Theory CHSH_Inequality
theory CHSH_Inequality imports
section ‹The CHSH inequality›
text ‹The local hidden variable assumption for quantum mechanics was developed to make the case
that quantum theory was incomplete. In this part we formalize the CHSH inequality, which provides
an upper-bound of a quantity involving expectations in a probability space, and exploit this
inequality to show that the local hidden variable assumption does not hold.›
subsection ‹Inequality statement›
lemma chsh_real:
fixes A0::real
assumes "¦A0 * B1¦ ≤ 1"
and "¦A0 * B0¦ ≤ 1"
and "¦A1 * B0¦ ≤ 1"
and "¦A1 * B1¦ ≤ 1"
shows "¦A0 * B1 - A0 * B0 + A1 * B0 + A1*B1¦ ≤ 2"
proof -
have "A0 * B1 - A0 * B0 = A0 * B1 - A0 * B0 + A0 * B1 * A1 * B0 - A0 * B1 * A1 * B0" by simp
also have "... = A0 * B1 * (1 + A1*B0) - A0 * B0 * (1 + A1* B1)"
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) add_diff_cancel_right calculation diff_add_eq
group_cancel.sub1 mult.commute mult.right_neutral
finally have "A0 * B1 - A0 * B0 = A0 * B1 * (1 + A1*B0) - A0 * B0 * (1 + A1* B1)" .
hence "¦A0 * B1 - A0 * B0¦ ≤ ¦A0 * B1 * (1 + A1*B0)¦ + ¦A0 * B0 * (1 + A1* B1)¦" by simp
also have "... = ¦A0 * B1¦ * ¦(1 + A1*B0)¦ + ¦A0 * B0¦ * ¦(1 + A1* B1)¦" by (simp add: abs_mult)
also have "... ≤ ¦(1 + A1*B0)¦ + ¦(1 + A1* B1)¦"
have "¦A0 * B1¦ * ¦(1 + A1*B0)¦ ≤ ¦(1 + A1*B0)¦"
using assms(1) mult_left_le_one_le[of "¦(1 + A1*B0)¦"] by simp
moreover have "¦A0 * B0¦ *¦(1 + A1* B1)¦ ≤ ¦(1 + A1* B1)¦"
using assms mult_left_le_one_le[of "¦(1 + A1*B1)¦"] by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
also have "... = 1 + A1*B0 + 1 + A1* B1" using assms by (simp add: abs_le_iff)
also have "... = 2 + A1 * B0 + A1 * B1" by simp
finally have pls: "¦A0 * B1 - A0 * B0¦ ≤ 2 + A1 * B0 + A1 * B1" .
have "A0 * B1 - A0 * B0 = A0 * B1 - A0 * B0 + A0 * B1 * A1 * B0 - A0 * B1 * A1 * B0" by simp
also have "... = A0 * B1 * (1 - A1*B0) - A0 * B0 * (1 - A1* B1)"
proof -
have "A0 * (B1 - (B0 - A1 * (B1 * B0)) - A1 * (B1 * B0)) = A0 * (B1 - B0)"
by fastforce
then show ?thesis
by (metis (no_types) add.commute calculation diff_diff_add mult.right_neutral
vector_space_over_itself.scale_right_diff_distrib vector_space_over_itself.scale_scale)
finally have "A0 * B1 - A0 * B0 = A0 * B1 * (1 - A1*B0) - A0 * B0 * (1 - A1* B1)" .
hence "¦A0 * B1 - A0 * B0¦ ≤ ¦A0 * B1 * (1 - A1*B0)¦ + ¦A0 * B0 * (1 - A1* B1)¦" by simp
also have "... = ¦A0 * B1¦ * ¦(1 - A1*B0)¦ + ¦A0 * B0¦ * ¦(1 - A1* B1)¦" by (simp add: abs_mult)
also have "... ≤ ¦(1 - A1*B0)¦ + ¦(1 - A1* B1)¦"
have "¦A0 * B1¦ * ¦(1 - A1*B0)¦ ≤ ¦(1 - A1*B0)¦"
using assms(1) mult_left_le_one_le[of "¦(1 - A1*B0)¦"] by simp
moreover have "¦A0 * B0¦ *¦(1 - A1* B1)¦ ≤ ¦(1 - A1* B1)¦"
using assms mult_left_le_one_le[of "¦(1 - A1*B1)¦"] by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
also have "... = 1 - A1*B0 + 1 - A1* B1" using assms by (simp add: abs_le_iff)
also have "... = 2 - A1 * B0 - A1 * B1" by simp
finally have mns: "¦A0 * B1 - A0 * B0¦ ≤ 2 - (A1 * B0 + A1 * B1)" by simp
have ls: "¦A0 * B1 - A0 * B0¦ ≤ 2 - ¦A1 * B0 + A1 * B1¦"
proof (cases "0 ≤ A1 * B0 + A1 * B1")
case True
then show ?thesis using mns by simp
case False
then show ?thesis using pls by simp
have "¦A0 * B1 - A0 * B0 + A1 * B0 + A1 * B1¦ ≤ ¦A0 * B1 - A0 * B0¦ + ¦A1 * B0 + A1 * B1¦"
by simp
also have "... ≤ 2" using ls by simp
finally show ?thesis .
lemma (in prob_space) chsh_expect:
fixes A0::"'a ⇒ real"
assumes "AE w in M. ¦A0 w¦ ≤ 1"
and "AE w in M. ¦A1 w¦ ≤ 1"
and "AE w in M. ¦B0 w¦ ≤ 1"
and "AE w in M. ¦B1 w¦ ≤ 1"
and "integrable M (λw. A0 w * B1 w)"
and "integrable M (λw. A1 w * B1 w)"
and "integrable M (λw. A1 w * B0 w)"
and "integrable M (λw. A0 w * B0 w)"
shows "¦expectation (λw. A1 w * B0 w) + expectation (λw. A0 w *B1 w) +
expectation (λw. A1 w * B1 w) - expectation (λw. A0 w * B0 w)¦ ≤ 2"
proof -
have exeq: "expectation (λw. A1 w * B0 w) + expectation (λw. A0 w * B1 w) +
expectation (λw. A1 w * B1 w) - expectation (λw. A0 w * B0 w) =
expectation (λw. A0 w * B1 w - A0 w * B0 w + A1 w * B0 w + A1 w * B1 w)"
using assms by auto
have "¦expectation (λw. A0 w * B1 w - A0 w * B0 w + A1 w * B0 w + A1 w * B1 w)¦ ≤
expectation (λw. ¦A0 w * B1 w - A0 w * B0 w + A1 w * B0 w + A1 w * B1 w¦)"
using integral_abs_bound by blast
also have "... ≤ 2"
proof (rule integral_le_const)
show "AE w in M. ¦A0 w * B1 w - A0 w * B0 w + A1 w * B0 w + A1 w * B1 w¦ ≤ (2::real)"
proof (rule AE_mp)
show "AE w in M. ¦A0 w¦ ≤ 1 ∧ ¦A1 w¦ ≤ 1 ∧ ¦B0 w¦ ≤ 1 ∧ ¦B1 w¦ ≤ 1"
using assms by simp
show "AE w in M. ¦A0 w¦ ≤ 1 ∧ ¦A1 w¦ ≤ 1 ∧ ¦B0 w¦ ≤ 1 ∧ ¦B1 w¦ ≤ 1 ⟶
¦A0 w * B1 w - A0 w * B0 w + A1 w * B0 w + A1 w * B1 w¦ ≤ 2"
fix w
assume "w∈ space M"
show "¦A0 w¦ ≤ 1 ∧ ¦A1 w¦ ≤ 1 ∧ ¦B0 w¦ ≤ 1 ∧ ¦B1 w¦ ≤ 1 ⟶
¦A0 w * B1 w - A0 w * B0 w + A1 w * B0 w + A1 w * B1 w¦ ≤ 2"
assume ineq: "¦A0 w¦ ≤ 1 ∧ ¦A1 w¦ ≤ 1 ∧ ¦B0 w¦ ≤ 1 ∧ ¦B1 w¦ ≤ 1"
show "¦A0 w * B1 w - A0 w * B0 w + A1 w * B0 w + A1 w * B1 w¦ ≤ 2"
proof (rule chsh_real)
show "¦A0 w * B1 w¦ ≤ 1" using ineq by (simp add: abs_mult mult_le_one)
show "¦A0 w * B0 w¦ ≤ 1" using ineq by (simp add: abs_mult mult_le_one)
show "¦A1 w * B1 w¦ ≤ 1" using ineq by (simp add: abs_mult mult_le_one)
show "¦A1 w * B0 w¦ ≤ 1" using ineq by (simp add: abs_mult mult_le_one)
show "integrable M (λx. ¦A0 x * B1 x - A0 x * B0 x + A1 x * B0 x + A1 x * B1 x¦)"
proof (rule Bochner_Integration.integrable_abs)
show "integrable M (λx. A0 x * B1 x - A0 x * B0 x + A1 x * B0 x + A1 x * B1 x)"
using assms by auto
finally show ?thesis using exeq by simp
text ‹The local hidden variable assumption states that separated quantum measurements are
independent. It is standard for this assumption to be stated in a context where the hidden
variable admits a density; it is stated here in a more general contest involving expectations,
with no assumption on the existence of a density.›
definition pos_rv:: "'a measure ⇒ ('a ⇒ real) ⇒ bool" where
"pos_rv M Xr ≡ Xr ∈ borel_measurable M ∧ (AE w in M. (0::real) ≤ Xr w)"
definition prv_sum:: "'a measure ⇒ complex Matrix.mat ⇒ (complex ⇒ 'a ⇒ real) ⇒ bool" where
"prv_sum M A Xr ≡ (AE w in M. (∑ a∈ spectrum A. Xr a w) = 1)"
definition (in cpx_sq_mat) lhv where
"lhv M A B R XA XB ≡
prob_space M ∧
(∀a ∈spectrum A. pos_rv M (XA a)) ∧
(prv_sum M A XA) ∧
(∀b ∈spectrum B. pos_rv M (XB b)) ∧
(prv_sum M B XB) ∧
(∀a ∈spectrum A . ∀b ∈ spectrum B.
