,bicc_type BG,
              bicc_type BCS,bicc_type BLEU,bicc_type BCC,bicc_type BA,
              bicc_type BN}"
                      using f10 by auto
                      then show ?thesis 
                      proof (cases "(fst i)  {ctrl_type SAVE,ctrl_type RESTORE}")
                        case True
                        then show ?thesis using f1
                        apply dispatch_instr_proof1 
                        by (auto simp add: save_restore_instr_result)
                        case False
                        then have f12: "(fst i)  {call_type CALL,
              ctrl_type JMPL,
              sreg_type RDY,sreg_type RDPSR,sreg_type RDWIM,sreg_type RDTBR,
              sreg_type WRY,sreg_type WRPSR,sreg_type WRWIM,sreg_type WRTBR,
              load_store_type FLUSH,
              bicc_type BE,bicc_type BNE,bicc_type BGU,bicc_type BLE,
              bicc_type BL,bicc_type BGE,bicc_type BNEG,bicc_type BG,
              bicc_type BCS,bicc_type BLEU,bicc_type BCC,bicc_type BA,
              bicc_type BN}"
                        using f11 by auto
                        then show ?thesis 
                        proof (cases "(fst i) = call_type CALL")
                          case True
                          then show ?thesis using f1
                          apply dispatch_instr_proof1
                          by (auto simp add: call_instr_result)
                          case False
                          then have f13: "(fst i)  {ctrl_type JMPL,
              sreg_type RDY,sreg_type RDPSR,sreg_type RDWIM,sreg_type RDTBR,
              sreg_type WRY,sreg_type WRPSR,sreg_type WRWIM,sreg_type WRTBR,
              load_store_type FLUSH,
              bicc_type BE,bicc_type BNE,bicc_type BGU,bicc_type BLE,
              bicc_type BL,bicc_type BGE,bicc_type BNEG,bicc_type BG,
              bicc_type BCS,bicc_type BLEU,bicc_type BCC,bicc_type BA,
              bicc_type BN}"
                          using f12 by auto
                          then show ?thesis 
                          proof (cases "(fst i) = ctrl_type JMPL")
                            case True
                            then show ?thesis using f1
                            apply dispatch_instr_proof1
                            by (auto simp add: jmpl_instr_result)
                            case False
                            then have f14: "(fst i)  {
                            sreg_type RDY,
                            sreg_type RDPSR,sreg_type RDWIM,sreg_type RDTBR,
              sreg_type WRY,sreg_type WRPSR,sreg_type WRWIM,sreg_type WRTBR,
              load_store_type FLUSH,
              bicc_type BE,bicc_type BNE,bicc_type BGU,bicc_type BLE,
              bicc_type BL,bicc_type BGE,bicc_type BNEG,bicc_type BG,
              bicc_type BCS,bicc_type BLEU,bicc_type BCC,bicc_type BA,
              bicc_type BN}"
                            using f13 by auto
                            then show ?thesis 
                            proof (cases "(fst i)  {sreg_type RDY,
                            sreg_type RDPSR,sreg_type RDWIM,sreg_type RDTBR}")
                              case True
                              then show ?thesis using f1
                              apply dispatch_instr_proof1
                              by (auto simp add: read_state_reg_instr_result)
                              case False
                              then have f15: "(fst i)  {
                              sreg_type WRY,
                              sreg_type WRPSR,sreg_type WRWIM,sreg_type WRTBR,
              load_store_type FLUSH,
              bicc_type BE,bicc_type BNE,bicc_type BGU,bicc_type BLE,
              bicc_type BL,bicc_type BGE,bicc_type BNEG,bicc_type BG,
              bicc_type BCS,bicc_type BLEU,bicc_type BCC,bicc_type BA,
              bicc_type BN}"
                              using f14 by auto
                              then show ?thesis 
                              proof (cases "(fst i)  {sreg_type WRY,
                              sreg_type WRPSR,sreg_type WRWIM,sreg_type WRTBR}")
                                case True
                                then show ?thesis using f1
                                apply dispatch_instr_proof1
                                by (auto simp add: write_state_reg_instr_result)
                                case False
                                then have f16: "(fst i)  {
                                load_store_type FLUSH,
              bicc_type BE,bicc_type BNE,bicc_type BGU,bicc_type BLE,
              bicc_type BL,bicc_type BGE,bicc_type BNEG,bicc_type BG,
              bicc_type BCS,bicc_type BLEU,bicc_type BCC,bicc_type BA,
              bicc_type BN}"
                                using f15 by auto
                                then show ?thesis 
                                proof (cases "(fst i) = load_store_type FLUSH")
                                  case True
                                  then show ?thesis using f1
                                  apply dispatch_instr_proof1
                                  by (auto simp add: flush_instr_result)
                                  case False
                                  then have f17: "(fst i) 
                                  bicc_type BE,bicc_type BNE,bicc_type BGU,
                                  bicc_type BLE,
              bicc_type BL,bicc_type BGE,bicc_type BNEG,bicc_type BG,
              bicc_type BCS,bicc_type BLEU,bicc_type BCC,bicc_type BA,
              bicc_type BN}"
                                  using f16 by auto
                                  then show ?thesis using f1
                                  proof (cases "(fst i)  {bicc_type BE,
                                    bicc_type BNE,bicc_type BGU,
                                  bicc_type BLE,
              bicc_type BL,bicc_type BGE,bicc_type BNEG,bicc_type BG,
              bicc_type BCS,bicc_type BLEU,bicc_type BCC,bicc_type BA
                                    case True
                                    then show ?thesis using f1
                                    apply dispatch_instr_proof1
                                    apply auto
                                               by (auto simp add: branch_instr_result)
                                    case False
                                    then have f18: "(fst i)  {bicc_type BN}" 
                                    using f17 by auto
                                    then show ?thesis using f1
                                    apply dispatch_instr_proof1
                                    apply auto
                                    by (auto simp add: branch_instr_result)
  case False
  then show ?thesis
  apply (simp add: dispatch_instruction_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
  apply (simp add: Let_def)
  by (simp add: returnOk_def return_def)

lemma dispatch_instr_result_rett: 
assumes a1: "(fst i) = ctrl_type RETT  (get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR s)  1 
  (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1)  0 
  (get_WIM_bit (nat (((uint (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s))) + 1) mod NWINDOWS)) 
    (cpu_reg_val WIM s)) = 0 
  ((AND) (get_addr (snd i) s) (0b00000000000000000000000000000011::word32)) = 0)"
shows "snd (dispatch_instruction i s) = False"
proof (cases "get_trap_set s = {}")
  case True
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: dispatch_instruction_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
  by (simp add: rett_instr_result)
  case False
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: dispatch_instruction_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
  by (simp add: return_def)

lemma execute_instr_sub1_result: "snd (execute_instr_sub1 i s) = False"
proof (cases "get_trap_set s = {}  (fst i)  {call_type CALL,ctrl_type RETT,
  ctrl_type JMPL}")
  case True
  then show ?thesis 
  apply (simp add: execute_instr_sub1_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
  apply (simp add: write_cpu_def simpler_modify_def)
  apply auto
     by (auto simp add: return_def)
  case False
  then show ?thesis
  apply (simp add: execute_instr_sub1_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
  apply (simp add: write_cpu_def simpler_modify_def)
  by (auto simp add: return_def)

lemma next_match : "snd (execute_instruction () s) = False 
  NEXT s = Some (snd (fst (execute_instruction () s)))"
apply (simp add: NEXT_def)
by (simp add: case_prod_unfold)

lemma exec_ss1 : "s'. (execute_instruction () s = (s', False))  
  s''. (execute_instruction() s = (s'', False))"
proof -
  assume "s'. (execute_instruction () s = (s', False))"
  hence "(snd (execute_instruction() s)) = False" 
         by (auto simp add: execute_instruction_def case_prod_unfold)         
  hence "(execute_instruction() s) = 
        ((fst (execute_instruction() s)),False)"
         by (metis (full_types) prod.collapse) 
  hence "s''. (execute_instruction() s = (s'', False))" 
        by blast
  thus ?thesis by assumption

lemma exec_ss2 : "snd (execute_instruction() s) = False 
  snd (execute_instruction () s) = False"
proof -
  assume "snd (execute_instruction() s) = False"
  hence "snd (execute_instruction () s) = False" 
    by (auto simp add:execute_instruction_def)
  thus ?thesis by assumption

lemma good_context_1 : "good_context s  s' = s 
  (get_trap_set s')  {}  (reset_trap_val s') = False  get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR s') = 0 
proof -
  assume asm: "good_context s  s' = s 
    (get_trap_set s')  {}  (reset_trap_val s') = False  get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR s') = 0"
  then have  "(get_trap_set s')  {}  (reset_trap_val s') = False  
  get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR s') = 0  False" 
    by (simp add: good_context_def get_ET_def cpu_reg_val_def) 
  then show ?thesis using asm by auto 

lemma fetch_instr_result_1 : "¬ (e. fetch_instruction s' = Inl e) 
  (v. fetch_instruction s' = Inr v)"
by (meson sumE)

lemma fetch_instr_result_2 : "(v. fetch_instruction s' = Inr v) 
  ¬ (e. fetch_instruction s' = Inl e)"
by force

lemma fetch_instr_result_3 : "(e. fetch_instruction s' = Inl e) 
  ¬ (v. fetch_instruction s' = Inr v)"
by auto

lemma decode_instr_result_1 : 
"¬(v2. ((decode_instruction v1)::(Exception list + instruction)) = Inr v2) 
  (e. ((decode_instruction v1)::(Exception list + instruction)) = Inl e)"
by (meson sumE)

lemma decode_instr_result_2 : 
"(e. ((decode_instruction v1)::(Exception list + instruction)) = Inl e) 
  ¬(v2. ((decode_instruction v1)::(Exception list + instruction)) = Inr v2)"
by force

lemma decode_instr_result_3 : "x = decode_instruction v1  y = decode_instruction v2 
   v1 = v2  x = y"
by auto

lemma decode_instr_result_4 : 
"¬ (e. ((decode_instruction v1)::(Exception list + instruction)) = Inl e) 
  (v2. ((decode_instruction v1)::(Exception list + instruction)) = Inr v2)"
by (meson sumE)

lemma good_context_2 : 
"good_context (s::(('a::len) sparc_state))  
 fetch_instruction (delayed_pool_write s) = Inr v1   
 ¬(v2. (decode_instruction v1::(Exception list + instruction)) = Inr v2) 
proof -
  assume "good_context s  
    fetch_instruction (delayed_pool_write s) = Inr v1  
    ¬(v2. ((decode_instruction v1)::(Exception list + instruction)) = Inr v2)"
  hence fact1: "good_context s  
    fetch_instruction (delayed_pool_write s) = Inr v1  
    (e. ((decode_instruction v1)::(Exception list + instruction)) = Inl e)" 
    using decode_instr_result_1 by auto
  hence fact2: "¬(e. fetch_instruction (delayed_pool_write s) = Inl e)" 
    using fetch_instr_result_2 by auto
  then have "fetch_instruction (delayed_pool_write s) = Inr v1  
            (e. ((decode_instruction v1)::(Exception list + instruction)) = Inl e) 
    proof (cases "(get_trap_set s)  {}  (reset_trap_val s) = False  
      get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR s) = 0") 
      case True 
      from this fact1 show ?thesis using good_context_1 by blast
      case False
        then have fact3: "(get_trap_set s) = {}  (reset_trap_val s)  False 
         get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR s)  0"
          by auto
        then show ?thesis 
          using fact1 decode_instr_result_3
          by (metis (no_types, lifting) good_context_def        
  thus ?thesis using fact1 by auto

lemma good_context_3 : 
"good_context (s::(('a::len) sparc_state))  
 s'' = delayed_pool_write s 
 fetch_instruction s'' = Inr v1   
 (decode_instruction v1::(Exception list + instruction)) = Inr v2 
 annul_val s'' = False  supported_instruction (fst v2) = False
proof -
  assume asm: "good_context (s::(('a::len) sparc_state))  
  s'' = delayed_pool_write s 
  fetch_instruction s'' = Inr v1   
  (decode_instruction v1::(Exception list + instruction)) = Inr v2 
  annul_val s'' = False  supported_instruction (fst v2) = False"
  then have "annul_val s'' = False  supported_instruction (fst v2) = False
    proof (cases "(get_trap_set s)  {}  (reset_trap_val s) = False  
      get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR s) = 0")
      case True
      from this asm show ?thesis using good_context_1 by blast
      case False
      then have fact3: "(get_trap_set s) = {}  (reset_trap_val s)  False  
      get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR s)  0"
        by auto
      thus ?thesis using asm by (auto simp add: good_context_def)
  thus ?thesis using asm by auto

lemma good_context_4 : 
"good_context (s::(('a::len) sparc_state))  
 s'' = delayed_pool_write s 
 fetch_instruction s'' = Inr v1  
 ((decode_instruction v1)::(Exception list + instruction)) = Inr v2 
 annul_val s'' = False  
 supported_instruction (fst v2) = True  ― ‹This line is redundant›
 (fst v2) = ctrl_type RETT  get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR s'')  1 
 (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s'')))::word1) = 0
proof -
  assume asm: "good_context (s::(('a::len) sparc_state))  
  s'' = delayed_pool_write s 
  fetch_instruction s'' = Inr v1  
  ((decode_instruction v1)::(Exception list + instruction)) = Inr v2 
  annul_val s'' = False  
  supported_instruction (fst v2) = True  ― ‹This line is redundant›
  (fst v2) = ctrl_type RETT  get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR s'')  1 
  (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s'')))::word1) = 0"
  then have "(fst v2) = ctrl_type RETT  get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR s'')  1 
  (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s'')))::word1) = 0  False"
    proof (cases "(get_trap_set s)  {}  (reset_trap_val s) = False  
      get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR s) = 0")
      case True
      from this asm show ?thesis using good_context_1 by blast
      case False
      then have fact3: "(get_trap_set s) = {}  (reset_trap_val s)  False  
      get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR s)  0"
        by auto
      thus ?thesis using asm by (auto simp add: good_context_def)
  thus ?thesis using asm by auto

lemma good_context_5 : 
"good_context (s::(('a::len) sparc_state))  
 s'' = delayed_pool_write s 
 fetch_instruction s'' = Inr v1  
 ((decode_instruction v1)::(Exception list + instruction)) = Inr v2 
 annul_val s'' = False  
 supported_instruction (fst v2) = True  ― ‹This line is redundant›
 (fst v2) = ctrl_type RETT  get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR s'')  1 
 (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s'')))::word1)  0 
 (get_WIM_bit (nat (((uint (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s''))) + 1) mod NWINDOWS)) 
  (cpu_reg_val WIM s''))  0
proof -
  assume asm: "good_context (s::(('a::len) sparc_state))  
  s'' = delayed_pool_write s 
  fetch_instruction s'' = Inr v1  
  ((decode_instruction v1)::(Exception list + instruction)) = Inr v2 
  annul_val s'' = False  
  supported_instruction (fst v2) = True  ― ‹This line is redundant›
  (fst v2) = ctrl_type RETT  get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR s'')  1 
  (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s'')))::word1)  0 
  (get_WIM_bit (nat (((uint (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s''))) + 1) mod NWINDOWS)) 
    (cpu_reg_val WIM s''))  0"
  then have "(fst v2) = ctrl_type RETT  get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR s'')  1 
  (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s'')))::word1)  0 
  (get_WIM_bit (nat (((uint (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s''))) + 1) mod NWINDOWS)) 
    (cpu_reg_val WIM s''))  0
    proof (cases "(get_trap_set s)  {}  (reset_trap_val s) = False  
      get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR s) = 0")
      case True
      from this asm show ?thesis using good_context_1 by blast
      case False
      then have fact3: "(get_trap_set s) = {}  (reset_trap_val s)  False 
      get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR s)  0"
        by auto
      thus ?thesis using asm by (auto simp add: good_context_def)
  thus ?thesis using asm by auto

lemma good_context_6 : 
"good_context (s::(('a::len) sparc_state))  
 s'' = delayed_pool_write s 
 fetch_instruction s'' = Inr v1  
 ((decode_instruction v1)::(Exception list + instruction)) = Inr v2 
 annul_val s'' = False  
 supported_instruction (fst v2) = True  ― ‹This line is redundant›
 (fst v2) = ctrl_type RETT  get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR s'')  1 
 (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s'')))::word1)  0 
 (get_WIM_bit (nat (((uint (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s''))) + 1) mod NWINDOWS)) 
  (cpu_reg_val WIM s'')) = 0 
 ((AND) (get_addr (snd v2) s'') (0b00000000000000000000000000000011::word32))  0
proof -
  assume asm: "good_context (s::(('a::len) sparc_state))  
  s'' = delayed_pool_write s 
  fetch_instruction s'' = Inr v1  
  ((decode_instruction v1)::(Exception list + instruction)) = Inr v2 
  annul_val s'' = False  
  supported_instruction (fst v2) = True  ― ‹This line is redundant›
  (fst v2) = ctrl_type RETT  get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR s'')  1 
  (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s'')))::word1)  0 
  (get_WIM_bit (nat (((uint (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s''))) + 1) mod NWINDOWS)) 
    (cpu_reg_val WIM s'')) = 0 
  ((AND) (get_addr (snd v2) s'') (0b00000000000000000000000000000011::word32))  0"
  then have "(fst v2) = ctrl_type RETT  get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR s'')  1 
  (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s'')))::word1)  0 
  (get_WIM_bit (nat (((uint (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s''))) + 1) mod NWINDOWS)) 
    (cpu_reg_val WIM s'')) = 0 
  ((AND) (get_addr (snd v2) s'') (0b00000000000000000000000000000011::word32))  0
    proof (cases "(get_trap_set s)  {}  (reset_trap_val s) = False  
      get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR s) = 0")
      case True
      from this asm show ?thesis using good_context_1 by blast
      case False
      then have fact3: "(get_trap_set s) = {}  (reset_trap_val s)  False 
      get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR s)  0"
        by auto
      thus ?thesis using asm by (auto simp add: good_context_def)
  thus ?thesis using asm by auto

lemma good_context_all : 
"good_context (s::(('a::len) sparc_state))  
 s'' = delayed_pool_write s 
 (get_trap_set s = {}  (reset_trap_val s)  False  get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR s)  0) 
 ((e. fetch_instruction s'' = Inl e)  
  (v1 v2. fetch_instruction s'' = Inr v1  
   ((decode_instruction v1)::(Exception list + instruction)) = Inr v2 
   (annul_val s'' = True 
    (annul_val s'' = False  
     (v1' v2'. fetch_instruction s'' = Inr v1'  
      ((decode_instruction v1')::(Exception list + instruction)) = Inr v2' 
      supported_instruction (fst v2') = True) 
     ((fst v2)  ctrl_type RETT 
      ((fst v2) = ctrl_type RETT  
       (get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR s'') = 1 
        (get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR s'')  1 
        (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s'')))::word1)  0 
        (get_WIM_bit (nat (((uint (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s''))) + 1) mod NWINDOWS)) 
          (cpu_reg_val WIM s'')) = 0 
        ((AND) (get_addr (snd v2) s'') (0b00000000000000000000000000000011::word32)) = 0))))))))"
proof -
 assume asm: "good_context s  s'' = delayed_pool_write s"
 from asm have "(get_trap_set s)  {}  (reset_trap_val s) = False  
 get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR s) = 0  False"
  using good_context_1 by blast  
 hence fact1: "(get_trap_set s = {}  (reset_trap_val s)  False  
 get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR s)  0)" by auto
 have fact2: "¬(e. fetch_instruction s'' = Inl e)  ¬ (v1. fetch_instruction s'' = Inr v1) 
   False" using fetch_instr_result_1 by blast
 from asm have fact3: "v1. fetch_instruction s'' = Inr v1 
  ¬(v2.((decode_instruction v1)::(Exception list + instruction)) = Inr v2)
  using good_context_2 by blast
 from asm have fact4: "v1 v2. fetch_instruction s'' = Inr v1  
  ((decode_instruction v1)::(Exception list + instruction)) = Inr v2 
  annul_val s'' = False  supported_instruction (fst v2) = False
  using good_context_3 by blast
 from asm have fact5: "v1 v2. fetch_instruction s'' = Inr v1  
  ((decode_instruction v1)::(Exception list + instruction)) = Inr v2 
  annul_val s'' = False  supported_instruction (fst v2) = True 
  (fst v2) = ctrl_type RETT  get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR s'')  1 
  (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s'')))::word1) = 0
  using good_context_4 by blast
 from asm have fact6: "v1 v2. fetch_instruction s'' = Inr v1  
  ((decode_instruction v1)::(Exception list + instruction)) = Inr v2 
  annul_val s'' = False  supported_instruction (fst v2) = True 
  (fst v2) = ctrl_type RETT  get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR s'')  1 
  (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s'')))::word1)  0 
  (get_WIM_bit (nat (((uint (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s''))) + 1) mod NWINDOWS)) 
    (cpu_reg_val WIM s''))  0
  using good_context_5 by blast
 from asm have fact7: "v1 v2. fetch_instruction s'' = Inr v1  
  ((decode_instruction v1)::(Exception list + instruction)) = Inr v2 
  annul_val s'' = False  supported_instruction (fst v2) = True 
  (fst v2) = ctrl_type RETT  get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR s'')  1 
  (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s'')))::word1)  0 
  (get_WIM_bit (nat (((uint (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s''))) + 1) mod NWINDOWS)) 
    (cpu_reg_val WIM s'')) = 0 
  ((AND) (get_addr (snd v2) s'') (0b00000000000000000000000000000011::word32))  0
    using good_context_6 by blast
 from asm show ?thesis 
  proof (cases "(e. fetch_instruction s'' = Inl e)")
    case True
    then show ?thesis using fact1 by auto
    case False
    then have fact8: "v1. fetch_instruction s'' = Inr v1  
    (v2.((decode_instruction v1)::(Exception list + instruction)) = Inr v2)"
      using fact2 fact3 by auto
    then show ?thesis 
      proof (cases "annul_val s'' = True")
        case True
        then show ?thesis using fact1 fact8 by auto
        case False
        then have fact9: "v1 v2. fetch_instruction s'' = Inr v1  
        ((decode_instruction v1)::(Exception list + instruction)) = Inr v2 
        annul_val s'' = False  supported_instruction (fst v2) = True"
          using fact4 fact8 by blast
        then show ?thesis 
          proof (cases "v1 v2. fetch_instruction s'' = Inr v1  
            ((decode_instruction v1)::(Exception list + instruction)) = Inr v2 
            (fst v2)  ctrl_type RETT")
            case True
            then show ?thesis using fact1 fact9 by auto  
            case False
            then have fact10: "v1 v2. fetch_instruction s'' = Inr v1  
            ((decode_instruction v1)::(Exception list + instruction)) = Inr v2 
            annul_val s'' = False  supported_instruction (fst v2) = True  
              (fst v2) = ctrl_type RETT"
              using fact9 by auto
            then show ?thesis 
              proof (cases "get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR s'') = 1")
                case True
                then show ?thesis using fact1 fact9 by auto
                case False
                then have fact11: "get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR s'')  1  
                (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s'')))::word1)  0"
                  using fact10 fact5 by auto
                then have fact12: "(get_WIM_bit (nat (((uint (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s''))) + 1) 
                  mod NWINDOWS)) (cpu_reg_val WIM s'')) = 0" 
                  using fact10 fact6 by auto
                then have fact13: "v1 v2. fetch_instruction s'' = Inr v1  
                ((decode_instruction v1)::(Exception list + instruction)) = Inr v2 
                ((AND) (get_addr (snd v2) s'') (0b00000000000000000000000000000011::word32)) = 0"
                  using fact10 fact11 fact7 by blast
                thus ?thesis using fact1 fact10 fact11 fact12 by auto

lemma select_trap_result1 : "(reset_trap_val s) = True 
  snd (select_trap() s) = False"   
apply (simp add: select_trap_def exec_gets return_def)
by (simp add: bind_def  h1_def h2_def simpler_modify_def)

lemma select_trap_result2 : 
assumes a1: "¬(reset_trap_val s = False  get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR s) = 0)"
shows  "snd (select_trap() s) = False"
proof (cases "reset_trap_val s = True") 
  case True
  then show ?thesis using select_trap_result1 
  by blast
  case False
  then have f1: "reset_trap_val s = False  get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR s)  0"
    using a1 by auto
    then show ?thesis
    proof (cases "data_store_error  get_trap_set s")
      case True
      then show ?thesis using f1
      by select_trap_proof0
      case False
      then have f2: "data_store_error  get_trap_set s" by auto
      then show ?thesis 
      proof (cases "instruction_access_error  get_trap_set s")
        case True
        then show ?thesis using f1 f2
        by select_trap_proof0
        case False
        then have f3: "instruction_access_error  get_trap_set s" by auto
        then show ?thesis 
        proof (cases "r_register_access_error  get_trap_set s")
          case True
          then show ?thesis using f1 f2 f3
          by select_trap_proof0
          case False
          then have f4: "r_register_access_error  get_trap_set s" by auto
          then show ?thesis 
          proof (cases "instruction_access_exception  get_trap_set s")
            case True
            then show ?thesis using f1 f2 f3 f4
            by select_trap_proof0
            case False
            then have f5: "instruction_access_exception  get_trap_set s" by auto
            then show ?thesis 
            proof (cases "privileged_instruction  get_trap_set s")
              case True
              then show ?thesis using f1 f2 f3 f4 f5
              by select_trap_proof0
              case False
              then have f6: "privileged_instruction  get_trap_set s" by auto
              then show ?thesis 
              proof (cases "illegal_instruction  get_trap_set s")
                case True
                then show ?thesis using f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6
                by select_trap_proof0
                case False
                then have f7: "illegal_instruction  get_trap_set s" by auto
                then show ?thesis
                proof (cases "fp_disabled  get_trap_set s")
                  case True
                  then show ?thesis using f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7
                  by select_trap_proof0
                  case False
                  then have f8: "fp_disabled  get_trap_set s" by auto
                  then show ?thesis 
                  proof (cases "cp_disabled  get_trap_set s")
                    case True
                    then show ?thesis using f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8
                    by select_trap_proof0
                    case False
                    then have f9: "cp_disabled  get_trap_set s" by auto
                    then show ?thesis 
                    proof (cases "unimplemented_FLUSH  get_trap_set s")
                      case True
                      then show ?thesis using f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9
                      by select_trap_proof0
                      case False
                      then have f10: "unimplemented_FLUSH  get_trap_set s" by auto
                      then show ?thesis 
                      proof (cases "window_overflow  get_trap_set s")
                        case True
                        then show ?thesis using f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10
                        by select_trap_proof0
                        case False
                        then have f11: "window_overflow  get_trap_set s" by auto
                        then show ?thesis 
                        proof (cases "window_underflow  get_trap_set s")
                          case True
                          then show ?thesis using f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11
                          by select_trap_proof0
                          case False
                          then have f12: "window_underflow  get_trap_set s" by auto
                          then show ?thesis 
                          proof (cases "mem_address_not_aligned  get_trap_set s")
                            case True
                            then show ?thesis using f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 f12
                            by select_trap_proof0
                            case False
                            then have f13: "mem_address_not_aligned  get_trap_set s" by auto
                            then show ?thesis 
                            proof (cases "fp_exception  get_trap_set s")
                              case True
                              then show ?thesis using f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 f12 f13
                              by select_trap_proof0
                              case False
                              then have f14: "fp_exception  get_trap_set s" by auto
                              then show ?thesis 
                              proof (cases "cp_exception  get_trap_set s")
                                case True
                                then show ?thesis using f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 f12 f13
                                by select_trap_proof0
                                case False
                                then have f15: "cp_exception  get_trap_set s" by auto
                                then show ?thesis 
                                proof (cases "data_access_error  get_trap_set s")
                                  case True
                                  then show ?thesis using f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 f12 f13
                                f14 f15 
                                by select_trap_proof0
                                  case False
                                  then have f16: "data_access_error  get_trap_set s" by auto
                                  then show ?thesis 
                                  proof (cases "data_access_exception  get_trap_set s")
                                    case True
                                    then show ?thesis using f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 f12 
                                    f13 f14 f15 f16
                                    by select_trap_proof0
                                    case False
                                    then have f17: "data_access_exception  get_trap_set s" by auto
                                    then show ?thesis 
                                    proof (cases "tag_overflow  get_trap_set s")
                                      case True
                                      then show ?thesis using f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 f12 
                                      f13 f14 f15 f16 f17
                                      by select_trap_proof0
                                      case False
                                      then have f18: "tag_overflow  get_trap_set s" by auto
                                      then show ?thesis 
                                      proof (cases "division_by_zero  get_trap_set s")
                                        case True
                                        then show ?thesis using f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 
                                        f12 f13 f14 f15 f16 f17 f18 
                                        by select_trap_proof0
                                        case False
                                        then show ?thesis using f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 
                                        f12 f13 f14 f15 f16 f17 f18
                                        apply (simp add: select_trap_def exec_gets return_def)
                                        apply (simp add: DetMonad.bind_def h1_def h2_def simpler_modify_def)
                                        apply (simp add: return_def simpler_gets_def)
                                        apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
                                        apply (simp add: return_def)
                                        apply (simp add: write_cpu_tt_def write_cpu_def)
                                        by (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def simpler_modify_def)

lemma emp_trap_set_err_mode : "err_mode_val s = err_mode_val (emp_trap_set s)"
by (auto simp add: emp_trap_set_def err_mode_val_def)

lemma write_cpu_tt_err_mode : "err_mode_val s = err_mode_val (snd (fst (write_cpu_tt w s)))"
apply (simp add: write_cpu_tt_def err_mode_val_def write_cpu_def)  
apply (simp add: exec_gets return_def)
apply (simp add: bind_def simpler_modify_def)
by (simp add: cpu_reg_mod_def)

lemma select_trap_monad : "snd (select_trap() s) = False  
  err_mode_val s = err_mode_val (snd (fst (select_trap () s)))"
proof -
  assume a1: "snd (select_trap() s) = False"
  then have f0: "reset_trap_val s = False  get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR s) = 0  False" 
    apply (simp add: select_trap_def exec_gets return_def)
    apply (simp add: bind_def h1_def h2_def simpler_modify_def)
    by (simp add: fail_def split_def)  
  then show ?thesis
    proof (cases "reset_trap_val s = True")
      case True
      from a1 f0 this show ?thesis 
      apply (simp add: select_trap_def exec_gets return_def)
      apply (simp add: bind_def h1_def h2_def simpler_modify_def)
      by (simp add: emp_trap_set_def err_mode_val_def)
      case False
      then have f1: "reset_trap_val s = False  get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR s)  0" using f0 by auto
      then show ?thesis using f1 a1
      proof (cases "data_store_error  get_trap_set s")
        case True
        then show ?thesis using f1 a1
        by select_trap_proof1
        case False
        then have f2: "data_store_error  get_trap_set s" by auto
        then show ?thesis 
        proof (cases "instruction_access_error  get_trap_set s")
          case True
          then show ?thesis using f1 f2 a1
          by select_trap_proof1
          case False
          then have f3: "instruction_access_error  get_trap_set s" by auto
          then show ?thesis 
          proof (cases "r_register_access_error  get_trap_set s")
            case True
            then show ?thesis using f1 f2 f3 a1
            by select_trap_proof1
            case False
            then have f4: "r_register_access_error  get_trap_set s" by auto
            then show ?thesis 
            proof (cases "instruction_access_exception  get_trap_set s")
              case True
              then show ?thesis using f1 f2 f3 f4 a1
              by select_trap_proof1
              case False
              then have f5: "instruction_access_exception  get_trap_set s" by auto
              then show ?thesis 
              proof (cases "privileged_instruction  get_trap_set s")
                case True
                then show ?thesis using f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 a1
                by select_trap_proof1
                case False
                then have f6: "privileged_instruction  get_trap_set s" by auto
                then show ?thesis 
                proof (cases "illegal_instruction  get_trap_set s")
                  case True
                  then show ?thesis using f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 a1
                  by select_trap_proof1
                  case False
                  then have f7: "illegal_instruction  get_trap_set s" by auto
                  then show ?thesis
                  proof (cases "fp_disabled  get_trap_set s")
                    case True
                    then show ?thesis using f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 a1
                    by select_trap_proof1
                    case False
                    then have f8: "fp_disabled  get_trap_set s" by auto
                    then show ?thesis 
                    proof (cases "cp_disabled  get_trap_set s")
                      case True
                      then show ?thesis using f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 a1
                      by select_trap_proof1
                      case False
                      then have f9: "cp_disabled  get_trap_set s" by auto
                      then show ?thesis 
                      proof (cases "unimplemented_FLUSH  get_trap_set s")
                        case True
                        then show ?thesis using f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 a1
                        by select_trap_proof1
                        case False
                        then have f10: "unimplemented_FLUSH  get_trap_set s" by auto
                        then show ?thesis 
                        proof (cases "window_overflow  get_trap_set s")
                          case True
                          then show ?thesis using f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 a1
                          by select_trap_proof1
                          case False
                          then have f11: "window_overflow  get_trap_set s" by auto
                          then show ?thesis 
                          proof (cases "window_underflow  get_trap_set s")
                            case True
                            then show ?thesis using f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 a1
                            by select_trap_proof1
                            case False
                            then have f12: "window_underflow  get_trap_set s" by auto
                            then show ?thesis 
                            proof (cases "mem_address_not_aligned  get_trap_set s")
                              case True
                              then show ?thesis using f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 f12 a1
                              by select_trap_proof1
                              case False
                              then have f13: "mem_address_not_aligned  get_trap_set s" by auto
                              then show ?thesis 
                              proof (cases "fp_exception  get_trap_set s")
                                case True
                                then show ?thesis using f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 f12 f13
                                by select_trap_proof1
                                case False
                                then have f14: "fp_exception  get_trap_set s" by auto
                                then show ?thesis 
                                proof (cases "cp_exception  get_trap_set s")
                                  case True
                                  then show ?thesis using f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 f12 f13
                                  f14 a1
                                  by select_trap_proof1
                                  case False
                                  then have f15: "cp_exception  get_trap_set s" by auto
                                  then show ?thesis 
                                  proof (cases "data_access_error  get_trap_set s")
                                    case True
                                    then show ?thesis using f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 f12 f13
                                    f14 f15 a1
                                    by select_trap_proof1
                                    case False
                                    then have f16: "data_access_error  get_trap_set s" by auto
                                    then show ?thesis 
                                    proof (cases "data_access_exception  get_trap_set s")
                                      case True
                                      then show ?thesis using f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 f12 
                                      f13 f14 f15 f16 a1
                                      by select_trap_proof1
                                      case False
                                      then have f17: "data_access_exception  get_trap_set s" by auto
                                      then show ?thesis 
                                      proof (cases "tag_overflow  get_trap_set s")
                                        case True
                                        then show ?thesis using f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 f12 
                                        f13 f14 f15 f16 f17 a1
                                        by select_trap_proof1
                                        case False
                                        then have f18: "tag_overflow  get_trap_set s" by auto
                                        then show ?thesis 
                                        proof (cases "division_by_zero  get_trap_set s")
                                          case True
                                          then show ?thesis using f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 
                                          f12 f13 f14 f15 f16 f17 f18 a1
                                          by select_trap_proof1
                                          case False
                                          then show ?thesis using f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 
                                          f12 f13 f14 f15 f16 f17 f18 a1
                                          apply (simp add: select_trap_def exec_gets return_def)
                                          apply (simp add: bind_def h1_def h2_def simpler_modify_def)
                                          apply (simp add: return_def simpler_gets_def)
                                          apply (simp add: emp_trap_set_def err_mode_val_def
                                          apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
                                          apply (simp add: return_def)
                                          apply clarsimp                                          
                                          apply (simp add: write_cpu_tt_def write_cpu_def write_tt_def)
                                          apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
                                          apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def)
                                          by (simp add: cpu_reg_val_def cpu_reg_mod_def)

lemma exe_trap_st_pc_result : "snd (exe_trap_st_pc() s) = False"
proof (cases "annul_val s = True")
  case True
  then show ?thesis 
  apply (simp add: exe_trap_st_pc_def get_curr_win_def)
  apply (simp add: exec_gets return_def)
  apply (simp add: DetMonad.bind_def h1_def h2_def)
  by (simp add: set_annul_def write_reg_def simpler_modify_def)
  case False
  then show ?thesis
  apply (simp add: exe_trap_st_pc_def get_curr_win_def)
  apply (simp add: exec_gets return_def)
  apply (simp add: DetMonad.bind_def h1_def h2_def)
  by (simp add: write_reg_def simpler_modify_def)

lemma exe_trap_wr_pc_result : "snd (exe_trap_wr_pc() s) = False"
proof (cases "reset_trap_val s = True")
  case True
  then show ?thesis 
  apply (simp add: exe_trap_wr_pc_def get_curr_win_def)
  apply (simp add: exec_gets return_def)
  apply (simp add: DetMonad.bind_def h1_def h2_def)
  apply (simp add: write_cpu_def simpler_modify_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def)
  apply (simp add: cpu_reg_val_def update_S_def cpu_reg_mod_def reset_trap_val_def)
  apply (simp add: write_cpu_def simpler_modify_def DetMonad.bind_def h1_def h2_def)
  apply (simp add: return_def)
  by (simp add: set_reset_trap_def simpler_modify_def DetMonad.bind_def h1_def h2_def return_def)
  case False
  then show ?thesis
  apply (simp add: exe_trap_wr_pc_def get_curr_win_def)
  apply (simp add: exec_gets return_def)
  apply (simp add: DetMonad.bind_def h1_def h2_def)
  apply (simp add: write_cpu_def simpler_modify_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def)
  apply (simp add: cpu_reg_val_def update_S_def cpu_reg_mod_def reset_trap_val_def)
  apply (simp add: write_cpu_def simpler_modify_def DetMonad.bind_def h1_def h2_def)
  by (simp add: return_def)

lemma execute_trap_result : "¬(reset_trap_val s = False  get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR s) = 0) 
  snd (execute_trap() s) = False"
proof -
  assume "¬(reset_trap_val s = False  get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR s) = 0)"
  then have fact1: "snd (select_trap() s) = False" using select_trap_result2 by blast
  then show ?thesis 
    proof (cases "err_mode_val s = True")
      case True
      then show ?thesis using fact1 
        apply (simp add: execute_trap_def exec_gets return_def)
        apply (simp add: DetMonad.bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
        apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
        by (simp add: in_gets return_def select_trap_monad simpler_gets_def)
      case False
      then show ?thesis using fact1 select_trap_monad
      apply (simp add: execute_trap_def exec_gets return_def)
      apply (simp add: DetMonad.bind_def h1_def h2_def)
      apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
      apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def)
      apply (auto simp add: select_trap_monad)
      apply (simp add: DetMonad.bind_def h1_def h2_def get_curr_win_def)
      apply (simp add: get_CWP_def cpu_reg_val_def)
      apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def return_def write_cpu_def)
      apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def DetMonad.bind_def h1_def h2_def)
      apply (simp add: exe_trap_st_pc_result)
      by (simp add: case_prod_unfold exe_trap_wr_pc_result)

lemma execute_trap_result2 : "¬(reset_trap_val s = False  get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR s) = 0) 
  snd (execute_trap() s) = False"
using execute_trap_result
by blast

