Theory States_Aux

theory States_Aux
imports States Big_Aux Small_Aux

instantiation states::(type) remaining_steps

fun remaining_steps_states :: "'a states  nat" where
  "remaining_steps (States _ big small) = max 
    (remaining_steps big) 
    (case small of 
       Small3 common  remaining_steps common
     | Small2 (Current _ _ _ remaining) _ big _ count  remaining - count + 1
     | Small1 (Current _ _ _ remaining) _ _ 
         case big of Big1 currentB big auxB count  remaining + count + 2


fun lists :: "'a states  'a list * 'a list" where
  "lists (States _ (Big1 currentB big auxB count) (Small1 currentS small auxS)) = (
    Big_Aux.list (Big1 currentB big auxB count),
    Small_Aux.list (Small2 currentS (take_rev count (Stack_Aux.list small) @ auxS) ((Stack.pop ^^ count) big) [] 0)
| "lists (States _ big small) = (Big_Aux.list big, Small_Aux.list small)"

fun list_small_first :: "'a states  'a list" where
  "list_small_first states = (let (big, small) = lists states in small @ (rev big))"

fun list_big_first :: "'a states  'a list" where
  "list_big_first states = (let (big, small) = lists states in big @ (rev small))"

fun lists_current :: "'a states  'a list * 'a list" where
  "lists_current (States _ big small) = (Big_Aux.list_current big, Small_Aux.list_current small)"

fun list_current_small_first :: "'a states  'a list" where
  "list_current_small_first states = (let (big, small) = lists_current states in small @ (rev big))"

fun list_current_big_first :: "'a states  'a list" where
  "list_current_big_first states = (let (big, small) = lists_current states in big @ (rev small))"

fun listL :: "'a states  'a list" where
  "listL (States Left big small)  = list_small_first (States Left big small)"
| "listL (States Right big small) = list_big_first (States Right big small)"

instantiation states::(type) invar

fun invar_states :: "'a states  bool" where
  "invar (States dir big small)   (
     invar big 
    invar small
    list_small_first (States dir big small) = list_current_small_first (States dir big small)
    (case (big, small) of 
        (Big1 _ big _ count, Small1 (Current _ _ old remained) small _)  
          size big - count = remained - size old  count  size small
      | (_, Small1 _ _ _)  False
      | (Big1 _ _ _ _, _)  False
      | _  True


fun size_ok' :: "'a states  nat  bool" where
  "size_ok' (States _ big small) steps  
      size_new small + steps + 2  3 * size_new big
     size_new big + steps + 2  3 * size_new small
     steps + 1  4 * size small
     steps + 1  4 * size big

abbreviation size_ok :: "'a states  bool" where
  "size_ok states  size_ok' states (remaining_steps states)"

abbreviation size_small where "size_small states  case states of States _ _ small  size small"

abbreviation size_new_small where 
  "size_new_small states  case states of States _ _ small  size_new small"

abbreviation size_big where "size_big states  case states of States _ big _  size big"

abbreviation size_new_big where 
  "size_new_big states  case states of States _ big _  size_new big"
