Theory Selberg_Asymptotic_Formula

  File:    Selberg_Asymptotic_Formula.thy
  Author:  Manuel Eberl, TU München

  Selberg's asymptotic formula, which is an important ingredient in the elementary
  proof of the Prime Number Theorem by Selberg and Erdős.
section ‹Selberg's asymptotic formula›
theory Selberg_Asymptotic_Formula

text ‹
  Following Apostol, we first show an inversion formula: Consider a function $f(x)$ for 
  $x\in\mathbb{R}_{{}>\,0}$. Define $g(x) := \ln x \cdot \sum_{n\leq x} f(x / n)$. Then:
  \[f(x) \ln x + \sum_{n\leq x} \Lambda(n) f(x/n) = \sum_{n\leq x} \mu(n) g(x/n)\]
(* 4.17 *)
locale selberg_inversion =
  fixes F G :: "real  'a :: {real_algebra_1, comm_ring_1}"
  defines "G  (λx. of_real (ln x) * sum_upto (λn. F (x / n)) x)"

lemma eq:
  assumes "x  1"
  shows "F x * of_real (ln x) + dirichlet_prod' mangoldt F x = dirichlet_prod' moebius_mu G x"
proof -
  have "F x * of_real (ln x) =
          dirichlet_prod' (λn. if n = 1 then 1 else 0) (λx. F x * of_real (ln x)) x"
    by (subst dirichlet_prod'_one_left) (use x  1 in auto)
  also have " = dirichlet_prod' (λn. d | d dvd n. moebius_mu d) (λx. F x * of_real (ln x)) x"
    by (intro dirichlet_prod'_cong refl, subst sum_moebius_mu_divisors') auto
  finally have eq1: "F x * of_real (ln x) = " .

  have eq2: "dirichlet_prod' mangoldt F x =
               dirichlet_prod' (dirichlet_prod moebius_mu (λn. of_real (ln (real n)))) F x"
  proof (intro dirichlet_prod'_cong refl)
    fix n :: nat assume n: "n > 0"
    thus "mangoldt n = dirichlet_prod moebius_mu (λn. of_real (ln (real n)) :: 'a) n"
      by (intro moebius_inversion mangoldt_sum [symmetric]) auto

  have "F x * of_real (ln x) + dirichlet_prod' mangoldt F x =
          sum_upto (λn. F (x / n) * (d | d dvd n.
            moebius_mu d * of_real (ln (x / n) + ln (n div d)))) x"
    unfolding eq1 eq2 unfolding dirichlet_prod'_def sum_upto_def
    by (simp add: algebra_simps sum.distrib dirichlet_prod_def sum_distrib_left sum_distrib_right)
  also have " = sum_upto (λn. F (x / n) * (d | d dvd n. moebius_mu d * of_real (ln (x / d)))) x"
    using x  1 by (intro sum_upto_cong refl arg_cong2[where f = "λx y. x * y"] sum.cong)
                     (auto elim!: dvdE simp: ln_div ln_mult)
  also have " = sum_upto (λn. d | d dvd n. moebius_mu d * of_real (ln (x / d)) * F (x / n)) x"
    by (simp add: sum_distrib_left sum_distrib_right mult_ac)
  also have " = ((n,d)(SIGMA n:{n. n > 0  real n  x}. {d. d dvd n}).
                    moebius_mu d * of_real (ln (x / d)) * F (x / n))"
    unfolding sum_upto_def by (subst sum.Sigma) (auto simp: case_prod_unfold)
  also have " = ((d,q)(SIGMA d:{d. d > 0  real d  x}. {q. q > 0  real q  x / d}).
                    moebius_mu d * of_real (ln (x / d)) * F (x / (q * d)))"
    by (rule sum.reindex_bij_witness[of _ "λ(d,q). (d * q, d)" "λ(n,d). (d, n div d)"])
       (auto simp: Real.real_of_nat_div field_simps dest: dvd_imp_le)
  also have " = sum_upto (λd. moebius_mu d * of_real (ln (x / d)) *
                                  sum_upto (λq. F (x / (q * d))) (x / d)) x"
    by (subst sum.Sigma [symmetric]) (auto simp: sum_upto_def sum_distrib_left)
  also have " = dirichlet_prod' moebius_mu G x"
    by (simp add: dirichlet_prod'_def G_def mult_ac)
  finally show ?thesis .