lemma exe_instr_all : 
"good_context (s::(('a::len) sparc_state))  
  snd (execute_instruction() s) = False"
proof -
  assume asm1: "good_context s"
  let ?s' = "delayed_pool_write s"
  from asm1 have f1 : "(get_trap_set s = {}  (reset_trap_val s)  False  
  get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR s)  0) 
  ((e. fetch_instruction ?s' = Inl e)  
  (v1 v2. fetch_instruction ?s' = Inr v1  
   ((decode_instruction v1)::(Exception list + instruction)) = Inr v2 
   (annul_val ?s' = True 
    (annul_val ?s' = False  
     (v1' v2'. fetch_instruction ?s' = Inr v1'  
      ((decode_instruction v1')::(Exception list + instruction)) = Inr v2' 
      supported_instruction (fst v2') = True) 
     ((fst v2)  ctrl_type RETT 
      ((fst v2) = ctrl_type RETT  
       (get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR ?s') = 1 
        (get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR ?s')  1 
        (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR ?s')))::word1)  0 
        (get_WIM_bit (nat (((uint (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR ?s'))) + 1) mod NWINDOWS)) 
          (cpu_reg_val WIM ?s')) = 0 
        ((AND) (get_addr (snd v2) ?s') (0b00000000000000000000000000000011::word32)) = 0))))))))"
       using good_context_all by blast
   from f1 have f2: "get_trap_set s  {}  
   (reset_trap_val s)  False  get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR s)  0" 
    by auto
   show ?thesis 
   proof (cases "get_trap_set s = {}")
    case True
    then have f3: "get_trap_set s = {}" by auto
    then show ?thesis
    proof (cases "exe_mode_val s = True")
      case True
      then have f4: "exe_mode_val s = True" by auto
      then show ?thesis 
      proof (cases "e1. fetch_instruction ?s' = Inl e1")
        case True
        then show ?thesis using f3
        apply exe_proof_to_decode
        apply (simp add: raise_trap_def simpler_modify_def)
        by (simp add: bind_def h1_def h2_def return_def)
        case False
        then have f5: " v1. fetch_instruction ?s' = Inr v1" using fetch_instr_result_1 by blast
        then have f6: "v1 v2. fetch_instruction ?s' = Inr v1  
          ((decode_instruction v1)::(Exception list + instruction)) = Inr v2"
        using f1 fetch_instr_result_2 by blast
        then show ?thesis 
        proof (cases "annul_val ?s' = True")
          case True
          then show ?thesis using f3 f4 f6
          apply exe_proof_to_decode
          apply (simp add: set_annul_def annul_mod_def simpler_modify_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
          apply (simp add: return_def simpler_gets_def)
          by (simp add: write_cpu_def simpler_modify_def)
          case False
          then have f7: "v1 v2. fetch_instruction ?s' = Inr v1  
          ((decode_instruction v1)::(Exception list + instruction)) = Inr v2  
          (v1' v2'. fetch_instruction ?s' = Inr v1'  
          ((decode_instruction v1')::(Exception list +  instruction)) = Inr v2' 
          supported_instruction (fst v2') = True)  annul_val ?s' = False"
          using f1 f6 fetch_instr_result_2 by auto
          then have f7': "v1 v2. fetch_instruction ?s' = Inr v1  
          ((decode_instruction v1)::(Exception list + instruction)) = Inr v2  
          supported_instruction (fst v2) = True  annul_val ?s' = False"
          by auto
          then show ?thesis 
          proof (cases "v1 v2. fetch_instruction ?s' = Inr v1  
          ((decode_instruction v1)::(Exception list + instruction)) = Inr v2  
          (fst v2) = ctrl_type RETT")
            case True
            then have f8: "v1 v2. fetch_instruction ?s' = Inr v1  
            ((decode_instruction v1)::(Exception list + instruction)) = Inr v2  
            (fst v2) = ctrl_type RETT" by auto
            then show ?thesis 
            proof (cases "get_trap_set ?s' = {}")
              case True
              then have f9: "get_trap_set ?s' = {}" by auto
              then show ?thesis 
              proof (cases "get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR ?s') = 1")
                case True
                then have f10: "get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR ?s') = 1" by auto
                then show ?thesis 
                proof (cases "(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR ?s')))::word1) = 0")
                  case True
                  then show ?thesis using f3 f4 f7 f8 f9 f10
                  apply exe_proof_to_decode              
                  apply exe_proof_dispatch_rett
                  apply (simp add: raise_trap_def simpler_modify_def)
                  apply (auto simp add: execute_instr_sub1_result return_def)
                  by (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
                  case False
                  then show ?thesis using f3 f4 f7 f8 f9 f10
                  apply exe_proof_to_decode
                  apply exe_proof_dispatch_rett
                  apply (simp add: raise_trap_def simpler_modify_def)
                  apply (auto simp add: execute_instr_sub1_result return_def)
                  by (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
                case False
                then have f11: "v1 v2. fetch_instruction ?s' = Inr v1  
                ((decode_instruction v1)::(Exception list + instruction)) = Inr v2 
                annul_val ?s' = False 
                (fst v2) = ctrl_type RETT 
                (get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR ?s')  1 
                (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR ?s')))::word1)  0 
                (get_WIM_bit (nat (((uint (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR ?s'))) + 1) mod NWINDOWS)) 
                  (cpu_reg_val WIM ?s')) = 0 
                ((AND) (get_addr (snd v2) ?s') (0b00000000000000000000000000000011::word32)) = 0)"
                using f1 fetch_instr_result_2 f7' f8 by auto
                then show ?thesis using f3 f4
                proof (cases "get_trap_set ?s' = {}")
                  case True
                  then show ?thesis using f3 f4 f11
                  apply (simp add: execute_instruction_def)
                  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def simpler_modify_def)
                  apply clarsimp
                  apply (simp add: return_def)
                  apply (simp add: bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
                  apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)   
                  apply auto
                   apply (simp add: execute_instr_sub1_result)                
                  apply (simp add: dispatch_instruction_def)
                  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)  
                  by (simp add: rett_instr_result)
                  case False
                  then show ?thesis using f3 f4 f11
                  apply (simp add: execute_instruction_def)
                  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def simpler_modify_def)
                  apply clarsimp
                  apply (simp add: return_def)
                  apply (simp add: bind_def h1_def h2_def)
                  apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)   
                  apply (simp add: execute_instr_sub1_result)
                  apply (simp add: dispatch_instruction_def)
                  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
                  by (simp add: return_def)
              case False
              then show ?thesis using f3 f4 f7 f8
              apply exe_proof_to_decode
              apply (simp add: dispatch_instruction_def)
              apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
              apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
              by (auto simp add: execute_instr_sub1_result return_def Let_def)
            case False ― ‹Instruction is not RETT›.›
            then have "v1 v2. fetch_instruction ?s' = Inr v1  
            ((decode_instruction v1)::(Exception list + instruction)) = Inr v2  
            (fst v2)  ctrl_type RETT" using f7 by auto
            then have "v1 v2. fetch_instruction ?s' = Inr v1  
            ((decode_instruction v1)::(Exception list + instruction)) = Inr v2 
            (fst v2)  ctrl_type RETT 
            supported_instruction (fst v2) = True  annul_val ?s' = False"
            using f7 by auto            
            then have "v1 v2. fetch_instruction ?s' = Inr v1  
            ((decode_instruction v1)::(Exception list + instruction)) = Inr v2 
            (fst v2)  ctrl_type RETT 
            supported_instruction (fst v2) = True  annul_val ?s' = False 
            snd (dispatch_instruction v2 ?s') = False"
            by (auto simp add: dispatch_instr_result)                   
            then show ?thesis using f3 f4
              apply exe_proof_to_decode
              apply (simp add: bind_def h1_def h2_def)
              apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
              by (simp add: execute_instr_sub1_result)            
      case False
      then show ?thesis using f3
      apply (simp add: execute_instruction_def)
      by (simp add: exec_gets return_def)
    case False
    then have "get_trap_set s  {}  
    ((reset_trap_val s)  False  get_ET (cpu_reg_val PSR s)  0)" 
      using f2 by auto
    then show ?thesis
    apply (simp add: execute_instruction_def exec_gets)
    by (simp add: execute_trap_result2)

lemma dispatch_fail: 
"snd (execute_instruction() (s::(('a::len) sparc_state))) = False 
  get_trap_set s = {} 
  exe_mode_val s 
  fetch_instruction (delayed_pool_write s) = Inr v   
  ((decode_instruction v)::(Exception list + instruction)) = Inl e
using decode_instr_result_2
apply (simp add: execute_instruction_def)
apply (simp add: exec_gets bind_def)
apply clarsimp
apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def return_def)
by (simp add: fail_def)

lemma no_error : "good_context s  snd (execute_instruction () s) = False"
proof -
  assume "good_context s"
  hence "snd (execute_instruction() s) = False" 
    using exe_instr_all by auto
  hence "snd (execute_instruction () s) = False" by (simp add: exec_ss2)
  thus ?thesis by assumption

theorem single_step : "good_context s  NEXT s = Some (snd (fst (execute_instruction () s)))"
by (simp add: no_error next_match)


section ‹Privilege safty›


text ‹The following shows that, if the pre-state is under user mode,
  then after a singel step execution, the post-state is aslo under user mode.›

lemma write_cpu_pc_privilege: "s' = snd (fst (write_cpu w PC s)) 
  (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0 
  (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
apply (simp add: write_cpu_def simpler_modify_def)
apply (simp add: cpu_reg_mod_def)
by (simp add: cpu_reg_val_def)

lemma write_cpu_npc_privilege: "s' = snd (fst (write_cpu w nPC s)) 
  (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0 
  (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
apply (simp add: write_cpu_def simpler_modify_def)
apply (simp add: cpu_reg_mod_def)
by (simp add: cpu_reg_val_def)

lemma write_cpu_y_privilege: "s' = snd (fst (write_cpu w Y s)) 
  (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0
   (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
apply (simp add: write_cpu_def simpler_modify_def)
apply (simp add: cpu_reg_mod_def)
by (simp add: cpu_reg_val_def)

lemma cpu_reg_mod_y_privilege: "s' = cpu_reg_mod w Y s 
  (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0
   (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
by (simp add: cpu_reg_mod_def cpu_reg_val_def)

lemma cpu_reg_mod_asr_privilege: "s' = cpu_reg_mod w (ASR r) s 
  (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0
   (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
by (simp add: cpu_reg_mod_def cpu_reg_val_def)

lemma global_reg_mod_privilege: "s' = global_reg_mod w1 n w2 s 
  (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0 
  (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
apply (induction n arbitrary:s)
 apply (clarsimp)
apply (auto)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
by (simp add: cpu_reg_val_def)

lemma out_reg_mod_privilege: "s' = out_reg_mod a w r s 
  (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0 
  (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
apply (simp add: out_reg_mod_def Let_def)
by (simp add: cpu_reg_val_def)

lemma in_reg_mod_privilege: "s' = in_reg_mod a w r s 
  (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0 
  (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
apply (simp add: in_reg_mod_def Let_def)
by (simp add: cpu_reg_val_def)

lemma user_reg_mod_privilege: 
assumes a1: " s' = user_reg_mod d (w::(('a::len) window_size)) r 
  (s::(('a::len) sparc_state))  
  (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0"
shows "(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
proof (cases "r = 0")
  case True
  then show ?thesis using a1
  by (simp add: user_reg_mod_def)  
  case False
  then have f1: "r  0" by auto
  then show ?thesis
  proof (cases "0 < r  r < 8")
    case True
    then show ?thesis using a1 f1
    apply (simp add: user_reg_mod_def)
    by (auto intro: global_reg_mod_privilege)
    case False
    then have f2: "¬(0 < r  r < 8)" by auto
    then show ?thesis 
    proof (cases "7 < r  r < 16")
      case True
      then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2
      apply (simp add: user_reg_mod_def)
      by (auto intro: out_reg_mod_privilege)
      case False
      then have f3: "¬ (7 < r  r < 16)" by auto
      then show ?thesis
      proof (cases "15 < r  r < 24")
        case True
        then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2 f3
        apply (simp add: user_reg_mod_def)
        by (simp add: cpu_reg_val_def)
        case False
        then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2 f3
        apply (simp add: user_reg_mod_def)
        by (auto intro: in_reg_mod_privilege)

lemma write_reg_privilege: "s' = snd (fst (write_reg w1 w2 w3 
  (s::(('a::len) sparc_state)))) 
  (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0 
  (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
apply (simp add: write_reg_def simpler_modify_def)
by (auto intro: user_reg_mod_privilege)

lemma set_annul_privilege: "s' = snd (fst (set_annul b s)) 
  (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0 
  (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
apply (simp add: set_annul_def simpler_modify_def)
apply (simp add: annul_mod_def write_annul_def)
by (simp add: cpu_reg_val_def)

lemma set_reset_trap_privilege: "s' = snd (fst (set_reset_trap b s)) 
  (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0 
  (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
apply (simp add: set_reset_trap_def simpler_modify_def)
apply (simp add: reset_trap_mod_def write_annul_def)
by (simp add: cpu_reg_val_def)

lemma empty_delayed_pool_write_privilege: "get_delayed_pool s = [] 
  (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0 
  s' = delayed_pool_write s  
  (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
apply (simp add: delayed_pool_write_def)
by (simp add: get_delayed_write_def delayed_write_all_def delayed_pool_rm_list_def)

lemma raise_trap_privilege: 
"(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0 
  s' = snd (fst (raise_trap t s))  
  (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
apply (simp add: raise_trap_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def add_trap_set_def)
by (simp add: cpu_reg_val_def)

lemma write_cpu_tt_privilege: "s' = snd (fst (write_cpu_tt w s)) 
  (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0
   (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
apply (simp add: write_cpu_tt_def)
apply (simp add: exec_gets)
apply (simp add: write_cpu_def cpu_reg_mod_def write_tt_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def)
by (simp add: cpu_reg_val_def)

lemma emp_trap_set_privilege: "s' = emp_trap_set s 
  (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0
   (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
apply (simp add: emp_trap_set_def)
by (simp add: cpu_reg_val_def)

lemma sys_reg_mod_privilege: "s' = sys_reg_mod w r s 
   (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0
   (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
apply (simp add: sys_reg_mod_def)
by (simp add: cpu_reg_val_def)

lemma mem_mod_privilege: 
assumes a1: "s' = mem_mod a1 a2 v s 
  (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0"
shows "(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
proof (cases "(uint a1) = 8  (uint a1) = 10")
  case True
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: mem_mod_def)
  apply (simp add: Let_def)
  by (simp add: cpu_reg_val_def)
  case False
  then have f1: "¬((uint a1) = 8  (uint a1) = 10)" by auto
  then show ?thesis 
  proof (cases "(uint a1) = 9  (uint a1) = 11")
    case True
    then show ?thesis using a1 f1
    apply (simp add: mem_mod_def)
    apply (simp add: Let_def)
    by (simp add: cpu_reg_val_def)
    case False
    then show ?thesis using a1 f1
    apply (simp add: mem_mod_def)
    by (simp add: cpu_reg_val_def)

lemma mem_mod_w32_privilege: "s' = mem_mod_w32 a1 a2 b d s 
  (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0
   (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
apply (simp add: mem_mod_w32_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
by (auto intro: mem_mod_privilege)

lemma add_instr_cache_privilege: "s' = add_instr_cache s addr y m 
(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0 
(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
apply (simp add: add_instr_cache_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
by (simp add: icache_mod_def cpu_reg_val_def)

lemma add_data_cache_privilege: "s' = add_data_cache s addr y m 
(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0 
(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
apply (simp add: add_data_cache_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
by (simp add: dcache_mod_def cpu_reg_val_def)

lemma memory_read_privilege: 
assumes a1: "s' = snd (memory_read asi addr s) 
  (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0"
shows "(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
proof (cases "uint asi = 1")
  case True
  then show ?thesis using a1 
  apply (simp add: memory_read_def)
  by (simp add: Let_def)
  case False
  then have f1: "uint asi  1" by auto
  then show ?thesis  
  proof (cases "uint asi = 2")
    case True 
    then show ?thesis using a1 f1
    by (simp add: memory_read_def)    
    case False
    then have f2: "uint asi  2" by auto
    then show ?thesis 
    proof (cases "uint asi  {8,9}")
      case True
      then have f3: "uint asi  {8,9}" by auto
      then show ?thesis
      proof (cases "load_word_mem s addr asi = None")
        case True
        then have f4: "load_word_mem s addr asi = None" by auto
        then show ?thesis 
        using a1 f1 f2 f3 f4
        by (simp add: memory_read_def)
        case False
        then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2 f3
        apply (simp add: memory_read_def)      
        apply auto
         apply (simp add: add_instr_cache_privilege)
        by (simp add: add_instr_cache_privilege)
      case False
      then have f5: "uint asi  {8, 9}" by auto
      then show ?thesis 
        proof (cases "uint asi  {10,11}")
          case True
          then have f6: "uint asi  {10,11}" by auto
          then show ?thesis
          proof (cases "load_word_mem s addr asi = None")
            case True
            then have f7: "load_word_mem s addr asi = None" by auto
            then show ?thesis 
            using a1 f1 f2 f5 f6 f7
            by (simp add: memory_read_def)
            case False
            then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2 f5 f6
            apply (simp add: memory_read_def)      
            apply auto
             apply (simp add: add_data_cache_privilege)
            by (simp add: add_data_cache_privilege)
        case False
        then have f8: "uint asi  {10,11}" by auto
        then show ?thesis
        proof (cases "uint asi = 13")
          case True
          then have f9: "uint asi = 13" by auto
          then show ?thesis 
          proof (cases "read_instr_cache s addr = None")
            case True
            then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2 f5 f8 f9
            by (simp add: memory_read_def) 
            case False
            then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2 f5 f8 f9
            apply (simp add: memory_read_def)
            by auto
          case False
          then have f10: "uint asi  13" by auto
          then show ?thesis 
          proof (cases "uint asi = 15")
            case True
            then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2 f5 f8 f10
            apply (simp add: memory_read_def)
            apply (cases "read_data_cache s addr = None")
             by auto
            case False
            then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2 f5 f8 f10
            apply (simp add: memory_read_def) ― ‹The rest cases are easy.›
            by (simp add: Let_def)

lemma get_curr_win_privilege: "s' = snd (fst (get_curr_win() s)) 
  (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0
   (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
apply (simp add: get_curr_win_def)
by (simp add: simpler_gets_def)

lemma load_sub2_privilege: 
assumes a1: "s' = snd (fst (load_sub2 addr asi r win w s))
   (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0"
shows "(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
proof (cases "fst (memory_read asi (addr + 4)
                        (snd (fst (write_reg w win (r AND 30) s)))) =
  case True
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: load_sub2_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
  apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
  by (auto intro: raise_trap_privilege write_reg_privilege)
  case False
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: load_sub2_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
  apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
  apply clarsimp
  apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
  by (auto intro: write_reg_privilege memory_read_privilege)

lemma load_sub3_privilege: 
assumes a1: "s' = snd (fst (load_sub3 instr curr_win rd asi address s))
   (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0"
shows "(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
proof (cases "fst (memory_read asi address s) = None")
  case True
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: load_sub3_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
  apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
  by (auto intro: raise_trap_privilege)
  case False
  then have f1: "fst (memory_read asi address s)  None " by auto
  then show ?thesis 
  proof (cases "rd  0 
                          (fst instr = load_store_type LD 
                           fst instr = load_store_type LDA 
                           fst instr = load_store_type LDUH 
                           fst instr = load_store_type LDSB 
                           fst instr = load_store_type LDUB 
                           fst instr = load_store_type LDUBA 
                           fst instr = load_store_type LDSH 
                           fst instr = load_store_type LDSHA 
                           fst instr = load_store_type LDUHA 
                           fst instr = load_store_type LDSBA)")
    case True
    then show ?thesis using a1 f1
    apply (simp add: load_sub3_def)
    apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
    apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
    apply clarsimp
    apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
    by (auto intro: write_reg_privilege memory_read_privilege)
    case False
    then show ?thesis using a1 f1
    apply (simp add: load_sub3_def)
    apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
    apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
    apply auto
     apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
     apply (auto intro: load_sub2_privilege memory_read_privilege)
    apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
    by (auto intro: load_sub2_privilege memory_read_privilege)

lemma load_sub1_privilege: 
assumes a1: "s' = snd (fst (load_sub1 instr rd s_val s))
   (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0"
shows "(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
using a1
apply (simp add: load_sub1_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
apply auto
               by (auto intro: get_curr_win_privilege raise_trap_privilege load_sub3_privilege)

lemma load_instr_privilege: "s' = snd (fst (load_instr i s))
   (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0
   (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
apply (simp add: load_instr_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
apply clarsimp
by (auto intro: get_curr_win_privilege raise_trap_privilege load_sub1_privilege)

lemma store_barrier_pending_mod_privilege: "s' = store_barrier_pending_mod b s
   (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0
   (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
apply (simp add: store_barrier_pending_mod_def)
apply (simp add: write_store_barrier_pending_def)
by (simp add: cpu_reg_val_def)

lemma store_word_mem_privilege: 
assumes a1: "store_word_mem s addr data byte_mask asi = Some s'  
(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0"
shows "(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
using a1 apply (simp add: store_word_mem_def)
apply (case_tac "virt_to_phys addr (mmu s) (mem s) = None")
apply auto
apply (case_tac "mmu_writable (get_acc_flag b) asi")
apply auto
by (simp add: mem_mod_w32_privilege)

lemma flush_instr_cache_privilege: "(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0 
s' = flush_instr_cache s 
(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
apply (simp add: flush_instr_cache_def)
by (simp add: cpu_reg_val_def)

lemma flush_data_cache_privilege: "(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0 
s' = flush_data_cache s 
(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
apply (simp add: flush_data_cache_def)
by (simp add: cpu_reg_val_def)

lemma flush_cache_all_privilege: "(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0 
s' = flush_cache_all s 
(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
apply (simp add: flush_cache_all_def)
by (simp add: cpu_reg_val_def)

lemma memory_write_asi_privilege: 
assumes a1: "r = memory_write_asi asi addr byte_mask data s 
  r = Some s' 
  (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0"
shows "(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
proof (cases "uint asi = 1")
  case True
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: memory_write_asi_def)
  by (auto intro: store_word_mem_privilege)
  case False
  then have f1: "uint asi  1" by auto
  then show ?thesis
  proof (cases "uint asi = 2")
    case True
    then have f01: "uint asi = 2" by auto 
    then show ?thesis 
    proof (cases "uint addr = 0")
      case True
      then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f01      
      apply (simp add: memory_write_asi_def)
      apply (simp add: ccr_flush_def)
      apply (simp add: Let_def)
      apply auto
         apply (metis flush_data_cache_privilege flush_instr_cache_privilege sys_reg_mod_privilege)
        apply (metis flush_instr_cache_privilege sys_reg_mod_privilege)
       apply (metis flush_data_cache_privilege sys_reg_mod_privilege)
      by (simp add: sys_reg_mod_privilege)
      case False
      then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f01
      apply (simp add: memory_write_asi_def)
      apply clarsimp
      by (metis option.distinct(1) option.sel sys_reg_mod_privilege)      
    case False
    then have f2: "uint asi  2" by auto
    then show ?thesis
    proof (cases "uint asi  {8,9}")
      case True
      then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2
      apply (simp add: memory_write_asi_def)
      using store_word_mem_privilege add_instr_cache_privilege
      by blast    
      case False
      then have f3: "uint asi  {8,9}" by auto
      then show ?thesis 
      proof (cases "uint asi  {10,11}")
        case True
        then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2 f3
        apply (simp add: memory_write_asi_def)
        using store_word_mem_privilege add_data_cache_privilege
        by blast 
        case False
        then have f4: "uint asi  {10,11}" by auto
        then show ?thesis 
        proof (cases "uint asi = 13")
          case True
          then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2 f3 f4
          apply (simp add: memory_write_asi_def)
          by (auto simp add: add_instr_cache_privilege)
          case False
          then have f5: "uint asi  13" by auto
          then show ?thesis
          proof (cases "uint asi = 15")
            case True
            then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5
            apply (simp add: memory_write_asi_def)
            by (auto simp add: add_data_cache_privilege)
            case False
            then have f6: "uint asi  15" by auto
            then show ?thesis
            proof (cases "uint asi = 16")
              case True
              then show ?thesis using a1
              apply (simp add: memory_write_asi_def)
              by (auto simp add: flush_instr_cache_privilege)
              case False
              then have f7: "uint asi  16" by auto
              then show ?thesis
              proof (cases "uint asi = 17")
                case True
                then show ?thesis using a1
                apply (simp add: memory_write_asi_def)
                by (auto simp add: flush_data_cache_privilege)
                case False
                then have f8: "uint asi  17" by auto
                then show ?thesis
                proof (cases "uint asi = 24")
                  case True
                  then show ?thesis using a1
                  apply (simp add: memory_write_asi_def)
                  by (auto simp add: flush_cache_all_privilege)
                  case False
                  then have f9: "uint asi  24" by auto
                  then show ?thesis
                  proof (cases "uint asi = 25")
                    case True
                    then show ?thesis using a1
                    apply (simp add: memory_write_asi_def)
                    apply (case_tac "mmu_reg_mod (mmu s) addr data = None")
                     apply auto
                    by (simp add: cpu_reg_val_def)
                    case False
                    then have f10: "uint asi  25" by auto
                    then show ?thesis
                    proof (cases "uint asi = 28")
                      case True
                      then show ?thesis using a1
                      apply (simp add: memory_write_asi_def)
                      by (auto simp add: mem_mod_w32_privilege)
                      case False ― ‹The remaining cases are easy.›
                      then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10
                      apply (simp add: memory_write_asi_def)
                      apply (auto simp add: Let_def)
                      apply (case_tac "uint asi = 20  uint asi = 21")
                       by auto                  

lemma memory_write_privilege: 
assumes a1: "r = memory_write asi addr byte_mask data 
  (s::(('a::len) sparc_state)) 
  r = Some s' 
  (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0"
shows "(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR 
  (s'::(('a::len) sparc_state)))))::word1) = 0"
proof -
  have "x. Some x  None" by auto
  then have "r  None" using a1
    by (simp add: r = memory_write asi addr byte_mask data s  
        r = Some s'  (get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)) = 0)  
  then have "s''. r = Some (store_barrier_pending_mod False s'')" using a1
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) memory_write_def option.case_eq_if) 
  then have "s''. s' = store_barrier_pending_mod False s''" using a1
    by blast    
  then have "s''. memory_write_asi asi addr byte_mask data s = Some s''  
             s' = store_barrier_pending_mod False s''"
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms memory_write_def not_None_eq option.case_eq_if option.sel)
  then show ?thesis using a1
    using memory_write_asi_privilege store_barrier_pending_mod_privilege by blast   

lemma store_sub2_privilege: 
assumes a1: "s' = snd (fst (store_sub2 instr curr_win rd asi address s))
   (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0"
shows "(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
proof (cases "memory_write asi address (st_byte_mask instr address)
                        (st_data0 instr curr_win rd address s) s =
  case True
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: store_sub2_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
  apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
  by (metis fst_conv raise_trap_privilege return_def snd_conv)
  case False
  then have f1: "¬(memory_write asi address (st_byte_mask instr address)
                        (st_data0 instr curr_win rd address s) s =
    by auto
  then show ?thesis  
  proof (cases "(fst instr)  {load_store_type STD,load_store_type STDA}")
    case True
    then have f2: "(fst instr)  {load_store_type STD,load_store_type STDA}" by auto
    then show ?thesis using a1 f1
    apply (simp add: store_sub2_def)
    apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
    apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
    apply (simp add: return_def)
    apply (simp add: bind_def case_prod_unfold)
    apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def)
    apply clarsimp
    apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def simpler_modify_def)
    apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def)
    apply auto
       using memory_write_privilege raise_trap_privilege apply blast
      apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def simpler_gets_def bind_def)
      apply (meson memory_write_privilege)
     using memory_write_privilege raise_trap_privilege apply blast
    by (meson memory_write_privilege)    
    case False
    then show ?thesis using a1 f1
    apply (simp add: store_sub2_def)
    apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
    apply clarsimp
    apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def return_def)
    by (auto intro: memory_write_privilege)

lemma store_sub1_privilege: 
assumes a1: "s' = snd (fst (store_sub1 instr rd s_val 
  (s::(('a::len) sparc_state))))
   (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0"
shows "(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR 
  (s'::(('a::len) sparc_state)))))::word1) = 0"
proof (cases "(fst instr = load_store_type STH  fst instr = load_store_type STHA) 
              ((ucast (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s)))))::word1)  0")
  case True
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: store_sub1_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
  apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
  using get_curr_win_privilege raise_trap_privilege by blast                
  case False
  then have f1: "¬((fst instr = load_store_type STH  fst instr = load_store_type STHA) 
              ((ucast (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s)))))::word1)  0)"
    by auto
  then show ?thesis 
  proof (cases "(fst instr  {load_store_type ST,load_store_type STA}) 
              ((ucast (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s)))))::word2)  0")
    case True
    then show ?thesis using a1 f1
    apply (simp add: store_sub1_def)
    apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
    apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)    
    using get_curr_win_privilege raise_trap_privilege by blast
    case False
    then have f2: "¬((fst instr  {load_store_type ST,load_store_type STA}) 
              ((ucast (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s)))))::word2)  0)"
      by auto
    then show ?thesis
    proof (cases "(fst instr  {load_store_type STD,load_store_type STDA}) 
              ((ucast (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s)))))::word3)  0")
      case True
      then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2
      apply (simp add: store_sub1_def)
      apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
      apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold) 
      using get_curr_win_privilege raise_trap_privilege by blast
      case False
      then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2
      apply (simp add: store_sub1_def)
      apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
      apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
      by (meson get_curr_win_privilege store_sub2_privilege)       

lemma store_instr_privilege: 
assumes a1: "s' = snd (fst (store_instr instr 
  (s::(('a::len) sparc_state))))
   (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0"
shows "(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR 
  (s'::(('a::len) sparc_state)))))::word1) = 0"
using a1
apply (simp add: store_instr_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
using raise_trap_privilege store_sub1_privilege by blast

lemma sethi_instr_privilege: 
assumes a1: "s' = snd (fst (sethi_instr instr 
  (s::(('a::len) sparc_state))))
   (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0"
shows "(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
using a1
apply (simp add: sethi_instr_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
apply auto
 apply (simp add: bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
 apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
 using get_curr_win_privilege write_reg_privilege apply blast
by (simp add: return_def)

lemma nop_instr_privilege: 
assumes a1: "s' = snd (fst (nop_instr instr 
  (s::(('a::len) sparc_state))))
   (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0"
shows "(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
using a1
apply (simp add: nop_instr_def)
by (simp add: return_def)

lemma ucast_0: "(((get_S w))::word1) = 0  get_S w = 0"
by simp

lemma ucast_02: "get_S w = 0  (((get_S w))::word1) = 0"
by simp

lemma ucast_s: "(((get_S w))::word1) = 0  
  (AND) w (0b00000000000000000000000010000000::word32) = 0"
  by (simp add: get_S_def split: if_splits)

lemma ucast_s2: "(AND) w 0b00000000000000000000000010000000 = 0
   (((get_S w))::word1) = 0"
by (simp add: get_S_def)

lemma update_PSR_icc_1: "w' = (AND) w (0b11111111000011111111111111111111::word32)
   (((get_S w))::word1) = 0
   (((get_S w'))::word1) = 0"
by (simp add: get_S_def word_bw_assocs(1))

lemma and_num_1048576_128: "(AND) (0b00000000000100000000000000000000::word32)
  (0b00000000000000000000000010000000::word32) = 0"
by simp

lemma and_num_2097152_128: "(AND) (0b00000000001000000000000000000000::word32)
  (0b00000000000000000000000010000000::word32) = 0"
by simp

lemma and_num_4194304_128: "(AND) (0b00000000010000000000000000000000::word32)
  (0b00000000000000000000000010000000::word32) = 0"
by simp

lemma and_num_8388608_128: "(AND) (0b00000000100000000000000000000000::word32)
  (0b00000000000000000000000010000000::word32) = 0"
by simp

lemma or_and_s: "(AND) w1 (0b00000000000000000000000010000000::word32) = 0
   (AND) w2 (0b00000000000000000000000010000000::word32) = 0
   (AND) ((OR) w1 w2) (0b00000000000000000000000010000000::word32) = 0"
by (simp add: word_ao_dist)

lemma and_or_s: 
assumes "(((get_S w1))::word1) = 0  
  (AND) w2 (0b00000000000000000000000010000000::word32) = 0"
shows "(((get_S ((OR) ((AND) w1 
  (0b11111111000011111111111111111111::word32)) w2)))::word1) = 0"
proof -
  from assms have "w1 AND 128 = 0"
    using ucast_s by blast
  then have "(w1 AND 4279238655 OR w2) AND 128 = 0"
    using assms by (metis word_ao_absorbs(6) word_ao_dist word_bw_comms(2))
  then show ?thesis
    using ucast_s2 by blast

lemma and_or_or_s:
assumes a1: "(((get_S w1))::word1) = 0  
  (AND) w2 (0b00000000000000000000000010000000::word32) = 0   
  (AND) w3 (0b00000000000000000000000010000000::word32) = 0"
shows "(((get_S ((OR) ((OR) ((AND) w1 
  (0b11111111000011111111111111111111::word32)) w2) w3)))::word1) = 0"
using and_or_s assms or_and_s ucast_s ucast_s2 by blast 

lemma and_or_or_or_s:
assumes a1: "(((get_S w1))::word1) = 0  
  (AND) w2 (0b00000000000000000000000010000000::word32) = 0   
  (AND) w3 (0b00000000000000000000000010000000::word32) = 0 
  (AND) w4 (0b00000000000000000000000010000000::word32) = 0"
shows "(((get_S ((OR) ((OR) ((OR) ((AND) w1 
  (0b11111111000011111111111111111111::word32)) w2) w3) w4)))::word1) = 0"
  using and_or_or_s assms or_and_s ucast_s ucast_s2
  by (simp add: and_or_or_s assms or_and_s ucast_s ucast_s2) 

lemma and_or_or_or_or_s:
assumes a1: "(((get_S w1))::word1) = 0  
  (AND) w2 (0b00000000000000000000000010000000::word32) = 0   
  (AND) w3 (0b00000000000000000000000010000000::word32) = 0 
  (AND) w4 (0b00000000000000000000000010000000::word32) = 0  
  (AND) w5 (0b00000000000000000000000010000000::word32) = 0"
shows "(((get_S ((OR) ((OR) ((OR) ((OR) ((AND) w1 
  (0b11111111000011111111111111111111::word32)) w2) w3) w4) w5)))::word1) = 0"
  using and_or_or_or_s assms or_and_s ucast_s ucast_s2
  by (simp add: and_or_or_or_s assms or_and_s ucast_s ucast_s2)

lemma write_cpu_PSR_icc_privilege: 
assumes a1: "s' = snd (fst (write_cpu (update_PSR_icc n_val z_val v_val c_val 
                                        (cpu_reg_val PSR s)) 
  (s::(('a::len) sparc_state))))
   (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0"
shows "(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
using a1
apply (simp add: write_cpu_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def)
apply (simp add: cpu_reg_mod_def update_PSR_icc_def)
apply (simp add: cpu_reg_val_def)
apply auto
               using update_PSR_icc_1 apply blast
              using update_PSR_icc_1 and_num_1048576_128 and_or_s apply blast
             using update_PSR_icc_1 and_num_2097152_128 and_or_s apply blast
            using update_PSR_icc_1 and_num_1048576_128 and_num_2097152_128 
            and_or_or_s apply blast
           using update_PSR_icc_1 and_num_4194304_128 and_or_s apply blast
          using update_PSR_icc_1 and_num_1048576_128 and_num_4194304_128 
          and_or_or_s apply blast
         using update_PSR_icc_1 and_num_2097152_128 and_num_4194304_128 
         and_or_or_s apply blast
        using update_PSR_icc_1 and_num_1048576_128 and_num_2097152_128 and_num_4194304_128
        and_or_or_or_s apply blast 
       using update_PSR_icc_1 and_num_8388608_128 and_or_s apply blast
      using update_PSR_icc_1 and_num_1048576_128 and_num_8388608_128 
      and_or_or_s apply blast
     using update_PSR_icc_1 and_num_2097152_128 and_num_8388608_128 
     and_or_or_s apply blast
    using update_PSR_icc_1 and_num_1048576_128 and_num_2097152_128 and_num_8388608_128
    and_or_or_or_s apply blast 
   using update_PSR_icc_1 and_num_4194304_128 and_num_8388608_128 
   and_or_or_s apply blast
  using update_PSR_icc_1 and_num_1048576_128 and_num_4194304_128 and_num_8388608_128
  and_or_or_or_s apply blast 
 using update_PSR_icc_1 and_num_2097152_128 and_num_4194304_128 and_num_8388608_128
 and_or_or_or_s apply blast 
using update_PSR_icc_1 and_num_1048576_128 and_num_2097152_128 and_num_4194304_128 
and_num_8388608_128 and_or_or_or_or_s by blast 

lemma and_num_4294967167_128: "(AND) (0b11111111111111111111111101111111::word32)
  (0b00000000000000000000000010000000::word32) = 0"
by simp

lemma s_0_word: "(((get_S ((AND) w 
  (0b11111111111111111111111101111111::word32))))::word1) = 0"
apply (simp add: get_S_def)
  using and_num_4294967167_128
  by (simp add: ac_simps)

lemma update_PSR_CWP_1: "w' = (AND) w (0b11111111111111111111111111100000::word32)
   (((get_S w))::word1) = 0
   (((get_S w'))::word1) = 0"
by (simp add: get_S_def word_bw_assocs(1))

lemma write_cpu_PSR_CWP_privilege: 
assumes a1: "s' = snd (fst (write_cpu (update_CWP cwp_val 
                                        (cpu_reg_val PSR s)) 
  (s::(('a::len) sparc_state))))
   (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0"
shows "(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
using a1
apply (simp add: write_cpu_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def)
apply (simp add: cpu_reg_mod_def)
apply (simp add: update_CWP_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
apply auto
apply (simp add: cpu_reg_val_def)
using s_0_word by blast

lemma logical_instr_sub1_privilege: 
assumes a1: "s' = snd (fst (logical_instr_sub1 instr_name result 
  (s::(('a::len) sparc_state))))
   (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0"
shows "(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
proof (cases "instr_name = logic_type ANDcc 
              instr_name = logic_type ANDNcc 
              instr_name = logic_type ORcc 
              instr_name = logic_type ORNcc 
              instr_name = logic_type XORcc  instr_name = logic_type XNORcc")
  case True
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: logical_instr_sub1_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
  apply (simp add: logical_new_psr_val_def)
  using write_cpu_PSR_icc_privilege by blast
  case False
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: logical_instr_sub1_def)
  by (simp add: return_def)

lemma logical_instr_privilege: 
assumes a1: "s' = snd (fst (logical_instr instr 
  (s::(('a::len) sparc_state))))
   (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0"
shows "(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
using a1
apply (simp add: logical_instr_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
apply auto
 apply (meson get_curr_win_privilege logical_instr_sub1_privilege write_reg_privilege)
by (meson get_curr_win_privilege logical_instr_sub1_privilege write_reg_privilege)

method shift_instr_privilege_proof = (
(simp add: shift_instr_def),
(simp add: Let_def), 
(simp add: simpler_gets_def),
(simp add: bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def case_prod_unfold),
(blast intro: get_curr_win_privilege write_reg_privilege),
(blast intro: get_curr_win_privilege write_reg_privilege)

lemma shift_instr_privilege: 
assumes a1: "s' = snd (fst (shift_instr instr 
  (s::(('a::len) sparc_state))))
   (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0"
shows "(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
proof (cases "(fst instr = shift_type SLL)  (get_operand_w5 ((snd instr)!3)  0)")
  case True
  then show ?thesis using a1
  by shift_instr_privilege_proof
  case False
  then have f1: "¬((fst instr = shift_type SLL)  (get_operand_w5 ((snd instr)!3)  0))"
    by auto
  then show ?thesis
  proof (cases "(fst instr = shift_type SRL)  (get_operand_w5 ((snd instr)!3)  0)")
    case True
    then show ?thesis using a1 f1
    by shift_instr_privilege_proof
    case False
    then have f2: "¬((fst instr = shift_type SRL)  (get_operand_w5 ((snd instr)!3)  0))"
      by auto
    then show ?thesis 
    proof (cases "(fst instr = shift_type SRA)  (get_operand_w5 ((snd instr)!3)  0)")
      case True
      then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2
      by shift_instr_privilege_proof
      case False
      then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2
      apply (simp add: shift_instr_def)
      apply (simp add: Let_def) 
      apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def)
      apply (simp add: bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def case_prod_unfold)
      apply (simp add: return_def)
      using get_curr_win_privilege by blast

lemma add_instr_sub1_privilege: 
assumes a1: "s' = snd (fst (add_instr_sub1 instr_name result rs1_val operand2 
  (s::(('a::len) sparc_state))))
   (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0"
shows "(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
proof (cases "instr_name = arith_type ADDcc  instr_name = arith_type ADDXcc")
  case True
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: add_instr_sub1_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
  by (blast intro: write_cpu_PSR_icc_privilege)
  case False
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: add_instr_sub1_def)
  by (simp add: return_def)

lemma add_instr_privilege: 
assumes a1: "s' = snd (fst (add_instr instr 
  (s::(('a::len) sparc_state))))
   (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0"
shows "(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
using a1
apply (simp add: add_instr_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
by (meson add_instr_sub1_privilege get_curr_win_privilege write_reg_privilege)

lemma sub_instr_sub1_privilege: 
assumes a1: "s' = snd (fst (sub_instr_sub1 instr_name result rs1_val operand2 
  (s::(('a::len) sparc_state))))
   (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0"
shows "(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
proof (cases "instr_name = arith_type SUBcc  instr_name = arith_type SUBXcc")
  case True
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: sub_instr_sub1_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
  by (blast intro: write_cpu_PSR_icc_privilege)
  case False
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: sub_instr_sub1_def)
  by (simp add: return_def)

