Theory Roth_Arithmetic_Progressions

section‹Roth's Theorem on Arithmetic Progressions›

theory Roth_Arithmetic_Progressions
  imports Szemeredi_Regularity.Szemeredi
      "HOL-Library.Ramsey" "HOL-Library.Nat_Bijection"


subsection ‹Miscellaneous Preliminaries›

lemma sum_prod_le_prod_sum:
  fixes a :: "'a  'b::linordered_idom"
  assumes "i. i  I  a i  0  b i  0"
  shows "(iI. jI. a i * b j)  (iI. a i) * (iI. b i)"
  using assms
  by (induction I rule: infinite_finite_induct) (auto simp add: algebra_simps sum.distrib sum_distrib_left)

lemma real_mult_gt_cube: "A  (X ::real)  B  X  C  X  X  0  A * B * C  X^3"
  by (simp add: mult_mono' power3_eq_cube)

lemma triple_sigma_rewrite_card: 
  assumes "finite X" "finite Y" "finite Z"
  shows "card {(x,y,z) . x  X  (y,z)  Y × Z  P x y z} = (x X . card {(y,z)  Y × Z. P x y z})"
proof -
  define W where "W  λx. {(y,z)  Y × Z. P x y z}"
  have "W x  Y × Z" for x
    by (auto simp: W_def)
  then have [simp]: "finite (W x)" for x
    by (meson assms finite_SigmaI infinite_super)
  have eq: "{(x,y,z) . x  X  (y,z)  Y × Z  P x y z} = (xX. (y,z)W x. {(x,y,z)})"
    by (auto simp: W_def)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding eq by (simp add: disjoint_iff assms card_UN_disjoint) (simp add: W_def)

lemma all_edges_between_mono1:
  "Y  Z  all_edges_between Y X G  all_edges_between Z X G"
  by (auto simp: all_edges_between_def)

lemma all_edges_between_mono2:
  "Y  Z  all_edges_between X Y G  all_edges_between X Z G"
  by (auto simp: all_edges_between_def)

lemma uwellformed_alt_fst: 
  assumes "uwellformed G" "{x, y}  uedges G"
  shows "x  uverts G"
  using uwellformed_def assms by simp

lemma uwellformed_alt_snd: 
  assumes "uwellformed G" "{x, y}  uedges G"
  shows "y  uverts G"
  using uwellformed_def assms by simp

lemma all_edges_between_subset_times: "all_edges_between X Y G  (X  (uedges G)) × (Y  (uedges G))"
  by (auto simp: all_edges_between_def)

lemma finite_all_edges_between':
  assumes "finite (uverts G)" "uwellformed G"
  shows "finite (all_edges_between X Y G)"
proof -
  have "finite ((uedges G))"
    by (meson Pow_iff all_edges_subset_Pow assms finite_Sup subsetD wellformed_all_edges)
  with all_edges_between_subset_times show ?thesis
    by (metis finite_Int finite_SigmaI finite_subset)

lemma all_edges_between_E_diff: 
  "all_edges_between X Y (V,E-E') = all_edges_between X Y (V,E) - all_edges_between X Y (V,E')"
  by (auto simp: all_edges_between_def)

lemma all_edges_between_E_Un: 
  "all_edges_between X Y (V,EE') = all_edges_between X Y (V,E)  all_edges_between X Y (V,E')"
  by (auto simp: all_edges_between_def)

lemma all_edges_between_E_UN:
  "all_edges_between X Y (V, iI. E i) = (iI. all_edges_between X Y (V,E i))"
  by (auto simp: all_edges_between_def)

lemma all_edges_preserved: "all_edges_between A B G' = all_edges_between A B G; X  A; Y  B
     all_edges_between X Y G' = all_edges_between X Y G"
  by (auto simp: all_edges_between_def)

lemma subgraph_edge_wf:
  assumes "uwellformed G" "uverts H = uverts G" "uedges H  uedges G"
  shows "uwellformed H"
  by (metis assms subsetD uwellformed_def)

subsection ‹Preliminaries on Neighbors in Graphs›

definition neighbor_in_graph::  " uvert  uvert  ugraph   bool"
  where "neighbor_in_graph x y G  (x  (uverts G)  y  (uverts G)  {x,y}  (uedges G))"

definition neighbors :: "uvert  ugraph  uvert set" where
  "neighbors x G   {y  uverts G . neighbor_in_graph x y G}"

definition neighbors_ss:: "uvert  uvert set  ugraph  uvert set" where
  "neighbors_ss x Y G  {y  Y . neighbor_in_graph x y G}"

lemma all_edges_betw_sigma_neighbor: 
"uwellformed G  all_edges_between X Y G = (SIGMA x:X. neighbors_ss x Y G)"
  by (auto simp add: all_edges_between_def neighbors_ss_def neighbor_in_graph_def 
      uwellformed_alt_fst uwellformed_alt_snd)

lemma card_all_edges_betw_neighbor: 
  assumes "finite X" "finite Y" "uwellformed G"
  shows "card (all_edges_between X Y G) = (xX. card (neighbors_ss x Y G))"
  using all_edges_betw_sigma_neighbor assms by (simp add: neighbors_ss_def)

subsection ‹Preliminaries on Triangles in Graphs›

definition triangle_in_graph:: "uvert  uvert  uvert  ugraph  bool"
  where "triangle_in_graph x y z G 
          ({x,y}  uedges G)  ({y,z}  uedges G)  ({x,z}  uedges G)"

definition triangle_triples
  where "triangle_triples X Y Z G  {(x,y,z)  X × Y × Z. triangle_in_graph x y z G}"

lemma triangle_commu1:
  assumes "triangle_in_graph x y z G"
  shows "triangle_in_graph y x z G"
  using assms triangle_in_graph_def by (auto simp add: insert_commute)

lemma triangle_vertices_distinct1:
  assumes wf: "uwellformed G"
  assumes tri: "triangle_in_graph x y z G"
  shows "x  y"
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume a: "¬ x  y"
  have "card {x, y} = 2" using tri wf triangle_in_graph_def
    using uwellformed_def by blast 
  thus False using a by simp

lemma triangle_vertices_distinct2: 
  assumes "uwellformed G" "triangle_in_graph x y z G"
  shows "y  z"
  by (metis assms triangle_vertices_distinct1 triangle_in_graph_def) 

lemma triangle_in_graph_edge_point: 
  assumes "uwellformed G"
  shows "triangle_in_graph x y z G  {y, z}  uedges G  neighbor_in_graph x y G  neighbor_in_graph x z G"
  by (auto simp add: triangle_in_graph_def neighbor_in_graph_def assms uwellformed_alt_fst uwellformed_alt_snd)

  "unique_triangles G 
     e  uedges G. ∃!T. x y z. T = {x,y,z}  triangle_in_graph x y z G  e  T"

definition triangle_free_graph:: "ugraph  bool"
  where "triangle_free_graph G  ¬( x y z. triangle_in_graph x y z G )"

lemma triangle_free_graph_empty: "uedges G = {}  triangle_free_graph G"
  by (simp add: triangle_free_graph_def triangle_in_graph_def)

lemma edge_vertices_not_equal: 
  assumes "uwellformed G" "{x,y}  uedges G"
  shows "x  y"
  using assms triangle_in_graph_def triangle_vertices_distinct1 by blast

lemma triangle_in_graph_verts: 
  assumes "uwellformed G" "triangle_in_graph x y z G"
  shows "x  uverts G" "y  uverts G" "z uverts G"
proof -
  have 1: "{x, y}  uedges G" using triangle_in_graph_def
    using assms(2) by auto 
  then show "x  uverts G" using uwellformed_alt_fst assms by blast
  then show "y  uverts G" using 1 uwellformed_alt_snd assms by blast
  have "{x, z}  uedges G" using triangle_in_graph_def assms(2) by auto
  then show "z  uverts G" using uwellformed_alt_snd assms by blast

definition triangle_set :: "ugraph  uvert set set"
  where "triangle_set G  { {x,y,z} | x y z. triangle_in_graph x y z G}"

fun mk_triangle_set :: "(uvert × uvert × uvert)  uvert set" 
  where "mk_triangle_set (x,y,z) = {x,y,z}"

lemma finite_triangle_set:
  assumes fin: "finite (uverts G)" and wf: "uwellformed G"
  shows "finite (triangle_set G)"
proof -
  have "triangle_set G  Pow (uverts G)"
    using PowI triangle_in_graph_def triangle_set_def uwellformed_def by auto
  then show ?thesis
    by (meson fin finite_Pow_iff infinite_super)

lemma card_triangle_3: 
  assumes "t  triangle_set G" "uwellformed G"
  shows "card t = 3"
  using assms by (auto simp: triangle_set_def edge_vertices_not_equal triangle_in_graph_def)

lemma triangle_set_power_set_ss: "uwellformed G  triangle_set G  Pow (uverts G)"
  by (auto simp add: triangle_set_def triangle_in_graph_def uwellformed_alt_fst uwellformed_alt_snd)

lemma triangle_in_graph_ss: 
  assumes "uedges Gnew  uedges G" 
  assumes "triangle_in_graph x y z Gnew"
  shows "triangle_in_graph x y z G"
using assms triangle_in_graph_def by auto 

lemma triangle_set_graph_edge_ss: 
  assumes "uedges Gnew  uedges G" 
  assumes "uverts Gnew = uverts G"
  shows "triangle_set Gnew  triangle_set G"
  using assms unfolding triangle_set_def by (blast intro: triangle_in_graph_ss)

lemma triangle_set_graph_edge_ss_bound: 
  fixes G :: "ugraph" and Gnew :: "ugraph"
  assumes "uwellformed G" "finite (uverts G)" "uedges Gnew  uedges G" "uverts Gnew = uverts G"
  shows "card (triangle_set G)  card (triangle_set Gnew)"
  by (simp add: assms card_mono finite_triangle_set triangle_set_graph_edge_ss)

