Theory Bisim_Subst

   Title: Psi-calculi   
   Author/Maintainer: Jesper Bengtson (, 2012
theory Bisim_Subst
  imports Bisim_Struct_Cong Close_Subst

context env begin

  bisimSubstJudge ("_  _ s _" [70, 70, 70] 65) where "Ψ  P s Q  (Ψ, P, Q)  closeSubst bisim"
  bisimSubstNilJudge ("_ s _" [70, 70] 65) where "P s Q  SBottom'  P s Q"

lemmas bisimSubstClosed[eqvt] = closeSubstClosed[OF bisimEqvt]
lemmas bisimSubstEqvt[simp] = closeSubstEqvt[OF bisimEqvt]

lemma bisimSubstOutputPres:
  fixes Ψ :: 'b
  and   P :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
  and   Q :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
  and   M :: 'a
  and   N :: 'a
  assumes "Ψ  P s Q"

  shows "Ψ  MN⟩.P s MN⟩.Q"
using assms
by(fastforce intro: closeSubstI closeSubstE bisimOutputPres)

lemma seqSubstInputChain[simp]:
  fixes xvec :: "name list"
  and   N    :: "'a"
  and   P    :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
  and   σ    :: "(name list × 'a list) list"

  assumes "xvec ♯* σ"

  shows "seqSubs' (inputChain xvec N P) σ = inputChain xvec (substTerm.seqSubst N σ) (seqSubs P σ)"
using assms
by(induct xvec) auto

lemma bisimSubstInputPres:
  fixes Ψ    :: 'b
  and   P    :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
  and   Q    :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
  and   M    :: 'a
  and   xvec :: "name list"
  and   N    :: 'a

  assumes "Ψ  P s Q"
  and     "xvec ♯* Ψ"
  and     "distinct xvec"

  shows "Ψ  M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.P s M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.Q"
proof(rule_tac closeSubstI)
  fix σ
  assume "wellFormedSubst(σ::(name list × 'a list) list)"
  obtain p where "(p  xvec) ♯* σ"
             and "(p  xvec) ♯* P" and "(p  xvec) ♯* Q" and "(p  xvec) ♯* Ψ" and "(p  xvec) ♯* N"
             and S: "set p  set xvec × set (p  xvec)"
      by(rule_tac c="(σ, P, Q, Ψ, N)" in name_list_avoiding) auto
  from Ψ  P s Q have "(p  Ψ)  (p  P) s (p  Q)"
    by(rule bisimSubstClosed)
  with xvec ♯* Ψ (p  xvec) ♯* Ψ S have "Ψ  (p  P) s (p  Q)"
    by simp

    fix Tvec :: "'a list"
    from Ψ  (p  P) s (p  Q) wellFormedSubst σ have "Ψ  (p  P)[<σ>] s (p  Q)[<σ>]"
      by(rule closeSubstUnfold)
    moreover assume "length xvec = length Tvec" and "distinct xvec"
    ultimately have "Ψ  ((p  P)[<σ>])[(p  xvec)::=Tvec]  ((p  Q)[<σ>])[(p  xvec)::=Tvec]" 
      by(drule_tac closeSubstE[where σ="[((p  xvec), Tvec)]"]) auto

  with (p  xvec) ♯* σ distinct xvec
  have "Ψ  (M⦇λ*(p  xvec) (p  N)⦈.(p  P))[<σ>]  (M⦇λ*(p  xvec) (p  N)⦈.(p  Q))[<σ>]"
    by(force intro: bisimInputPres)
  moreover from (p  xvec) ♯* N (p  xvec) ♯* P S have "M⦇λ*(p  xvec) (p  N)⦈.(p  P) = M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.P" 
    apply(simp add: psi.inject) by(rule inputChainAlpha[symmetric]) auto
  moreover from (p  xvec) ♯* N (p  xvec) ♯* Q S have "M⦇λ*(p  xvec) (p  N)⦈.(p  Q) = M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.Q"
    apply(simp add: psi.inject) by(rule inputChainAlpha[symmetric]) auto
  ultimately show "Ψ  (M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.P)[<σ>]  (M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.Q)[<σ>]"
    by force