text ‹
  We can now show Selberg's formula
  \[\psi(x)\ln x + \sum_{n\leq x} \Lambda(n)\psi(x/n) = 2x\ln x + O(x)\ .\]
(* 4.18 *)
theorem selberg_asymptotic_formula:
  includes prime_counting_notation
  shows    "(λx. ψ x * ln x + dirichlet_prod' mangoldt ψ x) =o
               (λx. 2 * x * ln x) +o O(λx. x)"
proof -
  define C :: real where [simp]: "C = euler_mascheroni"
  define F2 :: "real  real" where [simp]: "F2 = (λx. x - C - 1)"
  define G1 where "G1 = (λx. ln x * sum_upto (λn. ψ (x / n)) x)"
  define G2 where "G2 = (λx. ln x * sum_upto (λn. F2 (x / n)) x)"

  interpret F1: selberg_inversion ψ G1
    by unfold_locales (simp_all add: G1_def)
  interpret F2: selberg_inversion F2 G2
    by unfold_locales (simp_all add: G2_def)

  have G1_bigo: "(λx. G1 x - (x * ln x ^ 2 - x * ln x))  O(λx. ln x ^ 2)"
  proof -
    have "(λx. ln x * (sum_upto (λn. ψ (x / n)) x - x * ln x + x))  O(λx. ln x * ln x)" 
      by (intro landau_o.big.mult_left sum_upto_ψ_x_over_n_asymptotics)
    thus ?thesis by (simp add: power2_eq_square G1_def algebra_simps)

  have G2_bigo: "(λx. G2 x - (x * ln x ^ 2 - x * ln x))  O(ln)"
  proof -
  define R1 :: "real  real" where "R1 = (λx. x * ln x * (harm (nat x) - (ln x + C)))"
  define R2 :: "real  real" where "R2 = (λx. (C + 1) * ln x * frac x)"
    have "(λx. G2 x - (x * ln x ^ 2 - x * ln x))  Θ(λx. R1 x + R2 x)"
    proof (intro bigthetaI_cong eventually_mono[OF eventually_ge_at_top[of 1]])
      fix x :: real assume x: "x  1"
      have "G2 x = x * ln x * sum_upto (λn. 1 / n) x - (C + 1) * x * ln x"
        using x by (simp add: G2_def sum_upto_altdef sum_subtractf
                              sum_distrib_left sum_distrib_right algebra_simps)
      also have "sum_upto (λn. 1 / n) x = harm (nat x)"
        using x unfolding sum_upto_def harm_def
        by (intro sum.cong) (auto simp: field_simps le_nat_iff le_floor_iff)
      also have "x * ln x * harm (nat x) - (C + 1) * x * ln x =
                   x * ln x ^ 2 - x * ln x + R1 x + R2 x"
        by (simp add: R1_def R2_def algebra_simps frac_def power2_eq_square)
      finally show "G2 x - (x * ln x ^ 2 - x * ln x) = R1 x + R2 x" by simp
    also have "(λx. R1 x + R2 x)  O(ln)"
    proof (intro sum_in_bigo)
      have "(λx::real. ln x - ln (nat x))  O(λx. ln x - ln (x - 1))"
      proof (intro bigoI[of _ 1] eventually_mono[OF eventually_ge_at_top[of 2]])
        fix x :: real assume x: "x  2"
        thus "norm (ln x - ln (nat x))  1 * norm (ln x - ln (x - 1))" by auto
      also have "(λx::real. ln x - ln (x - 1))  O(λx. 1 / x)" by real_asymp
      finally have bigo_ln_floor: "(λx::real. ln x - ln (nat x))  O(λx. 1 / x)" .
      have "(λx. harm (nat x) - (ln (nat x) + C))  O(λx. 1 / nat x)"
        unfolding C_def using harm_expansion_bigo_simple2
        by (rule landau_o.big.compose) (* TODO: real_asymp should be able to do this *)
           (auto intro!: filterlim_compose[OF filterlim_nat_sequentially filterlim_floor_sequentially])
      also have "(λx. 1 / nat x)  O(λx. 1 / x)" by real_asymp
      finally have "(λx. harm (nat x) - (ln (nat x) + C) - (ln x - ln (nat x)))
                        O(λx. 1 / x)" by (rule sum_in_bigo[OF _bigo_ln_floor])
      hence "(λx. harm (nat x) - (ln x + C))  O(λx. 1 / x)" by (simp add: algebra_simps)
      hence "(λx. x * ln x * (harm (nat x) - (ln x + C)))  O(λx. x * ln x * (1 / x))"
        by (intro landau_o.big.mult_left)
      thus "R1  O(ln)" by (simp add: landau_divide_simps R1_def)
      have "R2  O(λx. 1 * ln x * 1)" (* TODO: real_asymp? *)
        unfolding R2_def by (intro landau_o.big.mult landau_o.big_refl) real_asymp+
      thus "R2  O(ln)" by (simp add: R2_def)
    finally show "(λx. G2 x - (x * (ln x)2 - x * ln x))  O(ln)" .
  hence G2_bigo': "(λx. G2 x - (x * (ln x)2 - x * ln x))  O(λx. ln x ^ 2)"
    by (rule landau_o.big.trans) real_asymp+

