Theory Common

section ‹Common›

theory Common
imports Current Idle

text  The last two phases of both deque ends during rebalancing:

  Copy›: Using the step› function the new elements of this deque end are brought back into the original order.
  Idle›: The rebalancing of the deque end is finished.

 Each phase contains a current› state, that holds the original elements of the deque end.

datatype (plugins del: size)'a common_state = 
      Copy "'a current" "'a list" "'a list" nat
    | Idle "'a current" "'a idle"

text Functions:

 push›, pop›: Add and remove elements using the current› state.
 step›: Executes one step of the rebalancing, while keeping the invariant.›

(* TODO: Maybe inline function? *)
fun normalize :: "'a common_state  'a common_state" where
  "normalize (Copy current old new moved) = (
    case current of Current extra added _ remained  
      if moved  remained
      then Idle current (idle.Idle (Stack extra new) (added + moved))
      else Copy current old new moved

instantiation common_state ::(type) step

fun step_common_state :: "'a common_state  'a common_state" where
  "step (Idle current idle) = Idle current idle"
| "step (Copy current aux new moved) = (
    case current of Current _ _ _ remained 
      normalize (
        if moved < remained
        then Copy current (tl aux) ((hd aux)#new) (moved + 1)
        else Copy current aux new moved


fun push :: "'a  'a common_state  'a common_state" where
  "push x (Idle current (idle.Idle stack stackSize)) = 
      Idle (Current.push x current) (idle.Idle (Stack.push x stack) (Suc stackSize))"
| "push x (Copy current aux new moved) = Copy (Current.push x current) aux new moved"

fun pop :: "'a common_state  'a * 'a common_state" where
  "pop (Idle current idle) = (let (x, idle) = Idle.pop idle in (x, Idle (drop_first current) idle))"
| "pop (Copy current aux new moved) = 
      (first current, normalize (Copy (drop_first current) aux new moved))"