lemma sub_instr_privilege: 
assumes a1: "s' = snd (fst (sub_instr instr 
  (s::(('a::len) sparc_state))))
   (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0"
shows "(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
using a1
apply (simp add: sub_instr_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
by (meson sub_instr_sub1_privilege get_curr_win_privilege write_reg_privilege)

lemma mul_instr_sub1_privilege: 
assumes a1: "s' = snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 instr_name result  
  (s::(('a::len) sparc_state))))
   (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0"
shows "(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
proof (cases "instr_name  {arith_type SMULcc,arith_type UMULcc}")
  case True
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: mul_instr_sub1_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
  by (blast intro: write_cpu_PSR_icc_privilege)
  case False
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: mul_instr_sub1_def)
  by (simp add: return_def)

lemma mul_instr_privilege: 
assumes a1: "s' = snd (fst (mul_instr instr 
  (s::(('a::len) sparc_state))))
   (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0"
shows "(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
using a1
apply (simp add: mul_instr_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
by (meson get_curr_win_privilege mul_instr_sub1_privilege write_cpu_y_privilege write_reg_privilege)

lemma div_write_new_val_privilege: 
assumes a1: "s' = snd (fst (div_write_new_val i result temp_V  
  (s::(('a::len) sparc_state))))
   (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0"
shows "(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
proof (cases "(fst i)  {arith_type UDIVcc,arith_type SDIVcc}")
  case True
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: div_write_new_val_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
  by (blast intro: write_cpu_PSR_icc_privilege)
  case False
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: div_write_new_val_def)
  by (simp add: return_def)

lemma div_comp_privilege: 
assumes a1: "s' = snd (fst (div_comp instr rs1 rd operand2  
  (s::(('a::len) sparc_state))))
   (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0"
shows "(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
using a1
apply (simp add: div_comp_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
by (meson get_curr_win_privilege div_write_new_val_privilege write_reg_privilege)

lemma div_instr_privilege: 
assumes a1: "s' = snd (fst (div_instr instr 
  (s::(('a::len) sparc_state))))
   (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0"
shows "(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
using a1
apply (simp add: div_instr_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
apply (simp add: return_def)
apply auto
 using raise_trap_privilege apply blast
using div_comp_privilege by blast

lemma save_retore_sub1_privilege: 
assumes a1: "s' = snd (fst (save_retore_sub1 result new_cwp rd 
  (s::(('a::len) sparc_state))))
   (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0"
shows "(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
using a1
apply (simp add: save_retore_sub1_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
using write_cpu_PSR_CWP_privilege write_reg_privilege by blast

method save_restore_instr_privilege_proof = (
(simp add: save_restore_instr_def),
(simp add: Let_def),
(simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def),
(simp add: case_prod_unfold),
(blast intro: get_curr_win_privilege raise_trap_privilege),
(simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def case_prod_unfold),
(blast intro: get_curr_win_privilege save_retore_sub1_privilege)

lemma save_restore_instr_privilege: 
assumes a1: "s' = snd (fst (save_restore_instr instr 
  (s::(('a::len) sparc_state))))
   (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0"
shows "(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
proof (cases "fst instr = ctrl_type SAVE")
  case True
  then have f1: "fst instr = ctrl_type SAVE" by auto
  then show ?thesis using a1
  by save_restore_instr_privilege_proof
  case False
  then show ?thesis using a1
  by save_restore_instr_privilege_proof

lemma call_instr_privilege: 
assumes a1: "s' = snd (fst (call_instr instr 
  (s::(('a::len) sparc_state))))
   (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0"
shows "(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
using a1
apply (simp add: call_instr_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
by (meson get_curr_win_privilege write_cpu_npc_privilege write_cpu_pc_privilege write_reg_privilege)

lemma jmpl_instr_privilege: 
assumes a1: "s' = snd (fst (jmpl_instr instr 
  (s::(('a::len) sparc_state))))
   (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0"
shows "(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
using a1
apply (simp add: jmpl_instr_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
apply auto
 using get_curr_win_privilege raise_trap_privilege apply blast
apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
by (meson get_curr_win_privilege write_cpu_npc_privilege write_cpu_pc_privilege write_reg_privilege)

lemma rett_instr_privilege: 
assumes a1: "snd (rett_instr i s) = False 
  s' = snd (fst (rett_instr instr 
  (s::(('a::len) sparc_state))))
   (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0"
shows "(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
using a1
apply (simp add: rett_instr_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
apply auto
 apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
 apply (simp add: return_def)
 apply (blast intro: raise_trap_privilege)
apply (simp add: bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
by (simp add: case_prod_unfold fail_def)

method read_state_reg_instr_privilege_proof = (
(simp add: read_state_reg_instr_def),
(simp add: Let_def),
(simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def),
(simp add: case_prod_unfold)

lemma read_state_reg_instr_privilege: 
assumes a1: "s' = snd (fst (read_state_reg_instr instr 
  (s::(('a::len) sparc_state))))
   (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0"
shows "(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
proof (cases "(fst instr  {sreg_type RDPSR,sreg_type RDWIM,sreg_type RDTBR}  
        (fst instr = sreg_type RDASR  privileged_ASR (get_operand_w5 ((snd instr)!0))))")
  case True
  then have "(fst instr  {sreg_type RDPSR,sreg_type RDWIM,sreg_type RDTBR}  
        (fst instr = sreg_type RDASR  privileged_ASR (get_operand_w5 ((snd instr)!0))))
         (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s))))))::word1) = 0"
    by (metis assms get_curr_win_privilege)    
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply read_state_reg_instr_privilege_proof
  by (blast intro: raise_trap_privilege get_curr_win_privilege)
  case False
  then have f1: "¬((fst instr = sreg_type RDPSR 
                    fst instr = sreg_type RDWIM 
                    fst instr = sreg_type RDTBR 
                    fst instr = sreg_type RDASR  privileged_ASR (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 0))) 
                   (get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s))))) = 0)"
    by blast 
  then show ?thesis 
  proof (cases "illegal_instruction_ASR (get_operand_w5 ((snd instr)!0))")
    case True
    then show ?thesis using a1 f1
    apply read_state_reg_instr_privilege_proof
    by (simp add: illegal_instruction_ASR_def)    
    case False
    then have f2: "¬(illegal_instruction_ASR (get_operand_w5 ((snd instr)!0)))" 
      by auto
    then show ?thesis 
    proof (cases "(get_operand_w5 ((snd instr)!1))  0")
      case True
      then have f3: "(get_operand_w5 ((snd instr)!1))  0" 
        by auto
      then show ?thesis 
      proof (cases "fst instr = sreg_type RDY")
        case True
        then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2 f3
        apply (simp add: read_state_reg_instr_def)
        apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
        apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
        by (blast intro: get_curr_win_privilege write_reg_privilege)        
        case False
        then have f4: "¬(fst instr = sreg_type RDY)" by auto
        then show ?thesis 
        proof (cases "fst instr = sreg_type RDASR")
          case True
          then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2 f3 f4
          apply read_state_reg_instr_privilege_proof
          apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
          by (blast intro: get_curr_win_privilege write_reg_privilege) 
          case False
          then have f5: "¬(fst instr = sreg_type RDASR)" by auto
          then show ?thesis 
          proof (cases "fst instr = sreg_type RDPSR")
            case True
            then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5
            apply read_state_reg_instr_privilege_proof
            by (blast intro: get_curr_win_privilege write_reg_privilege) 
            case False
            then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5
            apply read_state_reg_instr_privilege_proof
            apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
            by (blast intro: get_curr_win_privilege write_reg_privilege) 
      case False
      then show ?thesis using a1 
      apply read_state_reg_instr_privilege_proof
      apply (simp add: return_def) 
      using f1 f2 get_curr_win_privilege by blast     

method write_state_reg_instr_privilege_proof = (
(simp add: write_state_reg_instr_def),
(simp add: Let_def),
(simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def),
(simp add: case_prod_unfold)

lemma write_state_reg_instr_privilege: 
assumes a1: "s' = snd (fst (write_state_reg_instr instr 
  (s::(('a::len) sparc_state))))
   (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0"
shows "(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
proof (cases "fst instr = sreg_type WRY")
  case True
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply write_state_reg_instr_privilege_proof
  apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def)
  apply (simp add: delayed_pool_add_def DELAYNUM_def)
  by (blast intro: cpu_reg_mod_y_privilege get_curr_win_privilege)
  case False
  then have f1: "¬(fst instr = sreg_type WRY)" by auto
  then show ?thesis
  proof (cases "fst instr = sreg_type WRASR")
    case True
    then show ?thesis
     using a1 f1
    apply write_state_reg_instr_privilege_proof
    apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def)
    apply auto
         using illegal_instruction_ASR_def apply blast
        using illegal_instruction_ASR_def apply blast
       using illegal_instruction_ASR_def apply blast
      using raise_trap_privilege get_curr_win_privilege apply blast
     apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def delayed_pool_add_def DELAYNUM_def)
     using cpu_reg_mod_asr_privilege get_curr_win_privilege apply blast
    apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def delayed_pool_add_def DELAYNUM_def)
    using cpu_reg_mod_asr_privilege get_curr_win_privilege by blast
    case False
    then have f2: "¬(fst instr = sreg_type WRASR)" by auto
    have f3: "get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s)))) = 0"
      using get_curr_win_privilege a1 by (metis ucast_id)
    then show ?thesis 
    proof (cases "fst instr = sreg_type WRPSR")
      case True
      then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2 f3
      apply write_state_reg_instr_privilege_proof
      by (metis raise_trap_privilege ucast_0)      
      case False
      then have f4: "¬(fst instr = sreg_type WRPSR)" by auto
      then show ?thesis 
      proof (cases "fst instr = sreg_type WRWIM")  
        case True
        then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2 f3 f4
        apply write_state_reg_instr_privilege_proof
        by (metis raise_trap_privilege ucast_0)  
        case False
        then have f5: "¬(fst instr = sreg_type WRWIM)" by auto
        then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5
        apply write_state_reg_instr_privilege_proof
        by (metis raise_trap_privilege ucast_0)        

lemma flush_instr_privilege: 
assumes a1: "s' = snd (fst (flush_instr instr 
  (s::(('a::len) sparc_state))))
   (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0"
shows "(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
using a1
apply (simp add: flush_instr_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def simpler_modify_def)
by (auto simp add: flush_cache_all_privilege)

lemma branch_instr_privilege: 
assumes a1: "s' = snd (fst (branch_instr instr 
  (s::(('a::len) sparc_state))))
   (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0"
shows "(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
using a1
apply (simp add: branch_instr_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold return_def)
by (meson set_annul_privilege write_cpu_npc_privilege write_cpu_pc_privilege)

method dispath_instr_privilege_proof = (
(simp add: dispatch_instruction_def),
(simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def),
(simp add: Let_def)

lemma dispath_instr_privilege: 
assumes a1: "snd (dispatch_instruction instr s) = False 
  s' = snd (fst (dispatch_instruction instr s))
   (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0"
shows "(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
proof (cases "get_trap_set s = {}")
  case True
  then have f1: "get_trap_set s = {}" by auto
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "fst instr  {load_store_type LDSB,load_store_type LDUB,
        load_store_type LDUBA,load_store_type LDUH,load_store_type LD,
        load_store_type LDA,load_store_type LDD}")
    case True
    then show ?thesis using a1 f1
    apply dispath_instr_privilege_proof
    by (blast intro: load_instr_privilege)    
    case False
    then have f2: "¬(fst instr  {load_store_type LDSB,load_store_type LDUB,
        load_store_type LDUBA,load_store_type LDUH,load_store_type LD,
        load_store_type LDA,load_store_type LDD})"
      by auto
    then show ?thesis 
    proof (cases "fst instr  {load_store_type STB,load_store_type STH,
        load_store_type ST,load_store_type STA,load_store_type STD}")
      case True
      then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2
      apply dispath_instr_privilege_proof
      by (blast intro: store_instr_privilege) 
      case False
      then have f3: "¬(fst instr  {load_store_type STB,load_store_type STH,
        load_store_type ST,load_store_type STA,load_store_type STD})"
        by auto
      then show ?thesis 
      proof (cases "fst instr  {sethi_type SETHI}")
        case True
        then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2 f3
        apply dispath_instr_privilege_proof
        by (blast intro: sethi_instr_privilege) 
        case False
        then have f4: "¬(fst instr  {sethi_type SETHI})"
          by auto
        then show ?thesis
        proof (cases "fst instr  {nop_type NOP}")
          case True
          then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2 f3 f4
          apply dispath_instr_privilege_proof
          by (blast intro: nop_instr_privilege)
          case False
          then have f5: "¬(fst instr  {nop_type NOP})" 
            by auto
          then show ?thesis
          proof (cases "fst instr  {logic_type ANDs,logic_type ANDcc,logic_type ANDN,
            logic_type ANDNcc,logic_type ORs,logic_type ORcc,logic_type ORN,
            logic_type XORs,logic_type XNOR}")
            case True
            then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5
            apply dispath_instr_privilege_proof
            by (blast intro: logical_instr_privilege)
            case False
            then have f6: "¬(fst instr  {logic_type ANDs,logic_type ANDcc,logic_type ANDN,
            logic_type ANDNcc,logic_type ORs,logic_type ORcc,logic_type ORN,
            logic_type XORs,logic_type XNOR})"
              by auto
            show ?thesis
            proof (cases "fst instr  {shift_type SLL,shift_type SRL,shift_type SRA}")
              case True
              then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6
              apply dispath_instr_privilege_proof
              by (blast intro: shift_instr_privilege)
              case False
              then have f7: "¬(fst instr  {shift_type SLL,shift_type SRL,shift_type SRA})"
                by auto
              then show ?thesis 
              proof (cases "fst instr  {arith_type ADD,arith_type ADDcc,arith_type ADDX}")
                case True
                then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7
                apply dispath_instr_privilege_proof
                by (blast intro: add_instr_privilege)
                case False
                then have f8: "¬(fst instr  {arith_type ADD,arith_type ADDcc,arith_type ADDX})"
                  by auto
                then show ?thesis
                proof (cases "fst instr  {arith_type SUB,arith_type SUBcc,arith_type SUBX}")
                  case True
                  then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8
                  apply dispath_instr_privilege_proof
                  by (blast intro: sub_instr_privilege)
                  case False
                  then have f9: "¬(fst instr  {arith_type SUB,arith_type SUBcc,arith_type SUBX})"
                    by auto
                  then show ?thesis
                  proof (cases "fst instr  {arith_type UMUL,arith_type SMUL,arith_type SMULcc}")
                    case True
                    then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9
                    apply dispath_instr_privilege_proof
                    by (blast intro: mul_instr_privilege)
                    case False
                    then have f10: "¬(fst instr  {arith_type UMUL,arith_type SMUL,
                      arith_type SMULcc})"
                      by auto
                    then show ?thesis 
                    proof (cases "fst instr  {arith_type UDIV,arith_type UDIVcc,arith_type SDIV}")
                      case True
                      then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10
                      apply dispath_instr_privilege_proof
                      by (blast intro: div_instr_privilege)
                      case False
                      then have f11: "¬(fst instr  {arith_type UDIV,
                        arith_type UDIVcc,arith_type SDIV})"
                        by auto
                      then show ?thesis 
                      proof (cases "fst instr  {ctrl_type SAVE,ctrl_type RESTORE}")
                        case True
                        then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11
                        apply dispath_instr_privilege_proof
                        by (blast intro: save_restore_instr_privilege)
                        case False
                        then have f12: "¬(fst instr  {ctrl_type SAVE,ctrl_type RESTORE})"
                          by auto
                        then show ?thesis 
                        proof (cases "fst instr  {call_type CALL}")
                          case True
                          then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 f12
                          apply dispath_instr_privilege_proof
                          by (blast intro: call_instr_privilege)
                          case False
                          then have f13: "¬(fst instr  {call_type CALL})" by auto
                          then show ?thesis
                          proof (cases "fst instr  {ctrl_type JMPL}")
                            case True
                            then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 f12 f13
                            apply dispath_instr_privilege_proof
                            by (blast intro: jmpl_instr_privilege)
                            case False
                            then have f14: "¬(fst instr  {ctrl_type JMPL})" by auto
                            then show ?thesis 
                            proof (cases "fst instr  {ctrl_type RETT}")
                              case True
                              then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 f12 f13
                              apply dispath_instr_privilege_proof
                              by (blast intro: rett_instr_privilege)
                              case False
                              then have f15: "¬(fst instr  {ctrl_type RETT})" by auto
                              then show ?thesis 
                              proof (cases "fst instr  {sreg_type RDY,sreg_type RDPSR,
                                sreg_type RDWIM, sreg_type RDTBR}")
                                case True
                                then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 f12 
                                f13 f14 f15
                                apply dispath_instr_privilege_proof
                                by (blast intro: read_state_reg_instr_privilege)
                                case False
                                then have f16: "¬(fst instr  {sreg_type RDY,sreg_type RDPSR,
                                sreg_type RDWIM, sreg_type RDTBR})" by auto
                                then show ?thesis
                                proof (cases "fst instr  {sreg_type WRY,sreg_type WRPSR,
                                  sreg_type WRWIM, sreg_type WRTBR}")
                                  case True
                                  then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 f12 
                                  f13 f14 f15 f16
                                  apply dispath_instr_privilege_proof
                                  by (blast intro: write_state_reg_instr_privilege)
                                  case False
                                  then have f17: "¬(fst instr  {sreg_type WRY,sreg_type WRPSR,
                                  sreg_type WRWIM, sreg_type WRTBR})" by auto
                                  then show ?thesis
                                  proof (cases "fst instr  {load_store_type FLUSH}")
                                    case True
                                    then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 
                                    f12 f13 f14 f15 f16 f17
                                    apply dispath_instr_privilege_proof
                                    by (blast intro: flush_instr_privilege)
                                    case False
                                    then have f18: "¬(fst instr  {load_store_type FLUSH})" by auto
                                    then show ?thesis 
                                    proof (cases "fst instr  {bicc_type BE,bicc_type BNE,
                                      bicc_type BGU,bicc_type BLE,bicc_type BL,bicc_type BGE,
                                      bicc_type BNEG,bicc_type BG,bicc_type BCS,bicc_type BLEU,
                                      bicc_type BCC,bicc_type BA,bicc_type BN}")
                                      case True
                                      then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 
                                      f12 f13 f14 f15 f16 f17 f18
                                      apply dispath_instr_privilege_proof
                                      by (blast intro: branch_instr_privilege)
                                      case False
                                      then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 
                                      f12 f13 f14 f15 f16 f17 f18
                                      apply dispath_instr_privilege_proof
                                      by (simp add: fail_def)
  case False
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: dispatch_instruction_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
  apply (simp add: Let_def)
  by (simp add: return_def)

lemma execute_instr_sub1_privilege: 
assumes a1: "snd (execute_instr_sub1 i s) = False 
  s' = snd (fst (execute_instr_sub1 i s))
   (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0"
shows "(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
proof (cases "get_trap_set s = {}  fst i  {call_type CALL,ctrl_type RETT,ctrl_type JMPL,
                                   bicc_type BE,bicc_type BNE,bicc_type BGU,
                                   bicc_type BLE,bicc_type BL,bicc_type BGE,
                                   bicc_type BNEG,bicc_type BG,
                                   bicc_type BCS,bicc_type BLEU,bicc_type BCC,
                                   bicc_type BA,bicc_type BN}")
  case True
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: execute_instr_sub1_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
  apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold return_def)
  by (auto intro: write_cpu_pc_privilege write_cpu_npc_privilege)
  case False
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: execute_instr_sub1_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
  apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold return_def)
  by auto

text ‹
  Assume that there is no delayed_write› and 
  there is no traps to be executed.
  If an instruction is executed as a user,
  the privilege will not be changed to supervisor after 
  the execution.›
theorem safe_privilege : 
assumes a1: "get_delayed_pool s = []  get_trap_set s = {} 
  snd (execute_instruction() s) = False 
  s' = snd (fst (execute_instruction() s))  
  (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s)))::word1) = 0"
shows "(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s')))::word1) = 0"
proof (cases "exe_mode_val s")
  case True   
  then have f2: "exe_mode_val s = True" by auto
  then show ?thesis
  proof (cases "e. fetch_instruction (delayed_pool_write s) = Inl e")
    case True
    then have f3: "e. fetch_instruction (delayed_pool_write s) = Inl e"
      by auto
    then have f4: "¬ (v. fetch_instruction (delayed_pool_write s) = Inr v)" 
      using fetch_instr_result_3 by auto
    then show ?thesis using a1 f2 f3 raise_trap_result empty_delayed_pool_write_privilege raise_trap_privilege        
    apply (simp add: execute_instruction_def)
    apply (simp add: exec_gets return_def)
    apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
    apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def)
    apply clarsimp
    apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
    by (blast intro: empty_delayed_pool_write_privilege raise_trap_privilege)      
    case False
    then have f5: "v. fetch_instruction (delayed_pool_write s) = Inr v"
      using fetch_instr_result_1 by blast
    then have f6: "v. fetch_instruction (delayed_pool_write s) = Inr v 
    ¬ (e. ((decode_instruction v)::(Exception list + instruction)) = Inl e)"
      using a1 f2 dispatch_fail by blast 
    then have f7: "v. fetch_instruction (delayed_pool_write s) = Inr v 
    (v1. ((decode_instruction v)::(Exception list + instruction)) = Inr v1)"
      using decode_instr_result_4 by auto 
    then show ?thesis
    proof (cases "annul_val (delayed_pool_write s)")
      case True
      then show ?thesis using  a1 f2 f7           
      apply (simp add: execute_instruction_def)
      apply (simp add: exec_gets return_def)
      apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
      apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def)
      apply clarsimp
      apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
      apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
      by (auto intro: empty_delayed_pool_write_privilege 
      set_annul_privilege write_cpu_npc_privilege write_cpu_pc_privilege)
      case False
      then show ?thesis using  a1 f2 f7 
      apply (simp add: execute_instruction_def)
      apply (simp add: exec_gets return_def)
      apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
      apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def)
      apply clarsimp
      apply (simp add: bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
      apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
      apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
      apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def return_def)
      apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
      apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
      by (auto intro: empty_delayed_pool_write_privilege dispath_instr_privilege 
  case False
  then show ?thesis using a1 
  apply (simp add: execute_instruction_def)
  by (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def return_def) 


section ‹Single step non-interference property.›


definition user_accessible:: "('a::len) sparc_state  phys_address  bool" where
"user_accessible s pa  va p. (virt_to_phys va (mmu s) (mem s)) = Some p 
  mmu_readable (get_acc_flag (snd p)) 10 
  (fst p) = pa" ― ‹Passing asi = 8› is the same.›

lemma user_accessible_8: 
assumes a1: "mmu_readable (get_acc_flag (snd p)) 8"
shows "mmu_readable (get_acc_flag (snd p)) 10"
using a1 by (simp add: mmu_readable_def)

definition mem_equal:: "('a) sparc_state  ('a) sparc_state  
  phys_address  bool" where
"mem_equal s1 s2 pa 
  (mem s1) 8 (pa AND 68719476732) = (mem s2) 8 (pa AND 68719476732) 
  (mem s1) 8 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 1) = (mem s2) 8 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 1) 
  (mem s1) 8 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 2) = (mem s2) 8 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 2) 
  (mem s1) 8 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 3) = (mem s2) 8 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 3) 
  (mem s1) 9 (pa AND 68719476732) = (mem s2) 9 (pa AND 68719476732) 
  (mem s1) 9 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 1) = (mem s2) 9 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 1) 
  (mem s1) 9 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 2) = (mem s2) 9 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 2) 
  (mem s1) 9 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 3) = (mem s2) 9 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 3) 
  (mem s1) 10 (pa AND 68719476732) = (mem s2) 10 (pa AND 68719476732) 
  (mem s1) 10 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 1) = (mem s2) 10 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 1) 
  (mem s1) 10 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 2) = (mem s2) 10 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 2) 
  (mem s1) 10 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 3) = (mem s2) 10 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 3) 
  (mem s1) 11 (pa AND 68719476732) = (mem s2) 11 (pa AND 68719476732) 
  (mem s1) 11 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 1) = (mem s2) 11 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 1) 
  (mem s1) 11 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 2) = (mem s2) 11 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 2) 
  (mem s1) 11 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 3) = (mem s2) 11 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 3)"

text low_equal› defines the equivalence relation over two sparc
states that is an analogy to the =L relation over memory contexts
in the traditional non-interference theorem.›

definition low_equal:: "('a::len) sparc_state  ('a) sparc_state  bool" where
"low_equal s1 s2  
  (cpu_reg s1) = (cpu_reg s2) 
  (user_reg s1) = (user_reg s2) 
  (sys_reg s1) = (sys_reg s2)   
  (va. (virt_to_phys va (mmu s1) (mem s1)) = (virt_to_phys va (mmu s2) (mem s2))) 
  (pa. (user_accessible s1 pa)  mem_equal s1 s2 pa)   
  (mmu s1) = (mmu s2)  
  (state_var s1) = (state_var s2) 
  (traps s1) = (traps s2) 
  (undef s1) = (undef s2)

lemma low_equal_com: "low_equal s1 s2  low_equal s2 s1"
apply (simp add: low_equal_def)
apply (simp add: mem_equal_def user_accessible_def)
by metis

lemma non_exe_mode_equal: "exe_mode_val s = False 
get_trap_set s = {} 
Some t = NEXT s  
t = s"
apply (simp add: NEXT_def execute_instruction_def)
apply auto
by (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def return_def)

lemma exe_mode_low_equal:
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2"
shows " exe_mode_val s1 =  exe_mode_val s2"
using a1 apply (simp add: low_equal_def)
by (simp add: exe_mode_val_def)

lemma mem_val_mod_state: "mem_val_alt asi a s = mem_val_alt asi a 
(scpu_reg := new_cpu_reg,
   user_reg := new_user_reg,
   dwrite := new_dwrite,
   state_var := new_state_var,
   traps := new_traps,
   undef := new_undef)"
apply (simp add: mem_val_alt_def)
by (simp add: Let_def)

lemma mem_val_w32_mod_state: "mem_val_w32 asi a s = mem_val_w32 asi a 
(scpu_reg := new_cpu_reg,
   user_reg := new_user_reg,
   dwrite := new_dwrite,
   state_var := new_state_var,
   traps := new_traps,
   undef := new_undef)"
apply (simp add: mem_val_w32_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
by (metis mem_val_mod_state)

lemma load_word_mem_mod_state: "load_word_mem s addr asi = load_word_mem 
(scpu_reg := new_cpu_reg,
   user_reg := new_user_reg,
   dwrite := new_dwrite,
   state_var := new_state_var,
   traps := new_traps,
   undef := new_undef) addr asi"
apply (simp add: load_word_mem_def)
apply (case_tac "virt_to_phys addr (mmu s) (mem s) = None")
 apply auto
by (auto simp add: mem_val_w32_mod_state)

lemma load_word_mem2_mod_state: 
"fst (case load_word_mem s addr asi of None  (None, s)
      | Some w  (Some w, add_data_cache s addr w 15)) =
 fst (case load_word_mem (scpu_reg := new_cpu_reg,
   user_reg := new_user_reg,
   dwrite := new_dwrite,
   state_var := new_state_var,
   traps := new_traps,
   undef := new_undef) addr asi of
         None  (None, (scpu_reg := new_cpu_reg,
   user_reg := new_user_reg,
   dwrite := new_dwrite,
   state_var := new_state_var,
   traps := new_traps,
   undef := new_undef))
      | Some w  (Some w, add_data_cache (scpu_reg := new_cpu_reg,
   user_reg := new_user_reg,
   dwrite := new_dwrite,
   state_var := new_state_var,
   traps := new_traps,
   undef := new_undef) addr w 15))"
proof (cases "load_word_mem s addr asi = None")
  case True
  then have "load_word_mem s addr asi = None 
    load_word_mem (scpu_reg := new_cpu_reg,
   user_reg := new_user_reg,
   dwrite := new_dwrite,
   state_var := new_state_var,
   traps := new_traps,
   undef := new_undef) addr asi = None"
    using load_word_mem_mod_state by metis
  then show ?thesis by auto
  case False
  then have "w. load_word_mem s addr asi = Some w" by auto
  then have "w. load_word_mem s addr asi = Some w  
    load_word_mem (scpu_reg := new_cpu_reg,
   user_reg := new_user_reg,
   dwrite := new_dwrite,
   state_var := new_state_var,
   traps := new_traps,
   undef := new_undef) addr asi = Some w"
  using load_word_mem_mod_state by metis
  then show ?thesis by auto

lemma load_word_mem3_mod_state: 
"fst (case load_word_mem s addr asi of None  (None, s)
      | Some w  (Some w, add_instr_cache s addr w 15)) =
 fst (case load_word_mem (scpu_reg := new_cpu_reg,
   user_reg := new_user_reg,
   dwrite := new_dwrite,
   state_var := new_state_var,
   traps := new_traps,
   undef := new_undef) addr asi of
         None  (None, (scpu_reg := new_cpu_reg,
   user_reg := new_user_reg,
   dwrite := new_dwrite,
   state_var := new_state_var,
   traps := new_traps,
   undef := new_undef))
      | Some w  (Some w, add_instr_cache (scpu_reg := new_cpu_reg,
   user_reg := new_user_reg,
   dwrite := new_dwrite,
   state_var := new_state_var,
   traps := new_traps,
   undef := new_undef) addr w 15))"
proof (cases "load_word_mem s addr asi = None")
  case True
  then have "load_word_mem s addr asi = None 
    load_word_mem (scpu_reg := new_cpu_reg,
   user_reg := new_user_reg,
   dwrite := new_dwrite,
   state_var := new_state_var,
   traps := new_traps,
   undef := new_undef) addr asi = None"
    using load_word_mem_mod_state by metis
  then show ?thesis by auto
  case False
  then have "w. load_word_mem s addr asi = Some w" by auto
  then have "w. load_word_mem s addr asi = Some w  
    load_word_mem (scpu_reg := new_cpu_reg,
   user_reg := new_user_reg,
   dwrite := new_dwrite,
   state_var := new_state_var,
   traps := new_traps,
   undef := new_undef) addr asi = Some w"
  using load_word_mem_mod_state by metis
  then show ?thesis by auto

lemma read_dcache_mod_state: "read_data_cache s addr = read_data_cache 
(scpu_reg := new_cpu_reg,
   user_reg := new_user_reg,
   dwrite := new_dwrite,
   state_var := new_state_var,
   traps := new_traps,
   undef := new_undef) addr"
apply (simp add: read_data_cache_def)
by (simp add: dcache_val_def)

lemma read_dcache2_mod_state: 
"fst (case read_data_cache s addr of None  (None, s)
      | Some w  (Some w, s)) =
 fst (case read_data_cache (scpu_reg := new_cpu_reg,
   user_reg := new_user_reg,
   dwrite := new_dwrite,
   state_var := new_state_var,
   traps := new_traps,
   undef := new_undef) addr of
         None  (None, (scpu_reg := new_cpu_reg,
   user_reg := new_user_reg,
   dwrite := new_dwrite,
   state_var := new_state_var,
   traps := new_traps,
   undef := new_undef))
      | Some w  (Some w, (scpu_reg := new_cpu_reg,
   user_reg := new_user_reg,
   dwrite := new_dwrite,
   state_var := new_state_var,
   traps := new_traps,
   undef := new_undef)))"
proof (cases "read_data_cache s addr = None")
  case True
  then have "read_data_cache s addr = None 
    read_data_cache (scpu_reg := new_cpu_reg,
   user_reg := new_user_reg,
   dwrite := new_dwrite,
   state_var := new_state_var,
   traps := new_traps,
   undef := new_undef) addr = None"
    using read_dcache_mod_state by metis
  then show ?thesis by auto    
  case False
  then have "w. read_data_cache s addr = Some w" by auto
  then have "w. read_data_cache s addr = Some w  
    read_data_cache (scpu_reg := new_cpu_reg,
   user_reg := new_user_reg,
   dwrite := new_dwrite,
   state_var := new_state_var,
   traps := new_traps,
   undef := new_undef) addr = Some w"
    using read_dcache_mod_state by metis
  then show ?thesis by auto

lemma read_icache_mod_state: "read_instr_cache s addr = read_instr_cache 
(scpu_reg := new_cpu_reg,
   user_reg := new_user_reg,
   dwrite := new_dwrite,
   state_var := new_state_var,
   traps := new_traps,
   undef := new_undef) addr"
apply (simp add: read_instr_cache_def)
by (simp add: icache_val_def)

lemma read_icache2_mod_state: 
"fst (case read_instr_cache s addr of None  (None, s)
      | Some w  (Some w, s)) =
 fst (case read_instr_cache (scpu_reg := new_cpu_reg,
   user_reg := new_user_reg,
   dwrite := new_dwrite,
   state_var := new_state_var,
   traps := new_traps,
   undef := new_undef) addr of
         None  (None, (scpu_reg := new_cpu_reg,
   user_reg := new_user_reg,
   dwrite := new_dwrite,
   state_var := new_state_var,
   traps := new_traps,
   undef := new_undef))
      | Some w  (Some w, (scpu_reg := new_cpu_reg,
   user_reg := new_user_reg,
   dwrite := new_dwrite,
   state_var := new_state_var,
   traps := new_traps,
   undef := new_undef)))"
proof (cases "read_instr_cache s addr = None")
  case True
  then have "read_instr_cache s addr = None 
    read_instr_cache (scpu_reg := new_cpu_reg,
   user_reg := new_user_reg,
   dwrite := new_dwrite,
   state_var := new_state_var,
   traps := new_traps,
   undef := new_undef) addr = None"
    using read_icache_mod_state by metis
  then show ?thesis by auto    
  case False
  then have "w. read_instr_cache s addr = Some w" by auto
  then have "w. read_instr_cache s addr = Some w  
    read_instr_cache (scpu_reg := new_cpu_reg,
   user_reg := new_user_reg,
   dwrite := new_dwrite,
   state_var := new_state_var,
   traps := new_traps,
   undef := new_undef) addr = Some w"
    using read_icache_mod_state by metis
  then show ?thesis by auto

lemma mem_read_mod_state: "fst (memory_read asi addr s) =
fst (memory_read asi addr 
(scpu_reg := new_cpu_reg,
   user_reg := new_user_reg,
   dwrite := new_dwrite,
   state_var := new_state_var,
   traps := new_traps,
   undef := new_undef))"
apply (simp add: memory_read_def)
apply (case_tac "uint asi = 1")
 apply (simp add: Let_def)
 apply (metis load_word_mem_mod_state option.distinct(1))
apply (case_tac "uint asi = 2")
 apply (simp add: Let_def)
 apply (simp add: sys_reg_val_def)
apply (case_tac "uint asi  {8,9}")
 apply (simp add: Let_def)
 apply (simp add: load_word_mem3_mod_state)
 apply (simp add: load_word_mem_mod_state)
apply (case_tac "uint asi  {10,11}")
 apply (simp add: Let_def)
 apply (simp add: load_word_mem2_mod_state)
 apply (simp add: load_word_mem_mod_state)
apply (case_tac "uint asi = 13")
 apply (simp add: Let_def)
 apply (simp add: read_icache2_mod_state)
apply (case_tac "uint asi = 15")
 apply (simp add: Let_def)
 apply (simp add: read_dcache2_mod_state)
apply (case_tac "uint asi = 25")
 apply (simp add: Let_def)
apply (case_tac "uint asi = 28")
 apply (simp add: Let_def)
 apply (simp add: mem_val_w32_mod_state)
by (simp add: Let_def)

lemma insert_trap_mem: "fst (memory_read asi addr s) =
fst (memory_read asi addr (straps := new_traps))"
proof -
  have "fst (memory_read asi addr s) =
    fst (memory_read asi addr 
      (scpu_reg := (cpu_reg s),
         user_reg := (user_reg s),
         dwrite := (dwrite s),
         state_var := (state_var s),
         traps := new_traps,
         undef := (undef s)))"
    using mem_read_mod_state by blast
    then show ?thesis by auto

lemma cpu_reg_mod_mem: "fst (memory_read asi addr s) =
fst (memory_read asi addr (scpu_reg := new_cpu_reg))"
proof -
  have "fst (memory_read asi addr s) =
    fst (memory_read asi addr 
      (scpu_reg := new_cpu_reg,
         user_reg := (user_reg s),
         dwrite := (dwrite s),
         state_var := (state_var s),
         traps := (traps s),
         undef := (undef s)))"
    using mem_read_mod_state by blast
    then show ?thesis by auto

lemma user_reg_mod_mem: "fst (memory_read asi addr s) =
fst (memory_read asi addr (suser_reg := new_user_reg))"
proof -
  have "fst (memory_read asi addr s) =
    fst (memory_read asi addr 
      (scpu_reg := (cpu_reg s),
         user_reg := new_user_reg,
         dwrite := (dwrite s),
         state_var := (state_var s),
         traps := (traps s),
         undef := (undef s)))"
    using mem_read_mod_state by blast
    then show ?thesis by auto

lemma annul_mem: "fst (memory_read asi addr s) =
fst (memory_read asi addr 
(sstate_var := new_state_var,
   cpu_reg := new_cpu_reg))"
proof -
  have "fst (memory_read asi addr s) =
    fst (memory_read asi addr 
      (scpu_reg := new_cpu_reg,
         user_reg := (user_reg s),
         dwrite := (dwrite s),
         state_var := new_state_var,
         traps := (traps s),
         undef := (undef s)))"
    using mem_read_mod_state by blast
  then have "fst (memory_read asi addr s) =
    fst (memory_read asi addr 
      (scpu_reg := new_cpu_reg,
         state_var := new_state_var))"
    by auto        
  then show ?thesis 
    by (metis Sparc_State.sparc_state.surjective Sparc_State.sparc_state.update_convs(1) Sparc_State.sparc_state.update_convs(8))

lemma state_var_mod_mem: "fst (memory_read asi addr s) =
fst (memory_read asi addr (sstate_var := new_state_var))"
proof -
  have "fst (memory_read asi addr s) =
    fst (memory_read asi addr 
      (scpu_reg := (cpu_reg s),
         user_reg := (user_reg s),
         dwrite := (dwrite s),
         state_var := new_state_var,
         traps := (traps s),
         undef := (undef s)))"
    using mem_read_mod_state by blast
    then show ?thesis by auto

lemma mod_state_low_equal: "low_equal s1 s2 
t1 = (s1cpu_reg := new_cpu_reg,
   user_reg := new_user_reg,
   dwrite := new_dwrite,
   state_var := new_state_var,
   traps := new_traps,
   undef := new_undef) 
t2 = (s2cpu_reg := new_cpu_reg,
   user_reg := new_user_reg,
   dwrite := new_dwrite,
   state_var := new_state_var,
   traps := new_traps,
   undef := new_undef) 
low_equal t1 t2"
apply (simp add: low_equal_def)
apply clarsimp
apply (simp add: mem_equal_def)
by (simp add: user_accessible_def)

lemma user_reg_state_mod_low_equal: 
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2            
t1 = (s1user_reg := new_user_reg) 
t2 = (s2user_reg := new_user_reg)"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
proof -
  have "low_equal s1 s2 
t1 = (s1cpu_reg := (cpu_reg s1),
   user_reg := new_user_reg,
   dwrite := (dwrite s1),
   state_var := (state_var s1),
   traps := (traps s1),
   undef := (undef s1)) 
t2 = (s2cpu_reg := (cpu_reg s2),
   user_reg := new_user_reg,
   dwrite := (dwrite s2),
   state_var := (state_var s2),
   traps := (traps s2),
   undef := (undef s2)) 
low_equal t1 t2"
    using mod_state_low_equal apply (simp add: low_equal_def)    
    apply (simp add: user_accessible_def mem_equal_def)
    by clarsimp
  then show ?thesis using a1
  by clarsimp

lemma mod_trap_low_equal: 
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2            
t1 = (s1traps := new_traps) 
t2 = (s2traps := new_traps)"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
proof -
  have "low_equal s1 s2 
t1 = (s1cpu_reg := (cpu_reg s1),
   user_reg := (user_reg s1),
   dwrite := (dwrite s1),
   state_var := (state_var s1),
   traps := new_traps,
   undef := (undef s1)) 
t2 = (s2cpu_reg := (cpu_reg s2),
   user_reg := (user_reg s2),
   dwrite := (dwrite s2),
   state_var := (state_var s2),
   traps := new_traps,
   undef := (undef s2)) 
low_equal t1 t2"
    using mod_state_low_equal apply (simp add: low_equal_def)
    apply (simp add: user_accessible_def mem_equal_def)
    by clarsimp
  then show ?thesis using a1
  by clarsimp