  ― ‹Now things become a bit hairy. In order to show that the `Big-O' bound is actually
      valid for all x ≥ 1›, we need to show that G1 x - G2 x› is bounded on any compact
      interval starting at 1.›
  have "c>0. x1. ¦G1 x - G2 x¦  c * ¦sqrt x¦"
  proof (rule bigoE_bounded_real_fun)
    have "(λx. G1 x - G2 x)  O(λx. ln x ^ 2)"
      using sum_in_bigo(2)[OF G1_bigo G2_bigo'] by simp
    also have "(λx::real. ln x ^ 2)  O(sqrt)" by real_asymp
    finally show "(λx. G1 x - G2 x)  O(sqrt)" .
    fix x :: real assume "x  1"
    thus "¦sqrt x¦  1" by simp
    fix b :: real assume b: "b  1"
    show "bounded ((λx. G1 x - G2 x) ` {1..b})"
    proof (rule boundedI, safe)
      fix x assume x: "x  {1..b}"
      have "¦G1 x - G2 x¦ = ¦ln x * sum_upto (λn. ψ (x / n) - F2 (x / n)) x¦"
        by (simp add: G1_def G2_def sum_upto_def sum_distrib_left ring_distribs sum_subtractf)
      also have " = ln x * ¦sum_upto (λn. ψ (x / n) - F2 (x / n)) x¦"
        using x b by (simp add: abs_mult)
      also have "¦sum_upto (λn. ψ (x / n) - F2 (x / n)) x¦ 
                   sum_upto (λn. ¦ψ (x / n) - F2 (x / n)¦) x"
        unfolding sum_upto_def by (rule sum_abs)
      also have "  sum_upto (λn. ψ x + (x + C + 1)) x"
        unfolding sum_upto_def
      proof (intro sum_mono)
        fix n assume n: "n  {n. n > 0  real n  x}"
        hence le: "x / n  x / 1" by (intro divide_left_mono) auto
        thus "¦ψ (x / n) - F2 (x / n)¦  ψ x + (x + C + 1)"
          unfolding F2_def using euler_mascheroni_pos x le ψ_nonneg ψ_mono[of "x / n" x]
          by (intro order.trans[OF abs_triangle_ineq]
                    order.trans[OF abs_triangle_ineq4] add_mono) auto
      also have " = (ψ x + (x + C + 1)) * x"
        using x by (simp add: sum_upto_altdef)
      also have "ln x * ((ψ x + (x + C + 1)) * real_of_int x) 
                   ln b * ((ψ b + (b + C + 1)) * real_of_int b)"
        using euler_mascheroni_pos x
        by (intro mult_mono add_mono order.refl ψ_mono add_nonneg_nonneg mult_nonneg_nonneg
                     ψ_nonneg) (auto intro: floor_mono)
      finally show "norm (G1 x - G2 x)  ln b * ((ψ b + (b + C + 1)) * real_of_int b)"
        using x by (simp add: mult_left_mono)
  qed auto
  then obtain A where A: "A > 0" "x. x  1  ¦G1 x - G2 x¦  A * sqrt x" by auto