lemma bisimSubstCasePresAux:
  fixes Ψ   :: 'b
  and   CsP :: "('c × ('a, 'b, 'c) psi) list"
  and   CsQ :: "('c × ('a, 'b, 'c) psi) list"
  assumes C1: "φ P. (φ, P) mem CsP  Q. (φ, Q) mem CsQ  guarded Q  Ψ  P s Q"
  and     C2: "φ Q. (φ, Q) mem CsQ  P. (φ, P) mem CsP  guarded P  Ψ  P s Q"

  shows "Ψ  Cases CsP s Cases CsQ"
proof -
    fix σ :: "(name list × 'a list) list"

    assume "wellFormedSubst σ"

    have "Ψ  Cases(caseListSeqSubst CsP σ)  Cases(caseListSeqSubst CsQ σ)"
    proof(rule bisimCasePres)
      fix φ P
      assume "(φ, P) mem (caseListSeqSubst CsP σ)"
      then obtain φ' P' where "(φ', P') mem CsP" and "φ = substCond.seqSubst φ' σ" and PeqP': "P = (P'[<σ>])"
        by(induct CsP) force+
      from (φ', P') mem CsP obtain Q' where "(φ', Q') mem CsQ" and "guarded Q'" and "Ψ  P' s Q'" by(blast dest: C1)
      from (φ', Q') mem CsQ φ = substCond.seqSubst φ' σ obtain Q where "(φ, Q) mem (caseListSeqSubst CsQ σ)" and "Q = Q'[<σ>]"
        by(induct CsQ) auto
      with PeqP' guarded Q' Ψ  P' s Q' wellFormedSubst σ show "Q. (φ, Q) mem (caseListSeqSubst CsQ σ)  guarded Q  Ψ  P  Q"
        by(blast dest: closeSubstE guardedSeqSubst)
      fix φ Q
      assume "(φ, Q) mem (caseListSeqSubst CsQ σ)"
      then obtain φ' Q' where "(φ', Q') mem CsQ" and "φ = substCond.seqSubst φ' σ" and QeqQ': "Q = Q'[<σ>]"
        by(induct CsQ) force+
      from (φ', Q') mem CsQ obtain P' where "(φ', P') mem CsP" and "guarded P'" and "Ψ  P' s Q'" by(blast dest: C2)
      from (φ', P') mem CsP φ = substCond.seqSubst φ' σ obtain P where "(φ, P) mem (caseListSeqSubst CsP σ)" and "P = P'[<σ>]"
        by(induct CsP) auto
      with QeqQ' guarded P' Ψ  P' s Q' wellFormedSubst σ  show "P. (φ, P) mem (caseListSeqSubst CsP σ)  guarded P  Ψ  P  Q"
        by(blast dest: closeSubstE guardedSeqSubst)
  thus ?thesis
    by(rule_tac closeSubstI) auto

lemma bisimSubstReflexive:
  fixes Ψ :: 'b
  and   P :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"

  shows "Ψ  P s P"
by(auto intro: closeSubstI bisimReflexive)

lemma bisimSubstTransitive:
  fixes Ψ :: 'b
  and   P :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
  and   Q :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
  and   R :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"

  assumes "Ψ  P s Q"
  and     "Ψ  Q s R"

  shows "Ψ  P s R"
using assms
by(auto intro: closeSubstI closeSubstE bisimTransitive)

lemma bisimSubstSymmetric:
  fixes Ψ :: 'b
  and   P :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
  and   Q :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"

  assumes "Ψ  P s Q"

  shows "Ψ  Q s P"
using assms
by(auto intro: closeSubstI closeSubstE bisimE)
lemma bisimSubstCasePres:
  fixes Ψ   :: 'b
  and   CsP :: "('c × ('a, 'b, 'c) psi) list"
  and   CsQ :: "('c × ('a, 'b, 'c) psi) list"
  assumes "length CsP = length CsQ"
  and     C: "⋀(i::nat) φ P φ' Q. ⟦i <= length CsP; (φ, P) = nth CsP i; (φ', Q) = nth CsQ i⟧ ⟹ φ = φ' ∧ Ψ ⊳ P ∼ Q"