lemma state_var_low_equal: "low_equal s1 s2 
state_var s1 = state_var s2"
by (simp add: low_equal_def)

lemma state_var2_low_equal: 
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2            
t1 = (s1state_var := new_state_var) 
t2 = (s2state_var := new_state_var)"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
proof -
  have "low_equal s1 s2 
t1 = (s1cpu_reg := (cpu_reg s1),
   user_reg := (user_reg s1),
   dwrite := (dwrite s1),
   state_var := new_state_var,
   traps := (traps s1),
   undef := (undef s1)) 
t2 = (s2cpu_reg := (cpu_reg s2),
   user_reg := (user_reg s2),
   dwrite := (dwrite s2),
   state_var := new_state_var,
   traps := (traps s2),
   undef := (undef s2)) 
low_equal t1 t2"
    using mod_state_low_equal apply (simp add: low_equal_def)
    apply (simp add: user_accessible_def mem_equal_def)
    by clarsimp   
  then show ?thesis using a1
  by clarsimp

lemma traps_low_equal: "low_equal s1 s2  traps s1 = traps s2"
by (simp add: low_equal_def)

lemma s_low_equal: "low_equal s1 s2 
(get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s1)) = (get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s2))"
by (simp add: low_equal_def cpu_reg_val_def)

lemma cpu_reg_val_low_equal: "low_equal s1 s2 
(cpu_reg_val cr s1) = (cpu_reg_val cr s2)"
by (simp add: cpu_reg_val_def low_equal_def)

lemma get_curr_win_low_equal: "low_equal s1 s2 
(fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) = (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))"
apply (simp add: low_equal_def)
apply (simp add: get_curr_win_def cpu_reg_val_def get_CWP_def)
by (simp add: simpler_gets_def)

lemma get_curr_win2_low_equal: "low_equal s1 s2 
t1 = (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 
t2 = (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 
low_equal t1 t2"
apply (simp add: low_equal_def)
apply (simp add: get_curr_win_def cpu_reg_val_def get_CWP_def)
by (auto simp add: simpler_gets_def)

lemma get_curr_win3_low_equal: "low_equal s1 s2 
(traps (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) =
(traps (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))"
using low_equal_def get_curr_win2_low_equal by blast

lemma get_addr_low_equal: "low_equal s1 s2 
((ucast (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))::word3) =
((ucast (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))::word3) 
((ucast (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))::word2) =
((ucast (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))::word2) 
((ucast (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))::word1) =
((ucast (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))::word1)"
apply (simp add: low_equal_def)
apply (simp add: get_curr_win_def cpu_reg_val_def get_CWP_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def get_addr_def user_reg_val_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def )
apply (simp add: get_CWP_def cpu_reg_val_def get_operand2_def)
by (simp add: user_reg_val_def)

lemma get_addr2_low_equal: "low_equal s1 s2 
get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) =
get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))"
apply (simp add: low_equal_def)
apply (simp add: get_curr_win_def cpu_reg_val_def get_CWP_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def get_addr_def user_reg_val_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def )
apply (simp add: get_CWP_def cpu_reg_val_def get_operand2_def)
by (simp add: user_reg_val_def)

lemma sys_reg_low_equal: "low_equal s1 s2 
sys_reg s1 = sys_reg s2"
by (simp add: low_equal_def)

lemma user_reg_low_equal: "low_equal s1 s2 
user_reg s1 = user_reg s2"
by (simp add: low_equal_def)

lemma user_reg_val_low_equal: "low_equal s1 s2 
user_reg_val win ur s1 = user_reg_val win ur s2"
apply (simp add: user_reg_val_def)
by (simp add: user_reg_low_equal)

lemma get_operand2_low_equal: "low_equal s1 s2 
get_operand2 op_list s1 = get_operand2 op_list s2"
apply (simp add: get_operand2_def)
apply (simp add: cpu_reg_val_low_equal)
apply auto
apply (simp add: user_reg_val_def)
using user_reg_low_equal by fastforce

lemma mem_val_mod_cache: "mem_val_alt asi a s = 
mem_val_alt asi a (scache := new_cache)"
apply (simp add: mem_val_alt_def)
by (simp add: Let_def)

lemma mem_val_w32_mod_cache: "mem_val_w32 asi a s = 
mem_val_w32 asi a (scache := new_cache)"
apply (simp add: mem_val_w32_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
by (metis mem_val_mod_cache)

lemma load_word_mem_mod_cache: 
"load_word_mem s addr asi =
load_word_mem (scache := new_cache) addr asi"
apply (simp add: load_word_mem_def)
apply (case_tac "virt_to_phys addr (mmu s) (mem s) = None")
 apply auto
by (simp add: mem_val_w32_mod_cache)

lemma memory_read_8_mod_cache:
"fst (memory_read 8 addr s) = fst (memory_read 8 addr (scache := new_cache))"
apply (simp add: memory_read_def)
apply (case_tac "sys_reg s CCR AND 1  0")
 apply auto
 apply (simp add: option.case_eq_if load_word_mem_mod_cache)
 apply (auto intro: load_word_mem_mod_cache)
 apply (metis load_word_mem_mod_cache option.distinct(1))
by (metis load_word_mem_mod_cache option.distinct(1))

lemma memory_read_10_mod_cache:
"fst (memory_read 10 addr s) = fst (memory_read 10 addr (scache := new_cache))"
apply (simp add: memory_read_def)
apply (case_tac "sys_reg s CCR AND 1  0")
 apply auto
 apply (simp add: option.case_eq_if load_word_mem_mod_cache)
 apply (auto intro: load_word_mem_mod_cache)
 apply (metis load_word_mem_mod_cache option.distinct(1))
by (metis load_word_mem_mod_cache option.distinct(1))

lemma mem_equal_mod_cache: "mem_equal s1 s2 pa 
mem_equal (s1cache := new_cache1) (s2cache := new_cache2) pa"
by (simp add: mem_equal_def)

lemma user_accessible_mod_cache: "user_accessible (scache := new_cache) pa =
user_accessible s pa"
by (simp add: user_accessible_def)

lemma mem_equal_mod_user_reg: "mem_equal s1 s2 pa 
mem_equal (s1user_reg := new_user_reg1) (s2user_reg := user_reg2) pa"
by (simp add: mem_equal_def)

lemma user_accessible_mod_user_reg: "user_accessible (suser_reg := new_user_reg) pa =
user_accessible s pa"
by (simp add: user_accessible_def)

lemma mem_equal_mod_cpu_reg: "mem_equal s1 s2 pa 
mem_equal (s1cpu_reg := new_cpu1) (s2cpu_reg := cpu_reg2) pa"
by (simp add: mem_equal_def)

lemma user_accessible_mod_cpu_reg: "user_accessible (scpu_reg := new_cpu_reg) pa =
user_accessible s pa"
by (simp add: user_accessible_def)

lemma mem_equal_mod_trap: "mem_equal s1 s2 pa 
mem_equal (s1traps := new_traps1) (s2traps := traps2) pa"
by (simp add: mem_equal_def)

lemma user_accessible_mod_trap: "user_accessible (straps := new_traps) pa =
user_accessible s pa"
by (simp add: user_accessible_def)

lemma mem_equal_annul: "mem_equal s1 s2 pa 
mem_equal (s1state_var := new_state_var,
   cpu_reg := new_cpu_reg) (s2state_var := new_state_var2,
   cpu_reg := new_cpu_reg2) pa"
by (simp add: mem_equal_def)

lemma user_accessible_annul: "user_accessible (sstate_var := new_state_var, 
  cpu_reg := new_cpu_reg) pa =
user_accessible s pa"
by (simp add: user_accessible_def)

lemma mem_val_alt_10_mem_equal_0: "mem_equal s1 s2 pa 
mem_val_alt 10 (pa AND 68719476732) s1 = mem_val_alt 10 (pa AND 68719476732) s2"
apply (simp add: mem_val_alt_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
apply (simp add: mem_equal_def)
by (metis option.distinct(1))

lemma mem_val_alt_10_mem_equal_1: "mem_equal s1 s2 pa 
mem_val_alt 10 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 1) s1 = mem_val_alt 10 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 1) s2"
apply (simp add: mem_val_alt_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
apply (simp add: mem_equal_def)
by (metis option.distinct(1))

lemma mem_val_alt_10_mem_equal_2: "mem_equal s1 s2 pa 
mem_val_alt 10 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 2) s1 = mem_val_alt 10 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 2) s2"
apply (simp add: mem_val_alt_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
apply (simp add: mem_equal_def)
by (metis option.distinct(1))

lemma mem_val_alt_10_mem_equal_3: "mem_equal s1 s2 pa 
mem_val_alt 10 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 3) s1 = mem_val_alt 10 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 3) s2"
apply (simp add: mem_val_alt_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
apply (simp add: mem_equal_def)
by (metis option.distinct(1))

lemma mem_val_alt_10_mem_equal: 
assumes a1: "mem_equal s1 s2 pa"
shows "mem_val_alt 10 (pa AND 68719476732) s1 = mem_val_alt 10 (pa AND 68719476732) s2 
  mem_val_alt 10 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 1) s1 = mem_val_alt 10 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 1) s2 
  mem_val_alt 10 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 2) s1 = mem_val_alt 10 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 2) s2 
  mem_val_alt 10 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 3) s1 = mem_val_alt 10 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 3) s2"
using mem_val_alt_10_mem_equal_0 mem_val_alt_10_mem_equal_1
mem_val_alt_10_mem_equal_2 mem_val_alt_10_mem_equal_3 a1
by blast

lemma mem_val_w32_10_mem_equal: 
assumes a1: "mem_equal s1 s2 a"
shows "mem_val_w32 10 a s1 = mem_val_w32 10 a s2"
apply (simp add: mem_val_w32_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
using mem_val_alt_10_mem_equal a1 apply auto
        apply fastforce 
       apply fastforce
      apply fastforce
     apply fastforce
    apply fastforce
   apply fastforce
  apply fastforce
 apply fastforce
by fastforce

lemma mem_val_alt_8_mem_equal_0: "mem_equal s1 s2 pa 
mem_val_alt 8 (pa AND 68719476732) s1 = mem_val_alt 8 (pa AND 68719476732) s2"
apply (simp add: mem_val_alt_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
apply (simp add: mem_equal_def)
by (metis option.distinct(1))

lemma mem_val_alt_8_mem_equal_1: "mem_equal s1 s2 pa 
mem_val_alt 8 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 1) s1 = mem_val_alt 8 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 1) s2"
apply (simp add: mem_val_alt_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
apply (simp add: mem_equal_def)
by (metis option.distinct(1))

lemma mem_val_alt_8_mem_equal_2: "mem_equal s1 s2 pa 
mem_val_alt 8 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 2) s1 = mem_val_alt 8 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 2) s2"
apply (simp add: mem_val_alt_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
apply (simp add: mem_equal_def)
by (metis option.distinct(1))

lemma mem_val_alt_8_mem_equal_3: "mem_equal s1 s2 pa 
mem_val_alt 8 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 3) s1 = mem_val_alt 8 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 3) s2"
apply (simp add: mem_val_alt_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
apply (simp add: mem_equal_def)
by (metis option.distinct(1))

lemma mem_val_alt_8_mem_equal: 
assumes a1: "mem_equal s1 s2 pa"
shows "mem_val_alt 8 (pa AND 68719476732) s1 = mem_val_alt 8 (pa AND 68719476732) s2 
  mem_val_alt 8 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 1) s1 = mem_val_alt 8 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 1) s2 
  mem_val_alt 8 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 2) s1 = mem_val_alt 8 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 2) s2 
  mem_val_alt 8 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 3) s1 = mem_val_alt 8 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 3) s2"
using mem_val_alt_8_mem_equal_0 mem_val_alt_8_mem_equal_1
mem_val_alt_8_mem_equal_2 mem_val_alt_8_mem_equal_3 a1
by blast

lemma mem_val_w32_8_mem_equal: 
assumes a1: "mem_equal s1 s2 a"
shows "mem_val_w32 8 a s1 = mem_val_w32 8 a s2"
apply (simp add: mem_val_w32_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
using mem_val_alt_8_mem_equal a1 apply auto
        apply fastforce 
       apply fastforce
      apply fastforce
     apply fastforce
    apply fastforce
   apply fastforce
  apply fastforce
 apply fastforce
by fastforce

lemma load_word_mem_10_low_equal: 
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2"
shows "load_word_mem s1 address 10 = load_word_mem s2 address 10"
using a1 apply (simp add: low_equal_def load_word_mem_def)
apply clarsimp
apply (case_tac "virt_to_phys address (mmu s2) (mem s2) = None")
 apply auto
 apply (simp add: user_accessible_def)
 using mem_val_w32_10_mem_equal apply blast 
apply (simp add: user_accessible_def)
using mem_val_w32_10_mem_equal by blast 

lemma load_word_mem_8_low_equal: 
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2"
shows "load_word_mem s1 address 8 = load_word_mem s2 address 8"
using a1 apply (simp add: low_equal_def load_word_mem_def)
apply clarsimp
apply (case_tac "virt_to_phys address (mmu s2) (mem s2) = None")
 apply auto
 apply (simp add: user_accessible_def)
 using mem_val_w32_8_mem_equal user_accessible_8 apply fastforce
apply (simp add: user_accessible_def)
using mem_val_w32_8_mem_equal user_accessible_8 by fastforce

lemma mem_read_low_equal: 
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2  asi  {8,10}"
shows "fst (memory_read asi address s1) = fst (memory_read asi address s2)"
proof (cases "asi = 8")
  case True
  then show ?thesis using a1 
  apply (simp add: low_equal_def)
  apply (simp add: memory_read_def)
  using a1 load_word_mem_8_low_equal apply auto
  apply (simp add: option.case_eq_if)
  by (simp add: option.case_eq_if)
  case False
  then have "asi = 10" using a1 by auto
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: low_equal_def)
  apply (simp add: memory_read_def)
  using a1 load_word_mem_10_low_equal apply auto
  apply (simp add: option.case_eq_if)
  by (simp add: option.case_eq_if)

lemma read_mem_pc_low_equal: 
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2"
shows "fst (memory_read 8 (cpu_reg_val PC s1) s1) = 
fst (memory_read 8 (cpu_reg_val PC s2) s2)"
proof -
  have f2: "cpu_reg_val PC s1 = cpu_reg_val PC s2" using a1 
    by (simp add: low_equal_def cpu_reg_val_def)
  then show ?thesis using a1 f2 mem_read_low_equal
    by auto

lemma dcache_mod_low_equal: 
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
t1 = dcache_mod c v s1 
t2 = dcache_mod c v s2"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
using a1 apply (simp add: low_equal_def)
apply (simp add: dcache_mod_def)
apply auto
 apply (simp add: user_accessible_mod_cache mem_equal_mod_cache)
by (simp add: user_accessible_mod_cache mem_equal_mod_cache)

lemma add_data_cache_low_equal: 
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
t1 = add_data_cache s1 address w bm 
t2 = add_data_cache s2 address w bm"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
using a1 apply (simp add: add_data_cache_def)
apply (case_tac "bm AND 8 >> 3 = 1")
 apply auto
 apply (case_tac "bm AND 4 >> 2 = 1")
  apply auto
  apply (case_tac "bm AND 2 >> Suc 0 = 1")
   apply auto
   apply (case_tac "bm AND 1 = 1")
    apply auto
    apply (meson dcache_mod_low_equal)
   apply (meson dcache_mod_low_equal)
  apply (case_tac "bm AND 1 = 1")
   apply auto
   apply (meson dcache_mod_low_equal)
  apply (meson dcache_mod_low_equal)
 apply (case_tac "bm AND 2 >> Suc 0 = 1")
  apply auto
  apply (case_tac "bm AND 1 = 1")
   apply auto
   apply (meson dcache_mod_low_equal)
  apply (meson dcache_mod_low_equal)
 apply (case_tac "bm AND 1 = 1")
  apply auto
  apply (meson dcache_mod_low_equal)
 apply (meson dcache_mod_low_equal)
apply (case_tac "bm AND 4 >> 2 = 1")
 apply auto
 apply (case_tac "bm AND 2 >> Suc 0 = 1")
  apply auto
  apply (case_tac "bm AND 1 = 1")
   apply auto
   apply (meson dcache_mod_low_equal)
  apply (meson dcache_mod_low_equal)
 apply (case_tac "bm AND 1 = 1")
  apply auto
  apply (meson dcache_mod_low_equal)
 apply (meson dcache_mod_low_equal)
apply (case_tac "bm AND 2 >> Suc 0 = 1")
 apply auto
 apply (case_tac "bm AND 1 = 1")
  apply auto
  apply (meson dcache_mod_low_equal)
 apply (meson dcache_mod_low_equal)
by (meson dcache_mod_low_equal)

lemma mem_read2_low_equal:
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
t1 = snd (memory_read (10::word8) address s1) 
t2 = snd (memory_read (10::word8) address s2)"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
  using a1 apply (simp add: memory_read_def)
  using a1 apply (auto simp add: sys_reg_low_equal mod_2_eq_odd)
  using a1 apply (simp add: load_word_mem_10_low_equal)
  apply (auto split: option.splits)
  using add_data_cache_low_equal apply force
  using add_data_cache_low_equal apply force

lemma mem_read_delayed_write_low_equal:
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2  get_delayed_pool s1 = []  get_delayed_pool s2 = []"
shows "fst (memory_read 8 (cpu_reg_val PC (delayed_pool_write s1)) (delayed_pool_write s1)) =
fst (memory_read 8 (cpu_reg_val PC (delayed_pool_write s2)) (delayed_pool_write s2))"
using a1 apply (simp add: delayed_pool_write_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
apply (simp add: get_delayed_write_def)
by (simp add: read_mem_pc_low_equal)

lemma global_reg_mod_low_equal: 
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2
t1 = (global_reg_mod w n rd s1) 
t2 = (global_reg_mod w n rd s2)"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
using a1 apply (induction n arbitrary: s1 s2)
 apply clarsimp
apply auto
apply (simp add: Let_def)
apply (simp add: user_reg_low_equal)
using user_reg_state_mod_low_equal by blast

lemma out_reg_mod_low_equal: 
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2
t1 = (out_reg_mod w curr_win rd s1) 
t2 = (out_reg_mod w curr_win rd s2)"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
using a1 apply (simp add: out_reg_mod_def Let_def)
apply auto
 apply (simp add: user_reg_low_equal)
 using user_reg_state_mod_low_equal apply fastforce
apply (simp add: user_reg_low_equal)
using user_reg_state_mod_low_equal by blast

lemma in_reg_mod_low_equal: 
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2
t1 = (in_reg_mod w curr_win rd s1) 
t2 = (in_reg_mod w curr_win rd s2)"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
using a1 apply (simp add: in_reg_mod_def Let_def)
apply auto
 apply (simp add: user_reg_low_equal)
 using user_reg_state_mod_low_equal apply fastforce
apply (simp add: user_reg_low_equal)
using user_reg_state_mod_low_equal by blast

lemma user_reg_mod_low_equal: 
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
t1 = user_reg_mod w curr_win rd s1  t2 = user_reg_mod w curr_win rd s2"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
proof (cases "rd = 0")
  case True
  then show ?thesis using a1
  by (simp add: user_reg_mod_def)
  case False
  then have f1: "rd  0" by auto
  then show ?thesis 
  proof (cases "0 < rd  rd < 8")
    case True
    then show ?thesis using a1 f1
    apply (simp add: user_reg_mod_def)
    using global_reg_mod_low_equal by blast    
    case False
    then have f2: "¬ (0 < rd  rd < 8)" by auto
    then show ?thesis  
    proof (cases "7 < rd  rd < 16")
      case True
      then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2
      apply (simp add: user_reg_mod_def)
      by (auto intro: out_reg_mod_low_equal)
      case False
      then have f3: "¬ (7 < rd  rd < 16)" by auto      
      then show ?thesis 
      proof (cases "15 < rd  rd < 24")
        case True
        then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2 f3
        apply (simp add: user_reg_mod_def)
        apply (simp add: low_equal_def)
        apply clarsimp
        by (simp add: user_accessible_mod_user_reg mem_equal_mod_user_reg)     
        case False
        then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2 f3
        apply (simp add: user_reg_mod_def)
        by (auto intro: in_reg_mod_low_equal)

lemma virt_to_phys_low_equal: "low_equal s1 s2 
virt_to_phys addr (mmu s1) (mem s1) = virt_to_phys addr (mmu s2) (mem s2)"
by (auto simp add: low_equal_def)

lemma write_reg_low_equal: 
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
t1 = (snd (fst (write_reg w curr_win rd s1))) 
t2 = (snd (fst (write_reg w curr_win rd s2)))"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
using a1 apply (simp add: write_reg_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def)
by (auto intro: user_reg_mod_low_equal)

lemma write_cpu_low_equal: 
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
t1 = snd (fst (write_cpu w cr s1)) 
t2 = (snd (fst (write_cpu w cr s2)))"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
using a1
apply (simp add: write_cpu_def simpler_modify_def)
apply (simp add: cpu_reg_mod_def)
apply (simp add: low_equal_def)
using user_accessible_mod_cpu_reg mem_equal_mod_cpu_reg
by metis

lemma cpu_reg_mod_low_equal: 
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
t1 = cpu_reg_mod w cr s1 
t2 = cpu_reg_mod w cr s2"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
using a1
apply (simp add: cpu_reg_mod_def)
apply (simp add: low_equal_def)
using user_accessible_mod_cpu_reg mem_equal_mod_cpu_reg
by metis

lemma load_sub2_low_equal:
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
t1 = (snd (fst (load_sub2 address 10 rd curr_win w s1))) 
t2 = (snd (fst (load_sub2 address 10 rd curr_win w s2)))"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
proof (cases "fst (memory_read 10 (address + 4)
        (snd (fst (write_reg w curr_win (rd AND 30) s1)))) = None")
  case True
  then have f0: "fst (memory_read 10 (address + 4) 
        (snd (fst (write_reg w curr_win (rd AND 30) s1)))) = None" by auto
  have f1: "low_equal (snd (fst (write_reg w curr_win (rd AND 30) s1)))
          (snd (fst (write_reg w curr_win (rd AND 30) s2)))"
    using a1 by (auto intro: write_reg_low_equal)
  then have "fst (memory_read 10 (address + 4)
        (snd (fst (write_reg w curr_win (rd AND 30) s1)))) = None 
        fst (memory_read 10 (address + 4)
        (snd (fst (write_reg w curr_win (rd AND 30) s1)))) =
        fst (memory_read 10 (address + 4)
        (snd (fst (write_reg w curr_win (rd AND 30) s2))))"
    using f0 by (blast intro: mem_read_low_equal)
  then have "fst (memory_read 10 (address + 4)
        (snd (fst (write_reg w curr_win (rd AND 30) s1)))) = None 
        fst (memory_read 10 (address + 4)
        (snd (fst (write_reg w curr_win (rd AND 30) s2)))) = None"
    by auto
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: load_sub2_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
  apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
  apply (simp add: raise_trap_def add_trap_set_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def)
  using f1 apply (simp add: traps_low_equal)
  using f1 by (auto intro: mod_trap_low_equal)
  case False
  then have f2: "fst (memory_read 10 (address + 4)
        (snd (fst (write_reg w curr_win (rd AND 30) s1))))  None"
    by auto
  have f3: "low_equal (snd (fst (write_reg w curr_win (rd AND 30) s1)))
          (snd (fst (write_reg w curr_win (rd AND 30) s2)))"
    using a1 by (auto intro: write_reg_low_equal)
  then have f4: "fst (memory_read 10 (address + 4)
        (snd (fst (write_reg w curr_win (rd AND 30) s1)))) =
        fst (memory_read 10 (address + 4)
        (snd (fst (write_reg w curr_win (rd AND 30) s2))))"
    using f2 by (blast intro: mem_read_low_equal)
  then have "fst (memory_read 10 (address + 4)
        (snd (fst (write_reg w curr_win (rd AND 30) s1))))  None 
        fst (memory_read 10 (address + 4)
        (snd (fst (write_reg w curr_win (rd AND 30) s2))))  None"
    using f2 by auto
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: load_sub2_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
  apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
  apply clarsimp
  apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
  using f4 apply clarsimp
  using f3 by (auto intro: mem_read2_low_equal write_reg_low_equal)

lemma load_sub3_low_equal:
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
t1 = snd (fst (load_sub3 instr curr_win rd (10::word8) address s1)) 
t2 = snd (fst (load_sub3 instr curr_win rd (10::word8) address s2))"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
proof (cases "fst (memory_read 10 address s1) = None")
  case True
  then have "fst (memory_read 10 address s1) = None 
    fst (memory_read 10 address s2) = None"
    using a1 by (auto simp add: mem_read_low_equal)
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: load_sub3_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
  apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
  apply (simp add: raise_trap_def add_trap_set_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def)
  apply (auto simp add: traps_low_equal)
  by (auto intro: mod_trap_low_equal)
  case False
  then have f1: "fst (memory_read 10 address s1)  None  
    fst (memory_read 10 address s2)  None"
    using a1 by (auto simp add: mem_read_low_equal)  
  then show ?thesis 
  proof (cases "rd  0 
                          (fst instr = load_store_type LD 
                           fst instr = load_store_type LDA 
                           fst instr = load_store_type LDUH 
                           fst instr = load_store_type LDSB 
                           fst instr = load_store_type LDUB 
                           fst instr = load_store_type LDUBA 
                           fst instr = load_store_type LDSH 
                           fst instr = load_store_type LDSHA 
                           fst instr = load_store_type LDUHA 
                           fst instr = load_store_type LDSBA)")
    case True
    then show ?thesis using a1 f1
    apply (simp add: load_sub3_def)
    apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
    apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
    apply clarsimp
    apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
    apply (simp add: mem_read_low_equal)
    by (meson mem_read2_low_equal write_reg_low_equal)
    case False
    then show ?thesis using a1 f1
    apply (simp add: load_sub3_def)
    apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
    apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
    apply clarsimp
    apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
    apply (simp add: mem_read_low_equal)
    by (meson load_sub2_low_equal mem_read2_low_equal)

lemma ld_asi_user:
"(fst instr = load_store_type LDSB 
fst instr = load_store_type LDUB 
fst instr = load_store_type LDUH  
fst instr = load_store_type LD  
fst instr = load_store_type LDD)  
ld_asi instr 0 = 10"
apply (simp add: ld_asi_def)
by auto

lemma load_sub1_low_equal: 
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
(fst instr = load_store_type LDSB 
fst instr = load_store_type LDUB 
fst instr = load_store_type LDUH 
fst instr = load_store_type LD  
fst instr = load_store_type LDD) 
t1 = snd (fst (load_sub1 instr rd 0 s1))  
t2 = snd (fst (load_sub1 instr rd 0 s2))" 
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
proof (cases "(fst instr = load_store_type LDD  fst instr = load_store_type LDDA) 
                       ((ucast (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))::word3)  0 
                       (fst instr = load_store_type LD  fst instr = load_store_type LDA) 
                       ((ucast (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))::word2)  0 
                       (fst instr = load_store_type LDUH 
                        fst instr = load_store_type LDUHA 
                        fst instr = load_store_type LDSH  fst instr = load_store_type LDSHA) 
                       ((ucast (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))::word1)  0")
  case True
  then have "((fst instr = load_store_type LDD  fst instr = load_store_type LDDA) 
                       ((ucast (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))::word3)  0 
                       (fst instr = load_store_type LD  fst instr = load_store_type LDA) 
                       ((ucast (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))::word2)  0 
                       (fst instr = load_store_type LDUH 
                        fst instr = load_store_type LDUHA 
                        fst instr = load_store_type LDSH  fst instr = load_store_type LDSHA) 
                       ((ucast (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))::word1)  0) 
            ((fst instr = load_store_type LDD  fst instr = load_store_type LDDA) 
                       ((ucast (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))::word3)  0 
                       (fst instr = load_store_type LD  fst instr = load_store_type LDA) 
                       ((ucast (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))::word2)  0 
                       (fst instr = load_store_type LDUH 
                        fst instr = load_store_type LDUHA 
                        fst instr = load_store_type LDSH  fst instr = load_store_type LDSHA) 
                       ((ucast (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))::word1)  0)"
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) assms get_addr_low_equal)    
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: load_sub1_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
  apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
  apply (simp add: raise_trap_def add_trap_set_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def)
  apply clarsimp
  apply (simp add: get_curr_win3_low_equal)
  by (auto intro: get_curr_win2_low_equal mod_trap_low_equal)
  case False
  then have f1: "¬ ((fst instr = load_store_type LDD  fst instr = load_store_type LDDA) 
                       ((ucast (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))::word3)  0 
                       (fst instr = load_store_type LD  fst instr = load_store_type LDA) 
                       ((ucast (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))::word2)  0 
                       (fst instr = load_store_type LDUH 
                        fst instr = load_store_type LDUHA 
                        fst instr = load_store_type LDSH  fst instr = load_store_type LDSHA) 
                       ((ucast (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))::word1)  0) 
            ¬ ((fst instr = load_store_type LDD  fst instr = load_store_type LDDA) 
                       ((ucast (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))::word3)  0 
                       (fst instr = load_store_type LD  fst instr = load_store_type LDA) 
                       ((ucast (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))::word2)  0 
                       (fst instr = load_store_type LDUH 
                        fst instr = load_store_type LDUHA 
                        fst instr = load_store_type LDSH  fst instr = load_store_type LDSHA) 
                       ((ucast (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))::word1)  0)"
    by (metis assms get_addr_low_equal)    
  show ?thesis  
  proof -
    have "low_equal s1 s2  
          low_equal (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 
                    (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))"
      using get_curr_win2_low_equal by auto
    then have f2: "low_equal s1 s2 
      low_equal (snd (fst (load_sub3 instr (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rd 10
                    (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))
                    (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) 
                (snd (fst (load_sub3 instr (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rd 10
                    (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))
                    (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))"
      using load_sub3_low_equal by blast 
    show ?thesis using a1
    unfolding load_sub1_def simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def case_prod_unfold
    using f1 f2 apply clarsimp
    by (simp add: get_addr2_low_equal get_curr_win_low_equal ld_asi_user)

lemma load_instr_low_equal: 
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
(fst instr = load_store_type LDSB 
fst instr = load_store_type LDUB 
fst instr = load_store_type LDUBA 
fst instr = load_store_type LDUH 
fst instr = load_store_type LD  
fst instr = load_store_type LDA  
fst instr = load_store_type LDD) 
(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s1)))::word1) = 0 
(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s2)))::word1) = 0 
t1 = snd (fst (load_instr instr s1))  t2 = snd (fst (load_instr instr s2))"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
proof -
  have "get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s1) = 0  get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s2) = 0"
    using a1 by (simp add: ucast_id) 
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: load_instr_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
  apply (simp add: Let_def)
  apply clarsimp
  apply (simp add: raise_trap_def add_trap_set_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def)
  apply (simp add: traps_low_equal)
  by (auto intro: mod_trap_low_equal load_sub1_low_equal)

lemma st_data0_low_equal: "low_equal s1 s2 
st_data0 instr curr_win rd addr s1 = st_data0 instr curr_win rd addr s2"
apply (simp add: st_data0_def)
by (simp add: user_reg_val_def low_equal_def)

lemma store_word_mem_low_equal_none: "low_equal s1 s2 
store_word_mem (add_data_cache s1 addr data bm) addr data bm 10 = None 
store_word_mem (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm) addr data bm 10 = None"
apply (simp add: store_word_mem_def)
proof -
  assume a1: "low_equal s1 s2"
  assume a2: "(case virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s1 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s1 addr data bm)) of None  None | Some pair  if mmu_writable (get_acc_flag (snd pair)) 10 then Some (mem_mod_w32 10 (fst pair) bm data (add_data_cache s1 addr data bm)) else None) = None"
  have f3: "(if mmu_writable (get_acc_flag (snd (v1_2 (virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)))))) 10 then Some (mem_mod_w32 10 (fst (v1_2 (virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm))))) bm data (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) else None) = (case Some (v1_2 (virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)))) of None  if mmu_writable (get_acc_flag (snd (v1_2 (virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)))))) 10 then Some (mem_mod_w32 10 (fst (v1_2 (virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm))))) bm data (add_data_cache s1 addr data bm)) else None | Some p  if mmu_writable (get_acc_flag (snd p)) 10 then Some (mem_mod_w32 10 (fst p) bm data (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) else None)"
    by auto
  obtain pp :: "(word36 × word8) option  word36 × word8" where
    f4: "virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s1 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s1 addr data bm)) = None  virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s1 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s1 addr data bm)) = Some (pp (virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s1 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s1 addr data bm))))"
    by (metis (no_types) option.exhaust)
  have f5: "virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s1 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s1 addr data bm)) = virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm))"
    using a1 by (meson add_data_cache_low_equal virt_to_phys_low_equal)
  { assume "Some (mem_mod_w32 10 (fst (pp (virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm))))) bm data (add_data_cache s1 addr data bm))  (case Some (pp (virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)))) of None  None | Some p  if mmu_writable (get_acc_flag (snd p)) 10 then Some (mem_mod_w32 10 (fst p) bm data (add_data_cache s1 addr data bm)) else None)"
    then have "None = (if mmu_writable (get_acc_flag (snd (pp (virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)))))) 10 then Some (mem_mod_w32 10 (fst (pp (virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm))))) bm data (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) else None)"
      by fastforce
    { assume "(if mmu_writable (get_acc_flag (snd (pp (virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)))))) 10 then Some (mem_mod_w32 10 (fst (pp (virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm))))) bm data (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) else None)  (case virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) of None  None | Some p  if mmu_writable (get_acc_flag (snd p)) 10 then Some (mem_mod_w32 10 (fst p) bm data (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) else None)"
      then have "(case Some (pp (virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)))) of None  if mmu_writable (get_acc_flag (snd (pp (virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)))))) 10 then Some (mem_mod_w32 10 (fst (pp (virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm))))) bm data (add_data_cache s1 addr data bm)) else None | Some p  if mmu_writable (get_acc_flag (snd p)) 10 then Some (mem_mod_w32 10 (fst p) bm data (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) else None)  (case virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) of None  None | Some p  if mmu_writable (get_acc_flag (snd p)) 10 then Some (mem_mod_w32 10 (fst p) bm data (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) else None)"
        using f3 by simp
      then have "Some (pp (virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm))))  virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm))  (if mmu_writable (get_acc_flag (snd (pp (virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)))))) 10 then Some (mem_mod_w32 10 (fst (pp (virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm))))) bm data (add_data_cache s1 addr data bm)) else None)  None"
      proof -
        have "(case virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) of None  if mmu_writable (get_acc_flag (snd (pp (virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)))))) 10 then Some (mem_mod_w32 10 (fst (pp (virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm))))) bm data (add_data_cache s1 addr data bm)) else None | Some p  if mmu_writable (get_acc_flag (snd p)) 10 then Some (mem_mod_w32 10 (fst p) bm data (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) else None) = (case virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) of None  None | Some p  if mmu_writable (get_acc_flag (snd p)) 10 then Some (mem_mod_w32 10 (fst p) bm data (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) else None)  Some (pp (virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm))))  virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm))  (if mmu_writable (get_acc_flag (snd (pp (virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)))))) 10 then Some (mem_mod_w32 10 (fst (pp (virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm))))) bm data (add_data_cache s1 addr data bm)) else None)  None"
          by simp
        then show ?thesis
          using (case Some (pp (virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)))) of None  if mmu_writable (get_acc_flag (snd (pp (virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)))))) 10 then Some (mem_mod_w32 10 (fst (pp (virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm))))) bm data (add_data_cache s1 addr data bm)) else None | Some p  if mmu_writable (get_acc_flag (snd p)) 10 then Some (mem_mod_w32 10 (fst p) bm data (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) else None)  (case virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) of None  None | Some p  if mmu_writable (get_acc_flag (snd p)) 10 then Some (mem_mod_w32 10 (fst p) bm data (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) else None) by force
      { assume "Some (pp (virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm))))  virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm))"
        then have "virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s1 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s1 addr data bm))  Some (pp (virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s1 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s1 addr data bm))))"
          using f5 by simp }
      ultimately have "virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s1 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s1 addr data bm))  Some (pp (virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm))))  virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s1 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s1 addr data bm))  Some (pp (virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s1 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s1 addr data bm))))"
        using a2 by force }
    ultimately have "virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s1 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s1 addr data bm)) = Some (pp (virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s1 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s1 addr data bm))))  virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s1 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s1 addr data bm)) = Some (pp (virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm))))  (case virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) of None  None | Some p  if mmu_writable (get_acc_flag (snd p)) 10 then Some (mem_mod_w32 10 (fst p) bm data (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) else None) = None"
      by fastforce }
  then have "virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s1 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s1 addr data bm)) = Some (pp (virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s1 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s1 addr data bm))))  virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s1 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s1 addr data bm)) = Some (pp (virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm))))  (case virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) of None  None | Some p  if mmu_writable (get_acc_flag (snd p)) 10 then Some (mem_mod_w32 10 (fst p) bm data (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) else None) = None"
    using a2 by force
  then show "(case virt_to_phys addr (mmu (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) (mem (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) of None  None | Some p  if mmu_writable (get_acc_flag (snd p)) 10 then Some (mem_mod_w32 10 (fst p) bm data (add_data_cache s2 addr data bm)) else None) = None"
    using f5 f4 by force

lemma memory_write_asi_low_equal_none: "low_equal s1 s2 
memory_write_asi 10 addr bm data s1 = None 
memory_write_asi 10 addr bm data s2 = None"
apply (simp add: memory_write_asi_def)
by (simp add: store_word_mem_low_equal_none)

lemma memory_write_low_equal_none: "low_equal s1 s2 
memory_write 10 addr bm data s1 = None 
memory_write 10 addr bm data s2 = None"
apply (simp add: memory_write_def)
by (metis map_option_case memory_write_asi_low_equal_none option.map_disc_iff)

lemma memory_write_low_equal_none2: "low_equal s1 s2 
memory_write 10 addr bm data s2 = None 
memory_write 10 addr bm data s1 = None"
apply (simp add: memory_write_def)
by (metis low_equal_com memory_write_def memory_write_low_equal_none)

lemma mem_context_val_9_unchanged:
"mem_context_val 9 addr1 (mem s1) =
mem_context_val 9 addr1
              ((mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None)))"
apply (simp add: mem_context_val_def)
by (simp add: Let_def)

lemma mem_context_val_w32_9_unchanged:
"mem_context_val_w32 9 addr1 (mem s1) =
mem_context_val_w32 9 addr1
              ((mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None)))"
apply (simp add: mem_context_val_w32_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
by (metis mem_context_val_9_unchanged)

lemma ptd_lookup_unchanged_4: 
"ptd_lookup va ptp (mem s1) 4 = 
ptd_lookup va ptp ((mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 
                            11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) 4"
by auto

lemma ptd_lookup_unchanged_3: 
"ptd_lookup va ptp (mem s1) 3 = 
ptd_lookup va ptp ((mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 
                            11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) 3"
proof (cases "mem_context_val_w32 9 ((ucast (ptp OR ((ucast ((ucast (va >> 12))::word6))::word32)))::word36) (mem s1) = None")
  case True
  then have "mem_context_val_w32 9 ((ucast (ptp OR ((ucast ((ucast (va >> 12))::word6))::word32)))::word36) (mem s1) = None 
    mem_context_val_w32 9 ((ucast (ptp OR ((ucast ((ucast (va >> 12))::word6))::word32)))::word36)
           ((mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) = None"
    using mem_context_val_w32_9_unchanged by metis    
  then show ?thesis 
  by auto  
  case False
  then have "mem_context_val_w32 9 
    ((ucast (ptp OR ((ucast ((ucast (va >> 12))::word6))::word32)))::word36) (mem s1)  None 
    mem_context_val_w32 9 ((ucast (ptp OR ((ucast ((ucast (va >> 12))::word6))::word32)))::word36) 
      ((mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None)))  None"
    using mem_context_val_w32_9_unchanged by metis
  then have "mem_context_val_w32 9 
    ((ucast (ptp OR ((ucast ((ucast (va >> 12))::word6))::word32)))::word36) (mem s1)  None 
    mem_context_val_w32 9 ((ucast (ptp OR ((ucast ((ucast (va >> 12))::word6))::word32)))::word36) 
      ((mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None)))  None 
    (y. (mem_context_val_w32 9 
    ((ucast (ptp OR ((ucast ((ucast (va >> 12))::word6))::word32)))::word36) (mem s1) = Some y)  
    (mem_context_val_w32 9 
    ((ucast (ptp OR ((ucast ((ucast (va >> 12))::word6))::word32)))::word36) 
      ((mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None)))= Some y))"
    using mem_context_val_w32_9_unchanged by metis
  then show ?thesis 
  apply auto
  by (simp add: Let_def)