(integrable M (λw. XA a w * XB b w)) ∧
integral⇧L M (λw. XA a w * XB b w) =
Re (Complex_Matrix.trace(eigen_projector A a * (eigen_projector B b) * R)))"
lemma (in cpx_sq_mat) lhv_posl:
assumes "lhv M A B R XA XB"
shows "AE w in M. (∀ a ∈ spectrum A. 0 ≤ XA a w)"
proof (rule AE_ball_countable[THEN iffD2])
show "countable (spectrum A)" using spectrum_finite[of A]
by (simp add: countable_finite)
show "∀a∈spectrum A. AE w in M. 0 ≤ XA a w" using assms unfolding lhv_def pos_rv_def by simp
lemma (in cpx_sq_mat) lhv_lt1_l:
assumes "lhv M A B R XA XB"
shows "AE w in M. (∀ a ∈ spectrum A. XA a w ≤ 1)"
proof (rule AE_mp)
show "AE w in M. (∀ a ∈ spectrum A. 0 ≤ XA a w) ∧ (∑ a∈ spectrum A. XA a w) = 1"
using lhv_posl assms unfolding lhv_def pos_rv_def prv_sum_def by simp
show "AE w in M. (∀a∈spectrum A. 0 ≤ XA a w) ∧ (∑a∈spectrum A. XA a w) = 1 ⟶
(∀a∈spectrum A. XA a w ≤ 1)"
fix w
assume "w∈ space M"
show "(∀a∈spectrum A. 0 ≤ XA a w) ∧ (∑a∈spectrum A. XA a w) = 1 ⟶
(∀a∈spectrum A. XA a w ≤ 1)"
proof (rule impI)
assume pr: "(∀a∈spectrum A. 0 ≤ XA a w) ∧ (∑a∈spectrum A. XA a w) = 1"
show "∀a∈spectrum A. XA a w ≤ 1"
fix a
assume "a∈ spectrum A"
show "XA a w ≤ 1"
proof (rule pos_sum_1_le[of "spectrum A"])
show "finite (spectrum A)" using spectrum_finite[of A] by simp
show "a ∈ spectrum A" using ‹a ∈ spectrum A› .
show " ∀i∈spectrum A. 0 ≤ XA i w" using pr by simp
show "(∑i∈spectrum A. XA i w) = 1" using pr by simp
lemma (in cpx_sq_mat) lhv_posr:
assumes "lhv M A B R XA XB"
shows "AE w in M. (∀ b ∈ spectrum B. 0 ≤ XB b w)"
proof (rule AE_ball_countable[THEN iffD2])
show "countable (spectrum B)" using spectrum_finite[of B]
by (simp add: countable_finite)
show "∀b∈spectrum B. AE w in M. 0 ≤ XB b w" using assms unfolding lhv_def pos_rv_def by simp
lemma (in cpx_sq_mat) lhv_lt1_r:
assumes "lhv M A B R XA XB"
shows "AE w in M. (∀ a ∈ spectrum B. XB a w ≤ 1)"
proof (rule AE_mp)
show "AE w in M. (∀ a ∈ spectrum B. 0 ≤ XB a w) ∧ (∑ a∈ spectrum B. XB a w) = 1"
using lhv_posr assms unfolding lhv_def prv_sum_def pos_rv_def by simp
show "AE w in M. (∀a∈spectrum B. 0 ≤ XB a w) ∧ (∑a∈spectrum B. XB a w) = 1 ⟶
(∀a∈spectrum B. XB a w ≤ 1)"
fix w
assume "w∈ space M"
show "(∀a∈spectrum B. 0 ≤ XB a w) ∧ (∑a∈spectrum B. XB a w) = 1 ⟶
(∀a∈spectrum B. XB a w ≤ 1)"
proof (rule impI)
assume pr: "(∀a∈spectrum B. 0 ≤ XB a w) ∧ (∑a∈spectrum B. XB a w) = 1"
show "∀a∈spectrum B. XB a w ≤ 1"
fix a
assume "a∈ spectrum B"
show "XB a w ≤ 1"
proof (rule pos_sum_1_le[of "spectrum B"])
show "finite (spectrum B)" using spectrum_finite[of B] by simp
show "a ∈ spectrum B" using ‹a ∈ spectrum B› .
show " ∀i∈spectrum B. 0 ≤ XB i w" using pr by simp
show "(∑i∈spectrum B. XB i w) = 1" using pr by simp
lemma (in cpx_sq_mat) lhv_AE_propl:
assumes "lhv M A B R XA XB"
shows "AE w in M. (∀ a ∈ spectrum A. 0 ≤ XA a w ∧ XA a w ≤ 1) ∧ (∑ a∈ spectrum A. XA a w) = 1"
proof (rule AE_conjI)
show "AE w in M. ∀a∈spectrum A. 0 ≤ XA a w ∧ XA a w ≤ 1"
proof (rule AE_mp)
show "AE w in M. (∀ a ∈ spectrum A. 0 ≤ XA a w) ∧ (∀ a ∈ spectrum A. XA a w ≤ 1)"
using assms lhv_posl[of M A] lhv_lt1_l[of M A] by simp
show "AE w in M. (∀a∈spectrum A. 0 ≤ XA a w) ∧ (∀a∈spectrum A. XA a w ≤ 1) ⟶
(∀a∈spectrum A. 0 ≤ XA a w ∧ XA a w ≤ 1)" by auto
show "AE w in M. (∑a∈spectrum A. XA a w) = 1" using assms unfolding lhv_def prv_sum_def
by simp
lemma (in cpx_sq_mat) lhv_AE_propr:
assumes "lhv M A B R XA XB"
shows "AE w in M. (∀ a ∈ spectrum B. 0 ≤ XB a w ∧ XB a w ≤ 1) ∧ (∑ a∈ spectrum B. XB a w) = 1"
proof (rule AE_conjI)
show "AE w in M. ∀a∈spectrum B. 0 ≤ XB a w ∧ XB a w ≤ 1"
proof (rule AE_mp)
show "AE w in M. (∀ a ∈ spectrum B. 0 ≤ XB a w) ∧ (∀ a ∈ spectrum B. XB a w ≤ 1)"
using assms lhv_posr[of M _ B] lhv_lt1_r[of M _ B] by simp
show "AE w in M. (∀a∈spectrum B. 0 ≤ XB a w) ∧ (∀a∈spectrum B. XB a w ≤ 1) ⟶
(∀a∈spectrum B. 0 ≤ XB a w ∧ XB a w ≤ 1)" by auto
show "AE w in M. (∑a∈spectrum B. XB a w) = 1" using assms unfolding lhv_def prv_sum_def
by simp
lemma (in cpx_sq_mat) lhv_integral_eq:
fixes c::real
assumes "lhv M A B R XA XB"
and "a∈ spectrum A"
and "b∈ spectrum B"
shows "integral⇧L M (λw. XA a w * XB b w) =
Re (Complex_Matrix.trace(eigen_projector A a * (eigen_projector B b) * R))"
using assms unfolding lhv_def by simp
lemma (in cpx_sq_mat) lhv_integrable:
fixes c::real
assumes "lhv M A B R XA XB"
and "a∈ spectrum A"
and "b∈ spectrum B"
shows "integrable M (λw. XA a w * XB b w)" using assms unfolding lhv_def by simp
lemma (in cpx_sq_mat) lhv_scal_integrable:
fixes c::real
assumes "lhv M A B R XA XB"
and "a∈ spectrum A"
and "b∈ spectrum B"
shows "integrable M (λw. c *XA a w * d * XB b w)"
proof -
fix x
assume "x∈ space M"
have "c * d * (XA a x * XB b x) = c * XA a x * d * XB b x" by simp
} note eq = this
have "integrable M (λw. XA a w * XB b w)" using assms unfolding lhv_def by simp
hence g:"integrable M (λw. c * d * (XA a w * XB b w))" using integrable_real_mult_right by simp
show ?thesis
proof (rule Bochner_Integration.integrable_cong[THEN iffD2], simp)
show "integrable M (λw. c * d * (XA a w * XB b w))" using g .