subsection ‹The Triangle Counting Lemma and the Triangle Removal Lemma›

text‹We begin with some more auxiliary material to be used in the main lemmas.›

lemma regular_pair_neighbor_bound: 
  fixes ε::real
  assumes finG: "finite (uverts G)"
  assumes xss: "X  uverts G" and yss: "Y  uverts G" and "card X > 0"
    and wf: "uwellformed G"
    and eg0: "ε > 0" and "ε-regular_pair X Y G" and ed: "edge_density X Y G  2*ε"
  defines "X'  {x  X. card (neighbors_ss x Y G) < (edge_density X Y G - ε) * card (Y)}"
  shows "card X' < ε * card X" 
    (is "card (?X') < ε * _")
proof (cases "?X' = {}")
  case False ―‹Following Gowers's proof - more in depth with reasoning on contradiction›
  let ?rxy = "1/(card X' * card Y)" 
  show ?thesis 
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume "¬ (card (X') <  ε * card X) " 
    then have a: "(card(X')   ε * card X) " by simp
    have fin: "finite X" "finite Y" using assms finite_subset by auto
    have ebound: "ε  1/2"
      by (metis ed edge_density_le1 le_divide_eq_numeral1(1) mult.commute order_trans)
    have finx: "finite X'" using fin X'_def by simp 
    have " x. x  X' (card (neighbors_ss x Y G)) < (edge_density X Y G - ε) * (card Y)"
      unfolding X'_def by blast 
    then have "(xX'. card (neighbors_ss x Y G)) < (xX'. ((edge_density X Y G - ε) * (card Y)))"
      using False sum_strict_mono X'_def
      by (smt (verit, del_insts) finx of_nat_sum)
    then have upper: "(xX'. card (neighbors_ss x Y G)) < (card X') * ((edge_density X Y G - ε) * (card Y))"
      by (simp add: sum_bounded_above)
    have yge0: "card Y > 0"
      by (metis gr0I mult_eq_0_iff of_nat_0 of_nat_less_0_iff upper)
    have "?rxy > 0"
      using card_0_eq finx False yge0 X'_def by fastforce 
    then have upper2: "?rxy * (xX'. card (neighbors_ss x Y G)) < ?rxy * (card X') * ((edge_density X Y G - ε) * (card Y))"
      by (smt (verit) mult.assoc mult_le_cancel_left upper)
    have "?rxy * (card X') * ((edge_density X Y G - ε) * (card Y)) = edge_density X Y G - ε"
      using False X'_def finx by force
    with ε > 0 upper2 have con: "edge_density X Y G - ?rxy * (xX'. card (neighbors_ss x Y G)) > ε" 
      by linarith
    have "¦edge_density X Y G - ?rxy * (xX'. card (neighbors_ss x Y G))¦ 
        = ¦?rxy * (card (all_edges_between X' Y G)) - edge_density X Y G¦"
      using card_all_edges_betw_neighbor fin wf by (simp add: X'_def)
    also have "... = ¦edge_density X' Y G - edge_density X Y G¦"
      by (simp add: edge_density_def)
    also have "...  ε"
      using assms ebound yge0 a by (force simp add: X'_def regular_pair_def)
    finally show False using con by linarith
qed (simp add: card X > 0 eg0)

lemma neighbor_set_meets_e_reg_cond:
  fixes ε::real 
  assumes "edge_density X Y G  2*ε"
  and "card (neighbors_ss x Y G)  (edge_density X Y G - ε) * card Y"
shows "card (neighbors_ss x Y G)  ε * card (Y)"
  by (smt (verit) assms mult_right_mono of_nat_0_le_iff)

lemma all_edges_btwn_neighbor_sets_lower_bound: 
  fixes ε::real 
  assumes rp2: "ε-regular_pair Y Z G"
    and ed1: "edge_density X Y G   2*ε" and ed2: "edge_density X Z G   2*ε" 
    and cond1: "card (neighbors_ss x Y G)  (edge_density X Y G - ε) * card Y"
    and cond2: "card (neighbors_ss x Z G)  (edge_density X Z G - ε) * card Z"
  shows "card (all_edges_between (neighbors_ss x Y G) (neighbors_ss x Z G) G) 
       (edge_density Y Z G - ε) * card (neighbors_ss x Y G) * card (neighbors_ss x Z G)"
    (is "card (all_edges_between ?Y' ?Z' G)  (edge_density Y Z G - ε) * card ?Y' * card ?Z'")
proof -
  have yss': "?Y'  Y" using neighbors_ss_def by simp
  have zss': "?Z'  Z" using neighbors_ss_def by simp
  have min_sizeY: "card ?Y'  ε * card Y"
    using cond1 ed1 neighbor_set_meets_e_reg_cond by blast 
  have min_sizeZ: "card ?Z'  ε * card Z"
    using cond2 ed2 neighbor_set_meets_e_reg_cond by blast 
  then have "¦ edge_density ?Y' ?Z' G - edge_density Y Z G ¦  ε"
    using min_sizeY yss' zss' assms by (force simp add: regular_pair_def)
  then have "edge_density Y Z G - ε  (card (all_edges_between ?Y' ?Z' G)/(card ?Y' * card ?Z'))" 
    using edge_density_def by simp
  then have "(card ?Y' * card ?Z') * (edge_density Y Z G - ε)  (card (all_edges_between ?Y' ?Z' G))"
    by (fastforce simp: divide_simps mult.commute simp flip: of_nat_mult split: if_split_asm)
  then show ?thesis
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) mult.assoc mult_of_nat_commute of_nat_mult) 

text‹We are now ready to show the Triangle Counting Lemma:›

theorem triangle_counting_lemma:
  fixes ε::real 
  assumes xss: "X  uverts G" and yss: "Y  uverts G" and zss: "Z  uverts G" and en0: "ε > 0"
    and finG: "finite (uverts G)" and wf: "uwellformed G"    
    and rp1: "ε-regular_pair X Y G" and rp2: "ε-regular_pair Y Z G" and rp3: "ε-regular_pair X Z G"
    and ed1: "edge_density X Y G  2*ε" and ed2: "edge_density X Z G  2*ε" and ed3: "edge_density Y Z G  2*ε"
  shows "card (triangle_triples X Y Z G)
         (1-2*ε) * (edge_density X Y G - ε) * (edge_density X Z G - ε) * (edge_density Y Z G - ε)*
           card X * card Y * card Z" 
proof -
  let ?T_all = "{(x,y,z)  X × Y × Z. (triangle_in_graph x y z G)}"
  let ?ediff = "λX Y. edge_density X Y G - ε"
  define XF where "XF  λY. {x  X. card(neighbors_ss x Y G) < ?ediff X Y * card Y}"
  have fin: "finite X" "finite Y" "finite Z" using finG rev_finite_subset xss yss zss by auto
  then have "card X > 0"
    using card_0_eq ed1 edge_density_def en0  by fastforce
  text‹ Obtain a subset of @{term X} where all elements meet minimum numbers for neighborhood size
in @{term Y} and @{term Z}.›
  define X2 where "X2  X - (XF Y  XF Z)"
  have xss: "X2  X" and finx2: "finite X2"
    by (auto simp add: X2_def fin)
  text ‹Reasoning on the minimum size of @{term X2}:›
  have part1: "(XF Y  XF Z)  X2 = X"
    by (auto simp: XF_def X2_def)
  have card_XFY: "card (XF Y) <  ε * card X" 
    using regular_pair_neighbor_bound assms card X > 0 by (simp add: XF_def)
  text‹ We now repeat the same argument as above to the regular pair @{term X} @{term Z} in @{term G}.›
  have card_XFZ: "card (XF Z) < ε * card X"
    using regular_pair_neighbor_bound assms card X > 0 by (simp add: XF_def)
  have "card (XF Y  XF Z)  2 * ε * (card X)"
    by (smt (verit) card_XFY card_XFZ card_Un_le comm_semiring_class.distrib of_nat_add of_nat_mono)
  then have "card X2  card X - 2 * ε * card X" 
    using part1 by (smt (verit, del_insts) card_Un_le of_nat_add of_nat_mono) 
  then have minx2: "card X2  (1 - 2 * ε) * card X"
    by (metis mult.commute mult_cancel_left2 right_diff_distrib)
  text ‹Reasoning on the minimum number of edges between neighborhoods of @{term X} in @{term Y} 
and @{term Z}.›
  have edyzgt0: "?ediff Y Z > 0" and edxygt0: "?ediff X Y > 0" 
    using ed1 ed3 ε > 0 by linarith+
  have card_y_bound: "card (neighbors_ss x Y G)  ?ediff X Y * card Y"
    and card_z_bound: "card (neighbors_ss x Z G)  ?ediff X Z * card Z"
    if "x  X2" for x
    using that by (auto simp: XF_def X2_def)
  have card_y_bound': 
          "(x X2. ?ediff Y Z * (card (neighbors_ss x Y G)) * (card (neighbors_ss x Z G))) 
           (x X2. ?ediff Y Z * ?ediff X Y * (card Y) * (card (neighbors_ss x Z G)))" 
      by (rule sum_mono) (smt (verit, best) mult.left_commute card_y_bound edyzgt0 mult.commute mult_right_mono of_nat_0_le_iff)
  have card_z_bound': 
         "(x X2. ?ediff Y Z * ?ediff X Y * (card Y) * (card (neighbors_ss x Z G))) 
          (x X2. ?ediff Y Z * ?ediff X Y * (card Y) * ?ediff X Z * (card Z))" 
      using card_z_bound mult_left_mono edxygt0 edyzgt0 by (fastforce intro!: sum_mono)
  have eq_set: "x. {(y,z). y  Y  z  Z  {y, z}  uedges G  neighbor_in_graph x y G  neighbor_in_graph x z G } = 
                     {(y,z). y  (neighbors_ss x Y G)  z  (neighbors_ss x Z G)  {y, z}  uedges G }"
    by (auto simp: neighbors_ss_def)
  have "card ?T_all = (x X . card {(y,z)  Y × Z. triangle_in_graph x y z G})"
    using triple_sigma_rewrite_card fin by force  
  also have " = (x X . card {(y,z). y  Y  z  Z  {y, z}  uedges G  neighbor_in_graph x y G  neighbor_in_graph x z G })"
    using triangle_in_graph_edge_point assms by auto
  also have "... = (x  X. card (all_edges_between (neighbors_ss x Y G) (neighbors_ss x Z G) G))"
    using all_edges_between_def eq_set by presburger
  finally have l: "card ?T_all  (x X2 . card (all_edges_between (neighbors_ss x Y G) (neighbors_ss x Z G) G))"
    by (simp add: fin xss sum_mono2)
  have "(x X2. ?ediff Y Z * (card (neighbors_ss x Y G)) * (card (neighbors_ss x Z G)))  
        (x X2. real (card (all_edges_between (neighbors_ss x Y G) (neighbors_ss x Z G) G)))"
        (is "sum ?F _  sum ?G _")
  proof (rule sum_mono)
    show  "x. x  X2  ?F x  ?G x"
      using all_edges_btwn_neighbor_sets_lower_bound card_y_bound card_z_bound ed1 ed2 rp2 by blast
  then have "card ?T_all  card X2 * ?ediff Y Z * ?ediff X Y * card Y * ?ediff X Z * card Z" 
    using card_z_bound' card_y_bound' l of_nat_le_iff [symmetric, where 'a=real] by force
  then have "real (card ?T_all)  ((1 - 2 * ε) * card X) * ?ediff Y Z * 
      ?ediff X Y * (card Y) * ?ediff X Z * (card Z)"
    by (smt (verit, best) ed2 edxygt0 edyzgt0 en0 minx2 mult_right_mono of_nat_0_le_iff)
  then show ?thesis by (simp add: triangle_triples_def mult.commute mult.left_commute) 