  shows "Ψ ⊳ Cases CsP ∼s Cases CsQ"
proof -
    fix φ 
    and P

    assume "(φ, P) mem CsP"

    with `length CsP = length CsQ` have "∃Q. (φ, Q) mem CsQ ∧ Ψ ⊳ P ∼s Q"
      apply(induct n=="length CsP" arbitrary: CsP CsQ rule: nat.induct)
      apply simp
      apply simp
      apply auto

using `length CsP = length CsQ`
proof(induct n=="length CsP" rule: nat.induct)
  case zero
  thus ?case by(fastforce intro: bisimSubstReflexive)
  case(Suc n)
apply auto
apply(blast intro: bisimSubstReflexive)
apply auto
apply(simp add: nth.simps)
apply(auto simp add: nth.simps)
apply blast
apply(rule_tac bisimSubstCasePresAux)
apply auto
lemma bisimSubstParPres:
  fixes Ψ :: 'b
  and   P :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
  and   Q :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
  and   R :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
  assumes "Ψ  P s Q"

  shows "Ψ  P  R s Q  R"
using assms
by(fastforce intro: closeSubstI closeSubstE bisimParPres)

lemma bisimSubstResPres:
  fixes Ψ :: 'b
  and   P :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
  and   Q :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
  and   x :: name

  assumes "Ψ  P s Q"
  and     "x  Ψ"

  shows "Ψ  ⦇νxP s ⦇νxQ"
proof(rule_tac closeSubstI)
  fix σ :: "(name list × 'a list) list"

  assume "wellFormedSubst σ"
  obtain y::name where "y  Ψ" and "y  P" and "y  Q" and "y  σ"
    by(generate_fresh "name") (auto simp add: fresh_prod)

  from Ψ  P s Q have "([(x, y)]  Ψ)  ([(x, y)]  P) s ([(x, y)]  Q)"
    by(rule bisimSubstClosed)
  with x  Ψ y  Ψ have "Ψ  ([(x, y)]  P) s ([(x, y)]  Q)"
    by simp
  hence "Ψ  ([(x, y)]  P)[<σ>]  ([(x, y)]  Q)[<σ>]" using wellFormedSubst σ 
    by(rule closeSubstE)
  hence "Ψ  ⦇νy(([(x, y)]  P)[<σ>])  ⦇νy(([(x, y)]  Q)[<σ>])" using y  Ψ
    by(rule bisimResPres)
  with y  P y  Q y  σ
  show "Ψ  (⦇νxP)[<σ>]  (⦇νxQ)[<σ>]"
    by(simp add: alphaRes)

lemma bisimSubstBangPres:
  fixes Ψ :: 'b
  and   P :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
  and   Q :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
  assumes "Ψ  P s Q"
  and     "guarded P"
  and     "guarded Q"

  shows "Ψ  !P s !Q"
using assms
by(fastforce intro: closeSubstI closeSubstE bisimBangPres guardedSeqSubst)

lemma substNil[simp]:
  fixes xvec :: "name list"
  and   Tvec :: "'a list"

  assumes "wellFormedSubst σ"
  and     "distinct xvec"

  shows "(𝟬[<σ>]) = 𝟬"
using assms
by simp

lemma bisimSubstParNil:
  fixes Ψ :: 'b
  and   P :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"

  shows "Ψ  P  𝟬 s P" 
by(fastforce intro: closeSubstI bisimParNil)

lemma bisimSubstParComm:
  fixes Ψ :: 'b
  and   P :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
  and   Q :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"

  shows "Ψ  P  Q s Q  P"
apply(rule closeSubstI)
by(fastforce intro: closeSubstI bisimParComm)

lemma bisimSubstParAssoc:
  fixes Ψ :: 'b
  and   P :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
  and   Q :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
  and   R :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"

  shows "Ψ  (P  Q)  R s P  (Q  R)"
apply(rule closeSubstI)
by(fastforce intro: closeSubstI bisimParAssoc)