show "⋀x. x ∈ space M ⟹ c * XA a x * d * XB b x = c * d * (XA a x * XB b x)" using eq by simp
lemma (in cpx_sq_mat) lhv_lsum_scal_integrable:
assumes "lhv M A B R XA XB"
and "a∈ spectrum A"
shows "integrable M (λx. ∑b∈spectrum B. c * XA a x * (f b) * XB b x)"
proof (rule Bochner_Integration.integrable_sum)
fix b
assume "b∈ spectrum B"
thus "integrable M (λx. c * XA a x * f b *XB b x)" using ‹a∈ spectrum A› assms
lhv_scal_integrable[of M] by simp
lemma (in cpx_sq_mat) lhv_sum_integrable:
assumes "lhv M A B R XA XB"
shows "integrable M (λw. (∑ a ∈ spectrum A. (∑ b ∈ spectrum B. f a * XA a w * g b * XB b w)))"
proof (rule Bochner_Integration.integrable_sum)
fix a
assume "a∈ spectrum A"
thus "integrable M (λx. ∑b∈spectrum B. f a * XA a x * g b * XB b x)"
using assms lhv_lsum_scal_integrable[of M]
by simp
lemma (in cpx_sq_mat) spectrum_abs_1_weighted_suml:
assumes "lhv M A B R Va Vb"
and "{Re x |x. x ∈ spectrum A} ≠ {}"
and "{Re x |x. x ∈ spectrum A} ⊆ {- 1, 1}"
and "hermitian A"
and "A∈ fc_mats"
shows "AE w in M. ¦(∑a∈spectrum A. Re a * Va a w)¦ ≤ 1"
proof (rule AE_mp)
show "AE w in M. (∀a∈spectrum A. 0 ≤ Va a w ∧ Va a w ≤ 1) ∧ (∑a∈spectrum A. Va a w) = 1"
using assms lhv_AE_propl[of M A B _ Va] by simp
show "AE w in M. (∀a∈spectrum A. 0 ≤ Va a w ∧ Va a w ≤ 1) ∧ (∑a∈spectrum A. Va a w) = 1 ⟶
¦∑a∈spectrum A. Re a * Va a w¦ ≤ 1"
fix w
assume "w∈ space M"
show "(∀a∈spectrum A. 0 ≤ Va a w ∧ Va a w ≤ 1) ∧ (∑a∈spectrum A. Va a w) = 1 ⟶
¦∑a∈spectrum A. Re a * Va a w¦ ≤ 1"
proof (intro impI)
assume pr: "(∀a∈spectrum A. 0 ≤ Va a w ∧ Va a w ≤ 1) ∧ (∑a∈spectrum A. Va a w) = 1"
show "¦(∑a∈spectrum A. Re a * Va a w)¦ ≤ 1"
proof (cases "{Re x |x. x ∈ spectrum A} = {- 1, 1}")
case True
hence sp: "spectrum A = {-1, 1}" using hermitian_Re_spectrum[of A] assms by simp
hence scsum: "(∑a∈spectrum A. Re a * Va a w) = Va 1 w - Va (-1) w"
using sum_2_elems by simp
have sum: "(∑a∈spectrum A. Va a w) = Va (-1) w + Va 1 w"
using sp sum_2_elems by simp
have "¦Va 1 w - Va (-1) w¦ ≤ 1"
proof (rule fct_bound')
have "1 ∈ spectrum A" using sp by simp
thus "0 ≤ Va 1 w" using pr by simp
have "-1 ∈ spectrum A" using sp by simp
thus "0 ≤ Va (- 1) w" using pr by simp
show "Va (- 1) w + Va 1 w = 1" using pr sum by simp
thus ?thesis using scsum by simp
case False
then show ?thesis
proof (cases "{Re x |x. x ∈ spectrum A} = {- 1}")
case True
hence "spectrum A = {-1}" using hermitian_Re_spectrum[of A] assms by simp
hence "(∑a∈spectrum A. Re a * Va a w) = - Va (-1) w" by simp
moreover have "-1 ∈ spectrum A" using ‹spectrum A = {-1}› by simp
ultimately show ?thesis using pr by simp
case False
hence "{Re x |x. x ∈ spectrum A} = {1}" using assms ‹{Re x |x. x ∈ spectrum A} ≠ {-1, 1}›
last_subset[of "{Re x |x. x ∈ spectrum A}"] by simp
hence "spectrum A = {1}" using hermitian_Re_spectrum[of A] assms by simp
hence "(∑a∈spectrum A. Re a * Va a w) = Va 1 w" by simp
moreover have "1 ∈ spectrum A" using ‹spectrum A = {1}› by simp
ultimately show ?thesis using pr by simp
lemma (in cpx_sq_mat) spectrum_abs_1_weighted_sumr:
assumes "lhv M B A R Vb Va"
and "{Re x |x. x ∈ spectrum A} ≠ {}"
and "{Re x |x. x ∈ spectrum A} ⊆ {- 1, 1}"
and "hermitian A"
and "A∈ fc_mats"
shows "AE w in M. ¦(∑a∈spectrum A. Re a * Va a w)¦ ≤ 1"
proof (rule AE_mp)
show "AE w in M. (∀a∈spectrum A. 0 ≤ Va a w ∧ Va a w ≤ 1) ∧ (∑a∈spectrum A. Va a w) = 1"
using assms lhv_AE_propr[of M B A _ Vb] by simp
show "AE w in M. (∀a∈spectrum A. 0 ≤ Va a w ∧ Va a w ≤ 1) ∧ (∑a∈spectrum A. Va a w) = 1 ⟶
¦∑a∈spectrum A. Re a * Va a w¦ ≤ 1"
fix w
assume "w∈ space M"
show "(∀a∈spectrum A. 0 ≤ Va a w ∧ Va a w ≤ 1) ∧ (∑a∈spectrum A. Va a w) = 1 ⟶
¦∑a∈spectrum A. Re a * Va a w¦ ≤ 1"
proof (intro impI)
assume pr: "(∀a∈spectrum A. 0 ≤ Va a w ∧ Va a w ≤ 1) ∧ (∑a∈spectrum A. Va a w) = 1"
show "¦(∑a∈spectrum A. Re a * Va a w)¦ ≤ 1"
proof (cases "{Re x |x. x ∈ spectrum A} = {- 1, 1}")
case True
hence sp: "spectrum A = {-1, 1}" using hermitian_Re_spectrum[of A] assms by simp
hence scsum: "(∑a∈spectrum A. Re a * Va a w) = Va 1 w - Va (-1) w"
using sum_2_elems by simp
have sum: "(∑a∈spectrum A. Va a w) = Va (-1) w + Va 1 w"
using sp sum_2_elems by simp
have "¦Va 1 w - Va (-1) w¦ ≤ 1"
proof (rule fct_bound')
have "1 ∈ spectrum A" using sp by simp
thus "0 ≤ Va 1 w" using pr by simp
have "-1 ∈ spectrum A" using sp by simp
thus "0 ≤ Va (- 1) w" using pr by simp
show "Va (- 1) w + Va 1 w = 1" using pr sum by simp
thus ?thesis using scsum by simp
case False
then show ?thesis
proof (cases "{Re x |x. x ∈ spectrum A} = {- 1}")
case True
hence "spectrum A = {-1}" using hermitian_Re_spectrum[of A] assms by simp
hence "(∑a∈spectrum A. Re a * Va a w) = - Va (-1) w" by simp
moreover have "-1 ∈ spectrum A" using ‹spectrum A = {-1}› by simp
ultimately show ?thesis using pr by simp
case False
hence "{Re x |x. x ∈ spectrum A} = {1}" using assms ‹{Re x |x. x ∈ spectrum A} ≠ {-1, 1}›
last_subset[of "{Re x |x. x ∈ spectrum A}"] by simp
hence "spectrum A = {1}" using hermitian_Re_spectrum[of A] assms by simp
hence "(∑a∈spectrum A. Re a * Va a w) = Va 1 w" by simp
moreover have "1 ∈ spectrum A" using ‹spectrum A = {1}› by simp
ultimately show ?thesis using pr by simp
definition qt_expect where
"qt_expect A Va = (λw. (∑a∈spectrum A. Re a * Va a w))"
lemma (in cpx_sq_mat) spectr_sum_integrable:
assumes "lhv M A B R Va Vb"
shows "integrable M (λw. qt_expect A Va w * qt_expect B Vb w)"
proof (rule Bochner_Integration.integrable_cong[THEN iffD2])
show "M = M" by simp
show "⋀w. w ∈ space M ⟹ qt_expect A Va w * qt_expect B Vb w =
(∑a∈spectrum A. (∑b∈spectrum B. Re a * Va a w * Re b * Vb b w))"
proof -
fix w
assume "w∈ space M"
show "qt_expect A Va w * qt_expect B Vb w =
(∑a∈spectrum A. (∑b∈spectrum B. Re a * Va a w * Re b * Vb b w))" unfolding qt_expect_def
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Finite_Cartesian_Product.sum_cong_aux sum_product
show "integrable M (λw. ∑a∈spectrum A. (∑b∈spectrum B. Re a * Va a w * Re b * Vb b w))"
using lhv_sum_integrable[of M] assms by simp
lemma (in cpx_sq_mat) lhv_sum_integral':
assumes "lhv M A B R XA XB"
shows "integral⇧L M (λw. (∑ a ∈ spectrum A. f a * XA a w) * (∑ b ∈ spectrum B. g b * XB b w)) =
(∑ a ∈ spectrum A. f a * (∑ b ∈ spectrum B. g b * integral⇧L M (λw. XA a w * XB b w)))"
proof -
have "integral⇧L M (λw. (∑ a ∈ spectrum A. f a * XA a w) * (∑ b ∈ spectrum B. g b * XB b w)) =
integral⇧L M (λw. (∑ a ∈ spectrum A. (∑ b ∈ spectrum B. f a * XA a w * g b * XB b w)))"
proof (rule Bochner_Integration.integral_cong, simp)
fix w
assume "w∈ space M"
show "(∑a∈spectrum A. f a * XA a w) * (∑b∈spectrum B. g b * XB b w) =
(∑a∈spectrum A. (∑b∈spectrum B. f a * XA a w * (g b) * XB b w))"
by (simp add: sum_product vector_space_over_itself.scale_scale)
also have "... = (∑ a ∈ spectrum A.
