Theory JVMCollectionSemantics

(* File: RTS/JVM_RTS/JVMCollectionSemantics.thy *)
(* Author: Susannah Mansky, UIUC 2020 *)

section "Instantiating @{term CollectionSemantics} with Jinja JVM"

theory JVMCollectionSemantics
imports "../Common/CollectionSemantics" JVMSemantics "../JinjaSuppl/ClassesAbove"


abbreviation JVMcombine :: "cname set  cname set  cname set" where
"JVMcombine C C'  C  C'"

abbreviation JVMcollect_id :: "cname set" where
"JVMcollect_id  {}"

subsection ‹ JVM-specific @{text "classes_above"} theory ›

fun classes_above_frames :: "'m prog  frame list  cname set" where
"classes_above_frames P ((stk,loc,C,M,pc,ics)#frs) = classes_above P C  classes_above_frames P frs" |
"classes_above_frames P [] = {}"

lemma classes_above_start_state:
assumes above_xcpts: "classes_above_xcpts P  classes_changed P P' = {}"
shows "start_state P = start_state P'"
using assms classes_above_start_heap by(simp add: start_state_def)

lemma classes_above_matches_ex_entry:
 "classes_above P C  classes_changed P P' = {}
   matches_ex_entry P C pc xcp = matches_ex_entry P' C pc xcp"
using classes_above_subcls classes_above_subcls2
 by(auto simp: matches_ex_entry_def)

lemma classes_above_match_ex_table:
assumes "classes_above P C  classes_changed P P' = {}"
shows "match_ex_table P C pc es = match_ex_table P' C pc es"
using classes_above_matches_ex_entry[OF assms] proof(induct es) qed(auto)

lemma classes_above_find_handler:
assumes "classes_above P (cname_of h a)  classes_changed P P' = {}"
shows "classes_above_frames P frs  classes_changed P P' = {}
   find_handler P a h frs sh = find_handler P' a h frs sh"
proof(induct frs)
  case (Cons fr' frs')
  obtain stk loc C M pc ics where fr': "fr' = (stk,loc,C,M,pc,ics)" by(cases fr')
  with Cons have
       intC: "classes_above P C  classes_changed P P' = {}"
   and int: "classes_above_frames P frs'  classes_changed P P' = {}"  by auto
  show ?case using Cons fr' int classes_above_method[OF intC]
    classes_above_match_ex_table[OF assms(1)] by(auto split: bool.splits)

lemma find_handler_classes_above_frames:
 "find_handler P a h frs sh = (xp',h',frs',sh')
  classes_above_frames P frs'  classes_above_frames P frs"
proof(induct frs)
  case (Cons f1 frs1)
  then obtain stk loc C M pc ics where f1: "f1 = (stk,loc,C,M,pc,ics)" by(cases f1)
  show ?case
  proof(cases "match_ex_table P (cname_of h a) pc (ex_table_of P C M)")
    case None then show ?thesis using f1 None Cons
     by(auto split: bool.splits list.splits init_call_status.splits)
    case (Some a) then show ?thesis using f1 Some Cons by auto

lemma find_handler_pieces:
 "find_handler P a h frs sh = (xp',h',frs',sh')
  h = h'  sh = sh'  classes_above_frames P frs'  classes_above_frames P frs"
using find_handler_classes_above_frames by(auto dest: find_handler_heap find_handler_sheap)


subsection "Naive RTS algorithm"

fun JVMinstr_ncollect ::
 "[jvm_prog, instr, heap, val list]  cname set" where
"JVMinstr_ncollect P (New C) h stk = classes_above P C" |
"JVMinstr_ncollect P (Getfield F C) h stk =
  (if (hd stk) = Null then {}
   else classes_above P (cname_of h (the_Addr (hd stk))))" |
"JVMinstr_ncollect P (Getstatic C F D) h stk = classes_above P C" |
"JVMinstr_ncollect P (Putfield F C) h stk =
  (if (hd (tl stk)) = Null then {}
   else classes_above P (cname_of h (the_Addr (hd (tl stk)))))" |
"JVMinstr_ncollect P (Putstatic C F D) h stk = classes_above P C" |
"JVMinstr_ncollect P (Checkcast C) h stk =
  (if (hd stk) = Null then {}
   else classes_above P (cname_of h (the_Addr (hd stk))))" |
"JVMinstr_ncollect P (Invoke M n) h stk =
  (if (stk ! n) = Null then {}
   else classes_above P (cname_of h (the_Addr (stk ! n))))" |
"JVMinstr_ncollect P (Invokestatic C M n) h stk = classes_above P C" |
"JVMinstr_ncollect P Throw h stk =
  (if (hd stk) = Null then {}
   else classes_above P (cname_of h (the_Addr (hd stk))))" |
"JVMinstr_ncollect P _ h stk = {}"

fun JVMstep_ncollect ::
 "[jvm_prog, heap, val list, cname, mname, pc, init_call_status]  cname set" where
"JVMstep_ncollect P h stk C M pc (Calling C' Cs) = classes_above P C'" |
"JVMstep_ncollect P h stk C M pc (Called (C'#Cs))
 = classes_above P C'  classes_above P (fst(method P C' clinit))" |
"JVMstep_ncollect P h stk C M pc (Throwing Cs a) = classes_above P (cname_of h a)" |
"JVMstep_ncollect P h stk C M pc ics = JVMinstr_ncollect P (instrs_of P C M ! pc) h stk"