lemma ptd_lookup_unchanged_2: 
"ptd_lookup va ptp (mem s1) 2 = 
ptd_lookup va ptp ((mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 
                            11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) 2"
proof (cases "mem_context_val_w32 9 ((ucast (ptp OR ((ucast ((ucast (va >> 18))::word6))::word32)))::word36) (mem s1) = None")
  case True
  then have "mem_context_val_w32 9 ((ucast (ptp OR ((ucast ((ucast (va >> 18))::word6))::word32)))::word36) (mem s1) = None 
    mem_context_val_w32 9 ((ucast (ptp OR ((ucast ((ucast (va >> 18))::word6))::word32)))::word36)
           ((mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) = None"
    using mem_context_val_w32_9_unchanged by metis    
  then show ?thesis 
  by auto  
  case False
  then have "mem_context_val_w32 9 
    ((ucast (ptp OR ((ucast ((ucast (va >> 18))::word6))::word32)))::word36) (mem s1)  None 
    mem_context_val_w32 9 ((ucast (ptp OR ((ucast ((ucast (va >> 18))::word6))::word32)))::word36) 
      ((mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None)))  None"
    using mem_context_val_w32_9_unchanged by metis
  then have "mem_context_val_w32 9 
    ((ucast (ptp OR ((ucast ((ucast (va >> 18))::word6))::word32)))::word36) (mem s1)  None 
    mem_context_val_w32 9 ((ucast (ptp OR ((ucast ((ucast (va >> 18))::word6))::word32)))::word36) 
      ((mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None)))  None 
    (y. (mem_context_val_w32 9 
    ((ucast (ptp OR ((ucast ((ucast (va >> 18))::word6))::word32)))::word36) (mem s1) = Some y)  
    (mem_context_val_w32 9 
    ((ucast (ptp OR ((ucast ((ucast (va >> 18))::word6))::word32)))::word36) 
      ((mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None)))= Some y))"
    using mem_context_val_w32_9_unchanged by metis
  then show ?thesis 
  apply auto
  using ptd_lookup_unchanged_3   
  unfolding Let_def
  by auto

lemma ptd_lookup_unchanged_1: 
"ptd_lookup va ptp (mem s1) 1 = 
ptd_lookup va ptp ((mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10) (addr  val), 
                            11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) 1"
proof (cases "mem_context_val_w32 9 ((ucast (ptp OR ((ucast ((ucast (va >> 24))::word8))::word32)))::word36) (mem s1) = None")
  case True
  then have "mem_context_val_w32 9 ((ucast (ptp OR ((ucast ((ucast (va >> 24))::word8))::word32)))::word36) (mem s1) = None 
    mem_context_val_w32 9 ((ucast (ptp OR ((ucast ((ucast (va >> 24))::word8))::word32)))::word36)
           ((mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) = None"
    using mem_context_val_w32_9_unchanged by metis    
  then show ?thesis 
  by auto  
  case False
  then have "mem_context_val_w32 9 
    ((ucast (ptp OR ((ucast ((ucast (va >> 24))::word8))::word32)))::word36) (mem s1)  None 
    mem_context_val_w32 9 ((ucast (ptp OR ((ucast ((ucast (va >> 24))::word8))::word32)))::word36) 
      ((mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None)))  None"
    using mem_context_val_w32_9_unchanged by metis
  then have "mem_context_val_w32 9 
    ((ucast (ptp OR ((ucast ((ucast (va >> 24))::word8))::word32)))::word36) (mem s1)  None 
    mem_context_val_w32 9 ((ucast (ptp OR ((ucast ((ucast (va >> 24))::word8))::word32)))::word36) 
      ((mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None)))  None 
    (y. (mem_context_val_w32 9 
    ((ucast (ptp OR ((ucast ((ucast (va >> 24))::word8))::word32)))::word36) (mem s1) = Some y)  
    (mem_context_val_w32 9 
    ((ucast (ptp OR ((ucast ((ucast (va >> 24))::word8))::word32)))::word36) 
      ((mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None)))= Some y))"
    using mem_context_val_w32_9_unchanged by metis
  then show ?thesis 
  apply auto
  using ptd_lookup_unchanged_2   
  unfolding Let_def
  proof -
    fix y :: word32
    have "(y AND 3  0  y AND 3 = 0  (y AND 3  1  ptd_lookup va (y AND 4294967292) (mem s1) (Suc 0 + 1) = None)  (y AND 3 = 1  y AND 3  2  None = Some ((ucast (ucast (y >> 8)::word24) << 12) OR (ucast (ucast va::word12)::word36), ucast y::word8)))  (y AND 3 = 0  (y AND 3  1  (y AND 3  0  ptd_lookup va (y AND 4294967292) ((mem s1) (10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) (Suc 0 + 1) = None)  (y AND 3 = 0  (y AND 3  1  ptd_lookup va (y AND 4294967292) (mem s1) (Suc 0 + 1) = ptd_lookup va (y AND 4294967292) ((mem s1) (10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) (Suc 0 + 1))  (y AND 3 = 1  (y AND 3  2  ptd_lookup va (y AND 4294967292) ((mem s1) (10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) (Suc 0 + 1) = Some ((ucast (ucast (y >> 8)::word24) << 12) OR ucast (ucast va::word12), ucast y))  (y AND 3 = 2  ptd_lookup va (y AND 4294967292) ((mem s1) (10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) (Suc 0 + 1) = None))))  (y AND 3 = 1  (y AND 3  2  (y AND 3  0  None = Some ((ucast (ucast (y >> 8)::word24) << 12) OR (ucast (ucast va::word12)::word36), ucast y::word8))  (y AND 3 = 0  (y AND 3  1  ptd_lookup va (y AND 4294967292) (mem s1) (Suc 0 + 1) = Some ((ucast (ucast (y >> 8)::word24) << 12) OR ucast (ucast va::word12), ucast y))  (y AND 3 = 1  y AND 3 = 2  None = Some ((ucast (ucast (y >> 8)::word24) << 12) OR (ucast (ucast va::word12)::word36), ucast y::word8))))  (y AND 3 = 2  y AND 3 = 0  (y AND 3  1  ptd_lookup va (y AND 4294967292) (mem s1) (Suc 0 + 1) = None)  (y AND 3 = 1  y AND 3  2  None = Some ((ucast (ucast (y >> 8)::word24) << 12) OR (ucast (ucast va::word12)::word36), ucast y::word8)))))  (w. mem s1 w = ((mem s1) (10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) w)"
      by (metis (no_types) One_nat_def Suc_1 Suc_eq_plus1 ptd_lookup_unchanged_2)
    then show "(if y AND 3 = 0 then None else if y AND 3 = 1 then ptd_lookup va (y AND 4294967292) (mem s1) (Suc 0 + 1) else if y AND 3 = 2 then Some ((ucast (ucast (y >> 8)::word24) << 12) OR ucast (ucast va::word12), ucast y) else None) = (if y AND 3 = 0 then None else if y AND 3 = 1 then ptd_lookup va (y AND 4294967292) ((mem s1) (10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) (Suc 0 + 1) else if y AND 3 = 2 then Some ((ucast (ucast (y >> 8)::word24) << 12) OR ucast (ucast va::word12), ucast y) else None)"
    proof -
      have f1: "2 = Suc 0 + 1"
        by (metis One_nat_def Suc_1 Suc_eq_plus1)
      { assume "y AND 3 = 1"
        { assume "y AND 3 = 1  (if y AND 3 = 0 then None else if y AND 3 = 1 then ptd_lookup va (y AND 4294967292) (mem s1) (Suc 0 + 1) else if y AND 3 = 2 then Some ((ucast (ucast (y >> 8)::word24) << 12) OR ucast (ucast va::word12), ucast y) else None)  (if y AND 3 = 0 then None else if y AND 3 = 1 then ptd_lookup va (y AND 4294967292) ((mem s1) (10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) (Suc 0 + 1) else if y AND 3 = 2 then Some ((ucast (ucast (y >> 8)::word24) << 12) OR ucast (ucast va::word12), ucast y) else None)"
          have "y AND 3 = 1  (if y AND 3 = 0 then None else if y AND 3 = 1 then ptd_lookup va (y AND 4294967292) (mem s1) (Suc 0 + 1) else if y AND 3 = 2 then Some ((ucast (ucast (y >> 8)::word24) << 12) OR ucast (ucast va::word12), ucast y) else None)  ptd_lookup va (y AND 4294967292) ((mem s1) (10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) (Suc 0 + 1)  (if y AND 3 = 0 then None else if y AND 3 = 1 then ptd_lookup va (y AND 4294967292) (mem s1) (Suc 0 + 1) else if y AND 3 = 2 then Some ((ucast (ucast (y >> 8)::word24) << 12) OR ucast (ucast va::word12), ucast y) else None) = (if y AND 3 = 0 then None else if y AND 3 = 1 then ptd_lookup va (y AND 4294967292) ((mem s1) (10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) (Suc 0 + 1) else if y AND 3 = 2 then Some ((ucast (ucast (y >> 8)::word24) << 12) OR ucast (ucast va::word12), ucast y) else None)"
            by presburger
          { assume "y AND 3 = 1  (if y AND 3 = 0 then None else if y AND 3 = 1 then ptd_lookup va (y AND 4294967292) (mem s1) (Suc 0 + 1) else if y AND 3 = 2 then Some ((ucast (ucast (y >> 8)::word24) << 12) OR ucast (ucast va::word12), ucast y) else None)  ptd_lookup va (y AND 4294967292) ((mem s1) (10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) (Suc 0 + 1)"
            then have "y AND 3 = 1  (if y AND 3 = 0 then None else if y AND 3 = 1 then ptd_lookup va (y AND 4294967292) (mem s1) (Suc 0 + 1) else if y AND 3 = 2 then Some ((ucast (ucast (y >> 8)::word24) << 12) OR ucast (ucast va::word12), ucast y) else None)  ptd_lookup va (y AND 4294967292) (mem s1) 2"
              by (metis One_nat_def Suc_1 Suc_eq_plus1 ptd_lookup_unchanged_2)
            then have ?thesis
              using f1 by auto }
          ultimately have ?thesis
            by blast }
        ultimately have ?thesis
          by blast }
      then show ?thesis
        by presburger

lemma virt_to_phys_unchanged_sub1: 
assumes a1: "(let context_table_entry = (v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2)
  in Let (mem_context_val_w32 (word_of_int 9) (ucast context_table_entry) (mem s1))
    (case_option None (λlvl1_page_table. ptd_lookup va lvl1_page_table (mem s1) 1))) =
 (let context_table_entry = (v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2)
  in Let (mem_context_val_w32 (word_of_int 9) (ucast context_table_entry) (mem s2))
    (case_option None (λlvl1_page_table. ptd_lookup va lvl1_page_table (mem s2) 1)))"
shows "(let context_table_entry = (v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2)
  in Let (mem_context_val_w32 (word_of_int 9) (ucast context_table_entry)
    ((mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))))
     (case_option None (λlvl1_page_table. ptd_lookup va lvl1_page_table
      ((mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) 1))) =
 (let context_table_entry = (v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2)
  in Let (mem_context_val_w32 (word_of_int 9) (ucast context_table_entry)
    ((mem s2)(10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None))))
     (case_option None (λlvl1_page_table. ptd_lookup va lvl1_page_table
      ((mem s2)(10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None))) 1)))"
proof -
  from a1 have 
   "(case mem_context_val_w32 (word_of_int 9) (ucast ((v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2))) (mem s1) of
     None  None | Some lvl1_page_table  ptd_lookup va lvl1_page_table (mem s1) 1) =
    (case mem_context_val_w32 (word_of_int 9) (ucast ((v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2))) (mem s2) of
     None  None | Some lvl1_page_table  ptd_lookup va lvl1_page_table (mem s2) 1)" 
     unfolding Let_def by auto
  then have "(case mem_context_val_w32 (word_of_int 9) (ucast ((v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2))) 
     ((mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) of
     None  None | Some lvl1_page_table  ptd_lookup va lvl1_page_table (mem s1) 1) =
    (case mem_context_val_w32 (word_of_int 9) (ucast ((v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2))) 
     ((mem s2)(10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None))) of
     None  None | Some lvl1_page_table  ptd_lookup va lvl1_page_table (mem s2) 1)"
    using mem_context_val_w32_9_unchanged
    by (metis word_numeral_alt) 
 then have "(case mem_context_val_w32 (word_of_int 9) (ucast ((v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2))) 
     ((mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) of
     None  None | Some lvl1_page_table  ptd_lookup va lvl1_page_table 
      ((mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) 1) =
    (case mem_context_val_w32 (word_of_int 9) (ucast ((v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2))) 
     ((mem s2)(10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None))) of
     None  None | Some lvl1_page_table  ptd_lookup va lvl1_page_table 
     ((mem s2)(10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None))) 1)"   
    using ptd_lookup_unchanged_1
    proof -
      obtain ww :: "word32 option  word32" where
        f1: "z. (z = None  z = Some (ww z))  (z  None  (w. z  Some w))"
        by moura
      then have f2: "(mem_context_val_w32 (word_of_int 9) (ucast ((v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2))) ((mem s1) (10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) = None  mem_context_val_w32 (word_of_int 9) (ucast ((v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2))) ((mem s1) (10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) = Some (ww (mem_context_val_w32 (word_of_int 9) (ucast ((v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2))) ((mem s1) (10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))))))  (mem_context_val_w32 (word_of_int 9) (ucast ((v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2))) ((mem s1) (10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None)))  None  (w. mem_context_val_w32 (word_of_int 9) (ucast ((v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2))) ((mem s1) (10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None)))  Some w))"
        by blast
      then have f3: "(case mem_context_val_w32 (word_of_int 9) (ucast ((v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2))) ((mem s1) (10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) of None  None | Some w  ptd_lookup va w ((mem s1) (10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) 1)  None  (case mem_context_val_w32 (word_of_int 9) (ucast ((v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2))) ((mem s1) (10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) of None  None | Some w  ptd_lookup va w ((mem s1) (10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) 1) = (case mem_context_val_w32 (word_of_int 9) (ucast ((v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2))) ((mem s1) (10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) of None  None | Some w  ptd_lookup va w (mem s1) 1)"
        by (metis (no_types) val va s1 ptp addr. ptd_lookup va ptp (mem s1) 1 = ptd_lookup va ptp ((mem s1) (10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) 1 option.simps(4))
      have f4: "mem_context_val_w32 (word_of_int 9) (ucast ((v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2))) ((mem s2) (10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None))) = Some (ww (mem_context_val_w32 (word_of_int 9) (ucast ((v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2))) ((mem s2) (10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None)))))  mem_context_val_w32 (word_of_int 9) (ucast ((v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2))) ((mem s1) (10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) = Some (ww (mem_context_val_w32 (word_of_int 9) (ucast ((v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2))) ((mem s1) (10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None)))))  (case mem_context_val_w32 (word_of_int 9) (ucast ((v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2))) ((mem s1) (10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) of None  None | Some w  ptd_lookup va w ((mem s1) (10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) 1) = (case Some (ww (mem_context_val_w32 (word_of_int 9) (ucast ((v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2))) ((mem s2) (10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None))))) of None  None | Some w  ptd_lookup va w ((mem s2) (10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None))) 1)"
        by (metis (no_types) (case mem_context_val_w32 (word_of_int 9) (ucast ((v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2))) ((mem s1) (10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) of None  None | Some lvl1_page_table  ptd_lookup va lvl1_page_table (mem s1) 1) = (case mem_context_val_w32 (word_of_int 9) (ucast ((v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2))) ((mem s2) (10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None))) of None  None | Some lvl1_page_table  ptd_lookup va lvl1_page_table (mem s2) 1) val va s1 ptp addr. ptd_lookup va ptp (mem s1) 1 = ptd_lookup va ptp ((mem s1) (10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) 1
      have f5: "(mem_context_val_w32 (word_of_int 9) (ucast ((v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2))) ((mem s2) (10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None))) = None  mem_context_val_w32 (word_of_int 9) (ucast ((v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2))) ((mem s2) (10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None))) = Some (ww (mem_context_val_w32 (word_of_int 9) (ucast ((v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2))) ((mem s2) (10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None))))))  (mem_context_val_w32 (word_of_int 9) (ucast ((v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2))) ((mem s2) (10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None)))  None  (w. mem_context_val_w32 (word_of_int 9) (ucast ((v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2))) ((mem s2) (10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None)))  Some w))"
        using f1 by blast
      { assume "(case mem_context_val_w32 (word_of_int 9) (ucast ((v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2))) ((mem s1) (10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) of None  None | Some w  ptd_lookup va w ((mem s1) (10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) 1)  (case mem_context_val_w32 (word_of_int 9) (ucast ((v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2))) ((mem s2) (10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None))) of None  None | Some w  ptd_lookup va w ((mem s2) (10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None))) 1)"
        { assume "(case mem_context_val_w32 (word_of_int 9) (ucast ((v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2))) ((mem s2) (10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None))) of None  None | Some w  ptd_lookup va w (mem s2) 1)  None  (case mem_context_val_w32 (word_of_int 9) (ucast ((v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2))) ((mem s2) (10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None))) of None  None | Some w  ptd_lookup va w (mem s2) 1)  None"
          then have "(case mem_context_val_w32 (word_of_int 9) (ucast ((v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2))) ((mem s2) (10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None))) of None  None | Some w  ptd_lookup va w (mem s2) 1)  None  mem_context_val_w32 (word_of_int 9) (ucast ((v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2))) ((mem s1) (10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None)))  None"
            by (metis (no_types) (case mem_context_val_w32 (word_of_int 9) (ucast ((v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2))) ((mem s1) (10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) of None  None | Some lvl1_page_table  ptd_lookup va lvl1_page_table (mem s1) 1) = (case mem_context_val_w32 (word_of_int 9) (ucast ((v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2))) ((mem s2) (10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None))) of None  None | Some lvl1_page_table  ptd_lookup va lvl1_page_table (mem s2) 1) option.simps(4))
          then have ?thesis
            using f5 f4 f2 by force }
        then have ?thesis
          using f5 f3 by (metis (no_types) (case mem_context_val_w32 (word_of_int 9) (ucast ((v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2))) ((mem s1) (10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) of None  None | Some lvl1_page_table  ptd_lookup va lvl1_page_table (mem s1) 1) = (case mem_context_val_w32 (word_of_int 9) (ucast ((v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2))) ((mem s2) (10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None))) of None  None | Some lvl1_page_table  ptd_lookup va lvl1_page_table (mem s2) 1) val va s1 ptp addr. ptd_lookup va ptp (mem s1) 1 = ptd_lookup va ptp ((mem s1) (10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) 1 option.simps(4)) }
      then show ?thesis
        by blast
 then show ?thesis 
  unfolding Let_def by auto 

lemma virt_to_phys_unchanged: 
assumes a1: "(va. virt_to_phys va (mmu s2) (mem s1) = virt_to_phys va (mmu s2) (mem s2))"
shows "(va. virt_to_phys va (mmu s2) ((mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 
                                         11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) =
             virt_to_phys va (mmu s2) ((mem s2)(10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 
                                         11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None))))"
proof (cases "registers (mmu s2) CR AND 1  0")
  case True
  then have f1: "registers (mmu s2) CR AND 1  0" by auto
  then show ?thesis 
  proof (cases "mmu_reg_val (mmu s2) 256 = None")
    case True
    then show ?thesis 
    by (simp add: virt_to_phys_def)
    case False
    then have f2: "mmu_reg_val (mmu s2) 256  None" by auto
    then show ?thesis 
    proof (cases "mmu_reg_val (mmu s2) 512 = None")
      case True
      then show ?thesis using f1 f2
      apply (simp add: virt_to_phys_def)
      by auto
      case False
      then show ?thesis using f1 f2 a1
      apply (simp add: virt_to_phys_def)
      apply clarify
      using virt_to_phys_unchanged_sub1 by fastforce
  case False
  then show ?thesis 
  by (simp add: virt_to_phys_def)

lemma virt_to_phys_unchanged2_sub1: 
"(case mem_context_val_w32 (word_of_int 9) 
  (ucast ((v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2))) (mem s2) of
  None  None | Some lvl1_page_table  ptd_lookup va lvl1_page_table (mem s2) 1) =
(case mem_context_val_w32 (word_of_int 9) 
  (ucast ((v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2))) ((mem s2)
    (10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None))) of
  None  None | Some lvl1_page_table  ptd_lookup va lvl1_page_table ((mem s2)
    (10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None))) 1)"
proof (cases "mem_context_val_w32 9 (ucast ((v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2))) (mem s2) = None")
  case True
  then have "mem_context_val_w32 9 (ucast ((v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2))) (mem s2) = None 
    mem_context_val_w32 9 (ucast ((v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2))) ((mem s2)
    (10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None))) = None"
    using mem_context_val_w32_9_unchanged by metis
  then show ?thesis 
  by auto
  case False
  then have "mem_context_val_w32 9 (ucast ((v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2))) (mem s2)  None  
    (y. mem_context_val_w32 9 (ucast ((v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2))) (mem s2) = Some y 
         mem_context_val_w32 9 (ucast ((v1 >> 11 << 11) OR (v2 AND 511 << 2))) ((mem s2)
         (10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None))) = Some y)"
    using mem_context_val_w32_9_unchanged by metis 
  then show ?thesis
  using ptd_lookup_unchanged_1 by fastforce 

lemma virt_to_phys_unchanged2: 
"virt_to_phys va (mmu s2) (mem s2) =
virt_to_phys va (mmu s2) ((mem s2)(10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 
                                         11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None)))"
proof (cases "registers (mmu s2) CR AND 1  0")
  case True
  then have f1: "registers (mmu s2) CR AND 1  0" by auto
  then show ?thesis 
  proof (cases "mmu_reg_val (mmu s2) 256 = None")
    case True
    then show ?thesis 
    by (simp add: virt_to_phys_def)
    case False
    then have f2: "mmu_reg_val (mmu s2) 256  None" by auto
    then show ?thesis 
    proof (cases "mmu_reg_val (mmu s2) 512 = None")
      case True
      then show ?thesis using f1 f2
      apply (simp add: virt_to_phys_def)
      by auto
      case False
      then show ?thesis 
      using f1 f2
      apply (simp add: virt_to_phys_def)
      apply clarify
      unfolding Let_def
      using virt_to_phys_unchanged2_sub1
      by auto      
  case False
  then show ?thesis 
  by (simp add: virt_to_phys_def)

lemma virt_to_phys_unchanged_low_equal: 
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2"
shows "(va. virt_to_phys va (mmu s2) ((mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 
                                         11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) =
             virt_to_phys va (mmu s2) ((mem s2)(10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 
                                         11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None))))"
using a1 apply (simp add: low_equal_def)
using virt_to_phys_unchanged
by metis 

lemma mmu_low_equal: "low_equal s1 s2  mmu s1 = mmu s2"
by (simp add: low_equal_def)

lemma mem_val_alt_8_unchanged0: 
assumes a1: "mem_equal s1 s2 pa"
shows "mem_val_alt 8 (pa AND 68719476732) (s1mem := (mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 
  11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) = 
  mem_val_alt 8 (pa AND 68719476732) (s2mem := (mem s2)(10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 
  11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None)))"
apply (simp add: mem_val_alt_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
using a1 apply (simp add: mem_equal_def)
by (metis option.distinct(1))

lemma mem_val_alt_8_unchanged1: 
assumes a1: "mem_equal s1 s2 pa"
shows "mem_val_alt 8 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 1) (s1mem := (mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 
  11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) = 
  mem_val_alt 8 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 1) (s2mem := (mem s2)(10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 
  11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None)))"
apply (simp add: mem_val_alt_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
using a1 apply (simp add: mem_equal_def)
by (metis option.distinct(1))

lemma mem_val_alt_8_unchanged2: 
assumes a1: "mem_equal s1 s2 pa"
shows "mem_val_alt 8 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 2) (s1mem := (mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 
  11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) = 
  mem_val_alt 8 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 2) (s2mem := (mem s2)(10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 
  11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None)))"
apply (simp add: mem_val_alt_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
using a1 apply (simp add: mem_equal_def)
by (metis option.distinct(1))

lemma mem_val_alt_8_unchanged3: 
assumes a1: "mem_equal s1 s2 pa"
shows "mem_val_alt 8 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 3) (s1mem := (mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 
  11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) = 
  mem_val_alt 8 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 3) (s2mem := (mem s2)(10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 
  11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None)))"
apply (simp add: mem_val_alt_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
using a1 apply (simp add: mem_equal_def)
by (metis option.distinct(1))

lemma mem_val_alt_8_unchanged: 
assumes a1: "mem_equal s1 s2 pa"
shows "mem_val_alt 8 (pa AND 68719476732) (s1mem := (mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 
  11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) = 
  mem_val_alt 8 (pa AND 68719476732) (s2mem := (mem s2)(10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 
  11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None))) 
  mem_val_alt 8 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 1) (s1mem := (mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 
  11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) = 
  mem_val_alt 8 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 1) (s2mem := (mem s2)(10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 
  11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None))) 
  mem_val_alt 8 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 2) (s1mem := (mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 
  11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) = 
  mem_val_alt 8 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 2) (s2mem := (mem s2)(10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 
  11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None))) 
  mem_val_alt 8 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 3) (s1mem := (mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 
  11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) = 
  mem_val_alt 8 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 3) (s2mem := (mem s2)(10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 
  11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None)))"
using a1 mem_val_alt_8_unchanged0 mem_val_alt_8_unchanged1
mem_val_alt_8_unchanged2 mem_val_alt_8_unchanged3
by blast

lemma mem_val_w32_8_unchanged: 
assumes a1: "mem_equal s1 s2 a"
shows "mem_val_w32 8 a (s1mem := (mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 
  11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) =
mem_val_w32 8 a (s2mem := (mem s2)(10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 
  11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None)))"
apply (simp add: mem_val_w32_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
using mem_val_alt_8_unchanged a1 apply auto
        apply fastforce
       apply fastforce
      apply fastforce
     apply fastforce
    apply fastforce
   apply fastforce
  apply fastforce
 apply fastforce
by fastforce

lemma load_word_mem_8_unchanged: 
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2  
load_word_mem s1 addra 8 = load_word_mem s2 addra 8"
shows "load_word_mem (s1mem := (mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 
                                         11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) addra 8 =
       load_word_mem (s2mem := (mem s2)(10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 
                                         11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None))) addra 8"
proof (cases "virt_to_phys addra (mmu s1) ((mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 
          11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) = None")
  case True
  then have "virt_to_phys addra (mmu s1) ((mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 
          11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) = None 
             virt_to_phys addra (mmu s2) ((mem s2)(10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 
          11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None))) = None"
    using a1 apply (auto simp add: mmu_low_equal)
    using a1 virt_to_phys_unchanged_low_equal by metis
  then show ?thesis
  by (simp add: load_word_mem_def)
  case False
  then have "p. virt_to_phys addra (mmu s1) ((mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 
          11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) = Some p 
             virt_to_phys addra (mmu s2) ((mem s2)(10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 
          11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None))) = Some p"
    using a1 apply (auto simp add: mmu_low_equal)
    using a1 virt_to_phys_unchanged_low_equal by metis
  then have "p. virt_to_phys addra (mmu s1) ((mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 
          11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) = Some p 
            virt_to_phys addra (mmu s2) ((mem s2)(10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 
          11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None))) = Some p  
            virt_to_phys addra (mmu s1) (mem s1) = Some p 
            virt_to_phys addra (mmu s2) (mem s2) = Some p"
    using virt_to_phys_unchanged2 by metis
  then show ?thesis using a1  
  apply (simp add: load_word_mem_def)
  apply auto
  apply (simp add: low_equal_def)
  apply (simp add: user_accessible_def)
  using mem_val_w32_8_unchanged a1 user_accessible_8
  by (metis snd_conv)

lemma load_word_mem_select_8: 
assumes a1: "fst (case load_word_mem s1 addra 8 of None  (None, s1)
  | Some w  (Some w, add_instr_cache s1 addra w 15)) =
fst (case load_word_mem s2 addra 8 of None  (None, s2)
  | Some w  (Some w, add_instr_cache s2 addra w 15))"
shows "load_word_mem s1 addra 8 = load_word_mem s2 addra 8"
using a1
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) fst_conv not_None_eq option.simps(4) option.simps(5))

lemma memory_read_8_unchanged: 
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
fst (memory_read 8 addra s1) = fst (memory_read 8 addra s2)"
shows "fst (memory_read 8 addra
                   (s1mem := (mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 
                                       11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None)))) =
         fst (memory_read 8 addra
                   (s2mem := (mem s2)(10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 
                                       11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None))))"
proof (cases "sys_reg s1 CCR AND 1 = 0")
  case True
  then have "sys_reg s1 CCR AND 1 = 0  sys_reg s2 CCR AND 1 = 0"
    using a1 sys_reg_low_equal by fastforce
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: memory_read_def)
  using load_word_mem_8_unchanged by blast
  case False
  then have f1: "sys_reg s1 CCR AND 1  0  sys_reg s2 CCR AND 1  0"
    using a1 sys_reg_low_equal by fastforce
  then show ?thesis using a1
  proof (cases "load_word_mem (s1mem := (mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 
      11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) addra 8 = None")
    case True
    then have "load_word_mem (s1mem := (mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 
      11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) addra 8 = None  
      load_word_mem (s2mem := (mem s2)(10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 
      11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None))) addra 8 = None"
      using a1 f1  
      apply (simp add: memory_read_def)
      apply clarsimp
      using load_word_mem_select_8 load_word_mem_8_unchanged
      by fastforce      
    then show ?thesis
    by (simp add: memory_read_def)
    case False
    then have "y. load_word_mem (s1mem := (mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 
      11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) addra 8 = Some y" by auto
    then have "y. load_word_mem (s1mem := (mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 
      11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) addra 8 = Some y  
                   load_word_mem (s2mem := (mem s2)(10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 
      11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None))) addra 8 = Some y"
      using a1 f1
      apply (simp add: memory_read_def)
      apply clarsimp
      using load_word_mem_select_8 load_word_mem_8_unchanged by fastforce
    then show ?thesis using a1 f1
    apply (simp add: memory_read_def)
    by auto

lemma mem_val_alt_mod: 
assumes a1: "addr1  addr2"
shows "mem_val_alt 10 addr1 s = 
mem_val_alt 10 addr1 (smem := (mem s)(10 := (mem s 10)(addr2  val), 
  11 := (mem s 11)(addr2 := None)))"
using a1 apply (simp add: mem_val_alt_def)
by (simp add: Let_def)

lemma mem_val_alt_mod2: 
"mem_val_alt 10 addr (smem := (mem s)(10 := (mem s 10)(addr  val), 
  11 := (mem s 11)(addr := None))) = Some val"
by (simp add: mem_val_alt_def)

lemma mem_val_alt_10_unchanged0: 
assumes a1: "mem_equal s1 s2 pa"
shows "mem_val_alt 10 (pa AND 68719476732) (s1mem := (mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 
  11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) = 
  mem_val_alt 10 (pa AND 68719476732) (s2mem := (mem s2)(10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 
  11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None)))"
apply (simp add: mem_val_alt_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
using a1 apply (simp add: mem_equal_def)
by (metis option.distinct(1))

lemma mem_val_alt_10_unchanged1: 
assumes a1: "mem_equal s1 s2 pa"
shows "mem_val_alt 10 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 1) (s1mem := (mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 
  11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) = 
  mem_val_alt 10 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 1) (s2mem := (mem s2)(10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 
  11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None)))"
apply (simp add: mem_val_alt_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
using a1 apply (simp add: mem_equal_def)
by (metis option.distinct(1))

lemma mem_val_alt_10_unchanged2: 
assumes a1: "mem_equal s1 s2 pa"
shows "mem_val_alt 10 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 2) (s1mem := (mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 
  11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) = 
  mem_val_alt 10 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 2) (s2mem := (mem s2)(10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 
  11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None)))"
apply (simp add: mem_val_alt_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
using a1 apply (simp add: mem_equal_def)
by (metis option.distinct(1))

lemma mem_val_alt_10_unchanged3: 
assumes a1: "mem_equal s1 s2 pa"
shows "mem_val_alt 10 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 3) (s1mem := (mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 
  11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) = 
  mem_val_alt 10 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 3) (s2mem := (mem s2)(10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 
  11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None)))"
apply (simp add: mem_val_alt_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
using a1 apply (simp add: mem_equal_def)
by (metis option.distinct(1))

lemma mem_val_alt_10_unchanged: 
assumes a1: "mem_equal s1 s2 pa"
shows "mem_val_alt 10 (pa AND 68719476732) (s1mem := (mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 
  11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) = 
  mem_val_alt 10 (pa AND 68719476732) (s2mem := (mem s2)(10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 
  11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None))) 
  mem_val_alt 10 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 1) (s1mem := (mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 
  11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) = 
  mem_val_alt 10 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 1) (s2mem := (mem s2)(10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 
  11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None))) 
  mem_val_alt 10 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 2) (s1mem := (mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 
  11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) = 
  mem_val_alt 10 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 2) (s2mem := (mem s2)(10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 
  11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None))) 
  mem_val_alt 10 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 3) (s1mem := (mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 
  11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) = 
  mem_val_alt 10 ((pa AND 68719476732) + 3) (s2mem := (mem s2)(10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 
  11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None)))"
using a1 mem_val_alt_10_unchanged0 mem_val_alt_10_unchanged1
mem_val_alt_10_unchanged2 mem_val_alt_10_unchanged3
by blast

lemma mem_val_w32_10_unchanged: 
assumes a1: "mem_equal s1 s2 a"
shows "mem_val_w32 10 a (s1mem := (mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 
  11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) =
mem_val_w32 10 a (s2mem := (mem s2)(10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 
  11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None)))"
apply (simp add: mem_val_w32_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
using mem_val_alt_10_unchanged a1 apply auto
        apply fastforce
       apply fastforce
      apply fastforce
     apply fastforce
    apply fastforce
   apply fastforce
  apply fastforce
 apply fastforce
by fastforce

lemma is_accessible: "low_equal s1 s2 
virt_to_phys addra (mmu s1) (mem s1) = Some (a, b) 
virt_to_phys addra (mmu s2) (mem s2) = Some (a, b) 
mmu_readable (get_acc_flag b) 10 
mem_equal s1 s2 a"
apply (simp add: low_equal_def)
apply (simp add: user_accessible_def)
by fastforce

lemma load_word_mem_10_unchanged: 
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2  
load_word_mem s1 addra 10 = load_word_mem s2 addra 10"
shows "load_word_mem (s1mem := (mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 
                                         11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) addra 10 =
       load_word_mem (s2mem := (mem s2)(10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 
                                         11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None))) addra 10"
proof (cases "virt_to_phys addra (mmu s1) ((mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 
          11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) = None")
  case True
  then have "virt_to_phys addra (mmu s1) ((mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 
          11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) = None 
             virt_to_phys addra (mmu s2) ((mem s2)(10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 
          11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None))) = None"
    using a1 apply (auto simp add: mmu_low_equal)
    using a1 virt_to_phys_unchanged_low_equal by metis
  then show ?thesis
  by (simp add: load_word_mem_def)
  case False
  then have "p. virt_to_phys addra (mmu s1) ((mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 
          11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) = Some p 
             virt_to_phys addra (mmu s2) ((mem s2)(10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 
          11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None))) = Some p"
    using a1 apply (auto simp add: mmu_low_equal)
    using a1 virt_to_phys_unchanged_low_equal by metis
  then have "p. virt_to_phys addra (mmu s1) ((mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 
          11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) = Some p 
            virt_to_phys addra (mmu s2) ((mem s2)(10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 
          11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None))) = Some p  
            virt_to_phys addra (mmu s1) (mem s1) = Some p 
            virt_to_phys addra (mmu s2) (mem s2) = Some p"
    using virt_to_phys_unchanged2 by metis
  then show ?thesis using a1  
  apply (simp add: load_word_mem_def)
  apply auto
  apply (simp add: low_equal_def)
  apply (simp add: user_accessible_def)
  using mem_val_w32_10_unchanged a1 by metis

lemma load_word_mem_select_10: 
assumes a1: "fst (case load_word_mem s1 addra 10 of None  (None, s1)
  | Some w  (Some w, add_data_cache s1 addra w 15)) =
fst (case load_word_mem s2 addra 10 of None  (None, s2)
  | Some w  (Some w, add_data_cache s2 addra w 15))"
shows "load_word_mem s1 addra 10 = load_word_mem s2 addra 10"
using a1
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) fst_conv not_None_eq option.simps(4) option.simps(5))

lemma memory_read_10_unchanged: 
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
fst (memory_read 10 addra s1) = fst (memory_read 10 addra s2)"
shows "fst (memory_read 10 addra
                   (s1mem := (mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 
                                       11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None)))) =
         fst (memory_read 10 addra
                   (s2mem := (mem s2)(10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 
                                       11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None))))"
proof (cases "sys_reg s1 CCR AND 1 = 0")
  case True
  then have "sys_reg s1 CCR AND 1 = 0  sys_reg s2 CCR AND 1 = 0"
    using a1 sys_reg_low_equal by fastforce
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: memory_read_def)
  using load_word_mem_10_unchanged by blast
  case False
  then have f1: "sys_reg s1 CCR AND 1  0  sys_reg s2 CCR AND 1  0"
    using a1 sys_reg_low_equal by fastforce
  then show ?thesis using a1
  proof (cases "load_word_mem (s1mem := (mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 
      11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) addra 10 = None")
    case True
    then have "load_word_mem (s1mem := (mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 
      11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) addra 10 = None  
      load_word_mem (s2mem := (mem s2)(10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 
      11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None))) addra 10 = None"
      using a1 f1  
      apply (simp add: memory_read_def)
      apply clarsimp
      using load_word_mem_select_10 load_word_mem_10_unchanged by fastforce
    then show ?thesis
    by (simp add: memory_read_def)
    case False
    then have "y. load_word_mem (s1mem := (mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 
      11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) addra 10 = Some y" by auto
    then have "y. load_word_mem (s1mem := (mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 
      11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) addra 10 = Some y  
                   load_word_mem (s2mem := (mem s2)(10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 
      11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None))) addra 10 = Some y"
      using a1 f1
      apply (simp add: memory_read_def)
      apply clarsimp
      using load_word_mem_select_10 load_word_mem_10_unchanged by fastforce
    then show ?thesis using a1 f1
    apply (simp add: memory_read_def)
    by auto

lemma state_mem_mod_1011_low_equal_sub1: 
assumes a1: "(va. virt_to_phys va (mmu s2) (mem s1) =
            virt_to_phys va (mmu s2) (mem s2)) 
  (pa. (va b. virt_to_phys va (mmu s2) (mem s2) = Some (pa, b) 
  mmu_readable (get_acc_flag b) 10) 
  mem_equal s1 s2 pa) 
  mmu s1 = mmu s2 
  virt_to_phys va (mmu s2)
  ((mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) =
  Some (pa, b) 
  mmu_readable (get_acc_flag b) 10"
shows "mem_equal s1 s2 pa"
proof -
  have "virt_to_phys va (mmu s1)
  ((mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None))) =
  Some (pa, b)"
    using a1 by auto
  then have "virt_to_phys va (mmu s1) (mem s1) = Some (pa, b)"
    using virt_to_phys_unchanged2 by metis
  then have "virt_to_phys va (mmu s2) (mem s2) = Some (pa, b)"
    using a1 by auto
  then show ?thesis using a1 by auto

lemma mem_equal_unchanged: 
assumes a1: "mem_equal s1 s2 pa"
shows "mem_equal (s1mem := (mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 
  11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None)))
 (s2mem := (mem s2)(10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 
  11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None)))
using a1 apply (simp add: mem_equal_def)
by auto

lemma state_mem_mod_1011_low_equal: 
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
t1 = s1mem := (mem s1)(10 := (mem s1 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s1 11)(addr := None)) 
t2 = s2mem := (mem s2)(10 := (mem s2 10)(addr  val), 11 := (mem s2 11)(addr := None))"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
using a1
apply (simp add: low_equal_def)
apply (simp add: user_accessible_def)
apply auto
   apply (simp add: assms virt_to_phys_unchanged_low_equal)
  using state_mem_mod_1011_low_equal_sub1 mem_equal_unchanged
  apply metis
 apply (metis virt_to_phys_unchanged2)
using state_mem_mod_1011_low_equal_sub1 mem_equal_unchanged
by metis

lemma mem_mod_low_equal:
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
t1 = (mem_mod 10 addr val s1) 
t2 = (mem_mod 10 addr val s2)"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
using a1
apply (simp add: mem_mod_def)
by (auto intro: state_mem_mod_1011_low_equal)