integral⇧L M (λw. (∑ b ∈ spectrum B. f a * XA a w * g b * XB b w)))"
proof (rule Bochner_Integration.integral_sum)
fix a
assume "a∈ spectrum A"
thus "integrable M (λx. ∑b∈spectrum B. f a * XA a x * g b * XB b x)"
using lhv_lsum_scal_integrable[of M] assms by simp
also have "... = (∑ a ∈ spectrum A. f a *
integral⇧L M (λw. (∑ b ∈ spectrum B. XA a w * g b * XB b w)))"
proof -
have "∀ a∈ spectrum A. integral⇧L M (λw. (∑ b ∈ spectrum B. f a * XA a w * g b * XB b w)) =
f a * integral⇧L M (λw. (∑ b ∈ spectrum B. XA a w * g b * XB b w))"
fix a
assume "a∈ spectrum A"
have "(LINT w|M. (∑b∈spectrum B. f a * XA a w * g b * XB b w)) =
(LINT w|M. f a* (∑b∈spectrum B. XA a w * g b * XB b w))"
proof (rule Bochner_Integration.integral_cong, simp)
fix x
assume "x ∈ space M"
show "(∑b∈spectrum B. f a * XA a x * g b * XB b x) =
f a * (∑b∈spectrum B. XA a x * g b * XB b x)"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Finite_Cartesian_Product.sum_cong_aux
vector_space_over_itself.scale_scale vector_space_over_itself.scale_sum_right)
also have "... = f a * (LINT w|M. (∑b∈spectrum B. XA a w * g b * XB b w))" by simp
finally show "(LINT w|M. (∑b∈spectrum B. f a * XA a w * g b * XB b w)) =
f a * (LINT w|M. (∑b∈spectrum B. XA a w * g b * XB b w))" .
thus ?thesis by simp
also have "... = (∑ a ∈ spectrum A. f a * (∑ b ∈ spectrum B. g b *
integral⇧L M (λw. XA a w * XB b w)))"
proof (rule sum.cong, simp)
fix a
assume "a∈ spectrum A"
have "integral⇧L M (λw. (∑ b ∈ spectrum B. XA a w * g b * XB b w)) = (∑ b ∈ spectrum B.
integral⇧L M (λw. XA a w * g b * XB b w))"
proof (rule Bochner_Integration.integral_sum)
show "⋀b. b ∈ spectrum B ⟹ integrable M (λx. XA a x * g b * XB b x)"
proof -
fix b
assume "b∈ spectrum B"
thus "integrable M (λx. XA a x * g b * XB b x)"
using assms lhv_scal_integrable[of M _ _ _ _ _ a b 1] ‹a∈ spectrum A› by simp
also have "... = (∑ b ∈ spectrum B. g b * integral⇧L M (λw. XA a w * XB b w))"
proof (rule sum.cong, simp)
fix x
assume "x∈ spectrum B"
have "LINT w|M. XA a w * g x * XB x w = LINT w|M. g x * (XA a w * XB x w)"
by (rule Bochner_Integration.integral_cong, auto)
also have "... = g x * (LINT w|M. XA a w * XB x w)"
using Bochner_Integration.integral_mult_right_zero[of M "g x" "λw. XA a w * XB x w"]
by simp
finally show "LINT w|M. XA a w * g x * XB x w = g x * (LINT w|M. XA a w * XB x w)" .
finally have "integral⇧L M (λw. (∑ b ∈ spectrum B. XA a w * g b * XB b w)) =
(∑ b ∈ spectrum B. g b * integral⇧L M (λw. XA a w * XB b w))" .
thus "f a * (LINT w|M. (∑b∈spectrum B. XA a w * g b * XB b w)) =
f a * (∑ b ∈ spectrum B. g b * integral⇧L M (λw. XA a w * XB b w))" by simp
finally show ?thesis .
lemma (in cpx_sq_mat) sum_qt_expect_trace:
assumes "lhv M A B R XA XB"
shows "(∑ a ∈ spectrum A. f a * (∑ b ∈ spectrum B. g b * integral⇧L M (λw. XA a w * XB b w))) =
(∑ a ∈ spectrum A. f a * (∑ b ∈ spectrum B. g b *
Re (Complex_Matrix.trace(eigen_projector A a * (eigen_projector B b) * R))))"
proof (rule sum.cong, simp)
fix a
assume "a∈ spectrum A"
have "(∑b∈spectrum B. g b * (LINT w|M. XA a w * XB b w)) =
(∑b∈spectrum B. g b *
Re (Complex_Matrix.trace (eigen_projector A a * eigen_projector B b * R)))"
proof (rule sum.cong, simp)
fix b
assume "b∈ spectrum B"
show "g b * (LINT w|M. XA a w * XB b w) =
g b * Re (Complex_Matrix.trace (eigen_projector A a * eigen_projector B b * R))"
using lhv_integral_eq[of M] assms ‹a ∈ spectrum A› ‹b ∈ spectrum B› by simp
thus "f a * (∑b∈spectrum B. g b * (LINT w|M. XA a w * XB b w)) =
f a * (∑b∈spectrum B. g b *
Re (Complex_Matrix.trace (eigen_projector A a * eigen_projector B b * R)))" by simp
lemma (in cpx_sq_mat) sum_eigen_projector_trace_dist:
assumes "hermitian B"
and "A∈ fc_mats"
and "B∈ fc_mats"
and "R∈ fc_mats"
shows "(∑ b ∈ spectrum B. (b *
Complex_Matrix.trace(A * (eigen_projector B b) * R))) = Complex_Matrix.trace(A * B * R)"
proof -
have "(∑b∈spectrum B. b * Complex_Matrix.trace (A * eigen_projector B b * R)) =
(∑b∈spectrum B. Complex_Matrix.trace (A * (b ⋅⇩m (eigen_projector B b)) * R))"
proof (rule sum.cong, simp)
fix b
assume "b∈ spectrum B"
have "b * Complex_Matrix.trace (A * eigen_projector B b * R) =
Complex_Matrix.trace (b ⋅⇩m (A * eigen_projector B b * R))"
proof (rule trace_smult[symmetric])
show "A * eigen_projector B b * R ∈ carrier_mat dimR dimR" using eigen_projector_carrier
assms fc_mats_carrier dim_eq ‹b ∈ spectrum B› cpx_sq_mat_mult by meson
also have "... = Complex_Matrix.trace (A * (b ⋅⇩m eigen_projector B b) * R)"
proof -
have "b ⋅⇩m (A * eigen_projector B b * R) = b ⋅⇩m (A * (eigen_projector B b * R))"
proof -
have "A * eigen_projector B b * R = A * (eigen_projector B b * R)"
by (metis ‹b ∈ spectrum B› assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) assms(4) assoc_mult_mat dim_eq
fc_mats_carrier eigen_projector_carrier)
thus ?thesis by simp
also have "... = A * (b ⋅⇩m (eigen_projector B b * R))"
proof (rule mult_smult_distrib[symmetric])
show "A ∈ carrier_mat dimR dimR" using eigen_projector_carrier assms
fc_mats_carrier dim_eq by simp
show "eigen_projector B b * R ∈ carrier_mat dimR dimR" using eigen_projector_carrier
‹b ∈ spectrum B› assms fc_mats_carrier dim_eq cpx_sq_mat_mult by blast
also have "... = A * ((b ⋅⇩m eigen_projector B b) * R)"
proof -
have "b ⋅⇩m (eigen_projector B b * R) = (b ⋅⇩m eigen_projector B b) * R"
proof (rule mult_smult_assoc_mat[symmetric])
show "eigen_projector B b ∈ carrier_mat dimR dimR" using eigen_projector_carrier
‹b ∈ spectrum B› assms fc_mats_carrier dim_eq by simp
show "R ∈ carrier_mat dimR dimR" using assms fc_mats_carrier dim_eq by simp
thus ?thesis by simp
also have "... = A * (b ⋅⇩m eigen_projector B b) * R"
by (metis ‹b ∈ spectrum B› assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) assms(4) assoc_mult_mat
cpx_sq_mat_smult dim_eq fc_mats_carrier eigen_projector_carrier)
finally have "b ⋅⇩m (A * eigen_projector B b * R) = A * (b ⋅⇩m eigen_projector B b) * R" .