lemma bisimSubstResNil:
  fixes Ψ :: 'b
  and   x :: name

  shows "Ψ  ⦇νx𝟬 s 𝟬"
proof(rule closeSubstI)
  fix σ:: "(name list × 'a list) list"

  assume "wellFormedSubst σ"
  obtain y::name where "y  Ψ" and "y  σ"
    by(generate_fresh "name") (auto simp add: fresh_prod)
  have "Ψ  ⦇νy𝟬  𝟬" by(rule bisimResNil)
  with y  σ wellFormedSubst σ  show "Ψ  (⦇νx𝟬)[<σ>]  𝟬[<σ>]"
    by(subst alphaRes[of y]) auto

lemma seqSubst2:
  fixes x :: name
  and   P :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"

  assumes "wellFormedSubst σ"
  and     "x  σ"
  and     "x  P"

  shows "x  P[<σ>]"
using assms
by(induct σ arbitrary: P, auto) (blast dest: subst2)

notation substTerm.seqSubst ("_[<_>]" [100, 100] 100)

lemma bisimSubstScopeExt:
  fixes Ψ :: 'b
  and   x :: name
  and   P :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
  and   Q :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"

  assumes "x  P"

  shows "Ψ  ⦇νx(P  Q) s P  ⦇νxQ" 
proof(rule closeSubstI)
  fix σ:: "(name list × 'a list) list"

  assume "wellFormedSubst σ"
  obtain y::name where "y  Ψ" and "y  σ" and "y  P" and "y  Q"
    by(generate_fresh "name") (auto simp add: fresh_prod)
  moreover from wellFormedSubst σ  y  σ y  P have "y  P[<σ>]"
    by(rule seqSubst2)
  hence "Ψ  ⦇νy((P[<σ>])  (([(x, y)]  Q)[<σ>]))  (P[<σ>])  ⦇νy(([(x, y)]  Q)[<σ>])"
    by(rule bisimScopeExt)
  with x  P y  P y  Q y  σ show "Ψ  (⦇νx(P  Q))[<σ>]  (P  ⦇νxQ)[<σ>]"
    apply(subst alphaRes[of y], simp)
    apply(subst alphaRes[of y Q], simp)
    by(simp add: eqvts)

lemma bisimSubstCasePushRes:
  fixes x  :: name
  and   Ψ  :: 'b
  and   Cs :: "('c × ('a, 'b, 'c) psi) list"

  assumes "x  map fst Cs"

  shows "Ψ  ⦇νx(Cases Cs) s Cases map (λ(φ, P). (φ, ⦇νxP)) Cs"
proof(rule closeSubstI)
  fix σ:: "(name list × 'a list) list"

  assume "wellFormedSubst σ"
  obtain y::name where "y  Ψ" and "y  σ" and "y  Cs"
    by(generate_fresh "name") (auto simp add: fresh_prod)
    fix x    :: name
    and Cs   :: "('c × ('a, 'b, 'c) psi) list"
    and σ    :: "(name list × 'a list) list"

    assume "x  σ"

    hence "(Cases map (λ(φ, P). (φ, ⦇νxP)) Cs)[<σ>] = Cases map (λ(φ, P). (φ, ⦇νxP)) (caseListSeqSubst Cs σ)"
      by(induct Cs) auto
  note C1 = this

    fix x    :: name
    and y    :: name
    and Cs   :: "('c × ('a, 'b, 'c) psi) list"

    assume "x  map fst Cs"
    and    "y  map fst Cs"
    and    "y  Cs"

    hence "(Cases map (λ(φ, P). (φ, ⦇νxP)) Cs) = Cases map (λ(φ, P). (φ, ⦇νyP)) ([(x, y)]  Cs)"
      by(induct Cs) (auto simp add: fresh_list_cons alphaRes)
  note C2 = this