lemma mem_mod_w32_low_equal: 
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
t1 = mem_mod_w32 10 a bm data s1 
t2 = mem_mod_w32 10 a bm data s2"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
using a1
apply (simp add: mem_mod_w32_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
by (meson mem_mod_low_equal)

lemma store_word_mem_low_equal: 
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
Some t1 = store_word_mem s1 addr data bm 10 
Some t2 = store_word_mem s2 addr data bm 10" 
shows "low_equal t1 t2" using a1
apply (simp add: store_word_mem_def)
apply (auto simp add: virt_to_phys_low_equal)
apply (case_tac "virt_to_phys addr (mmu s2) (mem s2) = None")
 apply auto
apply (case_tac "mmu_writable (get_acc_flag b) 10")
 apply auto
using mem_mod_w32_low_equal by blast

lemma memory_write_asi_low_equal: 
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
Some t1 = memory_write_asi 10 addr bm data s1 
Some t2 = memory_write_asi 10 addr bm data s2"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
using a1 apply (simp add: memory_write_asi_def)
by (meson add_data_cache_low_equal store_word_mem_low_equal)

lemma store_barrier_pending_mod_low_equal: 
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
t1 = store_barrier_pending_mod False s1 
t2 = store_barrier_pending_mod False s2"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
using a1 apply (simp add: store_barrier_pending_mod_def)
apply clarsimp
using a1 apply (auto simp add: state_var_low_equal)
by (auto intro: state_var2_low_equal)

lemma memory_write_low_equal: 
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
Some t1 = memory_write 10 addr bm data s1 
Some t2 = memory_write 10 addr bm data s2"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
apply (case_tac "memory_write_asi 10 addr bm data s1 = None")
 using a1 apply (simp add: memory_write_def)
apply (case_tac "memory_write_asi 10 addr bm data s2 = None")
 apply (meson assms low_equal_com memory_write_asi_low_equal_none)
using a1 apply (simp add: memory_write_def)
apply auto
by (metis memory_write_asi_low_equal store_barrier_pending_mod_low_equal)

lemma memory_write_low_equal2: 
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
Some t1 = memory_write 10 addr bm data s1"
shows "t2. Some t2 = memory_write 10 addr bm data s2"
using a1
apply (simp add: memory_write_def)
apply auto
by (metis (full_types) memory_write_def memory_write_low_equal_none2 not_None_eq) 

lemma store_sub2_low_equal_sub1:
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
memory_write 10 addr (st_byte_mask instr addr)
  (st_data0 instr curr_win rd addr s2) s1 = Some y 
memory_write 10 addr (st_byte_mask instr addr)
  (st_data0 instr curr_win rd addr s2) s2 = Some ya"
shows "low_equal (ytraps := insert data_access_exception (traps y))
        (yatraps := insert data_access_exception (traps ya))"
proof -
  from a1 have f1: "low_equal y ya" using memory_write_low_equal by metis
  then have "traps y = traps ya" by (simp add: low_equal_def)
  then show ?thesis using f1 mod_trap_low_equal by fastforce

lemma store_sub2_low_equal_sub2:
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
memory_write 10 addr (st_byte_mask instr addr)
  (st_data0 instr curr_win rd addr s2) s1 = Some y 
memory_write 10 addr (st_byte_mask instr addr)
  (st_data0 instr curr_win rd addr s2) s2 = Some ya 
memory_write 10 (addr + 4) 15 (user_reg_val curr_win (rd OR 1) y) y = None 
memory_write 10 (addr + 4) 15 (user_reg_val curr_win (rd OR 1) ya) ya = Some yb"
shows "False"
proof -
  from a1 have f1: "low_equal y ya" using memory_write_low_equal by metis
  then have "(user_reg_val curr_win (rd OR 1) y) = 
    (user_reg_val curr_win (rd OR 1) ya)" 
    by (simp add: low_equal_def user_reg_val_def)
  then show ?thesis using a1
  using f1 memory_write_low_equal_none by fastforce  

lemma store_sub2_low_equal_sub3:
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
memory_write 10 addr (st_byte_mask instr addr)
  (st_data0 instr curr_win rd addr s2) s1 = Some y 
memory_write 10 addr (st_byte_mask instr addr)
  (st_data0 instr curr_win rd addr s2) s2 = Some ya 
memory_write 10 (addr + 4) 15 (user_reg_val curr_win (rd OR 1) y) y = Some yb 
memory_write 10 (addr + 4) 15 (user_reg_val curr_win (rd OR 1) ya) ya = None"
shows "False"
proof -
  from a1 have f1: "low_equal y ya" using memory_write_low_equal by metis
  then have "(user_reg_val curr_win (rd OR 1) y) = 
    (user_reg_val curr_win (rd OR 1) ya)" 
    by (simp add: low_equal_def user_reg_val_def)
  then show ?thesis using a1
  using f1 memory_write_low_equal_none2 by fastforce  

lemma store_sub2_low_equal_sub4:
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
memory_write 10 addr (st_byte_mask instr addr)
  (st_data0 instr curr_win rd addr s2) s1 = Some y 
memory_write 10 addr (st_byte_mask instr addr)
  (st_data0 instr curr_win rd addr s2) s2 = Some ya 
memory_write 10 (addr + 4) 15 (user_reg_val curr_win (rd OR 1) y) y = Some yb 
memory_write 10 (addr + 4) 15 (user_reg_val curr_win (rd OR 1) ya) ya = Some yc" 
shows "low_equal yb yc"
proof -
  from a1 have f1: "low_equal y ya" using memory_write_low_equal by metis
  then have "(user_reg_val curr_win (rd OR 1) y) = 
    (user_reg_val curr_win (rd OR 1) ya)" 
    by (simp add: low_equal_def user_reg_val_def)
  then show ?thesis using a1 f1
  by (metis memory_write_low_equal)  

lemma store_sub2_low_equal:
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
t1 = snd (fst (store_sub2 instr curr_win rd 10 addr s1)) 
t2 = snd (fst (store_sub2 instr curr_win rd 10 addr s2))"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
proof (cases "memory_write 10 addr (st_byte_mask instr addr)
        (st_data0 instr curr_win rd addr s1) s1 = None")
  case True
  then have "memory_write 10 addr (st_byte_mask instr addr)
        (st_data0 instr curr_win rd addr s1) s1 = None 
        memory_write 10 addr (st_byte_mask instr addr)
        (st_data0 instr curr_win rd addr s2) s2 = None"
    using a1 by (metis memory_write_low_equal_none st_data0_low_equal) 
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: store_sub2_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
  apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold return_def)
  apply (simp add: raise_trap_def add_trap_set_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def)
  using mod_trap_low_equal traps_low_equal by fastforce  
  case False
  then have f1: "memory_write 10 addr (st_byte_mask instr addr) 
    (st_data0 instr curr_win rd addr s1) s1  None 
    memory_write 10 addr (st_byte_mask instr addr) 
    (st_data0 instr curr_win rd addr s2) s2  None"
    using a1 by (metis memory_write_low_equal_none2 st_data0_low_equal)     
  then show ?thesis 
  proof (cases "(fst instr)  {load_store_type STD,load_store_type STDA}")
    case True
    then show ?thesis using a1 f1
    apply (simp add: store_sub2_def)
    apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
    apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
    apply (simp add: return_def)
    apply (simp add: bind_def case_prod_unfold)
    apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def)
    apply clarsimp
    apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def simpler_modify_def)
    apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def)
    apply auto
           apply (simp add: raise_trap_def add_trap_set_def)
           apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def)
           apply (simp add: st_data0_low_equal)    
           apply (simp add: store_sub2_low_equal_sub1)
          apply (simp add: st_data0_low_equal)
          using store_sub2_low_equal_sub2 apply blast
         apply (simp add: st_data0_low_equal)
         using store_sub2_low_equal_sub3 apply blast
        apply (simp add: st_data0_low_equal)
        using store_sub2_low_equal_sub4 apply blast
       apply (simp add: st_data0_low_equal)
       apply (simp add: raise_trap_def add_trap_set_def)
       apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def)
       using store_sub2_low_equal_sub1 apply blast
      apply (simp add: st_data0_low_equal)
      using store_sub2_low_equal_sub2 apply blast
     apply (simp add: st_data0_low_equal)
     using store_sub2_low_equal_sub3 apply blast
    apply (simp add: st_data0_low_equal)
    using store_sub2_low_equal_sub4 by blast
    case False
    then show ?thesis using a1 f1
    apply (simp add: store_sub2_def)
    apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
    apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
    apply (simp add: return_def)
    apply (simp add: bind_def case_prod_unfold)
    apply clarsimp
    apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def)
    apply (simp add: st_data0_low_equal)
    using memory_write_low_equal by metis

lemma store_sub1_low_equal:
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
(fst instr = load_store_type STB 
fst instr = load_store_type STH 
fst instr = load_store_type ST  
fst instr = load_store_type STD) 
t1 = snd (fst (store_sub1 instr rd 0 s1)) 
t2 = snd (fst (store_sub1 instr rd 0 s2))"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
proof (cases "(fst instr = load_store_type STH  fst instr = load_store_type STHA) 
              ((ucast (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))::word1)  0")
  case True
  then have "((fst instr = load_store_type STH  fst instr = load_store_type STHA) 
              ((ucast (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))::word1)  0)  
             ((fst instr = load_store_type STH  fst instr = load_store_type STHA) 
              ((ucast (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))::word1)  0)"
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) assms get_addr_low_equal) 
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: store_sub1_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
  apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
  apply (simp add: raise_trap_def add_trap_set_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def)
  apply clarsimp
  apply (simp add: get_curr_win3_low_equal)
  by (auto intro: get_curr_win2_low_equal mod_trap_low_equal)
  case False
  then have f1: "¬ ((fst instr = load_store_type STH  fst instr = load_store_type STHA) 
      ((ucast (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))::word1)  0) 
      ¬ ((fst instr = load_store_type STH  fst instr = load_store_type STHA) 
      ((ucast (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))::word1)  0)"
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) assms get_addr_low_equal) 
  then show ?thesis 
  proof (cases "(fst instr  {load_store_type ST,load_store_type STA}) 
              ((ucast (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))::word2)  0")
    case True
    then have "(fst instr  {load_store_type ST,load_store_type STA}) 
              ((ucast (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))::word2)  0 
              (fst instr  {load_store_type ST,load_store_type STA}) 
              ((ucast (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))::word2)  0"
      by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) assms get_addr_low_equal) 
    then show ?thesis using a1 f1
    apply (simp add: store_sub1_def)
    apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
    apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold) 
    apply (simp add: raise_trap_def add_trap_set_def)
    apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def)
    apply clarsimp
    apply (simp add: get_curr_win3_low_equal)
    by (auto intro: get_curr_win2_low_equal mod_trap_low_equal)
    case False
    then have "¬((fst instr  {load_store_type ST,load_store_type STA}) 
              ((ucast (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))::word2)  0) 
              ¬((fst instr  {load_store_type ST,load_store_type STA}) 
              ((ucast (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))::word2)  0)"
      by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) assms get_addr_low_equal) 
    then have f2: "¬((fst instr = load_store_type ST  fst instr = load_store_type STA) 
              ((ucast (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))::word2)  0) 
              ¬((fst instr = load_store_type ST  fst instr = load_store_type STA) 
              ((ucast (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))::word2)  0)"
      by auto
    then show ?thesis 
    proof (cases "(fst instr  {load_store_type STD,load_store_type STDA}) 
              ((ucast (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))::word3)  0")
      case True
      then have "(fst instr  {load_store_type STD,load_store_type STDA}) 
              ((ucast (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))::word3)  0 
              (fst instr  {load_store_type STD,load_store_type STDA}) 
              ((ucast (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))::word3)  0"
        by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) assms get_addr_low_equal) 
      then show ?thesis using a1 
      apply (simp add: store_sub1_def)
      apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
      apply auto
      apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold) 
      apply (simp add: raise_trap_def add_trap_set_def)
      apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def)
      apply (simp add: get_curr_win3_low_equal)
      by (auto intro: get_curr_win2_low_equal mod_trap_low_equal)         
      case False
      then have "¬ (fst instr  {load_store_type STD, load_store_type STDA} 
        ((ucast (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))::word3)  0) 
        ¬ (fst instr  {load_store_type STD, load_store_type STDA} 
        ((ucast (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))::word3)  0)"
        by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) assms get_addr_low_equal)
      then have f3: "¬ ((fst instr = load_store_type STD  fst instr = load_store_type STDA) 
        ((ucast (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))::word3)  0) 
        ¬ ((fst instr = load_store_type STD  fst instr = load_store_type STDA) 
        ((ucast (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))::word3)  0)"
        by auto
      show ?thesis using a1
      apply (simp add: store_sub1_def)
      apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
      apply (unfold case_prod_beta)
      apply (simp add: f1 f2 f3)
      apply (simp_all add: st_asi_def)
      using a1 apply clarsimp
      apply (simp add: get_curr_win_low_equal get_addr2_low_equal)
      by (metis store_sub2_low_equal get_curr_win2_low_equal)      

lemma store_instr_low_equal: 
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
(fst instr = load_store_type STB 
fst instr = load_store_type STH 
fst instr = load_store_type ST  
fst instr = load_store_type STA  
fst instr = load_store_type STD) 
(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s1)))::word1) = 0 
(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s2)))::word1) = 0 
t1 = snd (fst (store_instr instr s1))  t2 = snd (fst (store_instr instr s2))"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
proof -
  have "get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s1) = 0  get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s2) = 0"
    using a1 by (simp add: ucast_id) 
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: store_instr_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
  apply (simp add: Let_def)
  apply clarsimp
  apply (simp add: raise_trap_def add_trap_set_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def)
  apply (simp add: traps_low_equal)
  by (auto intro: mod_trap_low_equal store_sub1_low_equal)

lemma sethi_low_equal: "low_equal s1 s2 
t1 = snd (fst (sethi_instr instr s1))  t2 = snd (fst (sethi_instr instr s2)) 
low_equal t1 t2"
apply (simp add: sethi_instr_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
apply (case_tac "get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)  0")
 apply auto
 apply (simp add: bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
 apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
 apply (simp add: get_curr_win_low_equal)
 using get_curr_win2_low_equal write_reg_low_equal
 apply metis
by (simp add: return_def)

lemma nop_low_equal: "low_equal s1 s2 
t1 = snd (fst (nop_instr instr s1))  t2 = snd (fst (nop_instr instr s2)) 
low_equal t1 t2"
apply (simp add: nop_instr_def)
by (simp add: return_def)

lemma logical_instr_sub1_low_equal: 
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
t1 = snd (fst (logical_instr_sub1 instr_name result s1))  
t2 = snd (fst (logical_instr_sub1 instr_name result s2))"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
proof (cases "instr_name = logic_type ANDcc 
              instr_name = logic_type ANDNcc 
              instr_name = logic_type ORcc 
              instr_name = logic_type ORNcc 
              instr_name = logic_type XORcc  instr_name = logic_type XNORcc")
  case True
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: logical_instr_sub1_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
  apply (simp add: logical_new_psr_val_def)    
  using write_cpu_low_equal cpu_reg_val_low_equal
  by fastforce  
  case False
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: logical_instr_sub1_def)
  by (simp add: return_def)

lemma logical_instr_low_equal: "low_equal s1 s2 
t1 = snd (fst (logical_instr instr s1))  t2 = snd (fst (logical_instr instr s2)) 
low_equal t1 t2"
apply (simp add: logical_instr_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
apply auto
 apply (simp_all add: get_curr_win_low_equal)
 apply (simp_all add: get_operand2_low_equal)
 using logical_instr_sub1_low_equal get_operand2_low_equal
 get_curr_win2_low_equal write_reg_low_equal user_reg_val_low_equal
 proof -
  assume a1: "low_equal s1 s2"
  assume "t2 = snd (fst (logical_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (logical_result (fst instr) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)) (snd (fst (write_reg (logical_result (fst instr) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))))"
  assume "t1 = snd (fst (logical_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (logical_result (fst instr) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)) (snd (fst (write_reg (logical_result (fst instr) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))))"
  have "w wa. user_reg_val w wa (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) = user_reg_val w wa (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))"
    using a1 by (metis (no_types) get_curr_win2_low_equal user_reg_val_low_equal)
  then show "low_equal (snd (fst (logical_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (logical_result (fst instr) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)) (snd (fst (write_reg (logical_result (fst instr) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))))) (snd (fst (logical_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (logical_result (fst instr) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)) (snd (fst (write_reg (logical_result (fst instr) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))"
    using a1 by (metis (no_types) get_curr_win2_low_equal logical_instr_sub1_low_equal write_reg_low_equal)
  assume a2: "low_equal s1 s2"
  assume "t1 = snd (fst (logical_instr_sub1 (fst instr)
                    (logical_result (fst instr)
                      (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0))
                        (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))
                      (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))
                    (snd (fst (write_reg
                                (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0
                                  (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))
                                (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0
                                (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))))"
  assume "t2 = snd (fst (logical_instr_sub1 (fst instr)
                    (logical_result (fst instr)
                      (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0))
                        (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))
                      (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))
                    (snd (fst (write_reg
                                (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0
                                  (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))
                                (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0
                                (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))))"
  have "w wa. user_reg_val w wa (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) = user_reg_val w wa (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))"
    using a2 by (metis (no_types) get_curr_win2_low_equal user_reg_val_low_equal)
  then show "low_equal
     (snd (fst (logical_instr_sub1 (fst instr)
                 (logical_result (fst instr)
                   (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0))
                     (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))
                   (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))
                 (snd (fst (write_reg
                             (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0
                               (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))
                             (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))
     (snd (fst (logical_instr_sub1 (fst instr)
                 (logical_result (fst instr)
                   (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0))
                     (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))
                   (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))
                 (snd (fst (write_reg
                             (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0
                               (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))
                             (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))"
  proof -
    have "low_equal (snd (fst (logical_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (logical_result (fst instr) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))))) (snd (fst (logical_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (logical_result (fst instr) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))"
      by (meson a2 get_curr_win2_low_equal logical_instr_sub1_low_equal write_reg_low_equal)
    then show ?thesis
      using wa w. user_reg_val w wa (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) = user_reg_val w wa (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) by presburger

lemma shift_instr_low_equal: 
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
t1 = snd (fst (shift_instr instr s1))  t2 = snd (fst (shift_instr instr s2))"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
proof (cases "(fst instr = shift_type SLL)  (get_operand_w5 ((snd instr)!3)  0)")
  case True
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: shift_instr_def)
  apply (simp add: Let_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def)
  apply (simp add: bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def case_prod_unfold)
  apply auto
    apply (simp_all add: get_curr_win_low_equal)
    proof -
      assume a1: "low_equal s1 s2"
      assume "t2 = snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) << unat (ucast (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 2)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))::word5)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))"
      assume "t1 = snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) << unat (ucast (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 2)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))::word5)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))"
      have "w wa wb. low_equal (snd (fst (write_reg w wa wb s1))) (snd (fst (write_reg w wa wb s2)))"
        using a1 by (metis write_reg_low_equal)
      then show "low_equal (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) << unat (ucast (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 2)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))::word5)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) << unat (ucast (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 2)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))::word5)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))"
        using a1 by (simp add: get_curr_win_def simpler_gets_def user_reg_val_low_equal)
      assume a2: "low_equal s1 s2"
      assume "t1 = snd (fst (write_reg
                    (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0))
                      (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) <<
                     unat (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 2)))
                    (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3))
                    (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))"
      assume "t2 = snd (fst (write_reg
                    (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0))
                      (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) <<
                     unat (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 2)))
                    (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3))
                    (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))"
      have "w wa wb. low_equal (snd (fst (write_reg w wa wb s1))) (snd (fst (write_reg w wa wb s2)))"
        using a2 by (metis write_reg_low_equal)
      then show "low_equal
                (snd (fst (write_reg
                 (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0))
                   (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) <<
                  unat (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 2)))
                 (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3))
                 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))
                (snd (fst (write_reg
                 (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0))
                   (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) <<
                  unat (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 2)))
                 (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3))
                 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))"
      proof -
        assume a1: "w wa wb. low_equal (snd (fst (write_reg w wa wb s1))) (snd (fst (write_reg w wa wb s2)))"
        have "u s. fst (get_curr_win u s) = (ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s))::'a word, s)"
          by (simp add: get_curr_win_def simpler_gets_def)
        then show ?thesis
          using a1 assms user_reg_val_low_equal by fastforce
  case False
  then have f1: "¬((fst instr = shift_type SLL)  (get_operand_w5 ((snd instr)!3)  0))"
    by auto
  then show ?thesis
  proof (cases "(fst instr = shift_type SRL)  (get_operand_w5 ((snd instr)!3)  0)")
    case True
    then show ?thesis using a1 f1
    apply (simp add: shift_instr_def)
    apply (simp add: Let_def)
    apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def)
    apply (simp add: bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def case_prod_unfold)
    apply auto
      apply (simp_all add: get_curr_win_low_equal)
      proof -
        assume a1: "low_equal s1 s2"
        assume "t2 = snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) >> unat (ucast (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 2)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))::word5)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))"
        assume "t1 = snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) >> unat (ucast (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 2)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))::word5)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))"
        have "u s. fst (get_curr_win u s) = (ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s))::'a word, s)"
          by (simp add: get_curr_win_def simpler_gets_def)
        then show "low_equal (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) >> unat (ucast (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 2)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))::word5)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) >> unat (ucast (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 2)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))::word5)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))"
          using a1 user_reg_val_low_equal write_reg_low_equal by fastforce
        assume a2: "low_equal s1 s2"
        assume "t1 = snd (fst (write_reg
                    (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0))
                      (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) >>
                     unat (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 2)))
                    (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3))
                    (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))" 
        assume "t2 = snd (fst (write_reg
                    (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0))
                      (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) >>
                     unat (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 2)))
                    (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3))
                    (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))"
        have "u s. fst (get_curr_win u s) = (ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s))::'a word, s)"
          by (simp add: get_curr_win_def simpler_gets_def)
        then show "low_equal
                (snd (fst (write_reg
                 (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0))
                   (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) >>
                  unat (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 2)))
                 (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3))
                 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))
                (snd (fst (write_reg
                 (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0))
                   (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) >>
                  unat (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 2)))
                 (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3))
                 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))"
          using a2 user_reg_val_low_equal write_reg_low_equal by fastforce
    case False
    then have f2: "¬((fst instr = shift_type SRL)  (get_operand_w5 ((snd instr)!3)  0))"
      by auto
    then show ?thesis 
    proof (cases "(fst instr = shift_type SRA)  (get_operand_w5 ((snd instr)!3)  0)")
      case True
      then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2
      apply (simp add: shift_instr_def)
      apply (simp add: Let_def)
      apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def)
      apply (simp add: bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def case_prod_unfold)
      apply auto
       apply (simp_all add: get_curr_win_low_equal)
       proof -
        assume a1: "low_equal s1 s2"
        assume "t1 = snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) >>> unat (ucast (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 2)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))::word5)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))"
        assume "t2 = snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) >>> unat (ucast (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 2)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))::word5)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))"
        have "w wa. user_reg_val wa w (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) = user_reg_val wa w (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))"
          using a1 by (meson get_curr_win2_low_equal user_reg_val_low_equal)
        then show "low_equal (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) >>> unat (ucast (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 2)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))::word5)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) >>> unat (ucast (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 2)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))::word5)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))"
          using a1 by (metis (no_types) get_curr_win2_low_equal write_reg_low_equal)
        assume a2: "low_equal s1 s2"
        assume "t1 = snd (fst (write_reg
                    (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0))
                      (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) >>>
                     unat (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 2)))
                    (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3))
                    (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))"
        assume "t2 = snd (fst (write_reg
                    (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0))
                      (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) >>>
                     unat (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 2)))
                    (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3))
                    (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))"
        have "w wa. user_reg_val wa w (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) = user_reg_val wa w (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))"
          using a2 by (meson get_curr_win2_low_equal user_reg_val_low_equal)
        then show "low_equal
                (snd (fst (write_reg
                 (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0))
                   (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) >>>
                  unat (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 2)))
                 (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3))
                 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))
                (snd (fst (write_reg
                 (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0))
                   (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) >>>
                  unat (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 2)))
                 (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3))
                 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))"
           using a2 get_curr_win2_low_equal write_reg_low_equal by fastforce         
      case False
      then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2
      apply (simp add: shift_instr_def)
      apply (simp add: Let_def) 
      apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def)
      apply (simp add: bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def case_prod_unfold)
      apply (simp add: return_def)
      using get_curr_win2_low_equal by blast

lemma add_instr_sub1_low_equal: 
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
t1 = snd (fst (add_instr_sub1 instr_name result rs1_val operand2 s1)) 
t2 = snd (fst (add_instr_sub1 instr_name result rs1_val operand2 s2))"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
proof (cases "instr_name = arith_type ADDcc  instr_name = arith_type ADDXcc")
  case True
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: add_instr_sub1_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
  apply (clarsimp simp add: cpu_reg_val_low_equal)
  using write_cpu_low_equal by blast
  case False
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: add_instr_sub1_def)
  by (simp add: return_def)

lemma add_instr_low_equal: 
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
t1 = snd (fst (add_instr instr s1))  t2 = snd (fst (add_instr instr s2))"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
proof -
  have f1: "low_equal s1 s2 
        t1 = snd (fst (add_instr_sub1 (fst instr)
                    (if fst instr = arith_type ADD  fst instr = arith_type ADDcc
                     then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0))
                           (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) +
                          get_operand2 (snd instr) s1
                     else user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0))
                           (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) +
                          get_operand2 (snd instr) s1 +
                          ucast (get_icc_C (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))
                    (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0))
                      (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))
                    (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)
                    (snd (fst (write_reg
                                (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)  0
                                 then if fst instr = arith_type ADD  fst instr = arith_type ADDcc
                                      then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))
                                            (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0))
                                            (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) +
                                           get_operand2 (snd instr) s1
                                      else user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))
                                            (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0))
                                            (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) +
                                           get_operand2 (snd instr) s1 +
                                           ucast (get_icc_C
                                                   (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))
                                 else user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))
                                       (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))
                                (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3))
                                (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))) 
    t2 = snd (fst (add_instr_sub1 (fst instr)
                    (if fst instr = arith_type ADD  fst instr = arith_type ADDcc
                     then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0))
                           (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) +
                          get_operand2 (snd instr) s2
                     else user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0))
                           (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) +
                          get_operand2 (snd instr) s2 +
                          ucast (get_icc_C (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))
                    (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0))
                      (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))
                    (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)
                    (snd (fst (write_reg
                                (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)  0
                                 then if fst instr = arith_type ADD  fst instr = arith_type ADDcc
                                      then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))
                                            (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0))
                                            (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) +
                                           get_operand2 (snd instr) s2
                                      else user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))
                                            (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0))
                                            (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) +
                                           get_operand2 (snd instr) s2 +
                                           ucast (get_icc_C
                                                   (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))
                                 else user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))
                                       (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))
                                (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3))
                                (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))))"
  using a1 apply (simp add: add_instr_def)
  apply (simp add: Let_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
  by (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
  then show ?thesis
  proof (cases "get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)  0")
    case True
    then have f2: "get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)  0" by auto
    then show ?thesis
    proof (cases "fst instr = arith_type ADD  fst instr = arith_type ADDcc")
      case True
      then show ?thesis 
      using f1 f2 apply clarsimp
      proof -
        assume a1: "low_equal s1 s2"
        assume "t1 = snd (fst (add_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) + get_operand2 (snd instr) s1) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) + get_operand2 (snd instr) s1) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))))"
        assume a2: "t2 = snd (fst (add_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) + get_operand2 (snd instr) s2) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) + get_operand2 (snd instr) s2) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))))"
        have f3: "is. get_operand2 is s1 = get_operand2 is s2"
          using a1 by (metis get_operand2_low_equal)
        have f4: "fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1)) = fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))"
          using a1 by (meson get_curr_win_low_equal)
        have "s. snd (fst (add_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) s + get_operand2 (snd instr) s2) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) s) (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) s + get_operand2 (snd instr) s2) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))) = t2  ¬ low_equal s (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))"
          using a2 user_reg_val_low_equal by fastforce
        then show "low_equal (snd (fst (add_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) + get_operand2 (snd instr) s1) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) + get_operand2 (snd instr) s1) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))))) (snd (fst (add_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) + get_operand2 (snd instr) s2) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) + get_operand2 (snd instr) s2) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))"
          using f4 f3 a2 a1 by (metis (no_types) add_instr_sub1_low_equal get_curr_win2_low_equal write_reg_low_equal)
      case False
      then show ?thesis
      using f1 f2 apply clarsimp
      proof -
        assume a1: "low_equal s1 s2"
        have f2: "s sa sb w wa wb sc. (¬ low_equal s sa  sb  snd (fst (write_reg w (wa::'a word) wb s))  sc  snd (fst (write_reg w wa wb sa)))  low_equal sb sc"
          by (meson write_reg_low_equal)
        have f3: "gets (λs. ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s))::'a word) = get_curr_win ()"
          by (simp add: get_curr_win_def)
        then have "((ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s1)), s1), False) = (fst (get_curr_win () s1), snd (get_curr_win () s1))"
          by (metis (no_types) prod.collapse simpler_gets_def)
        then have "(ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s1)), s1) = fst (get_curr_win () s1)  ¬ snd (get_curr_win () s1)"
          by blast
        then have f4: "ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s1)) = fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))  s1 = snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))"
          by (metis (no_types) prod.collapse prod.simps(1))
        have "((ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s2)), s2), False) = (fst (get_curr_win () s2), snd (get_curr_win () s2))"
          using f3 by (metis (no_types) prod.collapse simpler_gets_def)
        then have "(ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s2)), s2) = fst (get_curr_win () s2)  ¬ snd (get_curr_win () s2)"
          by blast
        then have f5: "ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s2)) = fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))  s2 = snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))"
          by (metis prod.collapse prod.simps(1))
        then have f6: "low_equal (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) = low_equal s1 s2"
          using f4 by presburger
        have f7: "fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1)) = ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s1))"
          using f4 by presburger
        have f8: "cpu_reg_val PSR s1 = cpu_reg_val PSR s2"
          using a1 by (meson cpu_reg_val_low_equal)
        have f9: "user_reg_val (ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) = user_reg_val (ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))"
          using f6 a1 by (meson user_reg_val_low_equal)
        have f10: "ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s2)) = fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))"
          using f5 by meson
        have f11: "s sa is. ¬ low_equal (s::'a sparc_state) sa  get_operand2 is s = get_operand2 is sa"
          using get_operand2_low_equal by blast
        then have f12: "user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) + get_operand2 (snd instr) s1 + ucast (get_icc_C (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) = user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) + get_operand2 (snd instr) s2 + ucast (get_icc_C (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))"
          using f9 f8 f5 f4 a1 by auto
        then have "low_equal (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) + get_operand2 (snd instr) s1 + ucast (get_icc_C (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) + get_operand2 (snd instr) s2 + ucast (get_icc_C (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))"
          using f10 f8 f6 f4 f2 a1 by simp
        then show "low_equal (snd (fst (add_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) + get_operand2 (snd instr) s1 + ucast (get_icc_C (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) + get_operand2 (snd instr) s1 + ucast (get_icc_C (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))))) (snd (fst (add_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) + get_operand2 (snd instr) s2 + ucast (get_icc_C (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) + get_operand2 (snd instr) s2 + ucast (get_icc_C (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))"
          using f12 f11 f10 f9 f8 f7 a1 add_instr_sub1_low_equal by fastforce
    case False
    then have f3: "¬ get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)  0" by auto
    then show ?thesis
    proof (cases "fst instr = arith_type ADD  fst instr = arith_type ADDcc")
      case True
      then show ?thesis
      using f1 f3 apply clarsimp
      proof -
        assume a1: "low_equal s1 s2"
        assume "t1 = snd (fst (add_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) + get_operand2 (snd instr) s1) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))))"
        assume "t2 = snd (fst (add_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) + get_operand2 (snd instr) s2) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))))"
        have f2: "is. get_operand2 is s1 = get_operand2 is s2"
          using a1 by (meson get_operand2_low_equal)
        have f3: "fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1)) = fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))"
          using a1 by (meson get_curr_win_low_equal)
        have "w wa. user_reg_val wa w (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) = user_reg_val wa w (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))"
          using a1 by (meson get_curr_win2_low_equal user_reg_val_low_equal)
        then show "low_equal (snd (fst (add_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) + get_operand2 (snd instr) s1) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))))) (snd (fst (add_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) + get_operand2 (snd instr) s2) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))"
          using f3 f2 a1 by (metis (no_types) add_instr_sub1_low_equal get_curr_win2_low_equal write_reg_low_equal)
      case False
      then show ?thesis
      using f1 f3 apply clarsimp
      proof -
        assume a1: "low_equal s1 s2"
        have f2: "gets (λs. ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s))::'a word) = get_curr_win ()"
          by (simp add: get_curr_win_def)
        then have "((ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s1)), s1), False) = (fst (get_curr_win () s1), snd (get_curr_win () s1))"
          by (metis (no_types) prod.collapse simpler_gets_def)
        then have "(ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s1)), s1) = fst (get_curr_win () s1)  ¬ snd (get_curr_win () s1)"
          by fastforce
        then have f3: "ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s1)) = fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))  s1 = snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))"
          by (metis prod.collapse prod.simps(1))
        have "((ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s2)), s2), False) = (fst (get_curr_win () s2), snd (get_curr_win () s2))"
          using f2 by (metis (no_types) prod.collapse simpler_gets_def)
        then have "(ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s2)), s2) = fst (get_curr_win () s2)  ¬ snd (get_curr_win () s2)"
          by fastforce
        then have f4: "ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s2)) = fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))  s2 = snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))"
          by (metis (no_types) prod.collapse prod.simps(1))
        then have f5: "low_equal (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) = low_equal s1 s2"
          using f3 by presburger
        have f6: "fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1)) = ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s1))"
          using f3 by auto
        have f7: "cpu_reg_val PSR s1 = cpu_reg_val PSR s2"
          using a1 by (meson cpu_reg_val_low_equal)
        have f8: "s sa w wa. ¬ low_equal s sa  user_reg_val (w::'a word) wa s = user_reg_val w wa sa"
          by (meson user_reg_val_low_equal)
        have f9: "ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s2)) = fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))"
          using f4 by meson
        have "s sa is. ¬ low_equal (s::'a sparc_state) sa  get_operand2 is s = get_operand2 is sa"
          using get_operand2_low_equal by blast
        then have f10: "get_operand2 (snd instr) s1 = get_operand2 (snd instr) s2"
          using a1 by meson
        have f11: "cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) = cpu_reg_val PSR s1"
          using f4 a1 by (simp add: cpu_reg_val_low_equal)
        have f12: "user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) = 0"
          by (meson user_reg_val_def)
        have "user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) = 0"
          by (meson user_reg_val_def)
        then have "low_equal (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))"
          using f12 f9 f7 f5 f3 a1 write_reg_low_equal by fastforce
        then have "low_equal (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))  snd (fst (add_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) + get_operand2 (snd instr) s1 + ucast (get_icc_C (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))) = snd (fst (add_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) + get_operand2 (snd instr) s2 + ucast (get_icc_C (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))) (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0) = 0 then 0 else user_reg (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0))) (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))))  snd (fst (add_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) + get_operand2 (snd instr) s2 + ucast (get_icc_C (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))) = snd (fst (add_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) + get_operand2 (snd instr) s2 + ucast (get_icc_C (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))) (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0) = 0 then 0 else user_reg (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0))) (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))))"
          using f11 f10 f9 f8 f7 f6 f5 f3 a1 by (simp add: user_reg_val_def)
        then show "low_equal (snd (fst (add_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) + get_operand2 (snd instr) s1 + ucast (get_icc_C (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))))) (snd (fst (add_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) + get_operand2 (snd instr) s2 + ucast (get_icc_C (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))"
          using add_instr_sub1_low_equal by blast

lemma sub_instr_sub1_low_equal:
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
t1 = snd (fst (sub_instr_sub1 instr_name result rs1_val operand2 s1))  
t2 = snd (fst (sub_instr_sub1 instr_name result rs1_val operand2 s2))"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
proof (cases "instr_name = arith_type SUBcc  instr_name = arith_type SUBXcc")
  case True
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: sub_instr_sub1_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
  apply (clarsimp simp add: cpu_reg_val_low_equal)
  using write_cpu_low_equal by blast
  case False
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: sub_instr_sub1_def)
  by (simp add: return_def)