definition regular_graph :: "real  uvert set set  ugraph  bool"  
           ("_-regular'_graph" [999]1000)
  where "ε-regular_graph P G  R S. RP  SP  ε-regular_pair R S G" for ε::real

text ‹A minimum density, but empty edge sets are excluded.›

definition edge_dense :: "nat set  nat set  ugraph  real  bool"
  where "edge_dense X Y G ε  all_edges_between X Y G = {}  edge_density X Y G  ε"

definition dense_graph :: "uvert set set  ugraph  real  bool"
  where "dense_graph P G ε  R S. RP  SP  edge_dense R S G ε" for ε::real

definition decent :: "nat set  nat set  ugraph  real  bool"
  where "decent X Y G η  all_edges_between X Y G = {}  (card X  η  card Y  η)" for η::real

definition decent_graph :: "uvert set set  ugraph  real  bool"
  where "decent_graph P G η  R S. RP  SP  decent R S G η" 

text ‹The proof of the triangle counting lemma requires ordered triples. For each unordered triple 
there are six permutations, hence the factor of $1/6$ here.›

lemma card_convert_triangle_rep:
  fixes G :: "ugraph" 
  assumes "X  uverts G" and "Y  uverts G" and "Z  uverts G" and fin: "finite (uverts G)" 
and wf: "uwellformed G"
  shows "card (triangle_set G)  1/6 * card {(x,y,z)  X × Y × Z . (triangle_in_graph x y z G)}"
         (is  "_  1/6 * card ?TT")
proof -
  define tofl where "tofl  λl::nat list. (hd l, hd(tl l), hd(tl(tl l)))"
  have in_tofl: "(x,y,z)  tofl ` permutations_of_set {x,y,z}" if "xy" "yz" "xz" for x y z
  proof -
    have "distinct[x,y,z]"
      using that by simp
    then show ?thesis
      unfolding tofl_def image_iff 
      by (smt (verit, best) list.sel(1) list.sel(3) set_simps permutations_of_setI set_empty)
  have "?TT  {(x,y,z). (triangle_in_graph x y z G)}"
    by auto
  also have "  (t  triangle_set G. tofl ` permutations_of_set t)"
    using edge_vertices_not_equal [OF wf] in_tofl 
    by (clarsimp simp add: triangle_set_def triangle_in_graph_def) metis
  finally have "?TT  (t  triangle_set G. tofl ` permutations_of_set t)" .
  then have "card ?TT  card(t  triangle_set G. tofl ` permutations_of_set t)" 
    by (intro card_mono finite_UN_I finite_triangle_set) (auto simp: assms)
  also have "  (t  triangle_set G. card (tofl ` permutations_of_set t))"
    using card_UN_le fin finite_triangle_set by blast
  also have "  (t  triangle_set G. card (permutations_of_set t))"
    by (meson card_image_le finite_permutations_of_set sum_mono)
  also have "  (t  triangle_set G. fact 3)"
    by (rule sum_mono) (metis card.infinite card_permutations_of_set card_triangle_3 eq_refl numeral_3_eq_3)
  also have " = 6 * card (triangle_set G)"
    by (simp add: eval_nat_numeral)
  finally have "card ?TT  6 * card (triangle_set G)" .
  then show ?thesis
    by (simp add: divide_simps)

lemma card_convert_triangle_rep_bound: 
  fixes G :: "ugraph" and t :: real
  assumes "X  uverts G" and "Y  uverts G" and "Z  uverts G" and fin: "finite (uverts G)" 
and wf: "uwellformed G"
  assumes "card {(x,y,z)  X × Y × Z . (triangle_in_graph x y z G)}  t"
  shows "card (triangle_set G)  1/6 *t"
proof -
  define t' where "t'  card {(x,y,z)  X × Y × Z . (triangle_in_graph x y z G)}"
  have "t'  t" using assms t'_def by simp
  then have tgt: "1/6 * t'  1/6 * t" by simp
  have "card (triangle_set G)  1/6 *t'" using t'_def card_convert_triangle_rep assms by simp
  thus ?thesis using tgt by linarith

lemma edge_density_eq0:
  assumes "all_edges_between A B G = {}" and "X  A" "Y  B"
  shows "edge_density X Y G = 0"
proof -
  have "all_edges_between X Y G = {}"
    by (metis all_edges_between_mono1 all_edges_between_mono2 assms subset_empty)
  then show ?thesis
    by (auto simp: edge_density_def)