  ― ‹The rest of the proof now consists merely of combining some asymptotic estimates.›
  have "(λx. (ψ x - F2 x) * ln x + sum_upto (λn. mangoldt n * (ψ (x / n) - F2 (x / n))) x)
           Θ(λx. sum_upto (λn. moebius_mu n * (G1 (x / n) - G2 (x / n))) x)"
  proof (intro bigthetaI_cong eventually_mono[OF eventually_ge_at_top[of 1]])
    fix x :: real assume x: "x  1"
    have "(ψ x - F2 x) * ln x + sum_upto (λn. mangoldt n * (ψ (x / n) - F2 (x / n))) x =
            (ψ x * of_real (ln x) + dirichlet_prod' mangoldt ψ x) -
            (F2 x * of_real (ln x) + dirichlet_prod' mangoldt F2 x)"
      by (simp add: algebra_simps dirichlet_prod'_def sum_upto_def sum_subtractf sum.distrib)
    also have " = sum_upto (λn. moebius_mu n * (G1 (x / n) - G2 (x / n))) x"
      unfolding F1.eq[OF x] F2.eq[OF x]
      by (simp add: dirichlet_prod'_def sum_upto_def sum_subtractf sum.distrib algebra_simps)
    finally show "(ψ x - F2 x) * ln x + sum_upto (λn. mangoldt n * (ψ (x/n) - F2 (x/n))) x = " .
  also have "(λx. sum_upto (λn. moebius_mu n * (G1 (x / n) - G2 (x / n))) x) 
               O(λx. A * sqrt x * sum_upto (λx. x powr (-1/2)) x)"
  proof (intro bigoI eventually_mono[OF eventually_ge_at_top[of 1]])
    fix x :: real assume x: "x  1"
    have "¦sum_upto (λn. moebius_mu n * (G1 (x / n) - G2 (x / n))) x¦ 
            sum_upto (λn. ¦moebius_mu n * (G1 (x / n) - G2 (x / n))¦) x"
      unfolding sum_upto_def by (rule sum_abs)
    also have "  sum_upto (λn. 1 * (A * sqrt (x / n))) x"
      unfolding sum_upto_def abs_mult by (intro A sum_mono mult_mono) (auto simp: moebius_mu_def)
    also have " = A * sqrt x * sum_upto (λx. x powr (-1/2)) x"
      using x by (simp add: sum_upto_def powr_minus powr_half_sqrt sum_distrib_left
                            sum_distrib_right real_sqrt_divide field_simps)
    also have "  ¦A * sqrt x * sum_upto (λx. x powr (-1/2)) x¦" by simp
    finally show "norm (sum_upto (λn. moebius_mu n * (G1 (x / n) - G2 (x / n))) x) 
                    1 * norm (A * sqrt x * sum_upto (λx. x powr (-1/2)) x)" by simp
  also have "(λx. A * sqrt x * sum_upto (λx. x powr (-1/2)) x)  O(λx. 1 * sqrt x * x powr (1/2))"
    using zeta_partial_sum_le_pos_bigo[of "1 / 2"]
    by (intro landau_o.big.mult ) (auto simp: max_def)
  also have "(λx::real. 1 * sqrt x * x powr (1/2))  O(λx. x)"
    by real_asymp
  finally have bigo: "(λx. (ψ x - F2 x) * ln x + sum_upto (λn. mangoldt n * (ψ (x/n) - F2 (x/n))) x)
                         O(λx. x)" (is "?h  _") .

  let ?R = "λx. sum_upto (λn. mangoldt n / n) x"
  let ?lhs = "λx. ψ x * ln x + dirichlet_prod' mangoldt ψ x"

  note bigo
  also have "?h = (λx. ?lhs x - (x * ln x - (C + 1) * (ln x + ψ x)) - x * ?R x)"
    by (rule ext) (simp add: algebra_simps dirichlet_prod'_def  sum_distrib_right ψ_def
                             sum_upto_def sum_subtractf sum.distrib sum_distrib_left)
  finally have "(λx. ?lhs x - (x * ln x - (C + 1) * (ln x + ψ x)) - x * ?R x + x * (?R x - ln x))
                     O(λx. x)" (is "?h'  _")
  proof (rule sum_in_bigo)
    have "(λx. x * (sum_upto (λn. mangoldt n / real n) x - ln x))  O(λx. x * 1)"
      by (intro landau_o.big.mult_left ψ.asymptotics)
    thus "(λx. x * (sum_upto (λn. mangoldt n / real n) x - ln x))  O(λx. x)" by simp
  also have "?h' = (λx. ?lhs x - (2 * x * ln x - (C + 1) * (ln x + ψ x)))"
    by (simp add: fun_eq_iff algebra_simps)
  finally have "(λx. ?lhs x - (2*x*ln x - (C+1) * (ln x + ψ x)) - (C+1) * (ln x + ψ x))  O(λx. x)"
  proof (rule sum_in_bigo)
    have "(λx. ln x + ψ x)  O(λx. x)"
      by (intro sum_in_bigo bigthetaD1[OF ψ.bigtheta]) real_asymp+
    thus "(λx. (C + 1) * (ln x + ψ x))  O(λx. x)" by simp
  also have "(λx. ?lhs x - (2*x*ln x - (C+1) * (ln x + ψ x)) - (C+1) * (ln x + ψ x)) =
               (λx. ?lhs x - 2 * x * ln x)" by (simp add: algebra_simps)
  finally show ?thesis
    by (subst set_minus_plus [symmetric]) (simp_all add: fun_diff_def algebra_simps)