  from y  Cs have "y  map fst Cs" by(induct Cs) (auto simp add: fresh_list_cons fresh_list_nil)
  from y  Cs y  σ x  map fst Cs wellFormedSubst σ  have "y  map fst (caseListSeqSubst ([(x, y)]  Cs) σ)"
    by(induct Cs) (auto intro: substCond.seqSubst2 simp add: fresh_list_cons fresh_list_nil fresh_prod)
  hence "Ψ  ⦇νy(Cases(caseListSeqSubst ([(x, y)]  Cs) σ))  Cases map (λ(φ, P). (φ, ⦇νyP)) (caseListSeqSubst ([(x, y)]  Cs) σ)"
    by(rule bisimCasePushRes)

  with y  Cs x  map fst Cs y  map fst Cs y  σ wellFormedSubst σ 
  show "Ψ  (⦇νx(Cases Cs))[<σ>]  (Cases map (λ(φ, P). (φ, ⦇νxP)) Cs)[<σ>]"
    apply(subst C2[of x Cs y])
    apply assumption+
    apply(subst C1)
    apply assumption+
    apply(subst alphaRes[of y], simp)
    by(simp add: eqvts)

lemma bisimSubstOutputPushRes:
  fixes x :: name
  and   Ψ :: 'b
  and   M :: 'a
  and   N :: 'a
  and   P :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"

  assumes "x  M"
  and     "x  N"

  shows "Ψ  ⦇νx(MN⟩.P) s MN⟩.⦇νxP"
proof(rule closeSubstI)
  fix σ:: "(name list × 'a list) list"

  assume "wellFormedSubst σ"
  obtain y::name where "y  Ψ" and "y  σ" and "y  P" and "y  M" and "y  N"
    by(generate_fresh "name") (auto simp add: fresh_prod)
  from wellFormedSubst σ  y  M y  σ have "y  M[<σ>]" by auto
  moreover from wellFormedSubst σ  y  N y  σ have "y  N[<σ>]" by auto
  ultimately have "Ψ  ⦇νy((M[<σ>])(N[<σ>])⟩.(([(x, y)]  P)[<σ>]))  (M[<σ>])(N[<σ>])⟩.(⦇νy(([(x, y)]  P)[<σ>]))"
    by(rule bisimOutputPushRes)
  with y  M y  N y  P x  M x  N y  σ wellFormedSubst σ 
  show "Ψ  (⦇νx(MN⟩.P))[<σ>]  (MN⟩.⦇νxP)[<σ>]"
    apply(subst alphaRes[of y], simp)
    apply(subst alphaRes[of y P], simp)
    by(simp add: eqvts)

lemma bisimSubstInputPushRes:
  fixes x    :: name
  and   Ψ    :: 'b
  and   M    :: 'a
  and   xvec :: "name list"
  and   N    :: 'a

  assumes "x  M"
  and     "x  xvec"
  and     "x  N"

  shows "Ψ  ⦇νx(M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.P) s M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.⦇νxP"
proof(rule closeSubstI)
  fix σ:: "(name list × 'a list) list"

  assume "wellFormedSubst σ"
  obtain y::name where "y  Ψ" and "y  σ" and "y  P" and "y  M" and "y  xvec" and "y  N"
    by(generate_fresh "name") (auto simp add: fresh_prod)
  obtain p::"name prm" where "(p  xvec) ♯* N" and  "(p  xvec) ♯* P" and "x  (p  xvec)" and "y  (p  xvec)" and "(p  xvec) ♯* σ"
                         and S: "set p  set xvec × set(p  xvec)"
   by(rule_tac c="(N, P, x, y, σ)" in name_list_avoiding) auto
  from wellFormedSubst σ y  M y  σ have "y  M[<σ>]" by auto
  moreover note y  (p  xvec)
  moreover from y  N have "(p  y)  (p  N)" by(simp add: pt_fresh_bij[OF pt_name_inst, OF at_name_inst])
  with y  xvec y  (p  xvec) S have "y  p  N" by simp
  with wellFormedSubst σ have "y  (p  N)[<σ>]" using y  σ by auto
  ultimately have "Ψ  ⦇νy((M[<σ>])⦇λ*(p  xvec) ((p  N)[<σ>])⦈.(([(x, y)]  (p  P))[<σ>]))  (M[<σ>])⦇λ*(p  xvec) ((p  N)[<σ>])⦈.(⦇νy(([(x, y)]  p  P)[<σ>]))"
    by(rule bisimInputPushRes)
  with y  M y  N y  P x  M x  N y  xvec x  xvec (p  xvec) ♯* N (p  xvec) ♯* P 
       x  (p  xvec) y  (p  xvec) y  σ (p  xvec) ♯* σ S wellFormedSubst σ
  show "Ψ  (⦇νx(M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.P))[<σ>]  (M⦇λ*xvec N⦈.⦇νxP)[<σ>]"
    apply(subst inputChainAlpha')
    apply assumption+
    apply(subst inputChainAlpha'[of p xvec])
    apply(simp add: abs_fresh_star)
    apply assumption+
    apply(simp add: eqvts)
    apply(subst alphaRes[of y], simp)
    apply(simp add: inputChainFresh)
    apply(simp add: freshChainSimps)
    apply(subst alphaRes[of y "(p  P)"])
    apply(simp add: freshChainSimps)
    by(simp add: freshChainSimps eqvts)