text‹The following is the Triangle Removal Lemma.›

theorem triangle_removal_lemma:
  fixes ε :: real
  assumes egt: "ε > 0"
  shows "δ::real > 0. G. card(uverts G) > 0  uwellformed G  
          card (triangle_set G)  δ * card(uverts G) ^ 3 
          (G'. triangle_free_graph G'  uverts G' = uverts G  uedges G'  uedges G  
          card (uedges G - uedges G')  ε * (card (uverts G))2)"
    (is "δ::real > 0. G. _  _  _  (Gnew.  G Gnew)")
proof (cases "ε < 1")
  case False
  show ?thesis
  proof (intro exI conjI strip)
    fix G
    define Gnew where "Gnew  ((uverts G), {}::uedge set)"
    assume G: "uwellformed G" "card(uverts G) > 0"
    then show "triangle_free_graph Gnew" "uverts Gnew = uverts G" "uedges Gnew  uedges G"
      by (auto simp: Gnew_def triangle_free_graph_empty)
    have "real (card (uedges G))  (card (uverts G))2"
      by (meson G card_gt_0_iff max_edges_graph of_nat_le_iff)
    also have "  ε * (card (uverts G))2"
      using False mult_le_cancel_right1 by fastforce
    finally show "real (card (uedges G - uedges Gnew))  ε * ((card (uverts G))2)"
      by (simp add: Gnew_def)
  qed (rule zero_less_one)
  case True
  have e4gt: "ε/4 > 0" using ε > 0 by auto
  then obtain M0 where 
    M0: "G. card (uverts G) > 0  P. regular_partition (ε/4) G P  card P  M0" 
    and "M0>0"
    by (metis Szemeredi_Regularity_Lemma le0 neq0_conv not_le not_numeral_le_zero)
  define D0 where "D0  1/6 *(1-(ε/2))*((ε/4)^3)*((ε /(4*M0))^3)"
  have "D0 > 0" 
    using 0 < ε ε < 1 M0 > 0 by (simp add: D0_def zero_less_mult_iff)
  then obtain δ:: "real" where δ: "0 < δ" "δ < D0"
    by (meson dense)
  show ?thesis
  proof (rule exI, intro conjI strip)
    fix G
    assume "card(uverts G) > 0" and wf: "uwellformed G"
    then have fin: "finite (uverts G)"
      by (simp add: card_gt_0_iff)
    text‹Assume that, for a yet to be determined $\delta$, we have:›
    assume ineq: "real (card (triangle_set G))  δ * card (uverts G) ^ 3"
    text‹Step 1: Partition: Using Szemer\'{e}di's Regularity Lemma, we get an $\epsilon/4$ partition. ›
    let ?n = "card (uverts G)"
    have vne: "uverts G  {}"
      using 0 < card (uverts G) by force 
    then have ngt0: "?n > 0"
      by (simp add: fin card_gt_0_iff)
    with M0 obtain P where M: "regular_partition (ε/4) G P" and "card P  M0"
      by blast
    define M where "M  card P"
    have "finite P"
      by (meson M fin finite_elements regular_partition_def)
    with M0 have "M > 0"
      unfolding M_def
      by (metis M card_gt_0_iff partition_onD1 partition_on_empty regular_partition_def vne)
    let ?e4M = "ε / (4 * real M)"
    define D where "D  1/6 *(1-(ε/2)) * ((ε/4)^3) * ?e4M^3"
    have "D > 0" 
      using 0 < ε ε < 1 M > 0 by (simp add: D_def zero_less_mult_iff)
    have "D0  D"
      unfolding D0_def D_def using 0 < ε ε < 1 card P  M0 M > 0
      by (intro mult_mono) (auto simp: frac_le M_def)
    have fin_part: "finite_graph_partition (uverts G) P M"
      using M unfolding regular_partition_def finite_graph_partition_def
      by (metis M_def 0 < M card_gt_0_iff)
    then have fin_P: "finite R" and card_P_gt0: "card R > 0" if "RP" for R
      using fin finite_graph_partition_finite finite_graph_partition_gt0 that by auto
    have card_P_le: "card R  ?n" if "RP" for R
      by (meson card_mono fin fin_part finite_graph_partition_subset that)
    have P_disjnt: "R S. R  S; R  P; S  P  R  S = {}"
      using fin_part
      by (metis disjnt_def finite_graph_partition_def insert_absorb pairwise_insert partition_on_def) 
    have sum_card_P: "(RP. card R) = ?n"
      using card_finite_graph_partition fin fin_part by meson
    text‹Step 2. Cleaning. For each ordered pair of parts $(P_i,P_j)$, remove all edges between 
      $P_i$ and $P_j$ if (a) it is an irregular pair, (b) its edge density ${} < \epsilon/2$, 
      (c) either $P_i$ or $P_j$ is small (${}\le(\epsilon/4M)n$)
    Process (a) removes at most $(\epsilon/4)n^2$ edges. 
    Process (b) removes at most $(\epsilon/2)n^2$ edges.
    Process (c) removes at most $(\epsilon/4)n^2$ edges. 
   The remaining graph is triangle-free for some choice of $\delta$. ›
    define edge where "edge  λR S. mk_uedge ` (all_edges_between R S G)"
    have edge_commute: "edge R S = edge S R" for R S
      by (force simp add: edge_def all_edges_between_swap [of S] split: prod.split)
    have card_edge_le_card: "card (edge R S)  card (all_edges_between R S G)" for R S
      by (simp add: card_image_le edge_def fin finite_all_edges_between'
    have card_edge_le: "card (edge R S)  card R * card S" if "RP" "SP" for R S
      by (meson card_edge_le_card fin_P le_trans max_all_edges_between that)
    text ‹Obtain the set of edges meeting condition (a).›
    define irreg_pairs where "irreg_pairs  {(R,S). R  P  S  P  ¬ (ε/4)-regular_pair R S G}"
    define Ea where "Ea  ((R,S)  irreg_pairs. edge R S)"
    text ‹Obtain the set of edges meeting condition (b).›
    define low_density_pairs
      where "low_density_pairs  {(R,S). R  P  S  P  ¬ edge_dense R S G (ε/2)}"
    define Eb where "Eb  ((i,j)  low_density_pairs. edge i j)"
    text ‹Obtain the set of edges meeting condition (c).›
    define small where "small  λR. R  P  card R  ?e4M * ?n"
    let ?SMALL = "Collect small"
    define small_pairs where "small_pairs  {(R,S). R  P  S  P  (small R  small S)}"
    define Ec where "Ec  (R  ?SMALL. S  P. edge R S)"
    have Ec_def': "Ec = ((i,j)  small_pairs. edge i j)"
      by (force simp: edge_commute small_pairs_def small_def Ec_def)
    have eabound: "card Ea  (ε/4) * ?n^2"  ―‹Count the edge bound for @{term Ea}
    proof - 
      have §: "R S. R  P; S  P  card (edge R S)  card R * card S"
        unfolding edge_def
        by (meson card_image_le fin_P finite_all_edges_between max_all_edges_between order_trans)
      have "irreg_pairs  P × P"
        by (auto simp: irreg_pairs_def)
      then have "finite irreg_pairs"
        by (meson finite P finite_SigmaI finite_subset)
      have "card Ea  ((R,S)irreg_pairs. card (edge R S))"
        by (simp add: Ea_def card_UN_le [OF finite irreg_pairs] case_prod_unfold)
      also have "  ((R,S)  {(R,S). RP  SP  ¬ (ε/4)-regular_pair R S G}. card R * card S)"
        unfolding irreg_pairs_def using § by (force intro: sum_mono)
      also have " = ((R,S)  irregular_set (ε/4) G P. card R * card S)"
        by (simp add: irregular_set_def)
      finally have "card Ea  ((R,S)  irregular_set (ε/4) G P. card R * card S)" .
      with M show ?thesis
        unfolding regular_partition_def by linarith 
    have ebbound: "card Eb  (ε/2) * (?n^2)"  ―‹Count the edge bound for @{term Eb}.›
    proof -
      have §: "R S. R  P; S  P; ¬ edge_dense R S G (ε / 2)
            real (card (edge R S)) * 2  ε * real (card R) * real (card S)"
        by (simp add: divide_simps edge_dense_def edge_density_def card_P_gt0) 
           (smt (verit, best) card_edge_le_card of_nat_le_iff mult.assoc)
      have subs: "low_density_pairs  P × P"
        by (auto simp: low_density_pairs_def)
      then have "finite low_density_pairs"
        by (metis finite P finite_SigmaI finite_subset)
      have "real (card Eb)  ((i,j)low_density_pairs. real (card (edge i j)))"
        unfolding Eb_def 
        by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) finite low_density_pairs card_UN_le of_nat_mono of_nat_sum 
 case_prod_unfold sum_mono)
      also have "  ((R,S)low_density_pairs. ε/2 * card R * card S)"
        unfolding low_density_pairs_def by (force intro: sum_mono §)
      also have "  ((R,S)P × P. ε/2 * card R * card S)"
        using subs ε > 0 by (intro sum_mono2) (auto simp: finite P)
      also have " = ε/2 * ((R,S)P × P. card R * card S)"
        by (simp add: sum_distrib_left case_prod_unfold mult_ac)
      also have "  (ε/2) * (?n^2)"
        using ε>0 sum_prod_le_prod_sum 
        by (simp add: power2_eq_square sum_product flip: sum.cartesian_product sum_card_P)
      finally show ?thesis .
    have ecbound: "card Ec  (ε/4) * (?n^2)"  ―‹Count the edge bound for @{term Ec}.›
    proof - 
      have edge_bound: "(card (edge R S))  ?e4M * ?n^2"
        if "S  P" "small R" for R S
      proof -
        have "real (card R)  ε * ?n / (4 * real M)"
          using that by (simp add: small_def)
        with card_P_le [OF SP]
        have *: "real (card R) * real (card S)  ε * card (uverts G) / (4 * real M) * ?n"
          by (meson mult_mono of_nat_0_le_iff of_nat_mono order.trans)
        also have " = ?e4M * ?n^2"
          by (simp add: power2_eq_square)
        finally show ?thesis
          by (smt (verit) card_edge_le of_nat_mono of_nat_mult small_def that)
      have subs: "?SMALL  P"
        by (auto simp: small_def)
      then obtain card_sp: "card (?SMALL)  M" and "finite ?SMALL"
        using M_def finite P card_mono by (metis finite_subset)
      have "real (card Ec)  (R  ?SMALL. real (card (S  P. edge R S)))"
        unfolding Ec_def
        by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) finite ?SMALL card_UN_le of_nat_mono of_nat_sum case_prod_unfold sum_mono)
      also have "  (R  ?SMALL. ?e4M * ?n^2)"
      proof (intro sum_mono)
        fix R assume i: "R  Collect small"
        then have "RP" and card_Pi: "card R  ?e4M * ?n"
          by (auto simp: small_def)
        let ?UE = "(edge R ` (P))"
        have *: "real (card ?UE)  real (card R * ?n)" 
        proof -
          have "?UE  mk_uedge ` (all_edges_between R (uverts G) G)"
            apply (simp add: edge_def UN_subset_iff Ball_def)
            by (meson all_edges_between_mono2 fin_part finite_graph_partition_subset image_mono)
          then have "card ?UE  card (all_edges_between R (uverts G) G)"
            by (meson card_image_le card_mono fin finite_all_edges_between' finite_imageI wf le_trans)
          then show ?thesis
            by (meson of_nat_mono fin fin_P max_all_edges_between order.trans RP)
        also have "  ?e4M * real (?n2)"
          using card_Pi M > 0 ?n > 0 by (force simp add: divide_simps power2_eq_square)
        finally show "real (card ?UE)  ?e4M * real (?n2)" .
      also have "  card ?SMALL * (?e4M * ?n^2)"
        by simp
      also have "  M * (?e4M * ?n^2)"
        using egt by (intro mult_right_mono) (auto simp add: card_sp)
      also have "  (ε/4) * (?n^2)"
        using M > 0 by simp
      finally show ?thesis .
    ―‹total count›
    have prev1: "card (Ea  Eb  Ec)  card (Ea  Eb) + card Ec" by (simp add: card_Un_le)
    also have "  card Ea + card Eb + card Ec" by (simp add: card_Un_le)
    also have prev: "  (ε/4)*(?n^2) + (ε/2)*(?n^2) + (ε/4)*(?n^2)"
      using eabound ebbound ecbound by linarith 
    finally have cutedgesbound: "card (Ea  Eb  Ec)  ε * (?n^2)" by simp

    define Gnew where "Gnew  (uverts G, uedges G - (Ea  Eb  Ec))"
    show "Gnew.  G Gnew"
    proof (intro exI conjI)
      show verts: "uverts Gnew = uverts G" by (simp add: Gnew_def)
      have diffedges: "(Ea  Eb  Ec)  uedges G" 
        by (auto simp: Ea_def Eb_def Ec_def all_edges_between_def edge_def)
      then show edges: "uedges Gnew  uedges G"  
        by (simp add: Gnew_def)
      then have "uedges G - (uedges Gnew) = uedges G  (Ea  Eb  Ec) " 
        by (simp add: Gnew_def Diff_Diff_Int) 
      then have "uedges G - (uedges Gnew) = (Ea  Eb  Ec)" using diffedges
        by (simp add: Int_absorb1) 
      then have cardbound: "card (uedges G - uedges Gnew)  ε * (?n^2)" 
        using cutedgesbound by simp
      have graph_partition_new: "finite_graph_partition (uverts Gnew) P M" using verts
        by (simp add: fin_part) 
      have new_wf: "uwellformed Gnew" using subgraph_edge_wf verts edges wf by simp
      have new_fin: "finite (uverts Gnew)" using verts fin by simp
      text‹ The notes by Bell and Grodzicki are quite useful for understanding the lines below.
         See pg 4 in the middle after the summary of the min edge counts.›
      have irreg_pairs_swap: "(R,S)  irreg_pairs  (S, R)  irreg_pairs" for R S
        by (auto simp: irreg_pairs_def regular_pair_commute)
      have low_density_pairs_swap: "(R,S)  low_density_pairs  (S,R)  low_density_pairs" for R S
        by (simp add: low_density_pairs_def edge_density_commute edge_dense_def)
           (use all_edges_between_swap in blast)
      have small_pairs_swap: "(R,S)  small_pairs  (S,R)  small_pairs" for R S
        by (auto simp: small_pairs_def)

      have all_edges_if: 
        "all_edges_between R S Gnew 
         = (if (R,S)  irreg_pairs  low_density_pairs  small_pairs then {} 
            else all_edges_between R S G)" 
        (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
        if ij: "R  P" "S  P" for R S
        show "?lhs  ?rhs"
          using that fin_part unfolding Gnew_def Ea_def Eb_def Ec_def'
          apply (simp add: all_edges_between_E_diff all_edges_between_E_Un all_edges_between_E_UN)
          apply (auto simp: edge_def in_mk_uedge_img_iff all_edges_between_def)
        have Ea: "all_edges_between R S (V, Ea) = {}"  
          if "(R,S)  irreg_pairs" for V
          using ij that P_disjnt
          by (auto simp: Ea_def doubleton_eq_iff edge_def all_edges_between_def irreg_pairs_def; 
              metis regular_pair_commute disjoint_iff_not_equal)
        have Eb: "all_edges_between R S (V, Eb) = {}"  
          if "(R,S)  low_density_pairs" for V
          using ij that  
          apply (auto simp: Eb_def edge_def all_edges_between_def low_density_pairs_def edge_dense_def)
           apply metis
          by (metis IntI P_disjnt doubleton_eq_iff edge_density_commute equals0D)
        have Ec: "all_edges_between R S (V, Ec) = {}"
          if "(R,S)  small_pairs" for V
          using ij that 
          by (auto simp: Ec_def' doubleton_eq_iff edge_def all_edges_between_def small_pairs_def;
              metis P_disjnt disjoint_iff)
        show "?rhs  ?lhs"
          by (auto simp add: Gnew_def Ea Eb Ec all_edges_between_E_diff all_edges_between_E_Un)