then show ?thesis by simp
finally show "b * Complex_Matrix.trace (A * eigen_projector B b * R) =
Complex_Matrix.trace (A * (b ⋅⇩m eigen_projector B b) * R)" .
also have "... = Complex_Matrix.trace (A *
(sum_mat (λb. b ⋅⇩m eigen_projector B b) (spectrum B)) * R)"
proof (rule trace_sum_mat_mat_distrib, (auto simp add: assms))
show "finite (spectrum B)" using spectrum_finite[of B] by simp
fix b
assume "b∈ spectrum B"
show "b ⋅⇩m eigen_projector B b ∈ fc_mats"
by (simp add: ‹b ∈ spectrum B› assms(1) assms(3) cpx_sq_mat_smult eigen_projector_carrier)
also have "... = Complex_Matrix.trace (A * B * R)"
proof -
have "sum_mat (λb. b ⋅⇩m eigen_projector B b) (spectrum B) = B" using make_pm_sum' assms by simp
thus ?thesis by simp
finally show ?thesis .
lemma (in cpx_sq_mat) sum_eigen_projector_trace_right:
assumes "hermitian A"
and "A∈ fc_mats"
and "B∈ fc_mats"
shows "(∑ a ∈ spectrum A. Complex_Matrix.trace (a ⋅⇩m eigen_projector A a * B)) =
Complex_Matrix.trace (A * B)"
proof -
have "sum_mat (λa. a ⋅⇩m eigen_projector A a * B) (spectrum A) =
sum_mat (λa. a ⋅⇩m eigen_projector A a) (spectrum A) * B"
proof (rule mult_sum_mat_distrib_right)
show "finite (spectrum A)" using spectrum_finite[of A] by simp
show "⋀a. a ∈ spectrum A ⟹ a ⋅⇩m eigen_projector A a ∈ fc_mats"
using assms(1) assms(2) cpx_sq_mat_smult eigen_projector_carrier by blast
show "B∈ fc_mats" using assms by simp
also have "... = A * B" using make_pm_sum' assms by simp
finally have seq: "sum_mat (λa. a ⋅⇩m eigen_projector A a * B) (spectrum A) = A * B" .
have "(∑ a ∈ spectrum A. Complex_Matrix.trace (a ⋅⇩m eigen_projector A a * B)) =
Complex_Matrix.trace (sum_mat (λa. a ⋅⇩m eigen_projector A a * B) (spectrum A))"
proof (rule trace_sum_mat[symmetric])
show "finite (spectrum A)" using spectrum_finite[of A] by simp
show "⋀a. a ∈ spectrum A ⟹ a ⋅⇩m eigen_projector A a * B ∈ fc_mats"
by (simp add: assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) cpx_sq_mat_mult cpx_sq_mat_smult
also have "... = Complex_Matrix.trace (A * B)" using seq by simp
finally show ?thesis .
lemma (in cpx_sq_mat) sum_eigen_projector_trace:
assumes "hermitian A"
and "hermitian B"
and "A∈ fc_mats"
and "B∈ fc_mats"
and "R∈ fc_mats"
shows "(∑ a ∈ spectrum A. a * (∑ b ∈ spectrum B. (b *
Complex_Matrix.trace(eigen_projector A a * (eigen_projector B b) * R)))) =
Complex_Matrix.trace(A * B * R)"
proof -
have "(∑ a ∈ spectrum A. a * (∑ b ∈ spectrum B. (b *
Complex_Matrix.trace(eigen_projector A a * (eigen_projector B b) * R)))) = (∑ a ∈ spectrum A.
Complex_Matrix.trace (a ⋅⇩m eigen_projector A a * (B * R)))"
proof (rule sum.cong, simp)
fix a
assume "a∈ spectrum A"
hence "(∑b∈spectrum B. b *
Complex_Matrix.trace (eigen_projector A a * eigen_projector B b * R)) =
Complex_Matrix.trace (eigen_projector A a * B * R)" using
sum_eigen_projector_trace_dist[of B "eigen_projector A a" R] assms eigen_projector_carrier
by blast
hence "a * (∑ b ∈ spectrum B. (b *
Complex_Matrix.trace(eigen_projector A a * (eigen_projector B b) * R))) =
a * Complex_Matrix.trace (eigen_projector A a * B * R)" by simp
also have "... = Complex_Matrix.trace (a ⋅⇩m (eigen_projector A a * B * R))"
using trace_smult[symmetric, of "eigen_projector A a * B * R" dimR a] assms
‹a ∈ spectrum A› cpx_sq_mat_mult dim_eq fc_mats_carrier eigen_projector_carrier by force
also have "... = Complex_Matrix.trace (a ⋅⇩m eigen_projector A a * (B * R))"
proof -
have "a ⋅⇩m (eigen_projector A a * B * R) = a ⋅⇩m (eigen_projector A a * B) * R"
proof (rule mult_smult_assoc_mat[symmetric])
show "R∈ carrier_mat dimR dimR" using assms fc_mats_carrier dim_eq by simp
show "eigen_projector A a * B ∈ carrier_mat dimR dimR" using assms eigen_projector_carrier
cpx_sq_mat_mult fc_mats_carrier dim_eq ‹a ∈ spectrum A› by blast
also have "... = a ⋅⇩m eigen_projector A a * B * R"
proof -
have "a ⋅⇩m (eigen_projector A a * B) = a ⋅⇩m eigen_projector A a * B"
using mult_smult_assoc_mat[symmetric]
proof -
show ?thesis
by (metis ‹⋀nr nc n k B A. ⟦A ∈ carrier_mat nr n; B ∈ carrier_mat n nc⟧ ⟹
k ⋅⇩m (A * B) = k ⋅⇩m A * B› ‹a ∈ spectrum A› assms(1) assms(3) assms(4) dim_eq
fc_mats_carrier eigen_projector_carrier)
thus ?thesis by simp
also have "... = a ⋅⇩m eigen_projector A a * (B * R)"
by (metis ‹a ∈ spectrum A› assms(1) assms(3) assms(4) assms(5) assoc_mult_mat
cpx_sq_mat_smult dim_eq fc_mats_carrier eigen_projector_carrier)
finally show ?thesis by simp
finally show "a * (∑ b ∈ spectrum B. (b *
Complex_Matrix.trace(eigen_projector A a * (eigen_projector B b) * R))) =
Complex_Matrix.trace (a ⋅⇩m eigen_projector A a * (B * R))" .
also have "... = Complex_Matrix.trace (A * (B * R))"
using sum_eigen_projector_trace_right[of A "B * R"] assms by (simp add: cpx_sq_mat_mult)
also have "... = Complex_Matrix.trace (A * B * R)"
proof -
have "A * (B * R) = A * B * R"
proof (rule assoc_mult_mat[symmetric])
show "A∈ carrier_mat dimR dimR" using assms fc_mats_carrier dim_eq by simp
show "B∈ carrier_mat dimR dimR" using assms fc_mats_carrier dim_eq by simp
show "R∈ carrier_mat dimR dimR" using assms fc_mats_carrier dim_eq by simp
thus ?thesis by simp
finally show ?thesis .