― ‹ naive collection function ›
fun JVMexec_ncollect :: "jvm_prog  jvm_state  cname set" where
"JVMexec_ncollect P (None, h, (stk,loc,C,M,pc,ics)#frs, sh) =
   (JVMstep_ncollect P h stk C M pc ics
        classes_above P C  classes_above_frames P frs  classes_above_xcpts P
| "JVMexec_ncollect P _ = {}"


fun JVMNaiveCollect :: "jvm_prog  jvm_state  jvm_state  cname set" where
"JVMNaiveCollect P σ σ' = JVMexec_ncollect P σ"

interpretation JVMNaiveCollectionSemantics:
  CollectionSemantics JVMsmall JVMendset JVMNaiveCollect JVMcombine JVMcollect_id
 by unfold_locales auto


subsection "Smarter RTS algorithm"

fun JVMinstr_scollect ::
 "[jvm_prog, instr]  cname set" where
"JVMinstr_scollect P (Getstatic C F D)
 = (if ¬(t. P  C has F,Static:t in D) then classes_above P C
    else classes_between P C D - {D})" |
"JVMinstr_scollect P (Putstatic C F D)
 = (if ¬(t. P  C has F,Static:t in D) then classes_above P C
    else classes_between P C D - {D})" |
"JVMinstr_scollect P (Invokestatic C M n)
 = (if ¬(Ts T m D. P  C sees M,Static:Ts  T = m in D) then classes_above P C
    else classes_between P C (fst(method P C M)) - {fst(method P C M)})" |
"JVMinstr_scollect P _ = {}"

fun JVMstep_scollect ::
 "[jvm_prog, instr, init_call_status]  cname set" where
"JVMstep_scollect P i (Calling C' Cs) = {C'}" |
"JVMstep_scollect P i (Called (C'#Cs)) = {}" |
"JVMstep_scollect P i (Throwing Cs a) = {}" |
"JVMstep_scollect P i ics = JVMinstr_scollect P i"

― ‹ smarter collection function ›
fun JVMexec_scollect :: "jvm_prog  jvm_state  cname set" where
"JVMexec_scollect P (None, h, (stk,loc,C,M,pc,ics)#frs, sh) =
   JVMstep_scollect P (instrs_of P C M ! pc) ics"
| "JVMexec_scollect P _ = {}"


fun JVMSmartCollect :: "jvm_prog  jvm_state  jvm_state  cname set" where
"JVMSmartCollect P σ σ' = JVMexec_scollect P σ"

interpretation JVMSmartCollectionSemantics:
  CollectionSemantics JVMsmall JVMendset JVMSmartCollect JVMcombine JVMcollect_id
 by unfold_locales


subsection "A few lemmas using the instantiations"

lemma JVMnaive_csmallD:
"(σ', cset)  JVMNaiveCollectionSemantics.csmall P σ
  JVMexec_ncollect P σ = cset  σ'  JVMsmall P σ"
 by(simp add: JVMNaiveCollectionSemantics.csmall_def)

lemma JVMsmart_csmallD:
"(σ', cset)  JVMSmartCollectionSemantics.csmall P σ
  JVMexec_scollect P σ = cset  σ'  JVMsmall P σ"
 by(simp add: JVMSmartCollectionSemantics.csmall_def)

lemma jvm_naive_to_smart_csmall_nstep_last_eq:
 " (σ',csetn)  JVMNaiveCollectionSemantics.cbig P σ;
    (σ',csetn)  JVMNaiveCollectionSemantics.csmall_nstep P σ n;
    (σ',csets)  JVMSmartCollectionSemantics.csmall_nstep P σ n' 
   n = n'"
proof(induct n arbitrary: n' σ σ' csetn csets)
  case 0
  have "σ' = σ" using "0.prems"(2) JVMNaiveCollectionSemantics.csmall_nstep_base by blast
  then have endset: "σ  JVMendset" using "0.prems"(1) JVMNaiveCollectionSemantics.cbigD by blast
  show ?case
  proof(cases n')
    case Suc then show ?thesis using "0.prems"(3) JVMSmartCollectionSemantics.csmall_nstep_Suc_nend
      endset by blast
  case (Suc n1)
  then have endset: "σ'  JVMendset" using Suc.prems(1) JVMNaiveCollectionSemantics.cbigD by blast
  have nend: "σ  JVMendset"
   using JVMNaiveCollectionSemantics.csmall_nstep_Suc_nend[OF Suc.prems(2)] by simp
  then have neq: "σ'  σ" using endset by auto
  obtain σ1 cset cset1 where σ1: "(σ1,cset1)  JVMNaiveCollectionSemantics.csmall P σ"
     "csetn = cset1  cset" "(σ',cset)  JVMNaiveCollectionSemantics.csmall_nstep P σ1 n1"
    using JVMNaiveCollectionSemantics.csmall_nstep_SucD[OF Suc.prems(2)] by clarsimp
  then have cbig: "(σ',cset)  JVMNaiveCollectionSemantics.cbig P σ1"
    using endset by(auto simp: JVMNaiveCollectionSemantics.cbig_def)
  show ?case
  proof(cases n')
    case 0 then show ?thesis
      using neq Suc.prems(3) JVMSmartCollectionSemantics.csmall_nstep_base by blast
    case Suc': (Suc n1')
    then obtain σ1' cset2 cset1' where σ1': "(σ1',cset1')  JVMSmartCollectionSemantics.csmall P σ"
      "csets = cset1'  cset2" "(σ',cset2)  JVMSmartCollectionSemantics.csmall_nstep P σ1' n1'"
      using JVMSmartCollectionSemantics.csmall_nstep_SucD[where σ=σ and σ'=σ' and coll'=csets
               and n=n1'] Suc.prems(3) by blast
    then have "σ1=σ1'" using σ1 JVMNaiveCollectionSemantics.csmall_def
      JVMSmartCollectionSemantics.csmall_def by auto
    then show ?thesis using Suc.hyps(1)[OF cbig σ1(3)] σ1'(3) Suc' by blast