lemma bisimSubstResComm:
  fixes x :: name
  and   y :: name

  shows "Ψ  ⦇νx(⦇νyP) s ⦇νy(⦇νxP)"
proof(case_tac "x = y")
  assume "x = y"
  thus ?thesis by(force intro: bisimSubstReflexive)
  assume "x  y"
  show ?thesis
  proof(rule closeSubstI)
  fix σ:: "(name list × 'a list) list"
  assume "wellFormedSubst σ"

    obtain x'::name where "x'   Ψ" and "x'  σ" and "x'  P" and "x  x'" and "y  x'"
      by(generate_fresh "name") (auto simp add: fresh_prod)
    obtain y'::name where "y'   Ψ" and "y'  σ" and "y'  P" and "x  y'" and "y  y'" and "x'  y'"
      by(generate_fresh "name") (auto simp add: fresh_prod)

    have "Ψ  ⦇νx'(⦇νy'(([(x, x')]  [(y, y')]  P)[<σ>]))  ⦇νy'(⦇νx'(([(x, x')]  [(y, y')]  P)[<σ>]))"
      by(rule bisimResComm)
    moreover from x'  P y'  P x  y' x'  y' have "⦇νx(⦇νyP) = ⦇νx'(⦇νy'(([(x, x')]  [(y, y')]  P)))"
      apply(subst alphaRes[of y' P], simp)
      by(subst alphaRes[of x']) (auto simp add: abs_fresh fresh_left calc_atm eqvts)
    moreover from x'  P y'  P y  x' x  y' x'  y' x  x' x  y have "⦇νy(⦇νxP) = ⦇νy'(⦇νx'(([(x, x')]  [(y, y')]  P)))"
      apply(subst alphaRes[of x' P], simp)
      apply(subst alphaRes[of y'], simp add: abs_fresh fresh_left calc_atm) 
      apply(simp add: eqvts calc_atm)
      by(subst perm_compose) (simp add: calc_atm)

    ultimately show "Ψ  (⦇νx(⦇νyP))[<σ>]  (⦇νy(⦇νxP))[<σ>]" 
      using wellFormedSubst σ  x'  σ y'  σ
      by simp

lemma bisimSubstExtBang:
  fixes Ψ :: 'b
  and   P :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"
  assumes "guarded P"

  shows "Ψ  !P s P  !P"
using assms
by(fastforce intro: closeSubstI bangExt guardedSeqSubst)

lemma structCongBisimSubst:
  fixes P :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"  
  and   Q :: "('a, 'b, 'c) psi"

  assumes "P s Q"

  shows "P s Q"
using assms
by(induct rule: structCong.induct)
  (auto intro: bisimSubstReflexive bisimSubstSymmetric bisimSubstTransitive bisimSubstParComm bisimSubstParAssoc bisimSubstParNil bisimSubstResNil bisimSubstResComm bisimSubstScopeExt bisimSubstCasePushRes bisimSubstInputPushRes bisimSubstOutputPushRes bisimSubstExtBang)