text ‹We obtain the main result of this part, which relates the quantum expectation value of a
joint measurement with an expectation.›
lemma (in cpx_sq_mat) sum_qt_expect:
assumes "lhv M A B R XA XB"
and "A∈ fc_mats"
and "B∈ fc_mats"
and "R∈ fc_mats"
and "hermitian A"
and "hermitian B"
shows "integral⇧L M (λw. (qt_expect A XA w) * (qt_expect B XB w)) =
Re (Complex_Matrix.trace(A * B * R))"
proof -
have br: "∀ b ∈ spectrum B. b∈ Reals" using assms hermitian_spectrum_real[of B] by auto
have ar: "∀a ∈ spectrum A. a∈ Reals" using hermitian_spectrum_real[of A] assms by auto
have "integral⇧L M (λw. (∑ a ∈ spectrum A. Re a* XA a w) * (∑ b ∈ spectrum B. Re b *XB b w)) =
(∑ a ∈ spectrum A. Re a * (∑ b ∈ spectrum B. Re b * integral⇧L M (λw. XA a w * XB b w)))"
using lhv_sum_integral'[of M] assms by simp
also have "... = (∑ a ∈ spectrum A. Re a * (∑ b ∈ spectrum B. Re b *
Re (Complex_Matrix.trace(eigen_projector A a * (eigen_projector B b) * R))))"
using assms sum_qt_expect_trace[of M] by simp
also have "... = (∑ a ∈ spectrum A. Re a * Re (∑ b ∈ spectrum B. (b *
Complex_Matrix.trace(eigen_projector A a * (eigen_projector B b) * R))))"
proof (rule sum.cong, simp)
fix a
assume "a∈ spectrum A"
have "(∑b∈spectrum B. Re b *
Re (Complex_Matrix.trace (eigen_projector A a * eigen_projector B b * R))) =
(∑ b ∈ spectrum B. Re (b *
Complex_Matrix.trace(eigen_projector A a * (eigen_projector B b) * R)))"
proof (rule sum.cong, simp)
fix b
assume "b∈ spectrum B"
hence "b∈ Reals" using hermitian_spectrum_real[of B] assms by simp
hence "Re b = b" by simp
thus "Re b * Re (Complex_Matrix.trace (eigen_projector A a * eigen_projector B b * R)) =
Re (b * Complex_Matrix.trace (eigen_projector A a * eigen_projector B b * R))"
using hermitian_spectrum_real using ‹b ∈ ℝ› mult_real_cpx by auto
also have "... =
Re (∑ b ∈ spectrum B. b *
Complex_Matrix.trace(eigen_projector A a * (eigen_projector B b) * R))" by simp
finally have "(∑b∈spectrum B. Re b *
Re (Complex_Matrix.trace (eigen_projector A a * eigen_projector B b * R))) =
Re (∑ b ∈ spectrum B. b *
Complex_Matrix.trace(eigen_projector A a * (eigen_projector B b) * R))" .
thus "Re a * (∑b∈spectrum B. Re b *
Re (Complex_Matrix.trace (eigen_projector A a * eigen_projector B b * R))) =
Re a * Re (∑b∈spectrum B.
(b * Complex_Matrix.trace (eigen_projector A a * eigen_projector B b * R)))"
by simp
also have "... = (∑ a ∈ spectrum A. Re (a * (∑ b ∈ spectrum B. (b *
Complex_Matrix.trace(eigen_projector A a * (eigen_projector B b) * R)))))"
proof (rule sum.cong, simp)
fix x
assume "x∈ spectrum A"
hence "Re x = x" using ar by simp
thus "Re x * Re (∑b∈spectrum B. b *
Complex_Matrix.trace (eigen_projector A x * eigen_projector B b * R)) =
Re (x * (∑b∈spectrum B. b *
Complex_Matrix.trace (eigen_projector A x * eigen_projector B b * R)))"
using ‹x ∈ spectrum A› ar mult_real_cpx by auto
also have "... = Re (∑ a ∈ spectrum A. a * (∑ b ∈ spectrum B. (b *
Complex_Matrix.trace(eigen_projector A a * (eigen_projector B b) * R))))" by simp
also have "... = Re (Complex_Matrix.trace(A *B * R))" using assms
sum_eigen_projector_trace[of A B] by simp
finally show ?thesis unfolding qt_expect_def .
subsection ‹Properties of specific observables›
text ‹In this part we consider a specific density operator and specific observables corresponding
to joint bipartite measurements. We will compute the quantum expectation value of this system and
prove that it violates the CHSH inequality, thus proving that the local hidden variable assumption
cannot hold.›
subsubsection ‹Ket 0, Ket 1 and the corresponding projectors›
definition ket_0::"complex Matrix.vec" where
"ket_0 = unit_vec 2 0"
lemma ket_0_dim:
shows "dim_vec ket_0 = 2" unfolding ket_0_def by simp
lemma ket_0_norm:
shows "∥ket_0∥ = 1" using unit_cpx_vec_length unfolding ket_0_def by simp
lemma ket_0_mat:
shows "ket_vec ket_0 = Matrix.mat_of_cols_list 2 [[1, 0]]"
by (auto simp add: ket_vec_def Matrix.mat_of_cols_list_def ket_0_def)
definition ket_1::"complex Matrix.vec" where
"ket_1 = unit_vec 2 1"
lemma ket_1_dim:
shows "dim_vec ket_1 = 2" unfolding ket_1_def by simp
lemma ket_1_norm:
shows "∥ket_1∥ = 1" using unit_cpx_vec_length unfolding ket_1_def by simp
definition ket_01
where "ket_01 = tensor_vec ket_0 ket_1"
lemma ket_01_dim:
shows "dim_vec ket_01 = 4" unfolding ket_01_def
by (simp add: ket_0_dim ket_1_dim)
definition ket_10
where "ket_10 = tensor_vec ket_1 ket_0"
lemma ket_10_dim:
shows "dim_vec ket_10 = 4" unfolding ket_10_def by (simp add: ket_0_dim ket_1_dim)
text ‹We define \verb+ket_psim+, one of the Bell states (or EPR pair).›
definition ket_psim where
"ket_psim = 1/(sqrt 2) ⋅⇩v (ket_01 - ket_10)"
lemma ket_psim_dim:
shows "dim_vec ket_psim = 4" using ket_01_dim ket_10_dim unfolding ket_psim_def by simp
lemma ket_psim_norm:
shows "∥ket_psim∥ = 1"
proof -
have "dim_vec ket_psim = 2⇧2" unfolding ket_psim_def ket_01_def ket_10_def ket_0_def ket_1_def
by simp
moreover have "(∑i<4. (cmod (vec_index ket_psim i))⇧2) = 1"
apply (auto simp add: ket_psim_def ket_01_def ket_10_def ket_0_def ket_1_def)
apply (simp add: sum_4_elems)
ultimately show ?thesis by (simp add: cpx_vec_length_def)
text ‹\verb+rho_psim+ represents the density operator associated with the quantum
state \verb+ket_psim+.›
definition rho_psim where
"rho_psim = rank_1_proj ket_psim"
lemma rho_psim_carrier:
shows "rho_psim ∈ carrier_mat 4 4" using rank_1_proj_carrier[of ket_psim] ket_psim_dim
rho_psim_def by simp
lemma rho_psim_dim_row:
shows "dim_row rho_psim = 4" using rho_psim_carrier by simp
lemma rho_psim_density:
shows "density_operator rho_psim" unfolding density_operator_def
show "Complex_Matrix.positive rho_psim" using rank_1_proj_positive[of ket_psim] ket_psim_norm
rho_psim_def by simp
show "Complex_Matrix.trace rho_psim = 1" using rank_1_proj_trace[of ket_psim] ket_psim_norm
rho_psim_def by simp
subsubsection ‹The X and Z matrices and two of their combinations›
text ‹In this part we prove properties of two standard matrices in quantum theory, $X$ and $Z$,
as well as two of their combinations: $\frac{X+Z}{\sqrt{2}}$ and $\frac{Z - X}{\sqrt{2}}$.