      have rp: "(ε/4)-regular_pair R S Gnew" if ij: "R  P" "S  P" for R S
      proof (cases "(R,S)  irreg_pairs")
        case False
        have ed: "edge_density X Y Gnew =
            (if (R,S)  irreg_pairs  low_density_pairs  small_pairs then 0
             else edge_density X Y G)" 
          if "X  R" "Y  S" for X Y
          using all_edges_if that ij False 
          by (smt (verit) all_edges_preserved edge_density_eq0 edge_density_def) 
        show ?thesis
          using that False ε > 0
          by (auto simp add: irreg_pairs_def regular_pair_def less_le ed)
        case True
        then have ed: "edge_density X Y Gnew = 0"  if "X  R" "Y  S" for X Y
          by (meson edge_density_eq0 all_edges_if that R  P S  P UnCI)
        with egt that show ?thesis
          by (auto simp: regular_pair_def ed)
      then have reg_pairs: "(ε/4)-regular_graph P Gnew"
        by (meson regular_graph_def)

      have "edge_dense R S Gnew (ε/2)" 
        if "R  P" "S  P" for R S
      proof (cases "(R,S)  low_density_pairs")
        case False
        have ed: "edge_density R S Gnew =
            (if (R,S)  irreg_pairs  low_density_pairs  small_pairs then 0
             else edge_density R S G)" 
          using all_edges_if that that by (simp add: edge_density_def)
        with that ε > 0 False show ?thesis
          by (auto simp: low_density_pairs_def edge_dense_def all_edges_if)
        case True
        then have "edge_density R S Gnew = 0" 
          by (simp add: all_edges_if edge_density_def that)
        with ε > 0 that show ?thesis
          by (simp add: True all_edges_if edge_dense_def)
      then have density_bound: "dense_graph P Gnew (ε/2)"
        by (meson dense_graph_def)

      have min_subset_size: "decent_graph P Gnew (?e4M * ?n)"
        using ε > 0 
        by (auto simp: decent_graph_def small_pairs_def small_def decent_def all_edges_if)
      show "triangle_free_graph Gnew"
      proof (rule ccontr) 
        assume non: "¬?thesis"
        then obtain x y z where trig_ex: "triangle_in_graph x y z Gnew" 
          using triangle_free_graph_def non by auto
        then have xin: "x  (uverts Gnew)" and yin: "y  (uverts Gnew)" and zin: "z  (uverts Gnew)" 
          using triangle_in_graph_verts new_wf by auto
        then obtain R S T where xinp: "x  R" and ilt: "RP" and yinp: "y  S" and jlt: "SP"
                          and zinp: "z  T" and klt: "TP" 
          by (metis graph_partition_new xin Union_iff finite_graph_partition_equals)
        then have finitesubsets: "finite R" "finite S" "finite T"
          using new_fin fin_part finite_graph_partition_finite fin by auto
        have subsets: "R  uverts Gnew" "S  uverts Gnew" "T  uverts Gnew" 
          using finite_graph_partition_subset ilt jlt klt graph_partition_new by auto
        have min_sizes: "card R  ?e4M*?n" "card S  ?e4M*?n" "card T  ?e4M*?n"
          using trig_ex min_subset_size xinp yinp zinp ilt jlt klt
          by (auto simp: triangle_in_graph_def decent_graph_def decent_def all_edges_between_def)
        have min_dens: "edge_density R S Gnew  ε/2" "edge_density R T Gnew  ε/2" "edge_density S T Gnew  ε/2" 
          using density_bound ilt jlt klt xinp yinp zinp trig_ex 
          by (auto simp: dense_graph_def edge_dense_def all_edges_between_def triangle_in_graph_def)
        then have min_dens_diff: 
          "edge_density R S Gnew - ε/4  ε/4" "edge_density R T Gnew - ε/4  ε/4" "edge_density S T Gnew - ε/4  ε/4" 
          by auto
        have mincard0: "(card R) * (card S) * (card T)  0" by simp
        have gtcube: "((edge_density R S Gnew) - ε/4)*((edge_density R T Gnew) - ε/4) *((edge_density S T Gnew) - ε/4)  (ε/4)^3"
          using min_dens_diff e4gt real_mult_gt_cube by auto 
        then have c1: "((edge_density R S Gnew) - ε/4)*((edge_density R T Gnew) - ε/4) *((edge_density S T Gnew) - ε/4)  0"
          by (smt (verit) e4gt zero_less_power) 
        have "?e4M * ?n  0"
          using egt by force
        then have "card R * card S * card T  (?e4M * ?n)^3"
          by (metis min_sizes of_nat_mult real_mult_gt_cube)
        then have cardgtbound:"card R * card S * card T  ?e4M^ 3 * ?n^3"
          by (metis of_nat_power power_mult_distrib)

        have "(1-ε/2) * (ε/4)^3 * (ε/(4*M))^3 * ?n^3  (1-ε/2) * (ε/4)^3 * card R * card S * card T"
          using cardgtbound ordered_comm_semiring_class.comm_mult_left_mono True e4gt by fastforce
        also have "...  (1-2*(ε/4)) * (edge_density R S Gnew - ε/4) * (edge_density R T Gnew - ε/4) 
                        * (edge_density S T Gnew - ε/4) * card R * card S * card T"
          using gtcube c1 ε < 1 mincard0 by (simp add: mult.commute mult.left_commute mult_left_mono)
        also have "...  card (triangle_triples R S T Gnew)"
          by (smt (verit, best) e4gt ilt jlt klt min_dens_diff new_fin new_wf rp subsets triangle_counting_lemma)
        finally have "card (triangle_set Gnew)  D * ?n^3"
          using card_convert_triangle_rep_bound new_wf new_fin subsets 
          by (auto simp: triangle_triples_def D_def)
        then have g_tset_bound: "card (triangle_set G)  D * ?n^3" 
          using triangle_set_graph_edge_ss_bound by (smt (verit) edges fin of_nat_mono verts)
        have "card (triangle_set G) > δ * ?n^3" 
        proof -
          have "?n^3 > 0"
            by (simp add: uverts G  {} card_gt_0_iff fin)
          with δ D0  D have "D * ?n^3 > δ * ?n^3"
            by force
          thus "card (triangle_set G) > δ * ?n ^3" 
            using g_tset_bound unfolding D_def by linarith 
        thus False
          using ineq by linarith
      show "real (card (uedges G - uedges Gnew))  ε * real ((card (uverts G))2)"
        using cardbound edges verts by blast 
  qed (rule 0 < δ)

subsection ‹Roth's Theorem›

text‹We will first need the following corollary of the Triangle Removal Lemma.›

text ‹See 🌐‹édi_problem›.
Suggested by Yaël Dillies
corollary Diamond_free:
  fixes ε :: real 
  assumes "0 < ε"
  shows "N>0. G. card(uverts G) > N  uwellformed G  unique_triangles G 
          card (uedges G)  ε * (card (uverts G))2"
proof -
  have "ε/3 > 0"
    using assms by auto
  then obtain δ::real where "δ > 0"
    and δ: "G. card(uverts G) > 0; uwellformed G; card (triangle_set G)  δ * card(uverts G) ^ 3 
                 G'. triangle_free_graph G'  uverts G' = uverts G  (uedges G'  uedges G)  
                         card (uedges G - uedges G')  ε/3 * (card (uverts G))2"
    using triangle_removal_lemma by metis
  obtain N::nat where N: "real N  1 / (3*δ)"
    by (meson real_arch_simple)
  show ?thesis
  proof (intro exI conjI strip)
    show "N > 0"
      using N 0 < δ zero_less_iff_neq_zero by fastforce
    fix G 
    let ?n = "card (uverts G)"
    assume G_gt_N: "N < ?n"
      and wf: "uwellformed G"
      and uniq: "unique_triangles G"
    have G_ne: "?n > 0"
      using G_gt_N by linarith
    let ?TWO = "(λt. [t]⇗2)"
    have tri_nsets_2: "[{x,y,z}]⇗2= {{x,y},{y,z},{x,z}}" if "triangle_in_graph x y z G" for x y z
      using that unfolding nsets_def triangle_in_graph_def card_2_iff doubleton_eq_iff
      by (blast dest!: edge_vertices_not_equal [OF wf])
    have tri_nsets_3: "{{x,y},{y,z},{x,z}}  [uedges G]⇗3⇖" if "triangle_in_graph x y z G" for x y z
      using that by (simp add: nsets_def card_3_iff triangle_in_graph_def) 
                    (metis doubleton_eq_iff edge_vertices_not_equal [OF wf])
    have sub: "?TWO ` triangle_set G  [uedges G]⇗3⇖"
      using tri_nsets_2 tri_nsets_3 triangle_set_def by auto
    have "i. i  triangle_set G  ?TWO i  {}"
      using tri_nsets_2 triangle_set_def by auto
    moreover have dfam: "disjoint_family_on ?TWO (triangle_set G)"
      using sub [unfolded image_subset_iff] uniq
      unfolding disjoint_family_on_def triangle_set_def nsets_def unique_triangles_def
      by (smt (verit) disjoint_iff_not_equal insert_subset mem_Collect_eq mk_disjoint_insert )  
    ultimately have inj: "inj_on ?TWO (triangle_set G)"
      by (simp add: disjoint_family_on_iff_disjoint_image)
    have §: "Ttriangle_set G. e  [T]⇗2⇖" if "e  uedges G" for e
      using uniq [unfolded unique_triangles_def] that
      apply (simp add: triangle_set_def triangle_in_graph_def nsets_def uwellformed_def)
      by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) finite.emptyI finite.insertI finite_subset)
    with sub have "(?TWO ` triangle_set G) = uedges G"
      by (auto simp: image_subset_iff nsets_def)
    then have "card ((?TWO ` triangle_set G)) = card (uedges G)"
      by simp
    moreover have "card ((?TWO ` triangle_set G)) = 3 * card (triangle_set G)"
    proof (subst card_UN_disjoint' [OF dfam])
      show "finite ([i]⇗2)" if "i  triangle_set G" for i 
        using that tri_nsets_2 triangle_set_def by fastforce
      show "finite (triangle_set G)"
        by (meson G_ne card_gt_0_iff finite_triangle_set)
      have "card ([i]⇗2) = 3" if "i  triangle_set G" for i
        using that wf nsets_def tri_nsets_2 tri_nsets_3 triangle_set_def by fastforce
      then show "(itriangle_set G. card ([i]⇗2)) = 3 * card (triangle_set G)"
        by simp
    ultimately have 3: "3 * card (triangle_set G) = card (uedges G)" 
      by auto
    have "card (uedges G)  card (all_edges(uverts G))"
      by (meson G_ne all_edges_finite card_gt_0_iff card_mono wellformed_all_edges)
    also have " = ?n choose 2"
      by (metis G_ne card_all_edges card_eq_0_iff not_less0)
    also have "  ?n2"
      by (metis binomial_eq_0_iff binomial_le_pow linorder_not_le zero_le)
    finally have "card (uedges G)  ?n2" .
    with 3 have "card (triangle_set G)  ?n2 / 3" by linarith
    also have "  δ * ?n ^ 3"
    proof -
      have "1  3 * δ * N"
        using N δ > 0 by (simp add: field_simps)
      also have "  3 * δ * ?n"
        using G_gt_N 0 < δ by force
      finally have "1 * ?n^2  (3 * δ * ?n) * ?n^2"
        by (simp add: G_ne)
      then show ?thesis
        by (simp add: eval_nat_numeral mult_ac)
    finally have "card (triangle_set G)  δ * ?n ^ 3" .
    then obtain Gnew where Gnew: "triangle_free_graph Gnew" "uverts Gnew = uverts G" 
      "uedges Gnew  uedges G" and card_edge_diff: "card (uedges G - uedges Gnew)  ε/3 * ?n2"
      using G_ne δ by meson
    text‹Deleting an edge removes at most one triangle from the graph by assumption,
         so the number of edges removed in this process is at least the number of triangles.›
    obtain TF where TF: "e. e  uedges G  x y z. TF e = {x,y,z}  triangle_in_graph x y z G  e  TF e"
      using uniq unfolding unique_triangles_def by metis
    have False
      if non: "e. e  uedges G - uedges Gnew  {x,y,z}  TF e"
        and tri: "triangle_in_graph x y z G" for x y z
    proof -
      have "¬ triangle_in_graph x y z Gnew"
        using Gnew triangle_free_graph_def by blast
      with tri obtain e where eG: "e  uedges G - uedges Gnew" and esub: "e  {x,y,z}"
        using insert_commute triangle_in_graph_def by auto
      then show False
        by (metis DiffD1 TF tri uniq unique_triangles_def non [OF eG])
    then have "triangle_set G  TF ` (uedges G - uedges Gnew)"
      unfolding triangle_set_def by blast
    moreover have "finite (uedges G - uedges Gnew)"
      by (meson G_ne card_gt_0_iff finite_Diff finite_graph_def wf wellformed_finite)
    ultimately have "card (triangle_set G)  card (uedges G - uedges Gnew)"
      by (meson surj_card_le)
    then show "card (uedges G)  ε * ?n2"
      using 3 card_edge_diff by linarith