lemma sub_instr_low_equal:
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
t1 = snd (fst (sub_instr instr s1))  t2 = snd (fst (sub_instr instr s2))"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
proof -
  have f1: "low_equal s1 s2 
    t1 = snd (fst (sub_instr_sub1 (fst instr)
                    (if fst instr = arith_type SUB  fst instr = arith_type SUBcc
                     then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0))
                           (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) -
                          get_operand2 (snd instr) s1
                     else user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0))
                           (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) -
                          get_operand2 (snd instr) s1 -
                          ucast (get_icc_C (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))
                    (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0))
                      (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))
                    (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)
                    (snd (fst (write_reg
                                (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)  0
                                 then if fst instr = arith_type SUB  fst instr = arith_type SUBcc
                                      then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))
                                            (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0))
                                            (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) -
                                           get_operand2 (snd instr) s1
                                      else user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))
                                            (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0))
                                            (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) -
                                           get_operand2 (snd instr) s1 -
                                           ucast (get_icc_C
                                                   (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))
                                 else user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))
                                       (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))
                                (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3))
                                (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))) 
    t2 = snd (fst (sub_instr_sub1 (fst instr)
                    (if fst instr = arith_type SUB  fst instr = arith_type SUBcc
                     then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0))
                           (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) -
                          get_operand2 (snd instr) s2
                     else user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0))
                           (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) -
                          get_operand2 (snd instr) s2 -
                          ucast (get_icc_C (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))
                    (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0))
                      (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))
                    (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)
                    (snd (fst (write_reg
                                (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)  0
                                 then if fst instr = arith_type SUB  fst instr = arith_type SUBcc
                                      then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))
                                            (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0))
                                            (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) -
                                           get_operand2 (snd instr) s2
                                      else user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))
                                            (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0))
                                            (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) -
                                           get_operand2 (snd instr) s2 -
                                           ucast (get_icc_C
                                                   (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))
                                 else user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))
                                       (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))
                                (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3))
                                (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))))"
  using a1 apply (simp add: sub_instr_def)
  apply (simp add: Let_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
  by (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
  then show ?thesis
  proof (cases "get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)  0")
    case True
    then have f2: "get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)  0" by auto
    then show ?thesis
    proof (cases "fst instr = arith_type SUB  fst instr = arith_type SUBcc")
      case True
      then show ?thesis
      using f1 f2 apply clarsimp
      proof -
        assume a1: "low_equal s1 s2"
        assume a2: "t1 = snd (fst (sub_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) - get_operand2 (snd instr) s1) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) - get_operand2 (snd instr) s1) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))))"
        assume a3: "t2 = snd (fst (sub_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) - get_operand2 (snd instr) s2) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) - get_operand2 (snd instr) s2) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))))"
        then have f4: "snd (fst (sub_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) - get_operand2 (snd instr) s1) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) - get_operand2 (snd instr) s1) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))) = t2"
          using a1 by (simp add: get_operand2_low_equal)
        have "s. ¬ low_equal (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) s  snd (fst (sub_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) s - get_operand2 (snd instr) s1) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) s) (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) s - get_operand2 (snd instr) s1) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))) = t1"
          using a2 a1 by (simp add: get_curr_win_low_equal user_reg_val_low_equal)
        then show "low_equal (snd (fst (sub_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) - get_operand2 (snd instr) s1) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) - get_operand2 (snd instr) s1) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))))) (snd (fst (sub_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) - get_operand2 (snd instr) s2) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) - get_operand2 (snd instr) s2) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))"
          using f4 a3 a2 a1 by (metis (no_types) get_curr_win2_low_equal sub_instr_sub1_low_equal write_reg_low_equal)
      case False
      then show ?thesis
      using f1 f2 apply clarsimp
      proof -
        assume a1: "low_equal s1 s2"
        have f2: "fst (get_curr_win () s1) = (ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s1)), s1)"
          by (simp add: get_curr_win_def simpler_gets_def)
        have f3: "cpu_reg_val PSR s1 = cpu_reg_val PSR s2"
          using a1 by (meson cpu_reg_val_low_equal)
        then have f4: "user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) = user_reg_val (ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) s1"
          using f2 by simp
        have f5: "s sa is. ¬ low_equal (s::'a sparc_state) sa  get_operand2 is s = get_operand2 is sa"
          using get_operand2_low_equal by blast
        then have f6: "sub_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) - get_operand2 (snd instr) s1 - ucast (get_icc_C (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) (user_reg_val (ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) s2) (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) - get_operand2 (snd instr) s1 - ucast (get_icc_C (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) = sub_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) - get_operand2 (snd instr) s1 - ucast (get_icc_C (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) - get_operand2 (snd instr) s1 - ucast (get_icc_C (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))"
          using f4 a1 by (simp add: user_reg_val_low_equal)
        have f7: "fst (get_curr_win () s2) = (ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s2)), s2)"
          by (simp add: get_curr_win_def simpler_gets_def)
        then have f8: "user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) - get_operand2 (snd instr) s2 - ucast (get_icc_C (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) = user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) - get_operand2 (snd instr) s1 - ucast (get_icc_C (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))"
          using f5 f2 a1 by (simp add: cpu_reg_val_low_equal user_reg_val_low_equal)
        then have f9: "sub_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) - get_operand2 (snd instr) s1 - ucast (get_icc_C (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) (user_reg_val (ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) s2) (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) - get_operand2 (snd instr) s2 - ucast (get_icc_C (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))) = sub_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) - get_operand2 (snd instr) s2 - ucast (get_icc_C (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) - get_operand2 (snd instr) s2 - ucast (get_icc_C (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))"
          using f7 by fastforce
        have "write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) - get_operand2 (snd instr) s1 - ucast (get_icc_C (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) (ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) s2 = write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) - get_operand2 (snd instr) s2 - ucast (get_icc_C (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))"
          using f8 f7 by simp
        then have "low_equal (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) - get_operand2 (snd instr) s1 - ucast (get_icc_C (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) - get_operand2 (snd instr) s2 - ucast (get_icc_C (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))"
          using f3 f2 a1 by (metis (no_types) prod.sel(1) prod.sel(2) write_reg_low_equal)
        then show "low_equal (snd (fst (sub_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) - get_operand2 (snd instr) s1 - ucast (get_icc_C (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) - get_operand2 (snd instr) s1 - ucast (get_icc_C (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))))) (snd (fst (sub_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) - get_operand2 (snd instr) s2 - ucast (get_icc_C (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) - get_operand2 (snd instr) s2 - ucast (get_icc_C (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))"
          using f9 f6 by (metis (no_types) sub_instr_sub1_low_equal)
    case False
    then have f3: "¬ get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)  0" by auto
    then show ?thesis
    proof (cases "fst instr = arith_type SUB  fst instr = arith_type SUBcc")
      case True
      then show ?thesis
      using f1 f3 apply clarsimp
      proof -
        assume a1: "low_equal s1 s2"
        assume "t1 = snd (fst (sub_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) - get_operand2 (snd instr) s1) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))))"
        assume "t2 = snd (fst (sub_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) - get_operand2 (snd instr) s2) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))))"
        have f2: "is. get_operand2 is s1 = get_operand2 is s2"
          using a1 get_operand2_low_equal by blast
        have f3: "fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1)) = fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))"
          using a1 by (meson get_curr_win_low_equal)
        have "w wa. user_reg_val wa w (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) = user_reg_val wa w (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))"
          using a1 by (metis (no_types) get_curr_win2_low_equal user_reg_val_low_equal)
        then show "low_equal (snd (fst (sub_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) - get_operand2 (snd instr) s1) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))))) (snd (fst (sub_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) - get_operand2 (snd instr) s2) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))"
          using f3 f2 a1 by (metis (no_types) get_curr_win2_low_equal sub_instr_sub1_low_equal write_reg_low_equal)
      case False
      then show ?thesis
      using f1 f3 apply clarsimp
      proof -
        assume a1: "low_equal s1 s2"
        have f2: "s sa sb w wa wb sc. (¬ low_equal s sa  sb  snd (fst (write_reg w (wa::'a word) wb s))  sc  snd (fst (write_reg w wa wb sa)))  low_equal sb sc"
          by (meson write_reg_low_equal)
        have "((ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s1)), s1), False) = get_curr_win () s1"
          by (simp add: get_curr_win_def simpler_gets_def)
        then have f3: "ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s1)) = fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))  s1 = snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))"
          by (metis (no_types) prod.collapse prod.simps(1))
        have "((ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s2)), s2), False) = get_curr_win () s2"
          by (simp add: get_curr_win_def simpler_gets_def)
        then have f4: "ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s2)) = fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))  s2 = snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))"
          by (metis (no_types) prod.collapse prod.simps(1))
        have f5: "s sa sb sc w wa wb sd. (¬ low_equal (s::'a sparc_state) sa  sb  snd (fst (sub_instr_sub1 sc w wa wb s))  sd  snd (fst (sub_instr_sub1 sc w wa wb sa)))  low_equal sb sd"
          by (meson sub_instr_sub1_low_equal)
        have "low_equal (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))"
          using f4 f3 f2 a1 by (simp add: cpu_reg_val_low_equal user_reg_val_low_equal)
        then show "low_equal (snd (fst (sub_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) - get_operand2 (snd instr) s1 - ucast (get_icc_C (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))))) (snd (fst (sub_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) - get_operand2 (snd instr) s2 - ucast (get_icc_C (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))"
          using f5 f4 f3 a1 by (simp add: cpu_reg_val_low_equal get_operand2_low_equal user_reg_val_low_equal)

lemma mul_instr_sub1_low_equal:
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
t1 = snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 instr_name result s1)) 
t2 = snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 instr_name result s2))"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
proof (cases "instr_name  {arith_type SMULcc,arith_type UMULcc}")
  case True
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: mul_instr_sub1_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
  apply (clarsimp simp add: cpu_reg_val_low_equal)
  using write_cpu_low_equal by blast
  case False
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: mul_instr_sub1_def)
  by (simp add: return_def)

lemma mul_instr_low_equal:
  low_equal t1 t2
  if low_equal s1 s2  t1 = snd (fst (mul_instr instr s1))  t2 = snd (fst (mul_instr instr s2))
proof -
  from that have low_equal s1 s2
    and t1: t1 = snd (fst (mul_instr instr s1))
    and t2: t2 = snd (fst (mul_instr instr s2))
    by simp_all
  have f2: "s sa sb sc w sd. ¬ low_equal (s::'a sparc_state) sa  sb  snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 sc w s))  sd  snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 sc w sa))  low_equal sb sd"
    using mul_instr_sub1_low_equal by blast
  have f3: "s sa sb w wa wb sc. ¬ low_equal s sa  sb  snd (fst (write_reg w (wa::'a word) wb s))  sc  snd (fst (write_reg w wa wb sa))  low_equal sb sc"
    by (meson write_reg_low_equal)
  have f4: "s sa sb w c sc. ¬ low_equal (s::'a sparc_state) sa  sb  snd (fst (write_cpu w c s))  sc  snd (fst (write_cpu w c sa))  low_equal sb sc"
    by (meson write_cpu_low_equal)
  have f6: "((ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s1)), s1), False) = (fst (get_curr_win () s1), snd (get_curr_win () s1))"
    by (simp add: get_curr_win_def simpler_gets_def)
  have f7: "fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1)) = fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))"
    using low_equal s1 s2 by (meson get_curr_win_low_equal)
  have "((ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s2)), s2), False) = (fst (get_curr_win () s2), snd (get_curr_win () s2))"
    by (simp add: get_curr_win_def simpler_gets_def)
  then have f8: "ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s2)) = fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))  s2 = snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))"
    by (metis prod.collapse prod.simps(1))
  then have f9: "low_equal (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))"
    using f6 low_equal s1 s2 by (metis (no_types) prod.collapse prod.simps(1))
  have f10: "s sa w wa. ¬ low_equal s sa  user_reg_val (w::'a word) wa s = user_reg_val w wa sa"
    using user_reg_val_low_equal by blast
  have f11: "get_operand2 (snd instr) s1 = get_operand2 (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))"
    using f9 f6 by (metis (no_types) get_operand2_low_equal prod.collapse prod.simps(1))
  then have f12: "uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2) = uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)"
    using f10 f9 f8 f7 by presburger
  then have f13: "(word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)  (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)) else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)))  (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)  (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)) else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)))  low_equal (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))"
    using f9 f4 by presburger
  have "get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0  low_equal (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))  write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) = write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))"
    using f10 f7 by force
  then have f14: "get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)  0  low_equal (snd (fst (write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))))) (snd (fst (write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))  ¬ low_equal (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))"
    using f3 by metis 
  then have f15: "low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)))) (snd (fst (write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)))) (snd (fst (write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))))))))  fst instr  arith_type UMULcc  get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)  0  (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)  (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)) else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)))  (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)  (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)) else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)))"
    using f13 f12 f2 by fastforce
  have f16: "user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) = user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))"
    using f10 f9 f7 by presburger
  { assume "fst instr  arith_type UMUL  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMUL) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMUL) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))))))))"
    { assume "¬ low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMULcc) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMULcc) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))))))))"
      { assume "low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMULcc) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMULcc) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))))))))  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)))) (snd (fst (write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)))) (snd (fst (write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))))))))"
        { assume "mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMULcc) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))  mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)))) (snd (fst (write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))"
          then have "write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))  write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))  fst instr  arith_type UMULcc"
            by fastforce }
        { assume "mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMULcc) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))  mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)))) (snd (fst (write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))"
          then have "write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))  write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))  fst instr  arith_type UMULcc"
            by fastforce }
        ultimately have "write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))  write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))  write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))  write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))  fst instr  arith_type UMULcc"
          by force }
      ultimately have "write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))  write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))  write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))  write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))  ¬ low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)))) (snd (fst (write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)))) (snd (fst (write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))))))))  fst instr  arith_type UMULcc"
        by fastforce }
    ultimately have "fst instr = arith_type UMULcc  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)))) (snd (fst (write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)))) (snd (fst (write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))))))))  write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) = write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))  write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))) = write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))  get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0  (fst instr  arith_type UMUL  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMUL) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMUL) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))))))  (fst instr  arith_type UMULcc  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMULcc) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMULcc) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))))))  (fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))))))"
      by blast }
  { assume "¬ low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)))) (snd (fst (write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)))) (snd (fst (write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))))))))"
    { assume "¬ low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)))) (snd (fst (write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)))) (snd (fst (write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))))))))  snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)))) (snd (fst (write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))))))) = snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMULcc) (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)))) (snd (fst (write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))  snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)))) (snd (fst (write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))))))) = snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMULcc) (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)))) (snd (fst (write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))))"
      then have "¬ low_equal (snd (fst (write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))))) (snd (fst (write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))"
        using f2 by blast
      { assume "(if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))))  (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))))"
        { assume "(if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))))  ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)))"
          then have "(if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) = (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)) else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)))  get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0"
            by (metis f11 f16 f8) }
        ultimately have "(if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) = (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)) else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)))  get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0"
          by fastforce }
      ultimately have "fst instr = arith_type UMULcc  (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) = (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)) else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)))  get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0"
        using f13 f7 f3 by fastforce }
    { assume "mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMULcc) (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)))) (snd (fst (write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))  mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)))) (snd (fst (write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))"
      { assume "(if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))))  ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)))"
        then have "(if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) = (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)) else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)))  get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0"
          by (metis f11 f16 f8) }
      ultimately have "fst instr = arith_type UMULcc  (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) = (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)) else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)))  get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0"
        by fastforce }
    ultimately have "fst instr = arith_type UMULcc  get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0"
      using f12 by fastforce }
  { assume "write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))  write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))"
    then have "fst instr = arith_type UMULcc  get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0"
      by presburger }
  ultimately have "fst instr = arith_type UMULcc  get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0  get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0  (fst instr  arith_type UMUL  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMUL) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMUL) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))))))  (fst instr  arith_type UMULcc  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMULcc) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMULcc) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))))))  (fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))))))"
    by force
  { assume "fst instr  arith_type UMULcc"
    { assume "fst instr  arith_type UMULcc  low_equal (snd (fst (write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))))) (snd (fst (write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))"
      { assume "fst instr  arith_type UMULcc  low_equal (snd (fst (write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))))) (snd (fst (write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))  snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)))) (snd (fst (write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))))))) = snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMUL) (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)))) (snd (fst (write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))))"
        then have "(fst instr  arith_type UMULcc  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMULcc) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMULcc) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))))))  fst instr  arith_type UMUL  fst instr  arith_type UMULcc  (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0  (fst instr  arith_type UMUL  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMUL) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMUL) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))))))  (fst instr  arith_type UMULcc  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMULcc) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMULcc) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))))))  (fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))))))))))  get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0"
          using f2 by presburger }
      ultimately have "fst instr  arith_type UMULcc  (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))))  ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)))  (fst instr  arith_type UMULcc  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMULcc) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMULcc) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))))))  fst instr  arith_type UMUL  fst instr  arith_type UMULcc  (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0  (fst instr  arith_type UMUL  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMUL) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMUL) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))))))  (fst instr  arith_type UMULcc  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMULcc) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMULcc) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))))))  (fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))))))))))  get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0"
        by fastforce }
    then have "(get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0  (fst instr  arith_type UMUL  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMUL) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMUL) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))))))  (fst instr  arith_type UMULcc  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMULcc) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMULcc) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))))))  (fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))))))))))  get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0"
      using f16 f11 f9 f8 f7 f4 f3 f2 by force }
  { assume "get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0"
    { assume "(fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc)  get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0"
      { assume "((fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc)  get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0)  ¬ low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMUL) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMUL) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))))))))"
        { assume "((fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc)  get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0)  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMUL) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMUL) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))))))))  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMULcc) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMULcc) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))))))))"
          then have "((fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc)  get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0)  arith_type UMUL  arith_type UMULcc  fst instr  arith_type UMULcc  (fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc)  get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0"
            by fastforce
          then have "((fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc)  get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0)  (fst instr  arith_type UMUL  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMUL) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMUL) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))))))  fst instr  arith_type UMULcc  (fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc)  get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0"
            by force }
        ultimately have "((fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc)  get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0)  (fst instr  arith_type UMUL  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMUL) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMUL) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))))))  ((fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc)  get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0)  ¬ low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)))) (snd (fst (write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)))) (snd (fst (write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))))))))  fst instr  arith_type UMULcc  (fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc)  get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0"
          by simp }
      ultimately have "((fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc)  get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0)  ¬ low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)))) (snd (fst (write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)))) (snd (fst (write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))) else ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))))))))  fst instr  arith_type UMULcc  (fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc)  get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0  (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0  (fst instr  arith_type UMUL  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMUL) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMUL) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))))))  (fst instr  arith_type UMULcc  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMULcc) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMULcc) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))))))  (fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))))))))))  (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)  0  (fst instr  arith_type UMUL  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMUL) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMUL) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))))))  (fst instr  arith_type UMULcc  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMULcc) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMULcc) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))))))  (fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))))))))))"
        by auto
      then have "fst instr  arith_type UMULcc  (fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc)  get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0  (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0  (fst instr  arith_type UMUL  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMUL) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMUL) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))))))  (fst instr  arith_type UMULcc  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMULcc) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMULcc) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))))))  (fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))))))))))  (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)  0  (fst instr  arith_type UMUL  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMUL) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMUL) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))))))  (fst instr  arith_type UMULcc  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMULcc) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMULcc) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))))))  (fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))))))))))"
        using f15 by presburger
      then have "(get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0  (fst instr  arith_type UMUL  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMUL) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMUL) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))))))  (fst instr  arith_type UMULcc  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMULcc) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMULcc) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))))))  (fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))))))))))  (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)  0  (fst instr  arith_type UMUL  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMUL) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMUL) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))))))  (fst instr  arith_type UMULcc  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMULcc) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMULcc) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))))))  (fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))))))))))"
        using f14 f13 f12 f2 by force }
    ultimately have "(get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0  (fst instr  arith_type UMUL  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMUL) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMUL) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))))))  (fst instr  arith_type UMULcc  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMULcc) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMULcc) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))))))  (fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))))))))))  (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)  0  (fst instr  arith_type UMUL  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMUL) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMUL) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))))))  (fst instr  arith_type UMULcc  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMULcc) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMULcc) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))))))  (fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))))))))))"
      using f16 f14 f11 f9 f8 f4 f2 by fastforce }
  ultimately have "(get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)  0  (fst instr = arith_type UMUL  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMUL) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMUL) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))))))  (fst instr = arith_type UMULcc  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMULcc) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMULcc) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))))))  (fst instr  arith_type UMUL  fst instr  arith_type UMULcc  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))))))))))  (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3) = 0  (fst instr = arith_type UMUL  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMUL) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMUL) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))))))  (fst instr = arith_type UMULcc  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMULcc) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (arith_type UMULcc) (ucast (word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))))))  (fst instr  arith_type UMUL  fst instr  arith_type UMULcc  low_equal (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64)) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))))))))))"
    by blast
  moreover from t1 have
    t1 = snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1)))) (snd (fst (write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)  0 then ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) else user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s1))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))
    by (simp add: mul_instr_def) (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def case_prod_unfold)
  moreover from t2 have
    t2 = snd (fst (mul_instr_sub1 (fst instr) (ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2)))) (snd (fst (write_reg (if get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)  0 then ucast (if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) else user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) (snd (fst (write_cpu (ucast ((if fst instr = arith_type UMUL  fst instr = arith_type UMULcc then word_of_int (uint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * uint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))::word64 else word_of_int (sint (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) * sint (get_operand2 (snd instr) s2))) >> 32)) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))))
    by (simp add: mul_instr_def) (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def case_prod_unfold)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by (simp add: mul_instr_def)

lemma div_write_new_val_low_equal:
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
t1 = snd (fst (div_write_new_val i result temp_V s1)) 
t2 = snd (fst (div_write_new_val i result temp_V s2))"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
proof (cases "(fst i)  {arith_type UDIVcc,arith_type SDIVcc}")
  case True
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: div_write_new_val_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
  apply (clarsimp simp add: cpu_reg_val_low_equal)
  using write_cpu_low_equal by blast
  case False
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: div_write_new_val_def)
  by (simp add: return_def)

lemma div_comp_low_equal:
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
t1 = snd (fst (div_comp instr rs1 rd operand2 s1)) 
t2 = snd (fst (div_comp instr rs1 rd operand2 s2))"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
using a1
apply (simp add: div_comp_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
apply (clarsimp simp add: get_curr_win_low_equal)
proof -
  assume a1: "low_equal s1 s2"
  have f2: "s sa sb w wa wb sc. ¬ low_equal s sa  sb  snd (fst (write_reg w (wa::'a word) wb s))  sc  snd (fst (write_reg w wa wb sa))  low_equal sb sc"
    by (meson write_reg_low_equal)
  have f3: "gets (λs. ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s))::'a word) = get_curr_win ()"
    by (simp add: get_curr_win_def)
  then have "((ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s1)), s1), False) = (fst (get_curr_win () s1), snd (get_curr_win () s1))"
    by (metis (no_types) prod.collapse simpler_gets_def)
  then have f4: "ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s1)) = fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))  s1 = snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))"
    by (metis prod.collapse prod.simps(1))
  have "((ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s2)), s2), False) = (fst (get_curr_win () s2), snd (get_curr_win () s2))"
    using f3 by (metis (no_types) prod.collapse simpler_gets_def)
  then have f5: "ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s2)) = fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))  s2 = snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))"
    by (metis (no_types) prod.collapse prod.simps(1))
  then have f6: "low_equal (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))"
    using f4 a1 by presburger
  have f7: "s sa sb p w wa sc. ¬ low_equal (s::'a sparc_state) sa  sb  snd (fst (div_write_new_val p w wa s))  sc  snd (fst (div_write_new_val p w wa sa))  low_equal sb sc"
    by (meson div_write_new_val_low_equal)
  have f8: "cpu_reg_val PSR s2 = cpu_reg_val PSR s1"
    using a1 by (simp add: cpu_reg_val_def low_equal_def)
  then have "fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2)) = ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s1))"
    using f5 by presburger
  then have f9: "fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2)) = fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))"
    using f4 by presburger
  have f10: "fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1)) = fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))"
    using f8 f5 f4 by presburger
  have f11: "(word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))::word64) = word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))"
    using f5 f4 a1 by (metis (no_types) cpu_reg_val_def low_equal_def user_reg_val_low_equal)
  have f12: "ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s1)) = fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))"
    using f8 f5 by presburger
  then have "rd = 0  (if rd = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) else div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2)) = user_reg_val (ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s1))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))"
    using f6 user_reg_val_low_equal by fastforce
  then have f13: "rd = 0  write_reg (if rd = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) else div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2)) (ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s1))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) = write_reg (if rd = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) else div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))"
    using f12 f10 by presburger
  have f14: "write_reg (div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2)) (ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s1))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) = write_reg (div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))"
    using f12 f11 by auto
  have "write_reg (div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2)) (ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s1))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) = write_reg (if rd = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) else div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))  write_reg (div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2)) (ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s1))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) = write_reg (if rd = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) else div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))  low_equal (snd (fst (write_reg (if rd = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) else div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) (snd (fst (write_reg (if rd = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) else div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))"
    using f6 f2 by metis
  { assume "low_equal (snd (fst (write_reg (if rd = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) else div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) (snd (fst (write_reg (if rd = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) else div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))"
    then have "low_equal (snd (fst (div_write_new_val instr (div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2)) (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 31))) (snd (fst (write_reg (if rd = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) else div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))))) (snd (fst (div_write_new_val instr (div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2)) (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 31))) (snd (fst (write_reg (if rd = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) else div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))"
      using f11 f9 f7 by metis 
    { assume "low_equal (snd (fst (div_write_new_val instr (div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2)) (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 31))) (snd (fst (write_reg (if rd = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) else div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))))) (snd (fst (div_write_new_val instr (div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2)) (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 31))) (snd (fst (write_reg (if rd = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) else div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))  low_equal (snd (fst (div_write_new_val instr (div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2)) (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 31))) (snd (fst (write_reg (div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))))) (snd (fst (div_write_new_val instr (div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2)) (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 31))) (snd (fst (write_reg (div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))"
      then have "div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2) = (if rd = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) else div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2))  rd = 0"
        by fastforce }
    ultimately have "div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2) = (if rd = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) else div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2))  rd = 0  (rd  0  low_equal (snd (fst (div_write_new_val instr (div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2)) (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 31))) (snd (fst (write_reg (div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))))) (snd (fst (div_write_new_val instr (div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2)) (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 31))) (snd (fst (write_reg (div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))))))  (rd = 0  low_equal (snd (fst (div_write_new_val instr (div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2)) (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 31))) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))))) (snd (fst (div_write_new_val instr (div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2)) (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 31))) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))))))"
      by fastforce }
  { assume "write_reg (div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2)) (ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s1))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))  write_reg (if rd = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) else div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))"
    then have "div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2)  (if rd = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) else div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2))"
      using f12 f9 by fastforce }
  { assume "write_reg (div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2)) (ucast (get_CWP (cpu_reg_val PSR s1))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))  write_reg (if rd = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) else div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))"
    then have "rd = 0"
      using f14 by presburger }
  { assume "rd = 0"
    then have "rd = 0  low_equal (snd (fst (write_reg (if rd = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) else div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) (snd (fst (write_reg (if rd = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) else div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))"
      using f13 f12 f6 f2 by metis 
    then have "rd = 0  low_equal (snd (fst (div_write_new_val instr (div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2)) (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 31))) (snd (fst (write_reg (if rd = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) else div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))))) (snd (fst (div_write_new_val instr (div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2)) (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 31))) (snd (fst (write_reg (if rd = 0 then user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) else div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))"
      using f11 f9 f7 by metis 
    then have "(rd  0  low_equal (snd (fst (div_write_new_val instr (div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2)) (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 31))) (snd (fst (write_reg (div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))))) (snd (fst (div_write_new_val instr (div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2)) (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 31))) (snd (fst (write_reg (div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))))))  (rd = 0  low_equal (snd (fst (div_write_new_val instr (div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2)) (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 31))) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))))) (snd (fst (div_write_new_val instr (div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2)) (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 31))) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))))))"
      using f10 by fastforce }
  ultimately show "(rd  0  low_equal (snd (fst (div_write_new_val instr (div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2)) (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 31))) (snd (fst (write_reg (div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))))) (snd (fst (div_write_new_val instr (div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2)) (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 31))) (snd (fst (write_reg (div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2)) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rd (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))))))  (rd = 0  low_equal (snd (fst (div_write_new_val instr (div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2)) (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) operand2 >> 31))) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))))) (snd (fst (div_write_new_val instr (div_comp_result instr (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 31))) (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2)) (div_comp_temp_V instr (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 32)) (ucast (div_comp_temp_64bit instr (word_cat (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) rs1 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))) operand2 >> 31))) (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))))))"
    using f9 by fastforce

lemma div_instr_low_equal: 
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
t1 = snd (fst (div_instr instr s1))  t2 = snd (fst (div_instr instr s2))"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
using a1
apply (simp add: div_instr_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
apply (simp add: return_def)
apply (auto simp add: get_operand2_low_equal)
 apply (simp add: raise_trap_def add_trap_set_def simpler_modify_def)
 apply (auto simp add: traps_low_equal)
 apply (blast intro: mod_trap_low_equal)
using div_comp_low_equal by blast

lemma get_curr_win_traps_low_equal: 
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2"
shows "low_equal
(snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))
  traps := insert some_trap (traps (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))
(snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))
  traps := insert some_trap (traps (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))"
proof -
  from a1 have f1: "low_equal (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))"
    using get_curr_win2_low_equal by auto
  then have f2: "(traps (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) = 
    (traps (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))"
    using traps_low_equal by auto
  then show ?thesis using f1 f2 mod_trap_low_equal
  by fastforce

lemma save_restore_instr_sub1_low_equal:
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
t1 = snd (fst (save_retore_sub1 result new_cwp rd s1))  
t2 = snd (fst (save_retore_sub1 result new_cwp rd s2))"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
using a1
apply (simp add: save_retore_sub1_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
apply (auto simp add: cpu_reg_val_low_equal)
using write_cpu_low_equal write_reg_low_equal
by fastforce

lemma get_WIM_bit_low_equal: 
  get_WIM_bit (nat ((uint (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) - 1) mod NWINDOWS))
     (cpu_reg_val WIM (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) =
    get_WIM_bit (nat ((uint (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) - 1) mod NWINDOWS))
     (cpu_reg_val WIM (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))
  if low_equal s1 s2
proof -
  from that have f1: "low_equal (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))"
  using get_curr_win2_low_equal by blast
  then have f2: "(cpu_reg_val WIM (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) =
    (cpu_reg_val WIM (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))"
  using cpu_reg_val_low_equal by auto
  from that have "(fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) = (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))"
  using get_curr_win_low_equal by auto
  then show ?thesis using f1 f2
    by auto

lemma get_WIM_bit_low_equal2: 
  get_WIM_bit (nat ((uint (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) + 1) mod NWINDOWS))
    (cpu_reg_val WIM (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) =
    get_WIM_bit (nat ((uint (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) + 1) mod NWINDOWS))
      (cpu_reg_val WIM (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))
  if low_equal s1 s2
proof -
  from that have f1: "low_equal (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))"
  using get_curr_win2_low_equal by blast
  then have f2: "(cpu_reg_val WIM (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) =
    (cpu_reg_val WIM (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))"
  using cpu_reg_val_low_equal by auto
  from that have "(fst (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) = (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))"
  using get_curr_win_low_equal by auto
  then show ?thesis using f1 f2
  by auto 

lemma take_bit_5_mod_NWINDOWS_eq [simp]:
  take_bit 5 (k mod NWINDOWS) = k mod NWINDOWS
  by (simp add: NWINDOWS_def take_bit_eq_mod)

lemma save_restore_instr_low_equal:
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
t1 = snd (fst (save_restore_instr instr s1))  t2 = snd (fst (save_restore_instr instr s2))"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
proof (cases "fst instr = ctrl_type SAVE")
  case True
  then have f1: "fst instr = ctrl_type SAVE" by auto
  then show ?thesis using a1
    apply (simp add: save_restore_instr_def)
    apply (simp add: Let_def)
    apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
    apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
    apply (auto simp add: unsigned_of_int)
       apply (simp add: raise_trap_def add_trap_set_def simpler_modify_def)
       apply (simp add: get_curr_win_traps_low_equal)
      apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
      apply (simp add: get_WIM_bit_low_equal)
     apply (simp add: get_WIM_bit_low_equal)
    apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
    apply (simp add: get_curr_win_low_equal)
    using get_curr_win2_low_equal save_restore_instr_sub1_low_equal get_addr2_low_equal
    apply metis
  case False
  then show ?thesis using a1
    apply (simp add: save_restore_instr_def)
    apply (simp add: Let_def)
    apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
    apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
    apply (auto simp add: unsigned_of_int)
       apply (simp add: raise_trap_def add_trap_set_def simpler_modify_def)
       apply (simp add: get_curr_win_traps_low_equal)
      apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
      apply (simp add: get_WIM_bit_low_equal2)
     apply (simp add: get_WIM_bit_low_equal2)
    apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
    apply (simp add: get_curr_win_low_equal)
    using get_curr_win2_low_equal save_restore_instr_sub1_low_equal get_addr2_low_equal
    apply metis

lemma call_instr_low_equal: 
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
t1 = snd (fst (call_instr instr s1))  t2 = snd (fst (call_instr instr s2))"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
using a1
apply (simp add: call_instr_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
apply (auto simp add: get_curr_win_low_equal)
using cpu_reg_val_low_equal get_curr_win2_low_equal
write_cpu_low_equal write_reg_low_equal
proof -
  assume a1: "low_equal s1 s2"
  assume "t1 = snd (fst (write_cpu (cpu_reg_val PC (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) + (ucast (get_operand_w30 (snd instr ! 0)) << 2)) nPC (snd (fst (write_cpu (cpu_reg_val nPC (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) PC (snd (fst (write_reg (cpu_reg_val PC (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 15 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))"
  assume "t2 = snd (fst (write_cpu (cpu_reg_val PC (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) + (ucast (get_operand_w30 (snd instr ! 0)) << 2)) nPC (snd (fst (write_cpu (cpu_reg_val nPC (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) PC (snd (fst (write_reg (cpu_reg_val PC (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 15 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))))"
  have "c. cpu_reg_val c (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) = cpu_reg_val c (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))"
    using a1 by (meson cpu_reg_val_low_equal get_curr_win2_low_equal)
  then show "low_equal (snd (fst (write_cpu (cpu_reg_val PC (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) + (ucast (get_operand_w30 (snd instr ! 0)) << 2)) nPC (snd (fst (write_cpu (cpu_reg_val nPC (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) PC (snd (fst (write_reg (cpu_reg_val PC (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 15 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))))) (snd (fst (write_cpu (cpu_reg_val PC (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) + (ucast (get_operand_w30 (snd instr ! 0)) << 2)) nPC (snd (fst (write_cpu (cpu_reg_val nPC (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) PC (snd (fst (write_reg (cpu_reg_val PC (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 15 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))))))))"
    using a1 by (metis (no_types) get_curr_win2_low_equal write_cpu_low_equal write_reg_low_equal)

lemma jmpl_instr_low_equal_sub1: 
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
t1 = snd (fst (write_cpu (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) nPC
  (snd (fst (write_cpu (cpu_reg_val nPC 
  (snd (fst (write_reg (cpu_reg_val PC (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))
  (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3))
  (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))
  PC (snd (fst (write_reg (cpu_reg_val PC (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))
  (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3))
  (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))))))) 
t2 = snd (fst (write_cpu (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) nPC
  (snd (fst (write_cpu (cpu_reg_val nPC
  (snd (fst (write_reg (cpu_reg_val PC (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))
  (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3))
  (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))
  PC (snd (fst (write_reg (cpu_reg_val PC (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))
  (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3))
  (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))))"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
proof -
  from a1 have f1: "low_equal (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))"
  using get_curr_win2_low_equal by blast
  then have f2: "(cpu_reg_val PC (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) =
    (cpu_reg_val PC (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))"
  using cpu_reg_val_low_equal by blast
  then have f3: "low_equal 
    (snd (fst (write_reg (cpu_reg_val PC (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))
    (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3))
    (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))
    (snd (fst (write_reg (cpu_reg_val PC (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))
    (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3))
    (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))"
  using f1 write_reg_low_equal by fastforce
  then have "(cpu_reg_val nPC 
    (snd (fst (write_reg (cpu_reg_val PC (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))
    (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3))
    (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))) =
    (cpu_reg_val nPC
    (snd (fst (write_reg (cpu_reg_val PC (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))
    (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3))
    (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))"
  using cpu_reg_val_low_equal by auto
  then have f4: "low_equal
    (snd (fst (write_cpu (cpu_reg_val nPC 
    (snd (fst (write_reg (cpu_reg_val PC (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))
    (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3))
    (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))
    PC (snd (fst (write_reg (cpu_reg_val PC (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))
    (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3))
    (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))
    (snd (fst (write_cpu (cpu_reg_val nPC
    (snd (fst (write_reg (cpu_reg_val PC (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))
    (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3))
    (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))
    PC (snd (fst (write_reg (cpu_reg_val PC (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))
    (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3))
    (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))"
  using f3 write_cpu_low_equal by fastforce
  then show ?thesis using write_cpu_low_equal
  using assms by blast  

lemma jmpl_instr_low_equal_sub2:
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
t1 = snd (fst (write_cpu (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) nPC
  (snd (fst (write_cpu (cpu_reg_val nPC
  (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0
  (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0
  (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))) PC (snd (fst (write_reg
  (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0
  (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0
  (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))))))) 
t2 = snd (fst (write_cpu (get_addr (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) nPC
  (snd (fst (write_cpu (cpu_reg_val nPC (snd (fst (write_reg
  (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0
  (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0
  (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))) PC (snd (fst (write_reg
  (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0
  (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0
  (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))))"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
proof -
  from a1 have f1: "low_equal (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))"
  using get_curr_win2_low_equal by blast
  then have f2: "(user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0
    (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) = 
    (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0
    (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))"
  using user_reg_val_low_equal by blast
  then have f3: "low_equal 
    (snd (fst (write_reg
    (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0
    (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0
    (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))
    (snd (fst (write_reg
    (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0
    (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0
    (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))"
  using f1 write_reg_low_equal by fastforce
  then have "(cpu_reg_val nPC
    (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0
    (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0
    (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))) = 
    (cpu_reg_val nPC (snd (fst (write_reg
    (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0
    (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0
    (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))"
  using cpu_reg_val_low_equal by blast
  then have "low_equal 
    (snd (fst (write_cpu (cpu_reg_val nPC
    (snd (fst (write_reg (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0
    (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0
    (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))) PC (snd (fst (write_reg
    (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0
    (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0
    (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))))))
    (snd (fst (write_cpu (cpu_reg_val nPC (snd (fst (write_reg
    (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0
    (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0
    (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))) PC (snd (fst (write_reg
    (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0
    (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) 0
    (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))))))"
  using f1 f2 f3 write_cpu_low_equal by fastforce
  then show ?thesis 
  using write_cpu_low_equal
  using assms by blast 

lemma jmpl_instr_low_equal:
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
t1 = snd (fst (jmpl_instr instr s1))  t2 = snd (fst (jmpl_instr instr s2))"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
using a1
apply (simp add: jmpl_instr_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
apply auto
   apply (simp add: raise_trap_def add_trap_set_def simpler_modify_def)
   apply (simp add: get_curr_win_traps_low_equal)
  apply (simp add: get_addr2_low_equal)
 apply (simp add: get_addr2_low_equal)
apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
apply (simp_all add: get_addr2_low_equal)
apply (simp_all add: get_curr_win_low_equal)
apply (case_tac "get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)  0")
apply auto
 using jmpl_instr_low_equal_sub1 apply blast
apply (simp_all add: get_curr_win_low_equal)
using jmpl_instr_low_equal_sub2 by blast

lemma rett_instr_low_equal:
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
¬ snd (rett_instr instr s1) 
¬ snd (rett_instr instr s2) 
(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s1)))::word1) = 0 
(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s2)))::word1) = 0 
t1 = snd (fst (rett_instr instr s1))  t2 = snd (fst (rett_instr instr s2))"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
using a1
apply (simp add: rett_instr_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
apply auto
   apply (simp add: raise_trap_def add_trap_set_def simpler_modify_def)
   apply (simp add: return_def)
   using mod_trap_low_equal traps_low_equal apply fastforce
  using cpu_reg_val_low_equal apply fastforce
 using cpu_reg_val_low_equal apply fastforce
apply (simp add: bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
by (simp add: case_prod_unfold fail_def)

lemma read_state_reg_low_equal:
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s1)))::word1) = 0 
(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s2)))::word1) = 0 
t1 = snd (fst (read_state_reg_instr instr s1))  
t2 = snd (fst (read_state_reg_instr instr s2))"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
proof (cases "(fst instr  {sreg_type RDPSR,sreg_type RDWIM,sreg_type RDTBR}  
        (fst instr = sreg_type RDASR  privileged_ASR (get_operand_w5 ((snd instr)!0))))")
  case True   
  then have "(fst instr  {sreg_type RDPSR,sreg_type RDWIM,sreg_type RDTBR}  
        (fst instr = sreg_type RDASR  privileged_ASR (get_operand_w5 ((snd instr)!0))))
         (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))::word1) = 0
         (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))::word1) = 0"
    by (metis assms get_curr_win_privilege)
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: read_state_reg_instr_def)
  apply (simp add: Let_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
  apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
  apply (simp add: raise_trap_def add_trap_set_def simpler_modify_def)
  apply clarsimp
  using get_curr_win_traps_low_equal
  by auto  
  case False
  then have f1: "¬((fst instr = sreg_type RDPSR 
                    fst instr = sreg_type RDWIM 
                    fst instr = sreg_type RDTBR 
                    fst instr = sreg_type RDASR  privileged_ASR (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 0))))"
    by blast 
  then show ?thesis 
  proof (cases "illegal_instruction_ASR (get_operand_w5 ((snd instr)!0))")
    case True
    then show ?thesis using a1 f1
    apply read_state_reg_instr_privilege_proof
    by (simp add: illegal_instruction_ASR_def)    
    case False
    then have f2: "¬(illegal_instruction_ASR (get_operand_w5 ((snd instr)!0)))" 
      by auto
    then show ?thesis 
    proof (cases "(get_operand_w5 ((snd instr)!1))  0")
      case True
      then have f3: "(get_operand_w5 ((snd instr)!1))  0" 
        by auto
      then show ?thesis 
      proof (cases "fst instr = sreg_type RDY")
        case True
        then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2 f3
        apply (simp add: read_state_reg_instr_def)
        apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
        apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
        apply (auto simp add: get_curr_win_low_equal)
        using cpu_reg_val_low_equal get_curr_win2_low_equal write_reg_low_equal
        proof -
          assume "low_equal s1 s2"
          then have "low_equal (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))"
            by (meson get_curr_win2_low_equal)
          then show "low_equal (snd (fst (write_reg (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) (snd (fst (write_reg (cpu_reg_val Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))"
            using cpu_reg_val_low_equal write_reg_low_equal by fastforce
        case False
        then have f4: "¬(fst instr = sreg_type RDY)" by auto
        then show ?thesis 
        proof (cases "fst instr = sreg_type RDASR")
          case True
          then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2 f3 f4
          apply read_state_reg_instr_privilege_proof
          apply (clarsimp simp add: get_curr_win_low_equal)
          using cpu_reg_val_low_equal get_curr_win2_low_equal write_reg_low_equal
          proof -
            assume a1: "low_equal s1 s2"
            then have "cpu_reg_val (ASR (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 0))) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) = cpu_reg_val (ASR (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 0))) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))"
              by (meson cpu_reg_val_low_equal get_curr_win2_low_equal)
            then show "low_equal (snd (fst (write_reg (cpu_reg_val (ASR (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 0))) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) (snd (fst (write_reg (cpu_reg_val (ASR (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 0))) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))"
              using a1 by (metis (no_types) get_curr_win2_low_equal write_reg_low_equal)
          case False
          then have f5: "¬(fst instr = sreg_type RDASR)" by auto
          then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5
          apply read_state_reg_instr_privilege_proof
          apply (clarsimp simp add: get_curr_win_low_equal)
          using cpu_reg_val_low_equal get_curr_win2_low_equal write_reg_low_equal
          proof -
            assume a1: "low_equal s1 s2"
            assume a2: "t1 = snd (fst (write_reg (cpu_reg_val TBR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))"
            assume "t2 = snd (fst (write_reg (cpu_reg_val TBR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))"
            have "s. ¬ low_equal (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) s  snd (fst (write_reg (cpu_reg_val TBR s) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) = t1"
              using a2 by (simp add: cpu_reg_val_low_equal)
            then show "low_equal (snd (fst (write_reg (cpu_reg_val TBR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))) (snd (fst (write_reg (cpu_reg_val TBR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))"
              using a2 a1 by (metis (no_types) get_curr_win2_low_equal write_reg_low_equal)
      case False
      then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2
      apply (simp add: read_state_reg_instr_def)
      apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
      apply (simp add: return_def) 
      apply clarsimp
      apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
      using get_curr_win2_low_equal by auto