Note that all of these matrices are observables, they will be used to violate the CHSH inequality.›
lemma Z_carrier: shows "Z ∈ carrier_mat 2 2" unfolding Z_def by simp
lemma Z_hermitian:
shows "hermitian Z" using dagger_adjoint dagger_of_Z unfolding hermitian_def by simp
lemma unitary_Z:
shows "Complex_Matrix.unitary Z"
proof -
have "Complex_Matrix.adjoint Z * Z = (1⇩m 2)" using dagger_adjoint[of Z] by simp
thus ?thesis unfolding unitary_def
by (metis Complex_Matrix.adjoint_adjoint Complex_Matrix.unitary_def Z_carrier adjoint_dim
carrier_matD(1) inverts_mat_def unitary_adjoint)
lemma X_carrier: shows "X ∈ carrier_mat 2 2" unfolding X_def by simp
lemma X_hermitian:
shows "hermitian X" using dagger_adjoint dagger_of_X unfolding hermitian_def by simp
lemma unitary_X:
shows "Complex_Matrix.unitary X"
proof -
have "Complex_Matrix.adjoint X * X = (1⇩m 2)" using dagger_adjoint[of X] by simp
thus ?thesis unfolding unitary_def
by (metis Complex_Matrix.adjoint_adjoint Complex_Matrix.unitary_def X_carrier adjoint_dim
carrier_matD(1) inverts_mat_def unitary_adjoint)
definition XpZ
where "XpZ = -1/sqrt(2) ⋅⇩m (X + Z)"
lemma XpZ_carrier:
shows "XpZ ∈ carrier_mat 2 2" unfolding XpZ_def X_def Z_def by simp
lemma XpZ_hermitian:
shows "hermitian XpZ"
proof -
have "X + Z ∈ carrier_mat 2 2" using Z_carrier X_carrier by simp
moreover have "hermitian (X + Z)" using X_hermitian Z_hermitian hermitian_add Matrix.mat_carrier
unfolding X_def Z_def by blast
ultimately show ?thesis using hermitian_smult[of "X + Z" 2 "- 1 / sqrt 2"] unfolding XpZ_def
by auto
lemma XpZ_inv:
"XpZ * XpZ = 1⇩m 2" unfolding XpZ_def X_def Z_def times_mat_def one_mat_def
apply (rule cong_mat, simp+)
apply (auto simp add: Matrix.scalar_prod_def)
apply (auto simp add: Gates.csqrt_2_sq)
lemma unitary_XpZ:
shows "Complex_Matrix.unitary XpZ"
proof -
have "Complex_Matrix.adjoint XpZ * XpZ = (1⇩m 2)" using XpZ_inv XpZ_hermitian
unfolding hermitian_def by simp
thus ?thesis unfolding unitary_def
by (metis Complex_Matrix.adjoint_adjoint Complex_Matrix.unitary_def XpZ_carrier adjoint_dim
carrier_matD(1) inverts_mat_def unitary_adjoint)
definition ZmX
where "ZmX = 1/sqrt(2) ⋅⇩m (Z - X)"
lemma ZmX_carrier:
shows "ZmX ∈ carrier_mat 2 2" unfolding ZmX_def X_def Z_def
by (simp add: minus_carrier_mat')
lemma ZmX_hermitian:
shows "hermitian ZmX"
proof -
have "Z - X ∈ carrier_mat 2 2" unfolding X_def Z_def
by (simp add: minus_carrier_mat)
moreover have "hermitian (Z - X)" using X_hermitian Z_hermitian hermitian_minus Matrix.mat_carrier
unfolding X_def Z_def by blast
ultimately show ?thesis using hermitian_smult[of "Z - X" 2 "1 / sqrt 2"] unfolding ZmX_def
by auto
lemma ZmX_inv:
"ZmX * ZmX = 1⇩m 2" unfolding ZmX_def X_def Z_def times_mat_def one_mat_def
apply (rule cong_mat, simp+)
apply (auto simp add: Matrix.scalar_prod_def)
apply (auto simp add: Gates.csqrt_2_sq)
lemma unitary_ZmX:
shows "Complex_Matrix.unitary ZmX"
proof -
have "Complex_Matrix.adjoint ZmX * ZmX = (1⇩m 2)" using ZmX_inv ZmX_hermitian
unfolding hermitian_def by simp
thus ?thesis unfolding unitary_def
by (metis Complex_Matrix.adjoint_adjoint Complex_Matrix.unitary_def ZmX_carrier adjoint_dim
carrier_matD(1) inverts_mat_def unitary_adjoint)
definition Z_XpZ
where "Z_XpZ = tensor_mat Z XpZ"
lemma Z_XpZ_carrier:
shows "Z_XpZ ∈ carrier_mat 4 4" unfolding Z_XpZ_def using tensor_mat_carrier XpZ_carrier
Z_carrier by auto
definition X_XpZ
where "X_XpZ = tensor_mat X XpZ"
lemma X_XpZ_carrier:
shows "X_XpZ ∈ carrier_mat 4 4" using tensor_mat_carrier XpZ_carrier X_carrier
unfolding X_XpZ_def by auto
definition Z_ZmX
where "Z_ZmX = tensor_mat Z ZmX"
lemma Z_ZmX_carrier:
shows "Z_ZmX ∈ carrier_mat 4 4" using tensor_mat_carrier ZmX_carrier Z_carrier
unfolding Z_ZmX_def by auto
definition X_ZmX
where "X_ZmX = tensor_mat X ZmX"
lemma X_ZmX_carrier:
shows "X_ZmX ∈ carrier_mat 4 4" using tensor_mat_carrier X_carrier ZmX_carrier
unfolding X_ZmX_def by auto
lemma X_ZmX_rho_psim[simp]:
shows "Complex_Matrix.trace (rho_psim * X_ZmX) = 1/ (sqrt 2)"
apply (auto simp add: ket_10_def ket_1_def X_ZmX_def ZmX_def X_def ket_01_def
Z_def rho_psim_def ket_psim_def rank_1_proj_def outer_prod_def ket_0_def)
apply (auto simp add: Complex_Matrix.trace_def)
apply (simp add: sum_4_elems)
apply (simp add: csqrt_2_sq)
lemma Z_ZmX_rho_psim[simp]:
shows "Complex_Matrix.trace (rho_psim * Z_ZmX) = -1/ (sqrt 2)"
apply (auto simp add: rho_psim_def ket_psim_def ket_10_def)
apply (auto simp add: Z_ZmX_def Z_def ZmX_def X_def)
apply (auto simp add: rank_1_proj_def outer_prod_def ket_01_def ket_1_def ket_0_def)
apply (auto simp add: Complex_Matrix.trace_def sum_4_elems)
apply (simp add: csqrt_2_sq)
lemma X_XpZ_rho_psim[simp]:
shows "Complex_Matrix.trace (rho_psim * X_XpZ) =1/ (sqrt 2)"
apply (auto simp add: rho_psim_def ket_psim_def ket_10_def)
apply (auto simp add: X_XpZ_def Z_def XpZ_def X_def)
apply (auto simp add: rank_1_proj_def outer_prod_def ket_01_def ket_1_def ket_0_def)
apply (auto simp add: Complex_Matrix.trace_def sum_4_elems)
apply (simp add: csqrt_2_sq)
lemma Z_XpZ_rho_psim[simp]:
shows "Complex_Matrix.trace (rho_psim * Z_XpZ) =1/ (sqrt 2)"
apply (auto simp add: rho_psim_def ket_psim_def ket_10_def)
apply (auto simp add: Z_XpZ_def XpZ_def X_def Z_def)
apply (auto simp add: rank_1_proj_def outer_prod_def ket_01_def ket_1_def ket_0_def)
apply (auto simp add: Complex_Matrix.trace_def sum_4_elems)
apply (simp add: csqrt_2_sq)
definition Z_I where
"Z_I = tensor_mat Z (1⇩m 2)"
lemma Z_I_carrier:
shows "Z_I ∈ carrier_mat 4 4" using tensor_mat_carrier Z_carrier unfolding Z_I_def by auto
lemma Z_I_hermitian:
shows "hermitian Z_I" unfolding Z_I_def using tensor_mat_hermitian[of Z 2 "1⇩m 2" 2]
by (simp add: Z_carrier Z_hermitian hermitian_one)
lemma Z_I_unitary:
shows "unitary Z_I" unfolding Z_I_def using tensor_mat_unitary[of Z "1⇩m 2"] Z_carrier unitary_Z
using unitary_one by auto
lemma Z_I_spectrum:
shows "{Re x |x. x ∈ spectrum Z_I} ⊆ {- 1, 1}" using unitary_hermitian_Re_spectrum Z_I_hermitian
Z_I_unitary Z_I_carrier by simp
definition X_I where
"X_I = tensor_mat X (1⇩m 2)"
lemma X_I_carrier:
shows "X_I ∈ carrier_mat 4 4" using tensor_mat_carrier X_carrier unfolding X_I_def by auto
lemma X_I_hermitian:
shows "hermitian X_I" unfolding X_I_def using tensor_mat_hermitian[of X 2 "1⇩m 2" 2]
by (simp add: X_carrier X_hermitian hermitian_one)
lemma X_I_unitary:
shows "unitary X_I" unfolding X_I_def using tensor_mat_unitary[of X "1⇩m 2"] X_carrier unitary_X
using unitary_one by auto
lemma X_I_spectrum:
shows "{Re x |x. x ∈ spectrum X_I} ⊆ {- 1, 1}" using unitary_hermitian_Re_spectrum X_I_hermitian
X_I_unitary X_I_carrier by simp
definition I_XpZ where
"I_XpZ = tensor_mat (1⇩m 2) XpZ"
lemma I_XpZ_carrier:
shows "I_XpZ ∈ carrier_mat 4 4" using tensor_mat_carrier XpZ_carrier unfolding I_XpZ_def by auto