text‹We are now ready to proceed to the proof of Roth's Theorem for Arithmetic Progressions. ›

definition progression3 :: "'a::comm_monoid_add  'a  'a set"
  where "progression3 k d  {k, k+d, k+d+d}"

lemma p3_int_iff: "progression3 (int k) (int d)  int ` A  progression3 k d  A"
  apply (simp add: progression3_def image_iff)
  by (smt (verit, best) int_plus of_nat_eq_iff)

text‹We assume that a set of naturals $A \subseteq \{...<N \}$ does not have any arithmetic progression. 
We will then show that @{term A} is of cardinality $o(N)$.›

lemma RothArithmeticProgressions_aux:
  fixes ε::real
  assumes "ε > 0"
  obtains M where "N  M. A  {..<N}. (k d. d>0  progression3 k d  A)  card A < ε * real N"
proof -
  obtain L where "L>0"
    and L: "G. card(uverts G) > L; uwellformed G; unique_triangles G 
                 card (uedges G)  ε/12 * (card (uverts G))2"
    by (metis assms Diamond_free less_divide_eq_numeral1(1) mult_eq_0_iff)
  show thesis
  proof (intro strip that)
    fix N A
    assume "L  N" and A: "A  {..<N}"
      and non: "k d. 0 < d  progression3 k d  A"
    then have "N > 0" using 0 < L by linarith
    define M where "M  Suc (2*N)"
    have M_mod_bound[simp]: "x mod M < M" for x
      by (simp add: M_def)
    have "odd M" "M>0" "N<M" by (auto simp: M_def)
    have "coprime M (Suc N)"
      unfolding M_def
      by (metis add_2_eq_Suc coprime_Suc_right_nat coprime_mult_right_iff mult_Suc_right)
    then have cop: "coprime M (1 + int N)"
      by (metis coprime_int_iff of_nat_Suc)
    have A_sub_M: "int ` A  {..<M}"
      using A by (force simp: M_def)
    have non_img_A: "k d. d > 0  progression3 k d  int ` A"
      by (metis imageE insert_subset non p3_int_iff pos_int_cases progression3_def)
    text‹Construct a tripartite graph @{term G} whose three parts are copies of @{text"ℤ/Mℤ"}.›
    define part_of where "part_of  λξ. (λi. prod_encode (ξ,i)) ` {..<M}"
    define label_of_part where "label_of_part  λp. fst (prod_decode p)"
    define from_part where "from_part  λp. snd (prod_decode p)"
    have enc_iff [simp]: "prod_encode (a,i)  part_of a'  a'=a  i<M" for a a' i
      using 0 < M by (clarsimp simp: part_of_def image_iff Bex_def) presburger
    have part_of_M: "p  part_of a  from_part p < M" for a p
      using from_part_def part_of_def by fastforce
    have disjnt_part_of: "a  b  disjnt (part_of a) (part_of b)" for a b
      by (auto simp: part_of_def disjnt_iff)
    have from_enc [simp]: "from_part (prod_encode (a,i)) = i" for a i
      by (simp add: from_part_def)
    have finpart [iff]: "finite (part_of a)" for a
      by (simp add: part_of_def 0 < M)
    have cardpart [simp]: "card (part_of a) = M" for a
      using 0 < M
      by (simp add: part_of_def eq_nat_nat_iff inj_on_def card_image)
    let ?X = "part_of 0"
    let ?Y = "part_of (Suc 0)"
    let ?Z = "part_of (Suc (Suc 0))"
    define diff where "diff  λa b. (int a - int b) mod (int M)"
    have inj_on_diff: "inj_on (λx. diff x a) {..<M}" for a
      apply (clarsimp simp: diff_def inj_on_def)
      by (metis diff_add_cancel mod_add_left_eq mod_less nat_int of_nat_mod)
    have eq_mod_M: "(x - y) mod int M = (x' - y) mod int M  x mod int M = x' mod int M" for x x' y
      by (simp add: mod_eq_dvd_iff)

    have diff_invert: "diff y x = int a  y = (x + a) mod M" if "y < M" "aA" for x y a
    proof -
      have "a < M"
        using A N < M that by auto
      show ?thesis
        assume "diff y x = int a"
        with that a<M have "int y = int (x+a) mod int M"
          by (smt (verit) diff_def eq_mod_M mod_less of_nat_add zmod_int)
        with that show "y = (x + a) mod M"
          by (metis nat_int zmod_int)
      qed (simp add: a < M diff_def mod_diff_left_eq zmod_int)

    define diff2 where "diff2  λa b. ((int a - int b) * int(Suc N)) mod (int M)"
    have inj_on_diff2: "inj_on (λx. diff2 x a) {..<M}" for a
      apply (clarsimp simp: diff2_def inj_on_def)
      by (metis eq_mod_M mult_mod_cancel_right [OF _ cop] int_int_eq mod_less zmod_int)
    have [simp]: "(1 + int N) mod int M = 1 + int N"
      using M_def 0 < N by auto
    have diff2_by2: "(diff2 a b * 2) mod M = diff a b" for a b
    proof -
      have "int M dvd ((int a - int b) * int M)"
        by simp
      then have "int M dvd ((int a - int b) * int (Suc N) * 2 - (int a - int b))"
        by (auto simp: M_def algebra_simps)
      then show ?thesis
        by (metis diff2_def diff_def mod_eq_dvd_iff mod_mult_left_eq)
    have diff2_invert: "diff2 (((x + a) mod M + a) mod M) x = int a" if "aA" for x a
    proof -
      have 1: "((x + a) mod M + a) mod M = (x + 2*a) mod M"
        by (metis group_cancel.add1 mod_add_left_eq mult_2)
      have "(int ((x + 2*a) mod M) - int x) * (1 + int N) mod int M 
             = (int (x + 2*a) - int x) * (1 + int N) mod int M"
        by (metis mod_diff_left_eq mod_mult_cong of_nat_mod)
      also have " = int (a * (Suc M)) mod int M"
        by (simp add: algebra_simps M_def)
      also have " = int a mod int M"
        by simp
      also have " = int a"
        using A M_def subsetD that by auto
      finally show ?thesis
        using that by (auto simp: 1 diff2_def)

    define Edges where "Edges  λX Y df. {{x,y}| x y. x  X  y  Y  df(from_part y) (from_part x)  int ` A}"
    have Edges_subset: "Edges X Y df  Pow (X  Y)" for X Y df
      by (auto simp: Edges_def)
    define XY where "XY  Edges ?X ?Y diff"
    define YZ where "YZ  Edges ?Y ?Z diff"
    define XZ where "XZ  Edges ?X ?Z diff2"
    obtain [simp]: "finite XY" "finite YZ" "finite XZ"
      using Edges_subset unfolding XY_def YZ_def XZ_def
      by (metis finite_Pow_iff finite_UnI finite_subset finpart)
    define G where "G  (?X  ?Y  ?Z, XY  YZ  XZ)"
    have finG: "finite (uverts G)" and cardG: "card (uverts G) = 3*M"
      by (simp_all add: G_def card_Un_disjnt disjnt_part_of)
    then have "card(uverts G) > L"
      using M_def L  N by linarith 
    have "uwellformed G"
      by (fastforce simp: card_insert_if part_of_def G_def XY_def YZ_def XZ_def Edges_def uwellformed_def)
    have [simp]: "{prod_encode (ξ,x), prod_encode (ξ,y)}  XY"  
                 "{prod_encode (ξ,x), prod_encode (ξ,y)}  YZ"
                 "{prod_encode (ξ,x), prod_encode (ξ,y)}  XZ" for x y ξ
      by (auto simp: XY_def YZ_def XZ_def Edges_def doubleton_eq_iff)
    have label_ne_XY [simp]: "label_of_part p  label_of_part q" if "{p,q}  XY" for p q
      using that by (auto simp add: XY_def part_of_def Edges_def doubleton_eq_iff label_of_part_def)
    then have [simp]: "{p}  XY" for p
      by (metis insert_absorb2)
    have label_ne_YZ [simp]: "label_of_part p  label_of_part q" if "{p,q}  YZ" for p q
      using that by (auto simp add: YZ_def part_of_def Edges_def doubleton_eq_iff label_of_part_def)
    then have [simp]: "{p}  YZ" for p
      by (metis insert_absorb2)
    have label_ne_XZ [simp]: "label_of_part p  label_of_part q" if "{p,q}  XZ" for p q
      using that by (auto simp add: XZ_def part_of_def Edges_def doubleton_eq_iff label_of_part_def)
    then have [simp]: "{p}  XZ" for p
      by (metis insert_absorb2)
    have label012: "label_of_part v < 3" if "v  uverts G" for v
      using that by (auto simp add: G_def eval_nat_numeral part_of_def label_of_part_def)