lemma get_s_get_curr_win:
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2"
shows "get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) =
get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))"
proof - 
  from a1 have "low_equal (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) 
    (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))"
  using get_curr_win2_low_equal by blast
  then show ?thesis
  using cpu_reg_val_low_equal
  by fastforce  

lemma write_state_reg_low_equal:
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s1)))::word1) = 0 
(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s2)))::word1) = 0 
t1 = snd (fst (write_state_reg_instr instr s1)) 
t2 = snd (fst (write_state_reg_instr instr s2))"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
proof (cases "fst instr = sreg_type WRY")
  case True
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply write_state_reg_instr_privilege_proof
  apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def)
  apply (simp add: delayed_pool_add_def DELAYNUM_def)
  apply (auto simp add: get_curr_win_low_equal)
  using get_curr_win2_low_equal cpu_reg_mod_low_equal
  user_reg_val_low_equal get_operand2_low_equal
  proof -
    assume a1: "low_equal s1 s2"
    assume "t2 = cpu_reg_mod (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) XOR get_operand2 (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))"
    assume "t1 = cpu_reg_mod (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) XOR get_operand2 (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))"
    have f2: "low_equal (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))"
      using a1 by (meson get_curr_win2_low_equal)
    then have f3: "w wa. user_reg_val w wa (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) = user_reg_val w wa (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))"
      by (simp add: user_reg_val_low_equal)
    have "is. get_operand2 is (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) = get_operand2 is (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))"
      using f2 by (simp add: get_operand2_low_equal)
    then show "low_equal (cpu_reg_mod (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) XOR get_operand2 (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (cpu_reg_mod (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) XOR get_operand2 (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) Y (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))"
      using f3 f2 by (metis cpu_reg_mod_low_equal)
  case False
  then have f1: "¬(fst instr = sreg_type WRY)" by auto
  then show ?thesis
  proof (cases "fst instr = sreg_type WRASR")
    case True
    then have f1_1: "fst instr = sreg_type WRASR" by auto
    then show ?thesis
    proof (cases "privileged_ASR (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) 
                  get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) = 0")
      case True
      then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f1_1
      apply write_state_reg_instr_privilege_proof
      apply (clarsimp simp add: get_s_get_curr_win)
      apply (simp add: raise_trap_def add_trap_set_def simpler_modify_def)
      apply (clarsimp simp add: get_curr_win3_low_equal)
      using traps_low_equal mod_trap_low_equal get_curr_win2_low_equal
      by fastforce
      case False
      then have f1_2: "¬ (privileged_ASR (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3)) 
      get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) = 0)"
      by auto
      then show ?thesis
      proof (cases "illegal_instruction_ASR (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3))")
        case True
        then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f1_1 f1_2
        apply write_state_reg_instr_privilege_proof
        apply (clarsimp simp add: get_s_get_curr_win)
        apply auto
         apply (simp add: raise_trap_def add_trap_set_def simpler_modify_def)
         apply (clarsimp simp add: get_curr_win3_low_equal)
         using traps_low_equal mod_trap_low_equal get_curr_win2_low_equal
         apply fastforce
        apply (simp add: raise_trap_def add_trap_set_def simpler_modify_def)
        apply (clarsimp simp add: get_curr_win3_low_equal)
        using traps_low_equal mod_trap_low_equal get_curr_win2_low_equal
        by fastforce
        case False
        then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f1_1 f1_2
        apply write_state_reg_instr_privilege_proof
        apply (clarsimp simp add: get_s_get_curr_win)
        apply auto
         apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def)
         apply (simp add: delayed_pool_add_def DELAYNUM_def)
         apply (auto simp add: get_curr_win_low_equal)      
         using get_curr_win2_low_equal cpu_reg_mod_low_equal
         user_reg_val_low_equal get_operand2_low_equal
         proof -
           assume a1: "low_equal s1 s2"
           assume "t2 = cpu_reg_mod (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) XOR get_operand2 (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (ASR (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3))) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))"
           assume "t1 = cpu_reg_mod (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) XOR get_operand2 (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (ASR (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3))) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))"
           have "low_equal (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))"
            using a1 by (meson get_curr_win2_low_equal)
           then show "low_equal (cpu_reg_mod (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) XOR get_operand2 (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (ASR (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3))) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) (cpu_reg_mod (user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) XOR get_operand2 (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) (ASR (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3))) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))"
            using cpu_reg_mod_low_equal get_operand2_low_equal user_reg_val_low_equal by fastforce
           assume f1: "¬ illegal_instruction_ASR (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3))"
           assume f2: "fst instr = sreg_type WRASR"
           assume f3: "snd (fst (write_state_reg_instr instr s1)) =
    snd (fst (modify
                  user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0))
                   (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) XOR
                  get_operand2 (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))),
                  ASR (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3))))
               (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))) "
           assume f4: "snd (fst (write_state_reg_instr instr s2)) =
    snd (fst (modify
                  user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0))
                   (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) XOR
                  get_operand2 (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))),
                  ASR (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3))))
               (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))"
           assume f5: "low_equal s1 s2"
           assume f6: "(get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s1)) = 0"
           assume f7: "(get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s2)) = 0"
           assume f8: "t1 = snd (fst (modify
                       user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0))
                        (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) XOR
                       get_operand2 (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))),
                       ASR (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3))))
                    (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))))"
           assume f9: "t2 = snd (fst (modify
                       user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0))
                        (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) XOR
                       get_operand2 (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))),
                       ASR (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3))))
                    (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))))"
           assume f10: "get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))  0"
           assume f11: "(s1 s2 t1 t2.
            low_equal s1 s2 
            t1 = snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))  t2 = snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))  low_equal t1 t2)"
           assume f12: "(s1 s2 t1 w cr t2.
            low_equal s1 s2  t1 = cpu_reg_mod w cr s1  t2 = cpu_reg_mod w cr s2  low_equal t1 t2)"
           assume f13: "(s1 s2 win ur. low_equal s1 s2  user_reg_val win ur s1 = user_reg_val win ur s2)"
           assume f14: "(s1 s2 op_list. low_equal s1 s2  get_operand2 op_list s1 = get_operand2 op_list s2)"
           show "low_equal
     (snd (fst (modify
                    user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0))
                     (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))) XOR
                    get_operand2 (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))),
                    ASR (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3))))
                 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1))))))
     (snd (fst (modify
                    user_reg_val (fst (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! Suc 0))
                     (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))) XOR
                    get_operand2 (snd instr) (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))),
                    ASR (get_operand_w5 (snd instr ! 3))))
                 (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2))))))"
           using f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 f12 f13 f14
           using Sparc_Properties.ucast_0 assms get_curr_win_privilege by blast            
    case False
    then have f2: "¬(fst instr = sreg_type WRASR)" by auto
    have f3: "get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s1)))) = 0 
      get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR (snd (fst (get_curr_win () s2)))) = 0"
      using get_curr_win_privilege a1 by (metis ucast_id)
    then show ?thesis 
    proof (cases "fst instr = sreg_type WRPSR")
      case True
      then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2 f3
      apply write_state_reg_instr_privilege_proof
      apply (simp add: raise_trap_def add_trap_set_def simpler_modify_def)
      apply (clarsimp simp add: get_curr_win3_low_equal)
      using traps_low_equal mod_trap_low_equal get_curr_win2_low_equal
      by fastforce      
      case False
      then have f4: "¬(fst instr = sreg_type WRPSR)" by auto
      then show ?thesis 
      proof (cases "fst instr = sreg_type WRWIM")  
        case True
        then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2 f3 f4
        apply write_state_reg_instr_privilege_proof
        apply (simp add: raise_trap_def add_trap_set_def simpler_modify_def)
        apply (clarsimp simp add: get_curr_win3_low_equal)
        using traps_low_equal mod_trap_low_equal get_curr_win2_low_equal
        by fastforce 
        case False
        then have f5: "¬(fst instr = sreg_type WRWIM)" by auto
        then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5
        apply write_state_reg_instr_privilege_proof
        apply (simp add: raise_trap_def add_trap_set_def simpler_modify_def)
        apply (clarsimp simp add: get_curr_win3_low_equal)
        using traps_low_equal mod_trap_low_equal get_curr_win2_low_equal
        by fastforce        

lemma flush_instr_low_equal:
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
t1 = snd (fst (flush_instr instr s1)) 
t2 = snd (fst (flush_instr instr s2))"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
using a1
apply (simp add: flush_instr_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def simpler_modify_def)
apply (simp add: flush_cache_all_def)
apply (simp add: low_equal_def)
apply (simp add: user_accessible_def)
apply (simp add: mem_equal_def)
by auto

lemma branch_instr_sub1_low_equal:
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2"
shows "branch_instr_sub1 instr_name s1 = branch_instr_sub1 instr_name s2"
using a1 apply (simp add: branch_instr_sub1_def)
by (simp add: low_equal_def)

lemma set_annul_low_equal:
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
t1 = snd (fst (set_annul True s1)) 
t2 = snd (fst (set_annul True s2))"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
using a1 apply (simp add: set_annul_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def annul_mod_def)
using state_var2_low_equal state_var_low_equal 
by fastforce

lemma branch_instr_low_equal_sub0:
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
t1 = snd (fst (write_cpu (cpu_reg_val PC s2 +
  sign_ext24 (ucast (get_operand_w22 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) << 2))
  nPC (snd (fst (write_cpu (cpu_reg_val nPC s2) PC s1))))) 
t2 = snd (fst (write_cpu (cpu_reg_val PC s2 +
  sign_ext24 (ucast (get_operand_w22 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) << 2))
  nPC (snd (fst (write_cpu (cpu_reg_val nPC s2) PC s2)))))"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
proof -
  from a1 have "low_equal
    (snd (fst (write_cpu (cpu_reg_val nPC s2) PC s1)))
    (snd (fst (write_cpu (cpu_reg_val nPC s2) PC s2)))"
  using write_cpu_low_equal by blast
  then show ?thesis
  using a1 write_cpu_low_equal by blast

lemma branch_instr_low_equal_sub1:
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
t1 = snd (fst (set_annul True (snd (fst (write_cpu
  (cpu_reg_val PC s2 + sign_ext24
  (ucast (get_operand_w22 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) << 2))
  nPC (snd (fst (write_cpu (cpu_reg_val nPC s2) PC s1)))))))) 
t2 = snd (fst (set_annul True (snd (fst (write_cpu
  (cpu_reg_val PC s2 + sign_ext24
  (ucast (get_operand_w22 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) << 2))
  nPC (snd (fst (write_cpu (cpu_reg_val nPC s2) PC s2))))))))"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
proof -
  from a1 have "low_equal 
    (snd (fst (write_cpu
    (cpu_reg_val PC s2 + sign_ext24
    (ucast (get_operand_w22 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) << 2))
    nPC (snd (fst (write_cpu (cpu_reg_val nPC s2) PC s1))))))
    (snd (fst (write_cpu
    (cpu_reg_val PC s2 + sign_ext24
    (ucast (get_operand_w22 (snd instr ! Suc 0)) << 2))
    nPC (snd (fst (write_cpu (cpu_reg_val nPC s2) PC s2))))))"
  using branch_instr_low_equal_sub0 by blast  
  then show ?thesis using a1
  using set_annul_low_equal by blast  

lemma branch_instr_low_equal_sub2:
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
t1 = snd (fst (set_annul True
  (snd (fst (write_cpu (cpu_reg_val nPC s2 + 4) nPC
  (snd (fst (write_cpu (cpu_reg_val nPC s2) PC s1)))))))) 
t2 = snd (fst (set_annul True
  (snd (fst (write_cpu (cpu_reg_val nPC s2 + 4) nPC
   (snd (fst (write_cpu (cpu_reg_val nPC s2) PC s2))))))))"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
proof -
  from a1 have "low_equal
    (snd (fst (write_cpu (cpu_reg_val nPC s2) PC s1)))
    (snd (fst (write_cpu (cpu_reg_val nPC s2) PC s2)))"
  using write_cpu_low_equal by blast
  then have "low_equal 
    (snd (fst (write_cpu (cpu_reg_val nPC s2 + 4) nPC
    (snd (fst (write_cpu (cpu_reg_val nPC s2) PC s1))))))
    (snd (fst (write_cpu (cpu_reg_val nPC s2 + 4) nPC
    (snd (fst (write_cpu (cpu_reg_val nPC s2) PC s2))))))"
  using write_cpu_low_equal by blast
  then show ?thesis using a1
  using set_annul_low_equal by blast

lemma branch_instr_low_equal:
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
t1 = snd (fst (branch_instr instr s1)) 
t2 = snd (fst (branch_instr instr s2))"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
using a1 
apply (simp add: branch_instr_def)
apply (simp add: Let_def simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold return_def)
apply clarsimp
apply (simp add: branch_instr_sub1_low_equal)
apply (simp_all add: cpu_reg_val_low_equal)
apply (cases "branch_instr_sub1 (fst instr) s2 = 1")
 apply clarsimp
 apply (simp add: bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
 apply (simp_all add: cpu_reg_val_low_equal)
 apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
 apply (cases "fst instr = bicc_type BA  get_operand_flag (snd instr ! 0) = 1")
  apply clarsimp
  using branch_instr_low_equal_sub1 apply blast
 apply clarsimp
 apply (simp add: return_def)
 using branch_instr_low_equal_sub0 apply fastforce
apply (simp add: bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
apply (cases "get_operand_flag (snd instr ! 0) = 1")
 apply clarsimp
 apply (simp_all add: cpu_reg_val_low_equal)
 using branch_instr_low_equal_sub2 apply metis
apply (simp add: return_def)
using write_cpu_low_equal by metis

lemma dispath_instr_low_equal:
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s1)))::word1) = 0 
(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s2)))::word1) = 0 
¬ snd (dispatch_instruction instr s1) 
¬ snd (dispatch_instruction instr s2) 
t1 = (snd (fst (dispatch_instruction instr s1))) 
t2 = (snd (fst (dispatch_instruction instr s2)))"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
proof (cases "get_trap_set s1 = {}")
  case True
  then have f_no_traps: "get_trap_set s1 = {}  get_trap_set s2 = {}"
    using a1 by (simp add: low_equal_def get_trap_set_def)
  then show ?thesis
  proof (cases "fst instr  {load_store_type LDSB,load_store_type LDUB,
        load_store_type LDUBA,load_store_type LDUH,load_store_type LD,
        load_store_type LDA,load_store_type LDD}")
    case True
    then show ?thesis using a1 f_no_traps
    apply dispath_instr_privilege_proof
    by (blast intro: load_instr_low_equal)
    case False
    then have f1: "fst instr  {load_store_type LDSB, load_store_type LDUB, 
      load_store_type LDUBA, load_store_type LDUH,
      load_store_type LD, load_store_type LDA, load_store_type LDD}" 
      by auto
    then show ?thesis 
    proof (cases "fst instr  {load_store_type STB,load_store_type STH,
        load_store_type ST,load_store_type STA,load_store_type STD}")
      case True
      then show ?thesis using a1 f_no_traps f1
      apply dispath_instr_privilege_proof
      using store_instr_low_equal by blast      
      case False
      then have f2: "¬(fst instr  {load_store_type STB,load_store_type STH,
        load_store_type ST,load_store_type STA,load_store_type STD})"
        by auto
      then show ?thesis 
      proof (cases "fst instr  {sethi_type SETHI}")
        case True
        then show ?thesis using a1 f_no_traps f1 f2
        apply dispath_instr_privilege_proof
        by (auto intro: sethi_low_equal)        
        case False
        then have f3: "¬(fst instr  {sethi_type SETHI})"
          by auto
        then show ?thesis 
        proof (cases "fst instr  {nop_type NOP}")
          case True
          then show ?thesis using a1 f_no_traps f1 f2 f3
          apply dispath_instr_privilege_proof
          by (auto intro: nop_low_equal)
          case False
          then have f4: "¬(fst instr  {nop_type NOP})" 
            by auto
          then show ?thesis 
          proof (cases "fst instr  {logic_type ANDs,logic_type ANDcc,logic_type ANDN,
            logic_type ANDNcc,logic_type ORs,logic_type ORcc,logic_type ORN,
            logic_type XORs,logic_type XNOR}")
            case True
            then show ?thesis using a1 f_no_traps f1 f2 f3 f4
            apply dispath_instr_privilege_proof
            using logical_instr_low_equal by blast
            case False
            then have f5: "¬(fst instr  {logic_type ANDs,logic_type ANDcc,logic_type ANDN,
            logic_type ANDNcc,logic_type ORs,logic_type ORcc,logic_type ORN,
            logic_type XORs,logic_type XNOR})"
              by auto
            then show ?thesis 
            proof (cases "fst instr  {shift_type SLL,shift_type SRL,shift_type SRA}")
              case True
              then show ?thesis using a1 f_no_traps f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 
              apply dispath_instr_privilege_proof
              using shift_instr_low_equal by blast
              case False
              then have f6: "¬(fst instr  {shift_type SLL,shift_type SRL,shift_type SRA})"
                by auto
              then show ?thesis 
              proof (cases "fst instr  {arith_type ADD,arith_type ADDcc,arith_type ADDX}")
                case True
                then show ?thesis using a1 f_no_traps f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6
                apply dispath_instr_privilege_proof
                using add_instr_low_equal by blast
                case False
                then have f7: "¬(fst instr  {arith_type ADD,arith_type ADDcc,arith_type ADDX})"
                  by auto
                then show ?thesis
                proof (cases "fst instr  {arith_type SUB,arith_type SUBcc,arith_type SUBX}")
                  case True
                  then show ?thesis using a1 f_no_traps f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 
                  apply dispath_instr_privilege_proof
                  using sub_instr_low_equal by blast
                  case False
                  then have f8: "¬(fst instr  {arith_type SUB,arith_type SUBcc,arith_type SUBX})"
                    by auto
                  then show ?thesis
                  proof (cases "fst instr  {arith_type UMUL,arith_type SMUL,arith_type SMULcc}")
                    case True
                    then show ?thesis using a1 f_no_traps f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8
                    apply dispath_instr_privilege_proof
                    using mul_instr_low_equal by blast
                    case False
                    then have f9: "¬(fst instr  {arith_type UMUL,arith_type SMUL,
                      arith_type SMULcc})"
                      by auto
                    then show ?thesis 
                    proof (cases "fst instr  {arith_type UDIV,arith_type UDIVcc,arith_type SDIV}")
                      case True
                      then show ?thesis using a1 f_no_traps f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9
                      apply dispath_instr_privilege_proof
                      using div_instr_low_equal by blast
                      case False
                      then have f10: "¬(fst instr  {arith_type UDIV,
                        arith_type UDIVcc,arith_type SDIV})"
                        by auto
                      then show ?thesis 
                      proof (cases "fst instr  {ctrl_type SAVE,ctrl_type RESTORE}")
                        case True
                        then show ?thesis using a1 f_no_traps f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10
                        apply dispath_instr_privilege_proof
                        using save_restore_instr_low_equal by blast
                        case False
                        then have f11: "¬(fst instr  {ctrl_type SAVE,ctrl_type RESTORE})"
                          by auto
                        then show ?thesis 
                        proof (cases "fst instr  {call_type CALL}")
                          case True
                          then show ?thesis using a1 f_no_traps f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11
                          apply dispath_instr_privilege_proof
                          using call_instr_low_equal by blast                          
                          case False
                          then have f12: "¬(fst instr  {call_type CALL})" by auto
                          then show ?thesis
                          proof (cases "fst instr  {ctrl_type JMPL}")
                            case True
                            then show ?thesis using a1 f_no_traps f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 f12
                            apply dispath_instr_privilege_proof
                            using jmpl_instr_low_equal by blast
                            case False
                            then have f13: "¬(fst instr  {ctrl_type JMPL})" by auto
                            then show ?thesis 
                            proof (cases "fst instr  {ctrl_type RETT}")
                              case True
                              then show ?thesis using a1 f_no_traps f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 
                                f11 f12 f13
                              apply dispath_instr_privilege_proof
                              using rett_instr_low_equal by blast
                              case False
                              then have f14: "¬(fst instr  {ctrl_type RETT})" by auto
                              then show ?thesis 
                              proof (cases "fst instr  {sreg_type RDY,sreg_type RDPSR,
                                sreg_type RDWIM, sreg_type RDTBR}")
                                case True
                                then show ?thesis using a1 f_no_traps f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 
                                  f11 f12 f13 f14
                                apply dispath_instr_privilege_proof
                                using read_state_reg_low_equal by blast
                                case False
                                then have f15: "¬(fst instr  {sreg_type RDY,sreg_type RDPSR,
                                sreg_type RDWIM, sreg_type RDTBR})" by auto
                                then show ?thesis
                                proof (cases "fst instr  {sreg_type WRY,sreg_type WRPSR,
                                  sreg_type WRWIM, sreg_type WRTBR}")
                                  case True
                                  then show ?thesis using a1 f_no_traps f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 
                                    f10 f11 f12 f13 f14 f15 
                                  apply dispath_instr_privilege_proof
                                  using write_state_reg_low_equal by blast
                                  case False
                                  then have f16: "¬(fst instr  {sreg_type WRY,sreg_type WRPSR,
                                  sreg_type WRWIM, sreg_type WRTBR})" by auto
                                  then show ?thesis
                                  proof (cases "fst instr  {load_store_type FLUSH}")
                                    case True
                                    then show ?thesis using a1 f_no_traps f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 
                                      f10 f11 f12 f13 f14 f15 f16 
                                    apply dispath_instr_privilege_proof
                                    using flush_instr_low_equal by blast
                                    case False
                                    then have f17: "¬(fst instr  {load_store_type FLUSH})" by auto
                                    then show ?thesis 
                                    proof (cases "fst instr  {bicc_type BE,bicc_type BNE,
                                      bicc_type BGU,bicc_type BLE,bicc_type BL,bicc_type BGE,
                                      bicc_type BNEG,bicc_type BG,bicc_type BCS,bicc_type BLEU,
                                      bicc_type BCC,bicc_type BA,bicc_type BN}")
                                      case True
                                      then show ?thesis using a1 f_no_traps f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 
                                        f9 f10 f11 f12 f13 f14 f15 f16 f17
                                      apply dispath_instr_privilege_proof
                                      using branch_instr_low_equal by blast
                                      case False
                                      then show ?thesis using a1 f_no_traps f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 
                                        f9 f10 f11 f12 f13 f14 f15 f16 f17
                                      apply dispath_instr_privilege_proof
                                      by (simp add: fail_def)
  case False
  then have "get_trap_set s1  {}  get_trap_set s2  {}" 
    using a1 by (simp add: low_equal_def get_trap_set_def)
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: dispatch_instruction_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def)
  apply (simp add: Let_def)
  by (simp add: return_def)

lemma execute_instr_sub1_low_equal:
assumes a1: "low_equal s1 s2 
¬ snd (execute_instr_sub1 instr s1) 
¬ snd (execute_instr_sub1 instr s2) 
t1 = (snd (fst (execute_instr_sub1 instr s1))) 
t2 = (snd (fst (execute_instr_sub1 instr s2)))"
shows "low_equal t1 t2"
proof (cases "get_trap_set s1 = {}")
  case True
  then have "get_trap_set s1 = {}  get_trap_set s2 = {}"
    using a1 by (simp add: low_equal_def get_trap_set_def)
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: execute_instr_sub1_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
  apply (case_tac "fst instr  call_type CALL 
                fst instr  ctrl_type RETT 
                fst instr  ctrl_type JMPL 
                fst instr  bicc_type BE 
                fst instr  bicc_type BNE 
                fst instr  bicc_type BGU 
                fst instr  bicc_type BLE 
                fst instr  bicc_type BL 
                fst instr  bicc_type BGE 
                fst instr  bicc_type BNEG 
                fst instr  bicc_type BG 
                fst instr  bicc_type BCS 
                fst instr  bicc_type BLEU 
                fst instr  bicc_type BCC 
                fst instr  bicc_type BA  fst instr  bicc_type BN")
   apply clarsimp
   apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
   apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
   apply (simp add: low_equal_def)
   apply (simp add: cpu_reg_val_def write_cpu_def cpu_reg_mod_def)
   apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def return_def)
   apply (simp add: user_accessible_mod_cpu_reg mem_equal_mod_cpu_reg)
   apply clarsimp
  by (auto simp add: return_def)
  case False
  then have "get_trap_set s1  {}  get_trap_set s2  {}" 
    using a1 by (simp add: low_equal_def get_trap_set_def)
  then show ?thesis using a1
  apply (simp add: execute_instr_sub1_def)
  apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
  by (simp add: return_def)

theorem non_interference_step: 
assumes a1: "(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s1)))::word1) = 0 
good_context s1 
get_delayed_pool s1 = []  get_trap_set s1 = {} 
(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s2)))::word1) = 0 
get_delayed_pool s2 = []  get_trap_set s2 = {} 
good_context s2 
low_equal s1 s2"
shows "t1 t2. Some t1 = NEXT s1  Some t2 = NEXT s2  
(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR t1)))::word1) = 0 
(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR t2)))::word1) = 0 
low_equal t1 t2"
proof -
  from a1 have "good_context s1  good_context s2" by auto
  then have "NEXT s1 = Some (snd (fst (execute_instruction () s1))) 
             NEXT s2 = Some (snd (fst (execute_instruction () s2)))"
       by (simp add: single_step)
  then have "t1 t2. Some t1 = NEXT s1  Some t2 = NEXT s2" 
       by auto
  then have f0: "snd (execute_instruction() s1) = False 
             snd (execute_instruction() s2) = False"
       by (auto simp add: NEXT_def case_prod_unfold)
  then have f1: "t1 t2. Some t1 = NEXT s1 
      Some t2 = NEXT s2 
      (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR t1)))::word1) = 0 
      (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR t2)))::word1) = 0"
      using a1
      apply (auto simp add: NEXT_def case_prod_unfold)
       by (auto simp add: safe_privilege)
  then show ?thesis 
  proof (cases "exe_mode_val s1")
    case True
    then have f_exe0: "exe_mode_val s1" by auto
    then have f_exe: "exe_mode_val s1  exe_mode_val s2"
      proof -
        have "low_equal s1 s2" using a1 by auto
        then have "state_var s1 = state_var s2" by (simp add: low_equal_def)
        then have "exe_mode_val s1 = exe_mode_val s2" by (simp add: exe_mode_val_def)
        then show ?thesis using f_exe0 by auto
    then show ?thesis
    proof (cases "e. fetch_instruction (delayed_pool_write s1) = Inl e")
      case True
      then have f_fetch_error: "e. fetch_instruction (delayed_pool_write s1) = Inl e" by auto
      then have f_fetch_error2: "(e. fetch_instruction (delayed_pool_write s1) = Inl e)  
                 (e. fetch_instruction (delayed_pool_write s2) = Inl e)"
        proof -
          have "cpu_reg s1 = cpu_reg s2" 
            using a1 by (simp add: low_equal_def)
          then have "cpu_reg_val PC s1 = cpu_reg_val PC s2" 
            by (simp add: cpu_reg_val_def)
          then have "cpu_reg_val PC s1 = cpu_reg_val PC s2 
                     (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR (delayed_pool_write s1))))::word1) = 0 
                     (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR (delayed_pool_write s2))))::word1) = 0"
            using a1 
            by (auto simp add: empty_delayed_pool_write_privilege)  
          then show ?thesis using a1 f_fetch_error
          apply (simp add: fetch_instruction_def)
          apply (simp add: Let_def)         
          apply clarsimp
          apply (case_tac "uint (3 AND cpu_reg_val PC (delayed_pool_write s1)) = 0")
           apply auto
           apply (case_tac "fst (memory_read 8 (cpu_reg_val PC (delayed_pool_write s1)) 
           (delayed_pool_write s1)) = None")
            apply auto
            apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
            using a1 apply (auto simp add: mem_read_delayed_write_low_equal)
           apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
           using a1 apply (auto simp add: mem_read_delayed_write_low_equal)
          apply (simp add: delayed_pool_write_def)
          by (simp add: Let_def get_delayed_write_def)
      then show ?thesis 
      proof (cases "exe_mode_val s1")
        case True
        then have "exe_mode_val s1  exe_mode_val s2" using exe_mode_low_equal a1 by auto
        then show ?thesis using f1
        apply (simp add: NEXT_def execute_instruction_def)
        apply (simp add: bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def simpler_gets_def)
        using a1 apply clarsimp
        apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
        apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def)
        using f_fetch_error2 apply clarsimp
        apply (simp add: raise_trap_def simpler_modify_def return_def)
        apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
        apply (simp add: return_def simpler_modify_def)
        apply (simp add: raise_trap_def simpler_modify_def return_def)
        apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
        apply (simp add: return_def)
        apply (simp add: delayed_pool_write_def get_delayed_write_def Let_def)
        apply (simp add: low_equal_def)
        apply (simp add: add_trap_set_def)
        apply (simp add: cpu_reg_val_def)
        apply clarsimp
        by (simp add: mem_equal_mod_trap user_accessible_mod_trap)       
        case False
        then have "¬ (exe_mode_val s1)  ¬ (exe_mode_val s2)" 
          using exe_mode_low_equal a1 by auto
        then show ?thesis using f1
        apply (simp add: NEXT_def execute_instruction_def)
        apply (simp add: bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def simpler_gets_def)
        using a1 apply clarsimp
        apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
        by (simp add: return_def)
      case False
      then have f_fetch_suc: "(v. fetch_instruction (delayed_pool_write s1) = Inr v)" 
        using fetch_instr_result_1 by auto
      then have "(v. fetch_instruction (delayed_pool_write s1) = Inr v 
                      fetch_instruction (delayed_pool_write s2) = Inr v)"
        proof -
          have "cpu_reg s1 = cpu_reg s2" 
            using a1 by (simp add: low_equal_def)
          then have "cpu_reg_val PC s1 = cpu_reg_val PC s2" 
            by (simp add: cpu_reg_val_def)
          then have "cpu_reg_val PC s1 = cpu_reg_val PC s2 
                     (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR (delayed_pool_write s1))))::word1) = 0 
                     (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR (delayed_pool_write s2))))::word1) = 0"
            using a1 
            by (auto simp add: empty_delayed_pool_write_privilege)  
          then show ?thesis using a1 f_fetch_suc
          apply (simp add: fetch_instruction_def)
          apply (simp add: Let_def) 
          apply clarsimp
          apply (case_tac "uint (3 AND cpu_reg_val PC (delayed_pool_write s1)) = 0")
           apply auto
           apply (case_tac "fst (memory_read 8 (cpu_reg_val PC (delayed_pool_write s1)) 
           (delayed_pool_write s1)) = None")
            apply auto
            apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
           using a1 apply (auto simp add: mem_read_delayed_write_low_equal)
           apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
           using a1 apply (auto simp add: mem_read_delayed_write_low_equal)
          apply (simp add: delayed_pool_write_def)
          by (simp add: Let_def get_delayed_write_def)
      then have "(v. fetch_instruction (delayed_pool_write s1) = Inr v 
                      fetch_instruction (delayed_pool_write s2) = Inr v 
                      ¬ (e. (decode_instruction v) = Inl e))"
        using dispatch_fail f0 a1 f_exe by auto
      then have f_fetch_dec: "(v. fetch_instruction (delayed_pool_write s1) = Inr v 
                      fetch_instruction (delayed_pool_write s2) = Inr v 
                      (v1. (decode_instruction v) = Inr v1))"
        using decode_instr_result_4 by auto      
      then show ?thesis 
      proof (cases "annul_val (delayed_pool_write s1)")
        case True
        then have "annul_val (delayed_pool_write s1)  annul_val (delayed_pool_write s2)"
          using a1 
          apply (simp add: low_equal_def)
          by (simp add: delayed_pool_write_def get_delayed_write_def annul_val_def)
        then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f_exe f_fetch_dec
        apply (simp add: NEXT_def execute_instruction_def)
        apply (simp add: exec_gets return_def)
        apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
        apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def)
        apply clarsimp
        apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
        apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
        apply (simp add: write_cpu_def cpu_reg_val_def set_annul_def)
        apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def)
        apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
        apply (simp add: write_cpu_def cpu_reg_val_def set_annul_def)
        apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def)
        apply (simp add: cpu_reg_mod_def annul_mod_def)
        apply (simp add: delayed_pool_write_def get_delayed_write_def)
        apply (simp add: write_annul_def)
        apply clarsimp
        apply (simp add: low_equal_def)
        apply (simp add: user_accessible_annul mem_equal_annul)
        by (metis)        
        case False
        then have "¬ annul_val (delayed_pool_write s1) 
          ¬ annul_val (delayed_pool_write s2)"
          using a1 apply (simp add: low_equal_def)
          apply (simp add: delayed_pool_write_def get_delayed_write_def)
          by (simp add: annul_val_def)
        then show ?thesis using a1 f1 f_exe f_fetch_dec
        apply (simp add: NEXT_def execute_instruction_def)
        apply (simp add: exec_gets return_def)
        apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
        apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def)
        apply clarsimp
        apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
        apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
        apply (case_tac "snd (execute_instr_sub1 (a, b)
                   (snd (fst (dispatch_instruction (a, b)
                               (delayed_pool_write s1))))) 
             snd (dispatch_instruction (a, b) (delayed_pool_write s1))")
         apply auto
        apply (case_tac "snd (execute_instr_sub1 (a, b)
                   (snd (fst (dispatch_instruction (a, b)
                               (delayed_pool_write s2))))) 
             snd (dispatch_instruction (a, b) (delayed_pool_write s2))")
         apply auto
        apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def)
        apply (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def)
        apply (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
        apply (simp add: delayed_pool_write_def get_delayed_write_def)
        by (meson dispath_instr_low_equal dispath_instr_privilege execute_instr_sub1_low_equal)        
    case False
    then have f_non_exe: "exe_mode_val s1 = False" by auto
    then have "exe_mode_val s1 = False  exe_mode_val s2 = False"        
      proof -
        have "low_equal s1 s2" using a1 by auto
        then have "state_var s1 = state_var s2" by (simp add: low_equal_def)
        then have "exe_mode_val s1 = exe_mode_val s2" by (simp add: exe_mode_val_def)
        then show ?thesis using f_non_exe by auto
    then show ?thesis using f1 a1    
    apply (simp add: NEXT_def execute_instruction_def)
    by (simp add: simpler_gets_def bind_def h1_def h2_def Let_def return_def)

function (sequential) SEQ:: "nat  ('a::len) sparc_state  ('a) sparc_state option"
where "SEQ 0 s = Some s"
|"SEQ n s = (
  case SEQ (n-1) s of None  None
  | Some t  NEXT t
by pat_completeness auto
termination by lexicographic_order

lemma SEQ_suc: "SEQ n s = Some t  SEQ (Suc n) s = NEXT t"
apply (induction n)
 apply clarsimp
by (simp add: option.case_eq_if)

definition user_seq_exe:: "nat  ('a::len) sparc_state  bool" where
"user_seq_exe n s  i t. (i  n  SEQ i s = Some t) 
  (good_context t  get_delayed_pool t = []  get_trap_set t = {})"

text ‹NIA is short for non-interference assumption.›
definition "NIA t1 t2  
    (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR t1)))::word1) = 0 
    (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR t2)))::word1) = 0 
    good_context t1  get_delayed_pool t1 = []  get_trap_set t1 = {} 
    good_context t2  get_delayed_pool t2 = []  get_trap_set t2 = {} 
    low_equal t1 t2"

text ‹NIC is short for non-interference conclusion.›
definition "NIC t1 t2  (u1 u2. Some u1 = NEXT t1  Some u2 = NEXT t2  
    (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR u1)))::word1) = 0 
    (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR u2)))::word1) = 0 
    low_equal u1 u2)"

lemma NIS_short: "t1 t2. NIA t1 t2  NIC t1 t2"
apply (simp add: NIA_def NIC_def)
using non_interference_step by auto

lemma non_interference_induct_case_sub1:
assumes a1: "(t1. Some t1 = SEQ n s1 
    (t2. Some t2 = SEQ n s2 
    NIA t1 t2))"
shows "(t1. Some t1 = SEQ n s1 
    (t2. Some t2 = SEQ n s2 
    NIA t1 t2 
    NIC t1 t2))"
using NIS_short
using assms by auto 

lemma non_interference_induct_case: 
assumes a1: 
"((i t. i  n  SEQ i s1 = Some t 
                 good_context t  get_delayed_pool t = []  get_trap_set t = {}) 
          (i t. i  n  SEQ i s2 = Some t 
                 good_context t  get_delayed_pool t = []  get_trap_set t = {}) 
          (t1. Some t1 = SEQ n s1 
               (t2. Some t2 = SEQ n s2 
                     (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR t1)))::word1) = 0 
    (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR t2)))::word1) = 0  low_equal t1 t2))) 
(i t. i  Suc n  SEQ i s1 = Some t 
               good_context t  get_delayed_pool t = []  get_trap_set t = {}) 
         (i t. i  Suc n  SEQ i s2 = Some t 
               good_context t  get_delayed_pool t = []  get_trap_set t = {})"
shows "t1. Some t1 = (case SEQ n s1 of None  None | Some x  NEXT x) 
              (t2. Some t2 = (case SEQ n s2 of None  None | Some x  NEXT x) 
                    (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR t1)))::word1) = 0 
    (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR t2)))::word1) = 0  low_equal t1 t2)"
proof -
  from a1 have f1: "((i t. i  n  SEQ i s1 = Some t 
  good_context t  get_delayed_pool t = []  get_trap_set t = {}) 
  (i t. i  n  SEQ i s2 = Some t 
  good_context t  get_delayed_pool t = []  get_trap_set t = {}))"
  by (metis le_SucI)
  then have f2: "(t1. Some t1 = SEQ n s1 
    (t2. Some t2 = SEQ n s2 
    (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR t1)))::word1) = 0 
    (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR t2)))::word1) = 0 
    low_equal t1 t2))"
  using a1 by auto
  then have f3: "(t1. Some t1 = SEQ n s1 
    (t2. Some t2 = SEQ n s2 
    NIA t1 t2))"
  using f1 NIA_def by (metis (full_types) dual_order.refl)  
  then have "(t1. Some t1 = SEQ n s1 
    (t2. Some t2 = SEQ n s2 
    NIA t1 t2 
    NIC t1 t2))"
  using non_interference_induct_case_sub1 by blast
  then have "(t1. Some t1 = SEQ n s1 
    (t2. Some t2 = SEQ n s2 
    ((((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR t1)))::word1) = 0 
    (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR t2)))::word1) = 0 
    good_context t1  get_delayed_pool t1 = []  get_trap_set t1 = {} 
    good_context t2  get_delayed_pool t2 = []  get_trap_set t2 = {} 
    low_equal t1 t2) 
    (u1 u2. Some u1 = NEXT t1  Some u2 = NEXT t2  
    (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR u1)))::word1) = 0 
    (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR u2)))::word1) = 0 
    low_equal u1 u2)))"
  using NIA_def NIC_def by fastforce
  then show ?thesis
  by (metis option.simps(5))

lemma non_interference_induct_case_sub2: 
assumes a1: 
"(user_seq_exe n s1 
          user_seq_exe n s2 
          (t1. Some t1 = SEQ n s1 
               (t2. Some t2 = SEQ n s2 
                     (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR t1)))::word1) = 0 
    (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR t2)))::word1) = 0  low_equal t1 t2))) 
user_seq_exe (Suc n) s1 
         user_seq_exe (Suc n) s2"
shows "t1. Some t1 = (case SEQ n s1 of None  None | Some x  NEXT x) 
              (t2. Some t2 = (case SEQ n s2 of None  None | Some x  NEXT x) 
                    (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR t1)))::word1) = 0 
    (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR t2)))::word1) = 0  low_equal t1 t2)"
using a1
by (simp add: non_interference_induct_case user_seq_exe_def)

theorem non_interference:
assumes a1: 
"(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s1)))::word1) = 0 
good_context s1 
get_delayed_pool s1 = []  get_trap_set s1 = {} 
(((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR s2)))::word1) = 0 
get_delayed_pool s2 = []  get_trap_set s2 = {} 
good_context s2 
user_seq_exe n s1  user_seq_exe n s2 
low_equal s1 s2"
shows "(t1 t2. Some t1 = SEQ n s1  Some t2 = SEQ n s2 
  (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR t1)))::word1) = 0 
  (((get_S (cpu_reg_val PSR t2)))::word1) = 0 
  low_equal t1 t2)"
using a1
apply (induction n)
 apply (simp add: user_seq_exe_def)
apply clarsimp
by (simp add: non_interference_induct_case_sub2)