lemma I_XpZ_hermitian:
shows "hermitian I_XpZ" unfolding I_XpZ_def using tensor_mat_hermitian[of "1⇩m 2" 2 XpZ 2]
by (simp add: XpZ_carrier XpZ_hermitian hermitian_one)
lemma I_XpZ_unitary:
shows "unitary I_XpZ" unfolding I_XpZ_def using tensor_mat_unitary[of "1⇩m 2" XpZ] XpZ_carrier
unitary_XpZ using unitary_one by auto
lemma I_XpZ_spectrum:
shows "{Re x |x. x ∈ spectrum I_XpZ} ⊆ {- 1, 1}" using unitary_hermitian_Re_spectrum
I_XpZ_hermitian I_XpZ_unitary I_XpZ_carrier by simp
definition I_ZmX where
"I_ZmX = tensor_mat (1⇩m 2) ZmX"
lemma I_ZmX_carrier:
shows "I_ZmX ∈ carrier_mat 4 4" using tensor_mat_carrier ZmX_carrier unfolding I_ZmX_def by auto
lemma I_ZmX_hermitian:
shows "hermitian I_ZmX" unfolding I_ZmX_def using tensor_mat_hermitian[of "1⇩m 2" 2 ZmX 2]
by (simp add: ZmX_carrier ZmX_hermitian hermitian_one)
lemma I_ZmX_unitary:
shows "unitary I_ZmX" unfolding I_ZmX_def using tensor_mat_unitary[of "1⇩m 2" ZmX] ZmX_carrier
unitary_ZmX using unitary_one by auto
lemma I_ZmX_spectrum:
shows "{Re x |x. x ∈ spectrum I_ZmX} ⊆ {- 1, 1}" using unitary_hermitian_Re_spectrum I_ZmX_hermitian
I_ZmX_unitary I_ZmX_carrier by simp
lemma X_I_ZmX_eq:
shows "X_I * I_ZmX = X_ZmX" unfolding X_I_def I_ZmX_def X_ZmX_def using mult_distr_tensor
by (metis (no_types, lifting) X_inv ZmX_inv index_mult_mat(2) index_mult_mat(3) index_one_mat(2)
index_one_mat(3) left_mult_one_mat' pos2 right_mult_one_mat')
lemma X_I_XpZ_eq:
shows "X_I * I_XpZ = X_XpZ" unfolding X_I_def I_XpZ_def X_XpZ_def using mult_distr_tensor
by (metis (no_types, lifting) X_inv XpZ_inv index_mult_mat(2) index_mult_mat(3) index_one_mat(2)
index_one_mat(3) left_mult_one_mat' pos2 right_mult_one_mat')
lemma Z_I_XpZ_eq:
shows "Z_I * I_XpZ = Z_XpZ" unfolding Z_I_def I_XpZ_def Z_XpZ_def using mult_distr_tensor
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Z_inv XpZ_inv index_mult_mat(2) index_mult_mat(3) index_one_mat(2)
index_one_mat(3) left_mult_one_mat' pos2 right_mult_one_mat')
lemma Z_I_ZmX_eq:
shows "Z_I * I_ZmX = Z_ZmX" unfolding Z_I_def I_ZmX_def Z_ZmX_def using mult_distr_tensor
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Z_inv ZmX_inv index_mult_mat(2) index_mult_mat(3) index_one_mat(2)
index_one_mat(3) left_mult_one_mat' pos2 right_mult_one_mat')
subsubsection ‹No local hidden variable›
text ‹We show that the local hidden variable hypothesis cannot hold by exhibiting a quantum
expectation value that is greater than the upper-bound givven by the CHSH inequality.›
locale bin_cpx = cpx_sq_mat +
assumes dim4: "dimR = 4"
lemma (in bin_cpx) X_I_XpZ_trace:
assumes "lhv M X_I I_XpZ R Vx Vp"
and "R∈ fc_mats"
shows "LINT w|M. (qt_expect X_I Vx w) * (qt_expect I_XpZ Vp w) =
Re (Complex_Matrix.trace (R * X_XpZ))"
proof -
have "LINT w|M. (qt_expect X_I Vx w) * (qt_expect I_XpZ Vp w) =
Re (Complex_Matrix.trace (X_I * I_XpZ * R))"
proof (rule sum_qt_expect, (simp add: assms))
show "X_I ∈ fc_mats" using X_I_carrier dim4 fc_mats_carrier dim_eq by simp
show "R∈ fc_mats" using assms by simp
show "I_XpZ ∈ fc_mats" using I_XpZ_carrier dim4 fc_mats_carrier dim_eq by simp
show "hermitian X_I" using X_I_hermitian .
show "hermitian I_XpZ" using I_XpZ_hermitian .
also have "... = Re (Complex_Matrix.trace (X_XpZ * R))" using X_I_XpZ_eq by simp
also have "... = Re (Complex_Matrix.trace (R * X_XpZ))"
proof -
have "Complex_Matrix.trace (X_XpZ * R) = Complex_Matrix.trace (R * X_XpZ)"
using trace_comm[of X_XpZ 4 R] X_XpZ_carrier assms dim4 fc_mats_carrier dim_eq by simp
thus ?thesis by simp
finally show ?thesis .
lemma (in bin_cpx) X_I_XpZ_chsh:
assumes "lhv M X_I I_XpZ rho_psim Vx Vp"
shows "LINT w|M. (qt_expect X_I Vx w) * (qt_expect I_XpZ Vp w) =
1/sqrt 2"
proof -
have "LINT w|M. (qt_expect X_I Vx w) * (qt_expect I_XpZ Vp w) =
Re (Complex_Matrix.trace (rho_psim * X_XpZ))"
proof (rule X_I_XpZ_trace, (simp add: assms))
show "rho_psim ∈ fc_mats" using rho_psim_carrier fc_mats_carrier dim_eq dim4 by simp
also have "... = 1/sqrt 2" using X_XpZ_rho_psim by simp
finally show ?thesis .
lemma (in bin_cpx) Z_I_XpZ_trace:
assumes "lhv M Z_I I_XpZ R Vz Vp"
and "R∈ fc_mats"
shows "LINT w|M. (qt_expect Z_I Vz w) * (qt_expect I_XpZ Vp w) =
Re (Complex_Matrix.trace (R * Z_XpZ))"
proof -
have "LINT w|M. (qt_expect Z_I Vz w) * (qt_expect I_XpZ Vp w) =
Re (Complex_Matrix.trace (Z_I * I_XpZ * R))"
proof (rule sum_qt_expect, (simp add: assms))
show "Z_I ∈ fc_mats" using Z_I_carrier dim4 fc_mats_carrier dim_eq by simp
show "R∈ fc_mats" using assms by simp
show "I_XpZ ∈ fc_mats" using I_XpZ_carrier dim4 fc_mats_carrier dim_eq by simp
show "hermitian Z_I" using Z_I_hermitian .
show "hermitian I_XpZ" using I_XpZ_hermitian .
also have "... = Re (Complex_Matrix.trace (Z_XpZ * R))" using Z_I_XpZ_eq by simp
also have "... = Re (Complex_Matrix.trace (R * Z_XpZ))"
proof -
have "Complex_Matrix.trace (Z_XpZ * R) = Complex_Matrix.trace (R * Z_XpZ)"
using trace_comm[of Z_XpZ 4 R] Z_XpZ_carrier assms dim4 fc_mats_carrier dim_eq by simp
thus ?thesis by simp
finally show ?thesis .
lemma (in bin_cpx) Z_I_XpZ_chsh:
assumes "lhv M Z_I I_XpZ rho_psim Vz Vp"
shows "LINT w|M. (qt_expect Z_I Vz w) * (qt_expect I_XpZ Vp w) =
1/sqrt 2"
proof -
have "LINT w|M. (qt_expect Z_I Vz w) * (qt_expect I_XpZ Vp w) =
Re (Complex_Matrix.trace (rho_psim * Z_XpZ))"
proof (rule Z_I_XpZ_trace, (simp add: assms))
show "rho_psim ∈ fc_mats" using rho_psim_carrier fc_mats_carrier dim_eq dim4 by simp
also have "... = 1/sqrt 2" using Z_XpZ_rho_psim by simp
finally show ?thesis unfolding qt_expect_def .
lemma (in bin_cpx) X_I_ZmX_trace:
assumes "lhv M X_I I_ZmX R Vx Vp"
and "R∈ fc_mats"
shows "LINT w|M. (qt_expect X_I Vx w) * (qt_expect I_ZmX Vp w) =
Re (Complex_Matrix.trace (R * X_ZmX))"
proof -
have "LINT w|M. (qt_expect X_I Vx w) * (qt_expect I_ZmX Vp w) =
Re (Complex_Matrix.trace (X_I * I_ZmX * R))"
proof (rule sum_qt_expect, (simp add: assms))
show "X_I ∈ fc_mats" using X_I_carrier dim4 fc_mats_carrier dim_eq by simp
show "R∈ fc_mats" using assms by simp
show "I_ZmX ∈ fc_mats" using I_ZmX_carrier dim4 fc_mats_carrier dim_eq by simp
show "hermitian X_I" using X_I_hermitian .
show "hermitian I_ZmX" using I_ZmX_hermitian .
also have "... = Re (Complex_Matrix.trace (X_ZmX * R))" using X_I_ZmX_eq by simp
also have "... = Re (Complex_Matrix.trace (R * X_ZmX))"
proof -
have "Complex_Matrix.trace (X_ZmX * R) = Complex_Matrix.trace (R * X_ZmX)"
using trace_comm[of X_ZmX 4 R] X_ZmX_carrier assms dim4 fc_mats_carrier dim_eq by simp
thus ?thesis by simp
finally show ?thesis .
lemma (in bin_cpx) X_I_ZmX_chsh:
assumes "lhv M X_I I_ZmX rho_psim Vx Vp"
shows "LINT w|M. (qt_expect X_I Vx w) * (qt_expect I_ZmX Vp w) =
1/sqrt 2"
proof -
have "LINT w|M. (qt_expect X_I Vx w) * (qt_expect I_ZmX Vp w) =
Re (Complex_Matrix.trace (rho_psim * X_ZmX))"
proof (rule X_I_ZmX_trace, (simp add