    have Edges_distinct: "p q r ξ ζ γ β df df'. {p,q}  Edges (part_of ξ) (part_of ζ) df;
           {q,r}  Edges (part_of ξ) (part_of ζ) df;
           {p,r}  Edges (part_of γ) (part_of β) df'; ξ  ζ; γ  β  False"
      apply (auto simp: disjnt_iff Edges_def doubleton_eq_iff conj_disj_distribR ex_disj_distrib)
      apply (metis disjnt_iff disjnt_part_of)+
    have uniq: "i<M. dA. x  {p,q,r}. y  {p,q,r}. z  {p,q,r}. 
                   x = prod_encode(0, i)
                  y = prod_encode(1, (i+d) mod M)
                  z = prod_encode(2, (i+d+d) mod M)"
      if T: "triangle_in_graph p q r G" for p q r
    proof -
      obtain x y z where xy: "{x,y}  XY" and yz: "{y,z}  YZ" and xz: "{x,z}  XZ"
        and x: "x  {p,q,r}" and y: "y  {p,q,r}" and z: "z  {p,q,r}"
        using T apply (simp add: triangle_in_graph_def G_def XY_def YZ_def XZ_def)
        by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) Edges_distinct Zero_not_Suc insert_commute n_not_Suc_n)
      then have "x  ?X" "y  ?Y" "z  ?Z"
        by (auto simp: XY_def YZ_def XZ_def Edges_def doubleton_eq_iff; metis disjnt_iff disjnt_part_of)+
      then obtain i j k where i: "x = prod_encode(0,i)" and j: "y = prod_encode(1,j)" 
        and k: "z = prod_encode(2,k)"
        by (metis One_nat_def Suc_1 enc_iff prod_decode_aux.cases prod_decode_inverse)
      obtain a1 where "a1  A" and a1: "(int j - int i) mod int M = int a1"
        using xy x  ?X i j by (auto simp add: XY_def Edges_def doubleton_eq_iff diff_def)
      obtain a3 where "a3  A" and a3: "(int k - int j) mod int M = int a3"
        using yz x  ?X j k by (auto simp add: YZ_def Edges_def doubleton_eq_iff diff_def)
      obtain a2 where "a2  A" and a2: "(int k - int i) mod int M = int (a2 * 2) mod int M"
        using xz x  ?X i k apply (auto simp add: XZ_def Edges_def doubleton_eq_iff)
        by (metis diff2_by2 diff_def int_plus mult_2_right)
      obtain "a1<N" "a2<N" "a3<N"
        using A a1  A a2  A a3  A by blast
      then obtain "a1+a3 < M" "a2 * 2 < M"
        by (simp add: M_def)
      then have "int (a2 * 2) = int (a2 * 2) mod M"
        by force
      also have " = int (a1 + a3) mod int M"
        using a1 a2 a3 by (smt (verit, del_insts) int_plus mod_add_eq)
      also have " = int (a1+a3)"
        using a1 + a3 < M by force
      finally have "a2*2 = a1+a3"
        by presburger
      then obtain equal: "a3 - a2 = a2 - a1" "a2 - a3 = a1 - a2"
        by (metis Nat.diff_cancel diff_cancel2 mult_2_right)
      with a1  A a2  A a3  A have "progression3 a1 (a2 - a1)  A"
        apply (clarsimp simp: progression3_def)
        by (metis diff_is_0_eq' le_add_diff_inverse nle_le)
      with non equal have "a2 = a1"
        unfolding progression3_def
        by (metis a2  A a3  A add.right_neutral diff_is_0_eq insert_subset 
            le_add_diff_inverse not_gr_zero)
      then have "a3 = a2"
        using a2 * 2 = a1 + a3 by force
      have k_minus_j: "(int k - int j) mod int M = int a1"
        by (simp add: a2 = a1 a3 = a2 a3)
      have i_to_j: "j mod M = (i+a1) mod M"
        by (metis a1 add_diff_cancel_left' add_diff_eq mod_add_right_eq nat_int of_nat_add of_nat_mod)
      have j_to_k: "k mod M = (j+a1) mod M"
        by (metis a2 = a1 a3 = a2 a3 add_diff_cancel_left' add_diff_eq mod_add_right_eq 
            nat_int of_nat_add of_nat_mod)
      have "i<M"
        using x  ?X i by simp
      then show ?thesis
        using i j k x y z a1  A
        by (metis y  ?Y z ?Z enc_iff i_to_j j_to_k mod_add_left_eq mod_less)

    text‹Every edge of the graph G lies in exactly one triangle.›
    have "unique_triangles G"
      unfolding unique_triangles_def
    proof (intro strip)
      fix e
      assume "e  uedges G"
      then consider "e  XY" | "e  YZ" | "e  XZ"
        using G_def by fastforce
      then show "∃!T. x y z. T = {x, y, z}  triangle_in_graph x y z G  e  T"
      proof cases
        case 1
        then obtain i j a where eeq: "e = {prod_encode(0,i), prod_encode(1,j)}"
          and "i<M" and "j<M"
          and df: "diff j i = int a" and "a  A"
          by (auto simp: XY_def Edges_def part_of_def)
        let ?x = "prod_encode (0, i)"
        let ?y = "prod_encode (1, j)"
        let ?z = "prod_encode (2, (j+a) mod M)"
        have yeq: "j = (i+a) mod M"
          using diff_invert using a  A df j<M by blast
        with a  A j<M have "{?y,?z}  YZ"
          by (fastforce simp: YZ_def Edges_def image_iff diff_invert)
        moreover have "{?x,?z}  XZ"
          using a  A by (fastforce simp: XZ_def Edges_def yeq diff2_invert i<M)
        ultimately have T: "triangle_in_graph ?x ?y ?z G"
          using e  uedges G by (force simp add: G_def eeq triangle_in_graph_def)
        show ?thesis
        proof (intro ex1I)
          show "x y z. {?x,?y,?z} = {x, y, z}  triangle_in_graph x y z G  e  {?x,?y,?z}"
            using T eeq by blast
          fix T
          assume "p q r. T = {p, q, r}  triangle_in_graph p q r G  e  T"
          then obtain p q r where Teq: "T = {p,q,r}"
            and tri: "triangle_in_graph p q r G" and "e  T"
            by blast
          with uniq
          obtain i' a' x y z where "i'<M" "a'  A"  
                 and x: "x  {p,q,r}" and y: "y  {p,q,r}" and z: "z  {p,q,r}"
                 and xeq: "x = prod_encode(0, i')"
                 and yeq: "y = prod_encode(1, (i'+a') mod M)"
                 and zeq: "z = prod_encode(2, (i'+a'+a') mod M)"
            by metis
          then have sets_eq: "{x,y,z} = {p,q,r}" by auto
          with Teq e  T have esub': "e  {x,y,z}" by blast
          have "a' < M"
            using A N < M a'  A by auto
          obtain "?x  e" "?y  e" using eeq by force
          then have "x = ?x"
            using esub' eeq yeq zeq by simp
          then have "y = ?y"
            using esub' eeq zeq by simp
          obtain eq': "i' = i" "(i'+a') mod M = j"
            using x = ?x xeq using y =?y yeq by auto
          then have "diff (i'+a') i' = int a'"
            by (simp add: diff_def a' < M)
          then have "a' = a"
            by (metis eq' df diff_def mod_diff_left_eq nat_int zmod_int)
          then have "z = ?z"
            by (metis y = ?y mod_add_left_eq prod_encode_eq snd_conv yeq zeq)
          then show "T = {?x,?y,?z}"
            using Teq x = ?x y = ?y sets_eq by presburger
        case 2
        then obtain j k a where eeq: "e = {prod_encode(1,j), prod_encode(2,k)}"
          and "j<M" "k<M"
          and df: "diff k j = int a" and "a  A"
          by (auto simp: YZ_def Edges_def part_of_def numeral_2_eq_2)
        let ?x = "prod_encode (0, (M+j-a) mod M)"
        let ?y = "prod_encode (1, j)"
        let ?z = "prod_encode (2, k)"
        have zeq: "k = (j+a) mod M"
          using diff_invert using a  A df k<M by blast
        with a  A k<M have "{?x,?z}  XZ"
          unfolding XZ_def Edges_def image_iff
          apply (clarsimp simp: mod_add_left_eq doubleton_eq_iff conj_disj_distribR ex_disj_distrib)
          apply (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) A N < M diff2_invert le_add_diff_inverse2 lessThan_iff 
                     linorder_not_less mod_add_left_eq  mod_add_self1 not_add_less1 order.strict_trans subsetD)
        have "a < N" using A a  A by blast
        with N < M have "((M + j - a) mod M + a) mod M = j mod M"
          by (simp add: mod_add_left_eq)
        then have "{?x,?y}  XY"
          using a  A j<M unfolding XY_def Edges_def
          by (force simp add: zeq image_iff diff_invert  doubleton_eq_iff ex_disj_distrib)
        ultimately have T: "triangle_in_graph ?x ?y ?z G"
          using e  uedges G by (auto simp: G_def eeq triangle_in_graph_def)
        show ?thesis
        proof (intro ex1I)
          show "x y z. {?x,?y,?z} = {x, y, z}  triangle_in_graph x y z G  e  {?x,?y,?z}"
            using T eeq by blast
          fix T
          assume "p q r. T = {p, q, r}  triangle_in_graph p q r G  e  T"
          then obtain p q r where Teq: "T = {p,q,r}" and tri: "triangle_in_graph p q r G" and "e  T"
            by blast
          with uniq
          obtain i' a' x y z where "i'<M" "a'  A"  
                 and x: "x  {p,q,r}" and y: "y  {p,q,r}" and z: "z  {p,q,r}"
                 and xeq: "x = prod_encode(0, i')"
                 and yeq: "y = prod_encode(1, (i'+a') mod M)"
                 and zeq: "z = prod_encode(2, (i'+a'+a') mod M)"
            by metis
          then have sets_eq: "{x,y,z} = {p,q,r}" by auto
          with Teq e  T have esub': "e  {x,y,z}" by blast
          have "a' < M"
            using A N < M a'  A by auto
          obtain "?y  e" "?z  e"
            using eeq by force
          then have "y = ?y"
            using esub' eeq xeq zeq by simp
          then have "z = ?z"
            using esub' eeq xeq by simp
          obtain eq': "(i'+a') mod M = j" "(i'+a'+a') mod M = k"
            using y = ?y yeq using z =?z zeq by auto
          then have "diff (i'+a'+a') (i'+a') = int a'"
            by (simp add: diff_def a' < M)
          then have "a' = a"
            by (metis M_mod_bound a'  A df diff_invert eq' mod_add_eq mod_if of_nat_eq_iff)
          have "(M + ((i'+a') mod M) - a') mod M = (M + (i' + a') - a') mod M"
            by (metis Nat.add_diff_assoc2 a' < M less_imp_le_nat mod_add_right_eq)
          with i' < M have "(M + ((i'+a') mod M) - a') mod M = i'"
            by force
          with a' = a eq' have "(M + j - a) mod M = i'"
            by force
          with xeq have "x = ?x" by blast
          then show "T = {?x,?y,?z}"
            using Teq z = ?z y = ?y sets_eq by presburger
        case 3
        then obtain i k a where eeq: "e = {prod_encode(0,i), prod_encode(2,k)}"
          and "i<M" and "k<M"
          and df: "diff2 k i = int a" and "a  A"
          by (auto simp: XZ_def Edges_def part_of_def eval_nat_numeral)
        let ?x = "prod_encode (0, i)"
        let ?y = "prod_encode (1, (i+a) mod M)"
        let ?z = "prod_encode (2, k)"
        have keq: "k = (i+a+a) mod M"
          using diff2_invert [OF a  A, of i] df k<M using inj_on_diff2 [of i]
          by (simp add: inj_on_def Ball_def mod_add_left_eq)
        with a  A  have "{?x,?y}  XY"
          using a  A i<M k<M apply (auto simp: XY_def Edges_def)
          by (metis M_mod_bound diff_invert enc_iff from_enc imageI)
        moreover have "{?y,?z}  YZ"
          apply (auto simp: YZ_def Edges_def image_iff eval_nat_numeral)
          by (metis M_mod_bound a  A diff_invert enc_iff from_enc mod_add_left_eq keq)
        ultimately have T: "triangle_in_graph ?x ?y ?z G"
          using e  uedges G by (force simp add: G_def eeq triangle_in_graph_def)
        show ?thesis
        proof (intro ex1I)
          show "x y z. {?x,?y,?z} = {x, y, z}  triangle_in_graph x y z G  e  {?x,?y,?z}"
            using T eeq by blast
          fix T
          assume "p q r. T = {p, q, r}  triangle_in_graph p q r G  e  T"
          then obtain p q r where Teq: "T = {p,q,r}" and tri: "triangle_in_graph p q r G" and "e  T"
            by blast
          with uniq obtain i' a' x y z where "i'<M" "a'  A"  
                 and x: "x  {p,q,r}" and y: "y  {p,q,r}" and z: "z  {p,q,r}"
                 and xeq: "x = prod_encode(0, i')"
                 and yeq: "y = prod_encode(1, (i'+a') mod M)"
                 and zeq: "z = prod_encode(2, (i'+a'+a') mod M)"
            by metis
          then have sets_eq: "{x,y,z} = {p,q,r}" by auto
          with Teq e  T have esub': "e  {x,y,z}" by blast
          have "a' < M"
            using A N < M a'  A by auto
          obtain "?x  e" "?z  e" using eeq by force
          then have "x = ?x"
            using esub' eeq yeq zeq by simp
          then have "z = ?z"
            using esub' eeq yeq by simp
          obtain eq': "i' = i" "(i'+a'+a') mod M = k"
            using x = ?x xeq using z =?z zeq by auto
          then have "diff (i'+a') i' = int a'"
            by (simp add: diff_def a' < M)
          then have "a' = a"
            by (metis a'  A add.commute df diff2_invert eq' mod_add_right_eq nat_int)
          then have "y = ?y"
            by (metis x = ?x prod_encode_eq snd_conv yeq xeq)
          then show "T = {?x,?y,?z}"
            using Teq x = ?x z = ?z sets_eq by presburger
    have *: "card (uedges G)  ε/12 * (card (uverts G))2"
      using L L < card (uverts G) unique_triangles G uwellformed G by blast

    have diff_cancel: "j<M. diff j i = int a" if "a  A" for i a
      using M_mod_bound diff_invert that by blast
    have diff2_cancel: "j<M. diff2 j i = int a" if "a  A" for i a
      using M_mod_bound diff2_invert that by blast

    have card_Edges: "card (Edges (part_of ξ) (part_of ζ) df) = M * card A" (is "card ?E = _")
      if "ξ  ζ" and df_cancel: "aA. i<M. j<M. df j i = int a" 
                 and df_inj: "a. inj_on (λx. df x a) {..<M}"  for ξ ζ df
    proof -
      define R where "R  λξ Y df u p. x y i a. u = {x,y}  p = (i,a)  x = prod_encode (ξ,i) 
                                           y  Y  a  A  df(from_part y) (from_part x) = int a"
      have R_uniq: "R ξ (part_of ζ) df u p; R ξ (part_of ζ) df u p'; ξ  ζ  p' = p" for u p p' ξ ζ df
        by (auto simp add: R_def doubleton_eq_iff)
      define f where "f  λξ Y df u. @p. R ξ Y df u p"
      have f_if_R: "f ξ (part_of ζ) df u = p" if "R ξ (part_of ζ) df u p" "ξ  ζ" for u p ξ ζ df
        using R_uniq f_def that by blast
      have "bij_betw (f ξ (part_of ζ) df) ?E ({..<M} × A)"
        unfolding bij_betw_def inj_on_def
      proof (intro conjI strip)
        fix u u'
        assume "u  ?E" and "u'  ?E" 
          and eq: "f ξ (part_of ζ) df u = f ξ (part_of ζ) df u'"
        obtain x y a where u: "u = {x,y}" "x  part_of ξ" "y  part_of ζ" "a  A" 
          and df: "df (from_part y) (from_part x) = int a"
          using u  ?E by (force simp add: Edges_def image_iff)
        then obtain i where i: "x = prod_encode (ξ,i)"
          using part_of_def by blast
        with u df R_def f_if_R that have fu: "f ξ (part_of ζ) df u = (i,a)"
          by blast
        obtain x' y' a' where u': "u' = {x',y'}" "x'  part_of ξ" "y'  part_of ζ" "a'A" 
           and df': "df (from_part y') (from_part x') = int a'"
          using u'  ?E by (force simp add: Edges_def image_iff)
        then obtain i' where i': "x' = prod_encode (ξ,i')"
          using part_of_def by blast
        with u' df' R_def f_if_R that have fu': "f ξ (part_of ζ) df u' = (i',a')" 
          by blast
        have "i'=i" "a' = a"
          using fu fu' eq by auto
        with i i' have "x = x'"
          by meson
        moreover have "from_part y = from_part y'"
          using df df' x = x' a' = a df_inj u'(3) u(3) 
          by (clarsimp simp add: inj_on_def) (metis part_of_M lessThan_iff)
        ultimately show "u = u'"
          using u u' by (metis enc_iff from_part_def prod.collapse prod_decode_inverse)
        have "f ξ (part_of ζ) df ` ?E  {..<M} × A"
        proof (clarsimp simp: Edges_def)
          fix i a x y b
          assume "x  part_of ξ" "y  part_of ζ" "df (from_part y) (from_part x) = int b"
            "b  A" and feq: "(i, a) = f ξ (part_of ζ) df {x, y}"
          then have "R ξ (part_of ζ) df {x,y} (from_part x, b)"
            by (auto simp: R_def doubleton_eq_iff part_of_def)
          then have "(from_part x, b) = (i, a)"
            by (simp add: f_if_R feq from_part_def that)
          then show "i < M  a  A"
            using x  part_of ξ b  A part_of_M by fastforce
        moreover have "{..<M} × A  f ξ (part_of ζ) df ` ?E"
        proof clarsimp
          fix i a assume "a  A" and "i < M"
          then obtain j where "j<M" and j: "df j i = int a"
            using df_cancel by metis
          then have fj: "f ξ (part_of ζ) df {prod_encode (ξ, i), prod_encode (ζ, j)} = (i,a)"
            by (metis R_def a  A enc_iff f_if_R from_enc ξ  ζ)
          then have "{prod_encode (ξ,i), prod_encode (ζ, j mod M)}  Edges (part_of ξ) (part_of ζ) df"
            apply (clarsimp simp: Edges_def doubleton_eq_iff)
            by (metis a  A i < M j < M enc_iff from_enc image_eqI j mod_if)
          then show "(i,a)  f ξ (part_of ζ) df ` Edges (part_of ξ) (part_of ζ) df"
            using j < M fj image_iff by fastforce
        ultimately show "f ξ (part_of ζ) df ` ?E = {..<M} × A" by blast
      then show ?thesis
        by (simp add: bij_betw_same_card card_cartesian_product)
    have [simp]: "disjnt XY YZ" "disjnt XY XZ" "disjnt YZ XZ"
      using disjnt_part_of unfolding XY_def YZ_def XZ_def Edges_def disjnt_def 
      by (clarsimp simp add: disjoint_iff doubleton_eq_iff, meson disjnt_iff n_not_Suc_n nat.discI)+
    have [simp]: "card XY = M * card A" "card YZ = M * card A"
      by (simp_all add: XY_def YZ_def card_Edges diff_cancel inj_on_diff)
    have [simp]: "card XZ = M * card A"
      by (simp_all add: XZ_def card_Edges diff2_cancel inj_on_diff2)
    have "card (uedges G) = 3 * M * card A"
      by (simp add: G_def card_Un_disjnt)
    then have "card A  ε * (real M / 4)"
      using * 0 < M by (simp add: cardG power2_eq_square)
    also have " < ε * N"
      using N>0 by (simp add: M_def assms)
    finally show "card A < ε * N" .

text‹We finally present the main statement formulated using the upper asymptotic density condition.›

theorem RothArithmeticProgressions:
  assumes "upper_asymptotic_density A > 0"
  shows "k d. d>0  progression3 k d  A"
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume non: "k d. 0 < d  progression3 k d  A"
  obtain M where X: "N  M. A'  {..<N}. (k d. d>0  progression3 k d  A') 
                           card A' < upper_asymptotic_density A / 2 * real N"
    by (metis half_gt_zero RothArithmeticProgressions_aux assms)
  then have "N  M. card (A  {..<N}) < upper_asymptotic_density A / 2 * N"
    by (meson order_trans inf_le1 inf_le2 non)
  then have "upper_asymptotic_density A  upper_asymptotic_density A / 2"
    by (force simp add: eventually_sequentially less_eq_real_def intro!: upper_asymptotic_densityI)
  with assms show False by linarith
